Px4v; All 4.Us/ ATTORNEYS Nov
Nov. 16, 1971 J. E. CONANT ET All 3,619,912 WSUA SIMULATION DISPLAY SYSTEM Filed Aug. 9, 1968 4. Sheets-Sheet I. 12 O MODEL&r 3 MOON TRANSA ORY Motion systEM F.G. 25 D SPLAY SYSTEM GENERA Puy RPOS OG A ARCRAFT COMPER SMUAYOR 5 INVENTORS yOAN. E. CONAN & ATER F.B.CZEK px4v; All 4.us/ ATTORNEYS Nov. 16, 1971 J. E. CONANT ETAL 3,619,912 WISUAL SIMULATION DISPLAY SYSTEM Nov. 16, 1971 J. E. conANT ETAL 3,619,912 WISUAL SIMULATION DISPLAY SYSTEM ATTC)RNIEYS Nov. 16, 1971 J. E. CONANT ET All 3,619,912 WISUAL SIMULATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 3,619,912 United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 16, 1971 2 3,619,912 ual techniques, for coordination of the several monitors VISUAL SIMULATION DISPLAY SYSTEM in an overall display in which an image target is trans John E. Conant, Arlington, and Walter F. Buczek, Spring lated in a path across the several monitors, in any direc field, Va., assignors to Melpar, Inc., Falls Church, Va. tion thereacross, to correspond to the path of such an Filed Aug. 9, 1968, Ser. No. 751,522 image in actual flight of the craft as simulated by the con Int, CI. B64g 7/00, G09b 9/08 trols exercised by the trainee. U.S. C. 35-12 5 Claims Each monitor is supplied with delayed sync pulses and blanking information from its own video control network, with control coordination effected, in a preferred embodi ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 10 ment, by computer input signals developed in response An optical image display is provided in a mosaic of to trainee control.
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