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Ent21 2 147 155 Lyubechansky.P65 Russian Entomol. J. 21(2): 147155 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2012 Spider community structure in the natural and disturbed habitats of the West Siberian northern taiga: comparison with Carabidae community Íàñåëåíèå íàïî÷âåííûõ ïàóêîâ (Arachnida: Aranei) åñòåñòâåííûõ è àíòðîïîãåííî íàðóøåííûõ áèîöåíîçîâ ñåâåðíîé òàéãè Çàïàäíîé Ñèáèðè è åãî ñðàâíåíèå ñ íàñåëåíèåì æóæåëèö (Coleoptera: Carabidae) I.I. Lyubechanskii È.È. Ëþáå÷àíñêèé Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Frunze str., 11, Novosibirsk 630091, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Èíñòèòóò ñèñòåìàòèêè è ýêîëîãèè æèâîòíûõ ÑÎ ÐÀÍ, óë. Ôðóíçå, 11, Íîâîñèáèðñê, 630091, Ðîññèÿ KEY WORDS: spiders, Aranei, northern taiga, successions, sandpits, forest fires, Carabidae, community structure. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, ñåâåðíàÿ òàéãà, ñóêöåññèè, ïåñ÷àíûå êàðüåðû, ëåñíûå ïîæàðû, æóæåëèöû, ñòðóêòóðà ñîîáùåñòâà. SUMMARY. The structure of spider community can be explained by different preferences of spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) was studied in the main types of and carabids toward particular types of biotopes, and natural (forests and bogs) and anthropogenically dis- by competitive interactions among two dominating turbed habitats (burned places and abandoned sand pits groups of predatory arthropods. of different age) of West Siberian north taiga (vicinity of Noyabrsk city, 63°N, 74°E). Spider diversity and ÐÅÇÞÌÅ.  îñíîâíûõ òèïàõ åñòåñòâåííûõ (ëåñà abundance were compared with the diversity and abun- è áîëîòà) è àíòðîïîãåííî íàðóøåííûõ ýêîñèñòåì dance of other epigeic predators: ground beetles (Co- (ãàðè è ïåñ÷àíûå êàðüåðû ðàçíîãî âîçðàñòà) çàïàä- leoptera: Carabidae). íî-ñèáèðñêîé ñåâåðíîé òàéãè (îêðåñòíîñòè ã. Íî- During 4 years of investigation (19992002), 58 ÿáðüñê, 63° ñ.ø., 74° â.ä.) èçó÷åíî íàñåëåíèå ïàóêîâ spider species from 11 families were found. Contrary (Araneae) è ïðîâåäåíî ñðàâíåíèå åãî ñòðóêòóðû ñ to carabids, spiders were most abundant and diverse in îáùèìè ïàðàìåòðàìè íàñåëåíèÿ äðóãèõ íàçåìíûõ natural ecosystems. The main factor determining the õèùíûõ ÷ëåíèñòîíîãèõ æóæåëèö (Coleoptera: spider community organization in the North Siberian Carabidae). Çà 4 ãîäà (19992002) èññëåäîâàíèé â taiga is the human disturbance of ecosystems: araneo- ñáîðàõ çàôèêñèðîâàíî 58 âèäîâ ïàóêîâ èç 11 ñå- cenoses were much more similar among undisturbed ìåéñòâ. Ïàóêè, â ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîñòü æóæåëèöàì, habitats (regardless of the development of the forest áîëåå ðàçíîîáðàçíû è îáèëüíû â åñòåñòâåííûõ ýêî- cover or hydrological regime) than among different ñèñòåìàõ. Ãëàâíûì ôàêòîðîì, îïðåäåëÿþùèì types of disturbed habitats. The abundance of two dom- ñòðóêòóðó ñîîáùåñòâà ïàóêîâ, ñëóæèò àíòðîïîãåí- inating spider families (Lycosidae and Gnaphosidae) íîå âîçäåéñòâèå: àðàíåîöåíîçû åñòåñòâåííûõ ýêî- was several times lower in anthropogenically altered ñèñòåì áîëåå ñõîäíû ìåæäó ñîáîé (âíå çàâèñèìîñ- sites than in undisturbed habitats. The occasional com- òè îò ñòåïåíè îáëåñåííîñòè èëè îáâîäíåííîñòè), ponent of the epigeic spider community (species inhab- ÷åì ðàçëè÷íûì îáðàçîì íàðóøåííûå ýêîñèñòåìû. iting grass and forest stand) was equally abundant in  ïîñëåäíèõ òèïè÷íûå ãåðïåòîáèîíòíûå ïàóêè äâóõ natural and disturbed types of ecosystems. ïðåîáëàäàþùèõ â ñåâåðíîé òàéãå ñåìåéñòâ (Lyco- Both in spider and carabid communities, the forma- sidae è Gnaphosidae) ñíèæàþò ñâîþ ÷èñëåííîñòü â tion of the typical zonal taxocenes after disturbance íåñêîëüêî ðàç ïî ñðàâíåíèþ ñ åñòåñòâåííûìè ýêî- occurred very slowly. However, carabid communities ñèñòåìàìè. Ñëó÷àéíûé êîìïîíåíò àðàíåîöåíîçà, of intermediate successional stages are forming faster âêëþ÷àþùèé ïàóêîâ õîðòî- è äåíäðîáèîíòîâ, ïðè- than those of spiders, and have higher biological diver- ìåðíî ðàâíî ïðåäñòàâëåí â îáîèõ òèïàõ ýêîñèñòåì. sity than in climax ecosystems. In climax ecosystems, Êàê ó ïàóêîâ, òàê è ó æóæåëèö ôîðìèðîâàíèå òè- the density and species richness of spiders are consid- ïè÷íîãî çîíàëüíîãî ñîîáùåñòâà èäåò î÷åíü ìåä- erably higher than those of carabids. These patterns ëåííî, îäíàêî ñîîáùåñòâà ïðîìåæóòî÷íûõ ñòàäèé 148 I.I. Lyubechanskii ñóêöåññèè ó æóæåëèö ôîðìèðóþòñÿ áûñòðåå, ÷åì ó ly. Nevertheless, preimaginal stages can not be deter- ïàóêîâ, è èìåþò áîëåå âûñîêèå ïîêàçàòåëè áèîëî- mined to species level and have to be grouped by ãè÷åñêîãî ðàçíîîáðàçèÿ, ÷åì â íàòèâíûõ ýêîñèñòå- genera or treated as morphospecies. Another compli- ìàõ. Áëèæå ê òåðìèíàëüíûì ñòàäèÿì ñóêöåññèè ïà- cation is that pitfall trapping works selectively and óêè ðåçêî äîìèíèðóþò ïî îáùåé ÷èñëåííîñòè íàä gathers only a part of the total spider community. Ex- æóæåëèöàìè. Òàêàÿ ñìåíà ñîñòàâà ãåðïåòîáèîíòîâ cept epigeic species, inhabitants of grass and trees are ìîæåò îáúÿñíÿòüñÿ êàê ðàçëè÷íûìè áèîòîïè÷åñêè- caught, whereas the density and diversity of small-size ìè ïðåôåðåíöèÿìè, òàê è êîíêóðåíòíûìè îòíîøå- and less mobile litter-dwelling forms, like Linyphiidae, íèÿìè ìåæäó æóæåëèöàìè è ïàóêàìè. can be underestimated. Spiders often dominate epigeic soil fauna by their Introduction abundance and species richness, which was shown e.g. in north taiga forests of Karelia [Rybalov, Kamaev, Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) are one of the most 2011], or in high-altitude ecosystems of Siberia [S.B. diverse groups of epigeic arthropods in terrestrial eco- Ivanov, Yu.S. Ravkin, personal communication]. Prob- systems of temperate climatic zone. The spider fauna ably, spiders are weak competitors in comparison with of the Trans-Urals part of Russia consists of more than other epigeic predators, especially carabids. This prob- 1800 determined species from 38 families; the araneo- ably explains why spiders reach high abundance in fauna of the Asian part of Russia is estimated as 2100 places where carabids are absent. In some sense, cara- species [Marusik, 2007]. Despite of these great values, bid beetles are an ecological mirror group of spiders such diversity contributes only 4.7% to the world and in oligotrophic, slow and unproductive northern eco- 13.6% to the Holarctic spider diversity, where 13600 systems [Lyubechanskii, 2009]. Another cause of the species are known [Marusik, Koponen, 2005]. The abundance of spiders in high-latitude ecosystems can world spider fauna includes more than 40000 described be their cold tolerance; some species can be active on species [The World Spider Catalog, 2012]. snow cover in winter [Oliger, 2003]. The species richness of local spider communities The main goal of this work was to reveal the com- often varies from 50 to 150 species, which is compara- munity structure of epigeic spiders in the north taiga of ble with the species richness of oribatid mites and West Siberia, and changes in this structure caused by usually higher than the number of Carabidae or Col- anthropogenic impact. Secondary goal was to compare lembola species [Mordkovich et al., 2004, 2006, 2007]. these structural changes with those of Carabidae com- Spider communities are a traditional model object in munities. soil zoology and ecology. These arthropods, like other generalist predators (e.g. carabid beetles), are not di- Materials and methods rectly dependent on the taxonomic composition of veg- etation or of their potential preys, nor on the chemical Study area and sites features of the soil. The abundance and diversity of Field sampling was carried out in the vicinity of such animals may characterize the integral attractive- Noyabrsk city, 63°15¢ N, 74°30¢ E, at the border of ness of the habitat, its value [Pearce, Venier, 2006; north and middle taiga of West Siberia. The studied Fereira, 2010]. On the other hand, spiders depend on place, Siberian Ridges (Sibirskiye Uvaly) is a large, the physical complexity (architecture) of their habitats slightly lifted (10100 m above surrounding territo- more than other epigeic arthropods [Hatley, McMa- ries) upland formed mainly by sands and sand-clayish hon, 1980; Robinson, 1981; Halaj et al., 1998; Castro, matrix. Siberian Ridges are surrounded by raised bogs, Wise, 2010], and may have complicated competitive partly with permafrost forms of mesorelief (palsas). inter-specific interactions [Marshall, Rypstra, 1999]. These bogs are sparsely covered by dwarf Scotch pine Wolf spiders (Lycosidae) are especially popular in (Pinus sylvestris L.). The vegetation of the upland is soil zoology research. Their epigeic way of life ensures more diverse: most of territory is covered by lichen the effectiveness of pitfall trapping for estimating their woodlands dominated by larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) density and diversity. Lycosidae are not a very diverse and pine with patches of birch forests in lowlands, family (not more than 40 species in the regional fauna) slashes and burned places. The upland is crossed by and may be simply distinguished to species, or at least, flat valleys of small rivers belonging to the Pur river to morphospecies. Noteworthy, the contribution of basin; forests along rivers are more diverse and include Lycosidae to the overall regional spider diversity var- Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour), Siberian fir ies within a narrow range of 7 to 10% [Marusik, Ko- (Abies sibirica Ledeb.) and spruce (Picea obovata Le- ponen, 2005]. It is therefore possible to estimate the deb.). Lowland olygomesothrophic bogs are formed in overall spider diversity of the region of province scale. numerous oxbow lakes [Smolentsev, 2002]. Anthropo- Another easy to use epigeic family of spiders are genically disturbed landscapes include burned places Gnaphosidae (flat-bellied spiders). and abandoned sand pits of different age.
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