Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 9-29-1994 Innovator, 1994-09-29 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1994, September 29). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Workshops Pres. WolffRes ponses To Letter pg.2&3 pg.6 EallStudent Senate Elections to be held 1 GST HIVES ttsuA sio-/o l October 17 A mo � g<} to thepolls in Novem- Each student is respollSlble for OOCaining their cq>ics of ber to elect a governor, GovernorsStatewill go to the polls fonns, and oollccting tenstudent signatures. Upon election. <ktOOer I7 until <ktOOer I9 to elect eleven StudentSenators. Senatorse.'lJCdfd are to atterd regularSenatemcctin�JXll Starting today, students interested m C3IllJlllgnmg for the bclJXIte m Ck:tivities. and have fim. Beinga Governors Smte Senate can pickup C3IllJlllgllpackets at the Student Life In- Student Senator isan opportunity to shm\ your leadership formationin Desk the Hall of Governors . abilillcs. Heldonly twice a year.the Senateelections allow G SU stu- TentativeT Election imetable: dentsopportuni tiesto deterrnireoollege their representatives. Wednesday, Sqmnber 28, 1994; 1:00pm: Campaign Officesinclude: open Begins. College� of andPublic Admi nistration Wednesday,October 12, 199�;8:00am: PetitionsDue. Collegeof Arts and Sctm:cs Monday, <ktOOer17, I994; 8:00am-7:00pm: PollsOpen CollegeofEducation Tuesday,<XtOOcr 18, 1994;9:00am-7:00pm: PollsOpen CollegeofHcalth Professions Wednesday, O::t00er I9, I994; 9:00am-7:00pm.