$1.25 (THE AIEN CRITIC) | 3






RUNYON VS. LE GUIN REVIEW P. O. Box 11408 Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC^ COVER BY GRANT CANFIELD Portland, OR 97211 MAY, 1975 VOLUME FOUR, NUMBER TWO WHOLE NUMBER THIRTEEN ALIEN THOUGHTS...... 4 THE ELWOOD CONTROVERSY RICHARD E. GEIS Letter From Bruce D. Arthurs...... 7 Editor 4 Publisher Letter From ...... 8 ALL UNCREDITED WRITING IS Reply By Bruce D. Arthurs...... 10 BY THE EDITOR IN ONE GEIS ROGER ELWOODi A Personal Reaction OR ANOTHER By Bruce D. Arthurs...... 13 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW REG Comment...... 26 COPYRIGHT © 1975 BY VISIT TO A PULPY PLANET RICHARD E. GEIS FOR THE RO. BOX 11408 By Milton F. Stevens...... 27 CONTRIBUTORS Portland, Oregon 97211 --- Some Afterthoughts On Delap's Nonfiction SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING By The Subject...... 43 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Several people and companies have In the UNITED STATESi $4. One Year THE GIMLET EYE Feb., May Aug. Nov. wanted to advertise and I have $7. Two Years Commentary On Science Fiction turned them down. From CAN ADI?: US$4.50 One Year & Fantasy Art Single Copy—$1.25 dire risk of blowing my "amateur" US$8.00 Two Years By Jon Gustafson...... 48 standing....! have decided to op­ A POT OF STALE GOULART Years en up and let the money in. *Canadlans may pay with personal A Review by Greg T. Farnum...... 57 I'm not yet sure If I'll stick cheques if their chequing acct, THE ALIEN'S ARCHIVES...... 66 with the present layout size. De­ number on their cheques is print­ pends on what the reduction does ed In computer numerals. (Thus SMALL PRESS NOTES & COMMENTS...... 76 INTERIOR ART...... --- to the text. we become slaves to the needs ALIEN CONCLUSIONS...... 77 of the Machine.) Tim Kirk 2-3-4-66-77 SO--lf you want to place a display UNCLASSIFIED ADS...... 35 Mike Gilbert 6-10-13-16- ad In the next Issue of SFR, send From the UNITED KINGDOMi 30-54 It along or query first. LI.98 One Year REVIEWS OFi LETTERS BYi Bill Rotsler 7-48-61 L3.43 Two Years Leonard Moran 18 But you can count on b/w copy only, HADON OF ANCIENT Denys Howard...... 33 Alexis Gilliland 21-26- To Agenti Wm. Dawson & Sons OPAR...... 32 Dennis Lien...... 36 camera ready, and no bleeds. Cannon House, 37-57 GRINNY...... 36 ADVENT...... 38 Vic Kostrlkln 23-33-78- FULL PAGE...... $30. Folkestone, Kent, THE WILK ARE AMONG ...... 40 CT19 5EE 79 Pro-Rata anything smaller. US...... 40 ...... 40 Jim McQuade 28-44 From AUSTRALIA and all other THREADS OF TIME....45 ...... 41 Jim McCleod 42-63 I'll even accept unclassified ads. PHASE IV ... Philip Jose Farmer45 Foreign and Strange Placesi DARK STAR...... 34 Vaughn Bode 49 (So great is my eagerness to de­ Andy Porter...... 46 Jack Gaughan 51 76 US$4.50 One Year THE FEMALE MAN...... 64 John Boardman,....47 fray costs.) Gotta ask 7^ per US$8.00 Two Years word, folks, and $1. minimum. THE JAWS THAT BITE, Walter Breen...... 52 All foreign subscriptions THE CLAWS THAT Marion Zimmer BACK COVER...... $35. must be paid In U.S. dollar CATCH...... 65 Bradley...... 53 cheques or money orders, ex­ Pearl...... 54 cept the U.K. Harlan Ellison.... 56 PRINT RUN: 3000 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW IS AVAILABLE John Brunner...... 56 BACK ISSUES IN MICROFORM FROM Theodore R. XEROX UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS Cogswell...... 57 #1, #2, #3 were a personal journal 300 N. ZEEB ROAD, ...... 58 titled RICHARD E. GEIS. All are ANN ARBOR, MI 48106. Charles W. Runyon.59 sold out. WRITE THEM FOR INFORMATION, PRICES. Jim Martin...... 62 THE ALIEN CRITIC #4 Is sold out. Alpajpuri...... 62 # Jon Gustafson...... 63 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is THE ALIEN CRITIC #5, #6, #7, #8, SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW IS AVAILABLE published at 1525 N. E. IN MICROFICHE FROM #9, #10, #11 are available. Ainsworth, Portland, OR 97211 GEORGE HAY SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW #12 Is 38B COMPTON ROAO, Application to mail at second available. LONDON, N.21., class postage rates is pending BACK ISSUES ARE $1. EACH UNITED KINGDOM. at Portland, Oregon. respondent's real name is a familiar one squelch it. But if the matter is of really to avid readers of science fiction, al­ vital importance, please call between 8 AM though his production falls far short of and 10 PM Pacific Time. the "117 novels and 2000 short stories" If you call before 8 AM or after 10 PM Dell's prefatory note attributes to Trout. you will likely have to deal with an enraged Certainly "Venus's" sales (225,000 copies Alter-Ego. in print to date) have not been harmed by the put-on.' If you are an attractive, slim young woman, however, and begin your conversation The give-away (deliberate, I think) is with, "Hi, Alter, I am a slim, attractive the 'from Peoria'. Which well-known s-f young woman..." even Alter will not snap writer lives in Peoria? your head off...immediately. There is some­ Which s-f writer likes to write "net/’ thing else you could add that would make novels using well-known fictional characters your call even more welcome, but this is a ALIEN THOUGHTS like Tarzan, Sherlock Holmes, Doc Savage, quasi-family, semi-respectable magazine, etc? What would be more natural and in and I shall not detail it here. However, any money from the use of the name. keeping with his predilection than for him REG readers know.... I TALKED WITH KURT VONNEGUT, JR a few Also, Kurt said he has been a member of to write a book using a well-known fiction­ days ago, yes I did. The phone rang about With all the above Restrictions in mind, the Science Fiction Writers of America, al author's name? 8:35 A.M. and when I answered it the man be it known that my phone number is: under his own name. (Before my time in said he was Kurt Vonnegut, and that he had Philip Jose Farmer. He lives in Peo­ the organization, I presume, around 1968— (503) 282-0381 just written me a letter in which he had ria. 70.) called me a cocksucker. (Thanks to the two fans who sent me the And so the conversation ended. I'm He was angry at my criticisms of him in NEW YORK TIMES clipping, and to the book pretty sure it was Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. be­ THE TERRY DIXON VS. HARLAN ELLISON AFFAIR SER #12, page 34. His complaint that I editor who gave me a clue.) cause it sounded like him (from his voice didn't check on his state of mind is valid, continues, after a fashion, primarily from on TV) and because of the long-distance I admit, except that I haven't his address, Terry Dixon's end. I have received from hiss on the line. though if his letter ever arrives I presum­ • Terry several letters which he wants me to A few of you may be asking yourselves, ably will then have it and can check things publish "answering" my editorial in SFR 12 The question arises: who is the s-f howcum Vonnegut had (or could find) Geis's in future if the need arises. and condemning Harlan. Also a review of writer who wrote VENUS ON THE HALF SHELL? phone number? Harlan's recent DEATHBIRD STORIES. You can I do too often plunge into the morass of It occurred to me, too, and I asked him imagine the tenor and message of the re­ assuming others' mental states and motives. A vital clue comes from "Paper Back how he had gotten my number. He said he view. I should not do that. I yield to tempta­ Talk", a column in the 3-23-75 issue of the asked Portland Information. tion and the creative instinct....criticism NEW YORK TIMES Book Review section. It I did not print the text of Harlan's as fiction.... Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. said: Aha! I remembered! I had, a few days letter-to-editors. I summed it up. And I 'Last week we wondered about the ident­ ago, called the phone company and asked will not print Terry's attacks. Kurt said (if he can call me a cock­ ity of Kilgore Trout, whose name appears on them to list this number in my name instead sucker, I can call him Kurt) that he did One thing that bugged me about the let­ the title page of Dell's science fiction of my mother's name. So next year the Port­ not write VENUS ON THE HALF SHELL, and that ters from Terry was his lack of a return novel, "Venus on the Halfshell." This week, land phone book will carry a Geis, Richard he is not Kilgore Trout even though he did address. But he explains that he is moving from Peoria, comes a letter from a man who E_. listing. create the character. Trout is a figment. around a lot, hopes to settle down later asks not to be named, stating that he is (For those of you who don't subscribe this year. Kurt said that the science fiction wri­ its author. He writes that he felt he has to RICHARD E. GEIS—A Personal Journal, my Terry Dixon is a professional writer ter who did write VENUS asked if he could so much in common with Kilgore Trout, the mother died of a massive stroke January 16, with two book credits and several stories use the Kilgore Trout byline and was given "sad-sack of science fiction" who is a and I am buying their shares of this house sold. He thinks Harlan Ellison's writing permission. In fact, Vonnegut said anyone character in three Kurt Vonnegut novels, from my step-brother and sister.) can use the Kilgore Trout name. He (Vonne- that he asked Vonnegut to allow him to pub­ is pretentious, derivative, and bad. gut) did not get a cent from VENUS or the So... If any of you ever have an over­ lish a book under that name. Vonnegut I think I'll change the subject. powering urge to Talk To Dick Geis, please use of the Trout name, and he does not want "graciously gave his permission." Our cor­ 5 THERE IS ANOTHER MESSY BIT OE LEGAL BUSI­ will have no further comment. But I do not I have a "REG COMMENT" following the article. NESS brewing in fandom/prodom. This time at this time think very much of Leland THE ELWOOD CONTROVERSY it involves a threatened legal suit by Le­ Sapiro. But, then, I have never thought Read on— land Sapiro, publisher of RIVERSIDE QUART­ much of RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY, either. Editor's Note: The Roger Elwood Controver­ ERLY, against Chilton (a book publisher) sy has raged now, in the "inside" area of Letter From Bruce D. Arthurs 7—29—7^ concerning an article by Sandra Miesel the Science Fiction Writers of America, and which appeared originally in the January in a few fan magazines, for about a year. 'The interview took place last weekend Dan Miller, a subscriber to SFR, wrote 1970 issue of RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY. at Elwood's home and I've been transcribing an item for his newspaper (THE CHICAGO He seemed to come out of nowhere to dominate the tapes since then. Slightly less than Sandra expanded and rewrote the article, DAILY NEWS 2t/26/75) on my problems with the field. Suddenly he had contracts with (apparently) every publisher in the country half through and already got 2A hand-writ- "Challenge and Response”, for Roger Elwood the Thomas More Assn. for anthologies. Abruptly, he was the larg­ ten pages of dialogue. Plus as I've trans­ who wanted it for his book, THE MANY WORLDS Dan even got a quote from Dan Herr, cribed, I can see places where I should have OF POUL ANDERSON, which he had sold to est current buyer of short fiction in the publisher of the Association's magazine, questioned a little closer or asked addit­ Chilton. world. THE CRITIC. ional questions; Elwood offered to answer And gradually his editorial failings and Leland Sapiro had copyrighted RIVERSIDE any additional questions I came up with by (Briefly, they threatened to sue me if "restrictions" became known. QUARTERLY in his own name. telephone, so I'll have to try and figure I didn't stop using their word:'CRITIC in out some way to hook up the recorder to the (It should be noted that it is custom­ my title.) He sought to be interviewed for the fan phone. ary for fan publishers to copyright their press and for SFWA. One of the interviews Herr is quoted as having said, "We went magazines or publications with the words was with Bruce D. Arthurs, who has written 'In ^e meantime, a few interesting to a lot of expense and trouble to register 'for the contributors' added. Thus: 'Copy­ the longest and most comprehensive report on t>itS; our name. If we let just anybody use it, Roger Elwood. That report, "ROGER ELWOOD: right 1975 by Richard E. Geis for the con­ we'd lose it. It's as simple as that." A Personal Reaction" follows the preliminary 'Elwood is against Women's Liberation tributors'. This phrasing grants all sub­ letter Bruce wrote which appeared in THE because "There is a definite percentage of It sure is, if you've got enough money sequent publishing rights to their material ALIEN CRITIC #11 (which I am reprinting Lesbians involved in the movement." (I to those who created it. All I ask is a to go to court and can therefore coerce here), Roger Elwood's reply to that letter haven't gotten to that point on the tape credit line to the effect that the item was publishers who don't have the money to first published in TAC, SFR, PSYCHOTIC, or fight. whatever.) But whatthehell. Let them have their It is worth noting that Sandra received word. All they're doing is giving them­ no payment from Leland for the publication selves and Catholics a bad press. of her article in RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY. (Many TAC/SFR subbers want me to pub­ Now, if Leland Sapiro persists and does lish the address of The Thomas More Assn, sue Chilton for copyright infringement, so nasty letters could be written and sent Chilton then has the contractual riaht to on the matter of Freedom and Censorship and turn around and sue Roger Elwood, who may like that. The truth is I've misplaced the then sue Sandra for compensation.... letter. But anyone truly dedicated could go to their library, look in the Chicago I do not know why Sapiro is consider­ phone book....) ing suing Chilton. Lack of a credit line? But if Sandra's article is substantially expanded and changed from the original Work, it becomes a new Work, and thus a credit is not due Sapiro.

Ah, complications upon complications. Only a judge can decide if the Work is new Work. Until further information surfaces I 7 is a non-fiction, not a novel, and 'Here's another interesting tidbit: In 'One more bit for your entertainment: ing, frightening, cruel, evil, etc., whatever outspokenness is present is shocking and, in its own right, the past four years, Elwood has gotten be­ Elwood is writing a book, which could be happens to be factual. Besides, it fosters the kind of persecution tween two and three thousand manuscripts described as a Christian inspirational sex was carefully checked with the field which he professes to be afraid of. submitted to him. In that time he's compil­ novel: MAGDALENE by title, it's about a representative of a leading conser­ I will not attack his views because ed about eighty anthologies, with about ten professional prostitute who is saved from vative Christian publisher as well I respect his right to hold them. or fifteen stories each, say 800 to 1200 the horrors of selling her body, and fella­ as the editor of a leading conserva­ (I did not attempt to force mine on stories. That seems to be an, ahem, unus­ tio, and group sex, and all that other de­ tive Christian magazine—and neither him while he was here, a fact he ual percentage of stories bought. But I grading stuff when she meets a minister and expressed outrage over the sexual con­ acknowledged to me, personally, and don't know how many of those were assigned finds Christ. From what I gathered, the tent. The message of Christ's re­ with some surprise.) stories, and it'll be one of the new ques­ first parts of the book read just like a demptive power comes through as a tions I'll be asking. regular sex novel, excepted that Magdalene '?) As for the sexual happiness book, I stark contrast with the life of sin feels degraded by sex, rather than enjoying soon thereafter had misgivings and 'By the way, Elwood wants your phone once led by this woman. You cannot it. dropped it. number (he doesn't like correspondence and preach effectively against an evil conducts almost all his work by telephone; 'And while I was there, he came up with unless you show why it is evil. 'Much else in Arthurs' article is in­ his phone bill averages 1600. per month). and sold an idea for another book: THE BI­ accurate. But I won't bother to explore it 'I'm willing to bet he's going to ask BLE: YOUR GUIDE TO SEXUAL HAPPINESS. You '?) The two to three thousand manu­ in any more detail. One final comment: Ar­ may think I'm joking, but it's quite ser­ you to interview him. Elwood seems to be scripts I have received are only thurs says that I seem too quick to accept ious. It started out as a joke, until some­ using the same techniques to corner the those on an unsolicited basis. the first version of a work. Let me say, one mentioned that a book with a title like market on fanzine interviews as he did to Most of the stories in my antholo­ in reply, that a portion of the grievances that would sell 200,000 copies on curiosity corner the original anthology market. gies are either directly assigned I have had with SFWA members can be traced value alone. Look for it from Paperback or the author has queried me in ad­ to my rejection of stories/novels I thought 'Consider this: Dick Lupoff had a nega­ Library. (Of course, since Elwood doesn't vance. I buy five percent or less were poor. For Harlequin alone, I have had tive review of some of Elwood's books in approve of pre-marital sex, the book will from the unsolicited pile. to turn down six thus far, six, I might add, ALGOL; Elwood calls Lupoff and asks him to be slanted towards married couples.)' that caused considerable havoc in my plan­ interview him. I_ have a negative review of '4) The overall concern I have in mak­ REG COMMENT: I wonder which is worse— ning, but I thought they were poor. As for one of Elwood's books in GODLESS; Elwood ing story selections is QUALITY. a religious prostitute...or a prostituted my control of the market, the percentage is calls me and asks me to interview him, and That is implicit. I like to see religion...or someone who can't tell the 20?, not 40 or 50. And to whether I am a even pays my plane fare to and from New good punctuation, neat typing but difference? good editor or not, LOCUS' poll and others Jersey. On my way back after the inter­ these are hardly my main guidlines. provide an appropriate answer. view, I change planes in Philadelphia and # '5) Even the fanzines publish a number having a few minutes to spare, call Linda 'I hold no resentment against Arthurs. of good reviews of my books: LOCUS Bushyager. She had a negative review of Letter From Roger Elwood 1-1-75 What I do wish to point to what he neglects just picked three as among the out­ one of Elwood's books in KARASS; guess who? to mention: That he assumes too much. He 'This letter will be briefer than most standing anthologies of 1974. The Also, during the same time I was at Elwood's apologized in print earlier for such as­ of mine: year before, the same number appear­ home, he spent 25 minutes on the phone, sumptions but he continues to indulge in ed. YANDRO, etc. have published calling Denis Quane of NOTES FROM THE CHEM­ '1) I am not against women's lib; I ap- them. But, again, that is his privilege: I good reviews. So have prozines ISTRY DEPARTMENT; Denis had had a letter plaude it. Yes, some lesbians are won't call him names. I won't shout and such as ANALOG, GALAXY, AMAZING, from Paul Walker in the last NOTES which involved but only a very small per­ scream. He is a human being and he has a etc. So it happens to be LIBRARY made a few slightly critical statements centage. Regardless, I think the right to his thoughts. LIBRARY, etc as well as the others about Elwood's personality. women's lib movement has been long which have praised my books. 'I appreciate the time he took to get overdue, at least in many of its 'Elwood is apparently totally unable to the interview. And, yes, I am willing to implications such as equality of ((Geis Note: 'LIBRARY LIBRARY' is the just take or leave a poor review. I'm go­ do others. The fan community has been com­ rights, equal pay, mutual respect, way he typed it. Could be he meant ing to have to drop a card to Cy Chauvin. plaining that professional editors tend to etc. ' LIBRARY JOURNAL.)) The last but one issue of SELDON'S PLAN had ignore them. I don't intend to do that in a poor review of an Elwood book; I wonder '2) I have written an inspirational book '6) Arthurs' attack against my Christian any way. I am available, regardless of if Cy's been offered an interview yet? dealing with a prostitute. But it views, using such terms as revolt- whether the results of such interviews are 8 9 favorable or not.' ((Geis Note: The "Elwood Market" was not 'True, Elwood did not force his reli­ ly think that professional writers are go­ and is not generally known to the reading ing to complain because an editor acceptsz REG COMMENT: Roger Elwood wrote: 'I will public; his slushpile was made up primarily gious views on me. Before I left, however, he offered and I accepted a copy of THE their work! My complaint that he seems too not attack his views because I respect his of stories sent by members of the Science BASICS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH by Floyd E. Ham­ willing to accept work was a reader's com­ right to hold them.' Fiction Writers of America and/or literary ilton. Elwood said that this book gave a plaint, not a writer's; he's published some Faulty reasoning. One should attack agents. The quality would be much much fair and accurate overview of Christianity, of the most godawful crap that the field's views as one wishes. One should not attack higher than the slushpile of any sf magazine, and that he recommended it to anyone who seen in recent years (in my humble opinion): another's right to hold and express those which attracts huge numbers of stories from wanted an honest appraisal of Christianity. as a reader, I don't like having to wade views. amateurs of every level of competence.)) Frankly, I found it to be one of the most thru so much drek to read the good stuff in vile, vicious, and ignorant books I have sf. I put it point blank in the latest GOD­ Bruce D. Arthurs Replies 1—11—75 'A) With this point, Elwood leaves my ever had the displeasure to encounter. Its LESS, "There's too damn much sf being pub­ letter in TAG #11 and begins to complain 'I'll take Elwood's points one by one: lished."' about my article in GODLESS, but more of descriptions of other religions are drip­ ping with venom and hatred: "Plunder and ’1) Women's Lib: I corrected this in my that later. As for his claims of quality, ((Geis Note: Most of the complaints rapine appealed to the Moslem armies." last letter. As I stated therein, Elwood that's one thing that I. certainly find hard involved Elwood's biting off more work than (Christians were nice Crusaders, no doubt.) approving of Women's Lib was not the impres­ to find in Elwood's anthologies. And judg­ he could (for a long while) handle properly. sion I gained from the original interview. ing from the response to my article (result­ 'And one passage in particular: Contracts were delayed, questions never ing in the longest lettercolumn in GODLESS' answered, confusions about what was meant/ "The unbeliever in the Triune God '2) This comes as a surprise to me. history, fifteen pages), there are a great remembered from a phone conversation deal, doubtless will virtually hold that the The interview was nearly six months ago, many people who hold the same opinion. I failure to follow through, too-long delays scope of the human reason is unlimited. and my memory may be inaccurate, but I'm pointed out in the article that "Elwood in deciding on manuscripts... He has now For him everything imaginable comes certain that the book was referred to sev­ does consider himself to be a good editor; pulled back on his work load and added much within the realm of investigation for eral times as "an inspirational novel" (em­ the stories he buys are the ones he enjoys." help to his organization. According to the the human intellect, and that there are phasis mine), and that there was no mention Unfortunately, most of fandom, it would current (March) LOCUS, Elwood has withdrawn no limits to be placed on the compre­ of it's being non-fiction. Frankly, what seem, don't enjoy the stories that he does. completely from creating original science hension of the human mind." I heard about MAGDALENE struck me as so fiction anthologies. He is concentrating ludicrous that the thought of it being fact ’5) I specifically stated in my article 'I think that the author comes very now on original novels.)) that Elwood has published good, praiseworthy never even crossed my mind. close to defining science fiction in that ’9) At the tine of the interview, El­ anthologies. I referred to FUTURE CITY as passage. My angry scrawl in the margin '3) This was noted in my finished ar­ wood was responsible for AO—50% of the sf "one of the Ten Best." The specific com­ (the book is filled with them) says, "DAMN ticle, as when I completed the transcript market. The figure was mentioned numerous plaint I had against Elwood is that a per­ RIGHT!" Yes, I consider that any religion of the interview, I found that one of the times during the interview, and Elwood ex­ son can never tell if an anthology will be that holds the opinion "There are things later questions covered this. Even so, 5? pressed no objections or disagreement with good like FUTURE CITY or if it will be al­ man was not meant to know" is revolting,’ acceptance out of the slush pile still seems it. Since then, Elwood has reduced his an­ most unreadable like THE NEW MIND. His and evil in its blindness. Rather than thology work, and the sf field has grown much higher than average to me. I note Ted quality varies so much it's staggering. making me more sympathetic to Christianity, White's remark in an earlier TAG that when larger. 'I might also point out that having the book only reinforced my anti-Christian he was reading the slush pile for F&SF, the '10) As for assuming too much: Yes, feelings. If Elwood feels that this is a number of acceptable stories was about one manuscripts typed with a fresh ribbon was the article had many assumptions in it; I the one subject that Elwood spent the most fair and impartial study of Christianity, in six hundred.' felt it was necessary to fully state my time on and placed the most emphasis on in there is only one word to describe him: he opinions and feelings. BUT: 1) I specifi­ the entire interview! is stupid. cally asked that if any of my opinions or '?) I'm glad the sexual happiness book '6) I think Elwood is mistaking cause assumptions in the article were wrong or and effect here. Saying that my anti-Chris­ was dropped, and I think it was a wise de­ misguided, that they should be corrected. tian views cause persecution by Christians cision on Elwood's part. It was even more To date criticism of the article has been is like saying that the Nazi extermination ludicrous than MAGDALENE. minor. I might also add that I was expect­ of Jews came about because Jews didn't like ’8) Elwood says that a portion of the ing Elwood to react to the article. I was Nazis. hoping he would, since I was aware that the IO grievances he's had with SFWA members con­ cerned rejections of stories. Well, I hard- article was quite critical of his work, and ------I I intentions, he'd be the best editor th& I would have liked to have given him a REG COMMENT: I wanted to know more specif­ ROGER ELWOOD: chance to respond to those criticisms. He field has ever had. ics about Roger Elwood's taboos. I wrote A Personal Reaction did not respond, except for those few mo­ 'I don't like Elwood, at least not as him on 3—16—75: By BRUCE D. ARTHURS ments we talked at Philcon, when the only far as a personal friend, but I don't think objection he raised was to the Women's Lib 'Dear Roger; I dislike him, either. He's the type of quote, which I have corrected in the latest person whom you can't like because he real­ I have just completed typing Bruce GODLESS. ly doesn't do anything worth liking him for, D. Arthurs' subjective article on ’2) I tried my damnedest to insure and he doesn't do anything to cause you to you (ROGER ELWOOD: A Personal Re­ that the article would come across as opin- dislike him either. I've never met anyone action) for SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW ion, my own opinion. It was a highly sub­ with that type of personality before, and I #13 (May) and I was struck by a jective article, and I tried to put that lack of specifics. I, and the don't really know how to react to him. Now FOREWORD: Originally, this article was sup­ point across as clearly as possible in the I think I left my personal opinions of his 6,000 plus readers of SFR would like title "Roger Elwood: A Personal Reaction" posed to be a straight question-and-answer personality out of the article almost en­ to know more exactly your "taboos". (and I do wish you'd use that title instead interview with Roger Elwood. Try as I might, tirely, except where it was absolutely es­ ARE there themes you refused to per­ of that "Hidden Dictator" shit), in the though, I found that there were too many sential to some of my arguments, because I mit in your anthologies, and will not foreword, and in the body of the article it­ things I felt needed to be commented upon thought such opinions might prove personally permit in the novels you edit and/or self. Geis, I sweated blood to make that or explained, and I eventually abandoned embarrassing to Elwood. I left out a lot package for publishers? Are there article as fair to Elwood as I could while the question-and-answer route for an essay­ of wordage from the article for this reason; words you will not allow to be used? still remaining honest and candid in my type article. I am, however, grateful'to one person to whom I wrote of these feel­ Attitudes? Situations? opinions; I spent I don't know how many Mr. Elwood for granting the interview, and ings said that I should have left them in hours writing I don't know how many drafts 'I have read that you don't like the results of that interview form the because they gave a clearer picture of why of that thing. I worked harder on that to see religions put down. Is this foundation for this article. Elwood is the way he is. an absolute no-no? than on anything in my life before. And A great deal of this article consists of the responses I've received seem to indi­ 'Writing the article was tremendously 'We need to know if there are spec­ my subjective opinions and thoughts. Where cate that I was successful in getting this difficult for me. On the one hand, there's ific limits or taboos in your edit­ possible, I've tried to back up my opinions point across; many of the letters of com­ this guy who, despite his faults, is really ing and if they apply regardless of with the facts as I know them. In my re­ ment complimented me for putting so much rather a nice guy, even if he's so straight other factors, such as quality of search for the article, I questioned a num­ obvious effort into making sure the article he's downright strange; a person doesn't writing, in a given story or novel. ber of people, fan and pro, for their own was as fair as possible. really want to hurt the feelings of someone opinions of Elwood. I found that there was 'Do you have a sheet of suggested- like this. On the other hand, his work no discernible majority view: I came across record isn't very impressive (quality-wise; areas-to-avoid you send to writers 'I believe that covers most of Elwood's people whose opinion were in agreement with on a piece-rate basis no one can match him) (or agents), and if so, may I have a points, now for a few general comments of most of mine, and people with directly con­ copy? my own: My own personal opinion of Elwood and some of it's downright awful. You're trary views, and all shades in between. I as a person is highly ambiguous. He is ex­ faced with the task of writing a report on 'Sorry to bother you, but you have could not, and cannot, say "A majority of tremely well-intentioned. So well-inten­ this person. Sorry, but I felt the report become a controversy. Censorship in people hold such-and-such opinions of Roger tioned that it's almost disturbing, and I'm had to emphasize the quality of his work sf raises a lot of hackles, and any Elwood's work." The views expressed herein sure that some of the hostility and mistrust over the sincerity of Elwood's intentions. clarification you can provide would are my own. Many of my views and opinions expressed about Elwood by numerous people is The report will be somewhat revised and up­ help everyone. are quite critical of Elwood, but I hope because they're somehow disturbed by this dated when it appears in TAG, but it will 'Best, that I have also been honest and fair in my altruism. On the other hand, he comes remain highly critical of Elwood's work. Richard E. Geis' presentation of those views. across in person as dull, characterless, 'One final word: If Elwood still feels and wishy-washy—a milquetoast, in other that the article is inaccurate and prejudic­ words. His intentions are good, and I'm BACKGROUND: Since mid-1971, Roger Elwood ed, I am fully prepared to send him a check convinced they're completely sincere, but As of April 18------no answer or response has become one of the major and most con­ for $100.00 to cover the cost of the air troversial influences in the science fic­ characterwise, he doesn't seem (to me) to from Roger Elwood. fare he paid when I traveled to New Jersey be particularly well-qualified to do much tion field. He has accomplished this by for the interview.' of anything with these intentions. If his accumulating more contracts and commitments for editing sf books in a shorter space of results were anywhere near as good as his 12 # 13 time than any single individual has done the slushpile for Elwood since his retire­ provoking," "highly entertaining" are typi­ (and I've seen too many) (for that matter,, before. In approximately three years, he ment, as well as taking over the bookkeep­ cal quotes. I've written too many) can be one of the has accumulated commitments and material ing tasks.) Elwood began reading sf at age most revolting things in existence. But a But there have been other reviews, par­ for over 80 original anthologies, of which 10 or 12; such books as Clarke's CHILDHOOD'S good fan review...ah, here we can exper­ ticularly in fanzines, that haven't been about half have been published with the END and Pangborn's A MIRROR FOR OBSERVERS ience the judgement and expertise of some­ quite so praising of Elwood's anthologies. rest scheduled for release over the next were particular favorites. In his own (Though there have been good reviews of El­ one who's read sf for most of his/her lit­ two or three years. He has contracted with words, "I simply devoured all the science erate life, who has seen the good and the wood's work in the fan press.) "...simple- the Canadian-based firm of Harlequin Books fiction books I could read. I've liked sf bad and knows how to differentiate between minded plots," "none worth reading twice - to edit a series of A8 original science fic­ for a good many years; it's just that I the two, and can communicate that judgement or once, if you don't have a lot of time," tion novels per year. He is also sf editor haven't been vocal about it." to the reader. These are the best reviews. "lack purpose and direction," "mixed quali­ for Pyramid Books, Chilton, and others. At His editing work pre—1971 lay mostly ty," and "disappointing" are samples. My own feeling is that the charge of the peak of his efforts, around the middle with various magazines: one issue of a mys­ "mixed quality" is the complaint that can be of 19?A, Elwood was personally responsible The question rises, which reviews are tery magazine, magazines centered around charged most characteristically against El­ for choosing in the area of Wt of the sci­ the best guide to the quality of a book. various TV shows such as BONANZA, and even wood. In my own reading of Elwood's anthol­ ence fiction being published. Since then, The "mainstream" reviews or the fan reviews? wrestling magazines. In addition, he was ogies, I've found that you cannot expect due both to the expansion in the rest of One of the reviews that Elwood is proudest responsible, in collaboration with Vic Ghid— anywhere near a consistent level of quality the sf field and Elwood's having largely of is by a lady who said UI've never read alia, Sam Moskowitz, and others, for some within them. There is an occasional good switched his concentration from anthologies much science fiction before, but I really fourteen reprint anthologies of sf, occult story, well written and worth the reading to editing novels, this figure has changed enjoyed this book and intend to read it a- and horror stories. None of these antholo­ time. The majority of the stories are aver­ to about 20? of the sf market. This is gain.a The fact that Elwood's anthology gies made any particular stir in the sf age or mediocre. And there are those sto­ still a larger portion than any other indi­ was able to enthuse this woman and make her field or brought Elwood's name into prom­ ries for which the politest possible term vidual has responsibility for, with the want to read sf again is something that he inence. is "unforgivable." It is not that this lat­ nearest competitor being Don Wollheim. can and should be proud of. But I wonder ter category runs contrary to my tastes, (And as Elwood has pointed out, a signifi­ It was the announcement in 1971 that he whether this woman, who admittedly had read it's that they are badly, horribly written, had arranged contracts for some 50 (since cant portion of the DAW Books output is com­ almost no sf before, was a competent judge with the most cliched plots and situations, posed of reprints from hardcover, while El­ gone to 80) original anthologies that his of the stories? the most unbelievable and stilted character­ wood edits almost exclusively original work J name became a household word among science- ization, and blatant internal inconsisten­ fictionists and people began asking "Who is Remember that story or book you used to There is little in Elwood's past career think was the greatest piece of writing in cies. Roger Elwood?" to show the. potential for the magnitude of the world? Remember how you used to en­ An example. In THE NEW MIND, one of the his present accomplishments. He was born thuse over it and recommend it to every­ stories has a main character whose arms are in January 1943 in Atlantic City, New Jers­ THE QUESTIONS: The matter of Roger Elwood body? Remember how you finally got around withered, so that even buttoning his own ey. After graduating from high school, he boils down to two major questions: to rereading it a while ago and were so em­ began supporting himself by full-time writ­ shirt is almost impossible. Near the end of 1) Is he a good editor? barrassed for having actually enjoyed that the story, as he is running from an attack ing and editing. None of Elwood's own writ­ piece of crap that you went to bed and did­ ing was science fiction until recently. (He 2) What effect, if any, has he had on by the authorities, he picks up a girl in n't get out for three days? I do? I can the science fiction field? his arms and.... is working on an sf novel and has sold sev­ think of a number of stories I used to feel eral short stories to other editors in the that way about. I won't mention any names, Now, this wasn't a complete contradic­ field.) He has written for women's maga­ In response to the first question, El­ though. Don't like to be laughed at. tion. The author threw in some spinach a- wood's natural reply is that he does.consid­ zines, mystery magazines, movie and televis­ bout how the mental training the character ion magazines, and others. Elwood himself er himself to be a good editor; the stories One of the common problems with sf re­ was undergoing also helped develop his body. he buys are ones that he enjoys, and he be­ views by mainstream reviewers is that the admits that at least as far as fiction writ­ BUT...the character's arms were still with­ lieves that his tastes are similar to those reviewers don't know what sf is all about. ing is concerned, his own abilities lie ered and represented as being extraordinari­ As a buying guide, I've found fan re­ mainly with the mainstream markets. of many sf readers. In support of this, El­ ly weak (he could put his own pants on, but wood keeps a scrapbook of xeroxed reviews views much the better bargain, and I tend If he did not write science fiction, not much more). I don't believe a word of from PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY, LIBRARY JOURNAL, to agree more with their judgements. though, he did read it. Elwood's father it. Even if the author had spent more time KIRKUS, various newspapers, and other pub­ has been reading sf since the Gemsback era. Which is not saying that all fan re­ on the story and made the bodily improve- lications. "Fine science fiction," "thought views are good. A poorly done fan review ^ment believable, the story would still be a ■ (in fact, Elwood's father has read some of 14 poor one because of the cliched plot (Sec­ up with a nice batch of the best material. I'm not saying it's impossible to put ret Society of Psis Teleport Themselves to But who has the time, money, or inclination together a good anthology with only two Another Planet to Escape Persecution By to read 80 anthologies, particularly when week's work, but it's certainly more dif­ Normal Humans). you know that the majority of the material ficult than with one that more time is you'll have to wade through will be average spent upon. At least one writer, Joe Halde­ This rather staggering disparity in at best? !_ don't have the time. I don't man, has spent over three months worth of quality, not just between individual sto­ have the money. And I certainly don't have working time compiling a projected anthology ries in an anthology but between different the inclination when there are other editors of sf stories proposing alternatives to war. anthologies (FUTURE CITY might be among the like Terry Carr around that I can depend up­ He has stated that he could have used this Top Ten of original anthologies I've read; on to bring out anthologies I know I'll time to write a novel and brought in more THE NEW MIND is one of the worst books of like. family-supporting money than his anthology any types that I've read, and I had to will. But rather than rush his work and force myself to finish), is something I've I asked Elwood, "What makes a science­ jury-rig his anthology together with insuf­ seen from no other editor in the field. fiction story seem well-written to you, ficient preparation, Haldeman has spent Many people dislike Damon Knight's seem acceptable for publication?" His re­ more time on his anthology than he can real­ series of original anthologies, but this is I am irresistibly reminded of something ply: ly afford, trying to insure it is the best largely a matter of personal preference in I once said about myself: "I have a wide 1) The story has to fit whatever theme he can possibly compile. the types and styles of stories these peo­ range of tastes. Or as some might say, no he's building an anthology around. ple prefer. Knight has a set of consistent taste at all." One thing which many people I asked for standards that he can apply towards the 2) It has to have good grammar. opinions of Elwood did agree upon is that A logical error in Elwood's statement selection of his stories. Therefore, his Elwood has overloaded himself with work, above is that if an anthology includes some­ 3) It has to be legibly typed. anthologies are of a fairly consistent qual­ that he has too many commitments and con­ thing to please everybody, it's just about ity (or disqualify). That was the complete reply. (Though tracts to be fully able to handle all of a sure bet that there is-also going to be later questions made it evident that a sto­ them. The area where this has shown up Elwood, on the other hand, doesn't seem something to displease everybody. As I men­ ry might also have to fit a required word most clearly has been with the handling of to have a well-defined idea of what his tioned before, Damon Knight is pretty con­ limit and could not be offensive to Elwood's manuscripts and correspondence. Extremely standards should be. I asked Elwood if he sistent in the types and styles of the sto­ personal beliefs, of which more will be said long response times, failure to respond to felt that his books had a recognizable edit­ ries he edits, and this gives the potential later.) Some things can be taken for grant­ inquiries, and confusion over Elwood's con­ orial personality, if someone could read reader a measure of assurance as to whether ed—characterization, theme, plot, etc.— tract terms have been common complaints. one of his anthologies without looking at or not he'll like the book as a whole; many but Elwood doesn't even mention these in In one instance, Elwood asked a writer (F. the credits and say, "This book was edited people don't like the ORBIT books, others passing. Does he favor strong characteriza­ M. Busby) to submit a story to him. Busby by Roger Elwood." His reply: do. The same thing applies to Terry Carr, tions? Well-developed backgrounds? Simple wrote a letter back, asking Elwood if he • who is also fairly dependable in the types "I hope not, because I feel that vs. more complex plots? I can't help feel­ had any taboos which should be avoided in a and styles of the stories he buys for UNI­ the stories I buy should appeal to ing that the "broad range of tastes" Elwood story. After waiting several weeks and re­ VERSE and his other anthologies. Because the widest range of readers. I has tried to include in his books are so ceiving no reply from Elwood, Busby sent in the stories Carr edits are not only well- don't want to become known for my broad that they include plain unvarnished a manuscript...which was rejected because written but stylistically match up very 'tastes', as such, if they're nar- poor writing. of Elwood's taboos. Because of this, Busby well with my own tastes in science fiction, row; I'd like to be known for a for a time (until Elwood reorganized his of­ I consider him the best editor presently Other reasons for the unevenness of El­ broad range of tastes. So if I fice procedures) held a policy of not sub­ working and try never to miss any of his wood's anthologies may lay in the methods have a broad range of tastes, _! mitting any of his work to Elwood. books. should not enter into it very much he uses to put them together. As mentioned before, he has completed some 80 original Another of Elwood's working habits that at all, because you'll find some­ Sure, there are some damned good sto­ anthologies in approximately three years. may have contributed to these problems has thing there to please everybody. ries in Elwoo's anthologies, but they're Simple mathematics shows that the average been his heavy use of the telephone, in Not necessarily all in the same scattered, shotgun style, and it's impos­ time spent on each anthology was about two place of the usual written correspondence book, but over a period of a hund­ sible to predict where the next one will be. weeks! Not just picking stories for publi­ most editors use. (Elwood's telephone bills red books. I'm sure that I've pub­ You can't depend on finding a good story in cation, but arranging contracts, negotiating have sometimes gone over $600.00 a month.) lished stories that appealed to the any given Elwood book. If you read all with agents, arranging promotion, getting A letter from Buck Coulson describes this traditionalist, the 'New Wave' ex­ eighty of Elwood's anthologies, you'd come the package prepared for the publisher, etc. clearly: perimental people, and so on." 16 17 "Elwood is geared to the tele­ In this instance, Elwood set: 1) the own beliefs and taboos, a limitation im­ stories from 22 different authors, with an phone; he wants personal contact, theme—prostitution in a city of the fu- , posed on every story Elwood assigns. average length of about 10 pages eacli. Upon verbal assurance, etc. (One is re­ ture, 2) the required length—5,000 words, reading the book, my feeling was that many My question is, does setting these typ­ minded of Hollywood's version of and 3) a time limit for completion—two of the stories deserved a greater length to es of conditions create undue restrictions the film industry, with agents and work in, and that the book (which is quite weeks. Plus it can't go against Elwood's on the imagination and creativity of the producers making deals right and good, much above average for the Elwood an­ writers involved? I myself have written left via telephone.) Most writers thologies I've read) could have been even non-professionally on specific themes. I I know aren't used to this, don't better by reducing the number of stories have written to deadlines, and will usual­ like it, and expect contracts with and letting the remaining ones be done at ly set them for myself to avoid my usual provisions carefully spelled out in greater length, (indeed, two of the sto­ endless procrastination. And I have writ­ advance, even if the initial deal ries in EUTURE CITY, Andy Offutt's "Mean­ ten to specific lengths, though with great is via personal contact. This isn't while, We Eliminate" and Barry Malzberg's reluctance and difficulty, but under all of helped by the fact that Elwood does­ "City Lights, City Nights", were later in­ these conditions? I would not want to, be­ n't have all that good a memory for corporated into novels by those authors.) cause I would feel stifled, not at ease to what he's already said over the I think it's more than just coincidence write what I felt to be best. phone. The apparent 'overload' may that the story in EUTURE CITY I found most be more bad memory than too much My greatest objection would be to the engrossing, Tom Scortia's "The Weariest Riv­ work." length requirement. Suppose Ted White had er", is also one of the longest. The great­ written his story to his own satisfaction er length gives him more room to develop and it turned out to be only 1500 words characterization, present a background, and At the '71* Worldcon in Washington, DC, long? To fit Elwood's requirement, it let the events of the plot take place. an entire section of the SFWA meeting was would have to be padded to double its leng­ devoted to complaints about Elwood's busi­ In the case of the Ted White story men­ th. Or suppose the story had come out ness handlings. As a result, Elwood has tioned above, Elwood rejected the piece. 5,000 words long? It would have to be But I wonder: Might the story have turned hired a permanent secretary to handle cor­ blue-penciled mercilessly. Both actions respondence, hired another agent to handle out acceptable to Elwood if he had eased might possibly remove the effectiveness of contracts and complimentary copies, has his some of the conditions he set upon it? the story. father (a retired accountant) handling the The creative freedom of the writer is financial bookkeeping, and has taken other It used to be almost mandatory in the what's involved here, and I believe that steps to reduce the reporting time on manu­ sf field for novels to be only 60,000 words setting too many limitations and conditions scripts. In addition, he has more recent­ long, give or take a few thousand. This will stifle the creativity that is neces­ ly begun the practice of tape-recording his was because most novels were originally pub­ sary to the field. telephone calls, to eliminate any complaints lished in the magazines, where 60,000 words about his memory. Hopefully, these steps was about the most that could be comfortably Probably the most controversial limita­ will reduce the responsibilities that Elwood serialized over three or four issues. Since tion Elwood applies is that of his Christian has handled before now, and will give him then, thankfully, with the growth of the beliefs. Elwood is a devout, fundamental, more time invfriich to consider which stories original paperback and hardcover markets, conservative Christian who takes his relig­ to buy. this limitation is no longer as prevalent ion seriously and has written a number of and we are now able to see numerous publish­ books for the "inspirational" market. He Another of Elwood's practices that has ed works of well over 100,000 words. Can says, "Religion means a great deal to me. raised some criticism is his practice of you imagine DUNE if Erank Herbert had had Christianity means a great deal to me. To assigning stories. An example of this type to to cut it down to 60,000 words? Or Brun­ get even more specific, Christ means a is seen in THE ALIEN CRITIC #6, wherein Ted ner's STAND ON ZANZIBAR? great deal to me. And if I were a less White reported that Elwood told him, "I'm loyal person, I would buy anything, regard­ doing a book on cities of the future, Ted, And I believe that these word limits less of what it is, simply because it's a and what I'd like is about 3,000 words on have reduced the effectiveness of many of good story, but I think there has to be the theme of prostitution. Now, I'll pay the stories Elwood has bought. In EUTURE some alegiance at some point in a person's 8120.00 for it, and I need it within two CITY, which Elwood considers the best an­ life to something. That happens to be re- weeks." 18 thology he's yet put together, there are |g ligion in my case." There are some editors I know, with­ work'to those other markets. out stating specifics, who have Before I go further, one fact must be And that's a more encouraging response bought rather poor stories simply made clear: !_ have strong feelings about now than it was at the time of the original because they were anti-Establishment Christianity. I am fervently anti—Christ— interview in July of 197*+- At that time, stories. Let's put it this way: I ian. My own fanzine is named GODLESS, the Elwood was responsible for about AO? of the wouldn't consciously do it...I lettercolumn in my personalzine POWERMAO sf market. And he has stated that about would be less inclined to turn down was called "The Damnation Choir", and the 95? of the stories he buys are ones that he a story critical of a person who is mimeograph I own is called the Malacoda has assigned to specific writers. So, from a Buddhist or a Mohameddan. I would Press (from Dante's Inferno). I find fer­ a third to a half of the stories being allow there for personal criticism vent Christianity, particularly the Jesus bought in the entire sf market at that time because I myself am critical. You Freak movement, revolting and even fright­ were being done under conditions and limit­ can be legitimately critical or you ening. History is filled with too many ations similar to those I've described. can be sarcastically critical; I examples of persecution, enslavement, and And that's pretty disturbing. With the wild wouldn't take a sarcastically criti­ murder by True Believers to leave me with growth of the sf field in the last year and cal story of any religion." any other reaction. (No, I don't deny that Elwood's cutback on his anthology work, his religions other than Christianity have Nor a legitimately critical one concern­ control over the field now stands at about been responsible for many cruel and evil ing Christianity. 20?...still a somewhat disturbing percent­ actions. I don't like other religions, age and one that holds a good deal of in­ The anti-Christian viewpoint is a valid either. But as the major religion of North fluence over the field, but nowhere near as one, just as legitimate for usage in a sto­ disturbing as the previously valid AO? fig­ America, Christianity is the religion that ry as a pro-Christian one or one that ignor­ has the most potential for persecuting me.) ure. es the matter in favor of other subjects. If it were just Christianity that was Elwood will not publish any story that (If _! were editing, I would probably be concerned, I wouldn't worry about Elwood's goes contrary to his Christian beliefs, more inclined to accept anti-Christian sto­ effect on the market so much. But his that has an atheistic or agnostic viewpoint ries than pro-Christian stories. So much Christian beliefs also influence other is­ (bye bye, "Deathbird"), that features an for my own prejudices.) Because he is per­ sues besides religion itself, such as homo­ unsympathetic portrait of Christ (so long, sonally responsible for such a large portion sexuality. If Elwood were Catholic, would BEHOLD THE MAN). of the sf market, Elwood is directly acting sex. As the Bible condemns homosexuality, he ban mention of birth control in a favor­ as a censor for that portion of the market, so does Elwood. Sex outside of marriage, I asked Elwood whether the beliefs that able light? If he were Jewish, would one and possibly being a powerful influence ev­ ditto. cause him to reject stories he considers of his conditions be that no mention could en beyond that portion. un-Christian might not also influence him There have been stories about homosexual­ be made of pigs or pork? Elwood's entire to buy pro-Christian stories: I asked for an example of a story he ity published by Elwood, and stories with life-style is centered around his deep- would have turned down for its irreligious unmarried sexual partners. But, and Elwood rooted beliefs in The Truth (Baptist vers­ is careful to point this out, these instanc­ "Yes, of course, as long as they tone: ion), and he allows these views to influence es serve to discourage the practices in­ were good stories. I would not buy "Well, there is one story which his editing work. The conditions he impos­ volved and present them as degrading or a pro-Christian story that I felt Terry Carr wrote and I believe Bob es on the work done for him are, unfortunate­ corrupting to individuals. was a poor story, because I don't Hoskins published in INFINITY—I'm ly, mostly restrictive ones: he is bringing not knocking Terry; he's doing a back taboos to sf that writers previously think that the fact that its pro­ Now, at first glance this sort of thing novel for me so it'd be hypocritical had struggled for years to eliminate from Christianity or pro-anything is an looks bad. Even at second glance it looks to knock him—it was called 'Chang­ excuse for poor literary standards." bad. It smacks of one-sided moral censor­ the field. ing of the Gods' and it poked fun ship and religious bigotry. But Elwood is If Elwood were a minor editor in the In reply, I queried whether Elwood's be­ at religion in general, and it was quick to assure that it is not censorship field, no one would worry about his person­ liefs might not make him take a more lenient to me offensively sexual in tone, or bigotry, because he does not have total al beliefs. It is the fact that he controls look at the literary standards of a pro- and I would have turned it down, control of the markets, and if he rejects a such a large portion of the field that caus­ Christian story: yes." piece because of his taboos, or if a writer es concern. There have been other editors "Let's face it, prejudices can Which brings up another bugaboo of El- feels his creativity stifled by Elwood's in the field who have been criticized for play a part in any editor's opinion. 20 wood's resulting from his religious beliefs: conditions, then the writer can submit his , narrow views. John Campbell was often few years,he effectively doubled the size determinable answer. criticized for his "right-wing" views, and energy super-salesman from a person with of the science fiction field. My question was also criticized for the Elwood's record for accumulating contracts.) The question of "glut" arises: Has El­ is: Has the amount of sf being written in­ highly experimental contents of NEW WORLDS He came across to me as a non-violent, hon­ wood's massive entry into the original an­ creased proportionately to the amount of sf while he was editing it. But while both est, sincere, very conservative person— thology market caused a glut in the markets being published? these men had a great deal of influence on rather a credit to his Christian beliefs, for that type of book? Yes, I think it has. the sf field, in no way did they exert this in fact. If there are some things which he To illustrate: Suppose that in 1970 On a personal level, it is no longer possi­ influence by controlling a huge portion of dislikes or objects to, there is nothing there were markets for 100 stories (a ridi­ ble for me to even try to read all the orig­ the markets; theirs was an "honest" influ­ for which he evidences a hate (with the ex­ culous figure, but easy to calculate with), inal anthologies being published now. On a ence, caused by their being able to assemble ception of manuscripts typed with a worn- and that there were 1000 stories submitted higher level, it may be that there are too a package of writing that impressed other out ribbon). He bore no resemblance to the ' that same year. Roughly the best 10$ of many o/a's being published for the available writers and brought in more work written to many stories I've heard about how mean and those stories (allowing a few percentage markets, particularly in hardcover. The their standards. cruel and vicious editors are. Elwood is a points for editorial preference and bad majority, I believe, of hardcover antholo­ "nice guy." taste) would have been published. Now, in gies are sold to libraries. And it may be I made an observation to Elwood that if 1974, markets for 200 stories exist, but that there are now too many original anthol­ a poor story appears in an anthology the While being a "nice guy" has its advan­ has the number of stories being written al­ ogies being published for the libraries to editor gets blamed, while if a poor novel is tages, I think that for an editor it also so doubled, to 2000, so that the top 10$ support all of them; the libraries will only published, the writer gets the blame. El­ has its disadvantages. I gained the impres­ are still being published? be able to budget for some of them, causing wood replied that this was true, but in both sion from talking with Elwood and observing drops in the total sales of each, possibly cases it was really the writer's fault for his behavior with other people that he is I don't think it has. There is more sf to the extent where it will no longer be writing the story poorly. too unwilling to criticize other people's being written, I'm sure; many new writers good business to publish the books. Result: work. I think that, on an unconscious lev­ have appeared on the scene and older writ­ But it's the editor's responsibility to a "bust" in the original anthology market. el, he may be accepting work he knows might ers, because of the expanded markets, are see that poor writing doesn't get published be better written. I think that if he were able to write more or even go full-time. Elwood's opinion is that a "bust" in in the first place! An editor who isn't more "snarly" in his work, if he took a But I don't think it has increased as fast the o/a market will not occur. On the oth­ able to recognize when a story is poorly more critical look at the stories he receiv­ as the markets have. Is it now necessary er hand, he does admit that "market condi­ characterized, or is cliched, or what chang­ es and pointed out any flaws he saw to the to buy the top 12$ of sf being written? tions favor novels" and that novels tend to es can be made to improve it, is a poor ed­ authors and insisted on more rewrites, that The top 15$? What? (Because I don't know sell better than anthologies of short sto­ itor. The best type of editor is one who the quality of the work he publishes would what the various figures for stories sub- ries. And it is a fact that Elwood has can point out to a writer where a story take a giant leap upwards. He seemed too mitted/stories accepted are for various drastically reduced his work on anthologies slips, suggest how it might be improved, and willing to accept the first version submit­ years, I don't know what the true figures and is concentrating most of his efforts on inspire them to greater efforts. It was be­ ted of the stories he assigns (though not would be. I sure wish I could find out, novels, particularly the 48 per year for cause John Campbell was that type of editor always, as the Ted White case cited earlier though.) The stories included in those ex­ Harlequin Books. There are still between that the "Golden Age of SF" (sometimes call­ shows). Trying to judge other people's tra percentage points would tend to be more 30 and 40 Elwood anthologies unpublished, ed the "Golden Age of ASTOUNDING") came into psyches is a tricky and dangerous business, poorly written than the other 10$, meaning but these are scheduled over the next two existence. but the impressions I've described are the that the overall quality of the field is or three years, not actually "new" work. I don't feel that Elwood is that type ones I perceived about Elwood. lowered. of editor. In the course of our conversa­ Elwood's affect on the science fiction Has such a drop in quality taken place? tions, he made what might have been a Freud­ field as a whole is something that probably No doubt there are many who would disagree ian slip. The statement is taken out of cannot be determined conclusively. But with me, but I feel such a change has taken context, and the subject under discussion questions have been raised about possible place. There no longer seems to be the ex­ at that moment was not science fiction, but effects of his work and methods. citement, the feeling of new potential that it is still a statement that I feel says a infected the sf field five or six years ago. One that I raised in an earlier GODLESS lot about Elwood's attitudes. Elwood stat­ Other people have expressed similar opin­ might, I think, give another reason wh^ I ed, "I don't really dislike anything very ions. Whether this change, if it exists, feel Elwood's anthologies tend to be below much." can be placed at Elwood's door (and no mat­ average in quality. Most of the markets ter how much of the field he's responsible Elwood does not possess a particularly Elwood has broken into have been new mark­ forceful or inspiring personality. (Which for, I wouldn't give him total blame; but a ets, that had published sf infrequently or strong influence...maybe) is, again, an un­ was rather surprising. One expects a high- 22 never before Elwood's arrival. In just a And speaking of Harlequin Books, one of feel, grown apace with the number of b'ooks the worries about Elwood's contract with being published. While I was stationed at Because he's expanded the markets, he look at the manuscripts submitted to him, that company is their practice of "nurse­ Port Lee in Virginia, there was a nearby has been able to give a large number of new with better writing resulting. Also, the book" distribution methods: Harlequin sup­ store that had a fairly nice selection of writers their first sale. While I haven't novels will tend to be judged individually, plies its line of nurse novels with their sf; nearly a rack full. But by the time I been particularly impressed by any of these by themselves, and the glaring disparity in own book racks, and they place these racks left Virginia, the quality of that rack had new writers yet, and I think that some of quality that appears in his anthologies • them will look back years from now and be in places where racks are usually not found gone way downhill. Why? Because over a won't be so evident. Like I said, if a in great number (drugstores, five-and-dimes, period of months, nearly half that rack had dreadfully embarrassed by their first sto­ poor novel is published, the writer is blam­ ries, it proves that Elwood is open to new etc.), and their sales are supposed to be become permanently occupied by Perry Rhodan ed, not the editor. talent and that a new Big Name Pro may sur- extraordinarily high. Some people have ex­ and Doc Savage books. So there's no longer Elwood's plans for the future are many. ■ face under his editorship yet. pressed worry that if the same methods are as much space available for all the rest of Some of them he admits are only dreams He has been willing to try new methods used with Elwood's sf line and it reaches the sf being published. right now; something he would like to do at similar popularity, that some of the regu­ and ideas. Not the least impressive of Now if Harlequin had come into the mar­ some time. He has stated, however, that lar book racks might be replaced by Harle­ these methods is his talent for breaking ket with regular distribution methods, it he'll be spending more time on his own wri­ quin's, to the detriment of other publish­ into heretofore virgin markets; no one else would have made the situation even worse. ting in the future. Another possible plan ers. had even thought of Harlequin Books as a With a new book almost every week (or worse is the introduction of a tabloid-sized sci­ potential sf publisher. The MANY WORLDS ence fiction magazine printed on newsprint, Preliminary reports after Elwood was yet, placing dozens of books on the market OF.... series he has been doing for Chilton first hired by Harlequin said that they simultaneously), it would have resulted in so that it could be sold at newsstands and uses an idea I think is marvelous: each col­ in NATIONAL OBSERVER-sized racks in super­ would not be using the "nurse-book" methods even less opportunity for all books publish­ lection of stories by a certain author (so ed to get a fair showing (including Harle­ to distribute the sf line. In the course far Poul Anderson and ) con­ markets, as well as at regular magazine quin itself). While the separate racks stands. And one of his dreams is to get in­ of the interview, however, Elwood admitted tains not only fiction by the authors, but might be detrimental, I think the chances to movie production and film such works as that this was no longer quite so certain. commentary and criticism on their works by for detriment would be even greater with Pangborn's A MIRROR FOR OBSERVERS. He said that Harlequin was planning to try highly reputed critics like Sandra Meisel a variety of methods, "presently confident­ regular distribution methods. and Patrick McGuire, and pieces by the auth­ Elwood is very sincere about his work ial but quite exciting," and that the nurse­ For nearly twenty pages of manuscript ors themselves discussing their own writing. and beliefs. He doesn't want people to book methods might be a part of these plans. now, I've been expressing my doubts and wor­ The CONTINUUM series is another experiment, think of him as a re gious bigot or to dis­ In Elwood's office, I came across a ries about Roger Elwood. It's about time I though the reviews I've seen so far haven't like his anthologies because of that. He dummy cover for one of the Harlequin books began telling some of the things I found _en- been particularly enthusiastic of the re­ wants to publish books that people will en­ (quite attractive, I might add; Harlequin couraqing, and make me hope his work will sults. joy and appreciate, and he's willing to lis­ make a better impression upon me in the fu­ will be using cover art by well-known sf He's helped arrange contracts not just ten to criticisms of his work and methods, and if he's convinced, he'll take action to artists such as Ereas and Schoenherr for ture. for himself but for other authors. Elwood their sf line, instead of the monotonous try and correct such deficiencies. He is First, he's gotten better deals for the is responsible for the series of books that and poorly-done covers on their nurse aware that many people consider his strict writers whose work he's bought. His word Barry Malzberg will be editing for Harle­ books). At the top of the cover were the beliefs to be a danger to the quality of sf rates are as high as ANALOG'S, 3-5V a word. quin, and he was also instrumental in launch­ words "A Roger Elwood Selection" and a being published. And I think that because He's increased his pro rata royalty rates ing Harlan Ellison's Discovery series of he is aware of this, that he is nowhere as circle with the number "50" therein. Such to 70—30 in favor of the author (for any first novels for Pyramid. leads me to suspect that each book will strict in applying those beliefs as he could royalty payments over the original price, have a number of its own, like Harlequin's I think that by moving the emphasis of be. the writer gets 7®). I believe this is nurse books (and also DAW Books), and that his work to novels instead of anthologies, higher than most other markets offer at It is when a person controls too much of the nurse-book methods will be used, hitting Elwood will increase the quality of the this time. He has stated he would like, a market that danger looms. A year ago, the racks with a solid massed group of ti­ work printed under his direction. Even and is trying, to get publishers to use the with Elwood responsible for W of the though he may be edit ng as much wordage as tles. SFWA Model Contract. And he has taken field, I think he was definitely too power­ before, he won't have to judge as many sto­ steps to cut down on his paperwork load, so ful, even without any other drawbacks. Now, Oddly enough, though, I don't object to ries. Instead of dealing with ten or twenty that hopefully he will no longer have the with about 20$...well, that's still pretty these methods. In fact, I'm in favor of writers for one book, there'll be one writ­ problems with handling manuscripts and cor­ large large and my eye still glares some­ them. One of my other worries about the er, one book; this will save considerable respondence that has caused complaints. what skeptically at it, but it offers re­ growth in the science fiction field is that time and pressure, and I think he'll be lief from the fear that the sf field would display space on the book racks hasn't, I able to take a bit more relaxed and careful 25 second. hitched up your disbelief suspenders a become too much a reflection of one man’s fects (or lack of) on the sf field don't couple notches, it was sort of fun. likes and dislikes. particular! reassure me. But he is sin­ For a science fiction editor that is cere about his intentions are good. I. shameful, and he cannot honestly pretend Once I'd made my mind up to wallow Of course, part of this reduction in per­ think that with changes in his working meth­ otherwise. He is a censor, nothing more. around a little in nostalgia, I decided to centage is because of the growth of the rest ods, he could become a better editor, one He is busily at work restricting ideas, look at the first and last issues of PLANET of the sf field. Publishers are expanding whose work I might enjoy. I hope that his limiting concepts, building walls, proscrib­ STORIES. Sort of the where-it-came-from their lines, new ones being started, older ing the limits of his editorial and where-it-went approach. books being reissued in droves,- etc. (it work improves and I hope that there are no detrimental side-effects to Elwood's work powers. would be an interesting question as to wheth­ The first issue of PLANET is really a and influence in the sf field. er Elwood merely preceded this growth, or He is trying to perpetuate and defend marvel to beholdo You have the title em­ inspired it.) It only makes more serious ******************************************* social/sexual/cultural/religious dogma that blazoned across the top of the cover in the question I raised earlier of whether REG COMMENT: In my view Roger Elwood is a is outmoded, illogical, PROVEN WRONG, and flaming letters with the subscript "Strange the number of stories being written is curious anachronism, a man faithfully de­ essentially immoral by the tests of person­ Adventures on Other Worlds—The Universe growing as fast as the number of stories fending a dead corpse of dogma and, aston­ al freedom and intellectual honesty. His of Future Centuries." In the background, being published. There's more sf being pub—’ ishment upon astonishment, defending this weakness is so great that he dares not let you have a whole bevy of brass braed babes lished, but there doesn't seem to have been rotting Establishment hulk in the field of these faiths be tested or challenged in his firing arrows at a very antagonistic look­ much change in the amount of good sf being science fiction—the area of literature books, by others, in fiction form, no mat­ ing crowd of scaly Green Fellows. In the published. The publishing scene is so cha­ based upon the what-if, the speculations of ter how well written! (Especially if the mid-ground, you have an Earthman in the "unacceptable" story is well written!) He otic and fast—changing right now that it's unrestricted, unblinkered minds, the free usual diving suit firing a ray gun at a hard to say with any degree of certainty realm where lie the infinite possibilities doesn't even realize how pitiable and sad bunch of the aforementioned Green Fellows. what the future holds. of the vast future. he is—what a spectacle!—and how contempt­ In the foreground, another gang of Green ible. Fellows are about to carry one of the brass What I hope doesn't happen is that all Roger Elwood is a bad intellectual joke braed babes off to a fate that even Dick His output .(despite good stories that this expansion eventually results in a in the field of science fiction. He is Geis wouldn't talk about. I think you can don't happen to conflict with his taboos) field-wide "bust". The sf magazines under­ prepared to reject a superior story for see why respectable parents in 1939 would­ is inherently second or third is went a similar growth and bust back in the shameful personal reasons. Shameful in the n't let their kids read this stuff. '50's and they've never fully recovered. sense that he is prostituting his position the work of any "sincere" censor in the pos­ If a bust does occur, Elwood will probably as an influential, powerful editor to the ition of editor. Once you're past the cover, the table go down with all the rest. fearful defense of that which he feels can­ ******************************************* of contents reads something like this: HELP! I’M A PRISONER IN AN ASTERISK FACTORY not stand—his personal religious/social/ ******************************************* "The Golden Amazons of Venus" by John cultural/sexual code. final conclusions: Right now, I don't Murray Reynolds. "Expedition to Pluto" by Fletcher Pratt think that Roger Elwood is a very good His religion comes first; his dedication VISIT TO A PULPY PLANET and Lawrence Manning. editor, and his reassurances about his ef- to good writing and science fiction comes By MILTON F. STEVENS "War-Lords of the Moon" by Linton Da­ vies. It occurs to me that some people may "Cave Dwellers of Saturn" by John Wig­ never even have heard of PLANET STORIES,, gin. Well, I'm going to tell you about it. PLAN­ ET STORIES ran 71 issues from 1939 to 1955, Of course, each story had its accompany­ and it was a true pulp in the old tradition ing blurb. In the action pulps, the blurbs of high adventure and untrimmed edges. were designed to stir up your sense of wond­ er and maybe even to get you to buy the mag­ The thing that made PLANET STORIES no­ azine. Presuming that the cover's promise table was that it was so much pulpier than of unnatural goings-on hadn't done that al­ the other pulps. You just had to look at ready. The lead story, "The Golden Amazons one issue with stories like "Swordsman of of Venus", has a good example of the flow­ Saturn," "Necrophiles of Neptune," and "Ped­ ering verb: erasts of Pluto" to know that this was where it was at in pulpdom. Still, if you , 'Dakta death, horrible beyond 26 the weirdest fever-dreams, of Earth- super science city of 1939 complete with very thoroughly except that they fly and okay, because the dwarves have lots of the men, faced Space Ship Commander Ger­ ray canons on the bulwarks. Things are eat. They seem to be part of a local re­ metal in question. The only problem is ry Norton. The laconic interplan­ fairly quiet until that evening when Norton cycling program which eliminates the need that they want to feed the humans to a gi­ etary explorer knew too much. He and his new female acquaintance are kidnap­ for space consuming graveyards for prison­ ant amoeba. After much sound and flurry, stood in the dynamic path of Lansa, ped by a raiding party of Scaly Ones and ers. the dwarves manage to feed only the bad Lord of the Scaly Ones, the crafty taken through the sewer system to Scalyheim. guys to the amoeba, while the good guys es­ monster bent on conquering all the During negotiations, Norton meets Lansa, The Scaly Ones have no redeeming social cape with the metal. I think it's sort of rich, shadowless lands of the glori­ the leader of the Scaly Ones. Lansa turns virtues at all. They're ugly, they're nas­ heart warming how things work out that way. ous Amazons of Venus.' out to be the leader of the first Earth ex­ ty, and they smell bad. They're like all pedition to Venus. You can always count on The moon in "War-Lords of the Moon" is­ See what I mean? It's a little disap­ the Green Fellows who used to be found lurk­ a renegade Earthman to be out there stir­ n't anything like you've seen on television. pointing to find out that Dakta Death mere­ ing out in the bush on various backward ring up the Green Fellows. In the time It's quite a bit closer to what you read ly consists of being eaten by a Dakta. May­ planets. From the many descriptions of this since the first Earth expedition, Lansa has about in Dick Tracy. One gets the feeling be it isn't the nicest way to go, but it type of creature, one might conclude that organized the Green Fellows (Green Fellows that the giant snails may be hiding just doesn't take a very imaginitive person to their only pleasure in life consisted of Local 777) and is planning nothing short of around the corner, although they aren't di­ think of worse ways. And it's probably no the conquest of the universe. rectly mentioned. It is mentioned that the worse than being eaten by anything else. moon has an atmosphere and an indigenous The plan doesn't work. Norton's space This story begins with the aforemen­ humanoid population. ship doesn't fall into Lansa's trap. Nor­ tioned Gerry Norton leaving on the second ton and his girlfriend escape and make their human expedition to Venus in a space ship At the beginning of the story, we have way back to the city of the Amazons where a Terran combat squadron on its way to the that sounds like war surplus from ROBUR THE Lansa's invasion is repelled, Lansa is kill­ CONQUEROR (namely, it has about fifty heli­ moon. Suddenly they notice that all the ed, and the Green Fellows are wiped outo copter rotors on it.) The first expedition blue stars have faded. That seems a little has, of course, disappeared without a trace. "Expedition to Pluto" is about a space­ bit suspicious. Then they notice that one Norton arrives on Venus only to find him­ ship going to Pluto. I guess you could of their spaceships has blown up. That's a self in the middle of the battle which is really figure that one out for yourselfo whole bunch suspicious. From garbled radio pictured on the cover. Naturally, he knows The reason it's going to Pluto is that transmissions, they learn that the emperor that he ought to save the brass braed babe Earth needs a supply of a particular metal of the moon has been killed, and Horta, from the Scaly Ones. After doing so, he which is essential to its spaceship tech­ Lord of the Caverns, is working on taking discovers that not only is she completely nology, and the only remaining source of over the whole place. humanoid, but she also speaks a dialect of the metal is on Pluto. Of course, they However, Horta hasn't entirely succeed­ Old Martian with which he happens to be don't happen to know where on Pluto. ed yet, so the Earth ships have some friend­ familiar. I don't know what he would have The plot arises out of the fact that ly territory left for a landing. On their done if she spoke some other alien language offending as many values of White, Chris­ the captain and the senior scientist are way in, one of the Earth ships has its rud­ like Hungarian. No WASP space ship command­ tian Civilization as they could manage at plotting to make the expedition fail, be­ der disabled by ground fire. You may react er ever knew how to speak Hungarian., one time. cause they stand to make a bundle out of rather negatively to the idea of a space­ After the battle, Norton is escorted to Like certain other literary bad guys, the collapse of Earth's spaceship technol­ ship having a rudder. That was my first the city of the Amazons where he is told the Scaly Ones have a knack of making of­ ogy. The young first officer is naturally reaction, until I recalled that Larry Niv­ that in the Amazon race female births out­ fers which can't be refused. Once Norton trying to make the expedition a success. en and Cordwainer Smith have sails on their number male births by a ratio of a hundred has been tossed in a dungeon, the bad guys After floating around for awhile in the spaceships. If they can have sails, why to one„ With odds like that, it's not hard inform him that if he doesn't radio his oceans of Pluto, the first officer finagles can't this guy have a rudder? Anything to to imagine why the males don't do much space ship to come to Scalyheim so it can the expedition into drilling in a spot keep science fiction writers happy. Besid­ fighting. He's also told about the Scaly be captured, they will torture the Hell out where he thinks there must be a quantity of es, every spaceship in 1939 PLANET STORIES Ones and their concerted effort to conquer of his female acquaintance. Having com­ this metal. had a chartroom where they probably kept up plied with their wishes, Norton is informed their dead reckoning track, so the rudder the country of the Amazons Does he find the metal? Well, sort of. that his girlfriend won't be tortured. How­ seems in keeping with the whole thing. Actually, he drills right into the middle After that, he's given a tour around ever, both of them are going to be fed to of a subterranean (or maybe subPlutonian) Once the Earthmen arrive on the moon, the city, which is pretty much a standard 28 the Daktas. The Daktas aren't described city inhabited by dwarves. That's really 29 they find out more about what Horta has been up to. The Earthmen have been power­ tioh lay the death-shot of with the plot, because he later has to none of Leigh Brackett's have. I noticed ing their spaceships with red rays which the hideous globe-headed dwarves of fight off the Martians, too. If he'd been that Ace has recently brought out an an­ they get from red stars. The Earthmen are Mars. One lone Earth ship dared the efficient, he would have fed the Martians thology of her novelets. It's surprisingly much better at squeezing red rays out of treacherous blockade, risking the to the Sludgies and then fought the Sludg­ that some publisher hasn't done that earl­ red stars than the moon people are, so they planetoid peril to find Earth's life ies... I guess some gallant spaceship com­ ier. have an advantage. element on mysterious Saturn of the manders just aren't as smart as others. "Out of the Iron Womb" deals with a However, Horta has discovered a way to ten terrible rings.' The menaces were many between.the first duel to the death on an asteroid. The back­ get blue rays out of blue stars., (They Among other things, this blurb indicat­ issue of PLANET STORIES and the last. I ground is the standard frontier asteroid don't write hard science stories like they es that the blurb writer at least had don't think that anyone has ever counted used to.) With all these blue rays at his mining sort of thing. The story uses flash­ enough taste not to read the story. Your the number of alien invaders and man-eating backs to keep the action moving from the disposal, he decides to destroy a few Earth guess is as good as mine as to where he may thingies that slithered their way across first paragraph to the last paragraph with cities and unleash The Purple Plague. The have picked up 'the planetoid peril', be­ the pages of PLANET STORIES. I'm sure that the explanation slipped in the middle. The less said about The Purple Plague the bet­ cause nothing of the sort is mentioned in if they did it would add up to quite a two duelists are an anti-technology fanatic ter, since it's never explained in the sto­ the story. Saturn's rings are not not men­ crowd. But by 1955 the urge to either con­ and a space pilot whose partner has been ry anyway. Horta's choice of cities to tioned as being terrible, they're not men­ quer or eat mankind must have been abating, killed by the fanatic in a staged barroom destroy is interesting. His first choice tioned at all. Also, the Marfans are not because PLANET STORIES had become a lot fight. The two have each other stalemated is Nagasaki. That certainly sounds signif­ described as being any more hideous than calmer. in space and the duel is to resolve the icant, doesn't it? I quite seriously sus­ any other gang of globe-headed dwarves one The cover still says 'Strange Adventur­ stalemate so one of them can leave. pect that it's a case of the monkeys at the might encounter. typewriter effect. Horta's second choice es On Other Planets', but the flaming The Brackett story is an interstellar of cities to destroy is Los Angeles. At the beginning of this story, the lightning bolt letters for 'PLANET STORIES' cloak and dagger piece. Sector 9G, which Martians are about to invade the world using had shrunk to a respectable-looking logo. is mentioned in the title, is being consid­ their Photo-Atomic Ray for which there is The cover is by Kelly Ereas, and it depicts ered for membership in the Galactic Federa­ no defense. Well, hardly any defense. The a girl in a black lamay outfit holding two tion. If it does become a member of the Earthmen know that there is a metal called lightning bolts which seem to be aimed at federation, an influential mining company tridium which will neutralize the Photo- a passing spaceship. The girl seems to be will lose its monopoly interests in the Atomic Ray, but the only known supply of somewhat larger than planetary dimensions. area. The sector can't join the federation the metal is on Saturn. Of course, they While this does have a certain amount of if the two sentient races in the area are don't happen to know where on Saturn. the old pizass, the cover does seem a lit­ at war. Guess who's trying to start a war? tle bit constricted by the neat border Obviously this means that a gallant The protagonist of the story is a drunk­ this menace. The daring Earthmen decide tc around it. spaceship commander must run the Martian en bum who is hired by the mining company invade Horta's cavern in an attempt to de­ blockade and get the metal from Saturn. A Inside the magazine, the table of con­ to carry a message to the humanoid race in stroy his blue ray machine. After knocking gallant spaceship commander just happens to tents lists: Sector 9G. (Note the little bit of natural­ out the two guards at the front door, they be available, and he arrives on Saturn two ism there.) The mi :ng company officials find Horta and his henchmen working on the "Out of the Iron Womb" by Poul Anderson. hoops and a holler ahead of the Martians. think that the joker they've hired is so giant machine which fills an entire cavern. "Last Call From Sector 9G" by Leigh Does he find the metal? Brackett. unreliable that he will release their mes­ The friendly natives have told the sage in five minutes flat. Since he's much Well, sort of. Actually, he falls down "Once A Starman" by Joe L. Hensley. Earthmen that the machine stores blue rays more unreliable than they realize, he does­ a shaft and discovers a city inhabited by "Image of Splendor" by Lu Kella. in a ray reservoir. The Earthmen had pre­ n't release the message. Of course he's ...survivors from a previous Earth expedi­ "The Brides of Ool" by M. A. Cummings. viously thought they were stored in a file tion of two hundred years ago. (You were "Dust Unto Dust" by Lyman D. Hinkley. being chased by some green folks and a big cabinet. Once they're within eye tracking black thingie that goes "Jub, jub, jub," so expecting maybe Plutonian dwarves?) That's "Alien Equivalent" by Richard R. Smith. distance of the machine, all they have to maybe he just doesn't have time. Eventual­ really OK, because the survivors have lots do is get a shot at the ray reservoir. You The Anderson and Brackett stories were ly, he's contacted by representatives from of tridium, and they don't even want to can guess the results. Blooie! the lead novelets in the issue. These were the non-humanoid race and convinced that feed anybody to a giant amoeba. probably the two best writers who appeared he's being used. "Cave-Dwellers of Saturn" has another However, the gallant spaceship command­ regularly in PLANET STORIES. Several of blurb which is worth quoting: er does have to fight off the man-eating Poul Anderson's stories from PLANET STORIES Now that I think about it, the protag- 'Across Earth's radiant civiliza- Sludgies. Something must have gone wrong have been reprinted, but strangely almost 31 onist's actions really aren't that import- 30 ant, because the plot is resolved by the IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN MEN 99.9% of the people of his era. 'When I asked her about this at a pub­ non-humanoids using their super weapon WERE MEN AND WOMEN WERE lic get-together at Reed College, she argu­ Well, that's neither here nor there for which is a synthetic energy eater known ed that homosexuality is outside her ex­ SOMETHING ELSE! this review's purposes. If you like deadly popularly as The Bitter Star. The Bitter perience. At the time, this sounded like a action, a quest, a catastrophe or two, a Star has the interesting property of freez­ good argument; yet now it makes me angry. Rather than watch the MARY TYLER MOORE gripping dungeon escape, a chase, battles ing anything it gets near. It seems to be The experience of being a male is outside a SHOW I will review a pretty damn good Phil­ and fights galore, coherent exotic relig­ quite persuasive in convincing the mining woman's ken, yet LeGuin and most other wom­ ip Jose Farmer novel, HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR. ions, customs and behavior, be assured that company that monopoly rights aren't every­ en who write don't think twice about using Phil Farmer does not stiff you in this book; thing. The star of the book isn't Hadon, a male protagonists. And nobody really knows it's all there, and more. nice kid with athletic and fighting skill; how an alien will experience anything (ex­ Of the other stories in the issue, (DAW UY1107. 81.25) it is the ancient world Phil has created, cept perhaps Alter?). "Dust Unto Dust" is about explorers discov­ its peoples, customs, its religions and ******************************************* ering an ages old, deserted city at the 'The argument which LeGuin made oppres­ politics...and above all its critical geo­ "Pogo, in a INVESTIGATION, SUSPICION is south pole of Mars. Entering the city is ses me by assuming that I am so bizarre graphy. NINE POINTS of the LAW! C'mon!" easy, but getting out again proves to be that even the best writer could not describe much more difficult. "Once a Starman" is Phil went to the trouble of writing a —Albert my character, and it oppresses her by as­ a rather maudlin piece on the glories of history of civilization on the shores of ******************************************* suming that there is no homosexual in her­ being a space pilot. The other three sto­ the twin inland seas existing in central self. (Which in turn oppresses me further ries are really not worth mentioning. Africa from 12,000 BC to 10,000 BCO This LETTERS FROM DENYS HOWARD by assuming that she and I are wholly and history is in the back of the book and it irremediably alien to one another.) During its entire career, PLANET STO­ enhances your enjoyment of the story if you 3-2-75 RIES was essentially a prose . read the history first and study the maps 'RE: Michael Coney's letter, pp4j—43 During the late forties and early fifties, 'RE: your review of THE DISPOSSESSED. of the Kemu (northern sea) and the Kemuwop- ((TAC #11)). Coney concludes his letter it was a pretty good prose comic book. It In the reviews which I have read of this ar(southern sea) and Khokarsa Island. with the observation that, in a society of was eventually beaten out by the regular book, I have been struck by the unanimous terran colonists on another planet, "one comic books, and it didn't succeed in creat­ The novel incorporates the adventures failure to recognize what I felt to be the half of our colonists will have the respon­ ing a new slot for itself. of Hadon, winner of the Great Games (to-the- major flaw of the book: LeGuin's inability sibility of bearing and rearing a far great­ death Olympics) and his 300-pound warrior to delineate anything other than an "open In its last half dozen issues, PLANET er number of children than is considered relative, Kwasin, the beautiful Lalila, the marriage", ala heterosexuality, in the Odon- STORIES was trying to attain a degree of normal—or even ethical—today. The name off-stage Sahhindar, the man-God who came ian society in which there are supposedly slickness to attract a more adult audience. of that half happens to be Woman, and there from the far future and taught the central no gender roles left. Only Joanna Russ has The attempt didn't succeed, but it did kill is not a goddamned thing that any present- African peoples key knowledge and attitudes picked up on this, in the prozine reviews; much of the enthusiasm which had been the day action group can do about it." to establish the high bronze-age civiliza­ Jude Rosenberg talks about it in the review magazine's major virtue. tion of the inland seas. which she wrote for FOSFOS, but I expected 'Well, unfortunately, he's wrong. If Now I first encountered PLANET STORIES that inasmuch as Jude is d”ke. I don't women today can seize control, or substan­ Hadon is a true hero, but it is Kwasin when I was a toddler, so my judgement may tially influence, over genetic and gyneco­ (rapacious, uninhibited, fierce, a liver of think that this is merely a matter of our be irretrievably corrupted. If you picked logical research, than it is likely to the life to the hilt) who seems to have had the homosexuality providing lavendar-colored up a copy of the magazine with no prior ex­ glasses through which we instantly perceive point of certainty that by the time this most fun in life. Maybe one of these days, perience, you might find it to be utter insignificant points. race is colonizing other planets, we will when the basic anti-sex and anti-pleasure gunk. But even gunk has a value if it's also have safe, efficient, practical extra- bias of Anglo-Saxon civilization has chang­ 'I think that this failure on the part amusing. Just think of it as literary nut­ uterine birth. I think that the women's ed significantly, the Kwasins of fiction of LeGuin is substantive: she has drawn a ty putty. will be properly given center stage and the portrait of a society in which women are idealistic, over-controlled, self-sacrific­ equal to men in terms of the options open ********************* ing (fools?) like Hadon will be shoved aside to them as a class, and in which there is as uninteresting and unrealistic. Granted no social odium attached to any form of "Visit To A Pulpy Planet" was first publish­ Hadon is not as idealistic or controlled or love — yet she cannot carry through on ed in Milton F. Stevens' F.A.P.A. zine, THE self-sacrificing as Heroes of a few years this vision. She cannot bring herself to PASSING PARADE #5. ago, but he still is Too Much in my view, depict lesbians at all, and faggots only ******************************************* given the short, brutal, dirty lives of in cursory scenes. „ castrate him. UNCLASSIFIED ADS revolution today will produce a society women would continue in greater or lesser ' 7^ per word. $1. minimum. which would never sanction the kind of macho degree to be sex objects and "property". ((it always astonishes me when the have- bullshit which Coney describes as an inev­ There, I said it again. Maybe the above nots, after reviling the haves as merciless, SForum: an informally outrageous SF itable characteristic of colonization, and shouldn't be true, but I think it is true, rapacious, and without conscience, promptly journal, published by Tesseract, the for that reason alone I think other solut­ and I'm sorry if that is so unpalatable as turn around and appeal to the have's con­ Univ, of N.H. SF Society. Essays, re­ ions will be found to the problem of need­ to cause hot flashes and hysteria.)) science and ask the ruling class to give up views, short fiction, poetry, art, ing large populations quickly. And even if power and privilege.)) special features. Si. per issue, 6 for 'Sometimes, when I am very, very depres­ a colony did rely upon womb-births exclus­ 55. SForum, F. Bertrand, Editor, sed about the possibilities of ever over­ 'My experience has been that it is pri­ ively, what is there to prevent men from V) Grove St., Dover, N.H. 0382 0. coming the kind of smug arrogance which marily straight white men who preach a gos­ raising children? And why should all of Coney so aptly represents, I daydream about pel of the unity of the human race and the the women necessarily participate in child­ BOOK—QUOTERS—AID #2—82.50. FREE 15- how it must feel to be so immersed in your need for all of us to stick together and bearing (i.e., necessarily be fertile)? A word ad. #3 being planned: FREE DE­ role as a member of the privileged class, support one another. That kind of human­ crew could just as easily (if there must be TAILS: Bookshelf, Pacific, MO 63069. that you can magnanimously assume that your being-ism seems to spring either from idle oppression) be all-female, with three or goals and needs are congruent with those of dilletantes of the privileged class, or four males to act as stud for the fertile the whole race. Make no mistake about it, from those men who see that their power is women, who might be as much as one-third RICHARD E. GEIS IS DEAD! Coney is most definitely merely a member of in fact being challenged by those whom they to one-half the crew. My personal journal, that is. Not me. the privileged class, certainly not of any have oppressed, and who fear the loss of The reasons are three-fold: Firstly, majority. What banal arrogance it takes to that power so deeply that they are willing 'About the Archives: am I correct in and more important, I am entering into claim that a "white non-religious male of even to offer to share it with anyone who assuming that a "collection" is all reprint, a relationship with a woman which is heterosexual leanings" is part of a "vast and will help them to retain it. Those of us serious and which I refuse to endanger while an "anthology" is all new material? passive majority"! Where? Perhaps in who have been denied our humanity by those If not, what is the difference?' by reporting in REG, and I cannot feel Schenectedy and Pawtucket, but not on the very straight white males, solely because good about NOT reporting it... There's planet as a whole. Straight white men, re­ of our class characteristics of being non­ ((A collection is almost always a gath­ an element of dishonesty and compromise ligious or not, are perhaps the most rapa­ white, or female, or non-masculine, are not ering of stories by one author, and they that I can't live witho So that factor cious minority group ever inflicted upon particularly excited about responding to can be new or old. An anthology is a says stop the journal if you have to this race by our ever-invictive, repressed still another clarion call from ol' massah gathering of stories around a theme or censor your reporting in it. unconscious.' michael to man the barricades to save his idea; usually the stories are by various Another reason is that in spite of skin. We are learning that we have one my hopeful rationalizations, the thing authors, and the stories may be new or re­ ((Really?)) prints.)) another, and that we do not need his sanct­ is taking a lot of time—and the guilt— 'Coney was hated in the West Indies, ions in our struggle to create a non-op- ies from SFR are eating at me. I sim­ not simply and solely because he was white, pressive future. If that struggle to define ply must do a better job with SFR (by 3-5-75 but because he was part of, and refused to our humanity in our terms is bigotry be­ my standards), and I want to concentrate 'I just read Michael Coney's letter in abdicate the privileges of, a minority cause we reject the definitions branded up­ all my energies and time to that end. TAC #6 (I recently bought #5 and 6 at Ihe ruling class. And he is hated and attacked on us by the likes of Coney, then so be it.' Thirdly, I discover myself to have Looking Glass; now I have all that are in by feminists (and now, oh ghod, by queers ((Well, Mike? Care to pluck all those given the basics of my beliefs and philo­ print). I can certainly understand better too) not simply because Russ has no prick sophies in TAC, SFR and the two issues labels off your moneyed, arrogant, privileg­ why Vonda McIntyre and Joanna Russ freaked (which I thought was a verb anyway), but ed prick and enter the fray?)) of REG published...and in the few sten­ out at your printing such a thing sans any because he refuses to perceive and struggle cils I have of #3 I am repeating myself comment at all.' against the power and privilege which are ******************************************* and elaborating and decorating... The handed to we men solely as a result of our core of me is why go on? ((I sometimes print letters with no "ME, paranoid? Why do you ask?!" having a penis.' following personal comment because I antici­ —Victor Kostrikin I'm sure some of you will give me an ((in that case, why go against Mother pate that others will say it better. My argument, but my mind is made up. Ha! ******************************** *********** 'failure' to comment on a letter I publish Nature by denying his heritage? If he Refunds cheerfully given. Subject to signifies nothing concerning my opinion. truely saw himself as a member of a privi­ I don't believe in astrology. We Gemi- your veto, all REG credits will be ap­ leged class instead of sacrificing his pow­ nis are very skeptical. plied to extensions of your SFR sub­ ((What freaked Joanna and Vonda was my er and advantages to further "justice" he —Tom Marcinko scriptions. small observation that as long as men were might be better off honestly fighting the *+++++**+*♦***********+* .**♦♦*********♦*>■ 35 generally bigger and stronger than women, 34 revolutionaries, since their intent is to GRINNY DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANY MORE in print. But none of them does only the 1971 to date NESFA Indexes a pilot and his ship, not a 'space quite what Tuck does. give any information on anthologies colony' (reread the story—said GRINNY is a Juvenile -- for about at all, and they cover only the ship was carrying serum needed to 10 to 12 year olds-- by Nicholas The Don Day Index covers U.S. all-original ones; for others, one save six infected members of an ex­ Fisk. Grinny is the name given (and a few British) science fiction consults Cole, the two Siemon "her" by Tim, Beth and Mac. They (and a few fantasy) magazines up ploration team and much is made of indexes, the various volumes of the seven vs. one decision); and discover "she" isn't really their through 1950. It does not include, SHORT STORY INDEX, and the new Great-Aunt Emma (whom the family for instance, WEIRD TALES, for that he cannot see what 'are Char­ CHICORELL index—and lots of luck les E. Fritch or Martin Gardner was not aware of until "she" ar­ which one must check the Cockcroft finding, say a 1965 paperback rived out of the blue), but is a index, which also picks up seven doing in a book which excludes British fantasy/horror anthology Wyman Guin and Miriam Allen De robot-in-human-form sent down by other obscure pre-1950 fantasy in any of them). aliens to reconoiter and advise as magazines ignored by Day. Ford?' I don't know what Malzberg to suitability for conquest. is doing with a defective copy of I could go on at equal length— said book, but my copy includes A new index by Frank Parnell greater length! —to explain the The climactic scenes where the (which I've not yet seen) picks an eight-line entry on Guin on procedures for tracking down publi­ page 195 and a 37-line (!) entry children destroy Grinny and save up a number of other fantasy mag­ cation data on multiple editions the world are well done-exciting. azines ignored by both (such as on deFord (which is the way she the Canadian UNCANNY TALES), while and translations of books. But spells it--not 'De Ford') on The novel is written in the material in the pulp hero maga­ enough. pages 134-135. form of Tim's diary. All I can zines, the sex-and sadism pulps, say is that for an eleven-year- and GHOST STORIES each requires Given the fact that I work in I find it interesting that old, Tim is one helluva good yet another index. the main reference room of a major Malzberg closes the penultimate section of his review with the writer. (Thomas Nelson, Inc. $4.95) research library and have an sf ************************************ For material since 1950 in collection of my own built up over statement that 'I just don't want the sf/f magazines, the situation twenty years of collecting, I could to get into anticipated debate on LETTER FROM DENNIS LIEN is a little simpler--or is it? The probably duplicate 95% of Tuck's this review; I concede in advance bibliographic data if I were to that I may have only half of the A Fr iend of The Cripple MIT Index covers America and take the twenty-plus years Tuck best of it.' Granting him the Strikes Back! British magazines from 1950-1965 took. But I'd a lot rather spend weakness of much of the (inciden­ and the four (to date) supplements March 22, 1975 the twenty-plus dollars instead tal) biographical material, I thereto extend this to 1974. Since and use my time to make corrections think he still has rather less only the first of these (covering and expand upon Tuck's work instead. than half of 'the best of it,' "I've been reading and enjoying 1966-70) so far falls within Tuck's REG/TAC/SFR since #2 (and the 'old' (Malzberg's mention of 'the number while if he is unwilling to debate scope, we'll ignore the others, of years Tuck claims in research' — his review, why write it at all? SFR before it) but have never been along with the separate index to inspired to write a letter of emphasis mine—suggests that Tuck PERRY RHODAN which serves as their may be a liar. Since Tuck's first Tuck's work is a flawed master ­ comment before. Feuds didn't do it. supplement. Witty articles didn't do it. Con­ edition came out in 1954, twenty piece, but a masterpiece just the spiracy theories didn't do it. years before vol. 1 of the current same. I'm sure Tuck lost money on Of course, none of these cover (third) edition, I think the 'claim' his first two editions and I doubt Even the details of your (Dick's, the Australian magazines, for which can be accepted on the face of it.) if he'll make much on this one, not Alter's) sex life didn't make one must consult Graham Stone's even if prospective buyers disre­ me do it. index, nor do they take note of As for Malzberg's complaints of gard Malzberg. Producing a twenty- British editions of American mag­ Tuck's inaccuracies: of course year labor of love does not put one Barry Malzberg's review of Don­ azines, for which one must check there are errors and omissions. above criticism, but it should at ald Tuck's ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE one or more of the five such I've been making a list of such, off least encourage informed criticism FICTION is making me do it. indexes put out by the Australian and on, for almost a year to even­ by someone willing to defend his Science Fiction Association (or the tually send to Tuck, and I would views in the 'anticipated debate.' Don't ever let anyone tell you independent index to the British hope that Malzberg would be doing If it were twice as flawed as it we librarians aren't weird. Yes. edition of F&SF). the same. Or, if he finds Tuck actually is, it still would not that hopeless, be doing his own deserve Malzberg's 'Kicking a I think the chief problem is And having checked all of the competing encyclopedia, despite Cripple .' the one Alexei Panshin pointed out: above, one has a fairly complete Tuck's 'having killed the market *********************************** Tuck's work is essentially biblio ­ picture of stories published in for at least twenty years.' (If graphic. Malzberg expects it to be the English language in science he has done so, he presumably did essentially biographic and attacks fiction and fantasy magazines-- so way back with the first edition it from that viewpoint. Malzberg and that's all (if the story you in 1954—and said dead market has apparently feels that, insofar as seek appeared in PLAYBOY or POST seen a lot of sf reference/bibli- its chief function is as a biblio­ or the old pulp ARGOSY, go back to ography tools published since graphic tool, that it is redundant: square one). No indication of then. For that matter, the new 'there are already anthology and reprints in anthologies or collec­ volume does not seem to have 'kill ­ magazine checklists available — tions by the author. No indication ed the market' for Robert Reginald, the Day indexes and their supple­ of books published during that whose SF INDEX is due out from Gale ments—which are notably fair, time. In most of the indexes Research Co. in a few weeks.) complete and accurate and very much (Day being a major exception), no in print.' indication of title changes, coll­ But specifically as for Malz­ aborators, pen-names, etc. berg's complaints of Tuck's inaccu­ I suggest Malzberg take a clos­ racies: I note that Malzberg (or er look at said indexes. All of I could go on at equal length you, Geis?) twice refers to an them are indeed fair, (reasonably) to detail search patterns needed 'O'Henry' prize where an '0. accurate, and complete within their to locate information on anthology Henry' prize is meant; that he limits--and many of them are indeed 2^ reprints (Malzberg notwithstanding, says the stowaway in 'The Cold Equations' gives her life to save LETTER FROM THE PUBLI SHERS—PR ICE 4 WOOD of value to the bibliographer 'be­ dying of cancer whereas other books the field where he is gaining an cause there are already anthology state that he died of a ruptured excellent literary reputation.' and magazine checklists available— appendix. Does this make his book Don Tuck was informed and the sec­ the Day indexes and their supple­ worthless in the light of Malzberg's tion on page 277 is the result. April 3, 1975 ments—which are notably fair, com­ criterion of absolute perfection? plete and accurate and very much in Advent intends to put every piece "Thank you for the issue of SFR print.' I know of the one Donald PRICE: At least one of the er­ with Barry Malzberg's dissection of relevant science fiction and fan­ Day 1926-1950 magazine index which, rors detected by Malzberg is non­ tasy information into Tuck's work. of Don Tuck's ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCI­ horror of horrors, left out an issue existent. He criticizes Tuck's des­ ENCE FICTION AND FANTASY Vol. 1. Ed of FANTASTIC ADVENTURES, neglected cription of "The Cold Equations" as Wood, one of my partners in Advent PRICE: We welcome all sugges­ to put in the two 1950 issues of the 'the poignant story of a girl stow­ tions, corrections, and further in­ and the principal editor of the British magazine SCIENCE-FANTASY, away having to give up her life to formation from our readers, including ENCYCLOPEDIA, sent me his comments, didn't include WEIRD TALES, etc. etc. save a space colony,' saying 'No, Mr. Malzberg. We've already found which I now pass on to you with I did not throw it out for these she did not give up her life to occasional interpolations by me: one real howler that Malzberg mis­ shortcomings, because the bulk of save a 'space colony' she gave it to sed: on page 285 is a reference to the information is invaluable. Its save the pilot and ship on which she H.P. Lovecraft's 'visit to Florida WOOD: I have read Mr. Barry N. last known retail price was $15 and Malzberg's criticism of Tuck's had stowed away.1 This point is in 1939' (two years after he died). it is probably in short supply if usually fascinating because Tuck's ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol.l, and it is still in print. In a quarter of a surely as fair for me to correct manuscript said 'space pilot', and WOOD: If we have killed the century, I doubt if its sales exceed market for at least twenty years, some of his mistakes as for him to 2500. I carefully changed it to 'space nitpick. To take his last point colony' (with Tuck's approval) as Malzberg fears, we're truly sorry. Anyone who wants to write first, I am sorry that he has pick­ PRICE: Our first printing of the precisely to emphasize the point that the vital reason ship and pilot and/or publish encyclopedias of ed up some variant edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol. 1 was 2,000, and had to be saved was to deliver science fiction and/or fantasy is encyclopedia, but the one and only it looks as if we will have to re­ printing I have in my possession medicine to save a planetary explor­ at liberty to do so. We at Advent print even before Vol. 2 is ready have never had any monopoly on has a section on GUIN, WYMAN (WOODS) late next year. WOOD: There are ation party. Go back and reread at the bottom of Column 1 of page the story. either knowledge or work in this other indices by Bradford M. Day field. We merely do the best we can. 195, and a section on deFORD, and they are valuable in their MARIAM ALLEN on page 134 and 135. WOOD: This business of Davidson's way but hardly free of errors, and dislike of Germans is an interesting PRICE: Malzberg's fear is pre­ what is their present availability? It is silly to argue with any item. We will include it in the mature. I understand that at least Walt Cole's CHECKLIST OF SCIENCE supplement. Yet the fact remains one competing work will be forth­ reviewer about liking or disliking FICTION ANTHOLOGIES, which has its any work. His opinions are his that German editions of his work coming from Fale, a major publisher share of mistakes and omissions (and exist and so must be reported in of reference books. Its author, one own. However, it would be polite doesn't cover individual author to be accurate. an encyclopedia which is covering R. Reginald, had already informed collections) is being reprinted by this field. I feel that the public Tuck (who showed me the letter) that Arno Press at a mere $21.00. Tuck's PRICE: To be fair, I expect life of any public person, artist, our planned supplement will be un­ work will list the contents of over Malzberg missed the deFord entry writer, actor, etc., is available economical in the face of Gale's 3600 collections and anthologies. for the public record. Perhaps competition. We will see." because he thinks her name is De Does Mr. Malzberg know of any com­ Ford --two words--and looked for it the following incident will prove ********************************** parable work? I really doubt it! between De Camp and De La Mare, of interest to the readers: I find it extremely useful even as ■On the other hand, if his when actually it is deFord—one it is. Berkley has recently reprin­ body image is deficient, he may word--and so follows Defoe. Back in 1964, when a version of ted Heinlein's THE PAST THROUGH the ENCYCLOPEDIA was in the hands of never outgrow an aspect of infan­ TOMORROW, and it is a fabulous buy Edward Wood, he asked Earl Kemp if cy: a preoccupation with his own WOOD: Surely we at Advent were at $1.95—but how many people would body, in a pattern of fixation not expected to be error-free in a Earl knew the identity of Cord- that can intensify a psychosomat­ realize that the story "Let There wainer Smith, since Earl was working volume containing over a third of a Be Light" from the Shasta edition of ic symptom and disturb normal million words? Our plan is to have for Bill Hamling, whose firm Regency THE MAN WHO SOLD THE MOON is not in had published the collection YOU WILL functioning. Dr. Z. J. Lipowski a basic three-volume work with the this or the Putnam editions? Tuck of McGill University recalls a bulk of the information, to be NEVER BE THE SAME. Earl refused noted it. on the grounds that Cordwainer Smith young man who fixated on his penis followed by a series of supplements and suffered from impotence. Cir­ to both update and correct the basic really valued his privacy. Wood This business of errors interests then informed Kemp that while brow­ cumcised in infancy, he went from set. That way a buyer will not have me—why should Malzberg waste a whole surgeon to surgeon demanding that to keep buying 'updated' editions sing through CONTEMPORARY AUTHORS, paragraph on a very obvious typogra­ he had noted that a ’Paul A.M. Line- "my foreskin be replaced by a new of the basic work. The first sup­ phical error (Mr. Goulart's birth- one to allow me to have an erec­ plement is planned to cover the barger had claimed the collection year)? We do not for one minute YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME to be his tion."' field from 1969 through 1975, pick believe that the errors of others up items missed in the first three work. He also revealed this infor­ excuse our own. Yet, if Frederik mation to a member of the Los Angeles “A researcher studied more volumes, correct errors, and include Pohl states on p.24 of Bretnor's than 2000 people who lived past anything else we feel will be of use fan group at a meeting he attended recent SCIENCE FICTION, TODAY AND in 1964. Earl said, 'He won't ninety. How did they differ from and interest to our readers. We TOMORROW that after selling WONDER the rest of mankind? In general, have a very simple way of dealing thank you for broadcasting the STORIES Gernsback returned to the information.' Wood replied in the they were calm and placid. They with errors at Advent: we correct science fiction field to start rarely worried.' them. mild and gentle manner he is famous FUTURE FICTION and SCIENCE FICTION for, 'Earl, the man can't have it QUARTERLY, do we then say that since --Howard R. and Martha E. Since Mr. Malzberg is a part- both ways. It is absurd for him to Pohl has made one mistake, every­ broadcast the details of his life in Lewis. PSYCHOSOMATICS time reviewer of treasures and other thing he writes is suspect? L. (Pinacle 523-240532-2, bibliographic works, let me take up CA (he was the only one who could Sprague de Camp's excellent biogra­ put it there) and then expect others $1.75) his comments about our book's lack phy of H. P. Lovecraft has Houdini 38 not to notice this and reveal it to _ ********************************** I THAT DREAD DISEASE OF THE EGO.... three fires. EXPERIMENT is so out of touch with *********************************** the facts that I feel somebody has LETTER FROM Secondly, I note an alarming to set the record straight. This is going to be absolutely tendency on the part of several con­ POOL ANDERSON unfair as a review. Consider it a tributors -- yourself included -- to Lupoff is entitled to his opin­ preliminary opinion based on prob­ National Headquarters say nice things about fellow-pros. ions on the literary merits of the ably insufficient reading. (But Vide, cf., and how about that Delap novel. But to imply that Houghton- I'll probably never do sufficient, THE AMERICAN LEAGUE FOR TOLERANCE piece on Harlan Ellison. Here is Mifflin bought the book only because so...) AND BROTHERHOOD heresy indeed. Harlan Ellison, who Janet Jeppson is 's wife has spent more than twenty years is not only unreasonable but unfair. I started THE WILK ARE AMONG US "Kill the bigots!" building up his image as a 'regis­ I've been close enough to both by Isidore Haiblum (Doubleday $5.95) tered troublemaker' —and is pains­ Janet and Isaac to know that she "Since you are kind enough to and quickly discovered it is written takingly identified as such in a submitted the book to them herself, send me SFR, I ought to give you in the one style I HATE: tongue-in- current UCLA mailing-piece — the cheek . with no strings pulled and no men­ some response once in a while. selfsame author of I HAVE NO ARM­ tion of Isaac. Houghton-Mifflin PITS AND I MUST SHAVE—the notor­ doesn't strike me as the kind of I wish George Warren had not Why a good writer thinks it is ious closet-claustrophobe — de­ good narrative form to hoke up with publisher that will deliberately taken that gratuitous and inde­ molished with the flick of a care­ put on a book they don't like, for exaggeration and whimsy a basically fensible slap at Barry Malzberg. less pen! A man who will go to any fear of losing the prestigious good sf plot is beyond me. All he Despite several disagreements with lengths to be abrasive — who, if Dr. Asimov. Nor is Isaac the kind does for me is utterly destroy the him, or even because of them -- confronted by a white racist, would of man who would walk away from credibility and reality of the story since such things can be revealing unhesitatingly identify himself as Houghton-Mifflin (or any publisher) and background. I can't believe a — I know Malzberg is an honest man 'Harlem Ellison' — or, facing a because they turned down Janet's who's not trying to brown-nose any­ word of it once the author succumbs Jewish audience, proclaim himself novel. body. If his writing seems to be oi to that ughish disease called joc­ the author of A GOY AND HIS DOG — ularity. All I'm left with is a the kind that some academics prefer, put down as Mr. Nice Guy in so I myself rejected THE SECOND writer who is indulging himself by this is simply the result of his cavalier a fashion! Fie and double- EXPERIMENT when Janet submitted showing the reader how clever and own preferences, or his vision if fiel Then there's Dick Lupoff, it to Analog for serialization. I superior he is. you want to talk fancy. with his gratutious insult to Isaac felt it wasn't the kind of science Asimov, describing him as a 'decent fiction that Analog's audience I'm not snickering, Isidore. and honorable person' Asimov, who would go for—in the version that I've been on the receiving end of Give me back my 35 minutes. has devoted a lifetime to establish­ I read. I suggested to Janet how corresponding imputations myself ************************************ (in that case, being told variously ing himself as an inaecent and dis­ she might modify the manuscript to how I was getting rich by pandering honorable character, an ambidextrous bring it closer to our kind of story. 'People seek government action because pincher of pennies and butts alike, either to the military-industrial She sold it to Houghton-Mifflin in­ they don't approve of what other peo­ a self-styled Ph.D. (Doctor of establishment or the great unwashed) stead. Isaac and I are still ple choose to do with their lives. Phrenology) who has broken all the and remember how it used to feel. They want to overrule the decisions laws except those of robotics, the friends. Janet and I are still These days, case-hardened, I give others have made concerning the uses friends. No Jewish assassins from kind of a man who has given evil a such things the indifference they Brooklyn have made any attempts on of their own time and money.' bad name — reduced to the role of deserve; but seeing somebody else my life, my fortune, or my sacred ---Harry Browne, HOW I FOUND an upright citizen! For shame! get that treatment can still excite FREEDOM IN AN UNFREE WORLD honor. a certain amount of anger. (Avon 17772, $1.95) As for your own remarks about 'gentle, kind, considerate Bob Janet Jeppson has had her share Otherwise Warren's points are of rejection slips. She has written Bloch' —well, my attorneys will be very good and well-made. It might professionally, as a sideline, for in touch with you shortly. Until be worthwhile to expand on them a LETTER FROM ROBERT BLOCH many years and was already a pub­ then I remain, bit, as regards the freedom of the lished writer when she and Isaac Yours maliciously, modern American science fiction first met. To claim that THE SECOND March 5, 1974 Robert Bloch" writer. EXPERIMENT was published through "Dear Dick: influence, and that nobody—from Actually, he's had as much as ((I know, I know... The care Houghton-Mifflin to Charlie Brown— he could reasonably ask for since I hate to say it, but there are and feeding of an Image is a long, thinks it has any merit, is non­ 1949, that being the year that several things about #12 which great­ tedious project. My apologies. sense . Fantasy and Science Fiction was ly disturb me. Please, Bob, don't let it out that founded. John Campbell was never my image as Pornographer and dirty As I said, any reviewer is en­ a prude himself, but Street S Smith, First of all is the news that middle-aged man is a fake. I'm titled to publish his opinions of a an old family-owned firm, was some­ your attorney advised you to abandon really a pious celibate. The CIA book. But to impugn the honor of what, and put restrictions on him your title, THE ALIEN CRITIC, to is paying me to present myself this both Asimovs, from a cross-contin­ which he cheerfully shed after he avoid being sued by a magazine call­ way...and the money is too much to ental distance, without any effort changed publishers. To be sure, ed THE CRITIC. This I can under­ resist.)) to check on the facts, is not only meanwhile many others took some stand -- but never in a million bad taste, it is poor policy on time to realize that sf was not years will I comprehend why you ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ your part as a publisher and just for kiddies and could safely be have chosen to revert to calling plain dumb." given the same liberties as Hem­ LETTER FROM BEN BOVA your publication SCIENCE FICTION ingway had always enjoyed. For in­ REVIEW. Aren't you aware that ((If the book was bought for slight­ stance, I remember the then editor there's a SCIENCE magazine? And an March 18, 1975 ly less than ideal literary reasons at Doubleday making me tone down a arty little one titled FICTION? To by Houghton-Mifflin, who there will moderately sexy scene in the book say nothing of THE SATURDAY REVIEW? "I don't usually respond to fan cheerfully admit that in a letter version of THREE HEARTS AND THREE Seems to me all you've done is to publications, but Dick Lupoff's col­ to anyone? There's no way I (or LIONS. But this was all fairly jump out of the frying-pan into nn umn on J.O. Jeppson's THE SECOND Lupoff) can check on the "facts".)) trivial, and soon went away. To all intents and purposes, we've this deplorable event happens, I'd GEIS MOTE------for, so I can get him an advance, been free to deal with human psycho­ rather it took the form of old- and we'll all be able to settle fashioned prudery than of present- A public apology is due Harlan from down to a good read. Richard is biology as well as we're able for me, here, for misplacing his After­ the past quarter century or so. day ideological conformity. If we one of the five or six genuinely must yield some ground, let us give thoughts and forgetting they existed. perceptive critics in the field, (I put them in the ’Material File' up pictures of naked ladies and long which was obvious from the first The much-touted liberation of drawer...) When he received SFR 12 more recent years amounts to nothing accounts of copulations, but draw things he wrote, even when he was except the admission to print of a the line and try to hold it in those and noted the lack of his contribu­ learning his craft, which is why few four-letter words and an occa­ areas which concerned the Founding tion, Harlan called and asked mildly I never bitched at his unfavor­ Fathers. As long as we can, with­ what the hell had happened. It was sional quasi-clinical description humiliating, able reviews of my I of a sex act or something like that. out fear of personal consequences, do with some of the brain damage damn the government, we haven't cases who festoon the other fanzies This hardly seems worth getting So, below, an issue late, is lost hope. If we can't, then we that occasionally slither under my excited about, and does seem inad­ the article that should have follow­ visable to overwork. Why should sf have — and it's quite conceivable door. ed Richard Delap’s "Smoke and Glass" do poor imitations of D. H. Lawrence that our owners will give us in #12. — or, for that matter, James Joyce? license in our sex lives and bio- And because he is a talented logically-oriented language as a writer, what he has created in this There is no profanity in the Eliza­ Apologies to Richard, too. bethan dramas because it was illegal pacifier. interview-cum-mish-mosh is some­ on the Elizabethan stage; neverthe­ thing singular and, in a few diff­ Thus, I decline to fulminate erent ways, a fresh approach to less, Shakespeare & Co. managed to against, say, the taboos of Roger t say quite a bit about the relation­ getting inside the writer. I don't ship of God and man. Similarly, the Elwood. He's within his rights know that it's 100% successful, or when he refused matter he finds i even if it's accurate, but it's great Victorian writers dealt as s c effectively with the realtionship of offensive. If it's any good, there fascinating as hell. I think it are plenty of other markets for it. h k woman and man as anybody has done says almost as much about Richard (In this specific case, I speak from HARLAN ELLISON as it does about me, but I'd be out before or since, and more effec­ d t tively than anybody is doing at experience.) If absolutely nobody of line going at it from that tack. will publish a story known to be o e present. good, on grounds of its sexual or w r In some ways, it's a sorts kinda scatological content, we can take psycho-sexual study of the inside of I don't say that it is not con­ some afterthoughts venient to be able to use a flat- that as an early warning. If the a human being, as seen from the view same thing happens to a story on point of analysis of the outside. out undeleted expletive or a spelled- on Delap's nonfiction out description now and then. I do social or religious grounds, it's And with the exception of his per­ time to call out the troops. To ception that at one point I was it myself. But it's overrated. fantasy 'Convenient' is the adjective for date, I know of no cases of either nervous (which I wasn't; not in it, not 'necessary.' The real free­ kind. But we might do well to the way he deduced it), he seems to by the subject dom, which is freedom of content, straighten out in our minds just be dead ontarget all the way. what we mean by 'freedom,' in ad­ of idea, was won some time ago. vance of any such emergency.11 "Getting past the sheer flatter­ The gentle thing he says about ing ego-trip of having a critic as It probably isn't absolute yet the little anima fellow inside me is smooth and deep as Delap even doing hard to deny, even if I wanted to, (leaving aside libel, etc.) and a piece on me -- taken as infinitely probably never will be. After all, which I don't. In each of us there greater a compliment than the dozens is a crippled child. Someone must in a free society a publisher is not of other 'interviews' I've given in obliged to publish something he have said that; it's too deadly and the past few years, predicated al­ right for me to have cobbled it up finds abhorrent, regardless of what­ most entirely on the fact that my ever literary merit it may have. One myself. (Although, just the other name on a magazine cover can sell day, talking to Herb Kastle, the advantage of capitalism is that a some copies (usually to those who good enough writer can find a greedy novelist, a friend, in relating how despise me, who hunger to see how I've taken over the support of my enough publisher. But there are big an asshole I'll make of myself limits. For example, I doubt if a mother in the past ten-fifteen years, this time) — a few thoughts occur I said, 'I've become my father,' novel making Eichmann out to be a that may be of interest. saintly martyr of the international which drew me up short with a screech, and Herb went awoooooo Jewish conspiracy would ever sell Clearly, this isn't an inter­ well, no matter how written. And and knew just what I meant. That view, nor even a straight remin­ my mother has become the child, and were I an editor or publisher, re­ iscence, nor even a critical study. gardless of its sales potential, I the adult, and I'm handling her, It's a peculiar minsh-mosh, sui in her declining years, as my father I'd bounce it. To print this, trees generis. And for that reason I should die? must have handled me in my childhood. honor and respect it. Delap is a And it was a shocker of a line, all talented writer. I've been trying Such considerations lead to a set down neat and clear; because it (since that same period of time answered, in a terrible way, the point which I believe is worth think­ during which he 'interviewed' me) ing about. Quite possibly we'll get observation of Faulkner that, 'No to get him to do a critical study of matter what it is a writer writes some kind of reaction against the science fiction that I could pub­ way things have been going, and lish in Pyramid's Harlan Ellison about, he is writing about the possibly it will take the form of Discovery Series. I think it would search for his father.' Which Puritanism. In this country, at Anarchists of the world, unite! You be a smasher. Please drop a card or means I've found the father I lost least, it could express itself much have nothing to lose but your... letter to Delap or Geis and badger to death so long ago, by becoming more as a change in public taste er...anarchism. the lazy sonofabitch into doing the him. So maybe I did invent that than as a change in the law, though outline and ten thousand I asked line about the crippled child. But the latter might follow. Well, if * * * * * * * * it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it I don't think so.) There is a gentle little urchin Jung and Eliade. He deals with the A STITCH IN TIME ************************************ in here somewhere. He's the one Persona and the Anima. I see my­ for whom I wrote One Life, Furnished self these days as heading toward Ye Gods! I am about to praise "In whatever country Jews have in Early Poverty. He's the one who the Shadow and the Trickster. to the skies a novella by Norman settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreci­ had the smarts to take Jim Sallis up Spinrad. He's come a long way, on his suggestion that I turn that Shadow, in that I'm going to baby, from the excesses of MEN IN ating its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not loathsome evening in New Orleans start letting the shade of myself THE JUNGLE and BUG JACK BARRON. with the ex-Mardi Gras Ball queen out more. To get some fresh air. been assimilated, have sneered at and into a sweet, happy story, instead That little kid, the Anima, He's His "Riding the Torch" is the tried to undermine the Christian re­ of letting it be the raging-hate been a Shadow till now. I find I standout novella of the three in ligion, have built up a state within thing it was destined to be, and it really can dig him. He sees things THREADS OF TIME, an anthology of a state, and have-- when opposed-- came out On the Downhill Side. He's much more clearly. originals edited by Robert Silver- tried to strangle that country to the one responsible for the bitter- berg. (Thomas Nelson, Inc. $6.50) death financially. If you do not ex­ sweet aspects of The Rusurgence of Trickster, in that I realize if clude them from the United States in Miss Ankle-Strap Wedgie (which is I could be anybody in the world (and The others are "Threads of Time" the Constitution, in less than 200 the longest piece of really good failing reincarnation, by which I'd by Gregory Benford—really a super­ years they will have swarmed in in writing I've ever done), for the come back as Pittsburgh), I'd be the ior ASTOUNDING/Campbellian story such great numbers that they will section on my dog, Ahbhu, in The Harlequin. I always denied that I of an alien ship millions of years dominate and devour the land and Deathbird, for In Lonely Lands and was that character out of my own old discovered on the Moon and the change our form of government. If Cold Friend and Hindsight;480 Sec­ work. And maybe when I denied it, intra-religious/cultural/social you do not exclude them, in less than onds and the gentler sections of it was true. I wrote the story as rivalry its discovery and investi­ 200 years our descendents will be Pennies, off a Dead Man's Eyes and an apologia for my inveterate tardi­ gation triggers ... and a low-key, working in the fields to furnish the Catman. ness, but it's become more than that. quiet story by Clifford D. Simak, substance while they will be in the It's become a sort of statement of in which time-travelers are "caught" counting house rubbing their hands. I I used to think that little gadflying, and good-deed-doing in by the hobby of one of their teams: warn you, gentlemen, if you do not fellow in there was a twisted the noble sense. And boy does that he likes to take multi-viewed exclude the Jews for all time, your crippled thing—left over from my one rock me! Noble!?! Wheeew. laser photos of ancient battles and children will curse you in your twisted, crippled childhood. And I Hev-eee1 events, and one of his "photos" is . Jews, gentlemen, are Asiat­ played to him in that way. And found by a modern-day history pro­ ics; they will never be otherwise." when I wrote, thinking to reflect But a lot of the things I've fessor . his attitudes, I wrote a lot of always done, and which I'm doing ---BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, speak­ nasty things...the ones Richard says more of now, when I should be lay­ Both the Benford and Simak nov­ ing to the Constitutional (and I guess, sadly, it's true) ing-back, because I'm secure fi­ ellas are good, detailed, convin­ Convention, Philadelphia, 1787. have become my trademark. What a nancially and get my ego stroked cing, well-written. sorry thing to have to admit. all the time, those things suddenly ************************************ seem do-able only out of a sense of But Spinrad's "Riding the Torch" But the damnable thing about honor or ethic or crusading. No­ is special. He deals with basic LETTER FROM it is that the little fellow in bility. Either that or I'm really drives and philosophies as he tells PHILIP JOSE FARMER there, who was so warped to start around the bend. So, coming up of a science-rich cluster of colony with, has been very quietly but short of believing I'm ready for ships in deep space--all that is Feb. 27, 1975 determinedly getting his act cleaned the rubber room, it'll probably left of mankind—on a seemingly up all these years, and now he's endless (eons-long) search for serve a more worthwhile end if I "Dear Richard the Lean-Hearted: strong and straight and healthy, just accept a certain trickster another Earth-like planet. and I'm still playing to him out nobility. Enclosed check is for one year's here as though he were something The Scouts find many planets sub to your publication, whatever out of Tod Browning's 'Freaks.' Which will, I suspect, make me along the way, but they always turn its name, The Ailing Cricket or SF a more loving and lovable character. out sterile, barren, lifeless... Review. Pm trusting to you that And meanwhile, using the raw for­ If nothing else, Richard Delap At age forty, I will slide jauntily the 1st copy sent me will be No. 12, ces of hydrogen fusion, the colony and his strange article have made me into a new social suit of clothes, as you advertise. realize that wonderful thing. and be considered a patron of good ships have modernized, rebuilt their fleet, expanded, become rich and work and kind deeds. I don't like to have to wade glittering with culture and art. So don't ever tell me that the through so many book reviews, but written word can’t change people's Except... I've got this pain Humanity is searching for the occasional snarling nasty lives, bring them to fresh aware­ right here, and...when it hits... jeremiad or your alter ego comments nesses of self, alter the course of I sorta go kinda crazy and want to another home after having ruined Mother Earth. But—does mankind or Geis' comments on sociology/ actions that have been ongoing for bury my teeth in someone 1 s throat'.' . . politics/etc. make it worthwhile. *********************************** really need to be dirt-bound again? years. It just happened. Try it And Joanna Russ is right in some for yourself. That Delap has some respects; you and your contributors talent. Norman's style is smooth and sharp and balanced; a delight to (with some notable exceptions) are read. He has matured as a writer, indeed male chauvinist pigs. But Now I have to look at myself nobody's perfect. Most of your from a new place, because of Delap. and this marries his natural power and vivid imagination with his reviewers—not all of course—are And I see that I'd like to be some­ imbeciles. But often they are hard-won grace and command. He thing else. And am on the way to amusing imbeciles. being it. A new goal. reads in this novella like a man who has all the tools and knows They know this, at least, that precisely how to use them. Richard talks about me in terms is, that the primary function of a of what Glenn Wright at Clarion/ reviewer or critic is to amuse, I'll pay a good deal of atten­ MSU calls the 'archetypes and arch­ entertain, the readers. Never mind tion to him from now on. etypal images,' as derived from 44 objectivity, perceptivity, a wide knowledge of literature, science, get on with this letter? history, etc. Make the clowns Also, I'd like to make a point: the same. That ALGOL and TAC make/ laugh. That's what it's all about. There. That's better. You'll I resigned from F&SF in June of last attempt profits is just another let me write Geis a nice calm letter, year, to devote more time to ALGOL. side to the developing growth of I was too busy to write a com­ like good little personas, and we'll Reading the slush pile for 8 years the market for SF (1955 probably ment on Lafferty's article, but I proceed from here. Frankly, Dick, certainly is a long time. I don't couldn't have supported us and our was surprised that no one did write you've got it easy. Only one alter- feel that I've lost my sanity, the zines) . to you about it. Though perhaps ego to mess up your writing style. first paragraph of this letter not­ some did but you didn't print their The two bastards I'm saddled with withstanding. In my time at F&SF Meanwhile, the profit (on paper) letters. Lafferty is unique, a are always fighting among them­ I pulled first published stories gained from sales of last issue strange phenomenon indeed. Here's selves, let alone with me. Wanna by Don Thompson, Vonda McIntyre and will go to printing a 4/Color cover an old man with a self-admitted trade a full page ad in ALGOL for Suzette Haden Elgin, among others, on the next issue. The current drinking problem who writes stuff taking one off my back? out of that pile and I'm proud of issue is unfortunately still in that has been hailed as the fresh­ my record. But my resignation came the red by a large margin. The est of the fresh, the newest of the This letter is, of course, in first, before I saw the review. recession hasn't helped, either." new wave, the acme of art in writ­ response to Dick Lupoff's article That should be made clear. ing. He puts the young lions to (I hope you paid him for it) in shame; no matter how far out they try the current issue of SFR (on sec­ And, finally, if we're going to ((I "pull" about $3-500. from this to be, they can't get near Lafferty. ond thought, maybe I don't have as attack 'sacred cows' (male or fe­ magazine per issue. Them is labor- bad a problem as you do). The book male) , I suggest that Roger Elwood of-love wages. The top amount I Most conservative readers don't reviews in ALGOL operate under a is the largest one of all, and could earn off SFR is about $800. care for him; the liberals have certain set of rules. the one with the most CLOUT. To per issue. Trying to expand paid taken him to their bosoms. Yet he is quote the last issue of TAC, Bruce circulation beyond 2600 or so is a die-hard reactionary, stiff-necked, One is that story collections D. Arthurs, writing on page 29, self-defeating---- I would end up a devout Catholic who won't accept and anthologies get a low place said, '.. .Dick Lupoff had a negative with more mail-subscription-book­ even justifiable criticism of the on the totem-pole: with the twice- review of some of Elwood's books in store processing than I have time/ Church, a male chauvinist if ever a-year schedule I've got, I want to ALGOL; Elwood calls Lupoff and asks willingness to give. there was one, and there have been keep as many inches of type avail­ him to interview him.' And further­ ((SFR is a hobby-zine, essentially. and are and will be. able for important novels and such more, I paid 1 cent a word for that It permits me to live off it if I'm as possible. Another rule is that interview, and even published it. very careful. This is the way I The liberals, the new-waveists, if a really bad book comes along And you're reprinting Bruce D. prefer to spend my life. If this have put their seal of approval on most readers will be aware of it Arthurs' interview with Elwood in makes me a filthy pro and takes away him because they don 11 understand as such, and I'd rather not waste the pages of SFR. my "amateur" standing, so be it.)) him, and if you don't understand important space reviewing it. somebody the safe thing to do is to Another rule is that when an impor­ When it comes to CLOUT, we hail him, adopt him, laud him, and tant book comes out and Lupoff amateurs don't have much of a ************************************ hope to God that he's saying what reviews it, and at the same time chance. And you, Dick Geis, by you hope he's saying. he reviews a lesser book, but a publishing Arthurs' interview, are LETTER FROM JOHN BOARDMAN good one nonetheless, I may hold guilty of just as much editorial When I say liberal, I mean in a the review of the lesser book and leading-by-the-nose as I was in relative sense, of course. From my only publish it if I have the space, publishing Dick Lupoff's interview. February 24, 1975 viewpoint the only true liberals in or hold it over entirely until the If I was guilty -- which I don't the field are Mack Reynolds and next issue. think I was, in my own opinion. "Dear Dick, myself and about three others on the borderline." Okay now, CLOUT: I am not If you're going to review maga­ Ghudammit, can't you do some­ afraid to publish a review saying zines and include WHISPERS, FANTASY & thing about that typesetting? What such-and-such-a-book stinks; I am TERROR and MOONBROTH, you really I wrote about Dave Mason was, 'Dave ((Yeah, "Liberal" means all things was the sort of person you could to all men... I'm liberal in "giv­ not afraid to publish a review should review ALGOL. saying, and here I quote from trust with your life, but not with ing" freedom to people over their your girl or your whiskey.' Turn­ lives, in all areas. Others are ALGOL #23, Page 39: 'The fact is Finally, if you're referring to that the Continuum Books that I me in your sentence '(One major fan ing that word into 'wife' busts up liberal in "giving" social equality the meaning of the whole sentence, and economic equality.)) have read have been variously publisher places notices in the SFWA derivative, dull, turbid, outmoded, publications detailing his needs and and leaves the reader cross-eyed. *********************************** and -- in assorted ways -- just offering payment while — I'm told plain bad.' And that of a publisher -- objecting to me paying contribu­ (My wife wouldn't have had him on LETTER FROM ANDY PORTER which has advertised in ALGOL, and tors to TAC/SFR)' in this issue, it a bet, but other people's weren't so whose editor I know personally (she's ain't so. The objection I have to minded. And if that word 'bet' in the last sentence comes out as 'bed', the daughter of Kendall Foster TAC/SFR is that other people say February 26, 1975 I am personally going to come west Crossen, Karen Crossen Ready). you're still a fanzine because you're mimeographed while they say and gimmick your typewriter so it "I thought you weren't going to ALGOL is a prozine because it's will not write words beginning with write this letter! You know what I But I do not want to publish a 'f, thus terminating your literary review of a book which 1) Stinks; printed on slick paper and typeset. told... Goddamnit! I told you to In fact, you've stated you pull career.) shut up! I'm the boss in this body and 2) is not very important in the year's output; and 3) cuts down the some money out of TAC; I don't pull and what I want goes. So if the Ted White's comments about his space available for other reviews any money out of ALGOL. two of you What's this two of you publishers and their objections to and finally, lastly, and of least stuff. As always I maintain a I only object to what others their editorial points up a really rigid calm and what you feel is importance to me as publisher of interesting dilemma in this country. ALGOL 4) Hurts an author's feelings, say about both of us, in their com- right must dictate how we act; When the term 'majority rule' is and perhaps those of her husband parisons between ALGOL and TAC. I therefore I feel...JEEZUS!!! Will used, it assumes that a majority of as well. now pay all contributors except the two of you shut up and let me ( letter writers; I would hope you do people and a majority of power refer 47 to the same thing. Usually they do. to ignore them. That's what I. plan But we seem to be living in a time As a result, I have an excellent NOW/WHAT when they do not. A majority of to do. chance to compare the art of the S-F TWA CHRIST the people in this country seem to ************************************ field to the rest of the stuff sit­ DlD/ADO want peace, and a reduction of un­ ting on the shelves. employment even at the cost of in­ THE GIMLET EYE THAT FOR?' flation. The power majority wants 3on)n>entary On Science Fiction & Fantasy Art The first thing I notice is the war, and an end to inflation even comparative richness and bright­ at the cost of massive unemployment ness (and, oocassionally, lumines­ By 'power' I do not specifically By Jon gustafson cence) of the colors of the various mean 'money'; the armed forces con­ S-F books and mags as they sit next stitute a power structure which Art in Science-Fiction and to the detective books, spy books, tends to look down on mere money- Fantasy....what is its purpose? and cook books and all the other grubbers . Is it really important to the lit­ junk. As most things in this erature that it adorns, and, if so, world are done with a reason, it The majority of people and the why? Most importantly (at least to occurs to me (surprise, surprise) majority of power had a real show­ an artist like myself) what consti­ that there is a reason for this. down over Vietnam, which the major­ tutes good or bad S-F art? That reason is to catch the eye and ity of power rather decisively won. Sell The Bloody Product. Then they had another one over First off, to keep you fantasy Watergate, which didn't come to a freaks off my ass, when I use the Let's face it, science-fiction head but was quietly deflated term 'S-F art', I will be meaning is not the world's most respected thanks to President Nixon's phle­ both science-fiction art AND fanta­ literature; it has carried a 'you- bitis. The majority of power was sy art, as I tend to lump the two mean-you-actually-read-that crap- firmly on the President's side, categories together in my head any­ hahahaha' stigma for many years, as and worked - as Ted saw - to quash way . we all know, and has needed every a large portion of the borderline criticism of him where they could. edge it could get on its competi­ readers who might not ordinarily President Nixon could count in his Second, I am going to limit my­ tion. One of the best edges is the read (much less buy) S-F. side the Four Estates of modern self to current S-F art, with none cover art that sets it apart from society: the armed forces (as of my examples more than five years the masses of other products that Paperbacks are very much the their Commander-in-Chief), the old. surround it. same way, with the possible excep­ business community, organized tion that the failure of one book labor (it was physically dangerous Third, I am, out of necessity, Cover art is a particularly in a line of many may not have to criticize him in the presence of going to write this mutha from the important aspect of the S-F and quite the impact on the publisher a union man), and the Press (95% of viewpoint of the 'outsider'; that Fantasy magazines, none of which that a bad issue of a mag might which endorsed him for re-election). is, one who isn't actively partici­ has a circulation of over a quarter have. As a result of this, the pating in the field of S-F illustra­ of a million (compared with the paperback publishers are allowed I was all set for a show-down, tion. I am not a Freas or Frazetta, multi-million circulation of Play­ a wider range of colors to use, in which President Nixon was going though I am a professional illus­ boy, for instance), and one of and in my experience tend to be to dismiss Congress, destroy the trator, and it would be rather fool­ which If, has just recently gone less brilliant than the mag famous tapes, and shut down the ish for me to pretend to be anything under, although it is now combined covers (the DAW books seem to be minority of anti-Nixon newspapers. but an 'outsider'. However, most with Galaxy. Their circulation is an exception and are every bit as Believing that one lost cause in a of this will be pretty accurate. so low that the magazines are con­ bright as the magazine covers). lifetime is enough, I was all pre­ But enough of this.... stantly walking the tightrope of pared to give this act my outspoken success, where the slightest slip So much for generalities. support. Each and every week I collect is (not could be, but is) terminal. whatever pennies I happen to have Who decides what the cover It may yet come to this; both lying around the house and troop Therefore the mags need the should picture? That job is hand­ sides still stand where they stood down to the local supermarket brightest, most interesting, most led by the Art Director or his last July, and a showdown which (Or up to the college bookstore) eye-catching covers of all; to vis­ equivalent in each publishing was shunted aside by President and buy as many of the new S-F mags ually separate them from the masses house. In the mags, the name of the Nixon's illness may yet come to pass and paperbacks as I can afford. of garbage (my term for anything not Art Director is placed right in front with President Ford, President Rocke­ S-F) surrounding them. where everyone can see it. The Art feller, President Jackson, or Pres­ Director in the paperbacks, unfor­ ident Kennedy. In Europe they have The mags are helped consider­ tunately, seems to be nameless, face­ known all about this for centuries; ably by two factors; first, there less nonentities. what I've called 'majority of power' is available at present a large and 'majority of people' are there group of excellent S-F artists, and In most cases, the artist is called 'le pays real' and 'le pays second, current printing techniques merely the tool of the Art Director legal''.' allow amazingly true reproductions (I can hear the outraged howls of protest from the artists already, ************************************ of the work that artists do. but just bear with me and I will try GEIS NOTE: An apology to John Board­ Advertising pros have for years to explain myself), in that he will man, of course, re the typo. advocated the use of vibrant, inter­ contact the artist and say something BUT, my friends, with the best will esting colors for their clients like 'Hey, I need a cover (or inter­ in the world, typos will sneak in. (particularly soap products - the ior) illo for Acme S-F mag. The With luck some of them will be amus­ connotations here are unfortunate story goes like this (followed by a but true) as a means of getting the ing. description, verbal or otherwise) edge on their competition, and the and this is what I want.' He then As for the others...we'11 just have S-F mags seem to have learned this goes into a description of what his quite well, enabling them to grab idea of the illustration should be 49 Rich Sternbach is another artist like. (I would lay money that this of a great looking illustration. scene or something like has happened who possesses a great deal of tech­ nical skill, yet lacks the inspir­ many happens to me all Another thing that should be ation (soul?) to carry a work of art the time.) briefly looked into is the actual altering of a piece of artwork by beyond the area of superficiality. The artist who accepts the co­ someone other than the original His cover on the Feb., 1974, issue mmission knows that no matter how artist. Most artists, myself of Galaxy is a perfect example of perfect his rendition is, the Art included, are extremely apprehensive this. It shows a computer techni­ Director is going to demand some about trying to imitate the style cian at a console, with a very precisely done background. His ren­ changes in the final result. Vir­ of some other artist, because we tually all artists dread this, as know how really difficult it is to dering of the materials in the pic­ ture is very good, yet the figure they know that there is no way to do, and in most cases the artist improve their already perfect work, would much rather do the whole in it has all the personality of a department store manikin, reducing and that the Art Director is a nit­ thing over in his own style. This wit for even asking them to do any is not to say that this does not the overall effect to one of ster­ more recent work does not seem to be ility. His cover for Oct., 1974, changes. However, unless he is happen, but I don't believe that as well thought out as his earlier issue of Analog is much better, yet wealthy, the artist grits his teeth I have ever seen any illustrations pieces. His cover for the Oct.-Nov., still lacks that small spark of and accepts the check when done. that I thought were worked over by 1970, issue of Galaxy shows a yellow- others. Unfortunately, I have originality that would set it man lunging out a pattern of above others of its ilk. This cover What I am trying to get across seen plenty that I thought should colors placed in a vertical network depicts the theorized approach of have been. is that the artist rarely, if ever, across the page. The colors are Mars to the Earth, with interplane­ gets his own way in how he does an bright without being garish, and tary lightning flashing between illustration and hardly ever gets Science-fiction art can be the shapes are balanced nicely with them. Again, his technical style a finished work printed without excellent commercial art, and some the large, blank background. is without reproach and is excellent some correction or edition or....but of the works that these artists have commercial art, but only commercial I think you see what I mean. done are as good, in my opinion, as Kelly Freas is perhaps the best any done by any other commercial known S-F artist, and has won 8 Hugo art. The Art Director is thus viewed artists in any other fields. Trag­ awards for his work. His art never by many as being an unimaginative ically, this view is not shared by seems to change, except for the The third category is, of course ogre, both by the artists and by those who give out the yearly com­ better. His cover for the June, 1970 Bad Art. the fans. I am certain that most mercial art awards, which again issue of Analog is a fine example of are not; they couldn't be and still shows the attitude that S-F has his ability to play large open spaces This is going to be a bit of a let some of the fine illos I have to constantly struggle against. (in this case, the murky grey-brown problem. I chose these two mags seen slide by them. I also think sky) against detail (the ground because I figured that most of the that sometimes the Art Director is Some S-F art I would even con­ ship and the scarlet aliens). His people reading this would be able to used by a small group of people as sider putting into the category of most recent cover for Analog (Feb., find and look at the examples I kind of a convenient excuse to blame 'pure' art; i.e. art a la Renoir, 1975) displays his skill in using chose. Unfortunately, the quality bad artwork on, and this is something Dali, Cezanne, etc. Some of the what must be the most luminescent of these two magazines is such that that I must take issue with. artists that I would place into colors in the whole field of S-F it is damned hard to find examples that niche are , art and his delightful eye for de­ of bad art on their covers. It A good piece of artwork, either Kelly Freas, John Schoenherr, tail. This cover shows an explo­ would be easy to say 'Look at almost an unimaginative work (with high and Richard Powers; but, alas, only ding starship, with a lifeboat es­ any issue of Imagination (an S-F mag technical skill evident) or an a few of their illustrations are caping from the spreading wreckage. of the mid-fifties) and the cover excellently conceived work (again of this quality. However, the Again, he is balancing simplicity illo will be a great example of bad with fair or high technical skills), fact that I can find four artists against detail; the plain cylindri­ art, S-F or otherwise', which would will remain a good piece of artwork who qualify as 'pure' artists is a cal shape of the lifeboat against be a true statement. But I'm not even if it is cropped or altered to great sign. I find this extremely the tremendously complex, glowing gonna. a minor extent. pleasing. pattern of the wreck. There is no such thing as a per­ If an illustration that measures It's now time to stick my neck The second category I call Good fect artist, and Kelly Freas is no 20" x 20" is trimmed by 3" on each out and point out what I think is Art, Technically Well Done. exception. One of the worst covers edge, it will still remain a great good S-F art and what is bad S-F art. he has ever done appeared on the piece of art IF it started out as Because many people would not have Something called the Brian July, 1971, issue of Analog, and is a great piece of art. the exact paperbacks or book club Boyle Studio leads off this cate­ an excellent example of the lack of editions that I would like to use, gory, with a cover on the Dec., 1973, imagination that sometimes slips If it doesn't start out as a I'll use magazine covers from the issue of Galaxy. Technically, the into S-F art. It pictures a Saturn great work of art.... well, a small last five years of Analog and cover is virtually perfect; the (I believe) rocket being launched, piece of shit smells just as bad as Galaxy, which I think most S-F circular parts are circular, the with a few mallards flying off in the whole thing. Sometimes a poor readers are likely to have. I'll straight lines are straight, and the foreground. It is, in fact, illo can even be helped by some also separate these examples into the overall effect is one of minute, an illustration that would have judicious cropping. three categories. detail. The reason that this cover been done just as well by a pho­ leads off the second category tograph, possibly better. The skill You should be able to see, now, The first category I call Good rather than the first is that it in rendition is still evident; Freas that a minor amount of artistic Art, Imaginatively Done. gives the impression of being done is still Freas, after all. tinkering will not significantly by someone without any soul, one affect the quality of a work. There­ Jack Gaughan is one of the best who doesn't care about the work he Jack Gaughan really blew the fore, the Art Director cannot be known artists in the field of S-F is performing. It's as if it was cover he did for the Feb., 1971, assumed to be the villain in all art, and one who never seems to lack turned out by an artistic computer, issue of Galaxy, which shows a cases, nor can he (or she) be for work. His man failing seems to and I don't like that effect. multi-legged robot waving an Amer­ considered a hero simply because 50 be one of unevenness of quality; his 51 ican flag. Artistically, the paint­ realize that they represent (as because of the recent flood of female, one may suspect that his ing falls down because of the com­ always with these covers) the most acquaintance with adventure-type SF position; the robot is placed in trashy imitators, or to condemn all memorable lines in the mailing; I consisted largely Of Edgar Rich the lower half of the work and cen­ opera even unto Mozart because of cheerfully acknowledge that over a Burroughs and his imitators, who tered vertically in the page. There the dreary mediocrity of many of dozen were from your zine. For a could with a straight face contem­ is a point of light gleaming off the inferior survivors. fanzine restricted to FAPA circula­ plate the happy couple mooning over the green 'eye' of the robot that tion, like mine, this should not her unhatched egg. is exactly in the center of the Man Divided is certainly a 'time­ give you any copyright problems. page; in the world of art, this is less human problem', and it informs Feel free to quote me as a LOC, Surely, 'Woodford' could not a hideous crime. The center of all MZB's writings, which are certan- please." have known--or else chose to disre­ interest shouldn't be a point; ly not dressed-up mundanes. gard, to make a dishonest point-- ideally, it should be an area. As At this point MZB added a comment, the work of Robert Heinlein, which far as imagination goes....really, I dealt with this issue in THE also on THE ALIEN CRITIC: had already begun appearing in mag­ how very droll! Perhaps this is a GEMINI PROBLEM here in FAPA; but it azines. Certainly he did not know, genuine case of the Art, deserves more detailed analysis "Having had a shot at writing or at least he could not admit to Director being the villain when he than Kingsley Amis or yhos is likely sadism-fantasy myself--and, despite knowing, the work of Jules Verne, centered the work and/or gave the to give it. Trouble is, the west­ interludes of which I have never H. G. Wells, or Olaf Stapledon, artist the idea for the piece. I erns—like the samurai movies, like made any secret, I do not consider each of whom he would have had to the dressed-up mundanes—dealt with would like to think so. myself a lesbian—I can say with take seriously, and none of whose only a very few of these timeless authority that an enormous chasm, work fits his paradigm, however human problems and those in a very There were a couple of other a mental Grand Canyon, divides Jack much adventure is found in both superficial two-valued way. You Woodford ((Josiah Pitts Woolfolk, Wells and Verne. But 'Woodford' covers that approached these two would have to search long and deeply examples of bad S-F art, but the on SF plots)) from any understanding preferred to ignore the reality in among those to find any adequate of SF or the SF reader. order to justify peeing on the pulps fact that I had to go through five treatment of identity crises, of years of these two magazines to from a great height. ethical relativism, or internal There may have been some dis­ find such a small percentage of struggles, of the effect of techno­ poor covers is, to me, a positive guised sadism in old fantasy and SF If you, honestly, mean to fault logy on existing culture (and vice before I got there; there was occ­ MZB for the 'extremely lucky coinci­ indication of the current state of versa, as again and again on Dark- the profession. asionally some in the old Planet dence' that the crash in Darkover over) , of sexual ambiguity (as on Stories■ Sadism, I believe, has Landfall occurred at the one season Darkover, and as in LEFT HAND OF little to do with sex. It has to do when survival might have been poss­ Comparing today's S-F art with DARKNESS), Set, &C. the S-F art of twenty years ago is with personalitydeficiency and lack ible, consider that otherwise there even a better indication. Science­ of ego strength. would have been no story, as doubt­ If you believe prostitution is less no stories were possible about fiction art has shown a steadily (still? ever?) 'a valuable (!) and imporving trend in the past half- C.L. Moore and Leigh Brackett— other spaceships landing on the respectable (!!) profession (!!!),' and I — all wrote elegantly sadistic alien worlds only to be emptied by century or so; if the latest covers go read Gail Sheehy's HUSTLING, Dell of magazines and paperbacks I have science-fantasy, though admittedly alien bacteria or parasites, with­ pb, 1974. There you will learn, from without girls in scanty costumes; seen are any indication, it will the inside, how it really is—at out survivors. In fact, Terran continue to improve and eventually maybe we were all imitating the for­ authorities were unaware of the un­ least in NYC—and why it has drop­ mulas for such stories, but I don't earn its rightful place in the ped out of the category of crimes intended colonization of Darkover realm of commercial art. think so. I think we were simply for over 2,000 years. without victims. I never was hard getting into the deficiency-fanta­ up enough to seek solace with a pros­ sies for which women have such ample x have not asked Marion if Perhaps some of the artists of titute, but for years I did believe excuses in current society. symbolic overtones were intended the present and future wilj. even that at least sometimes this occu­ find some fame in the ethereal world here, but it now looks to me as pation might have included some But recent SF, rejecting such though at least one is implicit: of 'pure' art. fairly decent people--perhaps under ************************************ , has had deeper psycho- how improbable, how tenous the very the influence of a friend, now dead, logical bases, of which the main one possibility, of survival of almost who had known several ex-whores is the desire to explore the hidden any species faced with drastic LETTERS FROM WALTER BREEN whom he did respect. No longer. worlds. Maybe less destructive MARION ZIRNER BRADLEY The most important part of the book iclimatic changes; how many equally is its lengthy prologue; read it, rearing means readers grow up these 'improbable' certainties went to THE ALIEN CRITIC 6 :: Geis :: "As better still review it. I can't days less masochistic and less sex­ make up the roster of Terran sur­ you know (though apparently Sam help thinking that if Olaf Stapledon ually frustrated. vivors, from the coral animal to Merwin Jr. did not), selfpity sells, had known any of the NYC brand of the coelacanth to the hamster, not as figures from Gustav Mahler to contemporary calls girls and street­ WB again, on the same. It seems to to mention such highly specialized Harlan Ellison can testify—not to walkers, he would have given Jacque­ me hardly worth while to flog this forms as the koala or the malaria mention torchsingers. line Caze a different occupation; particularly dead horse. "Woodford1 parasite." but then, maybe they were different —obviously incapable of taking SF Your claim (anent NEW DIMEN­ in pre-WWI France and England, be­ seriously at all--evidently had in ((The current state of prostitution SIONS II) that 'translatory' SF, fore the Mafia got into the act, or mind only one stereotype form of SF, (male and female) speaks more of 'dealing with timeless human prob­ possibly before the current brand then (1939) as now only a tiny the current laws and public /priv­ lems,' consists merely of dressed- of pimps had begun their incredible fraction of the output of the genre, ate morality than of the theoretical up mundanes, is a half-truth. Not tyranny. :: I do not mean to sound and that at the lowest pulp level. value of sex for money. Selling always is the blaster a mere sub­ argumentative; yours is one of the sex has always existed and always stitute for the.44, or the alien best zines to reach FAPA in years, The old classification systems will, in one form or another. Many planet for the country west of though it just happened this time for SF/fsy admitted a form of the marriages (subtly or blatantly) the Pecos, though inferior writers that the two major comment hooks 'Woodford' paradigm as only one sub­ are "prostitution". I suspect in the 1930's and 40's often made have inspired profound disagreement. case of one type. As 'Woodford' most wives combat prostitution be­ it seem so; but this would be to And in case you think to fuss at specifically mentions the Terran cause they fear competition and/or condemn all 'Gothic' novels even recognizing some of your own bons Hero falling in love with the alien comparisons. IF male prostitution unto those of Daphne du Maurier 52 mots on my quote-cover, please (women paying) is ever a significant the-ants was suitable; young and factor in society (as women become succulent. I thought the scientists nusband after five years and what Heartened by my easy success, ever more equal and independent) bafflingly dumb, stupid, alienated, she feels as she compares the fat I announced to him last Friday night you can look for husbands to cry insane...and trapped by the plot. slob to the gorgeous man she was that there would be no sexual con­ out against other men selling sex The plot says that Man-as-he-is married to. tact unless he initiated it and then to homy wives.)) isn't good enough. We need to have sat down to wait. As you know, he's our genes/minds scrambled/improbed After four pages that gave me very aggressive once we get into it ************************************ by an alien (God) force. Old Father/ very little pleasure, I decided to but in 8 years and 8 months, he had Son/Holy Ghost butched the job-- the do some hard research so I got NEVER put his hand on me first. OUT OF PHASE FOR A DARK STAR Man experiment has been a failure-- five Redbooks from the library There were times I had to do little and it's time for another Superior and really read every fiction piece more than pat his cheek or stroke I just drove Rookie (the cat) Intelligence to have a go at it. in each issue. JESUS! I haven't his hand before he turned on me from the dining room table with the seen writing like that since I like an uncaged gorilla but I ALWAYS carriage of this Sears electric. It Are we really so helpless? Do stopped reading the literary re­ had to touch him first. prodded her inexorably as I typed we really need to be taken over and view collections: high-quality, the first line...and she finally, guided? Is everyone incompetent pointless, unstructured and com­ Really, I didn't know whether he'd disgustedly, yielded, jumped off to run his life? That's the ever­ pletely exhausting to the hapless be able to pull this one off and it and went to eat a bite of dry cat current fashion of thought among reader. Having the soul of a book­ took him 45 minutes...45 minutes of food. She now sits on the foot­ those who, of course, exclude them­ keeper and liking things orderly, I me sitting with my arms folded and stool by the big living room bay selves from those who need change, couldn't do that kind of writing silently beaming contempt at him. window, watching traffic go by on direction and control. Avoid Phase if someone held a gun to my head But glory be what a breakthrough! Ainsworth. IV. while waving a $5,000 check as an Evidently, total aggressiveness alternative offer. is his true bag; he made me feel I suspect that is the message # like the most exciting, desirable, the producer, director and script­ I will now look to Playgirl and delicious woman to ever slide writer wished to zing into the minds DARK STAR is a small-budget black Viva—or I will as soon as I can get between the sheets with a mech­ of movie audiences when they made comedy set in a long-range spaceship my work thing readjusted. I sud­ anized dwarf. Clark Gable, Burt PHASE IV. (named Dark Star) whose mission is denly find myself working five full Lancaster, Robert Redord-- they're to make the galaxy—or the universe? days every week. It's dreadful. My all punks, and much too tall in any No, no, I mean we must yield to —safe for mankind by dropping plan­ employer seems to like things this case. superior, inexplicable, mysterious et-wrecking bombs on potentially way and is making no moves to hire force. I used the typewriter car­ dangerous alien worlds and into un­ another girl but I'm counting on I went to the movies a couple riage to make the cat leave...and stable suns. the lunatic in the other room to of weeks ago and saw "Child Under the superior mind/force that took zip right through her manic phase A Leaf" and Night Porter". It wasn't over the ants in a desert area Eight years this crew of sloven­ and into Never-Never land. Then “ by accident that I chose this par­ near a housing development in a ly, now slightly insane men have they'll have to hire another girl. ticular double bill; I was in the southwestern state used the ants been on the job. The master com­ This broad is pure paranoid. She mood for something terrible done to test, examine, and finally puter has the voice of a sexy woman, thinks people's desks are full of with style. I noted that "Child change the three humans in its ex­ and it does its best to keep things secrets, that she's being punished Under A Leaf" had gone from first- periment? right, but accidents will happen... by being forced to sit where she run with rave reviews by Rex Reed and there's this Bomb #20 which in­ can't see who's going up and down to a $1.50 neighborhood house in As a movie, PHASE IV is a mash- sists on thinking for itself....And the hall and believes she's 5'6 1/2" only three weeks and that there had mish of derivifives, cliches and there's the pet alien who gets loose tall and wears a size 14. She is been a dearth of human activity botched opportunities. It could and fiendishly.... actually 5'9" with a corridor­ around the theater where "The Night have been awe-inspiring. It could width ass that she might be able to Porter" played in Westwood while the have been well-acted and well-written. jam into a size 18 if she greased Hell, if you get a chance, see crowds queued up for everything else the film. It's outrageous, funny, it, but in keeping with her private in sight including two kids who All that money wasted...Just a body image, she leaps and gambols slightly amateurish, and BAD. But were passing out religious handbills. bastard son (one of many) of 2001 about the office--like a rhino you can forgive it its sins. It and any of a dozen monsters-on-the crashing through underbrush. If I learned a lot that afternoon entertains. loose films. With parents like ************************************ she were just crazy, it would be as I watched this incredible double those, what can you expect? bad enough, but BIG and crazy...! feature. "Child Under A Leaf" I smell danger. taught me that when you work without Ah, well....I wouldn't mind if LETTER FROM PEARL a shooting script, you're liable to theaters charged a buck, but $2.75! My bizarre alliance with Gene wind up with filmed episodes of March 30, 1975 is in high gear. Once I allowed this ilk: heroine and lover soaking I thought the girl-rescued-from- myself to acknowledge that he is in outdoor, Japanese-style bathtub "I feel it's very important to a machine, not a person, and could and singing (quite aimlessly) "Lon­ me to use my typewriter at least be programmed to suit my needs, I don Bridges Falling Down" or hero­ physically, if not creatively, at saw there was no reason for me to ine and lover playing with their this time so that when that magical live in wistfulness, biting my lip baby and doing lots of coarse, Throa­ day comes when I'm ready to start and waiting for him to do right by ty, inappropriate laughter. (It's working, I'll simply sit down and me. I punched a breakfast date true that the baby had the biggest write without feeling that it's and dinner date into his memory cunt I've ever seen on an infant too much trouble to take off the tapes and they immediately came to but I think a nervous titter would cover, plug it in, roll in the pass. I suggested it was time for have sufficed in this sequence.) paper, etc. (I go through the him to buy me my first birthday I also learned that Dyan Cannon has same hassle with my sewing machine.) present and it was delivered-- either the shortest thighs or the I did start a short story for Red- admittedly a trifle and not gift longest crotch in Christendom. book about a woman seeing her ex- wrapped, but a gift all the same Whichever way it is, in her one nude and my first from him. scene (a distance shot, thank hea­ vens), Miss Cannon's knees neatly heartily recommend this fine So, if you plan to review this Arthur. Zap, he falls in love with framed her sons veneris which anthology to you; we urge you novel, kindly refer to what has been April and determines to repair the certainly makes one wonder about to buy it and enjoy it. ('Catman) done to it without my knowledge. If androids and find her brother. Kip, you publish a fanzine, please quote Cary Grant. in fact, in its original version, April and Palma are separated and has already been nominated for me. Alternatively, or as well, per­ united repeatedly as a result of a "The Night Porter" taught me a Nebula, which would tend to haps you'll write to SF Writers of series of run-ins with lizardmen, that Dirk Bogarde never touches his indicate the material in FINAL America, and Harper & Row, and the Boy Scout Liberation Army, the cock (he shoots it through his open STAGE is worth your time.) Penguin Publishers Weekly, and whoever else goons of Xicara, the Prince of strikes you as potentially helpful, fly by thrusting his hand into his Books and its responsive editorial Thieves, catmen, Silverthorne the saying - if you agree, naturally! champion of the oppressed, and a pocket) and that Charlotte Rampling staff, headed by Susan Zuckerman, have broken their backs to put - that this kind of thing should not theatrical troupe which features has a ratty pubic patch. It also be allowed. android gypsies. taught me that beautiful sets, fine things to rights, and we writers direction and good acting are not in the anthology are most anxious that the bad publicity attendant Not only I but a lot of my col­ The trail leads the three main enough to make you care about people leagues will be obliged to you." who have to get dressed up in Nazi on the former edition not tarnish characters (together with a few ************************************ uniforms and little-girl dresses to this paperback incarnation. As hangers-on) to the mamoth private pull off a simple blow job. strongly as we asked you to boycott, A POT OF STALE GOULART city of an eccentric plutocrat who now we ask you to support. a review of SPACEHAWK, INC. has made his fortune from his over­ As you can see by the foregoing, riding concern for sanitation. There once again my life is perfect.*" PLEASE POST THIS, SPREAD THE WORD, By GREG I. FARNUM the story reaches a climax and the AND BUY THE BOOK I Thanks." loose ends are tied up, sort of. ************************************ "*0r, it will be as soon as I can "Malagra, as several of its find another double-bill to approach ANNOUNCEMENT FROM JOHN BRUNNER inhabitants attest, is a 'pesthole'. I'm a fan of these Goulart books the horrible perfection of the pair It's also an outlying planet of the filled with eager women and absurd described." Barnum system. Barnum is an Amer­ predicaments, but this sort of story 7th February, 1975 ************************************ ican-like world which exercises a has become second nature for Goulart, he just re-mixes the elements he "In re: THE SHOCKWAVE RIDER loose control over a number of ANNOUNCEMENT FROM HARLAN ELLISON planets, largely through the mach­ has already created. Sure, it's pleasant reading, but I had the I hear that the editor whom ination of its Political Espionage feeling that the author was as January 6, 1975 Harper & Row assigned to their Office. little interested in this story as edition of the above-named novel the guerrilla leader Silverthorne "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: has quit and gone to the West This would seem to make Ron was in politics, or as I am in the Coast. Goulart's Barnum system novels spy Fair is fair, justics should stories. But they aren't, not hockey broadcasts I always find my­ self listening to." be even-handed, and good deeds Would that she had done so really. Most of the people in this ************************************ deserve rewarding openly. So pay sooner. alternate world, including the attention, please. liberation armies and political In my version of the book there bosses a Goulart hero always runs Many of you have heard about were two brothers: Josh Treves, into, are about as interested in I iHbMT SHAVE BEC/^C'SE iajHSaj ) the brouhaha surrounding the citizen of Precipice and co-owner politics as the average American is Ray Bradbury. "Paingod" "The Star Mouse" by Frederic "No. I_ am Master here. You Chandler, A. Bertram. THE BIG BLACK Aldiss, Brian W. STARSHIP. Novel. "Ernest and the Machine God" are the slave. Keep in your place. Brown. MARK. Novel. 1975. DAW UY1157, 1958, 1969. Avon 22558, 51.25. "Rock God" You've gotten too...too prominent "Return of a Legend" by Raymond $1.25. ReprjfftlON YEAR SPREE- The True "Adrift Just Off the Islets of lately. Why, even Jim Baen wants Z. Gallun. Chapman, D.D. & Deloris Lehman Tar­ Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54’ N, you de-emphasized. Next time—in History of Science Fiction. Scho- "Quest of Thig" by Basil Wells. zan. RED TIDE. Novel. 1975. Ace Longitude 77* 00’ 13" W" maybe the Anniversary issue of GAL­ cken Books. 1975, 1974. $2.95. "The Rocketeers Have Shaggy "The Deathbird’’ Ears" by Keith Bennett. 71160, $1.25. AXY—you will be obscene but not Anderson, Poul, THE DAY OF THEIR heard." "The Diversifal" by Ross Rock- Farmer, Philip Jose. Editor. MOTH­ RETURN. Novel. 1975. Signet 451— Cline, Jr., C. Terry. DAMON. Nov­ lynne. el. 1975. Putnam, $7.95. ER WAS A LOVELY BEAST. Anthology. "WHAT? The ungrateful nerdl Y6371, $1.25. I’m the most popular columnist he’s "Duel On Syrtis" by Poul Ander­ 1974, Chilton, $6.95. de Camp, L. Sprague. LOVECRAFT— got! Without me, GALAXY would fold A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST. Novel. son. Introduction by Philip Jose Farm­ A Biography, 1975. Doubleday, inside a year. Thousands of read- 1974, 1975. Ballantine 24404,$1.50. 67 er. 66 Ireland) by Grant, $7.00. "Two-Handed Engine” Moorcock,Michael. BREAKFAST IN THE "The Proud Robot" RUINS. Novel. 1972, 1973 by New Goldman, William. THE PRINCESS Spinrad. (Each selection has a Foreword by THE MOON OF SKULLS. Novel. English Library 014096, 30p. "The Ultimate End" by Dick Glass. "The Misguided Halo" Philip Jose Farmer.) BRIDE. Novel. 1973. 1974 by Bal­ 1928. 1969 by Centaur Press, $1.25. "The Voice of the Lobster" lantine 24225, $1.95. "Pity the Poor Outdated Man" by THE JADE MAN’S EYES. Novella. ’’The God of Tarzab” by Edgar Rice "Exit the Professor" Philip Shofner. SOLOMON KANE. Npvel. 1928. 1973. 1975 by Unicorn Bookshop, Burroughs. Goulart, Ron. ODD JOB #101 And 1971 by Centaur Press, $1.25. "The Twonky" "The Exhibition" by Scott Edel­ 25p or 750. "Extacts From the Memoirs of Other Future Crimes and Intrigues. "A Gnome There Was” stein. Hughes, Zach. TIDE. Novel. 1974. ’Lord Greystoke’” by Philip Jose Moorcock, Michael & Philip James. Collection. 1975. Scribners, "Sketches Among the Ruins of My "The Big Night” 1975 by Berkley N2813, 950. Farmer. $6.95. THE DISTANT SUNS. Novel. 1975 Mind" by Philip Jose Farmer. "Nothing But Gingerbread Left” ’’Tarzan of the Grapes” by Gene ’’Passage To Murdstone” THE STORK FACTOR. Novel. 1975. "The Iron Standard" by Unicorn Bookshop, 75p. Heinlein, Robert A. STARMAN JONES. Wolfe. ’’The Cybernetic Tabernacle Job” Berkley N2781, 950. "Cold War" Neeper, Caryo A PLACE BEYOND MAN. ’’Relic” by Mack Reynolds ’’Regarding Patient 724” Novel. 1953. 1975 by Ballantine "Or Else” 24354, $1.50. Jones, D. F, THE FALL OF COLOSSUS. Novel. 1975. Scribners, $7.95. ’’One Against a Wilderness” by ’’The Way Things Work” "Endowment Policy” William L. Chester. Novel. 1974. 1975 by Berkley N2?60, ’’Plum rose” TUNNEL IN THE SKY. Novel. "Housing Problem" Norman, John. MARAUDERS OF GOR. ’’Shasta of the Wolves” by Olaf 950. ’’Varieties of Religious Exper­ 1955. 1975 by Ace 82661, $1.25. "What You Need" Noveh 1975. DAW UW1160, $1.50. Baker. ience” Kern, Gregory. (House Name). THE "Absalom" Norton, Andre. FORERUNNER FORAY. ’’Scream of the Condor” by George FARMER IN THE SKY. Novel. GHOSTS OF EPIDORIS (Cap Kennedy NUTZENBOLTS & More Troubles 1950. 1975 by Ballantine 24375, Novel. 1973. 1975 by Ace 24620, Bruce. #14). Novel. 1975 by DAW UQ1159, Lippincott, David. TREMOR VIOLENT. ’’The Man Who Really Was...Tarzan” With Machines. Collection. 1975. 51.50. Novel. 1975. Putnam, $7.95. $1.50. 950. , by Thomas Llewellan Jones. Macmillan, $6.95. Oakes, Philip. EXPERIMENT AT PROTO. ROCKET SHIP GALILEO. Novel. Lovecraft, H. P. and Willis Conov­ Afterword: ”The Feral Human in Forward: ’’Popular Mechanics” by MIMICS OF DEPHENE (Cap Kennedy 1947. 1975 by Ace 73331, 51.25. er. LOVECRAFT AT LAST. Auto(bio- Novel. 1973. 1975 by Avon 22582, Mythology and Fiction” by Philip Ron Goulart. #15)o Novel. 1975 by DAW UY1168, graphy). 1975. Carrollton-Clark, $1.25. Jose Farmer. ’’Gigolo” THE STAR BEAST. Novel. 1954. $1.25. $19.95. ”Down and Out” 1975 by Ace 78001, 51.25. Page, Thomas. THE HEPHAESTUS INSIDE OUTSIDE. Novel. 1964. Knight, Damon. Editor. ORBIT 16. ’’The Innocence of Father Bangs” Lundwall, Sam J. 2018 A.D. OT THE PLAGUE. Novel. 1973. 1975 by 1975 by Avon (Equinox) 22850,11.95. THE ROLLING STONES. Novel. Anthology (Orig.). 1975. Harper & ’’Nutzenbolts” Bantam X8550, $1.75. 1952. 1975 by Ace 73't'tl, 51.25. Row, $8.95. KING KONG BLUES. Novel. 1975. Ferman, Edward L. Editor. THE ’’Swap” DAW UY1161, $1.25. "They Say"—selected quotes. Pfeil, Donald J. VOYAGE TO A FOR­ BEST FROM FANTASY & SCIENCE FIC­ ’’Two Days Running and Then Skip THE PAST THROUGH TOMORROW (Fu­ "Mother and Child" by Joan D. GOTTEN SUN. Novel. 1975. Ballan­ TION 20b SERIES. Anthology. 1973. a Day” ture History Stories). Collection. Lupoff, Richard A. EDGAR RICE BUR­ Vinge. tine 24338, $1.25. 1975 by Ace 05459, $1.25. Con­ Whistler" 1967. 1975 byBerkley 12738, 51.95. ROUGHS: MASTER OF ADVENTURE. Liter­ "The Skinny People of Leptophle- ary biography. 1965. 1975 by Ace tents as listed in TAC #8. ’’Badinage” Introduction by Damon Knight. Pohl, Frederik & . bo Street" by R. A. Lafferty. "Stockyard Blues” "Life-Line" 18771, $1.25. FARTHEST STAR. Novel. 1975. Bal­ Foster, Alan Dean. STAR TREK — Log "A Brilliant Curiosity” by Doris "Free At Last” "The Roads Must Roll” lantine 24330, $1.50. Three. Collection. (TV adapta­ Piserchia. MacLean, Katherine. MISSING MAN. "Dingbat" "Blowups Happen" Novel. 1975. Putnam, $6.95. tions). 1975. Ballantine 24260, "Phoenix House" by Jesse Miller. Prosser, H. L. THE CAPRICORN And "The Man Who Sold the Moon" Graham, Robert. WAR OF NERVES. #2 $1.25. "Jack and Betty” by Robert Thur­ Other Fantasy Stories. Collection. "Delilah and the Space-Rigger" Manning, Laurence. THE MAN WHO ’’Once Upon a Planet” (Len Janson of Attar the Merman series. Novel. ston. Mafdet Press, $1.00. (1974) "Space Jockey" AWOKE. Novel. 1933. 1975 by Bal­ 1975. , 77999, 950. (As in SFR #12) and Chuck Menville). ”Prison of Clay, Prison of Steel" lantine 24367, $1.50. "" ’’Mudd’s Passion” (Stephen Kand- by Henry-Luc Planchat. ATTAR’S REVENGE. #1 of Attar "The Long Watch" McCaffrey, Anne. DECISION AT nQQNA, Reynolds, Mack. SATELLITE CITY. el). "Heartland” by Gustav Hasford. the Merman series. Novel. Pocket "Gentlemen, Be Seated” Novel. 1969. 1975 by Ballantine Novel° 1975‘ Ace 75045’ 5h25‘ ’’The Magicks of Megas-Tu” (Larry "Sundiial" by Moshe Feder. Books 77988, 950. ’’The Black Pits of Luna” 24416, $1.50. Russ, Joanna. THE FEMALE MAN. Brody). "The Nfemory Machine”—malicious ’’’It’s Great to Be Back!’” quotes from past & present. McNelly, WillisE^OfClENCE FICTION: Nove1, 1975° Bantam Q8765, $1.25. STAR TREK — Log Four. Col­ Harrison, Harry. Editor. THE OUT­ ’”—We Also Walk Dogs’” "In Donovan’s Time” by C. L. lection. (TV adaptations). 1975. DATED MAN (formerly NOVA 3). An­ "Searchlight" THE ACADEMIC AWAKENING. Essays. Russell, John Robert. TA. Novel. Grant. 1974. The College English Assoc., 1975. Pocket Books 78890, $1.25. Ballantine 24435, $1.25. thology. 1973o 1975 by Dell 6661, "Ordeal in Space" "Ambience” by Dave Skal. $2.00. ’’The Terratin Incident” (Paul 950o "The Grean Hills of Earth" "Binary Justice” by Richard Bi re- Essays by: Jack Williamson Saberhagen, Fred. BERSERKERS PLAN— Schneider). Introduction by . "" ley. Mark R. Hillegas ET* Novel- 1979« DAW UY1167, ’’Time Trap” (Joyce Perry) "Welcome To the Standard Night­ "The Menace From Earth" "The House by the Sea" by Eleanor Jane W. Hipolito $1*25. ’’More Tribbles, More Troubles” mare" by Robert Sheckley. "’If This Goes On— Arnason. (). "The Expensive Delicate Ship" by "" Leon E. Stover Simak, Clifford D. OUR CHILDREN’S "Euclid Alone" by William F. Orr. Brian W. Aldiss. "" A James Stupple CHILDREN. Novel. 1974. 1975 by THE TAR-AIYM KRANG. Novel. "Arcs & Secants"—about the au­ "Dreaming and Conversions: Two "Methuselah’s Children" Gregory Benford Berkley N2759, 950. 1972, 1975. Ballantine 24085, thors. Rules By Which to Live" by Barry ENCHANTED PILGRIMAGE. Novel. $1.50. Herzog, Arthur. THE SWARM. Novel. N. Malzberg. Koontz, Dean R. NIGHTMARE JOURNEY. Harry Harrison 1975. putnam,$6.95. 1974. 1975 by Signet J6351, $1.95. Francois, Yves Regis. THE CTZ "Breakout in Ecol 2" by David R. Novel. 1975. Putnams, $6.95. Harlan Ellison John Boyd Singer, Judith. THRESHOLD. Novel. PARADIGM. Novel. 1975. Doubleday Bunch. Hilliard, Maurice. THE WITCHFINDER. Kuttner, Henry. THE BEST OF HENRY Philip K. Dick 1975. Bantam Q8186, $1.25. $5.95. "The Cold War...Continued" by Novel. 1974. 1975 by Berkley KUTTNER. Collection. 1975. S-F Mack Reynolds. Z2751, $1.25. Thomas D. Clareson Silverberg, Robert. THE MAN IN Arthur 0. Friel. TIGER RIVER. Book Club. Ballantine 24415, $1.95. "The Factory" by Naomi Mitchison. Willis E. McNelly THE MAZE. Novel. 1969. 1975 by Novel. 1923. 1971 by Centaur Hoskins, Robert. THE SHATTERED "Henry Kuttner: A Neglected Mast­ ''The Defensive Bomber" by Hank Avon (Equinox) 21915, $1.95. . Press, $1.25 PEOPLE. Novel. Doubleday. 1975. er"—Introduction by Ray Brad­ Meredith, Richard C. AT THE NAR­ Dempsey. $5.95. bury. ROW PASSAGE. Novel. 1973. 1975 Gerrold, David. WHEN HARLIE WAS "Endorsement, Personal" by Dean Editor. MUTANTS. Anthology. "" 59 byBerkley N2730, 950. 1974. Nelson. $6.50. ONE. Novel. 1972. 1975 by Bal­ McLaughlin. Howard, Robert E. ALMORIC. Novel. lantine 24390, $1.50. > "The National Passtime’’ by Norman 1939. 1975 (illustrated by David er" by Brian M. Stableford. Serial: LIFEBOAT by Gordon R. Dick­ "Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Introduction by . THE FEAST OF ST. DIONYSUS. "Mars Pastorale" "The Name of the Game" by Rachel son and Harry Harrison (Part Death" by Janes Tiptree, Jr. "Tomorrow’s Children" by Pool Collection/Anthology. 1975. "The Gloom Pattern" Three of Three Parts). "1975: The Year in Science Fic­ Cosgrove Payes. Anderson and F. N. Waldrop. Scribners,$6.95. "Welcome to the Land of Smiles" Short Stories: "Dominion" by Ken Science Fact: "The Economics of tion" by Damon Knight. "It’s a Good Life" by Jerome Bix­ "The Feast of St. Dionysus" "The Post-Mortem People" the Robot Revolution" by James "The Childhood of the Human Hero" Wisman. by. "Schwartz Between the Galaxies" "Seagulls Under Glass" "The Cliometricon" by George Ze- S. Albus. by . "The Mute Question’’ by Forrest "Trips" "The Day the Wind Died" Special Feature: Cover Artist: Rick The Nebula Winners, 1965-1975 browski. J. Ackerman. "In the House of Double Minds" "Same Autumn In a Different Park" "All Alone and Feeling Blue" by Sternbach. The Authors. "Let the Ants Try" byFrederik "This is the Road" "Dear Witch Hazel, My Birds Won’t Michael Gerard. Guest Editorial: "Debate: National Pohl. Fly " Woods, William. A HISTORY OF THE Health Insurance" by F. Paul Smith, Cordwainer. EXPLORING Editorial by Ted White. "The Conqueror" by Mark Clifton. "Crumbling Hollywood Mansion, DEVIL. History. 1974. 1975 by Wilson and Alan E, Nourse. CORDWAINER SMITH. Literary Analy­ The Club House by Susan Wood. "Liquid Life" byRalph Milne Far­ Crumbling Hollywood Man" Berkley Windhover A2818, $2.95. The Reference Library: (Book Re- sis. 1975. Algol Press, $2.50. ley. ANALOG. February, 1975. Vol. XCV, views)by Lester del Rey. In reduction by John Bangsund. Tiptree, Jr., James. WARM WORLDS Zelazny, Roger. SIGN OF THE UNI­ "Hothouse" by Brian W. Aldiss. #2O 750. Ben Bova, Editor. Cover "Paul Linebarger" by Arthur Burns.. AND OTHERWISE. Collection. 1975. CORN. 1975. Novel. Doubleday, "Ozmandias" by Terry Carr. ANALOG. May, 1975. Vol. XCV, #5. "Cordwainer Smith" by John Foy— Ballantine 24580, $1.50. by Kelly Freas. "The Man Who Never Forgot" by $5.95. Serial: LIFr30AT by Gordon R. Dick­ Cqver by Jack Gaughan. Ben Bova, ster. Introduction: "Who is Tiptree, Robert Silverberg. son and Harry Harrison (Part One "John Foyster Talks With Arthur What is He?" by Robert Silver­ Editor. "Ginny Wrapped in the Sun" by ADDENDUM: of Three Parts). Novelettes: "The Storms of Wind­ Burns" berg. R. A. Lafferty. Novelette: "Equinocturne" by Bob haven" by Lisa Tuttle and Geo­ "I Am Joan & I Love You" by San­ "All the Kinds of Yes" "Watershed" by . Griffith, George. THE RAID OF ’LE "The Milk of Paradise" Chuck Wilson. rge R. R. Martin. dra Meisel. VENGEUR’. Collection. 1974. Fer­ "Nascent" by Michael Sutch. Editor. THE NEW ATLANTIS. Chronology by Alice K. Turner. "And I Have Come upon This Place Short Stories: "The Hunters of ret Fantasy FE3, 42.50. "Country of the Mind" by W. Mc- Orig. Anthology. 1975. Hawthorne, Bibliography by J. J. Pierce. by Lost Ways" Tharsis" by Bob Buckley. "George Griffith—The Warrior of "The Tax Man" by Stephen Robinett. SF Book Club. Background. "The Last Flight of Doctor Ain" farlane. If" by Sam Moskowitz. (three novellas) "Amberjack" "The Negotiators" by Keith Laumer. Short Stories: "A Scraping at the NORSTRILIA. Novel. 1975. Bal­ Additional Notes by George Locke. Introduction by Robert Silverberg. "Through a Lass Darkly" Science Fact: "The Next Man on the Bones" by Algys Budrys. lantine 24566, $1.50. Bibliography by George Locke. "Two Heads Are Better Than One" "Silhouette" by Gene Wolfe. "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" Moon" by James E. Oberg. "The Fall of Berlin" "The New Atlantis" by Ursula K. Smith, Evelyn E. UNPOPULAR PLANET. "The Night-blooming Saurian" Editorial: "Culture Lag" by Ben Bo­ by Spider Robinson. "Fpom Pole To Pole" Le Guin. Novel. 1975. Dell 6155, $1.25. "The Women Men Don't See " va. Science Fact: "Turning Point" by "A Dream of the Golden Age" The Reference Library: (Book Re- "A Momentary Taste of Being" by "Fault" "The Raid of ’Le Vengeur’" Thomas Easton. Spinrad, Norman. NO DIRECTION HOME. views) by Sam Moskowitz. James Tiptree, Jr. "Love Is the Plan the Plan is Editorial: "By their Fruits" by Collection. 1975. Pocket Books "The Gold Plant" Death" Ben Bova. Editor. NEW DIMENSIONS #5. 78887, $1.2% "The True Fate of the ’Flying "On the Last Afternoon" ANALOG. March, 1975. Vol. XCV, The Reference Library: (Books) by Orig. Collection. 197% Harper & "No Direction Home" Dutchman’" #3. 750 Ben Bova, Ed. Cover by Lester del Rey. Row, $7.95. "Heirloom" Trout, Kilgore. VENUS ON THE HALF­ "The Lost Elixir" Jack Gaughan. "Find the Lady" by Nicholas Fisk. "The Big Flash" SHELL. Novel. 1975o Dell 6149, »**♦*♦*♦♦*************** Novelette: "Jill the Giant-Killer" ETERNITY. February, 1975. #4. "A Solfy Drink, a Saffel Fra­ "The Conspiracy" 950. by William Tuning and Ewing Ed­ $1.25. Stephen Gregg, Editor. grance" by Dorothy Gilbert. "The Weed of Time" MAGAZINES RECEIVED Tubb, E. C. ELOISE (#12 in the gar. Covers by Artie E. Romera, Darrel "A Scarab in the City of Time" by "A Thing of Beauty" Dumerest of Terra series). Novel. Short Stories: "Building Block" by Anderson and Dave Taylor. Marta Randall. "The Lost Continent" AMAZING. March, 1975. Vol.48,#5» 1975. DAW UY1162, $1.25. Sonya Dorman. Fiction: "Have You Seen the Aliens?" "Theodora and Theodora" by Rob­ "Heroes Die But Once" 750. Ted White, Ed. Cover by "Child of All Ages" by P.J. Plaug­ by Gene Van Troyer. ert Thurston. "The National Pastime" Vivian, E. Charles. CITY OF WONDER. Denise Watt. er. "Return To Sender" by Barbara "In the Eye of the Storm" Novel. 1975. Centaur Press, $1.25. Novelets: "They’ve Got Some Hungry "A Day in the South Quad" by "Mail Supremacy" by Hayford Pierce. Houlton. "All the Sounds of the Rainbow" Women There" by Pg Wyal. Felix C. Gotchalk. van Vogty A.E. CHILDREN OF TO­ Serial: LIFEBOAT by Gordon R. Dick­ "Running With the Wolfpack" by THE IRON DREAM. Novel. 1972. "A Creature of Accident" by "Rogue Tomato" by Michael Bishop. MORROW. Novel. 1970. 1975 by son and Harry Harrison (Part Two Scott Edelstein. Avon (Equinox) 22509, $1.95<> Thomas F. Monteleone. "The Mothers’ March On Ecstacy" Ace 10411, $1.25. of Three Parts). "The Chocolate Man" by John Ke- Short Stories: "That’s the Spirit" by George Alec Effinger. Staton, Mary. FROM THE LEGEND OF Science Fact: "Brain Machines" by fauver. Wilhelm, Kate. STO­ by Horace L. Gold. BIEL. Novel. 1975. Ace 25460, F. N. Stein. "Black Roses" by Gustav Hasford. "The Local Allosaurus" by Steven RIES NINE. Collection. 1974. "When Two or Three Are Gathered" $1.25. Editorial: "The Wrath of the Peo­ "Cinders in Your Eyes" by Thomas Utley. Harper & Row, $7.95. by C. L. Grant. ple" by Ben Bova. Watson. Stockbridge, Grant. THE CITY DE­ Introduction by Kate Wilhelm. "Good Servants Are Hard To Find "Achievements" by David Wise. The Reference Library: (Book Re- "And Speak of Soft Defiance" by STROYER (#5 in the Spider series). "The Death of Doctor Island" by These Days" by Grant Carrington. "The Dybbuk Dolls" by Jack Dann. views) by Lester del Rey. Stephen Leigh. 1955. 1975 byPocket Books 77945, Gene Wolfe. Editorial by Ted White "The Mirror At Sunset" by Gil Poetry: "Paperdolls" by El Gilbert. 950. "Shark" by Edward Bryant. The Club House by Susan Wood. Lamont. ANALOG. April, 1975. Vol. XCV, "Star Birth" by Kendall Evans. "With Morning Comes Mistfall" by The Future in Books (reviews) by "Report To Headquarters" by Barry DEATH AND THE SPIDER. (Spider #4. 750. Ben Bova, Ed. Cover by "Why Not Some Hint" by David R. George R. R. Martin. Thomas F. Monteleone and Cy N. Malzberg. #4). Novel. 1942. 1975 by Pocket Rick Sternbach. Bunch. "The Future of Science: Prome­ Chauvin. "Museum Piece" by Drew Mendelson. Books 77955, 950. Novelettes: "Crazy Oil" by Brenda "Query" oy L. D. Little. theus, Apolla, Athena" by Ben "White Creatures" by Gregory AMAZING. May, 1975. Vol.48, #6. Pierce. "Carrara" by Grant Carrington. Tate, Peter. SEAGULLS UNDER GLASS Bova. Benford. 750. Ted White, Ed. Cover by "The Sixth Face" by Thomas Sul­ "Poems" by Peter Dillingham. "The Contributors To Plenum Four" And Other Stories. Collection. "Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand" Stephen E. Fabian. livan. "e e cummings laid to rest" by 1975. Doubleday, $5.95. by Michael Bishop. by Vonda McIntyre. Short Stories: "To Be or Kriotb Novelets: "Night of the Vampyres" Robert John Morales. "Sail the Tide of Mourning" by "Mainchance" "The Deathbird" by Harlan Ellison. by George R. R. Martin. Be" by Alecs Baird. "Moonsong" by . Richard A. Lupoff. "Daylength Talking Blues" "A Thing of Beauty" by Norman "The Engineer and the Execution­ 71 "Doing Lennon" by Gregory Benford. "Runes" by Melody Walling. "Skyhammer" Spin rad. "Pop Goes the Weasel" by Robert Scientifilm World: "War of the ties vs. American titles of Rho- According To You: Letters. Interview; Damon Knight by Scott Issue" by Steve Carper. Hoskins. Satellites" by Hector Raul dan stories.) Edelstein. "Changelings" by Lisa Tuttle. FANTASTIC. June, 1975. Vol. 24, "Please Close the Gate On Ac­ Pessina. Short Story: "Ceiling Zero" by Dan "Tree of Life" by Phyllis Eisen­ Features: Editorial. Short Stories: "The Golden Pyramid" #4. 750 . Ted White, Editor. count of the Kitten" by Doris Oakes. stein. Book Reviews Pitkin Buck. by Sam Moskowitz. Serial: COSMOS: "Armageddon in Serial: SIGN OF THE UNICORN (3rd Cover by Harry Roland. The Celluloid Universe Serial: COUNT BRASS (First of Two Books: Joanna Russ. "Child’s Play" by Gary Barber. Space" by Edmond Hamilton (17b). Recordings of 3parts) by Roger Zelazny. Parts) by Michael Moorcock. Films: Baird Searles. Serial: COSMOS: "The Horde of Elo The Perryscope: Letters. Roaches The Editor’s Page: "If This Goes On Hava" by L.A. Eshbach (Pt. 15b). Novelet: "The Tower of Time" by Cartoon: . Comix (and On, and On...) by James Baen The Rhodanary: Glossary. Robert E. Howard and . Science: "The Judo Argument" by PERRY RHODAN. #61. Ace 66044, 950. Letters The Perryscope: Letters. A Step Farther Out: "ABM, Missile Short Stories: "Laura’s Theme" by Isaac Asimov. Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. Contributors Eating Lasers and a Bi-Polar Jack C. Haldeman, II. Letters. Editorial: "A Character With Char­ PERRY RHODAN. #57. Ace 66040, 950. World" by Jerry Pournelle. "The Adventures of Jack: And That acter" by Leon Myerson. GALAXY. January, 1975- Vol. 36, Forum: "The Siren Song of Academe" FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION. May, Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1974. Which Befell Him" by Richard W. Novel; DEATH WAITS IN SEMISPACE by #1. 750. James Baen, Editor. by Lester del Rey. 1975. Vol. 48, #4. Whole #288. Editorial: "The Life of the Gods" b; Brown. Kurt Mahr. Cover by Freff & Pini. Si. Edward L. Ferman, Editor. Showcase: . "Goodbye Joe Ouietwater—Hello!" Allan J. Wind. Scientifilm World: "The Blob" by Serials: SIGN OF THE UNICORN (1 of Bookshelf: by . Cover by Dario Campanile. Novel: A TOUCH OF ETERNITY by Clark by William Nabors. Forrest J. Ackerman 3) by Roger Zelazny. Serial: THE STOCHASTIC MAN (2nd of Directions: Letters. "Techmech" by Robert F. Young. Darlton. Short Story: "Native Talent” by LOVE CONQUERS ALL (3rd of 3) by 3 parts) by Robert Silverberg. Scientifilm World: "Project Moon- "The Woman Machine" by Al Sirois. King Akers. Fred Saberhagen. GALAXY. April, 1975. Vol. 36, #4. Novelets: "Sherlock Holmes Vs. base" by (uncredited). Editorial: (Guest) Grant Carrington. Serial: NEWS LENSMAN by William B. Short Stories: "Straw" by Gene Si. James Baen, Editor. Cover by Mars" by and Serial: COSMOS: "Lost in Alien Ellern (part 1). Fantasy Books: . Wolfe. Jack Gaughan. Wade Wellman. Dimensions" by Eando Binder. ; Feature: "Where ere the Golden-Eyed According To You: Letters. "Powwow" by Tak Hallus. Serial: HELIUM (1 of 3) by Arsen "Something’s Coming" by James P. (Part 16a). Martians" by Ray Bradbury. "A Horse of a Different Techni­ Darnay. Girard. Short Stories: "Twice Removed" by The Rhodanary: Glossary. color" by Craig Strete. FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION. March, Novelette: "The Day of the Gringo" . Short Stories: "Croatoan" by Harlan R. Michael Rosen. The Perryscope: Letters. "The Schwarzkind Singularity" by 1975. Volume 48, #3. Whole #286. by Mai Warwick. Ellison. "Parasite Lost" by Raymond James W. S. Doxey. Edward L. Ferman, Editor. Si. Short Stories: "The Game of Blood "Sylvester’s Revenge" by Vance Jones. PERRY RHODAN. #62. Ace 66045, 95<. "Be Ye Perfect" by M. A. Bartter. Cover by Chesley Bonestell. and Dust" by Roger Zelazny. Aandahl. Cosmiclubs For Rhofans. Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. Editorial: "Fusion" Novelets: "Sandsnake Hunter" by "Efficiency" by Greg Hartman. "The Book Learners" by Liz Huf­ The Perryscope: Letters jEditorial: "Looking GJass to the Showcase: Ames. Gordon Eklund. "To See the City Sitting On Its ford. ! Future" by Greg Philips. A Step Farther Out: "Fuzzy Black "A Scarletin Study" by Jonathan Buildings" by Craig Strete. "The Guy Who Knows About the PERRY RHODAN. #58. Ace 66041, 950. Novel: THE LAST DAYS OF ATLANTIS Holes Have No Hair" by Jerry Swift Somers III. "Dea Ex Machina" by James Kelly. Holes" by C. G. Cobb. Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1974. by K.H. Scheer. Pournelle, Ph.D. "Three Shadows of the Wolf" by R. "Cheap Thrills" by Johannes Clia— Books: . Editorial: "Reasons For Rhodan" by Scientifilm World: "The Invasion of Directions: Letters. A. Lafferty. Robert F, Decker. macus. Films: "Frankenstein Re-re-redux" the Saucer-Nen" by Forrest J. Short Stories: "Speed of the Cheet­ "Elmo’s Box" by L.D. Fitzpatrick. by Baird Searles. Novel: THE GUARDIANS by Kurt Mahr. Ackerman. GALAXY. February, 1975. Vol. 36, ah, Roar of the Lion" by Harry Poem: "Invaders" by Steven Utley. Cartoon: Gahan Wilson. Scientifilm World: "War of the Short Story: "Death In Store" by #2. 750. James Baen, Editor. Harrison. Forum: "A Short Term Solution" by Science: "The Planet That Wasn’t" Worlds" Dale Hammell. "The Ghastly Priest Doth Reign" Cover by Pin and Pini. Short Stories: "Pressure Cruise" Frederik Pohl. by Isaac Asimov. Serial: NEW LENSMAN by Willian B. Novella:"Allegiances" by Michael by Manly Wade Wellman. A Step Farther Out: "Technological Letters. by Andrei Gorbovski. Ellern.(Part 2.) Bishop. "The Time Before" by Mildred Serial: COSMOS: "Lost in Alien Expertise—A Diminishing Re­ Cosmiclubs. Novelette: "Marsman Meets the Al­ Clingerman. PERRY RHODAN. #55. Ace 66038, 950. source?" by Jerry Pournelle. Dimensions" by Eando Binder The Perryscope: Letters. "Catch That Zeppelin!" by Fritz mighty" by Don Trotter. The Alien Viewpoint: by Dick Geis. Forest J. Ackerman, Editor. (Pt. 16b) Short Stories: "The Annihilation Directions: Letters. Leiber. Novel: THE MICRO-TECHS by Clark The Rhodanary: Glossary. "The Lamp" by L. Sprague de Camp. PERRY RHODAN. #63. Ace 66046, 95e. of Angkor Apeiron" by Fred Sab­ Darlton. The Perryscope: Letters. Cartoon: Gahan Wilson. Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. erhagen. Editorial: "Stellarvision" by Av­ FANTASTIC. April, 1975. Vol. 24, "The Linguist" by Tak Hallus. Books: Joanna Russ. [Editorial: "The Peacelord’s Future" ery Goodman. PERRY RHODAN. #59. Ace66O42, 950. "The Walden Window" by A. F. #3. 750. Ted White, Editor. Films: "A Funky, Faustian, Folmorian by Mike Feigin. Scientifilm World: "Silent Running" Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1974. Cover by Stephen E. Fabian. Fantom" by Baird Searles. Novel: THE TIGRIS LEAPS by Kurt Dearborn. by Hector Raul Pessina. Editorial: "Rhodan & Rhomance" by Serial: SIGN OF THE UNICORN (2nd i Novelets:"Emptying the Plate" by Science: "The Bridge of the Gods" Brand. Short Stories: "Homecoming" by J. Robert F. Decker. of 3) by Roger Zelazny. Ross Rocklynne. by Isaac Asimov. Short Stories: "Prey" by ??? Harvey Haggard. Novel: INTERLUDE OF SILIKO 5 A Step Farther Out: "The Velikovsky "Cottage Tenant" byFrank Belknap "A Special Kind of Flower" by "Catastrophe" by Christopher P. by Kurt Brand. Affair" by Jerry Pournelle. Long. FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION. April, Walt liebscher. Smith. Perry Rhodan Poll Results by Mike The Alien Viewpoint by Dick Geis. "Fragmentary Blue" by Jack Dann. 1975. Vol. 48, #4, Whole #287. Si. Serial: NEW LENSMAN by William B. Serial: COSMOS: "The Horde of Elo Botelho. Short Stories: "Under the Thumbs of Ellern. (Part 3) Showcase: Freff. Edward L. Ferman, Editor. Cover by Hava" by L.A. Eshbach. (Part 15a) Serial: COSMOS: Armageddon in the Gods" by Fritz Leiber. David Hardy. The Rhodanary: Glossary. Directions: Letters The Rhodanary: Glossary. Space" by Edmond Hamilton "Dance" by Barry N. Malzberg. Serial: THE STOCHASTIC MAN (1st of The Perryscope: Lettees. The Perryscope: Letters. (Part 17a). GALAXY. March, 1975. Vol. 36, #3. "Young Nurse Nebuchadnezzar" by 3 p-.rts) by Robert Silverberg. The Perryscope: Letters. Ova Hamlet. Novelet: "25 Crunch Split Right On PERRY RHODAN. #64. Ace 6604?, 950. 750. James Baen, Editor. Cover PERRY RHODAN. #56. Ace 66039, 950. "End of a Singer" by David R. Two" by Geo. Alec Effinger. Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. by Freff. Forest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1974. PERRY RHODAN. #60. Ace 66043, 950. Novelettes: "The Politics of Ratti— Bunch.- Short Stories: "White Wolf Calling" Editorial by F.J.A. Editorial: "Food for Thot" by Bill Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1974. cide" by Arsen Darnay. "Interstate 15" by R. A. Montana. by C. L. Grant. Novel; THE AMBASSADORS FROM AURIGEL Lewis. Novel: DIMENSION SEARCH by Kurt "Nobody Likes To Be Lonely" by "Silent Crickets" by John Shirley. "The Milewide Steamroller" by Ray- by Kurt Mahr. Novel: PRISONER OF TIME by Clark Mahr. Short Stories: "Shell Shock" by Spider Robinson. Editorial: by Ted White. lyn Moore. Darlton. 73 The Game of the Name: (German ti- Short Stories: "In This Month’s Fantasy Books: by Fritz Leiber. "Decay" by Jon Fast. Donald Franson. ATHENIUM, 122 East 42 St., NY, NY ELMFIELD, Elmfield Road, Morley, .\EW AMERICAN LIBRARY, POB 999, 10017. Yorkshire LS27 ONN, UNITED KING­ Bergenfield, NJ 07621. @50 per.) AVON, Mail Order Dept., 250 W. 55th DOM. NEW ENGLISH LIBRARY, P.O. Box 11, St., NY, NY 10019. (250 per copy EQUINOX (Same as Avon) Falmouth, Cornwall, U.K. (250 per ’’The Universe Master” by Lawrence B. Ellern: "Where There’s Smoke Broxon. fee.) EXPOSITION, 50 Jericho Turnpike, book for post, and handling.) R. Carmody. There’s Ire” (Part 8). "The Eyes of the Blind" by Ra­ AWARD, POB 500, Farmingdale, L.I., Jericho, NY 11753. NEWCASTLE, 1521 N. Vine St., Holly­ Serial: NEWS LENSMAN by William B. The Perryscope: Letters. chel Cosgrove Payes. NY 11735. (250 fee for one book, FABER & FABER, 3 Queen Square, Lon­ wood, CA 90028. Ellern (Part 4). "Mission of Honor" by Donald J. 350 for 2-3 books, free for four don WC1, UNITED KINGDOM. OWLSWICK, POB 8243, Philadelphia, Scientifilm World: ’’Just Imagine” by PERRY RHODAN. #69. Ace 66053,$1.25. Pfeil. or more books ordered.) FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX, 19 Union PA 19101. Forrest J. Ackerman. Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. "Final Bomb" by Robert Payes. AWARE, 2973 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Sq. W., NY.NY 10003. PAGEANT—POSEIDON, 644 Pacific St., Novel: THE BONDS OF ETERNITY by "Misconception" by F.M. Busby. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. FAWCETT, M.O. Serv., POB 1014, Brooklyn, NY 11217. PERRY RHODAN. #65. Ace 66048, $1.25. Clark Darlton. Interview: Judy-Lynn del Rey by BALLANTINE CASH SALES, POB 505, Greenwich, CT 06830. (250 per) PANTHEON (A Div. of .) Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. Story: "Test Flight To Eden" by William Rotsler. Westminster, MD 21157. (250 per) FAX, 6870 NW Portland Av. PENDRAGON, POB 14834, Portland, OR Editorial: "Rhocon 1” by Tim Whalen. Clark Darlton & Stuart J. Byrne. Movie Review: EARTHQUAKE by Don­ BANTAM, Dept. SF, 414 East Gold Rd., West Linn, OR 97068. 97214. Novel: RENEGADES OF THE FUTURE by (Conclusion). ald J. Pfeil. Des Plains, IL 60016. (Less than PENGUIN, 72 Fifth Av., NY, NY 10011. Kurt Mahr. Under The Stars Of Rhocon 1: Con­ Book Reviews. 6 books ordered, add 100 per.) FERRET FANHASY, 27 Beechcroft Road, POCKET BOOKS, Mail -Serv. Dept., Short Stories: "A Question of Pri­ vention News by Tim Whalen. BASILISK, POB 71, Freedonia, NY Upper Tooting, London SW17, U.K. 1 W. 39th St., NY, NY 10018. orities” by Allan J. Wind. Serial: NEWS LENSMAN by William B. VERTEX. (May, 1975?) Vol. 3, #2. 14063. FICTIONEER, Lakemont, GA 30552. (250 per book.) ’’When Cultures Die” by Gary Ellern, (Part 9). $1. Donald J. Pfeil. (Switch to BELMONT, 185 Madison Av., NY, NY FOLLETT, 1010 W. Wash. Blvd., Chi­ PRENTICE-HALL, Englewood Cliffs, Barber. Short Story: "Litter of the Law" tabloid size this issue.) 10016. (150 per.) cago, IL 60607. NY 07632. Serial: NEW LENSMAN by Wm. B. Ellern.• by J. Douglas Burtt. Fiction: "In Fear of K" by Harlan BERKLEY, 200 Madison Av. NY, NY FREEWAY, 220 Park Av. South,, NY, PUTNAM'S, 200 Madison Av., NY, NY (Part 5). The Perryscope: Letters. Ellison. 10016. (250 per.) NY 10003. 10016. The Rhodanary: Glossary. "Dream A Little Dream of Rhonda" BOBBS—MERRILL, 4 W. 58 St., NY, NY FRANKLIN WATTS, 845 Third Av., NY, PYRAMID, Dept. M.O., 9 Garden St., The Perryscope: Letters. VERTEX. Dec. 1974. Vol 2, #5. by Neil Shapiro. 10019. NY 10022. Moonachie, NJ 07074. (250 per $1.50. Don Pfeil, Editor. "Little Brother" by Fletcher CARCOSA, Box 1064, Chapel Hill, NC GALE RESEARCH, Book Tower, Detroit, book on orders less than $5.) PERRY RHODAN. #66. Ace 66049, $1.25.. Serial: SUNRISE WEST (Conclusion) Stewart. MI 48226. 27514. RANDOM HOUSE, 201 East 50th, NY, Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. by William K. Carlson. "A Cruel and Gentle Tyrant" by CARROLLTON-CLARK, 9122 Rosslyn, GRANT, West Kingston, RI 02892. NY 10022. Editorial: ’’The Perils of Perry— Novelette: "The Law of the Conser­ Samuel Henderson. GREENWOOD, Westport, CT 06880. Arlington, VA 22209. ST. MARTIN’S, 175 Fifth Av., NY, tonitis” by J. Paul Consolver,MD. vation of Pain" by Spider Rob­ "Termination Orbit" by Albert C. CASTLE BOOKS (c/o Hawthorne Books.) HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVITCH, 757 NY 10010. Novel; THE HORROR by William Voltz. inson. Ellis. COLLEGE ENGLISH ASSOCIATION, Cen­ Third Av., NY, NY 10017. SCRIBNER’S, 597 Fifth Av., NY. NY Short Story: "The Sky's An Oyster; Feature Fiction: "End and Beginning1 " "The Slime Dwellers" by Scott tenary College of Louisiana, POB HARPER & ROW, 10 East 53rd., NY, 10017. The Stars Are Pearls” by Dave by Thomas Easton. Edelstein. 4188, Shreveport, LA 71104. NY 10022. SEABURY, 815 Second Av., NY, NY Bischoff. "The Ultimate Responsibility" by "The Signing of Tulip" by F. M. HAWTHORNE, 260 Madison Av., NY, NY CENTAUR PRESS, Cosmo Sales, 799 10017. Serial: NEWS LENSMAN by Wm B. Ell­ Lee Overstreet. Busby. 10016. Broadway, NY, NY 10003. S.G. PHILIPS, 305 West 86th St., ern (Part 6). "Don’t Touch That Dial" by Wil­ "A Choice of Enemies" by J?ohn HOUGHTON MIFFLIN, 2 Park St., Bos­ CHARTERHOUSE, 750 Third Av., NY, NY, NY 10024. Scientifilm World: "The End of the liam Byrne and Scott Edelstein. Varley. NY 10017. ton, MA 02107. SHERBOURNE, 1640 S. La Cienega World" by Forrest J. Ackerman. Short Stories: Potpouri, by Wm. Article: "Life Needs An End" by CHILTON, Radnor, PA 19087. HYPERION, 45 Riverside Av., West­ Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035. The Rhodanary: Glossary. Rotsler ("The Conversation"); Dan­ Thomas Easton. CLIFF NOTES, POB 80728, Lincoln, port, CT 06880. The Perryscope: Letters. iel A. Darlington ("Patent Rights" ) Interviews: Harry Harrison by John SIDGWICK AND JACKSON, 1 Tavistock NEBR 67501. JOHN KNOX, 341 Ponce de Leon Av., Alvaro Cardon-Hine ("Grok"); Will­ Chambers, Bloomsbury Way, London Brosnan. COLLIER, 866 Third Av., NY, NY PERRY RHODAN. #67. Ace 66051, $1.25. NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. iam Jon Watkins ("Ten Micro Nov­ Leonard Nimoy by Steve Barnes. WC1A 2SG, UNITED KINGDOM. 10022. (150 per.) JUPITER BOOKS (London) Ltd., 167 Forrest J. Ackerman, Editor. 1975. els"); Robert Tayes ("Target Prac­ SIGNET, POB 999, Bergenfield, NJ COWARD, MCCANN & GEOGHEGAN, 200 Hermitage Road, London N.4. U.K. Editorial: "Launchpad—Orlando" by tice’’); Scott Edelstein and Jona­ 07621. (250 per book, handling WYRD.#4 (Dec. 1974) 750. Brian Madison Av., NY, NY 10016. Tim Whaleno than Philips ("Examination"). KAKABEKA, POB 247, Toronto, Ont., & postage.) CROY, 512 S. Logan, Denver, CO 80209. Novel:CRIMS0N UNIVERSE by K.H. "People’s Park" by Charles Ott. Crist, Editor. Cover by Steve M4P 2G5, CANADA. SILVER SCARAB, 500 Wellesley Dr., DAW, POB 999, Bergenfield, NJ 07621. Scheer. "If God Is God" by Terry Carr. Oliff. LIPPINCOTT, E. Washington Sq., SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. (250 per.) Fiction: "Never Argue With Antique The Time Vault: Intro to story by "Balance Point" by Wm. Rotsler. Philadelphia, PA 19105. SIMON AND SHUSTER,Rockefeller Cent­ Dealers” by Darrell Schweitzer. DAVID MCKAY, 750 Third Av., NY, NY F.J.A.: ’’Out Around Rigel” by Articles: "Trouble In Space" by JOHN WILEY, 605 Third Av., NY, NY er, 630 Fifth Av., NY, NY 10020. "Hotline” by C. L. Ballentine. 10017. Robert H. Wilson. Igor Bohassian. 10016. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV. PRESS, "A Rain of Spiders” by Amos Sal— Serial: NEWS LENSMAN by Wm. B. El­ "Space To Grow" by The Editors. DELACORTE, New York, NY. LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD, 105 Madison POB 3697, Carbondale, IL 62901. lern, (Part 7). "Moment in History"-Fireball Ov­ monson. DELL, POB 1000, Pinebrook, NJ 07058. Av., NY, NY 10016. SPEARMAN, 112 Whitfield St., Lon­ Cosmiclubs. er America. "The Funeral of Thamayris the @50 per.) MACMILLAN, 866 Third Av., NY, NY don W1P 6DP, UNITED KINGDOM. Warlock" by David Madison. The Perryscope: letters. Interview: Ursula Ko LeGuin, by DOBSON, 80 Kemsington Church St., 10022. STEIN & DAY, 7 East 48th St., NY, Gene Van Troyer. ************************ London W8, UNITED KINGDOM. MAFDET PRESS, GS P.O. Box 4631, NY 10017. PERRY RHODAN. #68. Ace 66052, Editorial by Don Pfeil. DODD, MEAD, 79 Madison Av., NY, NY THOMAS NELSON, 30 East 42nd St., THE PUBLISHERS Springfield, MO 65804. $1.25. Forrest J. Ackerman, Ed. Book Reviews. 10016. MANOR, 329 Fifth Av., NY, NY 10016. NY, NY 10017. 1975. DOUBLEDAY, 277 Park Av., NY, NY MAYFLOWER, Part St., St. Albans, THORP SPRINGS, 2311C Woolsey, Editorial: "Concern For the Future" VERTEX. April, 1975. Vol.3, #1. ACE BOOKS, (Dept.MM), Box 576, Tim­ 10017. Herts., UNITED KINGDOM. Berkley, CA 94705. by Auriga-Podkayne Sevrin. $1.50. Don Pfeil, Editor. es Sq. Sta0, NY, NY 10036 (200 DOVER, 180 Varick St., NY, NY 10017. NESFA, Box G, MIT Branch Sta., TRIDENT, Rockefeller Center, Novel: UNDER THE STARS OF DRUUFON Novelettes: "Surprise Party” by fee per copy.) DRAGON, Elizabethtown, NY 12932. Cambridge, MA 02139. 630 Fifth Av., NY, NY 10020. by Clark Dalton. William Rotsler. ADVENT, POB A3228, Chicago, Il 60690. EDUCATIONAL IMPACT, POB 548, Glass­ NEVILLE SPEARMAN, 112 Whitfield St., UNICORN, ’Nant Gwilw', Llanfynydd, Story: "Test Flight To Eden" by ''Northshield’s Triumverate” by ALGOL PRESS, POB 4175, NY, NY 10017. boro, NJ 08028. yr London W1P 6DP, UNITED KINGDOM. Carmarthen, DYFED SA32 7TT, U.K. Clark Darlton & Stuart J. Byrne. Joseph F. Patrouch, Jr. ARBOR HOUSE, 757 Third Av., NY, NY Under The Stars Of Rhocon 1: Con­ Short Stories: "The Spurious 10017. vention News by Tim Whalen. President" by Larry Eisenberg. ASPEN PRESS, POB 4119, Boulder, CO Serial: NEWS LENSMAN by William 7, I "Glass Beads" by Mildred Downey 80302 aL|EN conclusions

UNITY, POB 1057, Santa Cruz, CA SMALL PRESS NOTES & COMMENTS...... f 95061. VANTAGE, 516 West 54th St., NY, NY THIS IS ALTER SPEAKING. I Vol. 1, No. 1 of STARSPEAK, a 51. 10001. VIKING, 625 Madison Av., NY, NY managed to scrimp and save a bit fictionzine in handsome offset, A couple weeks ago a horrible of room here in the Archives, and with an interesting/amusing story 10022. truth dawned in my mind like thun­ VINTAGE (Same as Random House). now I can sneak in my Grievances , called ’’Fallout” by W. Paul Ganley. der . Suddenly I realized that I Other fiction isamateur/bad and WALKER, 720 Fifth Av., NY, NY 10017. | and Complaints. had umpty-ump number of letters to forgettable. Address: 1718 Colina WARNER PAPERBACK LIBRARY, 315 Park Geis doesn’t realize I am wri­ type on the micro-elite (with car­ Drive, Glandale, CA 91208. Av. Southm NY, NY 10010. ting this. He’s in the forebrain bon-ribbon attachment), and I had WEYBRIGHT AND TALLEY, 750 Third Av. indulging in obscene fantasies # a column to write (for GALAXY) and NY, NY 10017. about Carol Wayne.... GRAPHIC STORY MAGAZINE #16 is a new column ("The Gimlet Eye" by WILLIAM MORROW, 105 Madison Av., Jon Gustafson) to type up pretty Do not look aghast. Do not NY, NY 10016. He has scamped terribly in missing a contents page, but is his reading, reviewing and com­ sf oriented again. The unique for SFR, and an article by Harlan sneer. Do not pity. I COULD re­ ZEBRA, 275 Madison Av., NY, NY (which was left out of last issue join the rat race, write novels 10016. menting this issue. He is Taking George Metzger has a fascinating Steps to free more time, but if I picture story here. 51.50 from because I stupidly forgot I had it) again, make $12,000 a year again ********************* know Geis, he’ll piss hours and 329 North Avenue 66, Los Angeles, and a review by a gentleman whose (or more)... But to hell with it. hours away watching TV sports CA 90042. name I have forgotten (and I'm not As readers of my personal journal, THE MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS going downstairs now and look it REG, know, my mother’s abrupt IN THE UNITED STATES: and TV violence—he loves mayhem, action, killing, low-cut necklines up) and Ghod knows what else.... death shook me down to bedrock, AMAZING Tony Bennett of Unicorn Book— and from this point on I'm going FANTASTIC ishop in Wales (listed in The Pub— And Time Was Flying! So I to do exactly what I want to do SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURE CLASSICS So I'll have to do a stop-gap 1 lishers) sent along a copy of happened to see an ad in THE with my life. job in this space. THRILLING SCIENCE FICTION their THE DISTANT SUNS by Michael OREGONIAN by a typist. I called Ultimat Publishing Co., Box 7, Moorcock and Philip James—a her. Pleasant young woman, with an I WANT TIME to read more and Flushing, NY 11364. (54. yr. each high quality rendering in the air of professionalism and compe­ more and more, and time to write title. Six issues.) There will be no May issue of style and format of a 40’s/50’s tence. I splained my problem, she more in SFR, and time to write GALAXY, I am informed. Something . This one has in­ said she'd help me, and that's why REG better, and time to perhaps ANALOG to do with a mixup with the print­ at least half of this issue is write my brand of science fiction Box 5205, Boulder, CO 80302. finitely better paper, trimmed er. typed on a carbon-ribboned selec- (89* yr. Twelve issues.) edges and loads of pulp-style and publish it (myself, damn it:' art. Geis will try to read this tric with Courier 72 typeface. If commercial publishers want to ETERNITY for review. Unicom publishes in print my stuff after I have pub­ VERTEX has changed its subtitli Stephen Gregg, POB 193, Sandy ' 10,000 copy runs only and is in­ And that's why she'll be typ­ lished a few editions, fine.), and Springs* SC 29677. with its change to newsprint & terested in quality product and ing almost all of SFR #14... and time for seeing movies and for ($4. for 4 issues.) tabloid format: it used to be ’The variety. Next for them is Bob #15... and... TIME, TIME, TIME.... getting away from the damn pressure Magazine of Science Fiction1. It I simply cannot do it all anymore. of SFR donkey work. GALAXY Silverberg’s SON OF MAN. Write is now ’The World’s Best Science I am even (frisson of delight) con­ UPD Corp., 235 East 45th St., NY, for a 5 price. Fiction And Science Fact’. Ha, templating having Action Print do Everything has its price, and NY 10017. (89.95 for 12 issues). ha. the collating, folding, trimming, the price of time is money to pay

FANTASY & TERROR # Who ever heard of George Grif­ stapling for this and subsequent others to do work I have done Jessica Salmonson, Box 89517, issues. Forry Ackerman is now pub­ fith? Sam Moskowitz did—and has til now. Zenith, WA 98188.(56. for 6). lishing three issues of PERRY ressurected this 19th Century How can I afford this? "Afford" The Test I apply from now on PERRY RHODAN RHODAN per month and has increas­ author with a critical biography, ed the price to 51.25. Also in ’’The Warrior of If" and Ferret is a strange concept, sometimes. I is this: Will I Regret It? Kris Darkon, 2495 Glendower Av. can't do the job I want to do unless the works is ATLAN, a companion Fantasy has published THE RAID Hollywood, CA 90027. I free myself for more reading/re- I would regret very much not (815.95 for 12) ’bookazine’. OF ’LE VENGEUR’, one of Griffith’s best books. It’s quality glossy­ viewing/writing. I can't afford freeing myself to do my thing to VERTEX # cover paperback (large size) and not to go this route. the limits of my talents and skills. Vertex Monthly, 8060 Melrose Av. Mai Warwick sent along a copy they want 4-2.50 for a copy, (write Los Angeles, CA 90046. Of course, we ARE in a recession/ THIS ISSUE may go to 80 pages, of STAR REACH #2. It is a comic for a 5 price.) for 12 issues) depression, and my "profit" per There's a trade-off involved. If (58O book, 51. and pictures the s-f ad­ issue will shrink. But I don't care I find I have material galore and WHISPERS ventures of Stephanie Starr, a lovely lass (ex-Space Force Aca­ ttuch. I can live frugally (from need 80 pages, I'll go the all­ Stuart David Schiff, 5508 Dodge long practice) and I'll have a cou­ demy) who cannot or will not keep white-no heavy-colored-stock route. Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28303. ple thousand dollars left in my her clothes on. Geis will drink This permits five 8-up sheets for (55.50 for 4) savings account after settling with the printer to fold and more easily to that. the other heirs of my mother's & less expensively collate. A WYRD Star-Reach Productions, Box 385 Wyrd Publications, 324 Candy Ln., estate (see, I'm buying their shares Hayward, CA 94543. heavy colored cover costs 8 pages- Santa Rosa, CA 95401. °f this house), and the way my 72 worth of white bond...and is an (52.50 for 4) Year old father (who has emphysema extra collating step. and/or lung cancer) is smoking cig- ♦♦♦♦***♦*♦**♦♦**♦♦****** yg OF SPECIAL INTEREST may be atets I'll soon come into his I was going to do without en­ 513,000 estate, which would help velopes—to save (I thought) a lot carry me until my aunt and uncle of money, but my conscience said 3ie, and.... (Ghod, I' m cynical. that in order to send SFR naked But All for Art.) 77 through the Post Awful machinery limentary copy of TSFR (the first I'd have to dress it in a heavy Whatever shows up in SFR #14, P1 e_ March) but it hasn't arrived 1Svbe they decided to scuttle the cover. But a heavy cover costs as have faith it'll be the usual fas­ much as a couple thousand envelopes. cinating, valuable, informative magazine...maybe they have printer­ So the only thing I'd save is a few reading experience you have come to delay problems...maybe he forgot to hours of time. Of course, time is expect. *cough cough* send it- important to me, but I can stuff envelopes while watching TV. And... *********************************** Ah, yes...and there is yet for a buck you deserve envelopes. another new all-review zine in the What the hell. NOTE: DO NOT SEND ME FICTION 5^h5T7 this titled SFORUM...and it MANUSCRIPTS TO READ. Send them to issues from The University of New professional editors with money to Hampshire Science Fiction Society. spend who can publish them if they Frank C. Bertrand, editor. (My I GET LETTERS... Hoo, do I get like them. I will sneer, call you opinion of Vol.l, No.l? Overpriced, letters. And I cannot respond to vile names and spill coffee on your and a teensy bit clumsily written. them, usually. So I take this mo­ precious pages, just like regular Late, too since I just recently— ment to say I appreciate them, I editors do, but I will not buy or it being April now—received the snort and laugh and nod as I read Sept. '74 issue.) publish your science fiction. Not comments...a general quiet dis­ them, but I haven't time to reply even if I like it. illusion among the nonprofessional or comment, most times. I feel I imagine all these all-review *********************************** readership is the best aura I get; guilty as hell about getting a ten- efforts will drown in red ink and the glamour of editing, writing and page hand-printed letter, for in­ the quicksands of illusion (the publishing takes a beating in this stance, and not responding. But... illusion that there are very many magazine. All I can say is I'll print the people who will pay a buck a copy best letters and find time to reply NO SOONER had I decided, about three months ago, to change titles for science fiction and fantasy to a few others. Please don't be My Comments on VENUS OF THE HALF­ too insulted if nothing comes of to SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW (under reviews). pressure from the Thomas More Soci­ SHELL, Kurt Vonnegut, and "Kilgore your effort and thought and inter­ Trout" brought considerable feed­ est. Life is shitty that way. One ety who publish THE CRITIC and who trade-marked it and who are a jeal­ back, as noted in "Alien Thoughts" of the first Truths I learned was and also from professional writers ous God when it comes to others TIME NOW to close my eyes, consult that There Ain't No Justice. who assured me Vonnegut wasn't the using Their Word) when I got a with Alter, and come up with an author of VENUS and that they letter from Richard Delap who want­ assessment of Reaction (unprinted) ed to know if I had plans for the weren't either and they couldn't to SFR #12. I sort of get an Im­ title. Seems he wanted to use ol' 'blow the cover' of the man who was NEXT ISSUE, time, tide and the pression from reading all the let­ SFR for a strictly-review magazine Kilgore Trout. author permitting, will feature a ters of comment. long, revealing, perhaps eye-open­ he had planned. "Tuckered Out or Kicking a ing and frightening interview with I'll say this about John J. I had to tell him the Thomas Cripple" by Barry Malzberg resulted Phil Farmer. Alderson's "The Foundation On More facts-of-life and shoo him off. in two important letters and a com­ Sands" in TAC #11; it provoked He was pissed a bit. But he has plaint (justified) from Barry that Beyond that I cannot commit my­ a lot of contrary opinion. I still self. I have learned the hard way retitled and come forth with DELAP'S the "Kicking a Cripple" part of the get letters. About six to one not to promise what I haven't got FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW. title wasn't his, but mine, and he (My opinion of his first issue? against Alderson is the ratio. in my hot hands, and even when I got wished I'd make it known. Done. It Overpriced, stuffy, too-small type.) it, not to promise it because more was a misunderstanding of a hand­ Tim Kirk's cover for #12 was timely/important articles and printed line at the finish of his THEN I learned that a New York vastly appreciated. And, yes, the columns often appear which bump ms; I thought it was an added-on magazine was in the works titled cover idea was mine. But Tim scheduled material. title, and it was private comment (are you ready?) THE SCIENCE FIC­ always takes an idea, clothes it, not intended to be anything. I The bulk of the interview with TION REVIEW. Agog and aghast, I feeds it, entertains it and pre­ dashed off a letter to the editor, tell you, folks, being an editor Phil is in hand; all that remains is fun but there are Hazards. is some additional questions and Martin Last. sents the world with a cover of some amending of previous questions. splendor and wit; he adds so much! No sooner in the mail but came Ted White's column, "uffish a phone call from Martin, who had Richard Delap's "Smoke and Thots" provoked a desultory few heard of my return to SFR (Science Glass", the interview article with comments on the possibility of a new, fiction fandom and prodom is a Harlan Ellison was well received; large-size sf magazine on the stands, small world.). We discussed the most readers thought it well done, it's costs and likelihood of fail­ situation briefly but thoroughly revealing of the man/writer/phenom- ure. Sorry, Ted, but few of the and decided to simply co-exist. enon and perceptive, to boot. Only TSFR is also all-reviews, and not commentators thought you should be a few thought it was an exercise in in command of the project. any real competition for me. (I'm toadying and/or are bored with told I could call my magazine SQUAT Ellison and hate his work. And that's it. I may do this and I'd still have 1500 subscribers.) kind of rundown again next issue. However, because I'm legally into SFR Dick Lupoff's "You Can't Say Lemme know if you want it. now in re banking and the Oregon The Wandering Review" didn't Corporation Commissioner and the 9enerate much heat. Andy Porter City of Portland, I will stay unto wrote, of course (see his letter) death now with SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW. By the way, •I need artwork. I the Browns did not, nor did prefer cartoons of a vicious, funny e Asimovs. Just as well. Martin said he'd send me a com- temper, but anything that strikes me as funny I’ll buy...for a pit­ s Nor did Dave Harris' "Confes- tance . °ns of a Wage Slave" bring many 79 New Yer 1$ Welcorpes All

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