


ERONEN, MATTI, 1992: Quaternary chronostratigraphy — a review. Bull. Geo!. Soc. Finland. 64. Part 2, 135—147. Quaternary development is characterized by strong climatic fluctuations associat- ed with repeated glacier expansions. Consequently the Quaternary chronostratigraphy is largely based on the dating of climatic fluctuations which have led to large-scale, often global, environmental changes. The cooling episode around 2.5 million ago that swept forests away from large areas and rapidly increased the ice volume in the Northern Hemisphere marks the beginning of the Quaternary Period. The Milank- ovitch, or astronomical, theory of climatic change is today commonly accepted as the explanation for the rhythms of Quaternary climatic fluctuations. Climatic variability is controlled by small periodic or quasiperiodic changes in the 's orbit around the Sun, which in turn lead to changes in the intensity of the seasonal solar radiation reach- ing different latitudes. Small variations in the insolation trigger events which eventu- ally lead to enormous climatic and environmental changes. Different orbital periodici- ties have dominated the climatic variability at different during the Quaternary, for example, the 41-ka-long cycle of the tilt of the Earth's spinning axis and on the average 22-ka-long precession and 100-ka-long eccentricity cycles. During the last 800 ka, however, the eccentricity cycle of the orbit stands out clearly. It has set the pace for the largest Quaternary glaciations, all of which fall into the latter part of the Quaternary. The validity of the Milankovitch theory has been confirmed by many proxy records, including deep-sea oxygen isotope , Chinese records and many palaeobotanical studies on long lacustrine sequences; the present chronostrati- graphical division of the Quaternary Period is largely based on these data. However, the lack of good dating methods still poses a major problem in many Quaternary strati- graphical studies. In some cases the shortcomings and methodical uncertainties can be avoided and accuracy improved by comparing dates obtained with different techniques. The comparison of K/Ar ages with climatic events dated by calculations of astronom- ical periodicities and the comparisons of radiocarbon ages with U/Th dates and varved sediment counts serve as examples of how the reliability and applicability of chronos- tratigraphy can be checked and further improved in this way.

Key words: glacial , chronostratigraphy, palaeoclimatology, glaciation, Milankovitch theory, absolute 0—18, Quaternary.

Matti Eronen. University of Oulu. Department of Geology. Linnanmaa, SF-96100 Oulu.

Introduction eral times during the Quaternary Period each eroding most of the soft strata deposited during the Quaternary stratigraphical research has made thermomers. The sediments deposited after the last rapid advances in the past few decades, leading to deglaciation are well preserved, but the events can major changes in the earlier picture of Quaternary only be studied on the fragmentary sequences dis- climatic and environmental development. Unfor- covered between and below the till tunately Finland has no natural archives contain- beds (Hirvas & Nenonen 1987, Hirvas 1991). ing long, continuous Quaternary stratigraphical Regional correlations are clearly needed to put records. Ice sheets have covered this country sev- the Finnish Quaternary findings into their natural 136 Matti Eronen historical perspective. Correlations over different The Plio/Pleistocene boundary regions are indeed an essential part of all geologi- The basal part of the Quaternary in cal research, as the UNESCO sponsored Interna- chronostratigraphical terms is commonly called the tional Geological Correlation Program (IGCP) Plio /Pleistocene boundary. The is the up- shows in a very convincing way. The present pa- permost in the Tertiary System underlying per discusses the main features of Quaternary the Quaternary Pleistocene Series (the correspond- chronostratigraphy and closely related issues, with ing geochronological unit being the Pleistocene a view to providing researchers working here, close ). to the central area of northern European glacia- tions, some background knowledge of global de- The first attempt to define the base of the Qua- velopment. ternary was made in 1913 by M. Gignoux, who suggested that the first appearence of »northern The principles, terminology and international guests» in certain - bearing strata in Italy rules of stratigraphical classification are presented should mark the start of the period. The in Hedberg (1976), and there are also several na- »northern guests» refer to some cold-water marine tional or regional stratigraphical guides. A sugges- organisms, first of all the mussel Arctica (Cypri- tion for the stratigraphical division of the Quater- na) islandica , which partly replaced the former nary in Norden was published by Mangerud et al. Tertiary warm-water marine species. This faunal (1974) and has since been elaborated further in shift was found in the basal part of the tectonical- Mangerud & Berglund (1978), Mangerud (1982) ly uplifted marine strata. At the Interna- and Mangerud et al. (1982). The rules for the for- tional Geological Congress held in London in 1948 mal stratigraphical division and terminology can the Plio/Pleistocene sedimentation area in Italy was be found in the above books and these subjects are chosen as the type area for that important geolog- not discussed at length in this paper. Instead, at- ical boundary (Nilsson 1983, Kukla 1991). tention is paid to the key records and sites and to It soon became evident, however, that the cor- the dating of deposits, which together form the relation of other sequences with the Italian strata basis of Quaternary stratigraphy and . was very often problematic. The result was a long- In the chronostratigraphical classification the lasting dispute about the »correct» Plio/Pleistocene strata are organized into units according to their boundary, and a consistent picture of the climatic age relationships. The Quaternary development is events connected with it has begun to emerge only characterized by substantial climatic changes and relatively recently. thus climatostratigraphy largely coincides the The climatic cooling associated with tempera- chronostratigraphy in this system. Litho- and bi- ture oscillations was well under way as the Terti- ostratigraphical units form the traditional basis of ary Period drew to an end 4—3 million years (ma) the general division, but during the past few dec- ago. About 2.5—2.3 ma ago a very pronounced ades measurements of physical properties of the drop in global temperatures took place, as is docu- 18 ,6 deposits such as oxygen isotope ( 0/ 0) ratios mented in several long Quaternary stratigraphical and palaeomagnetism have made important con- records from different parts of the world (Kukla tributions to the general stratigraphical classifica- 1989, and references in that paper). It is no won- tion and dating. der that many researchers interpret this distinct Selected type sections, called stratotypes, are shift towards cooler conditions in world climate used to demonstrate defined stratigraphical units. as the Plio/Pleistocene boundary. The stratotypes represent units or boundaries or a The for the Plio/Pleistocene bounda- combination of geological strata and they are of ry is defined in the Vrica section in Italy, where it great importance in Quaternary as in other studies is dated by radiometric methods to around 1.6— (cf. Bowen 1978). 1.8 ma ago. That time span should mark the arriv- Quaternary chronostratigraphy — A review 137 al of the »northern guests» in the Mediterranean , the K/Ar method in particular. waters. It has now been proved, however, that This method, however, is best applied to volcanic some »northern guests» were present in Santerno, rocks; marine and continental sediment sequences Italy, as early as 2 ma ago (Kukla 1991). Thus the are the most useful deposits for Quaternary strati- Italian stratotype is clearly not the best possible graphical studies. one to represent the base of the Quaternary Sys- An extremely important link in dating is the tem. , as this can be applied to vol- Detailed stratigraphical and palaeobotanical canic and water-lain deposits as well as to wind- studies, especially those made in The Netherlands blown loess. It is possible to date sediments using (Zagwijn 1975, 1985, see also De Jong 1988), the palaeomagnetic boundaries obtained with ra- show that European land areas were afflicted by a diometric methods from volcanic deposits as fixed very cold and also dry climatic event which swept points. In this way the whole sedimentary record the forests awary from vast regions around 2.5— can be dated with reasonable accuracy, provided 2.3 ma ago. At about the same time (2.4 ma ago), there have been no marked changes in the long- the quantity of sediments transported by icebergs term sedimentation rate. in the North area increased markedly, as The deep-sea oxygen isotope stratigraphy forms can be seen from the deep-sea stratigraphy (Shack- the skeleton of Quaternary chrono- and climato- leton et al. 1984). That led to a substantial expan- stratigraphy today. The recently established Chi- sion of land-locked ice in the northern latitudes. nese loess stratigraphy is also of the utmost im- The deposition of loess in China also started at portance. The oxygen isotope stages and loess- about the same time, 2.5 ma ago (cf. Fig. 1 and palaeosol seqences (Fig. 1) are dated by linking discussion below). the palaeomagnetic boundaries to radiometric dates Even though there are so many pieces of evi- as described above. However, the Milankovitch dence demonstrating that the major global cooling theory shows how the accuracy of age determina- marking the beginning of the Quaternary took tion can be improved by correlating the climato- place around 2.5 ma ago, it should be noted that stratigraphy with orbital cycles. the development was characterized by oscillations According to the astronomical, or Milankovitch, in temperatures. Stratigraphic data from Europe theory of climatic change, celestial mechanics has indicate that by 1.9 ma ago the first Quaternary been the pacemaker for the comings and goings of cool episode was over and mild climatic conditions the Quaternary ice ages and thermomers. Slight had returned (Zagwijn 1975, 1985, see also Kukla periodic or quasiperiodic changes in the Earth's 1989). Another cold pulse (called the orbit trigger chains of events which eventually lead in western Europe) hit the Earth about 1.6 ma ago, to enormous global climatic changes. These orbit- but it was far less significant than the 2.5-ma cold al changes include the 41-ka-long axial tilt cycle, burst and thus cannot be regarded as marking any the 22-ka-long precession cycle, and the 100-ka- major geological boundary. long cycle in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit (Berger 1989). Global climatic variations during the Quaternary have followed the orbital rhythms Dating the Quaternary with a combination of amazingly accurately. Climatic cycles correspond- radiometric control and orbital cycles ing to astronomical periodicities have also been documented from the earlier of the Earth Several methods for dating Quaternary deposits (Berger et al. 1992). are available, and innovations in this field are fre- The dominant periodicities of climatic variation quently reported, but still the dating presents a have changed during Quaternary time, which major problem in Quaternary studies. The general means that the climatic effects of the different or- Quaternary chronostratigraphy is largely based on bital elements vary in the long term (Fig. I, Berg- 138 Matti Eronen

Fig. 1. The deep-sea oxygen isotope record of Williams et al. (1988) compared with the Chinese loess-palaeosol section at Baoji. The timescale is largely based on palaeomagnetic measurements, of which the principal reversals are shown here (according to Rutter 1992).

er 1989, Rutter 1992). Orbital variations can be currences of future ice ages and warm intervals calculated accurately both far back in time and into (Kukla et al. 1981, Berger et al. 1981, Matthews the distant future. Climatic changes on the 101—105- 1984, see also Eronen in press). Calculations of time scales follow the orbital cycles enabling past orbital variations have been extended to 500 us to calculate the ages and durations of past and ma ago (Berger et al. 1992). future climatic cycles. The astronomical theory of Deep-sea oxygen isotope stratigraphic studies climatic change can thus be used to predict the oc- conclusively have corroborated the theory that glo- Quaternary chronostratigraphy — A review 139 bal Quaternary climatic cyclicity was controlled by Detailed studies have been made in Colombia celestial mechanics. As the climatic cycles of the by H. Hooghiemstra, who has investigated the bi- latter part of the Quaternary are reasonably well ostratigraphy of a lake sediment record over 3 ma known, the associated orbital cycles can be used long. Similar studies have been made in Israel (by to improve the time scale. The SPECMAP work- A. Horowitz) on lake deposits covering a time span ing has elaborated orbitally tuned time scales of approximately the same length. The deposits at for the past hundreds of thousands of years and so Tenaghi Phillipon in Greece (studied by T.A. Wi- has established a very detailed chronostratigraphy jmstra et al.) demonstrate variations in vegetation for the past 300 ka (Imbrie et al. 1984, Martinson and climate during the past 900 ka. An extremely et al. 1987). important record of botanical and climatic chang- Despite of some problems with connecting all es since the late Tertiary has been compiled by W. the early Quaternary climatic fluctuations to spe- Zagwijn who has collected evidence from many cific astronomical periodicities, Shackleton et al. different sites in The Netherlands. (For references (1990) have extended the orbital time scale calcu- to the above studies, see Kukla 1989.) lations to include the whole Quaternary Period. Climatic phases corresponding to the oxygen The resulting time scale deviates somewhat from isotope stages of the deep-sea stratigraphy have the earlier one, as can be seen in Table 1. The time been found in the continental records, but until re- scales are more or less concordant until close to cently reliable correlations were difficult to make the Brunhes/Matuyama palaeomagnetic boundary, because of the dating problems discussed above. but further back in time the orbitally determined This shortcoming has now been overcome with the ages deviate from the earlier ones by 5—7%. The discovery and establishment of the excellent Chi- earlier time scale is based on K/Ar dating, and nese loess stratigraphy, which marks a major step Shackleton etal. (1990) conclude that there is sys- forward in the correlation of marine and continen- tematic error in the method, giving ages that are tal Quaternary stratigraphical records. 40 39 too young. The Ar/ Ar dating method used by Intensive Quaternary stratigraphical studies on Baksi et al. (1992) has yielded results supporting the Chinese loss plateau started in thel980's, with this view, dates from the Brunhes/Matyama bound- the opening the area to Western research groups. ary lava giving an age of 783—11 ka. The detailed Since then the volume of palaeoclimatic informa- Quaternary chronology and chronostratigraphy are tion from that region has accumulated rapidly. The thus taking shape step by step. exposed loess sections reveal a distinct stratifica- tion characterized by light loess and dark palae- osol layers. Loess deposition started about 2.5 ma Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and long continen- ago (cf. Fig. 1) and has continued throughout the tal records Quaternary Period. The »soils», or palaeosols, also consist of loess, but they contain more organic Continuous and regular sedimentation in certain matter than the proper loess layers. It is now known marine environments makes deep-sea cores a very that light loess was deposited during cold ice ages, useful source material for Quaternary stratigraphi- or , whereas the »soils» accumulated dur- cal studies. In continental environments, sedimen- ing warm and temperate interstadials tation typically does not last for a long time in one (Kukla & An 1989, Rutter 1992). particular place and so the terrestrial stratigraphi- There is also a difference in grain size between cal evidence tends to be more fragmentary, albeit the light and dark layers, the proper loess contain- usually more detailed, than the marine record. ing more coarse aeolian material than the palae- There are, however, some continental environ- osols. The best way of distinguishing between ments where sedimentation has continued without these two types of accumulation, though is by any major breaks throughout Quaternary time. measuring their magnetic susceptibility (Fig. 2,

2 140 Matti Eronen

Rutter et al. 1990). It is clearly stronger in the pal- Table 1. Comparison of ages obtained previously (in the 1980's) aeosols than in the light loess layers. Different ex- for selected magnetic reversal boundaries (ages 1 and 2) with the ages (3) resulted from the astronomical calibration of the radio- planations have been sought for this finding, the metric timescale by Shackleton et al. (1990). most recent being magnetic autigenesis in the soil processes during thermomers (Maher & Thomp- Oxygen Correlative Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 son 1992). isotope palaeomagnetic ma reversal

base 19 base Brunhes 0.73 0.73 0.78 mid 27 top Jaramillo 0.92 0.90 0.99 mid 31 base Jaramillo 0.98 0.97 1.07 Orbital cycles controlling the global climatic base 35 Cobb Mountain 1.10 1.10 1.19 variations base 63 top Olduvai 1.66 1.65 1.77 base 71 base Olduvai 1.88 1.82 1.95 When loess-palaeosol sequences are compared 104 top Gauss 2.47 2.48 2.60 with the oxygen isotope curves of deep- sea cores, it is easy to see that the changes in both records are regularly contemporaneous (Fig. 1). The sim- ilarity between these two records is really striking when the huge difference in depositional environ- the variance (Berger 1989). The 100 -ka cycle can ments is taken into consideration. The 180/l60 var- be found in the climatic variability in the early part iations in deep-sea sediments are thought to repre- of the Quaternary, 1.6—2.5 ma ago, but there is sent in the first place changes in the global ice vol- an even stronger 400-ka eccentricity cycle, which ume (Shackleton & Opdyke 1973). The alterna- seems to form an outline, but the time span is too tions in the loess stratigraphy indicate the varia- short for this periodicity to become clear. What is bility in strength of the summer monsoons in Chi- clear, however, is that the orbital cycles dominat- na. Strong summer monsoons bring abundant rains ing the Quaternary climatic variability have to the interior parts of eastern Asia, increasing the changed over time. For some reason the mode of vegetation cover in semiarid and arid areas, where- 100-ka-long strong swings from severe ice ages to as weaker summer monsoons lead to droughts and temperate interglacials was established in the cli- reduced plant growth in central China (An et al. matic variability around 800 ka ago (Rutter 1992, 1991). The dark palaeosols were formed during see also Fig. 1). thermomers associated with strong summer mon- Some palaeobotanical records also indicate the soons, but the light loess layers deposited during orbital forcing of climatic variation. These include ice ages and stadials, when cold winds carried ae- the reconstructions based on pollen studies made olian dust from the interior of the continent and in The Netherlands and Greece which were men- the summer monsoons bringing rains were weak. tioned earlier. In the former data, the changes were Spectral analysis of the climatic records of both controlled by temperatures and in the latter larger- loess and deep-sea cores reveals that the variations ly by variations in humidity. Even taking into ac- were due to orbital forcing. The 100-ka-long ec- count these different environmental constraints, centricity cycle has determined the occurrences of though the orbital cycles still play the decisive role ice ages during the past 800 ka. Before that time, in the background (Kukla 1989). between 800 ka and 1.6 ma ago, the 41-ka-long axial tilt cycle controlled the climatic variability. The 23- to 19-ka-long precession cycle also shows The large glaciations up clearly in the records of the whole Quaternary, regionally being so prominent that in some pale- The »classical model» of four main Quaternary oceanographic sedimentary sequences it dominates ice ages designed by Penck and Briickner (1909) Quaternary chronostratigraphy — A review 141

Yulin Susceptibility Baoji Grain size Stacked d18 O

-1.0 0.0 0.1

Fig. 2. Comparison of the deep-sea oxygen isotope record with the magnetic susceptibility and grain size variations in the Chi- nese loess-palaeosol sequences. These curves of three variables run largely parallel, even though deep-sea and loess records indicate different environmental changes (after Rutter 1992).

had to be abandoned in 1970's, when studies on encountered in the European stratigraphy immedi- deep-sea sediments resulted in a totally different ately beyond the Eem (stage 5). This picture of events (Bowen 1978). Oxygen isotope was preceded by the Saale ice age, which is gen- stages pointed to nine cold periods during the erally divided into Drenthe and Warthe glaciations Brunhes palaeomagnetic stage, and to many more in northern Europe. The Saale ice age was preced- during the Quaternary Period (cf. Fig. 1). ed or interrupted by the , the As the »valleys» in the oxygen isotope curves age of which is still being debated. It has been cor- represent the maximum volumes of the glacier ice related with oxygen isotope stage 7, 9, or 11 during glaciations, rough estimations of the sever- (Schwarz & Grün 1988, Marks 1991.) ity of each ice age can be made from the magni- The picture of Quaternary ice ages is partly re- tude of these »valleys». According to this reason- turning to the »classical model», suggesting that ing, the largest glaciations occurred during oxy- there really were only 4—5 large glaciations cov- gen isotope stages 2, 6, 12 and 16, and the ice ering vast areas of northern Europe and North sheets of stage 10 grew almost as large as the stage America. The outer limits of these ice sheet ex- 2 (Weichsel/Wisconsin) ice masses (Porter et al. pansions must bear some correlation with the cold 1992 cf. Fig. 3). episodes indicated by oxygen isotope curves. On It is still not known which ice ages of the »clas- the other hand, the end moraine chains defined as sical model» correspond to the above cold oxygen showing the maximum extents of ice advances can isotope stages. Difficult correlation problems are be somewhat diachronous. Even admitting this, it 142 Matti Eronen

120-, 114 117 and substage 5e (130 ka B.P.) also marks the be- 105 100 ginning of the late Quaternary section of the Qua- 100 96 ternary Period and thus forms an important fixed 80 "5 CN 80" 78 point for many stratigraphical studies. The stratig- —O) oO ) 68 68 raphy of the Late Quaternary is in every way far 60- better known and dated than that of the Early (2.5 "c ii 3 »o 40 ma — 780 ka ago) and Middle (780—130 ka ago) Quaternary. There are, however, many uncertain- 20- ties and gaps in knowledge when it comes to the details of regional developments in the Late Qua- 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ternary (Dawson 1992). Oxygen isotope stages The results of different stratigraphical studies on the Late Quaternary are shown in Fig. 4, and as Fig. 3. Magnitudes of glaciations estimated from the shape of deep-sea oxygen isotope curves. The Weichsel/Wisconsin gla- can be seen they are in good agreement with each ciation (stage 2) has been taken as the index (100) against which other. Further evidence supporting the scheme of the other glaciations are compared (according to Porter et al. Fig. 4 is given by the Antarctic Vostok 1992). studies (Lorius et al. 1985) and from the Chinese loess stratigraphy (Kukla & An 1989). The climatic variations of the Late Quaternary, like those dur- ing earlier parts of this period are strongly affect- is still acceptable to use the names of the »classi- ed by the , and thus the dates cal» ice ages (Günz, Mindel, Riss and Würm in of events can be checked by means of the orbital the Alps; Elster, Saale and Weichsel in northern periodicities as shown in Fig. 4 (data from Mar- Europe; Nebraskan, Kansan, and Wiscon- tinson et al. 1987). sinan in North America) as morphostratigraphical During the Eem interglacial temperate decidu- terms. Chronostratigraphy indicates that the most ous forests grew in mainland Europe. This warm extensive Quaternary glaciations began only episode was followed by strong temperature oscil- around the Brunhes/Matuyama palaeomagnetic lations, including two cold stages (5d and 5b) and boundary 800—700 ka ago (Figs. 1 and 3). two temperate interstadial s: the Br0rup and Odd- erade (stages 5c and 5a in the oxygen isotope stratigraphy). Note that in the marine stratigraphy The last interglacial/glacial cycle the interglacial time comprises the entire stage 5, while in the continental stratigraphical division the The abundant stratigraphical and chronological stadials and interstadials following the Eem are evidence accumulated from Quaternary studies included in the . during the past few decades unequivocally shows The extent of the early Weichselian (5d and 5b) that the last, or Eem (Sangamon in North Ameri- glaciations is debated, and conflicting results have ca), interglacial corresponds in terrestrial environ- been presented, especially from the northern Eu- ments to oxygen isotope substage 5e of the deep- ropean glaciation area, where the suggested south- sea record. It's age has also been reliably deter- ernmost positions of the ice margin vary from mined, the warmest peak being dated to 125—120 north-central Finland (Hirvas & Nenonen 1987) to ka ago. During the optimum the climate Denmark (Petersen et al. 1990).The Weichselian was generally a few degrees warmer than during interstadial deposits indicating forest cover found postglacial time (Mangerud 1991a,b, Dawson below till beds in northern Europe should be cor- 1992, Frenzel et ai 1992). related with the Br0rup or Odderade, because af- The lower boundary of the Eemian thermomer ter these thermomers there were no coniferous for- Quaternary chronostratigraphy — A review 143

Oxygen isotope curve Chronostratigraphy according to Martinson et al. (1987) Grande NW Europe Pile

Denekamp Hengelo

4.0 Glinde\ a> Oerel_y < 5.0 5.1 St.Germain II Odderade 5.2 Melisey II Rederstall

100- 5.3 St.Germain I Brorup

Melisey I Herning Eemian

Fig. 4. Chronostratigraphical divisions of the last interglacial/glacial cycle based on different proxy data. The oxygen isotope stages and palaeobotanical studies made in France (Grande Pile), Germany (NW Europe) and the Netherlands (the vegetation curve) all indicate similar climatic trends, which are also in accordance with the orbital variations, cf. discussion in text, (accord- ing to Mangerud 1991a,b).

ests in mainland Europe until the onset of the warm to around 25 ka B.P., which corresponds to oxy- late Weichselian interstadials (Fig. 4). gen isotope boundary 2/3. Accordingly the Late or Traditionally, Late Weichselian (also called late Upper Weichselian includes the maximum stage glacial) time has between defined as covering the of the Weichselian glaciation. It is somewhat con- few thousands of years of the last glaciation, and fusing that, according to this chronostratigraphi- in the proposal for a chronostratigraphical division cal division, a single substage comprises the of Norden by Mangerud et al. (1974) it is bracket- growth of an ice sheet to its maximum extent plus ed between 13,000 and 10,000 radiocarbon years the bulk (but not all) of its subsequent decay. The B.P. The use of this rigid classification clarified crucial Late Weichselian unit from the Bölling the then prevailing jumble of terminology but it through the Alleröd to the remains has since proved to be somewhat lacking, because without a proper definition in this classification. it has failed to serve as a good framework for bio- When the problems with of that and climatostratigraphy. Amendments to the orig- period are also taken into consideration, it is clear inal division have been proposed, as can be seen that the present terminology is far from satisfacto- in Fig. 4 (see also Mangerud & Berglund 1978). ry. The recent call by W. S. Broecker (1992) for The Late Weichselian Substage is now extended the creation of a more suitable chronostratigraphi- 144 Matti Eronen

Lotter (1991)


Becker et al.(1991) 1


9 500-I 1

9 000 1

8 500

i . i . i , , r 11,000 10,000 9 000

Dendro-year B.P. year B.P.

Fig. 5. Calibration curves for the radiocarbon ages around the Late Weichselian/Holocene transition based on (left) and varved lake sediments (right), cf. discussion in text.

cal classification for the Bölling- Alleröd-Young- (Stuiver & Kra 1986), and recently the den- er Dryas section is certainly warranted, and a revi- drochronological calibration has been extended to sion of the terminology for some other parts of the the late Younger Dryas Substage. A 9928-year Weichsel/ should also be con- long absolutely dated tree-ring record of oak has sidered (cf. e.g. Dawson 1992, p. 45). been combined with a 1604-years-long late glacial and early Holocene pine record constructed from subfossil trees (Becker et al. 1991). The 14C dated Calibration of the radiocarbon dates pine record crossmatched with the absolute scale by means of the »wiggles» of the radiocarbon cal- Radiocarbon dates constitute the most important ibration curve is presented in Fig. 5 together with basis for Ihe chronostratigraphical division of Late the results obtained from radiocarbon dates of Weichselian and Holocene times and even for the varved sediments from a lake in Switzerland. chronostratigraphical boundaries in the Mangerud The curves in Fig. 5 show that the radiocarbon eta/. (1974) division, which is still commonly used ages form two distinct plateaus at around 9500 and despite repeatedly expressed criticism (discussion 10,000 B.P., in other words, there are intervals up above, Watson & Wright 1980, see also Manger- to 450 years long in the radiocarbon curves with ud 1982, Mangerud et al. 1982). constant l4C dates. It is extremely harmful to the It has long been known that radiocarbon years chronostratigraphical division that there is a pla- deviate markedly from sidereal or calendar years. teau at the point defined as representing the Today 14C dates can be conveniently calibrated by Holocene/Late Weichselian boundary. Even computer programs to about 5200 B.C. (van der though roughly dated, in absolute years the bound- Plicht & Mook 1989). The calibration can be ex- ary is some 1000 years older than indicated by tended still further back with calibration tables uncorrected radiocarbon dates. The shapes of the Quaternary chronostratigraphy — A review 145

curves in Fig. 5 also show that in reality the se- Dendrochrono- logicaily calib- quence from the Bölling to the end of the Younger rated 14C dates

Dryas is considerably shorter than indicated by "C conventional radiocarbon years. dates The deviations of l4C dates from »absolute» ages are depicted in Fig. 6. The dendrochronological 14 dates, the U-Th dates from C dated coral depos- U-Th/"C coral dates Swedish clay- its and the ages derived from Swedish clay varves varve chrono- logy and the annual laminae of Swiss lake sediments all indicate a similar trend. The radiocarbon dates Swiss laminated are consistently younger than the »absolute» dates, sediments although some differences in the magnitude of de- ka viations lead to inaccuracies in the results. annual layers

Concluding remarks

(Calibration Well-preserved long continental records have tables in {Solid line, (Lotter 19911 Stuiver & Björck et al. recently added considerably to our knowledge of Kra 1986, 1987, dotted Becker et line with al. 19911 shading Quaternary development. A coherent picture of the Brunnberg & Possnert main outline of global Quaternary history is clear- 1992I ly taking shape. The astronomical theory of cli- matic change seems to explain a major part of the climatic variations on Earth tens and hundreds of thousands of years long. Many of the climatic events documented in the long marine and continental records should be de- 27,120 + 1520 30,470 + 24 {Bard et al. tectable in the numerous organic layers preserved 19901 below and between till beds in Finland. The lack Fig. 6. Comparison of radiocarbon dates (without statistical of suitable dating methods, though, often hampers limits of error) and dendrochronological ages, Uranium/ the age determination of those fragmentary find- Thorium dates against the radiocarbon dates from the same ings. Nonetheless, progess is possible in the Finn- corals, and radiocarbon dates of the varved clays and laminat- ed lake sediments. The radiocarbon ages are consistently young- ish Quaternary because the dating methods are er than the dates obtained by other methods. The dendrochrono- being improved step by step, and our rapidly ex- logical data permit conversion of the conventional 14C dates to panding knowledge of Quaternary climatic and en- more or less accurate calendar ages, but at present this control extends only slightly beyond the Late Weichselian/Holocene vironmental evolution is helping to put the pieces boundary. of evidence in their right place in the general pic- ture. The regional correlations are an integral part of this work. literature relevant to this paper. Thanks are also due to Kirsti Acknowledgements. The author is very grateful to George Kukla, Kyyrönen for drafting the figures and to Vuokko Karttunen for the Stephen Porter and Nat Rutter, who kindly provided the latest word processing. 146 Matti Eronen

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