Filonov S.V. Images of the Netherworld in Early Taoist Religious Tradition: Some Issues and Estimations (Based on the Taoist Code Jiu zhen ming ke) IMAGES OF THE NETHERWORLD IN EARLY TAOIST RELIGIOUS TRADITION: SOME ISSUES AND ESTIMATIONS (BASED ON THE TAOIST CODE JIU ZHEN MING KE)* S.V. Filonov Sergey Vladimirovich Filonov – Doctor of Science (History), Candidate of Science (Philosophy); Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Amur State University; Principal research fellow, Research Center for Sinological Studies (Blagoveshchensk). E-mail:
[email protected] The present article discusses the aspects pertaining to the analysis of the concepts of the after- life in early Taoist religion. The focus of attention of the paper is one of the earliest Taoist codes of laws and regulations among those that have survived up till now – Jiu zhen ming ke 九真明科, aka The Bright Code of the Perfected [Kings] from the Nine [Heavens]. The three chapters of the Code are connected with one another, both thematically and logically. Chapter 1 enumerates the existing Taoist scriptures and talismans; conveys their brief characteristic features and explains the rites of their transmission. Chapter 2 recounts the rules and laws that Taoist practitioners ought to adhere to unequivocally if they are to cognize the ultimate truth through these scriptures. Chapter 3 expli- cates the rituals which allow to atone for the crimes and misdeeds (enumerated in Chapter 2) so that to resume the path of self-perfecting and enhancement, the true path of Dao. The Code serves as a profound and abundant source of information which allows to distinguish the most essential peculiarities of the Taoist concepts pertaining to the afterlife; it enables for the delineation of the most promising vectors of search for their genesis and origins.