The Golfer's Year Book for 1866
SMITH & GL\ANT No. G-4-33. GOLFER'S YEAH BOOK FOTl 1S66: COMPILED AND EDITED 11V ROB, WOWIE SMITH. AYR: SMITH & G RANT. 1807. 141) COLONEL J. 0. FAIELIE OF COODIIAM, DESERVEDLY DESIGNATED THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE amateur of Scotland," PRESTWICK, ST. ANDREWS, AND NORTH BERWICK MIDALS DURING THE SAKE SEASON, THE unexpectedly lengthened interval which elapsed between the issue of the preliminary circulars and tho recoipt of tho various official and non-ollicial roturns, tho apology offered for the delay that haa occurred in tho publication of "The Golfer's Year-Book." At first it was dosigned to embrace only a list of all the Clubs, their rolls of members, modal-holdors, and prize-takers, with the principal professional matches during 1800; but it WM aftorwards doeinod advisablo to extend tho plan, so as to include tho Tournamonts, the competitions for tho Challenge Bolt, and othor items of interest, of which nothing could bo gleaned oxoept from old newspapers which wore inaccessible to tlio vast majority of golfers. In tho ondoavour to attain this object every availablo souroo of information has been exhausted, both by correspondence and personal onquiry; yet tho Editor cannot vonture to congratulate himself upon having made that soction of tho book so complete as could have been desired. Painfully conscious of omissions and defects in other parts of tho work—porhaps incidental to all first attempts in producing an Annual of this character—he sends it forth in the hope that, notwithstanding its im- perfections, it may not prove uuwolcoino. To thoso gentlemen who ao kindly lent their codporation by fur- nishing the neoossary dotails in different departments, th» Editor bogs to tonder his warmest acknowledgments.
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