Aminostratigraphy of European Marine Interglacial Deposits 2T7

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Aminostratigraphy of European Marine Interglacial Deposits 2T7 Quaternary Science Reviews.Vol.4, pp. Zf5-278,1985. 0277-379'tt85$0.00 + .50 Printed in Great Britaln. All rishts reserved. Copyright@ 1986Pergamon Journals Ltd. AMINOSTRATIGRAPHY OF EUROPEANMARINE INTERGLACIAL DEPOSITS Gifford H. Miller* and Jan Mangerudf * INSTAAR and Dept. of GeologicalSciences, Campus Box 450, Universityof Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309,U.S.A. I Departmentof Geology,Sec. B, All6gt. 41, Universityof Bergen,N-5000 Bergen, Norway Received28 January1986 With contributionsb-v: K.S. Petersen DanmarksGeologiske Undersogelse 31, Thoravej ,2400 Kobenhavn NV, Denmark H.P. Sejrup GeologiskInstitutt, Avd. B Universiteteti Bergen, 5000 Bergen, Norway W. Zagwijn Rijks GeologischeDienst. Spaarne 17,2000 AD, Haarlem.Netherlands B. Menke GeologischesLandesamt Schleswig-Holstein, Postfach 5049, 2300 Kiel 21, F.R.G. V. Gudina Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Siberian Branch Academy of Sciencesof the U.S.S.R..Novosibirsk-90. U.S.S.R. R. Paepe Quaternaryand MarineGeology, Belgische Geologische Dienst, Jenner- straat,13, 1(X0Brussels, Belgium V. Yevzerov Instituteof Geology,Kola Branchof the Academyof Sciencesof the U.S.S.R.,Apatity, U.S.S.R. J.M. Punning Institute of Geology,Academy of Sciencesof the E.S.S.R.,Tallinn 200001.Estonia 7. U.S.S.R. A. Makowska InstytutGeologiczny, ul Radowiecka4,00-975 Warszawa, Poland T. Pisse GeologicalSurvey of Sweden,Kungsgaten 4, 4lI 19 Gciteberg,Sweden K.-L. Knudsen Laboratorietfor Palaeontologiog Stratigrafi.Geologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet,8000 Aarhus C, Denmark A.-L. Lykke-Andersen Labyrinten 17, 8220Brabrand, Denmark T. Meijer Rijks GeologischeDienst. Spaarne 17..2000 AD, Haarlem,Netherlands J. Somm6 Laboratoirede G6omorphologieet d/Etudedu Quaternaire,Universitd des Scienceset Techniquesde Lille, 59655Villeneuve d'Ascq C6dex, France G. Linke GeologischesLandesamt Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Oberstrasse 88, 2000Hamburg 13, F.R.G. C. Baeteman Quaternaryand MarineGeology, Belgische Geologische Dienst, Jenner- straat,13, 1040Brussels, Belgium W. Hinsch GeologischesLandesamt Schleswig-Holstein. Postfach 5049, 2300 Kiel 21, F.R.G. D. Goter INSTAAR, CB 450.University of Colorado.Boulder, CO 80309,U.S.A. J. Brigham-Grette Departmentof Geology,University of Alberta,Edmonton, Alberta. T6G 2E3. Canada J. Hollin INSTAAR, CB 450,University of Colorado.Boulder, CO 80309,U.S.A. 2t5 216 CiffordH. Millerand Jan Mangerud Molluscanfossils collected from shallowwater marine sediment across NW Europeand havebeen analysed for the extentof isoleucineepimerization (D/L nearbyArctic regions 'classical' ratio)in indigenousprotein residues. The D/L ratiosconfirm that essentially all EemiansiteJ from NW Europeare of the sameage. and are correlativewith the type localitynear Amersfoortin the Netherlands;shells from interglacialmarine sediment beneaihthe typeWeichselian till in Polandalso correlate with the typeFemian sile. D/L ratiosin Holiteinianmarine shells (0.29) are substantiallyhigher than in their Eemian counterparts(0.17);'Late Cromerian'shells yield even higherratios (0.46). D/L ratiosin lateglaiial shells (0.06) and Middle Weichselian shells (0.09) permit differentiation from modirn (0.01)and last interglacialmaterial. Based on the positionof the Matuyama- Brunhesboundarv and the differencesin D/L ratios,the Eemianmust correlatewith isotopesubstage 5e, whereasthe Holsteinianis mostlikely substage 7c, possiblystage 9 but iertainly youngerthan stage 11. Intra-Saalianwarm periods may be terrestrial equivalentsof the youngersubstages of stage7. Extensive.pre-Eemianmarine sediments albngthe SW coastof Denmark previouslycorrelated with the Holsteinianare shownto be oi'Late Cromerian'age.The underlyingtill thereis thefirst widespread evidence of a pre-Elsteriantill in NW EuroPe. D/L ratios in moiluscsfrom last interglacialsites along the Arctic coastof the USSR. the Arctic Islandsand easternGreenland are substantially lower than in theirEuropean counterpartsdue to their low thermalhistories. The combinedmid- and high-latitude data are usedto developa predictivemodel for the expectedDiL ratio in any of several moderateepimerization-rate taxa for last interglacialsites with mean temperatures between-20 and +15'C. Not all sites could be unambiguouslyassigned to an establishedinterglacial. The Fjosanger(Norway) and Margareteberg (Sweden) sites previously_thought to be Eemian. yietOOll ratios higher than in securenearby Eemian material. It is yet unresolved whetherthese are aberrantsites or if they predatethe last interglacial.1n situ shoreline depositsencountered in boringsin SW Belgiumand in expo_sureson the Belgiumcoastal plain contain molluscsthat yield D/L ratios intermediatebetween secure Eemian and Late Weichselianratios, raising the possibilitythat'a late stage5 high-sea-levelevent attained near-modern levels in the southern North Sea basin. Resolution of these uncertaintiesis the focusof future work. INTRODUCTION Despitenearly a century of investigation,the Quaternarystratigraphy of Northwest Europehas yet to be fully resolved.The classicalland-based sequence in NorthwestEurope (Table1) is basedon end-morainesystems and correlative till beds.and the palynologyand faunal assemblagesin associatedterrestrial and shallow-watermarine sequences.Three mainglacial stages are widely recognized: the Elsterian,Saalian and Weichselianseparated by the Holsteinianand Eemianinterglacials. Over the last decadeseveral pre-Elsterian climatic oscillationshave also been described(e.g. Menke, 1970; Zagwijn, I9151. Brunnackeret at..1982 Urban, 1982;Nilsson, 1983), but their occurrenceis relativelyrare andregional correlation remains somewhat ambiguous. The Matuyama-Brunhesboundary 'Cromerian has been identified in the lower portion of the complex'(Zagwijn. 1975; Brunnackerand Boenik, 1976 Zagwijn and Doppert, 1978; Brunnacker1979). The number of glacial-interglacialcycles in Europe betweenMatuyama-Brunhes and the Elsterianis uncertain,but seldomare more than three proposed, giving altogether six after the Matuyama-Brunhesboundary. In contrast,the deep-seaoxygen-isotype stratigraphy (e.g.Shackleron and Opdyke,1973) implies that there have been eight glaciations since the Aminostratigraphy of European Marine Interglacial Deposits 2t7 TABLE 1. Classical subdivision of the middle and late Quaternary of NW Europe Holocene (lnterglacial) Late Pleistocene Weichselian (Glacial) Stage Eemian (Interglacial) Middle Pleistocene Saalian (Glacial) Stage Holsteininian (Interglacial) Elsterian (Glacial) Stage Probably Four Temperate and Three Cold StagesCollectively Called the 'Cromerian Complex' Earlv Pleistocene Six named stages Matuyama-Brunhesboundary. The apparentdiscrepancy between the deep-seaand land- baseclstratigraphy has stimulated additional investigations into the continentalrecord, and the correlationand dating of Quaternarydeposits in northwesternEurope has been vigorouslydebated in meetingsand papersin recentyears. At presenta widelyheld view is that the classicalpost-Elsterian interglacial sequence is probably correct (e.g. Ehlers et al., 1984),and that knowledgeof the pre-Elsterian 'missing' sequ"nceis so fragmentarythat it may accommodatethe interglacials.In this interpretation,the post-Eemianwarm intervals(e.g. St. GermainI and II of Woillard, 1978) are consideredto be interstadialswithin the Weichselian,and the Wacken/ Dcimnitzianand Holsteinian(seruu stricto) are consideredto representa singleinterglacial complex,the Holsteinian(sensu lato). The inescapableconclusion from this perspectiveis thatisotope stage 1 is the Holocene,2-5d the Weichselian,5e the Eemian(e.g. Shackleton, 1967;Mangerud er a\.,1,979),stage 6 the Saalian,stage 7 the Holsteinianand stage8 the Elsterian. Opposingthis interpretationare severalrecent proposals that more than three post- Elsterianinterglacials occur. Kukla (1977),followed by Bowen (1978,1979) argued that sitesclassified as Eemian may representmore than one interglacialthat havebeen grouped as a singleevent. The type Eemiansite in the Netherlandswas proposed as the oldestof theseinterglacials (Kukl a, t977). In their scheme, the Holsteinian(sensu stricto) is ascribed to isotopestage 11 or 13rather than stage 7 asin a classicalinterpretation. Earlier Frenzel (1973)had arguedthat the pollenstratigraphy of interglacialsites in Germanycould not be accountedfor by the classicalinterglacial sequence and additionalinterglacials must be present;he proposedtwo intra-Saalian(sensu lato) interglacials.In East Germany,Cepek and Erd (e.g. Cepekand Erd, 1982;Cepek , 1967)have long claimedthat at leasttwo and possiblythree interglacialsoccurred between the Holsteinian(sensa stricto) and the Eemian:the Domnitzian,an un-namedSaalian I/II event,and the Rtigenan.Similarly' Stremme(1982) and Sarntheimand Stremme(1984) proposed correlation of the Eemian with isotopesubstage 5e, the Holsteinianwith isotopestage 11, with two intra-Saalian interglacialsas the terrestrialcorrelatives of isotopestages 7 and 9, a view supportedby Bowin (1985).The lack of reliableindependent dating methodologies that canbe applied to terrestrialsites has hampered resolution of this conflict,although new effortsin U/Th. electron-spinresonance and thermoluminescencedating are in progress. 2rB Gifford H. Miller and Jan Mangerud an In 1979,partially in responseto the challengeof possiblemiscorrelation. but alsoin interglacial attempt to obtain an integratedchronostratigraphy of the Europeanmarine of isoleucine ,.qu"nr". we inrtiatedu p.ogtu* to determinesystematically the extent along epimerizationin marinetnollut.t from interglacialsites
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