Site Conservation Assessment

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Site Conservation Assessment © Global Heritage Fund 2011 Site Conservation Assessment 1. General Information Date June 15, 2011 Site Name Kotagede Country Indonesia Site Status National Heritage Assessor Name Punto Wijayanto Institution Centre for Heritage Conservation Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University Jl. Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta Profession Architect/Planner/Heritage expert Affiliations Badan Pelestarian Pusaka Indonesia/BPPI (Indonesian Heritage Trust) Jl. Veteran I No. 24, Jakarta Date of site visit May-June 2011 Previous history • Project “Damaged Heritage Rapid Assessment”, 2006 with the site • Project “CSRPP-JRF”, 2009-2011 Site Description • Kotagede Heritage District is situated some 5 kilometers southeast off the center of Yogyakarta City in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) (250 words or less) Province, Indonesia. (see App.1) • It was the center of Mataram Kingdom in 16th C, but lost its role when the center of power was shifted to Kerta/Plered (1613). Following the Giyanti Treaty (1755), Mataram Kingdom, including Kotagede, was split between Yogyakarta and Surakarta Sultanate, which later becomes modern Yogyakarta City and Surakarta City, Central Java. After independence of Indonesia, Kota Gede was absorbed into Yogyakarta City and Bantul Regency. • Administratively, it covers three villages: Kelurahan Prenggan and Purbayan (Yogyakarta City) and Desa Jagalan (Bantul Regency). • It covers an area on the east bank of Gajah Wong river: 83 ha (Prenggan), 99 ha (Purbayan) and 27 ha (Jagalan). • According to the Statistics Indonesia/Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), the population of Kotagede in 2007: 11.370 (Prenggan), 9.704 (Purbayan) and 3.446 (Jagalan). • It’s still today center for commerce and local industries, such as silver handycraft which make Kotagede known as silver city. • There is no protective or buffer zone area. 1 © Global Heritage Fund 2011 Site Significance • Kotagede Heritage District was the center of Islamic Mataram Kingdom, founded by Sutawijaya (1587), which is now one of the oldest (250 words or less) Javanese towns in Indonesia. • It has a unique city structure, called catur gatra tunggal. Catur gatra tunggal is four-based-components which a city must have: kraton or kingdom palace as the center, alon-alon or square on north kraton, mosque on the northwest side, and market on north east. Then, surrounded by fortress: cepuri (inside fortress/tembok njero) and baluwerti (outside fortress/tembok njaba). • This beautiful landscape that makes Kotagede special is also for its Javanese wooden traditional houses and the Kalang Houses, houses of the merchants of gold or silver which combines beautifully Indisch and Javanese architecture. • This beauty is seen in harmony with the alley that connected every Kotagede’s conners. The alley is called Jalan rukunan/shared-together alley. These alleys connect every corners and sites to the main road. With 1 meter maximum width and between walls, the polite Java characteristic expressed when two people or more meet on jalan rukunan. • The silver crafts’ houses can be found around the mosque while their galleries along the Kemasan street. • Culture lives as nyadran, a devotional prayer held once a year, or traditional arts such as macapatan, srandul, karawitan, and gejog lesung still conserved in Kotagede. • There are also traditional foods such as Kipo, Wingko and Yangko. These kinds of food can be possibly found in the Kotagede Market. Keroncong performance and local food 2. Project Potential The following information is critical for GHF evaluation of how our scarce resources can most effectively employed. Planning Community What plans (eg Management, Conservation, Tourism Development, Disaster Is there a nearby community that is or could be invested in preservation and tourism Preparedness) currently exist, and/or have been executed? development at the site? • Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah/RTRW (Spatial Plan) Yogyakarta Special Region (1:25.000) – 2009/2029 • Pusdok (Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Pengembangan Budaya Kotagede) • Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah/RTRW (Spatial Plan) Yogyakarta Foundation City (1:25.000) – 2010/2029 Organization aims to make study and documentation about Kotagede. 2 © Global Heritage Fund 2011 • Rencata Detail Tata Ruang/RDTR (Detailed spatial plan) Yogyakarta • Kanthil Foundation City (1:5.000) - in preparation Organization aims to to develop community-based tourism • Rencana Tata Bangunan dan Lingkungan (Settlement Plan) Kotagede • OPKP (Heritage District Organization) Mondorakan, Binangun, Purbayan and (1:500) – in preparation Jagalan • Rencana Induk Revitalisasi Kawasan Cagar Budaya (Revitalization Organization aims to conserve and develop Kotagede heritage assets. Plan) Kotagede Heritage District – in preparation • Forum Joglo • Rencana Penataan Permukiman (Community Settlement Plan/ Organization aims to coordinate local communities/stakeholders. • Mitigation-based village plan) for each kelurahan/desa in Kotagede – 2009/2014 Conservation Partnerships What are the paramount conservation problems and needs? What domestic and international, public and private organizations have the greatest What international conservation efforts have taken place? potential as partners in preservation and tourism development at the site? Due to the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006, many traditional wooden houses in • Badan Pelestarian Pusaka Indonesia/BPPI (Indonesian Heritage Trust) Kotagede are damaged and number of silversmiths is decreasing. • Jogja Heritage Society (JHS) Yogyakarta Conservation efforts are needed to renovate or rebuild the traditional houses • Centre for Heritage Conservation (CHC), Deparment of Architecture&Planning, and also to revitalize Kotagede’s silver craft. Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta International efforts have taken: • UNESCO Office, Jakarta • JICA 2006/2007 with Community Empowerment Program UGM-JICA to develop inventory of Kotagede traditional wooden houses and to assist the establishment of heritage district organization • The Dutch Royal Government, JICA, Exxon Mobile Oil Jakarta, Total Indonesie and Better Air Quality 2007, Manila supported the renovation of 5 traditional wooden houses and 1 monuments/old former electricity post during 2006-2008 • UNESCO Office, Jakarta in collaboration with Office of the UNESCO regional advisor for culture in Asiain and JHS produced Homeowners Conservation Manual-Kotagede Heritage District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 3 © Global Heritage Fund 2011 Homeowners conservation manual • Japan Foundation – Kuala Lumpur with International Field School for Asian Heritage IV (2007) in Kotagede • Exxon Mobil and Gadjah Mada University developed the Post-Earthquake Revitalization of Kotagede Crafts program which introduced The Qualified Silver Craft Product Order from March 2007 to February 2009. • Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF) supports Community Settlement Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project (CSRPP) in Kotagede for renovation of about 20 traditional wooden houses and capacity building program to the community Further remarks: 3. Site Condition – Overview Emphasize recent (past 30 years) and ongoing changes in condition. Perceptual condition refers to elements such as visual intrusion, noise, encroachment of new constructions, crowding, commodification, etc. General Physical Condition General Perceptual Condition Site • The government of DIY declared Kotagede as heritage and therefore • Traffic and transportation density especially during Market Day made them protected. Mostly the main components of Mataram • Economic growth, the absence of applicative guidelines, cheap materials Kingdom such as the Complex of the Great Mosque are well and construction technique make traditional house owners unwilling to keep preserved. The mosque is still used for religious activities. traditional and rather expensive materials and techniques for repairing their • After the earthquake in 2006, many traditional wooden houses in houses. Kotagede have been damaged. Their owners deprived of necessary • The style and character of new building is uncontrolled. For example: The means resources might not be able to restore them in their traditional height of new buildings exceeds the height of the Great Mosque. Although, 4 © Global Heritage Fund 2011 forms. Frustrations of these houses owners not to be able to restore there are also several attempts by local community to renovate or build new their houses to its traditional character have raised concerns to lose buildings that matched to the local style. these types of houses. • After the earthquake, the government gave financial support for housing reconstruction. However, some evidences show that the utilization of this government subsidy has destroyed the form and value of the traditional houses due to the inappropriate design and reconstruction. • In 2009, an age-old mosque, the Silver Mosque/Masjid Perak which was built in 1940 has been demolished due to its damage. After some protests, eventually it was rebuilt according to its old form. Photo source: Kanthil Kotagede (2009) Photo source: MDKB UGM (2007) Setting / Buffer Zone 5 © Global Heritage Fund 2011 Are there particular social dynamics having site management implications? These could involve, for example, site ownership and control, land use, legal status, armed conflict, ethnic tensions, crime, corruption, elite appropriation and access restrictions. • In general, traditional houses are transferred from parents to their children. It is often that a house along with its ownership
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