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Free Food Happy Holiday Season? Play Tl1t Norllu!mer Crossword The Write Stuff Men's head basketball coach Ken Shields looks to o1void ,, wmlt .... .., Dt'lt.'lllbt.•r for hallcngc and win a free piua. A writmK pmgram will be avail the second consecutive year. abiL• to \ IUdt.•nt., of il ll maJOrs. P.1ge 9 P•ge 5 The Northerner Student publication of Northern Kentucky Uniwr<;ity W<'<lnc'>day, Dec. 7, 1994 Highland Heights, Ky. 4IO'l'l In The News Administrator Named To Health Committee By Chris Mayhew The campus commith.-e drd manv ul tlw It'' p,nmp, to b£' .1 lhdllenge ,md ,, hl•,w y ProductroPJMtilllljlrr same thrngs that the llealth Pu rdlil'>rllK ..,,,dwnr~ln,ld ht'tolU...._, thert' ,., .1 lot to do, <, Ill' Allian ct> will do on the state level, hkt• wot~· "Tite governor Gov. Brereton Jom• o; recently appomled ing with insur.mcc premium,., Ch.mct• ...11d (• ,., qu,lh fil'li bt.'Cau~ of her e-.;pcn NKU Vice Pn.«; idcnt for Admmrstroltion Carla Ne.uly 300,000 Kentu Ckians w1 ll cnrvll m t'llll' on tin• llt•,J ith Care Ut1 hlat1011 and '>llt' selected Carla because hann• to a fJvc--mcmlx>r ht'.llth the new health C.lrt' .llh,mH', ~nnw., lll'<"-1' to be dune, <o;lid C,1ml Airport Runway she is l10nest, iutelli cMc reform commilll'\' Chance sa id . t .. ~.,h.·rn, ,1\lmmr.,tr,llwn ,,.,.,1.,t.1nt to (".ul,l gent, ext remely Ex tension To Open The bo,ud of tht' lle,llth The health alliance rs t .~rp,eh.'ll (.h,Ull..l' Purchnsing Alliance, which for state cmploy1..'f.'S, local gmwn Ch,lnll' h,,., handk>J mc~..h c.l l I"'>Ut'S ,11 knowledgeable abou t H EBR ON (AP) - The Chance is now a member of, will men! officials, higher l..'<lut.ltrnn NKU , and ' Ill' bring<; the pcrsp(•ctiw.· of .m tile needs of Northern C i nc i n n a ti · No r thc rn negotiate contracts with individ· employees, busi nesses with h.•.,., urh,m .md rur,ll ba c k~round to thl' commrt Keollucky, and Ke ntucky Internationa l ual insu r,mce compaml'S fur the than 100 pt.'Oplc and rndividu.ll.,, kt•. '\IKU l'rt"'rdt•nt L1..'0n IJoothe ...lid . because lie grently Ai rport plans to open a new new hc.1lth care alliance, Chance Chanct> s.1id. " It''>,, cornplrment to C.ula ,md a cr('(llt tu ru nway extensio n Friday as said. The first enrollment of pt.'Opl~..• th ..• um,·cro;;Hv, <;() we are very plea-.('(1 ," va l11es her experi part of an effort to reduce "The governor sclcd1.."<1 Carla into the alliance will lx> julv I "i, Buotht.'"lld ence." takeoff noise for residents because she is honest, intelligent, 1995. The second group of m.1nd,,. The othl'r four members of tht' .tlh.lnCl' ncar the ai rport. ~"1rd .1rc: Svlvia Uwdy of Lc;.;mgton, dm.'C carla Chance - Joe Lilly, preu The new extension is ~~~:~! 0~no:~l~~~a~;n~~~: ~~i~.rt~~r~~~~t ~":~n~~ ~~~~~~r tor of thc Kentucky League of Ci ti es; W,lltl'r designed to handle the bulk and because he greatly values her cxpcri- education begins to particip.1te m the ,1lhan ~.:c, \1,tlonc Jr. of LouiSvi lle, pastor of Canaan secretal'y for of the Northern Kentucky enct>," Joe Lilly, a press sccrelary for the gov- Chance said. \11.,-.rmMry IJ.1ptist Church; J. Edwm Wilson Gov. Brerfton airport's ;et traffic between emor said. "I'm excited about it bccau'lC !think it'., .1 n of P<iduf.lh, human rcsouret.'S manager ,1t 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. to reduce Since 1988, Chance has been the chair of the opportunity to improve health care for We.,tvaco Corp. and James M Dav1s of noise for homes in Health Care Utli1:-:ation commith.'C at NKU. Kentucky," Chance s.1i d. IJ.Jrbnurnlle, supcnnlendent of B.ubourvillt' Northern Kentucky and '>C" hool., southwestern Ohio. The runway will be initiall y used just for ni ghttim e Federal Program Will takeoffs because the airport Floor Burns has not comp leted an envi ronmental impact stud y for Help Under-appreciated nighttime a rrivals, By Dorothy Johnston thousands of effective grass spokesman Ted Bushelman St11ffWriter roots orga niza tions around said Monday. America, as well an existing The $21 million project, Those students who feel over work-force of students willi ng to paid for by a surcharge on looked and under- appreciated engage in volunteer work. airline tickets, was begun in by their government may soon "We prefer to call our members the spring to extend the air have a change of heart. volunteers, bei:ause this is much port's east-west runway by A ma;or promise made by more- than a job," s..1id D,wid 2,200 feet to a total of 10,000 President Bill Clinton to students Crowley, director of the new feet. across the nation in his Inaugural Kentucky Community Service The ai rport also is buying Address was passed into law Commission, appointed by Gov. some homes affected by the with the National Community Brereton Jones in January 1994. noise to the airport's west. Service Tru!, t Act of 1993. The "They are encouraged to take DHL Express flies about 45 National Service movement is positions of responsibility," he freight planes a night out of billed as AmeriCorps-i n effect, a said. the airport and Delta Air new, domestic 90s versron of the State grants which fund pro Lines has fewer than a Peace Corps. grams rome from the govern dozen night flights from the On Sept. 12, 1994 the Clinton ment, Crowley said. Grants are ai rport, Bushelman said. Administration formal ly applied for each year and are The airport's management launched this $15 billion pro based on the previous years' suc originall y planned to take gram which eventually aims to cesses, he said. two construction seasons to put 100,000 young men and There are more than a few crit build the runway extension women to work in fou r areas of ics, including many students, but instead expedited the community service: Educa tion, who worry that the program will project, Bushelman said. hea lth and human n1..>cds, the be nothing more tha n a package environment and public safety. of political pork- just a feel-good The only requirement for liberal liabilit y. Amerirorps are that applicants NNot so," Crowley said. Kentucky State be 17 or older and if they "AmeriCorps is a resu lts- orient Professor Indicted dropped out of high school they ed organizatio n." For Dis tributing must be working on their C.E.D. "The more people serve, the Some students at NKU said needs are met and the stronger Child Pornography they might take advantage of ou r communities will become. these opportunities if made NWe hope to be a front-runner LEX INGTON (AP)- A fed available. in the efforts toward positive eral grand jury indicted a "It sounds interesting and like change, both statewide and Ke ntucky State University a good thing to do," Freshman nationally. NKU ho'ited Ben tl ey College, University of Charleston, Southern Illi nois assistant professor lim Byland said "The national issues set a rom· niversity at Edwardsville in the PerkinsfNKU lassie Jut weekend. Be ntley Thursday fo r distributing AmeriCorps will seek to build mon framework within which defeated NKU in the championship 6.5-63 in overtime. See J•age 6. child pornography by com on existing programs. There are See Students, Page 10 puter. Marvin E. Morris, 46, of Frankfort was indicted on 22 cou nts. Handicapped Doors Being Used By Wrong Students Morris allegedly sent sex By John Bac h ua ll y explicit images o f the :,w 1t ch plat(' and somctrnw .. till' havl' to lx• n•plac~..<d four or five times a News Editor you ng boys and girls via a :.witth, but abo causes the door:. to hang yc.~r ,md ~..•ach n~ t <, ne.uly $600, he said. private computer network open e\ten!oiVt'ly which allows mon.• and Th1..• problt'm 1.. thc worst in the winter People who use the automatic doon. on b(.'(',m~· to an Investigator in mure dollaf'j rn healing and air cum.lltlon- j"l('Opll• don't want to take their campus simply for convenit>nce an• Florida. 111g to Oow nul the door, Snow ~a1d h,md'o nut of lh(' rr J"IOC~NS to open the wearing them out and costing the uni wr Morris has been suspend Tht• nm.,tanl ---------- dunr, Snow s.tid. The sity thousands of dollars a year, the unr U\o(' \H'olTS the ~w1tcht'S also freeze in ed with pay by Kentucky versity locksmith said tht• \\lntl'r and break State. He has taught ""'tlhl''> out "/ get in the elevator Every buildrng on ca mpus has at lt•iht accounting and computer and '"'"• cau.,.... <> l.'ol~l'-'r \\hen people two automatic handicap doors and qs; a11d have to wait for some classes at the Frankfort ant'nornlOU!, lt"ll!o!> ~ K~ Iht•m percent of their use romcs from proplt> om• to come in and press a school for three years. rn ht'oltmg,lndalr Nt....U ha .. made enor who do not need them, said Dan Snow, E<lch of the 21 distribu con<illlorung t'ff1 b11 tton." mous stndes m the ;area who is responsible for reparnng ....