(India) Durgapur Local Centre
33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 33 rd National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers & NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn CClliimmaattee RReessppoonnssiivvee TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess vviiss--aa--vviiss IIrroonn aanndd SStteeeell PPrroodduuccttiioonn SScceennaarriioo OOrrggaanniisseedd BByy The Institution of Engineers (India) Durgapur Local Centre SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy 1 33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 National Advisory Committee Chairman Dr T M Gunaraja, FIE, President, IEI Co-Chairman Prof N R Bandyopadhyay, FIE, Chairman, MMDB, IEI Convenor Dr.Debasish Ghosh, FIE ,Sr. Principal Scientist, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur Members : Mr K KMehrotra, FIE, Member, MMDB, IEI Mr V Parthasarathy, FIE, Member, MMDB, IEI Mr Asish Gupta, FIE, Member, MMDB, IEI Mr. P. K. Pradhan, FIE, Executive Director, SAIL- DSP , Durgapur Mr. M K Biswal,Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Technical Committee Chairman Prof. H.B. Goswami, FIE, Council Member, IEI Convenor Mr.Lohitendu Badu, General Manager, SAIL-DSP, Durgapur Jt. Convenor Mr. P. S. Banerjee, MIE, Committee Member, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Technical Advisors Dr. Amit Ganguly, Former Steel Chair Professor Mr Rajeev Kumar, Chief General Manager, SAIL-DSP, Durgapur Mr R K Bhattacharyya, Jt. General Manager, MECON Limited, Durgapur Shri B BMajumder,GeneralManager,MECON Ltd., Burnpur Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee, Former Director, School of Mines & Metallurgy, KNU Dr. P. K. Sinha, Principal, DIATM, Durgapur Members Mr. R K Roy, FIE, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Dr P Adhvaryyu, FIE, Principal, SIT, Techno India Group Dr. C Bhattacharya, Dy.
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