2020 MIDDLE YUBA RIVER HEADWATERS ENGLISH MEADOW FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN Nevada and Sierra Counties, California Prepared in Partnership By: Nevada Irrigation District ~ Environmental Resources Division Under the Trees Inc. P.O. Box 363, Nevada City, CA 95959 530.470.6115 Sierra Nevada Conservancy Watershed Improvement Program Middle Yuba River Headwaters-English Meadow Forest Management Plan 2020 Property Name: English Meadow Mailing Address: 1036 West Main Street, Grass Valley, CA 94945 Owner Name (s): Nevada Irrigation District Plan Author(s): Kevin Whitlock Registered Professional Forester #2436 Under the Trees Inc. Nevada City, CA 95959 Email:
[email protected] Funding for this project has been provided by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, an agency of the State of California, California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018 (Proposition 68) grant cycle and in support of the Sierra Nevada Watershed Improvement Program. 1 Middle Yuba River Headwaters-English Meadow Forest Management Plan 2020 Acronyms APN - Assessor’s Parcel Number ATFS - American Tree Farm System BMP - Best Management Practices CDF – CAL FIRE Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CDFA - California Department of Food and Agriculture CDFW - California Department of Fish and Wildlife CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act CESA - California Endangered Species Act CFIP - California Forest Improvement Program CFR - Code of Federal Regulations CNDDB - California Natural Diversity Database CNDDB - California Natural Diversity Data Base CNPS - California Native Plant Society DBH - Diameter-at-breast-height (~4.5 feet above the ground) FESA - Federal Endangered Species Act FMP - Forest Management Plan GHG - Greenhouse Gas GIS - Geographic Information System MDB&M - Mount Diablo Base and Meridian NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service RWQCB - Regional Water Quality Control Board SCLT - Sierra County Land Trust STA - Special Treatment Area TPZ - Timber Production Zone U.S.