[ V o l. 59, N o . 33 ] [ A u g u s t 14, 1947 ]

Arts Center Program

Our Arts Center plans to increase its program this year, jbOAOOOOObOOOOOCeOOQgN irding to a report we published recently. Those who I f sculpt, sing, play musical instruments, dance, act, tO ‘in public, those who work in' wood or metal or clay, MIL LB URN th needles or camera, those who collect or study birds, s stones—all are welcome to attend the monthly gath- UDBABY BlNhEiY Hgs of the center. 7 4 QM iOHAtitiM 'fbis is an ambitious program to set forth for one cotn- NEWAfiK N I R ty it reflects much credit on the center, especially ITEM we remember that the whole program has developed tural growth from the center’s original small selection SHO arts and crafts. The growth, we think, attests the sound thinking-of L „;]i0 guide the center. Their'definition of what may imately enter an “arts center" is worthy of note. They tlv distinguish between arts, classic or lively as we know F0UHOED-I888 «»«ry Thur.J.y at MILLBURN. N .J. S IX CENTS r™ I and the creative recreations of h(5bby and craft. All L -creative are not foreign tb them, to psfraphrase the „o|)Iier. In, taking this stand they may, perhaps, have taken a Convention Schoolsr Open f the capital from the letter “A.” But the breath of their Int program demonstrates the soundness of their vision. The fact that they have arranged this program reflects High Lights September 8 th credit, too, on our townsfolk. We don’t know of an- The Constitutional CobveAtion Summer vacation for Millburn r community in New Jersey where so many persons of Anished its eighth week in a short school children will end on Mon­ ||ljj|o teach are neighbors with so many persons of the but busy session that marked the day, September 8, according to th e official school calendar to learn. / transition from a period of sepa­ adopted last spring by the Board We wish the center the most pleasant measure of 'suc- rate committee deliberations to s period of full convention meetings of Education. An increasing num­ fin jts year. with door debate by delegates to ber of telephone inquires to both ★ adopt constitutional provisions in the Item office and the Board's Anal form. office at Washington School, in­ /Ves and Mothers, A. B. At a general session Tuesday, dicates that the school re-opening August 5, the convention: date is becoming increasingly im­ £ven in this enlightened day and age there are those re- 1. Received formal proposals portant in the minds of parents wary folk who question the value of higher education from the executive, legislative, and children alike as summer (ftmen. A s if there were any real doubt about the matter, judiciary, taxation and bill of progresses. rights committees. These contain School will be in session dur­ rvcy just concluded by the New Jersey College for Worn- ing the 1947-1948 school year for recommendations f o r specific fa Rutgers University finds a representative segment of a total of 184 days and as has Items to be included in the new been the practice for several years Lluates believing that college experience benefit both constitution based on well-attend­ regular sessions will be held on k and community, indirectly but definitely. ed public hearings and committee Election Day. Armistice Day, and . lie women polled, all members of the college’s first studies of testimony presented. Lincoln's birthday. Thanksgiving Proposals were accompsmled by ■ fa tin g class of 1922, reported in the main that their edu- vacation will start on November on has helped them to think clearly and fairly, has made explanations of why each com­ 26 and extend until December 1, ■jitol^rant to the views of others and has enabled them to mittee made its recommendations and Christmas vacation will be on various subjects. Thus, each kve judgment, welcome new ideas and weigh carefully all from December 19 to January 5. delegate can read not only what A February recess will be enjoyed U s offered to them in the solution of day-to-day prob- the committees recommend, but from February 19 to February 24 H | graduates felt that their background enabled them why recommendations were made. and an Easter recess from March epl leadership and to adjudicate fairly the problems of 2. Recessed until August 11 FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF THE GLENWOOD SCHOOL SHOW­ style of brick walls and pitched root. 26 to March 30. The final vaca­ l-liildren. (four convention days) to give ING THE ADDITION AS PLANNED. The second Aoor will be It is expected bids will be taken for the addition in early Octo­ tion period of the year will be Ke\eral women £eljt that their general life’s experience delegates abundant time to study similar to the Arst Aoor with the ex#ej>tlon thbt the large class shown ber with the actual work being started as soon thereafter as possible from April 23 to May 3 with committee proposals and reasons schools closing for .the summer ■ipcd them as much as their formal higher education, will be used as an activities room on the second Aoor. This room and continuing as long as weather conditions permit. Completion before opening debate on adop­ will be used as a combination library, visual aid and social activities is scheduled fo r the-summer of 19948. on June 18. ffis the outstanding finding in the survey is that the tion of proposals or amendments room. The exterior architecture Will follow. the same traditional Teachers will report on Sep­ leii questioned, mostly mothers, are duly conscious of the to them. tember 4 and 5 for conferences 3. Appropriated $5,000 to pay and completion of preparatory Irtance of everything in their training th at has enabled value" tax proposal tried again to , Oliver F. Van Camp for full time work. to exert intelligent and enlightened influence in their get committee to drop present Pearson Feted job from June 12 to Nov, 5 as Excavation The Complete calendar follows: p i American, homes and to be on the same mental plane constitution’s “true value” clause. Knot Hole Trip convention secretary and agreed Sept 8, Schools open—full ses­ [heir generally college-trained husbands.—(New York. to study means for paying bonus EXECUTIVE committee t n A t "Pep Party1' sions. closed session rejected motion by ft') to 41 state employees who have Starts for L& T August 23 Nov. 4, Election—regular ses­ Senator Frank S. Farley, Atlan­ OSAKA, Japan — Pvt. Robert sions. worked 3,500 overtime hours to On Saturday, August 23, the tic, to cut from two-thirds to Excavation of the Whittingham Pearson of 377 Millburn avenue, Nov. 11, Armistice*'Day—regu­ TWELVE MEMBERS of the aid convention. Millburn Rotary Club will spon­ three Afths vote needed to over­ was a featured guest at the lar sessions. Mlllburn Rotary Club are Plan­ Following general session, com­ tract a: Millburn and Wyoming sor a “Knot Hole Trip" to the Nov. 26, Close.-after lengthened mpetes For ning a Ashing trip to the shore mittees on bill of rights and taxa­ ride a governor's veto. avenues for the construction of Newark Ruppert Stadium for American Red Cross "Pep Party” next Wedneeday. They will leave Farley feared two-thirds rule the , ord & <^yior fctore started honoring the 25th Division "Stags” single session for Thanksgiving tion held Anal public hearings. local boys. The game is between Tecess. Mlllburn at Ave a. m., and will would p ^ to o much power ^ a fleet of Ulicks * currency to top Standing in th* Chairmen , explained that prepara­ Baltimore a nd--the. Newark" Dec. 1, Sessions resumed...... ^olarship come, back when the. Ash stop tion of Anal drafts kept commit­ Beara. George H. Bauer is in All-Japan Baseball League. biting. Arrangements are being sembly°UBt3?'’ verlook Hospital’s linen sup- cabin we began to practice for our tlon of civil rights to include a cyanide bottle. Also shown is a Co. in New York in 1940. He had have made great progress this rtuch is financed entirely by , t0 be given th a t evening, anti-discrimination for reasons of Passaic; John Hi Pursel, Warren; College a t W aukesha, Wis., and been connected with that firm for Oliver Randolph, Essex; Francis his M,A. In chemistry from North- breeding cage, with water, in which summer. His diving class includes “ omen a .Auxiliary, Mrs. R W. Fooled Three pirates” was race, color, or religion in employ­ 35 years. He was a member of the A. Stanger, Jr.',-. Cumberland, and western in 1913. He was first em- mosqu|to larvae of the common John Bates, Art Koenhover,"Joce­ ’ membership chapm an of the firgt presentation, with Carol ment, housing, education and Continental Lodge of Masons of Wesley A. Taylor, Essex. ployed at th e Miner Laboratories bouse mosquito are ,placed. First, lyn Wilkins, John Wilkins, Caw* Auxiliary, yesterday Appealed 0 .Brien M Bowlegged, Joan Ann other speciAed instances. Millburn, the Wyoming Associa­ Another lively session on the and in 1914 joined .the Calumet they turn into pupae and then Into men Dilonna. BID Allen, P at Ho-, omen to join th e organization. Oiaiulattasio playing Miss Georgia TAXATION ’“committee heard th e adult mosquito. tion, and Holy Communion Epis­ iottan and Gail Silverstein. mtrng out th a t the Auxiliary Janei Helen Jemisbn as Pegleg gambling issue was averted Tues- Baking Powder Co., now a unit of opposition to recommended hand­ Methods of mosquito control in copal Church of South Orange. ■' The swimming, class- members assumed the responsibility of Pete and 3 ^ H arth swaggered day at the Constitutional Conven- General Foods. In l921 he became ling of “school-bus” issue. Com­ the State, with photographs show­ Mr. Kissam leaves two sisters, include Antoinette Intilli, Rose wmmg the linen supply a through her role as the Cap’n. “The tion when Assemblyman Amos F. chief chemist at the Calumet Mrs. D. Kissam Johnson of To­ mittee proposal: to authorize Dixon, Sussex delegate, author of Chemical Co. in Joliet, 111., and re- ing typical breeding places, insec­ In telli, Barbara'Partington, John »>er of years ago, Mrs. Eason T™r nHt. Family” gave us Audrey legislature to use public funds to ticides and methods of sprqying ronto, Ohio, and Mrs. Reginald Bates, Art Koenhover, Patty Loth, Wat half the funds required Fraze a, the Mother, Gail Bradley an amendment to strike all men- turned to Miner Laboratories In Somerset W ard of Farncombe, transport children between ages tion of the subject’from the char- 1924 as a research ebsssist. In-1926 them are also shown.y Barbara Fiola, Irene Bufo,' Joe wens is made up through the M tbe F a ther, K aren Abrecht and of 5 and 18, distances tb be set In a second case the way in Surrey, England; two sons, Ben­ Catullo, John Wilkins, Jimmy Ba- oership group and the bther Mary Kathryn Cliff as the chil- ter, agreed to a postponement. he was named, chief chenifst of jamin A. Kissam, formerly of Mill- by legislature, to any school. which mosquitoes transm it various racia. Carmen - Dilonna, ..Billy * obtained from the annual dren and carol Keenan as the A threatened long debate was Calumet in Chicago and remained burn and now living to Plainfield, Protestant church groups con­ diseases of man, principally ma­ Allen, Marvin Cherin. Myrna forestalled when Senator David there until completion of Centra ' and William M. Kissam of the n . y’ \ maid. In ‘T h e ‘Insane Detective" tended such aid amounts! to state laria, are indicated. A diagram Cherin, Tommy Bergomasco, An* cent new members from Mill- Eleanor Hullfif~played the title Van Alstyne,, Jr., Bergen delegate Laboratories in 1939. He had rq- Glen avetiue address, and two . support of church' in violation of shows how the Protozoan Parasite, Mrfthews, Dorothy Stan self Kip township include Mrs. J(ihn roie, Nancy McMullen was Rebecca offered a motion to postpone ac- sided in Short Hills for one year, grandchildren., Mrs. Kissam died 'traditional separation. Delegate tion on Dixon’s amendment until moving here from Bloemfleld. which causes malaria, is- trans­ Olson,-Robert Heerwagen, BestaH Mrs. Sanford _. Adams, Peggy Atwater played Vir­ in February, 1945. John J. Rafferty, sponsor of pro­ Thursday morning. The motion He is survived by his wife, Mrs- mitted into the bloodstream. A Brian, Card McComb. Mary Ginty, John M. Whitbeck ginia Adams, and Ruthie Nelson Funeral services will be held at posal, countered such aid no more was carried unanimously. Jane Maxwell Davies; a daughter, chart indicates the degree to Carol Rhoads, Fay Rhoads, Eileen Thomas Gallagher. played Barbara. which the number of cases In New the Cqionial Home in East Orange in direct support of church than Dixon agreed to the delaying Miss Nancy, Lee-Davies; a sister, Ginty. Lois Silverstein, Charles After the plays wp toasted our Jersey has increased during and and will be conducted by Rev. A. motion and said he acted at the Mrs. H. C. Allen of Grosse Point, Sills, Eileen Benitz, R oth Ander­ marshmallows for the somemores, use of public funds to pay for Stewart IHogenauer. Burial will be request J f “some other delegates Mich.; and -two!, brothers, Halle following the last war, due princi­ son, Ellen- -Silverman and Dick and sang until it was time for bed. police.*: and Are protection for- pally to the return of servicemen in Woodlawn Cemetery in New who may have amendments of Dayles-of Milwaukee and George Hodgeman...... _:v ■ j - And all of a sudden it was Friday, parochial schools. Infected with the disease abroad. York City. ES Short Mills Avenue (Continued on Page 2) Davies of Alexandria, Va. short Mli|s 7-i and we were on our way home. Advocates of “classiAcatioh of Ir*

Pag? 21 The M Ulburn A Short Hills ITEM — £ a ** u $t UoJ9 would bs different from anything ground and. \ Joseph Bertram tQuffalo Roamed found living In the world today, ments the Augu.,i v ,cl > The but close observation would show will be held n«.M .J A requiem m ail for JoMph pLe tastern (/. S. resemblances. to living forms morning at 9:30 in Bertram of S Duncan street who which hrovlde tha key to tba Iden­ wood Theatre lhe MILLBURN & died Friday after a short Ulneis Recent discovery of part the tification of the older ones. This month's, show wu, j was offered Monday at JJt, Rose Jaw of an American bison asso­ Thf bison's Jawbone, not greatly the feature picture 7 1 ITEM of Lima's Church. Burial was In ciated with Indian artifacts lo unlike' that of a horse, and the head, Son of Plicka ■ in SHORT HILLS Indian artifact* found with It, are There will also be 9 J** »oooooo«««o« St, Rose of Lima Cemetery. Ocean County, N“. J , is a remind­ Born In Austria 04 years ago, er that the buffalo-roamed the now on display in the Stale Mu­ comedy, ‘^Pardon My w l m seum, Trenton. Mr. Bertram oame to the United eastern part of the United States Founded In 1888 States when a young man and only a few hundred years ago. The Admission fur' H H H engaged In the baking business. discovery was made hy Harold K, cents. » THS UII.LBURN and SHORT BILLS ITBM II publlih.il «v»rjr He operated a bakery In MUlburn Vacation Movie Thursday by Tba I Uni Publishing and Printing Company, a cor­ Woolley of Toms River while poration, at III MUlburn Avanua, MUlburn, N J. Editor, Chari*. K. for 10 years before operating a searching for new kinds of fossils Total Nava! A similar business In Springfield a t the edge of a small stream ap­ At Maplewood 1 1 1 1 W Paulson, Jr. Business Manager. Willard H. BaaUnar. Orriolal newa- Spanish America 1 'Vjtr wert paper of tha Township of MUlburn 8ubaorlptlon rataa by mall, poat- four years ago. He had lived In proximately three miles north of In cooperation with the Play- 42 men. pald: Ona yaar, 13.00; alx months, 11.76; payabla In advaooa Slngla MUlburn for the past 14 years. New Egypt, Ocean County. copies alx eanta each Entered as Second Claaa Matter October 6. 1891 He leaves his wife, Mrs. Kather­ at tha Post Office at MUlburn. Haw Jersey, under Act of March I. 1171. Mr. Woolley, who has a wide ine Haas Bertram ; a daughter, knowledge of the plants And ani­ MEMBER: QUALITY W EEKLIES OF NEW JERSEY fir s . Anna Haerle of Union Town- . m al. of New Jersey, was quick The Coffee Shop ship;- a sister, Mrs. Eva Butter of to recognize that the teeth still Telephone: MUlburn 6-1200 Gardiner, N. Y.; a brother, left in the Jawbone differed from Opposite the Millburn Post .Office ------Jacob Bertram of New Canaan, those of domestic animals. He - Serving the Beat Coffee in Town league will start at 6:80 p. m, with Conn'. «“d three grandchildren.-, took It to a vertebrate paleontolo- Award Night the presentation program at 7:80 k gist for identification and then DELICIOUS SANDWICHES p. m. Immediately following the presented it to the New Jersey- TASTY SALADS State Museum, the State reposi­ , HOT PLATTERS Tonight at Park game a twelve piece band will (Continued from Page 1> tory. of -m any stm tiar-evidences of We serve Pierres French Ice Cream T o n i g h t P„h e ^ g y y sp ** »• ^ tMc M m form er Ilfs ln New Jersey, OPEN DAILY 7:80 A. M. to 11:00 P. M. No leas interesting to the scien­ Recreation Department will con- . amendment would not Jeapordlxe SUNDAYS 7:80 A. M. to 1:80 P. M.; 6:06 P. M. to Il:oop % GEORGE TRUNDLE, son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. George Trundl* tists acquainted with Mr'. Wod- duct it. First Annual -Award Semal thousaild ,vlaitor3 to the 'nve8tments of ownera of of Rahway road, gett down-to earth as he takes time out from a' ley's recent discovery Is’ his col­ N ight George Stlrnweise and annual Safety Convention and cruise to Europe and the Caribbean. Here he plays a game of lection of Invertebrate fossils from Phil Rlzzuto of the New York Exposition were tested by the Adoption of the Dixon amend- dobbin at children’. "Gala" In Scotland. the same area. These are the Yankees will appear to present Drive-o-meter and It was found J"**1 '™uld *Iim "ate the Legls- ★ ★ shell, and casts of sea-life sim­ awards to the Boys' Baseball that men averaged a quicker re- ative^ Committee, proposed Al- TrnnrUa. As A* ~~ of June 280,1 aPPear® the •*»>• ilar to that existing today beneath League Champions. sponse to Impending danger than te™a t ,ves, A , ® *he ®°m' * r u n u i e / l f Q 5 photo to be .een in an adjoining our coastal waters. They occur In INVESTORS SAVINGS A play-off game in the boys' women did. ml e e i pAan to ,u *m lt aI‘er‘ m column here. The occaiion for a green eand called the Naveslnk ■ . .iii ...... - ______;______;______natives, Attorney General Walter formation which was formed on D. Van Riper on Monday told the Foret an Policy aI1 the festlvlty’ “corning to the AUTHORIZED AG ENT FOR PAYMENT 3 / Scotch paper, is the first observ- the sea-bottom at a time many convention that it cannot submit millions of years ago when this both a full new constitution and When the USS Kearsage docks *"ce since the war of an annual part of the world was covered by OF ARMED FORCES LEAVE BONDS alternative parts to the voters in at Norfolk today, it will m ark “G ala'' How George got Involved the ocean. Any one walking down Cash for your the November election. the end of a very eventful and atar,‘fv back S t hia ach001 pleasant cruise fo r ffcorge Trun- days at MUlburn High, where he the bed of the small stream where ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 2, 1947 ★ die of 12 Rahway road. In addi- graduated ln 1946- Mr. Woolley made his discovery St. Patrick, the patron saint of tlon to the pleasure, George man- Mot only was George a mem- would see a t least a dozen differ-- Ireland, was actually a French- O L D TIRES aged to get ln some good licks her of the Millburn High School ent varieties of fossil shells In this At Any of Our Three Convenient Offices man named Succat. for the good neighbor policy of band, but he was also an organ- greensland, and If he were willing to dig a little, he cquld soon double 64 Main Street Stuyvesant Ave. 28 Washiinjlon FI ...if traded in NOW on new the USA on hla travels, according wer and first trombone of the to a copy of the Scots Bulletin, "High H atters”, local dance band, or perhaps even treble that fig­ Millburn Union East Orange ure. Because of evolutionary first line tires at reduced prices. SENSATIONAL a Scottish newspaper which has When George traded ln his high preceded him. hat for a sailor hat shortly after changes, many of these shells NEW DE LUXE NEW DISCOVERY! In the center fold of that graduation, he wound up as was worthy contemporary, under date to be expected, in the band, as- 600:16 - signed to the carrier, USS K ear- M U tf sage. b s tU h tO * . The Kearsage is currently en­ WYMAN gaged in taking the Annapolis YOU'LL SAVE M O NEY AT Now Driw up Air Dampness Fast! midshipmen on their annual cruise. From Annapolis they head­ 1 4 4 0 0065 S S I Motors, Inc. ed toward Scotland, and while still at. sea the ship’s band was ""Sui Invited via radio to play for a TRUCK HEADQUAKHRS Less up to $3.00 for “children's affair" at Dumpfer- line, Scotland. Suspecting noth­ your old tire Just bang De-Moist ing more formidable than a score everywhere in your 1 or two of youngsters, acceptanoe home—in every! WITH.. Bring Tour was radioed back. closet, in basement,' Were When the ship docked and the *> laundry, playroom, 16" (Phil Taj photographic darkroom. Soaks up FORD band Of ten departed to play at 100% of its weight in moisture. Pro- j the “children’s affair’’ they were Home For Service Other sizes reduced proportionately tects clothes, rugs, furnishings against amazed to find that an estimated . mold and mildew. Checks damage 40,000 adults and 7,000 children SEE All tires covered by from dampness. Each De-Moist ample were on hand for tha occasion. for otdinaiy closet or average 10 x 12' Your George and the rest of the Atlantic Famous Road Hazard Guarantee room. Use De-Moist over and over Y anks were Immediately .form ed again 'simply by drying in hot oven. Into the parade and away they HOURS: 7 A. M. TO 11 P. M. Get Several De-Moist today 1 went to the picnic ground where S. O . 2-93 the sailors held forth with a Tiger's two-and-a-half hour American A T L A N T I C beUnce blalwn 1713 Springfield Ave. Jam session. 41fter that the sailors, with the 324 MUlburn Ave. MAPLEWOOD Here’s a combination that will save money MUlburn Ave. a t Ridgewood Rd. MUlburn 6-2069 help of the students of a girls' Millburn 6-0469 Member, Chamber of Commerce college in the vicinity, proceeded to romp with the children who for you for a long, long time to come were really enjoying what to many was the first “Gala" they P— ■■■■■■■■■■I w iB am i i i a mwieHiiiiiiimiiiiiaiiiiii had ever experienced. It was at PINE this point that iff photographer - for the Scotch newspaper h ap­ TRUCK pened by and snapped George's picture. SERVICE Since than the Kearsarge has carried George to Sweden and . . . a truck that fits your . . . w ith all w ork done by B a n KAUT 0 London, and to battle maneuvers in Guatemala Bay, off Cub*. She 1 job will give top operat­ trained truck mechanics was due to dock at Norfolk today. ‘ ing econom y and longer . . . and with the use of loans are George reports a wonderful spirit of courage and optimism truck life. factory-engineered parts. am ong the people he has seen in B e s t / Europe, especially among th e K e / t / ONLY DODGE B U IL D S TRUCKS Scotch. From his observations he declares that none Is having a n easy time. ★ YREELAND MOTORS. INC. Bids for the construction of tha new. Short Hills Post Office were Avenue q t Morris Millburn A-l opened ln Washington, September 7. P lans and specifications were in the hands of contractors and work was scheduled to begin by GENUINE I October. When You Finance Your Ne thru - - - MOPAR

The First National Bank Parts and Factory

Trained You Save Enough For a Dinner Party! Mechanics

Here1s how it works: • a a , «, , 1 I t s the interest rate that provides the saving! The ,c °s t ...... $i.m example at left shows how a $1200. new car works out. Cash Paid...... $200 500 Yo« select a n y car you want, arrange trade-in and cash payment, and we loan up to 2/3 the value of the car at / ^ :y °U a Good Neighbor? BANKLOAN...... $ 700. 3-1/3% per a n n u m in advance. NE "straggly" yard can spoil the good effect Our low interest rate-3-1/3% So far asw e can discover* thatVthe most economical O of a well-kept neighborhood. So show yoOr civic pride by the care you give your lawn. 15 r'an available. Saving, to yon? Depend,

______*~on car-price, certainly a worthwhile amount, as you’ll Proper watering is important for a well-kept Check thrt against other offers! fitti wheri Y°u ch$ck other finance plans .... P a in t a screen . lawn.—Hero are a few suggestions: solid—not much air comes through; Soil and perspira­ First, water your yard only when the ground tion dose fabric pores that is dry. The stream from your hose should resemble THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MILLBURN are reopened only by a deep, a good steady rainfall. That way the water soaks thorough cleansing-with well into the ground. crystal dear special solvents MEMBER used most generously. It's MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY MEMBER ' Keep your yard fresh and green all summer FEDERAL worth the try! 1907—FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY—1947 ^ F E D E R A L long. It will bo a real pleasure to you and your DEPOSIT MILLBURN nelghlmrs. RESERVE INSURANCE “Serving Short Hills & Millburn with CORPORATION CLEANERS, Every Banking Facility F* SYSTEM Dlv. af Rimback Storage -SprtagSfclbove Commonwealth Water Company Millburn Ave. N ear New Warehouse Millburn 6-2000 f i USUST 1 4 , 1 ^ 3 The M iUbum A Short Hill* ITEM Raffaele Defino A lolemn high requiem mass for Rtfful* Defino of 58 Church itreet wee offered « t S t Rose of Umt’e Church lut Friday. Mr. Defino died at hli home on July 80 after a long illnesa. Burial wae in S t Rose of Lima Cemetery. Mr. Defino was born in Italy 61 y ean ago and had lived In Mill- burn many year* where he wae a number of C aia Colombo. ' He is survived by hia wife, Mrs. Eufemla Gabriele Define; two son*, Samuel of Springfield and Frank of onrRitiKK rovm iatm oub „ o ,r LowK»t1mit» Prl*** Irvington five daughters, Mrs. Grace Bonvlclno of Brooklyn, Mra. D uncan A. Douglas Co. Katherine Giordano and Mias V Ktttb. III! PLUMBING • M A T IN G Louis* Defino, both of Mtllburn; SHEET METAL WORK Mra Rachelle Russo of Newark rn A»*. IIMb.™ «-MM and Mrs. Frances Nazsaro of Irv ­ ington; five brothers, Nicola of Brooklyn, Louis and Joseph' of Newark, O tto of Maplewood and Oamlllo of dtaly, and four grand­ children. s?

FREE SEVEN MEMBERS of the lo­ cal Red Cross Chapter assisted in packing and shipping 7,800 layettes overseas at the Newark Chapter. They Included Mlas R ita Priestman, Mrs. D. Freytag, Miss Lydia Gleim. Mrs. W. A. Grove. Mrs. R. W. Erickson, Mrs. H. T. Reeve and Mrs. Sidney Fereday.

•be you came from D etro it Secretaria' haps you first tasted Vernor's and jerale in N iagara Falls. [Bor's Is just coming into Accounting Counts We want to hear from for , crnor’s fans. If you’ve had Meresting experience about VETERANS •nors that Witt help us show (Under G. L L*w 846) f Jersey HOW GOOD F o r T o d a y is, and if you will indi- Stenographic |1 | your letter that we mqy Courses I ycTur experience without a n d your name, we will give Day or Evening case of that sparkling gold- leverage "you know so well. T o m o r r o w ddress all letter* to:

VERNORS A GOOD SECRETARIAL SCHOOL FOR YOUNG FIRM AOI S CO WOMEN A MEN 119 E. 4th St GRange 3-4058 Plainfield, N> 1- (08 Main S t, Orange

1 2 . 9 5 Northern Let-out 0 U C A N T B U Y M uskrat INER FLOOR WAX 4 9 9 . 0 0 PIum Tax yet—it costs you 1 0 * LESS!

Hade of imported Camauba Wax, OLD ENGLISH dries quickly to a brighter, longer- News andNotes lasting lustre. None finer a t any price! Economic*! quart •iae— enly 89£ Shines and Wears— Wear* and Shinas 0td£natt$H! on the New Fashions NO UUBBINO y WAX ______

L u x u r i o u s Let-Out Furs. Wild mink, ranch mink and platina blends . . , lnil, whether let-out China mink or let-out muskrat, as pmious-looking as mink, and equally as durable. Each of tjicse luxurious looking furs fashioned in the 194748

manner, and, at new, low prices_499.O0 to 999.00 Plu*t,x FUR SALON, THIRD FLOOR

GOOD-LOOKING GLASSES Long Lines and the Jlida,Touch—bg Devon- K A F E C T l r FITTED ' shire Jr. The new, long-line jacket with a belted, pleated ASK YOUR EYE PHYSICIAN ta c k , the new, small, turn-over collar and good-as-gold buttons. Skirt with a peii, front kick-pleat. Smooth xayon gabardine in .qua. luggage, green, beige or red. Sise. 9 to 15------1 2 . 9 5

<3f J ?.

Tax Free, Greatcoat with the Fur-Framed, Detaeh- able Hood. WondeyMy? romantically flattering and toasty warm! 100% woolen fabric, velvety soft, beautifully lined and interlined with 100% wool. Cut with the new, soft shoulder and g^atness of sweep. Acorn or green, with a hand of dyed squirrel framing your face. Sixes 12 to 16------9 8 . 9 0 NONSECTARIAN Exclusively our* in Newark * BETTFR COATS, THIRD FLOOR

Since we are familiar with the for­ malities of all religious denomina­ Forstmannfs Suede Cloth Coat u>Uk Persian tions and fraternal orders, we are Yoke. Sale Priced lor August ait* 'Tax Free. qualified to conduct services for Exquisitely different! The coat that ripjiles in multiple bahk-

folds from a satiny Persian yoke threaded with a cloth ribbon, fastening in the front with a golden buckle. All black, Lotu. green, beige or brown. Sixes 10 to 16------■—r---- — 1 7 9 * 9 9 Same coat with beaver yoke----- —------—2 2 5 . 0 0 Exclusively ours in Newark


You may purchase your poa to n our defer reel

3 i2 L v [ Page 41 The Mlllburn & Short HUls ITEM — tAUSUSTj4% gerle, to Charles B. Taylor, Jr., fer’l »on-ln-law and daughter, The wedding will t a k T ^ Mr. and Mr*. Paul C. Auerbaoher Marian Merrick's son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles & fall. moved recently to their new home Taylor of flSirt Hills. Miss P atter­ Mr. Taylor I... theme gramwgrwd Sheila Flynn of Forest drive at 12 Roaemont avenue, Madlaon. Engagement Told son attended West Liberty Btate celebrated her fifth birthday on Mrs. 8. E. Llnkletter o! c»m College and the Elliott Softool of New Jersey. Mr. and Mre. H. P. Morehouae August d. Present «t the party* Mr. and Mrs. Bentley A. Mer- Business In Wheeling, W est Vir­ and eon and daughter, Thomaa w ere Leith Carroll, Mary and rick of .18 Beeoh terraoe, an­ Sheila Keefe, Judy Lang, Marla nounced'the engagement of their ginia For the past five years she and Sharon of Timber Aoree road The ’8kystrenk\ th, ]x ? a e i have returned after vacationing Adele Malone, Richard and Susaa daughter, Marian. Atwood Merrick has been with the U. S. Coast and Nitr new stubwinged, at Ooean Orove. Schultze, Susan Smith and Maeve to Robert Davie C utting,- son Geodetic Survey, Commerce De­ Ellen Flynn. As It was alio Mr. of Mr. and M ra Robert H. Cutting partm ent, W ashington, D. C. plane, is designed t0 Flynn’s birthday,. many of the Mr. and Mra. Kenneth A. o f Clinton. New York, at a dessert Mr. Taylor Is a n alumnus of Le­ speed of sound. Bum b, DoJ! Christian of Lakevlew avenue parents arrived later to offer con­ bridge on August 18th, at the home high University and at present Is the craft Is nicknamed jh ,.. have returned after visiting their gratulations. of Miss Merrick. Miss Merrlok Is also with the Coast and Geodetic sonic test tube" for -both ^ 8. H. 7-2923 daughter Joyce who la spending a graduate of Mlllburn High VIVIAN TOMPKINS LANGE PsOA Wednesday evening the Survey „ In the nation's capital. pearance and its purpose the aummer at Camp Qulnlbeck, School, class of 1944, and is now Hard well road, baa -returned trow Bars gave a farewell party Lt. and Mre. Thomaa C. Wick- a t Ely, V erm ont On the way after vacationing for severed to Rocco Marcketta and Carmen a senior a t Wells College, Aurora, enden and two children of Dallas, home they visited Mr. and Mra. New York. Texaa have arrived for a month'a weeks at Muakoka, Canada where Pholfloo, who pre leaving for Robert Leonard of New Haven at Her fiance, after spending four vleit in the East. They will divide she was the guest of her uncle and Hlne’s Junior College In Mis­ their aummer home at Marlon, years as a Mustang fighter pilot their time between the home of aunt, Mr. and Mra. D. C. Thomaa. sissippi. The party was held a t Ml Alfred 0. Seelei with the Fifth Air Force, has re­ hla parenta, Mr. apd Mra. Thomaa Greenwood Drive. The members Dr.'and Mra Irwin Klmche of who attended were: Warren sumed his studies in Hotel Ad­ H. Wlckenden of Twin Oak road, A month's vacation at their Rawley place are borne after a ministration at Cornell University and at Awoatlng where hla slater hunting lodge at Boyden Lake, Relno, Rocky Calvano, Henry Optician trip to Cape Cod and Old Or­ where he will be graduated next Mra. Vincent Scofield la apendlng Maine, has been concluded by Mr. Carella, Joe Salvatore, Jerry c h ard Beach, Maine, W hile they MARIAN A. MERRICK of Beech June. He Is a member of Chi Phi the aummer.. and Mrs. Joseph A. Swett and Ayres, John Feanaa, Mike Sereno, were away, their son, Robert and Zeke Miller* Friends of the terrace, whose engagement to Fraternity. daughters, Barbara and Carol of 309 Mlllburn Ave., Mlllburn, N. J. David, stayed "Wfth his grandpar­ Crow Bars who were there in­ Robert C. Cutting has been an­ Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus R. Currier Bailey road. • * Of Hobart avenue are spending ents, Dr. and Mra. M orris Wein­ cluded: Tony Parlso, Paul Tight, nounced. the remainder of the summer at stein of Staten Island, N. Y. Miss Phyllis Chlldrey, daughter Joe Latona, Cookie Sammartlno, Charles Toy lor their home at Brewster on Cape of Mr. and M ra Frayser Chlldrey. John Carver, an^ Donald De- Gogel Is the form er Jean H er Mr. and M ra Charles C. Stouf- Palma. Cod. fer of Exeter rood had as a guest of Berkeley road who will become shey of Mountalnvlew road. the bride on Saturday of John To W ed Ohio Girl Mies Judith Kerr, daughter of last week-end, Miss In a Ganson Mr.and Mrs. Edward Beck of Phillip Perry Jr. of Jefferson, Mr. and Mra. Palm<*r Bradner Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Kerr and of Columbua Ohio. The Stouf- Rosedale avenue announce the Ohio, was feted on Tuesday even­ of 21 Woodcrest avenue, an­ engagement of their daughter Iris nounce the birth of a daughter, ing at a supper party, bridge and Marian, to Richard George Well­ miscellaneous shower given by Sherry Lee, on August 7th. er son of Mr. and Mrs. William Miss Nancy Wfclttemore who will W aller of Sum m it be her maid of honor. On Sunday she was guest of honor at a cock- Miss Louise Gill of 14 Under- tall party given by Miss Jane cliff road entertained a group of Achenbach of Mountain „ View friends last Saturday at her home road. Last Thursday Miss B arbara with a miscellaneous shoWer In Skinner of Undercliff road was honor of Miss Catherine Jean hostess a t a miscellaneous shower Clancl of Whlttingham terrace, In honor of the bride-elect. Mr. who will be m arried on August 23. and Mrs. Chlldrey will entertain Other guests were: Mrs. Peter the members of the families and Clancl, mother of the bride; her bridal party at a buffet supper sisters, the Misses Rose and Ma­ on Friday before the wedding re­ rie Clancl; Mrs. Claude Morrissey hearsal and afterwards Miss of Madison, another sister; Mrs. Chlldi'ey’s uncle and aunt, Mr. Joseph Rlsso, aunt of the brides and Mrs. John J. Hickey of Ho­ her cousins, Mrs. W illiam Mat- bart avenue will be hosts for the turrl and Mrs. Frank Flumara; bridal party and out of town Miss Blanche Jandoll of West guests. Orange, sister of the groom; Mrs. George Dedecker; Mrs. Adrian F. Miss B etty W urtz, daughter of Dedecker; Mrs. Joseph Catullo; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Wurtz Miss Antoinette C hingo; Mrs. of Glen avenue, and Miss Dorothy Paul GUI; Mrs. Carmine Pedeclne; Whitfield, daughter of Mr. and the Misses Louise, Evelyn, and Mrs. Jam es M. W hitfield of W y­ Lucy Pedeclne; Mra . Fortunate; oming avenue, have motored to and Mrs. M. B. Carroll, Jr. Nantucket, Mass, for a several weeks stay. The Wurtz’s had as Mrs. Carroll W. Stewart and guests recently for a two weeks daughter, Suzanne, of O’Neill, Ne­ stay his brother-in-law and sister, braska, arrived Monday for a two Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stlshl of Guelph, weeka’ stay with Mrs. Stewart’s Canada. Earlier In the summer,^ parenta Mr. and Mra Joseph Mrs. W urtz’s sister, Mrs. K arel’ CMara of Mlllburn avenua M. Rlckeraon and her daughter Doris of Kansas City, Mo. were Mr. and Mrs. Robert McC. their guests. Johnstone of Downington, Pa., formerly of Knottingham road, Bill McCleary, son of Mr. and announce the engagement of their Mrs. William A. McCleary Jr. of daughter, Miss Elizabeth Anne Haddonfield road is spending the Johnstone, and Leon Joseph summer at Onondaga Camp at Mendelson of Doylestown, P a , son Mlnden, Ontario. Bill will enter of tbe late Mr. and M ra Leon Plngry School th is fall. Mendelson of New York Gity. Mr. Michael Nazzaro and daughter Miss Frances Nazzaro of Taylor street have concluded Births a motor trip to Boston and its Prompt Deliveries to All Surrounding Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeVene- Hospitals and Funeral Homes zia of 9 Brookslde drive announce the birth of a daughter, Joanne, We Telegraph Flowers on July 10 at S t Michael’s Hos­ TRAVEL t o p i c s pital, Newark. By LILLIAN VOGT DOBT Mr. and Mrs. William Charles SEE SUBURBAN Carbley of 109 Main street an­ The Swedish American Line has nounce the birth of a son, Wil­ through, with three special .o you: "If in liam Lawrence, on July 19 at St w e d e n you Michael’s Hospital, Newark. plan to Christ­ mas this year, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Holo- then Suburban skt of 47 Cedar street announce the birth of a son, Joseph Rich­ ard, on July 24 at Presbyterian Hospital, Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Levine of 190 Mlllburn avenue announce R e f le t from t h e s e Irksome the birth of a daughter, Joan details will in­ Carol, on July 26 at Beth Israel sure a pleasant and more satisfac­ tory tour. Hospital, Newark. If you are folng to Sweden or Den­ Mr. and Mrs. William John mark this year, your chances ara good as above mentioned, IF you Klotz of 02 Myrtle avenue an­ "do something” about It now. Stop nounce the birth of a daughter, in today or call Mlllburn (-1342 or Marianne Elizabeth, on August 2 Wu are not auociated with any other /(oriel in Mlllburn 6-1944-2 for an appointment. We a t E aat Orange General Hospital. would like to get started on your 38 Main St., opposite. Mario’s itinerary as soon as possible. SUB­ M r.and Mrs. H arry Albert K att URBAN TRAVEL SERVICE, 321 Mlll­ burn Avenue. of 10 Duncan street, annource the birt]i»of a daughter, Nancy Lynn, on July 11 at Muhlenberg Hospi­ tal, Plainfield. j Captain and M rsm ic h a rd C. Snyder of West Point, N.- Y. an­ nounce the birth of a son pn F ri­ day, A uguii 8. Mrs. Snyder is the former Mary Frances" Peck, daughter of Mrs. C. Elliott 111 SUMMIT AVL and the late Mr. Peck of Wash­ ington, D. C. formerly of -Short SUMMIT. N. J. Hills. Captain Snyder is the son of M ajor General and Mrs. How­ ard M. Snyder of. Washington. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Van- . Houten of 220 Norwood terrace Reopening announce the birth of a daughter, Valerie, on August 8 at Orange MemorM Hospital. Mr. Van- on or near Houten is the Dean of Newark College of Engineering and on November 1 will become the acting president to serve for one year while President Allan R, A u gu st 18th Culllmore is on a ,/eave of ab-

A baby girl, Cheryl Jean, was Ready made styles and quality. born on '‘Saturday at Overlook Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Russell \R- Gogel oif Florham Park. Mrs Important designs for town Ond sport in felt, velvet, taffeta and satin.* -* nrmin-Kciiooi. , 1AIT ORANOI, M. J. M Pmint at, OruM 3-1141 «nr Y.rt 17, <11 Utl.itai An. In addition to our distinctive line there WMMPWm.N.V-ecbwmtL will be a new department ^catering to lecretarial career. Berkeley- trained aecretariea hold tt- custom-made hats and bridal parties. treetive- poiitiont in a wide va­ riety - of taeihen organisation!. Courier for high tchoo) graduate! •nd college women. Diitinguiahed •faculty. Effective Placement Ser­ vice. .Write Ai>»t«nt Director, . New Term Begins ■ n Pege 11 AUGUST 14, 1943 ] The Mlllhurn A Short HUlt ITEM Three London scientists, F. C. year. Meat Substitute Good nourishing omi^ Qr. McKelvey Hyman, G. A. Campbell and H. F. be served tha family, b u tr the West, have developed-a remark­ First Church of Christ, Scientist choice or foods w»u hav# to b. / 0 Practice Here able Insecticide toap containing HI Springfield fiveaae. Summit, N. I. Suggestions chang'd, Mrs. Shepard daolares. $■> DpT. They have tested this soap inch el fllfi MOTH1K CHURCH. VHfi PUUT CHURCH Of on AH kinds of dogs and find that CHRIST scientist, In Boston. Maas. Homemakers everywhere are I t Is necessary for all members of Dr. Augustus J. McKelvey of the family to agree to th e plan. New York City will take over the if not only kills the vermin Im­ Sunday Sirvtcn, lia s A. M. lands* School. 11:#* A. M. concerned about th e large por­ Wednesday Meeting, gill P. M. tion of the family food budget Such rem arks as, “Why oan’t we 0fl[ce and practice of the late mediately, but prevents the dog have eteak Instead of baked beans Dr Harry Klelnberger at 274 n, MS Springfield Are. Open dally llffifi IS 4de except which is spent for meat. The from becoming reinfested even nd Holiday!; also friday evenings 1:3d It IlM and family llkea meat, and ’therefore or a nut and cheese loaf?" will be avenue' it was learned after being exposed to other Uce- after the Wednesday mooting. taboo until price# of . food are tj,la Week. It seems essential for a good din­ rldden dogs. These summer working days more In line with th e fam ily In* Dr. McKelvey formerly are 'Vs long and hot. How many ner. connected with the New York Witch for Marcia U u l.e Mil- of us look, forward to the end This la the pattern In most Peat-Graduate Hospital a n d llncry rcopenlnf£ Aug. Mth! of the day when we can relax In homes and It may be continued served idur years in the U.-S. our favorite chair and spend the provided that other essential Don't wait another day before Medlcpr Corps as a colonel in evening doing just what appeals foods such as milk, vegetables and Dennis - Kuch phone Bedroaian, Summit conpliand of the 7th Evacuation to us most. And to many of us fruits are not slighted In the dally Announcement has been made Hospital, the Post-Graduate Hos­ j.0500 to call for and clean your th a t means relaxing with a good diet. If they are, then It’s time ' , Then, when you return from of the engagement of Miss book or magazine. Perhaps a to check on the proportion of pital Unit In the Pacific. S o n . they will be laid freoh Miriam W lnlfrsd Dennis, daugh­ magazine would be better tbcse money being spent* weekly for te r of the Iste M r. and Mrs. id clean. ( sultry evenings, when even' the meat, says Essex County's Home Robert H. Dennis, formerly of slightest effort of concentration Agent, Mrs. M argaret C. Shepard. E»t leai In eummer? If ao, keep East Orange, to Joseph Russell IRVINGTON seems too much. The flavor of meat, Its texture , your protein, vitamin and mln- Kuch of Rosedale avenue, aon of Did we hear someone say they and tantalizing aroma makes it J (nuke by drinking Schmal* M ra Frances Kuch and th e late haven’t been able to get their appeal 'to most people. .B u t If MOTORS, INC *iry Farm milk. Not only the Mr. Kuch. ------favorite magaiJnes? Subscriptions only the protein value of meat is The engagement was made ■hildren, but their aldera ahould are not always being accepted compared with that of some other ;B)oy thi. healthful beverage. known a t a tea given Sunday and your dealer la always sold out foods It may not seem so wise to afternoon by tho bride-elects before you reach; him. If that’s have auch an unbalanced food There 1* *uch a friendly, cordial brother-in-law and sister, Mr. the case then you Millburn people budget. For example—one serv­ tmosphere at The Summit Truet and Mrs. Ralph C. W illia m s ^ are really in luck. For your Li­ ing or A pound of beef has 16 IV» Smart to Deal !ompany. Thin U not a lecture their home on Glen avenue. Mrs. brary-Have you been In lately?— grams of protein, whereas cup „ economy but Jujt a timely hint Florence Sigmaim, Mr -Kuch a With Otto Ploetner Is well stocked In all types of of cottage cheese has 19.2 grams, M you might opeT a Saving! Ac- aister, presided at th e tea table. magazines. No. m atter what your % pound of American cheese has The wedding will take place Ford Dealer >unt there. '■ Interest may be your Town Li­ 17 grams and so does 14 pound of October 4. fish. Other foods supplying a Good, aubatantlal furniture Ban brary can furnish magazine ma­ GOODYEAR TIR^S & TUBES . reupholatered and recovered at terial to satisfy it. good amount of protein are 1 cup of whole milk, 8 gram s; 14 cup of iodel Upholstering Company. It Those who strive to keep them­ Kidneys Must cooked peas or beans, 6.6 grams; ES. 3-8585 HI pay In the long run to have selves informed about current 1 medium-sized egg, 6.4 grams; 1 ,ii done. Workmanship and fab- happenings throughout the world Work Well- will be glad to find Time, News­ cup of shelled peanuts, 26.9 grams; 1052 Clinton A re. Irvington c, are of highest quality. week, United Nations Bulletin, 2/3 cup of cooked oatmeal, 4.3 For You To Fool V eil Just below Koenig*! Kandy Kitchen h a aln - Life, World Report, and others of grams; and 14 cup baked custard, illed a case of crlap fresh nut a similar nature. The women bor­ 8.9 grama. ieati for your approval. Next rowers will enjoy such well- Your family may wish to do kidncyi muit ccnitently r«»«y* pine field, m m add* and ethw me you lunch or stop In for their known and often hard to buy peri­ what some others have done. Have matter that cannot stay in tha blood slicloua home-made Ice cream— odicals as Ladles Home Journal, a family council meeting. Discuss without Injury to hejjth, Itaeo we«M Good Housekeeping, Vogue, Ma­ the amount of money it takes In MORRIS COUNTY AliTO Of Me 3£unt sve »ome nuta, too. demoiselle, and Harper’s Bazaar August, 1947 to feed your fam^jr *° Burning? oeanfyOT "too fmuuinturlne- Have you seen the marvelous that provide us w ith the latest In on the same standard .as in Au­ tlon lometimM wmn» thit .omethbg DRIVING SCHOOL Has a message for you, designed to help you fashion news. And even the gust, 1939. Our State D^&rtment U wrong. You nay ruffer niggjog buA- ,b Rimback Storage does In to better health and better living. caning overatuffed furniture? I children find their favorite maga­ of Agriculture Jelly- us that for zines kept in the Children’s Dept, every dollar the homemaker* spent ive and it's something to brag DUAL CONTROL "Hunt tor Happiness" is a haft-hour ot inspiring, tout. If your furniture has seen for them to read and borrow. for food in 1939, she mu9t spend eountry*over. Poeu’i Boy’s Life, American Girl, Child 31.49 today to get the same tlon of tha kMneyu helpful entertainment, dedicated to tha American Housewife >tter days, Rimback will clean it. flush out poiaonoe Life, and Jack and Jill keep the amount and quality of food. Has blood. They etmtuh end tier daily problems. It's packed with Qet Don't today. I Have you noticed that very youngsters happy when their va­ your family income increased one- a t ell drug atone. Our instructors will call FUN, FOOD and FASHION. nart, modern stucco building on cation plans keep them too busy half above what it was . eight for you at your home llllbum avenue, corner of Glen- to read entire books. years ago. If not, it is wise to take ood drive? T hat is where you So when you’re walking by Num­ stock now. No family wants to be l i find The Smith Company,’ ber 10 Old Short Hills road, and In the "feiT at the end of the 164 South Street Tune in ^ p ^ | " 93 0 N Y OUR DIAL ealtors—experts In their line. you have a little time to spare, drop in and look over our maga­ Morristown..4-5283 Summer's dog ddys call for easy zine collection. 10 o.m. to 10:30 o.m. Monday through Friday ring. To make a meal both sim- The latest Issues are kept on Listen to "Hunt for Happiness" with Adele Hunt ie and satisfying, stop at Wyom- the magazine rack for all to read AUGUST-SALE ig Pantry for luscious cold salads while in the library. All other is­ ad a variety of cbld cuts. sues can be borrowed the same as DRY - CLEANING books. The habit of These are the last daye of the ★ immer sale of spring and sum- Tips of New York taxi drivers SAVE OVER 20% er shoes at Lee Fashion Foot- averaged 17 per cent of fares BEDWETTING ear. Save money on nationally during World W ar II, but dropped O N MEN'S SUITS AND PLAIN DRESSES dvertlsed footwear while you can. to about 10 per cent a year after in adult or child layahoes are included. the war. can be corrected! TKADt NAMI l»«STH» A Palermo perm is a “must” be- For personal interview a t H r e you set sail on your vacation, MEN’S SUITS p l a in Pr e s s e s office o r J n th e privacy of hat ie If you want the luxury-of your home, write or call Hackensack uVfree-hair-Iree days. A Pa- Except White Except White Ri. 6-7276 — 6-6547 East Orange rmo perm fairly manages itself, LONERGANS 647 Central Ave. 1 E. Passaic St. Reg. $1.00 Reg. $1.00 Hack. 3-5558 ivest in this com fort FOR Amelia Lewis Method Orange 2-1351 45 N. Broad S t , Ridgewood Your name should be down on WIRE t ie book at H arth The Florist's if pu ere to be a Fall bride. H arth FENCING ill manage and arrange your 6 9 c 7 7 ‘ GATES iuqueta befitting your wedding. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE It pays dividends to let Meyer- 328 Millburn Ave. 'erner, Summit, service and re* Millburn 6-0302 MEN'S WHITE W OMEN'S SUITS air your car. Before that vaca- SUITS . . . . 79e 2-PIECE . . . . 77e »n trip, have them check the tiree, heels, and brakes. Then “Mer- ty on your way."—Adv. QUALITY AT A BARGAIN

CORBY'S moDERn uiomfln ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY, Inc. 27-31 Summit Ave. Summit, N. J. LOANS Phone Summit 6-1000 You can get *50 to *300 Prompt Free Delivery Service & for Vocation j and other expensed FAST ONE DAY SERVICE Phone su. 6-6120 Mr. Brosey will arrange > COMPLETE IHS7MUTKM CMHM1W- it for you immediately on . . figures her} carfare, time, including that wasted | SPECIAL LETTER your signature or auto! standing in line, and then decides to sit down at her desk and D IG EST ON and write checks for all her bills. 48 MAPLE STREET SUMMIT License No. 7Jd HEART Bate 2V4% on mo. bal. If she keeps enougLm oney irTner checking account, EMPLOYEES WEAKNESS the interest compensates the bank for handling the PitSONAL LOAN CO. checks. | Sherwin Williams Paints m s m f r e e i b ^ O n the other hand, if she dcres not wish to maintain a commensurate balance, our Budget Checking Account The heart is just a muscular pump. The heart muscles can be atrtngthened and vitalized as easy as ypu c —i develop J the bicep - i 11 —“ Plan, will cost only $2.00 for a book of 20-checks . . . no Learn the special exercises that strengthen a few minutes devoted to them daily usuallytually brings astonishing results. minimum balance required— no charge for deposits— ana Fiiiy of observation and study has been invested to acquire this no monthly service charge. An account may be opened lm| u J ^ ^ o n s ain0special letter describing the exercises, • Digest of Bemarr Macfadden’s writings, including the first copy of PHYSICAL CULTURE Magazine sent oni approval.approv 12 copies of this beautiful with as little as $1.00. magazine‘ containing ‘ illustrated * |1»• a•. month———- lor— two— , Deposit. Insurance Im<4>tha—Thank,. System 91 Newark W ay Maplewood I NAMB.v..-...... - ...... Corporation ■ rLiAsa palm plainly J ■ ADDRESS...... /! ' Phone S.O. 3-0071 ^CTTY..n,.TT,nn^nV^T^T.mn».....E O N E .. .STATE......

H The Millhurn & Short Hills ITEM The New Jersey const!tutloh with Sam Donahue'* Orchestra Dalley-orlginated »Ur dance ag- been amended 82 Umes. Of these Teller.” Miss W orth will b« m ak­ amendments, 28 were adopted Meadow brook have been engaged by Frank Dal- grogatlona. ing her first Paper Mill appear­ through a single referendum m ance In a year, while Birch has | „ Igfe m m 1875. Since that Ume, only four Opens Aug. 26 at the natlonally-famous Meadow- |enutlonal new ilngl„g «tar, and just returned from four weeks of appearances In "Carousel” In Chi­ amendments have been adopted, brook, Cedar Grove,' N. J., atartlng the ban(j 0/ Ray McKinley's. and two of these, adoptel In 1897, Parry Como and Marion Hutton, cago and two weeks at the West- Aug. 2Sth. i f port, Conn., Country Playhouse. were Inconsequential. Any proposed amendment must Araerloa’s Moat Modern' Mn Dailey, who Inaugurated Three colorful sets make up the the idea of "name” dance bands background of‘‘‘Rio Rita." Ken­ be adopted 'In identical form by DRIVE-IN THEATER some eighteen years hgo at Mea- neth Lloyd Mapea has designed two successive legislatures and Rente 29 — Union. h. J. dowbrook, the Incubator of the special sets to represent the patio ratified by the voters at a special Than., Frt., Sat., Au(. M-1S-W top orchestras of today, la em­ of a Mexican Inn. the General’a election. No amendment or amend­ •SONG O P SCHEHERAZADE” barking on a new policy, specifi­ villa and a cabaret barge on the ments shall be sumltted to the “HELDORAPO" cally designed to give the public Rio Grande. As the sequence of peoplft oftener th a n once In five San., Moh., Tun., Ant. 17-18-1* bigger and better entertainment the operetta unfolds In them, years. If more than one amend- “SWELL GUY” there will be a considerable Beginning with the stellar "LOST HONEYMOON" Com o-Hutton-Donahue bill, which amount of dancing, provided by Miss Worth, Birch and a special Wednesday (onediy'only), Aug. 20 will rem ain for one,, week only, corps de ballet with choreography Family "CARNIVAL OF FUN SHOW” due to prior commitments, Mea* Mg Laugh Unit! * by Henry Shwarze. G GOES; ‘ WM dowbrook will present the ace per­ * H sonalities of radio, screen, record­ E ings and stage, In addition'to the The heavy cruiser USS Salem, the 100th ship constructed a t Now Playing Thru Saturday Quincy, Mass., since Pearl H as- Ann Sheridan - Zachary Scott bor, Is equipped with air-condition- MARION HUTTON, who will ap­ GENUINE "THE UNFAITHFUL" ing facilities to Increase personnel p8ftr wju i perry Como at the Also efficiency In varying clim ate# ’ MeadovJbrook on Afigust 26. GeneAutry Split Chestnut Rail Fence “SIOUX CITY SUE* Picturesque Protective ■ Sunday—Monday—Tuesday FRANCIS A. ALLEY mtwotits Gregory Peek - Joan Bennett Midnight GROCERIES 'The Macom ber Affair* Landscape Architect ANN SHERIDAN, who la co- Also S hort H ills 7-3518 starred with Lew Ayrea and 910 CIRCUS •Tommy * Zachary Soott in “The U nfaith­ Sat.. Aug. 16 „ .... - • W04P ~ Annual outing, Jr. O .U A .M . ful,” now a t the Maplewood Thea- "THE FABULOUS DORSEYS’ and Daughters of America, next W ednesday-August 2 0 STARTS WEDNESDAY La Couturiere Salon "Rio Rif a" Nexf .nr nuns boh? Up Gigli» with “ C h ip "IVY"— Joan Fontaine Women1! and Children^ Custom Made Clothei m star if "Ddktt*" A t Playhouse ft fnm M-G-Mitudi* ALTERATIONS Maxiner & Bobby, dog act; VACATION SHOW The romantic South-of-the Bor­ The Trangers, trumpeters; W ed. M orning Aug. 20 18 Main St. Millburn 6-4100 der region, the area of Mexico Chesterfields, acrobats which neighbors the State of Tex­ as, will be the setting of “Rio "THUNDERHEAD FORMERLY WITH L. BAMBERGER & CO. Rita,” the next story set to music Ann Samartlno Angela Rldgllano which will grace the stage of the Paper Mill Playhouse a t Mill- SON Of FLICKA" burn beginning Monday, August IN TECHNICOLOR 25 immediately following the cur­ Doort Open 9:00 A. M. ren t run of "The Desert Song." Ticket* Now On Sale N ita Carol, a new leading lady, CONCERT* who has been featured as Sig­ mund Romberg’e soloist this paht year, will enact the' title role of the Harry Tierney operetta which tells an American girl brought TERRY DEMPSEY'S up in Mexico. The rivals for her hand are a Captain of the Texas Rangers and a Mexican general. BAR and GRILL Donald Gage, who will play the Ranger, will be a decided fa­ Springfield N ew Jersey vorite to win the lady's hand. None other them Clarence Nord­ strom, the Paper Mill’# favorite Will Be Closed comedian,, will be on hand as an American salesman to keep the m errim ent high. August 19th to 25th With Robert Eckles in the role of the Mexican general, Albert For Vacation Carroll as R ita’e brother, and Billie Worth in another of her dancing soubrette roles and Peter Birch WILL REOPEN as the salesman’s lawyer In an effort to divorce his wife, played Tuesday, August 26th by Dorothy Jay, the outlook is for a fine sequence of events and con­ siderable merriment. Will Be Looking Forward to Eckles and Carroll are currently Serving You Again In “The Desert Song,” while Miss Terry Dempsey RKO PROCTOR S

Now Playing Thru Saturday Ann Sheridan • Zachary Scott — in — THE UNFAITHFUL

Gene Autry - Lynne Jtoberti _ Saturday Mat. for the Children SO CARTOON SO MIN. SHOW MIN. lmanac 3 DAYS Gregory Peck - Joan Bennett i— in — Monday Tuesday * Wednesdi »Millburn8 Cosmetic Centre THE MACOMBER AFFAIR Saturday Sunday

v Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey__ 16 17 18 19 20 WHELAN DRUG AGENCY Tuesday- Matinee for the Children FRIEDBAUER & VERONICK, Props. . Vacation Club Feature 343 Millburn Avenue M illburn 6-0449 THE BIG NOISE * MAPLEWOOD PROCTOR'S August 14-18, “UfTFAITHFUL,” Ann Sheridan, Lew FREE DELIVERY Ayres Zachary Scott; "SIOUX CITY 8UE," Gene Au- August; 14-19,' ’’I WONDER WHO'S KlriWN® „ hV western. August 17-19. "FABULOUS DORSEYS,’’ NOW,” . June Haver, Mark Stevens;. “UNtf*® Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Janet Blair; "MACOMBER AFFAIR,” Gregory Peck, Joan Bennett, Robert Preston. RIM,” Tim Holt, Nan Leslie. August 20-23. "IVY,” Joan Fontaine, Patrlc Knowles, Lovable Girl Contest on Stage Park Theatre Wed.— Aug. 20 at 9 P, M. Richard Ney, “THAT’S MY MAN.” Don Ameche. Cath­ sometimes c h a n g e erine McLeod, Roscoe Karas. their minds. — $1200 in Prises— Still Time to Sign Up and Be a Winner! * SOUTH ORANGE August 14—“ UNFAITHFUL,“ Ann 8hertdan. CAMEO ary Scott, Lew Ayres; “SIOUX CITY SUt. ||g g * MILLBURN ____ try western. August 15-21, “FABULOUS gg M • August 14-18. “CALCUTTA,” Alan Ladd, Gall Rus­ Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey,-Janet Blair, ‘‘■ ..j August 14-16, "UNFAITHFUL," Ann Sheridan, sell. William Bendix; "LITTLE MISS BROADWAY,” AFFAIR,”-Gregory Peck, Joan Bennett. wj Zachary Scott, Lew Ayres; "SIOUX CITYSUE,” Gene ton. August. 22-28, -'!GRy WOLF," Balkan!. gjj Jean Porter, John Shelton. August 17-1(L_^IT HAP- Autry western. August - , / ‘FABULOU8-DORSEY6,’’ Errol Flynn. Geraldine Brooks; “UNBMCO' 17 19 PENED’ON 5TH AVENUE,1’ Victor M$ore, Charles Rug- SIE," Ann Sothera, Barry Nelson, Mark Panic* Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Janet Blair; "MACOM­ gles, Don De Fore. Ann Harding; J ’WOMAN ON THE BER AFFAIR," Gregory Peck,1 Joan Bennett, • Robert BEACH,” Joan Bennett, Charles Bickford, Robert Preston. August 20-23, "fVY>’ Joan Fontaine. POtrlc Ryan. August 20-23, “UNFAITHFUL," Ann Sherftten, ★ ELIZABETH Knowles, Richard Ney; "THAT’S MY MAN,” Don Zachary Soott, Lew Ayres; “SIOUX.CITY SUE," Genr Ameche, Catherine McLeod, Roscoe Korns. Autry western. » RESENT, 39 Broad Street" * MORRISTOWN * EAST ORANGE HOLLYWOOD, Central Avenue at Harrison COMMUNITY August 14-20, “SEVEN KEtS Raymond, .Erin O’Brlen-Moore; ‘THEY ' /jvj August 14-20. August 14-20.' "CRY WOLF,” Barbara Stanwyck, Er­ LIEVE ME,” Robert Young, Susan Baywjrd. n . §Rn. BUly rol Flynn, Geraldine Brooke. August 21-27, "IMPER­ son. August 21-27, "FIESTA,” Esther W W M "BACHELOR AND THE BOBBY BOXER," Montalban, Akim Tamiroff, John Carroll. FECT LADY,” Ray Mllland, Teresa Wright, Cedric KINGS,” Paul Campbell, Gloria HemT- ^ Temple, Cary Grant, Myrna Loy. Hardwlcke; "BLAZE OF NOON,” William Holden, Sonny Tuft^WUllam Bendix. JERSEY RITZ, 1148 Eest Jersey S tre e t August 14-29, /'.THEY WON”! BELIEVE ME." Rob­ * O R A N G E ert Young. Susan Hayward, Rita Johnson; CRY WOLF,"-^Barbara Stanwyck, Errol Flynn. Geraldine August 14-20. "CRY WOLF,” Barbara Brooks. EMBASSY, 349 Main Street —rot nynn,^ynn, Geraldineueramine Brooks;nruv THAT & * Lynne Roberts, Dop Barry. August 14-16, "HIGH SARBAREB” Van Johnson, PARK June Allyson, Thomas Mitchell, Claude Jarman, Jr.; “MY BROTHER TALKS TO HORSES," Jackie Jenkins, HAugust M H 14-16,----- ! "RAMROD.’ Joel McCrea, Veronica ★ U N IO N Lake, Don DeFore; "PHILO VANCE RETURNS, WU- Peter Lawford, August-.17-19, “UNFAITHFUL,” Ann 11am Wright, Terry Austin. August 17-19. Sheridan, Zachary Scott, Lew Ayres; "SIOUX .CITY KEYS TO BALDPATE,” Gene Raympnd. Erin O Brien- SUE,"'Gene Autry western. _August 20-23,. "IT HAP-, Moore; "HOPPY’S HOLIDAY,”, Hopalong Cassidy west­ ern. August 20, "SWEET ROSIE CTGRADY,” and TOE "MY BROTHER TALKS TO LODGER.” August 1-23. "FEAR IN THE NIGHT ’ De- ins, Peter Lawford, Charles Ruggles. Hu Forest Kelley. Paul Kelly, Kay Scott} ^GAS HOUSE HAPPENED ON 5TH AVENUE," Victor KIBBHOO WEST.” y , _ Ruggles, Don De Fore, Ann Harding: . m Roy- THE BEACH,” Joatt Bennett, Charles BIcm i f IR V IN G T O N Ryan. August 20-23, “MIRACLE ON 3MS Edmund Gwenn. John Payne, Maureen ★ S U M M IT CASTLE Lockhart: “BRASHER DOUBLOON,” Georfe* LYRIC ery, Nancy Guild, Florence Bates. June Allyson,. Thomas Mitchell, Olaui “MY BROTHER TALKS TO HORSES,” Jackie Jenkins, Peter Lawford, Charles Ruggles. August 17-19, “CAL­ ★ C R A N F O R D CUTTA," Alan Ladd. Gall Rusaell, William Bendix; "LITTLE MISS BROADWAY,” Jean Porter; John Shel­ ton August 20-23. "IT HAPPENED ON 3TH AVENUE," CRANFORD, North Avenue, West j S T R A N D —- Victor Moore, Charles Ruggles, Don De Fore, Ann Hart- lng; "WOMAN ON THE BEACH,” Joan Bennett, Charlbs August 14. "HONEYMOON,” Shirley Temp! Bickford, Robert Ryan. August 14-16. "MIRACLE ON 34TH S p 1 ( chot Tone, Guy Madison; "FLIGHT TO. Ng -_ . mund Gwenn, John Payne, Maureen> Alan Curtis, Evelyn Ankers. August 15-16, tJNOER- Lockhart; 1 ' | COVER MAISIE.” Ann Bothern^ Bargf -Watson; Mart i f N E W A R K ery, Nancy Guild, Florence Bates, aubu- Daniels; "SPORT OF KINGS,” Paul C»mpbeU,-'OWrla FAITHFUL" Ann Sheridan,-Jiaohary^BrntL ^ s 10 Henry. August 17-18, "A* NIGHT IN CASABLANCA ; "NEWSHOuNDS," August 2(1-23, ' njitr -H- "MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS* Adolphe, Menjou. Den-, BRANFORD SEYS,” Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. J ^ ^ nel nis O’Keefe, Marguerite Chapman. •vtugust 19-21, August 14-19, "MARKED WOMAN;" "DUST BE MT COMBER AFFAIR,” Gregory Pe^k, Joan "MOSS ROSE,".Baggy Cummins, Victor Manure, Etgiel DESTINY." ert Preston. Barrymore; "DANGEROUS MONEY.” , \ , •

^AUGUST y , 1947 ] The MtUburn & Short Hills ITEM I Pag* 7 V

Sunday haa always b n n the M r Inasmuch u the hens weren't § & driving day since th. very laying anyhow. beginning o f automobile hUtory. However, an Ineurance company th e W alrus We had that and It v u a darb, ” ^ported that there were more *S all the fixing from A to Z. G RAND.UNION gccidentf on sA urdaye In 1946. °{ . e Y U» boarder* had the dinner but the rest of the itory Isn’t so hot

It's rooster hackles they use for you CAN LOSE Here I lit beside one of the fly tlelng so now all th a t can be land’s most famous trout streams did with the hen feathers he savea everything on a and not a fly being wet, mine In- carefully Is stuff pillows or some­ thing. turn of this wheel! Tbe reason le John Lewis' bar­ It seems too bad to aee all that gain with the coal operators which water running to waste and trout uppad the price of fuel, which maybe dying for flies but, what upped the price of ateel, which upped the price of everything else seems like. Far be it from me to cross a picket line or be a strike breaker. Fish hooks have rocketed along with feathers so that today's price on a really good fly la fifty cents per each. Mrs. Hendershot MEATS Mrs. William 0. Hendershot of W hat has hit this vacation land 1? Berkeley road died last Friday la a . buyers strike with anglers at her home after a long Illness. threatening to revert to the old She was <0 years old. Born In .“tickle” method of taking trout Elizabeth, MrsT Hendershot was BACKED ST BOM before they'll pay the price. Grand Union meate are always Double "AA," or “A" quality. Ns matter what the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John In ten seconds an automobile the pries, quality is never sacrificed at Grand Union. And Grand Union meats ore E. Cadmus. She had lived In Mill- “Sacked By Bond" — your guarantee o f qnsiity. e accident can jeopardize your Knowing the amount of steel In burn for over twenty-three years. a hook didn't warrant any such home, your savings, your Funeral services were held at the price jump. I asked one fly tyer Colonial Home, East Orange, on income. Play safe . .. don’t the why* and wherefores. Tuesday, and the Interment a t FRESH rely on' minimunjPcoverage. Evergreen Cemetery, Elizabeth, Says he: “It’s the feathers took place yesterday. VEAL LEGS ■ RUMPS Be sure you are fully covered. We will be glad to analyze mainly, they were up before the Surviving Mrs. Hendershot are MACKEREL coal deal but, since then they’ve her husband, William O. Hender­ your present automobile poli­ doubled." shot of Berkeley road, and a sis­ Maaty-Firm ^ Snow-White Meat cies to make sure you are ter, Mrs. William J. Griffiths of completely protected. Just How come? says I and says he: Millbum. - Fresh Caught Tender and Economical “You see It's the cost of chicken > 4 9 ' phone. . . wire. You’re paying more for eggs ★ p lu m p t e n d e r and more for good hackles on ac­ - Chicken Short Shank Chas.R. Reeve Agency count of what it.costs now for wire Mrs. A. C . Meier and staples. 6-8 Lb. Average Funeral services for Mrs. I HALIBUT STEAKSlb SMOKED SHOULDERS Since 1909 FOWL 49* Oscar L. Hench, Successor I. talked thie over with the meralda M. Meier of 76 Linden Fresh S12 Hinburn Avenue farmer where I'm stopping and street, were held yesterday a t For Salads, For Fricassaa, 3 Rib Cut when he heard about the feather Putnam, Conn, where she died COD STEAKS lb For Slicing LAMB FORES *47< deal, he called for a chicken din- on Monday while visiting her Fred. A AA Quality Controlled brother, Archibald MacDonald. FILLETS n a in c k ,b w y l Burial w |i In Putnam. FRESH GROURD BEEF 4 9 < VEAL CUBE STEAKS ‘ 7 9 ' Little Neck . AUTOMATIC HEAT Mrs. Meier, who was 88 was the Short Cut Spiced widow of A. Clifford Meier and CLAMS i m RIB VEAL CHOPS 6 3 ' LUNCHEON MEAT w 2 9 ' had lived in Millbum for 28 year*. • WILLIAMS OIL-O-MATIC OIL BURNERS She was a member of the Wyo­ • WINKLER GOAL STOKER ming Presbyterian Church and the Womenjs Guild. • MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR In addition to her brother she FOODS Save On ALL Your Groceries Is survived by two sons, Frederick r « will gladly inspect year present heating system and then Albert and John MacDonald m m submit our estimate for Installation of this equipment. Meier, both of Millbum. COTTAGE CHEESE CONSOMME -15/ Silver Skillet BLENDED JUICE = r 21'3 ~25< Drake Coal Co. Breakstone's 8 oz. pkg.^j CORNED BEEF NASN “-24/ CUT GREEN BEANS 2 -29/ PEANUT BUTTER '^29^ ES 3-5730-31 AMERICAN LOAF vegetable soup — 15 / 343 Nye Avenue, Irvington CHEESE SLICED BEETS St.ls.12/ SPAGHETTI Fromo-Amedco 2 (60 Yean of Service) — - For Salads *’“-14/ UKtRV AO/ VE6-KLLDEEP BROWN u BEANS *« “-14/ CAROLINA RICE X15< PRODUCTS Oil CHEESE . . . - 55/ VEGEMATO 2 \'“25/ “." 27/ Your son—Is he preparing for Collegei efficient work habits, grounded in SWISS CHEESE . . »» * 31/ KNOX GELATIN . . ■‘•■19/ SALAD DRESSING ;25< the fundamentals of mathematics Pa I Sunshine and science, capable of dear, effec­ -52/ CNEEZ-IT CRACKERS 15/ tive expression in speech and writ­ n Carteret School. Carteret is proud of ing. Carteret graduates are all-round PDEEN DEAQ Q 29Q / its alumni who have graduated from young men, successful in the class­ GOLD-N-RICH CHEESE . - 59/ TOMATO CATSUP "« 24/ UI i LCH I k M O Dawn-Glo or Copperhead | J lino d m % a ' leading colleges throughout the room, on the playing field and in of »ll Nancy country. Our boys were well pre­ their social adjustments with fellow PRUNE JUICE 0 1 0 / 25/ pared scholastically, possessed of students and the faculty. | Bakery Product!. s n , Breakfast Treat New Low Price! Fully Accredited MARGARINE . . . . b4U/.40/ KELLOGG’S KELLOGG S PEP 2 27/ Home Canning Needs liven guiding each boy rewards his fullest development. Imlividusl sitention is given lo improvement of reeding habits, with com­ FUDGE MIX . 25/ CRISCO plete equipment under supervision of s Psychologist. FRESHBAKE Frizz—Sweetened MASON JARS Heslthful Environment— !10 Acres—Eleviiioq (SO ft.—Bus Service. ICE CREAM MIX 27/ " 3 9 / 3lb.ean|#Q 9 Bosrding Fsctlities Avsilsble—New Large Dormitory BREAD Heart's Delight FROM FIRST GRADE TO COLLEGE {Girls occupied through Fifth Crude; APRICOT 1° 1 2 / 1 1 1 pints M m ^ - quart* R y For eetelog or interview address 3 1 / dozen ^ 0 dtyen / J CARTERET SCHOOL • WEST ORANGE, N. J. PEACHES and PEARS MCCORMICK'S Phone ORenge 2.3300 Prospect Avenue near Northfield Avenue CARNIVAL PIEAoDle-Tru APPLES . . Mott's IDEAL JARS sjjjs doz75/ Qua,,‘doz 85/ BLACK PEPPER New LAYER CAKE JELLIES A..W..S Three tender, golden Igyera. For Making Cookies w MASON JAR LIDS Term Fresh lemon filling, topped with Begins rich Icing. HESTLE’S MORSELS Sept. 17th \ ea. 67c Easy to Prepare MASON JAR CAPS THE SCHOOL FOR YOUR BOY 2 ^ 2 5 ' NESCAFE . . . BLUEBERRY MUFFINS s enps filled it ueberries! HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING FOR 6 for 33c OUR AUGUST SALE? FRESH - APPLE PIE -Baldwins In a crisp crust. FANCY ELBERTAS' this! ea. 55c -then 1 Fruit and Nut bushel COFFEE RING Remington custom - Enjoy Peaches sliced with baste! made ea. 39c Fvrz compare favorably in cream, in pies and shortcakes /rice to the corf of-ordi­ nary ma*» ^roduttl^n *.. can and preserve Peaches J ’y*' For Slicing, Shortcakes, Etc. type*. This i* no exagger­ now for winter use. ation . . . it i* a simple fact, and the reason why 0 Fancy Remington to-day is an- Old-Fashion joying th® largest volume CRULLERS SEEDLESS GRAPES California of business in its history. Thrifty woman find out 6 for 33c about these things quickly. Cocpanot Don't wait!. Remington CREAM LAYER Luscious, Ripe prices are at rock-bottom 1 3 7 BARTLETT PEARS nowl ea. 69c Serve It Iced EARLY MORN COFFEE 2 £.73/ ORANGES bag 43/ GREEN PEPPERS . . 3 - 25/ BUTTER CAKE UW SHty PURRED 2 bch. 15/ YELLOW ONIONS *.5/ ea. 40c FRESMPAK COFFEE . 2 £ 7 7 / CARROTS 2 ibf 25/ POTATOES l), S. No. 1 Long Island ■ i r s 37/ CLJ>TH COATS Chocolate GRAND BNION COFFEE 2 £ 8 1/ GREEN PEAS LAYER CAKE I J f * n SOIL-OFF VEL UU. ea. 65c IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP E P S t Wipes Dirt Clean Off .The New Cleaner f eatured at New Low Price! New Low Price! TbriUing Low Prices CORN ^U F F IN S S t 5/ qt.bot.A3/ 6 ftfr 23c 3Lrfr19/

CASHMERE bouquet 2 * 23/ LUX TOILET SOAP 2 *1 7 / DINNER ROLLS 8 SPRING STREET doz. 25c FLEMIN6T0N, N.J. UN Op*h'D aily fo 9 p.m. SUNDAYS TO 5 P.14.. VrKo for FREE Cat*ne 14 The Millhurn A Short Hills ITEM [ AUGUST , ( Pig* 8 I the second inning. h) the 4th Flolas 4S3 Clinton Avenue fastest man in football shoe* and Newark 8. N. J. made two run* • and the Raiders Aug. 14. ML 21, Sept. 4, 11, ’47 Count/ ol «m*x on TUf? Ur» ™ th e Yankees will oontlnu* to >Yanks Lose Aug. U. 1947 Pees—88S8 Mountaineers- one. make that claim until th e n la In the Old timers League Tues­ ★ ★ a match race to prove otherwise. ★ ★ SPORTS Packers Split Two Contests day evening, the American Le­ p S a sttT g , The gam* In Newark should be gion defeated Besohcroft 10 to 8. On Monday morning the South . emery It The Mountaineers stayed in the on* of tbs most bitterly contested Art Kasparine pitch** for th* Prooton, '■ OANZIO, into the last of the seventh Inn- _ _ of the season with players of both Mountain Yank* dropped two olose Legion with Dan D’Andrea oatoh- SEVENTH of tbe last 744 Broad Street MiIIburn BBC lng with on. out Jerry Aire, hit running for he ^ « e U o n De- squads fighting for regular jobs games a* they were eliminated ment of HKRBEBT O. CAWLEY, de- Newark ], N. j a single Bud Salvator* walked partment Junior Baseball Cham- Ing. For Beechcroft “Lefty” Sala- ceaaed, will be audited and stated by July 17, M, 81, For Instance, the Yank*** have from the playoff* to determine » fug. 7, u and Zeke Miller was safe on a plonshlps as they defeated the dino pitching, Georg* Perkins 85 players in camp but only S3 winner in the second half of*.the catching. Wins Sixteenth fielder'* choice a* Aire* wa* out P a rk e rj on Thursday afternoon will b* retained, Recreation Department Boys’ at third Prank Autulo then to run the series record to two The same night in the Boys' T h i MWburn Baseball Club won seems to be as good as new. Baseball League. In the first game League Youngs Raiders defeated lashed out a single Into right to fames to one in favor of the Tickets for the game August tb iir sixteenth game of the *ea- the MUlburn Dodgers won In the Smith A Marcketta 13 to 3. Dud Announcing the score Salvatore with the winning Parkers. Red Lowery limited 18 are on sale at Ruppert Stadi­ ■on lilt Sunday at Taylor Park the heavy hitting Park boys to last Inning as Lee Freeauf* hit Tlghe of the Painters hit a home um, Newark. scored Fred Ambrusica from sec­ when they defeated the Bonham- three singles while walking six run in the first Inning. Tony town A.C. by the icOre of 14 to 5. and striking out six as he pitched ★ ond base. Parlso pitched for the Raiders Ben Palumbo started on the Marx Pitches \ the first shut-out of the season. Ambrusica wa* the winning w ith Nick Calvano catching, while mound for Wilburn but wa* re­ \ N ick Cerro was equaUy effec- Cerro Hurls pitcher for the Dodgers e* he. al­ Mark Kane pitched for the Paint­ lieved by Bd Miller In the third r live for six Innings but 4n the lowed only five hits white Bill ers with Tommy O'Hara catching. after Bonhamtown acored four seventh Don Malm singled with Retnauer went all the way for the No Hit Game l i jnsi, ADVERTISEMENTS run*. Millar limited the visitor* two out and went to third a* the One Hitter Yanks. Dick Smith got two hit* to one hit for the balance of the Danny Marx pitched a no-hlt par^er third sacker made a two to lead the'Yanks at the plate and N ick Cerro’* bid for a no-hit game. Jim Porter with five hlta game in the Recreation Depart- j)Ue trror on Lowery's ground Dan Marx had a triple while John game was spoiled by Don Bufo in led the MUlburn attack. Ed Mil­ ment Boys' Baseball League on Don Bu/ 0 then came through Hines and Fred Ambrusica each NOTICE or SETTLEMENT the last half of the sixth Inning ler and Warren DePalma with Tuesday morning as the South wjtj, a single to center scoring got two hit* for the winner*. when Bufo looped a fly ball single three hlta helped In the MUlburn Mountain Yanks defeated the Red Malm an(j tending Lowery to under the ltet Will and Testament of into right as the MUlburn Parkers South Mountain SAMUEL p. WILSON, deoeued, will run production. Hawks 7 to 1. This wa* the third third. Lowery scored a moment Ab. R. a After a alow start MUlburn got defeated the Mountaineers 8 to 1 straight win for Marx and gives jate r aa Miller pegged to second Marx, 2b 2 2 i one run In the fourth after the him a total of four wins against |n an effort catCh Bufo steal- in the first game of a five game series for the Junior Baseball Retnauer, p 1 1 i Tuesday, the 23rd dsjr of visitors picked up one In the first one loss for the season. ing to end the scoring for the day. inner next, Championship of MUlburn. Cerro Townshend, ss 3 0 0 ed: August 8, 1847. and four in the third. MUlburn Dan wa* in trouble only In the Parker* AB R H showed good control as he struck Smith, lb 3 2 2 HARRIET WILSON then scored two In the fifth, one 3 0 0 CLINTON TRUST COMPANY Hines, 2b out nine while aUowing five free Weintraub, rf 3 1 0 OARR ft COTTER, Proetors D R U G STORE In the sixth, three In the seventh run on a walk, an error, a 1 0 0 Marketta, cf passes and his mates gave him Buncber, 3b 3 0 0 and then iced the game in the Berstler, cf 2 0 0 265 Millburn Ave.—Next door to A. p, good support in the field. Langdon, if 2 0 1 & eighth by batting around and Wheeler, If 4 0 0 Warren Gray started on the Bergomasko, cf 3 0 0 ERNEST TOFF, Reg. Phar. scoring seven rune on five hits, for the remainder of the game as 3 0 1 Salvatore, lb mound for the losers and was Walters, * 2 0 0 one hit by pitcher and two walks. he struck out five and didn't al­ MlUer, ss 2 0 0 touched for three quick runs in the Carrying a complete line’ of nationally advertised Bonhamtown low a ball to be hit out of the In- Hubschman, rf 2 0 0 first as Dud Tlghe doubled with Totals 22 6 5 AB R H field. O’Hara, c 2 0 1 drugs and cosmetics. Your prescriptions filled by one out and moved to third as Zeke Dodger* Moryan, lb - 5 0 1 John Marzak started for the Cerro, p 3 0 1 MlUer got a life on an error. Mike Ab. R. H. registered pharmacists\assuring accuracy, purity Berta, 3b 5 2 1 Hawks but retired In the second Autulo, 3b 1 0 0 Sereno promptly smashed out a Keenan, rf 3 0 1 and promptness. Hammond, rt 5 1 0 after allowing four run* on five • Practical training home run to right center and that H. Biles, ss 2 2 0 Mossai. ss 4 1 1 hits. Joe Balbo came on in the sec- 23 0 3 Total* was ehough to win the game. The O’Hara, If 2 1 1 Approved-G. L Bill PROMPT DELIVERY M I. 6-1062 Adsmetz, cf 4 1 ond and finished up the game Mountaineers AB R H Parkers scored another run in the Storey, c 3 1 0 Vargo, c 3 0 0 without allowing any earned runs. Buffington, rf 1 0 0 first as Bud Salvatore singled, Hines, 3b 3 1 2 2 blocks from Mauser, 2b 4 0 0 Dan Marx, Jim Townshend and Gray, 3b 3 0 1 CUT-RATE PRICES went to second on a fielders Ambrusica, p 3 1 2 Penn. Station McGlnness, If 4 0 2 Allan W eintraub got two hits each Retnauer, lb 2 O' 0 choice and scored as Bud Wheeler Freeauf, lb 2 0 1 Stumpf, p 2 0 1 for the winners while Bill Ret- Mingle, ss 3 0 0 • 1 block from singled to center. The Mountain­ Cherin, cf 2 0 0 & Tllp, b n 0 0 nauer’s triple was the longest hit Malm, If 2 .1 1 Broad Market eers scored an unearned run in Winans, 2b 1 1 0 Harris, p i 0 0 of the game. Lowery, p ■2 1 0 the third when Allan Stark crossed — — • Day or evening classes — — — Red Hawks Bufo, cf 2 0 2 the plate after the Parker catcher Totals 21 7 7 Call, write, or phone NATIO NW IDE MOVERS Totals 36 5 7 AB R H Stark, c 0 0 ■ 111 ' threw wild into left field. Millburn Thomas, 2b ...... 2 0 0 Dlamandls, 2b 3 0 0 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Parkers AB R H NEWARK SCHOOL OF AB R H Holmes, c ...... 1 0 0 Cerro, p 4 0 0 Porter, 3b 5 ' I f 4 J. Biles, lb ...... 2 0 0 Totals 20 2 4 8 1 Tight, If 3 1 2 Twilight League Mechanical Dentistry Franke. cf Balbo, ss ...... 2 0 0 Cor. Malta A MuOmny, M 1 2 MUler ,2b Fiola, 2b 5 Marzak, p ...... 2 0 0 In tbe second game of the se- Sereno, ss Aug. 15—Rangers vs. Dagwood DePalma, lb 5 3 3 Nazzaro, 3b ...... 2 0 0 rie* the Parkers racked up 12 Salvatore, lb I Aug. 20—All Stars vs. Rangers Scan d ore, rf 5 $■ 2 Coppola, cf ...... j...... 2 0 0 runs as they walloped the Moun- Berstler, cf Aug. 21—Taylor P ark vs. All Marcantonio, ss 4 1 1 Ambrusica, If ...... 2 0 0 taineers on Tuesday afternoon. Autulo, Sb Stars (postponed game) Netndorf, If 2 0 0 Spallone, rf ...... 2 0 0 Ken Wheeler was on the mound Wheeler, cf Aug. 22—Taylor P ark vs. Dag­ Krietler, ss 2 2 2 — _ — for the winners and he allowed Russo, lb wood Sammertino, c: ♦ 2 0 0 Totals 17 1 0 only four hits and one walk as be O’Hara, >c Aug. 25—All Stars vs. Dagwood Sereno, If 2 2 2 Yanks struck out six. W arren Gray w as Staub, rf (postponed game) Palumbo, p 1 0 0 AB R H ineffective for the losers and was 3 Aug. 27—R a n g e r s vs. Taylor Miller, p . 3 2 Marx, p ...... knocked out of the box in the Totals Park Retnauer, 2b ...... fourth. Ned Mingle finished th e 14 20 Mountaineers Aug. 29—Dagwood vs. All Stars Totals 43 v Townshend, c . . . . game. Freeauf, ss Smith, ss ...... 3 0 Bud Salvatore with three for Gray, p Weintraub, rf ...... 3 2 three led all hltters'w hile F rank Retnauer, lb Red Hawks Trim I. Buncher, 3b ...... 3 7 Autullo and Zeke Miller of th e Recreation Dept. HENRY'S GARAGE Walters, lb ...... 2 0 -Parker* and W arren Gray of the Bufo, rf Malm, cf Bergamasco, cf ...... 1 0 Mountaineers got two hits apiece. 35 Willow Street Van Doran, If Dodgers 13-5 Langdon, If ...... 0 0 Parkers AB R H Softball Results Lowery, 2b — — — Hines, 2b A troublesome car can ruin t The Red Hawks defeated the Smith, 3b MUlburn Recreation Depart­ Totals Cerro, If Dodgers on Friday morning 13 to Stark, c ment’s Softball Leagues have only HEADQUARTERS perfect vacation. Let us make I Autulo. 3b 5 to send the Recreation Depart­ Aires, 3b a few more games to play to end sure your car is in A-l condition ment Boys' Baseball League into the season. The Young Men’s for Salvatore, lb Totals before you start on your vaca­ a three-way tie as the regular sea­ Dodgers Lead League has completed its Miller, ss son ended. schedule and the Barbers are the tion. McCollough, r f KIDDIES FOOTWEARf Fred Ambrusica started on the champions, havlng^won 10 and Boys League Marketta, rf mound for the Dodgers but was Marx Leading lost 1. Mothers will be interested t* • All Typos Auto Ropoir Work driven from the box as he failed to As play In the Recreation De- T !f?e' On Wednesday evening in the know that our ihoei are con­ get a man out. Four walks, singles partm ent Boys’ Baseball League c Hitter-Pitcher Boys’ League: Fiolas defeated structed on lute which are • Complete Electrical Tost Equipment by Holmes, Marzak, ana Coppola went Into the last week of the whe€ler> P Youngs Raiders 7 to 5 in a fast orthopaedicsllj correct for the and a double by Dick Nazzaro ac­ season the MUlburn Dodgers game. Nick Cerro led the Raiders • Batteries Charged While You Wait Totals Dan Marx of the South Moun­ growing foot counted for six Hawk runs, Lee went Into a half game lead by de­ hitting with three hits out of four Mountaineers tain Yanks walked off with both Freeauf came on in the first and feating the South Mountain Yanks times at bat. In the first Inning • NOX-RUST UNDER-COATING— Stops Rust, Freeauf, 2b the batting and pitching honors in stopped the rally but the Hawks 7 to 8 in a well played game. the Recreation Department Boys’ the Raiders got three rung and Quiets Rattles, Seals Exposed Metal got one in the third and six in the The Dodgers scored six runs In _ ay’ ? , Baseball League. He wa* closely Fiolas got one In the same inning HARRISON last inning when the Dodger de­ the first inning on four hits, two Townshend, 3b followed in the batting averages on a balk. In the second inning Personal attention given to all makes of can fense fell apart. The Dodgers-got walks and a Yank error but the if1”* es’ ** by team m ate Bill Retnauer while Fiolas got five runs, two of them BROTHERS three in the first off of John Biles Yanks came right back to score J\et,naue^' Joe Balbo with a five won-two lost homers. One homer by Jerry Aires “Honest Work With Honest Prices” but could only score two more runs four In the first, one in the sec- ?7alm ’ “ record was runner-up in the pitch­ brought in three runs and the MONTCLAIR: S40 •leomfitld Are. as they went down to defeat. ond and tie the game up in the ®uf0’ “ ing department. other by Rocco Marcketta brought EAST ORANGE: SSI Mala Shoot Phone Millburn 6-1529 Red Hawks fourth when Jim Townshend KKjg® . G. Ab. H. Pet. in two runs. In the third inning AB R H scored on Dick Smith’s hit. The van uoren’ 1 Marx 12 26 14 .538 Carmen Pacifico, safe on a bunt, J. Biles, p ...... 32 0 Dodgers won the game in their stole second and third, and came Totals Retnauer 13 33 17 .515 Thomas, 2b ...... 3 2 1 half of the last Inning whe# John Townshend 12 31 14 .451 home on an overthrow to score Holmes, c ...... 31 2 Hines doubled with one out and H. Biles 11 32 14 .437 the seventh run. The Raiders Balbo, lb ...... 3 1 0 scored on Freddie Ambrosio’s line Smith 7 19 8 .421 tried hard and did get two more Marzak, ss ...... 4 3 1 single to center. Sutton Reaches Coppola 7 17 7 ’ .411 runs in the 4th, but- double plays Oallitelli, If ...... 1 2 0 on the 4th and 5th innings stopped Bob "Bucky” W alters went the Hines 12 37 15 .405 Ellis, cf ...... 3 1 1 their rallies. The batteries: for route for the Yanks allowing six Nazzaro 12 30 11 .368 Nazzaro, 3b ...... 2 1. 2 Tennis Finals Fites Rocco Marcketta pitching hits including a double and a E. Keenan 12 28 10 .357 Coppola, rf ...... 3 0 1 and ‘‘Chuck’’ Reino, catching; for single. ., by . Hines „ jand , Ed KeenanI Bob Sutton reached the finals of Freeauf 5 14 5 .357 Youngs Raiders: Ed Kunyz pitch­ doub.e. Joe Scott started on the the M en,a Divlaion of the Recrea_ Storey 12 36 12 .333 Totals ing and Nick Caivano catching, mound for the Dodger* but faced ggd Departlne„t tennis tourna- O’Hara 10 19 8 .3*5 Thursday evening in the Boys’ omy four men allowing two hits ment this past week by defeating Balbo 13 37 12 .305 P t t U t FOR TOMORROW and four runs and was lifted in Dlck Bcchtell 7.5i 9.17 in a hard League Youngs Raiders defeated- Winans, 2b ...... 3 3 1 .avor of Fred Ambrosio who put fought match) and Sheldon Eisen- Pitching Fiolas 9 to 7. It was a see-saw Freeauf, lb ...... 3 1 1 tbe fire out and went on to win berg reached the quarter finals by W. 1 game that held the interest of H. Biles, ss ...... 3 0 2 his own game in the last Inning. deteatlng Paul Silbersher 7-5, 8-6. Marx, So. Mountain 4 the fans up to the last out. The -SAVE FOR IT! Storey, c ...... 2 0 0 Jim Townshend, the leading hit- Eisenberg win meet the winner of Balbo, Hawks 5 leading hitter for the Raiders was Hines, 3b ...... 2 1 0 Mike Marcketta with two homers eap,T.m !econd the Hoberman-KendaH- match to Retnauer,' So. Mountain 3 O'Hara, If ...... 1 0 0 and a single out of fourtimes-at Diek determine Sutton’s opponent in Ambrusica, Dodgers 2. Cherin, cf ...... 2 J8 <* Smith led the Yanks with two hit* the j inal Freeauf, Dodgers bat. Mike pitched the first three Keenan, rf ...... 2 0 0 apiece. Innings for the winners and was In th e Women’s Division Helen H. Biles, Dodgers 1 Ambrusica. p ...... 8 0 0 hit-four times for five runs. Ed. DODGERS J ? Miller defeated Audry Krauss to Walters, So. Mountain 1 Kunye-took over the mound in Winans, 2b 0 gain a quarter final round and will J. Bile*, Hawk* 1 Totals 21 5 4 Freeauf, lb the 4th and allowed two hits and W hat you kbve tomorrow depends on ® face June Berstler as her next op- two runs. Nicky Carro equaled * •. O’Hara, If ~ 1 ponent-to determine who will en- his previous day’s hiding, by get­ Storey, c 1 te ; the semi-finals. In the lower Rec Softball H. Biles, ss ting three hits out-of-four times what you do today, so plan for tomorrow, Parkers Win ® bracket Alice Berstler meets M ary up. lit the 4th inning Joe Latona Hines, 3b 2 F a rra r, the winner also entering hit a long one out to left field Keenan, cf 1 the semi-final round. League Standings save-for it. Build up a reserve by buying Series, 3-1 Ambrusica, rf-p and made a homer out of it on 1 The pairings in the mixed Oldtimers’ League Zeke Miller’s error, bringing In Scott, p 0 doubles are Virginia Moore and Last Monday evening the Mill- Cherin, rf W. L three runs. Nick Calvano caught United States savings bonds and holding bum Parkers defeated .the South ® Don Bickland vSi Marcel Thomp- Tigers 6 I for both pitchers. Rocco Marck­ ~ son and Alice Berstler; Bill Fla— Mountain Mountaineers 5 to 4 Totals American Legion 6 jj etta pitched for Fiolas with behind, the five-hit pitching of 8 herty and June Berstler vs. John Beechcroft 5 i them. Later on they will buy you many YANKS “Chuck” Reino catching.i Reino Bud Wheeler. By virtue of their H McCollum and Annette Petrlllo; Marx Firemen 5 i also led the Fiola hitting with win the Parkers took the series 1 Mary Truesdale and Dick Bechtell Retnauer, 2b Young Men’s League two hits out of three times fit bat. things you want —trips, interesting vaca­ three games to one. 1 vs. Marion Merrick and Tony Pas- Townshend, c On Monday the Raiders again The Mountaineers started pff 2 serelli. Shirley Silbersher and Smith, ss- Barber* defeated Fiolas taking two out bf the scoring in the first as Bob 2 Sheldon Eisenberg drew a bye. Fiolaa three games and getting an edge tions, education for tbe children. Buy bonds I, Buncher, 3b Townshend got a life on -an error On the championship, needing, one W eintraub, rf Dagwood after tw o were down and scored more win to cinch it The score Walters, p regularly^ Every .seventy-five cents will grow from second on -Ned Mingle’* base Langdon, cf I l Football Yanks was 8 to 6 and Fiolas started off hit. Bob Retnauer then came by getting one run in their end Rosen, If throughywith a base knock to of the fltst inning. The Raiders intd a dollar. tw scoreM ingle and put his team out scored three in th a t {nning. Flolas - Totals - ~ Open Next Week in front two ru n s The Parkers got three runs in the second in­ came back with one in the first -Improved New York Y an-. ning, hut the Raiders made four in on hits by Nick Oerro and Gerry. Rees football squad will move into* Aires and Zeke Miller’s sacrifice Raiders Win Ruppert Stadium, Newark, next bunt, and tied up the game in the Monday night to meet the rival second inning a s' Cerro got on Softball>wif*rw>f Title s »«fVF -Buffalo Bilte/of the all-America B U Y UNITED STATES, SAVINGS BONDS base on an error and continued Last Tuesday evening In the conference. The Yankees won this on .around the bases as the Moun­ ■Boys’ Softball League: Youngs Eastern division championship taineers threw wild. Raiders-defeated Smith ft Marck- last year, but this time they are POISON IVY In the fourth inning the Park­ etta and won the League Cham- shooting for the big title, the A IT; S. GOVERNMENT BUREAU REPORT announces ers broke the tie as Torn O’Hara, pionkhip by winning 10 games and national crown. | " losing two. This is the Raiders' The addition of Buddy Young, the discovery ot a new tannic add treatment for Ivy poi­ Allan Hubschman, and Bud soning*. The treatment has been found excellent; it is Wheeler and Dud Tighe all hit second championship in two yeara. speedy Negro Rose Bowl half- PVBLICQSSERVICE singles to score two runs and go The members of the winning back from Illinois is ohe; Of the gentle and safe, dries up the blisters hi a surprisingly out in front 4 ttr i in the sixth team are: Ed KuhyX, Nicky Cer- main reasons 'for Yankee opti- short time-— often within 24 hoars. These government inning Ned Mingle led off with a ro, Mike M arcketta, Joe Latona, mism. Young te in Chicago train- findings are Incorporated triple to" right and scored as Bob E d Miller, Tony Pariso, Bud Sal- ing to participate in the annual in ihe hew product — JRetnauer lashed otft a long home vatore, Nick Calvano, Norman college vs. pro AH-star game,He At your drugstore, 59c. > IVY-DRY. Brown, Patrick Pontrantolfi, and will fly east for the Newark •ITT-DIMlimit, h,ITTCOKf..ltMcUir,n.t.. Leonard Sutera. | game. Young is said to be the


m | f M \ A . 1947 t +1 ookAhead by Newark Museum aiming Tomatoes Shows Art Loot Hom cann«d tomatoM »r* on# ' Newark will be among tt\p U be best foodi to hav# on hand cities in the country ' given the. the winter, and now’# the opportunity to see the 46 Dutch , t0 bcgin canning thorn, It you painting* looted from the Nath’ n t already mad# some sta rt erlanda by the Naala. These Total FoodB lit thiS canning them now la ofta painting! are on view now at the od way of cutting food coata Newark Museum. The exhibition risg the winter montha. ,n't forget how good tomatoea oloeea on August 20, but the Mu­ for you, either. They rank seum will be open longer hours 5 orange, aa a wuroe of Vita- than usual to give everyone a . c although to get comparable chance to see them. They may •ounu of this vitamin, you need be seen from 10:00 a. m. tq 6:00 i much tom ato Juice aa p. m. every day, and on Wednes­ Inge, juice. day and Thursday from 10:00 In rhe variety you chooae to can the morning until 0:00 at night , mske a difference to aome Sundays (be exhibition will be w Many will prefer Marglobe, open from 2:00 to 6:00, leh has a relatively high augar Included In this collection ar# Uow add content. Others, who two paintings which Hermann , a jiightly more acid taste, will Goering-had selected for bl* own oy the Rutgeri tomato. ThU private collection. The balance, i a medium augar and acid Hitler had earmarked for a mu­ [tent. seum he planned to build In hls^ t i « good plan to avoid can- mother's memory In U ni, Au­ . tomatoea that are ripening stria. They were found In the Alt Save Where it Count* — . deM or dying planta, becauae Auaeee salt mines by the United v are low In augar and often States Armed Force*. As a ges­ ilop unpleaaant flavor.. ThU ture of gratitude to our Armed Save Where I t Count* — , hold, true for tomatoea th a t Forces for the return of their A&P SUPER-RIGHT NEATS eir i» the Ute fall, ao don’t wait treasures, the Government of tbe long before canning your to- Netherlands has selected these 46 A&P’s Qose-Trimmed meat cutting methods eliminate returned paintings for exhibition ON PANTRY PR O V ISIO N S excess waste . . . give you more for your money. And toei. tar canning, uae only freah, In the United States. Only those you get more good eating, too, when you get a juicy, tad tomatoea, beoauae ft amall Institutions which provided per­ Wo collect ’em. You select ’em. And that’a all there fine-flavored Super-Right cut, selected from tender ,t may make the whole Jar apoil. sonnel for the Monuments, Fine is to it at A&P. For you can count on quality . . . corn-fed beef and pork, milk-fed veal and choice Ld and peel your tomatoea, ro­ Arts and Archive Program of the rely on ^oodg< value . . . and trust A&P’s ^reat aaaort- spring lamb. ving the atem end and any United States Army may enjoy the : to nave just what you want—and all you want. Its Then halve or quarter the privilege of showing these works There’s a big difference between scattered sav­ of art Two former staff mem­ Chickens *47« natoes and pack the pleoea in Iona and Various Othar Brands ings on a few items — and A&P’s steady, day-in, an, hot jars. Preaa th e tomatoea bers of the Newark Museum were vn well Into the Jara, and be active In th a t program—Lamont T o m a to e s day-out savings on your entire food bilk When F o w l fc43e t to allow 4 Inch head apace Moore and Francis W. Bilodeau. the jar. Add 1 teaapoon of aalt Thirty-four Dutch artists are Green Giant „„X, '.,19' you shop at A&P you’ll see the difference right each quart, and then proceae represented In the group which Porterkouse(Steak * 83c tomatoea In a boiling w ater - includes work by Rembrandt, Jan away, because A&P prices everything'so you may [h for 25 minutea. ThU U the Steen, Jacob van Ruyadael, and Dexo S ’ H I -1.03 feed your family better and fatten up your piggy- Sirloin Steak • fc 83« ie for both pint, and quarta. many of the lesser known Masters. f you prefer to pack them hot, Museum staff members will he on Bartlett Pears “ :l* 39' bank at the same time. Come in and see for your­ hand- to lead tours of the exhibi­ Legs of Lamb it the peeled, cut tomatoea /to self. Compare our price tags, department by Spring Lamb ling. Then paok theoe to w ith- tion at 11:00 a. m., 12:15 p. m., Apple Juice wty* , w l9e 4 inch of the top, aalt ftnd 1:15 p. m., 6:00 p. m„ evening* at department, throughout the store. You’ll see we Veal Roast Sonolox Should* Ib. 49^ tceaa. It only take, ten minutea 6:00, 7:00 and 6:00 p. m and on Sundays at 6:00 and 6:00 p m. practice what we preach at A&P. pared this way. D o g Fo o d s H r 3,‘,35. Ducklings t«u i»i*"#'* Din«»t a 33# Jnfortunately Might la affecting * natoea in aome parts of the Daily Dog Food • • tib.«*ft3f#r25« Turkeys und* '# *>■ 57# w '"d b 49# te. If you do have to uae blight- New Drug Store tomatoea for canning, then Snvo Whore It Count* — Chuck Roast or Steak '» fc 55« A new drug store has recently Crisco or Spry 1»> <*n39# 3 tb. con 1.09 ommendationa are to aelect aa opened its doors a t 265 MlUhurn n tomatoea aa possible. Cut Preserves Ann Pege-Fnnch, Plum, Pineappl* t lb. ior 25# Top Round Steak ...... K »*85« avenue, next t door to the A ft P ay all aoft spots, hard corea and FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Supermarket.' ItSrlll operate un­ •ta which ahow white apota Apple Butter whit* hou« 21« . i*r23« Pot Roast Son*l#*i Chuck-No Fot Addod fc. 75# der the name of the Rex Phar­ ■ough the akin. The hot pack Don’t worry about the freshness of A&P fruit* macy. The store Is under the Ithod is better than the cold Joy Cake Mix chocoiat*« v»mii« pig. 27« and vegetables. A&P’s careful selection and Top Sirloin Roast No f»i Add*d a 85c management of E rnest Topf, pk method for canning theae leaa direct shipping methods see to that. Your only Pb.G.. w h o jia s had many years . pkg. 9# ib 49 # ■feet tomatoea, but for either Junket Rennet Powder problem is what to choose — there’s so much Chopped Beef O'®#"* experience in the drug store and Ithod used, five minutes should prescription field In Maplewood. ri quart 21# to ohoose from at A&P. Plate and Navel Beef Fro* or Com.d •b 29 # added to the processing time. Lang's Dili Pickled • . ★ Red Cabbage W* 14 ox. iar 15# Pork Loins Whole or lllhtr Hslt a 6 2 # ■'emales of the tiger swallaw- I butterfly are found in two Macaroni or Spaghetti Ann Pag* 1 it>. Pkg. 14# Shoulders of Lamb Crou.9# Green Peppers Ocean "Freeh Fish IVORY SOAP Flit Insecticide 5* ddt pint can 23# IVORY SOAP Yellow Squash Hom* Grown lb. 3# For dishes and laundry Soap Flakes aright Sail Igo. pkg. 22# Flounder Fillet *> 49# Whiting • m iS S Lima Beans Homt Grown 2 ib. 17 # quarts-dor. 75# Mackerel . . »17# Butterfish REDUCED! m M Mason Jars pintc-dor. 69# Ideal Jars pmti-dor. 75# quarls-dor. 85# ELBEBTA RR ai ci | d 1 | SWAN SOAP Sweetheart Soap FREESTONE M ME Cl RR ® 2 S ri9 * For toilet and bath For Wing, Slicing Z t l b i . t J j l c REDUCED! 17« FLAVOR-TESTED TEAS or Preserving | DUtCHIX FOODS 1 Treet, Redi-Meat or Prem o « « «"35« SWAN SOAP Nectar Tea a National I Mi lb. pkg. 39# Sweetheart Soap Count Your Saving* in — "£15< Nectar Tea Bags . a pksToTSs 39# Claridge Hiunburgers . . . t4oxcoo43« For toilot and bath Broadcast Corned BeeHIash w « «" 25# O ur Own Tea m i fu Mi lb. pkg. 37# p i lint m bath sizi pkg. of 50 37# We’ve many famous brands of Armour’s Corned Beef Hash um~"26« cake ’14* Our Own Tea Bags LAVA SOAP* cheese and our milk and cream.; Cloans dirty hands • and Grade A eggs are in the saipe Libby’s Vienna Sausage • . <*»#.« 16# PALMOLIVE SOAP spotlight — easy to pick up at your friendly A&P. Beef Stew »u™b.« i Msrrui w #* #•" 39# 2 o u l 7 * Save Where i t Count$ — For toilot and bath Ann Page Beans l . . i«« “"2f-23c Mel-O-Bit American ib. 47# / 2 ± 1 * 1 7 ' Portuguese SardinesD.«— ASkinte.3a#ft~«27e KIRKMAN FRESHLY-BAKED OVEN TREATS 2 lb. box 8 3 # Cheddar Cheese Food Ch.d-0-Bit BORAX SOAP Bread and rolls for sandwiches that‘fill you Friend’s Beef with Gravy . i» 49# and refresh you, too . . . featherlight cakes and Swiss Cheese Slic,d ib 6 5 # C .t, i ) t China Beauty Chow Mein Dinner #*# 45# flaky donuts that won’t weigh you down or Sqz. dip 1 4 # For toilot and bath burden your budget either — that’a what you’ll Fresh Cottage Cheese M-#» always find at A&P’a Bakery Department. Cream Cheese lordon’* or phii*. 34# For dishes and duds NutleyMargarine * # * * * A & P GOFFER CHIFFON jg31« Pineapple Coffee Cake J«na Darker #*eh 3 3 « Snappy Cheese shottor# 3 oz. roll 1 8 # SOAP H A I L S Orange Iced Loaf Cake J*n* p*rk#r each 39# Gold’N Rich Chees...... Ib59c p k v 2 9 e Blu-White Flares MARVEL BREAD nd keep cooi m WSU 8 A- M. to 6 P. M. of the weather. Dlues while you wash STORE HOURS: » iF » * a o « 2 aj f c l S l - 2 r f 5 c Red Circle--. • Combination Otter! far mow who Hi i rieh ful*hodlod ooEw COLGATE’S VEL fifiS R o k a r . Enriched for health, packed with flavor . . . and dated fresh, tool ADVERTISEMENT^* F O R S A L E 8—hou seho ld «009> 1—MISCELLANEOUS II—PE M ORAL NHRT1CM NOTICE YOU are hereby notified that the cor- upright piano, good oondmon. UNTAJ4T; Inoomt tax return*. ation of-Usuries Hagentram bu CLASSIFIED ■SSWfftaSi'Ssjug Also tot* or trade-in. Bu. 6-5421-J. Notice 1» hereby given ti,af FRIOIDAIRE refrigerator 8' Ou. Pt7 field:-Mlllburn t-NU*. counts of the iubecrih«r i lh« u. ougrown Il "J?°U “ou^to'umtod capacity, all enamel, exoeUent con­ ” 15—MA DIO MB PAIR! WANTED—Ride to Bliabeth. dally. the lu t WUl and Te.i“L„E,*w,uu>» 1 Sam F. O Box 215, MUlbum. aranwiNM of eU kind* repaired, ^ Leaving from Mlllburn avenue end dition >118; Horton washing ma- ^WaSblng Machines OU Burner*. Vauxhall road. Call Unlonfill* GARVEY, deoeued *u7®*UBr Combination; chine with 1/4 bora* power motor Electric Motors. G»s end slectrto and stated by lbs SurruL-,.. ,uaN RADIO-VIOTROLA ■is? a&W nJffl? « S ported for settlement to f l ^ ADVERTISING welding. Star Maohlne and Repair, Court of the County of 0r«mt Thursday ai S h i e l d AVI, and Dlvrn 8t„ urday. US fijp 7th day of l;uwA. dreaalng table 110; -antique sleigh 13 Scotland Road, South Orange; b(i9ir tor only h «u oente par word. 8TANDINO lamp and 321 Mlllburn Avenue leather chair and da] bed and apringa 610; antique /sofa, FliboR SANDING AND so a — INSTRUCTIONS MlUbum, N. J. PQM crotch mahogany in good f in is h in g 11—REFRIGERATORS July 31, Aug, 7, 14, 31, u Chatham 4-3483._____ $80; boy’a 26" bicycle boy’a established 1110 TEEN AOKRS ATTENTION I work-Dench end tool* 88: REES POWELL ALL SEARS ROEBUCK sleotrlo ap- Bummer olaesu now forming. 8 two- NOTICE Or SETTLLmkvt'"? ESTATE of HARRY T AuL a SUMMIT HERALD Miscellaneous lam es ploturei and MIL 4-0014-J pllances. C0LD8PQT, RADIUS, hour leuone 81.00. Singer Bowing Oen- Deceased. AK,B90si bric-a-brac. Can be teen from 8 nm.MAR Floor Maintenance Floor WASHING MACHINES, etc., aary- ter, 893 Stuyvesant Avenue. Unvl. 2- PM to 5 PM. Aug. 14-U-16th. Gall load and repalrsd by exnerU. M Notice la hereby giveu lit, Summit 8-3330 years experience with See "l counts of the aubbcrtim * TWO box iprings and gfNMtrgaajtea STUYVESiNT RADIO * RBFR.G- trustee under the last tvui SOSAl iTA-nUUUBCLEAlUNO SERVICE HR ATI ON Geo W Thomaa. PTon. mant of HARRY T AMBRnJ"1*' mg equipment. Inge or alter lam. Also expert I ceaaed. wlU be audited ?ud , *■ SPRINGFIELD »UN 107 Stuyvaaant Ave„ Irvington, N. J DINING room table, metal twin WALLS, CEILINGS, RUOE AND pairing and guitar* for sale. Joseph the Surrogate and rqmr.tvd S, •* CHATHAM COURIER Mlllbure m m u ph o l s t e r y 39-A VENETIAN BLINDS Blumettl, Su 6-1438-U. tlement to the Orphans, {sJKf'.W Chatham 4-0100 u il l BURN SHORT-HILL* ITEM 3 RINGS, dinner ring and reversible County of Eaaex on Tuesday i.1? diamond cameo and diamond am*- SUNSET VENETIAN BUND CO. teacher will tutor to day of September next * Mlllburn H E s s r thystMteasonable, Call MU, 5-0484-B. Dated: July 18. 1947 BAMBERGER refrigerator, 8 yean old. VENETIAN BUNDS '1111187 Cojotv., - „ , is eopy muit b* giveo after » •« Inaction. Typographical SPINNING wheel, price 812. Ladder for iitlmats R E FINISHED AND SAVINGS 1NVk.stme\ t a * £ ol th. ad».rtl»r. w.U h..sdJ**M b r w lm back chair, 88.00. Twin pit crust ROOER HINDS. Proctor ' table. SUM). Su. 8-0183. ' MADE TO ORDER ROOMS WANTED 744 Broad Street ALL COPY MUST BE DJ BY « P. M- TUESDAY DISTRIBUTORS for Worthington. TWO college etudents desire roon^ Newark 2. N J Goulds Wes too, Fairbanks Noras 0 GAL. insulated hot water boiler, _*tc. Linden 2-7464. PROMPT SERVICES South Orange or nearby. Box 44, pumps, gas engines, lighting plants pot with fittings, stove with plpeer July 24, 31, Aug. 7, M 31 WoKHnS air oompmeeora Weatlng- Wine prase, 5 gal. crock with oep- 27-FURNITURE REPAIRED ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY ___ ORDER IQ LIMIT " GIVEN house. Century and O ■ Electric per, barbed win, quartm aeonlare, 81 up New SINGLE furnished room for perma­ PART-TIME saleeman. lifetime com­ Motors. Peerless tana, Movent ^pnxiess'lnvtilble dowallng,rng. Ohvl. 2- 1348 W. Third St. Plainfield 6-8618 nent occupancy, private home, reel- missions even if affiliation is dis­ complete itoek of pumps air com­ k Rug; 3-plece dentlal section. William Pops, 447 continued. ' Experience------“ pressor!. pulleys motors fane. Mow­ ogany bookcase; 7114-W. E. Westfield Ave*. Roselle Park, ers unit heelers; speciallalni In 15—INSULATION : N. j. Pursuant to the order of . Write Box 28. Chatham radio cabinet; Sheratonaton mahogany Becker, Surrogate of the Countv ot i. pumping equipment. GENERAL bedroom sett small wardrobe steam­ IRVISSTOM REFRIGERATION CO. ELECTTUO EQUIP CO.. J0HN8-MANVILLE “Blown" Rock ■aaex 8-6155 FURNISHED room, must have shower •ex, this day made, on the annuo.,« HELP WANTED er trunk; wardrobe suitcase; 4 post­ In bath; garage. Middle aged gen­ of tbs undersigned. Executor o' er bed. No dealers. Short Hills Wool Insulation for homes, stores Guaranteed repairs, on all washers MALE and FEMALE snartmsnts. factories manufactured tleman. Reply Box 75, e/o Summit deceased, notice It hereby give I in. SU. pwowr*. — and Installed by JO^NS-MANVILLR LUMBER — BUILDING SUPPLIES Herald. creditors of said deceased. u> nh,» to the eubscrlber under oath orTiv porcelain enamel kitchen oor- KROtl baby effld' fiUlOTWW, (OOd Exclusive local company repraadnta- Lumber — Plywood ___ rooms with N. J. STA1TM M PLO Y condition, UO: bathmstte, | 2.00; Screens — Cabinets itchen privileges to Union County matlon, their claims and denui. ^JrfU Bo* 69 c/o ai,mmtt Her>1130. 8U. 8-3987. 35.000 ft. No. 1 E.D. 1x8 T.G. roofers. electric. Top prices paid. return to The Citizen Trust Co. of machine design. Mlllburn 8-0084-R. 385.000 ft. Weysrhsuser fir lumber. Insurance Carried FRIOIDAIRE, 7 cu. ft., excellent con­ 3(1 Morris Ave. Springfield. N. J. SINGER TWO TYPISTS BOY or girl, experienced, to work st tlnn; couch, chair, ottoman, Mlllburn 4-1842 SEWING CENTER BANKBOOK No. 21998. Finder please r, metal lawn chairs. Atwater OPEN______AY AM. LANDSCAPING 993 Stuyvesant Avenue return to Plr*t National Bank of OR - 1402 E. St. George Ave., Linden, N. J. humus, seeds, lima turl builder, Union Road, Summit 8-3085. ends. Summit Phone Linden 2-2881 - 2-3383___ cobblestones. Belgian blocks, etc rlday Y STANDARD porcelain alnk. right hand INTERESTED IN BETTER Also mason work. Appollto'j, 98 Mato Unvl. SAVINGS Pass Book No. 21782. Flnd- BILL CLERKS EMPLOYMENT WANTED drain, chrome mixing faucets. After street, Springfield, MUlbum 8-1371 Lr. Exchange PI., Jcnev Ciij HOME SEWING ? ? ? ' - p. m- Unvl«-T’“ Lr. Battery N.,N. Y. houseworkera l Take s Singer Dressmaking or Home prices. Phone Short HUls 1 a-brac. paintings, ruga Your attic For immediate employment in Newmark’s Agency. Decorating course, and order a new contents our specialty. New York by Arm moving from St Mo 4-3899 Singer Sewing Machine. SUMMIT AUCTION ROOMS NEW aluminum pressure cooker. Can 3 ------| SEWING MJ 47-41 Summit Ava PIN, above Post Office, Baker street. New York to Summit by January. EXPERIENCED gardener, steady em­ be used lor canning. 8u 6-0488-W. [field Ave., C House planting using attractive low Summit 8-2111 ployment. B. Flllppone. 12 Myrtle MaplewAod SO 2-2628. Evenings Five day week. Good pay. Pleaa- FRIOIDAIRE electric range; deep well Summit 6-6278 growing material. Healthy vigorous ANTIQUES, furniture, china. BRIDGEPORT Are- Madison. MA 6-0542-M. cooker, (lights). Used four months. ; supplied, where owner wishes to DOGS - OATS - 8m Summit Animal ant working conditions in modern their own planting. JOS. W. Welfare League notice social page Orth* J1™™ Su 6-6959-R. ______' Also baby car crib. Linden 2-5004-B. Summit Herald, if youi do* w lost plant. On No. TO bus line. PARKER, Summit 6-3891. ELECTRIC stove 833; electric refrtger- USED wood and metal turning lathes, LAWNS mowed and trimmed, lawn ator 830. Call Summit 8-0322-M. 21— MASON— CONTRACTORS Lv. Exchange PI., Jersey City—9:00u furniture painted, general garden­ 8% In. swing, 26(4 In. between can­ USED CARS WANTED tv. Battery PL, N. Y. C------9:30 m ing. CHI MUlbum 8-0027.______REFRIGERATOR 8_CU. FT. COLD- ters screw feed, oompound rest, $35; DIAMONDS, colored stones, gold and PHONE SPOT. >115. CALL SO 9-1328. 4 in. belt eander with puUey, $6 50; silver: authentic appraisals. WOMAN (middle age) with child, Western Electric fan motor, % in. JEAN R, TACK MURRAY HILL 3-2227 would like position as housekeeper 8-A ■ » CBISERI shaft, $5. table radio, $2; 9(4 ft. new All Type Concrete Work Springfield Ave. 8u 6-4200 Summit 6-1261-J with refined family. Steep In. Reply B. J. ZOUBEK CO. oak leather belting. 1(4 In. flat. 8125; MOONLIGHT SAILS Box 74, Summit Herald!' Radio head phones, very sensitive, 30—MISCELLANEOUS ATHLETES FOOT GERM AIR COMPRESSORS - PNEUMATIO $1.50: work bench, 4% In. by 74 In., WANTED; Ping Pong table. Call Bum on the S.S. AMERICANA TOOLS - PUMPS - VIBRATORS 18, tool box. solid orass, $3. Phone ALL SEWING MACHINES repalrt mlt 8-2B80-J.______KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. UP INC HUDSON GENERATORS - SAW TABLES - PILE Summit S-3020-M. guaranteed. Rentals avaUable Phone RIOAr A SATURDAY ONIT I BO X *2 HAMMERS • MIXERS - LOW BED Unvl 2-7614. Stoger Sewing Center PAIR and lust prices paid for formation. 8100, Dost] allver. oil paintings, cnli YOUR 35c BACK, tv. Exchange PL. 1. C., 8.00 p.m. TRAILERS 11— MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 993 Stuyvesant Ave. ___ JLr. Battery PL, N.Y.C., 8:45 p.m., e/o THE SUMMIT HERALD tlon guaranteed. FOi RENTALS - SALES brae, furniture, old dolle, INC., Baltimore 820 Ramsey Avenue at Bloy Street NEW Spinet piano, used Grands and etc. Also expert appralaali glv LY. To kUI it. you must REACH It. Get MESECK LINE UnlonvUle ' Uprights for sale or rent by the THE HANDY MAN a nominal fee. Art Exchange, Theo­ HIGH School girl wants work mind­ Hillside. N. J Painting. Carpentry, CeUar Cleaning, dore Generutri, Proprietor. 273 Mill- TE-OL at any drug store. A STRONG IT Battenr PL, ILY.-gOwlini Or. 11141 ing young children from 5 p.m. on mouth. Mo. 4-1042 or writ* Crafts­ burn Ave. Mlllburn. MUlbum ft fungicide, made with 90% alcohol. It nent C h a rT lin .. 379 Springfield For further Information call West- FOR RENT men Plano 8hop. Morris Plains Trash removal. Home Furnishing Re­ Scraping Mtchln pairs 1(4 Ton Truck available. Today at EDW. J. RAISE Floor Waxing Machine JOHN A. WHIFF, Unvl. 2-3141 WOMEN—18 to 35. for assembly VETERAN wants drivers position- Ex­ Floor Edging Machine FURNACE Cleaning—Have your fur­ e; automob perienced with 2tt ton trucks. Ref­ Wall Sander—Dlso Type nace cleaned by vacuum. North Jer­ m erences supplied. Call Mlllburn 6- sey Engineering Co.. Chatham 4- e pick condition. Call evening. SO 3-1; Linden 2-6738-W CHANGE NOW TO ALESWOMAN—Part time, experienced invalids needing someone for read- MRS. Edgar Garfield Fisher i buyer children's and Infants' wear, special­ lng'or writing letters. Address Boi of antiques only) baa ready cash ty shop; no evenings; good salary. 78, c/o Summit Herald. ______FUEL OIL HEATING CANARIES, good smgera. Gall 5 to rates. S. H. 7-3 for fine furniture, silver, old The Younger Set, 329 Mlllburn ave- GENERAL TRUCKING by day, week, I P 5L 281 Phillips terrace. Union. Jewelry, maps, books, dolls china. nue, Mlllburn 8-0554.______Clinton Headquarters for Bolens Gar- 8AND Gravel. Bricks. Topsoil. Cord- Call the “MITCHELL M A N ", and learn how eco­ contract. Cellars cleaned. Odd fobs FEED for dogs, chickens, pigeons, nomically you can have your old coal burning fur­ HGH school graduate to act at doc- also. SO 2-4848. rabbits F. R Dietrich, H it Stuy­ wood, Fill-In Dirt. Crushed Stone tor's receptionist-secretary. Must vesant Avanna Union. UavL ft R ft B TRUCKING, 680 Chestnut St. tale; antique quilts, lamplera nace converted to clean, efficient, labor-saving fuel be able to type and willing to learn 6TORR TRACTOR CO. Union. Ray and Henry Buys. Unvl painted trays, bandboxae, etc. Phone oil heating equipment. simple laboratory work. Experience Weatfleld 2-12S2 3-8271. _____ Mendham 3-0099 before ) a. m. Opp. State Inspection on South Are. TROPICAL fish, live food. It costs nothing to find out—and for many home, ■unnecessary. Apply Friday. August OIL BURNER initallatlone, cleaned WANTED dishes, vases statues, 15. between 9 and 10 a m. at an and aervtced ; electric wiring, appll less than $300. for complete installation, including mill hum avenue, Mlllbum. curl* cabinets and edd furniture, McKinley 6t„ Ltndsn 2-7S37-J. N. J. Essex 2-5771. Open I ances repaired. S. F. Romano, tale broken or perfect, or what hav* you controls and fuel tank. Terms to suit your convenience, SALESLADY—Experienced, sportswear BABY SITTER available. Monday 9—MISCELLANEOUS |phone Unvl 3-8275______So Orange 2-5802. No down payment—three yean to pay. and lingerie. Full time. Apply through Friday, from 7:43 p. m. THOROUGHBRED Alaskan husky. SO 2-8018. SINGER SEWING MACHINES male, $25. Call Summit 1-3212-J.__ WE PAY CASH for your used furni­ Dorry's, 1022 Stuyyesant avenue, Need new machines? Singer dellveriee ture, antiques, ellv*r, book*, brlo-a- Union Center.______are improving constantly! Order your* COCKER pups, extra nice, black, brae, pa In tinge, works of art, ate. MITCHELL OIL SALES COMPANY, now I Singer Sewing Center. 993 Stuy- A.K.C. registered. Graymsr breeding. MUlbum 8-2163-J. vesant Avenue. ESsex 2-6021. ______GEORGE'S AUCTION ROOMS 4 47 O ra n gi Road Phono: MOntclair 3-0894 Montclair, N. CRAFTSMAN'S circular eaw, fit CHAMPION stock cocker puppies, al­ S3 SUMMIT AVE. Employment Agencies saw, compressor, on portable tables. so Persian kittens. Reasonable. 57 Tel. Summit 6-0996 ? CARRINGTON Flexible shaft, motors. Blackburn Rd., Summit, N. J. Wa will buy your attic contents. i St.. Linden 2-4983. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY CATS boarded, exceUent care, Indl- J5RK-TYPI6T, possibly with knowl- 87 Maple Ave. USED C A R S F O R SALE edge of medical terms. Part or lull l Orange 2-0409 PRINTING—AH forms of business I I —* O V IS l,-5TORA08 time Call X-ray Department of Couples ; reUable help furnished and social printing—matched letter­ Cushman Motor Scooters a of domestic service. heads, envelopes, and cards, bro­ EXPRESSING—Trucking, all Jersey Overlook Hospital, Summit, any SERVICES OFFERED points. J. T. Murray. P.0 Box 108. $80 Down morning between 9:00 and 11:30 SECRETARIES, STENOS. Are you chures, folders, house organs, direct II—ACCOUNTING SERVICE Murray Hill. N. J. Summit 6-0323-~ thinking of making a change? Open­ mall advertising letters, programs, Easy Terms AMBITIOUS Mothers; Splendid oppor­ ings Are Plentiful. Local Industries. announcements, Invitations, etc. MOVING. STORAGE; reasonable: re­ 3 Day Week. Prevailing Wages. Photo-offset, letterpress and ther- frigerators moved: piano hoist. Dally tunity to earn during school hours. mographlo embossing methods Art trips to N Y. O LIBERTY STOR­ D & B Motor Sales No experience necessary to start. CENTRE EMPLOYMENT work, layout and copy assistance. AGE CO. Ma. 2-4868: Nights. Essex 332 North Broad St.. Elizabeth Pleasant, profitable and permanent. Union Register's Community Print Elizabeth 3-5123 * A G 'C 'Y Shop, 939 Stuyvesant avenue, Union. Yes, Mortgage Financing with its ne* Cali UnlonvUle 2-6700. 23—CARPENTERS storage. Local agents for Allied cessary adjunct, Title Insurance, is our BATHROOM set, complete, consisting YE specialize In carpentry Jobbing. too. Robbins ft Allison. Inc.. Cran­ '36 PACKARD convertible coupe, root of b'lllt-ln bath tub. toilet, large No Job too large or small. Work ford Cran. 6-0898. Uke .new, Just pasled Inspection. basin, 199.50; 42-lnch iron enamel dons reasonably. Free estimate* WEEKLY trips to the shore. Call Union $495 Unvl 2-2960 between 4:30 and 7. specialized business. GIRLS WANTED drain board sink with metal base Trucking Company. PNvl. 2-5787. I—AHTIQUBS cabinet and fixtures $62.95; alumi­ num shower stalls with fixtures, " IS—FAINT—DECORATING Now in our Third Decade of perform­ Bookcase, _ 157.50; large variety of kitchen sink Light clean work BUILDING RECONDITIONING need rooih. Treasure Chest. 110 cabinets, low priced; tile board, pearl AMERICAN Moto-scoot. ance and "Know How',' our facilities Church, Plainfield, N. J. seats, hampers. Complete line of Fix It before It breaks down. Re­ f—BICYCLES) plumbing and heating supplies. modeling; repairing; porches; stairs; G O O D PAY COMMUNITY BUILDING SUPPLY recreation rooms, with knotty pine, osiver all phaSft of reffj estate fiftanc^|. knotty cedar: roofs repaired, recovered: BICYCLE, girl's 28 Inch, fair condi­ CO. 100 Route 29, Hillside, N. J. Take Bus No. TO Waverly 3-8685,______new floors laid, floors reflnlshed Life 11100. CaU Su. 6-4587-R. tion, new tires. Call 6u. 6-2009 or time experience Steve Franko. 277 In­ We invite your inquiries. PAL baby walker, Uke new, 17. Call diana sweet. Union, N. J. UN. 2-0593. BUICK 1941, 2-door, radio and heater, ABBOTT MFG. CO. Su 8-4269. Sinclair Motors, 1449 Stuyvesant Ave., GEORGE OSSMANN WERTHMANN BROS. Union able Linden 2-4705. CARPENTRY 1940 HUDSON, bluelsh gray, 4-door Remodeling, Repairing, Cabinet NTERIOR and exterior painting, only l - CLOTBITro Work, Reereatlon Rooms and Ban pure lead and oils used; paper hang­ Storm Sash ing; all work fully guaranteed. We field) Linden. N. J. M o r t g a g e & t it l e i n s u r a n c e NYLONS DIRECT FROM Mlllburn 8-1233 N. J. MILL TWO lawnmowers. 110 each. Su. ONE ton 1946 truck. Custom built if ' ■MHMhaMk -r.to.Vi NSW AUK l SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER for in­ body, less than 10,000 miles. Like rating studio, L. H new. Lewis Bros. SO. 3-1633. 313 Springfield Are, YOUR baby In action. Photos that nets, etc. Let me do are unexcelled. Jules A. WoUn, QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES Summit’s leading photographer. Su. OPPORTUNITY for cook and down­ 8-0087. ^______15 Months To Pay stairs maid for one who wants com­ EAGLE ROCK KNITTING I Down fortable living' quarters and pli ARM and fireman st( MCCRAY, paperhavger Pay t. priactlcaUy new, $25; large KITCHEN REMODELING decorator.. 8 amel canning pot: metal twin and springs. Su. 6-8054-J Plymouth, '41, Stat. Wag., R&H -1435 STENOGRAPHER— Capable y o u n g MOTOR Stoker, complete controls, rooms. Recreation cellars. Altera­ Plymouth, *42, Sedan, Sp. DsLuxr-$385- —women wantedited by .magazine pub- 4— FARM PRODUCE tions and r | - - Mlllburn 6-1232. llsher in Mssplewood. I 30 hour, five automatic feeder! with some coal, L ANTHONY $1547: 30 gal. copper automatic gas H. J. .MURPHY Open evenings ‘til 10, Sunday 'til 4 p.m. day week. Pleasant surroundings. FANCY Jersey patches for canning. BOX 58, Maplewood News. water heater. Su. 6-3128-M.______PAINTING----PAPER HANGING Many other-dean cars to choose from. W H A T >S A Fresh picked sweet com and toma­ ONE custom built P. M. radio; 2 new GENERAL CONTRACTOR We specialize first class wot CA8HIER—Middle-aged woman pre- toes. Lima beans, watermelons, ma­ Honest and SAMUELS AUTOMOBILES ple syrup, honey. WIGHTMAN'S screen doors. May be seen at 17 One of N.J.’s finest outdoor showrooms FARMS, Bernardsvllle Road, Morrls- Maple Stir New Providence.______WALTER E. ENGLISH 2093 Springfield Ave.______Vauxhall PHARWACIST. DRAFTSWOMAN capable of handling FORD 1936 Tudor with 1940 motor. prints and tracing, and making de­ dltton. Call Su. 6-5457-R. Bldg-. Newark. MA 2-1320, {for Heater; new battery. ExceUent con­ tail and assembly drawings. Reply House Painting dition. One owner. $575. CaU South Box 79 c/o Summit Herald.______CHINESE Oriental rug, 9x12, good con­ Chimney Pointing and Rebuilding Schaub ft Schmidt for PAINT- Orange 3-2844,______dition; several smaller Orientals. Su House Wiring—Oeneraf Maintenance Q ,. DECORATING and FAPER- HELP WANTED—Male male cocker spaniel. 102 Tulip street, Plastering — Masonry Work YNG1NQ UnlonvUle 2-7198. FURNISHED ROOMS MAN wanted to work on chicken farm P. A. SYSTEM-ampllfier, good condl- ROBERT FABRICATORS LARGE airy bedroom, business couple Call between 9 and 5 Saturday. HUI- Interior — Exterior — Paper Hanging or gentleman preferred. 9 Parmley . top Farm, 1780 Vauxhall rd„ Union. Plastering — Floor Scraping Place, Summit. any with upholstered seats, PAVING and Construction Co. of 2182 Morris Ave., Union. Unvl. 2-3688 SALESMAN to represent national or­ lent condition. Su. " (M§jfi NEW snow-fence, 2 Union, specialists to ganization. Sound, profitable, re­ type black top driveways, concrete peat product, highly essential to sidewalks and curbs, highway can- yy The function of the pharmacist is distinct every business. Address Box 70 c/o REDUCTIONS UP 1TO 25 % MWBB_room with semi-private Ice-boxes, gas ranges, oil-cookers, coal nue, Union, Unvl 2-1963. EDWARD J. HYRA , bath. 269 Bprlngfleld ave., Summit. and set apart from that of the physician. As HIGH grade agents ■ wanted for sev­ ranges, combination ranges, kitchen PAINTING and PAPERHANGING i FURNISHED single room, private fam­ eral unusual protective devices man­ Inside, outside: FLOOR SCRAP­ ily, next to bath. Girl preferred. pharmacists, we are trained and skilled in the. ufactured by well rated company. IMPORTED porch straw rug, 9x12. G . LEPRE SONS ING; tst class work. 64 So. 81xUi Near buses. Summit 6-2238-J. Curio cabinet, black ebony. Morris­ street, Newark; MA 2-1108. art of compounding and dispensing medicine. town 4-1539-J. I Contracting end Excavating TWO bedrooms, suitable elderly gen­ GOODWILL HOME STORE BuUdozer, Shovel Work h a r r y A. b e a a so n tlemen. Garage available. 317 Helen 85 Plane St. Newirk. N. J. 30 Church St. South Orange. N. J. 68 ELMWOOD TER., IRVINGTON street, Linden. We are not qualified to diagnose your ills nor 1(4 blocks south from D.L. ft W. Paperhanging, painting, plastering; Broad St. Station SO 2-4324 Kraf-tex walls can be papered; oatl- to preicribe the proper medication. Waste matea given. Call now. ESeex 2-7454. DOUBLE maple bed, springs and ; LARGE furnished room, Unvl, 2-1787. experimenting SPRAY PAINTING - ’ Refrigerator*, and suffering commonly result from- 1 14 00 each. Call Mlllburn 8-1111. cabinet* chairs; confpetent y dons DOUBLE room, with or wlthoqt meals Call Su. 6-3068. WALNUT -vanity and stool,120. Plttg eVeningaevenings 'between> 6 and 8. Mlllburn to your own home. JOE DE STEP- various forms of self-medication. pong table, $25. Porch settee, $50. ’8-1247-J. radio and television 8t,5-3349. Omn*. Go to your physician first. A lter a careful examinai10® Evenings, Pnyl. 2-1857, ______t4 A—DRESSMAKING As Television Cent WALNUT dining room set, good con- OSCAR OLSEN -private he will tell you Whether or not medicine will help' *** dltlon, reasonable. Unvl 2-2422. BABY stroller $8;. bathlnette 15; all DRESSMAKING, alterations, button­ Gentle- p, In good condition. 44 De Forest OR. 3-2237 . ONE walnut twin bed In excellent holes. Reasonable charge. Linden 2- Id Ave., gives you a prescription, bring it to us for expert com EXPERIENCED electrician*-fuft or condluon, complete with boxsprlnga Ave., Summit. 6661-J. ESTTM ^fl'il&niVEN part time. D-U Electrical ft Televi­ and mattress. ; Between 8-5 p. m. 35MM. Mercury n camera. 3.7 lehs, BEST MATERIAL . USED. sion Center, 140 W. St. Georee aye.. call Summit 6-4145. After 5 p. m. shade, filter, case and GM light me- jB Sl 348 HIGH ST-...... pounding. You will find our facilities and service ade­ Linden 2-5285. » Another Singer Servict! N. J. ... call Summit 6-4394. ter, 175.00, ESsex 3-5809. f ..... portatton. Chatham 4-0743, quate to every need. TELEVISION salesmen, full or part SIMMONS double metal bed, coU 1 POT stove, and set grates for No. 7 Sf-A—PIANO TUNING modem private home for time, selling United States Television, spring, good condition. 810. Mtll- " al furnace. Na_ieasonable offer , the world’s biggest television pictures. bum 6-0429-R. used. Unvl 2-3830. SEWING MACHINES ---- PIANOS TUNED passes REGINALD BELCHER Ave. AVAILABLE FOR RENT MADISON 6-2128 springs and pre-war 140 mattress. FOUR steel engravings of the Voyage INSTRUCTIONS Central Cut Rate Drug Store ’REE Lance slipcover cutter and Also heavy Iron kitchen sink. In SINGER SEWING CENTER drsfter; banger. L. H. Nolte Co., good condition. Call SO 3-0878.___ of Life. Very old and In good con­ STUDY bermdnyly and arranging with WORTZEL BRQS. Reg. Mi. <5- 315 Springfidd Ave,, Summit, N, J. dition. Su. 6-4220-R. 100 N Wood AVI. Linden 2-6757 arranger. Cel) Lionel -H97-J aft«r 7 P M •ELEGTBICAL Millbum 6-1441 to full days. L. m m ■ £ » mMBMte matt. H, Nolte Co- 315 Springfield Ave- i or trade-in. Summlt 8-5421-J. tic and foreign stations; nearly new. ^gn^ng^cari' SnMring^dmwtag'^Prol.'1 ’iamra *R W E DELIVER M 3 i sprint am mate. Murscoe Plano service; 8< 28 Randniph 490 Tremont Ave, Or­ EXPERIENCED rose . grower w trass; dresser, chair. H u 175. Marvak, 877 Mtllburo Ave., MUl­ pllances. 13 Scotia ange., OB. 8-0951 Call Ma. Mob. 848. Chatham 4-4707* bum. Orange, SO 3-6273. Ell* 3-0914 m i itSUST 14, I W j The MlUburn & Short Hills ITEM I Page 11 1 * * * ¥ Rqrq Irish “ ™ ““ " " L/7y Grown Here MUlburn proudly claim s three Brookline btttes, known as Irtsh Lillee. According to John T. Coughlan, of 418 MlUburn Avenue, owner of the rare llllea, there are only nine other plants In the United States of this type. The Irish Lily la a native of Ire­ land and only In the past few years has anyone attempted to grow them in this country. It has taken Mr. Coughlan approximate­ ly three years to perfect these flowers so that they will bloom and still only two of his three bushes had flowers. One bush had forty-six lilies and th e other thirty-seven. This lily wlU only, bloom at MORTGAGE FINANCE night from *:80 to 6:80 the next morning, then It completely closes The Harmonia has be*n lending money on with only £pe fine delicate points showing. The flower Itself only horn* properties for many, many years, W e are lasts for about a week. I t Is nine proud of the fact that -we--here'oiJed—tlrousandr' Inches long and has a diameter of six and a half Inches and has from o f our members to ow n their homes. five to six points on .the petals. <• Flowers have been ktr. Cough* Ian’s hobby for the past thirty- O ur officers will be glad to place their ex> five years. Among the m ain rea­ sons Mr. Coughlan went into gar­ perience and knowledge at your disposal to help dening as a pastime w as because you on any mortgage question. Terms and condi­ it k ept him outside and thdre was always something different to tions of a loan may be arranged to suit the risk hold his Interest He has obtained and your ability t^ pay. his knowledge from the trial and error method and reading articles in gardening magazines. Re had See us first if you have a mortgage problem. no previous experience with the Brookline Lilies but thought that being a tuber root plant It would require the same care as a dahlia. He removed the dahlias from his garden and proceeded to plant the lilies. He said that more than one type of tuber root plant In your garden would be too m uch work. Besides the Irish Lilies Mr. Coughlan has several other rari­ ties in his yard. While in North C O W ® " w ™ HIS HIOHT Carolina he begaths, sun-deck,’ If you MlUburn 6-1880 OvT I* the time to side. Westfield. Summit snd rager or October > Write W P Davis, 29 ' 40 Chatham Road, Short Hills ment overhead. Another small build, DORIS DRAKE. Realtor West-12th St.. NSF York. N Y. your mortgage, ■[for, your lg. 2 acres. 4 miles to station. Taxes 227 Millburn Ave. MIUburn_ 6-1234 refinancing plan. - FUNERAL SERVICE Short Hills 7-2645 ’ 10. Price *6.500. Small down pay- large lent, rest like rent. ' _ W- _ Reasonably priced Ol’e need very lttlF cash WALTER ROSTER, Realtor, YOUNG’S FUNERAL SERVICE JULIET R. MCWILLIAMS, Broker 45—STIRLING executive, his wife and adult daugh­ HOLME RADIO and £ W. W. DREWRY . Old Gladstone Road Westfield 2-5109 or BergCn 4-8222; 2325 ter. Christians. Permanent tenants, Irvington National Bank 145-149 Main Street 4 Builder of Chester 40 or High Bridge 106-M will take meticulous care of proper­ MlUburn 6-0406 REFRIGERATION SERVICE DREWRY-BuiltWRY-Bt Homes ty. Advise when available, rental, Mounts!Mountain Avenue 29—NEW JERSEY Inquire Stirling Hotel, and your telephone number. Box 43 Main Street Summit,lit, N. J. 50, Maplewood News. ■ FURS Summit H0MESEEKER8, INVESTORS; BROK- BUSINESS woman wishes room con­ MlUburn 6-1056 DISTINCTIVE HOME 3. BUILDERS, for properties of tent to Union Center Unvl. 2- REAL ESTATE WANTED MILLBURN FUR SHOPPE types. Also bouse plans and lots tone and brick construction. let UNION REALTORS BUY or B KESSLER oof 3 lovely large rooms, butler a WILLIAM BAUER, JR. Expert Remodeling and Repairing REFRIGERATOR REPAIR »ntry. kitchen, powder room with In 1932; early posseeelon; *13,500, Unionilonvtile vlli 2-2- RU?all"°dlstrict preferred. Unvl. 2- nusUal porch arrangement. 2na fleld 2-0752-J, Scientific F ur Storage. " “ON Realtc 969 Bloomfield Ave R MANGELSGELS A

• 4 C AUGUST 14 Tht Millburn A Short Hilla ITEM 19471 Faga H I Rev. H. Norm an Sibley, retiring TEMPLE B’NAI ISRAEL Cburoh Parish House. paator of the Wyoming ehuroh, 11 a. m. Meeting for Worehtp waa the speaker at the Rotary Services In 12 a. m. First Day School. Rabbi Club luncheon talking on the sub­ CATULLO'S ; FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ject of "Millburn." Nearby Churches Service held every Friday eve- eretey lw a«S »»»>;<• SCIENTIST Wine & Liquor Shop reaMeatlal sliehl Nek 5 YEARS AGO • la veer tap eeed la 71 Main Street All churches in Millburn Town­ The following oxecutlvo commit- et«e»>>>l.l*>|yyeieeet. 1 ship are invited to send notices of FI,ST W H S ! I• to* was organised by tbs Millburn an* b i f t j m l i t , WWi When Your Spirit, tog this column, which Is aiorrla Avenue and Main Street ject for Sunday, August IT. — published every week. REV. BRUCE » . EVANS Golden Text: "Lo, this Is our Township Citlsens Committee of Art Lou l * a t* r Qod; we heve waited for him* andL the USO: Mr*. Frederlo A. Ran- Call Millburn 6-0071 CHRIST CHURCH •:45 *. m. Church School. ho will save us: thl# le the Lord: erd, chairman) 'M rs. George C. 11 aTm- Morning Worehip so rv we have waited for him, wo will Dreher, vice-chairman; Herbart FREE DELIVER! H1» HKRBBRT^a' c Z 'p ttn lc# be glad and rejoice In his salva- Thorpe, vice-chairman; Mrs. Eric REV ROBERT T BBATTIB 11 a. m., Church Nursery Hour, tlon." (Iaa. 25:»). Asst. to tbe Rector 7:00 n m. ChrieUan Endeavor. Sermon. Passages from tho King H. Foster, aecretary; Frederic W. A church nursery hae b*en pro- James verelon'of the Bible include: Nixon (Red Croee) treesurcr, S:00 a. m. Holy Commun on. vlded viaea for ivr parent* perem* who »»» wish—•»~ to at- "Hear,------■ -0 - Israel: . . T . hc'^ord ,.... ou 41:00 a m . Morning Prayet-and tend church whU# thelr children God Is one Lord: And th o ffih alt Registration of landlords under Federal Rent Regulation began YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Sermon. are In the.nursery. ThU school 1* love the Lord ^ “ 11:00 a m. Holy Communion and children between the age* thine heart, and with all thy eoul, August 3 and continued until Fri­ _J _15k «1» Alee* inlffkf u ITVtUt day, August T. BUYING - SELLING - d e v e l o p in g Sermon (first Sunday) of three and eight and with all thy might” (Deut. 6:4,5). Correlative paasagea from PROGRESS AND SUCCESS OF THE NEW JERSEY CON- Millburn Chapter of the Amert- APPRAISING • BUILDING WYOMING CHURCH PROSPECT Science and Health with Key->to gT rruntofxL CONVENTION, at New Brunswick weigh* heavily eW B iiC P ^ i1 tt" E ■ u■■ u C ^ ^ r m a n , Public Relations Commit­ Service in Raal Estate. * Church School closed until Rev. JE.' Lansing Bennett, Associate nal, divine. Nothing but Spirit, "Watch on tha Rhine," Lillian September 21. No Young People* ” d of New j eMey. gbul, can evolve Life, for Spirit is tee; Dr. Robert C. Clothier, convention president; William T. Read, Camden, chairman, Taxation and Finance Committee; Amos F. Hallman’s drugs, which tha Nsw meeting during the eummer. Herman Kreitler, baritone, more than all else." (p.335). York Drama Crltlca voted tha We Have N O Houses of Our Own to Sell Dixon, Sussex, convention:vice-president; Dr. Wilbur E. Saunders, . (There Up a Kindergarten-Nura- . ^ best play of 19*1, with Mady Chris­ Mercer, chairman, Sdbm Lnlcn-and Address to People Committee; W # Do NOT Work Under the Multiple Lilting System cry Class to care for children of CHRIST LUTHERAN tiana featured, was Miss Cheryl John F. Schenk, Hunterdon, chairman, Rights and Privileges Com­ parept* wishing to attend the 11 /«L.I,D^ U Looking Back Crawford's Maplewood Theatre W o Offer You a Parsonalixad Service o’clock service). CHURCH mittee; Nathan L Jacobs, Essex, vice-chairman Judiciary Commit- f^^he w^ek oT a' u- _____ Parker Avenue and Burr Road __ v Maplewood tee; Dean F ra n k H. Sommer, Essex, chairman, Judldary Committee, j* t g ST. STEPHENV ’ mcv. a l f r I d^ fa u lst ic k Thru Hem Files and Wayne D. McMurraw,- Monmouth, chairman, Arrangements and * . To Buy or To Sell Main Street. Millburn Form Committee. Senator Edw ard J. O’Mara, chairman, Legislative Millburn Kiwanis Club and Mill- REV HUGH W DICKINSON 15 YEARS AGO Rertor 9:30 a. m. Worship. Committee, was not present burn Rotary Club Joined In an John M. Cook retired after 51 j — - — — 1 -— outing and clambake at Doerr’a 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. COMMUNITY CHURCH year* of service for the Lacka- ■ Grove More than 50 member* wanna railroad. He began work one hour parking In Millburn ave- free parking lot. 3:45 a. m. Church School. (UNITARIAN) and friends were out for the oo 11:00 a m. Morning Prayer a: d Springfield and Waldron Avenue*, on April 3.1880, as a track laborer nue east 0f M ain stre e t Some fa- gtate Hlghway Commissioner caslon. A softball game between THE DALZELL COMPANY Sermon. ^ and rose to the position of section vored turnlng Township property sterner has approved the contract teams from the two clubs waa 525 Millburn Avanuo Short Hilts 7-2700 REV. JACOB TRAPP, S. T. D. foreman that would be accessible by the for rebuilding Farley road at a feature and at the end of 19 Inn- FIRST BAPTIST Services will be resumed Sep­ The Woman's Guild of St. Ste­ openlng of Essex street, Into a cost of $21,395. ings the score was still tied. Spring Street. Millburn REV ROMA INC F BATEMAN tember 7. phen’s Episcopal Church had as Pallor guests thirty-eight children from Sunday School, a. m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN the Burk Memorial Day Nursery Morning Service. 11 a. m. of Newark, a t a picnic. Young People's Service, T p. m CHURCH SUMMIT Evening Service. 7:45 p’ m. Plans for the future park devel­ opment In this part of New Jersey WHITE O AK called for a connecting of the pres, RIDGE CHAPEL RELIGIOUS SOCIETY ent Union and Essex County park lystems Into a continuous chain OF FRIENDS of public forest preserves, drives SUMMIT and playgrounds extending along . _ , , the Rahway River and including No services during. August. Meets at Central Presbyterian ^ Watchung Mouptaln and Eagle Rock reservations. This was put before the Rotary club by F. M. Mathewson, superintendent of the Union County Park Com­ mission, St. Stephen’s Church won the silver cup for the best float in the Fourth of July parade. Their float depicted Washington’s devotion to bis mother.

Percival M. Layman, overseer Of the poor for Millburn Township^ STAFFORD HALL took over the emergency .relief work of the township as of July For Men Arid Women 111, succeeding Stephen Barker. Curricula to Moot Your Needs Advertised prices on foods were General Secretarial Register Now fresh eggs 25c, breast of veal 10c, Executive Secretarial sirloin roast 35c, bread 7c, Accounting for September 2 Marketing 19 Years Ago MUlbum's new superintendent Modern Facilities of schools, Dr. John R. Patterson, • Enlarged Library • Office Training Lab planned to make numerous • Distinguished Teachers* Recreation Room changes in the school system. An • Delightful Classrooms • Acres of Campus grade school principals were to be relieved from teaching; and the Day and Evening Classes sixth grade was to be removed to 185 Summit Avenue Summit 6-3835 the high school until Glenwood school could be erected.

Millburn Rotary Club named " consider plans and and solicit the cooperation of civic ahd patriotic groups that COLLEGE BOARD there be a community-wide par­ ticipation in a . night fireworks display in future years. To make you PHENOMENAL in the class­ room . . . FABULOUS on dates . . . just Willard L. Hults made a study of the operations of the township “PEACHY FINE" around the campus .. . government with a view of curtail­ ing expenses. Hults supported by Hahne & Co. suggests you consult our Stephen Barker, agreed to serve College Board. They’re here to give you the after Committeeman Charles R. Reeve declined. foremost campus and fashion fada-Tfre^lA At the reorganisation meeting of W glad to help you select anything from the State Board of Health held at Trenton Mrs. J. D. Berry, Jr, of a belt to a complete’ Wardrobe, or just to 42 Mountalnview road was elected v-iee president of the Board. This talk to you about your future Alma Mater. the ffrsf time a woman ever You’ll enjoy meeting our fourteen repre­

of spectator*--**. sentatives from some of the country’s well- Park to see. three plays the Dramatic Club* known colleges#..,. presented, “Robin Hood,” "Sleep­ ing Beauty” and “The King’s Breakfast.” Joyce Kroger . • St. Laurence Grace Marlbella . . Skidmor* Ellen Bindon ..... Hood Gerry Rogers .... Cornett. 10 YEARS AGO Jane Hagan , Mount Holyoke From reliable sources it was Joan Loftus ...... Smith learned that the New Jersey Bell Janice M itch e ll...... New Anne Sexton Green Mountain Telephone Company is planning a Jersey College for Women Mary Keelen .... Vpsala mered cast aluminum new building here to . house the Nency Phillips , . Wellesley Nancy Malone. St. Elisabeth'■ local exchange. * • Alloy approved by Bureau of Standards, Depart­ Joan Thompaon . Connecticut Pat Jenney Unit, of Arizona ment o f Commerce W. W. Crawford of Maplewood, College for Women Carolyn Lange .... Lasell • Pot stamped of highly polished 16 gauge alumi­ was named supervisor of custodial num maintenance by the Millburn • Aluminum coffee basket Board of Education, • Cast aluminum cover and base retains heat longer, will not dent, bend, warp^or break. Joseph P- Day, local resident and realty developer, submitted for ap­ q Will not discolor or corrode proval to the Department of Build­ • All parts replaceable ing Inspection plans for what will • Individually boxe

2-4 eur 4.95 Dr. John R. Patterson, superin­ tendent of schools, announced the student schedule change which eatfe for five one-hour class pe- riods per day in place of the for­ mer seven-period day of forty min­ H utes each. Igllburn’s business men held a meeting to consider the parking problem In the township. Ther*- was pending before the Commit­ MWMMMMMN tee, an ordinaii’ce providing for