Is Pleased to Announce a Unique Cultural Exchange Program Desi

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Is Pleased to Announce a Unique Cultural Exchange Program Desi Writing and Literature in Cuba Today: A People-to-People Travel Program March 24-31, 2012 The Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities (Mass Humanities) is pleased to announce a unique cultural exchange program designed for practicing and aspiring writers in any genre, from fiction and poetry to journalism and travel writing. (Non- writers who are literary enthusiasts are also welcome.) The program features a series of informal encounters, readings, and one-on-one meetings with Cuban writers. In addition, participants are invited to engage directly in the literary craft by way of dynamic, field- based writing exercises that allow them to interact with Cubans as they gather material for their own creative work. Advance readings give participants a basic grounding in the literature of Cuba, and lectures and site visits highlight this literary heritage. This is a unique opportunity to visit a rapidly changing country that has been inaccessible to most U.S. citizens for over half a century. Our itinerary includes Havana and Cienfuegos, two culturally rich and fascinating cities, with possible stops at Playa Girón (the Bay of Pigs) and Santa Clara, a key historic site of the Cuban Revolution. Each day there will be one or more meetings with Cubans: writers, academics, artists, musicians, foundation officials, craftsmen, or entrepreneurs. Visit legendary Finca Vigía, where Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote for more than two decades, as well as other important Hemingway sites in Habana Vieja and Cojímar, where we will meet with Cubans to discuss the importance of Ernest Hemingway as a Cuban literary and cultural icon. Attend informal lectures on such topics as Cuban literature, Cuban arts, Hemingway’s years in Cuba, the history of the Cuban Revolution, and US-Cuba relations. In addition to daily writing and cultural exchange activities, participants will have the opportunity to sample some of Cuba’s famous paladares (officially sanctioned restaurants located in private homes), and, of course, to experience Cuba’s famous music scene. The cost to participate in this program is $3,295. The price includes round-trip airfare from Miami to Havana, visa, hotels with breakfast, six meals (dinner and lunch on alternating days), ground transportation in air conditioned bus, local guides, museum entrance fees, and a tax-deductible contribution to the Mass Humanities. Price quoted is per person, double occupancy. The single supplement is $300. TENTATIVE ITINERARY Writing and Literature in Cuba Today March 24 - 31, 2013 Sunday, March 24 Arrive Miami, check in at Miami Airport Hotel. Dinner on your own. Group meeting at 7:30 p.m. Meet in hotel lobby. Monday, March 25 Transfer to Miami International Airport [5:30 a.m.]. Arrive Havana from Miami. Check in at hotel in Old Havana with lunch. Visit the Museum of the Revolution. Initial meeting with Cuban writers at Casa de las Americas, Ludwig Foundation, or hotel. Presentation on the arts in Cuba and the Cuban-American relationship with Helmo Hernández, Fernando Saez, or other speaker. Evening: Cañonazo ceremony at la Cabaña fortress. Tuesday, March 26 Morning: Lecture on Hemingway in Cuba, followed by Writing Field Exercise in Habana Vieja or Vedado. Afternoon: Visit to Ernest Hemingway’s estate at Finca Vigía, followed by meeting with Cubans at La Terraza restaurant (a setting featured in The Old Man and the Sea) to discuss Hemingway as a Cuban literary and cultural icon. Wednesday, March 27 Morning: Depart for Cienfuegos. Lecture en route on the history of the Cuban Revolution. Possible stops at Central Australia and/or Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs). Afternoon: Check in at Cienfuegos hotel. Private performance by the Coro de Cienfuegos. Sunset on the beach, with optional reading. Thursday, March 28 Morning: Writing Field Exercise and Workshop. Afternoon: Meeting with Cuban writers and artists at UNEAC (Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba), possibly followed by a joint reading by Cuban and American writers. Friday, March 29 Return to Havana. Stop en route in Santa Clara to visit the tren blindado and the Che Guevara Mausoleum or in Playa Girón. Check in at hotel. Saturday, March 30 Morning: Visit to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, with writing exercise. Afternoon: Final encounter and reading with Havana writers. Sunday, March 31 Depart hotel for Jose Martí Airport and return to Miami. Flight leaves at 8:00 am. Do not book a continuing flight from Miami earlier than 4:00 p.m. Note: Some planned activities cannot be confirmed until arrival in Cuba and are therefore subject to change. .
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