

Edited By LIVE SPORTS Louis Dottgher Bill Carrigan Picks Braves to Win Flag From the Giants JIM SHAW IS BECOMING A MIGHTY HUNTER IN THE LAND LA G N BE ES Standings MINCE PIE A LITTLE OF XVERTHlNG. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. - BRAVES WLL POCKET Standing of the Clubs. fiv "BUGS" BAdft. W. L. Pet. Win Lose. Philadelphia.. 86 43 G37 .653 .."; Boston 77 71 .597 V) ..V2 Washington ..67 61 .13 .S27 SI1 No cause for alarm. 'There isn't .r,V Red Sox Leader Declares Stall- - Detroit 6S 63 .S19 ."23 - Chicago .... 63 67 .45 .4S0 .4l any war zone in the- American New York ... 53 73 447 .4.12 .444 ings' Club Deserves Great Su Louis 5S 71 .47) .4S4 M League. C'cv eland 42 S! .323 .32S 320 Credit for Climb. Mugjsy McGray U waiting anxiously "for Today's Games. Boston to pass the Giants again. . . Boston at Washington Philadelphia at New York NOT GIVING IN TO FEDS Detroit at Chicago. St. Louis Cleveland at Norfolk won the Virginia League pennant, but will not Tomorrow's Games. meet the Athletics in" the Detroit at Chicago world's series. Lannin's Presence at Outlaw Cleveland at St. Louis. Park Yesterday in Brooklyn Yesterday's Results. ! I Washington. 4: New York. 2. Blowing hot and cold with one breath. Has No Significance. Philadelphia, S; Boston, . The Hague 5; Chicago. 3. declares the' dumdum outlet Detroit. illegal, but still allows Frank Baker to LEAGUE. keep his bat. f - NATIONAL Standing of the Clubs. ! VUhJalmar keener, chance PROBABLE LINE-U- P --Today-i Stefanrson has a W. L. Pet. Win.Lose. of getting farthest north than Maggsy Jfc-ara- .57S .570 Vilhjalmar hasn't got the . Boston 73 54 GRIFFMEf. New ;i'ork 70 56 .55G .559 .5:1 Braves clogging the base lines In front of Hooper, rf. Moeller. rf. Chicago 63 60 .534 .53S .551 Mm. St. Louis SS 62 .523 .526 .519 scott, ss Foster, 3b. Pittsburgh ... 59 67 .46S .47.1 .4' .433 Speaker, cf. Milan, cf. Philadelphia.. 5S 69 457 .461 Brooklyn 57 71 .443 .450 .4(2 $&&& w ?K Icwis, If. Gandil, lb. Cincinnati 56 71 .441 .445 .43S Hoblitrcll, lb. Mitchell, If. Fights His Way to Batters Today's Games. Front of A.L. Janvrin. 2b. Moigan, 2b. Brooklvn at Boston New York Philadelphia. Dick Hoblitzell. the Red Sov first-- V,'. James, St L 37 13 10 S4 30 212 53 C. Mller. St. L. 33 26 4 0 .308 "Don't tee why i.ardnpr, 3b. c. at S3D IJcnry, Chicago at Pittsburgh. Kabcr, Chi 33 3 7 64 57 118 .563 Stengel. Bkl.... 97 311 38 35 S .303 Na- sacker, lias fought his way to the bat- Big League Biffers of a 461 they call the Ainsmith, c. St. Louis at Cincinnati. BIG SERIES DATES Dat.ss. Det 40 16 13 124 71 23S 552 Burns. X. Y.... 124 81 133 44 9 .301 irngon, c ting leadership of the American League Until. Ath 34 14 12 100 75 177 .15S Pitchers' Records. tional the older ( ndy, c. Wiili.iiDS, c Tomorrow's Games. Scott. Chi 36 14 12 121 67 187 .338 Day. Pitchers-Club- s G. W. U SO.BB. II Ave. this week by a terrific assault upon The world's series of 1011 will Weilman, 37 14 12 106 70 204 .538 6 4 8 17 circuit. Haven't we " , Chicago Pittsburgh. St.L. Enzmann. Bkl. 1000 loui.is-- c. McBridc, ss. at Bau'g'ner.StJL. 34 12 63 67 134 .500 110 14 Liouis al' opposing tvvirlcrs. Hobby is prov open, is 12 WJltse, X. Y... 17 0 12 31 1.000 got Kid Gleason St. at cancinnau. it unofficially stated, Cole. X. Y 27 R 8 .37 41 122 .500 Mclnnes, Macks. 3 3 3 1.000 38 21 119 95 205 V'oon, Johnson, p. - James, Bos 7 .750 j. ing the great surprise of the late sum- on Mains, Det 26 6 6 50 58 120 .50 31 17 6 35 77 160 .733 - Yesterday's Results. October 10, no m:uter what Hcnriksen, R.Sox 1 1 1 1.000 Doak, St L.... and Nick Altrock note, p. Harper, p.- BENTLEY, 22 2 2 31 26 56 500 Tcsreau, Y. 33 21 S 154 104 204 .724 Louis-Cincinna- nur, and is credited with putting the X. St ti Wet grounds teams play. If the Giants vin, Lathrop. Chi... 13 1 1 4 14 27 .600 Scott, Red Sox.. 1 1 1 1.000 12 2S .711 in our league"" 1 "client, Engel, p. o Strand. Bos.... p. l'lllSDurgn-cnicag- nam ana cuiu. Red Sox upon their feet once more. He AYERS. V 42 12 14 133 43 191 .462 22 10 5. altern:it2 games will Robins . . 1 1 1 SIath'son,N.Y.. 33 76 22 253 ..6SS Boston. 6, Philadelphia, tie played SHAW. W .36 10 12 125 107 158 455 Igan, 1.000 34 13 3 93 243 .679 3, Brooklyn, 0. is hitting for .358, two points better Rudolph, Bos.. 56 Game at 3 o'clock. New York, in New Bonz, Chi 42 12 15 106 55 183 .444 1 28 33 34 70 .667 York and Philadelphia. Dugey, Braves.. 1 1 1.000 Conzcl'n. Pgh. 6 3 Good time for Clark Griffith-t- o try than . Fisher. X. Y... 23 S 10 63 50 163 .444 Mamaux, Pgh. 11 4 2 27 18 30 .667 FEDERAL LEAGUE. If the Braves win, two R. 24 4 5 31 32 123 .444 Dauss, 4 3 4 .7o0 out voung players now. There aren't any Mtke Mitchell's wicked slump vnth jrames Mlfell. St.L. Tigers... Kantle'r. Pgh.. 14 2 1 26 30 .667 By THOMAS KIRBY. Standing of the Clubs. will be Cavett. Det .... 25 4 5 43 36 36 .444 Vaughn. Chl... 33 IS 10 130 SS ISO .643 spectators around to get the young- fel- played in each city be- 31 14 153 9S 1J3 .440 Morgan, Griffs.. 4 3 3 .750 , Today- -, the willow has pulled him back to W. Mitc'll. Cle. It .Alexan'r. 33 22 13 138 63 2SS .623 I n. ill con. Thc 41 11 110 191 .440 Phi.. low nervous. think the Brakes W. L. Pet. Win Lose. fore moving to the next Cicotte. chl.... 14 61 Schmidt, Braves.. 3 2 1 .G67 3 17 11 100 72 2 .607 IhSke put up desperate light, are de- - fifth p'rec with an average cf .333. 31 10 13 62 62 187 435 PrefTer. Bkl.... a 72 57 55S .562 Dubuc. Det Cooper, Pgh... 34 13 10 33 67 214 .600 Congressmen Indianapolis .. !t The dates will be 10, 12, 17 91 86 227 .414 2 .G67 I,., haniinr nut .th absentee eeing of all the credit that has come 63 5S ..id a33 However, he is October Hamil'n. St. L. 36 12 Fletcher, Giants. 3 2 13- 6 4 2S 22 93 .600 Chicago still the best batsman 14S Rucker. Bkl.... - put the Nationals' attend- .5-'- Bos.... 34 7 10 65 37 .412 Champ Clark has Ith r and, while thev are compe- - 66 60 4 .527 .o 13, 14, 15, 16, Bedlent. Cheney. 43 19 14 130 121 202 .576 aj, Brooklyn on local Zcb and 1" In case 4 19 26 .400 McLean, Giants.. 3 2 2 .C67 Chl.... 63 60 520 .524 .510 the team and, with Milan, M. Hall, Det. 25 6 31 10 8 73 ' 71 153 .555 ance n the fritz. ti s against us, their record deserves Baltimore .... 8 2 3 15 18 30 .400 Lavender. Chl. 64 39 520 .524 . one of two .300 in Wash- of postponement, th3 teams Walsh. Chl .... Math'son, Giants. 9 2 2 .667 X. Y. 31 5 4 41 23 102 .536 Ji what they are achieving. Buffalo the hitters a 17 2 3 34 47 55 .400 Fromme. advantage the football season has ihls 62 66 .4'0 .4S3 .431 Boehler. Det.... Bos 32 14 12 117 35 213 .53S One present Kansas City.. will remain where they 7 12 63 31 142 .36S 2 Tiler. prepared the high tribute paid to the 5S 71 .450 .4o4 .146 ington uniform. art' till Russell, Chi... 30 Schmutz, Robins 2 .667 33 15 13 104 74 ISO .536 over baseball is that you come St. Louis Cle 27 8 14 S3 62 185 .364 Benton. Cln.... icrs In the Xational League by Bill 50 74 403 40S .400 Chief Bender, Connie able to play. The Steen, Becker, 3 4 42 16 14 SS 64 222 .533 to sec the ball booted around the lot. Pittsburgh ... Mack's veteran players will Hagerman. 31 7 14 91 102 161 .333 Phillies, b .600 Salee. St. L.... rigan. the Boston Cle Mayer. 41 IS 16 I0S 78 264 .523 of Indian twirler, is out in front of the X. Y. 23 6 143 .333 5 Phi Today's Games. share receipts of only the McHale. Cravath, Phillies. 3 3 .600 32 12 1 56 72 210 .522 rieans. when he was asked today Pitchers, with fifteen wins and only two Keating. X Y. 30 5 175 .333 Perrltt. St. L... I L--. 26 10 10 52 33 1S4 .500 rv to forecast the probable result on Indianapolis at Baltimore. defeats. , the Red Sox first four games Brown, 23 4 52 133 .333 Cobb, Tigers.... 3 3 3 .600 Perdue. St. X. Y... .32 9 9 54 33 .505 St. Louis at Brookln rookie, is second, with eight wins 5 1 3 IS .333 Humph's, Chl. HI cr's circuit. and Oldham. Det... 19 7 7 53 40 123 .500 the Kansas City at Pittsburgh. two losses. Boehling. Engel. and John- Warhop. X. Y. 34 6 37 IBS .286 Altch'on. Bkl.. It is now. apparent in rrlgan also took occasion to enter 24 43 43 128 Stall-tnjr- Chicago at Buffalo. son arc the only Griff men win more Blanding, 28 3 59 120 .250 Marshall. Phi.. 6 6 .500 League j' to Cle.. SS Xational that inofficial denial to a story that is games sea- 27 1 87 .143 Zabel. Chl 26 4 4 45 40 .500 than half their so far this M' BRIDE. W. 123 416 C3 73 11 23 .180 Coumbe. Cle... Leading Run early season boast ted in New today to Games. 12 Getters. Steel. Bkl 20. 2 2 14 12 72 .500 York the effect Tomorrow's son. Ecan. Cle.. IS 51 2 3 Hoch. St. L... 0 45 .000 M presence .176 Plavers. Clubs. G. R, Ave. Davis, Bos 4 1 1 10 12 15 .501 doesn't sound like stalling a the of President Lannin games scheduled.) 17 .3 11 16 0 26 .000 Brook-vestcrd- (No In club fielding the Mackmen, Yan- Boehler, Det. 17 2 .176 HARPER. W.. ..he Tedcral League park in .3 0 20 .003 E. Collins. Ath J31 108 .81 kees, and Gnffmcn are all tied at .363 Keating, N. Y 31 '3 6 11 2103 .175 Williams, Det. all. was the first mocment 13 0 74 E. Murphy, Ath 123 S3 .63 Yesterday's Results. for first honors, while the Mackmen Alcock, Chi.. 5.3 131 12 27 6 5 .173 Levcrcnz, St.L. ,orl rganized baseball's forces to reach Morton. 20 0 39 .fK) Speaker, Bos 131 S3 .63 Dave White Again to 12; Chicago. 0. have a long lead In club hitting. The Basslcr, fie 23 4 5 7 3 1 .175 Cle.... wr c sort of a compromise with the Buffalo. 1 . 1 .0f Bush, Det 133 S3 .02 St. Louis. 6: 5 Griffmen are fourth with the bat. V Gregg, Ros 24 12 S 0 4 .174 BARROX. W.. lore organization that has done so Brookln. ' Bishop. 2 . .000 Baker. Ath 132 77 .58 Coach Indianapolis-Baltimor- e Cold Kritz Malsel. the Yankee third base- H.WH'ms. N.Y. 59 In 9 30 1 5 .169 Cle Vigilant Team om the talks I had with our 2 . 4 .000 Hooper, Bos 122 71 .38 hac man, holds his leadership among base Tavlor, st. L. It. 12 0 2 O 0 .167 STEVENS. W. f. I feel that he will never give in. G. Balchley, St. L 4 . 8 .000 Shotten, St. L 123 7.3 people thieves, while Eddie Collins is far ahead Foster, Bos 23 42 3 7 0 5 .167 125 Assuring the Vigilant Athletic Club of f have these on the run-gette- Dillingcr. 5 . 19 .000 MOELLER. Wa3 70 .56 of all foemen as a r. Bresslcr, Ath. 21 36 5 6 0 1 167 Cle.. as an eleven as represented and we do not intend to let up on State League, early in the season, but 11 13 13 Pratt, St. L 131 ;70 .53 at least fast ROBINS OPEN SERIES Sam Crawford is leading slugger Hamil'n, St. L.. 36 73 12 1 4 Jasper, Chl...... 000 gridiron. lb n bv having any understanding as was allowed to get awa because he the .161 Crawford. Det 133 54 .18 it last season on tho Dave In league. Mayor. Chi ... 2C 6 13 1 1 Georgetown ncace They tried to rum our failed to Impress sufficiently in hitting. the f .162 Long Hits By Clubs. White, former fullback of Following are the latest figures: HENRY. W... 73 217 II 3.3 5 7 .lt,l Club Fielding Records. University, has signed to again coach the Fiamc. and now that we know the tide Wood, IS Grand i Bos ... 31 3 5 .160 Big V gridiron warriors. Manager Joseph turned we do not figure on giving Batting Averages. A . las Fisher, x Y... 25 50 2 S 0115 160 riubs G. P.O. E. T.C ve. :b jb. b TB. Av. Oliverl, wrho v. ill again be at the pilot them an shelter. ' Tins was tne wa THE BOX SCORE. Plajers Clubs G AB. R. H 134 3601 1676 183 5466 .363 Athletics 63 23 1,531 .331 S3 SH.A" SHAW. W.. .. 36 63 3 10 0 2 .153 Athletic Ill independent foot-ha- ll CONTENDERS tho Boston manager disposed of the arti HhHtT-l- l Rne i 1"J 17 IK fi S 5".B 133 3537 1735 189 5461 .365 Detroit 162 70 23 1,462 .333 wheel for the fastest NATIONAL";. NEW TORK. Rumler. st. L. 30 2 7 2 2 .136 New York .. Washington, an cle which appeared todav Collins.' .. 131 464 1(8 US 23 26 !356l 3311 1654 1S7 5352 Boston 171 63 11 1.378 .."25 acicrecation of ABHOA ABHOAB Ath AYERS. W . . 12 7S 3 1 Washington. 123 .965 14-- 12 2 .151 been m . 3 1 1 0 Malsel 3b 4 1 S 107 23S 5S i 31 11 .132 1612 133 St. Louis 153 62 17 1,333 .319 nounced today that Wnlte has Moeller rf I Jackson. Cle.. Ba m'ner, St. L .31 46 1 7 0 3 Boston 132 3371 5103 upon Vigtlants in I Foster.3b 4 0 Hartzell.lf. 4 0 D Cobb. Det.. . 74 231 43 SS 2, 5 .351 .152 131 2178 1S66 232 .3576 .938 WASHINGTON.. 136 70 14 1.330 .31S prevailed tb take the rojgh the fact that the Braves and CY.umbc. Cle 2S 31 0 5 s Chicago .l i . 4 1 4 Cook . 4 33 15 48 S .2.S3 .H-- 5S i n,'alri unri he will commence his- won was Milan cf rf MITCHELL. W 144 10 Klrm'g'm. 19 10 133 .3590 1961 212 579.3 93S Chicago ...... 136 IS 1,301 .311 ..tin.h.fi a...... i "ts both yesterday, there 4 . 3 Cle 2 7 0 1 11., Detroit i tomorrow, wnen tno arat practice Ganilll lb n: Dalo.cf Speakei. Bos.. 131 47S S3 10 3e 8 .333. li 2191 lh63 248 5108 .951 Cleveland 151 SS 3 1,333 .303 duties Uf al y no change the National If 2 0 2 Mullen. 3 Leonard Bos. 36 i0 3 10 0 9 Cleveland .. will Billed to Op- in Mitchell lb Cree. N. Y . 58 20S 33 6S 2 S .327 13 132 3540 1711 261 5512 353 New York 133 37 10 l.yS .2b6 of the seatftn be neiu. Rucker or Pfeffer 4 3 3 Pcck'ugh.ss 4 Brow n, X Y. 23 30 0 7 0 St. Ixiuis .... Big V candi- K jp race, Boston still breezing Morcan.tb Craw 133 432 64 15S 21 IS .321 2 .140 White had charge of tho 4 0 3 ford. Det Bender. Ath. 24 50 7 0 mainly yspon-slhl- e Ainsmlth.c. Seene.c I 132 77 l- - S 4 .IV dates last season, and is g with the advantage which was 4 1 0 3 Ath.. . 501 161 .521 42 Leading Sludgers. McBride.ss Boone.Sb Baker. Cirottc, Chi . 79 4 11 0 B 139 f. whlnnlmr Into shape the Inde-- pose Braves in First Clash of Shaw.p 3 0 0 1 Mclnnes, Ath. 134 519 61 161 IS 27 .310 Triple Plays. ' ned through the virtue the McHale.r .. Cavct. Det .. . 23 36 3 5 1 Grani ! through Ufe ) . 0 127 442 56 1V 23 11 .303 0 .1.33 nendent" eleven which went Me da Colcp Walker, St. L Miller. St L . 36 -- 2 7 7 Washington 1. vs. Gandil, l'lajer Club ;rt 4b .1.V. 1.1,1 a th&t I victorv the other 2-- 2 3 133 Athletics :b tb a alniU defeat . 10 27 15 1 S3 7 31 S7 5 S .303 HI .1) 23 !4S t...n at Fenway Park. Totals : I Nunam ker Fournler. Chi. R Collins. Bos hi 2 Foster, McBride. Crawford. Det.. .. .504 now seems to be a pretty well ac- - 93 354 43 107 31 K .302 .131 and o. beinc the last game of the jear with; MILAN. V.... Wyckoff. 2S SOS 1, Jackson. Cle 13 137 .435 All-Star- 62 S 1 1 Washington vs Henry, s. . SO 3 24 15 1 4 0 Ath 5 2 Athletics '.'. Harry Ccstello's That White proposition the team which Totals 22 17 5 0 .294 o- - . . 31 16 231 es ' that BEN'LEY. W. McKee. Dot . 3 Henry-Ne- Speaker. Bos 430 pro-teg- 11 23 ' 6 0 3 .12S Gandil. and has been engaged to tutor Oliverl's Stallings Batted for McHale In Mventh St 5S 100 2 0 .230 E Collins. .. 24 14 sJ .481 igl-- rce has driven into the Walker. U Bcnz. Chi 42 72 2 9 1 3 York 1. vs Washington Malsel, Ath. Is biggest feather the ! Cook, N. Y.. 110 3SQ : i 13 8 j", St L . .. 24 14 Z'A .464 the BOSTON. Sept. bump- of the battle in the older Nationals C n fl 4 Weilman, St L 37 51 3 10 2 113 Sweeney. Williams, and Malsel. Walker. could aaa to cap. iur iui li Fresh from . 12 103 24 31 5 H .2S4 Ath . . . 21 .41.3 lants tnsir n cne has so well New lork .000 011 (WO2 Vltt. Det... Warhop. N.Y .38 hi S 7 Cleveland 1, vs$ St. Louis Turner, Baker. 23 Blue and Gray backfields-ma- ing the Giants with might end main. established itself Pi att. St. L . 121 4S6 70 137 31 15 .2S2 11 III MIT.XX. Wash . 16 10 146 .412 the former Run-Mot- ller. Blanding. Cle 23 33 2 4 0 fl 114 Lajoie. Johnston, and Carish charge preparatory work, to- the fear of cracking has now van-- d Foster (2). Milan. Maiitl. . 126 436 47 123 23 17 2S2 . . 2S .407 in of the the Brooklvn Ilobin3 rrrlved. lere Mullen on S, Burns, Det Plank, Ath . .30 53 .5 S 11! Athletics 1. vs. Detroit Walsh, Bush. Prat, St L IS' really, have the club should be to I.cft basc Nationals. New 77 17S 24 .V) S a 25l 6 31 the local indepunaonts day, intent: on performa- and able 1 3 High. Det 19 9 J Collin". Chi . '87 .251 upon. repeatlns tbe ork. r Irst base on balls Off McHale. 3 1 . BiMand. Cle 57 6 Collins. Mclnnes, and Schang. somethlrij tangible to count Ihe rjugh during the final three weeks 101 41. 53 111 .'277 . 16 13 1 163 against off Shaw 3 Innings pitched B McHale. 6. Oldring, Ath Bo 34 39 3 111'".0 in:, each. Det .363 A- r,nmo lie TllAVed bV the V lgl- - nce- Stallings' battling Bravey. marvelous struggle in which 105 377 51 101 15 a .276 Bcdicnt tn it b Cole 2 Hits made Off 7. oft Granev. Cle W SO S10 4. and ; Manager icob'.nion Nap engaged McllaJe. V, 17 James.St L 2 0 3 P lants is for October announced that been 1 Bj McHale. 4. Ath 105 346 46 21 Double Plays. sen-so- n r1e Struck out by Cole. Strunk. ENGEL W . 22 1 2 0 2 ttY Sunday miring iuc Rucker of Pfeffer. the best twlrlors on train of tne fight has apparently 2 b Shaw 2 Two-bas- e Moeller W... 129 310 62 140 29 6 .275 l NATIONAL LEAGUE. each succecuinc hit Stolen FOSTER. WM'ch-I- 31 70 3 3 0 r, 071 Cleveland 103. St Louis 9S. Washington comprtition Brc-kl- vn en almost too much Johnnv bases Milan. Morgan. 129 4W 73 136 32 8 .274 Cle will find an attractive the roster, would for foster. Gondii. Malsel Shotten. St. I Cole. X Y 97. Athletics 101. Detroit S3, Chicago 7o. Little or on changa Is seen In the o'd and H s.trccts be sent s who has been such a consplcious i Double plas Foster to Mor- . . 128 491 53 133 26 IS .271 scheduled out at fifteenth ugain- -t Collins. Chi Mains, Det 26 033 New York 73, Boston S3 league, though Joj Connolly, toe home team today. Stalling f in the triumphs now gan to Gandil, IVcklnpauch to Boone to Mul- . 121 423 41 113 23 20 .171 former northeast. and he Is Lewis. Bos... - could his len M. Hall, Det now- - rot name nltcher before the suspension for the trouble which Tmpires Mctsrs Hlldebrand and Chi . 114 336 26 11 IS 13 271 or Griffman with the- Braves, has tell, ' .. O Loushlln Time game 1 41 Schalk. Morton. Cle 30 OS but Stis thousht that. Georr n w V UHI.IU1I jit of hour and 124 434 43 117 10 13 .270 Club Batting Records. climbed to .313 - , .l,l,r iiiui minuts D'mmitt. Chi. n. Cle . 31 013 Jack Dalton. Virginia's Pitches Well lyler. tne chunkv- southpa-5r- mjv Wi'h K ers out the Ptalinc ma- - WILLTAMS.W 67 143 14 33 0 4 269 Hascr Dauss r. n. H PP. V old gardener, is In mach to the hill. Tjler has been rest- e loses much of its real strength. 263 3? 72 3 S 269 nub "II star still out front, Schang. th. Pitchers' Records. Athletics .131 4.36S 641 l.isn 17 1S3 .270 Win ing, and Is now about ready to twlri vcMordav it was able to get l.;2 4 t ; 1 -- . i 1- with his captain, Jake Daubert. close And Jungaleers Two Other Duckpin Learv. St. I. ..133 4,316 5"l 191 173 175 .233 another game. Kh ahead of Philadelphia through 31 52 5 11 1 0 263 Records of pltchns up to September Detroit behind nve .300 ACOSTA. W. 9 1311 Boston .132 4.237 461 1 08 1 132 .247 Brooklvn has hitters, Just to show that tliev 5ave not "th inninc rallv .... tV) 216 63 6 2 .2i? lot Kirke. Cle li tTliibs ; WASH .. 129 4.1S2 131 1.012 1SI 157 2l2 though the Robins are in the second CHICAGO. Spt-- Dauss their fighting fofnt. the Braves ca3 Leagues Will Start 116 42 13 IS ritthers feO Bit, H Ale -- Det. . 125 US 23 1 the White " Vcach. 1 4 S 1 Clevelynd.132 4.336 419 015 129 211 division Of the contenders, Xew heady ball against from behind vesterda ' and defeated thr third 'onsc-utM- 37 10 IS 2 3 264 Danes. tli 3 I") iw Yoik rilched time Jim Cady. Hi 12-- so the. .luncalcers - S Bos 3 4 4 OT- Louis 132 4.213 427 1,103 1S2 211 has two Iloston one. Chicago two Sox vesterdav and g the Phllil. ir the ninth Inning. to emerged 17 .2b3 McCrearj. Det 7 I t. and sv.-.m- i. xesterdav a virtor Two W. 123 456 70 12 23 131 3 CalUli e additional duckpin leagues MOELLER. s 1 Chicago 4.1S2 337 P'3 141 175 .23 St Loti.s one copped. 5 to Jimm in Coming ii ho final lias gh the general eieeiien'-- have 101 31 13 .261 Cooper. Ros 4 10 19 Oi.l , half of lost of his Cle. . 343 n 13 4 ? 431 ve were unable Da- -- organized for 1314-1- 3 Laloie 21 13 New York 133 972 2r7 121 .30 Hill .lame-.- of the Is leading In twlrlrtrs, but they frame went In for Moran nd Three hits was all the damage the casor 43j .".' 11.3 24 2n .2b0 Brrdrr. Mb 89 111 four play- GANDIL. W. .120 1 1 Two rookies poled a seizing second " 1 21 the winning pitehers. with Willie tc stop th visitors. i.f.u. the Yankees were able to The Georgetown Duckpin 7 I 233 Shore. Ros 33 'fi m Doak. u whn do to Commercial 2S 27 6 c at c SCHAEF'R.W. Eeonard 1Ui 36 170 37 13 of the aids, second, and Jeff Tesreau ed In the Infield for tha Set, Baser Rbce" j ue through with a heave tr'lverv of the one who started on League will be in the field again Bos. . 122 415 71 IS IS 3 .233 72 Leading Base Stealers neconJ. ad- this Hooper. .30 73-- Manda at Baler to the stano Whltted's single 1 Ath . 101 40 14S third Christ Mathevvson is third and nning streak at New ork last p 123 1 v3 23 11 .237 Plank. fourth. season, with ten teams in line-u- Momhv Ath. I s Following w let in a coupla vanced pinch k big de- - its Wood. los 11 22 71 77S I Clubs s n We are the latest figures show- pullrd a ild throw that - tho hitter another pa. and the pitcher real! iGardner. Bos . 12S 461 l US 1 9 .251 Th-- - score- Two of last vear's quints, the A. Baers Wolfgang. hi IS 20 33 7TS MaNel. N Y 128 36 44 ing the Xational 300 of Detio t runnels. and he tailieu on Cathcr's long ily. fd a shutout 121 126 42 103 30 10 256 . hitters M tWilliams.StL Pcnnoe-k- 23 .33 E Collins, Ath 131 33 500 p ' Whltted reached third on the play, and he early part of the season and Hacrt have withdrawn from S2 231 IS i 0 3 256 th 113 ;.ol 40 and tchers -5 3 the N Y T1-- cr, . 121 not he. on Ximem'r. P.rrsvler. Ath 21 77 , j MILAN. Was '13 30 12 'I loo. scooted across Maraavtlle's "dp under which Shaw labored tht. circuit, but two new ones will h Cle . 112 33 12 II 3S 254 I" 'W '11- -3 '0 1 Turner. l' Revnolds I)et 11 7 ' Speaker. Bos 131 36 2S WhltS Sox W fir to Cravath fart that he failed to make his substituted meeting for the purpose Chi . 37 53 i 13 0 0 .251 20 30 37 Batting Averages. ' ability Russell. Drl 3V 10 IK, SI 202 I eekinbaugh. X Y 133 35 26 "I don't know how MeGraw car beat a' al telling through the of completing organization will be held Cle S7 277 37 70 13 S .233 I'oveleskie .J l!aier " lubs U. B It li .ves- out r - l.lohnston. 3' 30 30 131 1, , Shotten. St L 12i no 2.3 in - Sox. lAthwp. rabor. that Boston club." said Charil iruntdl application Now. hi- at the Potomac allevs on the evening Y. 117 31 102 21 20 .252 faMwell. X Steel. Bkl . 20 13 0 i niiltc ?cott. i of Hartzcll. N W V U 121 411 KuUn Doom, after tho game. "Stalilngs has f has thinking September 21 earl-I- V, .252 Gregg. Ros 21 65 137 i.i; j llll.ims. St. L 25 .33.1 sel . anti Schalk. mastered th end Rolling wil begin IChapman.CIe H .56 41 72 13 Dalton. Bkl 110 36 131 13 1,3 233 kidded plnvcrs Into thinking Ultras-elve- ng I r St L 13! 31 his ' and bv using discretion Oc 21 3 1 2 .250 G Post.r. Ros 2. 43 IIS fit; rati, 24 .313 and tober Bos II II I Dauhert BkI Ik. 71 127 24 J3 3 3 s iGalnor. , champions, and they are scans s going along I 2JV- 31 7 .'01 tush. Det 133 30 2.3 i"n' as well or Light teams will compose the newlv Det 117 413 37 in.3 16 1 Sbawke. Ath o N Y 26 136 26 63 7 7 ! I'ght vlong were. Kavan'gh. V. 2S I 129 Grant. .321 at. If they Even r than ati man on the staff 4 4 21 kc.fr Ath 90 142 1.., I'lUTBII, Was. 23 BeecherWill ld formed Capital Clt.v League this sea- St. L 43 K3 13 3 5 Chl 21 17 2 8 0 3J1 Willie game, Ivan. n-- 7) 17S .1.9"! llac'man. with Cvcs out of the son They are National Laundry, Ivory AINSM H. W. 4. 37 10 21 4 0 2'T roi:iii.ic Be ker phi K1 4'rt 37 128 1' 11 .32ii is and biting all the time. nder where the Griff men would -- It Collins Ros .32 46 VI Passed barkine be Seap. Havenner Baking. Anacostit. Pezold. Cle 13 - 2 U 5' Balls. S Macee. Phi. 116 13.1 70 1.33 13 10 .317 Meet Johnny Kilbane Until this I thought Olanta had Jd.ek Bentlev Shaw-abl- 2S t.5 82 3 : ' 3"), , scries. and Jim Charles Hotel. Norrls Peters, Bureau, VAeaver, Chi 114 413 53 103 14 10 213 ENGEL WAS levelaml thletic 21, Chlcsgo JO, Connollj Ilos 101 ;;-- 51 103 6 10 31! wo'ilc! win. Xow It begins to look to to approath the form during M IOHNSO.N 41 2: 17 S3 61 232 "5 17. Washington 16. M and Washington Abattoir. The officerr Mullen. N. Y h.9 23S 23 .8 9 IS Detroit st Louis X, Phelan ChL 2. 4 It 1 .311 ANGHI.KS. Sept J --Willie liVe the Braves " earlier stages of the veason 211 N V 17 t 23 New IK 12 UOS s that of the league arc Charles Boston, presi O Bush Det 133 499 y. 122 3i PI'h. York Boston Wheat. Bkl !! 447 .37 133 .20 lb 311 Dundee v.ero to-d- av Jolinnv Kvers h.-u- been suspended fbr have latclv ahow n A - Beecher and Johnnie dent. . J Shank, vice president- y iCcval'kle, Det s 1 l 0 rounds be- three days, following hi srrument with .'1M' matched to bo twent rrceman secretarv, Charles K Heath 123 437 53 121 er-no- n. ill ' e the fight which the Boston Red fore tho pacific Athletic Ciub. at Mai Unsoi hut he be back again treasurer and H D Snook offietpl Carrigan, Bos 73 lVi 16 38 September in the line-u- p on Monda.v been making in Seplem-be- on the night of J I'ntil thn atf latel their scorer The schedule opens on t ibold. Cle 91 203 21 73 tl performed Whitteil will hold down his job. 4 slugging la pparently Willie Beecher Thi crs to overhaul thos 2 p-- 1S2 113 in twenty-roun- s naturallj lias won them many Peck N 3 133 ;ft Lively to Be fairly well In his d bout ocotr R. H, E 11 Fight Seen 2P 7 Hilltop 46 1 ex- - Pcnnoik. Ath at on I.abor Dav. even . .KO 1& Jt 5 ere as in all other cities, with loe P.lvers i'i - BOKHL'O. 3 27 71 10 17 decision. mate', COS V IS 1 ss'b'v Philadelphia, another par- - Red Sox Even Count -- tho igh he lost the The i Bocjie. Chi 99 11 21 71 as belne merely anothei ieason why there is a peculiar 13 33 was ridiculed 'rio Pliillie'. Rlxev ard Burns. crew Barrv. Ath 121 V up Beecher was de- ' in the Carrigan is the In Last Two v set for Rivers i iv es. Crutchcr. Dtvu. and Sessions W 10H."-.- 17 US 16 2S For Quarterback a "another eastern Impostor, Str.d. r of Dirk Hoblitzell This first and End Positions scribed e Whaling. Gowdv was discarded by the different Malsel. X Y 12S 467 62 110 56 such as Matty McCue. who recentlv-niad- 16 1 By LOUIS A. n League, was Sept 12 -- Th Wallsee. St I. 24 '.S 3 DOUGHER. a dismal showing against the th- - the National and rHILDELP'HA. M Krank Chance has luclein o' a come loop be- - MORGAN". W 121 403 42 23 Mexican. d n over to this Mackmen s'onn'J to have another vie 1 A good tenm. lm' thero are several 7.3 1"6 13 h lively oinr to be cen nesdav tml tint means that ill plsv-i- i H th. onlv 1113 veteran vet tn Needier nndo ball jii alleged weakness in hlt- - RchK. Bos 'crap i. e rrprrt But from all accounts require rf toiv mining to them yestardav when 17 S3 will ,P town will rough spots that si.ootinniitE v . fr-- Ills he has been Morlartv. Iet lis 37s nt foi I hi- - and fir practice to Coach Tolwcll vAhet things interesting for Promoter M- v e. -- . . ddvent led S 5. In lmt Geortfelown qtiartorbai!' i - up Uv Perhaps into another wtb zonil ging ball in almost ovcry gatno Ibiv to th" sixn. the Olson, t le S3 i7 "0 report to oai h l.xendine lie snw- at Washington Pa , the ela rey's favorite all the wav 'dcntlv put ..p fight, fe 50 m-- a start, tho ankces ma a l Rei' Sox tied the sciro in the Inst Wood Cle "11 23 this ,on. who An addition to the foot bill squad ves-t't- npiad will be Intn.t the has sect hD best da.s and can h rff 'air-- m atid he has been s mbcrle. Rivers thov will hive to get uin g tw intilng" 'arkness halte.1 .N 3 2S 'Toddv of lug t;i kl. from A In . in be in the first flight but 'rttets Mikr Mit'hfll for the honuis till the Boone. had 'lpcif!r:I Gcssler brother Sievensun. is no longer nnked r.n-- de that Ke- 243 ( about not to ;inv this i e coup'e of i.utneldr to "I'H t.i tin two National Kirnii,l witnoui ihane lian O Neil I. le 7S Ioi (:eser. former ontllehler with the uniftrin and n.M niake n bert-- fo. of lightweight contenders for the time ' unable to stou the TJevtonians I. 62 P.J 17 Mu' He is light II.. 's in frent b j srarH. who .amp into Ban vins Howard St -- fall, is in running, ami is .iti"tnls rather but tna l'iii'!f III to lollefre ".g!i ntidet jiraetiiallv the I'ennoek was driven 'o the showers In Austin St I. 103 6S 16 1". 13 n.ik, I formldihln i mdtilnte foi end I. is t.r brother, b.-t- of whom pitted second, loe Wood Bos 113 3SV 13 2! 13 to put tip a lively sciap for the - sind J Don Mathewson Outpitches tin and- followed him Janvrin villi Wombei le m -- an inninr 'ate- The scor Ileilman Det 5S 133 20 job of ruiiniiir off plajs fo1 the Noire linine will ,f. the field this fiillliaik ami mpl.uii hiicI c.irl V'S'rr hail another-crei- t dav at R H i: Dubui Oct U '.ft! 0 23 l : 221 season with lrtu.tll tho line tip v it.silv during ids i ollrge d-- j His Younger Opponent AUTOMOBILES . 321 iO0 21- 7 2 15 13 Hlue aii'l l.ini 1313 iftrj TMerdaj His tielding at Rd Sox -S SHANK.1-- . 121 l"l ."6 .' 2. Gray. Opposed to is tint rfiiiiized the List in Dor lis Bob Coin ell Ins put ,et candidate Untorcjcle and Accestorieji. 013 022 11- O-S 1 1 1 il 13 upon falrU Hlzleii and he was a pronil- - Mackmen 10 Mltenrll. SI 1. 21 32 7 C:Jlan, who got into :fvenil gamci thf brilliant ii irtn hnek last vcar. his honor ny.l will waste n it ore KW YORK S. pt 12 -- Mathewson in 7' i 2fc2 21 41 10 4 .mil lto watching the -t faetor Jim Shaw being able Batteries Red So. o.vl. Itcdient. Tru'dale, V Y "'S kne. the nn aptain .end end. lime roniln- of the plai shut-ou- V 11)13 t ball while thi Giants GASOLENE CARS. J hafk the ankp R. Colllnn and Thomas, Car-iiga- n. Chi 17 42 6 li .US in good lCMilts. By lire mlhsliiR hut all the othprs are in ns twilled Gr'gg, Breton. not hammering Schmutz. a Hrooc-- I Vacknen, Pennock, Bush. Sliaw-ke- v P DaVy. N Y 42 .V. 12 6 2I week is five lip. for mother lampaigii oaeh Har- were it piobal.lo that four or champtora J Lapp Bl'kbi.rn. 1"! 40S 47 SS 21 21 If. per plans on using Bergman j.ist Joo Duff, con. li at Pittsburgh. ln Ivn voiingster, and the Emerson OrraK the close of the present and rill. bo veir 1 ttr series . fr; 153 33 0 6 216 candidates will str irplinjr to land a half lm k of great shifted Bob IV i :i i lassv m won 3 to f The Giant vietorv MOT the I'ed .ox there will h hut Iapp. th II hnlliimv. Thorpe lmlfhaek The Apperson H St X. 3T. to th II 71 7 16 0 ." Jin Ibo job left vacant 'iv Harrv C'os--t or Coff.ill both from the 131, fresluiiiui I'M li. tenter Pivot place was i weak evened the series with Brooklvn n'i cs at National Park fcea- - Shiwkev, " this Loses 11- 2 M e in 1 I ()(. Princeton Swart. T . Chl -' 10 21 ol In. ipi, Hum's pin, hriiliiuli. full spot ist an.i inrr does not mean score .. . V sfpfmluT siul lohe? l , , -- !'' 17 1 10 J 2 pllkkc i !i v. it S...1HP (j, elrhia thlftii-- . N Sept 12 1'rin. e Mellnle. Y 2v 'It in mil lit l"ine;,in. Inlf to the n,rf 1r will ornr J. "Red" (,'uvjck is tli onlv I'M'! mil . ' " XltS Conn. k Imi Ks in ,ind o upv now e in; lined o plav '""' "" '""' ' At. r a pair of WBlsh Mh :7 II 65 3 'l .ire uiilfoini will inni in tr Pobins 1 ' enKaenirnt" ton football prospects suffered a blow r left in lu-ic- i 200 100 0- 0- 3 11 iadiilac Cunk & atoaCiret i I .03 13 10 16 -- rol'erx", and anotlier then oi.l iositioiiH IMine Slnpin M" Ki'ti.ii hmi.ll Peck Giants Co. to nil up the horn, schedule Wares. St .0 i. otie has a rniti h. todav, when It was learned that W . f.ist biiin-l- i imd Truxal Robins. Schmutz and "I'lffincn. Hik?r. I et 3', 57 I 12 ii conflict will In seeM on the wing'-- of oppiMients this full, the Batteries and had been so hadlj hurt as to v 7 3 16 103 hi liedllle helnc ,n follow s Ortoh'ei 3, Ginnf. Mathewson commercial Suart I'auUib, the former Dickin on end, Aveatber plajlng this season Impos- Lasslrr. le 31 .'.. 5 II 1 2ffl Aliut. it South Bend iletober li. Hose Cool litis hroucht out Iirgo rmwd of jesterday was pmbablv make his i Stanage. Det. 108 356 13 71 It .I'3 is wil li the squad, and I' I. it South Bend. Oi tober 17 Y lie. s.iiuls at almost iverv ollege in New Studebaker i iest that has nttended a game sible . mow ?;;. as Swart was generally Cansl.. Clo ... 40 101 8 20 .3 .13m .should make one of the places--. Hi.-- nt New Haven, October 21. South Da- Cnkl.ind Ynle has i lose t lift, ,ergla avenue this season, but Wallv." me l in while wil' waH known, has been working all summer Steen. Cle . 27 hi 3 12 3 brolhcr - end kota, at Vermillion; Oi tober 31. Haskell uiiilorin. Harvard )T OAKS. no great surprise over this Simon vas a sa- at 7, luivo twice thnt week when PANTS for ELECTKIC an s cold enough with the construction company In charge Sweeney. X.Y 72 214 21 42 6 .IX Indians, at South Bend. November irimbir net $6.00 it to freeze - Pennsylvania years ago, and r season opetis. nze statue. of the new- stadium. Agnew, SI L. !0 236 15 46 4 .i'i. a few West Point, at Polo Grounds. New York, the milnr He was to finish his duties thU week, J. Bush. Ath. 53 5 12 :t .ni if Ihe younger lad can cime any- November II. Carlisle, Indians, nt Chi Cook a Stoddard C. heforc reporting for ptuctice, and It was I muss. Det 41 S3 16 r. .i'.3 where near Simon's work with the cago. November 26. Sjracuse. at Sjra Drives Malaria Out of the System Baker MZi Cor.n At. came was half cone before the while- Ivopf. .30 52 10 r, i use. X Y I $3.50 superintending tho erectino of a Ath n2 II k Quakers, Georgetown will om1 I landers were able to get so much eonrrcte mixer that he received his llen'ksoit. Bos. 51 68 13 0 .I'M hn"e to Your Measure I Made xinsie against Shaw, but In the 27 31 6 16 2 131 of the in lie I Mresdv tlieie are tales of Hnrv c 5-.- . - which, while not expected to W'l "Ie best pcrfomcirf trd sn r i f-f- Orrn hH'lt- n Detroit-Electri- Mullen nicked him, and prove Chl C 4" .3 S 2 IM I s. mils .'t-itl- the prullie it iin - 4 ! - i j ni the serious are of such a nature as Ks' r. Atlantic section 141- H St. other two off the bats of to T.ngle V. 131 15 4 187 N' bor. seeking to learn lust bow com! 1 I'leapai itate him for aiivtlmi'; so Ilos l wer( work is o itllnei! and U " 1 1m, ,r,,l hird Y"St H diop-ki- c i The Gc. Stne as football aldw-- Y ." 113 3 i hpliwi, kor. Yeiiis ifiiruanii Washington Pants . stiinuous foi i the nine Hml Griv siii imli ll.e.--e i The appearance cstcrda of CJi 41 1.3. 10 r. :, . at," tales used to make ui.,. ACCEMlKlE-f- Kernel. handful of .itliletr-- an no in iin'funu s ifiterj. the plajer grabbed up fo- - Bala r l'ti-- t k Bos : m r, 1 ;s5 giailu.-iti- froth at the mourn Now. E St. (Near Ninth) Hung cpiai terbai for the Tlioma. hut the b h is expected to 810 jriffs b Herman At- - laM two seasons. 111 list men "7 76 4 2 .1R4 'in miun'i though tiiev meiel riti Cq Schaefer at ikes the of Put tell. Ilet i li n- - next L. National Electric Supply "r rlty, it develops, was given tr- - who 3 3 IM to forii before wick pass' LEVINS a have had varsity experience Scott, t'ln.. - 1IM-1II- 6 tt. T. AVV i with Bcranton. in tha New Tork Xlolden, X. T.. 60 lt5 10 30 3 3 .11 Tho univeisitv clasfccii open ou Wed- Patterson, star tackle at W. and J.. A SOUU XUM6 AMU Al'l'U'llZKM
