Complement Associated Microvascular Injury and Thrombosis in the Pathogenesis of Severe COVID-19 Infection: a Report of five Cases

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Complement Associated Microvascular Injury and Thrombosis in the Pathogenesis of Severe COVID-19 Infection: a Report of five Cases Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: A report of five cases CYNTHIA MAGRO, J. JUSTIN MULVEY, DAVID BERLIN, GERARD NUOVO, STEVEN SALVATORE, JOANNA HARP, AMELIA BAXTER-STOLTZFUS, and JEFFREY LAURENCE NEW YORK, NEW YORK; POWELL, OHIO; AND NEW YORK, NEW YORKXX Acute respiratory failure and a systemic coagulopathy are critical aspects of the morbidity and mortality characterizing infection with severe acute respiratory dis- tress syndrome-associated coronavirus-2, the etiologic agent of Coronavirus dis- ease 2019 (COVID-19). We examined skin and lung tissues from 5 patients with severe COVID-19 characterized by respiratory failure (n= 5) and purpuric skin rash (n = 3). COVID-19 pneumonitis was predominantly a pauci-inflammatory septal capillary injury with significant septal capillary mural and luminal fibrin deposition and permeation of the interalveolar septa by neutrophils. No viral cytopathic changes were observed and the diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) with hyaline mem- branes, inflammation, and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, hallmarks of classic acute respiratory distress syndrome, were not prominent. These pulmonary findings were accompanied by significant deposits of terminal complement components C5b-9 (membrane attack complex), C4d, and mannose binding lectin (MBL)-asso- ciated serine protease (MASP)2, in the microvasculature, consistent with sustained, systemic activation of the complement pathways. The purpuric skin lesions similarly showed a pauci-inflammatory thrombogenic vasculopathy, with deposition of C5b- 9 and C4d in both grossly involved and normally-appearing skin. In addition, there was co-localization of COVID-19 spike glycoproteins with C4d and C5b-9 in the interalveolar septa and the cutaneous microvasculature of 2 cases examined. In conclusion, at least a subset of sustained, severe COVID-19 may define a type of catastrophic microvascular injury syndrome mediated by activation of comple- ment pathways and an associated procoagulant state. It provides a foundation for further exploration of the pathophysiologic importance of complement in COVID- 19, and could suggest targets for specific intervention. (Translational Research 2020; 220:1À13) From the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York; Department of Laboratory Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York; Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York; The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus Ohio and Discovery Life Sci- ences, Powell, Ohio; Department of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medicine; Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Medical Oncol- ogy, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York. Submitted for PublicationApril 9, 2020; accepted for publication April 9, 2020. Reprint requests: Jeffrey Laurence, Weill Cornell Medicine, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065. E-mail address: [email protected]. 1931-5244/$ - see front matter Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Translational Research 2 Magro et al June 2020 of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).7 Pre- AT A GLANCE COMMENTARY liminary pathology studies of COVID-19 patients dem- onstrated diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) with edema, Background hyaline membranes, and inflammation, followed by The respiratory distress syndrome accompanying type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, features characteristic 8,9 a subset of severe Coronavirus disease 2019 of typical ARDS. But many patients with COVID- (COVID-19) may be distinct from classic acute 19-related severe respiratory distress have a delayed 10 respiratory distress syndrome. There is relatively onset of respiratory distress, then manifest relatively well-preserved lung mechanics despite the sever- well-preserved lung mechanics, despite the severity of ity of hypoxemia, characterized by high respira- hypoxemia, characterized by high respiratory compli- tory compliance and high shunt fraction, and ance and high shunt fraction, and prolonged require- 10,11 increasing recognition of systemic features of a ment for mechanical ventilation. Therefore, hypercoaguable state in this disease. Therefore, significant aspects of the pathology of COVID-19 the pathology and pathophysiology of COVID-19 might be expected to differ from classic ARDS. might differ from that of typical acute respiratory We examined lung and cutaneous tissues from distress syndrome. We sought to define the role of 5 patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe complement activation and microvascular throm- respiratory failure, 3 of whom also had features con- bosis in cases of persistent, severe COVID-19. sistent with a systemic procoagulant state, including retiform purpura or livedo racemosa—prominent Translational Significance dermatologic signs of a generalized microvascular thrombotic disorder—and markedly elevated A pattern of tissue damage consistent with com- d-dimers. Histologic and immunohistochemistry plement-mediated microvascular injury was noted studies defined a pattern of cutaneous and pulmonary in the lung and/or skin of 5 individuals with severe pathology involving microvascular injury and throm- COVID-19. Our demonstration of the striking bosis, consistent with activation of the alternative deposition of C5b-9, C4d, and MASP2 in the pathway (AP) and lectin pathway (LP) of comple- microvasculature of 2 organ systems is consistent ment. Co-localization of SARS-CoV-2-specific spike with profound and generalized activation of both alternative and lectin-based pathways. It provides glycoproteins with complement components in the lung and skin was also documented. Our studies sug- a foundation for further exploration of the patho- gest that at least a subset of severe COVID-19 infec- physiologic importance of complement in tion involves a catastrophic, complement-mediated COVID-19, and could suggest targets for specific thrombotic microvascular injury syndrome with sus- intervention. tained activation of the AP and LP cascades. Poten- tial mechanisms of complement activation, including involvement of positive feedback loops with the INTRODUCTION coagulation system, are discussed in the context of The severe acute respiratory distress syndrome-asso- hypothesis-generating studies providing the founda- ciated coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), etiologic agent of tion for potential therapeutic intervention. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), was initially identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019.1 It was documented to be pandemic by the World Health Organization in early March 2020,2 and by METHODS early April there were over 1.5 million cases world- Patient population. All 5 patients were selected for wide, with over 90,000 deaths.3 Organ dysfunction, pathologic studies based on a respiratory tract sample particularly progressive respiratory failure and a gener- positive for SARS-CoV-2 in a reverse transcriptase- alized coagulopathy, are associated with the highest polymerase chain reaction assay, as tested by a desig- mortality.1,4,5 nated diagnostic laboratory. They represent the first 2 It was soon recognized that SARS-CoV-2 is but one patients succumbing to COVID-19 and undergoing of a large pool of prepandemic SARS-like bat corona- autopsy that were available to us, and the first 3 viruses which replicate in primary human airway epi- infected individuals for whom a dermatologic consult thelial cells.6 These include the etiologic agents of the had been requested to evaluate an extensive skin original SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syn- rash. These 5 cases were assembled over a period drome (MERS)-CoV, for which mortality is also linked of 2 weeks. A respiratory pathogen PCR panel was to severe respiratory failure, with pathologic evidence used to test for other potential pulmonary viral Translational Research Volume 220 Magro et al 3 pathogens, along with standard bacterial and fungal demonstrated bilateral airspace opacities most promi- respiratory cultures, and these tests were unreveal- nent in the peri-hilar distribution. After discussion with ing. Cases 3 and 4 received hydroxychloroquine his family, he was placed on comfort measures and and/or azithromycin, as noted, with dosing as: died a few hours after presentation. A limited autopsy hydroxychloroquine, 600 mg every 12 hours for 1 was performed. Grossly, the lungs had a congested and day then 400 mg every 12 hours for 4 days; azithro- hemorrhagic appearance. Light microscopic examina- mycin: 500 mg daily for 5 days. tion revealed a severe organizing hemorrhagic pneu- Microscopic and immunohistologic studies. Routine monitis (Fig 1A), including significant fibrin light microscopy and immunohistochemical (IHC) deposition within septal capillary lumens and walls assessment for the deposition of C5b-9 (membrane accompanied by endothelial cell necrosis, consistent attack complex, MAC), C3d, and C4d via a diamino- with a thrombotic necrotizing capillary injury syn- benzidene (DAB) technique was conducted. Identifica- drome (Fig 1B). The pattern of septal capillary injury tion of C5b-9, C3d, or C4d within any epithelial ranged from a pauci-inflammatory pattern (Fig 1C) to basement membrane zone, elastic fibers, or the elastic one characterized by permeation of the interalveolar lamina of vessels was considered nonspecific staining. septa by neutrophils amidst the damaged capillaries, IHC was performed using C3d (Cell Marque, Rocklin
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