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DOCUMENTO: DOCUMENTO No.: REVISIÓN NO: Versión VA VB VC Luis M PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA PROJECT DESCRIPTION UPDATE TÍTULO DEL DOCUMENTO: DOCUMENTO No.: REVISIÓN NO: Versión VA VB VC Luis M. Espinosa Luis M. Espinosa V0 Director Depto Nombre: Director Depto Civil Civil ELABORA / Director Fecha: 07/06/2018 21/09/2018 Luis M. Espinosa Luis M. Espinosa V1 Director Depto Nombre: Director Depto Civil Civil ELABORA / CARGO 08/06/2018 21/09/2018 Fecha: Juan Jose Cardona V2 Nombre: Coord. Ambiental REVISA / CARGO 09/06/2018 APROBACIÓN Fecha: Sebastian V3 Piedrahita Nombre: Director Ambiental APRUEBA / CARGO Fecha: 09/06/2018 Sebastian V4 Nombre: Piedrahita Director Ambiental AUTORIZA / CARGO Fecha: 14/06/2018 GAT-622-17-CA-AM i de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA TABLE DE CONTENT Page 1 PROJECT DESCRIPCTION UPDATE ................................................... 4 1.1 General project description .................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Location of the Works ............................................................................ 4 1.1.2 Project Phasing ..................................................................................... 5 1.1.3 Offshore works ...................................................................................... 6 1.1.4 Onshore Works...................................................................................... 8 1.2 Update from 2016 to 2018 project design ............................................ 12 1.2.1 Offshore platform ................................................................................. 12 1.2.2 Dredging .............................................................................................. 14 1.2.3 Offshore trestle .................................................................................... 17 1.2.4 Bridge .................................................................................................. 18 1.2.5 Onshore platform ................................................................................. 20 1.3 Description of auxiliary facilities ........................................................... 21 1.3.1 Connection to national grid .................................................................. 21 1.3.2 Access road ......................................................................................... 22 Construction roads .............................................................................. 22 Operation alternatives roads ................................................................ 29 1.3.3 Workers camp facility........................................................................... 30 Description of other facilities ................................................................ 30 Networks ............................................................................................. 32 2 Appendix 1 – DEFINITIONS DRAWINGS ............................................ 33 GAT-622-17-CA-AM ii de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA LIST OF TABLES Page Tabla 1-1 Changes in the capital dredging ......................................................... 14 Tabla 1-2 Rated Voltages ................................................................................... 21 GAT-622-17-CA-AM iii de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA 1 PROJECT DESCRIPCTION UPDATE 1.1 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1.1 Location of the Works The port is located at the south of Bahia Colombia in the Urabá Golf, on the Caribbean Sea, next to the mouth of the Leon River Mouth and Nueva Colonia Village, in the Municipality of Turbo, Colombia. Figure 1-1 General location map Fuente: Aquaa & Terra Ingenieros Consultores Asociados 2.017 The project is located at 2.600 m from the mouth of to the Leon River mouth, at 7°55´28” North and 76°44´15” West. The project is located on two relevant sides here after referred to as Onshore Platform and Offshore Platform connected by an Offshore Trestle, a Bridge over the Leon River and an Onshore Trestle according. The PAMPP facilities, during operation phase, will accommodate the below activities: GAT-622-618-17-CA-AM-PBCU-02 4 de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA Exportation of perishable cargo such as banana, plantain and other fruits in reefers. Importation and exportation of full containers Importation and exportation of vehicles Importation and exportation of general cargo Importation of dry bulk goods. These activities will be executed in the area featured in the Definition Drawings provided in Appendix 1, summarized in the Figure 1-2 below: Figure 1-2 Main components and General arrangement Fuente: Aquaa & Terra Ingenieros Consultores Asociados 2.017 1.1.2 Project Phasing The project will be built in several phases to cope with the gradual increases in cargo that is expected. GAT-622-618-17-CA-AM-PBCU-02 5 de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA Stage 1.1: the Offshore Platform, the Offshore Trestle, the Bridge, the Onshore Trestle, the Onshore Platform and the Access Road and the Silo Area as described in this document; Stage 1.2: the installation of facilities and equipment by the Employer, namely but not limited to: . Installation of 3 shore to shore cranes - STS along berth Q1, . Installation of 2 mobile harbor crane - MHC along berth Q2, . Installation of 13 rubber tyre gantry – RTGs on the Onshore Platform, o Installations of the telecom, security and IT systems, Stage 1.3: the erection of stockpiling facilities and equipment in the Silo Area. 1.1.3 Offshore works The Offshore Works are composed of: The Offshore Platform; The Transition Platform; The Offshore Trestle; The navigation aids. The main features for each component of the terminal are listed below. They are further developed in subsequent sections of this document. The Offshore Platform comprising: The Berth Q1 (or “Western berth”) comprising a 570 m long continuous quay dredgeable to -18 m MLWS from its current depth of -13.0 m MLWS: GAT-622-618-17-CA-AM-PBCU-02 6 de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA Adapted for the operation of 3 to 6 STS gantry cranes and mobile harbour cranes (MHC) including STS crane rails, Typical cross-section: see drawing MAMH013B-OFF-CS-001 provided in Appendix 1; The Berth Q3 (or “Southern berth”) comprising a 230 m long continuous quay dredgeable to -16 m MLWS from its current depth of -12.0 m MLWS: Adapted for the operation of mobile harbour cranes, Adapted for Ro-Ro ramps Typical cross-section: see drawing MAMH013B-OFF-CS-001 provided in Appendix 1 The Berth Q4 (or “Service Berth”) comprising a 135 m long continuous quay, adapted for berthing of tugs and service boats; All necessary utilities, networks, lighting, power supply on and for the Offshore Platform; The supply and installation of the navigation aids (quantities, number of aids, location and main characteristics by Employer); All necessary fittings for exploitation of different mobile handling equipment such as MHC, mobile surge bins, MTS and all vehicles intended for handling, forklift and reach stackers that will handle cargo and containers over the Offshore Platform; The operational platform in-between. The Transition Platform comprising on 3.960m² of platform: The Platform Office (Building Nr.__20__); The Connecting Road; A strip adapted to the loads of the Ro-Ro ramps; An open-air area for service and parking; GAT-622-618-17-CA-AM-PBCU-02 7 de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA Road Marking and signalling; Road equipment; All necessary utilities, networks, lighting. The Offshore Trestle comprising on a length of approximately 3.500m: A piled Offshore Trestle and over sea and land, from the Transition Platform to the Bridge over Rio Leon described below; Carrying 3 lanes, a sidewalk at the same level as the road and delimited by a separator, and the networks and utilities for the Trestle, the Offshore Platform and Transition Platform (Typical cross–section: see drawing MAMH013B-CRO-CS-001 provided in Appendix 1); Road Marking and signalling; Road equipment; All necessary utilities, networks, lighting, cable trays. 1.1.4 Onshore Works The Onshore Works are composed of: The Access Road; The Onshore Platform; The Onshore Trestle; The Bridge over Rio Leon. The main features for each component of the terminal are listed below. They are further developed in subsequent sections of this document. The Access Road from the Project Boundaries to the PAMPP access gate, comprising: GAT-622-618-17-CA-AM-PBCU-02 8 de 33 PLAN DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE ESTÁNDARES DE DESEMPEÑO SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL PUERTO ANTIOQUIA Ground improvement; Granular Base; Pavement structure; Slope Conformation and Reforestation; Ditches and Drainage Works; Fencing; Road Marking and signalling; Road equipment; Fauna bridges according the requirements of Ficha PB-03. The Onshore Platform comprising on 30.44 ha (without include silo area): The main access gate The reclamation works including: Construction of the reclamation with suitable material Consolidation, compaction and construction of subgrade; Construction of revetment, embankment, retaining wall or any structure around the reclamation works of the Onshore Platform The container

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