4. Your brother, Joko, has a new computer store. Congratulate him.

5. Your classmate, Anto, has just won the first winner of physic Olympic at Athena, .

Activity 5 You just received a card from the Woodward family announcing their new born baby. You can’t visit the baby soon to the family so you send a letter showing your congratulation. Use the clues and the form given.

Picture 5.2. Baby announcement card Source : www.lazypie.com...Boy-announcement-3.jpg Clues: 1. Say thank for the news about the new born baby. 2. Give your congratulation on the new born baby. 3. Give your hope that the mother and the baby are both well. 4. Give your pray that the baby will give happiness to the family. 5. Inform the family that you will visit the baby someday. 6. Ask the family to give more information about the new baby if they had time.


Jalan Literari 80 Jaten Karanganyar Surakarta Dear ………., Two days ago, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I and my family send our ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please write ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


August West

101 Activity 6 Listen to your teacher reading a description about certain person. Make notes if necessary. Answer the questions orally.

Picture 5.3. A well-known actress. Source: www.moviereview.com

Questions 1. Who is described in the text? 2. What is she? 3. How does her body look like? 4. How does her lips look like? 5. Where can you possibly find this kind of text?

Activity 7 Do you know your body well? Look at the following human body. Match the numbers with the words in the box.

Picture 1

1. [] 2. leg [ ] hand [ ] knee 3. 9 [ ] elbow [ ] finger [ ] foot 4. 10 [ ] shoulder [ ] head 5. [ ] chest []stomach 6. 11 []arm []toe 7. 12


Picture 5.4. Smiling Baby Source: Computer file at LPMP Jateng

102 Picture 2 12 3 4 5 []buttock []back [ ] waist []neck [ ] hip

Picture 5.5. Fawning Baby Source: Computer file at LPMP Jateng

Picture 3

17 [ ] teeth 28 []eye [ ] lips 39 [ ] hair [ ] eyebrows 410 [ ] forehead []nose 511 [ ] jaw [ ] cheek 612 []chin [ ] ear Picture 5.6. Taufik Hidayat [ ] mouth Source: Computer file at LPMP Jateng Activity 8 In pairs, read the dialogue aloud.

Dewi : Look! Who is in the picture? Monty : Are you joking? You don’t know her at all? Dewi : Yes, I am. I haven’t read any information for a month. Monty : She is , 2006, from . Dewi : I see, Wow. What a beautiful girl she is. Monty : Of course. Look, she is tall and fair. She is also slim and beautiful with her long black hair. Dewi : How lucky she is. I want my body like hers. Monty : Well, you can have such a body if you do a healthy diet and enough exercise. Dewi : Can I? I can’t stop eating chocolate. It’s miserable. Monty : Poor you are.

Questions: 1. What do they talk about? 2. Where does she come from? Picture 5.7. Natalie Glebova 3. How does she look like? Source: Computer file at LPMP Jateng 4. Is that the ideal woman’s body? What do you think?

103 Activity 9 Useful adjectives/phrases for describing the physical features of a person. Pronounce and find the meaning of the words

No. Description Words/phrases Examples of 1. Age Young Mrs. Lina is 45 years old but she looks Old younger than her age. Elderly, The middle-age woman is walking Middle-aged alone along the road. Younger than My grandma, Cassandra is elderly Older than woman. 2. Height Short Alina is tall girl but her sister is short. Tall Shinta is not tall, she is just of average Of average height height. Of medium height I am taller than my brother, Jim. 3. Figure Tiny, Small The models have slim waist and Big, Stocky, stout slender body. Slim, Slender, slight, skinny The bodybuilding athlete has muscular Fat, plump, obese body. Muscular, bent, straight The officer’s body is straight and slight. 4. Looks Charming, pretty, cute, Kathryn looks attractive with her red beautiful, attractive, sexy, cool. dress. Ugly, unattractive, plain, Paul is a cool guy, but his face is a little homely homely. 5. Complexion Dark, dark brown, fair, reddish Tyson has a dark skin but Clinton has a fair complexion. The reddish-faced boy always delivers the newspapers everyday.

Describe these persons.

1. 2. 3.

Mr. Burrows is my director. Mr. Josh is my manager. Miss. Lia is salesperson. He has ………………. …… He is ………….. ……………. She is …………………. ……………………………… ……………………………….. ………………………….. ……………………………… ……………………………….. …………………………. ……………………………… ………………………………… ………………………….

104 Activity 10

Useful adjectives for describing facial parts of the body Pronounce and find the meaning of the words No. Body Characteristics No. Body parts Characteristics parts 1 face 1. long 4. Eyes 1. small 2. oval 2. bright 3. pale 3. wide 4. oblong 4. slanted 5. blue 2. Nose 1. pointed 5. Cheek 1. chubby 2. small 2. haggard 3. flat 4. aquiline 3. Hair 1. black 6. ears 1. small 2. blond 2. big 3. curly 4. bald 5. straight 6. ponytail

Describe these persons. Describe how their face, nose, hair, eyes, check and ears if necessary.

1. 2. 3.

………………………………… ……………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………………… ……………………………….. …………………………. ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………….

Activity 11 Compound adjectives. When describing someone, sometimes we use adjectives that consist of more than one words. They are called compound adjectives. Examples:

Sallow –faced Black-haired Far-sighted Middle-aged Pitched-haired Near-sighted Pot-bellied Grayish-haired Clean-shaven Long-legged Pointed nosed Bald – headed Style-footed Bright – eyed Wide-shouldered Knock-kneed Cross-eyed Broad-shouldered Wavy-haired Almond-shaped eyes Chubby-cheeked

105 Example : Melissa looks very sexy with her long-legged body.

Completed the following sentence with the suitable compound adjectives 1. It is hard for the ______students to read what is on the blackboard from the back of the class. 2. Mr. Burton is no longer younger. He is now ______man 3. The ______director is hard to walk. His stomach is too obese. 4. The ______girl is Angel Karamoy. She is shampoo advertising star because of her long black hair. 5. I am in love with these ______children. Their cheeks are so passionate 6. Mr. John looks more handsome with his ______face. 7. The ______man is relaxing in the pool. He has no hair at all 8. The ______bodybuilder looks very muscular.

Activity 12 Qualitative adjectives. Sometimes, we describe somebody from his/her personality traits. Here are some useful words for describing one’s personality traits. Pronounce them and find their meaning in the dictionary.

No. Positive traits Meanings No. Negative traits Meanings 1. Generous 1. Emotional 2. Intelligent 2. Arrogant 3. Diligent 3.Bad- tempered 4. Creative 4. Stingy 5. Friendly 5. Untidy 6. Easygoing 6. Moody 7. Sociable 7. Two-faced 8. Independent 8. Rebellious 9. Patient 9. Lazy 10. reliable 10. aloof

Read this conversation. Find the good and the bad qualities of the two guy . Lina and Linda are in the school canteen talking about their friends, Andy and Kevin.

Lina : Lin, suppose Andy and Kevin ask you to be their girlfriend, which one will you choose? Linda : Andy and Kevin? Uhm…physically both of them are tall and handsome. The typical guys I like most. But I think I have to consider their personal qualities. Lina : Personal qualities? Well, I see…What about Andy? Linda : Andy, uhm….I think he is quite good. He is intelligent. You know… he always passes the test with flying colours. He is also creative, sociable and independent. But …. Lina : But …..what… Linda : You know. He can’t stand living in common life. He prefers living out of rules. He is rebellious. Can I take that ? I am not sure. Lina : I see….Well, What about Kevin?

106 Linda : Kevin, I don’t know much about him. But I heard that he is easygoing person, patient, Diligent. He is generous too, you know. Lina : Yeah…then .. Linda : He is also reliable but as I know he is moody and aloof. He isn’t sociable guy. Lina : Well, it’s hard to choose huh…. Linda : Yeah …..no body’s perfect …no body’s perfect.

Andy Kevin Positive personalities Negative personalities Positive personalities Negative personalities …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

B. Modeling of text Activity 13 Listen to your teacher reading the text and fill in the blanks.

Picture 5.8. Dhini Aminarti Source: www.pikiran-rakyat.com

Do you know this (1) ______girl? Of course you are. Her (2) ______is everywhere. On magazines, newspapers and (3) ______on TVs as “sinetron” player. You might think this girl is (4) ______, soft-spoken, and composed. Na-ah, you’re so of wrong! Dhini (5) ______that she’ s actually a talkative kind of girl, full of (6) ______but kind-hearted and friendly. Dhini’s true personality won’t show when she’s in the company of a (7) ______or in an unfamiliar place. And another thing, she’s a perfectionist!. This 173-cm- tall and slim girl I say that she’s always a perfectionist when it comes to her (8) ______, job, thoughts, and future. She (9) ______planning everything well and making an effort to (10) ______her targets. (Edited from : Cool ‘n Smart, Vol.3.No.24. 2004) Questions: 1. What is Dhini Aminarti? 2. What does she look like? 3. How are her personalities?

107 4. Is she a perfectionist girl? How do you know? 5. What is the speaker’s purpose in this spoken text?

Activity 14 Read the text and answer the questions. Pay attention to the text structure and the language features.

Sarah Meirizka Hardiany Sechan is one of the Name famous VJs on MTV. She was born in Bandung, May 9 1974. She starts her career as a model, hosting Identification television programs, radio announcer on Hardrock FM Profession and the last is Video Jockey (or popularly shortened to VJ) on MTV.

You can see her pretty face almost everyday on your TV screen. This small sized girl (“just 1.59 m and Compound 44 kg”) is the VJ of such MTV programs as MTV adjective Description: Asia, MTV Land, MTV Ampuh and MTV Getar Cinta. Physical She also takes turns with several other hosts on features programs such as MTV Screen, MTV Most Wanted, etc. The brown-skinned girl has straight, short black hair, a small nose and a rather small ears. Her oval Noun Phrases face makes her cheeks look like a plump when she laughs or smiles.

And that’s Sarah Sechan. Behind her cheerful and jocular face, there is a persistent and charming adjectives personality. As VJ, she is energetic and creative.She Description: always gets well with the others. The open-minded Personality girl always open to every suggestion to make her show more interesting, especially from the MTV creative team where she works at. As a human being, she can’t avoid negative feeling. Sarah sometimes can’t help looking sulky and short-tempered when Linking everything is not as what she planned. And above all, Verbs Sarah Sechan is someone who loves her work and her family.

(Simplified and edited from: C’ n S magazine, Volume 1 No. 1 2004.) Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. Where does she work ? 3. What is her profession? 4. How is her face? 5. How is her figure? 6. How is her hair? 7. What is her complexion? 8. Mention her positive and negative traits.

108 Activity 15 Read the Notice. Answer the questions.



One pirate by the name of Jacques Sandier Also known as “BaldHead”

Appearance : Big, about 100 kg Tall, about 1,9 m Usually dressed in red clothes and boots. Striking Features : A clean-saved chin, plaited and tied with coloured ribbons.

Sometimes fuses are hidden under his hat and they burn and give out smoke. Reputation : Irritable and trigger-happy Bad Habit : Uses foul language all the time. His crime : Robbery on high seas Murder

Beware! This man is armed and dangerous. REWARD – £1000 from the King’s treasury

(Modified from : Soal Ujian Nasional SMP/ MTs Tahun Pelajaran 2003/2004 C2)

Questions: 1. What is Jacques Sandier ? 2. What is the notice about? 3. What was he accused for? 4. How does he look like? 5. What is his negative trait? 6. Find the identification and the description. 7. Find the compound adjective. 8. Find the qualitative adjectives.

109 C. Joint construction of text. Activity 16 Work in group of three or four. Suppose your school is going to choose a student organization chairperson. You support one of the candidates. Make a campaign pamphlet or flyer about the candidate. Support it with his/her photo.

Look at the example below.


Choose Jessica guys!, our best friend our best candidate. Jessica is the most popular girl in our girl, for her brain, beauty and bless and her organizing skills.

Choose Jessica guys!, The humble girl has an easy going personality, friendly and sociable. She is the smartest among us but she never tries to force her opinions on other people.

Choose Jessica guys!, for the best of us.

(Picture source: Sepkita Jessica, Computer files at LPMP Jateng)

D. Independent construction of text Activity 17

Put a picture of your family members or a person that you know well. Put it on your workbook. Give a detail description about him/her or them.

(Photo source: Family album)

110 Step 2 (Written) Reading and writing

A. Building knowledge of field Activity 1 Look at the pictures. Read and understand the paragraphs Match each picture with the correct description. Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

a. Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, is a memorial to four great Americans. It has the largest figures of any statue in the world. The head of George Washington is as high as a five-story building. The other heads are Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. b. Mount Everest, in the Himalaya range on the frontier of Tibet and Nepal, is the highest mountain in the world. The lofty, snow-covered peak rises about 5 1/2 miles (8.9 kilometers) above sea level. c. Italians gather in Pisa in June 2001 to celebrate the completion of renovations of the Leaning Tower, which had been closed since 1990. Engineers stabilized the foundation and partially straightened the tower's famous lean. d. Scenic limestone hills near the city of Guilin in southern are among the most unusual features of China's vast countryside. Only Russia and have more land than China. (Photo Source and description taken from: World Book 2005)

111 Activity 2 Reading for comprehension. Read the following text about Taj Mahal. Then answer the questions.

Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful and costly tombs in the world. The Indian ruler Shah Jahan ordered it built in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1629. The tomb stands at Agra in northern . About 20,000 workers built it between about 1630 and 1650.

According to tradition, the Taj Mahal was designed by a Turkish architect. It is made of white marble and rests on a platform of red sandstone. At each corner of the platform stands a slender minaret (prayer tower). Each tower is 133 feet (40.5 meters) high. The building itself is 186 feet (56.7 meters) square. A dome covers the center of the building. It is 70 feet (21.3 meters) in diameter and 120 feet (36.6 meters) high. Passages from the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, decorate the outside along with inlaid floral patterns. A central room contains two cenotaphs (monuments). Visitors can see the monuments through a carved alabaster screen. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife lie in a vault below. The tomb stands in a garden. (Source : World Book 2005) Questions 1. In what country is Taj mahal located? 2. Who built it? 3. Why did The king build Taj Mahal ? 4. How tall is the dome of the Taj Mahal? 5. How is the building decorated? 6. What is the purpose of the writer in this text? Grammar Focus 1. Simple Present Tense Activity 3 Let’s study “ the simple present tense” Pay attention to the following sentences! 1. Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, is a memorial to four great Americans. 2. Scenic limestone hills near the city of Guilin in southern China are among the most unusual features of China's vast countryside. 3. The lofty, snow-covered peak rises about 5 1/2 miles (8.9 kilometers) above sea level. 4. Italians gather in Pisa in June 2001 to celebrate the completion of renovations of the Leaning Tower

112 Whenyouwanttodescribeathing,aplaceoraperson,youusethesimplepresenttense.Inthe simple present tense, you use is, am or are (to be) and present verb or verb-s/-es. Study the following pattern. Pattern a. Verb pattern (+) S + V1(-s/-es) (-) S + do/does not V1 (?)Do/does+S+V1?

b. To be pattern (+) S + is/am/are + adjectives/adverbs/nouns (-) S + is/am/are not + adjectives/adverbs/nouns (?) Is/Am/Are + S + adjectives/adverbs/nouns ?

Activity 4 Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form.

Great Wall of China Great Wall of China (1).…….(be) the lngest structure ever built. Its total length-including loops and branches-is about 4,500 miles (7,240 kilometers), and it was erected entirely by hand. The main line (2) ……………..(stretch) about 2,500 miles (4,020 kilometers) across northern China. The eastern end of the main line is at Shanhaiguan, a town near Qinhuangdao on the coast of the Bo Gulf. In the west, the main line ends in the Lop Nur region of the Xinjiang province.

Description. Parts of the Great Wall have crumbled through the years. However, much of it (3)…………(remain), and some sections have been restored. One of the most visited sections of the Great Wall, on Mount Badaling, near Beijing, (4)…………..(rise) to about 35 feet (11 meters) high. This section (5) …………….(be) about 25 feet (7.6 meters) wide at its base and nearly 20 feet (6 meters) at the top. Watchtowers stand about 100 to 200 yards (91 to 180 meters) apart along the wall. The towers, about 40 feet (12 meters) high, once served as lookout posts.

In the east, the wall (6) …………(wind) through the mountainous Mongolian Border Uplands. This part of the wall (7) ………..(have) a foundation of granite blocks. It (8) ……….(have) sides of stone or brick, and the inside of the wall is filled with earth. The top is paved with bricks set in mortar. The bricks form a road that was used by the workers who built the wall and by the soldiers who defended it.

Farther west, the Great Wall (9) ……………..(run) through hilly areas and along the borders of deserts. Stone and brick were scarce in these hilly and desert areas, and so the workers used earth to build this section of the wall. They moistened the earth and pounded it to make it solid. (Adapted from : World Book 2005)

2. Relating verbs Activity 5 Let’s study “ the relating verbs” Pay attention to the following sentences!

113 3. Degrees of comparison Activity 8 Let’s study “ the degrees of comparison” Pay attention to the following sentences! 1. The head of George Washington is as high as a five-story building. 2. Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, is a memorial to four great Americans. It has the largest figures of any statue in the world. 3. Scenic limestone hills near the city of Guilin in southern China are among the most unusual features of China's vast countryside. 4. Mount Everest, in the Himalaya range on the frontier of Tibet and Nepal, is the highest mountain in the world.

Study the following explanation. Specific Similarity a. as …..as For quality adjectives (tall, short, big, large, wide, small, high, low, cheap, expensive, clear, easy, hot, cold etc) Example : Prambanan temple is as tall as Gedong songo temple. The weather in Toronto is as cold as in New York. My car is as expensive as yours. b. thesame….as. For quality nouns (weight, size, price, style. Age, colour, height, length) Example: My new clothes is almost the same prize as two of your old ones. Surakarta is the same size as Pekalongan My car is almost the same colour as yours.

Comparative Adjectives Using suffix –er . Using suffix -er Initiated with “more” It is used for one syllable It is used for two-syllables It is used for two or more adjectives . adjectives , ended with ,- syllables adjectives ow, -y, -er Hard Harder Clever Cleverer Interesting More interesting Fast Faster Narrow Narrower Expensive More expensive Nice Nicer Heavy Heavier Beautiful More beautiful Tall Taller Busy busier Wonderful More wonderful Big Bigger handsome More handsome Small Smaller Wide Wider

Superlative Adjectives Pattern: the –est . Initiated with “ the most” It is used for one syllable adjectives It is used for two or more syllables adjectives

Clear The clearest Interesting The most interesting Nice The nicest Expensive The most expensive Fast The fastest Beautiful The most beautiful Hard The hardest Wonderful The most wonderful quick The quickest handsome The most handsome

115 Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, is a memorial to four great Americans. It has the largest figures of any statue in the world. The head of George Washington is as high as a five-story building. The other heads are Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. The bold typed words are called “relating verbs”. Relating verbs involve states of being and having. They are used to identify something (identifying) or to assign a quality to something (attributive). Study these words. Identifying Attributive be equal provide be grow see add up to express resemble appear has smell act as form realize become hear sound become give represent belong to keep stay be taken include stand for cost look turn call imply spell concern last turn out contain indicate signify end up need weigh cause mean symbolize feel require comprise occupy span get remain define own take up go seem Examples : The date tree grows taller and taller The Jakarta was built in 1700’s The school yard looks clean I smell something burning.

Activity 6 Fill in the blank with the suitable relating verbs from the box above. 1. My town ______a big city now. It grew from a little village to a big city. 2. My little brother ______taller and taller now. 3. The little boy scout ______tired. He walks in tottery 4. The rose flowers ______fragrant 5. The orchids ______red and white. 6. The tape recorder ______produced in 2005. 7. The tea ______bitter. 8. The old widow ______lonely

Activity 7 Fill in the blank spaces in the text with suitable relating verbs The People of Nepal Most people of Nepal (1) ______farmers. They live in stone or timber houses with thatched or slab roofing. They (2) ______rice, which is their main crop, maize, barley, potatoes and vegetables. Sheep (3) ______their main source of meat. Cows are kept to produce milk. Goats are also used for milk. Donkeys, mules, and dzose are used to carry goods. Nepal (4) ______an isolated country so hardly any modernizing has occurred. They (5) ______few facilities and mainly live on their intensive subsistence agriculture. (Materi Pelatihan Terintegrasi, 2005).