The Public Doesn't Care Bow a Newsp JSf ft Only Gets It and PRINtS It FIRST i-- ip , w Fircii A si ri:i nA JH Paso Morning Times g el onico Ml I l. H4RRKTH. periódico diario que llega a todo Suroeste el mismo día on Qué es publi- copper - aásTMeuaw cado, ciando fiel a su fecha cada día SHrer, per pa , .Vi del fio. lie La pagina ocho contiene las 1W ultimas noticias del día en español. 1I, ler ll ...... !..!3.At4.nS Klnr, per WO lbs t ...... WXO&SO


being her visit to a gunsmith to buy a revolver. an obviously hostile criticism of the M. Boucard Interrupted her to ask ir at throne in the memory of the oldest WOMAN TELLS that moment site planned her act or vio- ARISTOCRATS member nor even in the laat ceatury. lence against M. Calmette. Would the opposition members, he "Not .entirely ,". replied Mme. Calllaux. naked, be content to sit quietly and "The Idea then Only began to take root." permit him to preach sucH doctrines? AWAY Mme. Calllaux said he bad purchased a ME STILL OF SHOOTING revolver arier refusing one the trigger or London NetvsmMr Comment. Hfl which worked too hard, for protection on IN THE MUTINY By the Anoeiated irr nights in the country during the electoral London. MaYeh;25. The Unionist campaign or her husband, whom she In- morning papers fully admit that It HMrl. ( I i tended to accompany. After was the klng'n se- t II DID NOT INTEND TO buying the HIGH Influence which Ml l. M. CAL.METTE, Ell ITOR Off THE weapon Mme. Calllaux went home and later BROWS OF THE ARMY HAVE cured the reinstatement of General left for the orflce of the Figaro, AKKN TO CONTROL dough and the other officers. They HOT BRITISH GOVERNMENT. express great indignation at the at- CONTEST Canadian Suf fragettee. tack of the Laborttea on the throne NEWSPAPERHiAT IHE By the Amnvlati I 'reus and the army and take pains to IN (INLY INTENDED WARNING Toronto, OnC. March 2. Women A LIBERAL CONTENTION on Page Four.) from many parts of the Dominion org mixed hero today the National III It MIND WAS HHst III II V TWO of Woman Suffragette Socle, liRKAT FEARS, 8Kb, 8AVS IN HER TES ties of Canada. Mrs. Wright WS:TM,.NSTER CONTINUES Gordon CAULDRON HUERTA FRONT ARE S1 TIMON Y, of London. Ont,, presided. OVER GETS Among; the DEVELOPMENTSSHF1" ON officers elected were.Lady Drummond IN PROVINCE. VKItGIC OF MOST VIGOROUS of Montreal;, honorary president; Mrs. LEGISLATIVE NTRUGGl.F. THAI L. HAS ENLIVENED TV YEARS. AI:R AID LETTER WOULD Bh PRINTED A Hamilton of Toronto, president; Kill Mrs. W. R. jin B, of the Equal Fran- KING GEQRGE IS ALSO INVOLVED chise league, Toronto, oorespondlng CASH PROMISE secretary; Campbell Mao Also Relieved Her Husband Was ea the Mr. Iver, REPEAL TOLL. EXEMPTION SILENT AS TO OUTCOM E of the 'Equal Franchise league, Tor- - Premier Asqulih's Administration Verge of Killing Ibe Editor. Pnces Grave Dangers Winnipeg Prom Within was appointed chairman of Own Ranks. FINANCIAL PLAN A I) O P T E I) a. By the Attociatcd Pratt commmee. WHICU WILL NET HIM $SS,O00.-00- 0 PLANS FOB TARING UP Till: SIMS never Intended to kill IN GOLD, REPEAIi MEASURE IN l km si: Dispatch From Chihuahua, No Press Dispatches rails, March Si. "I Btf th ocíalas Except for a Brief m. Calmette. I wanted only to give him a WERE PERFECTED YESTERDAY Come Through From of War Since Tuesday Morning warning." London, March 24. Westminster Seat Mme, STORMY SCENE continues to be a seething Wild Rumors of Capture of City by Constitutionalists Not Con- nils assertion was made today by over cauldron Calilatii as ne climax or her dramatic what the Liberals now denounce T8 ISSUE TREASURY NOTES GENERAL DEBATE ON WEDNESDAY firmed, Though a Special Appeal Was Made by General Chao siory or the shootlnir and a recital or the is the "mutiny of the army aristocrats" against the Directly to General Villa Believed if Everything Was Going event! preceding the killing of the editor AMQNGARMY Democratic government. .'I the Figaro. MEN The fact has been established from Correspondents to Send AGAINST THE UNSOLD BALANCE Vote on Limiting Debate lo I His Way Villa Would Permit Out Mme. Calllaux'a state of mind on the all obtainable evidence that denerai Hubert Guugh end OF BONDS AUTHORIZED IN Hours Today Will Be First Teat of Facts Juarez Officials Say Dearth of Press Dispatches Is Due mini day, her purchase or a revolver the other officers MAY, 1B1. Strength, and the last act of the tragedy were set GEN. (.11 I It WTil I of the Third cavalry brigade demand- to Press of Official Business on the Lone Telegraph Wire Avail- Got si III TI ed forth In detail by her before the examin tllJSTKR GUARANTEE ONL-- and obtained written assurances able at the Port. ing magistrate, Henri Boucard. AFTER TENACIOUS STRUGGLE. which had been drafted by a lawyer, By the Associated Prrm the republic have need of that they Would not be ordered to WILL PLACE WITH MEXICAN BANKS "France and fight Washington, March 24. Congress you. I do not wont you to sacrifice your- Sir Edward Carson's Ulster Ik oh the verge of tho most vigorous General Villa did not take lunch with General Bcnavidcs in a self." Crisis in EngUati Affairs Is Said to volunteers, and that these assurances legislativo struggle I m. that has enlivened with there Tuesday Rerore going to the Figaro orflce Mane line Been Caused by King's Inter- were largely through the At Thirty Per Cent of Value proceedings In many years Torreón cafe Tuesday at noon nor dine him ference. personal Face and its the Calllaux had left this not for her hus Intervention of the king. iKfcucd at the Legal Ratio of Tin ci- contest over the administration pro night. Indications at 3 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning were band, for whom she might commit an act Before they left London they sent to Olio. messages posal to repeal tho provision of tho that he would not breakfast with him in that federal stronghold. of violence against M. Calmette. Uv the sácelo Prtm to their brother off leer In Panama CnanI uet granting toll Cordially Greeted. Ireland that they had found support No news from the seat of war came to the Morning Times since London. March 25. According to Bp th ocfafed Píen exemption to tho American coastwis? The witness told of hor cordial greeting "from the murt... shlpa. 9 its correspondent the 'ally news' Dublin' correuDondent. - City. o'clock Tuesday morning when staff with Gen By ilii editor when she reached the Figaro Kins Ocureé Crltiadsnd. March Plana tc.Ulng up General dough secured a written guar. The throne, of President Huerta believe that his for the Smis repeal eral Villa's army telegraphed from Gomez Palacio that that suburb office. amee only a tenacious which has traditionally bill were completed In the house today, "Mo doubt you know the object of my alter struggle kept out of party controversies both financial stress will be relieved by a had been occupied by the constitutionalist forces after forty hours and an extremely stormy Interview in plan adopted today which will bring und Democratic leaders aligned on visit." she had said to the editor. because of aloofness and as jt point nido i li- which Field, Marshal Sir John' French into the treasury 100,000,000 pesos, ap- both of the issue have maruha of fierce fighting. "So." replied. M. Calmette. "Won't you ' nw wim puonc men and news- ed and preparad severely criticised the action of dough papers, in proximately at the present exchange their forces, tholr sit downT" and his follow officers as meriting th,, involved In the discussion arguments. It was said that the bill Ily Wuy of Chihuahua. ".Frantic at finding myself in seml-o- as it has nevsr been before durtmr which practically is three to one, Associated Press waa without to have captttréd the stone railroad severest punishment. Thon Field In gold. pesos would be called up for general debate The srurlty racing the man who had maligned King George's reign or that of hut Fifty million It might later news from tho sceiio of trouble, roundhouse, und to bo ;inm; from II. my my Murshal Lord Roberts Intervened and will bo Immediately terore Thursday and that be husband, presence In the office u iiuet ajpioioauc Atncr. The section avallahl the - except (or a brief dispatch front its Tho relíele claim thai the federal rente red calmer atmosphere. balance Us required,. 4 reported tomorrow when Benrosentn- known to all," Mute, calllaux said rtramatt Determined, i"" i.iuiraia wnn opposed what they i!Vo Hen.-y- eholrttiau mrrcspoiiilcii in Chihuahua to tho dead number 700. No report us to rally, Hie efforts were mudo nt It. will n of the rules "l drew revolver and fired." first lb get Gr.noral dough to accept denounced as a surrender to the wilt. bé'the riHttlon committee, proposes (o submit a rule effect that a 5 o clock Tuesday after their oWn losses nas been made pubr liiiHliaaMn Thaae "Wi critic tlbWns, il'.r.A ssjssiaiul famine. i. Ttieu, icng coucnoa in Intricate aS vote oti asa. Bui how do you explain the wound I'CSCnt HIS n miliary 12 hist and 'the legaj was aetlnll summnninir . in a measure. lb of M. Calmette, who was be- phraseology, presented. Gen J no palace tlon of 50 per cent advance In I the chest eral Gough objected, saying they were Field Marshal Lord the strength of the opposing Paludo. Tho samo rllsnatch ald that Pleased by lloárate Humor. hind the desk?" Roberts, who. in his speeches, advised port duties recently Imposed as a war mi tp the rebels had captured the railrond By the Atwialvd i;, , not Know; I to plain uoidicrs and could not under measure. forces. "I do continued fire stand legal terms. He then wrote: the officers that they might properly Preliminary to the debate, which is roundhouse In domas Palacio ana Juarez, Mexico, March 24. Kimcate WHDOQl nOHCHIg, BS1U i IIP wimess. . i $ refuse service In suppressing The plan- involves the inmunice of were fighting from It. rumors "official" reports of th "Do we understand that we are not the treasury notes certain to be spirited, special atten- aid Mme. Calllaux then told of the luncheon Ulster irreconcilables, ana arraigns his against the unsold bal. tion was given tonight by senators As the railroad roundhouse allud-'- onward sweep of Ueneral Villa and with her husband on the day of the trag to be asked to bear arms against or majesty dealing anee of bonds authorised in May, 1913, and to enforce the present home rulo hill for nersonallv with representatives to the maturity report to In the Associated Pross dispatch his victorious rebels kept this city in edy, her consequent nervous excitement Field Marshal Sir French, to the aiuoünt of $1 60,000,060 for a Is In tho a state, of today, or and we can return and tell our of John chief ' on the repeal bill submitted by Repre- lrom Chihuahua northern (ratified excitement hd the hecésslty making, a last effort oi me genoroi staff, and General Sir portion of which n Pkria bank portion of the village of domes Palíelo but the optimism wuh dushed some to prevent the publication of the letters. ficers so? syndicate subscribed, sentative Adnmsoii of Georgia, chair Arthur Paget, commanding the forces but of which Inter-stat- e It is evident either that the constitu- what by the receipt of the Associated Mme had been from the Field Marshal subscribed to practically man of the committee on calllaux taken French In Ireland, who should have been dealt half remuln unsold. These and foreign commerce. tionalists were Just beginning to work Press dispatch from Chihuahua prison or Saint Lazalre to the Palace or this document: "Tea. this is sor and with, they think, only by secretary bonds are to be placed with the Mexi- way in to little railroad an official dispatch to the As name; the their that effect (istlee by detectives. she passed signed his ot state tor war, in accordance with can banks at 30 per cent of their face Not Disturbed by Taunt. center or that having once occupied that fighting continues nt Gomes through the corridor leading to the court Copies were then made In legal form the customary official routine.' The value, the banks to iKbue them at the "We are not disturbed." the report the town were being driven back and Palacio. she saw a' group or photographers and for General dough and the other of government has premised to throw legal ratio it three to one. The bonds addd, "of the taunt marJd for a pur had taken refuge In the stone round- It wu announced officially In thii Wid: ficers. more light upon recent history by giv- are secured by the pledge of 16 per pose, that the repeal would be house with the hone of holding at course of ii forenoon ihat this city, "Let them photograph me. Then I hope The same correspondent asserts that ing to parliament all the com cent of the customs. truckling and yielding to foreign de much of the advantage threo mitesfroui Torreón, wuh they guns written least that taken will be satisfied." heavy siege were ordered munications with General Paget and The bankers have agreed to take mands. A similar taunt could be gained In the Inst night at !) o'clock, and that When she entered the court M. Boucard Uster, but the orders were suddenly the officers who rofused service, but the bonds In question and the plan Is rled ajainat any man or nation Hammering Away at Torreón. dencral Villa had ordered supplies said to her: countermanded "and the lamentable now far negotiations were carried on only awaiting the signature of Presi- honorable enough to comply with Hammering away at Torreón" was sept direct to that city. "Give us an account or what you did on attempt to dragoon- - Ulster collapsed by communications to dent Huerta to become effective. or generoue enough to promote only could be In a Tcligraiu. Monday, the day you written remains the information that Prívale shot Oaston calmette." completely." be seen. For the assistance, rendered by the hanks friendly relations by according ré- gotten In constltutlonallKt circles in Next came word Mme. Calllaux replied: definitely that litmeral The Dally News, which is a Liberal Explicit In forma Urn Demanded. Presk it Huerta promises tn sped ful consideration to vlewaisbf the Jusu-c- z up hour of going to JSuiri nlo Agulrre Benavldes rup- No Legal Remedy. aban' a lo the hud organ, reports that Colonel Seely has The government's two snnkesmen. a the scheme for federal hank inl opposite party From high sources, press. Though the telegraph wlr h tured two federal runnels in Torreón "Shortly after 8 o'clock in the morning I resigned but his resignation has Colonel Seely, secretary In likewise the proposed one per cent tax In this country end others, from men to were kept busy received Fernand Monier, that for war the on and from the south Itself. Tins Information was conveyed chief justice of yet been accepted and House or commons, tne capital of corporations and Individ- et alive who participated In every the It was as- prlvati Col. civil of Seine, not the cabinet and Viscount uals. the minute ol time t.'lem the tribunal the to learn likely to question to- Moreley In formation of various men u news regard- of- any legal means to is consider the of Blackburn, the house of the treaties, serted that not line of Trevino, one of lienavides' staff if existed prevent the day. were The plan has Wen the subject of many whoso veracity and Integrity cannot be over ficers, in publication of my torus, confronted today with ing the fighting whs coining them in hU brother Juarez. Al private letters In the Tl.e Dally Telegraph has made in- persistent conference between leading hankers ami questioned, come unequivocal state- fighting was In prog- - wan Figaro. demands for explicit In minister, except that aliil this there further joy, but it was quiries regarding the report both formation. They were ti ine finance ami before Its final ments that the language of the treaty nothing to "Judge Monier unable to my that asked as adoption was He n is. the excitement occasioned was make Seely submitted to Joan l.lman conti oiling lmpo-dtlo- or wasl suggestion to Colonel and Sir Edward drey, what assurances the government gave or the tolls Itnlian Paper dots dun Ovor. when Ueneral Manuel chao, military as how prevent It. He left lour, Ibe finance, who la not ad- my secretary of state for foreign affairs. the military officers and whether they now intended to permit such dis- Karly In the evening a dispatch governor of tho slate of Chihuahua, house at hair eight. resign In response to were in Paris. He gave, his npprovsl crimination. paper "1 then a telephone are about to written or verbal. Both refused the as a measure. dressed to a daily Italian in and row in this city to greet Ueneral answered call from which P. J. Illlngwortn, chief Lib to any questions project sound at domes Pi Carranza, a private the roreign orrice, when 1'lcrre Da Fou- - the answer before the Provision is made In the contract Against General Interest, i New York and dated received report eral whip, declared both reports papers were presented wtlh relayed In It nature, Ueneral Velasen, qu teres, assistant or ceremonies that to the houses. the bankers subscribing In Hie event "Even If It were a close ejuesfion do was Juarez. that the redera! master If that So sur- - inquired what time I and my husband are unfounded. these papers disclose that the the Paris to with the balance tending m our uf course, was not divulged. fai commander at Torreón, liad Daily Citizen, a labor organ, to government bankers determine zeroise we favr. It press dis "i iii go to dinner at the Hallan embassy The surrendered to those who their option nn the balance which they ceuld not afford, In a matter of as know was the only day openly ascribes the crisis to the refused duty In Ulster, patch reach tho border from lh Aocepted Willi lU'Hcrvc. ihat evenlnr- - I look the opportunity to fell Premier hold, the Mexican banks shall surrender national honor, to contend, or even lo M. iouquieres that I Interference of the king and the court Asiiuith's administration will face holding cgsb. debate, especially a proposition which (ront since the dispatch to the Morn denerai Chao accepted ho report wanted him to ar says: grent their for Whether range the places at a dinner I was to and danger from rebellion In its otsn The London and Mexico bank Will sub Involves a policy not In the Interest of Ing Times alluded to above. with reserve, however, and tele- five king range, It new un varen ai wnicn ine "The has interfered. He has me most reliable parliament ll,00u,ooo. the National I.KKi.onn, our entire people but In the Interest was a late filo carrying late graphed to dcnernl Villa asking for íj American ambas ary scribe the hy ador, Myron T. Herrick and his wife were been Interfering all through for writers will make this statement bslance distributed among state banks. The of a small special class in whose favor or an early file delayed the crush confirmation or denial. After two to be present months." in the morning papers. bankers commenting on the measure, while the exemption operates against the of official business is not known. hours he had received no reply. Lady Hiring Tuesday afternoon a report wan In "I then telephoned to my hairdresser to The Citizen Intimated that Liberéis in Revolt. regarding It as the best procedure, foresee general interest of the entire people. Tho dispatch from the Associated Londonderry visited circulation In Jusrez and In i raso ihat come to the house at 7 p. ni. I was mani- haa actually the party future difficulties hi which the bsnks will ear better to abolish the canal Press staff correspondent at Chihua- camp to influence of- The Liberal members who Torreón had been surrendered to Oeneral or cured and then visited my dentist. After Curragh the throughout Mr. be unable lo offer further assistance since Itself than ever permit our national hua had something a dampening I Asuuith's administra villa and II caused considerable excite- on wards drove to the ministry of finance ficers. tlon have been criticised by many of tne present mearurc forces all Ihe Insti nonor to remain In question." effect the spirits of the rebels, and and told my The Times believes that the debate to Strength of Opposition. ment but It had not been cunrirmed up tu It gave rise to all manner of conjec- husband what Judge Monier me rang rile or party for tutions issue to the fullest possible although nag In the house of commons today on the and their Client Considerable speculation exists ha tune of .going to press, Oen ture. It was the first direct news seeming to lie docilely chained to (ieneral Villa Husband Was official documents will decide the fate his the strength the opposition to eral Manuel Chao wired and telegram of tho day, but It was argued Farleus. chariot wheels are In open revolt. They of the concerning tieneral chao was "My husband was He of ihe secretary tor war. repeal in both houses of congress. Con- others it. that the orflclul report quoted in It furious. exclaimed harp on the fact that Tom Mann was BATTLE OF GUERRERO. however, by (enera! to ship at Then there Is nothing else me to Times says evidence Is servative exponents of the proposed sated, villa did not necessarily disprove, previous for do The that sent tb prison for six months for Inclt once a heavy list of supplies, including a evrepi lo go and creak his neck.' accumulating to confirm the reports ing soldiers not to fire upon Appears to Have Resulted In No reversed ot policy, while claiming an reports of fighting in Torreón, or even "I did not coup strikers assured majority large consignment of mm shoes and Villa did not actually have Gomez doubt st that moment that mv that the government s intended when ordered and demand to be in Material Advantage to Either gade. in both houses, admit or clothing. that lnishand Intended to some By opposition Is other articles His Instruc- Palacio In his possession last night. commit act of d'etat in Ulster was ona larger scale formed is to be one law th astéete led Pre that the formidable. It ship to Torreón, e víreme violence. yet aware whether there is an unusual situation confronting tion were to them show- Tho report might mean, it wus con- than the publio is and that for with commissions and Laredo, Texas. March 24. Conflict the ing Is "in this mind support aristocrats Democratic party In that at the time instructions were jectured, federals as a part of stale of we took our It large fleet was ordered to one for pleblana tn when It ing reports of the battle between Mex the house, where If had not obtained possession or that the luncheon together at home. The movement, the ranks president haa against sued he the general buttle, might have return- meal was the military the order comes to matters of conscience and ican constitutionalists and federals the arrayed him Ihe he wss confident it would be wretched one. our cook, was only tne majority leader, city ed to l'uluclo and renewed the t who to being countermanded when the obedience to orders. came to Laredo today from the Mr. Under wood, bis ibe goods could reach by dotnei leave us mat very evening, had neglected refused to serve. - Representative Fitzgerald. Repre- before there fight, whlli! forces were engaged Curragh officers army Isolated scene of yesterday's engaste- rail. , other her work. I could eat nothing." Time acqulta The appropriation bill was sentative Kitchen North Carolina, at Tori-eon- threo miles awuy. in an editorial the under discussion ment near Guerrero, sixty miles south ef Other Rumors I sroafirmed. Mme. Calllaux seemed io reel keenly the Premier Asqjilth and "bis more re- and the JJnionlst. of this city on the Rio Grande. Hegvy ranking member of the ways of means annoyances inai sne nad suffered through sponsible colleagues" of any effective leopold c. Amery. moved a reduction on were committee, and according to undented A nn sage riled al uoiriei Palacio l ues- - tOIVSTITl'TIOXAL VICTORY. for the purpose of criticising gov- tosses notti sides indicated. day noon and received In out that day. she continued: share "either in the conception or. the the An official federal dispatch claimed reports, the speaker of the bouse. si Juarez late in "Although we both talked a good ernment on, the ground that It wss not One guns opposi- the afternoon staled that the constilullonal Claimed by Ueneral Villar t Ihe liattlr deal mis handling of the Ulster plot." army Guardtoia repulsed the rebels after of the first of the .about the bad quality or the luncheon, i entitled to nae the for party pur. tion to repeal In the senate was fired tsts had driven The federals out or two of Guerrero. poses nine hours fighting and that they took - apt. was tn reaHly becoming more and mere Enthusiastic! Reoeptloo. wnicn la the basis of the Union. with them retroot five wagons today by Senator Chamberlain of cuartel.- that the enaneis vscaled luui By the AxuoctattJ krctei 1st position in occupied by i jucoreupled with the nervousness of. my By the Attoctatct free in the present crisis. The wounded, leaving Oregon, through the introduction of a been Oeneral Uenav Ides' Brownsville. Tex., March 'i itty two Laborlte, Ward, loaded with besides Hoop- - The same dtspatab Is were husband. could think of no meaos to Dublin. March 24. Arriving at John who was a dock many dead on the field. resolution calling upon the secretary siso said that couhtitutlonalisl and mly rodera prevent the publication of two letters Curagh .camp today. General Cough, laborer and at one time a private in was many of war for all available Information ueneral Bens vides was at thai time trying killed, wounded or raptured m yestei army, It aatd that constitution to get possession or nuerrern, M iiiling nirn t icárea wouia appear In the news commander of the Third cavalry brig- the seconded the motion. but alists deserted and fled to the United as to the cost of maintenance of the main plana of J! day's battle near paper. ' ade, had a most enthusiastic recep- from a different point of view. He said navigable rivers and canals through elly but that the federals were fighting to the ornrlal report of ueneral Viilcreal, Necessity. t hy 8ttes. rum ine house tops ana rroin m a i umniander, received at the Mbht- - Felt hneerleus tion. Addressing the officers, he said tnat tne onservatlvas, approving C.iiutttutlonallsts report were con which ill shipping by an act passed barricades rebel "My fright over my Husband's words the rebellion of the officers, "had in l passage the streets, fto confirmation of Nils dis meroa coiislilutinnallil heailiiiaiirs he had a guarantee that they would flicting, but all claimed a substantial M, which guaranteed patch was giew and I felt the imperious necessity or be employed to forse home rule started to smash the British army." victory. capture free of tolla, In a preamble to received from Oeneral Villa or captam Joae llana Manteuiidre ta taking some step against not Ii.mi said, The of Guerrero, the from any other official source. the editor of the on the Ulster men, but added that If The he had to decide which had held by resolution It was asserted that If the nviirlrd aiuoug the retal Mgere. ,.!...; It was been Guardtoia, Regarded as Mnlster Omen. Ueneral Villares!'- ssa.ase was dated they were ordered there for the pro- whether glng to maintain the was claimed. policy of the government with relation "I fell so nervous and Irritated that it discipline of the army as a neutral is be II Is generally holteved that were thing at Guerrero, and claimed a "complete tection of life and property and was regarded here as probable to Panama ('anal toils to reversed - re- seemed impossible for roe to go to the force or whether the parliament It to going General Villa's way he would tier for the cpusutatlonalMt- He preservation of order It was ordinary that both aides retreAted with no the policy with reference all rivers 0)11 or unían emuaasy mat evening and I tele- under- elected by the people should correspondents and others lo send out ported i!J.(U rounds inirniiiltlon, sixty duty and that they would, material advantages. About 1500 men and canals also should be changed and legal, ' phoned tnat I was ml Jv. it. absolutely without Interference from tolla charged all shipping to pay the the facts al sad ihat is has not done rifles and other supplies and equipment "Then, more than erer, I take the king army, were engaged on both aides. 0 is regarded as a bad omen, ll Is con- captured from the federal. became ob- or the make the laws Jesus government for maintaining the sessed Villi the desire to go and see Oas- of Generals t'arranza and An tented by officials at Juarez, however, herore the battle Huertero was occupied Nlearaniuaa Treaty- - ,. the realm." - waterways. i A tonio Villares! commanded the con- that owing lo the ran a by federal tieneral (Itiardlola. ton almene. terrible fear clutched me 019 th Asaeeiated When speaker thai there Is but under my Prr$ the uttered in stltutlonallsts. simula Charge Other Tolls. single wire to the extreme lest husband, who Is a remarkably Washington, March M. The senate for Mtcntorien tones "without front and that good ahol, M. interference "My chief purpose tn introducing It Is overburdened with Mould kill almene. In my eign relations coButdlee tomorrow will take from king or the giving af-- orrictal business GOINd INTO MtúXICO r; delirium I already uta the army," ' r Mas. this resolution." Senator Chamberlain which .cannot be delayed lie Is forcing pictured lo my mind up Ibe peo posed treaty under which U- a calculated dramatic pause By th AinvM '''' ' the figure or my husband on the and after raid tonight, "Is to show If. as repeal correspondent lo wait for moré wlroa or prisoner's nunited Slates would require ranal rtghta the word "king." half house was iw York.THWirw-Wafl- s Woiii.l Mean the I'nltrtl Mules Would bench. What added to my the for th var hampions maintain, Ihe toll exemp fewer official messages. U anguish was a asxt naval bases In Nirarangna. with ad on Ha feet cheering. Alt the Hirgel lluie lo do There Stay. labor ions properties In tlus lily war. to American ships Is a ahip ),. ... mc deep personal conscientious scruple for ministration smendmeuta to provide a in was members and the home rule Irishmen, opened today by the federal receivers, who subsidy granted by government ''" there no use concealing from myseir virtual American protectorate liver lrHie very - expresen the By Way of Chihuahua. Stanford, University, ful.. Mnrohj. I and not only they, but any of dl appointment that they totalled presa Hial should be the Involuntary cause Or ragua. that It has always been the policy of By th lactates been said you can the Liberal members, si I only sgja.nou tor asseta valued at "ll has that lo mis terrifying drama." and more the government since 1ÍS4 to subsidise Mexico. x 4. uuviiiiug n Secretary Bryan will spear before the shouted for a considerable t, pace of than i,7o,oon, wholesale, tinited Mate Chihuahua. March An alniosl wim bayonet. Muie. luIIsui told of her movements our shipping. If we are going to official dJajMttch at 5 p. cept on It, and on rnssmltsae. bul he said tonight be. did not time. Judge Chas. M. Houtf win decide tomor- received m. alt that the afternoon er the crime, amone mera expect to the (large our shipping tolls at Panama today says ftthtulg continúes fiercely true of Mexico." remarked I r. discuss Mceraguaa treaty. farliament bad not witnessed such row whether the bids shall be accepted. w ought to charge tolls elsewhere." st domes Palacio. The rebels are said man A mu ll, the author, In lectur EL PASO MORNING TIMES. Wednesday. March 25. 1914.

full investigation and also wishes to TO MANY oring tne nony nere for burial. ROTARY CLUB mm WEimawuaT at "bvehthom'" I m M Y RK80LCTION Some Interesting Facts About Regarding Protection of Foreigners in whi jome up Today. IS ORGANIZED Kidney Troubles ffy le 4 M,otHatt4 Prru Washington, March 24. The Alney The Garment Floor at lesolutlon calling on President Wilson CLAIBORNE ADAMS CHOSEN THE Few propio rea Hi to what extent tor information regarding the pro FIRST PRESIDENT OF NEW their health depends upon the condi- tection of the lives and property of BOOSTING ORGANIZATION. t tion of the kidneys. loreigners in Mexico probably will 'Everybody's' The physician In nearly all cases of come up In the bouse tomorrow. The serious Illness makes a chemical analy-st- s foreign affairs committee Is sxpected Twenty-On- e Members Sign, the Char of the patient's urine.. He knows to adversely report the resolution on icr Mewling ami Banquet Will Witness Rapid Selling Today that unless the, kidneys are doing their the ground that It would be unwise was se neta April v. work property, the other organs oan-n- to enter upon a public discussion of Three new shipment of Fashionable Silk Dresses have been readily be brought back to hsalth tue matter at this time. Representa Organization of the Rotary Club of and strength. . tlve Alney expects to speak on the added to these ample stocks, which will When the kidneys are neglected' or subject either tomorrow or Thursday. El Paso was completed last nlaht In be featured at abused In any way, serious results are neoretary Bryan will appear before the offices of the Pioneer Abstract pricings but little short of sensational. tar to follow. According to health me senate foreign legations commit Company In the First National bank statistics, llrlght's disease, which la tee tomorrow to discuss stste depart building. The following officers were really an advanced form of kidney ment matters, but it is understood trouble, caused nearly ten thousand there has been no arrangement for a elected: President, Claiborne Adame; deaths In nil 2 In the state of New conference on (he Mexican situation vice president, A. G. Foster, Jr.; sec Lovely Silk Dresses Just Like Tork alone. Therefore, It behooves Secretary of War Garrison toda7 retary, II. C. Taylor: treasurer. Glen US to pay more attention to "the health suggested to Brigadier General Bliss T. Moore; sergeant at armx. II. R. Of these moat Important organs. In answer to the latler's telegrams McCllntock; associate editor, K. C. the respecting the disposition to be made C An Ideal herbal compound that has Davis; directors, C. W. (.'room. R- - E. Illustration, Q P had remarkable success kidney of the score of Mexican constitution Sherman, George Trost Joseph A. as a alist' were and remedy Is pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- soldiers who driven across Wright. A beautiful model in a splendid the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder the Rio Grande by a superior force of P. J. Dreher, national ornanlxer. of MM Remedy. federals yesterday near Del Rio. Tex Pa., officiated the grade of the season's fashionable EEEE It Hariisburf, at The mild and healing Influence of that would be wise to keep this meeting, presiding until after the material Chiffon pari y separate rrom tne reoerai sol election, when President Claiborne Taffeta a model this preparation, in most cases. Is soon dlers now realised, according to sworn state detained at Fort Bliss. Adams took the chair. Mr. Dreher that hag been copied by leading stores in every state But never ments and verified testimony of those explained the purposes of the club old under $9.95! wno nave unen the remedy. and laid special emphasis upon the If you feel that your kidneys require fact that such an organization of With the purpose atrongly fixed of offering our customers most SENATE WILL ACT "live wires" materially attention, and wish a sample bottle, would benefit unusual values. "Everybody's" offer you these dresses, magnif- , the city, as well as the Individual in a write to Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Blngham-ton- icent selection of the newer spring N. Y. Mention this paper, en- members. shades and chameleon effects, close ten cents and they will gladly Twenty-on- e charter members were , $6.95 forward It to you by Parcels ON TRUST BILL taken Into the new orgsnlsstlon last Post. It Hwnmp-Ro- Is sold by every drug- night, but is expected by members of the Rotary club mors gist In bottles of two sises ftOc and that several $1.00. tXlMMITTICE IS DRAFTING SINGLE will be added to the roster before the Ml st TO hnrter membership Is closed. April . A Assemblage iti KMBIIACE ALL On Brilliant of FEATURES OF SHERMAN LAW that date the members will be today MMII.V I. hosts to their friends, with a banquet before the Stanford under- till at some place yet to be decided upon. AreEm-bracedtS- graduates on various aspects of war. Those were New Dress ff "Of course," "you who elected to member- Fashions he continued, IV. ll. In ship and the vocations they repre- can go Into Mexico If you like, That the Bill but II. mi Will Not Require sent are: can't go there merely to BtralSThten Much Debato out in Ncimie. Abstracts, A. O. Poster, Jr.; adver- 14.7 the affairs of one side or tliu tising (Illustrating), II. C. Taylor: S 5 and $23.75 other. You've got to go there to stay architects, George Trost; attorneys. C. or not (,' fn.i in at all. I'rria w. ( room; advertising (outdoor), H. The influence of the new dances has given an impetus to silk dress styles that As for the possibility of Japanese Washington, March 34. Trust leg H. McCllntock; banks, Glen T.Moore; has resulted in wonderfully invasion or America. Dr. Anaeil estl islatlon long under consideration by a varied selection of models created by the mas- mated, building material. C. N. Rathbun; arguing from the men and the committees In both branches of con business colleges, R. V. Davis; hard- ter dressmakers of America and Europe, and which are represented in these time cost Oreai Britain to subdue the gress will be considered In the senat. ware, F. M. Orn- - incomparable Boors, It Beall: hotels. Burt values we so specially feature for Wednesdays selling that would cost Japan 47 Independently of house action. It wus dorff; Ice factories, Joseph Wright; 000.000 soldiers and take a campaign practically assured today, lifter Dresses designed for afternoon and evening wear, for dancing ysars flour, Claiborne Adams; photography, and social of fifty to subdue the United meeting of the senate Interstate con Fred J. Pel .Imán, real estate (city), gatherings. As an example: States. Such an outlook did not make merce committee. R. E. Sherman; shoes, Edward Pew; the Invasion mem probable, the The Is single newspapers (business K. speaker thought. committee drafting a office), C. bill lo embrace all features of pro Davis; newspapers (editorial), G. A. One posed regulations to supplement tho Martin: ladies' r. M. P.-- of the Dresses at $14.75 i l (.11 M FROM BRYAff. n snerman law. it is probable, accord- Carlock; gas, k L. Simons; type- Is made of exquisite Crepe Meteor, printed ing in a dainty Cubist design In the new shades of to senators particularly Interested writers, F. P. White, and adding ma- green on a tobacco brown, with revere, oollar Advises Georgia Man Against Making In ibe pending legislation, that the chines, A. E. Rowlands. and cuffs of black Moire. rThe skirt is made Trip Into Mexico. with three h hip flounces slanting from hip to knee. The dainty net yoke, My the senate will take up the bill for gen with fancy Auoctoied Print eral debate before the house com vestae, and elbow sleeves of Russian design add much to the charm of pretty Eatonton. Oa.. March Dr. O this dress. Others 2. J mittee completes the bill. are shown in Chiffon Taffeta. Crepe de Chine. Nolan of Eatonton, who has asked the NORTH-WESTER- Printed alale department at Washington to Senator Newlands, chairman of the N Crepes and Egyptian Crepes, In a magnificent choice investigate the death of his son. Dr. senate committee, said tonight AaeaW Ver Bntterlek'a Psttsrns. of the new spring shades. Frank Nolan, at Tamplco, Mexico, no part of the proposed legislation and who has considered going to Mex would be reported from the commit ico niinsen to investigate, tonight re tee until all features have been em WIRES AGAIN CUT ceived a telegram from Secretary bodied Into one bill and ho predicted Bryan advising, against the, Journey that this measure would not require The Dresses at $23.75 extended debate In the senate. The message read: CAHIMNZA III lit li OF MUI re exquisitely Dainty ' Ignoring the to nil beautiful In Chiffon and Lace, American consul at Tamplco revised house bill URAI'll Comil MCATION WITH JUAREZ. in new Crepes wires that body or son cannot be ex- create an Interstate trade commission the silk with nets and lace Dresses that humed until expiration of five years the senate interstate commerce coin ordinarily would be priced at ftO.OO 'Dresses that are Advise strongly that you do not go miltee has prepared as the keystone. Arrivsl el Mel Chief si Border Mill in copied by the best dressmakers but San mr to Mexico. section of the proposed anti-tru- bill. irrisín Now Eipeeled Moms Time Sat- never duplicated, at p Jo O Meager advices received here are a measure which differs materially urday. that Dry Nolan died March 6. after a from tho house measure. It proposes brief lllnesa The father desirea a commission of five Instead of three and The Mexico North .Wester wires tout! members would extend to the or J usier, were out of cuniiiitssldn ggslu . Tu aaS Telephone more 4 commission authority than does yesierasy, laus rutting err ueaeM vsr. Ktunlon St. Kxch. 390. the house bill, under which measure ustitno Csfrsnia, who ii now eit route ( the committee must await direction to the border city from Cetas Grandes, II él THE (he president, attorney UNITED STATES WKATHKK GRECIAN from general. rrom direct communication. II Is believed BUSCAD DAILY licl.LfiTIN. o.r either house of congress. federal Iiodrlgo One that filibustera under Ob.ervutlnnii Takes at p. as ?sth Time, S4, 1114. W. C. Today the senate re vedo are responsible for the 'si Heridlas starch Burnett, at Santa Rosa, Pays ihulrurllon of Preclpl- - TODAY newed consideration of the evils of the line In pursuance of tholr announced Temperature wind tailor, holding companies language to ACROSS THK LINK and the Intention harass the Carrañas party sa Loweat Velocity last 24 A Personal Tribute to Bill" to bo Incorporated In the anti-tru- li proceeds to Highest last Stste of per hours. "Buffalo Juarei. 18 p.m. today, ' bill, which would prohibit forms jf Carrañas slesseoes Get i night, weather. Direction. hour, lurhes Another Keystone Comedy hroush Abilene 10 19 S Cloudy 8 M noidlng companies held to be Injuri- peaplte the interruption or the line be It i Aranrtllo W W 40 It. Cldy. W 14 .09 f Eli iTi'lTi J THK RKXJC ous. This, it was said, would differ iween Cssaa Grandes and the border, (ion Atlsuta jS 5 4 C'lssr si 13 .00 t materially from the separate Dill 1 eral Cananas waa still able lo cummuni Boise, ldabo &f 84 Cloudy 8 .00 Special Two-Re- Feature. regulate holding companies recently rate with J liaron yesterday, his metwasea Boston a so Clear 8W .00 Introduced In tho house. Other fea being sent to Chi huahua over the Mexico I'M. UK" W 58 84 Pi. '1,1 j. SH 14 .00 Learn the Latest Dance, the Mai lie. of the senate bill will lines and thence relayed Clcirluuutt B8 08 84 Clear SB 4 .00 tures Include lo ver to B0 ao provisions prohibiting Juaret over the National sys lieu Pt. Cldy. N 20 M With our Mutual Girl Friday. certain forma telegraph Iietrult 38 48 O K, lent. It, Cldy. . 10 .00 of directorates and to tniluth, Minn W 20 Clondy NK 20 .00 regulate the Issuance of railroad so At Kan Pedro l ast Night Kl, PASO 87 10 sa dear W 27 .00 ouritlea. Monday ulglit (enera) carranca s parly (islveslon 4 B3 Cloudy SB 12 .00 Hearings on the t bills will slopped at Corramos. leaving- there early llHvre. Mont 24 Snow NW 14 .04 bo reopened Thursday by yesterday mm num. night tbey went ,1a. lcsunvtlle SO 08 43 Cleir NK 8 .00 the hnu bast It.ica S4 8 ., Judiciary committee at request Into camp at Han Pedro. The vanguard Little 44 Cloudy 8K 14 .00 the I .os Angeles B "0 .V4 H of Represnntutlve McCoy to allow or General carraiua's escort is traveling Cloudy 8 .00 At the Bijou Nashville " .'IS Pt. Cldy. Hfal 8 .00 William II. Ingersoll of New Jersey, everni miles in advance or the main bisly New Orlcsiua "0 8 40 Cloudy sr. 12 .00 a watchmaker, to discuss price fixing. The easel date or the supreme chler's ar New urt " i jr cienr V 8 .oo "ON THK No other witnesses will be heard. rival si Juarez bas not been determined as (ImallH B8 00 34 lluln S 12 .00 yet. but Juarex orrirlals do nut believe he Plioeulx r 7 B4 Clesr W 8 .00 AI M. TAB OF PATRIOTISM" will he able lo reach the border cliy Rapid City, 1... J 82 20 Cloudy N 12 .111 SENATOR FROM COLORADO be l!..e ell 'O "2 STILL MAKING FIGHT fore Saturday. 48 Pt Cldy. SW II! .00 A Bathe Two-Pa- Feature. POR 'HI. "8 04 44 Pt. (illy. S Ml .00 WATER OF RIO GRANDE Luke li. BO B2 3J Cloudy SK 4 .02 Hp tn. Hlt "CHILDRKN OF DBNTINY" 4,ciuf.d iVeaa sit mil ion in Peru. Hnu Antonio 0 08 fio .Cloudy 8K .08 Washington, Match 21. By the Amoclatrd l"rra . Man Francisco . B3 clear SW 12 .Oil Charges that the treaty betwoan New York, March 24. The serious Hunt ii Fe B0 BO 30 Clesr NW 14 .00 Thursday "The Khcriff and the the United States ness of the situation Lima, Peru, Hen tie 40 48 42 llalli NK 4 1M and Jn Waahiiigton ... 40 SO 34 Clesr SK 0 joa a picture creating Ibe, water com- dispatches reported u gen Rustler" wtlh some boundary where have Wichita. Kaa. 82 08 40 Ft. Cldy. A 20 00 action. mission "Involves a scandal" and eral strike and collisions between the Yuiua 70 B4 Clesr S 0 .00 that the state of Colorado has opposing parties, has been greatlv suffored direct damage of 1 exaggerated, according to cablegram 000 because of the prohibition received today uy Edwurcl lllgglnsoii state-wid- e enforcement of the pro- tary corespondent, a strong liberal, In 1SI6, under the treaty of use I'eruvlan The mes hibitory Hi nor law. admits the government Is in troubled of the flood sage congress waters of the ltlo said that was unable to II. Albert Oardner of Patten, mem- waters and that a situation has arisen Grande In that state, were made ssemhle owing to the impossibility of which will teat mettle skill of today by ber of the Progressive national com- the and Wigwam Senator Thomas of Colo- obtaining a quorum but thnt this was mittee, was unanimously nominated the premier. rado. TheJjscnutor i In f Theatre urt;d his res- not l be Interpreted the sense for governor. MATIN KE DAILY olution to grant to Colorado the hostility toward the provisional gov Seltsst Hiol. right to sec- Special Music from 2:10 file suit against the eminent. Ity the Aaaoetsled Press Jbst aaiBBwCaaWaSnaBmL! to S:t0. retary of the Interior to deter- To Mexican Waters. Come to the matinees and avoid the Beiraat, March SS.-- psrty riot occurred mine ownership of the flood wa- Maine Progressives. By fir oíd .I Vcm night crowds. ter. H the JasnMsOd fresa .(. In Oromac square early this morning, Maro Island, Cal., March 24. Or "BLIND fowl It Senator Thomas said a test In Hangof. Me., March - 4 A strong sionoi and other mlaallea were thrown and Three-ree- would show that settle- stand for prohibition was by ders to proceed to Mexican waters l exclusive feature, with court the taken revolver snots , were fired. A Isrge force ment of the bound- state re- Romanic Fielding International Maine Progressives at their fust tor patrol duty on completion of or police dispersed the Many per- and four El ary dispute made In today candi- rioters. in the treaty convention to nominate pairs were received today by the cruis- sona wers (lightly Injured and several Pasosni the oast J esa Robinson, ought to Investigated. re- be Me dates. Their platform advocated the er Annapolis from the navy depart- were arrested. Jack Matthews and Mrs. and Miss hearsed every phase of the ne- submission of the question of national ment. The Annapolis, which has been Rockwell. gotiations and declared that "suc- prohibition to the people of every under repairs here since her return FRIDAY "KATHLYN," No. e cessive secretaries of state from state and pledged the party to a strict from Mexico a couple of months ago. Richard Ulney to the present in- Is expected to be ready to leave the cumbent In 1(10, either had been yard March t(. THICK, 6L0SSY HAIR grossly deceived or had turned deaf ears to petitions which hsd "GASCARETS" ARISTOCRATS IN TUE MUTINY been thundered at them." 10 GENT (Continued Page 1.) FREE FROM DANDRUFF from Bditor El Paso Morning Times It has evolved but one Buffalo Bill GOVERNOR COLOI ITT Dear Sir; Oil a beautiful Kansas fs In him you find th picturesque IS RECOVERING HORSUn YDU ' but STRAIGHTEN UP plain that the Labor men are under morning, long ago, the writer, then u real hunter, warrior, scout cow- STOIJKN I VERGA HA. and Crawford ll)M a misapprehension In supposing that Girls! Heanitfy your hair! Make It small child, started from Lawrence, boy, companion and friend of such the officers were so ready to fire on Kansas, on a Kansas Pacific train, for US' i M it. Press soft, fluffy and luxuriant moo as the Immortal Custer. A strange Whcu hesulachy, bilious, constipated. strikers. aliña, Kansas, the then western but sdmirable combination, leirlslaiur. Eagle Pass, Tex.. March ' terminus of the railroad. The occa- TODAY General Guajardo, 2. stomach sour, breath bad. Among the many unconfirmed ru- Statesman, a hero of hand to hand commander of mors published la report Try as you will, after an application sion was a buffalo hunt excursion, death conflict with the powerful Ml Night the Mexican federal garrison at the that of Danderlne, you cannot single quite common In those days. Most of savage and Piedras Negras, Colonel Seely, secretary of stats for find a Indian chief Yellow , Hand, a Walter McMillan denied today that (let a in em box now. trace of dandruff or falling hair the events of the trip are forgotten. patriotic, soldier; deadly Offers any of his soldiers were by war. has offered to resign, and is and a pistol and killed Turn the rascals out the headache. likely to disappear, as the minister your scalp will not Itch, but what will Two things, however, so impressed the rifle shot, quick and cool; the honest the fire of the Americans In the child-min- d they even today, fight l.illousneas, indigestion, the sick, sour responsible .i the blunder which please you moat will be after a few that are border officer, courageous and with Amerlchn soldiers at gases use, you vividly remembered. .One was an ex- Mr. Albert Taylor McKce's Crossing Sunday. stomach and foul turn them precipitated the crisis that spilt the weeks' whon see new hair, prese and better than all a kind, keep out I e fin and downy yes car rul,l with hind quarter d .and genuine gentlemun! The federals who fired on out tonight and them with cabinet. David and at first but manylded the CuscuretS. Winston Spencer Churchill really new hair growing all over of buffalo, still having hide and whom it is an honor to know and a In American troops are at Las Va- and their hair on. The other was the figure, joy greet. cas, four miles from Millions of men and women take a adherents being angry at Premier As- - the scalp. to Such a man la William McKee's form and face of Buffalo Bill, the of- Frederick Cody, (Buffalo BHD Crossing, ami a force of several Cascaret now and then and never qulth and the moderates for yielding A little Danderlne immediately dou- ficial born know the misery caused by a lasy officers, outcome is buffalo kUler of the railroad at In Scott county. Iowa, in pony "MY hundred consthutlonsllsts are the and the not bles th beauty of your hair. No dif- that time. express . campad a few miles up liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom unlikely to be a new radical govern- ference how dull, faded, rider, hunter, scout, Indian the river. brittle and Years have flown, buffalo is no fighter, soldier, legislator General Guajardo today re-- ach. ment, headed by Lloyd George scraggy, just moisten with the and show- i a cloth more, man, y FATHER'S turned one of the horsee Don't put in another day of distress. The Morning Post con- Danderlne carefully but the hunter, Buffalo Bill is , stolen and other aad draw it with us yet. see. although W. C. from Clemente Vi-ara- 10 Adju- Lt Cascare ts cleanse your stomach; servative papers boldly assert that through your hair, taking one small 8ovtu that BURNETT. tant General Hutching remove the sour, farmsntlaa' food; always new to many. Buffalo Bill is Santa Rosa, N. M.. March 22 in 14 SON" of Texas the triumvirate, I.loyd George, Seely strand at a time. The effect la im- so an old to us. same and promised that tea take the excess MIe from your liver and Churchill, formed a your others of This - other deliberate mediate and amaaing hah will and only Buffalo Bill wHI occupy A Sparkling Comedy la horses would be delivered- later. and cany out all the constipated plot to coerce Ulster by employ-me- a the be light, fluffy aad wavy, and have page In American history sa a char Poor Acta. waste matter and poiaon la the of troops, went beyond appearance In- has learned how to make a goat glv Weather and thus an of abundances an acter entirely unique. There never POPULAR PRICK: Forecast. ooweia. Than you will feel great. the Intention and knowledge of the comparable luxu- cwiw wuvn muía, u yields ai (rc- - St Iks 4, muck. d Press A lustre, softness and was bat one and narrar will be u, tOc and Sftc Cascaret tonight straightens you prime minister and other members of riance, the beauty and of Washington, March 14.- out by morning. They shiramsr another. Changed conditions forbid. Night, Uc, SAe Mo Wset work while the cabinet. true hair health. to learn one thing every day. and Tjuva-Fa- Wednesday; Thursday you sleep. a box from aay The wild snd woolly west hs Toaaorrow Night: This plan, they assert, was lo ar- Get a IS neat bottle of Knowl Ion's evolved many and varied characters. uiisruicu sig coiaer. drug store mesas a olear head, sweet rest the Ulster leaders. aay "A New Mexico Pair Wednesday; stomach cleaa, healthy - Lut the Danderlne from drug; store or the sure enough "bad man," the Imita Three girls were recently found hid- Miim.. From Man" and liver aad conspiracy- tailed, they aay, toilet counter, prove your ., Thursday cloudy and colder. bowel action for months. Children and that tion, stage cowboy and scout, the den In an opium den in San Francis,-- Arisons the plotters misunderstood the feeling near is as pretty aad soft as any that western ruffian, law officer to probably because they ware Pair Wednesday and love Cascareis because tbey never Of the officers. turned afraid prouaoiy jnursuay. srlpe or atoase. Injured by indulge in legalised murder, and many amé cruel man would wlak at The Daily Qhr other characters good aad bad, but them out on the main thuruughfarasv KWUy. March 25, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES mmmmmmmmm 5 hat is Woman CLEANUP FIRST TWOnCKEfliW Beauty but Healths WEEK IN APRIL FIELD IN DEMIN5 And the Basis of Hr Health and Vítor Um In the Careful Reu-- MAYOR KKCtiT CALLS II POX CITI RIMRRMivKrt OCT TO' BRAT HKUtt Utioa oí Um Bowels. AT ZENS TO FOR BAARO OT TWt'MTKXS KOMINATK CAN- - if woman's beauty depended upon t IV BKAUT1F1 b. hum If r OR of 1 1( I Hhetlcs, every woman would be a fí'ru"' "r loveliness. But beauty lies K.I Pean lttv Prnmlneni than rilani in . ... Men Is Beth rsetlnna and Llvsl !Mcr that. It lies in health. treat. Should Be Made Cleaner, De- - Campaign Leaked Between New nc OX for ssd majority al caaea the baste Municipal nprn 7. na the cause of sickness, con ciares Kxecnure. ree to the Mnlrw of the bowels. headaches, the lassitude, the Whan asked by a Morning Times Bp 7" latea Special Oorrrtpondenl w skin and the lusterless eyes are reportar yesterday if El Paso would Deming, n m March si in Um uy due to constipation. Bo many coming election of city was aug join with other cities of Texas in trustee In the Infanta' ande PkiltVo m that women do habitually con mented early this week when the present r ei-- waaaaiaa observing general clean-u- p day tó this trouble. They do not eat a uoarn. compqsen or John Corbet, presl vil kIVl Illy, they eat Indigestible foods Mayor Kelly aald: "I will direct tha dent or the Hank or Deming; S. Llndsaar Second ase Floor Aisle Three the foods are served daintily city counell next Thursday at its meet- a pioneer merchant; C. J. Kelly, N. A they do enough. folien, another not exercise But ing to set aalde the first week In. April pioneer merchant, and And we are admirably equipped never the particular cause may be, Julius Rosch, a pioneer carpenter, an- to supply all dress wants for Spring and Sum- aa clean-u- p Important a general week. While nounced themselves as re- mer. that the condition candidates far Children's and Infants" wear has always been a feature with us, and our Hld be corrected. El Paso la the cleanest city in the election and that they would neither com- showing this ideal remedy for Women, and MRS. C. 8. VANCE. state and for that matter in the entire promise nor allow their names to appear season is fully in keeping with our purpose of making this the pecial ly on any other ticket. The suited to their delicate their effect is only for that day, while southwest It has always been the pol- proarealves. most satisfactory little folks shop MBkre menta, fa rr r'iriwti'a Simm genuine composed or some or tba younger clUtana in the Southwest. a remedy like Syrup Pepsin icy of my office to aet aalde not only oi promptly ffiBlti, which thousands of women en- ueming, decided to hold a II A 11 acts mildly but permanently. a IN VI. M Our Infanta' De- dorse highly, amanar Mra a. S. a day but an entire week for cleaning convention and meeting was called to at- SPRING COATS For girls, sizes 2 then. It can be conveniently obtained at tend Ike Crystal Saturday partment radiates with the beau- Vnnce, of Ml S. Ray St.., New Castle, any drug up the city each spring ,al theatre after- to 14 years, in new woolens, checks store at fifty cent or one noon. tiful new dainty apparel for the times she had spells of Indl- - dollar a bottle. Results are always "El Paso la the only otyy In tits and solid color materials; alao taf- kaiÍStlOll SO HovarÉ Pratresslve Convention Lively. Little Tot. We once more want to the ha tt.nnh ah. guaranteed or money will be The meeting was called p. m fetas In black with colored cuffs die. Syrup Pepsin refunded. state of Tezaa that employs a largo tor i bul call the attention of mothers to ami regulated her You will find It gentle. In action, pleas wagons the theatre wig packed shortly 1 the and collars, black iaeh and number of that are exclusively after fact tho satin with lace bowels, and she attributes ant in taste, and free from griping. utilised for cleaning; up o'clock. When the convention was called that staff of salesladies In and embroidery collars gAXccllent health today to rem- - the streets this department and cuffs, this ana its tonic properties have a distinct and alleys. These wagons ara kept to order by one or those present J. 8, are well Informed silk poplin In new shades of tan, value to women. It la the moat widely busy every day in the week and as a Vaught. a young attorney or the city, was In regard to the needs or the in- 'the famllv temii Ttr laxatlve-tonl- blue and . nn fnl.l. used c In America todav. result the Pasa City has the distinc- made permanent chairman. Alter a snort fant. For many years they S'i'Syrup Pepsin, for ' have thousands of and thousands of families are now tion ot being the cleanest city In skirmish the following ticket was nomi- been dressing the El Paso bables. PARTY AND DANCING FROCKS srs give It to babies and children. never It. nated: Mliion m. De Puy, one without Texas. Every property owner and formerly of We ask you to come on us, For girls to IB yearR old. Made o admirably aulted to the re Families' every the editors and publishers or the Graphic and call wishing to try a free sam- resident ot the city is asked look at tho exquisite things of lace, embroidery, chiffon, pussy lia ot elderly people. In fact. ple bottle to general g and known at a live wire; Dr. P. M. Steed, for can obtain It postpaid by Join in the Tiny Tots. willow silks, taffetas. fho by reason of ago or ln- - addressing or. Wi B. Caldwell, 41 the first week of the coming month who has always rougbt tor the advancement I cannot stand aalta. or Deming; frank Nordhsns, or BABY COATS Made of harsh Washington St., Monticello. 111. A ona and to give the city a thorough head the rich Wool I. INI N DRKSSES The leader of tics, pills or These tal with your name cleansing." Nordhaus department store; J. 0. Cooper, Crepes, Serges,. Cheviots and riquen, Id card and address or the season, made In all tho new always be avoided, tor at best on it win do. Nearly all the cltiea of the south-we- cashier the First state bank, and Judge the long style with hand embroid- B. Y. McKeycs, United styles, including "Oliver Twist" and and for that matter practically states commissioner ery on the collar and shawlv. also every city in the United States of and classed as being strong ror more pro- "Amsterdam" styles. In tho new gressive ideas in local city the short stylea for the larger babe. green, since given up posi- any size observes a general clean-u- administration. shades of rose, blue, also jhee and has bis day, The election will bo held April 7, and LONG COATS For infant, a made AUGUST tion at a salary of f 75 in a banking but El Paso has always set aside It Is whltea and natural linen. BELMONT a week for the purpose. Mayor Kelly expected thai the Interval will see of allk with beautiful embroidered house of August Belmont & Co. some active campaigning. It la has largely muk-in- hard to collars and nhawls. INTERMEDIATE DRESSES A Counsel for the plaintiff objected to been instrumental In rtnd any special Issue, El Paao the cleanest town In the spsrl from the clash SHORT COATS babies, long felt want filled. We have me aamiasion or Mr. Belmont's testl of ronservstlve and progressive Ideas, For made FiinFMPP mony, claiming southweat and also in promoMng the of wool and silk crape, serge. Bed- these In linens, ginghams and ra- r.m it did not "tell all the which-I- t is claimed the two Tactions hold. story." ciVlo pride that is displayed by Its ford tines. UIILU LIIULllUL Justice Greenbaum decided R. 1.. Miller, who Is an extensive land- cord and pique. Sires up to citizens la such a potent factor 6 to accept the testimony aa partial that holder here, baa disposed or a large years. In making 4t the city beautiful. block CARRIAGE COVERS Sheets and Pillow Cases-H-and evidence and to give oounsel for or his stock In the state bank KW YORK BANKER TKI.I.s young First and LONG DRKSSKS For infanta, with lace em- styles. NEW Mrs. Belmont the right to ex has resigned as vice president and and embroidered unn rut; E August director. broidered yokes and bottoms; some BIBS uuni w amine books of Belmont & Co. VITAL He lert last week ror the eait. It Is not have hand FOR INFANTS Hand embroidered. POVERTY OF HIS SON. RECORD NIGHT-IN-- and the capitalist sub- dertnltely known whether he win return embroidered embellishments. FLANNEL ALES SaCques, Shawls sequently. here. KIIORT and Hand embroidered Skirts. The will be Births. DRKSSKS For the baby and little glrla, trial resumed Friday. Columbus Besrd Ule Answer. made of the softest CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Of glnuhsm, TALPIS To J. H. Talpis and wife, The white materlala, trimmed with Ms left aa Remnant i,r at in mm 608 Prospect 27, trusleea ot Hie town or Columhu8 lacv, embroidery, urepe, ratines, chambray, percale, and SEE NEW DATUCHT - street. Feb. a boy. have riled their answer ribbon and rosebuds; somo madras. Estate. ls- PRia To H. H. and wife, 3501 in the mandamus made of net, These are all made In the nobby long SENGER SCHEDULE BETWEEN EL Frla proceedings directing Ihem to pass an or- Including French atyle. SUes up wal.;ted Bliss street. March 11, a boy. 8 ntyles, including ASO AND R08WELL VIA E. 1. dinance closing the saloons of Columbus. to years. the "Sunshine Effect." the "Bo- i lie- l WILLIAMS To C. U. Williams Ateoaiale-- Prtee fS. W. R. R. AND CARRIZOZO-ROS- - and In the district court, and the case lero" and tho "Dorothy." wife, 905 Mesa avenue, March 19. a will CAPS FOR INFANTS A heautlful assortment York. March 24. After Will, AUTO SERVICE, UNDER PAR-SOL- For children, mad of riclvssllks and It 11 .Ki AI . AUTOMOBILE boy. with ribbon rosettes, rose liuds and other ribbon, Raymond Belmont TIME QEHDES other materlala, in the new hell shape, with gath- married TABLES. (Adv.) To Henry Qerdes and O. lace and embroidery trimmings. Borne all i. Hampahlre or Hurley, was a bus- laco erings, In a beautiful variety Uthel T.orralne, who had passed as wife, 161. Wyoming street. March 7. iness styles. of colors. visitor In the clly this week. I aja actress, but had never been on Adair a girl. L. IN DERM SL1NS FOR THE CHILDREN Prin- the .Denominated. E. Roberts and wife or Omaha. Neb., SILK PRINCESS SLIPS To be worn under pretty itage, his August Belmont, By the Aseociatrd Prtee arrived In the city Sunday cesa slips, daintily trimmed with ribbon and laces; father, cut Deaths. and arter spend- white dresses. Sizes up to 6 years. off his allowance, accodlng to y Bluffton. Ind., March 24. Con- ing three weeks here with friends will drawers, gowns, skirts add underwalata. given by the capitalist aa a gressman John A. M. Adair of Port- GARCIA- Infant son of Concepción leave for the Paciric coast. Qarcla 1014 8. Mrs. E. TRINKKTS FOR THE BABY 'fitness for his son today In the su-- land was renominated by the Demó- ana wife, St. Vraln J. llollberg or Hurley, was In - Hie ilaby HeonrdH, Rattles, Tol HEAD WEAR FOR GIRLS reme court, where the young man is crata of the Eighth district in con- street, March 23. Burial InConcordla city last week on her way to El I'aso. defending a separation suit brought vention here this afternoon. Catholla cemetery. i. K. Welch or Aicliison, Kan., is among let Sots, Teething Rings, Made In Panama, Hemp, rVTBRTtAVFellx aarert 7S Hie newcomers In the valley Clothes Ilangnrs, Celluloid nu wile. Sierra who will Braid, I.are, Embroidery and August Belmont testified as to his Japanese Cabinet Resigna. years. 1014 Missouri street, March 23. make this section tbeir new home. Floaters to put in Baby's pervlslon over tho estate and prop- - Bu the Aeeociattd Prtee Burial in Concordia Catholic ceme- H. J. Bishop, a well known mining man many Satin. All neweat modela tery. or buu otner items. iy or nis son since tne boy was Washington, 24. Dougla. Aril., was In the city Satur- yoain, March Carefully day on his way rn. The youth has a few dogs and y uirciou uy wie iron ruie ot custom GONZALEZ Solidad llonzalex, to Mogollón, where he has men lett, Mr. Belmont aald. b aged 2 months, 606 Kansas street, mining Interests. against the vicissitudes of Internal T. er overdue drafts and other lncl- - DOlltlca the cvlo .)..l , ,.r;tt i..,..- ,.f March 24. Burial In Concordia Cath- E. Prlngls of Albuquercpie, stopped Japan will unaffected by olic cemetery. over In the cliy a short time Saturday on remain the RAMIREZ son his way to California remains today but $14.000 In his i mmaauuii ot Infant of Jose and Arizona points. a n tne Japanese caoinet E. 0- Adams came rrom preeent under which ieu unc, estimating tne securities as a result of the disagreement of the Ramlres and wife. 901 Park street, down Fort Bay- the men have n tne present market value. two houses of lament over March 24. Burial in Concordia ard Sunday on his way lo El Paso. ULSTER ORANGE agreed to continue work, union load-er- a narl the assyrt that a Mr. Belmont said his son's net Catholic cemetery. strike was not Immi- Washington 24. rol-cn- nent. The policy March Lieut, was about $600 annually. anticipated by officials WBLKER Lindley M. Welker, NELSON O'SHAUGHNESSV. committee of the William L. Hlebert, of the here that aged 47 years, Cnlted Mine Workers sum- builder When the defendant was ill years there will he no sn ht: ni hi I on street oar in East has been Qatun dam and the Oatun locks of I.I. in May, 1600, hie estate was negotiations El Pjisv, i Remains shipped Returns to, Mexico City and Says REVEALED moned to meet hera tomorrow, and the CjmU, the rotie of 4he that have PLOT the leaders Panama has finished that e:h more than 1140.000. the father usen in progress tne to Los Angolas, Cal. H llcnlih "fa (.reaUy Improved. men's announced thai work und was today ordered to Wash- between united WEBB-Ne- they expected to fled. When Raymond married, States and .la nun over the nnestinn nf llie Webb, aged 22 years decide on a line of ington to await further assignment by 1012, Mr. Belmont .added, he was Japanese land ownership 104 Texas street, March 23. Burial in Mexico City, March 84. Nelson action that would prevent a labor the chief uriny engineers, Hrtgadier in this Concordia cemetery. i) nnaugnnessy, REDMOND DECLARES CARSON crisis in tho minea. country. the American charge AND HIS ARMY HAVE NEVER General Kingman. d'affaires, who returned today rrom INTENDED TO FIGHT. Colonel Slebert has served as a Eaat Laa Vegas Fire. Vera Crus, Is much Improved in Pciuisylvanla Strike. member of the lathinlon canal com- East Laa Vegas, N. M March 24. health. He aald that the report that Bi the Aeimintrit Prttl mission and as engineer in charge of Fire starting in the hardware ware- ho had determined to resign his post Waa to Appearance tho Atlantic division. Plan Put of Pittsburgh, Pa., March 24. a house of L. Wllfeld tonight spread to was erroneous. l lglit and by Society Inriucnoes an adjacent saloon, then to the New General Alberto Guajardo, com- Array Ofricers. of striking brakemcn, conduc- Mexicans Fleo Across Line, Mexico hospital for the Insane, where mander of the federals at Pledraa tora and yardmen of the Mononga-hel- a Bu Ihe Awnititctl it was checked with but little damage Negras, Prtee has sent to the foreign office division of Ihe Pennsylvania Laredo, Tex., March 24 to the hospital. the demand of Governor Colquitt, B) the .i.'.nni, Píete Constitu- aairinti flio of railway, who have on n tionalist reports tonight Indicated thut fifir? Racing to the fire, a hose wagon Texas, for the extradition of re- London, March 14. "The CluHr been strike those a large sua ar bl, n w as m. flung Richard since lasl Saturday, number of Mexican soldiers ... Fireman Smith Into a sponsible for the death of tho Ameri- Grange plot haa been ruvealed," John and a statement had crossed inlo the Ktilted .&. ditch.' He was aeriously injured. can, Vergara. by States E. Redmond, the leader of the Irtah J. B. Hendricks, genural chairman during the battle of tluerrero. Itebel The foreign minister. Señor Portillo Natlonulmt parly, said In a statement of tho Order of Hallway Conductors, reports declared iOO de- y Rojas, fuderals had BOWLING SCORES. expressed the opinion that today to thu Associated Breas. that the strike was without the suiic-llo- serted. General Guajardo'a proper of the order were among de- Store Your Goods action was "Sir Edward Carson," he said, "and the United States army officers on pa- In denying Governor 'olquitt' right his army huve not und never had the velopments. It was reported that trol duty, CACTI 9 BOWLING AMI ATHLETIC CLUB. to eight who would have charge of make such a demand but aald that Intention of fighting. Aa u coal minea had suspended oper- Interning the fugitives, had not re- the government wan giving the ques- ni bun foruo against tho regular ation owing to a shortage of car ported to llpadipiartera early tonight. With Us Duck Pin Match. tion due consideration. troops .. 7 89 101 77 CO 33 they could not hold out fot c. Williams VI M Ki 83 419 a wee ..It ;i Our big concrete fireproof warehouse offers IOS For Retired Methodist Ministers. "Th vas Ir ip the every W. J. Bryan ..94 VI VI 89 40? the 0y asiuclsfed Prrte pea ra tice u fight. by facility for storing furniture, household Wllllamantlc, Conn March 24. k Infla tlcClB 01 BUYING OUR goods, 910 t&l 978 SM m 1919 pies? cltiy GROCERIES for half a million dollars was the Brltlali rmy. Hy this i ann hey trunks, personal effects, made tonight by Kev. C '. Clemenn, to In large quantities from jobbers etc. We handle your loa Wolfe .., . 99 0 M 90 01 441 Intended ntimldato the govcrnnnm and from packers in of Des Moines, la., the. formal of HiltlHl H. Brieib .... . 87 78 79 90. 9 493 si and to del it the will Iho car lota goods carefully and opening of tha seventy-fourt- Tl we get them much cheaper than other stores guarantee that they will be I. Caliiber .. .. 71 89 99 81 76 419 animal people. session of the New Kngland southern era of sotn f the crack :valry regl and are able to sell you your groceries protected from fire, conference of the Methodist-fciptaco-p- for much less dust and vermin. Special at- 47 999 913 Ml 937 ISS7 menta oftlcen by ari tlocrats liai Margin . church. fully disclosed the plan than any other store in the Southwest. tention given to crating and forwarding goods High game Bryan 109. Dr. Clemens aald that whan the pulgu. High total Bryan 7. noara oi comeicnce claiinuuta wuh "Tho Issue v raised is when desired. For any further information, call organised In 1908 the church one even than me rule fu VELVA BREAKFAST SYRUP 9605,000 STOCK FOR PLAYERS. to retired mlnlstere, It Is whether democrats h ull Phone 2166. The amount haa grown steadily until ment Is to be and dl Quart Gins 15c; sold elsewhere at 25c asi year It was increased to 11,100, by drawing Brooklyn Fedérala Stand Chance ot tated to tha Full Gallon Gana. . .30c; sold elsewhere 000. but at least another hslf mil London and by that sectlun of offlcor at 45c Becoming Magnates. lion dollars la Our Kates Are Lowest Be the Mecíales Prtet needed, he said. of the British army who uru arlslro hull Gallon Cana 60c; sold elsewhere at 85c crals and violent Tory partlaans. Baltimore, Md., March 34. Presi- WIU B. Hart Be Umpire. "The cause of Irish freedom ha dent 8. Ward of the Brooklyn Fed- B the Aeeoetateú Prtee eral club today disclosed a In this flglit become tho cause u ROYAL BAKING POWDER Cincinnati. O., March 34. William popular freedom plan for the players of his and ordered liben 12 OZ. 41), H Paso Storage Warehouse Co. club. player Hart, a veteran pitcher and for sev- throughout the world. It Is imposal Cant 30c: sold elaewhfre aI Each will have an eral years an umpire In In the club proportioned to the Southern ble to doubt what tho result of cue! salary league, tonight anneunoed that Pres- a fight would be. the he receives. ident Tener of the Best Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds, 90c 218 South Stanton Street Shares of common stock win National leaaue had "The sooond reading of the honi set aalde for the a bonua and "r,d. ?J,ilhi,rS?.."lUht h wu,f rule bill will be taken Monday uti when organisation the bill will bo proceeded with uuti AVONDALE dividends are declared they win this season. CANNED GOODS profit the ame aa the original holders It finds a place on the statute books. Hart and Teotr were former team ándala ..o lac; elsewhere DOn OI SIOCK. mates. "I know the scheme will be sue, INDUSTRIAL WORKER, uidaio Corn tfti-- l elsewhere 4Uu ceasful," Mr. Ward aald. experi- Solid I'ac Maryland Tomatoes "I've Flying of 36c mented with it In my business ami it Boats to Race. Trial Frank Taunenbuum Waa lie. .HEMsaaiajBieaBiaiBiBiBiaiai sn s ss works with ' I he Ait'., la ted Prtee gun In New York YeeMrda.. srs SKtrssi out wonderful results g laa ti.,i Prtee The employes feel their connection New York. March 24. A New Guaranteed Fresh Eggs, Dozen, 25c with industry. rao for flying boats and New York, March 24 When tha the Largest ' aeroplanes this aprlng la being con- trial of Frank Tanncnbaum, the tilse Hackagn Katra Fancy Evaporated kg If There Is One White Nov II, B; Portland templated, according to tentative plana youthful leader of the Industuai Cold Dust fur 20c Apricots, t the. for OOC Thing l. to- M$ laa Pre announced tonight by tha Aero club Workers of the World, waa begun 1 Kara While .star Noap aee4aa of day, Sunbeam Kvapurated em . 24.--- America. The race will be for a throng .,f his followers who aanta Rosa, Cal March speed 25c Pitted Cherrhje, per seoona team of Chicago and the competing machinas will be attemped to enter tha courtroom were tl Bunny pK. JDC the Amerl refused admittance. Only tian Monday or any better tháta another that we like to cana defeated tbe Portland team u required to carry two baasenaara each those White Laundry Boap 10 Iba Bal Soda the Northwestern league, 10 1, wireless equipment capable of sending with the case were allowed In ror to hers , for 25c get today, public schools nio preservers th room. 25c at Watson's Grocery it's their Thi ware closed and Fancy U4 SacU and many business houses vé their fire extinguishers. The date of th Tha defendant led, the. mob of Idle i I'ounde Japan Pound Monaroh aay tart has not been men that Invaded St Alphontus' Head Hice for 25c Flour (or 75c cmpioye frnai( on. fixed. ' noore; R. E. ohurch on Iho evening of March t. I'uunda Lump Oluaa H. They aleep in B lb, for Chicago h I o Ame loan Can Butt. demanded a place to Ntarrh lor 25c fl.sS MERIT t 1 By las J urn-l- led the church. This waa refused them " BUTTER Portland t 9 Prtte Packagss Corn March I Large Cna Van Camp Batteries Quarders and Sullivan; New York. March 24 The and In th subsequent turmoil nearly Of Anierl. 200 ar- for 15c Milk for sCaC Bromley, Stanley. Batllate and Hock- - can Can company, defendant, men and one woman were which is always pure with I of i'.xtia Fancy Evaporated and sweet. atrow, Coleman, Murray. subsidiaries under the Sherman anti- rested. Tanncnbaum accuaed Oallon Cans Plums or qa trust law an an alleged combination participating In an act of unlawful Peaches, per pound 10c Qrapea for JUC Gibbons Outpoint Chris tie. in restraint of (rada, enterad Into an assemblage. They are also getting fresh Bt th$ auoclolfd Prtee Illegal agreement with an independent 8 Pounds Genuine Mexican Bean for I I KM- - MU 25c Hudson, Wig.. March it Mike can manufacturer, Bdwcrd B Den- REFUSED. 00 Pound Strawberries in every day now. Olbbons of St. Paul outpointed Uus ning, of Belftngham, Wash., with re- Genuine Mexican Pink Beane for . . $3.00 Christie of Indianapolis In a ten- - gard to supply fruit and oana, Lnltext Mine Worker and Hlluminous 12 oz. Bottles High round bout here tonight. according to government Coal Mlue Owners Fall to Agree. Grade Extracts, any flavor. Olbbons attorneys In By the AeetKtated f'reet had the better of seven rounds and th trial of the federal suit. Taking for , . ,89c the remaining three were even. of testimony in tbla Chicago. March refusal Thsy action waa begun of ot Watson's Groceries aieVmiddl eights. - tpd-t- before Udward Hacker, special the United Mine Workers Write or phone us the next list of groceries you need examiner. America to aceept the terma offered (iv and let show Jack White güaocked (n the bituminous coal mine owners us you how much money we will save Are Famous for Quality By the AeeooUtet Prtee of weetern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indi- you. Denver, Colo., March 24 ana and Illinois brought to an and 210-21- 2 51 atanlsv today joint wage ILaAs KLtT PHONE 5151 roakum of Beat Lea Vegas defeated hers the scale con White of Chicago Children Cry ference of the men and amployera. Jack la a scheduled FOR FLETCHER'S Although the present wage agree- Jackson-Standar- conteat here tonight White d Co. waa ment will expire one week from to Grocery knocked jtt la tho tenth rouhd. I day there is no understanding CASTOR A and at Phone 3832. 208-210-2- Milis Street EL PASO MORNING TIMES Wednesday. March 25. 19

a long time, and hi many friend throughout Texas mailt of firearm to thla country, though In certain Huerta. If Diss could not withstand the for The Isle of Long Ago. Ing an equitable dl I will rejoice to learn ha haa sufficiently recovered to year Oermany haa been the tending source. Ti platea for and fwo UlorninaCiraf Ok, wonderful stream la tha Htver Time. of the land. Huerta, who I a lesser Dlax, csflinot. reauma hi dutlc at Washington. Oovarnor Col- ara moat largely Imported from England; enameled one can withstand them. Mexico must struggle a l'ubllibtd in Tear As It runs through tha realm of tsars. lm tb br quitt In lata that Tcxaa ha baan without representa - rara, from Germany, Sweden and Austria; shotgun musicall rhyme, until aome leader emerges, with more than l.l. PASO TIMVK COM PANT With a faultless rhythm and a llon In the United State anata during the period of bárrela from Belgium, and embroidery and And a boundless sweep and a surge sublime, force, dr with better luck than he. who I.DUred In tba rotofflc El 'coi aa eondcla it Tum Culberson's Minea. machinery from England, France and Oermany. Aa It blends with the Ocean of Years. hlmaelf in line with thoae forcea and control malí matter. Annoying as the situation Is to this country moat case, however, Germany la tba leading aourca In How the winters are drifting, tlka flakes of anow. on aa It ia. the opinion is crowing that the best t Ousley Stands For. of tha manufacture of Iron and ateel Importad Into And the summers Ilk buds between. for Mexico Itself will be a continuation of the flghti What tha United States. And the year In the hcaf; su they come and. they go, there until some auch leader doea emerge. Friends of Clarence ouicy met In Kurt Worth On the river's breast with 1U .ebb and flow, Saturday and proceeded to organice (or tha purpose The New Mexico state corporation commission haa As it glides In the shadow and sheen. Heard on the City Streets. of shaping a vlgorou campaign Intereat of notified secretory of the New Mexico Wool Grow- In the the a magical up River Time, Thla old country looks good to me," says Lot has assigned for There's Isle the PUltMUN AOVI.ll lihl.NU KI.I'ItliSKNTATIVKf) hi candidacy for governor. Mr. Oualey haa laaued er association that the commission of playing; Heaa, merchant Of Sierra Mo Hslidlng Where the softest airs are the i New Vor. B. '. llerknltti Kpeelal Agency, Trbi a statement expressing hlmaelf aa oppoeed to the fee hearing In Albuquerque, on April 2 the case of the There's a cloudless KY and a tropical clime. Mexico. "After an absence of 1 months. Which I'uicag". c. Heekuttli Mpwtal Agote y. Tribuna BullOI! ... í Bun La railway. And roses are straying. I spent In Europe. I saw most of Europa and ai i ... 1 s li.LwIili uní. Atmrr. 3rd Nuil Haak Bldg. ayMtorn, in favor of divorcing the University of Texaa association against tha Fa Tha hear the Junes with the liarle Y. Murpüy, are many signs of progress In Germany and a, ni llarmrd. I and the Agricultural and Mechanical college, and de- ings will be held In the Commercial club, tha com Oro. villegae, C. C. llaiil.y. And name Is Long Ago, undoubtedly the most progressive country In Stj Mal growers the of the Isle the tuutixvd i:njr i olajctars G. Morgan Millar. Ollla claring thut in hie opinion the moat Important prob- plaint of the wool Including discriminations we bury probably coming second. Hut .n And our treasures there; with Prance after Ion. W K l.uvl.!-- lem In Texu at thla time Is the amelioration of the rates on both wool and sheep and various com There are brows of beauty and blossoms of snow; Ing your relatives and old frlenda over there SlJlISLillPiiO.N KATES. economic hardship that have come upon the farm-er- plaints about stockyard facilities and scale facilities. There are heap of dust but we loved them so! King the scenes of your childhood you Want Ill Mail In Ad rama) no place on cal (i of the tate. Mr. Uusley ears: Track. scale are asked to be Installed at Albuquerque, There are trinkets and tresses of hair. back to God's country. There la as good as the United States. The people Of Dally and Mnndnv. "I regard fee of paying public sérv- Magdalena, Hprlnger, Encino and Grants. Dally and Buuduy, three the ytem There are fragments of song that nobody sings. country get more real enjoyment out of life than Pally Hud Hiiti'iay. ni h enla us wrong In principle and tmwlmi in policy. It And a part of an Infant's prayer; people of any oilier country even if we ao uve. Hunday Tluir I, OIU! re- - any illy Carrier) la wrong In principle because It makes the emolu- Tobacco growing in tho state of Sonora has There's a lute unswept and a harp without strings sleep and work faster here than they do In ott n There are vows pieces oí rings, country. I a strange and gratifying elation wl x and Sutidiij, nne Ittoulh t ' ment of office dependent upon the amount of limi- elvcd such a setback in consequence of revolutionary broken and felt boII, Paso - And the garments that she used to wear. my feet again touched American and El gubaerlnera nhu full lo receive luelr paper rrgnlsrly are tation of the volume of crime n tint Instead of activity that the weed I becoming a very scarce artl- Itiat effect. the finest place In America. New York iquea.ed lo notify the tuudueaa offir I" upon iiHcful crvlce of the officer. b' In that portion of Mexico, and In many places the Ulve poMoffu-.- addre. lu full, luclndtng county aoa There are hands that are waved when, the fairy shore city, but It Is provincial, while El Paso though d ale. I:, .un i. y money order. Irnfl or reglalered letter. "II is unwise in policy because It tempts officer price of cigars has been more than doubled. A good a T)y the mirage is lifted In air; mopoUtan, breathes the atmosphere ,of our big, bri en liona i.). i.r...... t. .Vilnius ronneete lo direct their energies toward sources of peraonal quality of filler tobacco Is raised lu the state of 80 And we sometimes hear through the turbulent roar west and its big, breexy men of leparunenla. .ell oparnlor w 1,1. h employ or wnm wi"o Sweet voices we In the days gone before, west. I want tb tell you I never saw any place) III tie After p. m revenue and to multiply court costa and ex- nora, but the finer leaf for wrapping purposes to heard uient ymt all and connection uiaile. other has Is Europe or looked as good to lie lonowiiig Whenthe wind down the river fair. the United States that did on gumiii and bolldaya penses of public administration. II Is unjust to I it i - lie brought from the southern portion of the re answer direct. MIU, Mini. MOP, Kdliorlal;i'""Mil. Adrer- as El I'aso." t.atna inn) Irpiilnllnn. gante and leads often to the persecution of easy vic- public. Oh, remembered for aye be tho blessed Isle, eayk If tlia earrler falla fa deliver paper promptly, notify tims lnetead of the systematic prosecution of crime. All the day of our life until night; "I Just came down from Cloudcroft." over any of Ibe eliovo teleab When traveling Is beatttii ua Moreover, it has Wed erando! In ninny Instances, Col. JohnN. Simpson of Dallas, prominent cattle- - the evening comes with Its beautiful smile. Gale, the salesman, "and it a reflection., up tbo standing, character And our eyes are closing to slumber awhile. spot Just now. it Is wearing the dress of pi A Any erroneous Home of so Hie mun, banker. Confederate Itepubll er reputation of any paraon, firm corporation, which may them recent as lo make an veteran and the May that "Ureenwood" of soul be In sight! How is business? Why, it Is fine. My ,aab 1 lie Tor-l- appear In the column of The iica. will gladly can governor (1819-87- yeunjV - issue of present Importance to the good mimo of the nominee for of Texas in 1008, an Benjamin Taylor year are about 36 per cent in excess of last reeled upon Ir balug brought to mi. nil" i. of tin- man- Franklin gement. itatt noun, en his return to the Democratic party, and says this time und our house is making new cuabjrR every, day. I. recently nn automobile tour in1 Governor Campbell vetoed an appro while ho accepted the. Republican nomination for made Mr. Page Explains. Arizona, going all over the state and If statehooc priation a building Hie Agricultural Me- governor at ono tlnio In his career, always England's Trouble With Ireland. for at and he has re New York World. responsible for the development of Arizona tl chanical college on the basis of Its relation to the mnined 11 Democrat. He also gives out the very In Mr. Page explains his I .union speech has statehood Is the greatest thing that can come the IMnh parliament In 1801, that Since abolition of the university under the constitution, have insisted that teresting und satisfactory explanation that there Is been misunderstood In this country owing to the ex territory. laj the past 18 months I believe that rebelled ngalnst Kngllsh-maú- c property the people of Ireland have the two Institutions be separated in law. us they have no longer a Republican party. cessive condensation of his remarks. zona has doubled her values. Of cod for the restora- Is probably true, Mr. Page misses the Irrigation has bad everything to do with the del legialatlon. and hnvr rontetidcil been from beginning In This but the fact. They arc both excessively In opmcnt. Docal has cut the red tion of the Irish parliament. Just ns Hiuh institutions point. Any speech may be condensed handicapped by unwise constitutional restraints and The EI I'aso Times says thut when Ilryan demands newspaper speech should tural resources of the state. But the mining and II Australlu, and other portions reports; but thut particular ars permitted In Canada. they should be divorced und emancipated. the Immediate releaHo of uu American held In Mex never have been delivered at all. ifiveii Ir the um- - stock interests have kept pace with agricultural del They have drmandod the of the British empire. They have both fallen short of their largeat use- ico an a prisoner and the prisoner is executed regard- IniNM.olor hod srtói the riirbt thine, he would have been opment. self government has cut the red plotted for It, they wrong which retards everything the federal government principles of home rule, they hnvc I less the saying it at the time. fulness for lack of equipment and Income, but am of demands, the proceedings always stop with to do, people of the have fought for it and thry have never erased to con- An ambassador should scrupulously refrain from and haa aroused tho stato confident thut a more generous spirit now pcrvad a demand for tho body. But In neither event are the doing anything that might embarrass his government full realization of their own responsibility and of tend for It. tho people, us wum evidenced by the lust legislature demands often compiled with, even though tho slate abroad; but be should be equally careful to refrain splendid possibilities of their btate, and I want to never hern The idea of home rule for Ireland haa reasonable appropriation, and that with a constitu- department docs manifest the deposition to take the from doing anything that might embarrass his gov- - you that Arizona is growing some." statesmen, It was not until In popular with British and tional amendment providing for separation and de prisoner dead when he cannot be secured alive. ment at home. With the best motives the Mr. Page government a great "I have resigned," says C. D. Hlrmons, "from William E. Gladstone became premier thut Hiero ap- velopment (Ariz.) world, has caused his nnd with an equitable division of the pc Miami Silver Belt. deal of at home. Ho has made Dong Dumber company and Intend to leave aho peared any hopo of II being granted. Hut Gladstone embarrassment the manent fund, both will be amply maintained, ai president's task much more difficult than It was, and for my old home at Waycross, Ga., where I will sl v ss unullr to gle home rule to Ireland, and it has with them all other Institutions of higher learning. "Mother" Jones, the aged strike leader, who was has given comfort to all the Jingoes and dema several months. But I am going to return n present, when It Is gogues lobbyists cry nt prcsl- - Paso to locate permanently. Yes, 1 am rolngl continued burning laaue until the. Iho most pressing problem that now deported from Trinidad and sent to Denver, has re- and who ate in full the confronts .heels. business here, ts'o one could keep me away about to be conferred upon the Irish nation. Texas la to Trinidad In spite nt's tho amelioration of the economic Imrrishitia turned of the positive uasurance If definitions of the Monroe doctrine are Puso. I have drank of the waters of tho oOrfa The opposition In the province of Ulster to home further that have come upon agriculture, which Is the prin- thut she would be arrested Immediately upon her ar- needed In view of tho delicate condition of affair have partaken liberally of El Paso hospitality, H upon A major- rule In Ireland la based two points. cipal basis ofII our prosperity and our chief depend- rival and again confined. After the experience she in Mexico, Mr. Page muy Bafely trust Woodrow Wil enjoyed her glorious climate, listened to the wi (Protestants, w hispering Into ears of old Mt. Franklin ity of the people of the province are ence for the. preservation of a haa already hud In the regions Colorado, it son to say whatever Ought to be said. If the admin the and atable commonwealth. strike of felt my pulse bounding to the Joy of El Paso whereas the majority of the people in the rest of Ire- For reasons too iks as If istration's altitude toward the canal tolls issue needs Involved now to be discussed, our ru- "Mother" Jones has deliberately started may safely perlty, and 1 am coming back. El Paso lorn ground opposition further clarification, Mr. Page trust the can't land are Catholics. The flrat for ral population la not increasing as fa,t aa our urban t In search of trouble. president's good judgment. Nor is it necessary to und It's a cinch I'm not going to lose El Paso." home rub' hi Ilgli The irid population, and the rural Industry Is not prospering translate the administration's policies into jovial "Occupying as do," says A. Willil cause for opposition to home rule Is that the I'rotest-un- t inpnrlson with urban Industry. Arihc ft, said lo be the largest person speech for the edification of the British brother. Any Walter Englishman who i.i intelligent enough to read the "desk room here at the entrance to the Capíes population of Ulster Is English In sympathy nnd If these conditions are the state of Texan, Bon- - not speedily equalized died at his home near newspapers knows what the president has said and Ing, I see a good many people during the day proper. 1 do not want to be separnte from England will inevitably bring to pass tin Intolerable, un ham. Friday. This full grown Texan was only 16 whut he Is doing. Thut Is enough. ' when am not, busy I enjoy studying faces ml They want to he governed by the British parliament just and dangerotis situation between the city and yeurs of ugu and weighed (500 pounds at the time of The American ambassador to Great Britain is sub- pasnlng throng. The lawyer and doctor show In to iaces wneiner tney nave lost or won and not by on Irish parliament. Expressions of the ountry. 1 have no fanciful notions about cre death. A brother, 11 yeara of age, survives him, jected unusual temptations. He is courted nnd just a casil und jollied by all classes. Ho is always iney inner inu loony anu niitry to me elevator! lenders Indicate they do not want home rule un- ating prosperity for by legialatlon. I weighs more 300 pounds. flattered that farmers hut than the spoiled child of the diplomatic corps. His elo- both are Inclined to stop at the cigar stand andfTT der any elrcumataners, not even If permitted them- know that the state can provide lnstriiinenti.iitir quence Is Invariably upplauded and his feeblest joko themselves to a smoke If they have won. If the yer selves to control Ireland A large proportion of these of the waste which farmers now benator Culberson of Texas voted against tho con- can inspire cheers. No other diplomatist In the world haa lost there Is a shade of anger on his face If tho doctor has lost in his fight with I'later Unionists are either former Inhabitants of suffer for lack of information and facilities for mar firmation of the treaty at the time it Is encouraged so persistently to tulk about every- death ho thing everywhere, strong man to resist. an expression of sorrowful surprise, as if aomet England or or of such. They keting, and that tt can promote was pending before-Ma- senate, gave it takes a Scotland descendants through and oa his, reason ' llencg Is golden, everywhere; hut In diplo- he had not expected had happened. Then thcil - very the are to all Intents and purposes an English as the Eng- and mutual association easier credit." therefih- the point that is made by President Wil matic service It la oftén diamonds and precious stones. the business man seeking legal advice. He rushd lishmen who now itvo in England. son in seeking tho repeal of the tolls exemption. The lesson Hint Mr. Page has learned from his un- looking neither to the right or left, while the fortunate experience is a lesson Americans who wants to employ a lawyer to save him fronJ Several things have contrlbubted to make Ulster that other pen Decreased Iron and representing government abroad should se- or to aid him In dodging an honest obliga Steel Imports. looks as If a few prohibition n this take Protestant while the rest of Ireland remain Catholic. tl bosses or few riously sups in cautiously and looks at every one tr imports or iron and toel Into to heart. Uetlcence never requires an official as If With the advent of English rulo there camo unrest the United States bosses In the state of Texas have sue explanation. The United States senate never posses to see if he is suspected. Then there Is the wu during the first four wants and conspiracies to restore Independence. This re- months since tho enactment coBsfully arrogated to themselves the power of die resolutions asking the state department why an am- who a divorce. She is very nervous and the present law after-dinn- to phone ahead to ascertain If the lawyer Is In of tariff show a decrease of nearl tating to the people of this great Btate who shall serve bassador failed to make an speech. al sulted at various times tho lands Irishmen being But most Interesting is the SI. 000, 000 when compared with those of a perlo them In tho capacity the fellow who never confiscated and given to Englishmen, not only In Ul- like of their next governor. In an elevator. He will watch the thing malfg4)jd. a yeur ago. the period from 4, ster, but In other parts of the Island. Cromwpll ex fur October 191.1, to President Taft and Mexico. trips before he tries, and after coming down HfT the end of January last the total was SI0, 219.000 The anow stand aside and watch the elevator pelió. Dio r lull from l ister by wholesale and their flurries that have been witnessed in this Baltimore Sun. some more compared with $11,077,000 In a lllio Harper s Weekly, in its issue, injects a new plat taken by Englishmen nnd Scotchmen eriod ending aoction for the pust few days have covered tho current thought, or 0110 we not heard before, bince the courts have decided.'' savs II. T with January. 1913. Must of this decrease occurred In greater portion of Texas with tho latest fall snow which have of hi Inter is near Scotland, and for severa of Mexican situation. is don of Louisville, "that the social clubs do not tho lust month of the period under review; known for many years, intu tho discussion of the It rs constant October but it is not believed much position in which President tne exus liquor law and are all right I expect there has bren communlra showing u that the embarrassing decrease of SI 99,000, November a decrease damage has resulted. lexas rill up with social clubs th,. g ni' between them. People have inovei Wilson finds himself today can be traced back to the and saloons of S2'.iK,O0u, December un Increuse of S166.000, und administration of President Taft. ousiness. rnai would leave the prohibit! In Scotland und from Scotland to I'lstei January a decrease or SuL'B.uOO, In comparison with When Mr. Taft was president he had the oppor- ithout ammunition. Their fight has been dlrJ 011k their religion along. Surgical Operations. tunity to strengthen Madero. Madero un. solely against tne saloons which have served the respective months of tho preceding year. pour nil the manufacturing of Ireland ill v th Ipulalions for a surgical r derstood exactly what was the matter with his coun- ciuo loom, out ine poor man need! Decreased Imports, according to compilations of be wttnout a club any longer, rister province, und the plants are owned Elm. others of the Chicago bar try. His book called "The Presidential Succession," l.ct the snloot the bureau of foreign und domestic commerce, de. III tile March Comment, are very meager was a clear and accurate warning to Diaz of what the into the club business and the poor man can Workmen In large numbers from 0 pay 81 per year for a key iiirtmriit or commerce, are shown to hav curled lid are clothi in st general terms. Often the country needed and was likely to demand. Taft that will let him lnt o been employed In these factories, large-it- . 1110 on nunaays and at all hours of luring January In nearly all classes of Iron ssenllal feat disc ussed. Details are e should have had in Mexico a man who would have the night. and steel never re earnestly regime. Instead, ourso ine stare ana city will lose money, but we Presbyterians or Methodists. Protest except cutlery, plates lost must look to the purpose backed the Madero he was tin and bar Iron. Machinery and f the operuti ind surrounded with men fio had sympathized with get riu 01 saloons and have plenty of clubs.' u en recruited from the outride, therefore, lb other circumstance to find, parts thereof fell from S74;!,000 In Jaiiuarv. 1913. to by inferences. terms if the ugreement. I ilttz, who w ere opposed to Madero, who saw In C something of a growth, .. . natural Su.12.p00 In January, of the current year; while In the The urgí not go beyond tbo authority, Huerta the kind of u person they wanted u person ...OU3.1HO noiiars now." kive predominates among given by or- Klnne, "1 would Invest it in valley lorian faith the sume period imports of pig iron, including ferioslll- - him nil. To this proposition there who would enforce a certain amount of cxternul land which can be no exi The difficulty der and who could be used to the satisfaction of tbo six years nence oe setting roc mighty bur mnnev ellglons. con, decreased from S&1.1,000 to S1&3.000; Ingots, lies In determine man wno a Ing the exten f his uttiority. it be big investors. Henry .a tie Wilson was a malign in- nas lew. thousand cash to invest mile religion In Ulster has a larger num-niil- Gcnerallv must blooms, billets, etc., from S321.000 to S26t,000; anti- Inferred a great mrusurr from the circumstances, fluence in the country, working against the struggling Independently wealthy in five or six year by InveJ re- - money Iban, any uno of the ProtvalutU friction balls nnd beurlngs. from S191.000 to t his ish but the patient's welfare must control efforts towurd nationality and enlightenment, work- ins in city or valley ground. This town is going 10 grow so 130 1, the last religious census figures at enutneled or glazed table and cooking utensils, from when stipulations do not cover tho point, but even ing for the old regime of arbitrariness and response much in the next five nts notion or me patient s to financial pressure. that even Its most enthusiastic boosters will wol nurrh population in Ulster was: Catholic, S80.000 to S61.000; needles, from Sr.4,000 to S37.000; welfare must give way to the expressed wish of Ihe latter. Where patient President Taft stood like a rock againat why they didn't have sense enough to get In on pri iim opas, :i!M.900: Presbyterians, 4211,170; building the inter forms und all other structural shapes, from bus decided, there Is no occasion for the exerclso vention In Mexico und handled that phase of the situ- - values.' 17,1110. The Protestant population is it 1. 000 to S3 1,000; sheets and piules, from S2S.000 the surgeon's discretion, lie is bound by his patient's tlon so admirably that tho first Instinct of almost largely entinte, in the counties of Londonderry, to scrap, from S46.O00 to 816,000; and nils conclusion. Where there Is an express stipulation everyone will be to resent the suggestion that he was The Day's Best Stories. Antrim--tho- se - there can not bo an Implied one at fault in his policies. Yet the more the suggestion ugh nml nearest the Eng- cellaneous Iron und steel, reported as "ull other.' inconsistent there- with. Where a specific operation has been agreed Harper's is considered the greater the truth Advk'o Givers. ' Tlie i niholie population Is scattered in to 8300,000. that from S4I1.000 Tin plates alone show upon, und the preceding circumstances are such as to appears in it. Mr. Taft was scrupulously correct In ine laie ucnerai ix.uts Wagner, apropoa Of al marked Increase, from 831.000 in January, 1913, to negative the Idea of an Intention on the part the superficial details of his Mexican policy. gurra. useu 10 leu a ueorge Washington story. of the Funda man wno urges you The Ulster Un feur that In tin 8218,000 in January of the present year. This figure patient to lodge a discretion In the operator, any de- mentally, it is probably true that tho influences which ine to abandon emokirl. parture from the specified by surrounded him generally the so ne would begin "the man who urges you to ill Hi hi ted thtn lai Hi, however, is uhout 8100,000 below the Junuury Imports operation the latter Influences which can yoursen would be a trespass, for which he may be required to most politely bo described by the word "conservu- - ana tnen drop ir cents In box, the niaB parliiimi tit will of I90S 1910. Increased urges you lush make Catholicism the state and Other articles with respond in damages. What was fairly within the -- affected his attitude toward Mexico as toward to save the money you used to glviflitT religion, reqti re 'ni lu, Ik- ten. In (he hers schools, purls during Junuury include cutlery, which advanced mind of the patient? That was implied. What does other things. Il Is generally conceded that Madcro's man is never, as a rule, a very shlnlr levy taxes for aupport himself. the of the catholic church, from 8144,000 In January, 1913, to 8202,000 In Jan- the welfare of the pallen! require? In the absence philosophy was correct and his statesmanship en and refuse I. recognize marriages as legal of inconsistent stipulations, tho patient will bo lightened. Whut he lacked was brute force. If this "One of theae men, a high school instructor. except uary, 1914; bar Iron, from 880,000 to S9fi,000; wire angrily, a pupil; by to Have Intended and authorized whut was ountry had had In the White House and in the Amer to when perform rd a Catholic priest 0OC; for from S99.000 to 8100, und shotgun bunds, from his best welfare. Anything which, within discre- ican emliassy in Mexico City men thoroughly In sym lou ougiu 10 oe ashamed of yourself: Smd The home ule 1,111 ooiilHinn the provisions 9,000 to 810,000. tion of tho practitioner, was reasonably necessary to pathy with Madero' ideas und ideals, men to whom a pipe! Why, when George Washington was voul lo prevent I hi things which the Unionista profess to accomplish general purpose passage a peonage nc was a surveyor. Both Germany und the United Kingdom exceed the of the operation, will the of nation from and feudal con res, fear. The pr posed foi-- lie to' to saldthe youth, and s ourl lush parliament would be ct In Imports as also presumed have been intended by the patient. ditions enlightenment and Independence was u when he was the United Statea well aa In exports of surgeon roSidnce, a to' sir, ne was president of the United bidden to cnti laws 1,11 certain subjects nnd would In practice the should get previous au- thing stir the blood and kindle the Statea' Iron and steel. Imports of iron ahd steel manufac to perform operation In Judgment imagination and Inspire active it Is be expressly prohibited from appropriating nfoaey thority such as. his the ,tur.s during the calendar year 1913 into these In progress of the work, the welfare of his pa- probable, and more than probable, Madero would "How the World Is Cheated." church an pport. three the that for Th. subjects of legislation for- - principal auufncturlng requires. In the absence of. such general and have received more effective support from this coun- Acoordlng to reports from Halle the good nations of the world are as tient neighboring ... ,,,r puiiiuiuciu would be r... unlimited stipulated authority. It must be conceded try' than he did receive. And It is possible that with of a hamlel are still indignant o follows: The United States, 834,000,00; Germany, incident which occurred tallied w holly in the Jul of the British that the welfare of the patient demands thut the op- that support Huerta would not have been able to there recently. The SI. 000. 000; Ihe United Kingdom, 8 46,000.000. Com- erator shall have power to deal with unforeseen inci dverthrow the Madero regime. It would be wrong, village and surrounding ountry war nn ihe lisment. whlcb is u Pioteatanl body by a large ma- expectation to pared with 1912 the foregoing figures represent. In thu dents und unexpected conditions, as they arise in the perhaps, to Impute blame to President Taft in this of see tho sensational drama "11 jority. The Lister people do not put faith in th. wona is huge case of the United lutes', an increase of 86,000.000 progress of the stipulated operation, In such manner connection, but it is a pity that the sympathy for Ma- ineaiea, which velb.ur nnst, oí these safeguards, contending that tho name proper, dero felt by the great masa of the people announced would be given by a tro Germany, a decrease of 81.000,000; and tho United as the operator shall consider and, in the ab of this theatrical power which put them Into a sence express prohibition, Is country who knew what he represented in Mexico a local temple of Tbeapls, a large hall over home rule bill could Kingdom. In of the authority reason the Increase of 818,000,000. Imports of Iron It is a great pity this sympathy no Inn. lake them out at a later dale. There haa ulso been ably Interred from the circumstances. Removing that found more und steel Into the United States and Germany are, In appendix In course general abdom- valuable expression than it did. In due course the troupe arrived nnd the a proposition discussed to exclude the diseased the of a Protestant each case, but about operation ought to be considered authorised as This thought of whut might have been done in were especially pleased to find the advance sal as much as their ex inal a comities of Ulster from the Jurisdiction of the Irlah porta within tho general purview of the primary President Tuft's time emphasizes a tact in connection ucaeis. ai quarter each, insured a full hout of that character; while those Into the United undertak a snug sum in the box parliament for six years. The Ulster lroteaianta de- ing. The Implication of authority must necessarily with the question of what ahould be done at the pres office. The event nf tl Kingdom are over he value oí its exports formance saw the house packed. clare that Is but putting the matter off. Therefore, be as great as the Implication of the responsibility ent time. Mr. Taft' fault. If it can be so called, was The audience J of Iron and steel products. of the surgeon In premisem. in his failure to appreciate the fundamentals of the paiirimy tur nearly uu tiuui and then the mabsi they do net want home rale In ay form. the om lost patience ana Most of the pig iron imported into the United The surgeon is bound to exercise Ihe utmost good situation, his failure to recognise the fact that the commenced t0 stamp and m merely ...... c a ueiay me g oiaics 1a anippeu rrom England; scrap iron Is mostly faith and fair dealing toward his patient in respect overthrow of Dlas waa not a revolt, but a rev- pi olution; country south us of tha hull appeared and th Senator Charles A Culberson, who haa been from Canada, with England, Cuba to the operation to be performed, and any material that in the of great world announced that and Panama as the uprooted even had vanished with the c recelpU paodlng aoiiic time In Hau Antonio fur the benefit largest deception will convert his efforts into an assault forces were stirring, forcea that such next sources. Practically all Imported antifric- Justifying punitive as the old dictator, forcea darkness and night, leaving behind them a ab of hie health, haa departed for Mineral Well, damages, regardless of his remarkable character that which was where tion ball come from Europe, three-fourt- of them motives He dare not falsely pretend that only a are fundamental and that, therefore, cannot be cured written. "This Is How the V ol he will apend a time before returning to Wash- IIICUICU. ahort from Germany alone, which country also supplies nlne- - alight operation la necessary and contemplated, and by anything superficial. If thla la trueand who can In bp In ington to reaume his dutlea the United Statea an tenthe of our Imported raaora, penknlvea and other then, after his patient under the Influence of an doubt It? the great lesson of Mr. Taft's mistake. ata, haa been on the anesthetic, perform a mora extensive serious its application to the present situation, la that it would There are a lot of organizations In which enatur Culberson ick list for cutlery Belgium usually lake rank In the aaip- - and " tint operation. be an act Of folly If thla country should now recognize quantitations tor joining are dues and Initial tsjk;.tn- Wednesday. March 25. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES.

of I oromotlve Fnglnemen, Will hold lis regular meeting today at Elks' hall. Alter the meeting the. ladies will entertain ins NEW SCHOOLS FOR MHHáflÉHtáÉiaaiiÉMiBAHMBM mea of the. division at a social hour. Prescribed by V. SasHa Relnra rromCtlirerala. afJ-- Grocery Sooner or yon will be in doctors for Specials later wron every organ of your Lieutenant and Mrs. Selwyn D. Smith re- j v DONA ANA COUNTY body. It in m well known fact that over96 of airsicknesses turned Wednesday from California, ami nineteen years X Jv are enured bv alimenta of the riimtln nmiia Tf von have will be ths guests or Nrs. Smith's mother, J thealtghestsaapteion that your aUmacb require treatment, Mrs. Henry Jame Nay. on Oolden Hill for MONO I , ' issl lKOVIIICN Foil For This Week don t delay a moment. Little ilia soon grow into aerioua ills. s ronnight. Lieutenant South will later ANI WARD m li niNt.s f! rejoin his troop at Naco, Aril. DR. PIERCE'S Texas Heroes' Day Suasay. as Crucen and Vkdnlty Xow Rnjoysj Sunday will be Texas' Heroes day and Mlaa IMtHwtlonnl a, tilth the. Kqnal of Myra Prater has prepared a splendid pro- Any Town In New Mexico. 22 Pounds Granulated i Golden Medical Discovery gram for the tolled Daughters or ths soon rights the wrong. manu- Confederacy which It helps the stomach digest the food and will be presented at the By Sugar for 3 Titers Special Corrrapnndriit facture nourishing blood. has a tonic effect and soon enables the Trinity Methodist church at p. m. There ss It zr .i i i M stomach and heart to perform their functions in a natural, healthy will be several got! lalks given and paper "s Las Cruces, N. March 24. Dona manner, without any outside aid. read. Ana county is setting a good for the counties iu New Mexico As Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither aleehol nor other SPF.CI AL Those Fine Sliced Lemon Cling i O. O. along school lines. There are now narcótica there is no reaction. Fer over forty years it has stood the taat of both l. Will Daaee. Heal your skin l eaches are still on sule twenty-thre- e ase and aboae and is today the sat remedy of its kind in the world. Begin The Loyal order or will give a school buildings, seven California Kxtrti Choice Fine treat male forty-si- x at. win 15c now. Take it home today. Sold by Medicina Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or dance Thursday night in Ryan's hall. Tbli and female teachers. Quality Dried Peaches. fk Has Las Cruces now hus a high no. send to Dr. PIarea's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, M. Y far a trial baa. Is a regular monthly leature with the with Resinol school pound AUC Moose, to which only members and n lends students who graduate from It are $1.75 For 3lr to eso vi the Osassssa Sestee Medical Adviser. higher 1008 are Invited. admitted to the Institutions California White Cooking asees - nth bosasS - ta pay coat safa; matter how lost you hare of learning without examination. ub Knrdlm aasanVaaansMMBhal Write Dr. It. V. Baílale, N. Y. aBBanTaTaTaTHaeTJaei o Klgs, 2 pounds SaiwC Pierce. First Congregational Aid. NO tortured ana disfigured During the past few years marly 20c The Ladles Aid or the Congrega-tlona- by itching, burning, raw or all the school districts hnve erected First l Potomac Une Herring, fine JT r the I'lilt-- d States church will hold a scaly akin humors, just put a new buildings, Chamherlno. l.a Mesa, work meeting for breakfast, DC a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiNiiiniiiiinmiiiiiimniiiiiiiiniHiHiiiiHiniiiiuiiit tomorrow at 1:30 p. m st the home of Mr. little of that toothing, antiseptic Mesilla. Mesilla Park, Donn Ana and ouch Claude Berry, 507 Missouri Reiinol Ointment on the and Las Cruces have now buildings. Ito- - The seas..,, is here for "that dc Wet street tores Milchner (Holland) Her- - the suffering stop right there! cently Cruces voted OOu ill r Melons" Dole's I'ineapple Julci 6 DC Judoe Grant Returns. Healing begins that very minute, bonds and this money will soon 1"' ring, for We lm e It In pinte 25 Judge Walter B, (Irani, whose spent in erecting a central and war client and in a mo t every case your ikin Norway Mackerel, ijuartH 45c Gossip of Society extend rrom ocean to ocean, win return gets well o quickly you feci school lu Las Crones. Hlg-- from Los Angeles Wednesday, when he sihamed of the money you threw Clam of Tending. for 25c Ask fi by the di will attend to matters concerning his The teachers In Ana county awa y on tedious, useless treat men t s . lon guardianship of the W. B. Merchant es- are of a high type. Four have Ufo tate. , Rasinol Ointment sad Raainol Soap certificates. twenty. six have first Julia A. Sharp, Society Editor afear away pimplas, blaakhesds, and grade, sixteen hnve second grade, Nowhere Like A Trial Order dandruff. For trial ais of each frae, Nations For Makes a Iteguiar PEOPLdS TALKED ABOUT. wriU to Renmal, Billimoro, three have third grade nnd two per- Telephone 5949 Md. Bawsra of imitationa of Kaainol. mits. The male teachers Average ttootl M. al Customer Mre. A. W. Young has Just returned $78.04 per month und tho female from Lincoln. Neb., where she attend- t6.06 per month. The average Telephone 2576 ñiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ed the funeral of her aged mother. school term Is 8.5 months per annum On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lytton K. "A LOSS SO LARGE." and guests or honor, covers were laid for Miss Shirley Baxter of Denver, Taylor entertained a number of Mr. Rev. and Mrs. C. Wesley Wendell, Mr. and Colo., is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. J. THE "TANG0L00N" Taylor's Hominy school class of boys The world Is such a different place Mrs. Harry Swain. Mr. and Mrs. William Tyndall, at 408 Arizona street. at an enchalada dinner nt their home When mothers die: Sachs. Judge Jno. Byrum. Mrs. Eva Walker. In lllnton addition. Those present We tins-- the dear, mnlllar race. Charles Lewis and daughter. Miss Kate Mrs. IT. S. Huelbet of Toledo, Ohio, were: Fran-l- Burke, . Charles t The love-li- t eye. Lewis, Master Charles Webdcll. who is spendtng the winter In Kl Paso, HAS COME TO TOWN Dale jitir. Leon Holt, Taylor The hesrt that never showed a trace is quite nick at Kalston hospital. lies and ltafnel Mitchell. Now the Time or enmity. Spring Luncheon Yesterday. Mr. Is and Mrs. Walter Wonts spout Spring was In the yesterday and Its the week-en- visiting Mrs. air Ivan Walker has recovered from a DOWN TO TUT. Ml M ill ion ON" Wenta' Our mile hopeless baby ways was out In all Us beauty at Kl spirit carried severe attack of tonsilitis and Is able DINPLAY IN POPl'LAH tiTURJU .HOW mother, Mrs. Quesncll, of Paso. Were a C. c. Covington, mother's pride; luncheon given by Mrs. to be In school again. WINDOW. The members or the Presbyterian III all our childhood's srlefs and plays complimentary to iter stater, Mrs. It. A. church congregation will give a so- She wan guide; Miller or Chicago. The were drawn to our curtains Mr. and Mrs. I, W. Sampson Illi- cial at the church on Thursday eve- Plant of Her sympathy in "frrown-up- " days and the Usui- - all shaded In yellow. The nois, are spending are remainder of Nsbky Wslklng LoMiune Can he Instantly ning. The rirst part of the evening Was deep and wide. floral design was in yellow ahd green, the winter In the city, having apart Adapted by Wearer for Dancing Pur- will be spent with a progrum and re- great masses and Jars of glowing dan o poses. port of the year's work, nOcr which Though ments at I'lo Montana street. there are others in our lives rills and dainty Terns being used errectiverfT o te ladles Auxiliary will servo refresh- Still with us here. with potted plants. The table was laid Rév. Will It. Howell was success- ments und n iileusunt social hour will Rose Bushes or a drawn-wor- By JULIA A. SHARP. Brothers sisters, husbands, wives, with cloth and centered wlih fully operated on for nppcndicitla hast be spent. or children, dear, the darrodlls and terns. Crystal sticks held week In Birmingham, Ala. Doing from the 'office last night my at- Mr. Charles II;, und Mrs. George Vet when In heaven she yellow candles- and shades. The place For successful growing, now is time to plant arrives, tention was by a large crowd out- Hill of Hill, V M .. spent the latt r 'the n It were being attracted eat hi s drear. cards band painted, the design M. V. part of the In Las Crin es vis- or Collier is confined to his side the Popular Store. As a reporter Is week Roses, Hedges, Honeysuckle Vines, etc. We have a dainty birds bearing baskets spring homo, 207 East Boulevard, on iting friends. account to always be Ihe and well-roote- There's nothing ever can efface flowers. Covers were laid for twelve. ctf supposed "on Job" Mrs. Frank Is visiting Mrs complete assortment of strong, d plants, raised Her memory. Arter lunch, was played. The sickness. Frnnih bridge first o ready at a moment's notice to find some- Jamos F. Satlley of 131 I'nso for a now In Ood's prize, an exquisite cap, was wou in She's resllng embrace dream thing or Interest to ihe few tluys. our own greenhouse and specially adapted to this by E. Mason, a Miss Alice Carre has been confined reading public, Beyond the sky. Mrs. and the second, to The ludlen north of town have or- The world is such a place silver Jelly spoon, by Mrs. R. B. Homan. her home for about a week with naturally Joined the crowd to learn the climate such as Verbenas, Petunias, Salvia, Phlox, lonesome a severe attack of la grippe. ganized a Horcas Sewing circle. At When mothers die Punch was served during the game. Heroin cause ot the eiMtetnent. And found II their first meeting Mrs Anna Brewer Daisies, Pansies, Stocks, Coleus, Geraniums, and Amies S. I'rambnch. In the leaving the guests were each presented to be tbe "Tangaloon" gown In Ihe San many Christian Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace Branch and donated material for two (inllts, which . Herald. with bouquets or Dowers. Antonio street window. Men as well as were nearly flnishetl afternoon. others. For information or advice about planting, call Those enjoying the were: baby of Belen, who have been Halt- women were gazing that arternoon with adtnlrailon on the are inon-- y Mesdames ing Branches sister, Mrs. Harry These to be sold und the will be Crystal Wedding Dinner. creation. placed In the charity fund Many us up; we glad to advise you. II. A. Miller P.. B. Homan Swain, have taken an apartment at or Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Ayers were invited to 1009 Ilrsrrlplloo Novel Costume. other donations arc promised li. R. Mason W. J. Qulgley East Boulevard. Tho costume of Hiree pieces. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powers consists Those Indies attending the organi- We also have ready for imYnediate delivery n. W. Curtice II. Wilkes is tbo 11 Is a strong, for dinner Monday night, and upon l. Mrs. Charles Sessinan - daughters. First short mannish coal. zation meeting were: Mrs Anna arrival H. L. Piatt V. E. Huberts with smart well-roote- d they round the parlor rilled with guests Miss Beriha and Miss Louisa Sessniau. of afralr reveis turned Brewer. Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Bamcat, young tomato plants. Our plants are all J. I. Finney E. H. Burk ly back and pressed down rial. Across t lie who had ssseinbled to celébrale crys- Fngle Texas, are the guests or Mr. Mrs. ImtackH, Mrs. Ulickcnstnl f. first-clas- their W. 0. Hoe e. (i. Plumb Pss. back Is a bell holds li place Jeff s stock and home grown. tal wedding anniversary- The table was and Mrs. Frank ulive that lu across Mrs. Cunningham, Mre. Joins, Mrs I. F. Peacock "suman. street. the shoulders. The iiatrh pockets and cuffs besutirully derked for the occasion. A L. Patrick. Miss I'm rick, Mrs Mrs. Covington was assisted In Ihc en- give a nobby and do away a mirror In the center was shrouded In prnk erfect Willi eVlggtnn, Mrs. Jame tertaining by her mother, Mrs. Peacock. For correct glasses, see El Paso tiresome purse Is always in Ihe way. Mr. tulle, through the meshes of which tiny Optical Co., 10S that Mlnetree und Mrs. Bradley. Mrs. Wilkes sang delightfully during the thiis street. (Adv.) The Is plain la electric bulbs glowed. In the center was skirt made aud stralirlii. It Mr. and Mm. J. F. Bennett of Canu- afternoon. slashed knee deep on each side ami equip a tall cut glass vase holding a shower SEE NEW DAYLIGHT PAR-SE- tillo spent Monday In La Cruces and Co. ped with two large buttons, bouquet or carnations and rents. From the for the street Potter Mesilla Park visiting relatives ami Floral Trinity Society Meeting. OER SCHKDTJtiE BETWEEN Eli the slash Is buttoned, leaving only play chandelier over the table cuplda were sus- I'ABO AND lt i :i,l E. P. .V friends. The literary program of the Wo- kv VIA enough for comfortable walking The dl- Mills Building Phone 4039 pended by ribbons. Crystal sticks bearing 8. W. CAKKIZOKO-ROS-WB- MIbh Dorothy Bennett, a student in AJiasionary It. II. AND vuleil ti mler nea ill exactly- - n pink candles and shades gave a dainty glow man's aoclety of Trinity APTÓ iklrl Is like lius ill Methodist SERVICE; TtAniKK man's to knee, It the Hlfh school. been unite to the scene. At each plate, beside the church was given Tuesday - AVTOMOHIIjE trousers the where meet wun com- afternoon RAILROAD TIME a roundstlon. for the past week She hand painted cards, stood a tiny and at the church parlor?, with satin to In Canu- stick Mrs. presiding. A TABLER (Adv.) Cutí on pelled return to her home pink candle. The largo sticks were looped Mack Crawford Trousers. tillo for the week. together with pink tulle helpful scripture lesson was read by There Is sn cuff on the trous- streamers and Tom Thumb wedding, East El ers, nuinly hows. A Mrs. D. M. Smith. The subject of buttoned patent leather boots sduthern tgrkey dinner was Paso Baptist church, Friday evening, worn served. Arter the game of "Auto discussion for the afternoon wu "The are with this costume. It is made OBITUARY. dinner March 27. Admission 25 and 15 cents. In an mobile Homance" was played, the prise, a Conquest of the Cross Over shepherd check, iul is a walking A piece or cut glass, lulling to Mr. Ayers. Kracerul modest costume. great SILI.IVAN Mrs. Hclilset Sullivan died at gave many people now days uev. Mr. wepdeii read a poem and with Mrs. J. A. Potter an intercut ilnce In their 5:üu yesterday afternoon at her home 113 ting talk on the effects of alcohol upon walking chillies, ir a lady, strolling or The Great a few loving presented North Florence slreet lu Mils lly, in Hie Battle words the honor A Things Social shopping, chances to drop Inio a care where with several pieces or beautirttl the individual. pleasing feature 71111 year of her aire. Mrs. sulllvalh who Is In progress, rut glass. Mr. Ayers responded Tor him- of the meeting was the singing of dancing anil meeting some W'as a pioneer of Puso, having Fort Bliss and Country Club friend, resident self and wire. Dcsldc the host and "Where Ja My Wandering Boy To- she wishes lo lango, she merely lived lu tins city since ssl hail a host ot hostess In gown night," by a quartette composed of unbuttons the slash her and. In rrleiul-- who will mourn her Site of By Today MRS. W. 8. TILTON. anil Is Mrs. W. T. Owen, Mrs. O. A. Daniel- - behold, she ready for the dip nuil Is survived by two sons and one daiiKhler, Bon. Mrs. H. N. Miller and Mian Krniiia There has been very little doing the swing. In one ot I ho most modest bavui r. Sullivan, assessor and is. no yet Tor A Is how and where to spend Hoffman. socially far this week, but the lat garments iieilsed women. dainty colic, John P. Sullivan, assistant chief your money and get 100 or no, The baby division will meet this aft- ter pari of this week and all noxt lingerie blouse silk shirt Is worn under of Ihc local rite department, ami Mrs. W. ernoon at 3 o'clock In the primary week will be crowded. Then comes the coat and the latter may he taken orr lilenn or Paso. Her brother, Michael cents value on the dollar. Now, let us furnish at a so your department of the church uud a meet- holy week, when frivolities Will slow niouiem's notice that milady Is Mulcah.v. is foreman of Ihe Kl Pssn slreel daintily garlani in a modest skirt ing of the officers will be held Fri- down. ami department, and another liioinci. luivlil VI. home or part till in and blouse, smart enough a any to make home comforts. day afternoon at 2:30 at tho home The regular concert by the Fif- for luncheon In Mulcaliv. resides In Ireland I wo slslers of any hotel or care. of Mrs. William Bache. 713 North teenth Cavalry bund will be given, as deceased reside In l alllornla, Mrs. II lltrl goods . At Name Time Our arc right, our prices are right, and for Ochoa. The meeting next Tuesday usual, afternoon. Following Is Mndrsl and Dressy. phlsile. or Richmond, and Mrs. Hen .,11 this' The . in afternoon will be in charge of Mrs. the program. figure last night carried a nor, or naklatut. While final arratiitemetus dog cane wore a either W'ebdell. March, "Get In Meuges short anil dainty panamá for tin- funeral have not - ycl been made, cash or terms. There's none better. Satisfac- l,lno"....E. bal. smartly on one Overture, "Tho Night Wanders" sel side of the heii. it - pi oliahle the sel ill he In Id I did not Hie men Tile King's Aiutiuxsadors. Monkan blame for slopping to Thursday morning at Ihe i.lmrrh or the tion or your money refunded. The King's Ambassadors of the look and then derend l tie costume for it is litimuculale t.onreption. Walts, "Jolly Girls" Wollstcda one Grand View Baptist Sunday school at Selection, "A Night In New York" of the most niodesl and at the ame lime one or Ihe ilresslesl ever displayed the quarterly buxlnests meeting elected Brooks Hot h here. It Is bound to lie popular tor it toTll (hurl l..i the following officers and committees: Mazurca, is fl "La Ciarine" Ganne really a necessity on wimly ycslordu) President. Kuth Orubbs; first vice Hag, "Cum Bai: liug" Johnson day lit IiIm Wheeling The technical name Tor this is residence. sin & Kelleva Alt Nerve Pniri president, William Macnnaghy; sec- Chief Musician Hoceo Hesta, reallon leceased hud Foutz Zinkler "The Stroller," c Ask tor Tahlerta' ond vice president, Annie lloy; Director. .otherwise known as he I'aso for the pusl tbrei A-- "Tangoluon." P. S. Salve, Fo Helen Jackson: assistant sec- from Philadelphia. V retary. Brionia Twiggs; treasurer, A well known society woman, who conducted by itev. i'cr 1 1 3 North Stanton Phone 1106 Herbert Karle; program committee, is always fashionably dressed, sitting sniiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiimimimmmiimit. lie held this morning it II at 110 Ijaverne Jackson, Irnie Twiggs, Hoy nt tho tea table with other who fol North Campbell The Jackson and Hayes Blaln; social com- low the fashions us closely as she, shipped to i'hlladclpliu interim nt mittee. Alin Betzel. Orneo Montgom- remarked: just hud unother ery. Hettie Orubbs and Kay Jackson; proof my prayers an- answered, that amusements! primary. I SEED POTATOES I membership committee, L.uclle Mont- My one prayer during this Lenten se.i- - Milwaukee the municipal election on gomery. Ileatrlce Twiggs, Alice Strai- son has been, 'From narrow und split Children Cry i il, i I ,!((. I in A,i ll u.i candidates! for mavor Wo are visiting com- Huvld :;. I H headquarters for I ner and Edward Howser; skirls, good Lord deliver uh I picked (ADVERTISEMENT) FOR FLETCHER'S Mil inkeo, Win Muc h (ime, who served the city Northern Seed Potatoes. Ask mittee. Brionia Twiggs, Edward up the fashion magazine today no irmi rrom Milwaukee',, primary eli for five tcruie. wai running third I us for prices on Orubbs, Marguerite Jackaon and Lou-ls- read that skirts are to la-- wider In C A T O R I A on late tonight Inilh nted thin Ma I S n Baird. the fall, for which um duly thank- Kl I'aHoanx at Wlguuru. erliunl A. Iludlmr. Hert autoM careful dr sr. Phoiiu Early Itoee Cm Seld.-l- , will oppose 10- .- (Advertisement.) I ful. Tho present style of kirta are "Blind Boclallat, ei Karly lied Triumphs. Sunshine llrlprrs Sew. uncomfortable, dangerous and Im- Power." one of Komalne af- Fielding's peculiar Irish Cobblers flj The Huushlne Helpers niel yesterday modest. dramas which was ternoon at the home or Miss Huth l ong in released In the General Film com- CANDY the Wallace apartments. The time was pany's exclusive service, will be hc n SPECIAL L P. CO. Mis. Jessie K. Lee will entertain, Wigwam KEPLEY spent In making bedding for the baby beds informally, on Friday for Mrs. Lar st the today. In addition sj KL PAW), at the nursery. The committees lo the Interest In all Fielding produ. TEXAS. dirrerent Murchlson Country club. arrange at the lions, at- were appointed to the dance thai o this one has the additional PURE will be given afier Eaiter. W. H. Tuttle gone to traction of having tour ICl Tasónos were and Miss has Mesilla in They Six members present Clara to visit his son. W. H. Tuttle, the cast. are Jess Robinson. Fink anil Miss Mabel 0'Cooner were taken Park Jack Mrs. ASSORTED SUGAR STICK who Is attending the Agricultural col- Matthews and and Miss Inio membership. The hostess served an lege there. Itoekwsll. There are three reels in Ice course arter the meeting adjourned. "Blind Power." Friday I 5 Kenneth D. Oliver Is expected hotnu "Adventures of Kathlyn," Today Only Cts. Lb. An Efficient Trusteeship Mouthlv Banquet I .M Mufti No. todsy, after u month's absence in Arl- - the Brotherhood (.r ihe First Haplitl Monday- - ."Germinal," mas- POMPONS ions, where lie has been on u busi Pathe's church gate Ihelr Jiiotltnly banquet last ness trip. terpiece, in five reels. Regular Price 25 Cts. It is a matter of prudence to appoint For Spring Hats Made high! in the church. Dr. II. F. Wright was master or ceremonies and everything was the Union 6c Company From Your Old Plumea. Mrs. LeBoy Kiting entertained Ihe Anotlier "Keystone" Comedy. Bank Trust out successfully. The ladles ot i carried Army Bridge on Mon- unh again today' "Across Phone Orders Filled Promptly the church served Ihe banquet which Auction club Keystone as your Executor or Trustee. day at her home on officers' row- of another comedy, will SOUTHWESTERN a dinner fit for the gods. Turn C. iw shown t the Grecian today. All Lea gave a talk on "Purity In PoliUra." Fort Bliss. The members of this club OSTRICH FARM are bridge and play to Keystone nirturei are funnv This The cost to the estate is no more wnlrh proved highly Interesting. enthusiasts is just a bit funnier. 417 Tesas Street were by or gether so often that they are very Talks also made severs! the evenly very Mr. W. F. Ivllngman. expert dem-- - and the efficiency many times gtemters music was enjoyed. A matched and make some El Paso Theater Building and tie high- - i for Wurlltzer company. UghUul social Ihe banquet high scores. Those making the greater. hour roluwed V. A'iu ptay again thi. evening on I lie Phone 537 and speaking. est scores on Monday were: Mrs. M. McNamee. Mrs. George Bernhardt latest model unit orchestra a tare and Mrs. Frederick Perkins. treat. You are invited to confer freely Mullían'- CiUS Todsy. I.e.,rn the latest dance, "The Toe Art Department or the "Woman's with "Our Mutual Girl" Friday with our Officers. club will hold Ihelr reguhfr meeting and program today at 3 p, m. at the i.hamber IN THE SPRING YOU AT THK BUOI Of Commerce. At 4 o'clock Felix Marline The Alter of Patriotism." a gripping give on "'n WE ARE NOT HERE will a talk Civic Art in Buenos NEED MEDICINE part I'alhe feature thai I up lo lid great Ayre. Kevarsl very interesting papers company standard, will be the headliner CANDY SALE to lower prices on advertising; liars been prepared. Your close confinement Indoors and heavy living at The Bijou today. we want to during the winter, and A Blograph lmptva nuiyour the torpid condition of your system release. In which Ihe talent Our Pure Old Fashioned on mind that wives Tea Thursday. do excellent v. oik wall siau be on the we will meet competition at The silver tea which the Ladies Aid or brought about by oold weather, have program. mads your blood Impure BUTTER SCOTCH all times, and ask that yon the Kquare church and weak, Thursday "The Kherirr and the Bustler." patronize to have given Friday was so that now eruptions appear on your home industry. last and which a picture that contains some real action. Li an ka,ibTk Can we serve yon? postponed on account of Ike llklcuiem face and body, you hick vitality, Arrease fyr the matinee now. 15c Lb. iJCJtfl ust (a . J weather, Thursday your Cha.. E. Roth 4b Co. .will be given at Ihe strength and animation, appetite bonis or Mr. W. B. Roberitou, MM Mut- nt poor, you have that tirad feeling. Beat auto, careful Wednesday Only II WIliili umin ilans Agk your drivers. Phone Jf street. druggist for Hood's a 0. Advertisement. J J-- Trust Bldg. It makes the rich red PUooe C. I. A. Maid SlerepihM. you llt. Hill blood that must have to feel weH, KKI GLAAMCHT AUK KKOAKb Ths Oraud International A miliary o lbs look wall, sat and sleep well. Get it Theflite Confectionery Co. I K. P. MOVED to 1M TEXAS OTHBBT. a W. Dtnjloa of the Brotherhood j toda lAflv.) PASO MORNING TIMES Wednesday. March 25. 1914. STB2LE IS HAN PATTERSON SPEAKS Cockroaches HOSPITAL MATTER Buy WITH A MESSAGE IN EL PASO THEATRE AGAIN DEFERRED From Us and Rats and Mice I MUX TT.S- - COMMISSIONER TOM IAiVF. i.HiHIM. III HI II TO XOTED MB AIDWMCK EXMSCICa TO Nothing U more disagreeable than a hem FAILS MM IIIMM.IST BV KKV. HAS. xr.HMMi LEcirac rw rstmrsiTio. TO SHOW UP AT MKETINO YES- nfcftcd with vermin. Destroy them with TERDAY. bestiKlj Money Ol KIleiTBKET. and Roach Paste, the Save Steams' Electric Rat PMn&Mtfe ai ai I tier Makls Klsberslr rreirallaa standard exterminator for thirty-fir- e years. bicycle oiL Keeps IK1- - M cockroaches in Special M IJLJ 7 lbs. Mexican Pink Bean for KvangellHt Whose freed Ik Sotlal rar Heirpltnn oí rormrr t.mrrmir Ilo It kills off rata, mice and a Session Called tor Friday ball bearings bright, lermenl fame Weil Koulppea n) Messk Here grMy Kveslsg. fags night. Ready for ose, mo nuxteg-Do- Morning at Which. It la Promised, m ID Seles-led- a perfect- - 7 bare B B. Large Bare Soap for 25c Training In Ai!vciIi'h Hchool. not blow away kka powder. Kite Will Be Finally U dean. Lubricate m by. Doesn't gum or gather 1 J lba Potatoes for 25c RV. J. V. Williams, chain. inn c.r tbe H Arrangements for the appearance comnHHee in charge of Hie arrsmrement The county commissioner' court I dust. Prevents rust, Pre- - 1 Peerless Creamery Butter, par lb 38c here of Kev. Charles Btclzle of New for the former tiovernor Pattersons lee deferred action on the proposition of serves leather seat, A Die-- I York has been practically completed tore here Friday evening, announced ye H Solid Pack Extra Standard Toma toe, 2 cant for 15c Hie would be purchasing a ttc for the proposed new tiemary of a hundred Other by the "Committee ef Fifty," com terday afternoon that meeting Mf Snowdrift, better than lard, 4 lb. pail , 55c prisine ministers, laymen, buslnee held In the F.I raso theatre Instead or at dltlon to office, 310 S. St. Vraln street. county hospital until Friday afternoon use with every borne. 10c, and professional men. Hev. Mr. Btel- - the Trinity Methodist church as first an 176. wnen a special session will be held for 25c, 50c all atore. M 10 lb. . I pail. $1.35 open four-day- engagement nounced. Indtrailont that Hie audience C. M. Youngberg, to build a brick that purpose. At the regular meeting OK Co. ile will a of yester Thr HUU Broa. Coffees, per lb 35c, 40c, 45c at the First Christian church Thurs would' be larger than could be accommo- bungalow, Douglas and Luna street. the commissioners' court t. 42 N. Broadway, day niaht. On Sunday nlxht he dated at tbe church made the change ne satr. day. Commissioner Tom Love was YorkpW St Bernard Pink Salmon, 3 cana for 25c conduct two aervlce. one ax cessary. W. K. Ramsey, to build a brick again absent and It waa tor this rea wNw i:v ijovernor until a year or more apartment building, lot block son that no action was taken. 3 o'clock at the Trinity Methodist and I'sttemon. Imperial Oats. pkg. for 25c the other at 8:10 at the Flrat Pres- go a pronounced friend of the liquor urn B, Steven Add. 136,000. O'Kcefe Protesta Against Belay. Diamond M Flour, guaranteed bake good byterian. At a meeting of the in today probably the best known John O'Keefe, who is one of those to bread program com- worker for the prohibition cause, and bis Realty Transfer. who have offered site for the new Iba. yesterday the 24 for 75c mittee, H. li Duikee. rtev. Henry apprsranre here will doubtless bring out P. E. Kern to John Walthall, lots hospital, thought the commissioner one of tbe largest crowds ever .should yesterday GRAND SECRETARY 45 lba for $1.80 Kaster and W. H. Jxirentz, reported gathered 1 to 10, Inclusive, block 22, Alexander act because the that a tentativa program for the aerv- a meeting of this kind In Kl Paso, Add. flOOO. Dec. 20, 1913. matter had been hanging fire for five Freeh Ranch Eggs, per dozen 30c lce had been arranged, but detail come as one having an Inllmate Frnnk Starts to Eplmenlo Rodriguez week already. The commissioners knowledge or both sides of I he question agreed, however, meet Friday when OF MOOSE HERE are not yet completed. lots 6 and . block 4, East El Paao. to Arrive Here Thursday. and he will discuss It from viewpoint 137. March 23. the site will be selected whether all Rev. Mr. Htelzle will arrive In this rsdlrslly dirrerent rrom that of moil speak Frank Start to Manuel de Loen, the commissioners are able to be In city on Thursday morning. He will ers on prohlhtnoa. 3 4, 46, attendance or not. (lovernnr lots and block East El Paao. ADDRESS ON FRATERNALISM BE- - be met by a larae reception commit Patterson is accompanied on hla S27C. March 23. County Judge Albert E. J. Eylar present lour by Dr. inker, president of wrote Co. tee, which will escort him to tho Frank Starts to O. F. Gargo, lota 1 Commissioner Love at Sierra LAST NIGHT. Grocery the Mill league, Lion Ohio saloon who will Y. M. C. A., where he will hold siso and 2, block 46, Eaat El Paso. $350. Blanca last night calling his attention ar- deliver an address at the meeting Friday to special meeting which to 2424-240- 108-11- conference with those who are March 28. the is be Phone 8 1 S. Stanton St. ranging for his appearance here. At e enlng. held Friday and suggesting that he Speaker Use Recent World Tragedle noon he will be tendered a reception Marriage Licensee. make it a point to be present. to ninstate Healthy Growth of bsv.ic i tt navr.anusp st. and luncheon at the Motel Sheldon. BLANCO-VIALOS- - Routine Business Transacted. Brotherhood of Man Spirit. SENOER SCHEDULE BETWEEN EL Felipe Blanco All of the "Committee of Fifty," a to Reyes VI lote. Quite a bit of routine business waa well aa many others, have been In PASO AND I COS WELL VIA E. P. transacted mostly affecting the better I'aso. Mr. Dougher disposed of his S. CARJMXOZ0-H08- - OONZALE8-- KLKN iKZ Jesus Hon. W. T. Giles, of Anderson, Ind., lied to attond the luncheon, at which W. R. R. AND B. ment of the roads throughout the business In New Mexico and came W I I.I. AUTO SERVICE, UNDER Gonzalez to Juana Melendrez. supreme Loyal DEATH CLAIMS was Itcv. Htelzle will outline his work. Slmltlro county. The sum of $800 wa ordered secretary of the order here in 110. The Journey hero Hev. Mr.' Btclzle not an evangelist It ULHOAD - AUTOMOBILE TIME paid to Dona Ana county. New Mex of Moose was a visitor In the Pass made by Htage from Kerning over a TABLES. (Adv.) Pamlrez to Susana Sapulvoda. City yesterday by In the generally accepted sense of the QONZALKS-YBAItlt- Jose Gon ico, tor the work done on the road accompanied hla line extremely dangerous, as attack Kev. uv by bloodthirsty word. Accoedlnii to Charle zales to Raeflla Ybarra. between the Canutillo bridge and the wlfa en route to his home from San PIONEER WOMAN and niassecres the erstrcet he Is a modern sociologist, New Mexico boundary line. Francisco, where ho attended the Apai-h- Indians were then almost IN HERNANDEZ-YANE- Benigno whose creed is social betterment. THE COURTS. Hernandez to Yanez. The sum of lit, 380, due on out meeting of the supreme officers of the weekly occurrences. It was consider- Ktclxle yester Josefa Journey or With Speaking of llev. Mr. standing bonds of the county, wa cider. ed a veritable death day Mr., Thirty-Fourt- h 60 Mr. Giles made brief, but very in- MRS. AXNIK M. I" l i: ONE OF mid of Overstrcct said: District Court. NEED OLASSES? A8K 8BOALD. ordered paid. The acres oppositn a '.III the wifely devotion heroism I M. II v M I I. His Is Prep. Sure Faith. Dad Jackson.) MOVED 108 TEXAS STREET, Canutillo, Texas, which was donated teresting address to the members of M.I. 'I'I LUIS IN the trun Celt, Mrs. Ioughcr would not ra- - to open PASO. "Mr. Btclzle Is ono of the most Mrs. Julia 13. Behr va. L. E. Bohr, (Adv.) to the county by Z. T. White for park the lodge last evening at an let her husband coma alone. markable men of the times, appar purposes lo be Improved meeting which was also well attended Only uit for divorce; granted. and the Hotel in Vast Territory. ently bred up by Insistent fate to fill Angel LaLonde va. El Paao ft South Best auto, careful driver. Pho commissioners yesterday voted to call by the ladle. In hi addroaa Mr. None Belter Known. In Days tt inn Arriving her Mr. Dougher formed the niche ready for him. He I weatern Railway company, suit for MO. (Advertisement.) It the Zack White park. Giles pictured the evolution of man Town of Civilisation a partnership With Oeorge Harlow and modern of the modern, yet he I not datr.uges: on trial. Street Railway Earnings. from the savage state, then to tne Mistress if First Hotel Here. together they opened the old Central tainted with the cynicism, the dlsbe City of El Pao v. Unnkown Heirs, On account of previous trrangoment by The annual statement of the El Paso dark ages of the days when tho com- hotel In a y adobe building on lief, the skepticism of the tlmea. HI teg suits: dismissed. lie Chsinbe of Commerce, tbe dinner Electric railway company tor the year mon people, the subjects of royajlty the present alte of the Whit Houao is a deep and sure faith, and et dunce will b discontinued this week tbe ending December 31, 1913, wa filed were crushed beneath the Iron heel On Sunday City of El Paso V. P. Mlchero, al, st last in v there storo and Hotel McCoy. It was the preaches that sort of righteousness tax BUits; dismissed. Hotel Paso del Norte. Adv. with the county clerk yesterday and of despotism and on down to the puued away by nildilen death the last flmt only hotel between San An- that we all dream of and hope for passed around tho present time when all men are horn two and City of El Paso v. Peter Mlchero at session of tne but of tho little band of noble tonio and Port Worth on tbo east and "His life has been an ideal one to Emily Mlchero, suits; dla commissioners' court for perusal. The equal. He gave this Illustration to pioneer women, whocame to HI Paao nd tax Tuesoti on the west: and between Las fit him for the great work he ha llll! SCll. , r gross earnings of the company were demonstrate what fraternallsm has in 1880, before the advent f the all. Vegas on the and the city of for all the ycura of his adult life been shown to be 1833,802.62 and the oper accomplished throughout the world. roads, to help In building the north WE DO THINGS ON future mhuahua on the south. Qreat arches wholly devoted to. He was born Into Forty-Fir- ating expense $750,;37.77. The sneaker pictured the wreck of metrópoli of the HotlthWeot, Mrs. District Court. Kuunortrd the wide porch on the front want, poverty, struggle, disappoint (A. M. Walthall, Judge.) the Titanic, tbe Kan FrnnVisco earth mi ii m Dougher, widow of the lair which faced the old thoroughfare ment, bereavement. All of the handl LEAVES ton CANADA. quake and other tragedles that hav John Dougher. When Mr. Dougher cap Mrs. Ella Haley vs. Louis N. Haley, called Kl Paao street, leading over to that bear upon the lad born Into prop RIO GRANDE BORDER made people shudder, to Illustrate arrived hare the only other Kngllsh the historic pueblo of Paso del Norte. the terrible conditions of the east aide uit for divorce and partition of Harry Mitchell, who ror Hie past year how the sympathy of the civilized (penning pioneer women v. ore It was n great Might, to see the stages of New York City were In hla lot. But ertv: filed. haa been In charge or tbe burret at the world poured out to the grief stricken Mndnme Magnfftn. Hague, Mills, loaded with passengers. Inside and on he seemed to have a star that led P. Mlchero va. uuaranty Trust ana Paso del Norte hotel, will leave today for people and of the assistance so mchej-dson- , company, try" March, Hlaokor. Tay 'ind top, drawn by four and six horses or him toward hi fate, unflinchingly Bunking suit to title SLOGAN OF ENTERTAINMENT a visit lo his old. home at Brentford, Onl. promptly forthcoming. This he giivo Blade. Of those only Km.. Blacker Hwlng around corner from steadily, until he became old and for possession; dismissed. COMMITTEE FOR STATE LABOR It will be his first vlalt,home in nine years, as another, example of what fratern- Mi lililíes. the and and Alex 'rays remain. Run Francisco tie. t or come daubing enough to realize hi condition and CONVENTION. during which time be haa traveled allsm has done In uniting the people Presided Over F.rst Uotel Here. up Kl Paso street rom San Antonio battle with them. He fought ugalnct Special District Court. through tue western section of of the world and making better men 'i iy no other woman was hat- -' and Mexico, and a most welcome ex environment all his young life, lifted (M. Nagle, Judge.) the Untied Slate. Nr. Mitchell intends and women. ter known and loved In thoae dayH perlence for the weRry traveler t himself from one plane to another EI Paao Livestock Commisalon com- Elaborate Plans for Entertainment of 9pendtng a month at Rranlford, where bis The speaker closed his address by than m fur He, a prosld- - receive the cordial greeting of th lilt higher, only to feel tho same rest pany va. C. H. Fuller, et al, suit on Visitor Expected In El Paso for mother, brother! and alsters reside, arter painting a picture of Mooscheart, the Ing ml ñus of the. old Central hotel, Kcnlal host and hostess of the old less discontent and to atrlve with contract; on trial. " Union (fathering Next .lone. which lie will return to tbta city to resume Institution founded by the Loyal was the first to welcome, the weary Central hotel greater zeal for still better conditions Candelario D. Rocha vs. Susie his duties at the Paso del Norte. His Wends Order of Moose to take care of the traveler on. the stage coach to thl One most distinguished Man With a Mexsagc. Chavez de Rocha, uit for divorce; wish him a bon voyage during Ma visit In orphan children and widows of the of their Elaborate plans are being made ov or far awn' town. Born like her husband guests v.ob tlen. W. T. Sherman wh ''In his lectures, and In his sermons, granted. the land snow. deceased members. In Ireland, Rhe early became a pioneer with his staff visited, old Kl. Bliss on Mr. Stclzle draws upon hla experiences the Chamber of Commerce and the with him. flrxt In Missouri, then In his trip to California with President and flavors with the keen and sweet Justice Court. Central Labor Union for the enter l.i'H Vrgaa, Mr. Doughe hecimc a Hayes to whom a banquet Was given theory of life he has built up for him (E. B. McCUntock. Judge.) tainment of the delegates that will succeaafiil wholesale merchant with n In the old hotel. the early part self out oX the human material In C. attend the seventeenth annual con extending throughout In El Paso Times company va U. trade the entire 1K81 the ruah began and the hotel wiw has acquired during his exceedingly William, suit on account for $38. RO; vention of the Texas State Federa southwest and known la every act. speculators, busy ami fertile Ufe. His I a striking ti. .ii af that will convene here tlempnt wi camp. crowded with railroad tiled.. and mining contractors, professional men and vis. personality, When he faces his audi El Paso Morning Time v. Mrs. in june. t win te mane a gaia weea Came Here In 1880. Itors of every line of buslnesa. Mr once there I a feeling that here is Valeska Auer, et al, suit on note tor the city will be decorated for the oC Ing the great future of Kl Dougher then added the second story a man with a me ige. This is tru 150; filed. union and entertainment features with many rooms. The lobby and and It Is also true tiiat he knows well will be arranged tor the visiting dele corridors of the old hotel were then how to deliver hi message. HI Building Permit. gates and their mend. it l the only rendezvous of men, much as speech Is clean-cut- ., graphic, pointed pected that the convention will today. convincing. He indulge In non of W. E. Rhoton, to build a brick addi- one of the largest ever held in this those of the big hotels of The 2, 19, El Paso. greit dining room was the Been of the grace of oratory, ha but few pf tion, let block East city. r speaker's fellcltle $160. The following letter was mailed frequent banquets and balls. During the Aporlco, to build an 1.11 Is solid. Ascención yesterday throughout the state l this time Mrs. Dougher was His talk trenchant, Idiomatic 18, omnipresent and seemed almost a convincing delightful to hear adobe dwelling, lot block it. members of the various labor organ! A Check Add1. $100. get mother to her guests. A few years good to remember. He the at tory zations: story brick tention of his the"moment he H. Bretter, to build two brick Fellow Unionists of Texas: Tho afterward the new Ihree auditors 7 04 708 waa by Crosby arises, and with his opening sentences In rear of to South State Federation of Labor and structure built Judge street, sr. 800. Col. the corner he has their sympathy. Kong befor El P.tao trtends and families will come to K and Anson Mills at Co., to build an ad- - now occupied by the Mills building be closes he has the audience hang Rio Orande Fuel Paso next June for the seventeenth Book in Ing upon and We to make and Mr. and Mrs. Dougher moved hla words with earnest convention. intend that and opened the Urand Central hotel, absorbed interest, forgetting time and eek memorable in the hearts which they conducted until his death place, and seeing the visions of better mind of all who come within our some 2 years ago. Mr. Doughcr's living in a better world under better Food gates. Have a Checking death was quite sudden due to conditions that huve been his meat Yearn for A convention committee has been pneumonia contracted by exposure in und drink for a generation." chosen by the Central Labor union Account his mines in the organ mountains It und the Chamber of Commerce thai Jual uh he bad made rich ore dls- - Headquarters for those who lik Don't Spurn will 'do things' in a way that Is char- Besides being an indication of rovrry In the Crystal ln the Ben good eating, nice rooms. Hotel Do: acteristic of the great southwest. That Pernardo, Kas Cruces, N. M. (Ad- - committee I backed by the enthus- good standing a check book mine. Neces- Mr. I loughur Inued the business crttsement.) A Brisk Apiietlte Is a Healthful iastic members of the Chamber of serves as a reliable and unfail- meanwhile giving sity. Stuart's Dyspepela, Tableta Commerce and Union Labor and by ' - u vs COMPENSATION ACT. ing bookkeeper. For it tells Ik r children good educations in eust- onion Quickly Restore Loat Relian the rare El Paso spirit. That means rn schools. Kor a tew years past she an intensely fine thing for all who bow In at a glance much and for has led a quiet life, living with hor Ill Casually Conipunlrs Itrqurslrd Fur for Food. become our gueata. The 'rank and what purpose you are spending daughter, Mrs. William McCoy at 111 nish Itala to Commlssloarr. file' will be given marked attention l'V street. .She is survived by ttv Hurcial Wire lo Tile Tiste I'nlean you have a real hearty de- - remember that, now. 44 your money. It tella how Santa 4. All com much bur daughter and sons, Joseph of Aintiin, Tex., March casually alre for food you should by all means "The hotel accommpdatlons aro nnntes under Hie workmen of your income you are really I .os Angeles and John of Han Fran- iloliiK business take no chances of stomach trouble ample, honest and normal Restaur compensation act have been requested to for loss of appetite means a signal ant and buffet presided over uy aaving. check cisco, and grandchildren, Dorothy and or a acts as a okniond B. submit to Ihe commlsslona- Insurant- of distress from a deranged digestion union members are plentiful. Tho Poum Dougher Charles J. and such aa might receipt. Payment by check McCoy, all of whom us well as two reports submitting data be When the stomach wants food II railroads have made liberal conces- aafe. ' used by the commissioner in settling upon signals the mind through nerve, sion in the way of round trip rates. are You do not run the younger sister. Mrs. Thomas Martin the done un- the Minew l equiuble rate fur Inturanc want for of Sullnu, Kan., and Mrs. and these excite the taste bud In "You'll to take that risk of losing John Oía hk the , contro money or having of came to der cl. "o recent mouth which once secrete large automobile trip seeing El Paso, Jua- Many and woman with coffee troubles has Brookflcld attend versy it waa agreed that lbs rates pro- the at a man it stolen the funeral, which was held Tuesday quantities of saliva. This la called rez, Mexico; Teleta, Texas (the oldest mulgated by the Insurance companies be town in Texas ) ; the largest smelter found that Postum is a sure and pleasant way back morning. to aland rrom September t to mouth water," and all of us know We shall be pleased to explain allowed when our "mouth water" w want In the United States; the greatest ce- March 1, at the end of which time rrom ment plant; up and down the Rio to health. in detail the advantages Fourteen Yearn In Prison. and the commissioner might food. of if y Ins Atstu dsta statistics Grande river; old and new Fort Bliss. checking taita Pits be able to aettle on aome ratea agreeable 'a account with . tfrt Charlestown, W. Va March ,24. 6.000 Mexican prisoners, and don't A doctor writes: to bnin partlea. forget 'We Do Things on 4jhe Rio 'bank. Thnt E. Graham Wilson, a wealthy that "I have been using Postum for the last seven or farmer of Charlestown, must erve Orande Border.' will HKMAI IN JAIti. let- year, It has a good deal to do fourteen yer 11 West Virginia "We will be glad to answer all eight and think had $1.00 Start an Account. the 83 year age. penitentiary waa decided bf (tie su- ters of Inquiry. You are Invited to with my looking younger than of I Wa pay 4 on Alelan'1 Joars Will Net Airea te Leave aak question. recommend tt to all my patient, and who Saving. preme court of appeal here today. Strike DUIrlrl Liberty. "I those Wilson was convicted of a crime lar "Train your mind and eye thla have been using It have only praises for its taste and Bu jt aascla trd Prttt way. Get ready. Come to El Paao against Miss Kate Turner, who was Welseuburg, Col., March ft. "Some on its good effects on their nervous systems: like roe they a guoat at his country home. The Pass heart of the great south- in a si save the constitution," declared west the city which graciously does have given up tea and coffee altogether.' Mother" Mary 'Jonea today In ber prlaoo things. There Is not one pair of 'cold cell, in Hie hospital ward of the county food-drin- feet' In our hospitable city. Postum is a pure k made of wheat and a Sank A Trust Co. jail, where abe is mean crated by ordera "Please read thl at your meeting. Children Ory uf Oovernor Ainmons beraiis aha Instated "Yours for a successful convention. small proportion of molasses roasted and skilfully Just Below the P. O. FOR FLETCHER'S upon returning to the strike zone. "CONVENTION CtiMMlTTER. "I i. ..ii aiay. where l am until lb law blended. It is absolutely free from the coffee drugs, I "By Henry M. Walker. Secretary." A ei me rree" caffeine and tannin common causes of heart, stom- CASTOR Denied today the privilege of being MONEY MUST BE VISED. transferred to other quarter, a hotel or ach, liver, kidney and nerve disturbance. boms, arte refuted lo accept her liberty for Itrancti of Chihuahua Treasury lo Be AKE YOUR HENS PAY a prumlae to quit the dlatrlct, onered by Some people marvel at the benefits from leaving Dys- Established In El Pasu. 1 Colonel Verdeekburg. In rliarge of th There' an apfiettle that Stuart's trees PERFECTION 1RY' MASH contains tho proper Ingredients to lnatir pepela Tablets gave me." Sebastian Vargas, Jr., state off coffee and using Postum, but there is nothing militia in the walaanburg dlatrlct. HM urer of Chihuahua, will open a branca plenty of egg through the winter. Feed In PER- declared that she would remain in connection with Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets very of the Chihuahua treasury depart marvelous about it only common sense. FECTION HEN FOOD. until the itate supreai court bad ment in El Paso within the next two ruled upon the legality or her Incarcera- quickly restore appetite by making the Postum comes in two forms: atomach or three day In order that American now tion, under the Moyer dacialan. stomach want food. The conatltutlonallat Retail Store: & Indigestion, dys- people who have Regular Postum 15c i Office Warehouse: readily recovera from money reslamped by must be boiled. and 25c N. Stanton. W.D. WISE & CO. pepsia, etc., as soon as tt Is enabled which must be lot Cor. and and Chili. CONTSMPLATE SKYSCRAPER the state government as a result of pkgs. to digest food. Stuart's Dyspepsia may quickly General Manuel Chaos order, New Owner to Build on Old Flrat Tablet tukeu after each meal present money there. Tbe loca- Instant Postum a soluble powder, requires National Bank digest that meal and thus wonderfully tne no Site. tion of the office has not been de boiling. A spoonful stirred cup of The Interior of the old Frtt Na rest the atomach. cided. One of the officer of the in a hot water In a short time the digestion a- - treasury department will have tional hank building, San Antonio and umes its normal condition and then atate makes a delicious beverage instantly. 30c and 50c tins. El Paso (treat, I being remodeled charsre. appetite and' a good appetite, too la The treasury department officials The coat per cup of both kinds is about the same. Banking By Mail by Fenchler Uros., who recently pur- the natural consequence. One may were engages yeateraay in maaing milt AS EASY TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US aa chased the property. It will be con- actually fiuldtse a Caw Stuart's Dys- for the stamping of th THOUGH TOU I4YEJ NEXT DOOR. verted Into a storeroom. W. H. pepsia Tablets, place them in a glasd conatltutlonallat money. A stamping W pay 4 par cent latere, eompoundad telce every yr. W d Fenchler and hi brother conteruolatc. tube with meal, grains, vegetables, station will be established In the cus- a etc., "There's Reason" business under tbe depositor- guaranty law of tha Stat at "texa. aad erecting u kvcraper on the alte Just and these tablets will digest the tom guard house at tha Stanton street are a Guaranty Fund Bank, aa provided by such law. ave seen aa quiet retgne in Mexico. contents of the tube without aid. bridge In order that persons going The Mayrtttid Building improve- Just how quickly ef- for Our plan, la addition to being convenient. I think then and from the United Juarez can sat, profitable aaa ment company yesterday awrded a ficiently they act when they ara mixed money8taterostamped liberal. Nobody ha ever lost a dollar Id a Stat Bank In have their at that Texas. contract to A. Sou to erect a bunga- with the food In one' system and what plaee, and atamplng stations will also WRITE TOUAY FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET. "BANKING By ItAli.-O- R low tn block 4. Eaat El Paao a great relief It I to the digestive ap- In government ' tret. be located all of the SIMPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOUT This firm will bulb a bungalow for paratus to have Its fluid so enriched. in Juarex. J. M ofrtce Barne at I0 Montana street Co to your druggist today aad ob- Tbe purpose of the stamping ta- BANK TRUST CO., El consideration, 81,(00. -- EL PASO A Pago, The May field tain a 80 cent box aad make the aorf llón is to catch all of the bogus eon-- 1 t omimiiy hiko auia a tour-roo- bunga- tgkl teat yourself you POSTUMeold by Grocers everywhere. have currency low on after eaten stitutlonallat which has been c Biise atrcet to ft. A. Turner a large and hearty meal. placed in circulation tu J uaires. ' ; Wednesday, March 25. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Hegira of Turf Devotees for the Eastern Tracks Continues

Three-Year-Ol- Many Crack ds Thirty-Nin- e Entries for Latonia CM TURNS DOWN Entered In the Latonia Derby Derby; Among Them Is Hodge Efficiency BIG FEDERAL OFFER Pete dark nf Chicago Raring I'orm., Reeelv Make Blank for Ike Deaver MeeliBf Many of the Contender for burs hill lWiwiu Bine Ribbon Also No Entrance or Starting r"ee Will be Charge ta Make Macea Cáptala Fenrkler to Start in Feature Itare In Northern Kentucky Track Old Roaonnd, From our investigations we have Anneuares Many laprovemeals ftreeiy Cosslp at Ike Turl Wort 4. Who Developed Into Great at Jim rex Last Year la Amona; BOSTON AMERICAN CATCHER RK- - Those Scheduled to Start. FURE8 11400 PER TEAR AND succeeded in handling figures in With the exception nf the owner 'and June. 7. ft 1 $1,000 stake, over a five S.OOO HUM'S. Bookkeeping Departments, furlong course. Sales trainera that will "lay up" at Watblngton By B. B CADDLE. The fifth and final stake of the meet- Park Denver meeting, year-ol- d Departments, Advertising until tbe practically ing la Farewell But two of the crack of lili, ta also entered In the bl. Urals Card Ins la Irave Southern Depart' the handicap, to be run derby. Training Grounds Chase) all toe turrmén and ibeir stables departed off Saturday, July 4, over a or that raced at the Jockey Club He will probably face the Hal to the distance cm-ui- Cleaner. ments, Pay Rolls, etc. increasing yesterday on tbe three specials that left six furlongs. This race is for Juarez meeting during; the past' winter barrier for the first timé during the Fore With i he ctiy. The Eugene Elrod special lert and upward and a present season In this blue ribbon carries valua- are entered tor the Latonia Derby. event. the output, decreasing the cost of Tor Louisville at S o'clock with fully tion of 11,000. By the nro u Prraa These two thoroughbreds are the Many seventy owners, trainers and tnrf followers of the that Hot Springs, Ark , March 24 product, was Hodge, by K. penca In Kentucky Derby will and getting more thought aboard. This train ihe largest horse Improvements at Juarez. treat owned 8 and will start the Cady special that ever Ihe Pase City. Mote the Texas winner. Orb, prop- face the webbing tn Latonia Catcher of tho Boston Americans lert Captain H. of stake the the of the Workers the Living- W. Feochler the Jockey erty of Di. I. K. Clark, of thin state. Derby. Thirty-nin- thoroughbreds announced today ho had refuaed a out which means an 'oldblatt. trainer of Jerreraon Club Juarez, is making ston stable, which Include the world's arrangements to Old Rosebud, who won brackets on have been nominated for Latonia 111,600 work on the 30.000 the Federal league offer of a year improvement of quality all along the champion. Iron Mask, the great tart Improvements to the Juares course winter, where Derby. The nominee, their sire and tbe plant within a few days. last and a bonus of 15,000 to sign with the Ed Howard, Bonne Chance, Prince he developed Into the greatest two- - dam and owners follow: line. hugene. Foundation. Marie O'Brien. Captain Fenchler stated yesterday that Pittsburgh club of the new league. n and many others, wa among five new building to be for boarding Name. Sire and Dam. Owner. s Cady has signed Boston ued b. . Unele-Ivor- y .H. C. Co. already a con. those who to the Blue Orass State kitchens win be erected during sum- Old Rosobud, ( Belle Applegate shipped tbe .Kllkerran-Ralnln- g tract. on the Elrod special. Mr. Clancy, owner mer. There will be 150 extra talla built Tener, b. c...... , Dew Arnold A Co. We would like to talk to you about or Cos grove, Prank Karrar, owner of which will increase the stable capacity to John Gttnd. br. o...... Peep O'Day-M- y Gyp A. Baker at Qo. No announcement trtt made today c .Oddfellow-Ethe- Mew Haven and others, also shipped I, M0 Stall. A. new field stand will be Constant, ch. l Thomas A. Baker & Co. as to whether the temporary Injunc- Buch K ch. , . . . Stalwart - Indolent Sidney Bedford on the special. Fully ISO horses were erected and the will be remodeled ion. c tion obtained yesterday by the Pitta loaded aboard the car. throughout. The manager's office will be Defendum, b'. c , . .Hock August Belmont Tulsa Meeting Is Sure Thing. enlarged. The lawn In front or the grand- Thorn hil I, ch. o Hastings-Whit- e Thorn. . . . August Belmont bursh club management ttgalpafB. H. '11 It The special train to Norfolk, Va., where a stand la to be terraced and a cement side- Bradley's Choice, ch, g . m ud Sweet Alice E. R. Bradley Camnlts and another Federal league costs you nothing. spring meeting opens soon also left yester- walk laid. A cement sidewalk will also be Boots and Saddle, ch. c. Voter-Ca- p and Bells E. R. Bradley agent described M "John Loo" will be laid in Black Toney, blk. c Peter K. R. Bradley day, as did the special 'or Tulsa, and will front of tbe grandstand from the contested. convey a majority of the horses that arc ear line to tbe entrance which will make Bushy Head, ch. g 'un. Kinglets E. R. Bradley being shipped to tbe track. Despite the walking good during the rainy or wet Beach Comber, br. c. . . .Rock Sand-Fair- y Slipper. . E. R. Bradley- - The order lasued In chancery court Burroughs Adding Machine Co. fart that the governor or Oklahoma has weather. Another atora room will be built Bulgarian, b. c . Maxagan-Choln- e J. Brown restrained Cgmnltg and "John Doc" announced he will put the lid on gambling at the upper end or the grandstand. A Iridescence, blk. g Peter Fan Puzzling J. N Camdsn from communicating with any mem- at (be track the Tulsa meeting will be run cement wall will be erected on the lower Caauarlna, br. f Plaudit-Nun'- s Cloth í.J. N. Camden ber of the Pittsburgh club. A. E.'HOWLAN3, Sales Mgr., sou end of the Bringhurst, g. . . . Plaudit-Swee- t Marjoram J. N. as scheduled. More than ruimera from course from the stables to the blk. Camden Box 702, the litare track will be shipped to that paddock. Orb, ch. c Luck and Charity-Jess- ie Mae. .. I. E. Clark Cardinals Win from Recruits. place. wISSÍ Doctor Samuel, b. e . . Bryn .Crosthwalte aV Rodgors By the .4 ttootated Preti EL PASO, TEXAS. Horses at Washington Park. AUenda- - Records Broken. Murk lie, b. g Mnzag.ui-- .ndy Hope. William Gcrat Jacksonville, FI., March 24. The a ley. b. C Wells-Scol- d St. today There are number of stables quartered Assistant Manager Harry F. Brelvogo). Brick .Ort .William Oerst ..mis Nationals nun from at Washington Yon u. b. c . Knight Errunt-Merdi- n Park. The trainers will who itas been In charge of the meeting San .B. P. Guthrlo a learn made up of Philadelphia give I a up Den- Kllday, b. c . Peep O'Day-Ltttl- e . . .T. llaynea these torses rest until tbe during the absence of Manager M. J. Winn, Turner P. American recrulta and tho Jackson- ver meeting. meeting opens c .Ornament-Olll- e Headley play- This Saturday, who is now in New York City, where be is Pebeco, ch. Belle Hal Price ville South Atlantic league club June 13, and will continue for i days. Interested in the Empire Becathlon, ch. c. . . . . - .Marathon-Quee- n Isabella. . . G. M. llenrirle ers, five to three. The St. Louis team City track. Is very r WATCH FOR ME busy straightening out the business arralr Bronsewlng, ch. . Stalwart-Mls- a Dolly . A. I. Humphrey, Jr. tonight left fdr St. Louts. JOINT BANQUET AT tAakes at .Siulwurt-Myrtelu- a Handsome Denver. of the association. He stated yesterday L'Alglette, ch. f .A. P. Humphrey, Jr. The Score R.1I. E. EVERY DAY Yesterday or O'Day-SU- k . W. afternoon Pete Clark, the that the attendance this year broke all Robert Kay, b. c .Peep Maid L. Iewis St. Louia S S 1 Chicago Racing Form, special .SemproniiiB-Baahfor- d agent or the former records. Mr. Brelvogel expect to Ralph, b. c Belle .George J. Long Philadelphia 3 6 2 .Denver Fair and Racing association, re- depart for Louisville Thursday of this Hello,-- ch. C. . . Oddfellow-Balaan- e James McManu Batteries Hagerman, Perritt and THE PASO DEL NORTE ceived stake blanks which he distributed week, and previous to the opening or Roblnette, b, f Pair 14 James McManua Wlngo; Bala, Salman, Pearson and aitnmic the Hie horsemen.' There are five Churchill Downs meting be will visit his Aristocrat, i. c . Ben T. C. McDowell McAvoy. stakes with a valuation or ao.soo. None of .Watercress-Bell- e . . home at Detroit, Mich. v Watermelon, ch. f ot Ashland. J. E. Madden II M ni II OK CUMMKRDK VI (11 Ihe stakes have a leas 11,000. tl) value than Col. Winn will leave New York for Francos M, b. f . in ra 11. Coraza J. W. May Browns, 8; Rlrmingliani, S. rKAtrr toüktukr tomohihiiv kvknim; The Colorado derby for Louisville on Thursday and will Erin, br. c P. J. Mile By the A stociatcd Pre the event meeting, remain at feature of the carrying Churchill Downs meeting he will visit bis Patience, b. f. . Marthon Miss Alert B. Rcspeas Birmingham, Ala:, March 24. By a value aá.ouo. There no en- Terrible-Nanni- of will be meeting there. Hodge, ch. g , ... . Ivan the e HpdgoK. Penae hunching hits the Bt. Louie Browns to- Dr. Joltnsun or Rosurll, Dr. I.ntltl nf Mesilla trance or starting fees connected with any . McOee-Mag- o Jim ur ' Justus Oobel, b. o Jerry D. Taylor day easily defeated Birmingham, 8 Park and Judge El Paso, of the stake events to be run orr at Den- Iván Gardner, oh. o . Ivan Terrible-Mis- s Gardner .Charlea S. Wilson to 1. Among tbe Speakers. ver. "Dutch" Miller, who has been assisting the Pete Clark or Old Ben, b. g.... . Ben . ., G. Yanke The Score K. The Colorado Is the Chicago Racing Form, as R. H. derby for compiler St. Louis g 13 0 saaasBaT HP vHaHl roals of ton. colts to carry 1st of the form chart, wlU leave this Tomorrow evening at 7;!W o'clock tlio Vs week ror his home in San Francisco, to re- Birmingham 3 6 2 pounds; geldings, lit pounds; miles, reirular monthly or ihu chamber ol tn main until the opening or -' Batteries Baumgardner, dinner pounds. r races lot the Denver meet- Hamilton three In tag.' BATTLING MANTELL CAPTIOUS CRITIC and Clemens, Agnew; Johnson, Commerce will be held at the raso del aV VaH other than selling race will be allowed Hobertson and Tragesser, five pounds. Maidens ten pounds. This Wallace. Mono hotel. It III be In the rurm ,of u McQuade, race will, be run orr Saturday. June 20. Ealrl the well known turf Joint dinner or the Chapiter of commerce The distance Is a mile and writer who lias spent Hie winter In Chase Gloats Home Run. this By the Atéoottteti Pre Paso Auto club und to The opening handicap, a mile event to city, will remain ben fdr several weeks. BEATEN BY KID LEE SHOOTS UP DANCE and inonrtses be run ofT on opening day, He has several propositions in view ror the lledlanda, Cal., March 24. In a be one ur the largest altemleil affairs yet Saturday, June game by n. carries a valuation or 1,000. It Is future. featured a home run by Hal by Bt for the- Chicago Box team held tbe irirani.atlnn. B and upward. Chasev Whlto H. M. floswell, N. M., a Mr HUOOkl.Y BOY LOSES THE I ICHTWEIOBT DIDNT HUM Til EI B PLAfYING, SO today defeated tho Lob Angeles Coast Ur. Johnson nf The Denver City handicap will be run Frank Patterson of IN MOGOLLON MONDAY. I representative ur the Mltlonai the San Francisco TITLE FIGHT 1, CAMPA PIBE UPON leaguers by score 12 6. ofr on Wednesday, June 84. It Is a mile Chronicle, left evening ror here a of to atsoclatiuti. will tve an Illus- last Tulsa, Okla. THE Mt st(T YNS The Score H. iiikIiu.iv tBBBBBS and an eighth event for and AI Dodson has lert ror Norrolk, R. E. trated talk on the ton it Ihrmiirli the Whllo BBW where he Chicago 12 14 5 upward and carries a valuation or 11,500. will cover the meeting for the Ban Fran- Local Lad Gets Decision at Ead or Ten tuiiiiiilains and i. Indian reserva Angeles 5 G 3 The Juvenile handicap for cisco Examiner. He Rounds or Furious Flghtlag Verdict Pop- Two Men Jailed One In Hospital l."s tion. Itr. (ienriro s. I. add, president of the will also attend tbe and Batteries House, and foals of tills, will be run oft on Saturday, race meetings In Kentucky. Leigh-to- ular With Crowd. Bullet Hide as Faber New Mexico Agricultural and Mechanical Dave With in Bcsult of Schalk;; Ityan, Lowe departed yesterday for New York; city. Mexican Affray laust Night. and Hoffman, Arts college, will upeak on lite school of Mr. Lelgtlion Brooke. Han M. Jackson will bis represented the Morning By Special Wire to The Time mines, whllo Judge Telegraph at the course make a ririeon minute tnlk on Ihe resttlls Juarez for several Mogollón, n. m March 4. Battling Man S, reara. C. A. Berrín, or ti rmrfnn.H in Because musicians, playing for a Yankees, 0; Memphis, obtained and experiences of the CI I'aso llu the A moduli d I'reim quirer, ha departed ror the Queen ten, of Brooklyn, loat the lightweight cham dance at Eleventh street uml Stevens delegation to the oklahuma i lly conven- City. ThJL Pete Clark or tbe Chicago Raring Foam, plonsblp of ihe .southwest 10 a n round avenue last night at 10 o'clock, were Memphis, Tena.. March 24. tion. senior or Ids wire. The statement, signed will not produciría; to liking New York Americans defeated Merrt- - Mr. remain hefe for several days. Hels baffle here last night to "Kid" Lee of munlc his The director or the chamber of commerce by Urellutig, follows: special arent for the, ...... Miguel Campa walked about twenty phln of the southern league today. at "I am Hint on Ihe 'ml or .N- comino- Mogollón. held a meeting yesterday afternoon the adtlsed meeting. feet from a crowd of men standing The Score R. H. B. assembly rooms at which Hie subject of ovember. 1013, ut (trace church. In .New fitockCol Bout rssl All the Way. doorway leading; New York G 9 2 my in front of tho Into moving into nther quarters was dlneussed. York City, daughter. Miss Jttllu Tbe bout was one or ever pulled 3 T. H. the best the room where the dance was in Memphis 1 Mulhtng derlnlte was decided upon ami the Weill through a nun rlage ceretnntiy. Schneldau. the Morning Times tnrr off In the local arena, both boys - fighting progress, pulled an 46- naileries Crias, Pleh, William Rey- still peudltig. It will likely os appears from the records or the writer who was stricken with scarlet rever desperately from the tap or the gong to matter church CttBMRCT OCT caliber revolver and fired Into tho nold mil Gouett; Llebhardt, Morrison como up at another meeting held In the and Irnetllately Ihereaflar to our last week. Is recovering rapidly. His phys- or the In returned ician the, finish last round. the first crowd. Tomas Rosall was shot and Wado Reynold. near rulure. home at the SI. Regis hotel, where she has states that he will be able to leave a knock-dow- round Lee scored but throuBh the left aide. He Is not seri- since lived, and where sue desires to con- Ma bed some time next week. weakened and delivered fast never ously wounded. Tinker Plays Short. MARHIAt.R ADMITTKV. tinue lo lt'e." Ms.tCO body blows throughout tbe righting. Victim In Homiltnl. B Ihe Aemciated Prei SEE NEW DAYLIGHT In the fourth Lee was severely round Campa, together with Magdalena Shroseport. La., Maroh 24. The nt Mu p.s- - SCIIEDITIjK BETWEEN punished and weakened perceptibly. His Miss Hrrlliinii Occanin llrlile hlrlst ski: m:w daylight EI, and Marcenan Herrera were arrested Chlcugn hedcrals, with Tinker playing During Last Nnvrmher. KKNULR si IT, PASÓ ANO RO8WELL VIA E. P. A defense was excellent, however, and be ill in ULTWKKX and locked up at the Central polle.i at sliorlBtup, won from Contennary (i; I'm Amocldteú PASO AND VIA K. .V S. W.' It. K. AND CARRIZOZO-ROS-WKI- rallied tn the seventh and had his oppo- í'f.nj IIOKWHLL P. Campa was Hent to coun- college here today, 9 to 0. M. S. W. 'ARItl,OZ,0-KOS-WK.1,- AUTO SERVIfJE, nent badly wlndod. station. the New York, March Miss l.ullit It. It. AN II UNDER Lee rinlshed strong. ty hospital. Bystanders told po- KKHVRMC, RAIIiROAD - AUTOMOBILE TIME Maslell Forced Flgkliag. the daughter ur Kduunl V lirelliitig, AUTO I'NDKR lice that no words were spoken be Wheat In Victory. or L com- It.AI - I I TABLES. (Adv.) Manten rorced the righting all the way president the v Brelliing and LHOAD At TOMOBILK MI tween Campa any of tho By the Amtvtattd Prei pany, TA HI. KS. ( but Lee had clearly the best of It on and other bankers, was married la November onlooker, hut that Campa, as h Chattanooga, Tenn.. March 21 to Mat hileist, a gardener, uiin wan em- Beet bu toa, careful drivers. Phone points and Mantell round his derense Im- BIO. walked away exclaiming that he did Brooklyn defeated Chattanooga today ployed on un cítale adjoining the Inciiun bin nun. Hiillnay TestUnony. (Adv.) pregnable. Curly Wllmerlng rerereed tho S not like the music had and to 3. t'atthes by Wheat and his family lit Manlstqtia, Mich., till the l.n,cl.l fVt right, but the decision was lert to a com- turned home accord- lid aáaMai Itaoo are fired. throw to plate, cutting off a run- ing to a authorized, mittee or three Judges, C. W. Marriott, of the statement today by, March 24 Dfflclal Von can still hear ner, featured. Bcore: R. 11. K Mr. itB Silver City, E. D. Mcintosh Hreltiing. aam. . M the late songs by and and Dr. W. Southwestern PosUmastrT. 'hntlanooga 2 6 Hniioiincentent lutmcd today by the the "Noisy Four. ' C. Field or Mogollón. They gave Lee the The formal announcement was made afler MBifl Washington, 24. Brooklyn 8 7 2 repeated I'otnmcrco .l Lloyd, Weller, declaton on points. The verdict met with March Mrs Ada the lnuulrle to Mrs. Inciting and commlnsion V MeCialn, Conkiia. popular approval. Simmons was today appointed post- Batteries, Turner, her daughter during Hie past few days Hi. likelihood or tuklug of ad- Mirth, Music. master at l.lghtner and William h. and Street, Uraham; had brought forth no confirmation ,,r puu ditional testimony in tho eastern . hB"Ja Dancing. Good Skipper at Wasretla, Tex. Pfeffer and Fisher, McCarty. llshed sturles thai u clergyman m this ua 22, COST CLABBY 1,M. rute ciiho na late April Murcio E. Hulmán waa appointed city had riled at tbe bureau el declines tin und was accepted mh niaklng It n ivnd u Compromises With Patrolman For Beating at Cabezón. New Mexico. tho Rrave Are Whitewashed. arridavtt Dial such marriage liad taken that ii decision of Hie chsu could Columbus, postoffice By the Afoetateii Pre place, innuniiSiii.iihi He Gave Him In January. New Mexico, has hot be expected before May at the aSI been raiaed to presidential sal- M." Ga., 24. Cleve- Young Klelst, It Is in SOID BY DRUGGISTS I VEKYrVMLIvt By Ike Antoatatcd PreiH class; ni. March The said, went work earllciit ami probubly not before a ary 1,200. de- in nn Los Angeles, March 24. It cost Jimmy land American Association today Aruunu silver mine afler lite wed- ehort lime before Uto it. en mi hore, 6 ding, tin Is 3 years old, four years Ciatiby. tho middleweight prize !,- - feated the Natlonnlu the for tho summer, late In June. fir titer. 0. game 000 today to avoid legal punishment for to Darkness ended the ut having beaten Charles Laurence, a police- the end of tho eighth InnluK. man, tn a street brawl January it. 8co : It. H. 10. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY clahby and Arthur McQtieeu, bis trainer Cleveland s 11 2 pleaded trinity when they appeared for Kotton 0 8 trial In police court and Judge White sd Batteries George, Benn, Hpellman AND ACCESSORIES monislted them to pay ror the damage done and Devogt; James, Cocreham, Strati i tn the policeman, who declared he had lost and Whalylng, Oowdy. thirty pounds as a result or tbe assault made blm. Southerner'. OuUilt Cubs. uiwn Uy AetovlQteii Clabby's attorney asked the policeman the Pretu WESTERN MOTOR FISK sow much damage was done. Laurence Nashville, Tenn., March 24. Al- 400 tires demanded 12,000, but compromised at half though the Nashville Southern 1 nat amount. leaguers outhlt the Chicago Nationals SUPPLY COMPANY Clahby and McQueen will be given aui- - here today they could do nothing with TT pended sentences. tho Chicago pitchers when men were on bases, and lost, 2 lo 1. Score: R. II. B. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Best autos, careful drivers. Phone aáifáta ' 10. (Advertisement.) Nashville 0 7 0 i Chicago 2 5 0 EI, PASO AUTO SAIiatat CO. NEED CLASHES? ASK KKGALL. Batteries Moore, Berger and ling- f. It. Johnson. Jr., Mgr. MOVED TO 108 TEXAS STUEET. ers; Stack, Pierce and Archer. WINTON SIX fig N. Ocbosv BC Tel. USS (Advertisement. ) Tesna 7; Colorado 1. IíhjnnyBbooí Bf the Aetoetaleil Pre Austin. Texas, March 24. The .Uni- versity of Texas defeated the Univer- sity of Colorado at baseball here 7 to I.

Alhietlrs 7; Savanaah X. Golden "" tin Atiuctatvd Pre State Limited O Havannali. 0a, March 94. The Philadel- O phia American league team tuday defeated ihe Savannah south Atlantic league club, 7 lo V. In the Ufe of even the best of us. there are davs when Score him the ginger sscms to huv been out of us,", and the 7 10 FIRST-CLAS- Philadelphia world look "mighty blus". At such time you THE ONLY STRICTLY S UNITED TRAIN a will find in TO Savannah 1 5 í Sunny Brook The Pure Food Whiskey a safe, satisfying, pleas- Batteries: punk. Bush. Shaw key and ant stimulant, which wilt almost instantly brace your Lapp. Schang; Cheney, Woolf, tip entire Causey and system, new life de- Kinlth. and put into body and brain. Ita strongly veloped medicinal properties makes the use of Sunny Brook, in EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA POINTS moderation, highly beneficial healthful. PautKMetl Lobby Censare. and Round Trip Tickets to Principal Eastern and California Resorts By the Aeeueteted Pre TJ Largeat Di.tlller. of Roe, Old Whiak.y In ths World are Waahington. March 24. Pinal back of Sunny Brook Pure Food Sanuty statements (or these proposed tot The Whiskey besides account Brsok is bottled under tUo Green Government Stamp, a positiva oeoaure on of tits activities S. LONG LIMITS AND LIBERAL STOPOVERS disclosed In the recent lobby Investi- assurance that It ia V. Govermemtt 100 apd that it reaches gation were made today by the house you with its natural purity and matCHlea quality fully preserved. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Judiciary, committee. SUNNY BROOK la now hottUrf with our own nat.ntcd Cass J. Easby-Smlt- h spoke fog Tmeeter" atoppra. One heist mmeeke or the. The Kansas t'lty tesm of the Fed- Heprssentative James atmery, coua-o- buttle It!. N.NMdforCetkScr.... Far Fares, Pullman Reservations, Sche dulee or Any Other Information, Ask erals will have an experienced play- Illinois, and James Ihnery. coun'. ing manager in Oeorge Btovall. li- oel for the National Association of RICHARD WARREN, City Ticket Office H. P. McORKGOK, ba been an agent on the roast for ths Manufacturera, appoared'ln behalf of General Agent, ROBEKTH-- BA N N KB BU0. City Pasaenger Agent, I'VdPand succeeded In signing, several himself and others. , playera for them, Mr. Kaaby-Bmit- h Bl Paso, Texaa. Phones 64-5St- Bl Paso, Texa- s- made an exhaus- GK3UlOinr El BROS.Paso. Teso George wag a real live manager the tive review of the testimony before General Distributors. short time that he had tho Naps and the committee, declaring that the rev- - BaUage Checked from Hotels and Residences did not do so bad with the Hrowna port did not find Mr. McDerinott If he has his own way he la likely guilty of any charges made by M. M- - e to keep K. C. near ths top. Mulnull. "We ato not Solicit ordera or ahlp liquors in violation of Texaa lata!' T PRONOSTICO DIED TIF.MVO. COTIZACION DE TTRTALKfc Washington. Muño 24. Ba el Oeste de Teza. drape jado I miércoles; Cobre .13.7t414.74 jueves va. ru Lie jr mi trie. Plata. tor onza sV Nuevo México, despejado el mt reo-le- Plomo, por 100 libra 3.9504.0$ nublado y más frío al Jueves. JtU0rnmgfnne(s Zinc por libra 5.06.JO

AÑO 34. ta Mayar ClrralMlaa. PRECIO 5 CTS. Pacata, a al Hwwi. EL PASO, TEX-- . MIÉRCOLES, MARZO 25 DE 1914. AVISOS DE OCASION 8 MUY ORIGINAL EL EXTRANJERO UN NUEVO PLAN FUE CAPTURADO AUMA i'AKA LO ANUNCIO WHERE TO DINE 1 palabra, ana. vas le 1 palabras, una vas le LA RECOMPENSA Y LA PROPIEDAD PARA EL DINERO AL FIN TORREON? I linea al mea.,... Ina Buena Oportunidad Para Adqui KL GOBERNADOR oi.oMTT i n hiim k no podra ADorr- - DOS SIMPATIZADORES DE HUER HASTA AYER NO RE HABIA CON- NEW SILVER GRILL rir Bur Propio Hogar. OPPRBXK Mili PKKOH AI. Q1JK RIR HUNKS RAlCftti M POR TA CRKEIf QUK BE CONJURA DA FIRMADO DA NOTICIA EN DAS Sa venden lutes; en Rivera Addi I AHI'. l,OK ( ( l.l'MU.I-.S- VENTA NI POR RENTA. CRISIS FINANCIERA. OFICINAS DK JUAREZ. irZSTTHISO IS BFST S tion, cerca rt Washington Park. Bo y mensua lamente tío al contado f$ boa departamentos de Estado y da Be entregó el primer embarque ar- Be expedirán Tesorería Do perdido muer-to- lau. loa a la 0(1 de bonos nor la federales han entre MX ae WAR. Praprlat. Dlráirae Internado rjiicrm se alarman por Ihh mpll mes y municiones a la ranbajean que representen el balance del em- heridos y prisionero no menos clna del señor Félix Martinas, Herald cartones Internaclonalew que surjan. americana para la defensa. préstito que no se ha colocado. que mu quinientos Building. Nutn. 312, Teletono no. Till BUST RB8TAVRANT compra nt cambie usted AT WHICH TO FAT. NO VENDA, De la Prenaa Asociada. De la Prensa Asociada. i De la Prensa Asordada. Telegrama especial para el Times. Qalrk Service l iin.h Counter herramientas de segunda mano n! Washington, Marzo 24. La recom- - Gómez Dugo., Marzo 24. and I rtvst ! Tenia rifles, aue sepa mis. precios Mexico, Marzo 24. Do extranjeros México, Marzo 24. I.o simpatiza Palacio, FLORENCE CAFE hasta penaa ofrecida por el gobernador Col Bl gran asalto a la ciudad de To- Teléfono 4 31. H. Mohr, 300 8. El no deben adquirir propiedades en el dores y partidarios de Huerta creen Texas g. quitt de 11,000 por la entrega, en rreón, si Último baluarte del nuertis-m- o a0 Paso. Estado de Durango ni alquilar tam- que la crisis financiara eré aliviada en el Norte de México, comenzó TKC FOY, Rrva. KVSWIHIHKK territorio do Texas, de los cinco me poco ninguna propiedad bajo contra- un tanto por un plan adoptado hoy al amanecer de hoy. La lucha por la sospechosos nina del asesinato da to, sin permiso especial del goberna- que aportará a la Tesorería General posesión de la ciudad duró cuarenta, Far Vtesb Oysters, serrad la all styles. AT COMPRO ORO Y PLATA mente Vergara, ha motivado que en horas, resultando con la derrota de loa EAT preolo. dor del Estado. Esta disposición no cien millones de pesos, al presente y gu Tha Maweat and Beat Beeteeraai Pagando el más alto departamento de Estado y Querrá as pero especialmente federales concentración dentro de A N. LMnbárdl, Calla Sur El Paso retroactiva: cambio que se de tras por uno, a sean Torreón como a las 6 a. m. Aunque 107, piso, Cuarto 10. levante cierta alrma debido a laa prohibe a los mexicanos hacer con- 132.000,000 pusieron Phil Young's Cafe No. Refundo tratos de o en oro. Clencuenta mi una terrible resistencia fuá Club House Cafe complicaciones Internacionales. renta venta con extranje- Imposible el Also Enchiladas, Chid sod Basse, Hot PrSsw. BLOCK CO. Calle K ro, ya sean Individuos o corporaciones llones de pesos están desde luego dis humanamente detener Moarleln Bear on Frsaft Pay aa Bab 0ag. HERMAN empuje de loa constltuclonallstas. El nd Cold Lonche. 1 s. EI. I'ASO ST. Boulevard Núm. 306. Teléfono 04 6 Lo cinco mexicanos son; capitán El decreto de dice se re be "a las malas ponadles, y el esto como se pida, draft BEN 8WBKNKY, Prop. pagado por Gral. Villa estuvo en pie toda la no- Los mas altos precios lolonlo Rodrigues, Nlto Zehara, Juan condiciones creadas por Iss dificulta Bl resultado aera, el pago, el pri che, excepto los momentos en due fué metal, sobre, hule, huesos, cuero, ato astlllon, Rodrigues y Dionisio des con que el gobierno no puede sra correspondencia. Andrés mero de Abril, de loa Interesas de la a BermeJIUo, para traer tropas fres- viejos. Se solicita rantlxar la seguridad de los habitantes PAN-AMERICA- Formerly tr tines. del dueda extranjera, suspendido el 12 d cas para no dar descanso a loa N FRANCISCO AJiMJCNDAKlZ Estado." Knero Ultimo y la próxima anulación que defendían a Gómez Palaci- CAFE Fastern Grill DR. En su Informe de hoy el Oral. Bliss BI encargado de la embajada ameri- Page Management. de Clilhushua. cana regreco del clencuenta Dor ciento adelantado o. Se cree que loa' federales pudieron 14 N. XI St Now Open Under New 406. dice: de Veracruz mejorado de ae meter Torreón su con ex- SUF.Y ANT) NOODLES. IB SPECIAL DINNER, 60C. Oficina: Sur Stanton Horas de sus malea, manifestando que caraca de ios aeréenos ae importación im a artillería, CHOP O'CLOCK consulta: 10 a 11:10 y t a 6. os Individuos cuyos nombres han puesto recientemente como contribu cepción de varias pequefias piezas qüe El Paso's Popular Eating Place for Ladles and Gentlemen. nombrados estuvieron acusados fundamento lo referente a que piensa guerra. fueron en al Cerro del Teléfonu habitación: lili. renunciar su puesto diplomático. clon de abandonadas MAR BARK CHUN. MAR SHUN. Managers. Teléfono oficina: 6044. n los periódico de estar complicado El plan comprende la expedición d Pilar. Plume 5370 n la mui rte de Vergara. El Oral. Quajardn ha envía el pedí notas de tipo y cajaa usados mentó del gobernador Colquitt para la Tesorería contra los bonos Nnertos y prisioneros. DE VENTA El derecho del gobernador de Texas del balance aln salida, autorizados en ' Imprenta. oficina da El Paso ara un premio por apre la entrega de lo responsables del Cuando se verificaba la retirado fe- ofrecer la Vergara. Mayo d 1013, por la auma de 1100,- - grupos Morning Times. nsión de los fugitivos de la asesinato de 000.000. deral a Torreón, de federales un dictamen desfavorable, basado en dinero y 13,000,000 en ganado, Justicia El ministro de López una parte de la cual fué cuerpos princi- e negado por lo empleados públl- - Relaciones suscrita por un fueron cortados de sus que es poco acuerdo entrar en una dis- tras una transacción de éxito, habla DB VENTA-- - Poli da sangra, bue Portillo aprobó la conducta del Oral. sindicato de París pales, haciéndose prisioneros. Se es- lo pero en este caso se teme que se pero la mitad de la cual permanece cusión pública del asunto en este mo- comprado 200 acres en Summit, de no para la pelea. Dirigirse (en Cuardiola al negar le entrega 6 lo tima que los federales pierden en Lemon, una que a W. M. Gregory, Hondale. N ncitmlnu todo esfuerzo, por la recom supuestos sin colocarse. Kstoa bonos' deberán mento. El representante Alney espera B. montaña mira a glé) pensa, a plagiarse a loa mexicanos y responsables, asegurando ser aceptados muertos, 'heridos y' prisioneros 1,600. o el Santa Cruz, y comenzó aconstrulr qua al gobierno le cataba dando en los bancos mexicanos ocupa- hablar del asunto mañana Jueves. traerlos u Texas, lo que serla una toda ul 0 de au valor nominal, para aue Inmediatamente después de la Mañana deberá comparecer el secre una castillo, y aunque los cimientos violación del de consideración la asunto. ción de Gómeg, el Gral. Villa estable- fueron puestos la obra fué abandona- COMPRAMOS ORO, plata y cobre en tratado extradición Hoy entregado el los bancos los expidan a rasón de tres aquí, re- tarlo Bryan ante el comité de Rela o ntre México y los Estados Unidos, y primer em por uno. ció sus cuarteles generales da. Millares do dólares gasto en, cualquier cantidad condicione barque deféarmas v municiones Lo bonos están garantías telegráficas desdo ciones del Senado para tratar de asun planchas, precipitados, etr darla base a México para una deman- - destina do con la seguridad del 16 de stableció las lineas tos departamento, pero parece que conducir hasta la cima de la mon- metale, das para la embajada americana, para las Vergel y esperó que los o- - del Metala Buying Refining Co., 210 m que a solicitara el castigo dn aduanas. trenes no hay ningún arreglo para una con- taña el mueblaje costoso, que ahora lo plaglnarlos la proteclon de los ciudadanos de loa rrleran a Gómez Palacio en la maña almacenado en tiendas, vigilado San Francisco BL con todo la serle de Bstadoa Unidos, en Los banqueros están conformes en ferencia! sobre la situación mexicana. está enredos legales. caso de desórdenes tomar dichos y espera no. por empleados que han recibido su- VENDE un magnifico negocio de en la capital, bonos solo as Benavldes en el campo. El secretarlo do Querrá recomendó que SB Nuevos informes acerca del Inci la firma del presidente Huerta para hoy al Oral. Bllss que se colocaran en mas adelantado desde comenza- Talabartería y Tapicería que Impor El cargamento; que se compone de que Al RenavldA lde-r- ron dificultades de dinero para dente del tiroteo entre los soldados 260 el plan se ponga en vigor. Piar. Oral un lugar separado loa prisioneros laa ta, precio da oosto la mercancía, mas federales mexicanos y los americano rifles y dos ametralladoras, fué laa avanzadas federales a Ca'mpbcll por detenido 14 días por órdenes prssl retirar a todas constltuclonallstas que cruzaron cerca de 12,000, por 11,600, habar falle ascKtiran que mas de 600 tiros se dis del TODAVIA DO DE BENTON. estuvo en completa posesión de los cido el dueño, o. Stanton ui. pararon dente provisional Huerti. que a Torreón por de Del Rio, perseguidos por una fuerza SF.ICIKNTOK DEPORTADOS. sobre las patrullas de este ferrocarriles tocan superior federal, y que han sido re 'HOMBRES QUE quieran aprender el bul", cuando se rendían los rebeldes. Se sabe que Villa lo mató personal- ese rumbo. Anunció al Gral. Villa De la Prensa Asociada. I mitidos al Port Bllss. oficio de Barbarla. Nuavo método lOñ prisioneros han sido enviado mente, dicen loa amigos de Benton. que esperaba encontrar a los demás Nogales, Son., Marso 24. Seiscien- pueda aprender el oficio al Fort Bllss. Jefes constltuclonallstas en el Café por al cual aa De la Prensa Asociada. NI UNO FUE II I :itIDO. ciudadanos del Estado de Sono- en sel semanas. Damos diplomas, DEQUIEN FUE AL Washington, Gambrlnua a medio día. tos MOTIN ARISTOCRATA. Marzo 24. La informa- Nada se aupo en la maaflana de los ra, sospechosos de estar en simpatía herramientas y garantlsamoa el tra- ción que levantó el cónsul Perceval en En el verificado el domingo, bajo.. Salarlo desde ei comienzo. El la generales Nate ra y Contrergs que tiroteo .con la causa de Huerta, van a ser Asf frontera acerca de la muerte de por fuerzas asi lo Olee el Oral, (iuajardo. Paso Barber College, Calla San An denomluan loa liberales la ñeca Benton fué debido orden- que avanzaban el Sur. Das deportados por cons- va ejército. FIN EL TRIUNFO a la le lo generales Rodrigue y Urbina, De Prensa Asociada. las autoridades tonto 100. li de los oficiales del dló el embajador' Bpring-Rlc- de la según una De británico Sir después de capturar Lerdo, hicieron Eagle Pass, Tex., Marzo 24. tltuclonallstas, declara- la Prensa Asociada. En ella no establece nuevos da- a El hoy. Veinti- Vli'Tnlí Ml t IT ninnln, Atk laa ralles Marzo, 24. Westminster un asalto a Torreón por ei oeste, Oral. Guajardo, de la guarnición fe ción autorizada hecha Chihuahua, .ondre. tos de la manera cómo recibió la cinco personas se trajeron hoy pro- Novena y paga 'los mas ontlnuu siendo el hervidero de lo que DOS RtCBKIiDES DICEN QUE OCTJ muerte unieron más tarde en el asalto de deral ae rieanas Negras, negó que por peaasos ae nerro, el subdito británico, excepto Palacio, y hoy se empeñan en alguno sus cedentes de HermoslUo, altos precios liberales ban dununcludo como el PARON GUERRERO Y DERRO saber que no fuá herido por disparos, Gómez de soldados hubiera sido Todo el que no esté de acuerdo huesos, hule, bronce, cobra, sine, etc. motín del ejército de los arlstócra TARON A 1X18 FEDERALES. como al principio el asalto general sobre la ciudad mis- - lastimado por el tiroteo de los solda- 74. contra, el lo declaró el Oral. dos americanos, que se registró en con el programa d Carranza será ate. Teléfono tas" gobierno demócrata. Villa, alegando que habla recibido la el desterrado fuera del pal. A ningu- en Se ha establecido el hecho de que el muerte por ejecución peotón La noticia en Juárez. cruzamiento McKee, el domingo pemltló BE NECESITAN muchacho para y Los federales que loa rebeldes llevan ante un según un nos d los expatrladoB se le o y colectar varlua Oral. Hubert Uough otro oficiales de soldados después las cinco de la tarde, Ultimo. valor consigo. Todas tregar repartir el Tercero ile caballería pidieron luco rro con lierldos, además de de una corte Informe no confirmado en Juárez, los Lo federales que hicieron los dls traer nada de rutaa del Times. Dirigirse ul Departa sus muertos abandonados. marcial; sine que los Intimos amigos sus propiedades han sido confisca- del Times, des btuvieron una seguridad escrita de de Benton, que residen en constltutlonallstas hablan capturado paros estaban en Las Vacas, cuatro mento de Circulación nu se exigirá pelear lo la frontera, Torreón, aunque en las oficinas del millas distante de McKee, y varios das. la 6:10 de la tarde. les con aseguran qus Villa lo mató personal- pués de Qiuntarios d Uulcr, por la interven Do la Prensa Gral. Chao no habla ningunos tele cientos de constltuclonallstas hablan Asociad. mente con su pistola. " DR. UUILLKHMO Q, KTLLBWOIiTH lón personal del rey. Uiredn, Tex., Marzo 24. Informes Otra de las Información llegadas, gramas oficiales que confirmaran el acampado rio arriba, cerca de la Facultad de Inglaterra: especial! AntíH de partir telegrafiaron a su contradictorio llegan sobre la batalla por hacho. Sin embargo, el oral, onao y lfnea. y loa otros conductos, dicen que Bsntqn 1)1 Ouajardo DR. S. HAFFNER Ul en enfermedades de laa señoras hermanos oficiales que hablan entro oonstltuclonallstas y federales, fué herido con arma blanca por uno sus oficiales daban crédito a la noticia Oral. devolvió hoy Consultorio; Han tenido apoyo de ner gn por constltuclonalltas todas uno loa caballos robados a Ver da CbJbaaboa. cirujta. t.'elle Anto lo.."uá altos registrada un lugar solitario cerca los ofluíalas d Villa, 1 que va a aer tener los de 421. Teléfono 1412 y 6214. sonajas. de Guerrero, como assents, millas las ventajas en lucha y porque gara, y ofreció al OraJ. Hutching que nlo lia a Juagado militarmente, según la comi la 2203 8. HUI S08. Teléf. 3443. Lo liberales que, opuesto lo que abajo del rio, y en que probablemente solo unas te entregaría aies ae ios animales Teléfonos: No. (Habitados). No. bltaclOn. a la hubo fuertes sión que durarla 486 r uman entrega a oligarquía mili ae constltuclonallsta fué nom que se dice fueron robados al (Oficina). Oficina: Me la la perdidas ambos lados. para investigar asunto. nautas horas más. ran building: Coarto No. 02! (So Piao). TAQUIGRAFIA, Contablllldad, tar, critican al rey con libertad Un despacho Orada el Uniformes y pertrechos. chero texano. canografla. Inglés, Telografla, Ora franca oficial de los federales i informe también asegura oue Horas c Oficio: U 12 r i á. y dicen que cq su discurso el mariscal dice que, después de nueve horas de Benton fué ante Villa para El Gral. Villa telegrafió a Juáres i tnátlca. Aritmética, Español Solfeo el campo ocha, desarmado pldidlendo provisiones, las quo MILLONARIO POBRE. especiales para dti Lord Roberts les uconsejó los rebeldes fueron rechssadoa reclamar y pedir protección por loa entre Curso señorita, legulmente podlun negarse a Ir a que el se llevaron cinco menciona los uniformes en gran canti VV rant el día. Clase A domicilio. (Ill retirarse rohoa frecuentes de ganado oue se De la Prensa Asociada. Bldg., someter n los levantados de Ulster y anos con heridos, además de haber cometían on sus propiedades y que dad, zapatos y sombreros para ser Portland, Marso 24. ,W1tf tercer berto llolguln. 24 Buckler alto señalan a Su Magestad por dejado, muchos en campo. remitidos a Torreón. Barcáatloambnte del "Commercial National Bank." tratar muerto el no estuvo conforme el Oral. Villa oon Campbell, que hace tres años tenia personalmente con loa comandantes do También se dice que muchos loa discusiones del subdito británico. añade en sM mensaje que como piensa una fortuna de 14,000,000 fué detenl- - por ' SE COMPRA ORO COMPRAMOS ore, plata y cobre en rlanda, en ves de hacerlo medio se desertaron y huye según lo que se pudo saber de los consumar la victoria en la noohe, lioy ñau! por la acusación de cualquiera cantidad, metales, plan I secretarlo de Uuerra. ron u loa Eatados Unidos. Ss sabe amigos de Benton. oiilnre oue aua hombrea entren a la conseguir dtnóro por medios repro- - Y PLATA El gobierno ha ofrecido dar mas que el Gruí. Guardlola se retiró a San ciudad uniformados. chas, precipitados, ato. Pagamos si en cualquiera forma can- - por todoa metalas. uz sobre la actitud de los oficiales que gnaclo, después de Informar la re RUMORES NO Caen dos cuarteles. "No tango nada que decir. Ha ha o precio más alto se Ir CONFIRMADOS. I Johnson Assay Co., oficina, Sheldon rehusaron al servicio de Ulster. tirada de los rebelde. Sus pérdidas Un telegrama fechado en Gómez bido un error, eso es todo," dijo I tidad. Precios gin corn- - H muertos y herido ae dan en ae- - Hasta Palacio a medio día, y recibido en Campbell al llegar a. la estación de Hotel, El Paso, Texas. CAUSO UN senta. las tres de la madrugada de hoy que cona- - I petencia. gUE INCENDIO. no ni. oía uegaao connrnaclon. Juárez en la tarde, dice loa policía. BE VENDE una barbarla con mucha s Informe de los constltur.lonulls- - lltuclqnalltuB han logrado arrebatar que, con excep cayó r,i oral, vina no almorzó en un Manifestó después JOYERIA clientela. Al contado o en abonos Un bombero a un ranal y us son también contradictorios; pero en compañía do de loa cuarteles federales de laa ción de un giro por 2S0 y un check hospital alcanzad s Café de Torreón del Gral Silberberg Lugar céntrico. Informan Calle de demiites fué dicen de una sustancial victoria, Benavldes, ol martes a medio día ni afueraa de Torreón, arrojándolas de por $50, no habla mada que basara H Hermanos i' Aocladu. que y de Bfanton 21E. la Prensa la prntenden la captura de cenó con él el martas en la noche. ellos, tomando posesión .dichos la acusación en su contra sobre que H Esquina Avenida Mesa y Euat Lus Vegas, N. Al Marzo 2 4 Guerrero, ocupado por Guardlola. u art el es los rebeldes. Arega que los huido por sus aera- I ouo iMOHiinM o. tas ire ue ia maña ' habla deber a DOCTOR AUER de la facultad tin incendio se noto en lo Ulmuccnc Aquí se considera une los dos lados na dn hoy miércoles que no constltuclonallstas estaban haciendo dores más de 1100,000. Calle Texas lieldleberg, Alemania, especialista le I. Wilfrid, esta misma noche, se retiraron Bin ventajas materiales. almorza una valiente carga para llegar hasta empeñaron ría tampoco en e fuerte federa. H Frente al Banco Rio en enfermedades crónicas, enferme endléndose u una cantina adyacente, Como 1,500 hombres se en Después (te las nueve de la la Plaza Principal de la población, en LA REVOLUCION MEXICANA. dades de las mujeres. ClruJIa. Culi más tarde al hospital de locos, aun la lucha en ambos lados. Los ge maflana donde los federales ae hablan atrin H Grande. 220. muy poco y del marte ningunas noticias llenaron De la Prensa Asociada. Ban Antonio Mini. Arriba le cansando dado al ho nerales .Icaus Carranza Antonio ai ae su gus herado. Una lucha terrible se regia San Francisco. Cal.. Marzo 24. pltal mencionado. loa - limes corresponsal de encon- "Ardoln's." Vlllarreal comandaban a com- na, excepto los que vinieron de Oó tró en las calles do la ciudad, Walter Greer Campbell, detenido en orriendo liada el Incendio un ca tltuclonallstus. mes trándose regadas con los cadáveres de y DOS CUARTOS bien amueblados, co que los Palacio a esa hora, diciendo que Portland, abandonó a su eposa a (00 rro llevaba inaugura arrojó la población ambas facciones beligerantes. hijo el 9 comodidades modernas. entro un cansí a un OPORTUNIDAD, habla sido capturada. de Marso. Les mani 14S-- de bombero, BUENA 40 que para Angeles Missouri. Telefono Iblendo lastimuduriis Se urgentemente después de hora de rudo combat festó salla Loa a Atención.Modiatas serles. necesitan señoritas La Prensa Asociada también estuv EL GRAN ESCANDALO. un viaje de negocios y les dejó muy DOS MAGNIFICOS cuartón amuebla ie deseen representar al periódico DA carente de noticias y solo un breve escaso dinero. Estando sin dinero. Vendo manequies dos, ron todas las modernas como VERSION REBELDE. Puso Morning Tunes Para toda claae d lapacho de su corresponsal Bl Senador Thomas, de Colorado, Dice la esposa telegrafió por más moneda D. 08 se a en Chl dldade. Calle Mlasourl Informe dehe ocurrir Jorge huahua arribó a Juáres sobre que la que el Estado ha ufrido. a su esposo, pero el telegrama estuvo mar- 146-- Dkscu que doscientos federales cruza Villegas, en la automáticos, Teléf. misma oficina del urna HCKUla en ucmes Palacio y que De la Prenaa Asociada. tres a cuatro días sin ser entregado. ron declara-ló- n al territorio americano. Tlmoí. los capturado Washington, Marzo 24. La comenzó a buscar dlnerc Ae-- CU',. BB NECESITA dinero ronstltuclona De la Asociada. rebeldes hablan la Casa Cuando ca Arms Prensa itedondu del lugar, el de' que el Estado de Colorado ha i la casa,, se encontró que lista o federal. Herman Block Co LarSdO, Tex., Marzo 24 Imb In LOS BANCOS DE MEXICO. marte. habla Calla E. Boulevard 806. Teléf. 6463 Este hecho hace creer aue. estando sufrido daftoa pos (17.250,000 por la rollos de boletos de empeño de sus cavo. formes constltuclonallstas que llegan prohibición por Jo prescrito y aseguran que gran la Casa Redonda en la parte Norte de de 1806. alhajas a una la cuna los ropaje eeta uocne un no Con el Nuevo Arreglo se Verán ObB Grmez Palacio, los constiturionalistas en el tratado entre México y loe Ke- - del niño hablan sido compradoa mero do soldados federales cruzaron gado a Tener lnturus Dificultades. o baldan comenzado a tados Nnldos. que creó una comisión plazo. .Ocurra o escriba. ED I o To N(.KLL para Estado Unidos e lu abrirse camino los durante la Prensa Asociada. para la población o hablan abandana-d- limítrofe para el reparto del agua, lo Durante dos anos campbeii habla patulla de (luerrero. Los rebeldes di Méxlro, Marso 24. A consecuencia la pequen, plaga, un rue ne esperando Dice para lo que sirvan las bayonetas fe- - tomando refugio cual envuelve eacanaaio, estado una fortuna estl cen que cerca de 200 soldados e ayuda 1 en las geurras. por Mexico. la do los bancos, el Oral en loa talleres, para conservar la ven cha hoy por el senador Thomas del mada en 4.000,000, perdida por lag Raymundo Lujan derale se desertaron. Huerta ha resuelto abandonar el plan taja que hablan ganado en primera Bl senador pide depredaciones de la revolución me De la Prenaa Asociada. I. patrullas americanas la Estado de Colorado. encanta de la fundación de un banco federal lucaa. . una rcsolucln para presentar un Juicio xicana, careciendo de valor para de- 711 Myrtle Ave. .Stanford University, Cal., Marzo 2 das de la vigilancia de la frontera no la contribución proyectada del uno "Martillando cir a su esposa Verdad. han rendido hasta esta noche su In hacia Torreón" fué la contra el secretarlo de Gobernación la "Se ha dtoho que lo que ae pued por ciento al capital de corporaciones única Información que pudo obtenerse para la propiedad de la Después de haber recibido 1550,000 forme. o determinar hacer con una bayoneta es aolo aen particulares. en los círculos oficíale de Juárez corriente del agua, por el Estado de El final proyecto ha sido materia de la hora en qu iba a la prenaa Colorado. tnre en ella, y esto es exacto en Anteojos? Calle Texas 101, El Pe ocupado so Optlcsl Company. (Adv.) varias conferencias entre los banuue Timas. Bl telégrafo, a cada El senador declara que durante la ateo," htso notar el Dr. Angel!, autor ros y el ministro de Hacienda, y antea Instante del Sur y para el Sur, nada gestión de todos los secretarlos en un de que fuera adoptado ya aldo a podía excepto que la lucha discurso ofrecido en la Un FALTAN i os i i,i i s habla saber lisiado, desde Richard Olney hasta el ii sometido a la aprobación del continuaba. Por la tardé un telegra engañado grosera varal dad. a loa graduadoa, hablando ma dirigido a un periódico de 1910. "o han da loa varios aspectos de la atierra Los federales dicen que no tleneu ven ministro de rinanzas Llmantour. que Italiano. mente o se han hecho sordos al pedi mm lo tanto, se puede Ir a , se encuentra en París, y quien prestó de Nueva York, fechado en Gómez mento que se les hecho.' ''Por México tuja los rebelde-- en la batalla. Palacio, fué detenido en Bu ha SONGS-COUPO- N ad a quiere; paro no solamente para De la Prensa Asociada. diebu aprobación. Juáres. Se prescribe que. en caso aue naturaleza, no fué divulgada, siendo el "HEART arreglar los asuntos da uno o da otro lstredo, Tax.. Margo 24. Los de de los que ÍUK NO VAYA A MEXICO. AI es para permanecer nanqueros parisienses piensen mas único del sur habla llegado, con lado. ir sin talles de la batalla an la frontera excepción del dirigido al y no hasta al fin." verificada en la población de Qué- - tarda obtener el privilegio de llenar .Times al El Secretario Bryan le Avian que n At de la posibilidad el resto del empréstito, los bsneus me que ya ae hecho alusión hablar de rrero. Méx., ayer, en la que los con Por ta tarde del martes el rumor Hijo no Puede Ser Desenterrado. Invasion Japoneaa a la America el tttuctunallstas pretenden haber obten! xlranoM entregarán sus bonos por di De la Prensa Asociada. a ñero en de que Torreón habla aldo rendido al THIS PAPER TO YOU jj Dr. Angelí, estima, tomando en do la victoria, no han Iletrado todavía efectivo. acusó Eatontou. Ga.. Marso 24. El Dr. sideración lo que costo a la que El hunco Londres y México suscri Gral. Villa una excitación ge tiran peumo a lo remoto uei punto en neral; pero nu pudo ser debidamente J. O. Nolan, que ha pedido al departa m- Bretaña somatar a lo bosros, que se realizó. birá 11,000,000; si Nacional 4.000.00P mento de Estado Investigue la muerte - Aunque Haría i japón ii.uuu.uuu ae sola i.os fedérale de Nuevo Laredo di y el reato se dlsrtlbulrá entre los ban confirmado. el Gral. Chao te legrafló al Oral. Villa no recibió con- de su hijo, el Dr. Frank Nolan, ei do y una campana de cincuenta ortos cen, aln embargo, qu loa ooustltuclo coa de lej Bstadoa. Lo banquero, a! Tampioo, y que estado const a loa testación. habla para someter Estados Unid nallsta no ganaron ninguna dispon! comentar la medida, preveen futuros dorando Ir personalmente a Mexico A Ctgsssa Tal Cosa no hace muy probable la material. Todas laa tropas dispon! ron las cuales loe bancos Tampoco se recibió ninguna con- dijo uincuitaae tinuación dél despacho recibido el hacer una Investigación, recibió Invasion, el orador. ble salieron anoche de Nusvo no podrán dar nw ayudu, porque telegrama del secretarlo Bryan )W y según el parts oficial as dies que oreseutu medida los obliga marte a medio día acerca de que sa TO GET IT ALMOST FREE 1st Señora tosaeartxa Hale. van auxilio a emitir trataba ya da atacar la Plaga Princi- etendo: en' del Oral. Guardlola. sus más grandes préstamos 'El cónsul americano de Tampioo I mm Wfc Antes con "Bl Nuevo Mundo comandante federal de Guerrero. pal de Torreón, de que la lucha sa flb mm msm M We. ta cMn Chihuahua, verificaba en las eslíes y da ue loa telegrafía que el cadáver de su hijo participa a la Colonia El cónsul Garrett ha debo loa pasos APRUEBAN DA MEDIDA. oí , Chlhuahuenae qu ahora aa ancuan couausoame a federales hacían una resistencia a no podrá ser exhumado, sino después rfyi. Lúg pcWT. fcook. ar., ai lo. conseguir la libertad de cinco años. Aconsejó a Ud. seria tra en la tienda "Da Popular" da de Arturo Valle, residente americano En VYaaliington ae desde loa techos da los edifi- Pase, siempre, asta Aprueba el Haber cios y desde laa barricadas con antici- mente que no vaya a México.' donds. cm de esta ciudad, por haber sido arresta- Oontestaiao ei Fuego. aquí TIMES la ordenas ds su clientela. -- (Adv da)' por lo federales pación construidas sn Torreen. lasa poros detalle que ae tienen BRANCH 9. cuando trataba de ' sq De la Prenaa Asociada. son que el Dr. Nolan murió al del l?a "STlSk enronlar el paradero De rehallo Washington, Marso 24. Una POR PROTESTANTES. Cruzó al puente, entró a una canil franc's VA TERMINO LA OBRA. presente, después de una breve aprobación por la acción da laa tropas v est lgación y el cadáver en el lado mexicano y cuando asiló que tambinque Pasaron liHi ra as en celda aotltartas no halló a au caballo. Asegura, que americanas contentaron ayer al Ingeniero Kiebert raí Lia rue do a fermedad. El padre deesa una ln 6 98C Secre Ae Vol fuego de los federales en Del Rio, Vaahlngton Ordenes, aea los Estado Unidos. CSn $2.50 la) esleto aeras ae raris. fué arrestado cuande andaba en su Para Retiñir traído a BSSjtfniuy bound in rich De la Prensa Asociada. busca, caree, da las fortificaciones, Tex.. fué expresad en los círculos De la Prenaa Asociada, Mtussi luna acampad in gold, artistic ink. Parla, Margo 24. Quince de las onciaies nutitenaqse recluido el tun- Washington, Marso ti. El teniente HABLARA MAÑANA AINEY. Uign,with IS portrait, of the world riom fcmou principales detenida en la prisión gt l l UE AHOGARON. dente nor e Idepartamenlo de Guerra coronel Wm. L. Biebert, constructor de Ban Lagaro, que protestaron com como trabajo de laa patrullas da la la gran prasa y de laa com- Sobre su Itcnolurióu de y que Gatun Llamar lee privilegios acordados a la Bra Pur an choque entre dos pequrf frontera sin hubiera levantado puertas de Oatun en el Casal de i Pa- Presidente a Informar e Méeic. Cal lia ux, fueron encerradas en que con lucían ninguna perturbación. Se dice que 2 namá, terminó ya au trabajo y le fad De la Prenaa Asociada-- 6 "88" 68c mwm ft. Vaha elda como castigo su pro ronalltuclonallitaa fueron $1.50 aislada a arrestado ordenado que saliera a Washington, Washington, Marso 24. La resol u KngHh Cloth. testa. De la Prenaa Asociada. después de que nueve fueron muerto para esperar una nueva comisión del clón del represents nte Atns referente bt wnnoet tn. 1st Sra. Calila ux que apareció Koeuensk, Alemania, Marso 14 mientras trataban do cruzar al lado Jefe de Ingenióos, brigadier general a la necesidad do llamar. al presidente lla- personas una condición de extrema fatiga, Quines se ahogaron a cons americano perseguidos por los toda Klnjpmui. ara pedirle Informe sobre la protec ?t hy Add IS I Ifall Kstra for Insured Parcels Post mó impacientemente a au marida. cusuoia ds qus una pequeña embar- rala. El Corl. Biebert ha estado sirviendo alón da las vidas y propiedades ame finances. Cuando llegó cación chocó con uno de los vapores No .ae hace mención en la noticia ds como miembro de la comisión del en Mézlco, probablemenet prisión, tuvieron con- que nacen la travesía y que que ningún ricanas a la una larga iba lleno federal haya side muerto Canal Istmico y como Ingeniero Wmm ' A es run au o encar- presentará mañana a ln Cámara. El ntasaaeaal. tmtm. rmrm at ta mmm a e '- ferencie ixausjeuurv. mujeres. nenao en el incidente ando de la división del Atlántico. , comité de Relaciones quizá presente tt. a. Inrr ' " WhKUr. Match 25, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

ruUlUALtJL 1U JbUlWrUK Í1UJLUS i tit, W tiAKAl W1KAK UHAM KMJ1 SHU'S. By Goldberg lp Oop,rlht, IBls. bT H. L. OoMbesir ír P hecmII UAxte'vrT" ; fÚevriKK cao! Wy) ? hcrm see vbu Tfte ( LYiv.Lwe I Ger A . - . Mi. I He p.kxk son-- Jr- Of "Tr? I'M SMtftOTfc SOUD 3R

HERMAN , &STT t PAIR. U . ( Ve?MAW WAMG YbU A COMft k) fl C hE f QolWG v : ni niw n i . j i iwnnn1. i ' i z' .. j i

- V I .. i ... - i r tu- i

sr ALK to tKe TOWN THrovigH tKe II THIS I vol It B1BTHUAT. Situations Wanted Rooming for Sale Political Announcements MARCH 25. Rute Card DIAMONDS (Advrtltemnt.) 'tkiertisiní Children hnrn on this date ahould he A MEXICAN woman wbo both inn We ,,,,, I. u ,1111,11 speakt prices. JtlO per UD. fh n M for, tbey uever Bargain cL A dia zo .iu1tm tenderly cared and ahould well wldies work lu American rooms; clearing fitsj month snmmei aa fur sub- ho aLnixr-i- l gugt mond purchased from us, is the best In. candidates ute offices ludlcattd, ipiisrd, or furci'rt r.iialiiKl tli"lr Chortia, care flmea. family. 816 S. Kansaa. and winter; north side; ai.issi first psy- ject to prime- t.l MMHf.ii Liliana. vtlla. Only kindnma. gontlaneaa nnd th vesiiueui posstnte. the action of the Dmocra-l- fie per ward each inierUon. pnreat POMlTipN wanted CVÜTIS & KINO. ries to he held July 25, 1014, and respect- per wuru on aununj. hlsueat nnd love will give toe BUI HEM Jaooba Candles, made laat Expert Mfg. Jewelers Watoh Makcra fully solicit your support: iri'' of tole blrtbdate their right to a night, at rime Brunch Mo. u, ios stenographer, naslstant bookkeeper or and to per worn oto 7 tutor Uou. office clerk by competent youug man. V. I ID Texas Street. Jor Judge of the Forty Mrst District uer par happy and auecMaful Ufa. Tbey should be exas Bt. I line mouiu. kept of all excitement given all care Times. tin luí taken for Mil thin 125s, and caso free and By If. (T.EARINO (Hit) P. It PRICK. the outdoor eiarclae that la poniólo. WANTED young doctor, furnished ROOMS, MONTH ituit arcumpny th order. room; muat lie strictly modern nnd on WANTED Position j Mexican baker; or txeni runuanea nooau All trsnslent tiuslness ninniug water District Attorney: Peopla of this blrtbdata require a large speak language it in, care alaen, and deprived north side. Writ II., McCoy Newt stand. either f steam bested; long lease, gl.iss) first pay W. W. URIHUEIia. iauble uric. No uta permitted. uonnt of when of It Morning Ttiuea. IIOl IMS ALL h'l.Mis uient, become croaa, irritable, moróte and WANTED- - Comptut housekeeper for W. W. Lj w IH INFORMATION BUHEAU. Eur District Clsrk: atck. They allow I t: A. LEGAL ADVERTISING. ahould ham tal vet smalt runitty; must stay bights; go week. Li Rooming liuust List Low rates. 1PAKK J. B8CAJEDA. an , BROS. Legal ntM. abundance of treab alt and ba free front Call iota N. (ire LHK etc., Suites, Apai tinenta. Kiffcih idveruiloi tl leal all puoue. i 1U& N. Rooming House Healers Intoxicating drlnka. WANTFOD opera- WliU'UMIi. nun. around, ADRIAN POOL. The fault of an Arle woman WANTED A girl. B. Olueberg. Uuckler POK1TION at telephone i tuu. DISPLAY AO 81' ACE. worat It or office 2n05. hunt in rooms, Fur County Attorney t jealouay. Tbe wortt fault of an Arlaa mag., room 14. tor girl. Phone Miss nohth hide, close in, raw, wee uy. ycr uu Marsh. i l uou N, Mess Are Sua C. W. CUOOM. lOpen flt man t atlaTer. Mara la tbe governing ii.MMif.i. ruuwa. Oregon. al fAlunin wide, ihhiiivu, v. Fur County Clark: auudys, 4cli Iniernan, Ue. planet and Arlaa tbe aUyu which glvea the WANTED tlonernl work oa ranch by PARK BROS. 6rie. per characlerlatlc to thla E. B. McCLlNTOCK. dlipity d, per Inco, utrthdnte. ranch hand or all around teamster. 117 i,t fri(iin Tbe Want Ada specially favor aale of WANTED Fl lady P. S. K., care Tlriies. Main St. North Hide Park. For she in. itanogrnplier room, sleeping PfintrMUrof tmounM of dtsplsjr farm'a. Oood raeulte coma from early ad- and bookkeeper wltb general office ex- LAROb beautiful porch IVJ r. J. EDWARDS. liousekteplug prtYllofc-e- U Itoo.M ItOOMlNll llollSE or Irt to vertising of summer retorta through perience; must be legible penman, accus- light desliad run- For County Tax Assessor. Id ?pcu reidero mojut discount. t IKIS Moutauu. All outside room heart of town; Want Ad. Real estate will be given wlda tomed lo using billing machine ex- ning 1200 Price 1. Lulu, 1. HUFFMAN. placed and water; clearing mouth. attention by a Want Ad tbla week. perienced In making branch reporta. For HELM M II. N. Slauton. Hot lid oold fi.uUO; terms. See For County las CollouUir: a tactful woman of neat auuvnrance.'"wlth A&paey u 4tg wator; ra butha; rouma auc, gl.oti day; WILL tv WATSON, liOf 30. - .' cheerful and 'rnduatrtvitia luihlts. this ta r.nekJy $2.Mi upward. 1'houu ... PARK BROS. - Male Help Wanted tor County Superintendent of FubU InuIi. Dr Una. etch ertlon, lie. permanent position. T, i. rare Timet Hoomlag in ,ti.i Schools. TOUNu LADY WANTED for office work; MISS MYRA U. WINKLES, BL PA80 TIMKB CO.. he nnd eomc l or Cuuuty KI Peso Mornlrif Times. must neat bar knowledge MONEY TO LOAN. Surveyor I'uullsheri of Spanish ; permanent LoVEl.l rooms, right iu the Irani of the $1,100. W. F.I PMO, Te.vas. position. Address plM. A h HAH0A1N IM HN J. KL'UANKB. WOMAN STENOGRAPHER, Aria., T.O0 N. Ii., Times office city. Rates 1, ,0c and óUc par day. For County monta. Bocona cook, notcl. N. 11., au. We have to loan Scutch Hotel, 21M Suu Auioulu. l'hous Xraaurr: $10,000 I5U. PARK BROS. J. D. PONDER. Baker, shop Aria., (JO week. Linemen, For Sonora. $4.H) gold, tl Chamber- on 117 Main SI. North Side of the Park. Justice of m Peace, Precinct L hours. Wanted to Rant improved real estate. Itl.OMÜ I'Olll. Place maid, N. M hotel, $23 mo., b. r. lor i. 1: aud HOO.MI.Ntl IIOl'SES. M TIMES BRANCH FALL tk M 1.1,. Your money as aulclc J. DEA VER. WANTED on or about May 1 or 15, an NICK Rooms; .lose lu. 701 N. Btant ,n. rent 120, a bargain Ki Ban Franelaco Bt, fiat. 1MM. S H 4(i For Juatiea uf ins cace. 1, upurttnent or furnlahed borne lor o fam- rent Preciad OFFICES tiües passetii and approved. III R., close In, large roo Placa t ily of 4, man, wife, girl and dining JAMES ... M.imn... ,,f it mtrnnt boy. Must ba one has not 11 It rent SitR, close In J. MUBPHI. EMn.DViíKH' CLEAltlNO tíÓbftB that ,,ll For Cooataiile, I r?Ti, rnlniinj bi anch oftícé it Cyuulde null man or aaaayer, been occupied by sick people. Will luke W. W. LEWIS, on KENT lo one or two gentlemen, rent tsi, llgnt hskpg. recloct 1: Mexico '.'II It nl pisce. DOM1NOO YA. the following placea: Il5u gold. Mexico, loU piace for 0 iuontba or more if price, etc., room ha t h adjoining no ivisr terms. MONTO Electrician, ,told N. flout modern; 24 It good place rib side. For l.oDDy nniei gui " English Spanish stenograpbar, are suitable. Heat of references. Addreaa 108 atanion at. tber roomers; rvlcruca. Address o. stl, Commlsstuuer, Precinct it EMM Cigar stand, comer nd J. V I,., citre Times. We liare litem at alt price JAMES CLIFFORD, Tx .'. gold. Stenographer with tome knuwl lire Times. terms. Mesa Ave.; Highland Drug Btora, edge of Bpautsh, See lor Iruui Drug flan gold. Com WANTED By April loth, 4 or 0 room CREEL, With Sruator in Tneuiy fifth Highland Park; Kaat II PMo blnatlon New b UONE1 TO LOAN 1, girl. Mexico, x:i. r. and furnished home or apartment, one AI I'IN M It It. Hlson More. SWl Alameda St.; Boulevard oaxau cooti, city, ore that yOU Ion a cLALiuii B. HUDSPETH. and Florence iwo Mexican aort bus not been occupied by alck people; 75. .104 San Anlr urufr Slor. Boulevard rs, new Mexico. hold gooda and chuttii For Represéntenlo of tha will take for ais mouths or more If price you a buyer If list District, aud location aulla. Uood rofereuce. Foil SALE Small rooming house, newly l Ei i'm.. aud Culberson Counties! Wain ads and subacrlptloni taken. . KUPLOVERB' CLjEARINO HOL'SC. tule. Wa make S. Marlon, care Times un fiirulsbed, .heap; part monthly ALUE 1 J. l. LAR. Phone 1604. 210 Mills Uldg ladlet fUrulturc. pianos, diamonds, etc. 10. We loau money on real and city payments Call .'ml la otrrlaud. For Rcpieauntative uf the tiMn Dialrlot. WANTED By a small, healthy family, ettale t STOP paying big Intereat. We will loan youngest old some, property. We buy aud aell good notes. til l'aso girl, good, We advauL-- you your It. F. 1. a. .Lo. you s: to Slim on h new najraaanl clean fiirulsbed borne, no peo- will money on Special Treatment. tov where sick salary. El Paao I.ouu & Realty .to.' 9 north side, M0, óniy ". ijÓtiO Kl I'aso Loan ft Realty Co., Mi ple have been, for Ihe enuiuier. Would Co.. n is. rent twC. T'WU He, .1.:. lies ITioue 1)44. 11 room-- , ,101 e, llepil tilles. I'Unne 1444. like a pisca w here care of It would lo. Uldu huuaekeeplug reoie.HS lor SIO" light roo 12 rooms, north aide; dandy, for tlHSI Announcements. as psrt par. Would want posses-slc- WE always huve of money to Pi WaNTKU-A- n experienced fol plenty loan I'll rooms, north side; tollclior between May Í and June. 1. (,od ref- on furniture, plano, live stock, dla t tieieny anuuiiu.o as a cauUldat lor road work. Add risa X 111, cara Tliuet erences. etc..; good HOTEL VENDOME, 111114 East Address Furnished Home, care tnondt, Holes' bought, sold aud In. U gets the money S3,0 .uuitiy juuge, in opposition lo Adrian Froteaatonal Tlmea. ex. hanged. Se us wheu In ueed of our nicely fiirulsbed rooms, ruuutui to AN O PHKSSIJIl. with kLowl . ire town 4,2 ...i, dim euojoiT u. action of ui servl-ei- Equiiible. Trust Bldg. Cold witter lu each loom; by the A 0g eduo of buthelliiK and alflllty to Lake or out J seine Minps iu cottBtfes nnd hu.l eiuociauc pi nuai les. ISU It l lis Oregon. Pbone month; naif block Irum hae L. full cbarga of "mull up to date plant. The WE BUV dlawooda; confidential. W. W Hue; si per day aud up. ness bln.hs Choirs lots at uttrncllve EUtlENB HARRIS. rararoue, M. prices. To save money see me before you silver city, n. Lewis, in.". N. Stiiiituu Ml. aunouuee m vJBTitm home maternity catee. Ph. 4217. pu relia Uereliy self a candidat UOVhRNMKNi I'OMl'liuA.s are easy to RICK NELL, for in offtca of couataul, Prcimut No. For Rent Furniihe-- one. El l aso i to Doaao- - 1. bt iree onosiei i ilo lent now Houses Miscellaneoui 40RW cgou St, Phtine .'.' .s ouutj, subject the Write today NOW. Earl Hopklna. Wash ctallc I'rlmartea. Keai traíate dealer FOR RENT Nicely b room ingron, u. c furnished red ODOM'S TRANSFER CO. Ml M.I It HOTEL for tale by owner; Ul pressed unci, good Deliver It Right. be LOCAL MKPREBENTATIVK WANTrn- - children. Phon 1121. have to sold within a week; Splerdld lncomo aaaured right man to Phone 10Ü. leaving loan. Bargain. Pbone .'.117 Special IN oUcee MY 14 room act as our representative after learning bote! for rent, completely fur- WANTED Oood secondhand Nutlouul cash v.. repaired by LrmU lag our btiaineaa Former nished i good business i anno IU' nuts Fouls Baal thoroughly by mall. for respon register; must be In good condition and It A 1 kt llouMB, SMI flakier, i. no loo. experience iiulecesairr. All wa Is Mhle person. E. U. Stettin,,,,.!. cheap fo- It C i ml MlUs St.. aa ROOMING HOUSES require Lis Cruces, cash. Address car Tims block frost P. o. Owe, the, per honesty, ability, uinbltloo and willingness 42 up weekly. 0., to learn a lucrative butlnaas. No aollcltlng aud Big Bargains or traveling. All or apar tima only. Thit For ft room", close hi, rout $25, barsalti. is an exceptiontt for a man In Sale Livestock tl roo inn, to, $W. $S&o. opoortuuirf Milling rluae rent - your aection t gat Into a ul paying t T roopie. Ina In. i 'j: $i:h down Hilt E i i. .t.i moved troW Mills capital indepen- Huts, lo Nat. us without and became I HAVE Ihe privilege of a bond aud GIROUX at COMPANY, 5 room ttoui, plua In, Jia tuts Flrat lease i HuiH La Maile, civil So&. dent for life. Writ it one for full j. r on HI copper claims near Miami. Hralera tnd raleara of b'juorj cattle. Can M i. tit,', u, Lulnrt''t sMty euginer. Ph. National Cooperativa Realty any V. O. (Ifxtirattlf Ocular. and on the same conts. in,, fa deliver taount B. Nogales, FOLD1NO bed, sewing machine and a pslr loratlnu. H III BUFFER CATARRH) Try Co., L 1402, Harden Bidg Waahlngtou, Arlsoua. Writ r wire for prices. ti Willi - Ul l OtA nous Bay Cou, the Ulbaou aud the Ml. Louis 01 neq springs, auo trn lorittlon; reijr tcrtui J. Mar., N i.ptoii U both ami Conner Co. 'a minea. Re. ta,., Olrout, Kales, Ariwina. $1. baUalacllOB guurauteati or mooey Shai 'on, I'boona unía,!,,. THE WESTERS' HOTEL. W. W. LEW1IS isÑ, Let ARM AUTOMOBILE repairing, driving SET! " "'ro" "ouiea or muting ore. FOR KALE Oood driving borte aud tunden. At Wards i'haruiacy, guv on up Wouldtl like " one or Out Urtggs, owner. to dale ear: electrical, civil le get more partiea to Stu'lebuker road wagou. at a bargain. Will moke ratea year engineering, surveying; met boda moat )oln me In pulling this properly luto Call or pbone country Club. lo auit II wlih Bogey El Psso lending hotels; A seasons with he DOUULAB C CKOWaXL, practical; roots and board ivbile learning; bape for a production. ThU Is so preaa ooaUloua securer!; aathtractlou ctininutee.l exceptional opportunity for anyone at louderoft Pilone ll2T ItooMINO SES stand, overland and Caupbtil. lnaurane. BM Milla Uldg. that Hoi ll.ggage and trauafcr. i, catalog free. National School of Engineer- - wishes to make a large profit on a stusti FOR RENT -- Two rooms lor light rooms; reut SlCi Investment Andreas Mining Engineer SOS N. Ot :::R5 Wa NTfcb- - Wall paper BUY HER Jacoba candiel, mad last hot. i:;:::: ii:::: .irsm to clean. Phooe at Branch No. , 100 ft MICK, learn the barrier New night,' Times 11 trad. Texas St. rooms; rent loau iIELLBKRO a BLAIR. method by Which yob no be t good bar- For Rent Houses rosiltia large dining room... SKVI DRLMMOMi cleuua wlndowa tnd nail k Itoharla-Banne-r Uldg. bar In six weeks. We furnish tools and SEE DONNELLY M win save you rooms; close In rent SSii. ..eSTtja paper. Phone Initio. give diploma Positions guaranteed wages JÍICF.LY furnlahed front room, close In, UUV HER Jecoue caadle, "mad last money. For sale, Had or rent Brood i. rooms; center of town el.laYI Ifroru to start Kl Paso Barber College, anrse-- . fine aii... noruaneut. luvestigste AlU'F.NTERINt;. Jobbing and repairing mares, filly, frsnoet, plows, 014 N. large dining 1,100 111 Han Antonio Bt. Texas Bt. wheelbarrows, cement block santa F. nil light housekeeping .400 machine, rooms, goud work BaraBleed. Win. A JAB. J. WANTED Men Otic to BE chicken wire. Douneliy. ike boraoshovr, TWO nicely '. rooms rent IftJ. tl.gOO Kaaavon, Wins. at learn tbe furulthrd east from .... qo can i 'tOtMan ' ranclaco Bt. Pbann Ai. br trad. Joba always waiting. Better OOOkfB TRANSFER Co. 41U Mills SI. rooms; slneplug porch phono rooms; fine: good inoiiey msker .S'J 700 i.ue., .u .Anion in at. n. tli. wages Iban you can earn without trade J rooms; close In .600 PHONE 111 n CLAkSlFIEU xooia given, raw wests complot. Drop 1 rooms; large dining rontn :si Ailvertlaert wishing to place su "Acsom Pregaing TWO nicely A Cleaning and 9 Room cotuga, I front room., all l'ew of Our lloutet Easy Terms. utodallon Accouui Ad'' In Tb Timet partly furnished, with modern convcuieaees(mi 000 W. c U Vant tmTtT7rT7 aÑTÍ tTes sroepiug porrn. Ultsuurl Se EEL, thuuld call iuM aud ask for Mlaa Cbxaal cleaned viTer per INFANT WARDRfTBXB to order. Pb Phone 0141) W, AUSTIN ic Ml LI: lied. 8b will T . .. . ,,r aulla cleaned and I. moniii Phone promptly take ihe si over :.hb' UOLDEN CAFU. Phoot B07A San Anlonlo. the ph. .o., and send you a bill 1 pair or giovct or 1 Short day allano HL'V .; tha fouow 11 itb nacktl orders olght. Regular cottage, parity furnished" HER Jaeoua canuiea. made lest econd tiand Csootis. lug morning. Accounts ara payaba oa wort BVHva wau uaitvarvu. dinner. Sc. 12 to B J1S t) Kl Pnao It. with sleeping porch, night," at Tintes Branch No. 0, 106 RON. Highland Park, day ot flrat insertion DIAMOND I2 50 per 3UU7 Will throw your old away EI. PABO EMPLOYMENT CO. mouth Phono J lexas furnllur wbua Never Again Sueh Snaps! tning. Lrfalog and Tailoring, AOKNCI wo ro posltlveiy tn hlguatt payara for SPECIAL NOTICE. SOT. Will furnish K. R. Ishorers.l cleric, and S aecoud-ban- will soon f Mills St. Phone OR RENT Lara light dry eoneret HltESSMAKINO al home Phone AVIS. furnllur household Summer pisos he made, when For quick service, call Independent domeatlc help. U& B. Pan BL Plwaa and art! w ele. El Paao Mew and Bexoiid lland Stvrt prlres ill sdvsa e 'aharply. Messenger. Phon KM. lilt Mi yuur luslerlsla and mske your Phone kaki. 4 si tt El Paso. ti room ruotuiug house, g300, balf down and Propoaala new gown ' Bid WANTED spring or tailored suit gt Dtudy Oood solicitors. Oood pyonot! HEN r To yueeu City SELL i 14 Circulation-Depar- fOB permanent tenant, beau tli oLeae, Room Ml. Moody .ni I. it., iu. rur aU II. rooms, Just ui.rih of Plata; RENT i giuu.yuu, par tie to offer Apply t 7 kd ral. for reel tlful rottage, rooms, 2 hatha, 3 porches mug mi n t;i worth. Ranges, itores, all aluds; heat ONLY $4A. Slashed to 7H0. LOOK Only gsjMaj outiuiug loan, aactvea at craw-- Address M. F car art, iin. drum, ic Texas Fura. Co. J down. WKUmSM Tlas. DRESBMAKINo, at hem or by day. Mrs. 400 bate. Bin Aatanlo. Pbooa ltd. S. El Paao Pbone 0V7. 7 rooms, tent f'JO. II7Ó FOR RENT ft room house; Cross Phone Mud w COMPLETE, Immt Lost and Found al rooms; modern; UK It Jacoba liiada jewly papered and painted throughout; rUHNITUHl WANTED Al once. spot ruunlng water every mea Me. room; vldgant furoUure. RENT tun Five, at ii Brunch . STRAYED from 1 on Amona St.. $; month. cstb pala for snd household ia iXth cavslry camp. Educational luruitur lens Prl.-- f'J.aki; over 100 Furniture for SaJe uorse. otaca, m nanas, u years old, lore AfBTIS A MAKR. SOiHia of all kinds 'nono iisai. feur paying top Ma) Mt per cent OOt Off; email SUMHIOt of Whit on left Furiilluio Store, Mesa. '; LIBERAL loana on furnllur and planoa Stock and Poultry kind foot; no FOR Yocn CONVENIENCE Bay, that room beauty, Wearing gjoti at iwslllmete ratea. Equitable Loan Pet brand. Bnlubte reward for RstjUtBajrta. VYK aocuud-baji- he l.7oU; SÑO,) reinan tu camp (Valle. BUY, sell and etcbauge mouth, tin bought for Asa'n. 815 Bldg r C. L. Co down SEE THIS. BEST Trutt Uo egga. 11.50 teutog Pb.8170 "ÜWK'lTt AFfíT The Tl'oes stalBtglns up '.own fornitura Erwla a lie s. LOCATION. l Stanton Bt Phon 1BT. Private baths; screeus; porches FOR BALK -- I sawed oak dining UQ .Man Francisco brsncb offices at loó Tasas St. quarter St.. Herald II rooms, gAOII, easy senna ) 11 room eat, early Kugltab ball Auction Sale Moderate price lids and at tl McCoy llotal cigar WANTED rooms, complete: nl narrow liarrlnn restaurant, run by Amerl aland. You can place your Wast Secu.l hind saddle lu good Myrtle, S440; u rooms. $700. Bat rack Isepn rat- - seat .and hanging glass. Mork. Wllllama, N, V WILLIAMS, can, for ladles aud genthsmeii. i 1 oroua 9M W. surtían sale a.i e,.m. every Bpells Ads. give your SBbacrTptioo snd rooms. Magoffin, yttsJ LOoKl S velvet Wilton rug, slge.Oslll. All good sa mission broker. sal) vo,iytilág for dloner day, He to 40c. I.uarh psy bills mes rooma, rent $45, sjileudld new Apply p o HIS, ti ruonter, ,, st blanch. Vm I w. .in.cannn iniiutnre, uiuuey Ho i dou yuur get figures maker cut to ir.r. J down. Hoe this: TO yiosn' sai, lumtiure our before alliug. ingnanlab. Price In your bouse. Second band automobiles Ó44 Myrtle Phone U. S5 root,,.. TRANSIENT, $ÓUA downt reut Tyopewriters. SPECIALTY. If yaw suit to buy or Musical $110; prka II.SAO, egy Urms. And msny sen sjiyuuag, bob ElnPoBMst Afatscisg wanted aii kind of furnltur. W otbera. Harry Towle. wllh CLORINO out uur Una uf now and HE BE ItT ROMO VKHOARA. plan teach psy mor fur your goods ny MA B arrea kock angt. 1M) per W. A WILLIAMS. SLPPI.1F.D How.ll tho firm TIP TOP REALTY CO.. baud Royal typewriters; price eat I UELP l.mplorineul rro'esor d piano. Room 19, Buck I'Jti Brntdwty, Ml fertility fuarnnuea. Office: Entrance of Caput Bidg. Agency. 1 Morgan Bills Pbona ler Block. nxf lo overland Market terms to suit Paao 1'rlntlug Co., FurnUur Co. Pboa ItB Ul Mass. Ii. i aid Uldg rheo 8X7T for s uto. Oregon sud Main Ata. WWdy. March 23, 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES ni What Are You Looking Fori You Can Find It On This Page Dressmaking Will Be Easy II Yen Dae Arme Spanish CI Adding Machines. Bowling Alley. Gloves. Plumbing and Heating. arrjuiiasie tirrnamsking rormi rnonr - Tragi Adding Machia Try Burroughs. Dumbing aad Heating. All Work finar- Good Method., Correct Language, pror. J- - San Francisco si anteea. Kepair work a specialty, r. Hons. P. Moaseuec. Lin ay Mar Hrautltirr Krlly A Pollard. Magneto Supplies. Srrapp, OH Man Antonio St. Pbone 1534. School of Languages, Booms Bi Sat: Fewwee tjtore (We gall then.) Tha - snapp do Bldg B.irrongh. Bookkeeping Machine Beech Supply and Service station. Klee- it'a a snap to bare roar ler - Francisco. Builders. If Yeu do Your Own Drennmaklag t ea Arme Popular. tric tartera, storage usttenes. euo plumbing. ni'in'm r 'i'i- "ii"" ri 'n'i.'io.iijai Fireproof Balldlaga Jennings ll Woodl. Aduatable Drraamaklag Forms Phone Kanaaa. Phone 1M4. ( Kayear silk Oloroa At the Popular. Stationery. Mm Taar rieor. with Na Na Sold at all Envelopes Croan ;iovrs-- At Paaad Paper aad .'Id MIIU St.. El big atorra. Mark Blumenthal'i. Men's Furnishings. Kelly A ronera. Draperies, Rugs and Linoleums. Onyx" eatery Harry Porch Furniture. ata At and Kwtwrar If Swlnga and Chaira the Popular. Swain, 10U Texas. Porch Furniture. 4 Blue Printing. nioniai Draperies popular. Eraeraun A Berrien, 334 B. El Paso. Shoes, Men's and Women's. El Blue Co. Cheeking Ar- - Hat Frlallng Peso Print A Kall.her Mera I npllnl by Your 107 Hon Francisco I. Mígalo a A.minetrr. aad Wilton. The Arrow Brand Callara Tbe Popular. Fellsweraft Shoes The Popular. mint I Huí. If. Wlee I hlng fop alar. RtMtl Estate, Rentals and Insurance la do National Bank Manhattan Shirt. Popular Dry Goods Co. Gravis Baft shorn for Women) Popula 'it. Boarding Stables. t re aad Urltoi Oraaa Hoga At the Pop- Anto aad f.lnrman'a K. T. AJBOBatt. Tip Top employment Bureau 120 Brosu- ju'iriririn sy. mm Service stables. Onyx Hoalrry Popular Dry Goods. Phono tan. Popnlsr Dry Goods. at Urcar'a Booming Hessea, Bnalneaa Chances Tip Goods. Art horami n loin Pimm- 02. Marina Linoleums Tbo Papular. Goad Rnyal Society and Altlmo Harness. Plioanlx (JiiarantrrU Hoalrry Popular Toil Realty Co. Three ornees. BBS Ilimprd Haddlary Agency 208 Mills Washington Htsninert Pncksg Onods at the Populsr Cleaning and Dyeing. -- The Popnlar. West Texas Co. BUglas C. rowell Oraee Oath Hand Bat- - 1! Carpets Claaaad, Kiram ar Taaai Mata Botona Shea Findings West Texas Saddlery riotht: whole- Hang k Wellborn. Manufacturing Furriers. ry ft. Beach, 408 Man Prancleco Bros., Stacy Adama Sho -- The Popular. si Smith Aamloatrr Maga The Popular. FManufarturlng Farrlere McLellan vevMVMMMMMvMMVaWMvavpXevavwvaaaavevpXryaveVevpae eeeVe.arVeVaeVe.airVe.eaievaWe Kaafaat Fiber Matting Tho Popnlar. Hardware. Refricrerators. 2804. RaJtaa. lata Cleaned aad Blocked Phone Oardrn Floae. Bbarala. - rlgbt prlcea. "rail and call tuja' Manufacturing Jeweler Leonard ('loanable Refrigeratorn Tks one- Chemists, Meielliirglnts critcbeti 21104. lHttn, Bagara (leaning Wnrke Phono Drugs and Remedies. M. 1:1 Paso. P. to piece porcelain tanea. rounu umj a. The Kl Paso Shoe Co. Is slooHsIi Ferguson, lur uio I.. Baqnor S Sen All Jewelry made Rogers Furniture Co. renrraonisiives Kogera Clean Clayton Deej Hamad Ira Kelly 4k Pollard Wodillng pósito tne Majestic xncatro at lltlW shippers in F.I I'sso smelter; umpire snd re4 Sereea Wlra Poultry Ncttlag of all kinds. Expert ropalrlng. way. ctinlrul work specially, analysis of coi!, Colorlte Celera new and eld atr uau anu ran agnin. 4uu ft. El raso. Gibson Refrigerate re aad lea Bs 1.1 Box 71. Emerson water, eic 1'sio, Texes. Kelly 4k Pollard. Guaranteed saUsfsctory We sail bettor Shoes far considerably Mattress Manufacturing. Berrien, 324 S. El Paao. money than other stores on aeeoun Aseayrr and Chemlet Heprreentatlvc foi Cisrars. Plant Hats and Caps. Ksm Jnlee Kellj Pollard. Sealey Made at Bealey, Texas oar small expenses BH paso snoi skippers m Hie Kl I'mn Smelter. thr Leading Bravada Ble Dunlap Hela At Blumenttitrs. Mattrraa & pira by mail receive rarefill attention va St n tul. Maxell "M" Hair Tanks Kelly A Pollard Kmersoo A Brrrleo. S24 8. Kl Paso. Real Estate, Rentals Insurance W Shoes for Worn Prompt and accurate work. íf". afatress Manufacturing Krvttl MattreSS Ander.on-Kllle- r Realty Co. Heal Estste, Kl Psno Maxell Hrmrdlre Kelly 4b Pollard. Flak Hate Popular. Fnctory. Phono 1110. Cameron, 20 Kan Francisco St., Confectionery. Building, insurance sua investments Texas. Boeealroond Crrara Kelly tc Pollard. Uage Hat. for Woman Tha Popular. Harry Buckler Block. Phone 401. 417 Mesa Cndrrwear Sporting Goods and Fire Ami A.sny Agent f Davidson Hoina Made Candler Vlnol Kvlly A Independent office Pollnrd. Klrtaon Hals M Olumentliil s. Branddun A Le Baron Rest Estste, City Ammunition See Bhelá Shlppera' Anrnyn aud Chemical Ar Chocolate Anto Flrearma aad Bunle'e Are MaanfaStnrlng Property, Rents aud Insursnce. Payne Arms Co. MIii.h n mini il n Reported Grande News Stand, Kuramaai At We do a deneral Bualneaa mobile. Workmen's Compensation. Lis Kim Hate tbd Popular. in mettresnea and plllowa renovate Bullion Wurk a Specially. Cor. Bldg. and bllity. Burglary and Fire. Valley Lands Sporting IhC.i nd Chihuahua Sin., Kl and plllowa. Ervln Mattresa Goods In All Linen at Strteoa Hate Popnlar Dry Goods Co. a Specialty. First National Bank Prlcea Shrlton-Payu- Arms Co. 0B3 1110. Bldg.- Pbone 1558. A .nay I Hstahliabed Watera Model Hate Tbe Popular. Hramon We all of them Krlly Messengers. A. P. Colea Broa. COTTON ADDITION, Repairing. Frank II Rea mor A! Manager. Bancroft's. Phone hare Shoe Mining Rnglne Hate At tbe Boston Mr. v. Close-I- resident lota on an yira. aleta nd Caetna fact ; J phone Diamond $500 600 eacb, caab, ( ban. Rokahr, Boot Maker Shop Nnl Agent, fur Shippers 101 Sun Boulevard, and Ire Cream and (old M phone i.i.i. To all parta or tbe city balance 1 to 5 years, 0 "per cent Interest, ii .iiu icxiis at. itepairing done il hi raso, Open m. Max lean Sombraron Fancy trimmed also day and night. Onr motto: Prompt' office 202 Oregon St. Phone loó. Goodyear welt shoe repairing synB uso. ness and Politeness. 324 Mills St., Ill Phone 873. Vau Can Win plain palm leeA- - all su as. Henry 8, Paso, Ucacb, wholesale. 408 Sail Francisco St. Tex. Exchanges, Beat Estate Jay F. Knox. Suit Cases. hlppere. 4IU N. at Davidson's arery Drus; Cov Orndorlt Hotel Hate Harry Swain, 100 Metal Buyers. ' Graslng Land. Jay F. Knox. r, Tex, Block. Caaes El Paso Trunk Factory. Oold and Sliver Bullion Buyers Metala .a Salle Mealty Co. Real Estate, Loans eveaaeveeye.aayeveyevevayxeveyeraaneie.' Court llouae Drug store 424 San Antonio Hoylng and Itcrinlng Co., 210 San Fran and Insurance. Valley Lands and City Children's Clothing and Shoes. street. Phone 1412. We are ss near yon Household Necessities. cisco St. Pruporiv. Fire, Life, Accident, Automo- Tailors. Boya Sod Athletic Goods. Ilnllami shoe, for The Popular. ss your phone, yet out of be high rent Dtl bile and Tornado Insurance. Itooin Fabrics I la Dundee til We solicit your pntronaKO. Cana Srala Woven Sang II Wellborn. Bank 310 ban pin mato snoea far district. First National Antonio. Cheney Phonemes. silk. The Popular. Dundee Woolen MUla 4)15.00 Mr. Educational. " Hyda Hut. and Capa for Bays Tbe Popu- Beacon Blankete Tbo Popular. What "Sterling" Is ta Silver, "Mily field Auditing. Draushn's Bnalneae College Bookkeep- la ta a Home We build homes on easy Measure Clotbee. 310 San Anton.. ing, Strung rnph.v. Spanish Kngllab. terms. Mayfleld Bldg. A improvement Hoya' Sulta Tbo Popular. and Beautify Your Yard Hose snd Hoes, New National frank rurnlshes competent office help. Guar- Spades Kuken, Every-thin- Mexican Curios. Co., Inc., First. and Sprinklers. Bank Bldg. 084. npeleea Bleuaea for Children antees positions. Tbo moat up- to date for tbe Yard Work. ltogers Vur- Mexican (Zarapes) Blankets, Pbous Business College In the West. ft. V. . 41 32 City Nitllo Brawn Work, Indian Navajo 843. Make Filling Dresses by Using Aj Mgr. Pbonrn Trust Bldg. Wnla Co.. 103 El Paso St. Ranchea Jay F. Knox. Pbone Perfrrt Mi for cm id ran At the Pop- - Aoiustaoie uressmakiag rorms pn nr. Valley F. Knox. Burroughs Bookkeeping .Machine 100 Hun Volee Cultura, Interpretation, Coaching Upper Lands Jay Psrriu Wltte, 14 Buckler Blk. Phone Crosa Olive OUKnlly A Pollard Motorcycles. 2462. Thor Motorcycles Smith Machine C 313 Valley i.nnd. .lay F. Knox. Talking Chiropodists. Mandrvllla A King Co. Flu S. Knnsss. Machines. Realty Ce. See us for Victor V let rolas Kaeords, d Auto Agencies. not Hpeelallet All foot Ilia eclentlflcnlly & aad mated. Men and women both Electrical Machinery Engines. Orderlies Kelly homes; for your trades, cither city or Pbonograplia and Iteoorda W. Motor Agency Trias at treated. Bexa'l A Pollatd. Nurseries. Valley. will you. We Co., 103 . 13 lli rnld Hhlg. Twelve yeura" practice Klertrlo Motora Wo match write El Paao St. lililí. Klrrtric Urneralora CI Paso Nor.rry Co. and certainly. Pbone 1540. Myrtle Trading Place. Southwralcni I Thermos Bottles Krlly St Pollard. lat Fruit Insurance, :;"- ornamental trees, shrubs, 'lowers and Morgan mug. - San Fraud plants, rnaes our specialty. Nursery and Tanners. nK ii Anlo A Truck Kaloe Ci Tbe Kasy Way to Hake Prrfert Fitting Cigar Fixtures Green Ilonaea. 3200 bio k Alniueda. MrLellan Broa.-S- Sail Franela Hxturcn Brunswick Balke Collen- ureases t isa achio ureaamsxing i orina Phone 33:. Flower Store, Stun- - 'STr Hhune 4784. ton. Phoue 5200, it. A. Harria, Mgr. Auto Accessories Kuglnra, tlaaallaa aad B4L made hy the Mynduk, N. M. Largest town In tbo Taxidermists. tin thr Krpalr Work fur lio International HarveeteWco. South west- Office cnited stales or its ago. iiuy lots now M. Leu o Broa. 300 San Franciar l renin per hour. i:i Sun Clothing. ern F.lectrlc aud Mnalivne Co., 304 San Furniture. Roucborougn & Dyer. Clathea Harry Hwain Fronclaco. Desks, Roll or Flat Top, Office Tables, Auto Agencies. or & Whlek Clothea Hruahc uiisrtertHl plain ink liiucraon Luy 404 Teas and Coffee. l SOI lie Debioey Realty Trust Ca., 4 tin tit- tura and Storage. Kelly Berrien. .124 8. El I'aso. Fauat Coffee, Alamo Coffee, White Hd sns. Phono if:: Clvthea Popular Dry Goods nnd 410 Trust Building Money to loan Hoarra Prat and bargains In real estate, valley lands, Coffee, Ucliilllug'a, Llptou's aud Tetl Try Meka en Yoar Ptanon Meks Mfg. Co. A Cuatomer aeea your wlndowa flrat Let xeaa ui ijevy, .rocery uo. I.I Klgu Cu keep rentals, and collections. Rooming Auto Number. 1'nao sa, Surnd I.ran Than Yen Barn aad u. them olean. Pbous 729. una ucreuges. Mart. tMiaarlaer A Ulathaa Popular thr Dlffirrnrr la Tht. Monk. It'a the lura Feud Uakrry 11. .ma Made Pualry houses small Moileru Plaanrlal Way City National tükS Sun AntOtalo. Phone 5H04. Chairs, Office. Dining-Roo- and Bod room Toilet Preparations. tin leather-- West Ti 324 Tha Handy shop, tlltharli-sicrn- Clothing At Hlunienltial'i Bank. Pomprllan Olive OH, full Berrien. S. El Paso. su Texas Headqnn half pin'.. Me Ward's Toilet Articles, Ward's Per hast hi i n mi urug store. Cresiu, with Haxel Cream Snlvi Auto Painting. l'hr I. Nvstmi (Inthlnfl At Bluinenthal's. Osteopaths. " and Renovating. i Savor and Talcum Feather Bsrgsln Hyde Ostepatbli Repairing. Powder, 23c IHJl Una Texn Irouaera At Hlumcnihal's. l'nckage of Ward's Perfumed 11 Anything In Leather E. T. Amonett. Powder Free. . Cm i:lolblno-- AI H1iim':.thal't. .Mena Ave.. Kl Paso. Vex.. Bell Teieuhoue Try Mrka Aulomblla Body Pollen. No Irnabea lairge assortment all kinds. Knolilaucb-Wsrne- Drug Co. Telephones -- 4 Trunks and Bags. Feed, Hay and Grain. rlgt-il- Contractors and Builders. H. F. Wright, M. U.. 1. O. Heruld All Klnda of Trunka El Psso Trunk H Vealeru Hwlra Co. Wholcanle alfalfa, hay, Bldg. Specialty, osteopathy. Residence Abel Cycle and Motor Co. Bicycle lory, next Crawford Theater. Auto Repairing. Jrnnlnca a Weoda r nil kind, of grains. Hersld 1112ft Kumpart St. orneo Phone 1543 M. and motorcycle parts repairs, caed Mira Overhauled, Hrpalrrd ltldg. Hhlg. Bealdcnco Phone 1002. Office lioura, 10 motorcycles, also, bicycles, nlno new ones American .Motor niul Ma lo 12 a. ra.. 3 to 5 p. m Other hours by Boat li w At tad t euntnga ardrohe Trunks out rurt inx t.uurlarrra J k Wooda. Fireproofing appointment. Popular. Boya' f'lathee The Dr. J. J. Rugs and Draperies. Kuppenhi-lmr- cloth'ea tor Me- n- Boston House Wiring. Blgetowa. W lltena and Axmlnatera SI u lv. & Berrien, 324 Floor Wax and Oil. Mgr. Be Modern la Buoineaa Methoda; Have i l. At liiMOilll.l In nil Man Floor Mad New With Prompt Check Account at Till. Bank City N'a McKra A Crawford, SI5 Antonio St. ROS N. Mini I,ouna llonul Bank. Wo do mi of building work. 4770. at Emerson & .lulthltig repiili-lu- u Bell Mark Croas Lralhcr Goods At Blumenn urratiKeil. uud Kveryhody Kn No No Do you kuow Juki call 4M4. Optician and Optometrist. TaveexeyeeeveeyeyaiaMMevvMMiearfM.. ending upou tho Home Builders. Caryl C. Hill- - 421 Mesa Ave., opposite Transfer and Storage. I' Corsets. rdar Mop. and nil, ', p. builders of repu- water office. My optical service onion Moving Western Transfer aud St I 1'uao W riding mure th in the aclllng of irntnla, iiicludpH o. uu. r i i. Lady, lax 'eda, Mme. mu iinli Francisco - nn ncriiriilu eye ctuiullinllnii uud fram - ra. Ulova-Ftt- Florists. Hog, ., Mine. Mnrleltr, adjutnicnt Ihnt uill give results. Smart ii port ad Palma for Kaatr All Klnda potted plauta, freah flowr a every day. iclp ua grow. Patterns. Transfer Review Western Transfer and Stor Suiltli Macbl Dairies. S l.i li "i, Really Co. "Quality Pictorial Patterna The eo. wi. oís san Francisco Hiwie Huillín. " 2UP Me Nothing Added Nothing. Taken Would I.Ike lo Trll Saddles. i II Aaanrtmcnt Cut la No Floor Wax At the I .pillar. to co loss from the cow Artne Adjustable Breas i i alas Worth Doing In Worth Be inner Tku cloauaat dairy Texaa Cbav-- liiono 41H1. well Texlco Transfer Co. Phones cry bottle aterlllied hc-- Tito Account System of Thin Bank uud 702. Pnno Dulry. Promotes Economy, lucreaaee Bunlneaa Coarlbay Saddles E. Amonett, 400 Automobile Supplies. Fountain Pens. Preelige, and Muppllee Wanta tbe of Te Telephone "61 7 ST Borderland Auto Supply Co. Cniuple Leaky Pen to the Many Bunlneaa Men i It y Natlrtitil Bunk. Perfumes. and for Moving; Va Dentist. Caty's Perfume At tbe Popular. Safety Razors. Horse Remedies. Houhigaut'a Perfumea Popular. . Typewriter and Office SuppJ PTver'a Popular Dry Goods. Safely Kaxor Iliad. Henharpened. Doable Furniture. Home Itemedlea West Texas Saddlery Co. Perfume. edge, o cents aoxen. Mugió edge, av ioa oral aiscninea Vou'te Even Mordrrtaod Auto I o ure l pholstered, Darrvngna. . -- High class dc itlatry nil Repaired and cents doxen. Better tbuu new. ttyatt'a Sirven.. Parked I u Snug tv Wellborn. Toilet I'rrparatlonn ,oose teeih and pyorrhea I sie. Infants' Goods. Drug Store. Typewriter aad Supply CaJ PI IL 211 12 office Uil. "ilia Brasa Bada, rltteburgh-Hlcka- mukera sold, rented and repaired. T. li. .ñu. in. Kl "iso, Ferrla Walat.1 for infanta The Popular. ers it tarnishing Emerson & Bcrrtc Photographic Corona Portable Typewriter. El Paso. for lnfaata Supplies Psso. Tex.. 210 Mills 8L Pbone 833 Fhotographle Supplies N'W"'',,'S''S''S''W" Automobile Tires. Fred J. Feldman Hafatv Raxor Bladra. honed aad ntrouued Co. 35c I.ea i Ira. Nmlla at Mllca Borderland Auto Kindergarten Cloth At I he Popular. and SteHllxed Double edged, doseu; Turkish Baths. supply Co. Stepbensoa, Agent Rnalgn Cameras and single edged, 30c doxen. lour own D?i ron want to et rid of your rhao Good. At the Popular blades returned. Mall orders solicited. tism7 Do you want to be in shape w tuaetura-proo- f Detective Agencies Weln, Sectional Book Casa Emerson & It ...... r nr x . Fred J. Feldman Co. the hot weather is comlngl White n -l- lolderland Auto f Tha Thlel Detective Service Company Bert'len. ::.! S BI Paso. ....aa. li. ".in 414 Flr.t Nniioonl Bank Building. Í.'j.uí, k"'' attendant. Cblropot NATIONAL WII'l. III. '..fríe.. in all and Vaults. N- - Oregon. Phone 1090. Stephen., tbe Photographer. Yoar Sat- - Safes Auctioneers. principal .'it i. in tbe United States, ( la my uavertlncuieul -- 210 Stan- .mili, .ni i. .o. Changad, A. lili Auction Sale and t .in. I'lu aud Msxlcu. Solicits your sou A Berrteu, 324 S. El Psso. laracnun 320 S. El Paso. Underwear. aaaurlng ton. Men's. ol.alon Brnkrr aell at Immediate and qualined Dr. Jaeger Vadaewear Popular Dry iiirtlou or prtvste aale. Sell yuur furnl Buffrta In Fumed Early Eng Rugs. ure In your tmuae. He. ... i. auto- lish uud tjoideu tiak hinereou 4k Iter Insurance. Picture Films. Scotch V. A. Wllllauia lieu. 324 8. El Psso The Borden Feature 1 I'm Ca. "We Get It Kilmarnock Scotch Rug ta Mat oh Any plaa Bldg. Dog Furnishings. uglai C. Craw Manley wall paper, beautiful colora aad Ha. Phone 578, Flrat." Galea Klghmey, Presi- calor Muasles and Collera West Texas Saddlery dent ; James T Mills, Manager : William washable, made In all sues Emerson 324 S. El Paao. Banks. Inaarauee Real Rotate Douglas 11. Taylor. Asst. Manager. 301 First Na- Beirlau, Popular aad tional Bank Bids. Phone 20U4. Dolls. Our l.iiiiiil.ii Oal of the Itlsh Kent Dis i Towvii Agency, :vo miiis mug. rnone trict enables us to mate you rigut tiB. Shirtmakets. Doll. for Bahy At tbe Popular. rices on furniture--Emerso- A Berrien Picture Framing. Harry Swala 10V Texas. Underwear. Ladies'. Kodak Finishing. fletara Franilag Pel man's. L agorar ear tot Warn Drawn work. Kodak, aad Kodak Flatahlna Frod Sheet Metal Work. Ueaulaa Dotllca, 30S Maxleaa Handwork Feldmi n Co.. Sou Antonio St. Printing. Aeaxe Sheet Metal Works Chas. A. Kauff Tbree-Plre-e I tisndkerchlrfs, centers, aoarfa, etc. Henry OIU B. Moore. Oeneral nderg.rmrntn A l lile Better wan. Sheet m The Popular. S it i. wholesale. 40H San I' rumiaco St. Stored. Prlallng Than Srrms Neces Heating Venti Mia Grande Valley Baah A Treat Ca. Of Furs Goods." Metal Contractors. and Fura Stored Mcl.ullau Bros., 309 Sat Kodak sary" Suntbwettern Priming co. Ask for lating Our specialty.' T fern ssfaty, prompt snd efficient service. Eantman'n Kodak Snppllee W. S. Wnla March. ill fas Wome- n- 4 per cent Inter, .t ou Dress Goods. Frnliclefii St. Co.. Puso. tel. rnonc ouo. sarlugs. convenient avevevevayaieeaaaaiNa IU3 uso Kt. I." .it n. General banking business Alfred Hull.. (1,1.1 . llc. aad aaoatasaassaaanssyta '.lajniii1 hi your loMnerrial Kelt tranaacted. aeeouat la Invited. Popular Dry (loada Co. Gems and Jewelry. Svutbweslern ITlDtTng- Co.. 103 chihuahua Signs. isttras hoar res Window clesntng. 1.1 r Ad- - Ballard Vals FTaaacla Popular Dry Goods Tesaa Tarsjualsa Co. Psso's (1cm Shop MeCllatoek Ca. Signs and In Phone luui. Cutlers, lieaierH ana Manuraciurera Our Servir Buelaraa Building Ideaa In vcrtlsiug. Sat Tim In Making Your Oreases by I Cbaarktng Am Onala. Turuuolso and all Semi i Coanrrtlon with Good Prlallng Give Fabrica Tha Popular. (iems . Largest Leggings. Cloth signa Kl I'aso Sign acbjs Adluslakle Urtssmsklng la Baiaig la the Method city National Burton Sold at Cutters' that uext Job of Printing to PAGE" Phone 47S4. Bank Display lu soumweat .Man uruera so Knee aad Chana Weat Texas Saddlery Co, help your Buslneas Grow. Franklin H Paao Saga Cae 414 Me Belted. SOB Ban Francisco St. Priming Co., Sao Antonio aud Campbell. Bar Fixtures Livery. Vulcanizing y Texaa Hohber Company 518 North Mar jriataras Bdunswlck Balks Boat li. cry Riga la CMy Toxico Trans- tun one fer Co. Gold slgaa t'l Paao Blgu Co. Phone 1UB. alreet, block north of lb. D It Nov. Send lo your order for en- wrsleru Building Anlomohilcl wedding Kl Paao Sigu cenaories, olía, tires, He. Vu Myrtlo Trading Plnce graved Invltaltona. and Metal Slgaa Co. Phono llltl. Ing, tubes. Basepall Goods. Tlaltlng cards. School comiueucesscnt tire retread ad. rebuilt and r'i laud naaeaa Myrtle Trsoiug Zm work only, phone otfl asskavU Osada Arms General Repairing. programs. We have it fine Une to select Good Slgaa. Bet McCilntock v.'o., Ball QgsSs Halt from. Kl PsaVi Printing Co. Pbone loul. ir IteiM ties ulna. Riga and Saddle Horses st Vocal Music. Phono 15B0. roar. Public Stenographers. Phone 47IM snd Ask About Acme Adunlahls Greer sinniea llacg st rvics mgr.t ano t "Ice Calture, laterprcUtiva, Coacl grapha, sowing machines. day. Pioiupt Phoue 92. Public Mtiiogrnplii-r- Legal a urrn.rusa.lug turnia. vvor atleutlon. work wine, of Buckler Blk Bakeries. illy repaired All Stenographic 2462. We call for deliver. arMeaiiaiaae,eyeryeveraveewai. Hanniin la Beat McCHniock Hat Rolla Nooa aad evening Puto Food aud Co.. tilts Mills Bills;. Bs harry. Lumber. Grocers Amarleaa Lamber aad Inveetaarat Ca. Multlgraph Work Hannon Shane, Warehouses rise. Oar Ar Baal la Flit Plioae 5R04. 'The Madera Pine laid." loOi. . Ma- Co.. ú Wareboassa Jennings A Woods Dressmaking, Adjustable Forms. goffin. graphic Milla Bids. souvenirs. Acme Adlustahls Ureasgitklna Forges rvas. Suow Kl Paao. Jaaaoxt I olere Páctala aad raid Billiard Tables. Pbons 47Í4. Gruivry Co ara Mrxlcau Curias. Henry s Beach, Whips. Brunswick Balke Callan- Machinery Repairing. wholesale. ss nan ran clac o hi W t Milliard Twbtes le and r holesale West Individual Mako Perfect Fining Pat With aa Aaroanrt ha That Baah Yaa Cwa Tendea Myrtle Trading Pia-- Urns and Wear Perfect Fitting Mast sha Futura With Cnstfldaaas Batter Export legal aud technical stenographer : Specialists. Corren daslgtM tor suy Figure Be Thrill,, lily National Bank. Machine Shop We Manufacturo Auy Ma difficult lust i umentn a specially; court Books and Stationery. We teark you bow. Queen City College reportiug; tabu'ar work: mine reports l alte tlftare. I Watchmakers. Magantas HI the best published, at tbe of Dressmaklug. 20 Muud Block. Pbous Swiss, Loughora. Now York Craana as Price roaniinable. Mrs. Baker. 510 First Inllatn. Sterens Bldg , 200VÍ Mesa kUa (JraivJe Mews btauu. '""'""S' v.. " an Nalluual Bauk Bldg. Phoue SM, Pbot Text. 11 WednMday. March 25. 1914. mffWoO MORNING TIMES fYouWantWhatYouWantWhenYouWantIt,HereItIs Issued, as may by ' Notices. not' be determined Iks HoMBhap8B; Rootm Auto and Accejsaorlra For Sale Read hatate Lpl said election. EL DIRECTORY r I hereby name aad appoint Ibe officer PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS cyllndera. r'oft sKCt NOTICE OF ELECTION. KIIK UK NT. CHACKKU or broken aluminum One of the preuiesi a room modern ; Tuesday, dsy election lo their respective precincts. sd fhil. 850 or Any nroacn tneiai Te be held ou tbe 14th of. Hie elec- rmwford fíate crank rear reset. Hury BrtfE homes, on Mom ana; from and April, A. D. 1014, to dewrtulue whether or places mentioned for holding the house- (fur.), Rio Grand MB uf Four car. welded at at new. .' and the f the said election Accocwryrr.. parta rood dining room rinlaiicd in maiiugany; lota. t la cuy ox l.i ansii issue certain tion officers V rooui nat (fur.). W. Missouri 800 Fl Paño WaldlRv CO. BBUU0; M cash. Hal 10 SUIt. 1 bll piare It nds fol the puniósei'o of providing fund shall be the stale aa hereinabove men- THURSTON AUDIT CO. Phoo DM. GOODS oackad by Celger, belt tbe . flat tfnr.), Myrtle Ave 35 worth tioned in this not!, e aai-aw- . FOR SALE r Btudebaker sii.uuo. for purcbsalOg city public school building City Bldg. TranCer. atorace, repairing, rn. 3 housekeeping room 818 1 room cottage, lot Uxiio to alley; It Is hereby directed that this notice ol Nfionl Bask ÜU. lu eooil condition, wltb good tire an briik altas, and for erecting ssd constructing bouaekeeplng rooma. Tea ft K8 clute in. on Miatouri St; ground Is city public high school uulldlug, sud for election shall be published ror thirty days, U)NUMicKEH WICK8TBAD. 7MM flat, vacant Mondar 880 around. Co., 401 N. Banu l"e. worm money. exclusive of Hie date of publica! ion and of 884. Bank Bldg. P. O. Box Mi. PtJlMJC STENtMlEA ' I'hiine 8, the cuiistrncllmr permanent luiuiut emente to Ann. For complete Hat call at office. t room bungalow, saw. hardwood noora, public school buildings in the city of 1.1 tbe day on which aald election ahall be nun-- ; l, newepaper r , PARK ROOM DIRECTORY, SKCOND-11AN- AUTOMOBILES. beam celling, turnare beat, curba. i'sso, Tessa. tol in tbe official the city Trad K. Kt. i I a cup LinA AODINO MACHINES. III Main North Side of the Park. If yon want a aecusd-han- automobile. sua paed aireeu. wiou. tmn casb. PROCLAMATION OF TUB MAYOR. iui. sun uue is ...i iiuiks or 8288 to balance liku rem. On the Ukh day of February, f election shall be posted up for at least 11 Mui DALTON Adding 218 Mills St. HOUSEKEEPING room. MM) Stewart rl.. either roadater tourkDC. ear, Whereas. days to Ibe date on which said Machín. SOW. write or e Ro.kkboro. Btudebkkar aVTflU imxi uaan. ba1. to suit; will buy A. D. 1014, tbe city cuiicli of tbe clly of thirty prior BUY an i date brick bungalow, rubble nun snail be iieui si tne several pieces RKSTAIRANT. HER Jacubn candje. "luade Affenry, 42Z Ban Antonio St. (or beading CARPETS CLEAKKD. Ight. at Tlmt-- Branch No. , stone, front support., pleuty poren, t rola, of. by the iiaanlmoua vote of th airier hereinbefore designated tbe BUY "made laal (o car Une, aid election in i en of D alores. mi elac- WELLBORN, Hn- - Texaa St. HER close Country Club. Fort Jutt mvu preaent, there being four alderineti DO SANO & THE PHOENIX FAMILY Ileatanrant. at No. 8. KB ibe home ir you warn 10 get out o( ibe autt present, nuu aooptvu a cer- ión precinct, Steam corree, l miiiy pastea Carpet Renovator and Urhoitrr. cblladaa. rrljoiea and m train UOUSEKKKPIND ROOMS In aecond Teaa R and busy uf tua city. tain ordering and authorising tilvrii under my band and official seal. In Cleaning. It Noriega. lk pari ordinance anil Vacuum , Pbona 88. Yaabel iwi a. mi If you wain lu invest in apartment bouse the Issuance of col pun honda uf suul city evenilly specified above to conduct the thai win make you a per cent, we fur purpose of uorrowlug mosey upon tbe city of El Texas, uu this th2Uth Saleaman Wanted properly lbs sy of February, A. D. 1814. SEWING glACRIMHS. KKKTIND rooma. Sua N. Orearon. nave 11; nuiuing ueuvr. vh credit of Ibe said city to be used for lioidr 7 hun- '. C. E. KELLY. We have an M corner ft., no better tbe folloWlug purpuaes, two : Mayor of th City of El Tex ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. Easy running standard sew IOLSKK1CKPINO rooma; YOU NO MAN WANTED In high place to bulk! an apartment, if yuu are in dred tnuuaand dollar t82UO.oisj.oui Po. Civil mechanlcnl engineer, examine machine-- , neadlea Phone 32TU. It For purpose of purcnaalug and pay- Attest and ing repair ituarantaad; elaaa hnbevdsabery : ntnat be of the market tur tblt kind ul property; will th W. and makr reporta on Irrigation and other for' all machines. Phone 1108. be lu yuur Utterctt lu cotua lu and see us ing tor city public school bulldlug sites, C. KASSF.TT. ennarruc- - KENT Two furnlahed neat apiiearunce and he able to a City Clerk. City nf El project. Design and aupenniena FOÜTZ A 7.INKLER, HI ESBE 1 a at once. sad for ibe erecting and constructing Pso. Tex. ran pa. purs, rooma ; cloee In ; private entrance. Phone No. referencea: one vrllh public high aud for tlos. Mnkn plan, rrncings Btaa- - la baherdnabery If you want a rooming house, we nava it. city school bulldUg. hlna nrlnl and nRlen. office . drawing RENT the easy running White aid little experience permanent pretor red ; large ur small. ..instructing aad erecting and tovernment anrvey and dard: beat machine In the worm ror mnat be to work improvement to th public school For Sale Real Estate Tnwnalt family uae; guaranteed. HOUHhl KEEPING end BEDROOMS, clone and learn. Write In own hand. nentms, insurance, collections snu notary map a specialty. Engineering repair 001 attention, of lb cltv of El Paao. Tete. MA II IK IE la; no aoira, children or mvriioa. C. B., care Tliuea. work given our see C,, W. fl. RneoelL Pre.: H. ta Baile. WHITK SEW IMi Frita Mena, 4081. It la proposed lo lasuu series of bonds Sdlery Rldg. B. Btantoa. H. U Agt. l'boue l a. uiu.twnr.w iui New lit NwtT Bank Stewart. J II. SMITH SoN. In tbs sum last sfoieaald for His purpose 800 St. last atores. ltd. Which salo ordinance au. pt HELP WANTED. Teiae etl I TEXAS STREET IIARGAIN AOHNCTES. as aforesaid. eu.llte4 as follows: IIETECTIVE SAFE AND LOCK EXPERTS. SALESPEOPLE FOR VARIOUS DaV SALE. "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE .." I'UJs 3 south fruut lutt mt FOB In o nop addition. BEN Detective Agency. TWO modem boueckeeplng rooma ; kitch PARTMRNTSt Ml EE CAPABLE AND 70x130 feet, corner Overland and Camp IH8UANCK OF BONDS I'Oll THE 11 It THE WILLIAMS AND VAULTS opened by aounfl. no THOROUGHLY COMPETENT. D Ü. HE! NEMAN, Investigation civil and criminal SAFES , enette.; porch; cloee In. Phone 3635. POSE PROVIDING FUNDS FOU mad In sw El pnone tins-w- OV WILL 07 'il Mills St. tat Nat. Bk. Pldtr Ph. 4406. drilling', s. Pato si. INEXPERIBNURD No. TIT Magoffin are.. 60x130 feet; flue PI RCHASINQ CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL rite FOR RENT Two or three large, well fur- NOT BE CONS1DLRKD. THOSE WELL an Ill'lLDING SITES AND FOR ERECTING nished room housekeeping. 004 QUALIFIED AND EHPRCIALLY WELL location lor iipariwrui SPANISH LESSON for No. Mngnnio ave., to room ANO CONSTRUCTING A CITY PUBLIC Myrtle Ave. AKIttlMUl WITH THE LOCAL flat. 58x200 feet. Prlro 3l3,oii HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. AND e Off TRADE WILL BE OFFERED GOOD 010 N. O N II U I N G 08 A. B RENT 2 completely Six room house. Florence St ST CT PERMAN ICVr lili ll. 1NTOSH. llentlat. Rid. Bra-j- . 808 FOR room taint AND PERMANENT 1.000 r.hl. mkx ICAN Prof. Caplee Bids. uoimckft-pln- POSITION. 43 feet. Price 84,400; cash, HROVEMENT8 TO PUBLIC SCHOOL furnished rooms. HUM APPLY AT ONCR. easy rconntl DALLO WAY. 80 Mil' Campbell. Phone 6030. , balance terma. 1IUILD1NGS OF TUE CITY OF EL HIlOl' GOOD METHODS, correct lancneCe. Prof. EVERYBODY'S DEPT. STORE, INC. Two itory brick .building. No. 311) San PASO, TEXAS." . Connie. Rooma nut shock. Antonio, acroa atreet from court house, Each or said series or Issues of bonds so 20x100 feet proposed to be Issued It to beer date on Parsorud For Sad Read Estate B. V. HAMMETT day uf delivery a near -- 803 Caplee tbe lo purchaser, or MEXICAN PROF. BRAVO. EtMVt Texas St. thereto as practicable, aud la to bear In- 218 Ban Antonio Bule:. ALL tranaactlone with ua strictly confi LOVE'S DRUG STORE. Equitable Loan Aaa'a. U terest frum date at the rale of fire per cent And at. Quick deliver. Phone 200 or 81. dentlal. to per cent) per anttum, páyenle trail- - jnsjHai iog SheU STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Now Is The Time nuaiiy. mm w i., .me absolutely uue bUl UEU sud payable In forty yeara, aubject to re I KNITI KE PAjBL KACTORY- - demption. However, at opilou ox KL PASO TRUNK night," at 113 ACHES, f mile from pottofflce, tbe aaiu bouae, eafeet Texaa St. To Buy Land H after the eiptrallnu uf twenty yeara UPHOLSTERING, repaidlnggn location: 1700 acres In one body, 70 miles school and a good town in the Meailla Bell 1064. located 2 from Pacific rruui date, and the said ordinance umkea rate. MANICURING Room IB Hainmstt Block. north of El Paso, on the main line of the valley, mllea and a hair sts provlaioti for levylug aud collecting mi Santa Fe 1500 perfectly Hon, all under cultivation; goud - railroad. ncroa uiiiilly a sufficient tax lu pay the luter- NEW HI Nl INSTRUMENTS. adobe bouae. chicken bouses, etc. about u SURGICAL level and all river bottom silt coll, balance il to teileeill at nut ll y ins nullds ronms hardwood irNK DKM.F.R. bind, giving an to a fine range 0 or 8 acres In bearing fruit trees aud by beamed Sop No TRUSSES, etc. 304 Mesa. Phone hill outlet 75 acre In Issued virtue iliereof. s heating plant cemeut basement of graxlng cpuutry. See ua. as at the price grape vines; about aiiairu; ins a. o Ordiiiuuce provides lone by una . And toe also In loi 3iVsxL2(): norili offered of tan per acre. It will not laat csmery siocs mrown m ior in 11 effect b furc features; Pbo email sum of 312.500. Can take small caah that sbsll take aud In block from ar line, only 83.AB0; at sr SHEET METAL long, rtrai come, rirat served. wheu It has been rutllted by a majority KL PASO IRON' A METAL CO.. 1803 Ban yWKs. AT TIMES any of ua could ua u payment, balance long time, or two or three caah, ba la nee c "J little El Puso real as vote uf the legally tiualllied property Antonio. Dealer In scrap Iron, rubber. ACMA1 mi alfc.iAi. uunas oeneret private money, our orttce so arruimd Buchos-Schust- thousand dollars of estate voter uf the oil who ur legally NEVAD STREET eonner. etc. Bell 4260. sheet metul contractora of all kinds. btialneaa is confidential. Lady Company first payment, If desired Mill .k .nth front: tleeping bra, bonea. S4SU. bat all iiuulllied to vote si su eiectluu held tu de- 411 Texas St. Phone patronage aollcited. Kl Paao I...1111 A i none uw. porch basement st parked woodwork Realty BAILEY LANh COMPANY, termine whether ur nut lbs bunds proposed Room 3U2 Two Republics llldg. thereby shall lie Issued, voting an newly painted and retialreil lot IHxlVJi. 30U Mesa Ave. si Only S.H. OKI: cr TAXlbGKHIflT. held tu determine whether or not such sfssl a RASHETT ADD 00c, PLonu bonds shall be Issued, and that unless WATCHES cleaned SOc, main pringa McCLKI.LA.N It it OS.. Pb. W0. 30 Frisco. BARGAIN INCOME PROPERTY. majority uf said su legally uuulifiud voters 2 lots; south from dee t'loi warranted crystals 18c. Caah for old voting at the aaid sivcttuu sunn rote in bol! for the two. rold. ion San Antonio. Denver Jewelry Co. EOU SALE AT WARD'S PHARMACY, 00 Paying 12 per cent net. Rent ITS. per fsvur of the prupusltluu fur ibu issuuuee, N MID ti l.i. Kir, TYPEWRITERS. month. the said bonds shall nut bu Issued, Real F.ttl id Insurance, WATCHKM cleaned 50c, main springs 50c, 15 Money then Mh) tl for days treatment. refund Corner, 80x120 feet, near Second Ward but, on in- contrary, If the prupusltluu for '.'4 N. Still SI Phone crystals 15c. All stork guaranteed two TYPEWRITERS and Office Supply Co. ed If not aUtctory. Try It. yeara. Geneva Jewelry Co., 225Vk San All siakea told, rented and repaired. park: A . brick tenement, brick FOR SALE the Issuauce of said bunda, respuciivcly, I'iii) jL cement U.iuo; bunga- he by uiujurtiy of said So Antonio SL 21tl Milla St. Phone SB. partitions, sidewalk. Price Four room moderu frame shull sustained s K.I term. low, ou three full comer lota, legally qualified property vot- JAB. J. WATTS. block from car line, la Gov- ers vutlng nt the said electlun ... u the VIRGINI I HOME. L,A I'M) RIES. SI' 11 ELLA Corsets. Mr. Hulett. Ph. 3572. Phone 454. 104 San Frauclaco St. ernment Hill: trees, graaa, fence asid bonds shall be iaaued. fur only a.'l.7.'al: gl,MM and abeda. For price and terma Now. therefore, notice Is hereby given II. Using a E your DON'T borrow from your friends. Borrow BUY HER urs lletter look at WASHING AND IRONING, hand work; LADIES' SUITS U1.90 to order; 315 sdJiess L. A. . car of limes. thai an election lu all things held accord- M BUNGALOW. rms PtJ . 85 from us. Lona n. night." ai rought dry a epevlalty. phone C088. own material, flu Unen aulta; your Eouitsbie ai su ing to law will be held In the city ur El Ritas car Hue A 'Remodeling a specialty. 523 Trust Bldg. Texas St. In all " material. Trust Paao, and each and vuiuig precincts trill little In 82,8,10 small cash ''y a Tuesduy, 141 li day April. tea j m Bldg. GENUINE human hair wltrUe'S Tor sale Iheieuf, on the uf Ml Ml: lit' A N TILE AGENCIES. Switches made eembluga. Cut A LARGE liuuse, Altura, A. D. 1914, for the purpuse uf HUbmltiltig li. from bnlr NO CASH PAY- voters as VETERINARY SURGEONS. bought. Mr. M. A. Rose, 800 N. Oregon $250. Cash Balance near Manhattan lite. to the iuallfiud Tills IS A IIEAI I'V. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY. Phone . MENT ; 33.150. Move lu ami pay rent lha proposition whether cr nut Reports i it lugs of Individual, co- and lha house Is yours. A new the afureeaid buuds shall be Issued, anil sad enabling llection. Members of the fsutlouul Ansa. FOR RENT Two or three' large, well fur Like Rent; bungalow, Grandvlcw Cuuntry club; thereby aald legally iiualllled vuters to ratify ur re- of Mercantile Agencies. inhcil rooms housekeeping. 604 83,200; terms. pruperly ma a MASEK. mii Antnolo. Ph. hm for 6 action the city council In ur- - Ave. Buys a beautiful, elote In home of rooms house. Altura: paved street pudiate thu uf Myrtle In ; easy nouus. l and bath, with two full lota, modern and cor. basement 33,500 terms. lerlug the issuance oi said be EACH ILL III WINDOW WASHINO. every respect. This Ideal home, this well Altura Park lula, uuly some on polla shull be opened aud the election held ruiisneo model or Dcrroc lion, win no veil atreet aud ear line; any lu lite several vonug preciucis a. louuws: WAfNThD vlnuu to clean. Phone T38. at lets than time can be duplicated, Iui of terma Precinct No. 1 At Troy laumliy, uu OPTICIANS. W. C. IN Ml A II .'l I, llli IIMOMi IKKItACE close In, easy lermi. If you 4 roo in houae on Wyoming Mt.. 33,150; West Overluud street. llulger, (ire vs to clean. sldliig Judge, and II. Uadgcr, Jo M EL PASO OPTICAL CO 108 Texaa 8L Wanted to Buy want a big bargain call on me. terina. J. r. c. tiunrvAiM. THE SUTTON REALTY CO., gab. M. A. i. .Ian. us ussoclate Judges WANTED WILL BUY National Bldg. Phone 1200. Two Republic Bldg. l'reclncl Nu. 2 At 113 r.sst Secoud First Bank ni s A lieu III If til Imi PLUM.HEBS WAGO YARD. Mexican bats, all klnda (no straw) : moat Plione M73. Sole Agents for Altura Park. street. Clem Wltidhuuse, presldlug Judge, be felt; also, costumes and and Eugene Weiss, M. D. Sitas, W. 11. AITII.S NEAR I t 1T PLUMDINQ CO. plumb-la- otbtr articles All cleared, sple Hi. Better COURT HOUSE WAUON YARD, bay it ud that can be used la the theatrical and Lav "li lu re. aa associate Ju go. for pn. ItjHfc N. Cainpueii bl. - 3 At fire lea, W grutu MOM YE. the dalrj feed; NUTRA- masquerade costuming business: good, ' RENT THAT HOME through. III. knell nod Cvoiral station, LK.N tha horse feed, better and- cbeaoer condition; reasonable. Cameron WATCH OOTKRVMErT ilTl.L. get results. Want furnished res cornet' Overland und Stuntou streets. W. HOUSES MULES 34 Chicago, 3150 Caah cottage. 22 E. Gllmau, presldlug Judge, and Agaplio thun all tlie rest. and Costume Co., Washington St., idence, furu. cottages. . bought, sold and boarded, inorougnnred Bnya modern 5 room brick boute, 2 full Place Those Rentals Yviku Me. Martinet, C A. Phelps,; fSheruiau PRONTO PLUMBERS 006 Texaa. Jersey bull for service. Corner Overland lota; fences, end Truwbrl.lgu BICKNELL. as associate Judges. stable abed: 4 grocery, 1068. Work guarautaeeV and Campbell Sit. Phone 1M4 WAITED TO BUY price 821MI0L balance easy mouilny 408 H N. Oregon St. Phone Precinct Nu. At Stewart's 4 or 5 room Uuugalow. Phone 24T or rail payments. 1)11 East Hccund street. T. C. Lyons, PAY CASH and save money on your t rust mug. FOIt RENT OK HALE Judge, Slid llerniird Mack. P. A. ik .il this a plumutng work. Ail work guaranteed. BUY HER Jacob candis, 'msdo lust FINE HOME. FURNISHED, Maese, J. A. Erial, as ussoclate Judges. ml buy. No. 212 No. 5 No. 410 street, Tel. 'b7. Kl Peso Piatuoug Co., sis nigoi, in Aiuies uraoeu u. s, WANTED TO BUY. modern U room bungalow on North moderu brick. W. Rio Precinct At 'lays ANDERSON Virginia. Txa St Don't throw your old clothe sway. We Side: price and terms right. Grande. Will aril furniture, rent furnished between Second und Third streets. W. 11. looms 14 ll will pay you the highest prices for them sell all together at great barst'ilu unil Hare, presiding Judge, and Ed 11. Junen, rvu Mina St. BLISS STREET BARGAIN. easy terms. i. us StstrJt, Manuel EscaJ Ida, as associate 8S50 buys 2 lots close to car line, easy uunuAi'O w in l.i. Judges. AUTO STAGE LINA For Sale Miscellaneous 0 rooms and huaeuieul. cor Precluct No. fl At City Hull. J. Purler UAKGAINS IN terms.' ner; rod pressed brick cement porch, Render, presiding Judge, and II. M Hen GLOME TO ruutMX sleeping purch. beaiuod ccllluga, tell, III lliichutiuu. Henry Jerrell, Seven passeugar car leave Globe READ TIMES CLASSIFIED' ADS ANO GOVERNMENT HILL BARGAIN. Via Aulu. buy's 2 Who will give fur It ou easy US BSS.M dally Time t hour. Make rrvUuus PROFIT BY THEM. TUEI HELP OTU Building 8200 caah small frame houses :::i At East El lire Lumber and Material on 2 full lots, block frum cur prleo terms? Precia uuiululuu Hotel, Globe. UUa Valkty URS. WHY NOT YOU. line; 13 loll II. Enlle, Idlng Judge. at only balance easy payments. ANOTHER ON AT .1.000, Stul in ,ut" Htuge Line. LUMBER All bulldtas malarial. Com ni; With cash It Is yuurs. Iiuudy ri room L. Hughes, C. T. Klu itrttl bulldln plat bou bill ahlpped anywhere. pressed brick tilth basement, lUxllUfoo ii. inc. us associate Judges. Long '.aaf lumber. Grades guaranteed. Nu. S At SuoIk I ROUGH DAILY BERVICB lut Golden Hill Precinct ll nenu estimare. moepenn?nr HIGHLAND PARK SPECIAL. n Alameda avenue C. S. UOSWE1.L TO EL PASO; FOR SALE Rome second-han- type and company i Hurles, i. a W. buns, XT, VERY A I THAI TIN E KL DASO TO ROSWELL, live l.nmlisr '.fit Two high, level, southeast front Iota nl tnlge. and II. Veng case. El Paso Morning Tínica office. No. 1721. nenr cur line, among loeller, William Leu ne in mll line, In con-I- Savannah St.. th .lion with E. P. A 8. W. H. R. Business Chances THE STATE OF TEXAS -- To the Sheriff cholee siles of the ndillllnll. ul' fo III: Tl I, li.iily paaseuger service leaving El Paso or noy Constable of El Puso i'oiinty. Greet nun l. sale nt 8000 cash. age. - lng: Emma M. Jouet, FRONT. E. EL I'ASO. t'.'isi 8 u in. nud Carrlcoo l':45 p. u. Leav- administratrix, W. C fj will of the of Ben 11. lu I.I... k 77, nil Ainu I.I.. St. Dirt iuir ki.nwi'll V uu n a. m. CALL AMI C.'.L'L AGAIN Yaffe buys, annexed estate Juuel Philip RAMEY BROS., East Bound. Bella and exchanges hardwn e snd deceaaed, hnrlng lied lu our couuly court cheap lit the price. Hunk llldg Wi liiuiud. "made lat her account of the coudltlou of P'lHK RAMSEY REALTY CO. ik, as ass. National Arrive. tng good. 40 S. El Paso. 104S. flual lb Nu It) , M. esUte of said Bun It. Joues, together with A U. P. FOIt SALE Cbaliu :n an application to be dlsehurged from su 'bar les presldlug Ho well 4:45 7:00 com- FOR THE PERSON Willi MONEY. T. Illll. 1:40 4:00 auto, good condition FOR 8.4 LE barber shop, com adiiilnlsirailouslilp, you are hereby Picacho 1818. A. G. Bowles, manded by publication uf this writ Ill per 1 :13 3 :45 piete, with bouse and lot; also residence that Is No. 11 ludepi Tlauie paao. ior at least twenty dsys in u nous This bilslll clnit At HI Hondo 12 a) 3 :30 or will trade for shop In El you he above Tex. paper printed In the county of M. A.M. White. Marathon. yeu persons Interest clear on It f you are from presiding id, laau give due notice to all la O. I. 1 to l ;ixi i.incoiu 11:30 3:00 SALE once; 9 Mlssuurl. let us sin it Alves, Crltchrtt, FOR Typewriter good FOR Cheap, If taken at chair terested In the account for final settlemen Judges. j M. 2:00 Ft. stunt'. u WiSS SALE Underwood barber shop and baths, lining good busl uf said estate to appear aud contest tin LA SALLE REALTY :S." JOAsl new. Address Typewriter, care Morn- 310 1 l.. J Capitán 2:30 a ness. for particulars sourest Box same. If they are pruper, on or before tin New First Null Dunk lll.l 3:35 Nogal 1:30 ing Times. ovlntt .Si uiube, Arts May term, 1014, of eald county court, cum VJ t'arnsoxo .' - 4., un o. FOR MALE lnves tor " Mil t;3 tna ana to be noiiien at tue court A. Gould, ill !23aaS? 7 :ui EI Paso . . SMALL business location, which lias been county. In of El biggest bargain ileorge house of said the city Nu. 13-- At Me Tli rough fare one way 88.40. Interine- dnlr.g good business, living tpsrimciit In Paso, on tbe 4th day of May, A. O. uin valley alfalfa run duct S cent per mile. Hand bag- OLD un rear; good for man who wlabet ranch will pay foi II L YOl VA Evea MeB riiaii' points MATTRESSES opportunity when asid account and application wil C. passenger ; 1 money, present owner i. iik Black, b. Uuulh, gage inner on cars excess tick. 3L and un. 10 invest utile be acted on bv asid court. Judge mull 008 8. Virginia. Phone has to leave. Rent very reasonable. Prloe my ules tuke i III dale ..a cars. Given under band sad seal of sal. reel No. At O Thirty for meals each way In liso Addreat A. K. M , care Times. my office In city of El Paso our expense; costs nothing tu look. net reef nitunte court, St tbe llldg .si- - North Kansas F. A ilrcflfrWp Csrrttuso. this Oth day of March, A I). Hi 14 New First Nstlonul Rank Phone uo.. IOR RENT Cigar stuiul space. aleo ewrlter. 1 fltUHWEl.If Auro rooming house, location Poodle PARE W PITMAN. J. J. H. Stein. JUltg, Phone t)vnei-- uno l'lionc 1st. transient Clerk County Court El Paso County. 83aTr oibiiií. AIREDALE TERRIERS FOR SALE." Dog saloon. Phone 007. Kin. Product No At Immediate sale, brace highly bred Clerk County Court, El Paao County, ij N For Texas. rhsiJ , bVAAllUA lAL llV.IL- - Airedales, dog and hitch. These dugs are SUNSET EATING HOUSE Better EAST EL PASO IIARGAIN. Kcevil, presldlug Judge, .and The .mii.v 'Jl lll every dsy By C. A RANDA, Deputy. L'. AY TIME l Mil). large, very courageous and thoroughly all the rest: dinner Modern 5 room red preased brick boute. ecrs. J. Wllllac rour broken to game, especially bear and 105 S. El Pst, Issued this 8th day of March. A. D. 1814. u w all counter, short orders. rge sleeping porch, south front, a, associate Judges shape lion and are under good control. Will be PARK W. PITMAN. Prvclnct No. lu ; off Hllle Tims Table Ne. S3, Effective lSigl a, as, Clerk County Court. Kl Paao Cousty, t. on l.n Lut St., close to Alts Vlstilj Msr IS. WIS. sold s a pair or separately. Apply Room on Bllas a snap at pany. North Santa 1'e street. L. E ilehr, cbi ' November Texaa. houl Fl. car line, 11 Y I'Klllll Kilt KPA'I It li K (Muuulalu Tim Only.) 15, Hotel Men ger. overland St. 82000; (erma. t.iesldlng Judge, .iml M. U. Dlnull. good By C. ARANDA. Deputy. Elll, Charlea M. Geach, a associate REALTY CO., CIGAR STAND, doing a business. In .Mesa C, - e ror goon ' JJ Ave. l'lionc wl r. a a. w. business district, sale; rea A quick B room COUNTRY HOME IN TOWN. "p'et'iuct Stsnton. SSOU FOIt SALE snap. No. 17 At Globe Muís. II. aone for selling. It will take shout to o k 5 pet. Fa- GsP From North and East Arrive. bungalow on Party muat sell, modern room hrh Judge, If. Wecg-erl- r Dry FOR SALE 3150 buys Uam. wsgon and buy II. c. o., Timet. Tularo. house, 2 Iarg4 Iml'. nil e sting, prealdlng and J. 1 Callforntan 0:3bui Aaur ni leaving town on account of sickness. mantels. W. K Marr, J. L. Uuiiuur, aa 1 iSU new 4 ago; for peddling 7 utsu- a Goldeu SUte UmlUd ..... pin harnea; months Now is yonr time to msks tbst little cssb cellar, corner lot, fence nn.l Judges. l . Ice or 6104 H. El Pa stable, houses, frul trees, 7 Tucumcarl-E- Paao Local. frnlt. vou have ssved uu so s long wsys. For alka, rhickeu Ths voter desiring tu sustalu the propo From Ibe West Storage 265. Imut wait tool lade trees, hedge and Ikiiii. Gov uictit bonus for Ibe purpose uf 1 from car Une: u bargain sillón to laaue h Copper CllI Special ...... 7:46.m HUI block at funds lor purcbiislug my public ' Board and Rooms away J your 84300, 82000 cash. st piuildliig opuiar Hi i Guidon SUte Umlisd 2:30 (.m Going Just baok trunk and lok school building sites and for erectlllg uud u Mil and Esprss 4 :00 pm 2400. W will Uke care of your i nn SALE I level front hila, south front. cunstructtug s illy pulillc high erhuol North and Depart. CONVALESCENT HOME FOR TUBER- - Ebune goods. Cleanest and most up Highland Park, hair block car uue. L. CORNER STEVENS AND HUECO STS. For th 81051) k ,.t ,l - building, and for constructing permanent SMALL INVESTOR, El ttLocal., 8:00m CULOS 18 Catering to people who desire to date wtrekoa In th city. Lowest care Tims. buys 3 lots one eust tuipruveineuts lu thu public schunl build-lug- terms. Justice to nu. fain-- j I Golden Stat Limited .... 2:43 high class ccomaoodatlo and cateiul rate Insurance. bel's slors un tbs carlina: good of El Paso, Texas, shall have upon yosrself 1' EXCHANGE valley U lei gel yuu Ids oppor- - Callloinlss USE? nurilas silla from city. urt Bliss cor CITY TRANSFER CO. Fin laad far heir bullóla substantially tua tollón lng liasl pestes door. Telephone OSl. Rata 112 Pus property, ctn meet snytblns ro ALTURA HOUSE BARGAIN. Eor tbo Ws' 100,000, Will l.rl.-- nurds Expresa 8:40 ant Bar wsak up. have fn.tu 31.000 to f assume Modern o room red pr. sse.l PROPOSITION TO ISSUE ..... NUdainm lncumbrane It otctttsry. I am lb 2 lots, close to Miiohstlau IKIubts: a ur "UPON .Klia. Btate Umltjsd 1U7U. Sewithf , BONDS FOR fliUCHAlsING CITY PUB-LI- City Special 45 pm ROOM, BOARD. cloe In. Phone owner. What have you got! ur. O. lllll st gvlirsi, son casn, balance e ioiiiu-y- ir years: then Í Coppef a. SCHOOL BUILDING SITES AND FOR U) ' Yuung. Room 6. Colea Bldg. f In, hiding Inlcrest. years and the CLEARANCE BALE of sawing uu Lines ERE' TING A CITY PUBLIC HIGH El aVtUrassg. from factory, all new stand 1II.ll.DING, AND FOR veil These tracts are Rle Grand. rw lust arrived 83800 r 30 ACRE. ' SCHOOL CONS (Santa Fe System.) makes, lees than A uf agent'a price. 0 GOOD LAND. PER ul1 PERMANENT IMPROVE. fruit ami alfalfa. ard at 5 room- cottage, li nii- ll ill 'TING crop- - 'Arrive. Mr. G. B. Williams, - ou does In OS Wum'ng 040 aerea of smooth bein land udl THE PUBLIC that .Mil led From th North we rent macuioe si inuniu. soil, shsllow water. I., MINIS TO l 1IOOL with tlie Mexico Expresa 10:00 am Needles 10c Schaffrr's. 340 Myrtle. term. log valley, good BUILDINGS OF THE CITY OF PASO, rsinil.v mill,, do. ARM jo REALTY CO. tnlles RI on G. II 'leget it tiles liecessury. In Sun El PasssskTsr t SELECT east of Pssu rallen!, TEXAS. l'soNorth S:j boar this land Is. worth duuhle the price usksl. ISSUANCE OF BONDS." tetost ou the deferred For th porch. Mrs "FOR save in rent will pa City Chicago Pass.. Vlld UppOSVi. tU the Issuance .f bonds roa Kansas STa For Rer t Apartment STREET IIARGAIN Hull llalli the city SS Chicago Fast gsg pm 11300 TROWBIIirillE or the purpose of provldlug und fur pu lu ntci tli ban Sn 8U00 4 lots clues to Wlngu's ..I school FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished 4 room frame. 2 lots, buys cururr baring public ccbuul building A treee. Need the mono) "i site. and If orn SL HarvUba's Saa Aaleat BP. modera 4 room apartment, with sleep lot) borne. uud tor arreting aud construí a city right rutile viae; sic little home. I these I. ..'Hied he valley PacUIc System., lng porch Phon 1552 J. duwu; 830 per month. public high acbuol bulldlug, am. fur trocís Arrive. permanent Improvsweots tu the same lllatani't cy would From the East PURNIHHED apartment, private bath aad 830U0 the' that price Building now, 3 room bunga'.o'v, public ecnoui uuimiugs oi ras cuy ui sell fur mire sleeping por. h. TOO Mundy. s ba upun Come nd fli Ik th ma 101 Sunset Umllad pns 2 glased porches your term. Paao, I. - ... have tbvlr ballot the "est ...... aaS tubstaut lally tbe fuiiuwiug wurd: We have 10 " ami 4i) cry From POR KENT wltb prl ' liberal terms; they may suit you heller. 102 suoaet LIS Room and board 0 room bungalow, LOTS FOIt 8'.'75 "UPON PUOrOSIllON 1SSUS ; Manhattan TWO lu Imntid lo' be a big Callforojaa pm beeping porch convalescent takes 2 Irunt BONDS FOIt PURCUASINO CITY PUB There Is advance In j i:m FOR RENT. Heights; terma the best. 8275 buyt south luls In values in Ibal neighborhood Our silt 10 Sunset Expras ... 8:30 pm 4 room steam block 88800 Kl LIC SCHOOL lit ll.l'lM. siies AND flat; best; Pas A CITY PUBLIC irnlkt dally trips up there It only takes tbo of the P O. bath 5 room, beating plain 2 ea 8500 buys 4 gcaul lots In Highland Park. FOU ERECTINO illGIJ For njfam. north prime bt BUILDING, AND FOR CON- about uue hour for Ik. round trip, and Sunset"trLimited ,,..... facing lb park. A dasdy cool Slit.: 8600 caab, bal. lo suit. Compare mese price 1$ Sunaet Express 0:50 pm Groceries STRUI TING PERMANENT 'MPKOVH would be ph ased lu "bW villi." flat for tbe aummcr. 83300 JAY' F. KNOX. office is located and isisily the West Sew 80 room tenement, 887 SI Phi 843 PENIS TO THE PUBLIC our For WE WILL SAVE YOU 2U per caul PARK BROS.. reals fol jo Mill OF CITY OF PAS fouud. i callforalas 3 A8ss 117 B. Mala St. per month. Will take some trad. THE EL J. J 4 Express baa I3UU0 TEXAS: I, A l cin'.-- r viitssi i.. of SHI or ...Ar. ftan.ll. .ud raneh trad North sida of ta Park. BONDS." Hawkins Bros., in ibe Murgan llldg 10 5uort UmRad M:Upm 12 room oa Oregon. Bast It. AGAINST ISSUANCE Or With onciicn. i'ttoiie os or wruu ior cw And each voter shall strike out from hit phono 2). Conespondpuec Invited. pi price UC Southwestern Provlal worda Issuauce of Co., El Paao. 4 room frame. I'JOO bats, ll) a ballot tbe "For bond" the Bsst-s- Arrive. FOR RENT Well ftirnlibed t fwam apt. stoaU. ur Against Issusnc of bund." according Fra OtWass .is he desires' to rot for or agalust tbe aald ratt For - 88,000 0 Cannua ftaH Sale at 5T7 seres at Rerlns Jim ; ic.ei. WANTED- To borro on silt edg prupusltluu. the Eest-- r DsfBsrt city properly. Address. P. O. Box p. oi Ibe ascertainment of the results of For - election, tea action of city .Mill Casoon Ball 1:43 am ISO aere. ISO acre under ealUratlo Trades, any klad er slat:. IV said Is KxpreaS . 6:301pm ell lu ordering Iks Issuance of aald bonds 4 well Improved ; good well of water d Pianos for Sale CSS mat cli NOW. If yeu want thlt room new, up. Fat WHITE PA DEN REALTY CO aiid lu puaslag the ordinance aforesaid good outbuildings: will exchange for Kl ). declared be or not to date bungalow, furnace beat, buill-- leu Paso property; have aovad El Peto WE will liberal loaos os plane at raoee xaes. si.aii be te ratified, psuel wall, hardwood ' . North wester Railway. te ratified. ..cording ta the result of ssbl features, floor, ea aad desire Ja trd lar boats. J. W. law rasas. Kaultavl Luau Ass n, jtfi easy terms, men uuura rv. , car All trala suspaadad UdeflaUely. Waggaaer, General DtUvary, city. trust axam. election, and the honda ahall be Issued, ur t 12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Wednesday. Msrch 25. 1914.

For Sefa ResJ Estoto under orders to drive men from INCOME PMnPRBTr Pass Texas, levied ea. on ths Stb dny of saloons Whenever they thought trouble CONSUL gg March. A. was hrewingv EDWARDS' THE STOCK MARKET FAYWOOD Coraer. 715 feet, with room ssd It. II4. s the property f f WR WILL SELL Mor; rents for 1M. rW flJOO, OS A. to satisfy Judgment ausoast-- ' " ei rash, balance noten, ("si Isr to fUMD, with Interest t hereon st the Or. aaaa Seats. Mariner 814 g. All or Any Part of 6,000 Shares oo best thin aie oi per rent per annum from Jaao-ar- Hot Springs tntrvt? J. 101 J, DEMAND. FOR STOCKS PALM OFF until paid, and coat of suit CUMBRE REPORT A.VD FJ aw Ultra, my band, bis Flssst gsad KnnEsDAt VIOO Or Mi ib. phos fm under t th dsy ol t IOIS SESSIONS W AS LACKING. miren, fwil. Stock st 12 Cents. WALKING niflTANCK, PEYTON J. BlIWAROK, (Univ. The Cure for SCIATICA 1MB Mek, Price 380 Dr. Ausr netdsibers'. Oermsnvl l ame Stock 3.000: rath ttbsrlff. Chronic. Kervoc Femnl Diseases. ONMT FEW BODIES RECOVERED Ssnall Gains This the tbe balance 10, lnctadine Interest. Hy N. H. QQQD, Deputy and Were Mads at ths Oatsst, Company selling to the El Rheu- ' surgery, aan Antonio (over Ardoin s) rnon POSITIVE- - atas Market Rea Last Its Opesla- Ad and all forms of l.rtrk, $3,,o: WOO rasa. STATE Cnrfoiv ' all tub tunnel vaa'aga. Paso public at 2S cents per share. brick. On 2 lota. K!JU; 300 cab THE or THXm IA I DENTIFftCD. balance 30. in, hiding interest. I'sso To those Indebted to or holding r on drnnsbl st ths asm. CO., Ian,, matism and Goat rlnlms sgalnst th of Auguit d. and Bonds, See CREEL, witli e(atv By preee flocks Ph. SOW. AUSTIN A MAItR nixirea. accesses : unarraigoeu nav Kryptok glasses at El Paso Optical Of the Bodies Drought Out Bight Are the i ocla ted New First Natl. na Bank Bldg., DR. U V. MURRAT. liiK been duly amolsled Indanendent rae Believed New York, Msrch 24. Tbe deinasd fol El Paso, Texas. I to., i os xesas street. (Aav.i to Have Been Americans. Resident Physician. wan to BUY. sSl.L or cuirls of the estate of August U. Andrrs. stocks tell pos Improved or nnlmpruvsd real decrSaSll. Inte of Kl Paao count r. off today, snd tbe market T. C. Teas. seswed nose McDERMOTT. estate Or livestock. Csll on or writs K by tbe county court of aald county, on By the Atnotattd of the vigor of previous ses II Thorns. r,l TV. rue Kl the Mu dny 1W4, dnr-In- Prtu Proprietor. Bids.. Paso. of January. A. D. Washington, March sion. Specialties fluctuated widely, but l!l)Y s resrulsr terdi thereof, hereby FT. STANTON CREED 34. Consul smong the standard atieres variation were HKK Jacob, candlsa. "mad last all persona Indebted to asid rex night." st Branch No. 106 estste to Howards at Jus today made his nsiganicasi. Times Small gains were made at' Prnnklln at. report to state the outset . Tessa Ihono sgainst asid estate to the department on the l.oiiiioo. which wss more cheerful over Glroux Consolidated Fay wood lot Springs pro.-n- tht Granhy Consolidated lao a iu;k picos VALLKI, tbetu to her ut "er residence. No. ALPHABETICALLY Cumbre tunnel disaster. Of the thirty 'am aspen or tne Ulster crisis, came with Improvements, 7 ....r.i bouse; 00 332, Upson Are.. El Tense, where into aa a buyer Greene Cananea ane Pas. or more persons who lost lives ibis market and took ltoyalle (Copper) New Mexico aerea In cultivation, an. sell. Will trade rereive.i ner mail. their 10,000 liare. This baying sei laic for Kl Pass, property or Kl Paao county unten tins mh day of March. A. D. 114. when a passenger train dashed Into to now up tbe list for a time, but traders Kerr Dak grsslng ifi,i ANVIi: K AXriKKAH took advantage of tbe to profits Lake Copper Rax-utr- the burning tunnel on February 4. raise tske 1st JAY r. KNOX, Independent of (he Katate of TERSE ARVICE FOR THOSE TAR- - oil ion atoes, i ne manifest curtailment Salle Copper Ml Mill Mt. Phon . MX. ngusi u. Andresa, Deceased. INO CURE AT GOVERNMENT the bodies of eight men believed to or uuyiag eacoursged toe shorts snd Miami Copper SANITARIUM. market lost Its opeslng advantage. Tbe Mohan k POll SALE BY it HTATK OP TKXAH. t oubty of Kl laso have been Americans and those of Nevada Consolldatfd . hum To tb.M Indebted to or boMIng uuuenone was too strong to penult of Two or four nnth from lot: block M, claims a man, wife and .child, who were citi tensive bear selline. Government mil; kmi each. Times. sgslast tbe eatale of Adolph h manner. North 28 Dr. Carl Smith diM cshciI Tbe undersigned, been Fresh Air, Cheerf nlncs Snd Content zens of France, have been recovered Copper shares made no response lo con bavins 1 Sppolsleil tinued Improvement in North Lake RüPTCRE, aun, j.txv.n luir ee. nl in of tbe ulll of meat leading Toncas In Doctrine The consul reported only a few the metal rusrset. 40 Biflor, Legal Adolph that The price of the metal was sdrsnced to Qtd Dominion H.IDNKY AND BLADDER Notices Krakauer. deiwaaed, lets af W Paso laaM Down for tbe Afflicted. bodies, Including those of Osceola TN ronnty, by A. S. Kylsr, Judge the French ii", snu mere wss said to be good bny DISIiARKS Texs. I. of family, had been Identified any" Oalncy 02 Vi the county court of said county, on the 3d with 9. toI i"1' and domestic account. in,- aagree Shsnnon Room 317-- 3 City laie he, iicllu'iurnt April 1, of March, lull, during1 n By Timet pedal Correspondent of certainty. noma were irregular, with movement resillar term Superior v 114, and tho offlca of be rollcctor Will thereof, hereby rpersous In- He gave following the most unusually narrow. Total sales, 2,250,000 Ft rut National Bank notifies nil Fort Stanton, N. M , 24. the as Superior Boston Mln . . Bid. Ik' open from 7 to p m. for the balance debted to asid estate to come Msrch list Lnlted States bonds were unchanged on ft of the forward and autnentic available: call. Tamarack month of March. uiako svttleiusul, and those buying The high sign at Fort Stanton M. Qllmartin N. Y. : ..DAVID V. si I.I.IVAN. rlsims J. of Buffalo. V. s. Smelt.. Ref. ft. Mln. 40 sainst ssia estste to present tnein lo her "Chase the Cure," he who (alls Menard Schofield of Brasil, Ind.; Do 48 and Collector. t birr residence. No. Mess n venue and John STOCK MARKET. Aesor lltlt to do so is considered a traitor and a. rv coster oi Kl Faso: E. J. He Ctas No. m Psao, Kl Psao count v. Teas. sVhers receives her "unworthy to enjoy the advantages af Cutcheon: J. I. Morris of Woodland Clsslag Stack l.'tah Copper Co. HHEHIPP'K NOTICE OP SA mall. New Ut. Winona Geo. D. This loth dsy of A. D. 1W4. forded by the government at Fort Cal.; Lee Williams of Phlladelnhla York, March 24 Kendall The Mm., of Texas. County of El Paao Msrch. Kelly Uy tne Aeetourteti Wolverine . .... Makes Chuñes Klglit When All oi an niiua execution out AllA K ItAK AlJKIt. Stanton. In chasing the cure It is Thomas of Emourla. Kan.: fret istnsa Executrix of tbe Will of Adolpb well A- - S. - Anmlgamsted Copper Pall, of (lie i able Insiic. court, Precinct Krakauer, to remember Hathawav's Padre Abel and wife and child, clti- HZ Asked. Others no. county. on ' "II ll , , "Alphabet xens jfTance. Ameritan Agricultural i, unrio (bo nd little of the Cure," which oi Lttuerlesn Beet Sugar 90S MESA AVK. (lay or February, lull, tbe )utlc o runs Ilka this: Maximo Castillo, the Mexican ban a poses thereof, in the eauc of pierce Por THE STATE OP TEXAS, COUNTY OP American Can ,'I1H,T, in. .1 luOl O ni,,, sr, paso. A Is for Air, constant, plenty and alt, who was charged with setting Do preferred (By Special Wire the Times L. three Oil Aoclalloti v. W A. Coggln, No. pure, , to from t. "n!. and Sic. SH herlfr. He. To those Indebted to, or holding clslms tire to tne tunnel, Is now In the cus American Car A Foundry Overt ork, Biabes.) lu directed nnd American I will proceed to Mil against tbe estate of Klbrldbe P. Rogers, b is for Bathing, to cleanse every tody of the United Btates. Interned Cotton Oil Btsbee, Arix., Mnrc-- 24. zVrst Ilrcrrd. within the deceased. American Ice Chino. nour preiiTMicil by law Tor aale pore. as a fugitive from Mexico. Securities at Kay. 22; Denu, 7 : inspiration, 18; - sheriff American Ohio, fining Engineering, Reports, Man- on I be first Tuesday In April, A. D. 1914 The undersigned, having been duly ap- C Is your Linseed 33; Tonopah, 7. pointed for Contentment lot American Locomotive...... ;.. li Sbattuck, 27; Klc. Min It bel iik (be 71b day of aid month, befon administratrix of tbe eatsts uf mignt be worse. Prominent Sttffrauriat 111 m wm Klhrldee P. Kogera, dccessedL Inte American Smelting & TO Ml II the in. .se door of ald Kl Paao conn of El D Is for Doctor, your to By the Associated Press Itefinliig. MRTAL MARKETS. lag aud ins Companies. ly. In he city of Pnso County, Texsa, by the Coutity the nalns Pao, Ibe following Court Chicago. 24. íleÑniñar rem rn Bev- - of aald County on the 2nd dsy of Msrch, aiBuerav. March Mrs. Frances American Húsar Mi Camphlus Rives onscnc'ii properly, ni l,ota A. lot New York Metal. cutoru M7, eighteen (18), nineteen (Ml) D., 1V14, during tbs regalar term E Is for Exerciae; take it with squire Potter, for many years a con American Tel. A Tel... By the Attocidfed Prest Mills Building thereof, hereby muirles sil perseas In- care. splcuous figure In the fight for wo American Tobacco El Paao, Texas dexed to aald catate to corns forward and F Is for Food, more wholesome man suffrage, was reported trujay to Anaconda Mlnlua-- Cn Now York, March 24. Copper firmer: makn settlement and ibose having claims than rare. ue near ner nome Atchison . ; ., 08 standard snot and Muv. l."..K7V4(íi.l I.3TU : ngnlnat said átate lo present them to bar aeatn at here. Do preferred 1001 elw trolyllc, I4.62 lake, 15, nominal; ST Sat. at a Is for Orlt, to hold out In the Mrs. Potter Has been ill two years. sfli::::!, her residence. No. 536 W. Mlaaoorl for Atlantic Coast Line 123 catting, M.37. Copper in Loudon firm; OVf; Street, El Paao, Texaa, wbera sbe receives nice. She was for a number of years nro- - Baltimore ft Oblo , . 1 spot. 63 7s future. K. 13s. 3 ber mall. H For the Hope, which should fessor of literature at the University Iiethleh.m Steel 43 Tin firm; spot, ElS.Ttk&'.'lS.SO; June. 38.90 Dated this 10th day of March, A. D., MM. shine In your face. of Minnesota and held the cbalr of Brooklyn Rnold Transit IttV .'It).!.'!. Tin In I dun easy; spot, 171'. .",s; SnstsntsoJ not te brleture. Prnsst cosbutsa. ... . MAUIK 8. KOMERH, I For Impatience, at the arduous etymology of Brooklyn institute. She Canadian Pacific 2flfl fulares, 178 5s. S"-'- ,'j WHY NOT Admlnlatratrit Pf ne etate of Elbrldge Central Leather Iron ouiet nnd unelmnced. Iron in Lon CURE VOURSELP? P. Hogera, task. was chairman of the literature de deceed. Joy, Chesapeake ft Ohio don: Cleveland warrant, 30s 7Vd. J For the when you've won partment of the Federation of Wo Chicago Great in New York at 3.8304.03. TUB STATE out Western Iwd ouiet OF TEXAS. County of Kl at last. man's clubs. Milwaukee ft, St. KtOfe cud In London. 19 10s. BU TVANS CHEJUCAt C- O- Paao Paul. To those Indebted to or holding K Is for Kicking, at rule and re Chicago ft 134 Spelter in New York steady 85.200. Spanish - ; claims agnluat Northwestern st English tbe estate of Mary Woods, stralnt. Aged Colorado fuel A Iron :fil 3.30. Spelter in London. 21 7s 64. ucccaaed : The undersigned, bnvlog Parents Attend Trial. been i Is for Laushter. more wise than Be the Associated Press Consolidated Gas 133i Bookkeeping - Stenography duly appointed Independent executor of Corn Product , Mew York Silver. the complaint. Pittsburgh, Pa., 24. The eslHteofMnry Wooda, deceased, late of March Delaware ft Hudson 140 By R. F. DAVIS, Manager HI I'sso county, Texas, by oonnty M is for MUk when ona la too aged father aod of John B. the Aeeoclated Prrt the mother Denver ft Bio Grande .. New York, 24. 1484-146- court of said county, on tnw. K starch Bar silver, S8e; 5. Trast Bid. the 8d day of oetters of Cincinnati, charged with IS) preferred Phone. iue.iu, o v. mis, aurins s regular N For the Nurse, "so cheerful Distillers' Mexican dollars. 43c. term thereof, hereby and murder of Mrs. Emma Kraft, came Securities 18 notifies sll persona trim. here today to be with son dur- Erie All WSEA5Ü Of TH BLOOD PEfiMAICNTLY Indebted lo nld catate to come forward O their Do St. Louis Metal. and la for Order, hot trusting ing his trial. Witnesses the 1st preferred make settlement, snd those having luck. for state Do 2d preferred Ity the Attoctated Preee RADiCAIfD AT HOflE cbiima agnlnat said estate to present tneni testified to finding the body of Mrs. ..l St. 24. :WRIÍ fDR FR 60OKLEI to htm P Is for Patience, Persistence enera Electric Louis. March Lead dull at st hla oftlce, room 25, City Na- and Kraft in a room at a downtown Great Northern pfd. fA80tS3.0. Spelter easy st .1.124Í tional Bank building, Kl Paso, Texas Pluck. 0.15. LONGWELL'S TRANSFER where Koetters was recently arrested in Great Northern Ore Ctfs.. be receives bis mall. Q For the Quiet which should San Francisco. , iiiinoi central '8 listed tbls 6th dsy of March, A. D. 1914. reign dinner. Interborongb-Me- in Kl V. after t 14 Pase Metal. a K. HUNTEK, R For Rest on your Do li referred . pesos AntomnMlea, HsckS, Independent Executor of tbe the bed 0 Mexican (Kl Paso hurlnir nrleoV I.lrery. Estste of the International Harvester ....TTt In .43. aary vvooo, ncceiisnd . reclinar. IWVi small quantities. Ants Bsggsgs Trucks STUDY p B Sleep, ntcr Murine nfd. Mexican currency (El SHORTHAND For the unbroken and Inter na Inso buying Light snd iieary Baallag. STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY Off Ek" THE GRAIN MARKET lona Paper 5 price). In small quantities only, .30. Competent stenographers ara la restful. International Pump ;. T Is for Temp; keep still when H constant demand, Learn tha Ursgg To all (boss Indebted tn or holding claims Kansas City Southern 2x2 Kl Pase Smelter abnormal. Laclede Gas , ' SJ Onotatleaa. System glmplest, easiest aud bsst. ' ul ueorge x. newmsn, (Corrected Daily.) decesssd : eiio U Is for Useless, applied to drug NEW CORN PROM AKGENTIMA STOPS Lehigh Valley , US The lit i.CK BY UmfirUld & Nashville Bar silver, 58. undcralgord. bsrlng been sppolnted cures. Tin: PREPARED THE tss Pig lead, 4.00. Chas. R. Foster & Co. ludi'pciidciit ndminiatmtrlx of the of V 'Is for Visitors. Just in I.I.N. Minneapolis. St. P. ft Sault Sic. M. . 128 ueorgo T. N'rwnrsu, limit the Missouri, Wire bars. 14.20. deceased, Iste of Kl Kansas A Texas 18 Lead 19 ,10s. INSURANCE Missouri Pacific 2 (London), Jndgo W For Worry, to be overcome. S7 Mil l s gT. of the County Court of said County, Ths Outcome la Wheat aad Oats Coincid National Biscnit lacS , PHONE (HI, X For Excesses, you surely ed, ISotb Clsalag National Weekly Avengas. i " eiarcu. iia, auring o must Down. Lend snfi (Douglas rrgulnr term (liereof, hereby notlflsa nil snun. Provisions Declined :' . to IS Palate. National Itya. of Mex. 2d pfd Smelter Quotations.) persons x Silver, 58.04. C.I. Bid,., .ret Unl.a Clsthl.g Os. ludebted to said catata to cdme Is for yearning when pleasure Mow otk Central 1V forward mi, tn,lte u , ..., ... enure. New York. Ontario A Wesier,, Copper, 14, Him Sy'tne 28 i .i i. i Zé Is lor Steal in taking the Associated Press Norfolk ft Western v 104 "cure.' Chicacn. Match 21. tlcnorts. which to North American H. Montana atreet, Kl Miss Emma Actum of Clifton, Arm. T4A MOHR 1'nao, Kl Psao County, has night were disputed, that new com from Northern Pacific arrived to Join the nurses at No Argentina was already st the wharves In Pacific Mall Bf Cut Rate Hardware, 7th of March, A. IS. . 244 TYPEWRHTEES day p. 1014. Ualrsston put a stop today to as advance Pennsylvania . H2H K, Mr. A. People's Paint and Glass. To closa. out will aall MU.IAN NEWMAN. and Mrs. B. Lovett has left In prices of grain. After rescbing á new Gss 124V4 for jj.oo Independent Kxecntrix of the estste of for Oregon, where will high level for 1014, the corn market here Plttsbursb. (.'.. C. ft St. L Say! Nr. Drummer! un par month. they make 83H South Kl Paao St. iicivuinu, uecusseo. tneir norae. tosed nervous at the same flsures as last Pittsburgh Coal 21 Soma New. Soma td Band. The patriotic sinning nurbt. down. Tbe .nil. nine in whest Preed Steel Car 44K each Sunday and ostk coincided, both unchanged to Pullman Palace PROS. CO. Bids and at the service Car 1A2 Where PitiMiNt; foopoajg at the orr. in provisión there was a net Kesdlnf 108V4 are you going? library hall is becoming increasingly decline NOTICE TO CONT11 ACTORS. of itepuniic iron ft Steel 23 Vii Wanted 1'ronoaala for rnmnvlnir r,i, popular. Before word came that some of the new Do 80 To the Assayer and Chemist Argentine crop was actually Iloi-- lalBBd Co and i... i. from the site of tbe contem- - have been reoelved here almost at the doors of consumers in (ireferred GEO. U plsled now Csthollc churcb, corner of from Dr. Sloan, the "gas specialist Texas Io CAMERON is now and northward to Nebraska and Missouri Louis ft Snn Fran. 2d nfd. OVi Custom Assay Office Arlsuns snd Mesa Ave. Full psrttculsra who at Towson, Md. Dr. Sloan many v ...... morgan, has many friends at Fort Stanton who bull speculators seemed determined Seoboard'Alr Line e...., 20Í4 Rapraaantatlre OIUTOUETT 3UU.j i.u i.ooirnctor. to lift the corn In a way tnat would Dc preferred ., BoV4 Por Shippers to tha A FURGDSOH, Kanass St.. between Mill. nn,i would rejoice should he again visit market El Paao Smaller. Assayer, Chemists, Metallurgists. Texss sis. nere. be long remembered. Th effort, however. Steel ft Iron... ai GLOVER tnem aiade a tempting opportunity for other Southern Pacific 93 Representatives t for Ora Shippers. "Look out for the cars" when driv- Sou hern Hallway 28 V4 SIO San Francisco btH ing down Easy avenue. The B. & A. his was done lu wholesale fashion, ami Do preferred 84 El Paao. Texaa. NEWS IN Is now making dally runs with sev- when tbs Galveston reports becsine current Tennessee' Copper 33 brief; eral branch lines to Rudolph's bead a number of belated lonas found them Texas ft Pacific 16 H0TE L factory, wholesale selves sacrificed on orders, the I'nlon Pacific (Advsmseaieata.) Johnson' tailor- action oi which naa previously appeared Do preferred .....; ing house and the Fort Stanton ice United Where we get the best Independent Offloe factory. remote ennnce. States Realty Ui bed, Assay Or Kbert. Dentist. 218 218 Milla Fear, was expressed by one authority Called Ststes Rubber 61 SSS. Bids. corn cleanest rooms K M., ProprtaSor. OPEN ALL NIGHT hat Argentine had been overbousbt Uultcd SUtes Steel 64 and best meals Dr. NEW for flalveatoa. it was said a single Do preferred ,. 0r 8Umn Anwf sad Fraacrlptlona FUlsd aajd Dsltrsaast Psget, Dentin Han. A Baa. Bids SEE DAYLIGHT PAS. that 110 in Bisbce. Arizona. kin., sVsarfaa SEN'fiER SCHEDULE BETWEEN EI, mi, cm bad purchased !W,Ou0 buabels lo l.tnli (.'upper 55 u Bullion WrU at Aar TtmaDsvy or NlgdM. Longwell hsa arrive there snd tbnt other firms bnd inta- áSSTSBlISMIS w. tks taxi sniUtourias cars. PASO AND ROSWKLL VIA E. P. booked iBSh Mall orders Pillad riiinassllp PUONB L H. W. It. similar amounts. On tbe other o.soxm. It AND c.Kltl',0'.( baud, primary recelpta today tbrouKhout ll Phone 89 sre3 lhortory: A. AUTO SERVICE. UNDER be Lniieu States were only sto.ouo bush-I- 30 E. RYAN & CO. .Ml-- t Catssshsaj. tiood Show at Crawford. RAILROAD AUTOMOBILE TI as agulnst 4,422,000 bushels on tbe cor Western niou 3 saw i mu Drogglata. Tho performance TABLES. Adv.) espondlng day a year ago. Westlnghonse Electric T third of the Allien Dry Taylor stock company at the Crawford weatber advices from Kansas and Wheeling ft Lake Eric (neater mat night was enjoyed by a Paso Del Nor to Hotel Business also from Minnesota and North Dakota Chino rv lurge helped wheat upward while corn was on New listen i't ii audience. Sol Smith Huaaell's Men's Lunch. be saranes, but utter the inn spill In tbe Bay Con grill a. m. 3 p. inmous old time comedv. "A In at 11:30 to m. 60c coarser grain wheat quickly needed Total sales for tho day, 220,400 shares CHINR88 Duchclor's There was no export demuud. the Komance." wss the hill. and PRYS1CIAN Tonight and this afternoon "My mills were not buyers. MINING STOCKS MA KK KT. STATE Father's Son" will be given. Popular iiais merely imKated the behavior of Cures Kbsu NATIONAL BANK corn. Shipping call was light. Beaten Cieslag Mining. Blood Polso trices will prevail. was a tame provisions ESTABLISHED Al'itu,, iSSl. .market in Boston, Msrch sll Internal i ind i- Moderate acllins by packers near the end ittoclatcd terna M. CASTORIA Blithe Prete Diseases. L Breck. dentist, of on A CAPITAL, SURPLUS ..M) PROFITS.. has moved ta For Infante and the day brought the final down lour Special treatments $200,000.00 17 New First National Bank Bldg. Children turn. Amalgamated Copper for woman at Mod- American tine. Lead ft Smelting erate Foes. Interest Paid Call Pomeroy. Phone 2444. Cboleo in Um For Over Years Arlinn.i Commercial on Savings Accounts livery 30 COTTON , rigs, hacks, bsggsgs asd freight trsasfsr. Always bears MARKET. Calumet ft Arlson C. R. MortEHEAD. calumet ft llecla JOSEPH MAOOFPIN. Vic-Pre- the Xsw York G'stten. C. N. Join the Cactus Club. Ceniennlnl , BASSETT. OEORQE D. PLORT. Cashier. Signature of By the ociurrd Press copiier Itange Con. Co New York. March 24. Snot cotton T. lawyer, East Butte Cop. Mine L. J. OILC1IRIST, A SSL Csshlsr. John mil. .nil? Capias Bldg. steady. Mtddliag. 13.50: gulf. 18.TS. ,n Deswoisnulc Nominee. MARK THE DATE ON YOUR CAL- LIVESTOCK MARKKTS. Iks A ocla led Press ENDAR Boston. March 34. James A. aal. Part Worth Livestock. ll nn, El Monday. March (By Sims, mi Win. (o Time Prom Csasldy- - fonner street commissioner, won Paso. 30 rsouiiiwesierii voanaanwiea tnc i u congressional is.) mocratic nomina- nVaerved Seats on Sale at Ryan's Port Worth. Tex., March 24. Hosa He- - The New Spring tion in elpta. 2.800. ateady : XH Nil Models of the Twelfth district primaries Drug Store, Market ton. t day In a contest. II bulk, : will be opposed by B. Cattle Uecelpts. 3,000, Including iKI James Connolly, steady. Progressive, nnd by Frank L. Brier calves. Market Top on steers STA0, Republican. - bulk t8.23tfT.2S, soakers a0l.23: stocker cows 4.7300.20, top on hutcber cow 3.85, bulk s4.aogso.on, oaa bunches up to uóte PHONB 1 for aa astomoblle. Long- heifer RVWaYI ; bull steady st 35.23SS BENJAMIN WASHINGTON well's srs B.30; calves t8.otMH.T3. Sheen Receipts. 800. Market ts,lv Try the new Bar. Toa gat tas Wethers, 5 (sversgu 03 nouudsl : limbs IIaUi sgsdsxBenü Tea. rest. T. P. Kalsh. Prop. ts. CLOTHES niStll K l. (he greatest lI Ulll. Optician health resort In I the of Preelaloa, 411 Mass. By the Associated a tourist car adSVsamsVVl South. Chicago, March H Hfeb. the H Dr. Blsck. dentist. 416-1- 1 Milla througli to 34.5 Return. I Bids. l.ii. Market strong iSW day's average. Balk. (AT0O&83; liirht. For Men and Young Men Si. Louis. Uk d11 I BeHeved of Arisen Duties. LsnOAW: mixed. X8.doers Rtv ; heavv. Have Just Bit Spectai Wire le The Time ia40g8.8S; rough, S.tOtaS.Wl ; Pigs. ST.lOdjr rr'siassVsfcsWn Washington, March 14 First Lieu no, tenant Richard D. LskkTarde ttle Receipts. :i.(. Market .,.ll. Come in of the ateady. Beeves. T.Hhga.flO; Ninth infantry, haa been relieved as Texas steers, inspector M i westew sttera. 768.23: stock- - CHy Office. Sheldon Illrlg. end instructor of the Ari- asd feeders. A0a48.10: cows and heif- JÍdl zona National 's gS.T54J8.50: I Í :45 a. in. TWO FAST TRAINS sr Guard. ers, calves. Utt.M. JSP a;S0p ni H Sheen Hecetpls. 2U.OS0. Market fir,,, Crescest Native, tATiSrítO. westers. x3tt.a: WILL YOU? agon will call. ear lings- 8.00. 10 native lambs, SASM Mi westers loaba, S RbOT.OO. Bowlby-Bowlb- Osteopaths, TOS Mills Was Ity IlTHtaah Bids. By the Asswcistcd Prts City. 24. WHAT IS PAINT? Baggage Truck V atufar. Prompt Ksasas March Hoss. Bse.lni. o Daily Iti.ii. Market V hlither. Bulk. SSB&sa service. Lontwell'a. Phone I. Adv. Porf Buauaews MbUsmw 873; heavy. AT0418.8I; uarksrs snd liquid Night ; Saw! substance applied to any metallic, wooden, or other 8 o'clock. Doors opea one hour utehers. 813048.73 lurkt. gs.Botm.TS: surface to protect It from corróalo npr decay. ' . - - Under MnrtlsU Uw. earlier Free Street Parade 18 :M in pigs. 7.30SJ8. ñf tas Assscsatsd Prase toe morning Buffalo Bill, hla In- We have It form Depew, N. T.( March 14. The dians. Ranch Girls, Cowboys, want to and rendr mixed. Quality and price la dressea bwrf .steers. TMaJAbo: western right; write us. was placed under martial law to- see all the boys and irla. stetra. T.28tft.t; day, although the day had .one you to see southern steers. SflaHU bean want the new Wild Beasts I cows.tRKuJiO; hetjers. ATS.T: f the quietest since the strike at the in open dens, lu splendid new Tab- tuckers sad feeders, SATStyS: bull. S6t Oould Coupler works, began two leaux 00 people of all Nation 40 TÜTTLE PAINT & CO. months ugo. Crowds, of strikers and horses banda (him nowv. Ipt. T.U00 Market sirena I mm. GLASS k 10c ilgaer. Lassl, RUNHT.T8; yearilñao. HI sympathisers FSife their who had atharod TOWN! CIRCUS PARADE 9 ware dispersed and tbe soldiers were MILES LONG! wethers, S3.00ejo.ij; ,