List of the Selected Candidates for the LEAP Training Programme Date of Eligible Appointment Age/58yrs as as Duration of Number of S. Name of the University / on Professor/8yrs Administrative Publications/30 Remark No. Applicant Institution 30.04.2019/ as on Experience/ 3yrs as on in Scopus-UGC (Years-Month 30.04.2019/ 30.04.2019 Journals s-Days) (Years-Months- Days) 1yr 10 months Department of (HOD, Dr. BATU, Lonere, Electronics and Total: 76 Raigad) Telecommunication 2yrs 8months Engineering, Shri Guru Scopus+UGC: (Registrar, SGGSIET, Fulfilling all Gobind Singhji Institute 30++ Nanded) the 04 of Engineering and 1. Professor Sanjay N. 01.06.1962 16.07.2001 8 months criteria set Technology, Nanded Books/Monograp Talbar 56-10-29 17-09-14 (HOD, SGGSIET, Nanded) by the HRD (Maharashtra) hs/ 1yr 7months Ministry Edited Books: 8 (Dean, SGGSIET, Nanded)
[email protected] 1yrs 8 months
[email protected] (Dean, SGGSIET, Nanded) 9850978050 Total: 8yrs 5 months Dept. of Mechanical 3yrs Fulfilling all Total: 95 Engineering, JMI, (HOD, Dept. of Mechanical the 04 2. New Delhi 11.02.1962 25.01.2002 Engineering, JMI) criteria set Prof. Abid Haleem Scopus-UGC: 57-02-19 17-03-05 5yrs (Director, IQA) by the HRD 30++
[email protected] Total: 8yrs Ministry 9818501633 Dept. of Pharmaceutical 5yrs 3 months (Director, Technology, University Centre for Excellence in College of NanobioTranslational Engineering, Anna Research, Anna University, Fulfilling all University, BIT Chennai) Total: 96 the 04 3. Prof. Kandasamy Campus, 08.05.1968 05.03.2005 Scopus+UGC: criteria set 5 months (Officiating Ruckmani Tiruchirapalli, 50-11-22 14-01-25 96 by the HRD Vice-Chancellor, Anna Tamil Nadu Ministry University of Technology, Tiruchirapalli)
[email protected] Total: 5yrs 8 months 9842484568 4.