Rhode Island and the American Nation Da~§ November
Rhode Island History Pubhshed by Th .. Rhod.. IsbnJ Hrsroncal Volume 46, Number 3 August 1987 <>oc ,..t)', 110 fkn lenl 'If""!, Prrwrdence, Rh Je leland. 01,,",,*. ..nd prmted by a gram trum the SUIl: 01 Rhode Contents 1~land ..nd Pwndence Planuunn~. Ed.....ard D. n,h"I". Gn\"l~ rn " r. KalhlCC'n S Connell, Secretarv 01SU le Issued Quarterlv ,1 1 l'tn\·ldcn<,: e. Rhude Island , February, Ma~·. AU.(U~I .;ln.! Rhode Island and the American Nation da~§ November. Second fII><OU,i:e f';I,d al ALBERT T . KlYHER G Provrdence, Rhude Is];lnd K",! Encson pr..,,,I..m Alden.\t And..r""n, VIC.. ptestdent A Day in the Life of Rogel Williams 95 "'tr~ . Ed..-m G fischer. 1'lCe messdem GLENN L AFANTA SI E Nancv fhhel Chu,hcutt <ecr r t arv W. RIChard Sullivan. In,nure, Mrchael n Lmcoln, a""',,m ueasuter Arnold Fnedman, "''''''"m <ecretarv Book Reviews 112 Albt-n T K l y bt- r ~ director fELLOWS tI, THI '>('<.IITY CMI Bnde nbaugh Sydney V lames Amolfle(le F Du wnm,i: Richa rd K, Sh"wm.1n rUlltlL"A H <I ~ ' l 'tl,\{ M , TT II Leona rd I Levin , chairman Henry l. 1'. Bcckwlth. lt. roc! A Cohee Norman Flcnnlo: Ruben Allen Gre ene Pamela A. Kenn ed y Alan Srrnpsun Willia m M ~K ell ~ l c WIHldwafd qAH lonarhan Slsk, ..dllm levee BUlclh o, graphICS cdnar Lcon ardl. t.cvm, COPI' t·J,/or Emily Gallard", designer W Paul Yal n , ..dirofl<JJ o-st-tam The Rhode bland H ht"t1~al StH;lel)' J~~ u mc~ no lesl'''nslb, ltt y lnr the ul'lm"n ~ ul co mnburors.
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