Steno and the Rock Cycle
Firenze University Press Steno and the Rock Cycle Citation: A.H. Cutler (2021) Steno and the Rock Cycle. Substantia 5(1) Suppl.: Alan H. Cutler 89-97. doi: 10.36253/Substantia-1280 Department of Engineering, Physical and Computer Sciences, Montgomery College, 51 Copyright: © 2021 A.H. Cutler. This is an Mannakee Street, Rockville, MD 20850 USA open access, peer-reviewed article E-mail: published by Firenze University Press ( and distributed under the terms of the Abstract. Geologists categorize the basic types of rock according to their origin – igne- Creative Commons Attribution License, ous, sedimentary, or metamorphic – rather than by their physical properties. This is which permits unrestricted use, distri- expressed dynamically by the fundamental concept of the rock cycle, which describes bution, and reproduction in any medi- how the basic rock types are derived from one another within the Earth system as a um, provided the original author and result of ongoing cyclic geologic processes. In Nicolaus Steno’s published geological source are credited. work, particularly De Solido, he takes a similar approach, outlining how a substance Data Availability Statement: All rel- can be examined “to disclose the place and manner of its production”. Steno also rec- evant data are within the paper and its ognizes the roles of erosion, transport, and deposition in the production of sedimen- Supporting Information files. tary strata from pre-existing Earth materials. His description and diagrams of the geo- logical evolution of Tuscany also show a clear cyclicity of process. While the modern Competing Interests: The Author(s) concept of the rock cycle did not emerge until the 19th century, Steno’s work contains declare(s) no conflict of interest.
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