A Procedure for the Assessment of the Undrained Shear Strength Profile of Soft Clays

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A Procedure for the Assessment of the Undrained Shear Strength Profile of Soft Clays NGM 2016 Reykjavik Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting Challenges in Nordic Geotechnic 25th – 28th of May A procedure for the assessment of the undrained shear strength profile of soft clays Vikas Thakur Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, vikas.thakur@ntnu.no Odd Arne Fauskerud1, Vidar Gjelsvik2, Stein Christensen3, Frode Oset4, Steinar Nordal5, Margareta Viklund6, Stein-Are Strand7 1Multiconsult As, Norway 2Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway 3SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Norway 4Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway 5Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 6Norwegian National Rail Administration, Norway 7Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Norway ABSTRACT In the geotechnical research community, there is widespread agreement that the choice of the characteristic undrained shear strength (cuA) is very important and plays an essential role in the design and stability analysis of various geotechnical constructions placed in or on soft clay deposits. Thus, the choice of undrained shear strength, both conservative and non-conservative, could have major economic (and social) consequences in many projects. This paper summarizes the work carried out by engineers and scientists representing various institutions in Norway to provide a sound engineering method to determine characteristic shear strength of soft clays. This paper presents a recommendation on how to determine a characteristic cuA profile based on laboratory and in situ testing methods and discuss the impact of stress history, strain rates, Atterberg’s limits, and sample disturbance on the undrained shear strength of soft clays measured at a single borehole location. The discussion is supported by the results obtained from laboratory and field-testing. This paper highlights the key issues related to the extrapolation of undrained shear strength of soft clay from a given borehole location to a large soil volume. Keywords: Soft clays, undrained shear strength, sample disturbance. 1 INCEPTION especially when cohesive soils were involved. Based on numerous direct shear The concept of shear strength goes back to tests from 1934 to 1937, Hvorslev reached 1773 when Coulomb proposed the following the two main conclusions that equation: cohesion (c) depends merely on water (1) content; the angle of internal friction () is a soil characteristic. This was the first time that shear strength (f) was regarded as consisting of two parts, i.e., cohesive resistance (c) and frictional Hvorslev replaced the normal pressure in Eq. resistance (), that increase proportionally 1 with effective normal stress or the difference of total stress and pore pressure as with normal pressure (). However, the strength parameters c and , as introduced by Coulomb, remained difficult to determine, (2) IGS 533 NGM 2016 - Proceedings ,QYHVWLJDWLRQWHVWLQJDQGPRQLWRULQJ WKHSRUHZDWHUSUHVVXUHVWKDWGHYHORSGXULQJ +HUH F LV WKH WUXH FRKHVLRQ V¶ LV WKH XQGUDLQHG VKHDU DQG WKH IXQGDPHQWDO HIIHFWLYHQRUPDOVWUHVVRQWKHIDLOXUHSODQHV EHKDYLRU LQ WHUPV RI HIIHFWLYH VWUHVVHV HJ LVWKHWRWDOQRUPDOVWUHVVRQWKHIDLOXUHSODQH %HOO )HOOHQLXV 7HU]DJKL MLVWKHWUXHDQJOHRILQWHUQDOIULFWLRQ 6NHPSWRQ/DPEH%MHUUXP $DV %LVKRS -DQEX 7DYHQDVDQG/HURXHLO 7KHXQGUDLQHG VKHDU VWUHQJWK LV RIWHQ GHWHUPLQHG WKURXJK ILHOGDQGODERUDWRU\WHVWVVXFKDVWKHWULD[LDO WHVWVLPSOHVKHDUWHVWGLUHFWVKHDUWHVWFRQH SHQHWUDWLRQ WHVW ZLWK DQG ZLWKRXW SRUH SUHVVXUH PHDVXUHPHQWV &37 &378 ILHOG YDQHWHVWDQGGLODWRPHWHUWHVWIDOOFRQHWHVWV DQG XQLD[LDO DQG SODQH VWUDLQ WHVW +RZHYHU WKHVHWHVWV PD\EHFRPH H[SHQVLYHLIDODUJH QXPEHU RI WHVWV DUH WR EH FRQGXFWHG 7KHUHIRUH VHYHUDO UHVHDUFKHUV KDYH GHYHORSHG HPSLULFDO FRUUHODWLRQV EHWZHHQ XQGUDLQHG VKHDU VWUHQJWK DQG W\SLFDO VRLO )LJXUH )DLOXUH HQYHORSHV IRU JHRPDWHULDOV SURSHUWLHVWKDWFDQEHUHODWLYHO\REWDLQHGZLWK 6XSHUVFULSW¶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³M DQDO\VLV´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¶VHIIHFWLYH VWUHVV SULQFLSOH LI WKH HIIHFWLYH VWUHVV LQ D VDPSOHGRHVQRWFKDQJHWKHGHYLDWRULFVWUHVV UHTXLUHG WR FDXVH IDLOXUH LQ WKH VDPSOH GRHV QRWFKDQJH:LWKWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWHVWLQJ )LJXUH3UREOHPGHILQLWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV HVSHFLDOO\ WULD[LDO WHVWV DQG WKH DFFXPXODWLRQ RI GDWD WKH IXQGDPHQWDO +RZHYHUWKHLQIOXHQFHRIWKHVWUHVVKLVWRU\ EHKDYLRURIVRIWFOD\ZDVIRXQGWRIROORZWKH VRLO IDEULF VWUDLQ UDWHV $WWHUEHUJ¶V OLPLWV HIIHFWLYH VWUHVV HQYHORSH DV QRQFRKHVLYH VDPSOLQJ WHFKQLTXH DQG VDPSOH GLVWXUEDQFH VRLOV ZKLOHWKHWRWDO VWUHVV HQYHORSH UHIOHFWV LV JUHDW RQ WKH XQGUDLQHG VKHDU VWUHQJWK RI VRIWFOD\V&RQVHTXHQWO\WKHDVVHVVPHQWRID 1*03URFHHGLQJV ,*6 A procedure for the assessment of undrained shear strength profile of soft clays representative cuA of soft clays has been 1974). This SHANSEP principle is expressed challenging since the inception of the by the following formula: concept. A simplified approach is therefore m adopted for design purposes. It needs to be c = OCR p ' (3) emphasized that c of the soil is the uA o uA undrained shear strength that is assumed to Where be mobilized along the slip surface 450 inclined from the major principle stress. = constant m = constant The undrained shear strength cuA profiles OCR = pc'/po' (over consolidation ratio) with depth are usually established at some pc' = effective pre-consolidation pressure selected boreholes where the information is po' = effective vertical stress. collected. These c profiles are later uA interpolated to the soil volume between the The SHANSHEP formula suggests that c is boreholes. Thus, the accuracy of a c profile uA uA governed by three parameters—soil density, at the boreholes is crucial because the soil pore pressure, and stress history—and two volume between the boreholes depends on empirical constants that have been shown to the representativeness of the c profiles at uA vary significantly between different clays. the boreholes. As a first step, this paper For Norwegian sensitive clays, the values of presents a procedure for assessing the c uA profile at a borehole. A discussion follows on and m vary between 0.25 and 0.35 and the important aspects to consider when the between 0.65–0.75, respectively (see Figure 3). cuA profile is estimated for a large soil volume. This paper summarizes the work carried out by engineers and scientists representing various institutions in Norway. The overall aim of the work presented in this paper has been to provide a method to make a sound engineering judgement related to the determination of the characteristic shear strength of soft clays. 3 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH ESTIMATION In this paper, a characteristic cuA profile refers to the active undrained shear strength Figure 3 cuA normalized with effective overburden profile most likely to occur, deduced based stress versus the soil’s stress history for on available and relevant measurements and Norwegian clays as suggested by Karlsrud and experience data. In many cases, this is a Hernandez-Martinez (2013). The filled and the mean value or a weighted mean of available open circles in the figure refers to the data for data. If measurements (interpreted strength sensitive clays having the sensitivity more than values) show relatively great variation with and less than 15, respectively. depth, additional caution must be taken when selecting the cuA profile. 4 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE FOR An empirical relationship widely used in THE CuA PROFILE AT ONE Norway is SHANSEP, which stands for LOCATION stress history and normalized stress engineering parameters (Ladd and Foot IGS 535 NGM 2016 - Proceedings Investigation, testing and monitoring In this section, a stepwise assessment The assessment of the cuA profile, therefore, procedure is provided to establish cuA often begins with Quaternary and profiles. topographic maps. However, the reader must be aware that the quaternary map provides information only on the top layer of sediment deposition. Therefore, it is important to point-out that it often can be marine clay under alluvial deposits and coastal deposits that it is highlighted in Figure 5. In addition, human activity in many places has resulted in significant changes of natural terrain forms. In such cases, useful information may be found in old maps and reports that record what has occurred in an area over the years. In places with clear signs of landslide activity
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