Audlem Parish Council to Be Decided on 26April

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Audlem Parish Council to Be Decided on 26April Moorsfield/Tollgate: This application (34 houses) is due Audlem Parish Council to be decided on 26April. Statements will be made by the Parish Council News, April 2OL7 Parish Council, Audlem Medical Practice and the Residents' Association. Contacting the Parish Council Heathfield Road: Markden Homes have submitted a reserved matters application for 24 dwellings. Our Parish Clerl<, Kirstin Dixon, has new contact details detailed which can be seen on the Parish Council contact panel. Her regular office hours areTuesdays and Thursdays from Post Office Update 9am to l2pm but the email and mobile will be monitored The possibility of an Outreach Service two days each outside that time. weel< has moved forward. A Postmaster has agreed to travel toAudlem to provide the service and a potential site ftlew Far{s&a Cmwxre&&}or has been sourced. Royal Mail has agreed to lool< at an alternative to having to collect undelivered items from We are pleased to welcome John Latham from School Crewe. Woore and Wybunbury have been suggested as Lane, Audlem to the Parish Council. His contact details the alternative venue. Do you have a view on this? lf so, are also in the adjacent panel. let one of the Parish Councillors know. Newsletter Distribution Councillors are hoping that a decision to approve the Many thanks to Audlem Scouts for delivering these transfer will come from the Portfolio Holder at Cheshire newsletters throughout Audlem. East Council in the next few weel<s. ln the meantime, the grass at the goalmouth is to be repaired and we ask for co- operation in l<eeping off the newly sown area to allow the Parish Councillors' contact details grass to grow strongly. Heather Jones, Chair - 8l 1836 Planning News Geoff Seddon, Vice Chair - 8l 1282 Councillors have sent responses to the Cheshire East Frances Mary Christie - 8l 1340 Kate Down - 8l I 160 Consultations on Site Allocations and Community Bill Consterdine - 8l 1647 David Higham - 812069 gl1774 lnfrastructure Levy (ClL) which ended on l0 April. They Phil Johnson - Ceri Parsons - 8l I 176 will work with CEC officers to identify site allocations for Dave Siddorns - 8l l0l2 JohnThompson - 812333 village when call for sites is completed. Full the the John Latham - 8l l3l I consultation will take place with residents throughout the Your Parish Clerk is Kirstin Dixon - 07432 332857 Process. or Email [email protected] Little Heath: Anwyl Developments have started worl< Parish Council meetings will be held in the Meeting on the roadways to access this site. The application for Rooms adjoining Audlem Methodist Church on retirement apartments from McCarthy and Stone is now Mondays, 8 May, 5 June and l0 July 2017. At the be decided on 3 I May 201 7. due to beginning of each meeting, residents have the Little Heath, land adjacent to Bird's Nest: This opportunity to bring matters of concern to the is welcome application for 20 houses has gone to Appeal and a attention of the Parish Council. Everyone decision is awaited. to stay and listen for the rest of the meeting. The groups that will be using the Annexe, particularly The 17th Audlem Music & Arts theYouth Club, ADCA and the Gym are busy finalising their Festival?l ta 29 May fixtures,furniture and fittings including power and lT points. Quotes have been obtained for equipment for the The annualAudlem Music and Arts Festival is back in May; community gym. ln addition to a treadmill and other it has tal<en place in the village every year since 2000. machines for cardiovascular exercise, there will be l<it for There's music to suit all tastes, exhibitions, and poetry strength training. Open from 7am to 9pm every day, the events at the many venues around Audlem. More than gym will be available for use by those aged 16 and over. eighty music acts will perform - all completely free to After training, members will be issued with a key fob for enjoy. access. We will begin tal<ing membership applications from ln addition, on the bank holiday Monday, the traditional I August. More details will be given as things progress. place a fun fair, stalls, Punch & Grand Carnival takes with Finally, thanl<s to everyone for their patience and Carnival and the Nantwich Brass Band. Judy, the Queen support during the construction stage of what will be a Details of the long weel<end can be found in our free much needed community facility. glossy programme available from shops and businesses locally. Camping and caravanning facilities in the village are APHAX Fund Raising Events for available to book for the weel<end. the Public Hall Annexe Further details available at: and lemfestival As part of the fund raising for the Annexe to the Public Hall, the APHAx Committee launched a 'Sponsor a Plaque' campaign. For f25 (or more if you wish) you will have a plaque with your name (or other inscription) permanently displayed on a 'Sponsors' Wall' in the entrance to the Annexe building. We are very pleased with the positive response with around 200 having been ordered already. lf you wish to be included there is still time, please contact Roland Hall on 01270 B 12530 or Ralph \ y'arburton on 01270 812125. A Grand Barn Dance will be held on 25 August in the Public Hall as part of the APHAx fund raising. Ticl<ets for the Barn Dance cost f l0 - which includes a fine Ploughman's meal with the famous Heler's cheese and {lmss$*ilrg##q"$fl}sr m$' trffpm Wnmfoffffi+:: fH;aH$ dancing to the newAPHAx Fancy Players with Hilary Evans &resH#sm as your caller. Ring Ralph Warburton for ticl<ets on 01270 8t2t25. The construction worl< for the Public Hall Annexe is gathering speed with completion of the foundations and internal and external walls. The roof should be finished around the middle of May. While worl< is behind schedule due to poor weather, once the roof is on it is expected that some, if not all, of the lost time will be made up. The builders have been worl<ing longer hours when weather Our volunteer drivers and office staff continue to operate permits and are aiming for an October 2017 completion. our successful medical transport service which takes people to health appointments at local hospitals and clinics. During 2016 the service undertook 128 trips in total: 55 were to Leighton Hospital general outpatients, 27 to the Eye Clinic, 34 to the GP and l3 other trips to other local hospitals and clinics. lf you have difficulty arranging transport to a health appointment then please contact us to see if we can assist. Ring our office on 01270 747163 and leave a message and a volunteer will get bacl< to you. Please give us plenty of notice if possible. The running costs of operating the service are supported by generous donations from Audlem Charity Shop and through contributions made by users of the service. The service has continued to grow in the first part of 20 l7 so we are in need of more volunteer drivers to help out. We already have l0 volunteer drivers so new volunteers would be called upon only once or twice each month. We also provide training and support to all our volunteers. Audlem Directory 2OL7 Senvices COUNCILS Cheshire East Council 0300 '123 55 00 www.chesh ireeast.qov. uk Cheshire East Ward Rachel cllr.rachel.bailey@cheshireeast. gov. uk Councillor BaileV Audlem Parish Council Kirstin Clerk 07432 332857 audlem pc.aud Dixon audlemoc@omail com Buerton Parish Council John CIerk 01270 81 1aa7 Kemble buertonclerkAhotmail-co. uk Hankelow Parish Council Carol Jones Clerk 01270 812065 html clerk@ hankelowparishcouncil.orq EDUCATION Audlem Educational Ruth Clerk 01270 811887 Founclation Kemble [email protected] Audlem Primarv School Brrrsar bursar@ stiames aud eshire. sch. uk www.a udlemstiames.orq. uk/ ABC Childcare Services 01270 669050 www. abcchildcareserviceschesh uk abcchi lclca reservices(&bti niernet. com EMERGENCY SERVICES AucJlem Fire Station 01270 811625 www.chesh uk Police 0845 458 6378 uk nantwich.nou@cheshire. pnn. police. uk HEALTH Audlem Community First Michael [email protected]. uk www.audlemcom mu nityfirstresponders Responders Thomnson btck co uk ALrdlem Medical Practice 01270 811440 www. audlemmedica lpractice.n hs. uk Audlem Physiotherapy Clinic Philippa 07454 270796 Butler Audlem Patient Participation [email protected] Grouo (PPG) Boots Pharmacy 01270 81 1245 ADCA Voluntary Driving 01270 747163 Service leiohton Hosnital 01270 255141 Woodbine Therapy Alison o7702 341091 www.wood binethera uk Wardman alison( OTHERS Cemetery - Audlem Burial Ralph Clerk 01270 812125 Board Warburton riw@ notru braw. co m Citizens' Advice Bureau Adviceline 08444 111444 www.cecab-orq. uk TRANSPORT D&GLittleBus oa45 077 9110 Organisations & Societies CHARITIES Audlem & District Roger Millns 0127D 747163 Community Action millnsr@talktalk. net (ADCA) Audlem Charity Shop Ann Bowles o7715 967084 lemc [email protected] harityshop Audlem Friends of Ralph Warburton 01270 812125 Donna Louise Children's rjw@notru Audlem Lass Joe Hoyles o1270 411926 uk/ ioe. [email protected]. uk Bloodwise South Liz Boffey 019948 471250 Cheshire [email protected] NSPCC SuDDort Grouo Vi Pritchard 01270 A1 1433 www, ns occ.oro - u k RSPCA Ken Parks 01270 A11013 CHURCHES ALidlem Baoiist Church Bill Cowan o1270 411463 www.audlembaptistch Audlem Methodist Minister mi nister@aud lem methodistchurc Church uk uk St James' (C of E) Rev'd Helen Vicar 01270 811543
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