TUESDAY • TUESDAY Edition W r 1!\tug-tum t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FEBRUARY 1, 1955 Number 30 Political Science 44 WSL Me11 ('Hell Week' Classes Polling . Are Affected By 'fo Keep All Lexington Area Auto1natic Rule Rt..gJStrar E. M. HoY.nrd announc­ Pledges Busy Faculty To Be Polled ed todnv that forty-four men have On Congressional Reports Cullen under the automatic rule at the t·nd of the finot st•mester. This Many Of Activities Several W&L !'tudcnts will start 1!'1 l ~s" than la.c;t yc:(lr's total of fifty this week with their polling of the men for the snme lime. Appear Ridiculous Lt!Xtngton lowns!)\;ople to determine Hownrd al~ swted that eight new By DILL MILLER whether the pubhc thinks the prinl­ mrn are o1tcrmg ~chool for the The Tu<.sday Editton of The Ring­ ing techniques of the Congr~sional sceonrl Eemester and eight m('n hnve tum Phi has carried on a special Committee Reports should be chang­ n:turncd to school :.ftcr nn absence. survey to dlSCO\'er what interesting ed. The nc w men arc 1homns Elr,·d ideas have arisen in the minds of This poll is bemg carl'lcd out Hrndford, Jr Bmn nghnm, Alabnma; the acth·C!' dunng the past weeks in under lhe guidance of Dr. Harvey Charles Henry Cohtn, UI. Bimt ng­ preparation Cor the final five days bm, Alahnmn; John E:nh• a~ lis \Vh(.. der of the Political Science de­ 1 of plcd~ing partment. Btrm nsham Alnbnma; Hov.art.l Cl' Some of these stunts are the rcll l'nckeli, Montross, Virginia and Fifty copies of the report on Small following: Sm 1ut:l Uilrnell Tanllah1ll: Bitmmg Business and Procurement have been The Kappa Slg pledges will par­ hl\tn, Alnballl;l Transfer ~ludenlo;~ urc: obtained for use in this poll They Eugene L i!tt ticipate in several races on Friday, John Sl11~ridan Coleman, Lonting, w11J be used as cxnmplcs by the the last night of the pledging ac­ !\hchignn (?.tichif::atl SUite College); students makmg the poll. tivities. Among lhe:.e races are a Randal Fink Robinson. Paducah, Eugene Lt.St mothball race (a variation of the Kentucky, (University of LoUt~ville) Faculty To Be Polled olive game), an alum water race, and The members of Or WheP.ler's two and Thomas Cover StiJXS, Flint PI H a tobacco sp1lting conte t. Michlgnn, {linlver:.ity of Michigan). cla!iSCS will also poll ~everal of the ays ere They arc also required to duck­ members or the facuhy for theiJ' Hctun1ecs arc. lti'•un Lu.• Brant- walk up the front steps while quack­ opmion. Here special emphasis will Icy, Jr.. Br.stol, va.. John Thom.ls Tomorrow Nt•<1 ht ing loudly. Cold water, hot water, be placed on the departments of Evans, Ja.. Snn 1\ntonJo, T<"xas; ~ lobnsco sauce and rotten eggs will Enghsh, journaliSm, history, lan ­ Hu~h CurtiS Newlon, Oobhs Ferry, Eu L t ld N. Y.; Wilham 1 homns Pac<', g_ene .rs • wor renownc:o supplement the abnormal everyday guage, law, commu·ce, philosophy, Fn111k1 n, Va.; Jed Edgar· StdT(•e, Am~rtcan pmnisl, will appear m act1vlties or the week. und mihtary science. Lexmglon tomorrow mght at 8 p.m. The Phi Dells nre ncnr the top Ba I t lTJOrt•, Va.; R1C'h~td Allen Lnn I th H' h S h 1 lit · 11 Mr. C. Harold Lauck, of the J our­ L' 11.11 N y m c tg c oo aut ortum c with some of the more ingcnius k o\1 .. ores! J '• · A. 0 . Jone~o, · th d t l. Ll nahsm Laboratory Press will be con­ • . IS c sccon prescn a •on o r 1c achvrties. A night road race (relay r.n d C1 ct1 E< Imond.;, \\ \'the\'1 1le, Vn. P.ockb 'd C rt Th .,_ · sulted for what Or. Wheeler calls How t~d remlndcd .students that • rt ge once - cater .,.,rJcs type) between Buena Vist.n and Lex­ an "~xpert" opmion. ul . of the current ~ocason. " •ton i.s the coolest idea on their t h C A U t 0~ lIC r e IS app1 IC811 > l' • . program. The office:. c! The Rockbridge under several st:ts of c rcumstanc(.'S. Born m Phtladclphm, Eugenc Ltst 1 Climbmg a greasc:d pole on the County Nev. and Tbe Lexington 1 Failure to pass 9 hours work; 2. s~nt his boyhood c.n the West intramural fiehl i:; another idea. But Gazelte will be vis1led. Here too an fallure to earn net of 3 quality ~?'""t where h1s Cather taught school the- burlap underwear and the over­ analysis of the format and type size credit.; 3. rect.:iving F in G houn. \~hen only ten, he made, his deb~t ripe onion eating se:.sion may top w1ll be obtained. w t11out receiving a net of 9 quality w1th the Los Ang'-'k'llt Ph1lh~rmomc 1 the list of freshman fun. Dr. Wheeler said that Utis pro­ crcdtls on 9 hour::; Wl)rk 01·chestra, playmg Beethoven s Th1rd The Phi Kappa Sigs also have ject i3 conslrucled to show his stu­ · Piano Concerto. a B.V. to Lexington run with the dents how a proposal to Congress In March, 1942, Li.!;l volunteered pledges ca1 rymg a lighted canclle to is for active duty and as a Special drawn up and how a "random Jack) Smith Awat'ded light U1e way. poll' is carrted out. Services sergeant, he later added a Matches, chewing gum, cigarettes colorful note to Ius career when he Composition Prizes and eggs must be carried at a ll tunes. \\on fame as the "Pol dam P1anist." Wat(.r dr.nkmg contests, air raids, In Fn shman English He \\o,~S summondcd to play pr1vately \\lREL Solves for the Big Three-Churchill, Tru­ and mealtime <;Ongf"sts are also Dr. Jaml., S. Mcff.. tt of the Eng­ featur<:d attractions. A1oiD 'l'liE GOUS LOOK Do~. Fred Ea.-.tt r, lh J up:tcr, and ;m.~., S.} ndn man and Stalin, and before the con­ I.W Department announced today The ZBT pledges are also carry­ Ru:.Ln O• !!JIJlll•. 9'> J u110, arc pictured a, Utel entered the g ~ m la !>l fcre:nce was over, hc was asked to Exam Puzzle that two freshmen, Whitefield J ack ing cigarettes, matches, candy, etc. Friday night to open the 46th annual Fancy Ur<'\!> B.tll. play four more times. Do you know who "Bracy the und R .. ;. mond P. Smith, have heen A personal slave system, a "fun -ltoanoke Time!> Photo owardcd cnsh prizes for excellence B~rd" is? Well, neither did anyone Played at White llouso night," and a treasure hunt are l 'I En~h!\h 1. else m English l!iS. Dul'ing tl1e Truman Administra­ scheduled. A Iavol'itc que:.tion of Or. Filz­ Jnrk was awarded first priz(• of tion, he was asked to the White Paint brushes must be carried ~ 10 and Smith received a "Ccond around the neck nnd demerits are ~... rald rlow noy on English 155 House on a number· of occasions as Fraternities Elect New Officers prize of The awards were made being givLD for failure lo carry out ex:u-ns, "Elracy the Bard" v. asn 't too $10. one or the President's favonte artists. ,.ell-known. Several a~ternit.c..; held clecuons I't·c:.i(h.llt, Harry Kennedy, Vtcc on the basis of themes submilteJ to List's posl-war career started in all instructions properly. for hou.;c officers for the st-cond Pre~id~nl; Jaclt Frtcdman, Secretary; the department from a number of Last n1ght the Phi Eps conducted Joe Knaltal, an ex-student of Or. the radJo spotlight of Harvest of S(::ne.,ter, pre«'dmg cxarmnat1ons. and Joe Banks, Treasurer. •tudent.s. Stars, which n-created the Potsdam a treasure hunt but not m the con­ noumoy's, wanted to know who Kappa Sig;n•. Dace Jones. Grand 1'1 Kappa Alpha: Bob Cullers, Tom Akin, J ack Lac.kmann and \'cnt.Jonal manner. The pledges knew lh1.s "Bard" character was. He sec­ mcidmt. Shortly afterward, he flew Ma.>tcr; Skip R'-'i:.l, Grand Procura­ ?n.osidcnt; Dill Schuler, V1cc Prcsi­ Max Caskie received honorable men­ where the treasure was but not how cmd-gucll!>ed that Or Flournoy would to Prague at the invitation of the tor; Jerry Het>k.ns, Grand Master dmt; Ma111. D<l\'is, Rouse 1\lannscr; tion. to get il A Email ObJect was buried have lhis question on the exnm (Ed. Prague Government to play at the of Cv·ln vu.c.; D .. vc Dunton and Huhcrt Marlowe, Treasur·cr; and Th.s 15 the M.ccnd }lo..ar ll1.1t llH: under four tons of coal- the pledges noll. H ~ did.) and on the Thursday Jntcmational Mw1c Fest•val. He re­ Burt 1'ylt!r, Guards. Charl~:i \\, L:.on, Secretary. Ocpr 1tn.c nt of En~IL h hns mad11 hod to dig it out with their hnnds. morning "Alarm Clock Club" over pented his success lhcre in seven WREL Joe asked Bob Bradford !or 0 •lh Upsilon· Puul l\1uller; Prcs­ Sigma Alpha Ep·.ilon: Ed G1vhan, such awards-the prizes are tht' re­ other European cow1trics. The scavenger h unl and the phone help. ldtml; To~y \':.l~·n, Vice Prc«idcnt; Prc~itknt; Mike Earp, Vice PJ·esi­ sult or Dean G •Uiam's appearance List is married to another st.nr of answering rccllallon arc nolhlng Bill Bo&g• 1no, Scctelary; and J1m dC'nt; AI McClnin, Secretary; and lasl year on a nat1on-wide radio­ muslc, the violmist Carroll Glenn, compared lo the intet'esting meal ­ Bob Bradford dltln'l knov., but he Lunger, Pic<'• mosll·r.
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