T H 1Ii8e S - 1 IVT ▼ Kzr M T W I N Falls, Idahoao/92Nci Year

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T H 1Ii8e S - 1 IVT ▼ Kzr M T W I N Falls, Idahoao/92Nci Year J . r T h 1II8e s - 1 IVT ▼ kzr m T w i n Falls, IdahoAo/92nci year. No. 1688 ______________ _ ______ 'Fucsday, Juu n c l 7 . 1W 7 .so ccnts G o o d M O F ytNING s W l v V l 'M l - R ^Today: Sunny ihrough mmi id a fte r­ ] i t y fii g h t s> t O S :ia v e pI i p e ]l i n e noon then increasing doclouds. H ig h s 85 to 90. E ast w m T>.TIm.s.N.rNOWS___________________________ 20 m ph. Lows 55 to 60. P ag e A2 t o in fF/\LLS. - Hours after iheir shiishift was suppo;posed to end, two water deparpart- m e n t e mTiployecs p stood guard Monda M a g i c V a u , i a -l’ night byy aa vital cement pipe spanninning th c S n a kke e River and carrying the city'rity’s Dry*out time: Flood u-ate:Iters liave primary waterwl supply. forced postponement of the Armedd vwith metal bars and supplieilie d annual Burley regatin. with justit tht r e e g e n erato r-p o w e red elec-ele< • 1*^,.^;, ■ trie li^us, tlictil lg hands-Cl l i i i Ik ed Lacking details: Twin Fal tensely bad>ack » . I I o r .h .across the bridge parallelL‘l tito officials aren’t sure howw b1 u s y ■ .iicpipe.n,, m o n ito rin g th e w a te r level. SL ^ I' ' ■d they’ll have to keep theireir pro* At ii:5050 p.m., the raging current waw as posed event center. rattlins «tm;small merai bridge supports am DatfA PI riverr wwas only 6 inches beneath1 thith e r a g e 0 1 pjp'e_hi,,aIt a n o th e r m ajo r su rg e w as head L-d downstristream and raging floodwater were e.\pe<pected to rise at least anothcth e r S p o r t s foot. la celebra- tiil- nmv)w there was 32,000 cubic feetct oof CHICAGO tion'lon; Tlie ”'7,er second, which ranks as thtin c „ . third-hii!hc;hcst flow since record-keepin) X B U L L S V Chil•hicago I,,ca,.inl91909. One cfs equals -?49 gallon: luUs held a per mimitLute, so more than 14.3 millioi l a r t y Killons was/as on th c m ove ev ery m in u te, 'lo n d a y in ■ms““ to be steady," waier supphpply :or Mike Schroeder said att li o n o ro f the! fifth :ng under the lights thc fir(fir e NBA title in seven years. d e p u rim enent i uses for iiattling nighttimeim c cum P ag e B l blazes, Sclirdirocder and water supply oper U s Bennett and Mike Schichrocdor, water supply operatorss forfo Twin Falls, man a night watch i aior Les BennettUt kept tiieir vigil at thi tch on tho city's main water pipe cro:rossing the ^nake River ’hicli crosses the river betweer-cen Monday night. Tho two keikept the bridge clear of floating debrisdeb unlll at least midnight as tho swift currcnt swelled to withint inchcsir of tho pipeline. Legion baseball: Twin Fall^ U s A a n d Springs Golf Course and Blut Hue "’niat pipe won't gogn unless ih c lirici):c lio)n." n .' Young added. "We’ll shutslu down Tom Courtney. /londay llikes Coun)untry Club. Tiie bridge holds : A A te a m s saw action Moi ds a goes, but tiiat bridgiIge could gii," City inilu:ilustry and cease all outside,de uses of If ihe-bridge;e is lost, the cily w ould h e n ig h t. fP ag e B l vater pipe that carries drinkinf<ing Engineer Gary Youn.ing sa id , ‘i i w a sn ’t w a’v left with nearlyIy 11 million gallons of stor- water fromim the Blue Lakes to the city; ar ° ■; an designed for this kindd ofi w ater." “ lill \i-il! la.ke a tru e effori ofif conser\-a-c( age water splitit iK-tween1 th ree reseiT oirs, 8-inch natu;itural-gas line accompanics thcthe If rhe bridge.doeses give way. "\ve’ll lioii111 from1 each cili/cn to gel iiyin on the I New water pipe.>e. hav e a n im m ed ia te cm-•nicrgenc)' proclaina- h a;re re iriininium,” added CiiyI- .Manager.\1 FPlease see PIPELINE, Page <\2 York, New I m a c^rews heold wate]T at bay I Y ankees 0 Associated Press ________________________ reinforcing ihahai been gimig on the last few d a y s ," BiiJingham Couniy disaster I h o sted BL.\CKFOOT-Teiis of thouloiisands of spokesman Riclick Jusl saiil. "Tiiey'rc feel- I rre.'! u f e a s t e r n Id a h o ffa a r n ila n c i ing it’s h e re anda: wu're holding; ifandi * i> G 4u98 • • NtMSBBj reiiuinuiined under water Monday,ay. But fed- maybe it'll be•past p in a day or iwd." cro ssto w n rivals, th e Mei5 a j ^ ^ H B .. LTiihal reservoir managers furtherler reduced Last week's's rain and high lenipera- • ■ . • flowsIWS into liie swollen SnakeI Ri\-erRi and lures iliai acci:celeraied ...eltiiig of tlie b a ttle for Big Apple supremnc>’. p n V-'. residsidems and vohmtcers contintinued to record mountn ta in s n o w p a c k le<i th e • • IP a g e B 2 -reinfinforce dikes and levees holelolding thc Bureau of Reeliclamalion to push releases . \ wuleiIter at bay. from Palisadeses Resen'oir on the hlaho- ““Assuming A that the weatherier doesn't Wyoming horded e r lo a record 39,01)0 cu b ic O p i n i o n ciianjange, ttie worse has passed,"I," NI atio n al feel p e r second,id. G ulard ar I.l. Col. James Ball said.d. "B“ u t tiie • 'Hie rusii of e.xinie.' w ater forced ov e r 5(K)I Question marks; Too maila n y w aIter te is now moving downrii,iriver and people to evacacuaic their homes in tiie - questions surround a prcproposed BBBHB tlier<ere are communities thatat will be small communiiniiies of Huberts. M enan. expo center, today’s editiiitorial ^B SH iiflccilecied although we don’t thin!liink it will Finh, Rose andid Thomas last week. .Miout be lluiiih: iiad." 150 homes alon,)ng a 40-mile stretch of the says. .NoNo deaths or serious injuritiries liave river have bcei;en damaged. At least one PI ag e AS beenen reported since the flooding:ng began a secoridarj- bridgilge has heen destroyed and ‘ek ago, and some optimism wwa as begin- a seconil w as deiJeclared unSiife on Monday, ' V I ninglg Ito creep into the attitudess<if <il people Sixteen miles ofo Iniersiaie IS was sliul- C O M M U M 'n - Di>«oswmiKi».».«,.., 'y*',"lo ihave spent the better partt of a week down last week■k by waier nishing across a fiuhii.hting off risin g water. quarter-mile ofoi the four-lane roadway In w ith th e new: H ansenn sS: a y s Ethan stono, i:12, bicycles down Fells Avonuo EastEas on his way homo Monday. Thoho Twin Falls City -T■‘Theie’s l still sandbagging andan levee and will probablibly not reopen for a month good-bye to the old highII s\sd io o l. Council appro*.roved a biko path along tho busy strbtehstro of road. w ork)rk, but there’s a lot less inin-;i -a-h u rry - bccause of a we:.'eakened roadbed. P ag e D l ^ Clinton mu' t y O K s3 b i k e pD ath Lllls slaveryr apology The AssociatedAs; Pross_________________________ “I think it hasIS i10 be dealt with," Clinuin 0 f m utua:ual Inter- lold the Americacan Urban Radio Network. # est: Findn d o u t Councicilmen ask for■ nmore at Shoshclone Falls VASHINGTON - PresidentIt C( lin to n “ I think this woul)u!d lie a helpful dcbale.” h o w ify o s he will consider extendingi; a na tio n - Last m ontli. ClintonCl apologi7ed for the S s a r e ByWlfcmB,.Brock wide, so there will i.L-bi "a siB.iificiiM "l'''P':ipology to black ;\rnericanss forf< Slav- naiion to liie hlaiilack men who were unwii- m vestm e ' — but not coinpensmion fo WtltOf__________________________ amount of wideningi on« I'alls Avenue , for their ting experimentnt suiijecis in the govern- • miUtiplyi,lying o r E ast,” Y oim g to ld th e council.co resmrs’ suffeiing. mem’s Tuskeget;ee Syphilis Study, and in ll's heen so long and we’re sos< many January he awai dm ndHniling. -nviN FAL\L L S - A p a ir of bicycle ro u tes:cs "This is great newsi forf bicyclists, but ' i-arded — .'iO years late — lerations removed," he says. the Medal of: Honor1 lo seven black P ag e D4 - Inclading; oneoi from the municipal pool)oI i t ’s b a d n e w s f o r th ec ER," said local 'he idea of an apology camene from a World War II soldiersso for valor in corn- to the brinkik of Shoshone I'alls Grade; -_ emergcncj'-room doctoror Kevin Kraal, an ite Ohio lawmaker who intrritroduced bai.
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