News from the Road
News from the Road Three Seventyish Gents on a Roll by Matt Sobel Part 1 indulged his enthusiasm we were primarily on Volume 1, Issue 5 for planning, maps, and New York State Bicycle July 2009 It wasn’t going to hap- his GPS to devise route Route 5 which is gener- pen. It would take too deviations with less ally slightly south of the much planning. I would- traffic, better scenery, Erie Canal. However, n’t be able to bicycle to or greater historical we frequently deviated my fiftieth college reun- interest. Generally, we from NYS BR 5 to see Inside this issue: ion in New York City. hugged the south shore notable canal locks and Then out of the blue, of Lake Erie until Buf- other sights. Oliver is a Letter from the Edi- 2 Diane, at Hubbub, told falo, where we were canal buff and his com- tor me that one of her cus- joined by Charlie, who ments and my prepara- tomers had asked her if I Ride, Therefore I 2 used to live in the tion for the trip taught Am… she knew anyone who Cleveland area. me much about canals might be interested in in general, and the Erie The Cleveland Bike 3 Oliver and Charlie were cycling from Cleveland Canal in particular. Commuter to Boston during the in the class of 1959 at second half of May. She MIT and Harvard, re- Gear, Tires, and Thursday Night Ride 5 Leader Thoughts forwarded his email spectively, and I gradu- Hauling Freight ated from Columbia in inquiry and that’s how I Oliver rode his touring CTC Club Notes 5 that year.
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