TUESDAY • TUESDAY Edition W r 1!\tug-tum t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper

Volume LV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FEBRUARY 1, 1955 Number 30 Political Science 44 WSL Me11 ('Hell Week' Classes Polling . Are Affected By 'fo Keep All Lexington Area Auto1natic Rule Rt..gJStrar E. M. HoY.nrd announc­ Pledges Busy Faculty To Be Polled ed todnv that forty-four men have On Congressional Reports Cullen under the automatic rule at the t·nd of the finot st•mester. This Many Of Activities Several W&L !'tudcnts will start 1!'1 l ~s" than la.c;t yc:(lr's total of fifty this week with their polling of the men for the snme lime. Appear Ridiculous Lt!Xtngton lowns!)\;ople to determine Hownrd al~ swted that eight new By DILL MILLER whether the pubhc thinks the prinl­ mrn are o1tcrmg ~chool for the The Tu<.sday Editton of The Ring­ ing techniques of the Congr~sional sceonrl Eemester and eight m('n hnve tum Phi has carried on a special Committee Reports should be chang­ n:turncd to school :.ftcr nn absence. survey to dlSCO\'er what interesting ed. The nc w men arc 1homns Elr,·d ideas have arisen in the minds of This poll is bemg carl'lcd out Hrndford, Jr Bmn nghnm, Alabnma; the acth·C!' dunng the past weeks in under lhe guidance of Dr. Harvey Charles Henry Cohtn, UI. Bimt ng­ preparation Cor the final five days bm, Alahnmn; John E:nh• a~ lis \Vh(.. der of the Political Science de­ 1 of plcd~ing partment. Btrm nsham Alnbnma; Hov.art.l Cl' Some of these stunts are the rcll l'nckeli, Montross, Virginia and Fifty copies of the report on Small following: Sm 1ut:l Uilrnell Tanllah1ll: Bitmmg Business and Procurement have been The Kappa Slg pledges will par­ hl\tn, Alnballl;l Transfer ~ludenlo;~ urc: obtained for use in this poll They Eugene L i!tt ticipate in several races on Friday, John Sl11~ridan Coleman, Lonting, w11J be used as cxnmplcs by the the last night of the pledging ac­ !\hchignn (?.tichif::atl SUite College); students makmg the poll. tivities. Among lhe:.e races are a Randal Fink Robinson. Paducah, Eugene Lt.St mothball race (a variation of the Kentucky, (University of LoUt~ville) Faculty To Be Polled olive game), an alum water race, and The members of Or WheP.ler's two and Thomas Cover StiJXS, Flint PI H a tobacco sp1lting conte t. Michlgnn, {linlver:.ity of Michigan). cla!iSCS will also poll ~everal of the ays ere They arc also required to duck­ members or the facuhy for theiJ' Hctun1ecs arc. lti'•un Lu.• Brant- walk up the front steps while quack­ opmion. Here special emphasis will Icy, Jr.. Br.stol, va.. John Thom.ls Tomorrow Nt•<1 ht ing loudly. Cold water, hot water, be placed on the departments of Evans, Ja.. Snn 1\ntonJo, T<"xas; ~ lobnsco sauce and rotten eggs will Enghsh, journaliSm, history, lan ­ Hu~h CurtiS Newlon, Oobhs Ferry, Eu L t ld N. Y.; Wilham 1 homns Pac<', g_ene .rs • wor renownc:o supplement the abnormal everyday guage, law, commu·ce, philosophy, Fn111k1 n, Va.; Jed Edgar· StdT(•e, Am~rtcan pmnisl, will appear m act1vlties or the week. und mihtary science. Lexmglon tomorrow mght at 8 p.m. The Phi Dells nre ncnr the top Ba I t lTJOrt•, Va.; R1C'h~td Allen Lnn I th H' h S h 1 lit · 11 Mr. C. Harold Lauck, of the J our­ L' 11.11 N y m c tg c oo aut ortum c with some of the more ingcnius k o\1 .. ores! J '• · A. 0 . Jone~o, · th d t l. Ll nahsm Laboratory Press will be con­ • . IS c sccon prescn a •on o r 1c achvrties. A night road race (relay r.n d C1 ct1 E< Imond.;, \\ \'the\'1 1le, Vn. P.ockb 'd C rt Th .,_ · sulted for what Or. Wheeler calls How t~d remlndcd .students that • rt ge once - cater .,.,rJcs type) between Buena Vist.n and Lex­ an "~xpert" opmion. . ul . . of the current ~ocason. " •ton i.s the coolest idea on their t h C A U t 0~ lIC r e IS app1 IC811 > l' • . program. The office:. c! The Rockbridge under several st:ts of c rcumstanc(.'S. Born m Phtladclphm, Eugenc Ltst 1 Climbmg a greasc:d pole on the County Nev. and Tbe Lexington 1 Failure to pass 9 hours work; 2. s~nt his boyhood c.n the West intramural fiehl i:; another idea. But Gazelte will be vis1led. Here too an fallure to earn net of 3 quality ~?'""t where h1s Cather taught school the- burlap underwear and the over­ analysis of the format and type size credit.; 3. rect.:iving F in G houn. \~hen only ten, he made, his deb~t ripe onion eating se:.sion may top w1ll be obtained. w t11out receiving a net of 9 quality w1th the Los Ang'-'k'llt Ph1lh~rmomc 1 the list of freshman fun. Dr. Wheeler said that Utis pro­ crcdtls on 9 hour::; Wl)rk 01·chestra, playmg Beethoven s Th1rd The Phi Kappa Sigs also have ject i3 conslrucled to show his stu­ · Piano Concerto. a B.V. to Lexington run with the dents how a proposal to Congress In March, 1942, Li.!;l volunteered pledges ca1 rymg a lighted canclle to is for active duty and as a Special drawn up and how a "random Jack) Smith Awat'ded light U1e way. poll' is carrted out. Services sergeant, he later added a Matches, chewing gum, cigarettes colorful note to Ius career when he Composition Prizes and eggs must be carried at a ll tunes. \\on fame as the "Pol dam P1anist." Wat(.r dr.nkmg contests, air raids, In Fn shman English He \\o,~S summondcd to play pr1vately \\lREL Solves for the Big Three-Churchill, Tru­ and mealtime <;Ongf"sts are also Dr. Jaml., S. Mcff.. tt of the Eng­ featur<:d attractions. A1oiD 'l'liE GOUS LOOK Do~. Fred Ea.-.tt r, lh J up:tcr, and ;m.~., S.} ndn man and Stalin, and before the con­ I.W Department announced today The ZBT pledges are also carry­ Ru:.Ln O• !!JIJlll•. 9'> J u110, arc pictured a, Utel entered the g ~ m la !>l fcre:nce was over, hc was asked to Exam Puzzle that two freshmen, Whitefield J ack ing cigarettes, matches, candy, etc. Friday night to open the 46th annual Fancy Ur<'\!> B.tll. play four more times. Do you know who "Bracy the und R .. ;. mond P. Smith, have heen A personal slave system, a "fun -ltoanoke Time!> Photo owardcd cnsh prizes for excellence B~rd" is? Well, neither did anyone Played at White llouso night," and a treasure hunt are l 'I En~h!\h 1. else m English l!iS. Dul'ing tl1e Truman Administra­ scheduled. A Iavol'itc que:.tion of Or. Filz­ Jnrk was awarded first priz(• of tion, he was asked to the White Paint brushes must be carried ~ 10 and Smith received a "Ccond around the neck nnd demerits are ~... rald rlow noy on English 155 House on a number· of occasions as Fraternities Elect New Officers prize of The awards were made being givLD for failure lo carry out ex:u-ns, "Elracy the Bard" v. asn 't too $10. one or the President's favonte artists. ,.ell-known. Several a~ternit.c..; held clecuons I't·c:.i(h.llt, Harry Kennedy, Vtcc on the basis of themes submilteJ to List's posl-war career started in all instructions properly. for hou.;c officers for the st-cond Pre~id~nl; Jaclt Frtcdman, Secretary; the department from a number of Last n1ght the Phi Eps conducted Joe Knaltal, an ex-student of Or. the radJo spotlight of Harvest of S(::ne.,ter, pre«'dmg cxarmnat1ons. and Joe Banks, Treasurer. •tudent.s. Stars, which n-created the Potsdam a treasure hunt but not m the con­ noumoy's, wanted to know who Kappa Sig;n•. Dace Jones. Grand 1'1 Kappa Alpha: Bob Cullers, Tom Akin, J ack Lac.kmann and \'cnt.Jonal manner. The pledges knew lh1.s "Bard" character was. He sec­ mcidmt. Shortly afterward, he flew Ma.>tcr; Skip R'-'i:.l, Grand Procura­ ?n.osidcnt; Dill Schuler, V1cc Prcsi­ Max Caskie received honorable men­ where the treasure was but not how cmd-gucll!>ed that Or Flournoy would to Prague at the invitation of the tor; Jerry Het>k.ns, Grand Master dmt; Ma111. DWcr :.nd inuncJiatcly phoned From there it g()('s to eggs and D: ..dfott l. Dt·adford then read the finally Lrve cluckcns. <.n .wt:r ovt.a th~ a:r. Th.1 £op:,.,_ p!a•e-pig style. m •a·, .n 'Encl h J.,:: m1 ill ns wdl Th(' Pi Knpli ha\'c n trip planned (' l l ·h:s cut m>d .. me Jt, rr you have to th.,. difTnmt n.rb' schools Thurs­ Dr. Flournoy, y ... u'll hn\ c ''Bracy the .: d.' day n.ght to piny Or Kinsey. A f"w of the que .t1ons on tl1e survey a>·c. "Do you Wl·nr faliscs or have Lost: you tvcr? lf bO, why did you quit? What was your fc.IVOI'Ilc brand? 1 wo dnr,•Jcrr~.;otypl'~. •1 rn~nu•lur, ·~.1wt i your natural hu~t size and . n;l a t"brcrl t'nlype, d lppenn.d off lhc alterc.-d size?" llw wall In lhe ho\tsemother's I ving­ !'he PiKA's lnst ni~ht had a fe­ room m the f h1 Ol:!t.n Theta house m:.lc-type survey with two pledgeli :-:ntut·day nighl, Janunry :?9. R('WJI'ci gO!n" to cnch girls' "hool to gel a 1s offt'rcd Cor their rctum or infor­ siJ.gle pa.r of panht'S. Tho~e who mation of theil' wht'rcaoouts. 1llcv stnyrd nnd dept 1~-ceivcd the am­ art' vnlualle lo th(' ownct" hl·caU:.;;.: monia treatment tncy are likcm'SSes of her ancestors. A Hell Night drtll and a climb Thone 951. up How;,• Mountnm to find a lantern arc al~oo planned. Th1s year the Duke Representative pi<'Clge!. w11l nil reach the. top, the pi• d·•cma IC'r snid. Dean Ja1ncs G. Ll•yuurn .mnowlc­ The B~ l'IS h. ave 1cported that ' d todav that Duke UniVl'tSity b they h•tcncl to tll•\'Ote th~> fin.t three inttrlsted in pn·:enlmg its ofTerinQS days strictly 1 1 ccm~trucltve work 111 any graduut~' lidJ to tlu! studen~ hut w1th the hou (·mother alrcady of Washington and Lee. gunc on hrr \\ eek's vacation the f'rofcs.or Chnrll'S E. Wnrd, Chair­ outloc,k IS IIlli a:> gt>Od as It may be man of the Engl1sh Ocpartmcmt at '' ished. Duke, will be in the Browsmg Room 1-:nttng tottp w th n light bulb and c.f the Lilm1ry on February 8 from t:r<·asy Co:x"i w1thout tv,•rware an• 3:00 lo 5:00 p.m. to lnlk lo nny contrary lo sorittl l.'tiquette hut t tudcnls wro are lntereskd in grad­ DE.\U Ul-. UMONU nml Mi s Sue 'lol,·dcmu of fla•ulul;>ll·Manm, \\hu lc!llu't ~car'.., Jo':mry Un•.,'l, urc tticturt•d ulxJn- at Friday night\ Unll. no net h '1( s pl.mm'fl. There !>cern to uate work. -Roanoke '.l'imes Photo (Continued on paae (oUl') Page 2 THE RING-TUM PHI "The French Line" IVisitors Are Sweet Monday IImpressed By Tuesday Edition Catches Labro Junior Figure Publlihed on Tuesday ond f'rlday during the college year. Edatorual and Busmess offi~: Student Umon Building. l\la1lmg addrl>ss: Box 8$ I By Robert C. Nunnally Prmtcd al the Joumnllsm Lnhorotory Press of Wnshingt.on and Lee Uni­ By Surprise A middle-aged gentleman in the \'Cr&lly, Lexington, Virgima. Labro Entered as second class matter September 20, 19-16 ot the Post Office, By Philippe lobby of the Robert E. L ee awore Lexington, Virgmia, under the act of March 3, 1879. It was a ~o w~et Mondu~· mornmg. 1from here to Abyssinia he wouldn't Nntional Adverll. lng Hcpr\.'SCiltal1ve: 'flw Nahonal Adverti ing &>rvaec, Afti then ond there. Assistant New:; Editor...... Uoyd Dobyns Dall I tried to be !klrcastic and cruel, "But the Junior Figure-Lord, Proof Reader...... - .... Tom Akin noticing how people looked u~lter what a figure! When Ulc juniors join­ than usual m their Roman Costumes, td Into four:;, then broke up into Assistant Sports Edilor...... Hcnry ?.1orgon twos, then back into fow·s ond Sports Reporters: Ed MacKinlay, Dick Mauler, Jerry Susskind, Kim Wood but they did not ask me if It was the rt·ason \\hy I did nol want to get a k~:pt going around in circles, I costwnc. thou •ht the band would break int.o 'Wagon Wheels' and the thing would Greece and Rome EVER\'Tiil:'li(; LOOt\ED perfect. nc\er end. Once in a \\;hile, 1 could sec a charm­ "It did thouch. and e\ eryOOdy ing date crossmg the campus. I did february first-A new month. a new semester, a new start. formed a big aisle. The lland not wond r too long what school she played "Pomp and Circumstance'' A good time for everyone to rum over a new leaf. And we could come from. After all some 3'> though it \\-ere another ara­ are even agreeing with the Friday Ediuon. glr6 collcg~ arc not \'Cry tough. dem:c proce sion but it wa!ln't­ Fancy Dress this year was outstanding. From che decora­ And then it was such a nic~ spo~ in the landscape .... ju.st 1\lr. Borthwick. There they tions to the costumes, from the music ro the weather, the were, like the T'lar of Ru s~l n was 1 went down to the House, whistl­ coming, "l,omp and Clrcumslanre," entire weekend was one of which we can all be proud. ing to myscl! an air from "Carmen Jones" (inc1dcnU!lly it is a great and everything, and w ho came Even to the untramed eye, the work chat rhe Fane;• Dress down the nisle? M r. Borthwick. motion viclure), with the belief Make Mine Music offi cers put mto the decorations of the gym was obvious. The t.hb coming week would start ihe "I had left just ns the JWlior faithfulness and effectiveness with which the motif was ac­ ::.econd seml>stcr smoothly and peace­ class officers had to dance for the complished gives ample proof of the hours of time and gallons fully. Shanley States His Five Points crowd. Two of them were out of step of swear chat went into the project. I opened tJ1e door and suddenly and one of the dales got hiccoughs." Nor must we overlook the costumes for this year's dance­ e\ erythinK changed. In tJlC: com ­ -Reasons Why Dorseys Are Great • • • er of the dininJ' room, there \\as a Van Horn can be well proud of the variety and yet the unity SPEAKING OF Mr. Borthwick, tl bunch or boy .. drc~ed \\ith old By Brian Shanley seem he had a httle trouble dur­ 1t ach1eved in costuming Washington and Lee men and their women\ clothes. They were the the donees. His camera wouldn't is u feeling of belonging to the Oor­ dates. Although Fancy Dress without Confederate uniforms p le d ge>~. In !rout o [ them, I could Saturday afternoon ond evening work either night. When it did work see about tJ1 irty "brothers." Their the greatest dance band in the wy band that made trumpet man the lens was pointed in one direc­ did seem unusual, it was by no means unwelcome. Lee Castaldo give up his own out­ :.ociable smile had trangely turned United States appeared on lhe tion and the flash bulb in the other. We agree, too, that the "Fabulous Dorseys" are truly fab­ into a adlstic ~ n ecri u g. They were Wa:.hington and Lee Campu . Those fit and go back on the road, a chore Then his flash attachment broke. roaring like a group of fierce who attended either ihe concert or which he's been domg since 1936. ulous, and chat the Dance Board made an excellent selection lt doesn't matter though-they're l ~n'ilS e'capcd !rom "Green Fire" the dance could attest to the fact Tenor man Gail Curl.iJS gave up his m Tommy and Jimmy. Since the players could really play, or "Duel In the Jungle." They that is the best. clarinet post. with Phil Napoleon , a renaming one of the paintings at the and the smgers could really sing, both the concert and the !.tarted thro\\ in g bean , bot dogs job wh.ich meant staying in one spot art exhibition "Seenes !rom Fancy Why is this orchestra great? Dress" and hoping no one will know dance following were outsrandmg successes. and mu tard. T he pledges who ob­ and enjoying family life, to play viously did not want to waste all L It has the greatest leader the with Dorsey. the difference. Saturday night, however, was marred by several question· this food crouched and liked it. bond bw.iness has ever seen. This orchestra has a pre-war swing • • • able traditions- the Junior Class wasted twenty minutes of qualtty. Many people advocate pro­ Every ten ~>cco n ds, a senior, out 2. It hns l wo or the most respected Sacco and Vnnxetti wanted of his mind, I believe, jumped over gre:.Sivlsm and always seek some­ dancing as it proceeded, traditionally, of course, to wander musicians playing their respective baths for Fancy Drl!l>s but didn't the tables to fling a pitcher full thing new in the music world. I, too, around the gym and "form a figure." The spectacle accom­ Instruments. Tommy Dorsey- trom­ get Ulem. of water upon the beads of the re­ bone; -clarinet and believe that the music businoss plished Little more than to mash the f reshmen, sophomores, signed freshmen. The most privi­ alto. should not. stand still, but when a • • • leged boys \\ere crowned with good goal is attained why not keep and seniors into the scenery. 3. It Is fortunate in having lop INCIDENTAL NOTE ON academ­ jelly or peanut butter. it until some1hing better is reached ics: Look for a new course beginning Then, as usual, that fine, old, secret, Senior society, drawer arrangements. Scores done instead of throwing it away just An hysterical junior shrieked: "It's next year-Conversational ROTC. Sigma, presented its ridiculously simple exhibition of abso­ fifteen years ago soWlded as fresh as because it is old. The formula for Hell Week! It's Hell Week!" I may they did the day they were made. water has been the ~arne for years lutely nothing. Tradmon, too, of course. be a tJow thinker but I already had • • • ("Swanee R1ver," "Without a Song.") but just because we are in a modem guessed it. A dale at the Dell cocktail parly From the standpoint of dance set, however, Fancy Dress world doesn't mean we should try I tried to make my way to the 4. It has In its rhythm section the collects spiders. She says she has for '55 was amazingly successful. something new. door across the room, walking be­ greatt'st dance band drummer in the nearly every variety. February and a new leaf- tween some crawling freshmen, COWltry in the person of Buddy The same reasoning 1 think "You have no idea how fascinating As the F riday Edition noted, !(the ser president, Fred avoiding the flying bowls of gravy, Rich. should be used for the music busi­ it can be to watch the mating habits ucs . Dance bands reached great Easter, and his vice presidents deserve praise for the thought slipping more or less on the milky S. It has top flight side men to giv<' of the various species. Some of them floor. I wa~> going to Jeave when the band personality. These men are heights before the wnr, nnd cer­ have to dance for their females. II and effort they put inro Fancy Dress this year." a shaky hand grabbed my shoulder. not only great musicians, but also tain tandards hould be kept in they don't perform exactly right, And as the Friday Edition p rophesied, th e weekend did I turned bock. Il was the president they are well known and respected. sight. Tbe DoJ'Sey band till docs, the female won't have anything to 1 but who else? live up to every lerter of irs reputation as the " South's O ut· of the House. He asked m a breath­ I.e., Lee Castaldo-trumpet; Gall do wath them. Some of them have lc.55 hu!:ky voice: Curtiss-tenor . to make sure their males arc well standing Collegiate Social Event of the Year." I believe that if, in your own "What d'ya say, Phil? How'dya minds you use the Dorsey band ns fed, and some of them even have like that?" TOTALLING TJIESE five major a yardstick to measure the qual1ty to make cooing noi.ses in the fe­ males ear. An angry female can be I wa lucky enough to notice a points gives us the best in the coun­ of performance, you will find that fatally dangerous." dh h Cull or juicy red bean'! in try because not one orchestra can ilie rest of the so-called big name claim even one of these. What re­ Eggs and Alum his Jell hand and though I don't bonds In the country fail mlserably I .suppose she gol into spiders have an) thing to do with these spe<:t can musicians have !or a lead­ to measure up. after I left. Excluding the Freshmen, whom we realize are m uch too er who never played anything Greek ma n ifes tati o n<~ (since that's higher thon third chair for a big busy this week sliding down stairs on their collective bellies, what ~ ou cnll It) 1 thought it was name band ns Ray Anthony or Billy swallowing raw eggs, etc., to read this column, we shall aim our cautious to answer with enthus­ ia'om: " I liked it, a hell of a lot" •. . May did. Yet the public thmks somewhat furihtanan remarks at the vast body of upperclass· they ore great just because they are men who still enJOY time for reading and contemplation. • • • something new. I can see the ~iris TilE WORLD WE LIVE IN going (or Anthony's looks, but Billy Hell Week is an old anstutirion-one chat has survived May ... many attacks over the years. Its success is partially due to its • About Foncy Dress Ball-When you havt been to the Saturday Compare in your minds for a novelty and to che entertainment which it provades for the night Dance, you have to consider moment tlle dance band~ or past actives. There is obviou~ly a satisfaction of some authoritarian tha problem &criously: it was a ~e t s at W&L with that of the D()r­ need provided by I !ell Wcek. success nnd It was so crowded that :.eys. Only Thornlllll and The Duke you could not move very easily. c\'en cam e close to U1e wonderful Attempts at cumulang or restricting the initiation of pledges Since the Ball Js lmprovmg every dance beat of the D orsey~, and by faculty or IFC usually met>t with vigorous opposition in the year and since the :;tudent body after all that b what they are fraternities by men who cry "usurping power." In some in­ i:i geltin& bigger and bigger, I be­ hired to play-a dance beat, not l!eve the only simple and reason­ ho\ ofT the ~talents of a ~d u a t e stances this is justified as in the recent IFC proposals which able solution is to build a new or &hiUinger's arranging cho(ll. were passed and rhen abolished in a grand fiasco. gymna.1um. Another thing whicb 1 noliccd • • To lho·e who dad not have a date Ir should be clear to those of us who have passed through that. made the Dorseys so ouutanding Saturday nrtcrnoon about 3 o'clock was the fact that they were not ex­ H ell Week on borh ends chat: first, afcer three or four days the and who ~till were trying hard, novelty wears off and the brothers become passive an enforcing hlbitionislJ. They did not have to here's the Scoop of the Year: there parade lhroul-"!h the audience play­ were 25 (twenty and five) girls from the rules. Secondly, unless very well organized, an intense Ing "The Saints'' in order to pul .Mury Wnshington College down in CIGARET TE S O\'er the mu~•IC. The Dorsey orches­ program is impossible for six days and thirdly, chat the relative Lexington fot the week-end. They tra played their music as profes­ effectiveness of the week depends on good organization and did not have nny date and were siond mw..lcinns should and let it active support by the brothers. anxious to. Thi~ nt.ws is copyrighted speak for itself. and wus not discovered by Andrew It is evident tht after about four days the pledges get ttrcd Gl"'t!llman. Till IS AN ORCHESTRA in and their enthusiasm and spirit soon expires as It turns into a • • • From Pans-The Seine is still which its members take prtde. It drudge. (Unity in the pledge class is supposedly ach1eved pretty bad However, the Folies Bergere nnd the Moulin Rouge are • through their common disgust and gripes.) now ank So you cun go ahead and Riding Club To Be Formed Thus it seems chat six days p resents a challenge for organiza­ reserve you1 bout tickets for next ~~ All students inler~::>ted in forming tion which most pledgc·mastcrs and fraternity groups are un­ r.ummer: you will still enjoy your­ r.clf. Tlw starved PariSians con only a W&L Ricling Club have been re­ ODERN SI ZE willmg to meet. The first four days or so are usu:tlly the most tiUrvive by their new habit: drinking quested to meet in the Sludl·nt Union on Thursday, Feb. 3, at 7.30 effective-so why not resmct H ell Week to four or four and m1lk for breakfast (I think they ha\'e kept enough sense to drink p.rn. All tho:.e inlere. led but can­ a half days? This would allow better planning of acuvmes, a wine for dinner and suppt:'r.) not be present at that time arc more intense bm less drawn out week, and more enthusiasm asked to call Lexington 2177 during ( Editor·~ 'ole: ~fr . Labro is re­ lhc day or Lexington 3104 in the FILTER TIP TAREYTON from brothers and pledges. rch·inr an a.JI-c,..pt.'n"C paid trip evening before that dntc.-. \V/e thus urge the IFC co consider rhe shortening of H ell to Pari' lld'l '>ummer in return Gives You The True Tobacco Taste for his publicity W()rk.) \Vcek in the light of the defects which now exist and we ask Semester Fees You've Been Missing f ch:lt chey act in accordance with what seems ro be logically • • • • Do not mlu "Mr. Hulot's Holidnys." I have nlrcudy :.een it Second ~··1m s ter fees are du~ nne! henelici:d for all concerned. four lime!l In France. Tomorrow payable in the Treasurer's office. PllODUOT 01' ~.;/,~, J'~C~a 1:? · B. W. will be tlw fifth. 'J'Iu y mu ~ t he paid at once. ..


Stauding Pat Nature of Grid Contracts Suspect PHI By PAT SULLIVAN longue in check that he could not For various reasons, some obvJous, serve the best interests of the Uni­ some not r.o obv1ous, athletics hoth versity by staying. fm not quite eollcwate and professional have convinced that he was primarily been t.nk1ng qu1tc a beatmg for the concerned with the Interests of past few yl'aTS and in particular Washington and Lee. U1c ln l few months. One of lht' mo:;t llow.:vcr, I am cor: vmccd that rccl.'nt biJ'lls against coll will get un­ switched colll'ges In lhe middle of in~ to gt't out of il. Kop'l were eh:cled co-captains Ior derway lhlS week w1th all men in­ terested drawing t'quipmcnt between a contract. Goodbye, Carl Wise! Welcome the 1955 Washington and Lee base­ Coach Chipley! ball team yesterday. 2 and 4 p.m. Wc..'Cinesday. Coach Norm Contrnrt Binding Lord has scheduled practice !rom main~wy bnse u, SIIORT SIIOTS: Belated congrat­ Hamr•c, a nt third 4:30 to 5.-lS at the VM! Fiddhousc. To my mind, a signed contract for the past two y<:ar.;, is a local as binding ns any other civil proce­ ulations to Cy Twombly and the Washington and Lee will enter Athletic Department for rewarding product, having played high school two men m Saturday's W mter Re­ dure po slbly could be but many l:.l!'cU311 for Lexington. The red­ colll'ge coaches !eem to think dif­ Ronnie Statomt''s honesty al a recent lays in the VM! Fieldhouse. Bob basketball game. The youngester headed bot con,er guardi:m hit Jaber and Chuck Dufly will repre­ ferently. A term agreement makes only .239 last year, but more than httle or no difference whm a foot­ returned the W&L football he hnd sent W&L in the thn-e-mile event. found on the 1M field and in ap­ half his 17 saletics were for extra Aside from Big Six and L.ittle Seven ball coach St'cs an opportunity to ha~. makl• a little bit more loot or m­ preciation was awarded a brand new schools. the !llar !lludded field w•ll football .... It was disappointing to Kops, who has played the outfield Ciea!le his prt'sti~e on the naltonal include Navy, Duke Maryland and learn how short people's memories li:. t b:lse and pitched at Washington ~;porlc; sccne. It is true that coaches others. Mul') land run away with nrc. Not one mention was made in ond Lee, i:. from Manhn~ct, New scormg honor:; m ln.sl year's meet. of this lypt> nrt' in the minority, York. HL defensive play nt first last but ev<'n a minority of one in such the R-t P about Scotty Hamilton's Coacll Lord w1LL enter men in hcnrt attack and subsequent hospit­ yenr bordered on the sensational in instances is too many. the Southern Conference and Mason­ alization in Harrisonburg. Scotty spite of his five-foot-nlne stature. Former W&L coach Carl Wise Dixon Conference Indoor games \\as head basketball coach here only Var.nty p1lchmg and catching can- which w1ll be held at Vl\U on Feb. Utough not jumping n contract did n couple of years ago.. . Rumor has didates will get a head start on the 1.:! and the ll!am v;iJl travel to Chapell toke a _lcnve of absence la ~ t fall to It that Tulane will drop bigtime rc t of the a;;pirants when they be- Hill on Februa1-y 2G for the Caro- coach tn Canada rather than slay football in 1957. The New Orleans gm workouts next week. hna Relays. and try to put football back on its ______;______fl-et hl're on the c.:tmpus. That JOb school denies It but smoke often LEE l\lAR U,\LL, Dlue and White opbomore ~oring ~> t ar, \\hO means fire. I wonder if W&L has was lt>ft to Boyd Williams who, de­ brought bis . , erage up to 21.3 points per game with a 37 point cfTort started a snowball toward amater­ in the Generals' last game against Virginia before exams. lie ranks sptle the inconvenience himseU, Varsity Grapplers Face Citadel, JV s Vie With Granby to i~m? ... E. C. Glass H1gh School hns gave his own time and efforts to t.lxth in U1e state. Sophomore 1\larshall and freshman guard Dom. n pretty fair center in H W. Row- Flora h \ e accounted for 50 point!> between them in the Gcncrols' Wn;.nin~lon and Lee'~; wrestling lis-137, Don Fowler· 147, Bill Nor­ W&L In order that football would (Continucd on page four) la'>l tJ1ree games. Flora's average is 18.7. team will be looking {or its third throp-157, Bob Millcr-167, Gibby not die completely. wm u 1 a row Saturday night when McSpaddtn-177, and John Hollister Furthermore Coach Wise resigned it meets The Cttadcl in Doremus or Gill Holland at heavyweight. nl W&L even before he was sure of Gr1 '· The Generals' match will another position. Apparently he felt LYLE D. HARLOW General Courtmen Hoping follow the Vl\U-North Carolma meet Football Practice Begins that he would rather go anywhere Watchmaker and J eweler which will start at 7:30. than stay at W&L and give u.s a The Blue and White Junior Var­ New Wa..hmgton and Lee head winning amateur team. I West Washinrton treet To Move up in SC Standings !:lty ~r:opplcrs will try lo post their football conch Bill Chipley won't For thiS reason, I wonder if pos­ Phone 1232 fir.;t win in two matches when they know much about the team he's sibly W1Se made his statement with mee. a strong Granby Hish team at signed to coach this season until ,-;-;;~::::-:_._._.::;:;;;~~~~~~~ ~:=:=:;:::::;::=::::=:=:=::==:~ In Davidson, Citadel Contests ·1:00 Saturday in Lcxin~on. Gran­ late this afternoon when "spring" by has been beaten once this year. football practice begins. Speed Service HitUng lhe hardwood trail again their record 154-67 shellacking by The probable varsity lineup will Shipley expcct.s about 50 men to REDWOOD niter a three-week examination lay­ Furman early in January. include: come out for W&L's amateur grid on squad. Employment of the Split-T off, Washington and Lee's basket­ Coach McCann is looking for some Bob Neunreitt'r or Jim Van Cleve formation should help utilize what ball team journeys into the Carolinas scoring help for his two teen-age nt l 23, Dick Whitcford-130, J ohn El- Restaurant All Makes of Cars promises to be a fast backfield. for weekend games with Davidson point producers, Lee Marl>hall and Wheel Alignment and The Citadel on Friday and Dom Flora. The big sophomore Notice Saturday. center and speclular freshman have Complete Meals Body and Fender Repairs Cleaning-Pressing Coach Billy McCann's youngsters been responsible for over 50 pomts There will be a meeting or all General Repair could just about clinch a Southern between them in the last three games men interClitcd in pitching or D>nfcrence tournament berth with and have 21.3 and 18.7 averages for catching varsity baseball this sea­ STEAK DINNERS a pa1r of victories. Davidson is tied the season, ranking them sixth and son at 4:00 p.m. Thursday in the BROWN'S Your Friendly for third with George Washington 11th in the state scoring derby. A Gym. Ford Dealer with a 3-1 conference record, but return to scoring Iorm by Bob Me- r======; Cleaning the Wildcats' wins have come Henry, Mill Winawer or Bnrry Stor- Sandwiches of all against the league's weak sisters ick would lessen the load on Mar­ ART SILVER BLUERIDGE and the team's only conference loss shall and Flora. Works Kinds Complete Line of !\ten's Clothing was administered by VPI, a team Tickets for the W&L-W.Va. game We Call and Deliver Washington and Lee routed by 25 at Fayetteville, West Virgima can VAN IlEUS EN SIIIRTS Motor Sales points. The Citadel occupies the SC be purchased at the Athletic Office Robert E. Lee Hotel Bolldinr Phone !82.-14 RaDdotpb St. CURB SERVICE Phone 139 basement and has made the head­ (Continued on page four) lines this season only by virtue of

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Fleecing the Mink Courtmen To Up Standing Hell Week Is Rough carrying a lightt.>d torch. For this STM\DISG PAT Uac pledges will be standing about (Continued Crom pace t.bree) {Continu~d from page three) (Coutinutd from pa~te one) a half mile apart. 1ck. It might pay Coach McC.·mn ~charlie' Sees FD From Different between now and Feb. 7 at 12 noon. he quatl' a few t~ITU\teur lumlier­ The SAE pledge clru; starlet! off to anvcstigate the satuotion down 'fickt ts for the game, which will be j:acks on campus latdy.. . . al~:o Bela wlth a scavenger hunt last night there in Lynchburg. One slrnnRe played on Saturday, February 12 at pledges. and hnve planned lor the remainder Uung though, in four quarters Angle Than Sacco and V anzetti 8 p.m., are 2 (ath. Very few r.~nts The DU pledges are carrying of the week little stunts lake suck­ again t Covington H. S. Rowick By Charlie Makinson for the game are left. llght bulbs on a pule nnd arc wl'ar- ang eggs, milk chugging contests, didn't fire one hook shot. ••• The Faycttcvallc iB located aboul 145 mg lamp shades. Tht y nre also wear- burlap underwear, and h.'lby clothes. biggest liports event by far of the 1 hey wtll abo have the opportuni­ I'm Charlie Mackinson and If you a \\'ashmf:itOI1 and ~ alumnus of miles west or Lexington. The ca~icsl ing blue and yellow socks and til's. pnst w~ck though, was the Southern ty to l'e how long they can keep Invitational ''Toe-Stomp" in the gym arc mtercstCl.l in the column this a few years back who had returned way to get thl·n: by car as to follow The Phi Gams are having their an egg in their mouth without last Faidny night. Some called it wL>ck you wall have to accept mt' ns for the "Odyr.scy.' He said his nam1• route 60 until you reach cut of£ No. pled~t"!l wear paJnmns nt all t1mc. lm·nking it. Fancy Dress, but the former title a substitute Cor Sacco and Vnn­ was Bob M-0-S-C-0-W. Looking In 82. Thi:. is nbuut 10 mucs outside o! when in the dlnmg room in addi­ an old Calyx the thn>e found he was a tO\\n called Lookout. Make a tell tion to being r(quin'u to carry a The Sigma Chis h::we snid that in suita it better. zctti. You sec bulh of them had a order to nppcv,u;c The Rinc-tum Phi litlle troul.Jle last week wh~n they O.K. and Bob was made president of tum on No. 82. H leads right to lhe lunon and nn onion around thl'ir 'foga Day and The Rinc- tum Phi town of Faycttvillc. mck.t at all times. The latter two and the JFC all ''Greek Werk" pro- fr.~==~~~~~~~~~ were c:aught gomg to an out-of-state Man of the Week. objl'Cts are "lunch and dinner" said ccctlmgs wall be kept hush-hush. flick between two exams. S&V have It's Good B usine:. 1l1c L.;mbda Cha pledges are be­ To Oo u,int">s been fined and temporarily droppl'

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