The Ithacan, 1985-02-21

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The Ithacan, 1985-02-21 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1984-85 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 2-21-1985 The thI acan, 1985-02-21 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1985-02-21" (1985). The Ithacan, 1984-85. 16. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1984-85 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ... ,, • • 0 0 ,•. ,. > - .,. < _: - - p, • - ~ • '• • • H .- 0 •', :, 0 e •• • • ' ,• THE ITHACAN The Student Newspaper for Ithaca College Volume 16 Issue 15 February 21, 1985 l&IHM&MM AAA®Ai Dance aids cause By Reth Gracey Collegt' sin<<· lilt· ~lud<'lll 1'hyswc1\ llh,l< a nwrrh,mts donated pnz<·s I ht·rapy .\~son,111011 inll1cllt'd lhr for th1·~1· <onlcsti,. Dinnrrs at \oral ',.!.!01..!(; w,L., ra1srd ,II 1hr ll,mn· !IN Oil(' four yecJrs clj,(O. r<·staur,1111~ ,incl r\1>1hi11g n·r· Mar.ii hon for MW,( uldr I unher inspira1ion wcJs prov1ci<'d 11lic·,11t·s from loccll stows wt·w Just Dys1rophy 1hi~ pasl S,11tmlay. ·1 h<' h} lht· non-slop musi< of Honnu· cl f('\\' of th(' !,!lft~ giV<'n cl\\'cl} Sludml l'hy<,1(a\ Tlll'rapy A~'><>ncl· l.t·1gh ,HHI llw :\lh,lll( <·. cl prof<'~· Olll('r priLes "<·n· c1wardt·(I to 11011 and lh<· S1udrn1 :\C1ivi1it·~ .,,on,li from Syra( use. l.a1<·r. tho~<· slwl<·nts who rc11'><'<I Ill<' Bo,ml t·o-ho~l!·<I 1he fund rc1iS('T. 45 \lhclc,l's own WICB looh over ,111<! most mont'\' for ill(' ( ,HIS!' ttlld(',I <.ol\q(<· s1uclcn1s <oll<·('l<·d ht·pl ('\'('Tyom··-. f<·t·I lllO\'lllg I hough ~('HIOT SI<·\(' .\r( l11h,1l<I money from <,ponsors for d,m< 111g ',('lllor I Olli ( d\ ,1\lo ('Ill( <·e<i ilH' w,ts !111nh111g how 11rc·<I lw w.i~ from H:oo pm s,11tml,1y mgh1 u1111\ t'\ <'Ill ,111<1 !<·<I IIH' <i,111< t·r~ 111 "IH'll IH' w.i~ l-(1\ l'll lir~t pnt<'. lw 8.00 lhe following morning. --,1111011 ..,,,\. .., .. ,utd 01hn '>Ill It \\ ill I)(' ,11>1<' lo rt'<,I hi<, 1<·1•1 -.1HJII Th('f(' 10 in~pirt· dancers wc1<, cll ll\'lll<'S. ('llllU!(h. l)a\'1(1 lloug\wny. lh<' pos1er d11\(\ <.0111<'<,IS hh<· Ill<' hl''>I <lr\'SSr<I ~I('\'(' ,111<1 cl frwnd IIH' pi,lll'> to start pholo by Bttu Woods t,lkt· tu~ g1rlfrwnclt won cl lnp to th1· As part of the Winter Carnival, students danced/or twelve hours and raised 01·er for 111<· Musnllar Dyslrophy rnuplt·. ltll' Jill<·rhug. ,,ml 1hr mosl Bah,m1c1s illl' wr<'h ol Spnng Mo thousand dollars for Muscular Dystrophy. :\sso( 1c11ion. lie has allcn<l<·<I lh<· ('lll'Tg<'11c kepi lh(' dan< ('TS d\\'<lh(' ,mnuc1l dam<' mara1hon c11 llhc1r,1 1hroughou1 Ill<' n1gh1. O\'t·r hO llr<·c1k for r,usmg c,soo.oo St·rorl(! JHllt'. c1 lnp for two 10 l·orl l.audndalc. ,,·,1s <',trrl<'d l>y frc!,hmc1n llt'vrrly (iillurn who nus· Long-term solution key to Ethiopia eel suo.oo. "I w,l.', totally ~hork­ rcl ... she admntecl when !,he won th<' trip. Third priLI' went to 1'111\lip Herc at llharn College c111· By Diane Papineau til thl' (!rought emit'(!. rebuild their raparity to produce·!: ~1ontcra who raisl'd S8B.OO. Tur­ thropology students and farulty But. ten years later, the drought whcJt explanation do famine vie· hack 's prov1tlc<I him a (honer for are i,ponsoring a numller or dif· One of the most talked aboul is back aml mow pl'oplc than <'Ver tims give for their plight and what two and 1hc Antler's aclded a hot· ft'rcnt fund raising ac11vitics to !>Up· issues of today is the f\lmine in are ag,11n hungry ,HHI (lo thl'y sec as solutions'/ th' of champagne. porl Cultural Survivai. Last week E1hopia. Unfortunately, the whole malnourished. Thcsl' questions arc only a few ·1 aking on the task of organizing students and faculty held a bake of Africa is experiencing this According to Cultural Survival. a of those thal will he invesligatcd th<· marathon were DrhtJie Schaf· 1ragedy, not Ethopia alone. non-profit. non-parrisan. human by a team of anthropologists in sale in the union that wa,; met with see Dance page 2 In the early 19iO's there wa-; also rights organization. there arc soml' rnnncrt1on with the Cultural Sur­ see Ethiopia page 2 a severe famine in sub-Saharan rrurial quPstions that need to he vival organization. But. the group :\frira. t\l that time. the Uniled asked. First of all. why arc people stwsscs that money is needed to Slates anrl other more wealthy starving'!. what has changed in the allow professionals the opportuni­ (()Untries sent money, food. and hvcs of avcragl' peasants to ty to address the questions and to l<'rhnology to help. This aid did render them helplcsi, in thl' far<' help find long term solutions to the sustain these starving people un· of drought'!: what 1s nel'de(I to problem or famine. President Whalen has dinner in Hilliard hall c11 firs!," f('[lWmlwrs Murphy. "but By Barbara Richard 1h,11·~ on tlw1r mincts." ,1dct1·<1 l'r<'Sidt·nt ldlll('S I. Whc1h·n. once llll'Y walizt'<I how friendly ,rnd outgomg the l'rl'sidml is tht"y "On a scale of one to ten. 11 This past Monday l'wsicll'nl felt at t·a~c. He really has a talent would be a nine and a half." brags Whalt·n es('ort<•(I Borton anct , w11h <ollrg<' s1uden1~ " lles1dent Assistant Claire Murphy. Margc1w1 T. Ball. Collegl' COUllS('\ "The entire dinner went really well and Executive M,s1stant to the An Invitation Murphy ~<·nt an inv11a11011 to the l'resull'nt on he half of her floor. "'It wa!,n·1 dll t·asy thing 10 do," she rnrifes.<,r~. "but I have a good floor pbo10 by Seu Roo110 and rt·('e1vt·d ,l lot of cncouragc­ Greg Winston, who recently starttd to paint cereal box characters on walls, doors, mr nt anct moti,·c1tion from and desks, proudly displays work on his door In Holmes hall. evrryorw. The food was prond<·<I by ~1arkc ,ind prt'part'd l>y the Bleak walls turned res1clents. Discussions rc1ngecl from fin,rnnc1l aid to athletirs 10 ROTC. into ''work of art'' By Nancy Proehl ·1 h1~ was not ill(' t·,1s<· wllh th<' 1'res1clcnt Whalrn feels these \\'<lll~. ,\uthont,lll<>rl for the walls direct contacts with sludents are Dot·s lh<' name <irrg Winston ,,·c1s not t•,1i,1ly found. ternbly importanl. Throughout the souncl f,uniliar to you'/ It proh,1tJly l·1rs1. lir<'g mforme<I Ht's1dmtic1l year he hosts luncheons to con­ (l()('~rl't. unless you happ<'n to livr I .1fc of h1i, desire. Following c1 verse with vanous organizations w­ m Holm<'~ Ual\. Greg, d frcshmc1n quc~t for <lt'monstration of h1i, ar­ and students. Normally the Presi· ht·rc ,II I.C . has arquirt'cl Jlt'Tllll!,· lisllr c1hili1ies. ht~ submitted sket· dent tries to schedule one lun­ i,1on to turn his dorm's bleak \l'clils ("hrs ancl wa11ccl for approval. This cheon a week. explains Borton. If 11110 a "work of art." lk L<; rnrrcnl· "okay" wa,; granted only recent­ it is not a speofic group, students ly pa1n1mg and sketching on his ly cJfter Christmas break. The 1Wf plloCO 11y Adam RI<-' arc picked randomly from the stu· hall wall. After completmg pain­ ground rules were set. dent dir~ctory. It is also possible On Monday ,vmlng, JC Prrsldmt James I. Whakn attended a dinner In these­ tmgs of Hice Krisp1es· Snap. In opening. Greg began the pen­ cond ./u}or lounge of Hilliard ha/L to request an invitation. Crackle. and Pop. Tucan Sjlm, cil "tork on the walls. The sket· and President Whalen seemed President, to a spaghetti dinner in But whenever his busy schedule Tony the Tiger. captain Crunch. ches of Winnie the Pooh, Garfield very pleased." _ · the TV lounge of Hilliard Hall. 45 permits. he's more than happy to and characters from Bloom coun­ and Odie are completed. But a,; And indeed he was, according to students, Including the residents of altend an event such as Hilliard's ty on his door. Greg sought and Greg says. "there's much more to Bonnie J. Borton, Administrative the second floor, members of hall dinner. Just this past weekend he found permission to decorate the come!" Greg wanted to fmish pain­ Assistant to the President. "I very council, and the· rest of the resl· kicked-off the Dance Marathon and dorm walls. Permission was not ting these three characters before much enjoy these opPQrtunltles to dent staff, alfended. found the time to see the boys needed to paint his door provided see Artut page 1 speak ·to students about anything . "People were a bit intimidated basketball game. the paintings are removed by May. February 21, 1985 Hudson St./Prospect St. Furnished & Un/urnished With Most Having Heat Included. Call - 273-5370 SHOGUN Womens Clothing,Jewelry, Gifts, Walkmans 105 The Commons 272-6445 Y, The Best LiUle Hairbouse In Town from page I llolmcs Hall's \'al1·nlin<'·., Day par­ ·~-tl ty.
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    Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 3-6-1985 Spectator 1985-03-06 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1985-03-06" (1985). The Spectator. 1730. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. The Seattle UniversitySpectator Vol.Llll, N0.20(478-800) The Spectator Seattle University, Seattle, WA Wednesday, March6, 1985 Longin to leave AVPpost next quarter by Kerry Godes nouncementby University President Wil- could mean loss of support for faculty thedocument. Faculty senators reacted with concern liam Sullivan,S.J. That announcement is handbook negotiations. Several senators voiced major concerns last night to the news that Academic Vice expectedsometime today. All senators present at the meeting about the handbook, including the restric- President TomLongin willresignhis post Executive VicePresident GaryZimmer- agreedthat the current handbook proposal tions it places on faculty consulting, am- at theendof thisspring quarter. man, contacted at home after last night's is unacceptable, although the senate has biguous language outlining the handbook Foremost among their worries washow senate meeting, confirmed that Longin not yetgiventhe administration itsofficial amendment process, anda stipulation that his resignation would affect discussions willremain on campus throughtheend of response to the draft. University President William Sullivan re- between administrators and senators con- spring quarter and said anational search Considered apart ofafaculty member's serves the right to rewrite any part of the cerning thelatest draftof the faculty hand- will beconducted for hisreplacement.
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