J . r T h 1II8e s - 1 IVT ▼ kzr m T w i n Falls, IdahoAo/92nci year. No. 1688 ______'Fucsday, Juu n c l 7 . 1W 7 .so ccnts

G o o d M O F ytNING s

W l v V l 'M l - R ^Today: Sunny ihrough mim id a fte r­ ] i t y fii g h t s> t O S :ia v e p I i p e ]l i n e noon then increasing doclouds. H ig h s 85 to 90. E ast w m T>.TIm.s.N.rNOWS______20 m ph. Lows 55 to 60. P ag e A2 t o in fF/\LLS. - Hours after iheir shiishift was suppo;posed to end, two water deparpart- m e n t e mTiployecs p stood guard Monda M a g i c V a u , i a -l’ night byy aa vital cement pipe spanninning th c S n a kke e River and carrying the city'rity’s Dry*out time: Flood u-ate:Iters liave primary wlwater supply. forced postponement of the Armedd vwith metal bars and supplieilie d annual Burley regatin. with justit tht r e e g e n erato r-p o w e red elec- ele< • 1*^,.^;, ■ trie li^us, tlictil lg hands-Cl l i i i Ik ed Lacking details: Twin Fal tensely bad>ack » . I I o r .h .across the bridge parallelL‘l ti to officials aren’t sure howw b1 u s y ■ .iicpipe.n,, m o n ito rin g th e w a te r level. SL ^ I' ' ■d they’ll have to keep theireir pro* At ii:5050 p.m., the raging current wwa as posed event center. rattlins «tm;small merai bridge supports am DatfA PI riverr wwas only 6 inches beneath1 ththi e r a g e 0 1 pjp'e_hi,,aIt a n o th e r m ajo r su rg e w as head L-d downstristream and raging floodwater were e.\pee. hav e a n im m ed ia te cm-•nicrgenc)' proclaina- h a;re re iriininium,” added CiiyI- .Manager.\1 FPlease see PIPELINE, Page <\2 York, New I m a c^rews heold wate]T at bay I Y ankees 0 Associated Press ______reinforcing ihahai been gimig on the last few d a y s ," BiiJingham Couniy disaster I h o sted BL.\CKFOOT-Teiis of thouloiisands of spokesman Riclick Jusl saiil. "Tiiey'rc feel- I rre.'! u f e a s t e r n Id a h o f fa a r n ila n c i ing it’s h e re and a: wu're holding; ifandi * i> G 4u98 • • NtMSBBj reiiuinuiined under water Monday,ay. But fed- maybe it'll be•past p in a day or iwd." cro ssto w n rivals, th e Mei5 a j ^ ^ H B .. LTiihal reservoir managers furtherler reduced Last week's's rain and high lenipera- • ■ . • flowsIWS into liie swollen SnakeI Ri\-erRi and lures iliai acci:celeraied ...eltiiig of tlie b a ttle for Big Apple supremnc>’. p n V-'. residsidems and vohmtcers contintinued to record mountn ta in s n o w p a c k le«oswmiKi».».«,.., 'y*',"lo ihave spent the better partt of a week down last week■k by waier nishing across a fiuhii.hting off risin g water. quarter-mile ofoi the four-lane roadway In w ith th e new: H ansenn sS: a y s Ethan stono, i:12, bicycles down Fells Avonuo EastEas on his way homo Monday. Thoho Twin Falls City -T■‘Theie’s l still sandbagging andan levee and will probablibly not reopen for a month good-bye to the old highII s\sd io o l. Council appro*.roved a biko path along tho busy strbtehstro of road. w ork)rk, but there’s a lot less inin-;i -a-h u rry - bccause of a we:.'eakened roadbed. P ag e D l ^ Clinton mu' t y O K s3 b i k e pD ath Lllls slaveryr apology The AssociatedAs; Pross______“I think it hasIS i10 be dealt with," Clinuin 0 f m utua:ual Inter- lold the Americacan Urban Radio Network. # est: Findn d o u t Councicilmen ask for■ nmore at Shoshclone Falls VASHINGTON - PresidentIt C( lin to n “ I think this woul)u!d lie a helpful dcbale.” h o w ify o s he will consider extendingi; a na tio n - Last m ontli. ClintonCl apologi7ed for the S s a r e ByWlfcmB,.Brock wide, so there will i.L- bi "a siB.iificiiM "l'''P':ipology to black ;\rnericanss forf< Slav- naiion to liie hlaiilack men who were unwii- m vestm e ' — but not coinpensmion fo WtltOf______amount of wideningi on« I'alls Avenue , for their ting experimentnt suiijecis in the govern- • miUtiplyi,lying o r E ast,” Y oim g to ld th e council.co resmrs’ suffeiing. mem’s Tuskeget;ee Syphilis Study, and in ll's heen so long and we’re sos< many January he awai dm ndHniling. -nviN FAL\L L S - A p a ir of bicycle ro u tes:cs "This is great newsi forf bicyclists, but ' i-arded — .'iO years late — lerations removed," he says. the Medal of: Honor1 lo seven black P ag e D4 - Inclading; oneoi from the municipal pool)oI i t ’s b a d n e w s f o r th ec ER," said local 'he idea of an apology camene from a World War II soldiersso for valor in corn- to the brinkik of Shoshone I'alls Grade; _- emergcncj'-room doctoror Kevin Kraal, an ite Ohio lawmaker who intrritroduced bai. won Ciiy Cou.Council a p p ro v a l M onday. avid cyclist who ofteren rides on Falls )logy legislation in Congrc:; r e s s la s t But C linton saidsa. he disagrees with the ’llie bike• roroutes are on a fast track andnd A venue E ast. “T his miglight prevent a cou- L‘k, just as Clinion was prepa:.•paring to idea of paying reparationsre lo the descen- C 1 I O N could be com])mpletcd in as little as 90 days,ys, plc of se rio u s in ju rie s oor rd e a tlis.” " ‘■'‘■•H; ,-eil h is n a tio n a l initiative on1 racera in a dams of slaves,s, .someihing many black City E ngineeieer Gary Young said after thehe Everyone will reap theth environmental S E C 'I 'I O N b y S i’ c . ech in San Diego, activists hav e sai;aid is needed to begin rec- Ql^ Q coiincil meeti:e ting. benefits of fewer cars onoi the road. Kraal n a radio interview aired Monday,Mi tifying more thatlan 200 years of inequality , ,, _ E a c h b ikike e route will feature twovo s*iid, a n d cyclists will c nnjoy j th e iHiiiLfiis of Section A Section lton said the apology proposalsal caught that blacks have•e experienced, /alley ..1-3 cycling lanesies, one on each shoulder of . healthy c.xercise. Perhapaps th c biggest win- F,’’" " ’ 1 off guard. He said he wouldluld think "I suppose diallat some would think that, Weather...... 2 Magic Valle the lanes will be separatedjd ners will be kitls, who area mnre v.il,ifra- I'!'" ies...... 2 '■of'ti; tlx >ut it because "there’s stilltiil some but it’s been so0 long1 and we're so many orized traffic by a painted>d ble to car-vs.-cyclist collisionsco because Nation...... 3-5 Obituaries,Wocf /I c: in o to r i 'inislied business out therere among: generations rememoved, I don't think lhat," Vest...4-5 siripc. Eacii:ii I la n e w ill b e a t le a st 5 feee t dicy often a re e rra tic biklike handlers, ck and white .•\mericans." Clinton said. People...... 6 Idatio/Weso tic e s ...6 Pleasiaso see BIKE, Page A2 M o v ie s ...... 6 Legal noticed ...6-10 r r y Opinion-...... 8 Classified, World...... 9 » n D T e sxas cattle]5men ha\ve a cow^ over Op]Drah’s connment Dear Abby..... 10 S e c tio n n ity ....1-2 Tho Assoclatodod Pross______l .Iging pro d u cts. told the audiencnee that 100,000 cows in Community...... 3 -4 ------is. W infrey’s shiiw ram c at ai time this couniiy drorop dead annually for no S e c t i o n B Money...... fu n d s 4 AMAIULLC-LO, Te.xas — Cattlemen have ■n drought, high feed prices andam over- known reason,, v.and are ground up nnd i u n a s ...4 aseriousbecfeof with Oprah Winfrey, ply were crippling cattlemen, Sports...... 1-3 Mutual furn e n. W h ile fed jo o th e r cow,vs, s E n g le r's law suit said, D u rin g nn "Oprah W infrey Show”v" r h e r recommenclatioiis rc have madlade best “If only one ofof ihcin has ‘mad cow dis- Comics...... 4 broadcast lastlas year, an expert said that s e lleers r; out of books, Engler saidsai that ease,’ that hass ithe potential to infect feeding gromiimid-up animal parts to cattle .sama ep pow or c u ts boiii ways, thousands," saitlid Lyman, an anti-meat Mree)deSi«*u could sp re aid d imad cow disease to humans lad cow disease, or bovinee s;spongi- activist, accordining to the lawsuit. He fol- in the Uniiecled States. To applause from n encephalopathy, has not © Wb pti m ittidd Pknso Itt lot been lowed other guesests wlio played down thc th e s tu d i o0 audience. Ms. Winfrey orted in the United States,.“S. I t is a worries. “It has just stopped me fromi ] in-destroying disease thac: lu'has rav- Caltle priccs s< dropped 10 percent by i eating anotheh e r b u rg e r!" Paul Engler op,.hm„„., d cattle in Britain sincc ththe late the end of the mtmonth following the siiow, *2 2 ^ W ithin Nveeleeks, canle priccs plunged, 3s, w h ere it is believed lo hav(iave been from C2 cents pper pound to 55 cents. I^CIassifk Amonllo cattleca feeder Paul Engler andid hardly b e liev e w h a t I wavas seeing.” sp readlad by cattle feed containingg g:gro u n d - They rose laicr. son ^ ‘lozen cattlctlcm en are now suing under a Engler’s year-old ffederal lawsuit upshciheep parts. Engler said hhe e lost SG.7 m illio n . T h e C hang S uk Barnes of H ansen" 1995Te.'casla', law lhat protects agriculturalal appears to be the biggegest test yet of so- Pani;uiic erupted last year becai;cause of caitlemen sued1 Lyman,L Ms. Winfrey, her ing products froom m sla n d e r. called “veggie libel” lavaws, which sprout- fearss that tl infected beef may haveve ccauscd Harpo Productiodons Inc. and distributor sold a Road Ranger by usingjjg^ “ I c o u ldn’t n ’t help but be infuriated,” ed after a "60 M inutes" reporti in 1989 on a versiirsion of a fatal human brainin illness.i King World Prodi•duction.s. The Times-News Olassifleds. said Hnglcr,•, whow flipped on the programm the apple growth regugulator Alar sent Butno no d e fin itiv e links have b e enn fcfound. Ms. Winfrey dedefended the show shonly while visitini:ing Chicago, Ms. W infrey’s’s prices plummeting. Sinenco then, 13 states Duriuring the “Oprah" show,)W, U.S. after its airing butb has sinco refused to I’c havo passed laws aj^ai C all 733-093:______home base.;. ‘"I sat there and couldn't Igainst fa ls e ly d is- H umnane ar Society official Howardrd I L y m a n discuss it.

■fpo r o pPV \ - I A-2 TImcvNewi, Twin Falli, IdalIdaho ' Tuesday. Juno 17.1997 TF 1

W e a t h e r

§ FokKCAST------Soutccr Nntonal Weatfyr Sc^*cc. A cRO.S.S'ri-11-NNATION ______T««ilav.Junel7 AccuWcgilict' fur Li>1iinc CCTj:liito ers and tiiunderstormsms from eastern New Mexicrxico Kentucky and rain extixtending as far as the lowerw er Ihu lower HDs, through the Te.xas Pananhandle into western Kansansas Great Lakes, I-'rid;iy and SalurtLiv parti lartly cloudy and continued cool and Oklahoma, Elsewhere, showersI werew widely scattered acroisros.s with a sliKlil cli.ince of aflei.iflernuon showers and thunder- J*"' A tornado watcii wawas posted across the Texaexas sections of Montana, Wyws :.0 io !55, Wedrk'ednesilay m osilv cloudy wiih a Arkansas eastward alonlong the 1'enne.ssee Valiey inninto was 111 at Corpus Christisti, Texas, slii;lit chance of showers. HigHiglis 75 to 80, 'lV casurc\’allcy ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ T~1-:M l i’i-:n--vriim -:.s______Sunny iliruiigli m id aftem.-moon o' today then becom ing part-n- The AccuWeolhor *■ foreprecast for noon, Tuosday. JuniJuno 17. Mbx Min Pep ly cloudy, Iliglis in liie midlid 990.S. Southeast wind 10 tn 15 I----- )utiiii.-rqut- 75 15 .15,15 I Aiiam ama 80 GS .26.26 ^ inpli. Tonifjit inostlv cloudy,idy. Ijhvs around 60, Wednesdayiiy }• 20i 30s 401 SOI c o t'ro i'Tes. sT so. 100. 110. d34ic3,c£L i.£; ston , 75 53 i mostly clmidy wilh a slifjiicliI cbance of showers. I lighs in the IJ Sflparalo hif)M lofrpcrnluto .-onu for IhoOay.Iho < ^ Cl,id mid KDs. icar.o 80 G3 1.03.03 lias 93 7G H Sawtooch Mounciiins.ns. \\'iK)d R i\ c r Valley nver 85 50 m-lnfotmallon nol avalblila______5 Momcs 80 G5 ___ Mosilv sunnv and wamierner tnd.iy, Higlis from the upper !/oi-.ir 77 .13 ...... Mosilv snnnv and a littlele warmerw today. Higlis 60 to fiS, Diitk’y 82 DO ...... mil Deoch 92 78 ,3939 „ Notm.il 82 49 .03 Souihwc.si winds 10 fo 15 mpll,mpl Tnniglit m ostly clear. I^i'ws in tbe lower to mid :'0s. Wedn’ednesilay p.irtly cloudy and cnn- \* \ / MilwflwflLl.ce 79 G5 ,3030 Coodifii; itirii ri:in mm mcnpolis 73 GO ” I'rccipitation tinued warm. A sliglit cbanclance nf afternoon siiowers and « Orleans 92 77 HnfrTm.in tiini itim turn I J2 ihunderMonns. Highs in thele lowerto lo mid 80s. Kl.itio r.ilh. 77 -17 .01 Month to d.itc: 1.72 « YoiK 74 GO ^JOInl,.l mo. to oaie: .Si FRONTS; alioma Cny 88 70 Jerome.' 79 52 ...... N orthern Idaho •• V.',ik-r>u.»itoe.itL-; 14,10 Tl. .V J Omanlana 87 co .1515 LOfti'.ton 82 Gii ...... r;otm.ii>f,ifiou.ite; 8.59"r^ Increasing clouds with a slightsl chance o f showers ibis Ptioer)eni. 95 ' 09 mm .!b mm afiernnon, Ilighs around1 HO. South w ind 5 to 10 mph, S AccuWr;.ir... Inc p,|l5UBUuiRi) 82 55 ,11 M.-ill.'i S l rtn...... " Comfort faccors To;iiglit cloudy w ilh a chanciance nf showers. Lows from the -.-V Ponialiana. Mo, CG 52 McC.ill VO -13 mmn HumiUit> nt noon: 08 pet. upper SOs to the m id 60s. WedWednesdav mosilv cinudy wilh 'aa ■ _h " ' 1 S _ ___ I -___ 1 PortiaHand. Oro, 79 59 ’I „ cbancc of showers, CooL-r will ic-'.-f !•’ CiCi.ar CiCi.a'- Reno10 87 52 POC,)!OII[) 82 55 ...... D,iromt.'ti.-i,ilnoon: 30.04 n wilh higlis 70 lo 75. Sl. LouisLo 83 G7 -.88:: PollL-n count; 35 (p,riiisc.-S). 83 S.i(tt>on 73 .:5 ...... N ortiicm N c\’ada SailLI Lake City ’ 80 55 j' liijV'. Molds: 22G0 IP,M55, St.inif) 72 -:3 tt. Mostly sunny this moniinging becoming1 partly cinudy with San1 FranciscoFl 71 54 r.mutr.). riioOcMly. SiinViilt-:y mm mrii mm a slight chance of afternoonloon and evening showers andI; H i r , i i . S ( S : i . ( )t\V \ \ S ______Seotll)tllc G7 57 .0101 Spoka thunilersiumis. Soutiiwcsi1 winds wii S to 15 m ph. High near ikanu 77 58 Idaho; 1 ligh. 90 degrees; at I’ayelie. Low. 40 degrees atII SodaS( Springs, Wastn5tiir,^ton 80 GO Hi). Tonigtii mosilv clear. Low;jiw s near 50, W ednesday mostlyy Naiion; High. H)G at l’;dniIni Springs, Calif. Low, 30 al Flag-lagsiaff. Ariz, S y w x i y j ______...._ sunny, IiinhsH 3fo90, R tOAD t l.\T-OK.\l.-VriON Siinsi't to(ljiv9:IHIH p.m,i N orthern [ft:th Simriw: lomorrowiow 6;00a,m , Fnrcr ciirreni road condition.s, call Mustlv sunnv and w arm er Kloday, I liglis m id 80s. Tonigiit„ F o r .MORI-: iM:l-01^.\lA -t 'ri0N I.uiuir iJhasi-; Firstirst c|iK.rter.Juiiel2; full.Junt- ibe,se:.s<; numbers: Boise. 376-8028; fair. U w s mid 50s to lowerir r.CfiOs, Wednesday panly cloudy 20;L.sirder in effec t," h e said, S112.267 on the projectlect, tat SS9,81.| ' Major J ihon, city firefiglit- diangeIges in the weather, he said, Mosi r Je ff G ooding said h e w asn’tn’t A ; If w a te r .supplies n m siioi dost of the Just knowninjing river water is in the drink- wili be reimbursed, YoungYoi .said. Ihe impresse tn loca] canals, said mount;intain snow has melted. Of 17 n sed with Idaho Power’s : ■; ens could draiv water from li 17 measur- ing supply is reaeason enougii, he s'aid.-About'‘‘t c ity m ust pay a n o th erir 591,325S to the s^O m o :• Hatialioii Ciiief Gary Craveaven.s. T h e process in g sit1 , Shosiione Falls, a bike r :e route m l nnl p„,„, plant) p, into a museum," i :• As the river nwe into thelie bridge, it began from 13! 37,700 cfs Monday morning: to 39,500 Springs Road. AboutA 8 inches of the panial-“I- along Sparks Street 1" i et from North Goodings;; said. I le pre.ssed H em don to '- : •: holding l)ai:k more w aterL.T - and the enor- cfs, BeBens said. He estim ated thatuit would ly graveled roadlad was under water Monday College Road to Filer ier Avenue, jog ,ow much the Shoshone Fallslls r • •• m ous p o w er of th e S n a k e■ RiR iv e r w as increas- raise flithe river a little more than 2Z inchesim in evening. east briefly on Filer, ti: ', continue p,.„„ e.xpected „ to earn in years to inply hrouBlii to bear. At limes, floating ihellejHeybum area, In Hurley, sewuwage treatment plant supep south on Blake Stretrect to Shoup I logs and otiier debris lodjjDdged against the HopeDpefully, it is the last increasease nece.s- intendent Rod1 SmithS said he is concerned A v en u e . I t \s-ill ru n east :ast on Shoup to »Wiihoiiout financial information, upstream ed(;e increasedI ththe strain agaiast sary. .B Beus'.said Monday afternoon,ion. If the about subsurfr■face w ater seeping into a Harrison Street, and Ihentl north to pm d d-pressed to know if you’rere , the old cement-and Kirderr sp a n , riv e r r Iibas reached its peak, Magic;ic V' alley p u m p s ta tio n, in ii north Burley near CAL‘L th e C ollege of Southernim Idaho.1 ij.i, '; The workers used pry buburs to siiepiierd residetdents can expect peak flows.vs tot la st S to re s, enough,” Gooding toldId A spur will head west■est from Sparks Herndon,1. i debris beneaili the hrid(;e.';e. The ligiits were threee fc fo four m ore days, T h e s ta tio nI pipes j sewage from north11 on Caswell Avenue, th( then dip south Councilirilman Tom Mikesell echoed;d : situated above bridge susuijports wiiere Burley over tiuiie Overland Bridge, Smitii on Grandview Drive, a and continue Gooding’«r’s remarks. He estimatedid ; debris liad Railiered earlier,ier, dragged by the EffeCticts across the valley .said. If the siaiiulion is breached, a temporary’O’ west on Filer Avenue to • “> tl“! City lim. ,|,a, Ijaholio Pow er sta n d s to m ako mil-il- 1 , , , Monconday, homeowners in Hagermnrman and 'W f 'l !;<•;3e rigged iiy laying pipe overe r its. m in e d u n d e rn e a th si;,. 1 into nnotiier maniiote south , , , , lio n s o f dollars d from its Shoshonele 'j • ^ •‘•itew asonedoK jam ir Mini-Cassia a re a c o n tin u ed to. figfisiit tlie , ■ ' >1' Representatives frorirom the Idaho • tile pipe) that was 8 to 10 in c iie s a ro u n d ris?iu: ri ant, so the 550,000 offer is g river. Power Co, also appearedred at Mondays „„,ch,„„|,D low. • and about 15 feet long,” Schi;d,r„.,i.rsni,l. n riglu there is the one that meeting to brief the: councilco on the j„„,, 5 :le Monday niglit, fhe Masoners’ers' liiime '"‘1'^' l’l th in k w e’r e e v e n closc to p Detween 8 and 1030 p.m.i.m., a 1011125 ,,,.,310 0 Diana ^ D rive in H e y b iin i w ass evevicuat 'vornes me thee most. But other than that,». company’s plans to makema improve- ple including .several cityiiy ofticiils came ,,„j jiretty good," he said, to the table,” Mikesell said., md officials were consideringitcv.icuat. ev "'t^rclooljmsnr. m e n ts a t Siiosliune Fallsills Park. “You-relii y IHngiiam of the Cassia taking advantage of onc ofJI ■ down to check one the scene. . . . in g atIf IIleast one other Heybum honiiiom e.said „ Idaiio Power has beeileeii Beneraling ,he most s : • P ■ County ShenfPs t spectacular sites in south-h- “If it looks like that bri

: Circulation Sunday S5.00 per «eck,eck, daily only S4.1I0 _ ^'n»:Tunk»-Net\'H —T , r..rinr Sunday unly H U g V k i 1 z j M = < h ; Ty Ilimsdpll, cireuliKiori diroci Call S,i Ic m ;u included ina ! n fformation < 1^ ^ Congratulationsns tot our now Lottery iTURDAY, JUNE 14 NUMBERS 11 l>e levied for all - i r - ; Circulation pl.onc lines ana rc (ii)cn ilJO O cliarge « ill 1> winners who boubought thoir winning ; bt-lu'oL-n 7 iinil 10 a.rn. only.ly, Ify m . lelutned cl.eckv 7 3 4 - 6 3 2 do iiDi rt-CL-ivL- ymir miiiL-r by ' 7 ».ni., tickols ot tho KwKwik S to p In Malad, ’ ■ call llic-number for your arua: Mail infomiatiotio n ■ ■ I M H S 9 1 g3 17 21 24 27 ; liiirlL-vRupvrt- i r n Tho first groupp of winners works at powOWERDAtUNUMPgR 1 6 r.77.4042 1 lie Timc'-News |U1'.‘Ul'.S(.,M-0«l)|ivpul.. S f • J>aul-Oaklc-y...... 577 » t / \ Contury Equlpmilpmont in S alt Loko ‘ satu ; l-iler.UnKcrson-Hiillisicr . 32G32G-S37S li^lied daily at 132 Tl.itd Till Sl, W.. r»in i m i L L o mTERYd WEAWi TURDAY,JUNE 1-1 NUMBERS. Pfctt City, Evory mont.lonth Ihe ton orr^loy- i A • Twin i-alls l.byNt.gicVallcy _ P ; iiniJ(iiherarc;is ...... 733/33-0J3I Uk . I'cnodiiiodicaK p.-|id al Tw,in ‘°’= “ otr oos pool togothoithor m onoy and buy m V ' -1 '" l i S S " ' I'nils liy Ilie Times-Nc^ilc«i. Official Cily nnd •i.’ * TANiAiiicirv 3 Idaho Louory tlckoIckots, O n S a turday's Ijo'iir'd' £ Subscription rates 2 tL—— I Poworball drawlnwing, tho omployoos 5 8 14 16 23 32 ciiumy newsp.iper piiiviaivintit 10 Seciion <;C. 'n»cTilTKI m a - N c w ^ ------IOS oflhe Idaho Code.e. 7Thmsilay IS hereby ■ g'-l... woniS sit io o .o o o l ONDAY, JUNE 10NUMQ6RS I llumr deliver): dsityand Siindiiyid:iy. S3.50 Jcsipialed .is the d.iy oril,e»eckor>ul,icl.ofil ^ - I f • ' ,pcf >icck; Sund.-ix mily. S2.00 per ubiivtied. '1124 - OVIES SAmooT")TH • ;Muil Mihtcripliiint mut! t>c paid in u , KPI««««'«»"«publi unti-icv Pfcn n t e iPrpii Our othor B IG 'w inner won tho •: and are .-.vjibblc only tlicrc deliverydeli- it i’osimuMcr. please S325.000Tri-WosiVost Lotto Jackpot on dalio rales- ^‘U'” s fomi lo: l’.0.,Uin H o u n ‘.«a. p s - ] REPORT ■- .niitniainiaincd. Muiinltj: All Idalu urs A prp» Saturday, Sholc10 too purchasos hor J eek, daily Idaho H3303, • jdaily and Sunday JJ.OO perVcek ^ 44 . ______1 tickols from^alad Mala onco a month. ' Jonly S.V5C per week. Sunday .nlyS2.5l>only Cop,..#-.01 D a ^ 8 19 24 30 31 : per »tek. Out of siaie ra'iei: daity dai and , Mp 'o y'- Tlic-nnKs-Ni-Nc«T} T I)C ^ lm c 8^^c^ 6 L I • I COPYY TuMday. Jun# 1 7,19979 7 T lm « t^ ( w i. TMln F«ll>, Id ah o' A>A-3

N a t i o n

C o u rt a llo w ss M o n tCana i t o b a r a b co r t io n s5 b y a ssi:ista n tsI WASHINGTON (AP)P) —• In n ruling In a ^ tt M ardi 31 decision, thc courtt urunani- restric tio n .., desigiigncd to limit access to Armstrong nnd Cahill chachallenged the TliuchalleU engers of th e M ontana law siill callcd ‘‘devastQtinR’’ by ono nbortlon- mously lly upheld a Montana law requlq u irin g abortion — not proirotect women’s lie:ilth or law, la' and a federal irial judgday, .some of our worst fears5 alabout nbortions. Ciiief Ju sticc W illiam H. RelinquistRe! and I’ederal Hieiection Commission misinler-ler- th e ir p rcp ia n cics. th c lim i' mits of constitutional protectionion for 'llie 1995 law actic tu aily affected just one JuJustices Sandra Day O’Conniinnnr, Antonin ])reled fedeileral law when it exemptedrd a M ost of tlic highi.‘st counourt’s rcccnt focus women’: :n’s reproductive health carcc d deci- p o r s o n . S u s a n Cahill C; who works in ScScalla, Anthony M.' Keiinedjledy, David H, pro-Israel lobbyinglol grou]> from disclosingsing in th e continuing social, pol political nnd Icpl sions; hhave comc true," snid JnJnnet Kalispell, Mont., unLinder thc su[ier\’ision of SoS o u ter a n d C larence T h o m as joinedji in th e its cam paignyi-rclated spending. b a ttle ov e r alxirtion lias IIwcnkm on picketing Benshtx) itx)f of thc Center for KcproducJuctive Dr. Jumcs Arnistntrong, is the oniy non- ununsigned opinion. • R ejectee;ed thc appcid Iiy the man coii- and other demonstrations ons outside nbor- Liwandm d Policy. physician in the statate who performs abor- Justices John Paul Sievens.ns. Ruth Uilder victed of kiiL tio n clinics. iilin g nine pc-»iple at a Buddhisthist “A m rajority... has said that an aborbonion tions. GiGinsburg iUid Steplien G. Hrcycever di.s.'ienied, tem ple n eir ar I’iioenix ! in 1991. Supremn e C ourtt rejects 1U ta h ’s UnrepoDrted infarint death, 1backyard 1 attem pt)t to revi^ve aborti(ion law cremati(ion stymielie investiggators WASHINGTON (Al»)-:’) — The "We believe/e nur petition was the Inwhi' in 1991, before thei PALM HAY, Fla. (AI»)P) — After There wasno no doctiir or m idw ife, ’I’hi:’he AitcheMiiis lielong to a reli-•eli- Suprcme Court Mondayy rcrejected well taken ancmd was submitted Suprcrrcm e Court reaffirmed ini m onth-old Alcxus /Vitchc:heson died and thc birthth was\ never recorded giousus group of Christians who say U tah's attem pt to revievive its for thc purpo:pose of achieving 1992I thctl core of its landmarkc last year, her parentss cicremated- witli the count}unty. Families have up the: BibleIi contains the only law.s invalidated law that wou vould bar finality on tlthe legal issues 19733 decisiond recognizing aI th e baby’s Iwdy in a backck yard. to a y e a r toreport rep Imme births, theyly siiould follow. Members; of most abortions for womer nen more involved," a sstatement from constitstitutional right to abor- ’I’hey didn'l notify auihinhoritiesas A monthh later,1 the infant the■ group,g or fellowship, helievueve than 20 weeks pregnant. t. Attorney Genericrul Jan Graham's tian. required by law and haveave refii.sed choked to ileathdem on regurgitated doctcrtors are practitioners of ththe e The court, without com:omment, officc said. I n tthc appeal acted onI fo turn over any of ther reremains to milk, the cinip:niple lold police, who occul:ult, according to police. They:iey left intact a ruling thatIt tlthe law The Centerr forf Reproductive Mondajday. U tah’s lawyers argued1 investigators. Police sa;say family learned of thehe deathi after the cou- also□ believeI the government has violates women's constitstitution- Law and Policliey was jubilant. that thcth law should be upheld1 members hove told thithem that pie distributedled fliers w ith Ale.wls’ no placcpi; in people’s personal lives,,'es. al right to end their prcpregnan- Thc New York-1rk-based law ccnter under;r thattl 1992 ruling, their reli&on allows themem to with- picmre and thethe news of her death Thi’he couple also told police theth e c ies. represented thc thi Utah residents In urginguri the nation’s highestt hold infonnation, to friends. b a b)v y was cremated in the backick In striking down the; lalaw last who sued the stasti te . c o u rtt to tc study the issue, Utah's; Now police have littleJe to go on T h e y saidi they ihi tried to rcsusci- yardd of Mrs. Aiidieson'.s bnither’s December, the lOih U.S.S. (Circuit The order• is a reminder to appealcal said, “States need toI in determining what caicauscd the tate the bai)y forfi seven hours and iiomene becausc they didn’t w;mt an Court of Appeals said UtahUta law- members of CongressCo and .state knowV howh to regulate abortionsJ baby’s death. A fter a sevcaven-month ciilled memberbers of their religious autofopsy. A police dog, however, makers had sought to placeplat ‘‘an legislatures thothat “The consiitu- duringng the period of time whenI investigation, they aree t try in g to group o v e r to0 pniy.pi ’llie couple told coiddJdn't find the site of the crema- insurmountable obstacle;le in the tion requires:s you: to legi.slate viabilirility (the ability to survive• decide whether the; p parents, police they didn'tdidi ciill 911 l>ecaiLse tio n1. .'ll i e only e\-idence of a crem a- path of a woman seekingng a non- with the goal)al of protecting outsideide the uterus) may bc rea- Robert and Rachael AilAitcheson. tiiey believed;d GodC \vould siive the tio n1 isi; a neighbor’s re p o n of iie a\y therapeutic abortion on1 a nonvi- women’s healtalth and ensuring sonably,bly likely but nonetheless; should be charged w ith1 a (crim e. infant if sliewas wa? to be sa\’ed. black:k sm oke com ing from a ph. able fetus after 20 weeks."cs." that their mededical choices are uncertaT ta in ," "I've contacted othDther law State law• requiresrei unaiiended For'ormer Brevard County Medicdicd "It therefore imposiloses an . informed,” saidlid Janet Benshoof, In response,re. Utah residents; enforcement agendes, bi|bigger law deaths to be1“ reponedre im m ediate- E.\arTiminer Dennis Wickham saidaid unconstitutional burden;n con her president of theth center and an who challengedch the law urgedI enforcem ent agencies. ’They ’Th have Iy. Failureto to do so is a misde- it’s unlikelyur th e bnbj- died by chok-ok- right to choose," the appealsap attorney in thele case.c the justustices to reject the appeal. not had this type of situation,"siti me;mor. ing onor regurgitated milk. court ruled. "A ny e ffo rtt to tc prevent women Theyr saidsa its purpose and effect Detective Jeff Kraynik saisaid. Gov. M ike Leavitt was■as disap- from obtaining:lg ab o rtio n s oi- m ak- a re invan v a lid . Mrs. Aitcheson, 21, a fo rm e r pointed but not surprisccised, said ing decisions aboutat their repro- ‘‘The'he ban is designed, pure b a n k clerk, refused to taltalk about ■ his spokeswoman, Vickii VaVarela. ductive healthh carcc is off limits,” and simsir ple, as a punishment her daughter’s death.h, Florida “It's over. Obviously thethere are Benshoof said,i. f o r tthose h o women who do not Today reponed Monday.ly. 1H er hus- ] ho further legal appen.ls,nls,” she U.S. District:t JudgeJ J. Thomas exerciscise their right to choose band, Robert, 23, who opoperates a said. Greene had uphipheld the law, ml- abortioition early enough in preg- telephone answering; mn a c h in e ^ Apple C innamoni The attorney general’sil’s o ffic c in g th a t ic se rvved c i a valid purpose nancy:y to satisfy the state,” . company, called die inve;ivestigation n o t e d t h n t t h c h ig hI cccourt’s and did not amcmount to an undue they contended.co “The ban is a ludicrous. ^ W a\LNUT ' refusal to hear the case:e w as no b u rd e n on w omomen. The appeals transpasparent effort to regulate “Innocent people ioTi Nfi}fliborfi(K)J BiiJitr.'” surprise; it denies 9S percicrcent of court decision1 reversedrc Greene’s prc-vir c harged," he said. SHCnrUCKVlUn'AUlunMiM' I Ib. lin - r. W , ..d N.U. viability abortions as ' }f lh.-te ______such requests for rcvitjview of ruling. th o u ggh h they were post-viability Ala'cus was bom Sept.It. 1 13,1396. F: : g £ - S f e S lower court decisions. Utah legislati;ator.s had enacted abortioitio n s ." Nichols’ lawy/yers: M m i

Keep McVei nNANaNGAVAllABLE“ ^ 9 0 DAYS SAME trial details sec AS CASH DENVER (/\P) - Afraidaid of llic p— — IDAHO'S LARGG E S T ------1 I ’J ^ V , spillover cffect from Tir Timothy COMPIPUTERIZED ALIGNMIM ENT CENTER M cV eigli's conviction, la^syinsycrs for Oklahoma City bombingng ( d e fe n - CALL 734-6050 3 9 I f d a n t T e rry N ichols have; asiasked to • 1 DAY CUS:USTOM RETREADING • CUSTOM WHEELS keep some details of McVIcV eig h ’s • COMPUTEfTERIZED SPIN BAWNCING • SHOCKS & STRUTS trial sealed, including the:ie ( cost o f . TIRE REPAI>AIR • DRAKES his defense. M j i l l M ------EXPERT AUTO SERVKtVICE I In p a p e rs m a d e public: M(M onday, _ _ _ Nichols attorney Reid NeuS Q uroiior STUAH said re le a s in g th e taxpayer i J?T IVIORRISO^m TIRE CO. defending McVeigh and' ltht o S a t 2 0 6 4 tt l h l A v e . W e s t - TVvln F«Falls, ID 83301 scripts of sidebar conferf e r e n c e s * I ______I could prejudice potentialinl jurors : TIRE STORE ■ 73313-1464 « and give prosecutors anin i u n f a ir Stock Hj632 I SlKk I484S advantage when Nichols gc tria l. N o d a te h a s been set. McVeigh was condemnm n c d to I deatli Friday for the April119,1995, 19, bombing of the Oklaiioma1 CiiCity fed- c ra l building th a t killed 16838 ppeople. SSSBA a A His attorney Stephen Jonco n e s h a s / H e s s P W P 4 0 0 0 ^ declined to say what McViIcV eigh’s SL. PWP365 I _ woaoMoctitoii defense cost, although estiie stim ates fs n g fL MiTAiu SYtnM wm< MONITOR T tiar WOID nociitoi H ISSOO VAIUEI have b e e n as liigh as SIO millinillion. U.S. District Judge RicR ic h a r d ...... Matsch said June 3 that: so:some of • — SAit p sia — 1997 HARLEYS^ 883 SPORTSTER 1997 RAFRLEY 1200 . McVoigii’s transcripts ccou o u ld bo VCTwr. K>tf o« tMrtiSi- y S r fw U ^ made public after a veiv e r d ic t. During the trial, he ordered bar arguments kept sccre ^ a f j also barred disclosure of some AU nEMEMINCTONfll;^ S H A R R OIILY^I 3 4 j « ^ evidence, and Jones' expexpcnscs, & OrjNonKO t C A L Ci^TORS U L fam W ” saying it could tip off prosetosccutors SHAV — ONLY — to the defense's strategy. - . - . w . SAU PRICED $ N eureitcr said the costsc o01 ftic- « FAXM Veigh’s defense could boe U5used to ^ 1996 HABRLEY H B lul estim ate thc cost of Nichol:hols’ de- - SERVICICE AND SUPPUES O N<4 A > U W E SELLII - fense, und added that "specue culation DYN^FA a n d criticism w ould bo rumm p:pant.” N eureiter cited criticismism fro m S en. L auch F a ird o d i, R-N.C, w ho LOW RII[DER said “many taxpayers are apiappalled S to c k M661665 by tlie very fact that tliey’ ariare pay- OFFICEE ftMACHINE SALES • SERVICE • SUPP.JPPUES • SOLUTIONS ing for McVeifJi’s defense..s e .... B ut (FORMEMERLY SMAZAL'S OFFICE APPLI/’ LIANCE COMPANY) tiiey don’t realize how muclilucli tlicy ______SaZBilGtiln Att.Snulli»Twin fitu. m-iW i Houfi: ONL\Y arc paying. If they did, tlieyey iw ould M A O f ^ AUCY'S ^ OFFiee m achine SALE‘.t i e s A senvtce leAPtRi rise u p und revolt." m Gl■lasses in1 one houii r l M ountain W est Makiakes It Possible - O uri r Coirjmitment to Q ulality a l M akes It Right!

V N o u flin ta ii^ H X A M S V n | S 5 iW e stt W W g ^ AVAIL/. A B L E W m 525 BLUE LAKEKES BLVD. N. # % 734-3!3937 # ^ K twin faFALLS s


■ . A 4 TlnM ^«ffi, Twin Faii*,.Idaho Ida TueKUy,June 1 7 ,1 9 9 7 Nation

I I J- - - — —C lintonradm iiiis laii^s at sp jals Lo figlijllL g lU U d l ^warmingg" UNITED NATIONiINS (AP) — than 6060 world leaders — from Presidjsident Such emissionss adds to an atmospheric “I would really not expectBCt any closure The Eurtiropean Union proposes a1 15 EnvironmcntaUsts, West:st European gov- Clintonon and Russia’s Boris Yeltsin1 to the blanket of gasesi t:trapping Earth’s heat. on oi this issue until ... Decencember," U.N. percent cut:ut below 1990 levels of three emments and others wantwa to use next presideident of che Pacific island natiortion of Scientists escimaceIte global warming may, Untfbrsecretary-General U ll NitinN Desai grcenhousiISC gases — carbon dioxide,id c, week’s U.N. Eanh Summiimit in New York Microneonesia — will review progress5 mademi among other chingngs, cause ocean levels said s; Monday. m e th a n e anand nitrous oxid e — by 2010,], to set firm tarficts for rereducing carbon since: theth 1992 Earth Summit in RRio io d e CO rise a lm o si t^vo0 :feet by 2100, flooding Desai told reporters, hovhowever, ihat A U.S. proposalpr calls for legally bind-ind- dioxide emissions to fighiight global warm- Janeiro.iro. coastlines and islarlands. negotiations ni over a lengthy:hy final docu- ing goals —- but offers no specificss — inf;. A t chchat historic gathering, goveovern- But sincc few countriesco were meeting ment m for the Earth Summitit ““will give us and for“maximum flexibility.”:y .” But the Clinton adminisinistration is balk- mentsIS agreedi to pursue “sustainainable 1992’s non-bindingng emissions goals, gov- some st indication of wherere |people arc Washingtonon is exploring ideas for allow-low- ing at specific goals, playingpla for more developlo pm ent,” g lo b a l econom ic groared for Simpson himselff Dr. Fortuin1 wiU begin seein]ing patients on M) -— ^Vrmed/ the Miss America.all Of Vale, Ore., OS th e mla on te d ics va lu e a t 5400,000. w ith a p e p ta lk fro m aI former fc “I also advise hn Q. Kelly, a New York >M. Sim ps k A P P O INN T M E N T S A R E BlBEING SCHEDULL E D N O W ! Miss /\merica, supponers’•s’ c( h e e rs th r e e ih in g s in i rney who represents Ms. • de rin g I and red toolbo.xes, 50 teateams of yourself, focus ison’s estate, would not com- teen-age mechanics attatracked doing and nevei : on th e T'V rep o rt, deliberately disabled car: a r s in a th in k , 'G oodnesss Win Storney i Daniel Petrocelli, who suit for S national coniest Monday. Ue to u g h fo r m e,’ ;sents Goldman’s family, toldi CelebratItin g 50 years The team from Oregon;on won Each team ha' rters in Beverly Hills that he first place, followed by-• techni-te discover and rep ot kno^v ivhere tJie tro p h y was. 'ealth Care contest^ p re p a re cians from Ohio, South CarCarolina, a new red, blue Orange County, where Ms. ■ica b e au ty pa g e a n t. estim ate and Comnim u n ity Service 3 H Texas, Hawaii and OklaJiomoma. Crown Victori: tson grew up and her family ised them to keep John URTwin Falls Clininie & Hospital ‘‘It’s exdting," said winneimer Kyle included proble sheriffs spokesman Lt. Ron; in the M,Magic Valley. in mind: Believe in attorne R ecla, of Vale, O re. “ Wo! weren’t wi ignition coil, le erson said today that to his J 660 Shoshone Strecl EastE • Twin Falls, ID us on what you’re Simpson sure we ^verc going to \«n.in. T‘ h e re c ra s h s e n s o r, fui •ledge die depanm ent tlid not y (208) 733*3700 • 1-800-707-5591 ver look back and ment on a re som e jiretty goo d te amTS s hli e re .” h ood re la y a n d th custody of the HeismiUi. }ss this may be a lit- Attorn James Dunst, managerjr ofc the After an org le,’’’ said Smidi. represen Auto Skills coniest, said the com- starter pistol and had 90 minutes to reponer petition was designed to hhci e lp stu- y o u r e n g in es if yo repair 11 d e l e a s in did not k dents develop the ability’ to keep nicians sped to lue or white Ford In Or: up w ith th e rapid p a c e o f' a utomu o- vehicles. Tliey bc iria: The defects Simpson tive innovation. sprawled on tho blems in the right lives, shi • Dre.««ed in u iiite jum p susuits, it the on car seats, thei left-front air-bag Wilkersc contestants — all of themem high cally seardiingfo fuel pump under- knowled, sdiool student meclianics — began1 “I was pretty 1 th e th ro ttle c ab le . have cus . [gathering on Tho MallII earlyi shaking,’’ said I irganizer fired a ------; ^^londay, many nf them witliUl familyf lliomson, Ga. md shouted, “Start • Imemlx:rs and friends who travdedtra Thirty-five mii 1 you can,” tlie tech- ;to Wasliington for the occasiorsion. scconds into the 1 . — 9-W to their assigned- 7 ; ‘‘I'm h e re to sh o w suppoiiport for and whistles rose bent under hoods, ,'my son," said M ary Neiscjlson of The New Hamp! ho grass, crouched : ;Colorado Springs, Colo. “I gave dosed its car’s ho« heir fingers franti- ; Jiim a big hug this morninglin g a n d w ork h a d b e e n fin [fo r th e d efects, ; ^ o ld him I’d say a p ra y e r foDt r hli im .” B u t th a t d id no; ty nervous. 1 was • I On hand to boost their• mmorale for ihe two med d Blake Taylor of : ;was Miss America 1996, Sha'lha\\Titel had to go tlirou^ Smith. Even tliough the contes-co tion — inspectors minutes and nine • ftants did not have to go tlirougliilir the left-front air he contest, cheers |s\nmsuit competidons, Smitinilh, 25, results of a writte )se from the cro;vd. itold tiiem Sunday tliat theiriire.vpe- < had to be factor npshire team had ;rience was similar to nmninning for men ended up in 1 hood, signaling thu finished. I not mean a trophy : Lawmake]SE Decrimi:echanics. The car ugli a final inspec- ors found a fault in MEDKCALGUJIDE & DIRECTI :Consensua!al sex in milir bag — and the : WASHINGTON (AP) — R: e p . F r a n k ’s b ill,itten c; exam Sunday :I}urncy Frank said Mondaiday he Hypocrisy Act,tored wi in. The ;intends to introduce a bill bi in nal prosecution : HEA]LTHCAIRE BIOCGRAPH]IES Congress decriminalizinging sex . sex. Fratemizatioi :«mong consenting membeibers of conduct that und T h e b i o gpraphy r portion of tlt h e Medicnl G uide' & Director]/ w i l l f e; a a t u r e ^the military. order and discipldnalize ; “I do not think that: adultai would still bc sub i n f o r m aation t on individualal doctors and heallalth care profession;n a l s . ■members of the military ooi u g h t n a ry a ctio n , to be criminally penalizedzed for Frank, wholilitary is sexual activity of a private,te, con- said the bill wc , c a lle d th e A n ti- S a m p l e • senting nature," said Franl'ank, D- members of thi , would end crimi- ;M ass. w o u ld r e p e a l sc PUBLISH DATE: )n for consensual • “That doesn’t mean allill ofi it Uniform Code M e d i c a l tion or sexual mis- Thursday, June 26’ 6 t h VL C e n t e r would he morally approvalvable,” Justice “which sp mdermines ‘'good , lie said. “Ic does m ean thatt crimi-a inalize private, c ! Wood River’r V alley, Idaho :ipline," however, • nal prosecution is a whollyly inap-i. described as sodo CLOSING DATE: subject to discipU- ( 2 0 8 ) 7 2 Ipropriate way of dealinglg with^ be both heterose 7 2 6 - 0 0 0 0 Tuesday, June 17tl't h jthese kind of consenting acts.ets." sexual," he said. I is homo.sexual, D r .J o) jH N D o e would help gay the m ilitary. It ’ DISTRIBUTION: Man rapes mo:om Dr. joiin Doeoe iis a native of The W ood Rivns in su rg ery - h a v in g )domy, which can COST: < . «N.Y. (AP) — A w o m a n a n da hhie r 7- pioneered threhreo new surgical techniquques curreniiy in use 3se x u al o r ho m o - ; .year-old daughter were bo $135 Per Box throughout tiie:ie IU nited Stales. i. ■:Jwith wire ancl raped by 3a mi a n For the past:t tcten years ho has served on I 6 Boxes per Page I the Board of Directors jthcsy had asked for directi for four managlaged health care organizaliclions and has lectured •while hiking in a Hudson ValleyV.' This bcautifu widely on businisiness leadership and ethics inn medicine. ■ :,"nature preserve. tabl?y and white SIZE: Dr. Doe andid 1his wife, Melissa, have •! childrencl and reside in ; The attacks occurred SatuiIturday knows all the nilt Hailey. He is an avid gardener and enjoys l^ 3 7/8" X 3 1/2" the outdoors, especially , -in tJie densely brooded Tivoli3li B1 ays house pet. A your hiking, snow skiskiinp and fishing. He spendsIs most of his lime wilh : rUnique Area, which bordersers the quiet and (jcntle Recom m ended w(vords - 200 his family andid i is involved in coaching batlasketball, baseball and • 3 ard College campus. No imirmmedi- home to nutch h soccer in y o u th:h pprogram s. Tlte a rre s ts w ere m a d e. Shc Is spayed and | ; The attacks were similailar to other cats and fri : ju n so lv cd rapes re p o rte d inn AprilA Shc has waited fo ;«rid October 1995 in thcji sames: at the shelter, 135 \ 4iU-ea, S h e riff F re d S c o ralickcsaid, sa phone 736>2299iful lonR'haircd . - « The woman told authoriorittes also hns a poodlite v lady already i i^ihit when she and hor daugllughier plavful kittens rulesai for a pcrfcct ITI ke T i m e fs -N e w ss .^tjt lost in a maze of hikingg trailsti you have to sec ouniitr adult, she is Itie and needs a ,‘^nd asked the man for ddii i r e c - is N atio n al Prcvei ■ For Informlation a C ontact Y ourr Tim1 es-News A dverertising R epresentatit i v e . : Jtiins, he piJled a camping; knifek Week. Be respon;V her personality. nJ pets along witli and dragged chc two intoto t h e pcis. Spay and neui w oods. I friendly people. CA\LL 733-09331, EXT. 2 1 99 TODAY! 1 for you too lono 139 6 th A ve. W . :99. The shelter d variety of cute s and some dogs : to believe. Tiiis :vent a Dog Bite 'onsibic for your leuterthem. TuM flay, June 17.1997 1TlmctNowi, Twin FalU. Idaho A-5V-5

N a t io n

p - N aticON IN BRI J o h e n : J James McDouga»al begins 3-year seiientence T s o a t e: Ir a n , s:ja n c tio rn i r a q LEXINGTON, K y .-PPresident p Clinton’s former WliiVliitewier basi- . N/ULV Bahrain (AP) — De- Secretary William Cohen ness partner James McDoD ougal entered a federal prise M onday begin his Uircc-year scntcritencQ fo r fra u d and conspiracy, :d die casc for isolating Iran 'I'he former savings andan loan executive had face(cod 84 years in andkecpix p in g U.N. .sancuons on Iraq prison bui received a ligliig lite r se n ten c e bccauNC h e coccoopcralcd mill Monday,fiy, (d n n g a n Iranian d ire a t to prosecutors investigatirIting the president and Hilljllary Rodham n Gulf shipping a n d K uw ait’s ~ s . r C linton. : an Iraqi in\‘asion. the diird leg of a five-nauon // TT /Vsked outside die gatelie ifi he iJiouglii Mrs. ClintonI cccommitted any ‘J**: • h /■, crim e. McDougnI said; "I•I thtJ in k th a i probably will b e! didecided by ihJ tour off 1.the Gulf, Cohen delivered prand jurj- and b>' ihc courts.coi I wouldn’t care to comi,mmemanyf,ir. rale-boosting address lo Ujcr." s and Marines at ihe U.S. m U / :, 1^ ’ H e discounted a sta te:m me ent lie m ade t\vo weeks agoo.ayinBiheri.t s; s 5th Fleet headquarters, la d y also could end up inn prison.pi ^ ed on troop security and ta lk e dI toi;tougli on Iraq a n d Iron, ile U.S. allies in the Gulf FCC chief delaysys liquor advertisingng inquiry i .a '™old 'i d Cohen they support U.S. WASHINGTON - Bowowing to opposition, the natiorion’s top broad- policj’ tovt(»v;ird Iraq, some — most CLSt regulator d e d d e d M^londay or to delay seeking a n inqijiq u iry in to tele- n o ta b lyy KKu\rait and Saudi /Arabia ' •e indicated they see a new ^ vision advenusing of tequil:luila, wliiskey a n d oiher liquorirproduas. p -haven t ’Hie iniiiativc is a prioritority for departing Federal Cor::ommunicatioas opponiini:iinity to open more lines of Commission Chairman RetReed Hundt. commuiiKujiiaitiun with Iran, despite Himdt hnd planned lo0 bringb Uie item up for con.sideideradon by the misgilisgivings. agenc>-’s ftiur ccmmissioneiiners Thursday. But respondingng to opposition . example, some countries in ^ from I'CC commissionersrs RachelleI Chong and James:s Qudlo,Q Hundi 'be region;ion a re more optim istic dian d e cid e d to tem pornrily dJ e ljla y ilie vote. th e Clinto::nton administrodon dial die H u n d t’s Jiides said iljee chairmancf now intends to briniring die item up dectionm iiin May of a more moder- U.S. Oofenso Secictsry Willianliam Cohen, loft, seated noxt to0 Kuwait'sKi Minister of Dcfenso Sticihclhh Salem Al Sabah, a t th e agency’s next schedueduled meeting July 10. a ie Inmia:tnian leader offers a chance answers questions fiom Joumam allsts during a nows conlciencc Separately, the broadens!casting industiy is pusiiing tJie,lie FC C to ddiiy improverove relations widi a neigii- ncc at Bayan Palace, Qayan, Kuwalvalt City on Montlay. a hearing scheduled Fridajd a y on tJie effectiveness of t hleTVindustrj-'s e ' Ixir whoselose military is ihe m ost pow- 5-month-old TV ra tin p ' s>-st^•stem . e rf id ammong or Gulf nauoas. Uniied States was deienniimined to strong, good-faithith effort," he said, in theJ rnorthern Gulf near Iran’s But Col:Cohen lias said througliout stay ahead of both Iran andam Iraci adding, “We needL-ed more evidence" lerriloriirial waic-rs. H e s;iid Iranian If tour that the administra- in liie region. before concludii:iding whai caused !and-ba»ased cruise missiles cinild1 : Group recommenends English standalards .11 not ease its stance against "If Iraq were to try lo0 attack; tiie maladies. rea ciiI tthe Consicllaiion in less WASHINGTON - As•s schoolss- deal with increasinging numbers of Iran untilntil that country stops its' Kuwait again, and the IraniansIra In Manama,, inin an unrelenting liian 1010 niinuie.s. immigrant children, teachachers should leam to incorporporate English suppon1 fofor terrorism, gives up iry- were trying to slim douii thithe Gulf, heal that toppeiiped 110 degrees. In hislis visit earlier Monday to instniction into all their• classroomch actinties, an educaticational organi- ing to de\develop nuclear weapons tiien we have to be prepaipared to Cohen stnilled doivndo' a pier wiiere Kuwait,it, Cohen sjicnt a few ' 'lurs z ation said Monday. a n d e nids d s :its effons to undermine open it again, to deter thath a t fro m th ree U.S. Na\->‘.y ships s and a U.S, at Caini;np Doiia, where aixnit 2.20()) Teachurs of En^ish tdo' SpeakersS of Other LanguageIges Inc. recom- tl'e Midd:iddle East peace process, ever taking place," Cohenis;iid, s;i attack submarine'ne were lied UJ), He U.S. foiforces — mostly Army sol- m e n d ed standards to h eIp lp schoolss deal w iih th e influx)c olof students for Iraiidenie-•nies these charges. He said he wanted hoilotli U .S . chatted sviili siiilo.;iilors a n d com m an- diers — are training with Kuwaiti whom English is a foreign?n language,i even if schools ha\have a shonagc At a1 nenews conference earlier friends and foes in the reg'egion to ders and saw Iiowhois a new remote- fortes, o f specially trained tu a d[iers. ie r M o n d aly y iin Kuwait City, Cohen h e ar this message: control surveillatllance craft skims "Ii's> aa higli-threai area." Ctiheii Tlte 18,000-member grouroup of professional educatorsirs hopes. sdiool said it wajwas too carly to judge neiv “We are here, we are jire;irepared, armmd the pier,r, scannings- th e .sur- told trotroops assembled in an o])cn- districts and states will1 a(adopt the standards, which:h are; outlined Iraniann PPresident Muhammad we are reliable, we are ththe e b e s t, face for [xiteniialsal se cu rity threai.s. a ir sliellelter at the bustling base througli “vignettes” showiniving how to help diildren in setisettings ranging Kluitemi. and we are going to defend.idvVmer- Aboard the UUS SS F itz g e ra ld , a alKiui 3.'} 3; m iles from th e lrat|i lx>t- from a rcgiilar Idndcrgarterrte n to a high .school cosmetolog;logy clas*:. “ 'V e wowould look favorably, obvi- ica’s ntal interests in this region.”rej guided-missilee destroyerd' on iis der. \tAt least one soldier in his Tlic standards “make;e leachingi our non-EnglishII speakerss the "nsly, upoupon dianges that iire real, On another Gulf subject,:t, Cohen( first deplojTiient,It. Ctiben( hear^l tlie audiencnce was momentarily over- business of all teachers,s, noin just a specialized few," said projcct simpmply paper prom ises.’’ was asked on his Kuwaitait stop ship's commandeiid e r e x p la in ojiera. com e iiy ii: the heat, whicii toppedI director Deborah Short,I, ofo the Centcr for Applied1 L in g u istics in C ohen saicsaid. about a New York lim es rei:reiHirt of tions under svayly —- including Irat) 100 degi.-grees and was rising rapidly Washingion. “Ira n1 cocontinues lo pose a threat a study that criticizes tiie DefenseDt embargo enforceircemeni — by the even bellefore mid'nioniing. to th e whoivhole region," he said, Department’s investigatia tio n o f 26 U.S. ships in theaiva,tlu "Vou'lu’ve got to stay on alert at pep talk to about 800 causes of unexplained ilinillnesses Cmdr. Charlesles Martoglio told al! timedes," Cohen atided. "l-orce White House losirsing patience with SinnS Fein and Marines at Sth Fleet am ong Gulf W ar veterans. Cohen tiiat thele aircraft; carrier pioieclit:iion is just as important as WASHINGTON — Expnfpressing outrage over the "cal'callou.s" killing head«iuaiuarierr., Cohen said the “We think we’re making:igavcry USS Consiellatioilion was operating power•projection." p; of i^vo policemen in Nortlieiliem Ireland, tile White Hoascasc signiiled on Monday that its patiencince with the political allieses of the Irish I t( J R epublican y\rmy m ay l)ee nni e a r a n end. DP priority:: Keep Virgi5inia,NewJJersey govesmorships \V hite House press secretT Ctary M ike M cCurry noted diatUia die Uniled S ta te s has m et \n tli rep resee sen ta tiv e s of all sides in Nortlnrdiem Ireland’s WASHIsHINGTON (AP) — Keep- Republican National Comrmmitiee Nebraska. Colonilorado and Hawaii Repuiiliilican gains in tiie 199') se cta rian conflict, includingin g G erry A dam s, head of d iejIR IP ^V s political ing th e; NtNew Jersey and Virginia Chairman Jim Nicholson. to add Republic;:lican governors lo eleciicmims. ally. Sinn Fein. g o v e r nnorships o r in Republican Nicholson and Iowa Gov.>v. Terr>‘ our list," Branstaditadsaid. Whitiitman is running against “ I w ould say we w ould1 cco o n tin u e contacts duit w e beliid ie v e a re help- h a n d s will De the GOP's top prior- Bransiad, head of the Repulpublican Republicansis alreadya occupy Democ)crat Jim McGreevey. a ful to the peace process,” McCuny told reponers. “But“Bi sooner or *'y in thistbi; year’s elections, the G overnors .-Vssociation, saidaid both almost two-thirdirds of the gover- ' stale ssenator and mayor of later, it becomes de;ir ^vhovho’s willing to help die peaceice pnxess and party chaiiiairman said Monday. races will be tougli, but they the are nors’ mansions,ns. There are 32 WoodbiIbridge. N.J. Gilmore, who w ho’s not." N e w■ J.Jersey Gov. Christie c o u n tin g on W h itm a n an99.5 m illion to operate duringng die currcnt fiscal year, and PresidentI t C linton’s budgei for th e fisc;iscal year dial Ixjgins on Oct. 1 tusks for SI3i5136 million. This time, as before, NfE E/ A C h a irw o m an J a n e A le.\an':a n d e r h a s lob- bied lawmakers to continuenue to fund the agency, and cocongressional Democrats are e.xpectedI to resist die Republican pro{roposal to kill it. Victim’s commentints delay rapist’s r

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I ■' A-8 T lm »N m . Twin F«Ili, IdafIdafw Tuesday, June 1 7 .1M7 P e o p l e — ■ • ■ , ,— -P eopleE IN THEi NEWS — iW YORK (AP) - Katiee a re trying to em phasize I ththe “good” a notorii)us liomosexualhon’ slaying. takeko his early education with him 5^—41 Couricric was 1 all business her first;t in a c ity w here th e y ’vv e c ju s t fin- 10 space. H day badback on NBC’s “Today” showV ished filming “Midniglight in the NASHVILLlLLE, Tenn. — James When W: the U.S. Air Force pilotlilo t ' H a fte r• a iweek off amid reports ofif G arden of Good and Evil."il.” Taylor reallylly docs want to sing boariards Columbia in Novemberr for her husblusbond’s sickness, The cast and cre^v hehle ld a SlOO- w ith Am y GrarJrant sometime. It just hiss firstf mission as a NASA astro-stro- JayMy M onahan, a law yer and legalll per-iickei jiiiny at liie dty r ’s L ucas has to b e a deccIccent song. naut,ut, Lindsey will take memorabil-abU- V ‘ -fagH commeimentator for MSNBC, tookk Theatre to raise mone;ney for its Grant saidcl TaylorT rejected her ia fromfrc Ws e lem e n ta ty , junior high xvv'-'*-' niedicaical leave and underwentI restoration. Spjicey pepersonally request to singng withv her on a song for andd high 1 schools. ■ surgery:ry onI June 6. The 41-year-oldd donated S200.000, her upcomingng albumi “Behind thc “Tiiose “1 schools gave me ththe e nedly has colon cancer, "I hojK- wc ;ill have somom ething lo Ej-es.” She entsent a copy of tlie song to foun^andacion of my educadon," said "SSluric returned Monday afterr do with preserving the10 life th a t him and wailediled a long time before Lindndsey, 36. a native of Templeip le V. j/j '• 'J takinglg s«sev^pdays away from tele->• belongs on this stage," Sp;Spacey said he finally calledled — M tli bad news. Qty. ty. “If they hadn't given me: ththe e ,'7 /V . vision’s'n’s to^raCPtSmorning show. Saiurday to more thanI 1,1,000 peo- "He said, ‘IT was; really hoping if goodod education they had, I don’tlon’r ' She;s-asLs-as \velcom ed b ad e by co-host;t pie suuicling ellxjw to ellxrlbo^v in llie you and I didid someihing s togetlier, diinlink I could h aw made it tiiroughlugh * \ Matt: LlLiuer and did not mentionn cavernous 1921 movie pal;inlace. it ^vould b e something soi really spo- dieJ Air/ F orce.” ■I \ why she was gone. The audience cheeredred as they cial. /\nd actualtually I think that song Temple Tc City High Schoolto o l ' t J lli \ NUCiC iisn't talking aboul howV fanned themselves andnd blotted is awful,”’Granran t said Sunday. Primin d p a l R a y P lu tk o \>-as tickled:d lolo B L :- . Monaliaialian’s surgery went, but pul>->■ sweat from ilieir faces, wwith pany “I fell out: laughing,lat and he s.iid, recei:eive a letter from the man rep- lishedid reports r have said doctorss napkins. The Lucas, litllittle more ‘Oh. you wroteote it, didn’t you?’ /\nd reseisenung the school’s first pcrsohrsoh iftMu a re oiptimiscic. p tir lhan halfway through a S7.6 mil- I said yes. IIt's t’s no lo n g e r on th e in space. sp The school was sendingding le couple m arried in 1989, a lion restoration, has no0 aira condi- album." alon()ng an e m b le m patch. Campbell arrives a t tfie Las PalmaImai, Stain, iltpott Btltish supermodel Naomi Con afte r m e eu n g in W ashington. tioning. Grant, who10 hasli had hits indud- “W “V e’re hopefxil th a t he'll come10 to Sunday. Campbell was admnitted ltti to a Las Palmas hospital oviover the weekend, Tlie donation was madeide in honor ing “Hou.seof of Love,” \«11 re le a s e o ur ras.scmbly : and preseni it to• the reportedly suffering from ann ovordoso,o\ but a spokesman forOf tthe model said sho SAV^liVANNAH. Ga. — Clintt of the late antiques dde, e n ie r J im her new albumimi :Sept. 9 . ' entirtire stu d e n t body,” Plutko said.i d .. actually suffered an allergicc rereaction to antibiotics. Eastwoo'wood, Kevin Spacey and crew W'iiliams, who Spacey pop o n ra y s in • • • Lindsey Li] w ill b e one of two pilotsilots the Eastwood-directed moviem ver- -n-NU’LE CCO n Y , C-Uif. — S h u ttle on tJietJi 16-day trip to deploy a satel-atel- sion of John Berendt’s bobook aboul astronaut Steveie\'en Und.sey plans to tites lhati: w ilt stu d y tlie sim’s corona.ona. M odel C am pbel;11 back on1 th e job Also a t Jero m e L I’ARIS (AP) — Suptnlermodel e.vpected to0 returni to New ing fron'rom an allergic reaction to Naomi Campbell returrurned to York, wherer sliesl lives, Denoff antibiotiliotics.” work Monday and wass fifeeling said, "NLs.Ls. CCampbell is now perfectly “very well" after an ada d v e r s e C a m p b e ll was w; hospitalized well and fully recovered and left reaction to antibioticslies, her Sunday in :iethe Canary Islands. thc hosjhospital late last night for agcncy said, dcnjing repoi;pons she Spanish mediala saids she had over- Paris,":,"the tl statement said, overdosed on pills. dosed on barbirbiturates after a 'Ilieme m odel’s L ondon spokesm an, Paparazzi surroundcided the heated argun,ument with her Jonathaithan Goldstein, said: “She 1 I Hotel Bristol, where Canlampbell boyfriend, f fla la m e n c o d a n c e r wisliesM to u make it dear tliat there usually stays while in ParParis, hut Joaquin Cones,us. is absolu« lu te ly no foundation whatso- nn Elite nRency spokesweswoman A spokeswom;>man a t O ur U id y of e v e r to to the story that she had said the 27-year-old modilode! was the Fines Hospital Ho in Gran takenan1 an overdose.” Slaying with friends. C a n a ria , wiio spspoke on condition Onele ofo the highest paid fash- “She feels very well,ill. She’s of anonymity,f, saids Sunday that ion models mt in the world, SOlftSCftGE very fit," spokeswoman1 MiMiranda Campbell wasIS undergoingt treat- Campbcpbell was hospitalized for HN CUSftCK Denoff said in a telephoneone inter- ment for a drugjg overdose. i two daysday in February after col- view from London, “She’se’s iun d er- B ut E lite rele;eieased a statement lapsingng with stomach pains in a JOHHJHiyiftCKOVICH 1 ^ ^ " laking a prior commitmetinent — a Monday sayinglg lhat “contrarj- lo Londonion street. She was released photo shoot until thc 19th.’th.” press reports,’:s," Campbell was after■ testste: for suspected appen-• HICOUS c After Paris, Campbelbell was admitted to hethe liospiiat “suffer- dicitis,is, JOHNCUSfs a c k E w k ;. John iviAtKoSOVICH M ovie toi)ugh guy Ri^chard Jaecickel dies TONIGHT 7:0i ■ TONICjsicjirru^^j^^ TONIGHT 6:45-9:30 LOS/\NGELES (A I>)-R- Richard for a best suppojporijng a cto r O scar Dozen:n: Ne.vtN M ission” in 19S5, Jaeckel, a character acioc to r b e s t fo r his w ork in1 “Som “S etim es a G re at Jaeckieckel also appeared in “The This A d Good forr Ju J u n e i e t h W known for playing toughh g guys in N otion." ’I'he ■iim,filrr directed by P a u l D evil’s il’s Brigade,” “All thc films such as "The Dirtyy LDozen" Newman andJ starringsi Newman Marble:bies,” “Starman” and and “ Sands of Iwo Jim a,"’ hhas a died. and Henry Fond;inda, was based on a “Airplaiplane H: The Sequel.” Most He w as 70. novel by Ken Kc;Kesey about a family reccntiy.Itly. h e u-as in “ D elta Force 2" The stocky, baby-faced:ed actor of loggers can-iir\-ing a living ou t o f a n d “'ni(■'Hie King of tJie Kickboxers." w ho also played co m b att co w ard s tJie O regon \\-oodwds. In 1943,19‘ Jaeckel was plucked Summer Maiinee Movie and comic foils, died SatSaturday As a churlishish sergeant in ihe from1 the tl mail room of 20th night at the Motion Pictui:ture and 1967 movie ‘The“Ti Dirty Dozen,” Ceniui^’ui^’ Fox to portray a teen-age Television Hospital in WoebVoodland Jaeckel playedd one o of tJie few sur- Marineine in “Guadalcanal Diary.” Hills, nursing superviso:is o r A n n vivors along witJidUi stars Lee Man-in .Afterr servingsc in the Navy from ^ ^ 9 lei[eu$-l)oxflnne Walsh said Monday. She2 sa id sh e a n d C h a rles Bronson. Bro He renved 1944to to 19-18, h e p la y e d a young did no t know his cause of death.de; the character• inin the film’s made- M;uine;ne again in “ 'H ie Sands of Iwo In 1971, Jaeckel u-as nomlominated for-televisionI sequel,se “The Dirty Jima”wni” w ith Jolm WayTie.

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The Timines-News is thele main v J e n n i f e r ad source5 ini the iVlini-Ca;assia area Afi n i s t o n J ie a n n e 1Total Market A S B ||H T l r i p l e h o m Adulls by primary sourcesoi of advertising Total % for groceries: _A dultsjV lkt^/^M Times-News 6,300 4 1 % 5;25;7;4M ;55^^^ South Idnho PressL'SS 4.400 2 9 % Digital Sum mund Sound! Moll Flyers 300 2 % T elevision 300 2 %

15.400 100% W M Adults in market:It: RUSH HOUR HITS THI mm Adultss Iby main source of advertising for groirocerles: I . M r’ism , i/M m m /e 6,300 6,ooo[-r [ [ 3 Total AdiAdults I 7 S 5 .0 0 0 - f 4 400 ______Mon to Fri 10:30-1:1f15-4:00-7:15-9:45 4 .0 0 0 - |

3 .0 0 0 § I Tonigl)igfit at 9:30 2 .0 0 0 - | r«S’ m t w w i All she said was 1 ,0 0 0 - | I “My son is yours." I 300 .300 ROBIN WILLIAMS q L I BILLY CRYSTAL Times-Ne\vs South Idaho Pressress MailFlyerj- TV-General•al Sourrc;A&A Research, 1991997 General ______Second Greaieat Co-Hil at 11:00 ig l T h e Tfimes-Newis Icnnilcr l.opcz Get R esu lts!!/ C e t T h e P a p e:R! r J c Now O po^very NightI ; Yourr SlShoppers are readingg tthe same newspaper youyoi are. Kids Under 12 Freel F or m o ree iInformation, contactictjohn Hanzel at (208)8 ) 6< 7 7 - 4 0 4 2 I FM Stereo Sound TuHday, Jun« 17.199'997 TlmejNew, Twin Fallj, Idaho> A-1A-7 jy ' B S u M n n IB i l n m I FRESHFHiTr s T iEAK Reled, Ripe Candy Sweelet HONEY DEWf BonelessIS Bononeless Beef BeefB U P STEAK ) That would be Falls Brand ERMELOIM "SUPER WIBNBRS" ■ i MEE i m tender steak Irt a conrenlent RIB-E\YE CHIlU C K ^ tube- Ihs most easy to use of A all steaks... very delicious! STEAIkK STIFEAK Falls Brand '.WIEHIERS, REEF m t J l . J .... 1ERS& FRANKS Red and Greieen m 2 9 J l J 5%) Lh $999 SEEDUJSSGBJIAPES#» 9 9 S n . ^ 1 ■ P U B - ^ Goldenin Ripe liWhite Peeled $1 59 HiBAHIAIINAS MUSIIHROOMS MIIIKARROTS IGKOfliMBEEFC I m. Boneless Beet I (store Cut 1 7 Bone Cut I MILD )9<> ( $ 1 3 9 3 s 9 - e O L - t i m -18 9 * ^ ar a y CHUCK ’ CHEDDAR LAST CHAI INCE! DON’T MISSi OUR ROASTi^ ^ 1 m - CHEESE El I A SW EE I? COflCHEELLH WHITEgOHIOHS Falls Brand Dole Packaiiaged i3eiew Crop I Sweet, I Navel THICK SLUCEDBACIi O H s t f2 3 ? ! LETTUCES]SALAD YBlOlnninoiiis 01IRAHIGES John nilorreil J John Morrell f $ | q WIENERS ; BOLDGNAI $ ^ 1 9 J I&SI 1 Lb. Sliced » 9 t9 ^ 4 'Lbs. For I 1 .^ L bs. F o r I * 9 9 ' 1 Ul. Phg. ODean Spray Assois o r t e d GRAPEFFRUIT 0 JP f c iW E P f p i E M l/2BallGn m RODUCI T s ^ JUICE 1/2 ■ S ______• R 6g .,DrDiet,CaiteIne-Free I ^ ““"““S'igg's W estern Familmlly Americanin Beauty • Spritet e *< Dp. P e p p e r ^ ISTED FLAKES ?ir *2 ®® IV Root Beer J l WM LgncHEOimiiMEAT PASSTA *a&wf K ellogg'g g 's : k , 1 2 0 z c a n s U s $ 2 ^ 9 CORNiniPflPSjiirB Helloig'sIj’s Blle-SIZB Frasted W2.P ■/ I 2 UTER. 9 9 ^ - $299 ll-WHEATSggf^ N a b i s c o Nabisco CHIPE J iio r lt CUP-O-NOOODLES ^ Swanson lUeadowGold A sst 2.5 Oz. 7 ^ SMAIICK-WELLSI CHOC. CHIP C0( A s s o r t e d 1 8 0 Z .P K I TuiDINNERS 1ffi&iCiMBl s a w C a n n e d S & W C i TOMATOE J? fru f S | 99 e o o p i 5 J i S - a Q ------Skippyp y ' # q c •PEACffiS BIC l |( — Z B O L flsst »C O C K D U Ll ^ # u La Famon o u s | i PEAIANUT BUTTE» 5 1 ™ 9 I - 1B 0Z.J[. j a r MINUTE;rice $ 11 8 9 TOIIRTILLA DBHBBBBHBBHHi^EEEEEECEM 33.B Oz. Bonus SizeIzo I W estern Famim ily g UPS 1 4 0z .B a ! MC&CHEESEEDKRSg iiiiiTiilB! JS I Natural Grain y 19'= r ™ reiam 0 Weber Cream 0 We r i l 5 SREADn■ g Im^mEEEDEEEBEEi^EEEEEECEUi/*1 c in n a m o n iLF & HALF COTTAGE C» MC !-| 39 ; HAI lole Sun ■ SWEET ROLILLO Phg. ot 6 P in t 2 4 0L C m o Chocolate o r MapIa p le t e H e r - g ^ 'RANGE 4 JUICE 1 BARS $ 9 8 r O l Frozen ConcentraiB i !E0F24 S|8 S6 J flomanlVlealBBIRYW o lW H E f lT /•I lil s r» 139 f f l BREAD BlBig 11/2 Ul. Loaf ■ , P u r i n a1 9 - U v e s B r a w n y OR] S u n lig h t P a m p e r s d o g j CAT FOOD gTOWELS AUTO DISH. DIAPERS ^ CHOWf 5.6 Dl C ans Jum lio Roll lg I CASE IDETERGENT Unisex Sizes 1-S ; V W V z S u i . 4 2 oz. 1 ^ $ C 9 9 AlLUKra"” ” LAUNDRY S-jj 79 • m 8 9 1 DETERGENT :48load Pko. S» ^ 00 P 06 100 ! SAVE^' S w FEN \NU $ 4 4 9 O N JlADDISOJ^AJ^'E. A T W A S H IINGTON I t 2 $Q99 !3R S ^ m wTH ^ ■ ^COUPON W ST coupon .a y ^ isw l IN SOUTm PARK w m m m m m ■nsU C/2»I • COUPU VUIO M mULUI ISWOSOS:K lli, I ' m t o ( MC / Mantifftif’ Effitvn Ctai.'tirk Wakvlih - 73S-0i^3J, Ex/.E5TZ P a K c A - H ______' T u c s dday, : June 17, l‘» 7 ___ Tiic Timcs-NcwCWS

! E ditorRIAL] ~1 J]__ iiuuiiI * IS I E U Expc)o center pplan leaves■c Cliiito;o n v e to e d th e n iiiH ^ d i s aaster relief JliiillM much:h to the inmaginationn JS., b u t -we’re giiiiiii Soinclinics youIU have ; to wonder WhtVliose viewpoint will win out?Ul? th e i " 11^ T x whether anybody is minding ihe tax- Tht.I'hese questions sliould havea v e b e e n rdiere it’s payers' store. answ(swcred in detail before countunty offi- vio**eded tnosi... '"^oH Twill I'alls Coumyniy’s fair board aiui cials;ils signed off on conslruciion.)n. Plung. \ ' I I ’ i P -county commissionc:mcrs Iiave bolli en- ing; irinlo a S7 million invcstmenl e n t w ilh Tdorscd a S7 millionon expo center pro- sucli;h thin information is scar>'.y. I N o pri- posiil. ■riicy'll be asking asl. voters to a])- vate:e Inisine.ssI would do it. prove it later this suniimimer. Tlurhe vagueness is not surprrprising, \ Bm when we laiktliked with st>me fair given•en ihe circumstances. Fair• officialsof J (S officials oil Monday,ly, we\ were surprised slapppped this proposal togctlic;lier in a ^ at some of tiie tiling’s ic ;igs they didn't know coupiiple of months, aim inglg f o r a \ y c l. sp e.‘edy ed election. Because of ttht h e ru.sh T h e y tlo u ’l r e a llyly know iiow much job.>. thet: county is asking voters;rs to ap- 'I the center will costist to operate, 'llieir prove)ve the center without satisfiis f a c to r y feasil)iliiy study slio\'lows only the poten- assuruirances that it won’t beere c o m e a tial cost and revenue.ue from holding 100 caver.'ernous monument to good.)d. in te n - events a year. (It figures fiy S-M7,ObO in tions. costs, SGH8.500 in1 rtrevenue.) But the Offi)fficials need to work up, son'io m e d e- I p J same study says reareaching that point tailedled, credible projeciions of) f pj o te n - may take three to five:ive years. tial card should hire a rent pl t plans for the project leavee farft too pie agree with thithe president: /9.1 per- I saw thoilousands of bla ck a n d w h ite mmei en marketing director fro from the get-go. much± toi chance. ccnt of A m e ric anans believe’ “ d ie m ost sig- earned 79 percent as muchich a s w h ite m ar- e m b ra din n g . singm g a n d p ra y in g togethijether nificant family or social problem facing r ie d couples. By 1995, thle e g;g a p h a d nar- d u rin g a ‘“Prom ise K e e p e rs" e v e n t at ------/'Unerica is the ph y sical a b sen c e of th o fa- rowed with black married:d c ouples earn- R F K Stadadium in W ashuigton, D .C . • th e r from th e h o mr e ." in g 87 pc rc en t of w h at whiti■hite m a rrie d Schoolol ichoice w ould h e lp , too. Hun-un- So w hy is th e pp: re sid e n t m aking a big- c o u p les make. d rc d s off Iihousands of po o r m in o rityyrchU- chi i TlrheTimesis-News ger deal a b o u t rairacism d u rin g th e next 12 L ast w eek, an e d ito rialI in th e D etro it d re n a ree iimprisoned in failed inner-dtj'-dty ; Stophon Haflgsn...... PublHhof TyRanjlansdoll...... Circulation. dy :o ascertain the fea- m ent’s need to test this corconcept in an VELA,J. J, OL\DES ' I’ve heard in rhis valley-*y before.I The cast.Ti. Tiie word “technicolor” takes i sibilitj’of chargin,ing residenis of this area of the country that willwil perhaps Joromee : dancing is incredible, TTh h e a c tin g is so n e w meaningme with the set for thiss pi state or visitors ro use federal r£cre- m eet it with the greatestt aiamount of ' powerful. The II brolherhers have devel- ductiorion. Ron Parsons has reconstruitrucied ation lands. Withehout an annual or per- protest and with few voice*ic es in Be W aryyofSchool-to-Work i ' oped humorous yet belieilievable charac- our pyrpyramid with “technical” exper Congress to protect its citiz P^- use fee, the residedents of the state itizens’ rights. School-til-lo-Work Crhe Careers Act)t) is J lers. And then there is?Joseph-he Jc lise.IIiHilber Nelson, professional lUus-illi) \vo,ild be prohibit)ited from using the The net is tightening arounDundusasciti- part of the ,• touched my heart, first;t wilhw laughter, traior,ir, Ihas added the “color," textui he federal government’s planlan «ure, lands. Costs woulcjld range from a daily zens. W e recently saw it in U ta h to r ip c ontro n t l of e d u c a tio n fro m lo c a l C then tears, then I ponderdered and finally designI’n and much, much more. Valoi :al alone picnic permit to a weekly camping per- where private landowners):rs found school boaoards a n d sta te s. : I felt a great love for thishis man we call Willianiams’ award-winning dreamcoat•0‘‘* m it. T h e a p p a r e nnt t goal behind this themselves disenfranchisecised when School-ti : J o se p h . m a kes e s another ; grand appearance oi l-to-Work is based on the Rus-b u s­ study is to generalrate money to pay for President Clinton declaredred their lands sian systei:em of indoctrination - the • Whal an extraordinarj'ar>-way to bring ourbelijeloved "Joseph” - the one and the upkeep and pip r o te c tio n o f th e se national lands and thus stojstopped the process wherebywl workers are trained .r to life the teachings of1 theth Bible. onlyDjiDarren Kerbs. ie d lands, parks, etc. use of the land for developilopment of insteadof of being educated hum an be- ; And tiie cast is incredi!!dible. It ranges Tlienlere are so many reasons not , to . A s l s a t a n d list(stened to the various rhuch-needed coal reservesves. Wake up, ings. ; from professional actors, "Joseph and the Amazing Tecli irs, European miss "J ec ini- participants c.xplailain, justify and sympa- Idahoans! We can no longeiIger see the The new • models, theater students,nts, a p re g n a n t color Di jwly imposed educational stan-stan • Dreamcoat." Please come and thize with those wwho expressed various encroachment of governmement in the dards will m om (fo rm e r M iss T win FI a lls ) a n d lo- b rin g; yiyour family. Also bring your l( II be designed to create a com:om - ir love viewpoints, I wass awakenedi to a sense lives li of peopic a problemn irin someone pliant worlork force in a “politically cor- ; cal childr en. With a castisi oi f 40. th e o f th e ata te r, y o u r love fo r o u r y o u th a :or- hand of losing the right;Its and privileges that else’s e back yard. It is in our back yard. rect" thinlinking mold. Check it out • stiiKe c am e alive. y o u rlolove \ for Robin Havens and Der D en n is resid en ts o f Id a hio o and citizens of the The 1 tim e to ignore and disnlismiss what is ' cJoselybeflefore embracing School-to-I- ' ll encourage everyonele toti see this McCracrac k en . U n iied S ta te s haV'ive considered part of happening h is over. W o rk . r sljow and actually experite rie n c e a b e au ti- IVL\Y\YZ LEONARD their heritage forir igenerations. We ure O u r fo re fa th e rs u n d e rsto;tood c the need ROBERIR T W. TH OM AS C fi l, happy Bible siory. I'lvin.•in l''alls q uickly b e c o m inlg g confronted with the lo t< defend and fight for thele freedomf Ilagenmm an

; Doonesbury By Garry Trudeau Mallard Flllmimore By Bruce Tinslejsley ■■■■, F = 7 J '<« I frI WOlUMTTO S---- / ------^1 r l< lOTCf TKom= m KvoMTfcntysT) //im r ' ■I r FOReerrtno ij.t fbssT? THE. Ngjcr j- p I ■ h ms POUT I AXiPrif^A rrS 'jp T mV y m-^s^ax/r ly S i n V r — J > \ . vicTiKiTep 0 y I WITH [NT&3PIT,p i r /

i p L M 1 /i

— TOORt:5o f FV TuMday. June 17,1997 "nrYimet-Nein, Twin Fall*, Idaho A-9

W o r l d — P W o rli.D IN BRIE EF-p ]Cw ^ i s h ses t t l e r f iir e s o n I P a le s t iin ia n s Cuba divides oldI bbank into 2 institututions EL BALAH, Gaza Strip MEXICO C riY -C uba! 3a has divided its old, So\iet-si;t-stylc central (.\1’) — AJt\ Je w ish se ttle r scream ing b ank in to t%vo institutions, a c , a c e n tra l ban k and a com m erd•raal bank. in brokensn i/Vrabic fired dozens of The government announce meed the ciiange over tlie wccl•cekcind in d ie shots a t Palestinians Pal. in a land dis- C om m unist P a n y daily, G ran iranm a, a n d on M onday tlirougliiglulie offidal pute Monc:onday and tried lo run P rensa Lacina neu-s agcncy, v y , w hich w-os m onitored in Me.'dle.'dco City. ificm dowisTi n iwitli his tnictiin The netv Ceniral Bank of : of Cuba will supervise banki;iking activity, A deaf’ PaPalestinian w as ivoiincled issue currency anil adminisi nister monetary polides. It ISis bem g sp h t by tlie gtmfi:m fire. from tilt old National Bank •-* >■* ' I n k of C uba, Avhidi will operate-ate more as a Israelii tn troops arrived midway commercial b;mk, altliougii it it w ill h a n d le tran sfe r; on CulCuba’s foreign througli ththe e half-hour shooting and debt. ■ ; v » did nothiniling to stop the settler, , _ Palcstiniailians who tried to tear J ' "'J Yeltsin supports e:early elections in FarF< East ’ence surroimding die set- . ' f j tle m e n t dJucked u d behind trees, MOSCOW -Trying to0 resolvert an energy crisis inn thetl Russian a seco: Far East, President Boris Yc econd clash in the West ! Yeltsin said Monday that earllarly elections B;mk townok-n of Hebron, Palestinians might be held to replace ththe e re g io n ’s governor. threw stoni[ones and firebombs at Yeltsin has blamed Gov. loy. Yevgeny Nazdratenko■ forfo a severe knieU troopcwps who responded with energy shortage in thc Pri o v - ’ -.:' ■ Primorye region, which hasIS I le ft hom es r u b b e r bJuliets. u ll Nineteen people w ith o u t po\ver for up to 23 h a hours a day and promptedd rresidents to were luun,1, indudingir Heidi Levine, V block streets in protest. a photograprapher on as.signment for " -Nazdratenko blames the he energy crisis on federalll a u th o ritie s’ T lie /\s s od d a a tei d Press. failure to deliver promised f: :d fu n d s a n d h a s callcd fo r earl;arly gubetiia- The escalicalating violence comes tonal elections in an apparc w en t bid to rally support in 1his dispute during a deadlockde in the Israeli- ^ d th th e K rem lin. Palestinianan peace talks following V Some government official; rials initially said tliat Yeltsin;m m iglii ou st th e failu rero of o the latest mediation J Nazdratenko, hut Jliis.«an J<- n lau’ }jas no prori-sion far th e t p resid en t a tte m p t, th tiii: is tim e by Eg>-pi. Tlie to fire an clected governor. b a ttle for landlan is a t d ie heart of the - kniel-Palesue stin ia n conflict. ^ ^ ______Cambodia’s Pol PotPc may soon be ca:aught . ' nit.pcac■eace process is hitting an VpM, ° impasse b'bccausc of Israel's P PHNOM PENH, Cambod Palestinian residents of Jcrusaloalom face an Israeli border pollceillceman outside tho American eonsinsulate In Eastern Jerusalem bodia— Khmer Rouge guerlerrillas who provocativeve policies| ;uid ils refas;il ^ have turned against theirir leader,li Pol Pot, could capti Monday, whoro dozens of PolcstlDstlnians rallied and held bannerslers to protest last w eek's U.S. CorCongress resolution recognlz- ipiure or kill to impleralemcnt agreements," him w ithin days, one of C Ing Jerusalem as Israel's undlvldivldcd capital. )f Cambodia’s co-premiersrs jpredicted Palestinianan leaderI Yasser Arafat M onday. s;iid M onday,day. cl dial American interesis in the stun grenades lo disperse the "Palesestinian police have That woidd mark a milesilestonc for a couniry traumati:atized by Pol Palestiniai nians were also angered Middle M East would be' Ihurt Palestinians, andtu) shoved away refrained••d from acting againsi the Pot’s gcnocidal rule. His? rtreported flight already haslas provoked by a non-1 jn-binding resolution IiecauseIm W ashinglon is iIlc^ea^easing- journalists coverin.■ring iKe pVotest. violencee on ( tlic Pa!estini:ui side," fre sh b ic k erin g betw een thhe c country’s two premiers, appn)ved by by die U.S. Congress last ly losing credibility am ong Aralirabs. One soldiL-r heldd ana iinexploded Israeli Prime I’r .Minister Benjamin Pol Pot, 69. led Ihe Maoisloist-inspiretl regime tiiat benletween 1975 week recog: rognizing Jerusalem as llic Giiza dash liegan wlieihen 30 stun grenade nearear the face of a Neianyali a n d 1979 causcd th e d e athhs s ofc u p to 2 m illion p e o p le in c ;i!iu Siiid. in an attempt Israel’s capit;ipit;il, despite Palestinian Palestinians P; tried to tear dm’lown a Palestinian TV cameraman,car and Palesli to tu rn C am bodia inio a vastast agrarian labor camp, •linian legislators, mean- d a im s lo ,dic,die easteni sector of die fence fc near the (hish Katif sesettle- others hanged journalists'joii cars while, ivj Officials claim he is ill amand on thc run in thc nonhet vgaii deh.ite Monday on a h e m jungles, d ty as a futuiu tu re capital, mrneni. arguing it w-is p a n o f an ilie- with their guns, proposed defended bj 200 loyalists.. A thou.s;ind fighters turned a| -•d law tiiat would impose J againsi him Dozens; of Palestinians, led by gal g; land gnib. Israeli offidalslls said The settler stopj:opped firing ami die death last w ee k w hen h e had his1 one-timeon defense minister, So th penally on Pjik-stinians Son Sen, put thc seniorior PLO official in die Ui fence stood on land thata t w as rode off on his tnicii to d e a th , officials say. -actor, lie Wiis not w ho sell1 1;land to Isnielis and other Jerusalemn anda the chief Muslim a al lw ays p a n of die settlem ent,t. detained b y.the Isracsraelis. iion-Palestestinians. cleric, proic rotested the resolution .'\fter the iirotesters arriveived, a In Hebron. Pale:alesiiuiiin ])olice, The UnitedUr States and Israel French begin Repupublic of Congo pulliillOUt Monday atIt a nilly outside the U.S. lx;;u-ded Ix settler riding on a tnitnicn)r stayed^ away fromrom the clashes havecondndemned Palestinian plans C onsulate i n , : in Jem siilem . slis h o u te d "G e t cuit o f h e re !"!" .and Monday..;is they havehav done for tw o to u se tlu:he death penalty against BRAZZAVILLE, Republiiiblic of Congo — French trotroops began -nus is a I i a blatant declaratiiin of began bc firing his pistol. Ilee ;also previous days, ’niatiat prompted| new convictei pulling out of thc Republiclie of Congo Monday, leaving led land dealers, and ng the presi- w-ar againstnsi us," said the cleric, tried tri to nm dcmii Palestinianncain- c allegations by Israe:rael that the vio- accused 1 dent and his rival to escalatclate their war as many fear, o .1 Palestinian officials of •, or hammer Ikrema Sarliiarbi. In a letter to U.S. enmien er and phoiogniphers. Ience was orchesiratirated hy Arafat’s sanctionin out a pcace deal uith the heljh e lp o f m ediators, ling the killings of several d ip lo m ats,i, thc tl protesters ivamcd Israeli troops eventually th.threw Palesiinian Authorit;ority. liuid deale France, Congo’s formerer coloniali power, had saidlid all along ilers in the past m ondi. lhat the only mission forr itsit 1,200 troops was to eva' for- m n p i i m i T T c ig n ers. W ith most foreigners gunt;une, French soldiers loadedled crates of computers and furniture ontoor planes Monday and bubegan their H withdrawal to neigliboringg GabonC and nearby Chad. TiThe pullout J was expected to take the reste s t o f th e week. i i ® The French troops liave■e e v a c u a te d n e a rly 6,000 pecp e o p le ^ fighting broke out in thisis Central( African countryr' o n J u n e S. * I S r O fficials sa y m ost of those wliw ho w a n t to leave a rc gone.

j * Police arrest 26 afteraf Indonesian rioi ■ 1 1 r M 'HV J<\KARTA, Indonesia —— PoliceI arresied 26 peoplee iin connec- t'l i i tion with rioting in East Jav,Java in which mobs burnedI a church, a B uddlust te m p le , a cinem a,1, shopssi and government cars, llie riots broke out Satunturday during a govcmment- 3 3 9 m u m d e ca d es o f artists from 19G77 totc 1997. ; f “ " SSel e '199 FullSe le l » 3 4 9 f u i i s e i C o m piledk m iel *319 » Full Sel '=1 ‘ 4 8 9 l l > ' i ^ -B / l e b S 1 n QueenlenSet *259 HaueBn:nSel ‘3 5 8 .. QueennSel S '4 4 8 ^ QueeniSei Sl *599 [M if ------, 1 KlngSin Set *36 5 !j King Se S e l ' 5 9 9 , K ing ie S e l l * 7 4 9 Report: China Aulhorixed ^ 15 YE I j S K / ! I1I.FM M w nr n m mw - n im m tm n r SHARR rem oves graves C a ^ y l a t o r s BEIJING (AP) — Chinese a u th o ritie s h a v e rem oved 7.4 mmil- il' Hon graves in Jiangsu provincen e e near Shangliai to crcate 195,000000 acres of farmland, a newspaper a03MalnAy«.W h. twinf.infon.731-laa? ^ rejw rte d M onday. '^^TlWatchinng Sets a t^ The report did not say whath a t ______becam e of th e bodies, but Q iin a is ^ Mis-n/W A T C H ^ in tlie m idst of a campaign encour­}ur- I. \ - i aging cremation instead of tradi­adi- V i I P R UI C E S ! , tional burials to presen’e scarce wWHI he farmland. Tlie Workers’ Daily said IJ ^Whilessupplies/-lu die graves ivcre removed between a s t y — / * m id-F ebruary a n d mid-April. . Jiangsu has a cremation ratea te 1 Metai % ^ F uton ^ of 98 percent, but centuries: of B flltfK i i 5 9 | ] trad itio n a l b u rials le ft tlie den.so-ISC- WF b a m e 1^ ly populated area with thou­ou- sands of graveyards and family g m m tom bs, th e W orkers’ Daily said. The area has less than 800ib o ^ 7 8 : square yards of farmland per IrthcTonlo- ; H eadbomids person, the newspaper said. HDEHS 10" Super PI State me^ia emphasized after a « 9 8 ; the death of senior leader Deng l l Q Layer | l 8 a . e 8 Innersprii Xiaoping in February that heh e i n 0 « 1 1 9 = had chosen cremation,-hoping • Futon IWallrei 'otliers would follow his example. '*®“ I ir^.*l29 ! — p . ^||VeryBe^ ^ EVERTON r

iigy lyiATTRESS ■ i n FACTg t9 2 S V * 1 1 A-10 TlmevN#w», Twin Fali;FbI!,, Idaho Tueiday. Juno 1 7,199797 ------B(3e patient wi/ith kids’ injijuries ----- Fmiily liJFE -E n g a g eEMENT — I ■ DI)E,Ul/VBI5Y: t 1 am an onhojlope- I", ------IC R.N. Depending on the seasa so n K e i ^ e y a w k i n s nd the sport, I rcceive a lot)c p , [ ^ -H — AN^ lume calls from p aren ts. Tljey u; L.D e a r d e c lLO o - Eddy and Valerie NIVERSARRIES---- pallylly consistc of a dad asking if his 1 I^Ut- J | AlltiV A Kclscyofof Declo announce the tlee "Johnny” cnn get his castt oc ff m ™ nriDDl engagemeiment of their daughter, becatecause “Johnny has to,pitchh in liL AW^ ^ V a n B ™ , yre Kelsey, to Nathan le big game tonigiit, nnd the teaearn 1 Hawkins, son of Doan j on’t make it without him.” Or. j H O l — l a n d Ja n icice e H aw kins of B urley. P'C E light be a mom calling becau WA u is e L K elseyy ggraduated from Declo iazie" has an audition for tlie bni-b; High Schochool and plans to attend t and .she is in line to dance thetl Smith, if you want:(obe to the star the Collegeege of Southern Idaho, ad, “She must have her cast off.ff.” pitciier so Iwd. do it your'ouTScIf; don't do H aw kinsins ^d u ated from Declo lliese pjirents need to get a duecli itncarioaslytlutiughyolyourson.” High Schoohool nnd is employed by at Johnny iuid Suae aren’t goiioing - AN ORTHOPEIPEDIC NURSE, Magic Val/alley Dairy Supply in I be able to pitch, dance, kicick, PORIl^VND.ORE. Je ro m e. )ist. t'Wst. Ijc-nd, etc. ^ nth :i gre.reat DEAR NURSE: YouYo have spo- The wed(redding is planned for 6 L______;al of agihty if they have l)cenn in: ken plainly, and I praymy the parents p.m. Saturcurday at the Declo LDS II the:ast b for sLx to e i ^ t weeks. Nathan Hawkins and Lacy Kelse]elsey KaomI and AI Ralls who need to hear■ theti message Stake Cent(snter, 213 W. Main St. A won’t I have tt) figlit th e urge to s;iy, “W‘M r. he ed it. r e c e p ti onn n and dance in their honor i) u ill follow fro m 7 to 10 pp.m. migh "l'l II- Ralls I "Sazi let ar B U R L E Y -A I a n d Naomi.N;i( Ralls of Rupert will be honoiinored at open iiousc Saturday i vancc of tlieir 50th \w edding! (o he annivL-rsarj'. hoist. rricnds atui relatives'es a re invit- cd to cal! from 2 to 5I p.mp.; . the a cast Burlev Odd I'cllows HalHall, Oakley Iha a m i \V. M th S t. T lte c o u p le ' ruquestsiu) pfts. T he covi])le w ere mlarried a rr April 6 . l ‘J-17. at th e R u p ert Christian ( ■ Ciiurcii and have contiintinued as memhers there for 50 y e ars. A I B W iliiiner was held Aprilil f> in Twin E nIter t to W in a FR E E , Tails to culehrate w ithh thtl e ir chil- ,dren- L a g ooon< 3-D ay, 2-N'•'flht i I They have lived inI Rupert Ri all ^^52 F a m i l y ;if their married life. r F un Tim e Get-it-A-Way! ^ 1 He was honorably dischargeddis I ludes two nights deluxuxe lodging, from the Navv Seaheibees after meals, and all-day pa World War Il'and hasiias been a passports to longiime member of tinthe Rupert i L a g o o n in O g d e n , U tah ... Klks Lodjie. Before retiretiring, he the Best Amusemer w orked for th e postalI se;service for Park in the Mountain1 WI est 38 years and drove schoohool bus for the Miniiioka County DistrictDi; for fo r y o u r e n tire fa'am r ily !' ne arly :'0 years. See store for deMils, Drawing^ heldhi June 2 1. She taught music for over 40 years, is a past presidendent of the Rebekah Assembly oof f Id a h o , scr\-ed in many civic andUld commu- Ility capacities and comrommittees and has heen a membeiber of the Rebekali and Odd Fellowloivs l-odfie t j i S E y fo r 50 years. In their retirem eni\ t. V eiljoyinf; campint:, fishiVirtig, triivel- a t inf- and Reneral "py'pattering % ^ aroim d." \ T h e couple h as th re e,* daWdn hters nnd five KrandchiJdren:n: KI m nnd Lloyd Adamr. and sons,V Brad\ndB H Jeff, of Oakley: Bonniee Dalso^oD V and dait}Jiier, Sara, of BoBoise; ai)d Karlene and Joe Stutzere r a n d cliil- dren, Eric and Heidi,, ool f S w eet H om e, Ore. Their children and gr;grandchil- jiren would like to congiingratulate y b i ; ssvO«^wXS

•V \_ \

Idolla t^tl Wlilord Wllcon ic o x A T h e W i l c : o)X x i E S I i i ^ i TWIN FALLS - Mr. anand Mrs. 1 W ilford Wilcox of Twinvin F a lls , will be honored at anu n o p e n ^ liou.se Saturday in obsei)servance H of their 60th weddingI nianniver- ^ sa ry . Friends and relative:iv e s a r e ■ invited to call from 6 to3 8 p.m. at • . I their home, 647 Navajoajo Loop, . J Twin Falls. ’The couple; rcrcque.sts -J n o gift.s. t - j i , J ^ Wilcox and.Idella LetL e e w e re married June 23, 1937,17, in th e if i K i a * t f Salt Lake City LDS TeTemple. agW Hi Bl They served an 18-mont:3n th LD S ISHBI f H Mission in St. George,. Utah,Ui in iS U F 1983, and then served in thi e St. ^EC George Temple until 1 9 9 3 , I , when they returned tot o I ' F a lls. The couple are the pare I [•T

What's happening Majo: Leagug u e B asebcball? Find 0 in S por In The Times-Nevi X'______On Tiger’sr’s tall: T in: U 5 . O pen pm5 ro \'c d ^ hNSIDE chcrc \vill11 bcbi plenty of cnm pcddonifor fc Scores andan s t a t s ...... B2 America'sIS nne^vcJ>t fifin g plienonx. Golf ...... B3 Pag(3ge B3 ETO Tennis .,...... •...... B3 jPOI V-73.U - m L H\f. Spons luii/an linuni>/u:iiii rhe Timcs-Ncws Tuesday, June 1 7 , I ' W S e c tio n B M orning L J l l s , Windy CCity bask in tlthe glow u s i n e s ss a s u s ' l i o l S p o r t s Q u o t e ► U d l of^yet another rNBA Chamj:ipionship / / The A sw latodtod Press______CHICAGCGO - As promised, Dennis 3 ^ NBA Final!lls score big didn’t curse. Phil Jackson L r In TV I Pete Sampras willI riinever css time than it takes the 24- I B p I I ratings I- se co n d d o>ck c k to expire. Michael Jordan ; n I'i NEW YORK-NBC'Ss ccoverage ol the NBA become a public)liC dedicated ththe Bulls’ fifth title in seven - - L Rnals between me» C Chicago Bulls and , , y e a rs to thle e ccity’s “ w orking pe o p le ." p l f " " J j Utah Jazz drew tho) sisecond hi(picsl rating sensation undi, hehi Team ownsvner Jerry Reinsdorf, know- In league champions:inship history. Out was ing he woulculd have been booed loudly, - ~ I nearfy Identical to lastla; year. I dirtV didn’t speakjak. In fact, he wasn’t even (f The Bulls'sta-gamo vievictoiy over the Jazz memorizes some d " > ^ introducedJ tot< the tens of thousands of 3 H rcccivcd 0 Nollscn fatingfat of 16,6 with a 30 words and leamsIS rni fans who eracrammed into Grant Park for Share. Last year, tho10 INSA Rnals t»tween ji M o n d a y ’s 38-38-minute, relatively low-key, n v ' tr» Bulls and Scattio:llo SupcrSonics had a dance widi a lampsh)shade s-another-championship cele- H ^ H | 16.7 rating and a 31:11 share. ^ JK K k: The highest rated JSA Rnals was the There wer<'ere no clues about what will n R a Bulls' Wctoiy over thethePnoenij, Suns In • on his head. lia p p en in ib'r>' to k e e p m e do w n ," Chicago w ho10 go( out evcrj- single d a y and1 As the nine time league SciicumipctiiKxi. P(xiitcllt> je scoring cham- ccremonjimy w as over. h e said. ______b u s t th e ir bu( 1 pion finished, the crowd c butts to make a living." said J c h a n te d “ M-V- Jacksoi;.son. ste erin g c le a r of a n y comcontro- ‘‘But you know w!wliat? There's just .so Jordan,who I F! M-V-P!" - both in hor 10 made S30.14 million this onor of his fifth versy. spokesp for all of 22 secondsJs iand much ytui can do to kick a man down. season. NBA Finals MVP award : jCOREBOARD J and in protest thanked;d liie1 fans and players for “ant‘anoih- H ell w h h th e NBA,.I'll r he hack, baby!" tmeilcan Legion baseball] IwinKalLsAAS...... Upjjcr' rwin l';iIlsM 6 ...... U p lw ' AAL Cow b oy)ysget uip p er ham d o n IU p p e r V^alley A«xJRi\'crl2 ...... Twin.inl-alLsA8 I- »V«x]W \cr2.^...... Twin■inl-allsAK) I- B yB radBowvlin lin Tlmos-News writtd to r______• hiric>'atUciri-Tkc(2)

T W IN FALIVLLS - The raging Snake Rivei th e ^ro baseball Upper Valleyey iVmerican Legion ba.seball te:team to take a ■j . lo n g d e to u r fnfrom Re.xburg to Tw in F a lls MorM onday. ’ ...... G iLS(k lS(k .; i-j,e Twin1 pFalls Cowboys used three grittygri pitching mKc.;------performances:es-and-5ome-rock-solid-tiefens(snsw-to-cniure— 'I.Y..M cts6...... N.Y.V;ir VmksO d riv e hom(ime would be even longer, “'Ve had ththree guys today that kinda cl ViJ.inci3...... Tmiiiii a clutched up,’’ P |||||H B Cowboy headid coachI Mike Federico said, rrefi e fe rrin g to th e '• - •vT'V rw >Iilw-Jiikcc 1 ...... ijc.l-«)n.^...... PluL4(lL4(F*10) th e AA-divisio;sion t^vinbiil, ’iasbnxRliH...... Minnc. em before the game that l wasIS goinggi to need e a c h o n e o ff them th to go five innings, andd theytl came in iia-iisQ tv’S ...... HoilmdiiLMonZ and did it,” FeFederico said. ,lonticil6 ...... UaldtiK)jtiKxc4 H is p i t c hhing i r options were lim itedi becauscb< the :nncinmti-4...... Ga'cLuvcLind I C o w b o y s (5-3>•3 overall, 5-1 league) playeded two against ______Pocatello thele cday before. Monday’s contests)sts were make- u p g a m e s fromom a rain-out last week, c M B R I E F Jake Mablelie staned on the mound in the opener nnd w as to u c h e d for f two runs before the fansins at Frontier Callc Field had even/en found thoir scats. iolfer from Tw in Fardllb But the clui:lutch hitting that backed upip thet defense ' r '' J- A started rightht away for Twin Falls, as ThadTh M erritt ecords 1 st hole-in-:lI'X drilled a two-n>nm double to tie it up in the■first. fir i. ■ JEROME - Georgia Bro^vn of TwTmnFaUs Atler tollinting behind again. Twin FallsIs p u t to g e ih c r :ored her first hole-in-one Mon■ lo n d .y a . the third to take tlie lead for good.goo ,‘rom e C ountry C lub. kwood drew the sccond of his tth re e \valk.s. She used a 3-wood on the lG7-yar-SSTd holo “."J 2cond. Chris W estburg’s loopiriping single to >. Her husband, Jim Drown, wicncssedwit "Sft stored1 hhim. Chris Harmon reachedrd ona an error, le feat. a n d J a re d Mlauglian au singled. Dillon Maye;yes’ sacrifice fly to left scorcdd H a rm o n w-ith 3 I Pacnn the go-aheadJ run.n He turned in a repeat periperformance in \ 'I :hallenger League seaBdbUn Game 2 to go along with his excellent: gloveworkgli at f i! pener scheduled todadav shortstop. ' “Mayes is; uiunbelievable at shonstop," FedericoFei said. TWIN FALLS - The ChaUenper;er Leaguei “He really andnchors o u r de fe n se.” ftball nropram for children withth disabili-d ;s will hold its se a so n o p e n e r aIt t 5:45S: p.m. Please seosee AA. Pago B2 day at the field near SavS a w to o th e m en tary School. Jako Mabloible throws o pitch against an Upper■por Valloy batter The league will continue with n il gam es lay evening In an 8-6 victory for thoho Twin1 Falls AA f 'er Tuesday at 6 p.m. throughag h o u t th e Cowboys. mmer. For more information,n, callc th e CUM nwU£/T>» TVMlWin vin Falls Parks and Reen^ c r e a tio n jp a n m en c or Su sie H e a th a t 733-5 od R iver ttakes Z frrom T w iin Falls LLegion AL team iger Woods files lawsiII Woe ^ The Tlme»-Now8s______■ Ileague piny. bhinked! theth ‘Pokes the rest of the waway. S h c u e trip le d d u rin ggihe i oiitbursi. gainst Franklin Mint “ W o d id n ’t come rea d y tcto play." head while thuh e W o lv e r in e s k e p t u pI tlith e p«™' LOS ANGELES - Tiger Woods’ds’ repre- TWIN FALU-LS-TheTwn Falls A-divi- coach ( Nick Baumert said.I. “Uut' as long attack. HankHa Doane, Kayo Sady. PPai aul ntatives filed a federal suit agairgainst tho CowboyjDys took their lumps on asj we leam from it and gogo on, we’ll be Goicoecherhea and Brian Schugliart allII si:sin- 'Ji*'-’" •'u Tr,&.v’"tfncr n i.' x Uf anklin Mint on M onday, clainlaiming a Monday courtirtesy of the Wood River 'OK .’’ gled in thethu top of Ihe seventh as Woe,Vood edal commemorating the golfer’s gc Wolvennes. The opener found the t(teams lied at River addeided three insurance nms. isters victory is an unautliorizedted use of Wood Riveifcr swept the American seven : througli four inningsgs. Two of the WoodI RiverR put the sccond gamK“ne SS;„ „„„ > image.. Legion basebalball doubleheader at Bruin Cowboy ( runs came on Galiabe Gerrish’s away earlarly, with nn 11-run seconc o n d . 1WJ10 Stewart and Lynda Resnick, thcithoir com- Field, 12-8 andan 23-11, dropping the two-run i homer in the seconcnd inning. inning. EvEvan Youdael, Brandon Busi.Bus ny. Roll International, and its5 didivision, young Cowboysoys to 4-1 overall a n d 1-1 in But Wood River pitcherr JZach Upiuim and Kennymy Nelson all singled, and Jes?Jesse J Franklin Mint, w ere named in papers| jd in U.S. District Coun in thele C entral strict of California, riie suit claims the m int produciJuced the After touggh Start, co>)wboy hope ;dal a fte r tlic In te rn a tio n a l M anagnagement PMBjWjWwl DCS for states finish oup, Woods’ management group,up, reject- S B B B B n the Resnicks’ bid to reach a1 ppi roduct ByI Kelly SeUlo along reiUl);Uly nice. Puis me riglit up dietthere horses nl th e ir arenn westwi of W endell. snsing ag reem en t. ' Tlmos-Nows correspondent w hen 1 ropejp e.” “It takes a lot of^ ppractice and hard riie Franklin Mint said Inst montlonth thot y R oe won■on the 5th District Higli Scbo(:hool w ork.’’ R o e sa id . “Builul it's worth it. ll's i sterling silver m edal, advertii:rtised in B ||^ ^ fu POCATELLO-Tlie ways’ Skeeter Roe’s Rodeo All-/•U-Around Cowboy tid e a n d com-con what I do. If Pm not aiII ihome, Tnj out h e re ivspapers for $37.50, is protectedted under RJW - x rodeo season started, the W en d e ll H igh p e tes in c;ilCiilf roping, sic e r w Ttstling,.and an riding horses." • : Constitutional right to cover:r a news School cowboy didn'i figure-e to b e in diis te am ro{iin(ling, imd qualified for state in aall R oe gives a lot of ctcCTcdit for his success 2nt. week’s State High Sch:hool Rodeo events. 10 liis u n d e , Assodation Championships. H e k oncm e of .several dozen M agic Vallealley “He’s helped me a Io i. He hazes for Compllod from s ta ff and wire r Ire reports H e ^vas injured during 'vrere stlin g season a th le te s who wl begin competition atI ththe me and Ty when we■e steer wrestle. Ty and had shoulder surgery,•y. H is ro p in g sta te liiglih sdiools( rodeo in Pocatello toda;)day. made it to State in steersK wrestling, too. SPORTS LINE horse died just before the* CSI( rodeo in The eventnt icontinues through Saturday'day, There's part of me thahat wishes 'Ty w ould PRO* COUICE • HCII SCHOOL SCOUi M arch. and organijmizers expect a record 400-plu-plus have roped with mec this1 year, since I “It was awful," Roe saidid. “Luckily I cowboys andam cowgirls to com pcte. graduated, but I’d re;really like to thank found this palomino horse fromfn my uncle The first]■st perform ance begins a t 10 a.mn.m., my team roping partinner Josic Young, ■ back east. Wc ivorked a tradiide. He’s comc '«th a secoicond performnnce ai 7:30 p.m.p.n Togciher, we make a {great leam. I hope today. Ticke I p^ h ckets are S5 per day p e r person.on. wc make it to nationamals in C olorado in Skeetor Roe ol Wondoll won thitho 5th Magic V.Vnlley rodeoers are dividciidcd July." I ^ istrict 5, w-liich com prises sdioollools Rodeo fans will likekcly have tAVo m o re Ihe latest icores Cdll • 7 3 4 ’' 6 3 < L cDistrict’s all-around cowboy hor•onom.ndo amonepisQ 3 2 6 llic Snake River, and District:ct £ 6, years to w atch iliis Wen ind lollow the limple Intlniclloni. new saddle to boot. He'll try hli 'enilcll cowboy, a s h e ling tlie soudi side. > h as b e en o ffe re d a rocrodeo scholarship at ThcTimc»Nc\\s sta to finals In Pocatoiio startini InBtodiiif. Roe imid d Iliis Ijrothcr Ty train their o\\Tio\m th e College o f ^ u t h c mm Idaho. I

. W.iyto TuMitfly, Ju n e 1 7 , 1 9 5 7

S p o r - |> ;

C u b s ownc Chlicago; M/lets borm b Broi,n x Theese are the2 Mariners■s

cinoA t'.n (AP) - After Al ‘tl j hiiTPr Tliesilav’ agaiwi Sanwn Frandsco, M in t^ yo«rs. lIU' OliifURo Cill''libs hnve R.-w-c \ip six hits againstst ithe Tigers ^ 1 L Liella X \ expeccted to seee bmuhull brac.i.iir rights;hts >y\xr eight innings, two ofif tlthem infield Secnnil Cit>vAi Im m fo>r rn one hits. H e ftlso smick om fi\-e.gaveup fiv SEATTLELE (AP) - Randy "WWe’ve still got somo problemlem s . Tho tnsjMr^d Cnb-., thnix iimiings. § V M up nine hits but didn’Jn’t let the Suddenly,y, thet Seattle Mariners in1 itsii division, t^vo g ^ e s aheadad ofo He wos piven a big ear::arly lead 1 Y ankees get i^vo ninners:rs on in any are livingup up to their spring-tniin- thele defending division champioripion when the Cubs jum j^dI on former h inning until ihe eighth. ing billing5 as World Series con- Raran g ers. A fter two gam es w ilhtiUie Uu teammate Jaime Navan•a rro (4-6) -■ t The riglit-hnnder, makiriking his 48th tenders, Giaiiants, they’re in Texas for a four-four for six runs in the firsii r s t th r e e career start, struck outut eighti and After sweek'eeping Colorado and ganame series beginning Thursdajsd a y innings. walked nvo in his fini careerca com- Losv^ngelesw:s \vithout M -S ta r shon- niglight. I p le te game. Brian McRae, aI If o rm e r Rodriguez in their first In Ir addition, the Mariners hhav« ave i\n d y P eitiiie (8-4) alloOlowcdcigh. American Leaguer in K1 a n sa s e games, ihc Mariners sevi:ven games with /Anaheim, anoUinoUi- Gr>-, paced the Cubs %WtivWth th ree • • h its and liv e runs in seve. Joe Girardi had three"iSrTc bi oP-asLeigame road trip Tue.sday er• divisiond contender, before: the hits and two RBis.Is. Ryne .'•yj Y ankees, who lost for ihehe tirsi lime mSllImS.uiF.n Frandsco at ilie top of M-J11-Star break. S a n d b e rg also a d d e d threeireehits. ■' .'I in six hom e games. Uieu-game. “We’ll know in short ordeir d e r The teams ^vere deckedked out in \ They’ve gotgoi their second five- whehere we’re going to be," Piniell:della recro uniforms, the Cubs ; bs in dark ill Pirates 8, Twins, g6 game winninjlin g stre a k in a m onth .saidlid. blue jersej-s from 1911 aanc n d WTiite ' / | 1-2 in J u n e ; 7-0 in th e TlTlie M ariners went 4-0 againsilin st Sox in w h ite g a rb from 1911917. / MINNEAPOLIS - Ma [ hom e re d in th e first plai< and 4-2 on the road. In thele Roddcs and the Dodgers %vith%viti- ance l>y a Pittsburgli desig;.,isnalcd K.- '"■> " '“ k f,, they've won as many utiliility players ;M\’aro Espinzo and anc Reds 4, Indians 1 ter and Ke\in Polcorichili Iti itil .c n t5 i saraM iis Ihoy-icy did in May. Breirent Gates filling in at shonstoftstop CLEVELAND - Rooki. B re n / . homer of his career, leadinglea ihc “"'e're snlitill i not out of the woods forir Rodriguez, who’s been sideside- Tomko returned to his hothomeio>vn I - '* s . P irates over the T\sins inI theth debut of y e t," m anageiIger Lou Piniella said. lineile d witli a bruised dicst. and pitched 7 1-3 sTiutouit inningsini .is „ interleague play at Uie Metiletrodome. Cincinnati beai Cleveland SmiUi, activated from. UieUn di.sabled * - first rcRular-srason ^ "m m e etin g Will Darlano offthfi thi Bronx. N.Y.. was a baseball fan 'with a split personality list Sunclay, hit a nvo-runun Iiomer in A ZX betw een Ohio’s major igiie (eanu. Monday. He woreore this unique shirt fashioned from- with liis thiin the Blue Jays have Iwen kee over St. Smith’s linen e r u p th e m id d le U] his fir^t pitch to force ( Louis in the first inierleai Upper Valley (3-7, 1-5) madea d c third base. aging — saw Toronto’s firsl league game glanced off RiiRingenberg's glove to one in jh e winninginm, ni John W iisdind- a t County Stadium , IC final threat in the fifth,f th , Other than spring trainilining and 3) worked the lOi :iingful game against an NL 0 stepped on second putt lOihforilievictoo-. at SkyDome since Joe Ciirter'ss T h e crow d of 23,5033 vwas 9 15’ Mayes, who s Itting runners at the cornersie rs eighl "Ohio Cup" exiiibiiioiiiion meet- le game-ending force witl: e-run homer againsi the higher ihan ihe Brewers':rs’ average ^^*9 t ith ono out, bui Ringenberge rg ings between 1989-9G, it v out. first gam e betwL-en th e tean E xpos 6, onDrloles4 1,'S"idelphia Phillies ended the attendance. e nle te re d fo r his second save. a n d g a m e s t a r t e d in Tl; Cleveland joined the AmericanAm BALTIMORERE - T h e M o n tr e a l 1993 WWo; orld Series. The pitchers had thehe definite second Tliird-baseman Cliris W estburglurg League in 1901. Expos tied a chit;hib rccord w iih their Neagltagle (10-1) piiched a five-hitterf advaniage in a game beijeiween the similar fashishion, with Cowboy mad3de a sparkling play on a bunt>unt lO ih straig h t win as Mike Liinsing forhisstis second shuiout of the season, teams who squiired off in the 1982 starter Mikeke Wageman sitrren- forr the sccond out, anda n d :Guire homered in a Ik didid notn allow a nin n er past sec-i World Series. Tiiere were;re only nine dering ihree•ee runs in the first Kinj BoSox S, Phlilles a4 /-I m ngenberg coaxed a pop-up for ** I ricto ry over thee BiiltimoreB Orioles. ond haselase, walking none and strikingI hits lotal and 23 strikeouts.UIS. before hitringng 1his stride. thee third out. He surrenderedre d BOSTON - Troy O’Learyiry iViis hil Montreid, comiriming off a three-giime oul four, - It looked:d for a while like t^vo0 hit.<> in the final inning, but loaded and swrcp of tlie Deiro by a pitcii w tlt the bases loat ciroit Tigeri. Ls die only Cleme-•mens (11-2) stnick out 12, butt Royals 5, Astros’ ^2 Bulldog hurlcirlcr Malt Lindstrom struc•uck o u t A aron O rm e to e n d it. t\vo outs in th e lOUt inningng andj the NLtcam diat liasmisnotlostanintericiigue lostIiis his second straight start. He; K /\N SA S CITY, Mo. - .Jeff King would makec ththat early lead stand Boston Red Sox, helped1 by a mis- game. Tlie Exposos IniihV a 5 0 Iciid iifier giive upup eigliti hiis and wiilked none drove in three runs wilhilh two dou- up, blankin«. KrQortOQ (0)8)«M and In their first meaningfugful game Montreal wonon 10 straight twice aiulscortcored twice. 1 iP Oaftnj S-Rrgweaijil) Cily past Houston in thecf.nt f m.er. g„, phji tlie; divingdi left fielder for against the Red Sox sincee ihell 1915 previously, in 1979 19/ and 1980. Miirk league gam e at Kauffman J ter Mayes walked and S«t»2 W orld Series, th e Philliesi tooktoe a 4-2 Gnidzielanek hadhad three hit.s, includ- M o v lin A crowd of 22,528, "boabi S i.00'0 » X00»0-]a2 lead into the ninth. But thele RedP Sox in g tw o doub!iibles, and Darrin 'Viarim■lins 7 . Tigers 3 id, Andy Pyle shot a I-riFftSst2 CC0131.-87I over the season average,ge, -sow th e JV L»'C»Ir(yn artJ P«na TF,VV»o«man, rallied againsi relief aceic e R icky F letch er drove: in in two nm s. DETRTROIT - Jim Eisenreich. ihe2 Royals beat a NL team [orfor the Ihird smelc througl'Ugh the left side for oraP>i« V-P,V«3«ft'»ii (I 0) IP lino.tfom■m 5,S, Bottalico, aided by Jefferies.ies. C hris Iloiles; andat B J, Surlioff iiii first desi;lesignaied liiiler in Marlins’ liis- siniiglii game. UVO RBIs. »>W5<7) Jefferies, plajing in unfamiamiliar ier- solo h o m e rs or for B altim ore, w hich tory, andand Jeff Couine each drove in1 Jo se Rosado (7-3) won.n 1his fourth He movedd intoir scoring position __ ritoo'. lost Scott H attebcrg’sg's flyi near cam e in to th e! gamegj wiih a major twi> nmsims as 1‘Iorida sjwilcd Detroit’ss straight decision with hihis second on a balk andnd a. wild pitch before the foul fence and the GreenenM J oaster league-best 45-191-19 record a fte r win- first internierleiigue home game, complete game in threee sstarts. He Ryan Jund tiedtiec it wth a single up 5/>S/x>rt5 editor Brad Boivlin cannbc be fnr a double. Troy O’Learj’y followedf< ning th ree siraigliigliiinAiliinta. Kevinrin BnwTi1 (7-4), coming off a no- allow ed one earned run andam six lliis. th e m iddle. re aichcd d at 733-0931, Ext. 229. SC cores A\NDSTATrs

OaTjy 3e«! ts a crv>v» ar~i:f ___ F i.sn n \'G KA.‘i5A5 cnr C«iCri-Si;noi CO Ua:.Mailt . O nn ' n ' l - . M R : lAjOR L eagGUE B aSEBAI\ L L ]____ 'Fish movement up.u« nxMmcTl a cf>n«». ctw. TEL!lEVISION cc«xic! 4 c 0 0 < 0; 0 wx>«r». tiM Maa. «r») ir.»s SI J.J CAnotwM«jifnicS?s^?SUj A L .ST.VNDINO.S fveinJs ) 3 t j lvo-«ts JCOJ lo-aB'xia ofRiW Crui."" Socccr. Israeli, U,S, ESPN 5:30 p,m,m, i: Browors 1. Cardinals 0 pri C« So. i« 'JX UIMcn ST LCm E fcrr,,:. SS ; vi 'U |M»I IS uncfi. Jc'7 Pde'icaej " Voliejbail, wmon's bcach ESPfJ 10:30 p,m.m. CarMCMcn . rr^it i:;: . J 0 m : : : : otmpics " SOT.S 4 0 0 1 CfO t ■ J : ' - 5 0 ►rt»»n -a : ! : UMICO StATCS OirUPlC COl'HlT. ~ Toa S 4 M TctM B i n 0 to tl : : : : ICE-N>-T'« l.’aw<« Sr-.m rrjrj-«r c> JJ* <5j' r , c J c CO 1000 ; ma n.Ir» «na J»r.« AUiiMj-.-l ( lonn,» COJC/t CICVCIA'.O Blip liCf 5IRA_Aw««rt Ci.-» Oo» I la ’'it J' l-^. S il";Ti' I HD!»fl V«W. Of Olrtlan Mcrt tr^:0 xvfyt K.£p«(g rcn*.an a. MVnvni lacrovM coach NCW VOIIK VA.SKCC5-Aj^fl-o ct l^a £ t.ieiti lASAIie-AAAM-xMCO na'(/iSacca . . 3 *»«n-jcr«> t.) 0 1 1 0 C 1 K’l'’ !“’» »M Of Orckk .>U»n.'oTno(n:mHi/;« : 1 $■«, t.J J 1 t 0 0 ' * * ' * " r I CuarJi I « 0 0 1 122 AranKle>^lc lan-M. and Rxl’ Darwlrwl •o-enian.niriMMeoaicoacf Cor'e>^ t.J 0 0 : 0 c 3 ».icta »r>aC P'^toticmO'iW'.EOTID oio MDIHil.lACK-*«i^fOH>tP PESSSviVAriiA-hamet] / ;i n It! 5 S ^ t t } 0 2 0 DpHancJ 4 0 111 ta u r cm 131 OD-! < AMc^A;tor»Mlro.»Wneltr« «»r«nil«nf.«co»ai ;s «j 4tJ It' LMinjs 4 2 ;: KM-.;:. 302cC fjrmcrt era 0:3 Ci-i L-r,ticJ fo'c"o“ l o l o 1 tneiiuxiMc) lano ' rt-»t 501: 1000 Or^iS S1 2 J ON»/n' JO t 01 Jor/ijon from rx 1 i-Hl, IU ll»Ct 0H0-»‘»T,»4 AJ Oa-T'S* »au ; JOOO^?« 4 MO I 1 3 9 JS 1 Purena.M tn« ccwrxl cf isf Jawn "■ ^ --c i- ). M»«H« hom NwtO* ol lnt»frjtai4l KItOOE ISlANO-llarrtd Daiin Wa>0 C L.I l/tll \ V o ^ « JJ «’> «I 1 0 0 0 Uj-x/IIT: 4 111 1 laMtM Son] nxp Dam Manual i>» u >».trarn>r>gitaoiatiicaacn,■Vnfl anO ,. fCftiuilcTR^ RtrW W C r ^ .'1 M O) I ) liorfox Pi*c»)iHFSha«*iC*«la'tH• Jir., DiC-otoiio and tom Pani.r.^ 4 3 2 3 Cjiid 4 C 0 0) lj-aay(l»»a*<)i.l Irint'anodOFArtjy cn. ■'■j ro-niigp. Y ' ' ' ifjjwrircRr Umr^lSM uro.;.. 3 110 Crr3( 4 0 J 0) Icr-Mi.nloiint lSOar«ut4M>M al .... IjA W M Y . I Ctkjcd Cj.M I cron Jci 1 sS siillis ii:; TcQM JJ e t S Tcta B 0 > 0 rcnurctw) frmati 4010 SI JOSCPilS.Pa-namKjPajI'.rflvo^va A o O tcUB B 6 12 a TbUS B 4 t 4 ^ ! n»n »lacFOtM ccacfi KY Urte.NY.YHmO N».ycn(N) XO COO Sl-JI Ii43,u-ain^r‘ir iminii-in sr. l0Ui5-Nam«J Oan R»‘e» t «Ut)JTcrauO iMYmain •n) a m iw o aaariMt eoxnj ftitienfu* tOmn;i ^ :iM ' - Yen Oil lCI)-'-r>YaiiMe l.nr3t|A|t0 VTni-IONr-liamad SaiinNt'urt ;»>-Uy«t«2 IC6- ' foonm . •cm»n > laciau coacP > • • PSia.>^e Umxit Uj«j(l 20-5l«»n}e0(t2l K03nalFcKe«lLM«u< i'^nEt.iicna-iiAT«]nMO«)t^oiv>- KraiC.^S.>u.en} Cr/l;«4r««}tJIl Irira ft) Pirates 8, Twins 6 I'll ;8->W3»il!l i-.«rj|j) J-Uto AFttZONA CARDlMAlS-KMawJ ID lani tocoalcoacn : •' pmSCDBOH uvi$0!« 5«!fi j(?rne< C«rtMS< QMrCI u*.«|liS^ni YAl£-»lafTM CMi«fi» W.-wn ■ P s y c h i c LlLoaguo softball. TsesayiOns Crji-«rw(1{l Ci-Sj«ro»o(Jl r«7*> 1 ONCINf*AnOEIlCA1.5-B»-fc«n.artt!< atmtOiOi. AJT>n*tX)T (t| i - i n v H H CR CJ M ^ » c 0 2 « 1135" 4 E»frt 7».« ll*Tj T-311 A-yc) Bar-*! r/u Dit, S«ar>j Nn Yen. »1 )U 10-« V.-9A OmM fmaO»vg2.7 » n « OxVM (<.^dm:rt»11 J rI3i to 5 0 ' 0 4 112 I U-xu S') 1 0 0 0 0 |44J3t| DcrsclBaau* imca 5.iit»c;4Itut ■,rs"“ I r . l . Uin^c.1 4 1 t ; CorwJj 4 C OO Cubs 8, White Sox 3 1MJ« r.ltrjiiriKJn W J CM 0 10000 h?’-t>Pr1?»illcet.-| f,V.K.tr»n 1cm t30 CM NY [i*tl{n«7rc«3SC]llKV Yir**«tr>^»t* I* ; X,'.4ni1 4 3 3 1 M-.J119 J e I 0 U-r.'n-l*;*-# Tk^,;4 Fnl DMfC« Urvn-»of «.U fm t«W 0«CMM(N) OKASOM A L A l l -S t a r " u M ii 120 t 0 0 0 1 pun: 1^.01. IhfJ C«T5 1-344 i- C,-r».-*i JhrtCawaT-J1l,*-3J«(l CkMM ureu iun«nKi; 4. ■ SSI, j;s!K f ;ii! tS2«t«) ULAMd S 1 13 40 10 I.Kw0rf!r,.i.5MS..1«43JS ICM ixuti}.] i ’ i } J 2 BtlriKil 1111 O&jnH 5 110Wl VOTING xtut Or«ini rr; nr j. tmmm ««■ (U«1U ro (* Icn® i*nS4» 9 n S13 pr ujMTi J 4 t t 0 1] Uurnn J113 OOOO 0rtft-4«.tuii Si Uu)(VMRr..u2<|itUtaMM(U«t Marllns 7. Tlgors 3 Broves 3, Bluo Joys 0 ! 1 ! htMrCM|i>;’|- ;‘c(ngKir>miA-:ie 4 0 0 1 e«>4i 4 01^ 0 1 . an 4ail«5j4TlWr«.Sas..JHir3 »l.«CS»n Oaa n 0 0 0 0 0 AIU/rlA lOKMIOto Souil 5 110 braich 10 0 0 5 Uat»nCmKnC««a^!.tllM 7,U»r,l»r, PsiUTn (laiut ^Jl« unraicu ixiMn Kl I U OCnth 10 10 lUxe><< I i ;2 ,t miBara dai-«x. OfW! JU rw » tMpn i<*T-jr;.HnTcit.irill33.U>t lAjid 10 10 huna 4 0 0 )0 0 .'•tTOCfi 1 0 0 0 rsvBC 4 0g„g 18 u:am.0aund.ir4](i 3 FnHa-41. .l«Tcn,3)l«IIAt«Wt,0om km» (&<«i Nix >jnui Cif [xitvr >S«-«W4 a .•« IIM )0 &-a^» 533 < Vt«>{19 3 0 0 0 :ri.W tOCrcDlrt R«rcr».311,4/7 C«» (Oo-,-»« Mm Oofi 5oi i8| V-Ui»«iai2 tW* CM«»» 4 3 2 1 J.-r^Js 10 !o10 S.r„1c l l n 5^So9 i l i o '» N«T0V?3JMMltl»T|rtJ« I-J17iUUT5;il4J.'«JI UrrwKUl aj-Mi-i^IJlUl Musrj 4 111 c»»ai> 4 0 )0 00 SftTMU 4 I 3 J ' n'JCarVlaui 34tK9 r.UiVai^eaunO'. Ycrt.tH*J3 14 jMCn«iiO*ane. Itm iDifM ».ii < Cw»M{Tro^ ;.T«KU435})S3.XrtCcn I.'rtBtesv-lTnjtlMtii • Hpn Omd SCIO &sn» 4 0 2 0 PBiS«?i E'" i,vJ,“r Jiis TOM s ] I > tcta SOSO10 lOS-Cro;>lMtCr>a93(>ll2!MkAM^ SMSa J23S4H l!Ttriminsu,0««««. OMUnJ Ul 1731 C»n waaiv SmW (TM«ro W • U< f rrcMi (S»vw u ^ » ] 100 enr}" 9000 0 S^^*3>V34 7 e 4 4 1 I (If) s»re>s[iii 54iw«(«i je-e&5.«i(ii • ^ S*a:«:UU74ue>ir4.KMVcn. ?C9pr> 1110 Kiwilti 1020 nrei JDi 03 011-7 AiKU CS (Cl 0D3-)-5 M-UlxKit(4| 5»-fcpu3|r|lMxCn{}| Qi4H10nl«MU:>-cn.iU,3ig 1 Ra«\Je 4 0 11 m cn^ S 0 I 00 ' ^ 5 , J I 0 0 § ' 'cim 013 ea co>-} Tenno 003 OS 003-0-0 Sl-lMiK» ‘‘ <;vs4lcRn:.l'U4 IJMOVraviWou»»• IHf*S«»9iT[t«>1«M3 7,Tnr &-ccni 19 S I ) 1 Ifmg 19 4 110D Wrmea I -'.tT.C) ioo-rcr«4e Dnur .t- CP-Itr»«2 lOS-*Uft»4 tirrtjJ 3S- P M R ER 68 W Jsrtwiumnatui»l,»jnlrp«w. : I n t e r l e a g u e Anni Itio 1130 tMWtllJl fcOJltSl (OvIj CT MU0|1CI CCarcailll S»- A 1 ! 5 I c ? ' Dll‘JW|1Cl J&-n« P<«4 *A«H11| ^ H R IR U 50 Rl.!. 3 I 0 0 0 1; wsnC>r«n:&a>miYnkpmhM : B O X S C O R E S 1010 fr,tl Jt2 0} I I 0 0 0 1 s- » fl ca to 50 , Tcit.3ai:4 4.BMnl*ir*.7«iaiUt.ji»liT tHrU ^ fLwOMS«mnnse.e«scri9A .J Reds 4, Indfaiwi im c S 0 2 0 OUrl 10 11 K«;«WiH 1 5 0 0 0 4 Or«M.3Sa;7l 4.Pftjtkua kfrnwxi StXU( M ^ 0 a jf* ' ' ' I ( ) J 1 i T«c» , A . Tffcru SSr35 r TrNaahra EkaUAll 9Uu U9i93 i CMt Ihnr. 317jrs I {KMMtl OTinMO 1 nV'fttrM 1 0 0 0 1 1 CW-WIH13 » I J } 0 13‘ 'i j ” i ; s, !I 0 lrMrrrMfvOm*M3jr . P«W».WBiar.(n it4i35 7,Uti»r i>-(«n-.Ki-* ScM rm rstn W ii hiU’-EY 0»-v>(Xa«.-) UCtn I 3 1 1 0, 1 , Oam* ]Mn«» SOOO Vjw«u J 0 1 0 i 013 ICD CO »-4I Nrwr R.-» 1-3*1 l-iJCS'fJUJl n x Fm ca»m Stom nP-fta» Rim . I A«tRa*9;<{ 5*aS» wins S.DrMMr. Tuwday. June 17.19977 Tlmes44ew}, Twin Falli, Idaho B-3

S p o r t cs

p Spo rITS IN B RIJ E F p C' Woods’ dciomination is not ) h a d o ^ L an Open-£-and-shu: case Surgery to sidellriline BoSox slugger■2< 2 weeks ^ • w s o f' d o u b BOSTON - Boston firstirst baseman Mo Vaughn is schc r, dieduled to have BETH■THESDA, Md. (AP) - There b e h inind Els. “'I did make someme k nee surgery T uesday andam thac could deprive the last- ist-place R ed Sox a re %\ lot of reasons why it vnll beJ m entaital mi.siakes out there that111 I of their best hitter for six5DC w^ eeks. difficultcult for Tiger Woods to sim- w ill. rectify r so I’ll n'lver makekc TTie arthroscopic procwx e d u re is in te n d ed to re p a ir toi tom camlage on ply overivemhelm the competition - chemn again."i the outer side of Vaughn';hn’s left knee, which locked uf 1 up when he slid and Ern.Ernie E ls is o n e o f th e m , ’Woe'oods does have a sharp leam-m- into home plate Sundayay inight and remained locked I :d M onday m om - T hle e ; sweet-swinging South1 ing cucun'c and there is evcrj- rea-ea- ing, team ph y sid a n Dr.. ArthurAr Pappas said. A friccan a n proved oncc again on1 so n .tceo b e lie v e h e w ill b u ild on Pappas said the 1993 '93 MVP will miss,betv/ee:'e e n t^vo a n d six Sundaylay he has the game and the th is 0Open. He ccnainly left withitil weeks. But ho predictedted it would be doser to six X weeks because mentalcal makeup co bc a majorr a renenewed respect for the louma-na- V aughn’s le ft kn e e is critiiritical to his powerful s\ving. c h a mnpionship p i winner several1 m e nit t: and Congressional, tim ess over.ov “Itt humbled 1 me,” he said. ""It It WSU lineman filelies lawsuit against: teammatet Thele U.S.i Open started last1 humibled bi me big-time and iliai'sit’s , w e e1< k at at Congressional Country ju st ththe way it is in a U.S. Open,un. PULLMAN. W ash.-;- A Washington State linemt;man has filed a Qub wii 1 with talk of a W oods Grand1 T he d(demands of a U.S. Open areire wTongful-death lawsuitit againsta a teammate steimniiming from a car slam a n and it ended with newi' so toilough and are so strenuouslUS • crash tliat killed h is w ifefe lessli tlian a m onih afte r th eywerem^ed y v appreci •eciation for Els and evenI t h a tt you’re > going to get wornTn Ryan McShane \vas nanamed as the defendant in theth< suit filed by greater ter respect for tho special1 out.” Jason McEndoo, Both are redshin seniors who are ex]expccted to stan demand: ands o f th c O pen, Woeoods was also worn out by next season on th e Cougaiigars’offensive line, Elss hahad tiic patience, precisionI m issiriing an average of five fair-lir- McEndoo’s lawsuit wasN-as filed May 28 in W hitman CoComO'Superior putting to win on a course sctt w ayss a round, despite driving Court on behalf of the estestate of 22-yearold Michellefc }McEndoo, who up tom! ng > meet the difficulc standards w ithI hish 2-iron most of the time, died in tlie Ju ly 1 4 ,1 9 %>6. . crash.c o f thle e 1U.S. Golf Association, “ Trhe h suffering is over,” heh e McSlume w as drivingg ttth e Ford E xplorer lh a t le ft IntInterstate 90 a n d Woods 1; ds lack ed all tiire e . sa id:. . “The ' golf course beat men e rolled as tlie lliree studeniients were returning to campus 1 us from a friend’s g y’ winning „ j his second U.S. • vs'cdding. u p .” O penI at only 27 years of age, Els If Els E presents a challenge toeo : a select group. In the 97 W ood:ids’ effort Co dom inate golf,'If. Griffey leads Amenerican League All^tStar voting IS there are now only five s e v eiral r; other faceors alsoso ;rs who have won more thnn1 . ■ I NEW YORK - Seattlelie Mariners outfielder Ken1 GGrittcy Jr., thc S f ’ em erg'rged ac the Open, m ajor league ho m e n m1 leileader with 27, leads Americarc an L eague play- E lsis is merely one of a finen e lie Irwin won three times groupip of yo u n g p la y e rs w ho vvillill e rs in fan balloting for th e /\U-Star gam e released Monconday. while u e Willie Anderson, Bobby iround for a while: Stewartirt Griffey, selcCTed to tJieJie /U-’s Slarting lineup each yey e a r since 1990, b e arc ;s, Ben Hogafi and Jack C in kc ((24), Jim Furyk (27), PaullUl has received 1,634,285i vovotes for the July 8 game atat Cleveland.< He S iu ' laus share the record with1 - '■ I.: ■. ' was the overall vote leadeader in 1994 and 1996, and topj:opped die AL in , ‘ ' S ta nikowski k (27) and Tommyny 1991 and 1993. T olies:a (30) all finished in th-’ topop fact, Els’ perform ance in Baltimore tiiird basema;m.in Cal Ripken, a 14-iime All •• 2 0 a ttiI th e O pen. All-Star who has mi?nrdir championships proves he staned tlie last 13 yearsrs aat siiortstop, is second overcil:nai a t 1,196,426. • • T hle e talent pool is broad andnd he kind of game that holds With Ripken’s shift to0 thirdtl base, Seattle's Alex Ri , d e e p1. .;And two players in panicu-:u- Rodriguez tops up undender the most intense pres- •shortstops at 849315. will cause problems foro r He has now finished in the Baldmore’s Robeno /\lc/Momar and Brady /^ndersoni nal t o aro in posi- \Voodsds in tiie majors, at least foror 0 nine timcs in Grand Slam - th e nenext several years — Colinin lion for starting benlis,'IS, w ith /M om ar th e to p secomondbasomanat ts and has been in the top 20 tgomerie and Tom Lehman,I.. 812,677, a n d A nderson1 Uitliird in tlie ouifield at 601,64,647 pvda„ds Montgi :en times in the 20 majors he D n\id Ju stice liolds d ie: seisecond outfield position a t 777,' ||||||^^H |||||M Boihllh are at the peak of tlieir;ir ilayed in h is c a re e r, New York’s Tino Marllartinez tops the first basememen at 420,612, ies and lioth playetJ well.‘II believe this is possibly che U i i i e notifj Texas’ Ivon Rodrigii<^ leadsleai c a td ie rs at 76-l,954. a n d SS catU e's E dgar i(Ji to win tlie U.S. Open, iiest one of them all to win M artinez is tlie to p design;ignated hitter at 552,745. hile the memorable shot foror m e n tall;lally,” Colin M ontgomerie Tigor Woods s t a n d s In the fog on tho U th holo aftor darknes(ness suspended third- Leiimanan is the ball inio the waterer after finishing a stroke round play ol the U.S. O p o n Saturday.S. Woods' pcriormanco;o at tho tournament on No,^0, 17, it was really his puiterer Trail Blazers' teeijen prodigy arrestedd ati mall Sfind'nd Els. “And he seems to was a s dreary a s the woathorhor; ho finished 10 strokes behindilnd winner Ernlo Els. tiiat cccost him the Open. He aver- it. H e’s w on c^vo.” COLUMBU, S.C. - JerJermaine O’Neal, who made2 thetl jump from a g e dI one r pull a day more than irch in g fo r a w o rd to explain each hall hit into the: roughrc at calm to win maji Iiigh sciiool to tiie NBA,V, sjspent a niglit in jail last weel.eekend after die r. . najor tournaments." Els, andar on Sunday missed fiveve success in the majors, 18-yearold was arrestedid aat a mall for what police say'ayw^mouthing this U.S. O pen co st p la y,-ersahalf- e r Woods, howejwever, lacked iliat timessfrom f inside 10 feet, off at R idiland C ounty SShi h e riffs deputies, ifiomerie said; “It’s a word siroke. calm. Severalral times when he Mononigonierie showed the com- id talent, and he’s got an "I didn’t s;iy anyiliinglg t»-as a sked by years and I th in k v«ih exp;xperience and numerousIS bogeys.b thing;g as well: Tiger Woods willill ost a stroke. officers to stop, O’NealJ c;came over to sec \vhat his: frifriend’s trouble “ j---; you become a little bit bi mofe “I will ;1Itell you this,” said liaveeI enougli challengers to makeke fact, statistics showed that calm,” Els said. “You haviave to iie Woods, who finishedfin 10 strokes it inter;eresiing. lli e 6-foot-ll O’N ealI iuiiuid Simmons were asked to10 1leave, but not Iwfore Sim m ons t^sice asc(ased foul language and t^\ice wwa as w arned iJiat X • it could ge t him arrestedd, , fM onon .said. Monon said O’Neal agrtig rec d to leave th e mall, buc tolitold officers tiiat J - - /limo 1 J drivesr may ha^ive fallen:L asleep, p(olice say if tJiey to u d ie d him , he wowould sue. Just before O’Neal readeadied his c;ir, he cursed to a fifriend and was BIRM]^MINGHAM, Mich. (AP) - officerer before being taken to thehe taken into cusiody. Wlionlen Simmoas again cursed, hee tctoo, w as an-cst- T he drivJriver in the limousine acci- X hospitaiial, P a tte rso n Siiid. ed, M onon said. d e n t that injured two Detroit Red “HeIc m ade s ta te m e n ts ... tiiai tiieho O’Neal said otiier group:)ups w ere handing out tlie flyersers, not llis. W in g’s s aand the team masseur \ ^ ro ad wwas clear, he knew nobodydy appearccarcd never to hit the brakes A h a d .cucut him off, he remembers:rs Carolina Hurricananes show off new logolo, nay have been asleep when 3 \ tr a v eeling l southbound onjn imo careened into a tree, jL \ Woodwdwarcl,” P a tte rso n said. "Ne.vt:.Vt RESE/'LRCH niL V N GGLE L PvVRIC, N.C - 'Ilie Carolirolina H urricanes police; saidsai M onday. '’“"S''’ he rememliers is striking thelie unveiled tJieir new logo;o ^Monday, giving die Hanfordird Wlialers’ dLs- Thec drdriver, Richard Gnida, did c u rbI, , :and attem pting lo steere r tinciive fishtail o n e final st ave a valid driver’s license; it a ro umd m objects in the median.n. . .. . Tlie NHL.team, whidi r leen revoked after a series of 'n i e nI hllis memory’ w en t blank.” Nonh CTTolina from Hanlanford last tickets.;s. Gnidlida, 28, was relea.sed from tiielie m onth, now fe a tu re s a Itlogo with A W “ H is s:statement was, 'I think I s p i i^ hospit:'ital Sunday. Patterson saidid swirl around a couplepie of sea m ig ht bave hi blacked out,’ which n . policee 1have Iwen trying unsiiccess-ss- siiapes. In the eye of thele hhurricane in d ic:ates a te to me he might have fu lly' to . reach him to get morere is a flying black puck. 1 off,” said Richard Patterson, -wBS b A'.- inform:m ation abo u t th e accideni. And the team colors • ly police chief in thc Detroit ice 1994. G n id a h a d l>een tick-:k- green and silver in H artfortio rd — a re now a red, black, wwi­ h ite and silver suburbb ofofB irm in^ iam . |kV eled fofor operating while impaired,:d. hurricane emblem. P a tteiterson r anci M ichigan State ‘XV ■ operauating under tiie influence andId “llie inspiration for the logo comcs from the power,,-er, tiie strengdi. Police2 SSgt. j Lany Richardson said unlawwful f bodily alcohol contentnt tlie speed a n d Uie te n adty d ty of a hurriaine,” said Davidlid Haney, direc- prelimin:ninary tests show the limo’s mice for speeding, accordingfiR tor of creative services< fofor the Nl^L, wliidi helpedj g guid e th e t^vo- . brakesIS andai steering were working loSecrtcrctary of State records, m onth logo dasign. “ It haphappens to be the same kindI of qualities of a and no10 otiierot mcdnuiical problems Rod Wings fan Dovin Schaofoiofor of Oak Park, Mich., placos a bannerb Saturday Goreircyca and Paiterson saidid g reat hockey d u b u n d thh e jgreat gam e of hockey.” w ere found.four noxt to tho tree In BIrmlnghar;ham, Mich., that was tho sito ofDf a limousine accident diargcs;cs w ere cenain but tiicj’ haven'tn't A uthoithorities also say they have Friday night that Injured twoyo DetroitI players ond tho team1 massjur.ma ‘I™™mined jast wliai dieywilllx:. edders to train in Wy|,yOming J » < ! ,n1 no o evidence tliat alcohol or A l WWilliam,Beaumont Hospital,II. Jamaican bobsled s were involved in Friday Ikilleville. said M onday thathat Gnida 'llie plaj’ers; werewc rciuming fnim doctor:ors said Monday they werere EVANSTON, W yo.-'nu‘llie Jamaican Iwbsled team, an Olympic nov- night’s’s cicrash, which left defcnse- was fully licensed w henI that tl inci- a golf outing, panpar of their last day encoururaged by the responses of d ly tliat finished 14tJi inn oione event in 1994 and inspirecre d a movie, \vill m. .n VlaiVladimir Konstantinov and dent ocnirred. of group celeble b ra lio n s o f th e ir Konstailanunov and Mnatsakanov to base its training opcrauonsans in tliLs small southw estern W;Wyomingtown. masseureur Sergei Mnatsakanov Asked if the compan;any later Stanley Cup viaoiaorj' six daj-s c.irlier, familyly members and Red Wingsss 'llie team , w iiidi h a d prcpreviously train ed a t Calgary, AAlbena, dedd- comatoselose and also in ju re d defense- learned about the charge•ge, W ank tiieir first CupI inin -12• ye;u^s, ’llie :icd- pl:iyers;rs — who have been playinglg ed to move to Evanstoni bcbc'cause of its proxim ity to thiie e w inter sports m an Slav;jlnva Fetisov. said: "Tlie q u e su o n of whcvhether or dent ocainedai ai alxiut;i 9:15 p.m. Russiaiian music and Queen's "WeJc facilities near Park City,ty, Utah, and because costs oof f living in th e Oaklamdand Coumy Prosecutor David not an em ployee ru n s to anan Patrick Rafter,r, AndreiA Medvedev, T h eW! Wimbledon i draw is set for Philippoussis. the 20-yi)-year-old Tim Henman,n, Wayne\ Ferreira 7 3 3 -8 5 9 3 &4 Twin F«Ili, Idaho) Tuetdar. Juna 1997

C o m i c s .

PoanuU______By Charles M. Schulz orBottofcrForWofM Rv I vnn Johnston flrwoMV, s y s s a when■ilSaT i < ^ HEY, I'M o u to VOJ guys/s l) PO GomeTW&IQr „uje'R e GCJrsNA 3 0 . AAA'i'BEYOL/ 6UY5 SHOULP LO MICKt'CMOUSEHAS ILL I BET Mg COULPGET ( / WHO’S MICKE'C) WHAr!0/<0T&5K MYI-ICG.tCGWSE, GCJT rr,L lZ .8H £W \3 I ^ cmcKojTcresj^ e o VISIT OUR BROTHERR A LOT OF h’RIENDS ’ YOU JO B S AT ONE OF n V MOt*n&St.-eTBflT Wc-fC.CC.GCH- irj G ffE nratnpc.flN ’Ai V. M O U S E ? J LITTLE c m - w Nft HAVi ' T>iE 5PIK6 IN THE DE5ECT„HBME IN HOLLYLUOOD.. THE 5T U PI05..H 0U ) i lAVe. iHCKG'CNOWftY I f f KNOWS M ICKey MOUSE,. t i l g ? CCULD PfFOtTD ONtl j 'i s ^ DOES THAT 50UNP? | I ^ e>M I /y yT^^/CpM ■ ^ gS S^ i ...... g ^ JTV/Vr. ______I Pnbert______By ScoRAaams J Young ii S T a n ^ f^ 'TOU-RE INV ITED TO3 Afi TllslA, IT CJOUlOULO SEE^^ 1 CAN YOUOU HONEY, I '*0 PROR PRETTY CLOSe.) 7 " FOUR* HOUR. h E E TIN lN G , I that all ofF-YOUR '< ; B R IN G j I C0I5H, I ACCIC7ENTALLY ) I'LL MAK I rAEETlNGS. HWHAVE NO 7 C H IPS ? SaCKB TWe ^ A HEW C ^ 5 0 K , ? torsH, I l-ES OP I PURPOSE OTHEfHER THKN : I W IS H I THIS CU A lR ^^^^^ W ^ !■ : VOU W ITH i I TO PROVIDE VI HAD A SPINL. '■‘'Cx'/ S URROGATE j CIAL^LIFE. J . Leu V s L o B.C. By Johnny Hart Pickles p ______By Brian Crane VWM...OVO ^ « li^ 2£ A o l lM0W£v;eR.TT6 AY€>AM I TT^BVTuewAv. “ -W l&? SOME WOMAW etUAos-tV'ie. sroov / W ENT C5ZAZV AKiC» CP POLACE. REC C «0& I •SWCrr U £ R W S&A>iP. WOUi&TWAXKiO '


i^'iLbeKEsr W O ll ^ . BUWiiEgE e P K P e y s aifleld ...... By Jim Oavis ------1 Donnis C tho Monaco By Hanh Ketcham Tho Family Circus ’ " By Bit Keane HEE HEE HEE HEE —— —f~l i~ 7 “ HEE HEE i \ / /.— 1 TAP TAP J— 'A ( ( h j I ■ c SL j -'■

______J?WC’AV'f& 6'I7 . KI and Lols By Chance Btovi-ne

'AWeRE'5 \ «M e'5 HAV}fV<55 AH/» i tW o U Q H T A r^XY ir'5 I IcooL/r ^ Y'Y C o u CAtJ THROV/ ^ J OP£M fioU se■ PCFOR. > OPEM M o u s e IS Iit m a t ; , s c r r T A c s o RARTIESfa ATcrrweR ? y NEf? KW L ESTASTATE i A P>>R7V»^JYtoNE11 / r e o ! i n t o REAL PECPLE'5 PE M o u s e s / r - ^ COAAB4^J/Amnue i cA^J6oro/ y \ e s t a t e / ^ / \0 R C > ? K S ' MOUS) U s e / I ^ "We’re growin'in’ iights there. j S h e V '1 /Vfl/f^HAVeAfJYmiN££SBCTTEffTDCO Mommy/ saitd ‘ v 4 m ^ e THAN TO F lM WITH N»U, DENNIS,"D£ plantedid buibs."

D on’t starv■ve in Dennmark HaOKOSCOPE I /dney Omarr p o Wizard of Id By BranlBra Parker & John^^s'rt ' In nncicnt Rome, there wc ^ . S y d I strictly fcmnlc names, only I ' / p r W m a t ’s wW I A T ? I nized niiile names: Claiulia.. \ W UF- /.',r:JlllE-F l-M?Ac-f’ f^'in-,'=ir ) ' c : 17 IS YOUR HIRTIIDAY: Cameliii, Lucretia, «> on, L ,M ,B o y • \ I b v n y P io ,oc;i 3oyd I I exjires.'; amazement at yoiir .nanE; ITr/M-’ : Qiiotin)> from the witty Si ahilily lu lirinKinu order out of'chaotic ntua- i i lli / ri/wgp./^i- J \Vri(;i)i's V suncl[>‘ lineace; ”Kit;Iiit;lit now liiiru, rcbiioiuindiips. You pick iii»et win------• I'm 1’ hnvinK am nesia imil deja:ja vu at doned by an Evca-stit expedition.ex ikts—ye "relncaniaiion"' of person w p i ' f f l People in iwrtniits pnintcild durinRd Q. ^Vitfn't Hau-aiilii 11unknown w hen you unco loved.ed. the time of King Henry VIII all wear the Dcclurution }fof InI d e p e n d e n c e ARIKS (M.'March 21-April 19); Keep ' i s i l long sleeves. An an historiannsiiysit s ww.signed? [ilans flexible,>le. Individual who outlincti Hagar’^ o r r i b l o ...... By Chiis Browne was considered indecent tlicihen not A. To the signerse rs, y e s. T o th e prutr.'m it likeikely 10 be replaced, sudden- only for women to bare their,•.arms ar in IIaw aiians.no, ly. i'liiKef cff fatefi poinis to you; >-ou are public, but for men to do so. too,100, Q. What’s the olde who Itecnmes star oveniif^tii, X P ^ f ^ ' r y ^ tJ o ^ ■H T " AUL I ^AlP WA^ P ■"'-'""'-"I ig S K ed, Nepal's Biiddiiists in the mon;lotuistery liquor? Yin-Y 'i'oo'iz^ e o ■ ^ y /.::;? PAY' TAURUS■ (April(A 20May 20); Sing ouil ^ \ I / of ■niyansbodie at the Shjinsri'Lri'Liialii- A. Toddy, some .say.ay. FromI the sap of Mnkc |.cr«m.iinal appearances, let others I trnic of 13,100 feet sometimes? in their tiie |ialmyra palm, diitirlilting beyond 1500 hear your voicc vi — und opinions, I) mysterioiLS ceremonies rinR a Kong.ltsgoi B,C.inIndia.Wlic-ntlieltlic Bntisli inst^illed Questions cor:oncerninc m arriage loom h a o a ! ^ - ; ® exotic tone linscrs in the cliiUI thinth air the w«)rd "toddy" inio.E10 EnjJLsh. tliey piit ■•Tfi'--. I'amilyily member presents Kifi, ^for n long moment to charm the won- “hot” in front of it totb labelI; any warm nf^ Libra involved. (May 21-Junc 20); Soft-pedal ______d.derment of stranpers. In fact,ic t. that spicy alcoholic drink.k. BUui in iB ralivo ,, S u I I’.onR is an old oxygen cylinder • bo quiet within, express ------ler aban- rewon. the “toddy” was n manner. Follow tlirou^^li on ACROSS |i \2 |3“ n ■ p T ' o ” '* psychic improiression. Co-worker reveals 1 Oal ______’ ' ” 6 '’ 5 : so Imd afler all! PLvrcs plays 5 Junf]lo C'oaiuies nile!’' exd'i o9 Grcadsprcncfs I—------■ tc------CANCER (J ; (June 21-July 22); Just us l-’ ExiM you said is woiwould bcl Avoid "I told you BAOtlo Bailey ByMortWalhCf i-*14 Ctitis — of h-5------2 2 ------s*>." and accL-fcepi iiccolades for accurate tonnlo | _ forecast, Capripricorn will open doors of ts Tropical plant - W E L L ,I THINK'ZERO T \ / N O T T O Z ’5 op,.pn.miiy,ScScorpio talks about creative ) WHAT ^ I 3 3 i j n . 9 ^ le16 War god I H B H . projcct. learnepavaluable j} WA6 ^ Nlf^ VOLUNTEER Sr«- oTm' ’7t7 Edgo 35 M 27|- ■ : : |§ P ' = y 23-Auk- 22): NcRoiiaiions LESSON TOPAy TO TAKE IV -J' 3 C L o '? 1010 2o1u hoioino ______rouH sifih, "Took a lol out of LOUISE'S /^>CSI t s 1919 Soagoer ” LKO (Julylh 2 ill" LonK-ranse prospects 21 Kindol number —------___ n cotnpk'icd. Yoifer 10 travel is valid. Oliiain V CAT To / W e 21 T H E V E T / 21ft P ^ 2323 Hurry I 3« me, was wonhif property value, Aries f c 2424 NoQalivo word jj------J _ — liri|;liicn. offer '^ T T - 7 II 2525 Enling aroa p |p E = :p | estim ate Auk, 23-Sept. 22); Bright I V S I \ 2929 Scut! ■ ! i------Wluu was dark receives l>en- VIRGO (Aller knowledge. Short trip f f l 32 Individuals 33 !P ------liBliHsliinclWIntive who confides, "I am }■> Unusual ■ ■ ■ . c(it of Bfcaicidon't know wliy1“ Leo plays 37 Pindaric vork li M M involves ^ f - J |£-.|7 ______rcstleu and do: ^pt. 23-Oct. 22); Rise alwve - / i s r d ^ i z ___ & iJ8 Tronsgross rs------3939 Plnylhlng " M 97 M featured role.nake accusations based on Ffank end Emcst______By Bob Thaves 40to Disoncumboro 53------______MURA (Sepward due, you’U get financial 12 FalkorJonnings M those who malle. Display abihty to laugli at 14 Marquis d o — .» ■iblcs. Tonight OK for post- THosf V//5P0M n e; e i r H m 1 H15 John Jacob ond llll ** aid and praise,r-jiion. Mary oiM 7tnu/i»u«• UmU SarylCffl.Ie IriC. e N —------your own foibi> (Oct.-23-Nov. 21); I’eople i i f e (S o ; n g t o I Hh / i v e ro FI „17 Eslobiichcd «.n)..ut.«n»arxd ponedcclcbrjtie have you been?" Your 19 Coach Y cstordoy's Puzzl Kcxt time, really look and 5 I 6/17/97 ask^°Whl?e‘'c r Cycle higli, you’ll bc nt • ■'C'\ °L/7UT. Porsoghlnn I t — Lisa 'uzzJo solved: It crudal moment. Don't get i f ' 50>0 Obsorvo 12 stgnol __ . you 11 see mcesil er COVWH'T Y l 31 Allies 14 Happcnlno He lM d n £ w HrIii pbce ot,RIUS(Nov. c 2^Dcc.2I): In YOU Ju^T I f ‘ g>5 Short jockots 2 0 Pocanoflil'"«= lliiilflii II mood, you’ll sigli, “I cnn ig ^ pUMg THEM•M P O \ y N 5 & 59>9 Loavo oul 22 Pofniorort rte O T H SAGnTARIrid if ready to give il upl” K> English royal 25 Portal i i i i i i in ^ I ^ philosophicallarriers I in connection with / I U / Tr T « t ? 8 1 “ houso 26 Bombay’s/■sland I u mTd R e I l L 7 I ^unge, reputntion. Scorpio )2 Adoro 27 Roqulros'* TEA I p[i E L^ S Overcome bar >3 Angof 28 Focilitalos D I. E travel, lanpun ------...... xTHA.veg% 7| ^ OS T)nIT M ■o A L A ORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19); !4 Minimal 29 Dloo E o n e T * P E■ N|S M D|n | I |e |D | plays top role.ng skills. SccruiHo liigldights 'Rie Bom Losor uyArtbansom&L'hip cs)5 Stoady 30 Ol binh n c N E InT l A r n B a lH lA l^ CAPHICOPhanpe, uavcl, vnriety, Moon iO Vaticlnator 31 Woar away'Voy ■ B l T T]?' 8 ~' I N n i a W s v f ^ Dijpbywriting!ihanzes ability to win friends )7 Soo birds 34 T h o — am I E 9 t I o i h E D adventure,chaiace people — dramatlcl ■ ^TUS,'TD(jOCNN,iK ^ 55D im »FD s\~7 6Wt-lfM fC C U T ilK iO Tom Pendulum- p f T T f e T lrU S -=-|TrnrLaLH J iXKilioncninha) picture. w e rm p {£££. weiGrawr... W i*£!,— oiiTll£Re.M4Y V (QiHHeiisHr! J CXDWN (Poo) • ■ £ l ^ i l l l nndinfluenciUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): Some “ I P ^ l £ 5 Z SaRittarius int, pi "Wc tliouglit we lost your urjx) f »WJEPNMlve?J ------1 Mollusk 36 Oboon/odBd SLLBlMltlE n s^ i-^‘=^-M -v~iycr AEojr. 2 Italian coin 41 Racoolllcii(Idol |o | d | o | 8 H o | e | l | e£ n M Z i . * S AQUARIUS4e: “You can’t lose me, I’m —"X —3 ^ Abovo 42 Challor 0 e ■ * i! £ comment,rbinl ■■ bad pennyl" Make 4 WIshos 43 Vocotionnopot s{ E o | e W E R Your response:when people least cxpea it. ^ ‘ '•' like proverbi 5 Stato sirongly 44 PittsburghOh a 6/17/97 appcamncewhFeb. 19-Murch 20); Avoid 6 Each olhlolo ^pliasiiedr&r 7 Thoroloro 40 Nallvo molinolal list. Stick to whai is rcaL 53 Angof 57 I PISCES (F«supports case, ii true ally, SM ofohafch 40 — Aviv flim flom artison em phasiies correspon- 0 Malntcminco 51 Lolo andd lololo , 54 Lnwyor'o patron 50 1 workor • 52 Friend to0 55 Hood 57 61 Kiln I Loyal VirRO lersonssu in other nntioni It Is 10 Alda or U dd______JacQuoa______1 50 Wandor__50 IRomlttod MoO" ^v-r-7?T 1 JH. 61 Now'mnn dence widi pen l l 1 Q D s RMIior______'™ ' No fun: Filcran■amccLsfcsti\'al. In s u r e P a g e C2 Otiituaries...... C 25 IdahoAVest ...... C41 M a GIC( I V a iLLEi Y West ...... C 53 Mh/i-C/jssia hf.Editor (iny,(jty Ihihn - 6 7 7-h ’■

'Flic Tim cs-NcwCWS 'r u c s d a yy , jiin c 17, 1997 .S c c tiom n C < : Aroi)UND f Ti-iEVy/ alley I

D ancing in ththe street: I

D unken’s trieies again | Volunteers Adrian •nVIN l - .\L L S - n iee lclast one didn't go too I Delarosa, Juan smoothly, b u t a n o tlier streetst; dance and beer I Delarosa. John Morinin (garden will he cm tap c ip on Main Avenue in . I and Freddy Saenz ofif front of Dunkcn’s tavernerTi Saturday nigln. I ■file event will followo\v a Rotar>- Club b e er I Alamo, Texas, |oln fe“st in Cily Park. Beman Perkins of A divided.City Com:ouncil approved the I Hagerman to fill streel dance on aI 5-25 vote Monday: ■ sandbags and build a C ouncilm an C h ris Tall<'alkington and Mayor I water barrier Je ff Gooding dissented.id. I The last street danctnee - during Western ' I between tho Snako Days - was marred hyy drunkend: people wan- I Rivor and tho home derin;: im o Sho.slione Street,S tr police said. fl i B a of Jane Howell and Many people iinderr ajage 21 uere drinking ■ m S h TonyBowlorat20 alcohol, Councilman Ho\': low ard Allen said. ■ ___ A parade of downiowtown business owners I Bell Rapids Road In '“-'■^londay conceded theihere had been prob- I B | l | | Hagerman. Known as)S lemVMlh (he Inst one.ie, hut they urged the l I y ' th o ‘Texas Team,' coimahoM to scotchII the tl idea of anoiher I ^ B | the volunteers from street danci?>Si^h eveirvents provide vitality ■ I and a sense oT>

2-month-old Hazlazelton infant ' m JEROME - An infantant was killed-Sunday night in a one-car rolloverro! in Jerome County. i n g Two-rnonih-old Zoeyuey Jean Clark died ichi o u t after the vehicle she wasw; riding in, driven by her mother, 21-y<1-year-old Aundrea Williamson-CIark of Uniellon,H:' veered off the road and rolled 1 1/21 limes, an Idaho Stall* Police d isp a tc h eir r sSi a id . 'llie infant ;vas secureured in an infant seat - hut was ejected from1 tlthc vehicle, the dis- paichcrsaid. Doth Clark and Willi,illiamson-Clark were taken to Magic Valleyey Regional Medical ^ Center. U’iiliamson-Clar'lark was treated and I released, the hospital’sI’s nursing sitpen-isor • s ^ ■ said, % U Twin Falls policece investigate I si 3 » ! i rash of car brea;ak-ins I

TWIN FALLS - Twiiwin Falls police are ■■ ___ investiRaiing break-insIS 10 tc 16 cars 'Hiursday and Friday niglit. l a w i II n J S Most of the burglariesies were concentrated H I in two neiglihorhoods,, policepo reports said, in v i I the northeast and nonorihwesi sections of I 10»V11. I In northeast T^vin Fnllsalls, tsvo vehicles w ere ' r B broken into on Park TerraceTc and Galena , I Drive, and cars were• burglarizedbt; on Park ! I Meadows Drive and Nonl(jnhem Pine Drive, all 'J H on niursday ni^ii, the.* reportsre said. Anotiier sfl tvvo cars u 'e re b ro k e n1 into in on Candleridge sfl Drive'Iliursday night. Many of iho cars wenvere parked in drive- ways, and most had windowswir broken, the H I UMIIN tMUlTt.THnMtiM reports said. Siereos, comrompact discs and cell isldcnl Jeff Smith takos volunteerier effortse to new heights In Burloyly duringi tho rocont flood scaro. phones w ere ta k en fromni thtl e cars. ^ f l Smith stoppsppod by to seo whothor Howardd anand Marilyn Schneldor nooded holhelp; his efforts turned Into four-dayr-day ^ ^ ■ f l :. KlKo tried to savo tho Schneiderr hemohe — perilously closo to tho floodedflo banks of tho Snako Riverfcr -— Librarians call computerc I oven spondiinding a night on tho lawn by thoOliver's ilv edge.

tampering vandcidalism f l C k I’WIN FALLS - Twinin FallsI librarians arc ||fl 9 P es o p l e h(l e l p i n g p e o p l e complaining of vand;ilismism a lte r a 13 year-old Uhrarycomputer that Imy d ia n g w files on a lib S S 5 . ByLbWrlel'right lo a d s o f s a n di. .'They had little tim e for iniro-intn couldn’t be d ia n g e d back.ick. UHnXPUTI ws wtltcr______d u c tio n s b u t pUplenty to e m p a th i/e w ith a neigileigh- ’Hie boy was using thihe e city librar^''s com- ^bove, Abo ftlonds, family, nolghbors antisnd co-workers, Induding cousinss D.sndanI bor in need. JaJan Weed, a Heyburn riversid;rside puter Aviih a CD-ROM sstnt ta tio n Saiurtlay after- • Afolls Wel and Lindsay Hlcdomon. watchch thot rising rivor on tho lawn o( Hi Hoyburn B U R L-EY li' - Jeff Smith had never•er meti the resident, said1 eeverj’one seems to be ihinkinnking noon, and apparently add'idded files to the com- ,qs[ osldenls Bud and Kioto Brooding; Schneic!cr^lers, but when word reached:d himh lhat of their neighihbors first — and makingI nc new puter’s Windows 95 conl:onfiguraiion, a Twin. ed ed !icl]> b a ttlin g th e S n a k e R Falls police report said.id. Librarians! spotted 3olow, moro than 2S youths from tho first and socond Hoyburn wardirdsoJthe they iieedt :e River, h e frie n d s in th e process,pt ; could lielp. I tJie diange, but could notnoi get the computer Church Chu ofJesusC hilstolL atter-day!lay Saints holp ilvorslde residents i “It’s a stinkyy fillingfl: and piling sandbags. said, a w a y frorom n the Hurley couple’s wativaierfront Across the: 'valley, businesses donateia te d . Librarians say they/ frfound Ihc boy who ^ p r o p e r tyy ;a n d w ound up sp e n d in g; four foi days burlap bags andan sand. Farmers contribuie)uied added the files, hut hele couldn’t( delete or M le slept outside on their lawnn chaircl one tra c to rs w ith lcloaders, and Twin Falls’ junicunior change the files, ilie repecpon said. Librarians h m pitch in early the ne.\t moniinf;ling. c h a m b e r o f ccommerce filled sandbngib a g s. told police Uie co m p u teri r vvillvs take a spedaiist | H IIllagernian to Heyburn, unfunhimiliar Counties’ disastister sen-ice officials were on)n 2-24- several hours to fi.x, a nnd d asked tiiat vandal- ave poured in with, supportnrt for thc hour call. ism diarges bc filed, tliee rert p o n said. W ricken, shocking some riversi'“rside resi* No one seemtTied to be looking for recogniiioiiiiion dents nearja rly out of th e ir a ii.\ie ty as; thc Snake for their effonsns, and niiiny showed up toI iielhelp Task force m eeteting topic: g crept doseiser in recent days, w ith o u t b e in g; aiasked. A t o nlie e point, ahoiit 200 friemends and For Jane Holowell, a Jerom e High Schott:hool s tr a n g e rrs s swarmed the Schneiders';rs' house, teachcr, gratituilude eclipsed lier anxiety, thank:Kinks Affordable housiising in Twin ^ Iciiving 1.500l.fi Slacked sandbags in theirleir Wilke. lo liio sc w ho sarHindbngged a 2-fooi-iall, 150-foo)fooi- TO'IN F A L L S -M a ki in n g a hom e for afford- j a J " P e o p>le le cam e and hil it h a rd a n dI heavyhe; and long wall aroummd her Hagerman home. able housing in the Maglagic Valley and the w ere goneine just as fast as they camele in,"ii said Bun Holmes,:s, w ho had g roups o f frien dIs s anand slate is tlie topic of a governor’sgo\ task force M j Larry Scluchneider, son of homeowners;rs Howard1 strangers alikike sandbagging his yardrd i in meeting today in INvin FnlFalls. S I and Mariljrilyn. ‘‘1 haven’t seen anythiniIling like it H a g e rm a n , .snidlid he appreciated the helpp lif lift- ’llie goal of tlie mectin{iting is to gather com- sinco Woocoodstock." ing sandbags, ment to help establish;h za state affordable e s V o lu miieers e spent muggy gray afteafternoons “It’s enouglih at; my age when you’re lifiinifiing housing policy. The mecnecting will be held aMCMTHiUfll.W ./TK.W W h u n c h e d ov'er c walls of sandbags aand n d iruck- th e m o v e r a n dlover o again," hesaid. from 11 a.m. i o lp .m . aIt t CO inyon Springs Inn, 1357 Blue L ik e s Blvd. N.sj. Tlie task force wants,Us.Uiose in attendance f to help identify barriersrs tot affordable hous- I— ing in the area and recoiicom m end ho;s- local, HighJL watersrs postponee regatta FairofFiciaials lack fmaimcial detailsIs state nnd federal governernments can better promote affordable housinising. Byly JonnlforJ Taylor dry out,” saidJ ( C a ssia C oim ty s h e riff ’s By N.S. Nokkcntvcd he did notot know thc break-even pointnt oof. Before the meeting, questioqu n n a ire s w ere TlmtImos-Nows writer______C ap t. T e rry Biniingham, ‘‘It’ll be basically Tlmes-Nows writer______th c p ropoposed S7 m illio n m uliipurpos

M a g ic V a liLLEY

— O biti^UARIES — Teenag§ercharge( ^dinjerorr ne beatingg For obituary rato Informationlon, call 733^)931, extension 2782 7 8 ______

.1 I c finance the cilylly pool She v/as also Ciarksburiburg She worked for several will test]tify at co-ddefen(dantt’s hearing a volunieof fcfor the Twin Falls yoars atat Fairmontf Moior Lodge m g By Mark Hcltu Garcia's; preliminarypr hearing Joh)hn Lothspeich said the teene e n- Library Enhan^a n c c m o n i A dvisory V/esi Virginia. Virg Thoy moved lo'Twin Timos-Nows wrltor began beforeore Magistrate Judge agei’er will bo called to testify whei Proioct. h a d o o e n an active Falls m 19 vhen I 1990 Thomas Born amaiour radio3 operator involved m Patnciaicia IS survived by her hus- orresen on Thursday, Gararcia’s bearing continues ata t i 3 JliROME — A Jeroi om orgcncy servi;rvices and nowsioiier band. MilfordMiif Spring of Twm Falls: :rome teen- Hall testifiedicd Thursday that she p,m,m , today. irainmg Ihreo sonsons, James F. Spring and ager cliarscd in the beaileating of an coidd not remremember any specific Garcia G: and the boy were arrestre st- VB Hor hobbiosos v/oro numerous iiiswife,e, RobmR Sprmg of Twin Fails, 8-t-ycar-olcl w om an w•ill ll testify at details of the attack, which she edI JuneJ 2 after the boy invitee■ited B model railroadading, noedlov;ork, Donald3 SSi p rin g of Twin Falls, and tiie preliminary hcnriiiring of his said happcncened sometime after shetrcriff’s Dctectivc Dan Chattertte r- V cralls and quilluillinq. A m em b er of P a trick k M. I.' S p rin g a n d his wife. adult co-defendnnt in Jerome she went to) bedbe ab o u t 9 p,m, tonn into a house at 1447 Olympi:n p ia I - ■ Valley Chnsliarlian Church, Shirloy JessieJ SpringS( of Jackpol. Nov. M apstratc Court today.ty. H a ll’s .son,in, Layne Hall, drove Drivrive, where Garda was staying/in g , was an officerer for several years Also surviurvivm g arc tv/o grandchil. The IG-ycar-old boyloy and 32- her 10 theL! hhospital after she Chalatterton testified on Tliursdayday. - r ,■ She onioyod heher musical training dren and md iiiroe groai-grandchii- year-olci Jerry Gtircia:i of0 Jerome called him for help at about 12:30 Chalatterton said while hc wasIS ir in V 'M on tho piano andan organ, and was dron h;»ve be en clw rged in1 connection cc a.m. on Junele 22. She spent several thee house,I ho saw a television1 sesei t parlicularly proud prc of joining Ihe Momori;loriai Mass will bo held at 10 with ;i June 1 assaultt on01 Kozann hours in thehc emergency room mat■}-6902. / Survivors inP Osborn and Stie also hass .a s te p d a u g h t e r , '• — A la n^ Maxwell will officiate. . J(U S h rpion.n. 7 The family M idgo R oberlsts (of Silsboe lexas and Margairgaret Fiizgoraid Kepner Ho at his home in Hail aiky atisr a W yonia SnSnapp Burial:al will bc at the Rupertrt riiO'. I I i ticrc;cre he grad- lour siep-grandindc h ild ren ; a n d five sod in Colby. After novmg to shon illness. ho married Lorolia Warren etor^’. Friends may call fromm Diilnl tforli liicii sr.dool■ool m i'928. Slop grcal-grandindchildren Shc wns The funeral will l.ol,clUnllObe ■ - Wyonia Snapp, 79. Cemet D eeded him in dcalhm 1959. 8 p,m. Wednesday and onele 0(1(1 tin.-r ,iIU-rulocld Goodmg' procodod m dealeaih by her parents ‘ a.m, W ednesday a.at llio Wood died Sunday, June 15. 6 to 8 !, tie m arried Doroihy Dobbs r before the funeral on Coiif;.'ins n s b o m a d e to Iho n) 'K ep n e r. a n d Bill (Tina) memorials may be.• sentsi to the V\' I'fii,; of hr,; di.-:itri.. He Hc en|0/ed Twin Falls Seniomor Citizens Cenlof r. ''two daugtiiors, CoHoen Hospice of the WoU'ood River Vaughn C. Kathbun,I of Boise Hevcverly M. Beeson, of Buhl, 2 fi'..iiiy and varioo fxJbbiCGJics Ititougli- Uuilding fund C C on trib u tio n s m;.y l^'cdj Foal-oaihorsion. and Janet (Jon) V alley. I’.O. Uns -J320520, K eich u m fo rm e rly•Iy o< f IL in sen . m em o- p .m . today. t( First Presbyterian,n 5, four sisicis.onc brolher, 20 Out li'S hi,;, v.'hiCtl iriClLidCLided fishing, b e left wilh funoinorai ch ap o l staff or Hav.kins, .o ID 833-50; o r the th« Volun- rial service,ce, 1 p.m, tod;iy, Churcl'ch. Buhl. Friends may callII Hlldren; and 18 grcal-grand- huf.iinr] .u c iie iy . t)fidQidgo. chesr. mailed lo: Reynolds Ro Funeral OWdchiidt leers'Association ofr WoodU River White Mortu;•tuary Chapel, Twin until noonn< today. Farmer Funeral I. He v/as preceded m doalh al VVlltl tUG cillchurch Boy Chapol, 24663 Addison/ Avo E., f f t.'ire a n d R escue, P.O..0. Box 1880, Falls. 3301 by his firstirst wile, Loroiia, his parents: C h a p.el. el Buhl. rjtD ui im xii.-iin. H e w ’.va as a lso a Twm Falls ID 833( Hailey ID 83333, rnily in,'in -.vhwho inciud- (cur brolherihors: and one sisicr / in hii', hob:lobtjiOG a n d The funounoral v/iii b e held at t p m. • George F.,JonesJr.. Joi ofBuriey. 1 ’ Pcrrrry Clare Stephenson, of)f look .-| (JIC,-!jical interest ------I ^------W e d n e'Sday, sd ; June 18, 1997, at Harold Palm er p.m. today,■, Hansen 11 M ortu;iry IJurlcy,;y, 11 a.m . W edne.sday, Bur- lortuary Chapel m Tv/.n Falls, RUPERT - Haroldd !Piilmer, 72. Hurley Chap.apel, 321 E. Main, ley Fir'irst Presbyterian Church, r.cludo his v, 3 Rev Bo Lowo officiating of 63 of Rupert, died Sunda'day, June 13, Friends m;iyy callc one hour prior 2100 Burton 13 Ave. Friends may 1 Kiinptoii, l(lojr .'ill follow at Sunset Memoroi y 1997, attheVeteratvsAIS Administra- to the funeral t a) Kiiiiplon}ii 0ol Middle- Tv/in Falls, wilh rmliiary ntos -al tod;iy at the funer- call frorom 6 to 8 p.m. today, Paynee avi: (Jojnnn)inn) Kimpion nc Valley area veterans and tirm Hospital in Boise.e. al chapel. M ortuauary, Burley. Tin (Lofotta)tia) Kimplon / Friends may call frcm •! 10 01 I'.vm t aii'j, a n d Sieve:evo (Janoi) Jay at tho funeral homo K/:i[)lon of Pfcr.ior., one-10 daughior, ( Ror.o Kiiiiplon of Tv.iri1 FaFalls: inrec — H osf5PITALS — B l i s s ciianclctiilclren. one groairoat-grand- M A tn C VA son, one bfciher, Lavorlrl KimplonKi of VALLEY KEGION/VI. Hoffman, all of Hurley; S.Samuel Smith of Malta; andd Spatkr>, tNjev , .m d iv.owo sisters. ^ MEDKDICAL CENTER Belinda Powell of Rupen;n . Goldio Sianscll of Twinin FFalls and Lavoin Spockmanii of SnSnn Dicgo, Som e n a m es a re-•omitted or at patient.s’ retiuest.it. Rle c le a w d Call! Maxine Carter and Roso s a Sanchez, both of Burley. Tho funeral will bo heldeld ni 2 p.m. A dm itted Tiuitsdoy, June 19, 1997,'97. ai Whito Ja c k T olm an of Jero r BU in lis Moiluafy Citapol m Twinin FFjiis, witn A baby was born to0 Roy and Irma Garcia of Itie Rev. Fti'jbic ofliciaimaiing. Bunal if j REi eleased Burley; and Belinda Powtwell of Rupen. will follow a t tlio TwiTwin F a lls ■ f I ' Normu M a\dams of Twin Falls; William McLiitivain Ccmoiory Fncnds may/ c: call Irom -S of Je ro m e; Jo se H emnandez ar of W endell; iind Monicaiiica M I N in O ia M E? to 8 p rn W ednesday alu Itillic luiiot.ii H e l e n D , L a u EMORLVLIIOSPIT/U ,awrence ' - D ek n iy f of Buhl, tiorne. H elen D. Lav/rcv/rencc, 7G. of Tv/m Some nanies are omiinitted at patients’ recjuest. ------. F a lls , cJiod SaiL CASSIA REGIONONAL M E D IC A L CEN TER '9 9 7 , ai Iho TwiTwin F a lls C linic & Hospital. Re:le le a se d She was born A dm itted Teresa Worthington andan Skylor.Franzen, both ofif '■j ; Burley, to Osc. Irma Garcia, Ma.x^a.x G illette and Elizabetheth Burley; and Chfton Smithth ofRupen. • Cummins Briggs. lii;' ^ sho marriod'Samamuol Lawrence m - • Las V egas, Nev.;V.; ho procodod her _ ^ irr . ' 'V in deaih on Aug.3.31, 3 1996 Burt St(S tevens^ , Sho was a hfeloiolong m em ber in UIO eurt Stovjtovons, 83. of Bliss, died Filer w(^on’t havee Fun (F"estival) ■* LDS Church, andmd dovotod her iifo j^po , ,g 1997, al Ihe M agic Valley 10 hor husband,, family fa and church. RegionalII M M cd ical C orner m Tv/in By Lcandra Rouble Gailey, whoho helped organize the I f-- Survivors mclud u d e h er children. Falls ol hoalioari failure. festival can continue next;x t v'^.: . S usan (David) CoiC oons of Boiso: and Burt wosvas borf> Nov. 6, 1913, lo Tlmos-Nows corrospontfent th e first F ilerr FunFi Festival, hopes year,r. She’s willing to help pro-ro- > ’': P ich a rd L. (Loroi)rono) Lawrence ol nance andmd Hazel Hansen Slovens • canceling thehe event will be a duce:c the .Fun Festival againI if Twin Falls, four grandcliildren, gr and ,r, FairviowICW, Utah. Ho graduated . FILER - Citing 1;lack of wake-up call11 ffor the town and thererc is more community panici-ici- nine groat-grandcidchildron. Sho was ,,o„, CarDo.rbon Couniy High School involvement, the Filer' ChamberCl inspire peoplelie tot get involved .so p a tioion i and intere.st. procodod in dcaih aih by her fiusband, m Phoo , Ut U lah. In 1931. Burl then of Cotntnerce has voted;ed n o t lo V her parents, Iwo3 brothers,b three SIS- moved io10 JJoromo and lived and support the Tiler Fun I- lo rs. a n d Uvo gr g r a n d d iiu g h io is , worked withwith th e W aller Jo n e s lam- th is year, Bronda and Loreee o Starry C oons ny h o onli i t i enlisted m ihe Army on “We just don’t have et n o u g h Tho funeral v/ill v/i b o hold .11 10 n n c g It)I9‘U , serving v/ilh tho h e lp ," .said L inda G u7 n, chamcl ber Shirley Clow W olteliter a.m. Tuesday, JuJl n o 17. 1997, al Signal Corp:orp in North Alnca. Sicily, secretarjVtreasurer, Sliirloy Clow WoHor, 75 75. of Twin W hile M ortuaryry C h .ip o l rn Tv.m, id % S o u lh crn Franco. Afier Killn, p a ssed uway Saturd;urday, Juno Bisnop,o p p .iv ia C to clc ll Burt Bu relurnod to Jerome The Fun Festival, tradii:iditionally ^ g U ^ S M. 1907, ;il tiom e, allcr■a a Nlong 1)01- rao c ln ciin g B3uri.ll u' Wll lollmv al 0 and j, Bob Fallon enicrod held the last weekendd ini July, He With cancer, 2:30 p m. at1 thet Cioverdaie partner-lershtp of Automotive has begun in past years w ich a Sitiiloy w as tjorn Doc.' 2;25 19'5| C em olory in Boitloiso. Friends mny Rcpnir On!Dn Jan. 20, 1947. ho mar- dance and street bandsd s F rid a y oined Edward in Ctiofohoo, Iowa, Uio onlyjnly ih,id“oi callfromaio9:-I5.15 am . ioday al me nod MolbaIba Jenson Anderson, a night. Saturday activiticities have years ago, I iiad Jolin 'Ralph' and AmbeIber W ood '^ n e ra l hom o. Arrangemonis Ar are moiong fnefnond v.'ho b a b y -sa t him included a parade, a breakfastbn . roction of White ^-55 a child . T he firsl was to CaiTipbeli. Sho grewV i.up and tho diro( lild. In 1957, Burt a.id serx’ed by the Future Fan^irmers of '• C h e ro k o o , Moiluary, Twm Fall .itlondeo scnools in CIk ■^''2 M elba moveloved 10 Ihoir farm norlh America, free swimminging in the •, a IU H!ct?s,sful hu.siness c)radLialinc| from lughI sc h o o l in and westst (of Shostionc. Melba park and a fun run/walk. 10 M agit* Vulli!y. 193H Sftc inarned hor hirjl school died Aprilnl 28,2 1970 Burl sold tho Started in 1981 to celcelebrate \ \ vA* swccliicari, Darrell Wor.loyiloy Clow on farm th aat t I fall and on Aug 24. inued trust and Filer’s 75th anniversary,’.th tl e fe s ti- ,) • \ W Dec 1. 19.10, a n d Itioy live 1970, hc n in Ihc c married his cousin's I ►f niy (dients have Los Ancjelcr. area, m am ly ^ ^ H H B H ^ B H widov.', Ruihluth Stevens They farmed val would have been inn itsi 17th I 1^ N.II— of^ Mor'ttose, C a lif. uniil his deaUi c in in B liss until un 1989, v/hcn ttiey ye ar. Bob & Shoilholloy Solbol iillowcil mtlie to do so, and I ‘•Participation from ththe com- e34FatiiAvo.»vo.^Su^.« 1 0 1 0 ll I0G9 i9 H 9 retired. thank oach of Shirloy was omployodyod in Iho Burt v/asvas a man of many sea- munity has dropped mortlore e v ery 733-4! cMSually in su ra n ce profes>fession as '^g B |B sons: eleclectronics, mechanics, year," Gwyn said. AboutIt thtl e only lii<;m. an underwriior, claimss a(adjuster, ^B H nk.'' . building,, ed e d u ca tio n , a n d farming, local event that conflictsswitlnhe w ,, ;ind olfico m anagor (or motmost of her ■ B H ' v J \ Mosi o^aMall ho was a wonderful Fun F'estival, shc said,, is A rt in «<•<•<>»ond goui wa.s to providid<; i^xct'plional life, becoming a soH-otn I, falhor, grandfather, and e m p lo y ed th e P a rk in Tw in F;iUs, per.sotialializcd service to (;vcryy investor who inyuranco agent .and roalroal estate ■ W S I l , “ T h is is a com m unity evt ; survived by his wonder- event and chosi; lo0 (lw ar^ ^ Andersonm ol0 Tv/in Falls. Tholma year and we’re burned 0 forced her lo rolifo m 197:1973. Afior B r i L X ■ Twin Falls, Ron Slovens need people that are wilwilling to announceice th at a S(rcond invesii s l m e n t ^ Wr. VVolIc-r's daaU i m 19E1986. she F S. • I of Buhl, Don S tev e n s of Twin Falls. chair committees and hel]lelp orga- reprc.sirnlrnlative; Shelley Seihcltd, my daughter, moved back lo Twm Fallsalls whoro a n d M ike^e (Loann)1 Slovens of nize tilings, not just volunliimeurio |i„sjoino0 cdonor's favorilo chari- / COME ON IN JP professioiionalism and integrity as I am . Should Pool ComtTiiitoo, w hich holhelped to St. Mary's CalhcIh o lic C h u rc h in ly. A N D P I C K UP y sho contaiitaet you, I hope you w:w ill e.xtend the YOOR SENIOR jirm welcome I have re•ecetved. As DISCOUNT CAR\RD same wan alw ays,p ilif we can he of service;e, please call or .stop hy theih officc anytime. 5 5 Y E A R S L, & OLDER - J Edw^ardjo I 9nies 1624 Bluo Lakes Blvd(JN. « Si'Mna InjivlOijjl Invcslors SInc:incol071 Hill n re u i ______mvw,edwjrd)onc5,com m *■ ■JfPOOR C(;o P Y I TF TuMday, June 17.1997 1TifflM-Newi, Twin Fall*. Idaho C-3^ 3

} M a g i c V a l l e y AV e .s^f C om m isissioners vvisit propclosed RV park site ALLEY IN BRIEF — By Kurt Friedcm ann about is the sewer system Tlmcs-Nows writer______. it has any detrimental effc"i,:^,';! Shoshonene City Council willI meet today the water in the area," CoCommis- SHOSHONt)NE - The Shoshone City Coui ALBION - Bennie Smycryer will ' luncil will meet at 8 p.m. sioner Lyle \^oodbury sasaid. “I today otCitj’IIy lla U , have to w ait at least anom o th e r just hope we don't have a ; a prob- Public commmmenc lime is first on tlie agendnda, followed by discussion week before he can beginn b build- lem there." ing h is p ro p o sed RV park . on die i.iva comcon m erci.il; \s-aier and sew er connecdons;co die c.-dinance The commissioners decicicided to against killing;ng .inimals in town; casement fo The Cassia County commismission- fln S N H fl for ro ad rigiit of way south restrict Smyer to 14 RVs./s. They of the city limi e rs v is i te d S m y e r’s s it e , tlth r e e lim its; budget.s; e.xtending ii b uuilding i moratorium in the said that was all the sewerir s;system impaaarea;an miles southeast of Albion on and a Region IV appointment,t. could handle if a lodgege were ,\n executive Monday and talked aboul tivc session will con d u d e th e meneecing. ' ll added that contained a. w a sh e r plan s fo r th e p ark . and drier, showers and They met later to deddee oron th e room s. “ Rupert councilcc to discuss bbeer permit park’s future. The* commissio According to Smyer, hisis iinitial RUPERT - said they were concerned a ' - The City Cound! tonight pirlians to review tiie I'iesta abo u t i ^ 1 plans did not include an RVIIV park. M exicana’s reni future cam pers’ access to0 cl renewal request for a license to0 ssell beer. just a place for familyily and The local dai drinkable water and the ap p ro - dance dub was approved forr ca three-month liccnse in friends to gather for huntincing and March, priate handling and dispos; fishing. The council’scil's 5 p.m. meeting will begin1 \witli a public hearing to seu'age. “ I w as try in g to k e e p thi: this pro- di.scuss a planan to alter traffic panems at thetl intersection of Idalio “I couldn’t see granting a per- ject low budget but it has g IS gotten Higliway 24,, MM. eridiiin Road and Eiglidi Strere e t. mit for those people to drinkink th a t 1 out of hand," Smyer said.I. " "I just water unless it has beenI te i X want people to come enjoy3y ithem - and state-approved," Commis selves and send them home Chairman John Adamss s a sm ile." Researchi;her asks for Cassiaa County tales “Some way we need to know th a t Smyer said he did not plplan to BURLEY -- DarrellI Camaiian, a Utah e w ater is g o o d .” 1 educator, will be at tiie sta n d in tlie ro ad and wavee ppeople Cassia Couniyly Hi.storic.-ilI M useum from 10 a, Before the commissionersers a,m , to 5 p.m . today in col- in, The park would be foror i m em - lu-ci stories aboiiboui th e coim ty’s iiistory. approve the conditional per bers of liis club, he said, anand for He asks anyi Smyer must have state-apprt inyone who has a story aboutt ithe area to come to tlie overflow from the bed andd L break- :iiu,veii/r f)/i hav .M.iin .'ind feJJ if fo him. drinking water, a storage tani for fast run by his wife in /Vibion,on. sewage and a meter to mon "I don't want any prob sewage flow. with this nnd I want to projro m m e j ^ | Before voting next week, com-c and build habitat,” he said. luiy 4 parade registrtratlon open missioners will have the coic o u n ty Smyer snid that !iis planlans for RUPERI' - PParade forms for Rupert’s l-*ol-'ounh of Ju iy panide lu-e attorney check the iegalit; lilty o f Bennlfl Smyer explain!ains hli piopoied RV park near Albloilblon to Commissioner Lyle the RV park included buildilldiiig a avaiial)le at tiletiu Mini-Cassia Ciuimber of C their position. They made Commerce or by calling ““eno vvoodbury on M o n d ay . ta rg e t range a n d holding: fisiiing fi; 4.^r.-»793. decision Monday. lay. tournaments, DeadliuL- for parade | entries is June 27, 'Hie'11 tlieme for this yer -’s Adams said he wanted S it Smyer for RV campers, Com mnissioners is; also discussed ------cclu-l.raiionis'is'-How'Hie West WasFun." to submit a detailed plan outiin-oui "I’d like to see Ia a p la n ,” h e .said. th e se wver e r system that already Timcs-Navs suiff writere r K u rt ing all his proposed work, wc “I want to see wh w h a t h e ’s re a lly has b e en ininstalled at tiie.siie. Fricilcmaiin can Ik - fc ad d ie u d iu Comjded from stalt rcpofts including the building of a lo d g e going to dl) with thathat lodge." "The: tl thing I’m concerned B iirh v (It 677-^0'f2. Protective-e-custodyhhousing decicision mayy come sooi3n Vegass growth si;iphoning Tho Tlmaa-Nowa______ih e pproposal r also were present, ment is seaiialed off securely from the re H[olley oil Homes already has aI cocontract to the building)g and said Holley Homes ha; J E R O M E - T h e Jero m e CountyCoi Commi.«ion housese proceciive-custody patientsts ffrom Twin right to rerefuse potentially dange w ells; Idry, paneel hears will ta k e th e rest of iliis w eek:ek toi con.sider a new I'alls:s CountyC in the apartment, set up in the patients, CARSON CIT’iITY (AP) - Las Subsicisidence occurs when water draft of a proposal to house;e protectivening off ground is draintned out of tile aquifer and patients in a Jerome apartrrrtment owned by a S. Filirilimore St. iraci drawnn iup in an effort to answerreverj-- c water faster lium111 iiit can i)e repien- tiie sedidiment inside causes fhe local residentiiil care companyany. A siisim ilar contract was offered:d tto Jerome one’s concerr;m s, isiied and nuw fee;fees Wduid pay fur materialials fo collapse, dropping The commission probablyibly will vote at 11 Count:inty, but several Jerome reside;idents spoke Commissii: sioner Roy Prescott said Moi■londay „ managenient ppr ro g ra m to sa v e iiu,- h imnd at ihe earth’s surface a.m. Monday on whether to a cc ep i a d e a l to ouc Iigainst iig: .the idea during a serie::ries of meet- the new pro]roposal puts ihe apartment’s I s loca- thf siiiisurface acjiaciuifer, a Senate and i)en.•nnanentiy eliminating the keep its protective-custodyody patients in an ingswiiw ith the commission, tion on rucoriird . panel h e ard .Mond;mday. aquifersr sto ra g e s])ace, apartment owned by HoIIe;Iley Homes Inc. of Thejiiey questioned the safety of hoihousing pro- A clause in the old contract allowing “I : "li-'vi.-!- Four niL'inhLTsr s o.) f th e SouiiiL-ni S N WVA / member Chris Weiss Jero m e. lectiveive-custody patients in ihe sameame building iwo," or low iw-risk, palients upstairs intenio Ihc- Nevada Water AnA m iio rity grim ly said AIMU436 is the first phase in a The commission met Monlondny with repre- with1 elderiye residents nnd priitesKesied a S300 elderly-care •e residence was struck fromom liie detailed to ihciie Government two-step.'P p la n to deal with th e U is •sentatives of Holley Homes,les, which operates monthithly surcharge to counties.‘s iusing the new proposal sal, P resco tt .said, i h e 5300 month- mt Affairs Oimmitteittee tile siaius of Vegas b;basin water crisis by c.siab- four extendcd-care resic^sidences for the apartn-rtm e n t. ly surcharge;e to the county also was elimIimmat- i.;,s Vegas V:illevley ground water lishing; ia program to assess the elderly. Several residentss concernedci about Comompnny representatives snidid ithe apart- ed, iie said. .md reminded memembers that no groundd water status and make sysiem exists to recomminiendaiions to tlie next Pf* lleahviUitiiecrisisisis, Legislatature for fixing the over- jiiogist Kim Zik- pumpin{:ng problem. Mini-Cassssia gets fe^sderal gramIt to help ^with layof]IIS inS".!'S;tvalley consumes The bibill autiimizes the groumi- alm osi -UKUHK) acracre-feet of water water irmanagement program to By Grogory Hahn boih tocrcateanececonomic devel- • Betierter area morkelins to there, i and siiopping fhere." each vear andd 118 percent is charge; cdomestic well owners an Tlmes-Nows wrlteer______o p m c n t stra teg y' aiand to pul the recruit marmanufacturing husiiie.sses Heyburn City Councilidim an piimi)ed from well;•ells. a n n u alI ffee of 510 per well. It also stra teg y to worlc. and liglitt in indusir>’. George C Froom said .his cityity iiad About -14 pei'ccnCL-iitofihe-ground may colollecf from gnuind-water HEYBURN - The loomingng lay- The grant moneyley has no mnxi- • Diversiersifying the agriculture- held 1; n similar brain-storminging ses- water goes to hoihouseholds, busi- u.sers a! ffee of 5111 per acre-fooi of off of more than 350 J.R. Simjiimplot mum or minimumim amount, but based localical economy. sion s more than three yearsiirs ago nesses and indusdiisfry while the waterus workers has attracted the atten-ati 20 percent of ihee ttotal spent on • Expancland local training facili- and a had benefited greatlyly from1 re s t is fo r n u innicipal ic uses, she The fefees would be used by pro- lion of the federal governmetiment, the project mustast come from ties to increaseinci locai workers’ it. ii said. g ra m members nii to conduct and which is sending money to:o h e lp lo c a l so u rce s, e itl;ither public or skills. “We iniiinted a bunch ofo f pro- T h e a u iiio riiyy h.has tracked tlie write tlthe management plan, with economic planning. p riv ate. B urieyy N:Mayor Frank Bauman ggrams, and a lot of them, didn'idi w-ater level of a v w ell n e a r T id e W eiss saisaid. Al /\mes, a representative'efrom fi Monday’s meetii.‘ting gave may- said tiie aarc re a slw u ld look to T\vin get g off the ground, but the impor-im Si)riiigs and fminiiinii a steady drop Besidedes planning for more con­ the U.S. Commerce Departmement’s ors, councilmen,, cccommissioners Falls nndid Jerome. for ideas on ttant ones did," iie said, “As“i a below the surfaceice since it began servativeve use of ground water, the Economic Development Adn^dmin- and other local leaceaders a chance attractingng new businesses. He rresult, we’re still going fon'onvard laking nieasuremeiments, nianagenemeni program would also istnition, met with about 300 locallc to discuss uses; f(for the grant ciied liiele landI provided to the aand we want to continue.• toti go In 1944, waier■r ststood at 45 feet create a process for protecting and state officials in Heybumu m on m oney, whicii m ayly rreach the area Clear Siiieliiield National Inc. plastic fiforw ard." below the surface.:e. 1In 1996 hydrol- againstst fhe confaniination of Monday to start a processis thatt as soon as August>i cor September, companyiy as an incentive to Herring said to improveve the ogists had to reach;ich 180 feet down undergro;round wafer. could bring tens of thousand;inds of Herring said seveveral similar locateinTwI Tw in Falls. rregion’s economic situation,on. the to touch water, Ziktiiktnund said. Tiie stistudy will search areas sur­ i!olI:u-s in to th e aren. meetings will be heiheld throughout Herringlg ui rg ed local leaders to lilocal governing bodies neeieed to The drops in waiwater levels have roundinin g w e lls 10 d e te r m in e The money will come from5m the the process. work toget!gether in developing the aact. and this grant will hastenha; resulted in bunierned-out pumps, whetherer there is contaminated department’s Sudden nnd SevSevere "Meetings like th: this are impor- plan, snyinjying the citj; and couniy tlthat action. increased powerr cocosts and subsid- propertyty or acddental leaks from Economic Displacement fufu: n d , t a n t co m a k e s uire re the process borders anare becoming indistin- “Progress is happening."'."siie ingland. • septic sysiystems or buried tanks. which is brouglit into play “when‘'wl meets the needsJs of the local guishableJle in the Mini-Cassia s:said. “We can either chart there is a significant jolt eoto th e folks," she said, area. Cicourse or let it happen to us." labor force," accordingng to The ideas discusrussed Monday “Peoplele ini the communit>' nre r ' Tour ofDfincineratoi)r includes C arieen H e r rin g of th e R egionyon IV included: not payinging a wiiole lot of atten- G rf^ o ry Ilalui is The TTir im es- economic development coun)uncil. • Exploiting thelie area’s water tion to thotho.se lines," siiL> said. ANews’ Mini-Cassia bureau c She said the money can bet! usedu; resource;;. “ T h e y ’r e living li here, working aami can bc raichcd at 677-1042042! contamninated nerrve bomb I LEXLNGTON, KyKy. (v\P) — Tour chargedd Monday that tile Army nC groups from KeKentucky and violatedd itsi own safety procedures, 4 Simplot unionu negoiDtiators votei ithemselve out of job Oregon were inadladvertentiy led placed thetl civilians at risk, and near an old bomblb tiiatt cont.iined tlien trieiied to cover up tlie matter Tho Tlmos-Nows______Jam es Crosland,id, president of work it arouiro u n d a n d ke ep o ur jobs, aand che union are appeaiii traces of a deadlyly inerve g.is at a in iiopes;s d $7 at tho gate, A foi Contlnuod frofror m C l dults ond chll- „ . , F a ir Bo.ird m e m b er SteveiKohn- K' bring in an esiiniaimated 5688,000. would dropdn by S2,50 or less if the iilcd to take place Thursdt.g jjj wtilchlndudostwodult dren under 12. can bo« purchasedp for B u n t d olesn e sr ’t e stim a te th e num - tcto p p and Bill Lewis, a membcnber of Estimated expen:enses would be expo com;nter propos.il passes. Ju n e 26. shows or attendance titiie fair foundation board,: regat- ' *23 in advance and $26althegate,$26 “«r of she d, said about $477,500, leavinglea 5241,000 The 30,000-square-fooi90, building • /Uthougli postponing the reg ______required1 to break even during KMonday that the proposedi ee' v en t siu p lu s - about },53.5 pj e rc e n t re tu m w o u ld have he permanent seating ta may cause schedule conflii (he first few[ew y e a rs of operations. cicenter would be a stand-al1-alone on the S7 millionI investment.in\ for 2,50C00 to 3,000 people, with for some racers, Maier saidid thet , ... IS said he is confident he “i“profit center," It is not neede2ded to That’s enoughto to keep the cen- removabable seating for another mors Maier sold Ihclie delay also committee still expects mo p a new facility at che sisusiain the fairgrounds, they k „r the allows eiimmates a time conflict pjipr ^ ysaid. ter operating :)utbut wouldn’t be 2,500 toto 3,000. Addition floor than 60 teams from all over t rgrounds busy 15 days a P rofits from the facility cc • with the Boise Riveri r could enough to pay offoff construction seating; forf conccrts could bring U nited S ta te s. uring the winter. That hhelp operations at thei fair-f debt. So consiniciicciion costs would the total 1 earns regatta attrac-rf'-OOOneo “ II u p to 8,000 seals, "There may be a few teai p re a d th e f a ir g r o u n d s ’ gigrounds, but thac is not the1C cen-■ be covered bya a tax-supportedi The facility’sfn flexible design that have a conflict," M aierrsaid. sa brings moi™ „ ? e S s T s Qfjt Qf m illion into th e Mini-Cassia ini area. enue-prgenerating ability over tcter’s purpose, in Lewiss and ; bond issue, could acciccommodate a variety of "Dut I expect that if 90 percent h e y e a r. KKohntopp’s eyes. They seee iti ns Property' tax paymentspay on the events,, includingi professional tho racers show up it'll sdll1 bebt a “There has beene„ horrendous d a m ag e caused b y, th o floods, and ounds operations now aian opportunity to expand the;he use event center londsbon would be wrestling,lg, motorcyde and bicyde huge show.” e v e n u e fro m th e an n u al olof the fairgrounds and ns ann asseta 515,50 to S17.800 annuallya for a races, tr trom we reel luclp’io bet e a b le 10 hove trade shows, livestock L an c e F a u lk n e r , a r a c e r fr< lls County Fair in late tcto llie com m unity. SIOO.OOO hom e. Tharhat’s a litde less shows, n prob- th e rac e," M aier said rodeos, equipment and Provo, Utah, said the delay prc to pay for operations The cenicr is projected to b of 540,000, the D bring than the jail bond;)nds that wili he aufoshovows, ice shows, concerts or ably wouldn’t keep many racc•acers ^ th e y e a r. A n e.'cpo build- irin at least 100 events annual largest in the courluntry for this ulfr ually- paid off this sumiiimmer; the jail athree-rii•ring d rc u s. out o f th e e v e n t. le lp k e e p th e fair adm is- nlnbout half of them rcgionainal or bond issue cost aboutabo S18 on fhe ------"This gives us more timeB e to ‘s sp li .J. qJj \tfinners. Money is ra d a b le, P itz h a s said, n;national events, the rest local.lo same size home, T im ci-,•s-Ncws s ta ff ly n tc r N.S. prepare,” he said. "After a Iier fair officials have a BBased on that number, faciacillty Instead of droppipping S18 a year Nokhaxtutwci cun bc rcachcd a t 733- f flat’ sponsorship andd attendance,c sijghdy diffe Burley is the Super Bowl of fl: ifferent perspective, e'events and concessions wouldwo when the jail bonds■nds e x p ire , taxes 0931, Ext.xt. 237. bottom sprint racing." M a ie r said.

,1i. . W Tim<»li*wi,TwinF«bl Fatli, Idaho Tuetdiy. Juna 17,19979 9 7

I d a h o MW e s t

i ' 3n Goldmarn’s dad urgtges i t M sm victims’’ advocatesS get tough om criminalsIs 3E (AP) — One of America's said, and la ter e x ten d e d diaIiat t deda-c a . •ccognized victims’ rights radon to offidal claims dierelere is no ates urged allies in Idaho more diat can be done abou:ibout vio- ly to demand tougher tieat- lent behavior. • ■ f violent criminals, He rejcaed any suggestion;tion diat '■■•X i Goldman, whose son, tiic escalating cost of prisons,o ns justi- 1, w as slain in 1994 wiUi the fies polides such as parolee or tim e e of O.J. Simpson, Nicole o ff fo r good b e h a v io r for violentvi( . i Simpson, su^ested nonvio- offenders. Wliilc govcmmentjients can iminals receive lesser sen- find m illions a n d billions ofDfdoUars dc t e n c e s': so costly prison space is for nearly a n y d u n g else. GoldGoldman ■ . ■ •• • a vailableflie for violent offenders, said, officials balk at spenp e n d in g “ You1 anda r I, we must demand of S2S.00Q to 545,000 a y e ar toto keepkc a our legislipsiators to help recreate a ■ violent criminal behiiid bar5.ir5. system thatth; speaks loudly for law- ■'That’s simply putting; a p( rice abiding; dtizensdi and speaks loudly tag on human life,” he said.ud. ‘“It is a g a in sit t violent criminals,” that simple, contnuy to whatha t legis-1 ______G o ld mlan a n told thc annual Iato rs would lik e you to believelieve.'’ G o v ernlor’s o r’ Training Conference Goldmiui has l>een travelin{eling die on C rimne e Victim^ Assistance. i Utah Division ofKlstoilc)ilc Preservation staff members InsInspect Illegal digging at Juke Boxlox (Cave noar Wentlovor, Utah, lasa s t w o ek . country os a spokesman for Safe D escrib.ribing himself as angered Streets, I a nonprofit group' pusliingpus and frustristrated by die jury acquit- for i the victims rights amendrendm ent ta l of O0.J. .J Simpson on criminal to i die U.S. Constitution. n r V / C ^ chargesi oof f m u rd er, Goldman railed Idaho adopted such an. am end- Cave^ looters> turn his t a system that he says iment to its constitution in 1994,1 Story int over backward to protect 1 to garbad g e SSi^s^e but Goldman's attack on sentsentenc- . die accuseiused w hile doing nodiing to iing polides camc in thc mid:m idst of W ENDOVER. UcalJ ta h (A P ) — 10,000 yearsars ago, a wealth of infor- atic atic for the Utali Division of StateSt heaiily v’andalized I ththe past five to -^upportt theth victim and a society tthe state’s owti debate overver sky- Durins Worid W'iir ILL /\rmyA airmen mation of)f intacti deposits that’s Parks. Par. Funding never was bud|idget- 10 years. G raffiti covro v ers d ie walls, ems to have accepted vio- irocketing prison costs and theone-the converted a cavc near lear this Utah- beendestro>jo y e d ,” says Kevin Jo n es, ed ed toi employ mngers, pa\’e aI roadn die floor is pockedd \with unautbo- > a 'w ay of life. rman search for alternativeiv c sen- Neraila bordo" imsn into a makeshift state archaeKaeologist with the Utah or or installi educational signsns at rirud digs and thec centrance was re ‘a can bc no acccptable ttendng options that (jov. PhilI’hil Batt officers’ club, pouringing a concrcie Dirision of)f I-Historical Presen'adon. Danger Dar Cave State Park, so0 :the illegally bulldozedd t to allow vehi- for violent behavior,” he iis conducting. danw floor and settingfiupalw. U} "There arcre (dozens of ca\’cs in diat park’s par two features —TDaniin g e r d e s to be driven in. Thuy allie d it Jul is jpub- vandals have begunin excavating( sen'e Jukee BoxE Cave. Thc effon is stopped stop pot h u n te rs a n d grav eJ rob-r But last w eek, sta t taie park crews and protec)tecting the environment, lie 1 servicc and not a careca r c e r ,” deep under the edgesges of thc old pan of a projirojea to pre\’cnt destiuc- bers. bers completed a 520,000 p 0 project to pro- said MondJnday she won't seek re- Furse !• said Monday, 'itI t i is a dance floor, looting anoim oth e r histori- tion of Danginger Cave State Park, a D D ubbed a "W orld H eritage Site"Sii tect Danger Cave. ' The original electionn tito a fourth term next tremendous t: .strain for peoplepie iwho cally ricii scene of UtaU tah’s e a riie st Ihtle-knowTiVT1 and unpublidzed pan by diet United Nations, it also) wasv size, "hands-and-knci nces” entrance year. livli e on th e W est C onst. Myy f;irfiimily lium an inJiabitants. of Utah’s stat^ate park sysfem. the the first place radiocarbon datiating has been restored ;d and a new, Fursc,2, G GO, s a id s h e w a n ts to is i; in Oregon. I have a 2-year/ear-old "We're losing a oneone-of-a-kind Createdd cdecades ago, Danger ivas was effectively used to date antmuq- locked gate and iro irorj-bar fence spend monnore time with her family grandson g and 1 wnnt to1 geig e t to diary of what life wasw as lik e h e re Cave S ta tee P a rk has be en problem - aides. uiut But Danger Cave has bbc e en placed across d ie oper pening. in Oregonon and may stan a “pro- know k him rea l w ell,” she said.aid, r - W EEST BRRIEF— EBatt wantts even n:nore Enrand Opemni Glitch Itnocks;ks out power in Utal:ah for 9 hours LOG/VN, U tah — .A malfunctioning s\ritch on a high-voltage line urfey^Tiiinnlf a & O knocked out power■er inI Logan a n d m udi of soutJ-iudiem Cache County cooperatic[on from fe(dsf Bm for die b e tter p a nt of a day. f Normally, a backuckup system ;\tiuld have kickerked in witliin 20 sec- . BOISE (AP) - Gov. Phil BattBc the situation into thehe discussion," Celilebratian! onds. But tJtc backu]J-be- Environm ental Quality.ity. miles nest (4252 East and 30001)0 Norih Hansen, Idaho. n u-ater quality standards. Utah teen-ag«Iger dies after vehiciIda rollover State and federal1 o:officials said • ■ But Batt said dia t concession stillsti agreement appearedil ne.iri on lilt- S ale Timem e 5;DD pm (evening salele) ______Lunch byl BE i i r ISLAND P /\R K— -' One of four Salt Lake Cityy titeen-agers involved raves a small state like Idalio fafac- water quality standardjtrds to be used ~ in an automobile accidentacc in Island Park has; dieddi of injuries sus- ‘"Slg a= deadline it will bc hartird - in die stream quality projectp r axcept HOUSI> E lained in die crash. pressrcssed to m eet. where private waters,)rs, th e S n a k e 1900 sq. ft.1. wood w framod 2-story houso to bo30 movod. Singlo bothroom. firepiareplace Trans Hartlauer,:r, 15,1 was cjccted from a vehi. “There’s only so much we cacan River snail in soudicrrc m Idalio and In 1?,!' larno living room, kilchon/dinlng roroom, utility room, maslor bodroom i chide when it rolled wiin 2 bodroom upstairs. DouOio pi 0, and I would like somewherlere die Kootenai River stui poned windows, vory nico. woll-moi:i-moln- Saturday. He was; trztransported by helicopter to Columbia( Eastern ° uurpeon in die lainod homo,no. Excollont i homo to bo movod ontjnto your property, Lols choapor thi !ong d ie line to get d ie reality < or man Idalio Regional Mcdicjdical C e n te r in Idalio Falls, whevhere h e died. y of Panliandle are concemem e d . building or' buyingbu o modular or mobilo homo.10. To bo movod at ownors oxpen:xponso Idaho State Policeice responded to a one^ar acdicddent at 3 p.m. on r= = wiihin 60-9030 ridoyo. Thla nico homo wiN bo off()fforod ol auction with o foson/o.). VVWill - | | Botl Ot appron5TOX. 7:00 pm. Terms: Cash or bnnkabiobm chock doy of salo. Contac>niacl: U.S Highway 20. AV 1£1992 Plymouth \-an was hcadiaded south ivhen the )f ot 423-5997 for odvanco provlow, driver apparently’ felfell asleep at the wheel, accc.ccording to a police B erger:• Farin Equipmment repon. APPLIANI4 C E S Another passenger,ger, 17-year-old Christopher' Hardauer,H; also was ^ MobllMald portoblo por dishwashor - G.E. 19,7 cu.CU. ft. sido by sido rof/froozor wilhvilh Icoli I W I makof•E. - 30' G.E. oloctric stovo with soo Ihru ejected. He is in stabitablc condidon at Columbia1 Eastern.£ Two odier vy ru door - Whirlpool outomotic clolhi:lolhos A m m washor - WhirfVhlrlpooI automatic clothos dryor (ol(oil tho obovo oro avocado colorod)arod) - passengers, 14-year-oar-old Monica Hanlauer andid 15-year-old] A dam ------, G.E. 30- oloctiloctric rorigo - Wostlnghouso oloclrictric clothos dryer - Amana 17 co, ft, Fiiillips, sustained m irinor injuries. t h uW r SDAlM UNEig^1997 I wprightdooplop froozor (almond colorod) - Lorgirgo G.E microwavo - Sony 17** colorcol portoblo T.V.r,V. • Hommond oldor modol chohord orgon ond bonch • Magnavcnavox ^ , radio/steroo0 consolocc • Curtis Mnthls 24* color ccconsolo TV Wllh romoto • Siorooocabl- cat Locaiion: 200 Nonh 259 Wostf Joromo,J Idaho. Go ^vc> milonilos north o l net - Storoo0 ondor 2 spoakors - Panasonic compt 1 killed, 4 injunjured in accident nearni Firth ^ stoplight, mon Wgsf 2 1/2 rr. 'pact vacuum - Mnny omallor oloctricacirical ‘miles. WatctUor JMA auctionn ssigns. kltchon appliaipllancos • M ^ lc Mill III hi spoodid flour mill - Small storoo cabinetblnot - \ FIRTH — O nepersferson w as killed and four others color consolo TTV, CTS w ere in ju re d in a SflLE:ALETIME:4:0DP.M.______supSMPBrbvLol. veiiicle a c d d e n t soutJiuUi of F irth Sunday. FURNITUURE Bingham County' di:dispatdiers were not sure ifif moren than one car TRACTOORS • PICKUP Largo groonlshnish gold wing back coi;ch • RockingIng lovesool • 3 pioco stop nnd corn'cornor w as involved. D ispatdiitd ie r s also did not knotv w h atIt cauc se d it. viossoy Forguson 165 gos tracior. 33 ppt. PTO W/F225 hyd. loador & hyd.yd. bucket - 8N tables - NlNico doubio bod size wood head1 boardb - Small 2 porson couch,, woodwoe Ford■ort oas traclof, 540 PrO. runs goodavO sold incir!/> .ncroago ana aro fo a sm. Iho country, but whai o booulllul drivirivo! JlwroIwro's $orrc mco iiociors anamiscoHioliancous items on m saiu Comc'(? naven suppor uwrm cmxM • nn u on W/LO!■/Lo^a ana too J!M Aucuopocrs'. /Is is . nArri«>ta9.ho • 43B-086;•0863 ».731-1616 Gooding, Idoho* 5350 93 Mobilo •431-735555 ^ M o W - 539-53. Twin Falls (Sl J, rnic TuMdjj, Juno 1 7 .1 9 9 7 'Tlmoi-Now*. Twin Fall*. Idaho C-5c-5

S o m e CDC; Hanta\virus ouitbreak straighiIt killed 11 ] in Ajrgentinji la in ’96

ATLANTA (AP) - A A h a n - I ~ ^ ;! r7~T L Thele doctor's wife traveled toto tavinis outbreak killed 11 j 1 pcopif Hantavlru!rus history Buenolos Aires for medical care,e. s h o o t irn ’ ■ nnd sickened nine otlic then her doctor got sick, history ol tne han- W lie n Argentina last year in itin e T i r ' s i n ttie daughter of the first • r / x n i n ^ tOVIfUS. st known ease in which the rt 's maid got sick after riding leHaniaanRiverin jn'*fci 'K tory illness spread from per car with her, scientists knew Gunmen siin p e rso n , U.S. health officials ng M B l is say. was no ordinan.’ hantavirusIS Scientists previously ihoiiKliiih a iOt :3,000 Amcnun reak. hantavinis pulmonary sync/n d ro m e soldiers during the lead once aga;ain the Korean War, “ W fI'e first thought: Could thee could sicken people onlyV i:if th e y killing 190 tjy oestiiestroying ttioir kid- r n d e nnts t; get into tlie car?” Peters inlialed microscopic i)itsts ■o f r a t neys. r e c a lleIled. "Tile Argentines tookk droppings. Q Mott hantovlms in competitioion Ims found In Asia. lh ;u car ca apart looking for rodentIt No cases of person-to-p)-p e rs o n but that illnoss typicallytypi killsv.itli i i c s t ss a. n d c o u ld n ’t f in d any- transmission have been GREAT FALLS. Mont. {Ai n d o c u - kidney failure, nlot o l«fcspiratory fail- tilin g ," ( - i r ) — ' m ented in the United Si Don Drummond, alias Capta: S t a t e s , uro. No U.S. victim;tim has Had kidney H e a lalth officials put out traps p ta in D , A where the viral strain tiiat c { It c a u se s failure, f o r rodiKleiltsin the area where the spots the Molly Be Damnedicd gold e respiraton- illness was firstrst iden- Q An Idaho man’s i mine while galloping his:s h o rs e m n's death in 1978 first patientpa lived anti found imlyy tifie d in 1993. Som e U.S. e.’ a cro ss tliu du sty prairie. e .\p e rts is the eofiicst confionfirmed ease In a f e w'. .']Ttie man had moved into a said there is no reason for K o r p a n ic the United Stateses oto hantavinjs pul- n e w , brick bi home from a woodenll Decked out in the 10-gaIlotillon h a t yet. and yellow flowered shirtl i r t , h e monary syndrome.nc. c a b inI severalm w eeks b e fo re h e got)t “We are lioping piiysician draws his pistol and kills Kins will — THoA:10 Associated Pross ^ick. be looking for this," said DiDr. C.J. L miners. Sliding off bis h o rsi “ W ee i i)elieve th e virus iiJlHJiafe- Peters, chief of the sps p e c i a l scurries lo the mine, grabs me from a rodent, but it t^V0 pathogens branch at the CcCenters ened 1G2 people i sacks of gold and sniffs the: le in 27 stales, and appearsirs it may have lieen passedJ for Disease Conirol■1 and 7G of tliem have 'Ilis saddle bags. IVC d ie d , tlie C nC o n t tirrirough several persons." Prevention. “We also wiw ill b e S iiid . Jast when he thinks he’s ggo o tte n P e te rss ^said. Three of ttie ill weref looking for this in our centratral reg- Ttie respirator;tory illness starts doctor; away, eight more miners aapi p p e a r )rs who treated the hau­ istry of cases." out witli flu-likeke symptoms that tavinis | on the crest of a hill. ?Ie pick up ls patienis. Hantaviruses are a famimily of worsen and canin become1 deaillv. TheC Ilis rifle and shoots tliem deac r CDC has kept close tabs on viruses named for the HnrInntaan The lungs drownm ini fluid and tliL- U.S. he Drummond robbed thee n liealtli care workers since River in Korea, where ttietie first heart slows down, d< sending die dis and killed 13 men in less tth a n isease first em erged. In1 strain was discovered declecades patients into shodlock. A bout half of 1993.-I>1 104 seconds. But he wasn’t fa s t tilood lests of 39G workerss ago. That strain infectedJ iiabout people with hanta'iitavinis die. There _ 266 < • enough. Others at tlie Mont j of wiium were e.vposed to 3,000 American soldiers diduring is no treatment forhantavinis.fot tuintav Cowboy Action Shootout di ivirus patients — fer withh Iiardlyti any rais said Bri5rian Iljelle, a molecular and cactuses west of GreatIt F alls. w as b o rn in a sod :od iiut in South gun is ann inanimatein abject.” ‘could spread from person to per- around. In additdition, nvo more epidemimiologist at the University T h e y cam e d resse d in la te! 181800s- Dakota, H a rryy M errill, a member of -son, P e te rs said. people wiio hadd contactc with HI „f nv-wV Mc.vico.? style western garb and pulpulled He knows the the difference Ennis’ HonorableIIoi Road Agent Hantavirus pulmonaryry syn- Botson residentsts butI never went The onlyo U.S. case that came wagons filled with originals3ls and between black k powder and Shootinglg Socicty,S said partici- d ‘ ro m e, caused Iiy a stra in1 of o ttie there became!1- ill. c lo se w-a,\-as in Crow npoint, N.M., in replicas of firearms huilt beforebcl smokeless powder Icr and that Le\i pants practractice safe shooting and virus ' contained in rat feces,es. first A 41-year-old mmi a n w as th e first 199 3 ivtien wt: four adults living in th e ttim of th e c e n tu o ’. Strauss made theihe first pair of arc re.spect>ectful to each other dur- emerged when it killed doze)zens of to get sick. In threetin weeks, liis ihe saimme trailer got sick. But,the “It’s a bunch of guys that h It have blue jeans duringlg thei California ing the games.gan And since there’s fpeople in the Four Cororners mother and hisis doctort fell ill. trailer wasu overrun with rodents, really never grown u u p ," gold ru sh nf 1849. usually no monetaryi prize for the ’’region, wliere Arizona, Coloi>!orado. Four weeks afterter tiiat..the doc- said Dr.)r. I'red Koster, who cared Drummond said. “We’re s ■e still That’s why he cacan spot an ille- winners,, no no one leaves ivith a bad ^N ew Me.vico arid U taii m e et.Jt. tor’s wife becamame sick, and it f„r tiice firstI hantavirus patienis playing cowboys and Indi i d i a n s gal e n try from a milemil away. attitude,, h he e said. Since ttieii, hantavinis hasas sick- spread from there. d iagnoseised in New .Mexico. after all these years." “ If s o m e o n e shows sh up in a “Out herehei it’s all blood and Shooters competed at fiveve sta- straw hat. I tell themth not to do guts, butt onor the way home wc all , tions, each complete with1 prprops that again," hee •said. “Those laugli about)out it." he said. ^And-abortion activ:ivisi; form er T o m1 1Foley opponent aiarrested in arson and a different scenario. w e re n ’t availablei to cow boys." T he gunsunsUngers will return for Rick Ericksen, a ______'another shootout SPOKANE (AP) - Ann ianti- Derby. 59, waj,vns booked into Mrs.. DerbyL ran unsuccessfully saddle maker from July 12 and 13 for "abortion activist who twice;e itried Spokane Countyy JailJ; on Saiurday on an anti-abortionan plank against Ennis, rested in his ^/'/// 'llshoot till thy i)lant me.e. (O r ^ - h a i I get so shahy I the first annual to unseat fonner House Speipeaker for investigationin o< f first-d eg ree F o le y for fo the 5th Congressional bunkhouse near the Montana Cowboy Tom} Foley has been arrestc(Ited for arson at the: tiometi of her • Districtct in 1988 and 1990. Stie can't see (hm'n the'U'lidojdbanvl.' a gold mine. When the Action Siioot j'investigation of arson at the estranged husbaiband, Dr. Albert was deftefeated in tiie Republican Buckshot Rogers Cham pionship. h o m e of h e r estran g e d tiu.sbi.sband, Derby. She was; laterlai released on primaryry by John Sonneland in gang showed up, he Nearly 70 have rcgis- Ppo lic e sa id Monday. bail, and was not imniediatflv 1992. flipped over his bed -Gun.slingcr Don ‘C‘Capuiin D ’ Dmniniondid tered for the event. M ailing labels on gasol>oline- charged, T iie fire fi was discovered about and shot the metal _ They’ll set up soaked magazines used tt)t) s; ta r t R u ss e ll V a n Camp, C; a lawyer midnigh^ht Friday by Albert Dertjy, bowlegged cowboy camp near the head- the fire late Friday ted policilice to and family frieriend, said the The bhulaze caused minor damage cutouts through holes in thele 1bed If iie could, Afdi.fdahl would go stone replijplicas of cattle rustler ^M arlyn Derby, spokesmann Dick 1 Dcrbys are in the1C mr id st of getting to th e South S Hill neighborliood1 fra m e ’s springs. back in time, Ella “CatthIttle Kate" Watson and ^Cottam said. a divorce. tio m e. ClCottam said. Ericksen calls himselff JiJess "Life was a lotn 5simpler back bushwhack• area shooting," can't see downdov tile end of tlie bar- • ries about his grandmotiier, wwho he said, “People neeleed to realize a rel." iSchwarztk o p flo o)ks at syst(tem r that keepps track co f grizzlyI bears

YELLOWSTONE NATION/^iNAL boloftliei\mericanwiI wilderness.” hours a dayly onoi tiie loaition of Iwars PARK, Wyo. (AP) — -Hie militalitary The equipmentto to let the park dirccily to comcor puter temiinaLs used leader nicknamed “TJie Bear"" wiwas take advantage of dtli ie GPS track- by bioiogi.sts.sts. ’Hie readings will bo in Yellowstone Rational Parkrk to ing system is beingg paidj: for with accuratetowi3 w ithin 100 yards, n watch military technology putIUt to som e of tlie money! fromfr a 51 mil- As a rcsulrsult, biologists will be use to protect real bears. lion C anon U.S.i\. contribution coi to able to colleiillect a round-the-clock , > :/ / Retired Gen, Norman Sdiwatwarz- the National Park Seniervice. log of grizzlyzly actiiity ividiout wor- I kopf, now (lie national spokesmcsman It is die first (imcc GPSG tedinolo- rying aboutIUt w e a th e r th a t cou ld I for a grisly recover^’ campaignn nrun gy is being used to tracktrac bears. , ground airplaip la n es. I ) 1 ‘ 1 , by the Center for, Wildlildlife Expens purchased;ed fo u r sp e cia l “Instead1 of of h a lin g to fly, now we j Information in Montana, visitcs ite d radio collars to be placclaced around d ie ju s t ge t a1 printout." p r said Kerry salute the teanim that made u Yellowstone last iveek to see howw ddie necksof fouradult fern:emalegrizzlies. Gunther, Yellowstone’sYc grizzly Global Positioning System is beiraeing Sudi collars generalTally transm it a m anagem2nt ent coordinator,< Amer a « s l to track tlireatcned grizzlie?.s. radio signal that cann bcb tracked by Cotton strapsstra used to keep the irica’s #1 small11 business bani ■ ‘T m very m u d i interested inI an;any- biologists flying overdieparkweekly die transmitters:rs ont the bears will rot tiling having to do irith grizrJy bca;tx;ars tofindbearsandnotedie dicir locauon.s. away afterr aboutal one year, when h is exactly wh.i'here we rank iour U in the Lower 48.” he said whilvhile Thcnc^vcoUarscontaintain com puters th e tran smmittcr iti will drop to the \\’atd iin g a fem ale grizzly and tlircdiree diat can access die GI^IPS, a netw ork of ground a nd d e e m r it a radio signal so a I ^ H ^ c u s t o mnters, and that’st’s no coincidei- n e e . cubs on a nearliy mountain ridge.je. ‘“I militsuysatellitesorbitirlitingearth. team can ■ecoverreco it, replace its bat- I want to sec them survive as a synsym- Tliey will transm itt informationin 24 icries anduse use it again. I As ly of saying thanks to all s I BLM issuess special pen b u s in e sseies. s Key is offering up (o S> 1 ,i .0 0 0 in I ;rmit for wage;on train c a s h 'b a cck k rewardS’Slariing June' 2. 1 9 9 7 . RAWLINS. Wyo. (AP) — ThThe From Independenlence Rock to e.\pcctcd toto begin1 using county I ce ycmr Small Hiisinc.ss Rclaiilarionsliip U.S. Bureau of Land ManagemerTient Farson, tlie train willill bcI lim ited to roads and liigliwaysliigl in fiu- w estern I lanagcr or call for details. has issued a spccial recreationronal 30 wagons, 400 peof sople and 150 Wyoming, 13*od5 1-800-891-8918 permit to allow ilie Mormon TraTrail head of livestock, shelesaid. s: She said1 beforebe that, the train www.kcybank.com/smaillilbiz I ■ ^vagon train to cross public landsds i:in After tlie train leavilaves Farson, it will be foUowirawing tlie trail itself, and m W yoming, ju st cLiys before tiie tratrain i cjui grow to 45 wagonsons, SOO people the BLM soughtsou to protect the is expcctcd to need die permit. and 200 h e ad of livestostodc, she said. resource whilehile still a llo im g its use. Tlie wagon train, whidi enterciered “Tlie closer it getsts tot Utali, the While hethe perm it’s approval Wyoming near Torrington on JuniJune more interest theree isi; in joining Thursdayleft left little time for any- 4. was c.'cpectcd to enter publiiblic the wagon train and1 TmTi surmising body to appe7peal the permit, only lands today ot Independence Rodtock tliat tliey aren’t on tlictlie actual trail onc person1 submitted su a comment near Casper, said Mary Apple,le. ja segments as much overov there so during the' BLM'sBL scoping period O nTT spokeswoman for the BLM’.M’s they can have morec people,”p she on the envirorironmental assessment, R aw lins District. said, adding pariicijic ip a n ts w e r e Apple said. Key. For bususiness. &6 'nnM ^m, T win FXU, IdahoIho ToenJij, June 17.1997 ?eoc/i more than1 53,000I readersrs a day with jusist one phone caiall! r T h e T i mnes-News— The'fiuKs^'JeH'sl S CUSTOMERC M iARK PLA SERVICE 132 3RD STREET\ETW£ST,P.O, BO X 548 • TWlhVIN FALiS, ID 83303 ‘ MONDAYDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 TO 5 :3 0 • SA5ATURDAY 8:00-10:00 I______W!08) 733-0931 • (FAX) (208} 734-553873 • TOa FREE BURl£Y/i:iY/RUP£RT 677-4042 * 326-53;1375(FIIER1 s N»:Vi-3rg tlilkUiKnVlI 3 00 -mn>n!

’sat'a,l a t h ^ I K) 7 0 0 ^ us)iKX(^tin Wfcrwfi KHuv/jUi ^33-0'>931 i:nu>'««n(i>sr I I 600 >U N E S : ... t)Jll,/jllR>.rM IE ADS iM?5Z2sn 4(4 0 0 8I«0'..I«/\4^ liaita/>i«(nlw '-I S.Trntirfiin 1 0 0 0 D E A D00 U lPM Mondoy-fridoy for ne.fj doy>fi publication| t!i 1X1 kon 00 PM Fridoy for Sundoy't publicolion iriEMtoWn ' <-> UNE/ 2 ' £ ICUknOhr 2.001J.OO AM Soturdoy for Mondoy'j publicjlicotion i ' i j o " ' 5:00iPlAY { ADS Wl»a^ 10.00Bu»ln«i doyi prior to puUlcoti'on. Colloil o Tlmcj-Nowi Adveriijing D ISilej P U Rcpreienlolivo for moro inforniollon 3 Bull. Jj/j^ tin |l)j eCltWrj Solei I CALL TODAYiy I OUT OUR GUARAmEED RESULTSRi SPECIAU \ ABOU 5T Yollow Lob. m alo. NEWBORNRN • Sincorly in- CHEF . DRIVERS LEGAL NOTICE LELEGAL NOTICE yrs. old. Taloo loft oar. lorstod in c MEDICAL . MISCELLANEOUS in eating lor your Twin Foils Chinnmoso rostau- Now trucks ordoroc Ida Volk- RN, ACLS coriiliod, ICLCU AVON. S8 S18/hr. No doorr ______Answcswots 10 Moon, Orango Infant w/cor0 AMA n salo will bo hold (or _____ er hr. 40 hrs omploymoni jocort ht truck Solory OOE, Excol. ______• SUMMER^PLAYHOUSE P ^o°wk^3yTi FR drivers swagon is now acce ol. Ind/sls/rop ttio (ollowing cJoacnbod nbonaori'donod vohlclos. Tho vohl- ono1 enii en - wfl-ii do ii-aiii Outdoor pta ^s exper. Ro- nood 2 lrainoos.w/ provido benefits. Conlacl HollyIlly ------r play aroa, school sumo arid/orir covori lollor Double L Truckd riv in g s npplicallons for ox] clos doscribod bolow will bo soldold on an ‘As Is/Whoro Is' Ci.iisi:,iisl(icd.733-002C. ago childrotIdron only. Loarn- m uj, rolled e.i cords, AIM, enend cnr a lightompany I Rambo. RN DNS at: basis only. Paymont lorms ato0 cenifiodco chock or monoy _____ oach roquiro- 677-J622 oalih in- TFC & H. 733-3700. MISCELLANEOUS I Ing activiliesAllies. Roasonablo moni obovp’ or0 il will bo ------1.W/CDL lochnicinns. Wo pro Oponlng avail. In ports ordor only. Viewing will tako placolaco at tho wrochor compa- ■ ucking paid vacation, comi)tla plan extension 234. EOE. 104 raios. 73836 8537.8 foiociod. Rosoispond lo caso lall or in ------1_ dopl. for qualified person.I. nl03 llstod boIOM (Juting iMo hoursiui3 0fe:OOAM&5:OOPM. ■ PERSONALS p ------22 conlribulion lo hoalll V ehldo «1 ------/»219J.O.ID,62 at Chris MEDICAL Salary a bciolits basedd ho Dopl ol L p i v l i i s ------Suranco a calotorla on exp. Call tor appt. Buhlll RogisiorocJ Ownor nnd/or ftvail. Apply by mall/olkswa- i Rock Crook Modical Re- Uon Holdor: J. ToddM dS loom Ovonvelght Poopio ■V Main SI. Boiso > Lakos hab Conior is lochng Jp,lor Implement Co.. 543-0232. odod to loso wolghl & L or (ax (208)33^ ------1 porson lo; Frank at C 11388 NormalN( «2 Jordan Mazada Voikialls. Id. highly dodicaiod fi caring E.O.E Individuals to work os MISCELLANEOUS Burloy.loy. Idaho 83318 R CONSTRUCTIC-ION to drivo lore■O FLAT- Ron, 1534 Oluo La SCHOOL-TO-WORK PO- Vohicio Doscilption: Drown'wn 78 AMC 4 Door _____ ‘1-800-832-5973^ ______Nursing Assistants. Finish concrelieto workers RSNEED- N .T w in Falls CNA's proforrod but will SITIONS: «i) Vista Vol- Vin: A0A057^057C347987 ------noodod ASAP.P. Good pos- EstablishedorO o> gdoa S3301. 733-2054. E.C . unloor (living allowance, Uon Amouni: At (imo brakos.___train as noodod. Wo ollor mo ol salo lion will be ■ iIJ v IM hJH sibility olyoar r hoallh insuronco, stipend) ccimpany! ------ision a ___on oxcollont bonoM pack- i S3655 0C00 I SPEIPECIAL^NOnCES lor Iho lighl‘i^rra'i''' lr o 'n o W MJ iovor i 20 MECHANIC • ■ to assist Coundl in carry­ Vohicio stored at: HazoHo:ollon Rop.iir ITRATION Ploaso applyM in no™ : o'2yoarsOTfl ^ppty al___ ogo a compelilivo wagos. ho record Hiring mechanic lorI.. bra Com- ___I' Iniorostod apply in per- ing oul aclivilios amongI PO Box 86 A L C It Administrator- PRIORITYr v o u i " ! Minimum shocks, su sp o n sie six Twin Falls CountyI Hazolloiollon. Idaho 83330 A N ' = jnefils____ son al; 640 Filor Avo. W.. I ’.R. Voluntoers 212 2ND AVEVE.WEST .Onoraloin 11iTfl w expo- alignmonl work, Appt------Twin Falls.______communltios. /(2)STW Vohlcl# #2 733-0300 CassioRlegional egl. Modicnl TWIN FALLS.■S. IDAHO swios Cd. 2030 Kimberly Rd.. C _ Coordinator (B.A./B.S. Rogistorod Ownor nnd/or ______Conlor isIs s(sooUng an ns- petilivo wngo a t)One( Oogroe. salary nogolla- Uon Holflor: Jorgo C c o c m m e • Compnny eonlrl im l Bo- m ed ic a l 10 Caldiiron-Anflrado “n T T T itjminisirolof lo di- p„,. I wostetn ------Nursinn STAFF DEVELOPMENTT bio). Musl p ossess oxcol­ PO Box mS“ i lo w lo d g o o r prolit sharing pla Box 301 P e nerfect Part Time MEDICAL y Caro COORDINATOR lont organization andI Hazolloiollon. Idaho 83335 Human ' Ros < s ; : s x ntrlbuiod Earn whllo you leaml a communication skills, bo Kimburliburly Rond Motors 0 cortifi- 1’*''''’ P**lls Cnro Conior, a \ A ■ ■ lie Relations - n‘u,'.„ c, I ' Drivor toeruiungplan. b corre a Certiliod Nunroqrdm boautilul. 116 bod skilledoc) multl-pro|0Cl oriented. Ed- 135 KimboftyKim Road ff f t W ■ ■ ■ Roquiromonv Assistant. Burloy C 171. { ucalion & Business back- Twin Fa >r hours nursing lacilily. has an im- 1 Falls. Idaho 83301 V j j I I dogroo in ?.ic,|VJ:: :azs^rnco.oonus. Cenier will providorowatds co modialo opening for anan i ground prof. Closing dato Vohicio Oosciiplion: '05 Buie3uick Coupo ^ ' g bonus. ■ caiion itaining progi so u rc e Ma [2£_I£.£_; • Lnlo model Pot skilled S'olf Doveiopmoninl Juno 30, 1997. The Twin Vin: 1G4GJ4GJ47A2FP405757 Business:s Managomoni,(,■ CUSTOMER SEISERVICE ; cabovets. ' nncJ pny wagos lor ht lal Falls County Parlnorshlp Uon Amouni: Al limo ( »pply in Coordinator. Tho Ideal )d (iold. Provious Budgol Rent A\ CarC ol Hai- ' ' Col homo on an Ilor Av- candidaio will be onihusi-si, Coundl Is an EEO Empl- 5360.00JoV""'”"”"”""’” U G ET■ PA r D managomon “'‘‘ed'imijni e«porienco, loy is hiring lorsrFullSP I an ngo ol 7-10 days /o oyor. For application coll Vohicio slorod at: Hazolior aslic, organized, havo ollon Repair ‘'P 'o oxcellentIt co communicaiion ilmo holp. Vatlat.od shifis,: -Avot.ige annual•»n on nwnr ‘ tiutsihg lacilily. Appi'------good limo managomenini K aron C h ris te n s o n at PO Box OQ • S600;00 Daily Docauso. skills nndd cc compuior skills wookonds, ovos a " y I peison at 1729 Miller skills, oxcolloni teachingin (200)436-4715or Hozollofollon, Idaho 63335 | worlvork FREE lor you aro nocoss;ossaty. Applica- Will do all asp,'o “c!'°o?io'^ •Ou?dr:v“ r^°nk^e'I earnings i Burley.lA'S & ability, paiienco. and a 670-3653. Vohlelfl f3 8'5,..MM fF„l-a0O-5O5-3553 lions cnnn bc bo oblninod at 708 0012 ( HaikmloyAitpirt.)^ cpm Avorogo w Rogisiorod Ownof ond/or i MEDICALII10 loam playor. Job spedliclie ______------the HumanTian Rosourcos profes- roqulromonts Include Uon Holder: SoulI TorTorres . ------TTj:;------1---- dop.inmonio nlnndm uslbo DEUVERYDRIV,IVER , CALL 800-453-2 ' ATTENTION CNA’i MISCELLANEOUS uwagu. NA’S:DoyOuwnnllO knowlodgo of Inleciion Wotk In Twin Falls. Rented 321 LociLocusi ■ rocoivodI by Jun , 20, 1997 M ust havo gooood driving ; for on Appllcatl. ow you conlrol. wound caro, and Twin Fal pariDdciiv-i , or Interview, J” potson prolorrod. Some­ I Falls. ID 03301 I AABOnnON aiCRWC/1iC/1501 Hiland focord. Auto p; ■x -yjof i ’ t'oalod a s a )y prof rosi- tho ability lo porfotm gen­ Vohldo Ooscrlplion: GroyI ’03’BS Chovy 4dr I ALIftLTERNATIVES Ave./Burloyirloy. ID 03318. O^y POrson. Apfkpply nt: 229' body Iniorostod in a fow • Work hard, bul know ' eral otionialion le all now hours por month. Must Vm: 1G1AC3AC35P3DJ130561 y call (200) 677- 2nd Avonuo Notlh, Nc Twin. I______Dolidos om ployoes. a s woll as Uon Amouni: At timoTIO cof salo lien will bo PBECNANNANCY CRISIS CENTER rMoint• luniiot inlormn- F.ills. Irl.iho. ato appreciaiJd by ri , havo d e ar driving rocord FB£E TESTING I donis fi stall? 1 olloct continuing education to a background. 324-8627. 5425.005,00 m lis posiiion. EOE. DEMONSTRATCTORS i edu cat ion curro'-t employees. Ex- Vohido storod ol: Bruco'a':0-S Towing 734-747:'472 •• 800-371 -7472 ° on mis p ______I ' 'H avo in-pul in Ihe polic lail/groeory ! Kimborly Sdiool Dii Dduca- porlr.nco prolorrod. bul 917 SouSoulh Fir . . • ADMINISTRA S procoduros that oil ut NURSE 7.™ "dS.'o"jonlngs! Ex-' accopling applicatii you? i7 will considor all candidal-ll- Full timo position for on on- Joromo.mo. Idaho ■ 108 Full-limo posit . Call lodnyl , a lull time seconda ' V ehlclof4 Disirict IS, • Havo advanced oduijoin? OS Call for an tnlorviow- orgoUc RN who onjoys I PRC'HOFESSIONAL blofor401Kom S SS : "'ra'SSJsS5-3763 i n'ish leacher. Ap i.sses, Caihy McKay, ONS. 734- Rogisiorod Owner ond/or I ipule.KnowlOdoo 1-80M 75.- :alionslor ; iionni opporluniiieS? *■ working for a growing. ------I lions may pickedndary En- • Erjoy your wotk ngaln'ling 4264. EOE : progrosslvo long torm Uon Holder: Magdalodalom Marqi’or Ponco s r o s i rPlains, s ; Microsoll DENTAL I 141 Conlor Si. Wos Carlos3S NNovaro! Gonzaioz R A M I Excd preferred. Expanded luneiir Applica- • Find this, CNA cN.ssi MILKER j caro facility. Excolioni ANKRUPTCY Clion Denial; botly. Idaho or inq ; bonolils. Contact Janico 960 NortNorth 1350 East oMOIKiogu- Assistoni noodtidod ASAP. I 423'4179Exl,330E(Od up nl ’ plus moro at Gooding' Exp. porson lo milk a run Ricriliold WpiorSAG.ololod |„,i„„g,; Vosl. Kim- I Rohab a Uving Com ; Bailey. RN a t 934-5601 fiold, Idaho ^MI. i F.OO Klophono topoiling ro- Ploaso sond rosumo ro lo: I _____ night shift. Must know Vohido Doscriplion: 1984I PoiFord 4 Ooor r mis nocossary, Qox 92068,,Tho %TI Timos- ■ ELECTRICIANinquire ot i Coniac;l Janico Dailoy Irealmonl & calf pulling." I or apply ot G ooding Ro- Vin: 1FABP3BP3932EG184946 consultation. ExcolioniII hrbonolilD avail- Nows, P.O, Box3x 540, Twin I Journeyman Elocli300. EOE : 934-5601.______Isianis Top salary ♦ housing. Cnii 1 hob and Living Conlor, 7760 aoO-548-2166 ,V I 1220 Montana Street. Uon Amount: Allimoc th our growing I Falls, Idaho 8333303-0548. I Must bo oxporionc0( IS. Ap- 423-6455 or apply al 3 '/, ; MEDICAL I Gooding. EOE.______5485.00™ “"'iS ? o S . Sy. r . Salary rango ! ------' ntensol work. Yoar Rehib, mis, S. ol Kimberly. Vohldo stored at: Jorommo o' Whoel '2y'5 0>panonco o q E . Sond)Ond rosumo to: I DENTAL 1 omploymoni, oxcBclrlclon I Coniliod Nurso Asslsta icod in all i nood»d lor oil shilis. ! ~ NURSE 252 WosWest Main BANKRUPTCY gai PO.Box67£: 679, Alin: Ollico 1 Hygionist noinoodod 1 pay, Sond tosumo: MISCELLANEOUS oarround ! ply al Si:«ke River Reh Parts Peraon with knowl-. Rock Crook Rohab & Mod- Joromo.mo. Idaho 83338 Compolilllolilivotnlosonchap- r. TvTwin Falls. ID, Cnll53C-5-1■5441 I i,ical Contractors ! ical Cenier Is sooking an Vehicle «S }xcolloni • 820 Spraflue. Buhl.Nurso ID. odgo ol outo. truck, nnd tor 7 b banktuptdos. Call • ------' Box 673 Jotomo ID ' oxporioncod a n d highly • Rogistorod Ownor and/or ______• DRIVER ust be larm equipment. Cum- Stokor at 734-0452. a g r.c u lT.TURE U R I lowheolorwilhiCDL.AIIyr.l C. FLORALDESIGNEFSis' P o ' ! MEDICAL 'is. Ap- DUlor oxpotlonce a must, qunllliod RN to son/o as UonHddor: Oanlol Ti 10 03338 i Pull lime Uconsod Nut unil co-ordinntor for a 1017’ RessoguioRe FOR ALLALI YOUR Backhoo Po5»=iSo appliapplicator, ExpO' Wage. DOE. 42:123-4269. ; Exporionco nocn: arflo - Call 324-7140______------Part limo, 0-24hrs/v------I position avoil. Musl Skilled Nursing Socllon In Boiso,0, IdahoId noods,3ds, sopiic sysloms. noncod only JER ■ able 10 work oil shifts. / f’onuS’jW o'’" MISCELLANEOUS our ladlily. II Iniorostod, KolloyGily Groon oxcavativatlon, underground oppoinimonlionl423.46.10. f ORFLATBE3 E D In .:0 Salary DOS. 423-^'Cnssary. I ply at Snake River F please apply In porson at 1512: GrtGrant Avo. olociric AGRICULTUnTURE slalos. Call 200-!'8 543-6126. LAB TECHNICIANSrs/woek. I hab. Buhl or call 543-641rtunlly WHITE CLOUD 640 Filor Avo, W ., Twin Boiso.J. IdahoId Wo al! 4 lo 6 lab tochnidi I Falls. Vohicio DoscripUon: 1983. NisNissan 2 Door oloclric aplicalion lor a noivER ■ MEDICAL I Nurse Consulting a Personnel Vin: JN lPBl-’B14S40U019503 Roa: tochanic nnd mill f t roulo drivor, Ctirrnnt' Nooclod ASAPNS ; Home Health Opportunido in- Curront Job Oponings S S S r ll ' for local ngricullura ording OFFICE Uon Amouni: Allimno oo ol salo lion will bo RAM Inc . Apply at nior- CDL a modical' lidans I Ato you a Rogistorod Nui Inc. <208)736-1590 Xo^Feod^or an see • CDL Drivor. Class A. AMERICAN STAFFING 5405.00 odors Inc, Mnlln Apply al RSR I ;AP I ot Home Hoallh Aide Many of our bost ollico Voriido stored ai; Twin Fall“ lb lowing ^ HOU!3USECLEANING 645-2221. • Shop, cornor ol I lural eo. lotosiod In a rowordimako 11 Wostorn stnios, I S h T ; nocoss.,^. Moi” a OS ov- guarontood salary wotkors. sent lor tempo­ 704 2nd,’nd Avo. N. Eyp<^-• dodono as you wont It. AHTnMnTivp ^— a Hwy. 30 in E )h School enieer whore you ean s rary asslgnmonts. aro nn nlinnn 1 lOOrning indivi u n ity • Legal Secrofary lor Twin Falls,Fall Idaho PlQla..il3. avail. 734-5911 o a l o ^ h o) Me Moiors In Elko '^oen 2 a 4 pm. 1 ^ground | tho dllforeneo you ma askod to hiro onl Wo neod Soalod bids must bo rocolvod ot ihi • P ^ “ ; oncouragod lo app rs jusi Corporato Lovol Law Firm, ITOniAL SERVICE ' NV Is lookintJklng lor an Ao- 'livalod. I in your paiienls' lives < '■ YOU to lako .Ihoir placo. District Ollico locatod at 626 Ena ______i PRIORITY ONEidividuals ! e ry d o y ? C om mig uni with Full-tlmo w/bonoliis 'SffpSS ■"'Sloaning Houses a sislant Part:’arts Managor. d r iver I 212 2ND AVE. WE ilnufng Add SSS. frionds. skills, J32L lolophono numbor nmcos apply ht: I Homo Hoallh offers )i maybe oven a now career :os. ATTN.: to Roiail Advancomoiimonl posslblo Local dolivori78-4040 avonuo Wost In Goodin PRIOR SERVICE ■2897 or 734-2225. ^ ------agrolninlho“c ' s ; ? ? PLUS 'or lull Information on skilled ond Proposals for tho position by not.notify Iho ovmors ol tho CaN Foror Free I A Eslim ato BANKING ] Earn up lo S200 for work- or Public Dolondof (or (oilowtilowing slorago units: ForYoui , , ' Vailoy. Good pa' ------ology unskilled Industrial ' ing ono wookond o month, four Homo or Ottico Position openleri lor I on Inter- d ,no winior. 7( SilNTi^ANCE' (or In- posltioris. Piacom onis Joromo County will bo QC- U nit#:lit# 224 & 208 _■' nal Audit As Immodlato oponlng lor li , Koop the rank you oamod, 1 Asslslanl. A ______Utwn caro a mainlor I Ilmo nurso lor Ur0oppli- l0 ( Ind: Construction,Factory, coptodbythoJoromo GooGoods In Ihoso units will M 111 Bacholor's5 doidogroo or 2 or DRIVFR nooded. Oood we Increaso your bonofiis County Commls3ionor3un- boauc ollice. Ploaso coll for:hoor, I W arohouso and votloly auciionodolliothopub- I cmITERTAINMENT tb voars fors rolalod expo- Now hiring lor Mi>'^ixor Driv- 734-5068, loavo mos ■lospi- Tomporory, Seasonal &f ond son/o with your homo- Ul Friday, Ju n o 2 0 .1 9 9 7 ot Iiclolo ssatisfy ronls and (oos ■ g Ilonanco lotmallon or submil app lown Idaho Army Notional SERVICES luirod. Sond ro- er/Laboror. lull Hr wago3\ coiion lo: Sandy SchacTwin Tomp-lo-Hiro posilions. 5:00 pm. Submit 'Propos- postdi sum o; Iniornlornal Auditor, o d ts. C la ss A\' Cc Dl'’?o' MANAGEMENT Guord, CALL als* to tho Jeromo County Tho £ nossage. Twin Falls Clinic a Hospreall NEVERAFEEI ho auctiort will bo hold al EGREYWI2AR0 r P O . Box 1111108, Burloy. quirod. lull ondoidorsomeni posiiion avoi ;0E 734-6452 1-B00-73I-TEMP, SFCBor(OW200-734-9171, Commlsslono;a, 300 North Twinrin FallsI U -H aul,1757 uooicrjI^ ------tal. P.O. Box 1233, Tw a Illusion for all your Idnho 83318.■18. mat includes TNPNAH Ao oxcollont communic ------Scn/IngTTioEnllro Moglc L in c o ln . R oom 3 0 0 . Kimboinborl/Rd, Twin Falls. ID S Falls, ID 83301 qrcc 5 RECEPTIONIST lortainmenl noods! „_coiuir r ; ;:------ply m Kloopfor. Inc.-75^1I Skills and solosivoil0l5l0, a 733-3700 Oxl 340, EOEJ pg. ValleyFor11.5Yearal Joromo. Idaho 83330. Cop- on July9,1997oi9:00a.m.July vin FaII- (oquirod. Inquire at Full lime, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.. ies of tho coniroct cnn bo Tho or tcollo. 677.8391, jnlcailon ------Tues. thru Sat. Apply In D onides vrill bo sold by ______High EnergyS y l o .I n M V " Finaneo 733-5514.s ablllly g MEDICAL obtainod from tho Clorhs storagt ------7 — ------1 oooks b( ™ 5. MISCEUJINEOUS potson al: Bridvow Eo- rago unll and tho mon- 4 ------Flii bookkoopor DRIVER at Avco PATIENT SERVICES Dl O fdco, Jorom o C ounty ios rocrocolvod will go to pay I 1 1 3 . with compuiorlulor oxpor. Call Waniod, oxporioncincod ovor MANAGER An * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ta les. 1828 Bridgoviow Courthouso. • Ihoso c CHILD CARE Donlso ot 733- s 10 Iravol Local Twin Falls 4. bus EOE. PARTMENT MANAGE( Blvd. Twin Falls, so dobls. I 733-6223. tho road drivers I ------Full-llmo Supervisor poso n d SUMMER udion subjoct to cancol- I SI lios Com- looking lor o pormt PUBUSH:Junol4,15.16. = CABL^TVTECT F ruu.r.A u ” Woslorn sialo lion rosponsibio lor A( WORK RECEPTIONIST 17.18.19and20,1997 '“'lo"-on. plooso coniact tho ■ » ; —5; TECHNICIAN poiilivo wages,, vacallon v manogor, MusUjuslnoss polntmoni Oosk an ----- I gonoraloral managor ot tho lo- BO-PEEFEEP Kindorgarlon i Inslollor/toch,eh, neodod 1 lor & In su ra n ce bonolils. bo oxco'- cuslomor oo / S9.5010 start. Full-tim o.Socro- :aro has summor & group of sysloi rmanont Chartroom Porsonne lory/Rocopllonlsl nooded PUBUC NOTICE c a tlolio i n fo r a d d itio n a l Daycarc /slorris In South Pieaso call 208-93•934'5686 sk ills a m on o g3l o rhavo Previous managomcur /n r ' P'^'/P^- *11 irmation. **>11 oporponings. 2 ’A yrs. & Conlrol Idaho.Iho, Exporionco ------^_____ oxpor.S15,000toSll 'VicMk Shifts. Tomp. a pormanonl.1. lor growing compony, Ex­ Nolico Is horoby givon Informo oorvico oxporlonco nocossafi porionco with mulil-IIno thot TREASURE VALLEY up.C}. Call 733-5097. proforrod, OpportuniiyOpp for DRIVERS por yoar. DOE. PI' ,n«r Filling 20 positions ------o d v a n c oim m o ont. G ood ARLOG. LO:,OTT br.ing rosum o tojo m li o n t Exceptional cuflomo/so Immodiatoiy. 733-2929 phono systom. dictation a SEED CO.. INC.. PO Box PUBUJBU SH:Junol7.1997 o^by-silin SlO.OOO vice and compule/skill public (oloilons roqulrod, 2 1 8 4 . HOMEDALE. ID ------it in my homo. CPR bonofiis. Sonfl>end rosumo lo TRUCKINGI INC.IN tnouniain Stalling, : ” boforo 3 p.m. ______a Firstit AidA conMod. Roa- Box 414. Mior,Filor ID 83320. Is expanding. Hnvtivo Immo- Addison Ave. M3, TFP lo aso required. SalaryyOoporJodv ***************, Knowlodgo ol Word, Ac- 83628 hos oplod to discon- | i o Inlor- dem on exporionco. E) - c o s s G r o u p w i s o tlnuo oporating os o Pro- M t ------diato oponings5 forf ovor ------a CASHIE. ng. 415 collont bonofil pockngrtollon ^ alo n g w ith 5-dayf w> o rk w e e k s a n d publication o( this noiJco to: Services,B Caroor Oppoi U no Joiilffo. Administrator, FOUNDIND 6/14. Falls Avo W. ad. Call 1 326-6661. Shana. guaranteed incorom e. O ur w a y o f o o o d ,„ ,.i,, ID O n o of l< SALES doing businosss iwill m ak e y o u Idaho Stato Oopartmonl of youngjng lomalo Sottor X. punnrB.Bc jo rtu n lty Agriculturo. PO Dox 790, Call 73 I outomobllo I ig proud to bo oran automobile 1 day trlr 1-now being ac- Nood drlvors wllh f Idaho's most progresslvo Boiso. ID 83701, or sold—^ lull timo cash---- and good drivingJrSoYd ^ Profossionol. o) 0- salesperson andid m ak e y o u feol dalmwillboforovorborrod. I-OSTIT CCAT: Black malo s. Excoiiont--- 4 8 states, homo roiregularly, E x co llo n t c o m ndoalors Is sooking'th goo d aboutut yourself, Datod Ihia 12ih day of w 'l'l « SED CHILDCARE bonolits. Applypply In porson--- Now oqulpmont anandgood insurance beroxporioncod salospooplo. Juno. 1997, iU " M o .4 “tlp o n o ‘il! S o s ! if y o u think you'tu'ro our typo of OS a snacks. Lorgo ot tho Twin1 Falls Fa Slinkor--- bonofits. Como by 1 mmisslon structuro, health ;,*.Ai<«ol ^^^734-3285. Loavo ,oncod1 yord-ya 25 yrs. oxp.. Slotion locaiion nn“*ID or P'°aso contac '0 person, plea*ase apply at: mossaj lUons.------S, Main. Gooding ______rols. All { All ogos wolcomo. — ;------call 1 -208-934-44545i, Hormansdn >enofltsat; and 401K plan, PUBUSH: Jur>o 17.24 and “ I ” :«ll 324-6784 CLERK tact Rick Long or Davo IT puppy, 6 m o old, ------Swing Shlfi poa O a r y posiiion. Pick DRIVERS ,t; g) TOYOTA ck w/whllo patch on LOVINQi homohc daycaro by up oppllcoilorHion ai 1135 Long haul. 2 yra.I. oxporl-( O t d s m o b WILLS PUBUC NOTICE forohotshoad ond chost. bad 0 * p . m m 01 1 h 0 r . R N . Bluo Ukos Blvd.Blvi N. Twin onco roquirod. CaCall 734- : 1 3 1 0 try's P< Wostland 236 SHOSHONE ST, WEST,iT, W IN FALLS •733-2B91 TYio U-Kaul Contor local- lod oyo.oyo Coll 324-8413. Nowbom-im- a up. 734-4070 Falls. Musl bobo 19.1 3800 botwoon 8amam-5pm. obllo, Buick, Isuzu J V r-soo-6iiiilSlA? J P o lo lln o R oad E. ______Ttftmiay. Juns 1 7 , 1 9 997 7 Tlme»-«ewi, Twin Fsili, Idahow C-7C-

RESTAURAKT LOCAL F u a SERVICE d —------306 1 R N ow or c u s lo m TWIN FALLILLS 2 bdrm,. 1 BLISS Landd invosltnonl in ^77 I ' TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm.im. 2 ; • ■Now hiring oxporloncoi SALON.Ownofwiliconstd- I ). Londod w/ extras, bath, ricoico cnrpot, slorm opporiuniiy. 1 lino cook*. Apply In pof I EMPLOYMENT RHANCIAL SERVICES | Jnor^gy y. 1 group o l;| dpai ecTa-ATE ■ ''■“''oowpaymonialonis * er carrying part ol papers- gy offlcieni. You'll windows.s. CallC 324-3704. undovolopodod rosidoniial r : I son, Porkins Family rtos-Roa ^ P P O H n j N T I E ^ S500 down. S200Jp po o r . Fof moro Inlo. call Diana nAD « n CREDIT? Eraso II. II. 408 ‘ Thurman. Cnll r r — ------r ~ r r z ------lots a 1 comrrjmmorcial lot ! I WANTED month OAC 733-2224>24 ; laufont. 1564 Bluo Uko; 736-0306. oro inlo.. 326-8625, ^ ^ IN FALIiLLSO yO kvnor wilh building.g. SnakoS/ Rivor I Olvd. Nonti. PUBUC SERVICE slop crodiior harassmoni, ------2300 sq. fl.f and lowor monthly paym- f i l e r u ;. fl.O bdrm. 3 bath, ,1^ viow Pionsiloaso call 200- ! : TWIN FALLS 4 b d rm•m, ,: 2 • ------' MESSAGE PEPSI/COKE ROUTE 1 Viniago 5 bdrm. 2 AC, gas.I. hothe tub, mainto- 3G2-6201 or 200200 352-4297 ; WANTED Exoculivo HESTAURAKT ^ Fodoral omploymonl infor- onis. Sond SA§£ and k, i,, ^ vo noods b n ih , as low a s S50<>500 * Bo your own boss. ? " 'i 2275 sq. It. Ornato n anco Iroo,Iro prime NE ------. homo 10 loose w.'oc'option to down, S375 por monU Bookkoopor Twin Falls’s'la- la rnatlon Is froo. Romom- EamSt.OOO* wookly S2.00 5^ -' lo Now Filo, PO woortJ Iwork. rock firoplaco. locaiion.I.5159,900.1026 S Call Cbssllled.ed. 733-OC2C. , purchase Call 736-36-1170 , OAC Movo in immodiatodiato- ' voriio rostaurant noods(ds ia bof. no ono can ptomlso) Can nowlll 1-800-211-8363 Box 2672, Shorman, TX oak flooloors, foncod yard w/ Conlennlnlnlnl,735^»391. ' Wo'ioroaiJ|>wlio.wlionyojnfni — , , - — part limo bookkoopor.r. in- In youalodornljob. Forfroo 75091, 20x30 1 ------: ly! Call lor dolaiis 733-222-J eluding wookonds. Ros- Ros information oboul fodoral . . ga?don aroa a*frn; Tw In FALULLS By ownor, 3- EDEN 4 lols « rtSjM ANUFM TUF taurom oxporlonco a plusplus, fobs, coil Caroor AmericaS TWINFALLS I I lshop.S130,000/ofl- yr.-oldhomlomo. 2000 sq. ft. shop in pt.mo ! TWIN FALLS Duck Irnmo Apply 10 om lo4pm .20(.200 Connoction, 912-757-3000 wnor. 326-4043. Btlck. mainllainionance froo 3 Call 025-5111,HI, ovonings ^ ^ ^ ^ H O M E S^ ^ ^ 1 nowor dupiox noar park!park • Addison Avo. Wosi Twir 1 I I ------bdrm..2 batl Falls. SI .000 Wookly Slulling on- HNG 1 bdrm., home. 24 ft. doop.T & S l HAOERMANN REDUCED: R , KIMBERLY For s;53 lo by ' SS001or.sS50 733-13591359 : ____ volopos at Homo. Froo . . old, comploto wiin nulo sprintrinkloro. Natural aero lois,• S6000S6i bolow ow nor '9 6 C h oompion n TWIN FALLS Cloanan 3: RESTAURANT dotaiis, Sond SASE lo:? THETIME&NkwS I I slovo, rolrig,, AC, gasfiropinc)lnco, lamily a liv- 513,500, (20E( m anulaciurod honomo. 2 tjdrm. 2 bam w^2 cnrir ga-ga Unc Cook. Posilion availivall- m h . Box 330867-ACI. CURRENTLY HAS I ■ I furnituro. S35,500. ing toorn,n, walk-lnw dosois, 637-6402. bdrm., 1 bath., 0 s to v o . (.igo, S700/mo *S50C>500 • Qblo Immodlaloly. Exporipoti- Orovo, FL33I33. THE FOLLOWING ^ ir. 934-4766.______cuslom oak ------rolrig,. sw am p ci NO smoking Soo a oncod ond roliablo onlyo n l y .______xfr'Tjfr'n h a z e l t o nH H.Homo s ilo ., S20.500, Cnll 42323-9702 179EICartlino 734-.tD0J4504 Apply in porson Frldaj INDEPENDENT | 4 0 1 j GOODIN pasturos,2Oac. 0 ac 514,900. or324-S9H, lo.ivo‘0 rnsg. ______|?J}/ . PUBUC SERVICE SC H OO LS/ homo,o Juno 13Ih, botwoon 1:30 JUNIOR ROUTE A I iS:o'a;?s"°3 4p,m. Ql Elmor's Pancokt MESSAGE INSTRUCTION nico s loi 'r 's “So°o":: ' Now dill. wido. 3-bdbdrm., 2 TWINFALLS Logilimato job placomoni, TWIN FALLS AREA L } Dr. 733-7972. j JEROME Countr and Sloak Houso, 182^ )r. 934-4766. [ EoJgaioDr luntry Club LCI L.iih Full lapu &, toxturo.It Nuar Hnrrro'tPark, 2bdrnbdrm. PUBUC SERVICE Bluo Lnkos Blvd. N. lirms that wotk lo Ml spo- ,“you walllno lot? ^ Block 5, builcbuild to suit or doluxo c n rp o i,, porch. p 1 bnth homo w/lonco ___ cific poslllons cannoiI ■ROUTE 839 ^ MESSAGE ------I "'-'hCDmallial classlMSd 0^ lot ai$21,500.100. Lol 7 Block $41,099 423-6489.59. y a rd , slo ra g o shh o d RESTAURANT chargo an uplroni foo. Forf 205-498 Flllmoro Schoc h o larsh ip se a m s can HAQERl•RMAN REDUCED: i lixl:iy, [ 5, build 101 suii.SUI Prairie ______———— S450/rno plus doposioosil • P R E P PER SO N . Twir'yyir, freo information aboulI :u c u t l Into y o u r c o ilo g o Now. 3 ------Duno Circle:le 1-Holo « 12. RUPERT Somo0 Baa£ taking applicanons Falls' iQvotllB roslauraniifjjnt avoiding omploymonl sor- lavings. Boforo you aero'lot^seo'oo.'bolow' lo 4LLS By ownor: Call 734-90-J0.i-IO. Crodil OK. Musi S'Soil 2-3 Call Slovo or Juliala ; R0U TE841 ’ 7 , 3 bdrm. 2 baih, ------la now hiring a pan iimoii^„ vico scoms, wrlio lo iho ‘ spond S on a scholarship o p p rar a l 8 a l .S 9 1 ,5 0 0 .' Quoli y 3 I ------bdrm l'-> b,llh or J ? " Fodoral Trodo Commls-: 124-480 Buchanan 500,.loarch, do your homowo- 837-64(2402. ' 9'®^’ cntion.'Opon floor JEROME Nowly)wly approved .icoa, garaqo. WillvUhoip WINDERMEREI E ■ prop-porson-dQys. Joir < plnn Wllh Vl , (jQjyn P'Opony Managomonlloni our loam of prolosslonala,na|, sion, Woshington, O.C.. rk.k. FFor moro inlormalion,! - h voullod ceilings bomo siios 1.I. :3, a 5 ncro w.'iinancing, low d , „ 20580, or call Iho Noilon-- ROUTE i 842 cont;;oniaci Iho Fedora) Trndo j HANSErEN3bdrm. 1’ibaih. . a coniralral vacuum , lilo lots Manulactuiiciurod homos By appt. orily, 53232-ioif^ 734-4334 ond bogin nn oxcliing fa- icaiionl 500 S. — - —------roof In food sorvico. Ap­Ao. al Fraud Information Con-- 119-201 10th Avo. N ComCommission al | now caicarpol. oak cabinois.----lloors, natinatural gas. Pro- ok. Groai locaiii - htIQ;//w^vw/llc.nov ' 1 'I'oplDc'nco. full bsml. Only i fossionnllyally landscapod. 130 E. Cnll 734-9405.734 WOOD RIVER VALALLEY TWIN FALLS Near ParkParkI ply In porson w«n Oiant^o lor. 1-800-870-7060, 120-291 Lincoln )r Snilio Mao nt j WO. Call 423-5104, i S187,000 ------— ATTENTIONIl111 1337 Olll Avo. E. Lovol.Ovoly 10AMlo4PMwookdays.lays. ------3 0 5-335 Torraco Or, hiip7/ ------! Woodtivor I Dnoolakmd. iggj Floolwood.a. 160 0 yard Upsl.vrs 2 bdrm.Itm. 1 Rock Crook. 200 Addison tlp;//vww,5alli0mnocom. ■ , , ,»D^,.°7°3g'M52°.° Grey> call Iho Naiional Fraud • ' “lUY 'J HOUSES ' ------5ar Snako Riv- sq ll , 4 bodroom.. 2 b.nih, balh, sctoi'n porcii. laur Avo. W ost. Twin Falls. 7 lfi-1 1 7 n TWIN FALLMLS Divorcing - or C a n 'y o n .' dock, Ionco. Sol01 up in Ory room, $550, Ooivnloivn- Uso Sorvico oniranco. If you llvo In Iho Twin inn fo rm a tio n C o n i o r .' 7 Falli aroa i oro Intor- i-eOi )ll tiomo Immodi- homes. 575.000.000 423-43jj. vory nico l.nmilv ppark in sr.iifs, 2 norm 1 b a i DasolMlI, spplo plo and tin- estod In being 0 Inde------______: i i s =ME3bdrm, I'.vbaih. • il'o'V ' K 'X B E R L YV , CM ecj ' B0"0''U0 E»c condnd. Only S425 Pw.Vo onlr,mcor sllloc] . . . ihal’s the p 0ncfonr ju n io r roulo ■ unfinislllshod bamt,, dock. ! S500 dow S46.000 Fin.inn n c in g Afo.-:(ulil incl 543-8701;76l' Amoilcan Way, Mw -cCall r^K lo, ao. ! SHOSHONE. n o to o d carrier... ■ S68,OOC)00.324-6926/nppt. [ nionth OAC Ilton a™ . : — I iPloaso contact District B — — I tails. 733-2. RESTAURANT ^ JEROM)ME 4 bdrm., n ; 1------TWIN FALLS Older - Seles Manager, Melt H iLLS For sale by • Irom S9000. 1- SIZZLER Radmall 733-0931 ext. ■ I 'batn. Ig.Ig foncod lol.'auio i FALL: bdrm., houso in countryunlry. Now hiring, counior & sal-sal­ I 301 [ I sprlnkiikiors. noar down ; owner, 33 bdrm.. b 1 bath, Somono.ircjnjcanyon, somo ,' ______no animals, no potai d s ad bar poslllons. Apply In I town. S(569,900, 324-0931. 1 how paintinl insldo i a o u l,, w viows, somoomo w/ walor I _ ,734-5053. lyl|] I BUSINESS — I now lloorrcovurinns. co mony , sharos. Sunnsi Cuslom I 8 pofson Tuos. Ihrough“Of’ I OPPORTUNITIES I E 8 Thurs. bolwoon 3 & 4. ______• JEROMEHE Dy ownor, nico 3 ' upgrndDS,IS, 116 • Jack so n 1 Homos. 423-6411-6469. : I TWIN FALLS Respon'’,ibl(r.ibio fl 719 Bluo Lakos Blvd.• N PUBUC SERVICE ' w/manyomonitios, ; St.. S63.S0 party noodod. lavo ovc a c r o s . S 9 9 .5 0 0 . roallorcaiis. PRAIRIE Croatoat mountain I ® | j Twin Fallt, Idoho MESSAGE payments, S500 down OPEH HOUSES : rottoai locaiion'w/panotn-. I $380 per monlh OAC3AC' w No phono calls For freo informaiion about .. L i LLS Lg. 4-bod. 2 nilc viow, oasy — buying a businoss oppor- Call lor dotaiis, 733-2224J224 3 SALES iI 302 I------Ii JEROMEi^E Couniry homo, 3 balh. hard'atdwood lloors. I PO’"‘>f- 26 ncros tunliy or (rnnchlso wllhoul I MONEYTOLOAN‘1 Pleas.ease check your nd Iw . bdrm.m , 2 balh, loncod ' S92.S00 Ownor. Chs 736-6280 : wvw.IwoolhsiSHif I laaMil c s i! goitmg scammod, writo io I ------llo.htmorjoai :orroctness on the fust . irtlgaiealod onsluro 2 car ■' ■ TWIN FALLS. Nonr CSI ^ tho Fodoral Trade Com- PUBUC SERVICE day'day mat it runs, as Thc garag-ogoaworkoron TWIN FAL'ALLS N.E, By ■ 1-000-916-5Vo-zeoo • i 601 3017 y mission, Washington. MESSAGE T(r?i. 500. Call 825-9010. ownor. 33 bdrmbi , 2 bain, ' Castlorock f ------1 all ulils incl. 3 bdrr,. 1 I S ® rimos-Nows is nol ro S115,00[ ickRoaliy I FURNISHEC baih SOOO.'mp 736-301^ D.C.. 20580, or call Ihe Fodoral F law allows you 10 sporsponsiblo for errors altoi ; ------15005q.ll., II., full unlinishod — ------I HOUSES )drm . , •J Looking for Ihol ono timoimo National Fraud Informa- corroct your crodil tcporl thhat at' limo. 1 JEROMME. Dy ow noi, 3 bnsomoniiom.Sll9 000 ■ SHOSHONEE GyG' ownur. >pplr. .2 cily bldg, WEST MAGIC SmS TWIN FALLS. Sm. 1 bdrm ^ fantastic Job? Uko to lion Contor, 1-800-876- for ftco. Ctodit lopalr din- — : bdrm.. OwnorC financing. Call11734-2027 7: Raro ollor. 2 c Excol cond S3-15 ApplsAvo r s uso your vocal cordsi» 7060.______ics Ihal do businoss by ------lots. SIO,500Oorbostollor. orl bdrm., wnlor view.;miill 2 asomoulils 9053rdAvo .-'J olot ovorlho phono? phono cannoi roquosi or I 5 0 2 E£2!l££iH -' LLSR inltoov.nl' Call 780-500333 alterm 4 p m. contmuHi lo V^ood HOMES FOR SALE KIMBEPERLY - Oy ow nor 2'3bdim,foi «. short V/051. Call 208-734-8577 •..’J Thon you'ro iho liflhi ono'n- AREA PAY PHONE RT rocoivo paymont until six 1, foncod yrd. win-I 7 ------V.illoy. S550/mo.id River ' 75 Eslablitfhod ATaT acros, 5* bdrm, 2’,> , dow AC, no>now carpets, ga- TWIN FALLS,LS 1 aero, G741 or53G-207I. ;omo wo'ro looking fori Como monlhs nflor ihoy porform 0. 536- t w in FALLS. Sm. vor> PUBUC SERVICE baih, full ■95 por mo. 50";. ‘ Hoaihorwood>d subdivision,sl . ------•:i work with tho bosi Locations. EntnSieOKyr. thoir aorvicos, For moro ^ full bsnii, opon floor . rago, 5595 nrco 2 bdrm. Appls Some;305 Min. Invoslmont S12K. MESSAGE plan,Irg Irg kltchon a masior , ronl crodil.III. CColl 736-1170. $35,000'or/tv. 7: 3577 I '.i lolocommunlcations loam Inlormalion about crodit o,,. ------6 o T------ulils 731 AJl Slroot, $305 Inj; 1-800-519-3201 ' lling property? Don'l p.iy htdm,, ; i r * ! in tho wosl. Talk 10 Sandi ■ ropnir scams, wnio to tho “ LLS Spacious 4 TWIN FALLSI 33 mi.r So. 10 I UNFURNISHE------Dcp a rels Call 734-0577 Fodoral Tratfo Commis- ny (003 until it's sold. For vaio lamano^lolow npprai^- • TWIN FALLJ al 200-733-0931, 0*1.273273 a u t o p a r t s & 00 Inlorm alion about ■ ai S139.i19.900 736-1622 bdtm. 2' bain,ba updalod octos, lOsharo;larosolwator. ; | HOUSES I or wolk In: To tho sion, Washington, D C.. Automotive Sloro. Owner voiding llm osharo and ------^ kitchen, b ba o in a c a rp o i Call 200-733-153-15-tO. 603 TS/ Timos-Nows Annex Bldg. 20580, or call itioNnlion. i !>!)• retiring. Coll 324-0747 )nl oslato scams, wnio KIMBERIRLY 2 bdrm.. now : profossionnl. ------BUHL 2 bdrm, 5400/■ I J I FURNISHED A PTS/: 311 Main Avo. Wo5l ol Fraud Inlormalion Con- ; 3 Iho^ F o d o ra l T rad e carpoMtl.tooiapaint.loncod : 5107,000. 7 11 .icroo w/8 , S300'dop Sorry, no m . ..Q01).076.7060, «ater r.ghis. Cell 543-0937)0/nio. I DUPLEXES I ESPRESSO CART :ommission. Washing- yard, sloragosio shod, dock, :10 pels! snid. Lorgo a lully conlalnod, ‘ Good VIOW ol NNorth Hills ______625- SSO-IOOKSS 'on,)n, (D.C., 20500. or call • garogo.0. Assumable loan. J ______532,000,'ollor.)r. 6:536-2650. FILER - Sm all 2 37 b EDEN. Apts. Ulils. pnid. S I S "■ Grinder, rofrlg.. 2 group 10 Naiional Fraud Inlor- S70.500. 734-2«9,_____ ^ TWIN FALL ------575/wk . S50/dop. 025- espresso makor, cash Purchase 4 rofinnnco 70. .LLS by ownor, ------— -- • S300/mo. a $100; loans. DIvorslllod ^ ' b d rm . 9199 or025-5354 rogisiof. Slorago, sink & RLY 2,2405q.lt,4. 047 BrlarwnrwooODr„off' | 51?7 7 j Walor, sowor a sam)0 /dop. — ARE — more. 208-780-0803. . CopllaL 208-734-8727 '-POQ 1.. 3 baths, linishod ; Falls Avo.0. W. V lnlo Shoot I commERi paid. Nopois. 32G-3iniiniion TWIN FALLS • COMPARE !■', SALES ablo BUHLHL Boaullfully romod- bsmi , 589,900.s Sprin- i nttacJiodlos10 Sign. 73-1-7875 , | PROPEFPERTY HAZELTON 123, S5i-3659 •Surmnur Rales* I ; ; Excollont opportunity to join SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS olodlod - 3 bdrm, 1 balh ■ PO'patio. 423-5444 I ------I a2tJarm5 • Ftoo Cablo t ' TWIN FALLS bedroom. 1 bnin, np I tho «1 rolalior ol monu- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ i THE MONEY EXPRESS homo -LS,3bdrm Uv- bURLEY 250010 srsq.ll. iruck COS. f^ ^ oS550 d 2 1322 N Washinglon i ' ?,, facturod hom os in tho Your Local Roal Estaio dows RLY3bdrm.1 bath, ; ing a fnmlljmily room, lotal ' in rm ln n l npplian- . 733-0740 • ir garago. spnnkler. | romodol. lij b u i l d i n g s Qpon lloor pl.in. icoly couniry. Full bonofits a Loon Spociolisi: ing.ig. kilchon. f both and ^ ’ : P'OPOrty.Zonodinod commor- ELWOOD & EVAhDdolod. ------j r . j tho hlQhosi commission^on THE-nMES-NEWS , s. now paint/corpol. nois Ihrouf TWIN FALLS Vory mcolyidio. -♦Poor Crodit a Bankiuptcy sidlnfding. Complololy now 3-3111, Jorry. 734-1401 1702 [ I-.' I structure In tho industry.iiry. C U R R E N T L Y H A S - -♦ Zoro Down Putchnaos on^ Intoriorinl with hardwood , ,B troos. Ownor will . . carpol, 5';Si'o,?i“3;: high ANS lurnishocl, small sludio. For appl. call 733-7755. -♦ Homo Improvomoni & floors)0fs ond all now fixtures. : will Irndo, S09.500. onlry. foncoiicod yd. Sprinkl-. HAGERMAN 200020( sq It: JEROME 100. 3 bdi UM paid S325. 734-1702 THE FOLLOWING " )3-8G90, 420-0690. | Ots. &250 n soniaiivos to call on pro- •3%Down Lnnd/Mobilo 3„ucti•uction linancing and no ' rnm ‘ gutters, immnc. 2 boths, 2432430 sq. II. Call | lor appl. 536-23Ji'2391. ; lor ronl. 5150 dophouso "0 smoking oi n sold advortising accounts, ROUTE 531 Homo Financing aped lawn. w/«uto ' for nppointmtitmcnI73G-5641. ------' CM»37..II32_____(iDOsit drinking. 5200 a $25CN. .rt^; 1 0 0 - 6 0 0 B L K , O F loroot nnd no poymonts ,ler systom a ac- ______— PINE Building lol r a Excolloni cnroor opportu- •125?o EquiiyLoans forOr 6 rmonths on Londvost : ^ .dop, 420 Main Avon. I I nily. Can oarn you S30K30K 10TH AV E, E 'I 1 by lrg. rodwood ; d T. A powor, wntoror anda lolo- JEROME In tho coun cedi ntorlals, opprovod labor . dop. M plus por yoor. II you liko to Ipino Mond- ; 2 bdrm., lull basorunlry TWIN FALLS, Roducedi oto 100 BLK. O F *1■ ■ src S o “s r t . r zId n siie . preparation. Call ^ " J ” " " * I FARM/RJi/S a n c h e s / ; “ "s”3 u ''o1!""c 5990 H travol & hovo dopondablo 0. Call Bill ai ■ Walor a Irnsh lurni:,omont. bdrm. S-tOO/mo. *dop ‘‘>'0 N BUCHANAN ST. •Bankruptcy a Poor Ciodit loiliro':llreo1-880-HOME-005 : DAIRIES 536-2391 lor apf It iransportQtlon. cnll Programs Availnblo „«! n.! “ ’IfTlSi.hoa; ■appl. No smoking/pols.nishod. I y"'*- »W/D- 734-599C N DAVIS ST, ' 5475mo.S300dOp. H 1-800-243-29-10. 1-B00-454-2645 ----- — [unlinlshod baso- PUBUCSCSERVICE ‘ ,. Rols. ' ^ ------_ NEISENHOURST. 4 " — Ig 2154 loavo mossago Stollar Mortgago ' I 1 menl); lot sizo 94X163.38 MEscESSAGE I I 518 )p.324- I 604 D H SERVICE MANAGER ■ ♦ Located N UNCOLN AVE, Bolso. Idaho boiioving. Don't ! | MOBILE HC go I UNFURNISHEDES y Idaho duol hlgh-lino import ' od noiglighborhood ( No ; buy propuri JEROME. i a 2 », B • doalofship sooking sor- n r» M • S25010S300&S400- I APTS/DUPLEXESplox, • ' • ROUTE 533 1 ■u a i ^ e e d 1 IrailiC) niclurnnrtpn“ p7o=™“ o“ ' AUCTIC1 l U n Ploaso call 200-324-: U vico managor ptofosslcn- limits with cily wa- ; Por(,ooinlon )/mo 2" 100-600 BLK. O F 7TH AVOID BANKRUPTCY ilormotion nboul: Juno 10thIh 1997H ------FILER now 2 bOrm dupiox, n al. Must bo a tonm buildor vor a gnrbago; ca- i nvoidinn timllmosharo and 1 7:30PM PM JEROME. Extrn nit rolrig, stovo, S500/mc5670 11 with high onorgy, Noodd aa AVE. W Ftoo dobt consolidation. I bloTVncnccossiblo ,oa, s Application wilh sorvice. n ,,,, ,> 0 scnms, wnio bdrm. 2 batn, dbl. wi 3 «dep. NO pols. 543-5670zy 1 I] honds-on prolossionolnai 100-500 BLK, OF QTH IV the Guaranloed 'Caiiioraptappl. 436-6721 lo th o F oodornl d i T rad o '79 Pontloss *lobiioHomoWobi good area. S475/mc a that can seriously In. 1-BOO-873-8207 ^ u y tl wido in f i l e r . Duplex, cozyynrd. 1 In- AVE. W ------packageandTho pac „ Commissior;ion, Wnshing- 09L15C675C67 pois. Rols. Call 326-J 3op. D croaso service volumo CASH LOANS S300-S3000 J ir r RTCharming3 ,on DC . 20580. 2C or call 336 Elm S , bdim. 1 bnih unit w/ynrd. H and Improvo CSI. All In­ Times N ew s guar- S-5Q07. S 3 5 0 /m o ..5 2 5 0 do708- p . 'i": ROUTE 534 Bad/No crodil: unsocurod. onfi closo ‘0 scfiooi a , ,ho Nationalnal Fraud Inlor- , Casilolord,T 10o^ 03321( KIMBERLY. 3 b dr isg _ quiries aro sirlctly antees to soli mor- p a7 k , covered c doclr ; rn n I 1 o n ( : bnih, Ig. loncod infirm 1 Avnil, 7-1. Call 208-708- \ l 100-600 BLK, O F 4TH _ 1-800-233-0284 n C o n t o r , ' corlldoniial. Sond ro­ c h a n d is e o r • w/iondsc 3-7000. ' Trailer will bojooonodal op. yd. Avail. 7-1. S600/rin [jn'ci, 9776, ploaso loavo msg. s u m o 10 Box 9 3 4 317. 7 , & STH AVE. W j“s “ flnlOofs‘'Dhvo : 1'000'S76-7C NEED i automolive aui items ( ground s ------6:30PMIotinspiinspoction nil dop. Call 200-423-57D/mo..- Q O O O IN G • 1 b dj^ldor r m . %Tho Timos Nows, P.O,.0, 2 0 0-700 BLK, O F 6TH «S100-S750 TODAY? I in 7 d a y s a n d rea l i by 923 0 Slroot or call for j OUHL70acro:cro latm w/homo auction lin- omo. Oox 540, Twin Falls. ID itmeni, 436-1374. , siie fi gaiodlod plpo w/ tull ^ Himo. p ^ l l S - 2 bc5793. unlurnlsnod. 62 or oldor ID a v e . W Cnll 734-4333 estate BSt in 15 days ^ - ^ Ront accoiiling lo incomo.Sido B3303. •______$62.500.______; walotshotos.os. 537-6533. j Tlailor will havonvo to bo dining rm.. Inundry ConvenloRl LoanCo. o Or r w e will r e r u n ______i l nico ynrd S470/mo • - Avail, now. W ost Sidolaho SOCIAL WORKER “ ROUTE 535 Uconsod by Iho Staio ol the ,h e ad an addition- ; ru p ertT (Couniry soiling. , bUHL Dairy,ry, CDbl 0. Iroost- JunH ot^h 1997, U • Call 736 0929. , , Oouri Apts., 1447 Idnho SI m ______Or oquivQloni.Tho Idahoho 100-500 BLK, O F AVE, I al a r7 days. Thsro ' viow. Cuslom bum , qhj^ 00 aero:cros w/ watorsh- pf,o„o (2og) 73. a p l, Youth Ranch Books coun- 2080 sq ll incl bsmt ! q,03 $250 OC J'’- Q EA ST ^ Is a 43 oxtra i 0,000.537.6533.: [pfanydoioiPr.Mr” *” TWIN FALLS • 3 bdrr incl. solor/soclal worker to ). 3 bath, Ig family 1 ------^ ; balh, garago, 590 Ji 7 GOODING 1 bdrm apl, 3 0 0-800 BLK. O F AVE, I 304 II J drm,, 2 S375/mo $100 dop. 3954 incl. work wilh a loam lo pro- charge lor tho roS o'oioak cobinots, 2 cnr EDEN Byi'O O w n o r :2 1 7 ; bUHL Buddy•72, 72, 1 bdrm.. on. $575'mo. -► S300, 1% H EA ST I INVESTMENTS I Jacks- all utils. Acat ok. 934-0954 VI d 0 h o tn 0 • b a 9 0 d g u a ra n te e d garago,1,1 1 aero lot, SI 19K • acres, 170 si oppl3. a lurnituinituro. g o o d ' Call 733-8924. 3 0 /d o p .------balh (Famlly-Pfosorvotion)ml 7 0 0 BLK. O F SOUTH PUBUC SERVICE I p;p a c k a g e . A d s 436^)45'457 o r 670-0457 : b a la n c eD didry. G o o d 3, cond,. S4995. 54: JEROME 2 bdrm, IVi ook-balh — — ' bdrm . hom ._543.6390^:^^I^P ^LL S .L o'; cervices for farrilios in thoIho FILLMORE ST , MESSAGE mmay a be cancelled ; savet omo, corrals,; ------npt. Waslior/diyor hook-I, no Burley/Rupon aroo. Un-Jn- ; THOUSANDS ' barn, out bidgs,bW a 2 ndju-: BUYING OH SELLING SEI a . Avail, now, 5 bdrm, lo 2744 early (or cuslomer jo„norinv o n s o - up, small backyard, no dorgrnduQlo proforrod. Don'l pny lor a promiso. It's Involvod. Cuslom j dicaltd donJomostic wolls. m anulnctured;rod/mobllo ' Id. If you llvo Inihe Jeromo convenience bul I Homos,s. Y o u rP In n s o r! 025-9971. loncod pots. $400 Cnll 324-2744 Exporionco working w/atMl illegal I Ior companlos do- ______, homo? Wo oKorforlinancing? lii nnd Pornno. S7501 Sluan — 1. oil area & are Meroated Irt th o c h a rg o will Ours. WiWo Framo It, you ------•risk famillos. social sor­or- being a Indopendont ing I businoss by phono lo i'l FInnnclol S700 dnmngo dupos;50/mo, ■ JEROME- 2 bdim apl.and oil vlcos doslrod. Compoil­ promiso you a lont) nnd reremain n the same, it.It, Construction a i FAIRFIELDLO 1,650 acro' II-JS04 insido pots, no smo )015, )II- lunlor routo carrlor... I Pormanim ont Financing. larm, curronirontly 925 acroDj 1-B00-S8t-n osil. no slroot paiking, stovo ond tivo solary ond bonofits.Is- Pleaoo coniact District QSk ‘ you to pay lor il bo­ . 007 Roso St. N. 734-:noking. teliig. smoking, no pots,)024 Lotlof of Inlorosl and to­ loro Ihoy doHvor, For Iroo Coll lor’ rrmore Informotion. ; dry. 725 actosact Irrigaiodl e d EN - Supor bi '<>• Sa/oB Manager, Bob Ir- • C a llMM r a rtin H o m o s . with waioror rightsr lor an] , 30- lol, 14 x S6- J I 'I S 5 : TOIN FA U ^ IOS SOS■>•3575. S350,'mo •oloct. 324-0024 su m o to lYR, PO Boxox win (S733-093I ext. SBO inlorinatlon ‘ about avoid­ 053Q, Bolso. 10 B3707 or ing advance feo loan ______i 1-000-3-F3-FINISH. ' additional1 35350 acros Ex-( bdrm. 525,000.30 324-3563' 3 bdrm. 2 balh. 060,'nio li JER O M E. 1 bdrm ap300 t or or oxt. 355. > ------I collonl grounound nonr M o r-;------l i l i i l ; loncod ynrd. Family I Fox 377-2819. EOE scams, write lo iho Fodor­ ------1; SELLY.YOUR HOME I m o n R o se i (Or Bnywood ' w/Wood stovo. Cnrpolargo $300 a monlh • $300 al Trado Commission, I so rv o lr. C a ll; JEROME Nowort lyroom doposii. Cn:i324-3161. STUDIO ENGINEER IN 9 DAYS I 200-764-262'2624. II in park, 24x£!4x56. 2-3. i Elwood & Evansp o r t . ------ronl.-— ' ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Washington, ; DC., 20500. Froospspoclal ropon. , ------——------1 bdrms., 2 balh. orry PT. various duties. mu5l bo or coll Iho National Fraud ^ alh. central 734-1401 iS SHOSHONEApts lor ronl. lor ' ------I 1 CALL8LOOO-299-7454 ! HAZELTON3N 270 a cro s, neat a air, Vory ni roq. doiall orlonlod. Compulor Inlormalion Contor. ------: foncod pastu S195aS295/mo. Sorry oxp. holpful. Applicntionsns SHOSHONE ' ISIum, S59,000.j sool 538,500.^2^.1064*' 32- TWIN FALLS 2 bdr^------no pots. 5200 dop. roq. 1-a00-870-7060. ^ 1 H m SHOSHONONE-ByOwnor.3 I Coll025-561' :------zL-L. baih. AC. W/0 hooV av Q ll, a t K E Z J KLIX Irm, J 700-4456 or 727-7126. ■ B H I I bdnn,1'/^I'/^baih. 1700sqll! :------i JEROME. 1973'3 GovernorG nppls, walor paid,) 0U k u p , ------AM/FM, 415 Park Avo., ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ “ PUBUC SERVICE I living spcipaco on 2 lloors, 1 FALLSLS72acrofarm.i , rnobilo home. 2 TF, E-0,e. MESSAGE . b 1. 2 bdrm. 1 ! caro providoa. Avail, lawn , TWINFALLS- COMPARE ______ottnchodid (gorono. 2 docks. 1 4 bdrm. hous )B, alter 8pm ■ No pols. S425 •* dop ablo — BlBln prolllo usually monn landscaping on 5 I Ings. locaioir d ^ t ^ m ^ r s j ail 7/1. ; -Summor Rotos- TEACHER oposil. 1 a 2 bdrms. • Free Cablo , THET1ME&^4EWS big t risk, Boforo you do EQUQUAL HOUSING J."! 7 5 construction. | Cali 734-8411J418, I RICHFIELD On I Expanding Chrislian School businoss with a company, OPI ;5 1322 N. Washington CURRENTLY HAS ^ 6-2303 gflor 5 pm. | ...... —I 1970, 14X60 Sur I TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.: sooks commltlod Chris­ check it oul wlih tho Bot-1 au leni c-)o ji 2 bdrm,. 1 balh, 5 ------• 733-0740 ■ tian loachors for GrodosOS THE FOLLOWING lor[ Businoss Bureau. For n ' ‘ S200/dOR No smc IONE 3 bdrm., 1 i.-D C A nc ! a nopois Coll 733-4 TW'N FAUS • COMPARE 3-4. S«nd fosump to:0! INDEPENDENT freo f Inlormotlon obout eriax«j" imo. gas hoat. AC. lA C R E A G.GES&LOTS E : Iblo 206S Fllor Ave. Eost, TWINFALLS : -Summor Raios- ^ JU N IO R R O U T E IN a c v o id in g Invoslm ont ‘aitypri. lookingiocnncnriyon. Joromo BANKER WESTESTErS 1 303 POLK STREE3of»5it. j bdim. 3 bnili apl. at 111)0 MOHTQAQES Juwronvodwiu, BOflUf//uIfulac.* Loisol •2Nlco^ulldllilding lo ls -o n a LTY733-2305. i 214 I I abaml.$310ptu3do|-ET. 1 I Imperial St, (noar col- TMi n< 46K. » 733-2033, Iho Joromo10 gollgi coutso. garago; logo). Includes rango,i |EMPLOYMENTWAtfTED| SS NEED CASH? . iJ If you llvo In the Stios------— • 4,05 AcrosJS - Hillside lot SSS CASH•U CC C 1121 IMPERIAL, Imnjoposll. I dishwnshor.rofilg., A/C.Q50 Wo buy nolos & roal oslato t! MLS - 15 tno Old bordora'BLW, I m a'® oc cu p a n cy , tc Ots. COMPANION CARETAK-<• hono area A ere Inter- s * ; s i ’;;-oVK ™ n f a l Dilo Hom os house. 4 bdrm. 2■nmedi-1 t cnipori, 5650 mo., S050 ■ ER. Havo rofs, Hovo car,If, oalod In being a Inde- gcontracts. CroallvB ww.om'. Our icKuiors w« n««by Charminging 1500 oq fl, 2 minute# fromi S ! p ' ' r i = ' tow n- dop. No smoking, no pols. Financo. 1.800-999-4809 )rm»d lhai Bit dwtlllnoi, ijdrm, 2 1 blbalh, don w/lirop- • 1.8O Acros-1 Joworl small yatd. garago, , ;vi/llllfnvol, C0II326-6C47.7. pondoni lunlor routo j ; ^rllAod n INA rwiwtpopof IQCO ma 2 bnth, Call Adam 737-3940. Tiaple c a b in o is, inmlly4 ploxi.toS oT i”: i-eoo-97B.4:B-4360' plusdoposit, 3, S700 ------' bio — — carrier... SS TOP DOLUR SS “1 Bor’lun'lfv* b«il«.*''To WThltlpoolIOl nppls, RV pad, „j,h qc ------10572ndAVE.W„l t TWIN FALLS Availablo1. 2 Pleaaa contact Dlatrlct p, W E U S , nv 02 1 i 2 1 5 , I Saloa Managor. Bob Ir- For conlracls, moriflanos. eomoi.inplaln 0) ditcilmlnallon sp a . dOCock, sprlnkiors, wosl&Wfirsc 02 Nashua i bath with yard,1 bdrm.5 Immealaioly. 3 bdrm.ant 2 I resumeprepahationI 208-73*^727 uOI fiutHUDTofl tie* al 1.000- S112 775 '“ “ i _____ l«<70w/7»2Vo;V oxpando. plusdoposit. go, I win 733-0931 oxt 355 — D-0777. Tho Toll-lta# f5.C0ll7i3.74D9. RO BERT ,$ 3 1 5 bath opi. 350 Phoasonl IT JO N E S oloct., wood 8I0V0. aiov incl, BRAWLEYREALl Rd. W. includes range, > Tho Magic Word BUYINGBl conirncis, Irusl '•up'io MLS 136 Uncoln. R P A Ll T Y appls, 3 bdmi,, 2 bath,b oxc 734-5058 doods, & mortgagos. Call LTY . dishwashor, S550 mo.. Floxibto hours ’151'='!.“bdrm,. " 1'^ balh. . /hul cond, must be movod.I evenings & weaker $550 dop. No smoking,a ^ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ y736-1762 for quSlos. D/firm. 734-1010, 7 3 3 * 0 734-8217 ______I S07.000/fi 1-0404 , i S17K, 702-752-302-3875 evos David 324-4603,ends no pols. Call Adam 03 737-3940,

\ Tlm et^tw i, Twin Filli.I , I li)*licii) TwiuJSY. Ju n o 1 7 . 1 9 9 77

TWIN FALLS TWINFALLS. Ibdrm . opi.. TW j ' IN F A L L S W a ro - j HORSERSE. 15 yr. old. Rog. SQUEEZEZE CHUTE, want- STACKING,IQ, big b a lo s . m o n n Bost vQluo In Twin. NEW 2 noar downtown, on-silo t- ' I MATTRESSES. Fulljil sizo BED King sizo w/o<1hopodlc»d ic ' houso/oltico spaco lor I Arabrab moro. groni lor od 10 bubuy lo r w orking RETRIEVIN'/INO lg, 4 sm , iiTBQC I For $99, holol rotums,ns. Call malUoss. S500; KonmoroTioro Mtm. 2 bath, carports. AllMI paikinp, kiichon applionc- roni, in Twin Falls industri- i youih.■ulh. 4-H, inoxpotioncod, catllo. Cal:all 200-324-4909. Call GolososUnfimltod. ^^£O M P^ nppliancos Ircluding W/D.D. 03 S375/mo..olociricily j TM-naai. dryar 4 Ropor w iiharih a r ol park. Call 734.5681. 1 ridoralors, compotilivo irail /erod. 543.5368. 488 w/VGA color — - - full sizo. S400: Tfampo-npo- watar, samiatjon, & lawn-n- nnd doposil. ' — ridlnciing or b rood m oro. STACKERERNo» Holland MATTBESSES. Kino ;0 DougorDoAnna TV o’oao l' Ilna.SISO. Call430-5704.i764. ca»o p ro v ld o d . 2 M 0 TWINFALLS S2000'.000. Call 208-324.6077 ’060. Ho!Hoston 4650 balor. SW ATHINCNO 4 2 wido S375.286.S10i T I . H o " * ' 'O'u™- S'OO B Elliabolh. S550/mo. « * Amorlcan Roal E state & WhalV\ Sizo Do You Nood? ------Hostonn 0450C sw athor. I STACKINO.■Q 733-50M o r ; SVGA monitora CAMCORDER - RCA.CA. H Appraisal S i n f f ______dop. FREE HEALTH Havo a varioiy ot sizos HORSERSE. 3 yr, old filly. Vor^ Call 023-43.4633. ______733-1963.: °Co d g . o S ° ; ------VSH. 5250, Eloctronleonic CLUB MEMBERSHIPp 734-5650 and locaiions. swoot/oot disposition. Bos ■ I non-workingI momonitors In M ATTRESSES. Qu• PP r typovrtltor w/sland, SlOO..100. INCLUDED. MOVINQ Call Stovo Halioivs olfor.'or. CCall 208-324.7200, )R . Alhs Chalmots — ^ ------1! trodo. CalFrsa733-0444. sizo, Hotol returns,'. S Adding machlno, S25.S25. ° TWIN FA LLS. 2 bdrm . with loodor A 3 <05 I , ------Call 734-8861. ALLOWANCE SOOO off WINDERMERE IQAT10N I No matter howV youyo spans ______,, Wino rack. S25,733-4786.786. 1»lm o. Ca:i 733-2903 orQ, S400»dop W/D hookup. R SE. Rog, A ra b ia n P°lh'Call:ail ovos 736-1020. OK ID Housing.423-5C70 Property Manogomonl : " ° ' your days, clstgIstglllod Nil SO F A & L 0 V E 8lE E A T , . • 734-8G74 ire. 12 yts. Has dono it t r a c t oOR f - Farm all M, PIPEREPAIRJURS Hand linos, ! your busy ochofl 734-4334 [ lll'n^ntI Intormedloio to ad- :hodulo. ru t brown. S175. ENDIDTA- CHURCH PEWS (17)17) TWIN FALLS ~ TWIN FALLS. 2 bdrm. 1 int, sians and runs whool linosis or01 main linos i clajslllod't llmo-iavlng timi BLE. $ 2 5 . D A YS S E D , Approx. 11'.i'long, pino both, appis. mcl. W/D. No w ncod fider. SIOOO, "'7s?25250.764-2332, ; Ponablo hydrlydrauiic pross. ; tftodory ot goodssods ond »er- $40, Call 200-733-60 Wliat nto you walling Ior? I jnonatjnagof lost Inlorost, ° 6001. wood, SlOO/ea, For info. Uiurel Park Apts. pois 037-4100,733-2441, Ploco | that classlllod ad j 32X 57 ------! Clydo'sI SprinklorSj i vlcostoworlilwycor you today. — —' call 543-6630 or 54^501-Of~, 45773/324-7160, msg. { PIpsRi»Ropslr I ______SOFA groon. oxc. c 17CMnuficoSt N .T F TWIH FA LLS, 2 bdrm . _ )R - JD 3020 dio- 1 678.7- 734-4195 I h^ ISESs e : Standing at stud, "^JoPwrni : - COMPUTER486 486 Pontlum S145.733-e054. CLOTHING Rack.0, «25Sto to Excol. nolghborhood. No ^ Ih 46A lo a d o r, ' ______T— “ $30.5ft. shoo racks. S35.J35. _ POIS or smoking S400.’mo. II 6 0 9 I! lailions to Chooso from, jqsqq Callqq 764-2727. ■' WANTED PaPnrmn ff>.iiii procossor, noniiof. monl bub- sOFA. ilotpor, Yanamaha axuiAii p working bloodlines. , n 733-2323 or 733-7051. II CONDO HENTAU ' I”'" 2hpTo"loc‘lric;I; or. Windows Clavlnova p iano... All < 1 TWIN FALLS U(5 2t3arm, quorlor ho rso s, 1 - TRACTOR ,0 nov/, $684. yr». old. Coll 736-918 IR.JD4240.6250 ' JSSi.'c'^l''!Diijoiioci. 6-8: a s .i S r 1186. COWBOY HAT - Slotson, 2 bam. Across from Por- TWIN FA LLS. 2 bdrm . ( inl, 1- warm blood, hrs.. powowor shill. 3 ro- . (gg,, ggj iino School All nppls. I 502-7221, : Cp" 735-1368, 7 3/0. off whito, brandand I Oupio* V/;0 hookup. Wa- LAVA\.t HOT SPRINGS - ! rses lor salo. 544.7525 moto, nowowpaint. 519,500/ ; ___ '-— r:z::rr s o f a , bluo. 76* longc i - now. Cowboy bools, Ilko liko inci, W(D, contral AC. oas'■* j ! torpd. S49S. 733-9593. p — otior CallQll934.5ti5. ^ ------~ COMPUTERI MONITORHC colloni condition. So hont. S525/mo. • dop. I RENT n wook. July II- ■ unDcr' 0427 lor inlotmalion. BURLEV-tSncropnslurp, ,i Se25.mo . Cep 73-1-7902 sssfjosiimiiod-Rooister I hro , oiosei hardly usod. 1 13 youR 4mi3.W . olOiitloy. Horsi °69G9 : I f ir I w/OOD o c 33* blado. baonor. St - irsoisyloadvortijo In dx-.l- • NE Call 432-GB09. Oasas<;v! Spoctalors wolcomo, I '3^-6. T4L Powor Equlpmoi TWINFALLS147S550 mo° red. Juil ca.17J3-0031. lu :5dny. Call 733.0019 ! TRACTOR X „ r n » i LOCUST SOO PC a d Now 2 bodroom Rnngo, NEVADA. Summor pas- lor inlotmalion. 1 j^bH oo tr 733.9346 Of ! COTTONWOODis M5 0°<«lna°.cll 7W.2iiH li TIMES CLASSIFIED rolriQ Micrownvo. Uish- luto lor tooo pairs 1500 a°.B°36f/=2°' . P wasnor vvaitior & dryor. 1 6 0 5 I Msioor's Chnrloslon, NV. _____ISE^ S R eg.. lO .y r., CQhd, S300 )f731-5505. I cord; You cut.■B80-2103 08i M O W E R S -JD R^X95 X DEPARTMENT . I ROOMS FOR RENT I ‘‘I Ck 4 whilo, Tobinno TRACTOR- _ riding mowor, roar I G qs (irupinco, AC Wa- Mnyt5-0CI 15 CniiMnu- ■ hO R S E 'R- 9N Ford, ro- . . ' 208-734-5538i _ Ibr/Snnitaiion paid Nonr nminto. SI 500. Sland- , pun, motor ' 4 e T1 T 12hsp.S1150. JD U " EDEN-Slooping rooms Jico 5( O'Mnlloy 702-237- umck B lor, 12 volt, disk, I I V A park. 7200, 702-76M 40G or . pnmim;nl Stud, blnck 4 whilo I G nnnonn scrapor,s 3 pt 1 I ■ ■ 'U l ■ I I FURNITURE4 4 CARPET 0 Oohind roar bai OO-KART Sunklst mininl ELWOOD & EVANS w/bnth, rofrig & micro- ” ilnno Point, S200. All ! jcooDoxlrn l/1-muiich, S400. 324-2 wavo lum. 025-9199 ^ 503 G97.1995, (AtWur). , mn nt S irn parts 324-J793 ; I I Corvotio. $400. 734-1401______ni Colts 324-510G. | ------1— ^ i'cRIBJUNIORBEC VER. 8 Call 733.Q926. Jl I I i Toblnnc R- IH 1460 com. ■ I lli U naiion. (2) o a k ,! RIDINGUWNMO~We • TWINFALLS MOTEL3 I 6 1 3 I PaimC(SES- flog. OHs nnd | '^pioto'ovoth 7M.0545' Snapper w/mult TWIN FALLS Wookly raios starting al sthaui-- loss than . I i boih tor 5125,73; “Jf "IV LAWNMOWER • Rool Trim"rim I p a s t u r e w a n t e d I , ; ; ;nts- ^ brood maros plus , 2OO hours, ■ • kit. SI200. Call 736-0 2 bdrm Townhouse. S440' S120 00. 240 2nd Avo. ■3,dutiisanflltoni I modol. Also bicycle kiddloIdio 3 bdrm Townhouso. $495 3IIS lor snlo Call ovos w oiohis3,6000 hrs on ■ ^ ' DINETTE • 5 ploi CK cart, rotary mowor. Ros­los- * Wosi Call 2QO-73J'5630 WANTED pasluro lot 70 P'''''” ®' ^ oak, S 700-3}'’o'!oco*ook pl( USED RED BRICK Mvo msg 800-2508. 1 motor, S14,'14,500.430.5755. . ------— o^d/co?feo S.25C0 brick, cleanin orI signol skis firboois. storm 1 bodroom, $335 iiond Holsloin hoifors ; 3 colls I 301 i bovolod glass on jwn, door. Call 730-1907. TWIN FALLS Quiol molol. ~ Call 324-3100 loavo msg i '‘•'•''voSES. 14 yt Old maro. ^ TRACTOR, n s i^ o r,M S,20c, gol your OWI 2 bodroom, S440 S95/wk S375/mo mcl mi- i 1, Nice 1952 Ju- I ANTIQUDUES & and sola table St Illo, groal wilh kids. , biloo Fold(d 1tractor: S3250. ■ COLLEC=CTIBLES BDO grill, S15.“l 5 T ab“o Call Kylo, Iho brick m POOL TA BLE-4X 8'Em- Brigni.^spnciousS cloan, cio-rtiivo 8 roltig 736-1988. I ------— T------1 I HORSES S- . ?'4- wr.M Schnoor, (200) 733-5 o iD I nonilo,)er in mnny nroos. : Ploaso callall 208-536-2602 piro Good cond., goodi^d w/smnll ynrd & siornQO. TWIN FALLS -With kiich- I MOBILE HOME ! uxpur)00 5 yr old AOHA ; oorlymomitrning or ovonlngs . IIIEXPANC4N0ED1I1 mirror. S30.5fly fly rods, r( and — > 1 toll, 1 slate, S795.In Som o w/WD hookups. ims. S9S wkly, S225-53G0 Jing. Doc Onr blood- ; ------:------The wooksjolchangos 0( spinning rool.I. Coll C 733- i 817 Joromo 764-2577 days. SPACE I S2000s, good stnn, noods 1 TRACTOR, Frlundly niinosplioro. No mo nliuiiis pd J33-00-t1. j„, R. Supor C. will nto almost031 dono, . 6439 allor 6mv______pm. I MISC FOR SALIkUE ------— POIS. KIMBERLY. Country Iiv- . imos'’gk S2500.G7Q-1421. j run. Need:ods ovorhaul or Second Time —-J REMEMBER I lor oartsI. ;S150. Ploaso Antique! DINING ROOMSE4 SET Black PUBLIC SERVICE • Cnll 734-6600* I 6 0 6 I gcing, pul n single,doublo work's: -E Thai binhday ad you placodcod ■RSES, ALL TYPES ! call 543-45'4575 ovonings 009 WashinglInn^n^t N Ulcker, 6 Choirs,lrs,bullalia. t MESSAGE somo timo ago In Tho MOBILEHOMES | Kion 1 2 3 acros witli garn------jghi. sold & traded I------go. Oulwoon Twin Fnlls S HORSE ■ • 734 6003 ■ tilo4rug.S300.7:0.734-4699. Thoro ato no '(roe rides rid . Timos-Nows? Now Is thotho Call 733 G055 ] Financingig-Financing ; S.SIm o, TWIN FALLS 2 Ddrm lown BUHL - unfurnlahod 2 —Kimbotly, S225.'nio rols Bought 10am-5pfn DISHWASHER.I RonnrRc Inn sinoss time 10 como pick up your liouso. loncod. W/0 & teq.Call702-G35-2S3G SES. Ca At Slud. QH, rod ; Flnoncln:1H9 * O.A.C. ■ ^ GFFEV£ i^n wilh a company, cho'’ock II piciuros. SlopbyTho bdrm. in couniry, S350 mo TW EVERY itf: m Ot Iho lino, SISO ? rl° out wilh Iho Bottor E OW Hookup, S600/mo • S200'dup No smoking' sil w.'chromo. Paml stud. I NEW Rhino10 4X4 disol irac- . Nn'ffinn h . double bod box r bust- Customer Sorvico Doptipi ; i5l/last/S250 dop roq. TWIN FALLS - Travel ttit HORSESlalhlolic, sman. Good . torssianmgi._ iii,, «7 oni; Al Claudia 3 noss Buroau. For troi'OO in- ,Q{jayl pois lyr lonso. 320-4212 Un 0 l S '" ‘>"'038 4 mail /olding :______Smoking pols ok 734 -9195 . Silo avmlnblo. m now sub- tlwostlions w d Cowy324 G774 *SaleS BtlO « n n (ormaiion about avoii imt'oj-R'enHls* 653 S S mlion St N TF To travol/vaeatlon seacam s. ROTOTILLER • roar Gar-iar- FAIRFIELD-2 bdrm.. ,, division tn oxchnngo lot Dolh olh :ing Available' ______1jlonbt.N. _ TH, pio Chino cabir TWINFALLS2fidim lown- 1 balh, irniior. ,icovoninn,wookonds sticu- dispoMicES, starjd '3 '.and;^ | hoBBYHO < X l wriio to tho FodoralI TlTrado don King, 5 gear, 24*. ox. houso. appis. mcl. No HORSE RANCH ------— ' ' I : glass doora. S15 Commission, WasnShing- cond.. $500. Campbellill -- ' Call 704-2700. — wagon, 1 can tie usod i t r a c t o RR I& EQUIP. CQ. ;■ J02 : boigo rug, S50. 73 pots. Coun yu, siorngo. . actMl?os'cnir734.440°" | “ ^LES,MCking Soiling duo 10 I 324.535. ’ 734-3266, ,0'n, q c ,, 20500. or call H ouaotold gonorator. S440-dop. rols 73G-7222 HAZELTON | 2 bdrm mo- j______puiiwag 858-Joromo 1 APPUCA“ANCES I furniture Diver)lvorce lore- ’he Nalional FraudI Inlor-Ir SlOO. R oddy H oator. ^ 11 tor pncki t o r , $50. Inbox. 734-0216. bilo, W/D hookup, rolng, I F nontirlin nct'Miorse ' APPLS,. TV'S. S,. STEREOS os salol Furn. Iroi __ 1 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. apl. stovo, wnlor, sowor, sam- ^I 6 1 6 illnoss. S400/mo,. S75 ulililios, I ROOMMATES WANTED May Un OIOS In inictnoi) Wanted Ooaaoad or ahvol roomI For Into,;,'SS 73 ------S A T E L L IT E D IS Hi & iniion lutnishcd. No pots Sin I ; 0074 or ------TVOocior.. 7 S200 dep Call 735-1699 •• living Room Sol.Sot. Ouoen BED 1 King sizo Soria. So RECEIVERS, BlrdViow. Rols. S350/mo .S300 Single lo Indy w/sm.iil child ; ------O S T R IC H I TRACTORS Oayscr 734-4090 allor G. dop 320-4730,829-5551 t}i lo Acros Ositicli Farm . |hc OGG Ga FER tor solo, ' Anne, 5 pc. 3randBran now tJ'Qhd now. sllll in (aciory(ac Sl 500. 734-4029 atier 5. 10 shato now courtlry I O : Gas DE-HUMIDIFEF ig olzo . i j . . _ i i . = 530-5400 ;.M F2705DiDiosol : New cond. 733733-2515. • SOOO. Coll 543.8002543. PlPs'IO. S550; l King TWIN FALLS 2 bdtm.. W/D ’JEROME-Singlowidomo- : —homo. Must Ilko dogs 1 CrndioA( ------Sorto, 5 yra, old. $150; Si SEGA SATURN SYSTEM, hook-up, 1027 Falls Avo. bilo hom o Itl c o u n lry . • TWS275 pormo 32G-4G45. 1 11^ 5 2 hmi.T iti'iiT ' ' “^ I DRVERS/WAW A S H ER S. : MATTRESS • 801.IIot. Ilko now, Numbor 9 Video flr*jraph- Gamos. conirollors, e , S-i7S/mo.. S-iOO dop.. Good locaiion 324-2100 I 'O' nmoro. Whirl. ; marvelouslusm lddlo, lcsadaptorVESA4N4 MEG occosaorlos, Rolail lorlor no pols. Call 734-2413. . TWIN FALLS, I V . W e c J TRAILEF .H otPolnt. ' kingsizo.S250,7;0,736-6536 RAM, usod 1 mo, SlOO, S' S425, WIII soli for 5215.15. nllorSpin TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm mo- —toomtrnio. S200.mo ♦ % spare g ______HAYEQUIPI Ploaao call 200-734-6542.42. \ •Xswnlhor . VV°'»’'ngornoilnoit 736-4005 , alter 6 pm. I Call 543-5900. bilohomo. S3G0.'mo «dop mil. No drugs. 733-0973 Call------735 — ------1 , • Vorsahlo 44 Rols Cnll 734-2094 702 :*JD3pt. Ral'’“ko RANGE-Whirlpnirlpool. whito. 1~' 7 , ',;r , FARM/RANCH |*MF3pt Rnl'ORn Ilko now , S3S 3 2 5 .C O II TWIN FALLS JP P L IE S /E Q U IP *J0 Sickle1 MoworW 735.0444. TWIN FALLS ;2 bdtm, 1 balh including I FAF I • Innis Hny/Flullor Fi : 2 bdrm, 2 bath. pntk torn, walot. sowot » KHOE, Cnso '02, 500 ] •IHCM70Hy(JilydteSwinnSwatliot REFRIG. GE,;, uiusod, works I I l l , Itnsh. $3Q5.'mo • doposil orD,SlG500. Please : MISCELLAN4NE0US good. SSO,, Ploaso PI coll. le T jm e ss-N e w s S399permo. ? ' Now taking applicaiions P l P p i B a l P M p P l BACKHO200-037-0256. ! • AllBvrayCullw.ilt»atorCRo»204Q , 200-324.5443143 allot Gpm, i I Cnll Slovo or Juha r j ’lM iT iiK l.'rM ll'lii Supor------D •0R ow 30‘)' FPockot Paddle ( 3 bdrm. 2 balh U l i U U I i i i i i U i i l can 200- WINDERMERE £ :R (2)0550 Cnso IHC, -C h o v y SSorvico o Truck. REFRIOERATATORi U sed. I I U 1 1 $499 per mo. ? 10. IGxlQ' bales, oxc. comploto w,'Airw,- 4 Woidor I, 18 cu. tt,, I ■ I I ^ I I I Yon ll's truol Ptopony Mnnagomonl ------■ ------1 BALERd. {: 50500; 425 NH, CaII7'734-0445 S225. Call 324.124.0406. I i b l t a H H Thosu almosi now apis 734-4334 ~ 5dcond,S2500: ------1 LIVESTOCK j :om e bv The T i m e s - have ovoryltiing Como ATHER 375 IHC 14; j TRACTORS,c , in mn-i SEWING MACH.CHINE • Bor- j I f y O U OTCire unable to call or ccmm soo why Fawnbrook has | I pfI I nugors. good cond, soil; 4960..0 - 4100 Iiours ixc ■condllion. | Q ff] nd m ail this order 6 0 7 CATTLE-Ct lOS & carrying » >fflce, , sim p^ clip am tho bost valuo in Twin I PRODUCERS LIVESTO- 30 Cali 200-834-2254. duals, woi.oighls,MFW, . I Call 862-3333, l O r m tO3 our C classiued deparirtm ent so that we Fnlis. 1 bdrms. also 1 CK. Advanced conaiQt>------r S59.500.. 4 5 5 5 -Io w h r, caso. S400. Call availnblo. Ask aboul our I m ont, T u o s. Juno 17, :R JD 400. S3.500: p s f.ipv/ * ; your ad started withoiout delay. 1uro sproador IHC j 543.0049’0f - • WASHER 4IDRVER I 'O” y< movo in :pociais. 200 hoad mixed sloor & BALER . 1 or 731-0049, Amann, less manlhai 1 yr. old. , p i. Call734.lG00now! ^ OFFICE & m. .55,000.037-4910 j ------Please print clearly withX darkt pencil or pen RETAILSPACE hoilor 20 calves, 400 000 Mo'rturd ciItlo, '93Trava- I S500. Cnll 200-100-734-7900. IDS Jorome 200-32'l-4345 575, $5,1 There are approximately!7 23 characters ho ssonock. 7X20. I WASHER 4 ORV TWIN FALLS CATTLE 11)5 • too hond Hoi- BALER:onscin t\ ongmo. Bnlo I pkn r (including blank spaces) p e r l in e . Ollico Spnco avnilablo. All — . Good shapo! : airo only 5 mo.rsrsss; ■ 'I'f slom springot hoilors, Wiscons or, 200-S43 6201. ' Call Judy al 731735-2175. ■ • Please P it pay according to raten schedule which utilities Includod. Localod CAmosilyAI, 1250-13S0 lbs. Wagon TWIN FALLSCIoan 1 i at 252 Dooro St., TF. sh Is p rin te d below. bdrm , SSOO m onth w/ will Irusliyn in 2-4 wooks Ploaso c 5 ! WASHER • GE.3E. S175, GE H . I k Coninci Walt 737-3939. ;r now Holland 420. j c?on*roncocoSoloonnll | dryorS125.' 3 line minimum ----- S300 dop. No smoking. ------WllWli scil 20 or moto Exc ------5. W o stin g - < ' Sooner a LcLogon Itailors in I tiouse rango,10, S175.: Coll ■ * P r i . no pois. Call 734-9203. TWIN FALLS • OKico/ lnciiiIios.Call250-1577ot W BALER, Now N Hollnnd 1 G , stock, Um Private Party Only F 4G0-5962, Nnmpn Now kno imitod supply. ] 733.6439 allorllorGpm, TWIN FALLS Duplox 3 . waroliouso, 4200 sq. 11., I,ic ig-nrm swathor. 14 II, • p .jc n r rm:nn't bo boat, j ------ovorhoad cmin. Si 200/mo 4G ijod Nc bdrm., 2 baih, dfii. onrago. ^ :;ATTLE - a rm o u r b uy- swino-nrn sicklos, shoddod. I Hutrv bolonleru Ihoy aro all i W ASHER/DR'3RVER sol. I Pleaease run my ad In cl;lasslfication No pois/smoking. SC95/- Contact 543-5G90, Dnvo. -----ING STATIONS • Buying uxtr.i si( PU “ 2:?s,oto 15% savings. | K onm oro, S2S200, With I or Lauton CAl nl Slock rac k . Gi _,.i mo. 1 yr. loaso. 543-G0S1. slaughior cows ana bulls. Studmnr noking room tor j warranty. Collall 736-4805.7 J ^ ______# f o r ______d a y s . 1 TWIN FALLS opon sin daily. Call 32-1-3099 m otnl s F TWIN FALLS w hool 34 11. s to p QualityTfi’S o , salo, ■NDITIONER I (Print oticIC ciiarnctcrcl per space please. IIncluding blank spaccs.) I OFFICE SPACE 30ATS op W o'ato ptoud to imorclal for | Excoplional, nowor 2 Slory. Various sizos & locations — 1; ! ‘JGE.F^tonionloooRa.N. 2 bdrm. 1 bnlh. Gas nrnounco that Gml Dow- OS. -006-2003. : Joromo ID {i . S395/o1for. I I Call Slovo Halloivs GO------1 (orcod air hool, AC, pri­ manislhonowNoMhwost ag,gas.S l95. I ------r lor moro inlorwitlion coordinator fitii lor mo Inior- ;R, 124 Mnssoy For- jr u c k 197.D74 LN 700. w/ 733-7971. vato yd, garngo, SS25/mo r ------1I .doposil. NO PETSI Now - WINDERMERE n a lio n a l B o e r/G o n i BALER,in, Ilko 1 now condllion! I jo tl bodid & hoist, 1973 — • 1------Inking applications. T Piopony Managomont Associniion For inlormn- ouson lil ! CMC 6500,)0, w/ 20 It. bod g S04 ______I so cnll 200-536-2752. | g nojj,, c-i 104 ! Call Siovo.or Julio 734-4334. liOr.,Ai cnll (200)730-2575. Roafly'to O-rowAtisway | b UILDINGMAM ATERIA^ j I PENS. 75, S30 oach. I [1°?.''' loiiaior. JD 0300 ______—I WINDERMERE _TWIN FALLS OKiCOS Cor- _ll^HORSE & SADDLE Oldot I Proporiy Moingomonl - S.CI2.B.5.3..283 I II, mark out bars--- FRENCH DOCOORS. Pro I nor ot AddiSOn/Locusi HOFgontlo bny maro, S1500. CALFPEr irtous farm oqulp------hung. wood.1. S650, S Win- I ------J 7 3 4 -4 3 3 4 I S125-S750/mo 736-0022 Saddlo, goi S-iOO. 733-573G pionso■PER. ci 5460 JD. good 1 lor salo. (20200)430-0330.------doW3,S150. CollCol 736-0845 j I I ■IORSE - 7 yr, old Arabian- CHOPPEF ) Farmall 450 ----LUMBER 30'USOd2xl0’O us I I TWIN FALLS I 6 0 8 1 OunrlOf Horso Mnro. cond 4 I UKENEWAPARTMENTS 2 lust havo foot------t4 It. long.,, good gc cond. j ,, i COMMERCIAL Rodoq in mountnins S 4-H, BOX. S3 HAHCH 3 : 0. I hilch, goodId (ongino 4 dhvo----- S300. B37-6162 _____ I N a m e___ ------I c AT PARADISE PLACE. PROPERTY S1500/oHor, Ro CallG70- ^ / 2 bdtm, 2 balh wilh nppli­ r loed wagon. Excol. uain. Callill 1colloci (702) ------1 4265 orG77-3G26. FEED• SG50000 BO 543-5G49. 331-0G14. LUMBER, weiwoaihorod, } AddfeSS __ ------I ancos, covoiod parking. BUHL Shop for sub-loaso, !i, ^------y.'X12-,350 I S5S0 plus doposil. —1 yr, 40X80. Haa hoal, ___IORSE to yr. old blnck 4 ^nd^SKWAGON. Harsh 502 d ------.jy n i I Clean: no nails.S S .S i'i; 1 City/Slate/;te/zip______------I c HONEY LOCUST LANE- Jolociricily & somo lools. HOFwhilo Tobinno Pnmi maro, ------nogonizor, Itlr mount. I p . i Inlorior decc 770 «4, vory nico 2 bdrm, | tcgisiotod.qonile.usodin FEEDWA i_Plion_B _N™lu m b e r ______I Contaci Jim at 5-13-0003. wh, 000. Cnll 733-3634, I ______1 1 baih, good olorogo. i mountains. Ilnshy, S2.500. haymogc "I e ™ c e s S450plus doposil. JEROME I • 5000 aq. tt. Call 543-0903. S14.000.1. '05 PU, has loppor, LUMBER. IG'XG‘X23' T JI's. f ~ ------—“ TWO STUDIO APTS. S205 - building w/shop, sloro oel drivo, S3000/olfor. ALL THRESiiSHINO, Chop- 10-X29' TJI'sJl's.37'tlat P a y Sellc h e d u l e • a i i A d s5 M ust b o Propnld plus doposil includos wo- T

m I TENT, wnniod 10 buy. Nood YAMAWAHA'92 Soga 11 600, CRESTLlTUNER, 14', 15 hp FIBERGLA;LASS 7C 1411. I MOTOR - 9 »•HP John- ' SEASWIRL1900)0 0Open 2 tto 3 rooms. Profor can- lown« mis. oxc. shapo, Olack Evinrud-rudo motor, itaiior. w/irailor.r. RobuillR 5 S h p | son. $400. 734-34-2393 I bow. Spydor, 202,-02,-5.7 5 h- THEAQ: e s o n b r i d gj i t Bobby W olff vov a s bul will c o n sid o r w/ciisilver trim. S2000. Call lish lindor, lin< shado and Evunrudo o ------I let. 2G0 hp VO I/O,/O, C OMC ^ oU-othors.Call200-734-l993. 733.|13-5714. ovonings covorIt and a lilo lackols. /olfor. 543-213-29S'* OW ENSIC. 70t•0 hp Morcu- , coij,.-, ouldtivo, s SS s ptop,f ------1------S3DOO.0. C.mC 73,1 (19-13 ------>^—— . ry outboard, ncc ' well maintained,I, SO50500. I WANTED VVA lo buy, Oorninn YAM>MAHA '97 Danchoo. ______HONDA out!outboaid molor, ongmo work, wit ‘7 don’i carcanyon bow.t — //e n r y Jnrne.f V A Q 10 9 mimusl loavo mossago. $25,000300. 32.1-7352 III 73G-93G4 ______------; I/O 170 tip, G cyl.ryl. VVolvo ------POLARIS'95.i. I(Ol ski, 3 ' Ponia. Low hts Fish find- WANTED: Full-sizo bod YAM>MAHA. GTOO, 1900, EM-rpop•RPRISE. 17 . 140 KAYAK - D:Dagger Cross- soaior w/accocossorios ft w.'oxiras. Excol.;ol. cond!c X?” ^w/woodon hoodboatd SGOOiOO, HONDA, 70. $400. 70, I/O Irlr, lisli lindor, Iita, 1992,2, rcrod, gre,II sian- $4,495. Cafl 200-!«-734-4t50 S4C00/o1lor MuslUSI soil!; 'i had many oj ’ oplions in the ' WEST w/or withou! bdrm. lurn ; Ploa;oaso call 208-32G-505G „o'„,ng'ng plaiu, vinyl lop. . cr boal, $400$40 G77-4054. ------______Plonso call 200-700’00 55011. ------play,” offered SouU>ulh after he had a 4 3 Almond Uptight Iroozer; $4500.'OlO.'oflor. 15 lip John- : ------•94 SL750 ------7aH)83a733-8300AfT/trTX)I ___ . 1970, Tti-H.lul, I losi today’s slam .. "All"A h a d reason- V 7 fi 3 I ■ V K J S -I - t tr o llin g m o lo r, , LARSEN. 19 :o Low hts, ^ O.'ollcr. Call 324 5050 | ” 5 tip molenolor, trolling mo- I nowlv ro able chances; unlunluckiiy, f chose ♦ 10 G •J4 ♦ Q 9 5 3 WANTED: WA Tan or brown I 9 0 3 SlOOO.'ol rebuilt on- f l 904 BOATS & ------lot mcl Llko placo tr.iiier ■ CAMPERS/SHEL the one that offe:ffered the besl *K Q lO 10 9 7 * fi 4 3 2 Ouoono Anno or Wing I 1FQRM - 17 It , Tti- i 734 G303 or HELLS Back chairs w/or wiihoui B ^ACCESSORIES 3 or 734 4G31 | w/gas racks 17373GG20G odds." Hull Open O; Oow, too lip I ______------CAMPER '92 10 It.,It., lully S O U T H mematching couch in nood “Why fiot involvolved with all AT MOTOR. 6 hp. Evontunrudo. lull canvas, 1 MIRROCRAlRAFT 14- alum, | S E A S W IR L toil 1 1 in- solt-conl., oxc.:. cond.cc A A Q 9 7 f) cond. 733-0030 Artyiimo’ (1 S Itsli liiiclot S3500;‘ 15 i,p Evint those confusing options?”op asked hnson, S500 00 Ploaso dopih S ivintucio molor 8 ; board /o u lb oDard ai Exc D o n 't m is s Ih is 0 V 8 2 WHI II 733-2593 ovuninos. or Tradoado C,lil 543 4402 I I,lr $1250iO 773G-0010.Tim cond Call 733-2i-2137 SGOOO Call 352-4670 North. "A slraightfthlforward line of WHEELCHAIR, molotizod. ’ 4670 ♦ A » 2 USI play would have usod. waniod 10 buy. Also ve cinched the * A J r. _BLBUMPER UFT. 32G-4537 slam .” Soulh took hisis Clubi acc and Vulnerableble; Nortli-Soulh tf" 827 I ■ cashed the king ne and aco ot Dealer; SSm oulh ^ARAGESALE^ trumps, Then hec ledli a heart to t l i i ” A-COUS-tl-CAL FENCES FENCES LAWN & T R E E a rufling finesse agaiIg a in s t E a s l for a tfully moiorizod, 1909- STUMP I) WITH T in: ACKS '^.1. winner. Or hc couldJld simply tr^-an- $750. Now manual, novof & DRYW ALL .• FENCES!!! CARE REMOVAL olher finesse to dudummy’s heart Of, nil ustusod. $500 029-5010 ^ Rosptny fi Acoustic.nl Tiio Oualily Fonce American Malntonance nine fanolher loserJcr). South cfiose t-,,,,,., Drywall-Hari^Topo/Toxturo Mowing a edging, troo trim- TAT lids: ^ 733-9063 Anywfiore! the lasi option, hopirjping to nnd split 83(>- WANTED 1 I ° Quality Wotk ♦ Insurod C,1II Fot Yout Ftoo Esliin.-ito nunrj. yard cionn ups. A 2 ■ COLLECTIBLES I | Rensonablo Raloo rosnJonli.ilcommcrcinl Froo ostimaies. heari honors, andd thell slam went On A •Qunllly Fonco* Torry Carponlet V K J .'■) 4 ■ — ♦ FrooEshmnto* Ser?/or roios! down. Serving Tho Magic a 734-1231 ♦ Q 9 r. 3 AUTOGRAPHS WANTED j Call Bob @ 734-0033 Wood River Valleys Ftooosl Cail20Q-32C-4522 =’aying cash lor viningo nu- ! — 4200771 Whal plan did Norlh Nr suggest? * (j 1 3 2 "Take your clubI acace and ruff a .. . tograptisolm ajor ACOUSTICAL LAWN AND colobritios. IE. Spoils, FENCES TREE SERVICE club. Cash your trumpIn ace and S o tilh - =0' DRYWALL GARDEN CARE 1 N T • Hollywood, Political. Au­ INSTALLED ruff your last club.. NiN ow . lead a low ‘ ^ \ thors. Music, oic. Cau TREES-R-US trump to your nintline and lake a • Ch>Chns bolwoon 11 a m . lo A-1 DRYWALL FEAR FENCING BILL'S LAWN SERVICE Serving Mmi Cassia A MVIV heart finesse, pullinjling in dummy’s Cp6 pm . nl (702)251-3-t-17. EExpon hanging, taping, fi 25 Yeats E»p. Ali Tyiiur. Of - Mowing, Trimming, • Slump Romoval • Tolnl loxluting Sinco 1970 Wood. Clinm Link, Etc Acfaiing. Thnicinng. fi Landscaping • Spociaiizo nine. This loses to■ E;East's jack, bat ANSW KIiCR: Four diamonds, q q i 30TTLES. Jim Beam, Jobs Inigo or small Cus'omor Duy;; M.ilciiais rctlili/irig H,ivo sctiijdijle in spraying wood shako what can Easl do?o? Whatever hc N"rttl s jumpJl shift forces to w wa aniod 10 buy, soil or Grog Lossing. ownor .•too Gnhmaios openingM-F Vacalion roofs • Free Esiim.iles does, you get yourlUr 12th winner n d th e d ia m o n d ra is e is iracirado. Cail 733-7300. 733-3579______Call 200-734 41GG cover,igo nvnil 326-3133 431 5291 - 070-4102 ovos a n d w e sc o rc th e siaslam." r tlleoidyrcreasonable choice. 3LD SPORTS MEMORA- j ” N orth m a d e a good gn< point- The BILBILIA. basoljail glovos, ; B ACKHOE & GARDEN & YARD LAWN C A R E IBEESEBVICESS simpler Ihe road,d t to a sure 12 b.1l:bats, pcnn.inls, progr.wi. I EXCAVATING ROTOTILLING pinpins, nny & nil sp o rts. ! LAWN PRO AAA-1 SHELTON'S tricks, the belter.•• ItII saves wear 'You Groiv iriVt* ftloiv IT'' TREE SERVICE I'O iim a-.i Davo, 734-9753. j LLES-S CONSTRUCTION FIRST CLASS and tear on bolh thehe brainI and the AND EXCAVATING Novy Equip. - Ftue Esi Sending Magic Valley pocketbook. /iNTAGE BARBIES ANO .O.ICHlOU & Concicio $DfV,CO ROTOTILLING Any Sl.;!* L,1wn V/ood River V.liloy ....'’'cJ CLOTHES. Will buy col- ,Poolings, Soplic T.inks, ♦ Roar tino hiiut Mulch or Dag or whotovet ______IOClOCIOrsinvonlory & jDr.nintiQlils 8 Found.'itions -t-FREE Estimates' 423-6362 or 734-1224 FREE ESTIMATES 324-0483 osiatos. PlonsccCail 733- 670-41S1 - 670-3406 ______733-1160 SATELUTE SYSTEMEM FREE Ausirolinn Shop- 9000 or 733-1322 ovos. _ LAWN MOWING p- 4 i 2 4 I HANDYMAN TREE SERVIC^ Complolo, 7 U, Oish. S3QIS300. hotcJ X. Good Wllh kids,'=■ IviDEO'EGUIPMENT BRICK & BLOCK I Konmofo microwavo.vo. noods a loving hom o. YOUR Call 73-»-ai21. 734-2077. CONSTRUCTION A WORK OF ART DALE'S TREE LIMB SATELUTE-Compioto 10 Handyinan SotVicos "RELIABLE" CHIPPING. ll syslom wilh Vidoociphor 1 22'; FREE Kitlons, 3 malo laD- KOCH MASONRY SERVICE Homo Ropnits: Eioctncal, GARDENER Fof mulchor disp0s.1l. TIMBERS 4X6 up lo 22 ll,S250. Call734-G390- . lo ta l by. molttcf log. Persian. rZM !M.isonry Conoliuclion pltmilHiig. light carponiry, E>cciicnl Wotk - Fair Pticos SI u in p g r i t) d 0 r . F r 0 0 usod corngniod moti Joso Alcala. Twin Falls (fom 8'-14’x2G-. 67S-S4G5463 AllorGpm. 734-7379 Commeicial S Residential painting FREE csiininios Call i200l73J- - 4 8 2 5 n FREEEsiim.iios ESTIMATES' 733 09GG 420-8867, 432-5579 2?43or 1203)733-3123I TREES Uvo Scotch &. Aus-Au- FREE puppy. 3 monihs‘ I WANTED TO BUY | Doino Koch For old- black Lab X. Uian Pinos, 30'& up. Fc i o i I J 678-4535 735-0000 HEATING & AIR MEDICAL pficos&in[o32.l-3734.34. Call 32C.370a 10 YR, old boy looking lor I ATVS/MOTORCYCLES SERVICES Piiiasc! check your ad foi “ blcyclo S dntinol lor bo- B " CONDITIONING cotreciness on tho litst TRUCK TOPPER, cualot ginnor bnnd. Call733- !snrn FREE lo good ticmo. Amor- 30LDWING-05 Aspon- BUSINESS (l,ly lh.it ll runs, as The SCOO. 10Xt2 Bjtl-E-Bor 111 9636, nsk for Etic. SAV/TOOTH SHEET - PERSONAL CARE icon Eskimo cross. Call c.ido. low m is. nil accos- SERVICES HOSPICE CARE Timcs-Nows IS nol to- SIOOO, wilh stioll &OUIIO METAL sponsiblo for errors afloi Sotollilo disti S focoivo 324.5359______ANTIQUE Woodon icobo*. sorios, 3 holmois w/ inlor- Ho.itmti'AC Roftigoralion CNA S, RN'S, LPN'S com, S6K. 423-5933 TWIN FALLS 734-OGOO Twin F.ills SIOOO. Ca]l20C-536-4 65! GERMAN SHORTHAIRn Call 733-7530,______Cottitiio'tcial and rosicleniiai PLAN ROOM (200) 733-0548 43G-G5GG Mini Cassia TV. 46' Hitachi Dig Swoorjoon puppios, purob/od, Ask- BASS guitar, bass/PA HAR1ARLEY DAVIDSON. 06, Jot'S 1 lo bid lor Gonc'tal;;. 1-00O-303-OGO2 Idatio VCR, Hitactii. Ploaao0 callcc ‘"9 5*°° 200-543-0-163" Amp, mics & mic stands. *pcSponsior 1100 Very good cSutJ-conltaclots & Siippii- MAGICVALLEY STAFFING TREE SERVICES cond. Must soli. 070-3905. HOME i 2QB-324-7600 atior 0 prr GERMAN SHORTHAIRf, Call 733-3634. uis. Diuoptini copios 734-PLAN (7526). CONSTRUCTION purobiod mnlos. TailsI5 BEAR TRAP, with toolh, 1ARLEY DAVIDSON. PAINTING & R& R Tree Sorvico:0 WEDDING GOWN • Nd Custom Yard Caro novor wom. sizo 6. Lorallorallo dockod S dow-clawod waniod lo buy. Will pay Cuslom Cu Shovolhond, COLUMS CUSTOM SIDING REMODELING $0000. Call 200029-5202 CLEAN & Oualily, Roliabiiily 6 OrlQ. foolurod in Brido'■Ido's 'O'T'ovod. Call 73-1-4690. cash. Call 200-32G-47GS SOO Prolossionally Inslallod SPARKLING Alfordablo PticoS Magazine. $200.733-047 G^M AN SHORTHAIRS- lARLEY DAVIDSONS SiUing fi Mot.il Pools Thompson's Freo Eslitnaio. Call >• BEAR TRAP, wilh loolh, ^AR Palming & Remodeling —^ AKC log. pups, o«c. lioldId waniod 10 buy. Win pay )7 1200,10mi.S9995. ’ AltoKl.iblo R.Vos 3240667 or 000475-8233133 33 Humor, S7200. Houso Cloaning, Giiragcjr,, i^ruo Est - 1C yrs Eipor. Qunllly Expotioncod Work 81B Iri.l1. hunling background,J, cash. Call 20Q.32G-47G5. ^3 H Allies. Oas'omLTil:-.' HTS Qhd show qualily. S350,0 ------'0939 1:1200,SG500 „ O o n n ia -736-0469 No Job Too Small TREE SERVICES MUSICAL INSTRUMEKTS & Allor Nl’W Construction oa. Call 733-1390 ovos or5f BOAT: 9 ll-or loss woodon '9333 0Basic 003, S6300 ^ Ftoo Estimalos For Freo Esiiui.iio C.ill (200) 934-5343 CLARINET Yomatia. usod uso 734-4200 days, rowboat, w/ or w/out oars. CCnIt 200-362-9796. HOME HEALTH T<REEAND 3 y rs. In Higti S c hh o ool c _ 73..-.G22------— 7 3 6 -0 0 5 4 CARE band. o*c. cond. S25050 cOf ------:------tONDA'OOGLllOO. Cold _ PAINTING AND GROUND SERVICEE bosi ollor. Call 543-69031903. *K-9KLIP* BUTTONS: unusual or old '.ving, •.•.■in lull dtossos, Musl CONTRACTING Fico Esumatos/Alloitiatiii}I/o Is Also looking lor othor bul- Soili.BosiollOf. Soil 700-5059 CLEAN IDAHO HOME HEALTH Lflwnmowing & Rototllllngng ------Now accopling now clionis ANO HOSPICE ORGAN • Hammonc) _B-3. B-: Pl0.->s0 call 736-4904 lon lovofs. Call Uary Lou. WINDOWS Avail. Cettiliod, LisconsodDd firoai for rock SroI11S25( - 423- 5525. HONiONDA '04 Sh.iclow. Runs 734-40GI Twin Fails Supoiior. serving Magic & and Insured - 324-071818 OXC.S1200. Call 733-3915. -13G-S055 Mini-Cassin Wood Rivor Vnlloys. Ask Coll 734-G390. ’ ' KriTENS Most colors, 1st ROD CLEANS WINDOWS ------vaccinations & wormod,J, BUYING washors, dryors. ------^ 543-2273 Duhl about our Summor Dis­ VACUUM SALES:S Konmoro. Whirlpool, GE. HONIONDA 1986 FourTrax, SKUVIt-IN-C',: P.ledic.iro.Modicaid counts on commorcial, PIANO - Movlnf]. noodod tot S20. 734-7077. Wood Rivor - t.lagic V.illoy oflor. - ' ■ ■ - sVorklng or nol, 736-4005, 250250, now molor, SI 700 or W- ' Crniliodliconf.c-dUondod tosiifonial buildings. Fro'o & SERV ICE soli A.S.A.PII S300/olloi Rosidoniial - Coirmorcial Calll 733-8105. LAB puppios, QIncks a,& ------i ------post t)OS Pilot, 430 0791. fj; N.itionaiiy RL>cot)’’izod oatlmoloa call 735-1569. ------Yollows, m alos. Rog,,, ENGINE-Robuilclablo onr------Ftoo Esi. -- Call Rod al Homo Hualth Loadotr. • ELECTROLUX PIANO Mohogny BabJaby AKC, $350 oach. Excol-|. ly big block Chovy. prolor HOUIONDA 1900 Shadow 423-5578 I lomo Grown in Idaho PHOTOGRAPHY Vacuum cloanors, Gtand wlboouhM cobincbinot lont bioodmg. Shols. dow- 454. Larry 736-2000 or 800800. oxcollont condition — sli.impooors, conitnl vncs. Must soo 10 approcialo. I can/lnfls. PotlocI (mlshluril claws. Roady now, Plonso0 543-2G12, Mu: COMMERCIAL HOME R E ^ I ^ EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY Salos, son^ico nnd repair. Musfsco4Rlay. call 200700-7516. ------$30$3000 lirm, 029-5797. ^ 239 DuBols FUELOILTANK d.iy; CONSTRUCTION Compieto CoYUiiigu for spcail S3GOO/oltor, FREE dolivonivory. ------days, 029-5032. ovonings i i Catponliy.Electrical cvcntj induilingwuilijiiig^ Call 733-5018 w 250 gallon plus or minus. —— Call 670-2717. LAB pups. Dlnck & Yollow J-CONSTRUCTION Pluinliing. P.iinlint( Vory Ro.isonablo Ratos ------malos only. AKC. IsiII Cnll029-4262 HONIONDA 1909 NX 250, ft ------o olo lo c tric s la ri, $ 1 2 0 0 S/iShops: Stool, wood Irnmod. norit.il PicpoMios You Roiam Negatives WALL PAPERINGG PIANO Small vorllcnlal byb shots, dowclnwod, S250 No Job too Small Call Mike 734-G299 Wobor w/o light linlshlis h . ioS300,Call734-1S99. '' HANO GUN good •old" 037-91QGor324-395G 037 & polo barn. Resiiluntial han d gun wanlnd. Will sled lool’nej. Commorcial Dopondablo-Ouality Wotk Ron's V/all Papor Top Notch Insirumonilonti ------IONDA, 1994, CROO, ® Rco fisticiialos - 734-6299 msiaimiions. tb yoats SC50/ollor.fflee dolivoryivory. LABS - pups, chocolaio:J. pay up 10 SlOO. Call 420- HON & Industrial PICTURE 6196 collular pJiono. oxcol. cond, S1300 or 43B-8594 or 670-3533 oipotionco. All work gunr- Cttll 67S-2717. black and yollow. dow-' ------1;------bosibosl ollor. Call 543-5370. _ FRAMING nnicotl 10 your satisfnclion. ------dawcd, 1st shols. 6 wks, HOME REPAIRS PIANO Yamaha Clavlriov HORSE A litllo Oyr. old girl — — C O N C ^ T E Got to know you specials. nova sio o -$125. 543-9207. IONDA, 1995, XR200. Costio Fromo & Gallory Freo oslim,i1os. old. ------_ tias savod hor monoy a is OENEFIEL'S HOME CARE CLT-100 . 1 yoar old Excol. condition. $2000. CCONSTRUCTION Qualily cuslom framing (200)677-4GG9. S700/ollor, 736-4B44 ROTTWEILER PUPS looking lor 0 gonllo hotso DtyvMlI. Panning, 10 lovo & tnko caio ol. 324-7401. ^24 loavo mossago. — Catponlry. All licimo Litfto solcciion of molifmgs ------4 lomalos, rogisiorod Froo pick up S delivery. PIANOS (2) In groat cor^dor'd.. Call 436-9390 ovos. Ploa5ocall423.G173. ^ONI Cowboy Concroto LLC icp,1irsin;,idi)&0ul, 10 WEDDING:SALESi IONDA. COR, 07, COO cc. ?Foundaiions. Dnvow.ays 243 5lhAvo S rolinlstiod upright withwiti ------Swoot looking bikol Roa! ' yi:. o»|) Ftoo esiiniatu:;. 5, At- SCHNAU2ERS • Winlaturo0 HORSE Gonllo kids'horso, Cutb 6 Giitlor, Call Bruco 733-7543 (Old Towne) • 736-7309 & SERV IC ES bonch & oludio piano, Ai profor golding. Will bo fast. S240Q/olior.G70-942G lordablo at SC25 & S45C;450, puppios. Call 43G-9732. Sidowalks, Etc. usod for parados & diiiis. uani WEDDING SHOP Coll 735-1020 ovos, o iONDA, CX500. llko nowl Fioo Esiimaio ROOFING SCHNAUZERS • Mlnla-I- Call 734-3412,______”s u D.irtin73G-8-ll3 HOME REPAIRS Ronts and Soils: Wedding,'Q, loQvo mossago. S 1 000 or bosl ollor. Gtidosmaid'Party Dtossos luro, black malos, 6 wks Ploaso call 200-736-0743. PROFESSIONAL ------1 old, SIOO 00. PU boloro0 LHASA APSO OR SHIH Complolo Homo Ropn)r ROOFINGS COATINGS Veils, Slips, liras & Shoos05 0 1 9 6/22, 324-7070 or msg TZV, lomalo piolor ndult hONIiONDA- 2/90's, tun great. CI;Classlllod ads arc. 11 gro.-.i ' Wo doilhllll 733-7221 or32G-S057 25% Ofl On Invltollons, O m c e EQUlPMETiTENT — - and n modium 10 largo___SGOOggo oa. SllOO/both or 1'Invustmonl. no nwllcr wlial Small Repairs. Romodols, Commorcial. rosidoniial 733-0830-210 s, Mnln & SU P PU E S SPRINGER Spaniel pups.J. nirllno konnol for dogs.___ KnstbostOllor,537-G821 ovos. )your businoss. Clvo us a Ronl.ll Mainionanco Buildup roofs. Most minor AKC. Flold C ham pionn Call430'a093.______coll lod.iy. 733-003t. Doots, Windows, Painting loaks ropaitod in 24 lus. COPIER - HICOh ST-44314430 Bioodiinos. S250, Gooso AWASAKI 1909 Vulcan 733-9275 MOTOR HOME - bolwoon 750 w/wtioolod cart. Vofyory Crook Konol. 670-5313. 750, 2600 original mis., CONCRETE ROTOTILLING FAX pood COfxlS700.734-206 - 20-31 ft. In oxc. cond, liko uko now cond. S3S00. LANDSCAPING — TREATYOURDOGlolon-1- w/island bod. 733-5293 733.708-2927. ovos. or 72G- CCONSTRUCTION & BLADE WORK COPIER Largo solocilonon col dor loving caro whilo bo- a MOUNTAIN BIKE wontod 9422. days. PINERIDGE LANDSCAPE YOUR rocondlllonod copiorsiofs, Ing groomod nt TLC Oog Any size job. rran- Grooming - 733-3509 10 buy, 16 10 10* Iramo. sPPORTSTERS, O Brand D&M Sprinkler sysloms. p.ivors. Froo esiimatos trom S295,1 yoar warrar palios, walkways . prun­ ;ty availablo. Call 734-990.9900 ■ Scoil, GT, or oihor quality qqwnow. Ftom $7600 FOB CONCRETE OoLoy Blnghom 1 Iramo, Ploaso call 200- goalSoalllo Ollor good Ihrough * Footings * Found.ilions ing & ptaniifig, retaining AD Coll 733-2429 TiMES CLASSIFIEDD = 1; 4 822 934-5534 Of 200-733-4299. juniJuno30lh (425) 774-3530 ★ Drivownys * Stops olc. walls. Froo OSI. Insurod. 8 2 0 | t o o l s /m a c h in e r y [ Call Rich 733-2045 DEPARTMENT J OFFICE FURNITURE , or 1-0OO-0G5-2453 iVOJODTOO SMALLI I PETS& S^UPPUES Donnis - 536-0705 SAND & GRAVEL ^ LATHE. Jol, 123G. MILL- good usod fumiluro. Cnil ciizLUZUKI'OO Inlruflor, 750 208-734-5538 CHINESE PUGS boaullfujllful, (NO MACHINE, Jot. All11 730-4276.______Olac 3lack & chromo, Excol. d e c k s LANDSCAPING DELIVERED . AKC roo., otiols, wormoirmod lools. olc. incl. S3000- cond, w/onddio bags. Gravel, sand 4 lopsoil lor - 199. Plonso call 200-423-0143..■ PIANO, waniod lo buy. & dowciawod, 625-9199. _ Noodod on oldor. Inox- S2500. Call 430-0229 Alpino ConBtruction Oiivoways, paiking lols, otc. TONY'S LANDSCAPING Vou can haul loo. Gtivel Stitt CHOCOLATE LAB puppup- TOOLS Rotiromonl solo.I. p o n slv o p ia n o In any g| Summor is hotol SUZUKI ‘94 RMOO. & Homo Ropalrs NORTHWEST CO. INC GUARANTEEDI ploo, d ow clow s &. 131st Aulo body shop tools.1, cond. Don't wanl lo spond ixc, p-c cond.. extras. S1500. Now is Iho limo lor a Tiou Tiiiniiiino, Sptinkluts, now lenco or dock. 733-1234 shols, S150, S43-6921,!1, Lols ol misc. too numor-r. Qlol! Call 200-735-1214. Call 734-9030, Hauling & Now Ulwns. ADS ------oua 10 IlstI Plooso colili ploaso loavo mossogo. Coll 733-0463 Wo do whal you can'l? COCKER SPANIEL-pup; ------SUZl or1-B8C-36S-0049 3ups, 934.45C3 allor Gpm. UZUKI 1900 ATV quad Ftoo Eslimatosl "SANPMP" AKC rog., 7 wooks. dowd o w - ______- POOL COVER for obovo opospon 80, $500. 1990 GRAVEL Tho Timos Nows ctowod&shoa. 543-470; 734-3322 ^'oy» guarantees lo soilII 823 1 I ground pool. 1011. diamo- Qua□uad racor 250, $1650. ECONOMY 734-8401 -Evonlno> 4 tor, 734-9753. Call Call 200-780-0746. mcrchandiso. DALMAT10NS (2) tomolo:0103. I VARIETY FOODS CONCRETE . D.E.G. Construction Inc. Gtnvol, 12 yards, $125; aulomotive in 7 S150/oa. Call 436-9632-32- 1 & SERVICES I PUMP Parma ro-lill pump, " su;UZUK11995125RM, zi race LANDSCAPING ^ 8 -12hp* oloctritnlpanol, rnnt Spociallzlng In All Typos ol top soil 12 yards $05: days and real rondy. asking S2700, Coll ^ & LAWN C A R E dolivorod by iho truck lond, FREE - 4-5 mo. old molimoio b UMPERCROP CoIlcolloct.OOam,(0Oi) 702 llal work, concroto estalo in 15 daysi 702-730-5791, wiihin tho Mv/ntoa, Poodio ml*. Voty gontlcintlo. STRAWBERRIES 502-7221. breaking & romovnl. or rerun Iho ad ann - Call 934-8663. Rondy now. U'plck, A & T LAWN CARE Cail 423-0923 or 731-4923 ------SUZllUZUKl 050, full dross, Expor. Froo esi. Call now additional 7 days, r T r S2.50/gal. ♦ lox, PickingI RADIATOR for 1930 or ahlshall drivo. low mis. Ioi last ollicloni sorvico. Sprinklots, fencinfj, FREE • 7 rao. old fomal' dolly 7-1 lo m 8,5-8 pm, - Mowing, Shrub Ptunino, SHARPENING T h a re is a S3 oxtraa . Chocolato Lob mix. Nood 1931 Modol A Ford, must $10SIOOO or ifQdo lor car. 733-2167 or 734-4742 Ploaso. no childron undorr b o g o o d . n o i u n k , 324-0059. 324 ______Commotcial & Roadontiol SERVICE fo e for Iho g u a ra n1- - kids. Call 934-66S3. ____ 12. Raugusl Sirawbony 543-0526- EXCAVATING Sorvlng Moglc Volloy too packago. Ads5 Free EBtimatOB 543-0647 FREE ■ Rollwoilor croBroBS Farm.5Wmis. N. cl ------SUZlUZUKI-MUST SELLt '94 JOHN'S SHARPENING may bo canceilodd ^ SEMI GRAIN TRAILER IninIntruder 600. Undor 2000 pupo. Roady Sun. 6/153/15. porrlno Dridgo S 1 ml.W, Taz Underground Inc. SERVICE early tor customer)r on Barymoro Rd. or 3 ml.I. Hoppof bottom grain trail- mis, S3500. Coll C78-5446. Liconsod (j • Bondod ‘Insurod C ^ 733-0926.______0 or or roar ooll unloading------Youll 1)0 ploas.intly surprised Compioto Sharpening. convonionco butt ' ------E. on tho 300 S. Frontago Soptic Sysloms Installod al Iiow cosy ll ti lo pi.ieo o Catbido & sloel saws. FREE-to stnblo homo1 withwiti Road. 200-324-2036 trollor. 30-45'long, 2 or 3 YAMAMAHA’01 HorHago ' th o c h arg o will Special 400. $950. AJI Typos olittignlion ciassllloJ nd. Tho cost Is Clippor ohatponing-ropair. lola of TLC, Omo. oldid lolo------Qxio oh, 208-366-2375 Spo remain the samo. V ------YnmtnmBho '01 XT 250, $750, Ditch Clonning, UtHily low...Itio rosulls nro tilgh. 141 Bmckon S tS nnilo Qoldon Lob, vor Tronching 735-8770 TtiarscJnsslliod. 733-0331. 734-4050 * 1-000-471-4050 swoot and woll mnnnoroco r ^ °S tM ^ n o drugs, no CJD3 TRAILER lof D-8, reason- BollBolh oxc. cond,730-06G6 ollor 5p.m. Cflll 324-3505 OltOf 6Ipm. pm CuslomFlnlsh-324-22400 ablo. (200) 764-2426, olioi r n m r m m m m ,

c-10 Tlfne»ti»w». Tirin Falli,III, IdahoI Tuetdtr. Juiw 1 7.199717

CAMPER SHELL Olt. Car-ir- KIT 24', Cos or Elociric. OMC OM 1970 Brigidlor. 10- FORD,ID. Lanai, 7 9 , ion, FORD F-35350 XLT,'92 crow CHEV Y '888IR I O C Z -28. HONDA • '9 0 AcceVccord. PW. TOYOTA. Cam ry,,1094. 1 VW '87 Goll, CD ployor. avnn, olt moinl. w/ boQiIQl Sloops C, Exc.Cond.Solf- whoolor. w GV92TA, RTO AT,', AC.AC tilt & cruiso. 324- cab. 46060. S Opd.. fully llko now, loodod, loo. T-lops, PDL. A C . nowow llros a 41K mis. Eloc. windndows. S2500, C all 543-6922 rock & OCI, (Joof3. S220000 Conlaino4..j.r i ^ ' 5 ® , Insiaiiniion. drivon sHdo doors, 2 It. w/15Vi15V/Miskln hoist bod. spd. AC. St,000 ^ ------— ------1 PINETREE SPORTS HU-WA, 1904. Hilchhikor sido extension. Good liros D o d i 00001 now orbostolfor.733-567,672bo- I 1053 II, 25' 5lh whuol. Cxcol. J idingoodBhapol cond. S9£ jw rn U ^ now ISU2U '0 0 Troop ' 1-800-070-5869 & brakos.G77-2203 altor $3000'.lK)0,'o1lor.543-4575ovos 431-5434 la. s ta n o r, iwoon 6 p,m. & 0:301!0 p m I IMPORT & SPORTST S • _ ■ cond. S6500. 670-3490 Gpm g, or.670-2203 nnylimo ------1900,734-0670, g u f^ ls S ^ o n e r? — I w n s FREEWAY 10-compor lul- if1Of733-1095 VOLKSWAGEN 7 0 B PROWLER'83 25 It. 2 dr. ------r|T MAZDA'DA '93 B2200,custom QMC '0717 Suburban, Dio- ______ly soil conl,, hyd. Inchs. IHC. 1 700.ronrond whool:lOols. alum tool box. sol, nuloilo, 137K m ls. W CHEVY'93Z- lorokeo 4x4, Convortiblo, nowV llros,i VW'72 Supor Oooilo con- S1500. Call 532-4318. AC, dbl. bod, catalytic comploio. Incl. springs & V^ildca' 3 Z-20 camaro" 53000 Cnll now b ra k o s , noww lop. vorllblo. complololy _ hoaiors. big lolrlg. Now Ideal tiros. 735-0G92. lon. SG50(500,'ollor 423^993 mis.. $14,500. Ofoal. S30I loly tiros, SIOOO. 245 ongino ; ------736-4603 Allen -work 733-?33 5136 0r S3900. 733-3312’ dnys, d rosiorod. Mini condiiion,lion, LANCE '04 Q-cnrnpor. (ultyIty 2 0 'now awning S5795. w/robuill' 5 spood trans ! MAZDA,rDA, B2000, '02 w/rack. OMC 190000 Jimmy, 4,3 lilor, Cfl" 73t736-4603 ___ 733-936707 734-1245 nltor 6 . SGSOO. Call Carolvn or soil com., AC, *oxifa55 Cell 734-0678 q Comploio. S1200, Front . 5 ipd.spd. Now parts. Good VG, nowZ * CHEVY '96 CoCnvnlior load- '—■ ' Ralph 01 733-0623, Cood cona, S4200ortJCsl .u io . comploto w/li(«i. r tiros13 & & rims. Runs good, lifos. 2 2 ' body im . now od witn warmirW sl2,000 JEEP-86 Gran,•and wag- VOLKSWAGEN'09 J ollof. 037-4GS3 Iv msQ. ahnno ro- *‘‘^’0 trnns.. AC, sununrool. CHEVY '95 2-20 Convert- ROGUE 1973 TL- travol S S 3 5 0 . G o o d rn d irflo r, 1 S1160.ISO. Call200-326-4031. irons,, rur or. 324-9304. ,, irlr. 10 ll. G roai cond. S ' ^ v ^ ^ . » o r - n A irn n ° CD, 0»c, COnd. S500ID00,'oll- Iblo, teal bluo. loaded." 9Kok LEISURE CRAFT 10’. fully S150. (G)900X20 liros, I SAN'91 Gray w/ljodli- 50750. E'. '1^ S3000.733-1290. SGOO S( lor .111 or S125 lor 2 1906 Corvotio, j S6000. 622-9343.343, ■ or, 423-5734. ml, S20,000. 734-4504 solf-conialnod, S2000. o r m o ro . All in g o o d ! "or.nov•.now clutch S brakos, OMC. 1991V.19- ton 4X4. I ' ^ e S m r s Call 733-S4tO ovonings. ROYAL COACHMAN 30' shnpo. ?, Cnll 200-93-J-5097. ! tat cond 677-2203 al- Short box,ox.oxiondodcnb. ,ho opllonsfn ^ W lir?ako ! MAZDA '08 RX71X7, powor ^ TT iravol irailor. Mini cond. G or G70-2203 onytinw ono owno :ks, sur^rool, * SHASTA. 'OS, 0V>'. PU mor, loto of exlrns, wholosnloof of S9200 may I windows & locks, “ Muslscoll Cnll 544-2432. IHC. IH< 1970 cabovorwilh 111 678-5904. , pa„jalil iradoirc on tor 2 I S6,295. 1-00074: compor, G as/olocl. nlJ SAN '93 V. ton. 40,000 ------^ oppis. sulf com., tiyd. 310Dolroi1.13 Spd. trans. 30 motorcyclos, I 07 D o d g o C ai d. TERRY-1994, 29 R, 20- 2 spud bod, rocont iilos. cuslom wheels, GMC. SLX, U 1993, m on, n 431-0374 or S4,000. Call 507-' locks, lots of OKiras, oxcol. bumpor pull, porloci con- 10W Piiolli Ures. Now 4X4 w/llatI.«1004 350. vo. 5 S S 'H " . " " ' Cond.S6250. 432-5580. overhaul.'79 20'closo I '00 F o rd Aorosti dition. garaged. 511,500. axle pup irlr. w/ 20' spud -hOCK...)Cks, Alplno CC sioroo, spd. GoO'ood condl S8500. ------1 $3,500.1-000-74:1-743-3326, - Call 734-9062, SHELL P/U shell for small bod. Cnll 200-934-5955. ^irgo '0 ° spoakor syslom. Call 431-51-534 or 678-3409. CHEVY • 1991991 Cavalier. 4 . ’92 Chryalor LoQ.- lonQbotJ, blown, 3 sliding 4-1252. '07 F o rd M ustan ^ 6 0. S7SOO. 423-5GGG. nal. Coll 200-32&-6647. | ~ ■I - I I inntyS14,14.000 543-6452 \______S3,250. Call nflo 1 VIKING '9G 23' rent lilr, 3 !: i 9 0 6 I LOADER. 1903, G44C JD I 4 _ ^ I ,,, , ,— 1“ i CHEVY 7 0 Ca nira, a must wny rolrig. 2 w.iy fuin.ico, loador w/3 ynrd bucket, i I 2 CJ Wrangler Is- c ,,.r ,ii o „ t , I HOT TUBS/POOLSJ awr,.ng, llko now cond. r 4°°4’s I 1-000-743-; ^ . Comploio rebuilt, soo to ' 4.0 AT, hord lop, s2,95 73TS'o'iSo"'’' 9' " ” " ’ , S5000/olfOr, 543-4944 ,VY '76 Scoltsdalo. F/T C6K.S13,'3,400. 734-9040 S2195. 733-9- 1/ U w ; 4 t CALt99Gw/oa20Do. can­ npprociaiol Cnll 423-4269 , CHEVY' 0 . , 0 » « . J 9 ^ ' opy S stops, GFI brookor Corsica while 'O'* ^200, lo WILDERNESS '91 2G 11.. PETERBILT.-GO. ^ wot kil ! now'lir' 7 Wrangler Sport, a° r AT VG S2.000. 1-60Q-74; also ificl. About 1 monlhJ' 5th whoel. Exirn nico & t of donning supplies 4 sol- 290 Cum m ins engine. I oxc S: Rolall-S5025.25. solI-S3COO: ■04V W Scirroc< !' clQ.in, inc. hiich. 733-9420 p[Plonso call 200-037-49G-1 ! 25-10, l( lust sool 734-1003 PI, 734.5720, 5 0 . C n ilj up vidtto w/ insituclions. Vo°ooVIAh%° Doos not uso ctilonno. 175 CJ5. 304 V8. I ru p u v Cn,^. Asking S4.000 Uko nowl > I TR,TRAIL KING TK70HT im- ; CHEVY^ • 7 8 hardlop & bikini. ^HEVY. Corv,arvotio. 1901. ’95 Ford Aspire,p :s 5: ,7 5 0 : 1982 DODGE ARIESIS , 11,1, ...... * 3 7 7r 4 plomonttrniler,4 0 'lenglh, .jq o , C odT-Top, 46K Call 587-7423. • Ploaso call20B-734-9160. 911 pi Also SOI 014 brand ! I t UTIUTY TRAILERS hjhyd. lolding lail, lO.OOx ; $2795,°95°C.;il73l807."°'- 4 spd. Excel '95 S uiukI Swilt, r 000.737-3422. Call (200) 507-74 1 1976 FORD VAN III„» ...... * 3 7 7 LA PRESTIGE - 6 person :VY '79 Blazor 4X4.' Sw.iriipoD nr^TSL^Snon'l cond. $ 12,000 hol lub, only S1295. Cnll51 TRAILER slorago van, 45', brb ra k o rro n d y " L ' wor°‘. CHEVY ?5”™ l '° “- s., 0,730-0.:0750 allor 5. '93 Acura Inlogro.; 324-7115or73G-3707. S 2 0 0 0 . W ill d o liv e t. st518,900, 200-705-9600 3 5 00 , ,A A T r u n s q ro n t 670-2655, ------loadod! S1 2':3orc'af.j ,30 19B7FORDnMPOi ...... * 7 7 7 '70 LoQaron. | (200) 507-7414 200-543-0643. —------S2500.,00. C.1II 733-3915. J e E MBOC,o,oW.L-„. ^ \ TRANSPORT TRAILERS — POOL, obovo ground. .0 Illor. 7 ,.0 0 0 13 ; a ongino. '91 O ld s CutI.iss 3'.-/ X15', brand now in MERRITT Commodily I CHEVYV Y '02 Suburban, 10- odo. 4.0 IS. work, S350. $7,500. Call 507-7o \ ™ ' ' ‘ ! 1990 FORD ESCORT!T lU iii...... * 7 7 7 box w'nil oxiras! S250 or Trirs, ■ 1, G.2 diosol, S3950 or rniles. oxc“ = » 5 42S351. 51 '91 N Isson Sonir toller. Call 544-2227. o»or. Call bosi oiler. 20S-708 S011. New 40x21 Aorolito snls : best oil. - r — ----- r “ S4.750. Call 507-C37-0900."''' 1987 DODGE 600 ii: ...... * 9 7 7 .5 hAvo., 04. 00 Ford Tompo, 1 S47,050 FET includod ' r u ciVY u v '96. club cab, JEEP '05,5C.,o,okoo.5-l=™ "?;:^"’2 30, S1,500. TRAVIS'96 End Dump ! YgVoO ;. s2200 Di,.734-j S ; Stopi ! in garogo. Call 507-7423. 9 0 7 I 000 m ilos. Londodl spd., AC. J io ,si,7 5 0 IWO GEO METRO 11 ...... * 1 4 7 7 Alum box. Alum wheels : „ i o,900 n f Cnll 736-0234, S7G0. 731- MOTOR HOMES A RVS Aif-rido a very l.io | 3 1 -1 9 3 7 _ _ i cond. S4400.0C Llkonow-• S30.900 ' CHEVYVY 1993 Sllvorado, JEEP. Wnc is,io.-,dodJ 1986 PONTIAC 600(i o o „ . „ ...... * 1 4 7 7 CHAMPION 1972,18’.mo- V I - I DYIDYNAWELD '96 SOT Low- , 42,000000 milos. Excolloni I '70, kopt 1 ' oriSna'l mi^ i ^sV^SO^C^illSQ?'/07-6900. lor homo, looks rough, b7"' 'c rolng., good cond. Musi‘ gon., nir com pressor. S5B50. S5 934-9060 ■ ^ « |V Y . ------: dowdolrosior.ilrrugoag"o| 1990 GEO TRACKERiR ■ 4 X 4 ,ii« 7 ...... * 4 9 7 7 500 to appibciato! S5700- rp, londod, groai cond ' NISSAN'OS■a9 4<4Kn|,Cab,: EAGLE'955urjummll. 5 spd,,. rnck, now liros, k work bench. 536-4613. ---- !t coll. S10.400/ollor I AC, CD p orbost ollor, 733-4891 . ------WE!/VESTERN '90 Convertible ) playor, S7995,1 oxcol. cond.,Id., w/oxiras. Rodoxi. w/lighigr. 1983 FORD BRONCCCO 4 X 4 ,™ ...... * 4 9 7 7 « o cnll 200-700-7799 Call 324-5'‘•S920. ______I S0500. 934-05;-05G4, intorior. $7200. -13' MOTOR HOME 21'. vory I lint hoppor. New larpu. ‘ 1002 I alum., new liros, S16,50C' p h p w c nico, SSOOO. Prowler 24' /YS '73 '..T 4x4, VO, NISSAN- •£ ompo GL PW, MERCURY '79 Cn 1995 SUZUKI SWIFTFT m i i i ...... * o 9 7 7 AUTO PARTS & ollor. Call 43G-3507. .Jsp^ .s ! F0R D '9l Tcm~f . Trovol Irailor, vory good I ACCESSORIES _ d.S1500.'o(ler;'051T storoo cn uiSO, 4 dr. low built '69 302. lOlIlois ol ox-1 • cond'., largo bathroom. | , c ab a CSC, VO, 4 foil bnr.•. KC i lights, fori; *"[; *^;c%ont;ond. S4900/- tins! FASTI Call 73 ""3>a255.| 1986 FORD BRONCCCO 4X4 luosi . * 5 9 7 7 AC,S4C00.CoI1324.6-176 I CHEVY -303 slrokof. SOO ^ 1 0 0 7 I sp'd.'s”S2500/Olfar; 'OO M I J?2K. ? ' SOOOO. Call, ^ Ip ^ ca ii 0^7- or 324-7103. miles on row overythmg, I TRUCKS 4x4,VO,VO, 4 spd, S-I500,'oilcf. I ^3j -01()-i MHRCURY.C..PIirpi 11.1976, Koilh Slack, Miiidon.Ecllo- ^ Dovo'ss Aulomollva'JcromoAl ------i FORD '95 Muc•lustang, exc, AT. looks S runsruns good. 1988 MAZDA RX7',= i: 111, ...... * . i 9 7 7 ROCKWOOD 05 molorho- b«ok, S3000 invostod. CHE:HEVY 74 Suburban, Liko 324-3121-3127 or 324.1252 ^USU Krg-'94 sido kick, 4 . cond. havo 10;l0 S00 35Kmi S700/ollor.Anglo9;10 934-4965 mo. 27' Ford moiof. 34K now, complololy rocondi------V M /F M c n s s ,.; S12,000/0lt0f: Sl200/o(lor-mny undo. "Os 1995 FORD ASPIRE.E „ . , . i ...... * 5 9 7 7 mi. Loaded air. siorogo L a r r y 7 3 C • 2 0 0 0 0 r Horlionod. Only 3000 mis. on OODGE3E '94 ' Dakota, 4X4, S9250/OIIjflor. Call 324- , ------MERCURY, T o " ^ box. awning 200 764-2700I 543-2G12. rio^now ongino. Call Wayne oxiondondod cnb. VO, load- I 4552 or 32-324-2724 FORD-93Explcxploror, 2door. | low m llos. 2 nov ------i 4x4, 5 spd, . gc gold, loaded,! S7000 or bosi oil. ------a lal : 324-OOG2 or 734-374G. od.;2Kmiies G2K Sio,500or r r — rTZ i f o 2 p ' 1993 PONTIAC GRAI[AND PRIX , 1 » . . . * 6 9 7 7 ROYALS 05 InlornalionolI TIRES-Likoi now 501 014, — - ,Cnll200-G54-255l. [ TOYOTA, '92 1 King Cab. , 61K milos,, groatgi cond,! G77-4312 orG70-5 ,5th whoel, living tm glido P2 15 rims and hu b s. CHE;HEVY'75’/.ton, 454 Au- I ------— ^ , 4X4. 4 cyt.;yt.„5 s p d . 6GK $i2,700/ollor,'or, 735-2112. I ------S125. AMjFM car sioroo ' 0to, . AC, PS . Sholl, oxc, DODGE,JE. 1979, 4X4, good i mis, voryy (clean. S9300/- ! ------1 MUSTANG '900 55 .0 G T ,] 1994 MAZDA B23000 0 „ . . » ...... * 6 9 7 7 Id. S9,000- nmg, propano alarm & S25. Coll 735-0503 cond., S1550. 324-2022 COnd.I. Runs Ri gronl! S3100 | oiler. 730-05-0920. DLR, ! FORD 1979Thurhunderbird, 1 ! Qood cond. ■ moro. Light panoling . ------— or best 0;,...'l.,Ca.764-2.IOa 00 miles, mini j oHor. 734-6001,''^36-0619 73 1993 GEO PRIZM Ii; ;HEVY 1970 '// lon PU ------■ n m ...... * 7 9 7 7 Ihroughoul, oxc. cond. g 33-1I00 j MUSTANG. GT, S13,500. 702-753-3017 I 1005 I ‘^w/!w/Brahma camporsholl, DODGE,5E. 1903. 1 ion, 4X4, ; AT, AC, si ANTIQUE AUTOS S1500, Si£ Call 934-5019. sorvicoice body, I VO. 4 spd CD, twingg pkg.f 91K mis.i j FORD 1908 EscEscort AT 4 londod w /oxirasrL V S I |995MIISIIBISHIPI(PICKUP ,11114...... * 7 9 7 7 RV BUYERS! & COLLECTIBLES ^ Excol,tl, cicond. S4000. Cnll excol. com2nd. undor wnr- I dr. 40 mpg. Excol.'shapol Exi I :HEVY 1994 1500 Vorloc 431-543- 731-5619. or bost olfor. 702-7£ SAVE MONEY ' I 5434 or 678-3409. lanty S20,Qi1.000 733-3540. ! $2450. Call 731 19l8CHm01£T3/4''4 TON 4X4 ,1111! . * 7 9 7 7 CADILLAC 71. 2nd Own- VG. VG 5 sp d . LIKE NEW, ------01 /iirormounijin Motor ^ g Cnb 4X4. Homos or. mint cond., SOO K mis. 35.000 35. milQS, S12,500, DODGE.5E. Rnm,'l994, I 1500 TOYOTA-• 1993 1! 4-Runnor, I FORD. '95 Cobi;jbiaMusiann, NISSAN'OS King C; i, short whool baso, loadod, suriun rool. cuslom ; loadod. low mlNmilos 5 spd. w/2- lilt,, w/roiib.ir,w/r 1995 for d RANGER Exil 155, Wondoil • $2S50/otlor Call 037-4751 Call 543-2903 or 543-56-19 w/VO, Sf E R .ii iii...... * 7 9 7 7 DOO, Call 544-7551. whools, rurrunning boards. ; 519,995, Callall736-03G4. 7 S2750. Call 734-2C4-2613. 9.5.Won-Sot, f CADILLAC 1971 Eldorado CHEHEVY '72 V. Ion. Excel- — ,500,423-5779. , ------:----- ■Solos •Sorvico* Buy lont shnpo. S2000. Cnll F0RD'7C.■70B,onc.X— .,00 ------I FORD, Asplro.ro. 1995, llko NISSAN'09 240SX 1991 GMC 3 /4 TONN 4 X 4 „ i » ...... * 8 9 7 7 , conveniblo. 90^» rosioied >d. sporiy. •Sell -Trado SSOOO/ollor. 726-5909. 543-0643. AT, AC, Iill, vory cloan, TOYOTA 1!1984 4x4 PU, I now. Now■ llros,Ilr vorv sunrool. 5 spd. • Como soo ouf Quality inoso ongino. S4Q00 or ollor. 73-1 Iis., S5995. 73-1-65-lG $2900, Call011543-0643. clean) Japano! 1996CHEVROLCTCOMRsicA ,1™ ...... * 8 9 7 7 TAHOE Trailors modo by CHEVY C '71 SS Clievollo, 4 DOCODGE, Rom, '07, PU. ' ------Sloreo/cass. 5 .1 ,'/jlon.4spood, Runs FORD■ 02 02 F-150 oxt, c.lb, TOYOTA ^nn^^n Sion NISSAN '96 Ullimalima linlod Thor (manufaclurors Ol sp d . P S . PD, cuslorn 5.1, 200-543-6990 windows, alarm, C ...... Altstream). . . . alum. riiTiE, no ongino, Oro.groflfi S3500, 934:4764. , -ix'l, 300300 ci G cyl. S3500 SR-5.S15.C ;.c o p ia y . 1988 DODGE MK m ccCONV,VAN ,1)017 . . * 8 9 7 7 Financino nvoiloblo. S2.0QO/ollor. 735-0949 avonlngs 7337152. or 324-5251>51. 1 GEO-90 Slorm.m I oxc cond li^ko o v o r pr CallS3$-230r. - ORD V. ton.. F-250, w/ ------I lowml. S550500 or bosi SIO.OOO. 731-5474 new block. 390-4 bnrrol. FORD05 ton 4X4. TOYOTA. '9'94. 4 cyl. Now ' oiler. Call 200-: 1995CHEVROLETCOICRSICA ii:iis . * 8 9 7 7 F0RD'G4T-Dird, PraiiiQ "CW PONTIAC '8G Flor SOUTHWIND '87 20' Bronzc.Vvhiio top 2nd Auio. low mis., AC, S3700. Tan 8i brown.bre S3200/oHer alum, wheeloel3 & liros. Exc. ; ------Fioro, Ro- iro, 3-dr. XFI. buill m olor, air, Class A. Excolloni cond. Ownor. 91,000 oiin. milos, 543543-010G. Call 733-5657 | cond. S9995195 00.735-0166 [ GEO '94 Metro, m irec^ 199SVWJEnAGUij , » ...... * 8 9 7 7 S20,000. Call 670-7793 14,000 on rebuilt 390 VO 7 7 ^ ■ ! sharp, S3495.95. Dir. 734- windows. Soo lo a ORD '79 F-150 vory FORD'RD'05F-1504X4 ■^3^5j - j 5760,731-1937937. ale. Mako ollor. 53( ongino, oir. Proiiy cnro & strong, " 4G0 VO. now up- w/cnmi;nmpershell. Musi i l K 1996 GEO METRO 4DR4E HM D ...... ^ 8 9 7 7 9 0 9 1 supor ciui5or.S4250. lolslory. nailer lowing S Solll!Solll! Now ongino l l V A N1 S& BUSES I GMC 1993 SuS u b u rb a n PONTIAC '91 Grnrjrnnd Prix Call Urry 543.25GG. SPOUTING GOODS 3rakoCOS4000733-920G S4000/ollc '.inno i S20,000.725-5:G-5909. SE, 53.000. VG, 2 dr HUNTING SUPPUES p ; shopo, S650Q. 733j S i S ' I988JEEPCHEROKEI(EE4X4 I1M51 . ' . , . . ^ 8 9 7 7 FORD - 196G Wuslnng, G ^ 7ORO ^ '79 F-250 r. Ton FORD '00 '00 F-250 4x4. 0. 1, I 1 ownor, G{Good condition. I — QOLF CLUBS New Royal cylinder, runs Qood, oadod, Wllh 10'//campor. cnb, 7 7 ,3 ,: d lo so l, Woll Call543-54‘5452. i PONTIAC '95 Boni 1995 TOYOTA lACOIOMA im ;7 . * 9 9 7 7 Vonom Irons, 3 thru sand- _S16OO. Call 76-1-2727. • ;mi 200-130-3495. mnlnlairilainod. 432-G653 .— SE, PS. PB, PL. Al wodgo, S199. Plonso FORD-TORINO c, GT .-Vory ' ovos. or ( g u a r a.NTEED n - I'loH- 0X1. worrani call 324-2429 I 3RD 1976 F-250, Cnmp------•jC ml, $16,000, S73C i S I993MA2DAB2JMDO EXT CAB iioiD s. * 9 9 7 7 i nico rostorod '71 , 351 ' 'jr e Spoclal, auto, AC. ox- FORD'09 '09 F-150 4X4 XLT. sivo sioroo00/cass. Good AUo boloro 10pm. HARLEY DAVIDSON golf 4V. 4 spd, mognum J’'.'ondablo step burapor. 302 VO./O. 5£ spd,, S7900,'Ol- li'osl 04KK mis. 1 $2,050. whools, ote. SSOOO. Call T992 NISSAN M 4 , : ...... * 9 9 7 7 carl. gas. S500.00, Call , IOW c a n o p y , HO ro a r for. Cnll:nll 532-4004.£ Ple.isocnll2,ii2Q0-543-699a. T h e T imBS e s N ew s PONTIAC '95 Gran for more details 726-7242 dayi 200-543-0394 or springs. 169K. S3500/OII- ion, 1904,7 pas- g u a ra n te e : ovonings200-543-8917. J doys or ovos 700-5044 •90 F-150 4X4 XLT. VW.Vanagon 5-7-«07" 1994 MAZDA B300000 H im ...... * 9 9 7 7 ™ ? .V\C c , powor. nil, low songor, Mochanically M mercharS m '"' • T " ' , FORD. Ft Falcon. 1969, 2 dr. 3RD '09 Rongor. 5-spd., Soli Coll 324-0525. good! Call1200-733-3395. 2' aulOmOti\Otive in 7 PONTIAC 'O? 60C 5 I 9 1 0 N(jw ' paint. Vory good in- '" y " ' 199S MAZDA B2300E:1 EXT CAB , 1™ * 1 0 , 9 7 7 2 lerlor, S2000. 543-620G. 51-cyl, 3 ^ Fl, looks llko now, c n a n '91 -oi Exploror. 2 dr. g------______--- , d a y s anc I TRAVEL TRAILERS J j360.^0„. 734.5700, "3', 1020 ostateini I. S9000. Catl 324- I ‘ Si Ifn 1 5 d lis a y s looks lanlastlc.“ S2 b™o"or 1991 MAZDA MIATAIA ,11011...... * 1 0 j 9 7 7 AlRSTREAM 1985. 32'. MG. ^ MGO modol. 1975, 731^3^-'Q37. ______4309 loavoloa\ mossago. ; FOR SALE o r re ru n ththi o a d a n bosi oiior. caii 734-OOGO,734 AC. oiociric hitch, dlnollo, complololy ‘ roslofod, oxcol. cond. 2 lops. Ciil- 3RD '90 F-250 oxtondod e n n nI -92 -o- B ronco, high A M C'72 Hou-rnAt nrnn additional nnovillo. 1995 MAZDA B23005E!iE EXT CAI,lllll * 1 1 ,9 7 7 color TV. oxc, condiiion, ! » b X L T ,7 3 d l» .,,„ l.„ a S 3 ? ) r ? a p o n t i a c . B onnt ish rndng groon, 423-5950 but doos not burn shnpo, onlynly 58K.'bosI of- ‘S a S rdlop. Call S12.500. Call 734-1231, ' ruck, rool workhoroo, nnnw 4200771 or 700-0035, - D2V/8.a u t0.w/OD., fer423-401C1C ovos.&vArxJo. foe fo r thiifu e 1 ir Sifool'.,rs ;7250^D„. 734.5760. g .'p100. S CMI 733-9200 ^ 1995 MAZDA 6 2 6 IXI X , ™ ...... * 1 1 , 9 7 7 1006“ I " S o R T i ^ ALPINUTE '03 51h whool I oTX&mS: mav be ca S7500. cablo/TV ■ SEMI & HEAVY ------) '9 3 F -2 5 0 XLT, lionl whool col. cond! 1994 MAZDA 62 6 1W X , » ...... * 1 1 , 9 7 7 rojIoKO. 3HD, F-150, ,991. o«,o ^ ° !H. funo oood. early (or cu anionnn. microwavo, ■ EQUIPMENT FORI I c ab , 4x4. 5 spd, now shocks .c u s lo m o , S9000. CO.. 200577077-2105. cab:ab, G cyl. 5 spd. slick.. 5 looking. $16,500/ SJas 30 ml.1 gol. g now Iront c o n v e n ie r quoon bod. AC. oosy lo CUMMINS ci ongino Of 0 262, 77K'7K mis. Runs porfocil X 'P 1994 MAZDA .MPV'4X4,1101!... 4: * 1 2 ,9 7 7 pull. PU ovail. 324-2642 I , Call 432-5504 or alignmont.SS.$550.733-4947 the charca r a e will suzUKi, Swiii. i993 Runs goad, has irons, & S02<;0200/ollOf, 200-037-6202. 072.137^ fhes^rn-) condllionl S3903900.00. BUICK Cominiury SW '08. remain the CAMPTRAILER 1960. lair rodlotof. { Moko olfor. ------Ploaso coll 208-730'^C'9023.. 1992 GMC JIMMY 44)( X 4 , ™ ...... * 1 2 , 9 7 7 Ploaso call 200-543-4633. GMCMC'80 Jimmy 4X4. gronl FORD'951'95 Ext Cab Loadod. SOK mlleo,3, oxcol. cond, Shapo, Ico box, stovo, lur- ' TOYOTA '09 Corolorotlo DX noco, SIOOO. 733-1204 ^ l-w hoollng, m ust soo, warrantyinty loll, S20,000/ol(- Bost ollor,, 734-3077.7: DOZERS 1904 FlQIolls S3,253,250, 1-800-743-3326, or. Call 4! — ------69K mis. M ust «800 o iE * c . 1993 MAZDA 626 ES,!*-ES ...... * 1 3 , 9 7 7 .C "OS S o d a n . HONDA- 1996 A CAMP TRAILERS 1 14' (j, 14C. ' has had undorcar- '088 Ford F F250 Suporcnb, ------M D I L L ^ ' IG Accord LX. condl S5300. 734-^34-4753 riago work. JD 550C Ooz- S7.257.200, 1-800-743-332G, FORD' '9'9G 6 F-350. power ''0>’l bluo, 34 3* K mis,, liko dark nroon. 4 Nissan " Truck, St,200. FORO '91 GK ANYWHERE RER 4X4,11101 , * 2 5 , 9 7 7 Coll us for Iho bosi pricoo — —------Coll:all 507-7423. Bauor, 1 CAMARO 04 TRUC FORO 1969 dlosol. ion- 'OOTc)ToyotaPlck-up,S1.908. cond.. lo ior. S1500. Coll All pricos plus tax. tiito&S74,50tit Doalor Ooc Foo, i around at FC ■.™dod.sib5oo isg, 326-4645. BERTHARBAUOH dom, d PS. 5 ond 4 irons. Call:oll587-7414. OfbeslQla ol.or, 324-2037. CALL MOTORS soil-unloading s spud bod. ‘888 Isuiu li Pick-up. nico ------flood shopo. S0500, Coll shollholl 4 bod, S3.750. Coll FORD'OSW r .09.,-V6 ^ E Z a' DOWNTOWN WENDELL 0 i - 9 7 - D O D C S3a-6323 ______5537-S905, 587-,87-6298, 5-spd,1. mnnualmn irons. Orig- ^ | 32gg10.733-7418, 8 0 0 - iE i m i l ------82 OiJ Dodgo Rompogo. only inal owrownor. lOKmia. KfT '06 Rood Rangui, 24 OMC, o n ’82.2 ton, VO. 5 opd. S75C750. Coll 587-6988, Sholl,I, vory vo cloan. Ford CHEVY'80 I CCorsica. AC, ’/> H-, bunk houso, AC. 1 i, 8 'moving von, S4200/ DENNIS C DILLON warronly.iniy. S1S,500. 1950 now liros, doon. d S2G00. - ■ Afrill. oxc, cond. Coil 708-5059, offorWill offi soponiio.324-5013 MOUNTAIN M HOME Billerroolroot Df„ 734-1737, Cnll 934-5741749 ovonings. | t j '■v.

V I n s i dDE e M oney...... D3-4 Servingthche Magic Valley OM MU?SIT Y Communiry lulitor.>r:Aprj/C/7iif/i-71i-iWJ,, Jix/Cv/. The Timcs-N(News T u e siday, d June 17, 1997 .Sccciocio n D

Co^MING H a n s ee n s a y g o o cd b y e tt o o l d s c h o o EVEENTS J

• •T h e T w in F a llsIs Parkinson’s I Support Group will meet at 7 p.m. foday at the By B) Heather Abel KMVT Comm unityy RoomR . F o r m o re infor- TlrTlnx»New» coroapondcirt mation, call Don Arri\rrington at 733-8868 or ^ I I R ay Q ark a t 324-5013B13. 1HANSEN - Olma Ball’s firsfirst day of school was held in a two-roo•room brick •T h e Tw in F a llsIs HIi ig h S chool C lass o f b u ild in g . 1957 isill hold a reuni;union m eetin g a t 7 p.m. “I remember going throughIgh ithe front,. Thursday in the JosliiDslin R oom a t th e M agic d do o o r , I w a s s c a r e d b e c a u s;c e tlth e .o ld e r Valley Regional Aiipcirport kids ki( said it was going to burr>um down,” saisaid Ball. “There was a stainainvay that •A rummage sale i Jc is set for 9 a.m. to 4 went we up the middle and it se e m e d to IB p.m. Friday and SaiSaturday at the Filer me m( like there were t^vo rooms)ms upstairs M ethodist C hurdi,, locatedloc a t th e c o m cr of and a n two rooms downstairs." Fifth and U nion streeireels. She 5 spent the first half off firstfit grade JU in the small brick building. BuiBut, for the \\gr. M •A >ard sale andd baked-foodb sale is set second sc( half, she joined thea otheroi stu- < to begin at 9 ajn. SaturdaySati at the Ageless de;dents and moved into the newne\ Senior Citizens Ccnteinter, 310 N. M ain. bu:b u ild in g . “The principal tells me you c an •The Twin Falls BrBrew Fcst will be hdd see set the oudine of the old brickick building fro m 11 a.m . to 6i p.m. p. Saturday at the foundation foe on the football fieldield w h e n Twin Falls City Park,ark. For more informa- is w> e t.” tion, call D onna B ack:ck a t 733-2365. (Olma graduated from Hansiansen High SclSchool in 1938, one year afterter her hus- •P rtssu re cookerr lid testing \st11 be done haiband Virgil Ball. 1 from 10 a .n t to 8 p.m.'.m. Ju n e 24 a t th e Twin Their 1 two children are aal; ls o H H S Falls County Exiensitnsion Office, 246 Tiiird eragraduates. Stephen, Class of 1£ Ave. E. wworks o for Dell Computers in TTexas, e; and Marilyn, Class of ‘ •The Magic Vallalley Ccntral Labor manages a resort in Stanley. \ ] Council will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday at 'hrthree sons are also graduate;a te s th e S odbm ter’s in Buricy.cy. schschool On June 23, the school Olmana graduat-| •The Oakley Historstoric group is sponsor- ud /rom will be tom douTi, an( f u tu re ing a ‘T o u r of H omnes” es’ from 9:30 a.m . to 1 85raduates *^ of Hansen High Sch p.m . Saturday. lelearn a in new classrooms. Butiut O' lm a nnot o t sad to see the old building g •A seven-week dogdo home obedicnce “They needed it (the new school)schi and ^ class will start atIt 7: p.m. Monday at “it rcaUy^ dresses up our town,” shsl e said. Dworshak School, 102102 E. 19th St. F o r m ore ,SO lm a a n d o th e r c o m m u n ity rr g | '!; information, call Janan Harper at 678-5610 )f •Hansen were given an opp( j a fte r 4:30 p.m. to:o say ; goodbye to the old andnd hello to th:he e new June 6, when org:i r g a n i z e r s Ml**' 1 •The Gooding Airpor p o rt F liers A ssodadon planned a “Spring Fhng.” Cm1> has planned a breakf;a k fa st an'd o p e n house . The * celebration began with r thle . Nsnsen Class of ’97, tho last classcla to graduate from tho old Hanslansen High School are, front row frofrom left, Ashley Williams, Samathaitha ( for 7 a.m. to 2 p.mI.m. Saturday at the Jail game and followed with a Deluclo, Carol DiDrury, Brandi Coffman, DanlAnn Sc ] GoodingAirport. :u e. 1 School. Tfona Lewis, Devin OeUon.oon, Natasha Comlllos and Elolsa 0wltzer, , SeveralS residents and alua lu m n i o f Cori Beedoy, HoiHolly Stanger, Eml llleva and Ondreidrea Gibson. Third row. Do’Sha Wlls'Vllson, Cary Shouse, Brad Newlan, BBon Crockett, CR Call, Barney I 'The Magic Valleyllcy Cattlemen’s Field iiansen toured the schoolll a n d h a d Frodorlckson, QtycoBr Stanger, Ron Deadman, BrerJrent Norris and William Myers. ) Day is set for Saturdtu-day at the Gemstone unch, then bid on the itemss thatth were Polled Shorthorns RarRanch. For more infor- P®/jart of the silent auction. Item s for sale included tex ! mation, call Kelly or iLoretta Mai at 829- , te x tb o o k s , I------B— ' 5312orMikeorJulieFie P a tto n a t 934-4086. ockers, musical instrumentss arand their W(here ll to get caS'rases, lunchroom bowls, schoollool sports • Ranger-guided totou u rs of th e ho rse quar- iniforms, tables, mirrors, clockocks, t^e- 3i Imemento vriters, filing cabinets and pa ry at tiie Hagermann FossilF Beds National , ‘ I paintings hat once hung on the high would like a brick shoulc) coiv Monument will bee availablea< Saturday, j s '- vails. Coutter at 4 2 3 ^ 3 6 7 after Sunday and June 28. For more informa- ""y tion, caU 8374793. Tho festivities ended withIha r street m dla a n ce . T h o s e in a tte n d a n c e h a d miX'nixed feel- •A live liistoiy progirognun on what it was j J. n g s a t th e e n d o f a n e ra . “It was neai:at to see it go up and I’m like to travel die Oreg•regpn Trail is planned S] “I think it will be a better climatedin for glad we’re getietting a new one,” she said, for 7 p.m. Saturdayy at the National Park -he he students,” said Denniss Coulter,C but added thailat it was kind of sad to see Service Visitor Centienter on Highway 30 u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f H a n s e nn sischools. the old school3l go. (across from Hagermaiman High Sdiool). For uxS The old building really served/ed its pur- On Mondayay, conslruction workers m oro inform adon, cn a nll! 837^793. p j h lose. I’m sure there are a lott of people will begin to) teart down the 70-year-old hat will be sorry to see it go.”.” . sc h o o l. O lm a1 pplans to save a brick from •The i\merican RedRei Cross has sched- Hansen School Board Ch?Chairman • the old buildinling. uled a blood drive forfor 1 to 6 p.m. Monday i-_, eannc Gibson said, “I’m very;ry extitcd “I think it't would make a good door at the Moose Lodge on NortJi Lincoln. bout the new school. Fm looki3okin g for- sto p ,” she saidid. ■ .•ard to an exciting nexv start.” N e.\t fall. th(Ihe class of 1998 will begin •■‘Sex Can Walt,”” anai abstinence-based • Ondrea Gibson, who graduatelatcd from a new era. OinIma thinks it’s great, sex education class,s, \villw b e h e ld fro m 8 lansen High last month, hasiias mixed “A town dielies without a school,” she2 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Liy tluDUgh June 25 at fgej2clings about the new school.1. sa id . the Accelerated LeiLearning Center in Hanson High School studentsnts all pitch In to holp move Into thoho now school. Gooding. For morei information,in contact i— Don Davis a t 324-3205.05. ------•The Trinity Luthenleran Early Educndon X uB Pro)FILE------Center is accepting’ registrationsrc for the i I ----- G 1997-98 school yearar for1 preschool and kindergarten. For mornore information, call -v die church office, 825-S25-5277, o r R iidi Olson at 8294214. '■S m •The GoldeA Yearsrars Senior Center is .■ . - S i 1 sponsoring t^vo w interter trips this year. For m ore inform adon, call111886-2369. 8 'V.V

' f r We wan'mt your _ newws ri

Htt'inowibyou,wewaTttart to hMf about ft. ■~‘- Wa a n M Cmlch and JooyIOflyB(yant.!tliour}ob '------tointNipasawtthnmn a al b o u t r UATHn UtL/T>a TM>Km • ConnnnKyiMetlnCf. • CeWnrtim. Abovt•ovo: Mogfln Freestone, loft, Lyndl: Msgnolll,Mai contor, and MargI HolllflcIflold barbecue at Hansen High • SocWtvtnts. Schohth0 inso(th6 canmunttythatm t M a g ic V a l,LEY i Important to our rtadw t. B j H C o nnunttifE dK or April SlYMPHONYy L e3AGUE enrich 11 T h s T k w » ^ Purpose: To sup;>ortin ttlie M agic Valley ren d y selLilling symphony t-stiias. , P.O. Boi 648 Onr Sjinphony Ordicstra.1. I Twin F a b , 8 33 03 F o r mlore oi information contact Carmtirm a. J o ^ B o f r t MccLs: According to10 nne ed . Sm ith at t 733-2782 ' or Opal Manninglg atai T)wTta«»Newt • • 7350535. S26V2E:Rmi8LN. Dues; SIO for a regu];gulur member and |______: Buf1«)r,liU»8331B S20 for a susuiining mennem ber. p Yogean^nadinby Profile your club ( u a t 67 7 -4 6 4 3 or 7 3 4 « S 3 M ajor projeas: SellirJlin g season tickets The Timonos-Atotvs Would Ilko to profile maBuattwlnmemlcnn for concerts, reception;ions after concerts, yourorgjrgonlutlon. Sond your Informa- DMdllrMlortha&ndiypica■SSSaYoucMateo I selling and taking ticklickets at concerts, Uon alonong with your nome, a pholo ondi D w dB m fo f th a Thunday pai e ro fu te t ushering at concens,;, ddi in n e r before the your phohone number to Apdl Cmlch, DM dlkMtaihanwMitrpat• c a b noon W ed netday . E Deadline for th e Satuniay pai final concert of the setisetison, annual fund- Commur.unlly Editor, P.O. Box 548 Twin y p a s a b noon M onday. ID 83301. DeadltoelorttMWedneHtayi' p a c e to noo n FHday. . I • raisin g card party andd piproviding training Foils, ID ypacabnoonTM iday. for the'director. Tlie or(organization is cur- d ay p ac e b noon Frtdiy. > x l

: 5 £>•2 TImeiWm,TwinF#!!Pstlt. Idaho Tueiday, June 17.1 9197 9 7 TF CommuniNrrv Comm4UNITY Student C ts make‘ potteryy the okId-fashio)ned waay EVEIiNTS r ------1 ------^ ^ ANSEN - Students froma m M rs . a L * " Support groioup meets ;ri T rinler’s e : third-grade class at: Ht H a n s e n TWIN FALLS - The Twin Falls ' 3 ElemTientary < School learned hoih o w th e p o t t e r y . Parkinsoti’s Supportrt GroupC will meet at 7 A n aisazi s : Indians produced pot H a m b y p.m. today at thee KMVTK Community V o luLinteer n art tcachcr Susan1 H; W i M m to fo rm a Room. Please wear nnai a m e tags. -ucted the students on how to f tradition- D r. Troy W. C ra nle e oo: f Crano Cliiropractic & >lc pinch pot. They painted trac o r ani- and Pain Relief Centeinter in Rupert will dis- g a ative American Indian desigiu ( motifs on their potteiy with1 irciro n iox- cuss a “Spinal Carcc \VWorkshop.'' For more slip. They later complctetc t c d th e information, call DotDon Arrington at 733- H 8868 or Ray C lark aIt t 3:324-5013. ■ pro ccsc ss u sin g open-pit firing. Reunion plananning begins B i i i i ' T W IN FALLS -' Tl:The Twin Falls High School Class of 1957>57 will hold a reunion H meeting .n 7 p.m. TliursdayTin in the Joslin ■ R o o m a« th e M a ggic ic Valley Regional ■ ■ - 'i i '’-' — Airport. All ‘57 classiassmatcs are urged to H act end WM p Rum m age saleSc slated I FILER - Womenn oof the Filer United Methodi-st Churcii are holding a rummage M sale from 9 a.m. to •4 p.m, Friday and h B iV*’ ■ ‘ j Saturday at tlie cliurcJjxdi, locatcd at tiie cor- H fl n e r of Fifth and U nionio n streets. B Yard and fooi)od sale set 3 KIMBERLY - A. yayard sale and baked- UM food sale Ls set to bogijcg in a t 9 a.m. Satu rd ay K o n s «en n Bem entary School students fire theirt ior Citizens Cenier, 310 at tlie Ageless Senior < itudents who participated In pinch1 potpol creation were, from left, Nichohole Burgess, Chelse Rahr, Jason■on 1Keller, Miguel Orozco, Aaron Martin,Mai Andy Harney, potteryry In a fire pit. The flrtng Is the fininal al: step N. M ain. Jlason a s t M iller, lann Denney, Tyler Batesites and Travis Bair. In t h o> ccreation of their pots. Brew Fest scscheduled — A western barbecue and ththe e M a g ic 18, son of krac■ad and VirgWa Enriquez of TWIN FALLS - ThThe Rotary Clubs of las enlisted in the Army foror T\vin Falls are presenisenting tiieir fu'st Tivin /alley Oittlemen’s summer picnjicnic is set Twin FaUs, ha lEAK _ _ 11 bcjpn at 9 four years, acciccording to Staff Sgt, Jameses ------_ Clean BRI Falls Brew Fest fronrom n a.m. to 6 p.m, or 6 p.m. A western dance will b< H . A xline o f the t Twin Falls Rccruiting S a tu rd ay at tlie T\vinin FFaUs City Park. P'*!rm . For more information, cail11 Kelly> or Station. Enricriquez entered through the Participants may saisample specialty foods ^ !-oretta Mai at 829-5312 or Mikeike or Julie Army’s Delayey e d E n tr y P ro g ram a n d wiU and micro beer fromim j m ore than 30 micro XK) enlistm ent bonus, breweries in the Nonlonh^vest. Admission is ^ a tto n a t 93-W08G, receive a S6,00< rill a tte n d basic and advanced S5 per person. For moremo information, call _ Enriquez w it raining at Ft. Sill, Okla. His D onna Back at 733-2362365, Tofours of fossil availailabie SM- Proceeds be uaused for the Roy and 11 be Cannon Fire Detection Ml HAGERM/\N - Ratiger-guidedied to u rs o f Speci;iU.st. Verna Marie Raymonnond Memorial I’icnic ,, lie horse quarry at the Hagermarm an F ossil He is a 1 9 97 7 g 1 ra d u a te of Tw in F a lls High Shelter at Centenniala lP F a rk . Jeds National Monument w li bcJC a v aila b le Scliool. Saturday and Sunday and also onnn J u n e 28.' I M u ' A Cooker lids> ttested ®TThe Hagerman Horse was firsi RublaituUS e n lists :: TWIN Fi\LLS-Thelie University of Idaho ;re d a t tiic m onum ent and is now i ) individual TWIN FALL- L S - J a s o n D. R ublaitus, 17,7, 'Cooperative Extensioision System is giving ossil of Idalio. More tlian 120 in< , and Pat Rublaitus of Twinin people a diance to get a jump on tiie sea- lorse skulls have been uncovereiered at tlic son of Doug a IOSS d in the i\rmy for four yearsirs son’s canning. ossil beds. D uring th e tours, visitorsvisii wili FaUs, enUsted x: able to observe an actual c.\cavccavation in according to Sgt.S, Jam es H. Axline of tliele ' t Pressure cooker lid itestin g \vill b e d o n e ^ ‘ : science of Twin FaUs Reilecruiring Station. Rublaitusus b ’ '- ■'from 10 a.m. to 8 p .mm. ..Jime 24 at the Twin P*"®jrogrcss and leam about the sci ough the Army’s Delayed;d Falls County Extensioision Office, 246 Third jaleontology. entered throi Ave. E. This wiil be'tle the only time testing Participants ^ should meet at 9:309:3C a.m. at Entry Program,m . s will attend basic and \vill be done in Twin,vin F a lls county. L id s , lie National Park Sem'ce Visitoritor Center, Rublaitus ocated across from Hagerma■man High advanced inm 9‘ a.m. to Steve McMuUe r fur years according to Sgt. y in R oom 119 of th e FinF in e A rts C entcr a t th e 5! p.p.m. seven dayi a week. For moremo infor- 'he Army for I ;t. James H. As\xline of the Twin FallsIs Zack Slotton successfullyly br b re a k s a board os classm ates TyleyIer Dixon and Erik Jasso watch dur!during College of Soudiem1 Idrman H ig h H e is a 1997 f kdiool). Sdiool. T w in Falls SenSenior Citizeas TriptcI to Jackpot. Bus leaves at 1 p.m.),m. a t 733-9554, Ext. 2557,>7, o( r 734-1101. Participants will learn about tlie • CcntIcnter WedniInesday C oncepts Jazz wilili ja m w ith players an d ^ tlie people, ixperiences and challenges of t 61GEostlaiitland Drive Blocxlxl pressu re dieck s. clinicians from the! 1997IS Idaho All-State 3^ t s ’ journey, ll i e program will c K eh rerccom m ended Dinner served froifrom noon lo 12:30 Thurar s ^ y Jazz Band during “TJ“The Future is Now” parking lot. JEROME - Marine Cpl, Cory J. p,m. Suggested donaonaiinn is S2.50 for Crafts[ts a t 1 p.m. from 7 to 10 p.m. SatiSattutlay at Java Twin 0 the Oregon Trail Overlook pari ring folding Kehrer, al991i91 g r a d u a te o f M inico Higli;li s c n io r i T h e cost is S3,50S3,: for non-seniors Fridajlay Fails. rhosc atten d in g may ivant to bring )le weatiier School, Rupen>rt, r e c e n tly w as pro m o te d to u n d e r 60 a n d S2,500 fcfor children under Bingo’0 oc 11:55 a.m. C oncepts Jazz a n d tlitlie A U ^tar Jazz Ja m Jiain. Be prepared for variable ' md possible windy conditions. his present rairank while serving with 4thth 12. P in o)chle d a t 1 p.m. Session will presentt JoJaz2 in the Park at 7 F o r m o re inform ation, call 8374:74793, Tank Battaliclion, 4th M arine Division,n, Today: Ham/broccoU:oU q u id io Salurcuxiay p.m. Monday at tiie; TivinT\ Falls City Park Boise. W ednesday: Barbecuecucribs Yardsd sa le an d b a k ed fcxKi sale a t19 9 a.a.m . ■ent fea tu res th e firs t _ bank shell, The event as promoted based on sus-IS- T hursday: CiiickenJl frfried ste ak a t tlic cecen ter. Idaho Ali-State Jazz: ErEnsemble. Admission K € Registration accepiip ted ior job performance and pro-•o- Friday: Fisli or diick(icken is free. EEDEN - The Trinity Lutheraieran Early fidency in his,s d( e sig n a te d sp e d a lty . M onday: H am ivitlitil ppin eap p le sauce VW est E n d Sen io r Citizens I n1C t Education Center is acceptinglg rregistra- A 1991 gniracluatc of Minico High;h 1010 M ain S l, Buhl EvErINTS ions for the 1997-98 school)1 yyear for School, Rupei>ert. hc joined the Marinele Activities A ll meals m at noon, Motjday throuiro u g h prciircschool and kinderganen. C orps in Ja n uu a ry 1992. Library, Pool Rooloom, and Bargain Saturda}lay, 1 p.m. on Sunday. Thrift[t sh o p nITic ccnter admits students ofDf anya: race, Centcr with cards, gga am es, color te leri- op en cvc•very day from 8 am . to 4 p jnn. . olor, national and ethnic origi prom oted sion, puzzles an d moviejvies. Open weekdays Todayay: C ube s t c ^ ELSEWVHERE ^ights, privileges, programs andS^dX" a Collins p from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. W edniin esd ay : C ube steak ------accc cco rd ed o r m a d e available to stuismdents at WENDELLL - M arine Cpl. Angela L. Todoy T liursday: rs Swedish meatbaUs he school. It does not discriminattnate on the Collins, dau{ughter of Robert A. andI d Blood pressure diedilecks from 10 to 11:45 F rid a j Labor councilcii m eets lasis of race, color or nationalll oi o r e th n ic Ja n ice L. S to)ckham d of Wendell, recentlyly a.m. Satuixi r ^ y : Chickcn bake BURLEY - The Ma,Magic Vailey Central orig in administrauon of its edueducational "-as promoted:d to her present rank whilele Wednesday Sundaday: M eatloaf Labor Council willrill meet at 8 p.m. poUloUcies, admissions policies, schcscholarship serving withh 1st Light Anti-Aircraftf t Q uilting from 9 a.mm. . Ito 2 p.m . M o niday: d Chickcn a la king overe r bI is ­ Tliursday at Sodbuster*:tor’s in Burley. and n d loan prognuns and atlileticc andar otiier Missile Battalaiion, 3rd M arine Aircraftft Linedandngat3p,np.m. cuits schcchool-administercd prognuns. Wing, Marine,e Corps Air Station, Yuma,a, Thiu«lay ‘Tour of Hom(mes’ begins Class sizes are limited. Scholholarships Ariz. Pinochle a t 1 p.m. Activiivities re available based on financiincial need Collins wasJS promoted based on sus-IS- Frid ay Todayay O A K L E Y -T h e Otakley aki H istoric group is a j,dnd a sincere desire for ChChristian taincdsuperioiior job performance and pro-■0- Q uilting from 9 a.mm. . Ito 2 p.m . Q uiltiiIting a t th e center. sponsoring a “Tour of Homes” from 9:30 j?^duration. jy Tlie school is locatcdled at 1602 ficiency in her;r designated spedalty. Blood pressure chedlecks from 10 a,m, to WedmInesday >a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. , , , E:.iio . I o s . A 199 3 g rraduate a of W endell High|h noon. E x erdrcise d a s s a t 10 ami. ■ Funds raised in1 pastp tours helped p,For more information, caU theiho church School, she joinedjoi the Marine Corps in Bridge dub at 1300 p.pm. Footet d in ic . re sto re Howells O perar a 1H ouse, an d th e new ffice. 825-5277, orR u tii Olson aat t 8:8294214. May 1994. Sattu'doy Thuistisd a y goal is to build a m uscum se u . S u p e r bingo a t 1p.m5.m. . Q uiitiiIting n t th e center. Cost is S5, and touiours start every half g Hamiltotiin Joins exercisea S un d ay Bm go;o at 1 p.m. hour from tlie HowellscUs Opera House, 118 Service Dance from 2 to 5 pp.m. at tiie center. Eveniin in g lun ch a t 5:30 p.m. and cardsards. 'N. Blaine. JE R O M E -- Coast 1 Guard Petty Officerer ThccostisS2.50perpci•person. Fridaj[ay 2nd Class Johnhn A. Hamilton, son of Jolm M o nday E x erdr d s c d a s s a t 10 a.m. Cattlemen seset field day A. H am ilton of ol Jerome, recently partid- Q uilting from 9 a mm.to2p,m. . I Saturtirday NEWS pated inajoiniin t-sc rv icq e x e r d s e w ith mil- E x erdr o s e a t 10 a.m. ‘ HAZELTON - GGemstone Polled ------itary uniis fronom other nations while serv-V- A geless Scni(cniorCitizcns Mondiiciay ivtooth Cattle Co. are M i Shorthorns and Sawto ^olyneux commissicSlOned aboard thehe U.S. Coast Guard Cutterer 310 M ain SIl L ^Nt K im berly E x erdr o s e d a s s a t 10 a.m, hosting the Magic: ValleyV j Cattlemen’s , V alian t, ho m ec ]p o r te d in M iam i, All dinners at noon.)on. Suggested dona- Eveniin in g lu n d i u t 5:30 p,m and cards.irds. T W IN FALLS - Daniel A. M o1>tk F ield Day Saturdayay ai the Gemstone ilyneux, .son H am ilton trar a in e d fo u r w ee k s ^vitl^ mili-“ • tion is $2.50. f R o b e rt A. a n d Christine L Molylolyncuxor Polled Shorthorns Ranca n ch . ^ om Antigua, the Bahamas, Filer Seniorllaven Win FaUs, has been commission s, Wednesciay: Meatloa[loaf . A junior heifer showlow open lo all breeds Twii iionedasa Bafbados, thi;he Dominican Republic, F rid ay : R o ast porkk 222 M ain SL, Filer ccond lieutenant through theth e A rm y j starts at 9 a.m. andd i:is followed by the sccc 1 Jam aica to provide them M onday: Cook’s choiihoicc Dinnenei-s served at noon on Tuesdle s d a y ;escrve Officers Training Corps p junior jackpot steer*r s sh o w (e n try is SS). Rcs< ; necessary to enforce lawsvs a n d Th ut rs d a y a n d a t 6 p.m, on Fr rid ay . fter having received a baclielor’s Open pen judging is aatllojn. t: aftei '"■d'oSafo'[0 drug-trafficking through- Thrift shop open Monday-FridayMc from Suggest!Sted donation is S2 for senioe n io rs . ■om th e U niversity of Idaho, Moscc : The Valley Futuree F.Fa rm e rs of A m crica *roiT , out the Caribibbcan. Areas of training'8 9 a.m . to 3 p.m. H o m e: ddelivered meals availablee eea a c h The lieutenant, is a 1991 gradr a d u a tc o f C h a p te r will provide* lunch,Iu and a scmmar Tl vigation, seamanship, dam-n- m eal tin*im e. win Falls High School .with Rodger Hunsleyy bbegins at 1 pjn. He Twu a g e c o n tro l, law lc enforcement, militaryy Activities Todayay: Sliced tu rk ey ^vill show and d isc uiss ss the structtiral cor- , , rea d in ess a n dd c^isaster preparedness, T oday T h uisd is o y : SUccjd m eatloaf rectness of muscic! arand bone structure t-nriquez n begins trai•aining a 198S era’■oduate of W estern High;h C eram ics a t 1 p,m.L F ridlay: a j S ausage gravy done on a live animal,tal. Games and sodal vie, F la ., h e jo in e d th e CJoastst TWIN FALLS - Israel G. Enriqr , r i n i t « i r S d to o l o f Davi« tim e a rc planned fo r■the tiu afternoon. ^ a riq u c a jr .. G u ard in J u lyyrl991. 1 In s i d e Mulual funds ...... 00 4 M(ONIEY M ark ets...... 0. . . 0 4

The Timch-rh - N c w s T u e:sday,Junc s 17, 19977 P;lR C D - 3 nviaarket in brief DramatItic boost ilin PG sales Stoc:ks’ dayr mixed;? Ju n e 16. 1997 DOWdn(Indusirials) NYSE pushes> Micron p:)rofits high'her BBy ■ _ Nascidaq bre^aks recc:ord ^ ^ ^><0 A s s w i a t o d P tc s s P•rofits n for the first nine mmon o n th s of th e.• Icompany's fiscal year hhit it S 72.3 llion, or 77 cents a share, ccom o m p a re d Tho Assoclatod Press d in e d to p u sh th e m a rk e t dow do^ n as th e y ------___ N/UIl’A — A 30) ptpercent increase in milli only S18.1 million, or 20,0 cci e n ts a Vwere to fuel another recordord-breaking S&PI P 5 0 0 AMEX personal computeiIter sales pushed to oi ;lnc. profits up near- shanire, during the same periodiod ai y e a r NEW YORK — Siocks turned mixed r Micron Electronics Im ie third quarter, the ago.0. The 199G earnings were;re di a m p - amid profit-tnkinking Monday. The Dow Also weighing down thelie Dow1 were iy 40 percent in tlie t od by a S29.4 millionn p r e t a x Jones industrialials broke a streak of A / m erican E x p ress, dow n 1, 3/83/J a t 75 1/4; J m m ^ Idaho-based compaipany reported on eiioc r e sstructuring t i charge laken;n d u r in g rocord gains, butJt a late burst of interest ProcterI & G am ble, do^vn 1 3/8 at 1411/2; M onday. It second quarter when saleslies of ihe in technology stocl.locks iKJOsied tlic N asd a q and a Minnesota Mining & Man^lanufacturing iHM Net income for the Marcii-May peri- tliat ;0S brand PC system werere discon-d index to a n e w higl;ligli. Co., C dow n 1 a t 97 5/8. ___ od totaled S19.7 millilillion, or 20 cents a ZEO luod and the MinnesotaIta p l a n r T lie blu e -c h ipI DowDc average fell 9.95 to Declining issues slightly outnumberedoui S&P MMidCap NASDAQ share, compared lo) SlS14.1 million, or 15 tinu ised. close at 7,772.09.09. At one point in the advancers a by a narrow manlargin on the cents a share, a yearir e a r iie r. d o s t morning, it hit a hihigli of 7,^95.16, but by New ^ York Stock Exchange,;e, wherei vol- Revenues duringlg ttlie quarter were ReRevenue during tho first threehree quar- tlie d o s e , th e Dowow failed to keep up with um ii e cam e to 414.2 m illion shaishares — a big k, ' up almost SlOO milliilillion to S51I.4 mil- ters•s of the 1997 fiscal yearir totaledK .44 billion compared to Sl-3 I its recent bUstcrinjringpacc. dip d from F rid a y ’s 5G5.9 m illionlion shares. MT lion, largely onll i'an S8« million S1.4- 1.3 b illio n T h e Dow h a s gainedgaii more than 20 per* Broad-market indexes werewe mixed, flH I increase in FC saklales to more tiian they: year before. cenr this year, endinding last week with its witli v tw o n e w highs. S382 millinn. Trile il company announcedd eei a r l i e r sixth consecutivtive record finish. On llie technology-heavy Nasd:isdaq compos- NYSE Diary And corporate offitialsoff said sales thisis month that il willv ill b u y could have been hightigher had it not been Netl-tl'RAM E Systems Inc. of CaliCalifornia •Friday alone, thele EDow rose 70.57 to close ite il index, w h id i h a s lagged1 otiother indica- Advancnccs; 1,253 Nc'v higlis ;at 7,782.04 after: comingco wilhin a third of tors ti on worries over computeiuter company ------for a reduction in priceprii for the compa- for S14S million, increasing ils;s compel-cn .•eness in serving corporatee cco om put- ;a p o in t o f 7,800. Pprofits, jum ped 8.92 in lateite trading to Dcclinc:ucs: 1.291 299 ny's low-end PC systiystem and a shift in itivei "We can’t seoeo the market gain 70 close c at a rccord 1,431.95, i product mix towr.rdli thattli system. er ntn e e d s. '=■ U n c h aun(>cd: n 851 New lows points every day,"y,” said James SoUo^vay, straight s new higli. director of researc!irch at Argus Keseftrch in SoUoway called the gainss a “' catch -u p " T o ta l issues;is; 3,395 7' * New York. “Folioillowing six consecutive by b technology stocks folio)llowing last 20 Rates dec'dine inTreassury bill aucticcion sessions of relativitively strong increases, week's v middling performance;nces. Boosting CompositeIlcvnlumL'i 51 2 ,3 4 6 ,1 2 G some profit-takinging siiould l)c e.xpected to the ll Nasdaq was Intel, up 22 3S39/64 a t 147 ,996 av,avt-. com p, vol.: 4‘)7 .3H ,770t Tho Assodatcd Press s in cCO t 5,03 percent on Feb. 24. set in." 23/54, and I3cll Computer, upup 4 1/4 a t 115 ' ------rhe T h new discount rates unden d e rs ta te Af H e n o te d th a tI investors in were as disin- 33/8. " WASHINGTON -— Interest rates on the: actual: return to investorsirs - 5,01 short-term Treasurytry securities fel! in percrcent for three-month billslls withi a _ Mond.iy’sauctiim, S10,(0,000 bill selling for S9,876.G7G.60 a n d America;an eagle on quartersq may giveg way to stJtate symbolsb The Treasiir>' Depajpariment sold SIO,7 5,311 perccnt for a six-month bill;bill selling billion in three-montl)nth b ills a t an aver- fo•S9,742.20. r S' Tlie Associated Pross£SS______R I oben R u b in \vould dircct tlie]ieU.S.Mintto 1 each yearr Ifor 10 yoars, replacing th e a g e d isc o iin t r a te of)f 44.88 percent, down n In a. separate report, theJ Fl‘i e d e ra l !produce 50 new designs, one; for e a d i state. eagle. from 4.94 percent lasthu week. An addi- Restserve said Monday that th the e av er- WASinNGTONDN — 'H ie m ajestic eagle The familiar profileJ oof George Collectorors bored with the same olold tional SIO billion wasvas sold in six-monili agee yield; for one-year Treasiir>siiry bills, g racing th e b a c:k k oof the quarter for more Washington ^ would remain amand the quar- coin design:^ns are enthusiastically lobbjl)by- b ills at a n a v e ra g e rairate of 5.10 perceni, theL* mosti popular index forir m a k in g than half a cunturtury may soon temporari- ters t would be the same sizeze aand weiglit, ing for plarlan. Under a law enacted lastlas down from 5.20 puree:rcent. charanges in adjustable rateIte m o r t- ly cede its placcace to such critters as so s they'd work in vending maimadiines. But October,, I'Rubin has until Aug. 1 tto The three-monthill Ibill rate was the gageROS, fell to 5,72 percent la last st w e e k California’s bearir andiii Louisiana's pelican. starting s in 1999, five new desiJesigns for tlie decide, lowest since 4.7G peip e rc e n t on D ec. IG. f r o)m n 5.76 perccnt the p pre r e v i o u s A proposal befolefore Treasury Secretary quarter’s t reverse side wouldluld be issued Please see EAGLE, Pageje 04D T h e six -m o n th billI rarate was the lowest weel■ek. IP — Hi ™ Lmi cnono ICsAiOi . XH ' Jc'7 Rjim .80 S2'1 'H DIJD-1--H . -p>'"JiV n»lClri It] ■ SSJi T‘ K^‘ ^. I3-. ., toOs teo 2rv< C9f.ln J i uau .]X-I >(.*93 168 IM 85 -'t ftogtW* ... 24 ••.}1 M0STAC77VE1J1oik*»1 MiM ost A ctive (Si m wm] M ostiST Active itio*uo«() a q r i- 'i JJI, tv^en tis^t -4'. 4SJ .. « -i. Wjn .. D5H ■%% >t - 2*'» -IH C«.C>|J 3: Ull’.j K».* ■S Ut I .i; S £ ‘ 3 J;'* PtitlMors 04054 4S‘t» HjitijiXan 19675 6^^ -'.i Omciae 05141 52V ,» .V ,8 ISH O.T'cvc B''t lU m f ilJ 1/ *1 • t I CoiCm .. !$•> >09;»<« •I wtw ' 20w '*'« t — CiMcsi *!> 23W A% l,Cm ... 23'« -v. naco<^ t.i# 60'.5 -Hj'j ATSTs 51420 30V. .'/j TV//!VM 10511 e ”/i« -4» Cisco 70256 67'f.o • ” 5 l ^ j ’»» oigUie - JS’> .i’«- to sis ... 22:3 .. I c/«inc» 122 :iU -'.4 USILng 34H •'.< amrin ... 25^ .t CompsQ 41017 lOS'.Y •A'.l SPD ;PDR 8004 BOX. .i/j; ASM-MVl 68321 421n .1 V,(. AMMfi B}-»» OomBidg* „. t ' u - ‘u'i'sS“ 's';j I™''" 100 JS’.> IW IJ AfPPro* 1.li« -■;> 12 I3H .. noflApI - I •')■> WilMart 3S888 32^'» 4*1 CteiiieyhrWL 6584 4U« .V« Intel 6785814721W 42'.J . r . CunEnj IIR 69'« -?'« UOvru t1 07 22'.1 -*i S.7t«u209'.^ .Tl 1 OuPom* 35408 ssii ♦'.« JTSTSCoip 5474 1’-. -Vw 42Mw U m i J)>i uM 4JI. I. I C|?5«m ., uU .'.t U»mC8 - _ 8H «l Huora to 2»H Ii-., J , CCIT.1 ICWfl'>...l'«■•ST i :i ^ 23;> -I ^ C|T«W 60 2« -V. 40 ^ 3«-.t p??** ■■ ^‘,'3 ^ aJsJ ioc' tw^ ^ 1 GAJNERS(}:o*yo«) GAINERS{S2mH0I-12» 2S'.. Aitoxfi .. ^il dj,i«joij 64 ul::> uCThcu im .1. ■ ’ 54'wrr - *8^ iGoJn 4-4/n 4»4 -12.0 Nocpn«1n m 4--t .1 ^ l .5 4 2 „ ;? Coioin z av . 43'/j -IT .? UGa ; rr -"iii BS.' I ‘ AUn" .M -'I^ dmjX(I » -i-« miS a .-i 2 GrubbEl ir-^ 41-1 .148 CVDIVDFn 25V. - r i -110 InlUJlToiTot 2',1 4 " /« 447 8 Al-.,. K'i ."il "'i* AJ(Po« 1.75 M*. A« I M 31') Locse u 15?I “j! 5r«Mfl 03IH -'7!5 Luiui 2 .V..143 EXX;XXD rrt •’.< 4105 Conneinan 2'V- .1. .JJ3 a.7«.k M«T«, &4 »-.1 •>» I 3 "i! M 4 n -u.4 MukLB 2'.» .V.4133 Phif'hiNel 2 4<>, 4103 PrflErtunitun 4'i .1 .25 8 J, ■; s?sf' AaScrt IW K'.. *« MI n U i so 41'.} L o n t 22 ts M 42'» II^ AtUll* .M 7QV. .r.l Ov-Jl I . 3«H .»• UeuVn .ito nv, . 1, CrvSjj ' » 87H Ih s e h ^ i ’7« «4»ii ^^ Losers (»2o«-o«) L o se rs (t2 00 uo*t) Lo!L O S £ R S |» 2 o b m o m ). JO--, ^ IS- B. - Ucot IOOl 70-« ] M UD.MW .. 17'. .IV. - aJ M M'> *!u S cK4 lama tail Chg ’/.Chg mma■ ■-.tl Chg V.Chg Ci«on 15'» .H ^•1 (id ^ii I Dorfi. 3 481 e7:»-n;i lyona .W” ”2 a . , “i;;; s OIC CM -H tjl51A» ,„ aiJ'. -Ut; K “.. ".'5 •:" S ' AjtCW«» .. j n ’QUim .84 4l'i -H^ RlaHoM 32^1 -4'/: -12 0 C«iS :«iScl 3V: -',3 -125 Ffliral1 2‘-» - 2 5 0 O'P >4 USSt-AI i'XMX 4 I.M I’'i BIHCIl 1 SwmEijfi 3^1 -'/] -11,4 2ff-e :ff.8in 16',. -ir> -103 OKCSam >- UornSt .141 -H 5l«T.i,n ‘fJ’ Aff£.3 M -IHH I OmP 2,12 4«;,> .’.1 UOMA» .48 ^ ••• NKrCp 1*0 irn .1. 45* 2«M S«»Cpi 30 34H -'.1■’ PfimOas tn -V. -0 7 Emp ImpCar 2’.-2 -V. -0.1 OvCpwfi)W 0 4 - I - 2 0 0 AnC'r«1 ■■■ S:>; II ';|;Ju u-4P!in nH Sii'Uot itjrDu 5^ -*« -80 WxlaCmr Artjtrn 1 64 76n -1^H I EMC 4-.J Ujcrjlj l*J«a U «S0.«I25V. 4^H1; SunCoasl 4 -H -ao ln!»r :m n 2 \.-■% -18 5 A«.c 34 M'T -H V ^ Eneni.V'l 401 31',> •'/./. Keimv 10'.'. -'1 -7.9 00k )0kjcp 6^» -s» -6 6 PflivSjPijaP„ 2V. . . . .1 7 0 ■I ' . ” VC JS ■” 'IS iM 1ESKrlrt 1 00 23'» . . Ul/iell 3C1 1.3-/.I .i'l rSJrl^ IM ” 47 .'t A, CU.ll 4i;» 80M SoH '.U ■*’ ,1',. Fjt 33'.7 -)»•'* N«riiT« . •« .. 10. 10. jr;. .l’t AjuSw»» ,«4 « I ’ Diary Diary Diary '•J fi.v-rw ..32'><|.*« c.r.u<« AFr»ea. OS'* -»i I cSftOt* 17\» .V. tCAUi . _ 141. •'.« ,. _ AjTooj IM 01'^ AI I C m n-ni io a M'.i -»« U ijm a n . ,. FaSv .'si C-Tclca tux I6'.» J* «J)OS IM1-0 43 ... 18 -H■1 Aavancefl 1.253 AA;lAancM 283 Aovawoaxta 2,101 ., 3»w -’« Foceim ,„ 3<-1“»« 18''< -H S,0>lTc AUP I.W i,42rt -’1 fci ?n. ' 5Jmw>0«0 2 02f 31'. .'h )«l:iwa 203 DeclirwdWd 1,970 A,u:/51 ■■ J4H -V. FoioDr* . Ii'l'* » »»«ll M 48;. -M 5,M-- Anala}> ... M'.» *'1 ' " D«1.A(k) 1,201 0 « l » lt.VA.1 3CH -H iftTf.'.- .M «V. EnmOan j 42 ... Mcffc» .MlJUI 45U , Unchsnsod 051 UnciJncnar^od 105 Uncnangoingod 1,651 Anviv: {, E rS r ISe u24 .U UCOT.OJ M 71V. ^ l i s w 5,730 42’'«.IV'« FtMi»td 40'. ^»* (i.lOl 120 2S'. Sfnc«M l » 8SH-H« ■ " 55'* -l'l^ Tolalijjues 3.395 TflU■fllilijwos 741 TotnHisix H . 7»-« i/nxtl AftiUj K'» -U I NawH^jM 259 No*lo3 HuMWo _ 2;*4>;>4 j5ATAt> nacto .*0 uss;^ •»•, CtlSCO M'.» -2H M«OOr< 38JA M'T -ni 5ol«c«>" - '« ’■* ’5"J NawLowj 7 Nowlowlows fl N»wLcr«s.cr-s 54 A!rr«l Vj EMt'TK 1 60 2«'» •'.» 133iS 4SI| •« SooiVCo 1J0 2i;* -'.t;; Voiuma 507,082,710 Vo Cq^V/l 112 13H - t M» „jj-; 5onn 100 uSJH .V. De‘^'3 M'’ .'\U oJdi'g*' .. ■« 0».5,« 24'> A£tta«7 JJ3 21W I M 2*H -’1 SliloSln .40 4»H -H t SS>«.l-*u Outn.r .., 32H .l>t A*«sOl « IM9H E!h,l M » -a. twfcfl«__M -! o ^ i n u , " . « , 2“ MU -I 5io«K; .601 I4H .H Net »•> •'.. ii26'. •'» Auato'« lia 7m IH raOB I ISJ 47-1 M«.PL 20*2W 29‘» -\5 SlwTcn ... 40H .H4 52-W««k K, 27'.. Gw« S .. . 2SM .H Stlltvl* .., 48H ., _., HiBh Low Nimt ______Last Chfla Ch^ %^g %ChS 53 .'/« C»nr,m» ■ 2*' • r*.TO» 48 2iH w«*5«nu .. Omfilqpn ,. L25't .^ t Fan-J.i«a »4 u46:i -V; Mcoi 4424i-I4r.> 24 .211 StrW.m ,M IJH J'* i 7,70903 5.1MJ1 DowJor«lnC;jixiJiWals 7,772 09 - 0.9S5 -,15 .2053 .37.^9 ?'■' ' yv’* * FOirini .401 3S’« UxMn 64164F XI .V. SuoPs^ 2C0 I6H (ansponation 2,722.18 -10,499 - 71 .2 0 68 . 24 25 2 gP^7‘ "’ - ^ ,4 '’ tJv. 3o; FMlonl 67 K'.> .V. MaJSt 160160 23 Sunim«»» 40 »H .1 2.745.03 1.022.92 Dow JOWJ Tian 'jvj 1; -'u “* 4ni ‘!v! I, FksOI: ... n't ... MSDViB» . .MtA 4. ,-rt SunMtni 04 37H •').1 243 29 203 32 [Jew Jon«j W.!jiIjMjoi 224.43 -.177 - 08 - 3 48 . 8 22 d.oTc<1 . 23*» ^f?. DeSiMW ''S.*:• I S'l -V.V, Inuiwd J»t dJ2^» -4'T uattn 3iJ3i2 IIO’.» .H 5un»!n) 6« WH -V*;* 465.42 326.55 NYSE&Xnpot!otia 45501 -.166 - 03 .1 8 5 3 . 30 28 D«:Cm fliXS* l 68u8W..l»« l*reumn .l?5.123 32 .V. SyWrei ... 32 -*< 630,11 508.04 Amaxlndoi 620.17 -1.033 -3 1 .0 75 . 0 25 Oo.wCom .. ;; ssis g™- !toW47’-< .‘1 FCM^DO 160 U 4| MctiyoU .48 ■, 1,420.73 1,008.44 NaMaqCompoiipcwo 1,431.05 *6.022 . 63 .1 0 9 2 .1 0 57 ■' * li^SI ^ .'h lUniiAni SUulSTn V, FtiDjai 00 4 2U U^a» .. u28'« .r.« TJX .401 u4»H .H 3-^V -v v Ftiuc 232 S4 -it UuilcLd -_ r* 4^ TVXOa S’» .V.1. 604.00 DOS 88 S&P 500 093.00 4.633 . 07 . 20 68 .3 4 39 DWfliprW t.B7 ,18 IS'-» -H Tina«ni ,„ ul4U 392.20 4,133 . 03 . 8.18 .10 81 ii FI»«-/ne 180 M'l •'.! Wl'*!' ,'8 '» 392.45 250 82 nusjoll2000 . i ' j 1 E S' s:.;^ :S.. olnkl * « 9?(* FUProg I 2.10 2«H -'.I ntncpn . 30V. TtonArg 2.IS« S2'» -IV. 8.400.03 6,090.34 V/,lnhir85000) 8,410.65 .0.033 4.12 4 1 007 .27.26 FortU 1681 3«H H;P5C0 1«I » 1H< ... TUCkiM I84« 140rt."/^ It FMvmaO' 80 34H 'Vt rMuiIwi 197 C.:SO> 5 sa " (UffloO 'w 1 164 S4’l .U T«?Wie2 Mv! I ‘ }4.n< ktIcitit li'.t •'.«'.* P,>r.W„ lO .U U5DJ0 D«ui |« jjjj Fimv:»5 1 12 -Vj HtX-tf IW l,v, 19v '.'. p.mTcn 45'.. . f t U50^;i’n . ; V, FtiA 33 -'1 W5«r« ... 22;.* .IH T#tf>«ojn .Ml 2f.J .V* ■ . ;v. HcngA .., 2 '/» 4liH p»»tn. . 4S«,-1',. UCfri^hl‘ 337 > “ ^ttrtGut 132 YTD Yfo Ci-crvi Do^k ... !*'■• >H I i7'h "Ivj TenwK.I ,., 2SM .V< y Hir-ac -, 23 4i't'* P.lcoAn _g2fl'»».l''>* O.trJ'T 165 M'.. ' ^ N«m»______0I». PE Lj i I Ch(i Ch %ChQ Naina Olv PE PE Lail Chg SChg 70«, .-| t<.-,;nli . 25V«.U,« Po!i«irt| II .H D<4i» .600 >'1 ' IU .. Taona 120 4S'.« -I ti MU !XI un'H . I 1 40 21V. -Jl Tiftfrn _ 40^ 4j»»U . Al&eitsn .041 10 37'.1 - .i. 44 2 MicronEI ... IB IB t r i .8 0 ra IS'-. - !5v~! MSo lU 47\> -H < .. vC.! .H Tiuo) 340ull3'l .IV. ”AmofCM ... 13 5'Vk .5B McmT ,., 33 33 421t 4U, .450 u n'.-» •'.. UroO.lr Dttlfivy - 11^ -J-ls ab"I| I I :s js; V, AonCps 1.04 4 8 501? 422.1 MoiiKrud ,..13'.'. - '/. .4 7 2 u P..», I4'.t -H U.or« '*■ K ^ ... 10 I 48 34U Ih t*'uu' 2 m i S A ]5 p I23t IS'.» Uitrwt IOO u64ta ...... DMCWsiD „. 14 131» ■ 40 2 PacilCp 100 14 14 22’.1 .'.1 47.9 Cr-iccc. "'HH Sit’?"" . *.'* ■ ■ m s 15!! 5 E ss.5 S515 K f"'“ 8’4 -Vl Th«rCI| ,., 38 -V^ tk)i»C n .60 ' ... sr-pt - A< 410 5 PnaiUci I.Ofl 25 25 34>t 4 l» -1 3 2 .40 »V .IH j m Cot .„ 18 -Vl " . PrKfl.«n ., 17'. -JH viSi ^ I .. 2IV> .»< TVM .to 4I'« .Vl^ BoisCOfl B ,.. 10 i: -',1 - -10.1 Piomaik 36.1 10 IB 2QU -V. 429 2 . mC 'S'. i qSS ' im I n r^ i> .3 0 SmtFD .60 53'.'. 41’,'; 474 6 Clwctmii V PrS'p? " 2l'* W y*-':'"* BOMSc M -tw15 I0«'oa) ... _I4 4j'i 6«6>« 70 .li TlmiWim J8 4»H .V» CINaw C 1,60 17 34>* - ' " rl> :4ll4'^iw.2’nw Pte<&3 32’.'< v-.rcQP B0itT«n _ 31 1 COSICO „. 26 34'i'i. 4'M .V 438 6 Spiokoip 1881 23 23 36X. 4I, 4?.l C^-'cr. rV-tAia . ISH -H v « . eii KH •‘-2 ?MIM “S'* .H "i *'I? ^ Di«t»ld8 .50 28 4115 A t -.9 TJIntI .22 21 21 2 3 '* . 8 C|.M Cpn ,„ 11 Omwim . 47',} ."/>i ' S (KuoVmi.SH i 4"3 -A* fWK« 1.10 «'.1 -Mi »'>'«« 57 5’ »H .. T r v ^ .24 7IH ^4 FSoeCps F .68 17 27’A». -%-Vis 420 3 Tuptwiie .88 15 15 35‘l 4','. -2 5 6 " W Oooet»ull2 «lH -V. »Vw< 2M 238 uSBW .!« Tr»v»*rn .M 8M -l\*•» FiM p apf ,.. 23 511'} .1' 445.1 USQcOn 1.24 20 20 6 4 V . 4U-m . 4 2 6 C»ix®, ,;, :*4 ' 1' •“ er.? -I'.-j Q>^n &9( uSTH OtUcri 21 38'.'. .A , . 8 5 „ nfUcDn _ ulTH .l't jr.,,- 55. -H , g i J S - S;i 1 IOH S X ICO ICC 24V. -ll TlU*;KW ,121 22 H y elm 1.16 25 45’, t ' 4 4',* -20 3 UnvFd 1.04 21 ■ IWUC M *4'.» •'>.|,t ;Gf8C«n .. 13H O^OpI... IS'< -V» TiwTp „. I2'i» 'ii .Vl KovrlollPil ,561 20 53 '.., 455 Vathi .20 30 39 8’.5 -’,1 4333 & y r< « M l u a ^ n ... ISH , ,ju, CAIfTVn .IPp 37% -'.t 14 26’V . 4 l « 4 1 0 6 C«r.T*;« CNF Ttn .*0 Wi* OWfn 100 S3 OfTiWmu• '*** -J" TioonCP ... I4rt ...... lOahoPk 1,88 14 30’.t - -6 WashFod .881 14 6.1) 46>! JKoCm 37'.* .V. *.H ftMnliF 351 3S^ Ort•• J'** -*« Tupp«» 88 3J:« Keycorp K 1,68 16 5C'-* ,„ 412.1 WellsF 5.20 24 24 2S3'.'. -^V. 45 0 e.t. Tywin .20 681* 10 20H . ’,1 -2 2 .0 ■ .“S i5h I't "i OKot ... an -V. ■' LonovF ,W 24 16^1 _ ■ -0.2 Zilog ... 10 S h i . tI- 1 O.tfjvnii' 30H PECO 180 CfjFnCt' klaT" liu CVS&yp .4*6 I.49H ->3 I '2 ■" WUU* S' '»‘3H .IV» CoMiD '40 iTii w w S 120 23H .. usWmi 2.14 J7H -H copctpi> . r8'/» .•■■« Z 4}i<• IiS(n 100*^'? i ! 1« 02 2SV. .H XooKfl fl'.. •'I.2 n2Sl.’l 80u31’^- '!^ »Vo-UCr.» CUrwuv ... 41^^ „* 'luntjO ;a t « ’i 187 20V. !v* ■" ^ Horeoram«S2SmoUiicUv«itockiiks Ofl Ihe New Yoik Stock Exchange, thethe' 400 mosi adJvo on the o.Tcitd ,I CMal it D«'.» 0 most acUva on Amonton Stock Exchaiichanga. Mutual funds me Oo*ra^ ■" '*'} *l-.5 uSlKli ^33’” .-t^ 3S-5 ^ .. A, m«Fn IW M'.< *1 P*cCrt IS21i » 13” Ih *’■*■* Nasdaq NotiOflBl Marvats and 100 r 211.^ .\» L.6»oi .. ISV- .. n«5<*) . 3i't -Vt >*"• w liwOAtn _ u3SH .m Pao%p 108 a 1,115 iBrpMl. Sloda In bold cftano»ifled 5 porocnl of mofo in once,______... flwiCi. ... 33H _ 12 ’.M.l a. n. 1lOlW ... 30 -*» P*rrfWJr964 ------Cirri _ |J\> ^ COrPcj *9 1 Nama: Siocks are llslmi sipftsboiic:iScaify by We compeny s M nnmo nmA< 711 •''a Xirlance C*iwnJ» ,10 CO J. -u j^w .l* ^ P*JJP« ' ,1(1 Hi! -ij •'* -I rtoMp - «u.v-« Yihoo C*m^ .44 t>4l .J« •'? UCirtP ,75 47'.1 ii (nol 111 obtjfovttDon). Cooiponif namamea made up ol mftials cppear ol 20".'» .Vt ^l«Sir»n _ UW9 Joa io7’.» M lhot)«oinnmoorescManon'i»). AUl «A l'*> 05C Il !UI!ii:Pk 'm* U ..* P»!/A)l» IOS C«nSoW»lt.74 KM ;; IU«nl 32 UH ... P*»Clh _ dm ^ ' 5 - 01><1 Curranl annuAl dMtJend rata paidpaii cn slock, based on latest quar- a^S % ' m &t,T) J / 31’rt i„ ((.'.an 32 28-1 •'.» Pti'Sfl lady Of aeml»nnual dadaroUon. units:iessotheiwtselootnoted. ac OtwU 24W ^IM j ill ttS if an ,L«»t:Prl«« Sloe* was iniainoalvrtwnTen eichanije dosed (of the doy, I MI 1« 03 S4V> -2Vi ,„ HV. -rts 'ISff 3 “2 ' fSK ?iS1 WW USA»*ir •• 38'1 .V.1-, Cho: Loss Of (lain tot tha day. No cf'aJ'ao(ielfwllcatedt>y..,mark, »*vnJr 2JJI u70'.» I, Honr«l IOS u76'l -M Fn>£o .W 5 2 ; ; U3F4U.1 „. 3'w J* 0I» UU Chfl CiTatcE . 7’.-« .1111 Kfrfrg 16'* ••.1 ItojUOfl _ Hfiim - u2l’« 4lV. Pe-iOo 11 M*u . S2 33 SPOn I4I« 0 »y>* tM 3T>* •'» Ho«n00l40in I3'.i ... PrjK 1J8l « inw aJ USSurs .18 34 .V.^ Fund Nsma; Nanw of mulual fund enlend (amily, 0 « a I.H 07 ... rS iita h UnT»ch» 1J4 i«H .H^ Sail: Nal asset valua. Of p ^ ain tiidnkhlundcotldbosoU. ... UMIoi '.'■•’-N SPUd IU«I uJ S^V j'«! OtnOMt .40 3m ii HoKlPT 2 « 30V« •'.» PMlUrt 108 str!;144 *5H’-'1 rM UMKxn _ u«H .At BUJiirtiM IM ii4SH -H •*’ •**" Chg: Detfy net chanofl in IM NAV. |« U«wrOj lit. 4- CIntOd _ o w e J4 J .01 ' “'^'o •» •* acciin ... ll’.» I stock FosIiwIm: cc-PC pMM M K , s t i 4W 1 S i j I S '•* <■« tnr Sung narq d*y, g - OMSm] ” &iiSnlO^*piio»lnU.3» “S f t ? 1043 - S A.TP«I 051T.H 7 .'/» V luu» n p»U 521"**, g - CJ»«1nn 10 • • ■« ,jjb ul9H .IV. I, llirwi* 23'* PUewO 30 JO ISH -At WitgrMn 18 >dOH .HH c> USA *AMid ol 25 Pd or nora r Int!BJ S2 -tl. DN tp.O~ »«h eiM ol K*1 c« Ai»jyci I, nw> .10 ^3^^ ■*% Po^ino 28. 2»« u33H .4. WirnL 1.121 IO«V» tt UXKAvldand.u-NowSZ^tlowaunngki 5 - S S s ^ & 3!13:1. nJCQUi J2 37'.« -V« PoBfCn ... oh:, Wt>^WV 1.24 18H .Vltl mMl.1 U rtau noM . iMcMfid nCM ir t ?«^UOkruMU^m ain.pl-Piitoao4l!0-HolOor 107. I»'.« -H oWSUifl 10V* .At Co«,U3 - ... 2fl’,» I H oM*MUm*ntlt)()lp«tftMOla.n-R>- 1.1 - Una. M - Vltiwi OtSDuM. «l4.Vlh«iU«»l«1-W»iGnU. • V 2 U>TVre 500 lOH PortOC lis 1J8 41 .11 W.>wWrxMM>wita. U PlCSlt ■ 17*» .'.i TWA CocaCti .10 !3\% ] *2 ^ wS?. 412H OlfMind footftotii; • - Alto eUti B' .ivn.«i b - Annual riW ptj* .txl DMiMnd.3. c -. UqiAUrg (Md«M. B - J ■■■ 8W -\« ntnyBl" - raCcIA I M 2"! .Vo TutAki 't PtftAmCn ... SH UnlqUH - _ uSH.Vit SonWW ',t« WH .Th P t i ^ ^ imIM Itlt) -IH W.tnMn .. iSVt .'1tt DMMorpMjInp'WMngIJmx.l-A- MtM raia. KtmmO en UU (MnDon. l-OMnMorpMa.'lwUDCkI - C 3« W ? ." .:;s S i ;5 .. 3SH -V» WttsCI JO ?2V» -V.t. (»,««3«ipn.l-Pi*l «•>»«.<»««’ HBfSh* .. MH-|V» CollCAl .M 3®'* ... ncvSng i2n«*cMurW0iiin.(-O«ciir«dapiKlln(ne llnitxt«Mul12n«>..tam«|. CdnOmg“ ”X “ ilj .. IO".i .'J? ...' S3'j1-l’/» OcUSAt ... MV. -Wi S .1 “i; ■" s" iSi t 2S-. .fi VMUmji 1.04 41 .V»t t McnhvMonM^xMndcriSMreuecnlOeri dW. » - E><*y«.nd a oi-'Vfitt. y - ji4M Mn] ana u lM n M . X - d ^ l i '? SiSh? v - « c : Co»vw .. I05\» .4’.» l»4 2S’.} -Vt WiKtn 1,641, 24H ,., sun n M. V] - Ifl bM*nipKr V rxMrtf«1^t)« MTig iMrSifUvj inMf Til Dinkii(«Y«tqfA<].VMCijfem«uunwd CilScI ,„ 3'1 -'1 2M uSlH .1 101* VlaliOg _ ConnHK .10 S7Vj .'■» tt br ucn eomponai. Co0.t) I S. ;”•» ^ 'I t, 11” *.'x wLwfl SH.*C-C ftala I»I Sl'i Ih r io--o 101. Ivt Co-rpSa ... 7«V» .n SV. Witjlc, ,78 UH • UnI KM tlocki nvtl (» MrtihtliMo^nan/KiMrit;. t ' I 30.gllV« -V» C*r«l 50m ItV, .Vj 1,14 4irt -Vt Xwoi 1J8 73 -1«V. |MutirundroetnelM;«-EKapUgttiu»ii isunbuowv I - Ptbv«u« ai/i Quoti. fl • Ho4o«lkr .V. Coft»jt I.M eii* ... ' LMd u Mr 4»a*>u«en cota r - R»M>r(«r(«on Ih v anengenl aaiwnd ukn iMd m>y» y i«»*». I - Suck Of txyflju t!{5 10 l.s.Cp tlH .W FlMOoU . _ >*4*t4 WEO*n .. I4H 41.. CcnMCOt ,12 3»t< -M" Ig Syra I - t)c

hMtO'CI'^avproUIn 424 mMoitl*>!• I.M«rt«i U'M oirwi (tiout II4M/./• Jun BOM a re i M40 Eiagle____ C l o s i n g F i m n iR lL S 4 24 MorritMiffm.io^pacti no»«»i6ut8»A«u s 12menc»4->4- JU MOO B800 6430130 « M "97 mS h 6a >0 5 to 19 lT.«t7i ucAl p«« huw (MIO .,t0 Pound Jl 4 44 eriKt-a-cMi••CM non uo A 40 pwcanl »-oune» mmmm- A^ Jl 07S Jl 63« COtrt]rrtlnued from D3 4 4'l l!r0 8CU.(W. COa^M S lO-'S t«n t«5» pw hundixS^^ht 1040 .to S«*ii(ianc 1 ngwhMI non>.;oA410 A 40 p«runi Sounca mm.mum4 SO SO^ ^ n dor^f 1• MM \ t w “This “T would be the biggest thinithing Ifrtcir:* WO/ M 35 6 4M t:ai>dlOS.it104.10 rT^atnaA<;kl(>•r^un(3r•aM■3h1non>Ko happen in numismatics (coin1 col-col ; HTI 4 t.i A40p«'Cen•'Cenl 5.ou»3l pM »>unO(^3«.}M PWn tu# A 40 14- AO,OOOtK,;<»ntapwlb, NYMKcCoid M2M W0»5 le c:ting) tl in my lifetime,” s sai« a id a m,n.rT.um 8 00 8 50. 100 ID w ut non A 00 70 20 .2 30 Hop..Oi<^ *«g liv^hwj 7(i;o ri*'j1 77-I51 . W CHICAGO t*P|-.Fulijl 4 C700 ^C«M K cminnetli Bressett, president off ththi e J«> P0.V6.-, 70 75 raco /' :anl s.0unca nn.mun 3 40. (n. 4 00-1 40. 50Io* FM 7?'^ 50 73 70 • 1 25 Otn*r lale doiiai latoi m 3 70 20 .2 30 Cr'cafjOoa.ncJtraJpacJo Mon ^ ^ ^ -a on» Ppm rufKj<»<}«eht BOi 10 40-11 40. motrj.r, M» neo 72 0 nw ai m N»» Yort comparaa wm (41» 10S-\S-year^jld American Numismatiin atic *ug Po<»b^, M l? 78 12-7' occat«r.:vi2 00.>0»!0 40.11 40.moir, OO 7245 .1 05 Fi«Uy 1,44)0S-iII (rana.Oo-n (rom 1 4«0, S B400 i !’S :y; ™u, " M., n(romS6870,1.698 7Sn.j«nl.e. ASSOse d atio n . «ut.ona I, 12 00. 90t 0 40-10 40. motr» 77M ttmrthcmT^CWOO I J 5^P i'M 3‘MI 0M43 * bum>w^:C*T^»nUp«E>uihel 1000.0^OOtBlOOOO 1) -T»,!•7000.(«,^^^.,«W ),1 IBM Can«*, up »on, Critics worry that the plaip la n 34'J-, J42-, 342’. -1-. k>-w. 100» 7 M-8 00. mo»r» 600. occauifta:!r AwO 7 634 J 730 7 301^3 3M^ 3M‘. -ID; WOUluld subject the Treasurjs u r y a E«i UM nj M^^Fn '• u>ei 4 04 panm ent to a flood of commemnem- 5«p C»> F ossi^IL FUELS Dep: Jm" ».I-« iiw 11W ! 3W^ m " ' Ka-. -1° occaiwnaV ------o ra ti itive proposals from Congressress. Avg t.u. _ ^ I | ] p ■''is I'f’ 3^i' Jfl G^.. n< ) 113i 1 'OD III (APJ-’J - l*ogt 600 CJ/. NEW YORK |AP) -Futu;fwJ^>'»«‘^ 0"neNewYo.« B utt 1backers say the ne^v quartern e r s Oct livflj*. n i l 11:5 f Moicama Eichange Mo 310- -r.‘. ir*.pp“^C«>tgS>"i»UsVA°*ck-;-T*r?u»»^'i(»%''»^^^^» 1.123a2M »97^00.?3"W]1 luld earn the government bil-bil Jul Colt.o 158CO IBilOO I' 0 A Cvoado 2 &I}.] 10. idatM 3 50. Ira U).]10I9S2C«- Opan* Kmgh'^U*. Saea Chg. "'0^1 Jul Cocoa IIBI 11 Wl 1! 4fl 00. 260-210 lb 48 00-42 OO UOHTSWtCTCBUOE ns of dollars and teach childrerd ren 1 .•221 31 S . Jul Ora~j« JijKe 77 on 70 00 !l > 10 >u cjrtirn 70-60 couni Cowaoo 7 UO-9 5040. 47 00-10 CO. ow eOO IB 48 OO-tO OO.DoaoamM00 t Jul iaa77 I1SI6 19 77 1001 . 19 ab oa u u t th e h e rita g e of th e ir states.es. Jm Pol»l»» — _ r a m p« butM i^jn^'lO0 m’.' 00.11 00. W.tconvnB 40-10 00. VVaWtng'^^ io«»., ov« 25010 4 0 40, unoer 2401001042 - 40 Aug 1007 1 ' f"; . 271 :on. i'l'.n-. --3 an»JOi»oon'.0on9 00-1200 ' Cttmal-nj 200 MIM lo« Monaay* eutl ‘Forgetting everything else,s e , I] S«p Pelilo** _ - 1 21.G>. 25: 212 •• - l l P-JWUlOil>10 10 canon* lOOcouM Cokxaao fl 00-7 CO, a 1049 Io?3 1028 I m . Nw l’ I M32 . 't p 2il ; __ Hong Kono lala W40 85 ofl JO 70 ; iis ii“ iil is S t*B OM.U ta j; MW 5)1 Lonoon mcn»0 44 Io jS5 II\lll low lolo IS cade '■ JoVJ" h °'r( a 2 Yok CcCrn • Lonoonadarroonfcimg JMIMupJO J get quarters for change, now 5*0 U^'oo '°4T, wot :ft"« 5.^aiBryJ Cocoa e>c^an^3e».lon L ^ ^ U t. J141 75UOJ020. 1 iSm !om ^ C!pen >7J M 7? W 72 SUOAfl.WOII.WORlOll FianifuntlS^ 1)4? 60 ofl JO 04 E isi ii wiucwt>u>n*i 112.000IM:)lbt;cpitt^pef^l^,^^ |»w *w Ca::astle, chairman of the HouselUSC Jul 470 00 JCilOO 40 Jul P«!n.Ti 4.'0 00 JI5W 4.’ « NYMaM’s’lT ^ ^ 1^'^*°''' 10 52 1 04 B ankiking monetary policy subcom^ Jun coiw i?joo ^;ow 1? U KYIUnaraHinnan(>Cncate<) J148I48'49uol0 4 11 0« 10 5Ji II 1043 t047 1051 . 04 Jun 7(o»« Oo™i lU IB MJO/ 11 It NYCngenara JM2 73 uo JO 10 ;tee, sponsored the law requir]uir- 15 NY Enga.Tiva (aoncatad J340 B7 up.p $£ io n ^0 I 1 .S ingRRubin to mint fhe quaners•s oot r Jun '^5'" '1 >n$142 90ua l.lai " J2 (X)*" **' * 1941 Iw cx pilain la his re a so n s fo r declining.ig.lc It NY^oBuO-^ Naconai Bank 4 p m *.ion OuMiWu trm SmcUr »Co& Ce SoUlLMrt'’ "" !o, ‘up"i suclw ^r'’ M(yiJ34:Wu3 lf?» 0 provided for a feasibilitylity 1051 Io4 J.COO Cu csnu9nUMft>uiN>l I12.000lt».: ) rir,M«ll0 9 74 ' studydy, wliich 'vas prepared by ththe e M i 1130 (136. -lU >n 4 NEW YORK (AP) - f utuiat liaO.ng onilOninoNYliorc fV i ”p«* iM402 317 ______B i ;.-\n '.s 2 Alonday C o oDpers p & Lybrand accountingtin g ' h 7of -OU HEAHWJOIL 2F15 l i l l iF 'F 3 OOUJ HiQll IJWr SelSetM Oig 41000 o«.C»Hapa»o»l.' 0*1 f ir mm and released by Rubin’si n ’s 2 I00tro)ioz,:ac4anci*rlr^^ ^ 42 201 424I 74 SIM « )e .*22 d e plartm ar enr. he March telephone pollI oof f •uC;<»atoc''a~;«i."5utiv;rco ProOuCci 22« 22 40 22 40 2?tQ - 02 5 ^ ' l i n” M 32 adults aged 18 and older,d er, ^ WOMWrWiiflMli 1“ E E ii ■ 0 343M .jjo Ja*? M25 ' 40 iOOl M25 M40 il a margin of error of 2 perccnt,en t, Du^ * '' L iv e .s t o c k JIS2 S S • ” nd far more respondentsin ts >.U/»viN».» US DeMnrt«irirtAc-icurLicuturi - Cr^l SOrDDllNOli.'’' Ilso MM “r d i UJS I*;^ favor.Dred the program, 51 percent,e n t, 43 45 43 38 1] 30 .17 jh a n ( 6 I’OCAItLLO Oct 3( n opposed it, 11 percent. A sub- J, 'I'^’oa j2?co *'*• P*' *’23J|j 23 0jl 23 1) - 20 i-_:"m.j>i,-ljn.^ij n i.,i.»loc> IP|X»1 (O' Wondaif A-g 2J 33 23 ; 4325 43 19 13 16 .17 SCaHtiuial minority, 38 percent, wwas as indifftifferent. 23(i'J hf.O 2JCJ -20 Li'.CGTC3CK<3Cj( AUC^CM - HaT-ca I f e tw en ^ loleo .Iso s « G r m n s 2 ]p 2jp i ^j03 -21 ^j:.ida^f Ul.. 0« 4116 . . 17 But, ut more importantly, 75 per- Sll«R Eit la-e. 22.242. Fn F-i •.»»<« 20 576 ' c c nt of ( those polled said they’diy’d 1 (». tlociri itnnrj 79 CO-VO 00.1'OM T^tio-n’ 9.000 toy oz.: a n a c«my oz. esa. UP 1.96) . lik ely :»n, Ul 00.74 00, roav, ho jto.n toodef ilaort •■oroo .140 soim cR uS r'^’ ” ®' ly save some of the new quar-uar- 24 41 24 4° 24 4'j '6W. ters,, justj as Americans squirreled!led cTung# «tr5^1 •” «'na"' " •°’'nd«m X\^r6^'' 4200** 0 47340 I l » NE a wly a y an estim ated 1.8 billion1 of 50fl»flfl««BCEO GASOLINE M ^ rr. h .« 0 « 7M Iim ” ,000 0*1 cent* ^0^ t h e sslightly i more than 2 billionio n Joio'cwn J17l‘'pr<.. mnni5 Ui.rf ua , $OroEANU£At’°^'*'*‘ Ua/ 467 10 499 40 460 M 48 &r l)ano«n» .n OuV 4«ua:WM 47 05 46 40 57 35 1 42 Biceilljntennial quaners producedJ iin n S.m0J0l*uB iii 44 94 W 45 M 44 I » of lipo210^ 2MM liw SJSow w 'o a n aaverage of 27.5 of th the e »3 10. f%.mciOB-n.»t. S.p!«^bcrc«i.«r,»r.^.'j3"o:“' :Io co :!o i <•; c ^u per O. «25 «62 «20 M30 -12 Fn ata'a.20.8)9 B ic c^ntennial n coins, picturingg aa POCATCLLO lAPi _ 1-4M Farm D^-nau NEW YOIIK (AP) - Hand, i Human 87. up 827 coloni rr.isrmoi/f'ta n pan upon lor (.(onc.ir J4 C91. on JO 005 r«5«.eaioO J4 1(54,4,cflJ0C^“’ ofl NA^/V^OAs'^*"*'*'^' ' nial drummer on the reverse, ^CArElLO - --..al 3 i) V"(,10 ' &? The Ou «n c>.ca lo> >.:rei aaii.ar in Londcondon J4 7040. ofl '0,OCOfnm ta/i. J pef ir»7 0.^ $0 004 rojected that 98 million adultsults ip-inflj 111 WVi[*nOLIS(AP|-0-; En^onaid J4 700. cH JO 020, FnOiiealodalod$5 170.crr Aifl 185 2 220( 2M 2 m l li',. Z 1? e a c h1 iwould collect an average! 0of f tcS S - ^ •” Open MJgn■g a;, o i 1 | ttXCAT of the 50-coin state sets. That POHtLAND - W:o -n.al 4 ?0 (Uwn 1) 4679up}00t4 Oci 164 lloo 2.19( IIm nw I 1* h a t 3 07, Cls><«|r Ito00(•!•«,! 14D"'Cr''l»(i(" .(’-."a" O'" iTw»^'^m:canup.iI»PWCpu»7»I Ett tact 2 314 223C 2201 _ '4 doCSn'5n’t include the quaners thath a t NCV/YORK (AP) — Spol nonlaiiouliT.«l1 ir.«ut pr>u> Doe 444 2 4oaa (u’^pi«a_. U^SS d««^..na;ti,ni,n.pm««»l*D^Ta.i°'l.l)c>’o' D» i l«n:iBel(.«l ^ '•»- 7»?5 70 45 7BM 70 05 130 2 0?0 Sm §SJ = I ab o uIt t four cents to mint a quaneri e r z!<. 4w” .fl?*07°^i0,0ewoa 4 J“ 5«5 •■03 •■05 SS K SS SS :ll To ■ 13 78C2 Fn Mola't Week con^pot-le J044 2 045 045 - 4 b u t Sk ' ’ ” " p o TlA A IO K S ■ :»nupar>S. ■ Moicuf»-J2(»00poi78itira»k, N V ^’ w 5S“m 4S”m5 7)04 RubJbin, in a letter to Castle lasta st PialJiufii • J442 OO.J443 00 Iroy oj . NY(ccni-a:i|N Y. )^°® 2 205 •Ofsnurn. [>«i c»! • * 'v e ek<, , said, “I have some personalnal ^ 10 IDAHO FALLS (API-Mon. PiAl^m. J4« 00 If^Ci , N,Y Werec »»oitx Mon 2 063 22003 00 2093 2«] . ,0 rvations in light of the serious WM 7?27 7040 7005 . 32 j!?i' S'JB «;n[!«..Vri.d ’ NEW YOHX (»P) - K»y orency eicnango ic policy concerns surroundinging 5'0 Dc-jrKin<:n«..-oAa-'cJUS fVflooO.o'"* ^ Ooafo Etchar^a Ralo No 20an^aDv.wMu‘i^a^stoa> 82 34 MM 6222 8234 ^ 60 Pv»*D4i^ F*n iw«n?nM08lS).103. ' UP641. ih is uu n nique p ro g ra m .”

H«m» S«M Qij rcirai JOO CiMlFurd*: _ 0».:-5l 10148 48 Om.inp leW-.iB S.aKiApi40fl1404 .02 CinriBl' 1)58 .04 U iln^CwCrp; KYPe«1n 092 lUJf.Slj I AWMutualA: JJ ” loCoV»ln1!04 .CJ T.fiSm 5.13 . JSalactad Fundt: hlFAp 1928.01 . C8 OCIn»tlo>: l^TiS MVTFtp i? jj ;«Bp HM r..r;“ ga.j!s;s: g s LiVoln 1049 prlnceiFunda: AraSJip 25 30 -02 UunlAp 1541.01.01 '4 2 ! oi ’'“Wl I ?3 48 • 0« 133 .02 Ifwmlp 241 kCAp 2370 2370 . 02 USWOt 605 .01 Muniindn 6 68 . 01 CapAcp 29 01 -02 t »-tl *J?t .B 129 -CJ I'^.TFIp 1221 .01 kCDb 23 2304 04 . 02 KentFwnditniTI: Oro*7in ; 5SJ U«T"FaBnl4 77 ‘ Oppi as".°Tff.oi fsi; iis:sIo> j^^Sl j|4J .« ^SS, « ««mll lyncn A: Cw tP»nnort; UF^^nda A:*^ ^ TiFrOE CWceAp t)27 -Ot EamiAp 1B79 -04 SlI!!*nlJ*i5 "3? U50.AP ...* .. 1040 01 SBdn" 'o7a*02 I MM . n '^"a -03 .B: .o ’ 607 . 03 lr»3n I82fl .12 SmCjp* ; ;?M Iw ' ^O.KP 1^ 44S1 .19 O.IflAp 982 -01 ? M l03 V,*"[J^P^C*0B: .0] DonWiRar. Fidiliiy Adrlilrj.'S S EqlncAp 1379 . H.YVlAp 853 .01 OE5mA 1 n .04 EQDI 3511 .32.32 AAHPIn.tl'"Am«tlc*dai0: StnunalOiovp: 9 AOiXTn t019.Q2 0.0,n i«31.W ‘^'>P ip X.inXp 443 MaititiiHtmt: Q-T^' 1543 Io8 uVn 9 42 Ioi SWJm'i 6 « .06 p I13 40 . 05 l-t^iDdA 1100*01 Ec.l«0( a u .02 °foS__U “ S .o : P»cA 25 14 . 24 TolOLAp Toir 1111 . 0) H.rUOl 851 .01 1 Ioi ;|'>«p yimiiiiAcfiO: USOMCA{in197] .04*E ^ Iw CUo'tiuiI.^''^ r i' iiil(}6c«>A 34 42 .03 D^naip 1121.OI I (jevioi tija Io2 oopOOpmS 339] . « CAT .05 CiTlra 4193 . & I B ank • M ilw aukeete, W l l ^ 'l 1674 *04 ‘LISNVApu-'n 3?] . O.Tliaip 12.39 .04 llSSi > U 7 ?:?; s r !S«lS? S P S f I f i .01 D«:rAp ;i40 Cr.Scn 1941iisSil . M& RocMup 1619 .01 Eqirukp 1517 .., > • 1' 0«IPAp io;i .01 Oo:i 2344!i .:S Sffi, ;ss :k Call.,illal)l(? C erlificates of DiD e p o s it POHOFundi: QacAp 16.15 .01 < W^QI U4 ** atAln»ilfunB»; » .M For] 1107 .07 EmgOnjn 22 07 . 02 OiOrAp 1243 . 05 ? 1 r S 5?^ ’ 2} LTTvyr 091 *K .02 VUop 136 .'.’ 77.18.18 Dp'c m '’ ‘«10 *” O.lCgn .'iflSi a is is p LM? io i* 5 ew .o ] Vitt^ApJi? . 0^ BNTHMiirionlnitlt.Jl. Ll^n.Ap 874 OM-an lino . TacnCmnl7.78 .h 0'lr.2ifp 14116 .01 S. A»frund»: ,'»M ■02 • OJ T.USAp 1173.01 D^Oiftn 2320 . UHTUllrncnC: PIHMfund^ltait:^^ PlHfr KMp W02 -M I Ai.-,V!or 959 e i« l.ifu « r T«P»Ap 9 27 CmO/J !7 18 . •"' S?.a. 148? Im 9«S *01 is S i l l z ' o xc' 1530 Io4 Trilln Tnu 1011 MYASApi 0.78 -06 OOKBSn & 25n .11 ««5 .02 i * . S S :'02 « iV.Vl'' 0 ' U.rrllllyncliO: U»Oun u»t 1014 .01 InemApi 701 -02 SlaoaeeaehA: 81 I s « " ” colin 11S0.M aw**" Oioul^ ^ O4VO 3A87 .03 M.YWn Hc 1145.01 IrtOip 1730.08 / •APY CaoAcon 2127 .01 lnO«pp 1 81 .,10 c C S a i M^5Io4 ldl4Co''n 6160 Im •02 oVm^'Mlon.lidV^' Fc«i?' MOt Iii l l r f r ” ir ESS " “ :S ,?KPIUCOFundaC: lrr.AB 1 Ofl .01 Sl iM5mVan10ll .{» QM.'An 10 71 . 5 . 8 5 ' ' ' FdScOp 081 .01 o-inOmnCl 2580 . 01 Uur^p 07 Sunauhlnn^ F 04 StoI" M87 " •W USlQVin 17U2 . « oi^^n" J5 63« !.ot T c ^ i?07 Io5 OpooiCI 2«46 . 03 FMpXp 4304 ..II IncFii/i I, 24 17 .02 IdiQ^n ^09 loi ElSi'l'nlOM ^ ‘An IBM Ioi amttO n n . 47 la^tTamtCI 1801.19 NaValAp 1 31-01 SIFarmFda: SI kj.VaIn 1984 .03 c.millFvndi: >acincH«Uu: NYTiAp U >01 04l4« (] ...... kaSmCn •^03 .02 S /n., |£°”S« ■14 055mV4int9(i Io2 1®?“N *-01 ’ A«Oip 1992 . 11 OTCAp 1 41 .10 C ■C2 r,.ao 1020 25'" ■ Sii'nl:;'! AiiAle ffi 20 07 . 02 T.EiAp 09 ... Sl A«Im S.I.c1: ' ' 01 Do«9»iCoi: iJSm? i ; |j ' DJoaCTo 28 72-136 IFHYA 1 .31 .. C CATFp 742 .. USO.AP I 87 .01 f).^2Jp h V l : l \ S " i - • ! AI8mF»"«i: " *0101 tta7lo2 LlJlijnn 0 7CI -f 'SSrlS'j^ ^ Interest Uo>a9Unln<^ Caplnc Canl' j J « - « 1 47 'oa ®‘ Srt^pl 0 1 3 .M 0.;^ '5 « .0 1 '! -O' CllllfFuMnig.I: \ J Roto Eml>.1ll 1791 .09 CorpI ®rr'^r7?1^«] AUKnu Cap A: “ij'u ? CcO-Sn 23 2* .(K S . 8 5 ^ ‘ E«CHn 1772 -01 USO vwAfl” iI.m Im s'! II . L« Clanmtd# Fijndt; Irt'Cun 194) .1] pain<<>aln.l99Jnsa:i!K;s 017.01 CAlm(Tn1059sa; ;!S-" riAQ.Ap 91 .o; !Vr«ilUn M 67.rj1 p p’» ^"p' Of 12 mon;hs and Ihcn can be SpWiln 2014 .01 CAWU.Tn11.32 STUVap 78 OrW/i>n 3877 .30 I) at D3' cvety 6 montfi} ^ ^ " n i i a 'o i S; isi'” Stronorunda:I Flkitn 110a TkM p M7A.U O'lnienrunill. t“ • '; CjlVa/p 3121 .03 lllC7C3l1CI:3llLT by(ficii5u.(tgb3nk. EaiiY Patad^ ^ n a Oieuj: ^ JAinn 1000 ... Ii,„" ;;S • WUPrvI 13 08 > 05 CUiXn 13 I] .04 CpOPAn 1Jt3 .01 (lnrt^ J .09 ,j witMrjw;II3W3I (ray nol bc owmitlcd. •A.WW 1957 I 02 **YieOli 1284 -07 □ ” So 01 Aniaiw* cOUf"'t>d Hum 55,000, Sul))i^cltf) I IfInterest paid somiannu^ CH>inp 745 !oi c«0.n jj W -07 ' liirSr'fw'Sr'* " Jvailjbilit^Jbiiity as 0(06/13/97, SfirA‘ W S , 2 05 mL'X'-'' I 5J Iol 5 ^ , ; j “ • FDIC Insured to $100,OC a:siiii UrtSilO 811^01 CtfMnOtOuD 3}J8: m 'AP^’nlCi(■■•nlc(oit cannot (Cffljfl on * ,000 ss;.,!!!"' 'a-SiT'"IS^i].oi . li- I «6ni ^9 18 .OJ S(^B 3i« .OJ02 JJjLrt in tJ j c| jj'jSa n j) 3i I *95 iTiiOf 19 60.04 ()cno:ii;cisil; Dododic R.i/oul olinkrcst g ^ 1 1 » .^ .0 0TCU1 1301 .,10 6 .4 .p , H»ttlHn«l[|M: reiJWCd. Non-callable for 1 years SViJI t94- TFHYDl 1432 . 01 Ti Tn^Dt 4719 .9 i CTMlipaata FunSi^ irs Hr'fiti 3r»1hl 1497 .(0 USa.DI 1294.02 TaTamiMonCtaaal* SPUUn 1)28-0) AlllinCfCtpC; 4700 .03 ^ 27 44 -02 IF]Final Maturity 06/24/2('2004 gi; !3U :S saUCcOdI 1001 .02 Pi/Vani Fuflda U: a ^191 • « ’"“Jj Ju*' o; I llotchklttVti^: S “lis Siiis I .08 hoiS.funaaA: MYACp. 0.77 - 09 Q,QnrtTJp 2221 ,.. Wf^n 1941 .m lUn 1751 .61 RoOarlaenaiaphtna: VI M VlTf^0 •'Im (AiVuBdi;** l^ n 2907 ComraAn 16M - 0« Ta.Wo^p lO.H ... J7M - « EqO^"isTO Iw 'S m O^JJ^Tm Sw" J o3 hIyb “ N n.ri m “ ''” : •;i! .W ,..,"” 2 Callall or sto p by today. I.YU 019.02 VaiP1iAAA27.8t . . s Ft iTcG-on ?3!h Iw Mpr* tJM O:: J Nai:uut 1013 .01 r« ^ i' 'SisI nOiAp lOM .02 RorcafUBda; a 0 Im Owihr 24 63 Im »'*r}'65‘.*oi pi£:iloneerFund: Pan,’M4un 7,67 .01 Tai Am.fC«ili«rtlh; ti£*p u i] !oi I NowtnaUndFdaD: CaoOi 'fs!rr.-s..,. gl K V JJS?:: Smor 1039.07 cj£oI^ S a 2?96 I « -01 fcfwlss ian .04 CafiOnjp 42.76 .12 Oi^n «71 *u , 4 .12 O r^pr 1397 .05 ______»cl>oU» Oiovp: Fund( ThidAtV ...... OrobKp 4349 . 0]M HaiSa4«nl]M .04 701 -0? ■j Fn5v«n 27.1] .10 { ^ iwin 77*1 -27 IMO,’iMOr'’ 25.15 .,12 Euui 10 84 ... T^.T^omtlW^Fd^; VUlatundiO: InllMcn 941 .Ot HUV1>I nyi .01 UMuAp 1347 (VoM) 4330 . 02 a C^/OVkO 2415 -W Frlj'i'^n li-A *' 01 OIOIIXV 24 79 - 03 OMIAn 10 M .I e K k S ; ’: f e ^Tas"' 01 HcMin t’ M .< Na^iturlil.d^*'’' T'.ViTpiViT iIm •• to'aV.“ « 0 1 sT-»ed,n24.4] .02 CapO/Tn 1587 ... T>TiCLTft 1318 .di Cklncn 17 69 -CO 14 39 . 0: 'iS?i*’ '^’‘’49 . 12 ' ! .. JvKii; s:«'r: iU(«an 19 43 . 03 >nlfa7 14.13 .fl« TiT.E5HI1 1083 ... KCoun 23 70 . 14 ClllA 4 44 .. l«C«lmO 21.60 .,. Co (MnA ]1iS.27 l«CpVtSpiaU -01). I K ??.g:S 'ltp*'??o^o Scivino Infllvlfluatat lnmto(sli since 1B?I liYtaUn 9£4 .01 MmaBrund^ HiSr-’ilM is'srri >IYOA 4 59 .. Concwt »«»•• A: i C FirtnfS: 2760 .09 « - i s 7 . 2.23 0-lncn 2242 .01 USS?' ?04J Iiw AceCotrn2597 .,14 www.odwai(srdjonot.com I00ondnl042 Ioi Bcuddtrrunda: * UirJaUj 7M -CO iQnMinn 1941 -05M . ... I^cuyn 17J0 Io7 ______■AjnHi 445 U c-^n 347 ,0l ' Uua*^ 14 79 .01 Ccneart a«rt»» C: . Ii .01 0)iTipu>n1849 . 03 ______S,E'“ sa« S : S sa". S!!::! !SNCo« 1497.10 l*JCapn 19.78 .1010 N.OA 2374 .05 llOcCI 1293 ...... t ^ " : : g• 07 (VMiun 17.7; .05 I li.i I ItYUn 10.34 .01 IIA4U nauai 0,14 -.07 Waatcora; PnH e»9 ... caC«pl»IFil>: AU/01i :j33 -02 f„niunCI«.itr SnTmnon 260 W;*pA 94949 .03 .1 5tr0-«l O.Sa ... ChScAp J! OniOrsvpFld; NawEi K ”. SS;!! ffiScTacA 23.20 Udcon 21.49 . 0] $*MA 010.01 hCCan lt.18.100 CgUja I 170) .M AQCIp 26} , ... ^ t u n n02 .02 13»C« .1.01 Ttifl 7.79 ... TaifiAp n II; “ .fli n ^ p 2',M .lii itffufld.: »at ^ NM«u KlnOOl ATtFlD I1J0 14 .01 LuvdOiovp: LvtfwranOn: " r - T S T ! , 11 Da!>,S 32 03 .0 83 .01 Inctq Koa >,I0 DnM C dlacn 30 54 I 49 {ff5von24M -01 C? •25 f S n t2SS* i l37.10 ^ i ' SmCap 2074 .02 Fm) 2«< “ f.'si* ■' fe^isil iff, st’ J!s! :S 2 S UUFi 1300 -61 CKVttlB T232 * .!... J»p»nFfl P.n .21 « .0 2 UogUiiM: Kom 64 M4 ,0). .M WC" HOf ... ErttAp I74I .05 l*a® .07 AAwCipmtlOaD:If 1:! ConfundcE i:i ' 'ir«0»ftI*dln«U:r C«ItFlp 721 74 .01 Scmp 29 92 .37 UjM iT.l 17 Hr B ^ n jJJ7 EOIKAO 7'62 .01 VacUwpnISO? DcrdOl 520.01 tff,Yn 21.1J -01 / .04 ■'eJ!qIqT ‘?0» .23 USWJA 9»nj .OI1 I ToXtIp 2091 >02 UASrundc *®' ?s?A®i' ,i & 5. EST’!!!:!; gS£ QPu<«a: HICHCcAd 642 . 01 U»AUC( 1388 .02 ■Finn l2iS ... Eflu»y 9S4*.02lnYHYUiAp 11^3 .01 &/4!Ci 1502 -COa
