Rinity, Buality, Or @Neness?
RINITY, BUALITY, OR @NENESS? An enlightening scripturally based article explaining the much misunderstood relationship that exists between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. by Jacob O. Meyer RINITY, DUAI,ITY, OR ONENESS? by Jacob O. Meyer T,, (.( )nrprt,herirl the nressirge of trinity fs one supreme being, er- bear reeord in heatsen, the Father, the t he Ililllr, Ilt( )l'(, t holotrgh lr'. ( )n(, is tinq in three persons, all equal Word, and the Holg [spiritl; and these tttust initiirllr- olrtrrin rr goorl unrlt,r.- in rank and in eternity, hauing lhree are one. And there are three that strrnrling of' tht, t,xisting rt,littionshilr the same substance and yet being bear wilness in earth, the Spirit, and the l)r,t\\'t,t,n tltt, IX,t's()ns in tltt, sl)t.ir.it tritl three separate persons, but ualer, and the blood; and these three agree firrn i l..,' of' the )lrr.jestv olt tligh. united in one G-dhead. in une." Ont, r,1' the Irirsir. tenets tltught In' The bettel Ilible eno,clopedius The translation from the Aramaic r)r,111inirl ('hrist ilrnitv is tht, trinitr'. irrlnrit that no Old Testanrent Peshitta Version renders 1 .John Tiit, ('hristiirn rt,ligion is lrirserl I)r.t,- I)itssrrge crrn be found that lt'ill Jl:7-ll this way. "And the Spirit testifies rlonrinrrntlv Lllx)n rr firrn lrt,lit,f in .justif'r'the clor:trine of the trinit-l'. that lhat uery Spiril is truth. And there this rlot'tt'ittt' \litt'ty gt'oLll)s ttiitke In ftrct, t]rev irlso freell' adnrit to ar ore lhree lhal bear wilness, the Spiril and this one (lo,:trine ir TEST of'fell,ru'- rlerrlth of ntuterial in the New lhe ualer and bktod; and lhese lhree are sh i p.
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