Virginia Bulletin Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution ______2014-15 Volume XXXVIII No
On-line Virginia Bulletin Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution __________________________________________________________________ 2014-15 Volume XXXVIII No. 4 GREAT BRIDGE REMEMBERED The Commemoration of the Battle of Great Bridge by the National and Williamsburg Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Great Bridge Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution was held on December 6, 2014 at Great Bridge, Chesapeake. In the battle, which took place December 9, 1775, Virginia and North Carolina Patriots defeated British regu- lars and Loyalist troops, which led to the expulsion of British government from Virginia. In an attempt to break up the Whig gathering, Dunmore ordered an at- tack across the bridge, which was decisively repulsed. William Wood- ford, the Patriot commander at the battle, described it as "a second Bun- ker's Hill affair". - Lew De Seif, Williamsburg Chapter (L-R) Wayne Rouse, Past President, Co. Fielding Lewis Chapter SAR, Caroline Fox, Presi- dent, Cavalier Chapter Children of the American Revolution, Sylvia Ryder, Regent, Prin- cess Anne Chapter DAR, Harley Stewart, Secretary, Williamsburg Chapter SAR, Lindsey Brock, President General, National Society SAR, Emily Holmes, Regent, Great Bridge DAR FROM THE GUEST EDITOR’S DESK Compatriots, I began Revolutionary War reenacting in 1989 and was active until age began to catch up with me. Now, my participation is confined to living history activities which has allowed me to keep a hand in the hobby. Years ago when I was first getting my uniform and equipment together, my “sergeant’ told a group of us recruits that a clown dresses up and in order for us to become real reenactors and to avoid being clowns, we needed to learn the drill and unit history, to become knowledgeable about our uniform, uniform kit, and weapons.
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