a publication of Assemblies of An Assemblies of Yahweh publication. Assemblies of Yahweh, The Narrow Way Newsletter, The Sacred Name Broadcaster, The Sacred Name ­Broadcast, The Sacred Scriptures, The Sacred Name Telecast, and WMLK Radio are Service Marks and Trade‑ marks of ­Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel, PA 19507

October 2014 Volume XLVI, Number 7 CONTENTS

1 Thanksgiving: Is the American Thanksgiving Scriptural? Is a huge feast, followed by sporting events, the way that Yahweh intends us to give thanks to Him? Should not all rather “enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise?” How many give thanks to YAHWEH and bless HIS Name? 6 The Feasts of the Seventh Month Each one of the holy days, which are commanded to be observed in Leviticus 23, has a definite meaning in the plan of salvation. Turn to page 6, and consider the spiri‑ Page 1 tual implications of the observance of the feasts of the seventh month. 9 Pilgrims for Yahweh The poetic pen of Elder Jacob O. Meyer (OBM) inspires us to go “on to the Kingdom!” 10 Prophetic Trends Page 14 We live in troublous times; however, the Elect of Yahweh will be sure to make them‑ selves ready for the Second Coming of Yahshua the Messiah. They will be called, chosen, and faithful to Yahweh and His Son Yahshua the Messiah 14 The Eleventh Hour of Life Do not shrug off the warning call to repentance! Do not wait until the eleventh hour to repent! Instead, why not allow the Bible message to correct and change you? Why not become obedient to Yahweh’s Word now before it is too late? 17 Sitting Ducks Will gossip and false assertions about the Assemblies of Yahweh cause you to be swayed away from the Assemblies of Yahweh? Will you seek Yahweh’s True Assembly, or remain independent and liberal, outside of True Worship? Page 17 23 Program Log Be sure to listen to the Sacred Name Broadcast and watch the Sacred Name Tele‑ cast. Tell your friends! Streaming at your convenience at www.WMLK.net.

The Sacred Name Broadcaster is published monthly by the Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel, PA 19507. Your subscription has been paid by the willing co-workers of this ministry who are concerned that this Our Cover: message of salvation should be made available free of charge to all the “You rule the pride of the world as a witness before the Second Coming of Yahshua the Messiah. sea: when the waves of it arise, While no charge is ever placed upon this publication, CONTRIBUTIONS (all of which are tax deductible) are gratefully accepted to help you still them.” (Psalm 89:9). defray ­expenses. We hope you will share in making this information Our cover this month shows the available­ to others. waves of the Mediterranean Sea crashing upon the coastal cliffs of All quotes in The Sacred Name Broadcaster are from The Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition, 1981, Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel, Israel. PA 19507, unless otherwise stated. All translations of the Bible quoted If the winds and the waves obey herein have been corrected to be consistent with the oldest available manuscripts. Copies of The Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition, Yahweh, as they did Yahshua are available. For information about purchasing your copy, write to the Messiah, why cannot man‑ Assemblies of Yahweh. kind obey their Maker? When the storms of life come upon us, we © Copyright 2014 Assemblies of Yahweh. All rights reserved. Periodical postage paid at Reading, PA 19612 (ISSN 879320). Telephone (717) should remember Psalm 107:28- 933‑4518. POSTMASTERS: Send form 3579 to Assemblies of Yahweh, 29. “Then they cry to Yahweh PO Box C, Bethel, PA 19507. in their trouble, and he brings them out of their distresses. Founder and Author: Elder Jacob O. Meyer He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves of it are still.” Thanksgiving

During the month of November, many people begin looking forward eagerly to the Thanksgiving Day Is the American celebration held annually near the end of this month. Children taking art classes in school are asked to draw representations of Pilgrims Thanksgiving carrying a blunderbuss walking through the snow, or turkeys, or pumpkins, items usually featured at the Thanksgiving season. People Scriptural? look forward to having a sumptuous feast (calling it Turkey Day) when they invite relatives to enjoy the day with them. However, only infre- quently do people attend religious by Elder Jacob O. Meyer services on that day. The President of the United States each year makes a proclama- tion establishing the national holiday of Thanksgiving Day. Joining him because it explains many things [sic] of Thanksgiving. They observed in this proclamation are state gov- concerning this holiday you may faithfully, with great rejoicing and ernors, mayors of cities, and leaders never have realized. solemn ceremonies, their Feast of of municipalities. Sometimes these Tabernacles, a day [sic] of thanks proclamations are published in the A Brief History of not only for the bounties of the land, daily newspapers for the public to Thanksgiving Observance but for the escape from Egypt. “Thou read. shalt observe the feast of tabernacles However, most people never One of the better accounts of the seven days, after that thou hast question the authenticity or origin history of Thanksgiving observance gathered in thy corn and thy wine,’ of the American Thanksgiving Day appears in the book The Customs Deuteronomy 16:13.’’ observance. Since most consider it of Mankind, published in 1924 by such a joyful occasion, they seldom Doubleday, Page, and Company; Obviously, those who know the question if it should actually be Garden City, New York; a work Bible realize that the Feast of observed, or why it was established authored by Lillian Eichler. We find Tabernacles (as Almighty Yahweh for this particular time of year. The on pages 440-449 the product of the legislated its observance in Leviticus true Bible student will be sincerely author’s research into the subject 23:33-44) outlines a feast of seven interested in the facts regarding the of our national Thanksgiving Day. days with an added eighth day called observance of this holiday so that he Thanksgiving observance is the Last Great Day of the Feast. can regulate his life by obedience not new. She says, “The Therefore, the cumulative obser- to the commandments of Almighty appear to have been among the vance of the Feast of Tabernacles Yahweh. Read this article carefully, earliest to observe a special day is an eight-day festival, beginning

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 1 The original celebration of thanks held by the Pilgrims and their Indian guests is a popular subject by early American artists. Sadly, these popular paintings are often replete with error, such as portraying the preacher with a head covering. Huguenot men wore head coverings in worship—Pilgrims did not.

on the evening of the fifteenth day a time when Almighty Yahweh com- feast). During the remainder of the of the seventh month (at sundown, mands His people to gather together week—the intermediate days—we which begins the day) until, and to worship Him and to rejoice before live together doing our necessary including, the twenty-second day Him in their blessings. This obser- chores as will the people in the of this same seventh month (not vance occurs in late September, or Millennium, ruled by an attitude one day). during the month of October. of love and joy. Few people in the world un- The Feast of Tabernacles repre- derstand very much about the sents a time of happiness and joy It is clear from comparing the observance of the biblical holy days which can only be realized in the biblical message with the secular of Leviticus 23. They observe worldly Millennium when the Kingdom reference above and what appears holidays rather than the sanctified of Yahweh is established on this in other noted reference works such holy days Almighty Yahweh has earth. Therefore, when the people of as the Encyclopedia Britannica, legislated in His Word. Yahweh worship during the Feast of the World Book Encyclopedia, The paradox is shocking! Why not Tabernacles, we already, in this life, and Collier’s Encyclopedia, that observe the sacred seasons Almighty enjoy a time when the atmosphere when someone does not observe the Yahweh in His Word, the inspired and attitude of the people reflect thanksgiving feast legislated in the Scriptures, has legislated? Why the Kingdom of Yahweh ruling on Bible, he is not observing Yahweh’s celebrate holidays for which there this earth. We faithfully observe is no biblical support whatsoever? in solemn worship the holy days original thanksgiving. To substitute It is obvious that the Feast of on which no work is done (the first another day is contrary to the Will Tabernacles, at the end of the day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the of Yahweh. It is a sin not to observe agricultural year, is Yahweh’s weekly Sabbath that falls within this His legislated holy days, and it is thanksgiving harvest festival. It is period, and the eighth day of the a sin to substitute different days.

2 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 The First American been put away. If the earlier date is Thanksgiving as a national festival. Thanksgiving accurate, it is clear that some asso- There are even today certain people ciation was indeed intended between who regard Chr-stmas as a strictly Few people realize that the first the biblical Feast of Tabernacles heathen holiday. But, we can be American Thanksgiving observed and this Thanksgiving observance. absolutely certain that Thanksgiv‑ by the Pilgrims was not held at Although there is no record that a ing had its true inception in 1621 the end of November. When the religious service was held, the his- when 55 grateful men and women, Pilgrim fathers set foot on the soil tory could be incomplete. surrounded by 90 painted Indians, of the New World in 1620, they Governor Bradford remarked gave thanks for the corn and the found it very difficult to establish about that first Thanksgiving that fowl upon which they feasted.’’ (Ibid.) themselves. More than half their the feast was prepared to include number died that first winter. At “as much fowle as with a little helpe The current establishment of one time, only six or seven of the beside, serve the company almost a Thanksgiving Day dates from the Pilgrims were not sick at the same weeke.’’ year 1863. It was then that Mrs. time. Enemies could easily have There is later record of 20 addi- Sarah J. Hale, the editor of La- destroyed the entire colony. tional Thanksgiving festivals being dies’ Magazine, wrote President After planting and harvesting a observed over the next 50 years. Abraham Lincoln regarding estab- crop sufficient to maintain them for In 1789, the Congress of the lishing a day of thanksgiving for the winter—under the direction of United States recommended that the entire nation. On October 3, friendly Indians named Samoset, a universal Thanksgiving Day 1863, he issued the first national Squanto, and the great Chief Mas- be established. President George Thanksgiving proclamation, setting sasoit—Governor William Bradford Washington appointed Thursday, apart the last Thursday in Novem- sent out a number of men to shoot November 26, as the national ber to be observed. It has been so game so that a thanksgiving ob- American Thanksgiving Day. After specified by succeeding Presidents. servance could be held. When the a while, however, various states President Roosevelt in 1939 set the Indians heard of this thanksgiving began observing different days. Until Thanksgiving celebration forward feast, they brought five deer and just before the Civil War, each one to the third Thursday of November joined the festivities. A sumptuous observed Thanksgiving Day on a in order to assist the merchants by feast was held over a period of sev- different day, but all of these were extending the Chr-stmas shopping eral days. This may have emulated in November. It is a fact interest- period (traditionally the Chr-stmas the harvest home festival observed ing to note. shopping time begins the day after in England, but some students Lillian Eichler draws a correlation Thanksgiving Day). However, a believe that it was held during the between the Chr-stmas celebra- Congressional joint resolution, ap- Feast of Tabernacles. tion and the reason for keeping a proved by President Franklin D. Few people realize that the first Thanksgiving. She says, “It seems to Roosevelt on December 26, 1941, thanksgiving was not held at the be a common notion among writers end of November as it is today. The on this subject that ‘to the mind of fixed a permanent date for Thanks- reference work mentioned previ- the Puritan, Chr-stmas smelled to giving Day on the fourth Thursday ously suggests that it was observed heaven of idolatry.’ They believe that of November. It is observed in every December 13, 1621. Other reference the Puritans abolished Chr-stmas state of the union and in the District works such as the Encyclopedia as a hateful relic of popery and of Columbia on that day. Britannica and World Book that they established Thanksgiving It is interesting that the Cana- Encyclopedia indicate that the as a purely Puritan festival to take dian Thanksgiving each year is held original thanksgiving observance its place. the second Monday of October, a at Plymouth, Massachusetts, was “The distaste for Chr-stmas time that frequently corresponds observed October 3-6, 1621. It was among the Puritans may very with the Feast of Tabernacles held observed soon after the harvest had possibly have helped to establish in the biblical seventh month.

The Feast of Tabernacles represents a time of happiness and joy which can only be realized in the Millennium when the Kingdom of Yahweh is established on this earth.

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 3 Biblical Reference for offer sacrifices in the house of verse 25 that problems developed Celebrating Thanksgiving Yahweh at Jerusalem, then will between Jereboam and his subjects, went out of in November the heart of this people turn since he ’ Shechem in the again to their sovereign, even to area of Ephraim and built Penuel, a Almighty Yahweh legislated that Rehoboam king of Judah; and city in Transjordan, as his capital. His people faithfully observe as a they will kill me, and return to The term in Hebrew means to be time of worship the period of time Rehoboam king of Judah. And driven out, so perhaps some Israel- from the fifteenth to the twenty- the king took counsel, and made ites raised a rebellion against him. second of the seventh biblical month. two calves of gold; and he said By setting up the shrines in What Almighty Yahweh has sancti- to them, It is too much for you to Bethel and Dan, he hoped to have fied we cannot change or eliminate. go up to Jerusalem; behold your his people gravitate toward a wor- Let us submit to His directions and elohim, O Israel, which brought ship he, himself, was devising. humble ourselves before His com- you up out of the land of Egypt. Josephus quotes Jereboam at the mandments. And he set the one in Beth-el, dedication of the shrine in Bethel Here your Bible steps into the pic- and the other he put in Dan. And as saying, “A man built that Temple ture. Observing a time in the month this thing became a sin; for the in Jerusalem and a man built this following Yahweh’s Feast of Taber- people went to worship before Temple in Bethel.” Just like other nacles as a time of thanksgiving the one, even to Dan. And he monarchs of the ancient Middle actually dates from the declaration made houses of high places, and East, Jereboam believed that a uni- by King Jeroboam of the northern made priests from among all the fied national religion would unite nation called Israel. When the 10 people, that were not of the sons his nation in other ways. northern tribes seceded from the of Levi. And Jeroboam ordained Have you seen the real meaning Davidic monarchy, the faithful Isra- a feast in the eighth month, on of Jeremiah 31:21, which points out elites continued to worship Yahweh the fifteenth day of the month, the importance of the name Bethel at the Temple in Jerusalem that had like the feast that is in Judah, in the preaching of end-time sound been built by Solomon a generation and he went up to the altar; so doctrine as a sign to the people of earlier. Here is what the writer he did in Beth-el, sacrificing to modern Israel? The way that Israel of Kings says: “And Jeroboam the calves that he had made: departed from Yahweh they must said in his heart, now will the and he placed in Beth-el the again return. Whereas Jereboam kingdom return to the house of priests of the high places that took Israel into false doctrine at David: if this people go up to he had made. And he went up to Bethel, the sound doctrines of the the altar which he had made in Bible are today being preached from Beth-el on the fifteenth day in the Bethel as a sign to modern Israel eighth month, even in the month and the rest of the world, recalling which he had devised of his own them to the worship of Yahweh. heart: and he ordained a feast Since the Feast of Tabernacles is for the children of Israel, and a pilgrim feast when all Israelites went up to the altar, to burn (especially the males of the con- incense.’’ (1 Kings 12:26-33). gregation) are required to attend Let us analyze this passage (please see Deuteronomy 16:13-16), more closely. the faithful Israelites would depart Jereboam observed from the kingdom of northern Israel that when his subjects each fall and assemble at Jerusalem. returned to worship By building the competing shrine at Yahweh’s Temple at Bethel, located on the Israelite in Jerusalem, they national road approximately 12 would come under the miles north of Jerusalem near the heavy influence of a border of his kingdom, Jereboam teaching priesthood was hoping to intercept his people that was loyal to on their journey southward. Then, the Davidic dynasty. by establishing through government Therefore, he plotted decree a feast in the eighth month to forestall his own rather than in the seventh, his influ- possible deposition ence over his people would preclude from the throne of their going to Jerusalem at all. the House of Israel. It Who can resist the injunctions of was already obvious in the government? When Jereboam

4 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 announced that he would observe the fifteenth day of the eighth month as the national thanksgiving day rather than the seventh month, those who were not faithfully com- mitted to the worship of Almighty Those who keep the American Yahweh followed this governmen- tal declaration. The people of the Thanksgiving Day are actually 10 northern tribes began staying keeping a modern-day form of away from the Temple worship in Jerusalem in droves. It became a Jereboam’s substitute Feast of sin and, eventually, became a prime contributing factor to the disintegra- Tabernacles! tion of the House of Israel.

The Eighth Month, 1992 In 1992, the American Thanksgiv- ing Day was observed on Thursday, November 26. Let us see how this date corresponds very closely to Jereboam’s eighth-month feast. precisely on what would have been thanksgiving to be during the sev- The Feast of Tabernacles was the twenty-second day in the eighth enth scriptural month of the year, observed October 12-19, 1992. biblical month, the eighth day of the the fifteenth to the twenty-second October 12 was the fifteenth day Feast of Tabernacles if observed one day of that month. of the seventh month. October 19 month late. You can check a calendar The American President each was the twenty-second day of the for yourself, if you please. year declares this day to be a time seventh month. Both of these days The Assemblies of Yahweh ob- of thanksgiving to G-D for the bless- were holy convocations for the As- serves the holy days of Leviticus 23 ings we have received from him. semblies of Yahweh. The new moon which were legislated by our Heav- Almighty Yahweh commands us of the eighth scriptural month this enly Father. We strive to eliminate to honor HIM by keeping the days year was visible on October 27. all vestiges of erroneous doctrines He legislated. Please read Hosea Therefore, the fifteenth day of the from our worship. Jereboam sought 2, especially in the Bible published eighth month would be November some way to undermine the True by the Assemblies of Yahweh, The 10. The eighth day of the Feast of Worship of Almighty Yahweh and, Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edi- Tabernacles (if it is observed as Jere- thereby, fell into error. It is obvious tion. You will see there how people boam’s thanksgiving was observed), to us that the American Thanks- offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to in competition with Yahweh’s holy giving Day held on the fourth Baal for the produce of the land, days, would be November 18 this Thursday of November deceptively while believing that they are giv- year. How shocking to learn that masquerades as a thanksgiving day ing honor to Yahweh, but, in fact, this is day before the third Thursday acceptable to Almighty Yahweh. are conferring this thanksgiving to of November! The current American But it was never sanctioned by Baal (the L-rd). “For she did not know that I Thanksgiving Day was observed one Almighty Yahweh. Those who keep gave her the grain, and the new week later, however. the American Thanksgiving Day wine, and the oil, and multiplied The year 1978 contains a perfect are actually keeping a modern-day to her silver and gold, which illustration of how the American form of Jereboam’s substitute Feast they used for Baal. Therefore thanksgiving fell within the eight- of Tabernacles! will I take back my grain in the day pseudo-festival devised by You must make the decision time of it, and my new wine in Jereboam out of his own heart to of which holy days you will keep. the season of it, and will pluck counter Yahweh’s true holy days. When you begin studying your away my wool and my flax which The seventh month of the year 1978 Bible, you must decide if you will should have covered her naked- (when reckoned with the visible new obey Almighty Yahweh, or obey ness. And now will I uncover moon) saw the Feast of Tabernacles the decrees and laws of men. The her lewdness in the sight of her observed from October 17-24. That President of the United States lovers, and none shall deliver year the American Thanksgiving, proclaims the fourth Thursday of her out of my hand. I will also observed on the fourth Thursday the month of November to be the cause all her mirth to cease, her of the month of November, was American Thanksgiving. Almighty held on November 23. This day fell Yahweh proclaims His acceptable Continued on page 16.

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 5 The of the

by Elder Jacob O. Meyer you wish to believe some doctrine only after the Council of Nicea that about the Bible because of a per- Sunday worship was commanded by In Malachi 4:5-6 we read these sonal conviction, you can probably the Roman Emperor Constantine, words: “Behold, I will send find some group with which to form who, at the time that he presided you EliYah the prophet before a relationship. But there are few over this council, had not yet been the great and terrible day of religious bodies on the face of this baptized. How about that! Here was Yahweh comes. And he shall earth today who allow the Scriptures an avowed pagan sun-worshiper pre- turn the heart of the fathers to to correct them without bringing siding over a council of supposedly the children, and the heart of any personal convictions along to True Worshipers! You may find this the children to their fathers; cloud the issues, or forging per- information in your own encyclope- lest I come and strike the earth sonal doctrines into an axe to grind. dia. Did you know that during the with a curse.” People who read The Assemblies of Yahweh seek to Millennium everyone will again be this passage of Scripture rarely fulfill the description of the True forced to worship on the scriptural comprehend the importance of these Worshipers. In addition to teaching seventh-day Sabbath? Certainly! verses. This passage means that the revealed, personal Name of our You’ll find this explained in Isaiah “For as the new heavens just prior to the coming of the Day Heavenly Father which He inspired 66:22-23, and the new earth, which I will of Yahweh (meaning the day of His to be written in His Word, our aim make, shall remain before me, judgment and then the day of His is to restore sound doctrine as a says Yahweh, so shall your seed reign as He sets up His Kingdom basis for our Faith. upon this earth) a group of people If you have been listening to the and your name remain. And it would be on this earth who would Sacred Name Broadcast over shall come to pass, that from one be teaching the same message an extended period of time, you new moon to another and from which was taught by EliYah the will have come to realize that the one sabbath to another, shall all prophet in 1 Kings 18. The mes- Assemblies of Yahweh observe dif- flesh come to worship before me, sage which this prophet of old was ferent holy days than do the average says Yahweh.” Anyway, have you teaching in Israel can be found in Chr-stian churches. The Assemblies ever tried to find the word Sunday the meaning of his own name. El in of Yahweh observe all of the feast in the Bible? It’s just not there! If the Hebrew means the Almighty or days of Leviticus 23, beginning with the Savior had been raised from Mighty One; the “i” means my; and the weekly Sabbath, Passover and the tomb on this day, it should have the Yah is the abbreviated form of the Days of Unleavened Bread, been found in the . the revealed, personal Name of our Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Another restoration which we, Heavenly Father. The entire name and Tabernacles. These are the of the Assemblies of Yahweh, are EliYah means My Mighty One is only days which our Heavenly already returning to this earth is Yahweh. However, this group of Father commanded to be observed worship on the days in which our people will be teaching something anywhere in the Bible. Sunday, Heavenly Father has commanded additional besides the True Name Halloween, Chr-stmas, Easter, etc., that we present ourselves before of our Heavenly Father. They will are not commanded to be observed Him. No, we do not sacrifice animals, be teaching sound doctrine and pure anywhere in His Word. They are since we read in both Old and New worship, just as did EliYah in the traditional days which were never Testaments that Yahweh, our Heav- days of ancient Israel. observed for at least the first 400 enly Father, would bring to pass a In our world today there are years of the early Apostolic Assembly day when this shedding blood of many different religious bodies. If after the Day of Pentecost. It was animals would be unacceptable to

6 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 Seventh Month

Him as a sin offering. We rely on the feast, but the people of the world covering, and it traces to a root shed blood of our Savior, Yahshua will be outside of the ark of safety which means, to be at one. What the Messiah, the true Passover and will be receiving the judgments a beautiful thought! At one with Lamb, for our sacrifice. We present of Yahweh for their sins. Yahweh, our sins covered by the our bodies a living sacrifice, and, on From close scrutiny of various blood of His Son Yahshua whom He the holy days, we present to Yahweh Scriptures, it is obvious that the gave for the salvation of mankind. I the sacrifices of the praises of our Feast of Trumpets depicts the have always felt that this holy day lips, giving thanks to His Name. Second Coming of our Savior. We could very well be identified with These are sacrifices pleasing to Him. know from 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the marriage supper of the Lamb, Each one of the holy days, which and 1 Corinthians 15:52 that the when we have been born again of are commanded to be observed in Second Coming of our Savior will the Spirit and have become one Leviticus 23, has a definite meaning take place at the sounding of a trum- in national marriage to our King, in the plan of salvation. However, let pet—the last trump—which would Yahshua Messiah. In Psalm 91:4, the us concentrate upon an explanation compare to the seventh trumpet of Psalmist says, “He will cover you of the importance of the holy days Revelation 11:15. Could the Second with his pinions, and under his at the end of the scriptural year, Coming of our Savior be on a feast wings shall you take refuge.…” in the seventh month: Trumpets, day? It certainly could! All of the This unity with Yahweh takes place Atonement, and Tabernacles. important events of our Savior’s life as the last plagues of judgment are The Feast of Trumpets, on the took place on one of the holy days, poured out upon sinful mankind. first day of the seventh month, is including His birth and death. The When this unity with Yahweh occurs, to be a memorial, as we read in most important event which will we shall be even more thankful than Leviticus 23:24, and begins a time take place since His ascension into we ever could be in this life for the of 10 days of penitence. The blow- Heaven would certainly take place sacrifice which was made by our ing of the trumpets, which ushers on a day when Yahweh’s people will Heavenly Father Yahweh in sending in this day, represents much more be looking for it to happen and have the atonement offering sacrifice for than meets the eye. In Numbers gathered for worship. us in the form of Yahshua the Mes- chapter 10, we find just what this The next holy day is perhaps siah. It is Yahshua, our sin offering, symbol means. The trumpets were the most holy of all in the sacred which we remember annually on the blown as a signal for assembly to calendar. The Day of Atonement oc- Day of Atonement. the camps of Israel. They were the curs on the 10th day of the seventh At the end of Atonement in each voices by which the people of Yahweh month. On this day, no work of any jubilee year, the trumpets were were called together. This is typical kind is to take place, not even to set blown and all the captives were of the events which are to transpire out food, since Yahweh’s people are released. Each man who sold a part in the last days. As Yahweh’s people commanded to fast in honor of our of his land was allowed to return are being called together for worship, Savior’s sacrifice. When Yahshua and repossess his inheritance. All these same trumpets will be sound- Messiah died on the tree of Calvary debts were cancelled. You may read ing to assemble the people of this and shed His blood, His sacrifice this in Leviticus 25:8-14. With the world to war. The calling to war of was the fulfillment of both Passover sound of the trumpet, ten days of all national armies will culminate and Atonement sacrifices. You may penitence were begun, and, with finally in the battle of Armageddon. read this in Hebrews chapter 9 and the sound of the trumpet, the ten The people of Yahweh will be receiv- 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. The Hebrew days are ended! An era has ended! ing protection while keeping His word Yom Kippur means a day of All preparations have been made.

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 7 A new era begins for this earth and Each one of the time. Actually, this Last Great Day the people remaining. refers to something about which we The Feast of Tabernacles begins holy days, which know very little. The number 8 in on the 15th day of the seventh scriptural numerology indicates a scriptural month. This time of are commanded new beginning. Consequently, we rejoicing and feasting depicts the to be observed must conclude that this special Kingdom of Yahweh. All of the True day is meant to show us that the Worshipers who have washed their in Leviticus 23, beauty of the Feast of Tabernacles robes in the blood of the Lamb are will continue on into the great be- united as a family for a week. Bible has a definite yond. The Bible says little of what preaching of sound doctrine is the meaning in has transpired prior to this age of order of each day. Yahweh’s people man and says little about what will take up temporary dwellings, as the plan of occur after it. What is the destiny of did ancient Israel when they came salvation. men who have been made spirit in out of Egypt, so that they may be the second birth? “...Things which reminded that they are to set their eye saw not, and ear heard not, sights on the Kingdom of Yahweh and which entered not into the which will rule this earth in righ- heart of man, whatever things teousness, rather than to continue that there is an era immediately Yahweh prepared for them that to live just for today. The Feast of ahead in which this world will be love him. But to us Yahweh re- Tabernacles depicts the time when changed completely, so that it may vealed them through the Spirit: all of the people of this earth will finally reach the potential for which for the Spirit searches all things, reap plentiful harvests, when uni- it was created. yes, the deep things of Yahweh.” versal happiness and brotherly love After seven days of rejoicing and (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). In these will drive away all thoughts of grief. worship, we arrive at the eighth last days, at the close of this age, During this time, we are commanded day. This is actually a separate our Heavenly Father is calling you! to rejoice, but how could we help not feast day which points toward Have you yielded your life to Him being happy when Yahweh has given an era yet in the future. In John in absolute obedience so that you us all of these abundant blessings chapter 8, we read that on this day may share those things which He for which we return thanks? This Yahshua the Messiah stood up and has prepared especially for you? You is the scriptural Thanksgiving! preached a sermon in the Temple. are His child if you show Him that The Feast of Tabernacles has been He proclaimed that the Holy Spirit you desire to live for Him through given to us to make us understand would be within all men after that obedience.

The annual holy days of Almighty Yahweh that are outlined in the Scriptures provide us with a foretaste of things to come. Are you aware of the vital importance that these special days play in Yahweh’s plan of redemption for mankind? Do not delay in requesting your copy of the article How to Keep Yahweh’s Holy Days. It is free of charge and without obligation. Write today to:

Assemblies of Yahweh PO Box C Bethel, PA 19507 (717) 933-4518 www.assembliesofyahweh.com

8 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 Pilgrims for Yahweh

Far away from friends and loved ones, Onward, upward, ever growing As with weary steps we roam, In this great campaign for life. Through this troubled, sinful world, Help us Yah, our Heavenly Father, Toward our bright and shining home. Ne’er to weary in the strife.

May our hearts be bright and cheerful, Weary sinner, won’t you join us? As we bow to Yah today, Cast aside your load of sin! As we look to Him for guidance, Take new life into your bosom; That our footsteps may not stray. Let the Holy Spirit in.

Down this rough and rugged pathway, Then we all will come rejoicing Through our lives of work and toil, To the New Jerusalem, May we win someone to Yahshua, Bringing in the sheaves with shouting! Let us Satan’s planning spoil. “Victory’s assured through Yahweh’s Name!”

Onward, this united army, There we’ll see our great Creator, Yahweh’s people, “Forward, Ho!” Almighty Yahweh, Yahshua too. To the work that’s set before us! Then to join with all the chosen, Enduring since we love Him so. Praising Yahweh all ages through.

by Elder Jacob O. Meyer Originally published June 1968

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 9 PROPHETIC

TRENDS today’s news in prophecy

Times of Trouble “And at that time shall Michael any man reprove; for your people news reports are filled with stories of stand up, the great prince who are as they that quarrel with the vile sin, the transgression of Yahweh’s stands over the children of your priest. And you shall stumble in Law. Refusing to hear Yahweh’s call to people; and there shall be the day, and the prophet also shall repentance, this generation has reject- a time of trouble, such as stumble with you in the night; and ed the knowledge of Yahweh. “Hear never was since there was a na- I will destroy your mother. My the word of Yahweh... because tion even to the same time: and people are destroyed for there is no truth, nor goodness, at that time your people shall be lack of knowledge: because nor knowledge of Elohim in the delivered, every one that shall be you have rejected knowledge, I will land.” (Hosea 4:1). found written in the book. And also reject you, that you shall be “There is nothing but swearing many of them that sleep in the dust no priest to me: seeing you have and breaking faith, and killing, of the earth shall awake, some forgotten the law of your Elohim, and stealing, and committing to everlasting life, and some to I also will forget your children. adultery; they break out, and shame and everlasting contempt. As they were multiplied, so they blood touches blood.” (Hosea 4:2). And they that are wise shall shine sinned against me: I will change The fruits of disobedience abound as as the brightness of the firma- their glory into shame. They feed the commandments of Yahweh are ment; and they that turn many on the sin of my people, and set spurned. Rushing headlong down the to righteousness as the stars for their heart on their iniquity. And broad way that leads to destruction, ever and ever. But you, O Daniel, it shall be, like people, like priest; we marvel that they cannot see that shut up the words, and seal the and I will punish them for their death and mayhem lay just ahead. book, even to the time of the end: ways, and will requite them their Refusing to heed Yahweh and His many shall run to and fro, and doings. And they shall eat, and knowledge, certain destruction awaits. knowledge shall be increased.” not have enough; they shall play “My people are destroyed for (Daniel 12:1-4). the harlot, and shall not increase; lack of knowledge: because you “Hear the word of Yahweh, you because they have left off taking have rejected knowledge, I will children of Israel; for Yahweh has heed to Yahweh.” (Hosea 4:1-10). also reject you, that you shall be a controversy with the inhabit- In the waning months of this no priest to me: seeing you have ants of the land, because there Sabbatical cycle, we have seen an forgotten the law of your Elohim, is no truth, nor goodness, nor increase in evil. Many people have I also will forget your children.” knowledge of Elohim in the land. turned away from Almighty Yahweh, (Hosea 4:6). Where is Truth held in There is nothing but swearing and seeking the pleasures of the flesh high esteem as it was decades ago? breaking faith, and killing, and instead. Rather than heed the call to Where is common sense? Why is it stealing, and committing adultery; return back to ways of righteousness, that most people would rather believe they break out, and blood touches this generation is rejecting Yahweh’s a lie than to follow what is true? blood. Therefore shall the land call to repentance. One imagines an Where is goodness today, when news mourn, and every one that dwells automobile that is heading toward a reports from Northeast Pennsylvania in it shall languish, with the precipice; however, instead of apply- report the murder of a 90 year-old beasts of the field and the birds ing the brakes, the occupants shake woman at the hands of a 10-year- of the heavens; yes, the fishes of their fists at Yahweh and press more old boy? the sea also shall be taken away. firmly upon the accelerator! Killing, stealing, and sexual im- Yet let no man quarrel, neither let We live in a time when, each day, morality abound! Blood touches blood!

10 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 In recent weeks, several serial killers ask for the old paths, where is And you shall speak all these have been discovered, and a manhunt the good way; and walk in it, and words to them; but they will not continues in the Pocono Mountains you shall find rest for your souls: listen to you: you shall also call to region of Pennsylvania for a man who but they said, We will not walk in them; but they will not answer you. laid in wait with a high-powered rifle it. And I set watchmen over you, And you shall say to them, This is to execute Pennsylvania State troop- saying, Listen to the sound of the the nation that has not listened to ers as they exited their barracks at trumpet; but they said, We will the voice of Yahweh their Elohim, the beginning of their shift. These not listen. Therefore hear, you nor received instruction: truth is are the troublous and grievous times nations, and know, O congrega- perished, and is cut off from their prophesied by Yahshua the Messiah tion, what is among them. Hear, mouth.” (Jeremiah 7:22-28). and His Apostles. O earth: behold, I will bring evil “O Israel, return to Yahweh upon this people, even the fruit of your Elohim; for you have fallen their thoughts, because they have by your iniquity. Take with you not listened to my words; and as words, and return to Yahweh: say for my law, they have rejected it.” to him, Take away all iniquity, and (Jeremiah 6:16-19). accept that which is good: so will We must carefully listen to the call we render as bullocks the offering to repentance from Almighty Yahweh, of our lips.” (Hosea 14:1-2). rejecting Satan and his fatally de- “Sow to yourselves in righteous- structive way. Those who refuse to ness, reap according to kindness, hear Yahweh and reject His Law will break up your fallow ground; for receive judgment from On High. In- it is time to seek Yahweh, till he stead, we must ask for the old paths, comes and rains righteousness seeking the good and narrow Way. upon you.” (Hosea 10:12). “For I spoke not to your fathers, Ebola Spreads For over 48 years, a call for repen- nor commanded them in the day tance has gone forth from Yahweh’s that I brought them out of the In late September, Thomas Eric end-time watchmen. Repentance and land of Egypt, concerning burnt- Duncan, a Liberian, traveled to Dal- remission of sin are being preached in offerings or sacrifices: but this las, Texas, where he had family and the Name of Yahshua, just as Yahshua thing I commanded them, saying, acquaintances. Shortly after his ar- the Messiah prophesied that it would. Listen to my voice, and I will be rival, he began showing the symptoms Will you heed this warning message? your Elohim, and you shall be my of Ebola infection, beginning with “I will go and return to my place, people; and walk in all the way fever. He sought medical care at the till they acknowledge their offence, that I command you, that it may hospital, but was not admitted. He and seek my face: in their afflic- be well with you. But they listened was sent home with antibiotics, but tion they will seek me earnestly.” not, nor inclined their ear, but his condition worsened. When he re- (Hosea 5:15). walked in their own counsels and turned to the hospital, he was gravely ill. Following the confirmation that he was infected with the Ebola virus, he We must carefully listen to the call to was isolated for treatment. Over the repentance from Almighty Yahweh, next week, his condition worsened, and he subsequently died. Then, in rejecting Satan and his fatally a matter of weeks, two nurses who cared for him came down with this destructive way. illness. As a result of the first Ebola cases in the United States, hundreds “Therefore have I hewed them in the stubbornness of their evil of people have been placed at risk of by the prophets; I have killed them heart, and went backward and not this disease, especially after one of by the words of my mouth: and forward. Since the day that your the nurses flew to Cleveland, Ohio, your judgments are as the light fathers came forth out of the land to plan her wedding. that goes forth. For I desire of Egypt to this day, I have sent to In West Africa, the disease contin- goodness, and not sacri- you all my servants the prophets, ues to ravage Guinea, Liberia, and fice; and the knowledge of daily rising up early and sending Sierra Leone. Nearly 10,000 people Elohim more than burnt- them: yet they listened not had been infected with this plague, offerings.” (Hosea 6:5-6). to me, nor inclined their with more than half of the victims “In this manner says Yahweh, ear, but made their neck stiff: succumbing to disease. Pictures of the Stand in the ways and see, and they did worse than their fathers. dead and dying certainly tug at the

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 11 heartstrings as our hearts go out to Bear Market Emerges ket was in a these suffering people. Hospitals are As soon as the Sabbatical Year bubble and overwhelmed as those who become began on September 6, 2014, at the that you should sick are often unable to receive end of the Day of Atonement (Yom enjoy it while it medical care. Suspicions abound Kippur), the stock market began to lasts because among the populace, and some who settle back from its euphoric highs. b u b b l e s were infected with Ebola refuse to Then, in the weeks following the a l w a y s be quarantined, even breaking out Feast of Tabernacles, the Dow began p o p . of quarantine. Many believe that to swing Of course, if you the disease is being spread by the could time the end healthcare workers. Chlorinated of the bubble, you’d wash stations abound in an attempt be doing quite well. Miss to stop its spread; yet, the disease the end and you’re back to continues to spread. where you started. Or worse “If you will not observe to off in terms of confidence do all the words of this law and finances. I obviously that are written in this book, wildly on news don’t know whether we that you may fear this glori- are now seeing the end ous and fearful name, Yahweh of terror attacks, Ebola concerns, and indicators that the of the current stock market bubble, your Elohim; then Yahweh will during which the S&P index has make your plagues fearful, and world’s economy has begun to slow. What has been a cause of great con- risen 102 percent since October 2008. the plagues of your seed, even I already brought up the sensitive great plagues, and of long cern, however, are the wild swings in market indices. The New York issue of a market crash in the column duration, and sicknesses, and of on October 9 that began: ‘Is this the long duration. And he will bring Stock Exchange had movement of over 400 points in either direction. month the stock market will crash?’ upon you again all the diseases “October is historically a spooky of Egypt, which you were afraid In an op-ed by John Crudele, he raised grave concerns regard- month for stocks, and in that column of; and they shall cling to you. I rattle off the crashes and major Also every sickness, and ing stock market manipulation. “Mysterious forces were trying their price corrections of 1929, 1978, every plague, which is not best, but they couldn’t keep the stock 1979, 1987, 1989 and 2008 to prove written in the book of market from swooning Wednesday. it. Will 2014 soon be added to that this law, them will Yahweh They failed in the morning, despite list? But let me explain about the bring upon you, until you massive purchases of stock index unknown forces in the market these be destroyed. And you shall futures contracts. Within minutes days. Call it by a nickname—the be left few in number, whereas Plunge Protection Team. Or call you were as the stars of heaven of the market’s opening, the Dow Jones industrial average was down it the President’s Working Group for multitude; because you did on Financial Markets, the official not listen to the voice of Yahweh 350 points. Later in the day—after a lot of shocking ebb and flow—the name given to the group when it was your Elohim.” (Deuteronomy Dow bottomed out with a decline of formed by President Ronald Reagan 28:58-62). 460 points. It was only in the last after the market turbulence of 1989. This is a sobering prophecy from hour of trading that the market These forces may be work‑ the Prophet Moses. Yahweh has saviors managed to trim the Dow ing from a script in the promised, however, that if we are loss to just 173 points. And they ‘Doomsday Book,’ which the obedient, listening diligently to His US government recently succeeded only after Janet Yellen’s voice, doing that which is right in fought to keep secret when private, upbeat remarks about the His eyes, giving ear to His command- it was brought up last week during economy were leaked. ments, that He will put none of these the AIG trial in Washington. “Welcome to a new kind of stock diseases on us, but will heal us. Read “Here’s the bottom line: Some‑ market—one that the average inves‑ Psalm 103:2-4: “Bless Yahweh, O one tried to rescue the market last tor should refuse to be invested in. my soul, and forget not all his Wednesday. And it’s becoming a Anyone whose investments tightly benefits: who forgives all your regular occurrence. The details of track the major indices is now losing iniquities; who heals all last Wednesday morning are these: money since the beginning of 2014. your diseases; who redeems at the same time the Dow was off The Dow is down 1.1 percent on the your life from destruction; who 350 points, the S&P index was down crowns you with lovingkindness year... Just for the record, I’ve been 43.80 points. That was an enormous and tender mercies.” telling you for years the stock mar‑ decline in just 11 minutes of trad‑

12 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 ing, and it was an indication that their trading. But it does show that seven times more for your sins. Wall Street was not having a good there is a backdoor way—through And I will break the pride day. Then, someone (or something) foreign emissaries—for the Fed of your power: and I will started buying S&P futures contracts and the US government make your heaven as iron, and en masse. Twenty-one minutes later, to prop up stocks like Heller your earth as bronze; and your the S&P index had gained 30 of those suggested, and—maybe —not get strength shall be spent in vain; lost points and was back in 1,861. caught.” for your land shall not yield “Maybe you’ll believe there was This bombshell revelation is ex- its increase, neither shall the some manipulation going on, if actly what Elder Jacob O. Meyer saw trees of the land yield their you knew that a guy named Robert in the stock market beginning in the fruit.” Yahweh will punish us seven Heller, who was a member of the 1980s, when suddenly and mysteri- times more (a Sabbatical cycle) for Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors ously someone would begin buying not observing His Laws if this na- until 1989, proposed such a rigging into the stock market when the stock tion, and the other nations of the as soon as he left the Fed. Look it market was in deep decline. The red world, continue to walk contrary up. October 27, 1989 Wall Street flag of stock market manipulation to Yahweh—not listening to Him. Journal headline: ‘Have Fed Sup‑ has been raised countless times This is exactly what has happened port Stock Market Too?’ by Robert since then. The question remains, when the Chinese economy is Heller. ‘It would be inappropriate however, who profits from this ma- poised to imminently overtake the for the government or the central nipulation? The Fed—which is not United States economy. No longer bank to buy or sell IBM or General audited by Congressional oversight? the world’s dominant economy, we Motors shares,’ Heller wrote. ‘In‑ Or government bureaucrats? have suffered this loss because of stead, the Fed could buy the broad our arrogant rejection of Yahweh’s market composites in the futures Terrorism Spreads commandments. market.’ In case you don’t know the lingo, Heller is proposing that Following the formation of a co- Yahweh’s Kingdom Come the Fed (or government) alition to fight against ISIS in Iraq The events which are predicted purchase stock futures and Syria, the terror group reacted to occur over the forthcoming years contracts that track —and by beheading two American and will usher us into a time when the can influence—the major indices. British hostages and one French Kingdom of Yahweh will take over These contracts are cheap, and the hostage. They threatened retribution the rulership of this world. Between government can turn the whole stock against these coalition countries by beheading more hostages. They also now and then, however, there will be market around quickly—but prob‑ a time of worldwide trouble such as ably not permanently. threatened the families of military personnel of the coalition nations mankind has never yet experienced “Wow! Doesn’t that seem a lot like since the creation of this earth. what happened Wednesday at 9:41 that are fighting against ISIS, call- ing for “lone-wolf attacks” from their Yahweh is preparing His people for a.m., when S&P futures contracts that time of trouble to come. were suddenly and mysteri‑ sympathizers. Then, in Moore, Oklahoma, Observing the deterioration of our ously scooped up? Let me allow modern world, many people have outside of Oklahoma City, a recent Heller to finish his thought, because turned in the direction of diligently convert to Islam was disciplined by it’s important to anyone who believes studying their Bibles. In order to be his employer because of his aggres- in free and fair markets. ‘The Fed’s granted entrance into the Kingdom sive religious views. In a rage, he stock market role ought not to be of Yahweh, we must begin to fol- entered the office, beheading one very ambitious. It should seek only low after the spiritual way of life, woman, and attempting to behead to maintain the functioning of the no longer allowing ourselves to be a second, when he was wounded by markets—not to prop the Dow Jones dragged down by the carnal pursuits the company’s chief executive officer, or the New York Stock Exchange with which the people of this age who is also an honorary sheriff’s averages at a particular level,’ he amuse themselves. deputy. Rather than call this terror- continued. But times change, and so Are you prepared for the glorious ism, however, this heinous crime was does thinking. In recent weeks, we’ve Kingdom of Yahweh, when there will classified as “workplace violence.” discovered that the CME group, the be no more sorrow or grief, no more exchange in Chicago, has an incen‑ Pride Of Power Broken suffering and pain. Have you turned tive program under which foreign your back on the world and begun central banks could buy stock market Yahweh has warned us in Le- serving Almighty Yahweh? Why not derivatives like the S&P contracts at viticus 26:18-20: “And if you will begin to do so now, while there is a discount. It’s not that these foreign not yet for these things listen still time remaining? Tomorrow may banks need a break on the price of to me, then I will punish you be too late!

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 13 The Eleventh Hour of Life

done to proclaim His Truth? Has each issue of The Sacred Name time been wasted on inessentials? Broadcaster? Do you simply shrug How Do Have I been concerned enough about off the convicting herald of warning my health so that, if Yahshua delays that is contained therein, or do you His coming, I can be of continued allow it to penetrate your mind and service for the Most High? heart? Do you allow the Bible mes- We Spend All of these questions demanded sage to correct and change you? Do an answer and were instrumental you desire to become obedient to in reorienting goals and directions what you read? It? in his life. The message of the Bible is not Most people today want instant merely for someone who is elderly gratification. At the moment of temp- and conscience-stricken about his tation, their usual attitude is one of past. The Bible was meant also by Elder Jacob O. Meyer not caring about the consequences. for the young person who needs When someone is engaged in im- direction in making the important morality, for example, and his sin is decisions of his life. pointed out to him, he usually justi- King Solomon of ancient Israel The days and years seem to fly fies his actions by saying, “I don’t had lived on both sides. He knew rapidly by. It appears that, as one care what happens in a hereafter, if what it meant to be obedient and to becomes older, this truism becomes there even is a hereafter. I’m living receive direct communication (this ever more pronounced. How swiftly for the moment. The present is all happened twice) from the Most High. the minutes, hours, days, months, I’m interested in. I don’t care if I’m But later in his life, he somehow and years disappear! Where do denied everlasting life.” rejected faithful obedience to our they go? But as such people advance Heavenly Father. He even went The moment that perhaps had the toward the twilight of life, their so far as to worship in the pagan most impact on my life was when I thinking begins to change. As the temples he had allowed his wives to passed the 35-year milepost of my moment of death approaches, they erect in the environs of Jerusalem. life. It was a time of special intro- develop a different attitude. Whether It is possible that he justified his spection and evaluation, since the this could be called repentance, and actions with some kind of theological Scriptures give the promise of living whether it is genuine or not, only exegetics. But engaging in idolatry only 70 years (80, or even more, if Yahweh knows. is a sin and an abomination to our good health is enjoyed). See Psalm Some people endeavor to appease Heavenly Father. 90:10. I came to realize that half of the Almighty, who holds the judg- At the end of his life, Solomon my life was over. Where had it gone? ment of their lives in His hands. realized he had made a serious mis- The remaining half of my life would Suddenly, consideration of life in the take. The book of Ecclesiastes makes undoubtedly rush by more rapidly hereafter becomes important. Eter- this very plain. He urges his readers than had the first half. There is no nity is something they wish to spend to “Remember also your Creator stopping the river of time. in life rather than death. Trying to in the days of your youth, before Questions that came with breath- make amends to the Almighty for the evil days come, and the years taking impact were: What have I having disobeyed Him for so long, draw near, when you shall say, done with half of my life? Have I some begin doing different things I have no pleasure in them….” been working hard enough for our they hope will please Him. (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Notice later in Heavenly Father? Could more be What is your attitude as you read this passage (verses 2-8) the allusion

14 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 If you had to be accountable before the judgment seat of Yahshua the Messiah right now, would your actions be the same as they are now?

to the body growing old. Solomon The fact that is forgotten by so indicates that it is better to serve many people at the moment of temp- the Almighty and remember Him tation is that there will eventually in our youth, when a good spiritual be a final reckoning—the bottom foundation supporting our lives line, to use the vernacular. Eventu- can be constructed, than to depend ally, there will be a judgment, which upon a death-bed conversion with a means a careful examination of genuineness that could be suspect. what we have done with the knowl- Solomon had already alluded in edge placed at our disposal. Too chapter 8 to the desirability of living many people justify their actions, righteously all the days of our lives. trying to ease their consciences He said in verses 11-14 of the chap- when they are doing wrong. ter: “Because sentence against an They may even use Scripture evil work is not executed speedily, to support their misconduct. therefore the heart of the sons But, in the final analysis, it of men is fully set in them to do is the respect that we have evil. Though a sinner does evil for the Word of Yahweh and a hundred times, and prolongs His Truth—viewing it in a his days, yet surely I know that straightforward manner—that it shall be well with them that means the difference between fear Elohim, that fear before either our eternal life, or our him: but it shall not be well eternal death. with the wicked, neither shall he Although there is judgment prolong his days, which are as now when people sin, it is usually a shadow; because he fears not postponed by the Almighty, who can before Elohim. There is a vanity truly be characterized as a Mighty which is done upon the earth, One of lovingkindness and grace. that there are righteous men to Almighty Yahweh has plainly told whom it happens according to His people that He does not desire the death of the wicked, but, rather, pleasure in the death of him that the work of the wicked; again, that they turn from their evil way dies, says the Sovereign Yahweh: there are wicked men to whom it and live (Ezekiel 18:23). He says therefore turn yourselves, and happens according to the work in verses 30-32: “Therefore I will live.” of the righteous: I said that this judge you, O house of Israel, The Holy Spirit is convicting also is vanity.” every one according to his ways, people in the world today. Perhaps Truly, it shall not be well with says the Sovereign Yahweh. Re- it is convicting you. It is changing the wicked person, nor will he turn and turn yourselves from all lives so that True Worshipers are prolong his days; but the one who your transgressions; so iniquity coming out of this Babylonish system fears Almighty Yahweh will surely shall not be your ruin. Cast away in which we find ourselves. These be blessed. Although some wicked from you all your transgressions, people are sincerely seeking to serve people appear to prosper and some in which you have transgressed; our Heavenly Father in spirit and righteous ones have problems and and make you a new heart and a in Truth. They have forever com- difficulties, there is ultimate justice new spirit: for why will you die, mitted their lives to the Most High. with Yahweh. O house of Israel? For I have no They seek to live faithfully by every

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 15 word proceeding from the mouth of Continued from page 5. the valley of Achor for a door our Heavenly Father. They are not of hope; and she shall make an- feasts, her new moons, and her waiting until the eleventh hour of swer there, as in the days of her sabbaths, and all her solemn as- their lives to serve their Creator. youth, and as in the day when semblies. And I will lay waste her Therefore, if you are young and she came up out of the land of vines and her fig-trees, of which presently in a moment of tempta- Egypt. And it shall be at that tion, think carefully about what your she has said, These are my hire day, says Yahweh, that you shall attitude will undoubtedly be when that my lovers have given me; call me Ishi, and shall call me you are at the moment of death. If and I will make them a forest, no more Baali. For I will take you had to be accountable before and the beasts of the field shall away the names of the Baalim the judgment seat of Yahshua the eat them. And I will visit upon out of her mouth, and they shall Messiah right now, would your ac- her the days of the Baalim, to no more be mentioned by their tions be the same as they are now? which she burned incense, when name.” (Hosea 2:8-17). Will the sin you are committing be she decked herself with her ear- It is imperative that we eliminate equal in value to eternal separation rings and her jewels, and went from our religious practice all things from Almighty Yahweh? Why not after her lovers, and forgot me, that are displeasing to Almighty serve Him at all times, in every mo- says Yahweh. Yahweh. One of those things is the ment of your life! Repent and live a “Therefore, behold, I will al- observance of days that He has not life of obedience in anticipation of lure her, and bring her into the commanded. Let us determine to the Kingdom to come. Receive the wilderness, and speak comfort- obey Him and keep His command- blessings He has promised you for ably to her. And I will give her ments, as did Ezra and Nehemiah obedience to His Word. Let the blood her vineyards from there, and (Nehemiah 10:28-35). of Messiah cleanse you from all sin, and allow His Holy Spirit to lead you in paths of righteousness. “Sanctify them in the truth: your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Yahweh’s pure Word of Truth has the power to cut through ­distortions and put things into their proper perspective. The seventh printing of The Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition, is available for distribution. To obtain a copy of this ­superb Bible trans‑ lation, write for current pricing information. Send your request to: Now Assemblies of Yahweh PO Box C available Bethel, PA 19507 on Kindle (717) 933-4518 www.assembliesofyahweh.com

16 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 In a conversation with an incom- by Elder Jacob O. Meyer think badly about another person, ing member of the Assemblies of any kind of truthful assertion will Yahweh, he indicated that, since either be thrust aside, or twisted having come to know the As- to mean something quite different. semblies of Yahweh organization Perhaps this is one of the signs with its Headquarters at Bethel, brethren, and an alien to my of the times. Nevertheless, it is Pennsylvania, he recognized that mother’s children. For the zeal certainly an evident and frequent it was quite different in character of your house has eaten me up; occurrence. Furthermore, once an compared with the way various and the reproaches of them that opinion is formed by people, it religious organizations are pre- reproach you have fallen upon becomes difficult to reverse. senting us. He suggested that I me. When I wept, and chastened There have been many such write an editorial in The Sacred my soul with fasting, that was trying incidents that have occurred Name Broadcaster magazine to to my reproach. When I made during my ministry. Many inquir- counter “the 20 biggest lies” that sackcloth my clothing, I became ers have written in, telephoned, or are being told about the Assem- a byword to them. They that sit personally asked questions about blies of Yahweh. Over the course in the gate talk of me; and I am the doctrines being taught by the of time, I contemplated possibly the song of the drunkards. But Assemblies of Yahweh. I have not writing such a commentary since, as for me, my prayer is to you, O hesitated to answer each one as occasionally, individuals ask ques- Yahweh, in an acceptable time: truthfully and as forthrightly as tions regarding the Assemblies of O Elohim, in the abundance of possible, using the sacred Scrip- Yahweh organization that reveal your lovingkindness, answer me tures. Many times, however, if an their skepticism about us. in the truth of your salvation.” individual just simply does not What finally prompted me to (Psalm 69:4, 8-13). agree with what the Bible teaches write the article was a comment Undoubtedly, presidents are not (even though the evidence is pre- that appeared in the feature sec- the only individuals who suffer like sented therefrom), he will simply tion of our local Sunday newspaper sitting ducks! The leader of any go on his way and do as he pleases. recently. Here is the quote: “All group, or movement, is customarily Occasionally, when someone wishes sitting presidents are sitting ducks.” maligned with little opportunity to liberalize their lifestyle, they The comment comprised an obser- afforded him to counter the criti- will attack the leadership of the vation regarding how presidents cal comments that are launched Assemblies of Yahweh and try to usually become the butt of the against him, since such personal pull us down to their level. This jokes of comedians. opinions are usually voiced out of has happened to the editor far too Something similar also hap- his earshot. In my youth, I was many times! pened to King David! “They that quite an idealist. I believed that Without a doubt, those who are hate me without a cause are when facts were proven, people in a leadership position will always more than the hairs of my head: would accept such proof and change be more closely scrutinized than they that would cut me off, their opinions accordingly. How- will an average member, or a com- being my enemies wrongfully, ever, events of the past 40 years mon person in society. Essentially, are mighty: that which I took have altered my belief in the in- it is our responsibility as leaders to not away I have to restore....I herent goodness of man. It seems live unhypocritically, forthrightly, have become a stranger to my that when someone intends to and to obey and practice what we

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 17 teach. We have tried very hard in regard to various assertions he Moses’ seat? The answer can be to do this throughout the years. had been told by malicious critics. found in the eighteenth chapter of Yahshua the Messiah brought an Some of the accusations had made Exodus where Moses sat “to judge accusation against the Pharisees him suspicious that they might, the people.” What is the respon- of His day when He defined hy- in fact, be untrue. One held that sibility of a judge? Some people pocrisy as: “The scribes and the Elder Jacob O. Meyer would not might call him a dictator, but the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat: all baptize anyone into Yahshua’s honest, sincere, and forthright things therefore whatever they Name except they would move to judge will be serving as an abso- bid you, these do and observe: Bethel. This family happened to lute authority (making decisions) but do not you after their works; visit Bethel during an annual feast WITHIN THE LAW. Some people for they say, and do not.” (Mat- convocation, one of Yahweh’s major do not like that when they are law thew 23:2-3). pilgrim feasts. As he and his fam- breakers (sinners); therefore, they Let me give you some illus- ily interacted with the assembled want “rule by committee” so they trations of the falsehoods and people, they soon realized that an can play politics. Elder Jacob O. prevarications that I have had to outrageous prevarication had been Meyer [served] as the judge and endure over the past decades of launched against Elder Jacob O. superintendent of the Assemblies labor in Yahweh’s harvest field. Meyer. Here at Bethel, at the holy of Yahweh. One individual reported to me convocation, he met baptized True For decades, various religious that the assertion had been made Worshipers from 20 states and organizations have claimed I had that Elder Jacob O. Meyer is various foreign countries. Obvi- been one of their members in my motivated by numerology. “How?” ously, these individuals continued younger days. People have told he asked. The response was that to live in their own localities, but me that the Jehovah’s Witness Elder Jacob O. Meyer prays exactly they had come to Bethel to attend organization has claimed that Mrs. 12 minutes before each sermon. Yahweh’s annual feast convocation. Meyer and I were once members of Consequently, since the first per- An individual once told me that that organization. However, this is son did not accept such assertions various detractors were insisting untrue. As Mrs. Meyer and I were without proof, he timed the prayers that Elder Jacob O. Meyer exclu- studying the sacred Scriptures to on some of the cassette sermon sively handled every aspect of the learn True Worship, we did indeed tapes for himself. After checking Assemblies of Yahweh services. speak to representatives of the the length of the prayers of five or After sitting through one service, Jehovah’s Witnesses who came six different sermons, he verified he concluded that obviously this to our door. Also, a number of our that this accusation was simply a was a transparent prevarication, acquaintances were members of lie. Therefore, he responded to the since Elder Meyer’s assistants the sect, and we conversed with second individual, but, apparently, helped him carry the load of con- them occasionally. (As a matter he would not accept clear evidence, ducting services and organizing of fact, one of Mrs. Meyer’s good since he only intended to pick fault the feast. friends in school was a member of and criticize. Frequently, we encounter people Jehovah’s Witnesses.) However, to Too frequently, people today who believe that Elder Jacob O. the best of our recollection, we only are swayed by emotion, or by Meyer serves as a dictator in the ever attended two or three of their falsehood, rather than motivated Assemblies of Yahweh. I cannot find meetings, and we certainly did not toward Truth after weighing the where that term ever appears in join their organization. We could actual evidence. One of the indica- the Bible, or is even implied, but not compromise the Sacred Name tions proving this assertion is the my position has been one of direct- and the biblical titles of the great turmoil surrounding the office of a ing the organization (similar to a Majesty on High and His Son, prosecutor. “Let’s get the evidence, superintendent, which is one of our Messiah and Savior—Yahweh and then make a decision.” Many the definitions of the word bishop, Elohim and Yahshua the Mes- people have supported that ap- Strong’s Exhaustive Concor- siah—by using surrogate terms proach, but scandal mongers and dance of the Bible #1984, #1985, for their True Names. Therefore, talk-show hosts have continually episkopos). The Bible indicates we could not affiliate ourselves generated controversy, perhaps in that the leader of True Worship with that group. fear that their shows would die serves as a judge, which we saw Additionally, they were not without it. previously: “The scribes and keeping the Sabbath, the seventh Another individual came to visit Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat.” day of the week, nor do they keep us here at Bethel to verify the posi- (Matthew 23:2). Who would sit Yahweh’s annual holy days, which tion of the Assemblies of Yahweh on Moses’ seat today? What was the sacred Scriptures indicate are

18 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 very necessary. If you have never did visit Pasadena, California, and After 15 or 20 minutes listening to seen this for yourself, why not toured through the headquarters an individual present their beliefs write for our free article entitled, campus. While there, I spoke to and doctrines, we can usually find The Fourth Commandment a number of their ministers that the flaws in their teachings. How- Enigma, Which Day to Keep, held prominent positions in the or- ever, you are unique, because in and Yahweh’s Sacred Appoint- ganizations, but I never requested your teachings you are absolutely ments. Especially read the first membership in the World Wide consistent from Genesis to Revela- seven verses of Isaiah chapter 56. Ch-rch of G-d. Again, the reason tion.” As I chuckled, I remarked, This passage will tell you that all is because they rejected the Sacred “Well, then. When are you ready True Worshipers, even gentiles, Name doctrine, which I know to to be baptized into the Assemblies must keep the Sabbath as a sign be factual. Additionally, other of Yahweh?” “Not so fast,” came of their Covenant commitment doctrines were espoused by that back the response, “We are also with Yahweh. Zechariah 14:16-20 group which I found to be in error. consistent, but from a different commands everyone to keep the An interesting incident occurred perspective.” My rejoinder was, Feast of Tabernacles. between myself and several promi- “How can you be consistent, and Periodically, we hear that Sev- nent ministers of one of the Ch-rch I be consistent, and we are not enth-Day Adventists also claim of G-d, Seventh-Day organizations. together?” The answer was that that Mrs. Meyer and I were once They requested me to have a dis- “...the scriptural passages that members of that group. However, cussion with them one evening, you believe must be interpreted

Too frequently, people today are swayed by emotion, or by falsehood, rather than motivated toward Truth after weighing the actual evidence.

again we must present the truth. which I did attend. During the literally are to our concept only To the best of our recollection, we course of our conversation, they conditional.” “Give me an example,” only ever attended two or three indicated they would like to ordain I urged. “Zechariah 14:16-20,” was Seventh-Day Adventists services me as one of their ministers. I the response. “You keep the Feast but never joined the organization. could use the Sacred Name, but not of Tabernacles, but that is only con- We could not compromise our exclusively, they said. I could even ditional for this era,” they insisted. conscience and neglect to worship mention the Name of Yahshua, I questioned, “How can that be in the Sacred Name and use it but could not use it exclusively. conditional when there is no term exclusively, nor give up Yahweh’s My response was, “That is out if to be found in that passage.” Of feast days. Furthermore, we could of the question!” That seemed to course, they could not respond and not prove that Ellen G. White was end the discussion, and it was my an uneasy silence ensued. (They a true prophet, as many of their last interaction with any leaders never did join the Assemblies of members believe. of that group. Yahweh, which I greatly regret.) The Seventh Day Ch-rch of G-d In 1984, I was invited to attend Sometimes we get questions and the World Wide Ch-rch G-d of a conference with the leadership of concerning the prophetic nature of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong have the Seventh-Day Adventist Ch-rch the Assemblies of Asia, mentioned also claimed that we were once in Tacoma Park, Maryland. Three in Revelation 2 and 3. Some groups members. One of these groups, as of my assistants accompanied me. declare that each one of those a matter of fact, claimed that I had After presenting Assemblies of Assemblies are Yahshua’s True been rejected for baptism because Yahweh doctrines for somewhat Assemblies, and therefore, even of my rigid stand on the Sacred over an hour, the leadership of the though the Assemblies of Yahweh Name doctrine. The truth of the Seventh-Day Adventist Ch-rch sat may claim that we are striving matter is that I never requested there in silence. One of them re- to be Philadelphia, that they also baptism of them at any time. I marked, “You are certainly unique. have a part in the True Assembly.

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 19 Some groups even claim they are notice that there is only one True religious organization preaching Laodicea, seeking to point out Assembly. That Assembly, the one Yahweh’s pure doctrinal Truth, that this one is the last Assembly that receives commendation would and practicing it. People do what prophetic period before the Second constitute the center stem of the they want to do. If they determine Coming of Yahshua. (I certainly menorah. The seven-branched to follow the teachings of the sa- would not desire to be a part of lampstand is usually depicted cred Scriptures, they will do so Laodicea, because those individuals with the center stem slightly el- and find their way into the As- are lukewarm and will certainly be evated above the others, and the semblies of Yahweh organization. rejected by Yahshua the Messiah Scriptures instruct that the lamps If they intend to be independent, unless they repent. If Laodicea are to be turned so they will be or liberal, they will find a way to does indeed repent, they cannot shining toward the front of the remain outside of True Worship and remain Laodiceans—then where do menorah. Consequently, the side stay lukewarm, even if it means they go? Obviously, Philadelphia!) branches will be lighting the way justifying themselves with false Recently, I preached a sermon for the people seeking Truth to go and malicious criticism. that will counter the assertion that to Philadelphia! If you have never What will be your decision? If there is more than one True Assem- considered some of these facts, you have in the past been swayed bly. The seven-branched lampstand perhaps you should. (the menorah of Tabernacle and While, indeed, the leader of by gossip or falsehood to remain Temple times) symbolizes the seven True Worship has been frequently outside the Assemblies of Yahweh, Assemblies of Revelation 2 and 3. maligned behind his back—and why not ask us for the truth? We (See Revelation 1:20.) However, called a cultist to his face—the have nothing to hide! Perhaps when the Bible student restudies fact of the matter is that we can you will even wish to join with the description certainly prove that the Assem- the Assemblies of Yahweh in True of the menorah, he (or she) will blies of Yahweh today is the only Worship! We hope so! Give That Others May Learn!

The Sacred Name Broadcaster that you are holding in your hands has never had a subscription price. Published for the past 46 years, some subscribers have received this magazine for a decade or more, yet have never contributed anything towards its publication—not even anything to pay the postage. Yet, it is a first-class magazine that most subscribers value very highly! No, we are not rich so that we can afford luxury, nor are we funded by a rich corporation. This ministry has always been a labor of love and sacrifice. Frequently, we literally exist on what other larger organizations waste. Someone sent in their tithes and offerings so that we might give you a gift of knowledge that (if followed) will lead you to eternal salvation. We hope to place the sound doctrines we teach, beginning with the Sacred Name message, in the hands of every person on earth who desires to receive it. Consequently, since someone already paid for your subscription, will you bless someone else by helping to place the ­Sacred Name Broadcaster in their hands? Both they—and we—will greatly appreciate your sincerity, and Almighty Yahweh will reward you in His Kingdom Age, when Yahshua the Messiah returns.

20 The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 Television These television stations air the Sacred Name Telecast. Check the program time the sacred name and frequency of the station in your area. programs Cable and Satellite Chicago and Upper Midwest Comcast Cable Channel 138-TLN Streaming @ www.tln.com Radio Tuesday 10:30 - 11:00 p.m. CT These radio stations air the Sacred Thursday 11:00-11:30 a.m. CT Name Broadcast. Check the radio time KTLN-San Francisco Channel 47 and frequency of the station in your area. Tuesday 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. PT Thursday 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. PT Atlantic Prayer Network on DishTV West Indies Channel 256 Sunday 12:30 p.m. ET Radio Anguilla 1530 Dish Network Channel 221 Saturday 6:45–7:15 a.m. Sunday 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. ET Central DBS Radio (Dominica) 88.1 FM Arkansas Word Network Sunday 9:00–9:30 a.m. 1090, Little Rock (U.S. and 195 countries) *KAAY 595 Sunday 8:30–9:00 a.m. Tuesday 3:00 a.m. ET Radio Dominica Sunday 10:00–10:30 a.m. WTVE Channel 51, Reading, PA Radio GBN (Grenada) 535 Iowa Sunday 7:00–7:30 a.m. Sunday 6:45–7:15 p.m. 1540, Waterloo Chattanooga, TN *KXEL WFLI Guyana Radio Roraima 760 Sunday 7:30–8:00 a.m. Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. Sunday 6:00–6:15 a.m. WSEE & CBS Satellite Radio St. Lucia 660 Texas Channel 16, Erie, PA. Sunday 6:00–6:30 a.m. *KBXD 1480, Dallas Sunday 7:30–8:00 a.m. 1300 Radio PJD2 (St. Maarten) Sunday 7:30–8:00 a.m. AT&T U-Verse Channels 367, 471 Sunday 7:30–8:00 a.m. Sunday 7:30–8:00 p.m. (HD), 1367 and 1471 (HD) Trinidad Radio Power 102.5 Sunday, 11:30–12:00 p.m. Sunday 6:45–7:00 a.m. WTTA Channel 32, Tampa, FL Philippines Sunday 8:00–8:30 a.m. ET Canada DWNW 756, Bicol Region Eastern Sunday 6:00–6:15 a.m. CTV-CIVT Channel 32, and Pennsylvania DXCC 828, Cagayan de Oro City cable 8 and 9 Vancouver, British Colombia WWSM 1510, Lebanon Sunday 6:30–6:45 a.m. Sunday 5:00–5:30 a.m. Sunday 7:30–8:00 a.m. DXWG 855, Iligan City CTV Nationwide on Satellite Sunday 6:00–6:15 p.m. Bell ExpressVu 250, West Virginia Shaw Direct (Star Choice) 321 *WWVA 1170, Wheeling *Indicates powerful station Rogers Cable 112 Friday 10:00–10:30 p.m. (also streamed) heard over wide areas Caribbean Region HTS Channel 4, St. Lucia Sunday 10:30–11:00 a.m. Cable TV Channel 15, St. Maarten Sunday 3:30–4:00 p.m. WMLK Radio MSR Cable TV Channel 6, St. Martin Assemblies of Yahweh Shortwave Sunday 10:00–10:30 a.m., 7:00–7:30 p.m. WSEE & CBS Satellite (Note: There are times that WMLK is not broadcasting because of Sunday 7:30–8:00 a.m. EST maintenance or repairs.) Public Access Cable Channels – Hartford, CT On the air six days each week: Sunday Friday Rochester, MN wmlkradio.net Richmond, VA 0400–0900 GMT 11 p.m.–4:00 a.m. EST 9265 kHz Wisconsin Rapids, WI 1600–2100 GMT 11 a.m.–4:00 p.m. EST Check local listings

The Sacred Name Broadcaster, 10/2014 21 The Sacred Name Broadcaster PERIODICAL Bethel, PA 19507 Reading, PA

The Memorial Name Yahweh by Elder Jacob O. Meyer

“What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name?” (Proverbs 30:4)

This probing question queries the Bible student. Do you know the revealed, personal Name of our Heavenly Father? What is the Name of our ­Savior—the only Name given among men in which we may receive salvation? Join noted Bible scholar, author, and broadcast minister, Elder Jacob O. Meyer, on this exciting scholarly journey in search of one of the Bible’s most sacred truths. Write to: Assemblies of Yahweh P.O. Box C Bethel, PA 19507

(717) 933-4518
