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1898-99 WILLIAM T. BAKER marshall field ADOLPHUS C. BARTLETT henry h. getty JAMES H. DOLE charles d. hamill NATHANIEL K. FAIRBANK edward e. ayer SAMUEL M. NICKERSON john c. black MARTIN A. RYERSON john j. glessner ALBERT A. SPRAGUE charles e. hutchinson ALLISON V. ARMOUR bryan lathrop SAMUEL E. BARRETT r. hall MCcormick CHAUNCEY J. BLAIR charles w. fullerton ROBERT A. WALLER. charles a. coolidge Comptroller (Ex-Officio) carter h. harrison Mayor (Ex-Officio)




2 'HE Art Institute of Chicago was incorporated May 1 24, 1879, for the " founding and maintenance of schools of art and design, the formation and exhibition of collections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate means." The Museum bnilding upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their families at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, includes depart ments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Design ing and Architecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of ten dollars for the year. Life Members pay one hundred dollars and no dues thereafter. Governing members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. All members are entitled, with their families and visiting friends, to admission to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures aud entertainments given by the Art Institute, and to the use of the reference library upon art.

3 DESIGNATION OF GALLERIES MAIN FLOOR BBS PLAN Room i, - Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Sculpture : Egyptian and Assyrian. Room a, (Corridor) Same : Asia Minor, and Early Greek. Room 3, Same : Age of Pheidias. Room 4, Same : Later Greek. Room 5, - .... Same: Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) - - - Same : Renaissance. Room 7, Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) Elbridge G. Hall Collection : Modern. Room 9, Office of the Secretary. Room io, - - Elbridge G. Hall Collection ; Modern. Room ii, (Corridor) - Historical Collection of French Sculpture and Architecture. Room la, Same. Room 13, (Corridor) Same. Room 14, - Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. Room 15, - - Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, Library, and Mrs. D. K. Pearson's Collection of Braun Photographs. Rooms 17 to 24 are in the part not yet built.


DESIGNATION OF GALLERIES SECOND FLOOR SEE PLAN Room 25, '1 Room 26, Eleventh Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room 27, J> and Scnlpture, by Contemporary Room 28, American Artists. Room 30, J Room 29, (Corridor) - Getty Collection of Musical Instruments, Etc. Room 31, - - - - Paintings; Old Masters. Room 32, " " " Room 33, (Corridor) - - Arundel Reproductions. Room 34, Committee Room. Room 35, (Hall) Sculpture. Room 36, Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) - - Paintings and Sculpture. Room 38, Oil Paintings, Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, - - Oil Paintings, Hanford Collection. Room 40, - - Oil Paintings, A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, Same. Room 42, Oil Paintings. Room 43, .... Oil Paintings ; American. Room 44, (Corridor) - Oil Paintings and Scnlpture. Room 45, Collection of the Antiquarians : Textiles and Embroideries. Rooms 46 to 54 are in the part not yet built.




This exhibition includes 327 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 293 Sculpture, 34 Total, 3*7 Of these works 48 were selected by Miss Sara Hallowell in , principally from the two salons of the current year ; 279 were chosen by juries of artists in six cities, as follows : New York, 58 ; Philadelphia, 39 ; Boston, 19 ; Cincinnati, 19; St. Louis, 47 ; Chicago, 97. The aggregate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict requirements of the'prospectus was 596. JURIES OF SELECTION For New York. For Philadelphia. Douglas Volk, Mrs. E. MacDowrll, Leonard Ochtman, Albert Rosenthal, j. h. twachtman, Prosper L. Senat, ksnyon cox.

For Boston. For Cincinnati. Miss May Hallowell, O. W. Beck, Charles Hopkinson, Charles Kaelin, Edward H. Barnard, Vincent Nowottny, J. H. Sharp.

For St. Louis. Holmes Smith, Paul Cornoyer, Frederick L. Stoddard.

For Chicago. ART COMMITTEE OT THE AR r INSTITUTE. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Or ARTIST*. Charles L. Hutchinson, Miss Blanche Ostertac, James H. Dole, Charles Ed. Boutwood, Martin A. Ryerson, A. E. Albright, Bryan LaTHRop, Miss Julia M. Bracken, R. Hall McCormick, via i mil h . wuertz, deceased. Frederick Richardson. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING EX HIBITS FOR SALE APPLY TO MISS WILLARD. AT DESK IN ROOM 30.



OIL PAINTINGS ABBATT, Agnes Dean— Westchester, . Born in New York City. Studied at Cooper Institute. National Acad emy of Design, R. Swain Gifford, N. A., James D. SmilHe, N. A., Mem ber of the American Water Color Society. 1. Isabella grapes. 2. The meadow pond.

ABBOT, Katherinh Gilbert— 1025 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Born in Zanesville, Ohio. 3. Portrait of Major Donnell.

ADAMS, J. Ottis— Muncie, Indiana. Member of the Society of Western Artists. 4. A November afternoon. 5. A gray day, December. 1 1 12 The Art Institute of Chicago.

ALBRIGHT, Adam Emory— 69 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Born in Wisconsin, 1802. Studied in the Art Institute of Chicago, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Karl Marr, Munich ; Bouguereau and Constant, Paris. Member Cosmopolitan Art Club and Chicago Art Association. 6. Identification. "The wages of sin is death." 7. Wood and ashes.

ANSHUTZ, Thomas P.— Southeast Corner Tenth and Wal nut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 8. A soldier artist.

BAKER, Ellen Kendall (Mrs. H. Thompson) — 7 Rue Lemaitre, Puteaux (Seine), France. Born in New York. Represented in Detroit, Minneapolis and Buffalo museums. 9. A Madonna. 10. Maidenhood. " With a lily in her hand Gates of brass cannot withstand." Longfellow.

BAKER, Martha S.— 1026 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Studied in the Art Institute. 11. Mill-race at twilight.

BARNARD, Edward H.— 23 Irvington Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Belmont, Mass., 1855. Studied with John B. Johnston, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, with Boulanger and R. Collin, Paris. Instructor in Drawing at Bradford Academy, Mass. Medal for Landscape and Medal for Portrait, Mass. Charitable Me. chanics Association. Honorable Mention at Tennessee Exposition. 12. A Berkshire farm, sunny morning. 13. A summer rain. Oil Paintings. 13

BARTLETT, Frederic — 38 Rue Boilean, Auteuil, Paris. Born in Chicago, 1878. Studied in Royal Academy, Munich. Member Societt {rationale des Beaux-Arts (Champs de Mars). R. A. M. 14. Evening (etude).

BAUMGRAS, Peter— Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Bavaria, Germany, 1827. Studied at Royal Academy in Munich. 15. From the Pacific shore.

BEAUX, Ceciua— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 16. Sister and brother.

BERNEKER, Louis F.— Clinton, Mo. Born in German- town, Mo. Studied in the St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member of the St. Louis Association of Painters and Sculptors. 17. A portrait study.

BICKNELL, E. M.— 52 E. 23, New York. 18. At sea.

BICKNELIv, Frank Alpred— 90 Boulevard Garibaldi, Paris, France. 19. Bords du Loing.

BIESTER, Anthony— 835 Everett Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cleve, Germany, 1888. Studied with B. C. Koekkoek and Oswald Achenbach. Member of Cincinnati Art Club. Gold Medal of Indiana State Exposition. 20. Winter scene — A morning hour in the woods. 14 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BIGELOW, D. F.— 5032 Prairie Ave , Chicago. Born in Clinton Co., New York. 21. Adirondacks.

BIRNEY, William Verplanck— 58 W. 57, New York City. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in Munich and Paris. Member of the Brooklyn Art Club, New York Water Color Club. Honorable Mention Munich. 22. My neighbor's garden. 23. The smoker.

BISBING, Henry S.— 23 Rue des Martyrs, Paris. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with J. H. L. de Haas and F. de Vuillefroy. Medals conferred at the principal expositions in Paris, Antwerp, Chicago, London and other cities. 24. Summer days. 25. On the hillside, morning. 26. Afternoon in the meadow: 27. Evening in Holland. 28. By the willows. 29. Evening on the Marne.

BLACKMAN, Walter— 10 Cheniston Gardens, Kensing ton, London W., England. Born in Chicago, 1847. Studied in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 30. A fair Grecian.

BLANEY, Dwight— 12 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Brookline, Mass., 1865. Member of the Boston Water Color Club and New York Water Color Club. 31. In the studio. Oil Paintings. 15

BLENNER, Carl J.— 58 W. 57, New York. Born in Rich mond, Va. Studied in Academie Julian, Paris, and in Yale Art School, New Haven, Conn. Medal in Boston, 1801. 32. Feeding goldfish .

BONSALL, Elisabeth F.— 10 S. 18, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Collin and Girardot. Paris, Aca demy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of the Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Represented In the Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila delphia. Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1888 and 1897. First Toppan Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arta, 1875. 33. Twilight fears.

BRECKENRIDGE, Hugh H.— 10 S. 18, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied with Bonguerean, Ferrier and Doucet, Paris, and Pennsylvania Academy. Medal Atlanta Exposition. 34. Road from the sea.

BREUER, Theodore Albert — 51 Boulevard St. Jacques, Paris. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870. Studied with Prof. Karl Marr, and Mons. Cormon. 35. Notre Jardin.

BRISTOL, John B.— 52 E. 23, New York. 36. Berkshire hills, near Great Barrington, Mass. 37. Lake Dunmore, Vermont.

BROWNE, Charles Francis— 1021, 203 Michigan Ave nue, Chicago. Born in Natick, Mass. Studied with Ealrins, Gerome, and Schenck. Member of Society of Western Artists. Director Cent ral Art Association. Instructor in Art Institute, Chicago, Represented in Providence, R. I. Archt Club and Culture Club, Chicago. 38. The mustard field, Lake Bluff, 111. i6 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BUCKLEY, Jeannette— Art Institute, Chicago. 39. Studio interior.

BUNKER, Caroline— 89 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. Studied in the Paris Schools. Member Boston Art Students' Asso ciation. 40. A sunny hillside.

BUTLER, C La Verne— 28 Villa Dupont, Paris. Born in Panama, Chautauqua Co., New York, in 1880. Studied at Academie Julian, with Bouguereau and Ferrier. 41. Twilight.

BUTLER, E. S., Jr.— 961 E. McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, 1848. Member of Cincinnati Art Club. 42. A market garden.

CAMERON, Edgar— 15 Tree Studio Building, Chicago. Born in Ottawa, 111. Studied in Art Students' League, Chicago Acad emy of Design, Academie Julian, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Repre sented in Chicago Historical Society and in Union League Club. 43. The Grand Dune.

CAMPBELL, Edward Morton — Studio Building, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Hannibal, Mo. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts and Academie Julian, Paris. Member of Society of Western Artists, St. Louis Artists Guild, St. Louis Association of Painters and Sculptors. 44. The hour when daylight dies. 45. Sunshine and rain. Oil Paintings. '7

CHAMPLIN, Hallie Elizabeth — 4711 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago. Born in St. Louis. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago. Member of the Art Students' League. 46. Garden roses.

CHAPMAN, Minerva J.— 3217 Vernon Avenue, Chicago. Born in New York. Studied in the Art Institute of Chicago and with Annie C. Shaw, Chicago. Academie Julian, G. Courtois, R. Collin, Charles Lasar, Paris. 47. Portrait of Mr. J. L,. C. Jr. 48. Portrait of Miss J. P. L,. 49. A studio corner.

CHASE, Mary M. — Aurora, 111. Born in Indianapolis, 1881. Studied at the Art Institute and with Frederick W. Freer. 50. A hot day.

CHILLMAN, Edward— 2001 N. 22, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 51. The meadow swamp, Monmouth Co., New Jersey.

CLARK, Walter— 37 W. 84, New York. Born in Brook lyn, N. Y., 1848. Studied with George Inness. Member of Society of American Artists and New York Water Color Club. 52. Evening at the mill. 53. The rising storm. 54. The head of Lobster Cove, Annisquam.

COLLINS, Louise Huntington— 204 W. 23, New York City, N. Y. 55. Sunset. 18 The Art Institute of Chicago.

COOK, Juan Beman— 5708 Rosalie Court, Chicago. 56. Waldfrieden. 57. In the Happy Valley, Michigan.

COOPER, Emma Lampert— Care of Brown, Shipley & Co. Pounder's Court, London E. C, England. Born in Nunda, New York. Studied in New York and Paris. Member New York Water Color Club; Woman's Art Club, New York; Woman's Art Association of Canada; Arts and Crafts Society, Rochester; Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Medal World's Columbian Exposition and Atlanta Exposition. 58. Making cakes. 59. Near Dordrecht.

COUSE, Eanger Irving— Van Dyck Studios, 939 Eighth Avenue, New York. Born in Saginaw, Mich, Studied in National Academy of Design, New York, with Bouguerean, Pleury, and at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 60. An Indian hunter.

COX, Kenyon— 145 W. 55, New York. Born in Warren, Ohio, 1856. Pupil of Gerome and Carolus Duran. Vice-Pres. Society of American Artists, Member Architectural League and Mural Painters. Represented in Mural Paintings in Walker Art Building (Bowdoin Col lege) and in Library of Congress, Washington. 2nd Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1889. Bronze medals (2), Paris, 1889. Temple Silver Medal, Philadelphia, 1892. Medal Columbian Exposi tion, Chicago, 1893. 61. Portrait of Mrs. K. C. 62. Science instructing industry. Oil Paintings. 19

DAVIS, Charles H.— Care of Doll & Richards, 2 Park Street, Boston. Born in Amesbury, Massachusetts, 1856. Pupil of Otto Grundmann, Boston, and of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Fictures owned by Metro politan Museum of Art, New York, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Gold Medal of Honor and $2,000, from American Art Association Prize Fund Exhibi tion, New York. Gold Medal, Boston. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon 1887. Silver Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1880. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Palmer Prize of $500, Chicago. 63. The valley, September afternoon.

DEAN, Walter — 19 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. Born in Lowell, Mass. 64. Venus, entering port.

DEBEREINER, George— 215 W. 4, Cincinnati, Ohio. 65. Study head.

DELLENBAUGH, Frederick S.— 7 W. 43 New York. Born in Ohio, 1853. Studied in Paris with Carolus Duran. 66. The mill stream.

DeLUCE, Percival— 52 E. 23, New York. Born in New York. Studied in Academy of Antwerp, and with Bonnat, Paris. Member of National Academy and American Water Color Society. 67. Music

DESSAR, Louis Paul— 58 W. 57, New York. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., 1867. Studied with Bouguerean, Tony Robert Pleury and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of Ameri can Artists. Represented in the Lotus Club. Ficture owned by French government. Medals, Salon 1891. Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Men tion Fittsburg, 1897. 68. Normandy shepherd. 69. Afternoon rest. 20 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DODGE, William de LEFTwich— 9 Rue des Fourneaux, Paris. Born In Bedford Co., Virginia, in 1867. Studied at the Beaux Arts and with Gerome. Member of Soctetl des Artistes Francais. 70. War.

DODGSHUN, Mrs. A. Van Cleef— 4441 Berkeley Avenue, Chicago. Born in Jersey City, N. J. Studied with George H. Smillie, National Academy of Design, New York City. Member Cosmopolitan Art Club. 71. A field.

DOHN, Pauline A.— 9 Tree Studios, N. State Street, Chicago. Born in Chicago. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Boulanger, Lefebvre, Lasar, Courtois, Paris. 72. Under the crab-apple tree.

DOLPH, J. H.— 58 W. 57, New York. Born in Fort Ann, N. Y., 1835. Studied in Antwerp and Paris. 73. A society lion. 74. A playful tot. 75. Not wanted.

DOUGHERTY, Parke C— 1430 S. Penn Square, Phil adelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and in Paris. Member of the Art Club, Phil adelphia, and American Art Association of Paris. 76. A gray day.

DOUGLAS, Walter— 134 W. 23, New York. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in National Academy of Design and with William M. Chase. 77. Gray day, Morristown, N. J. Oil Paintings. 21

DRESSLER, Edward James— 17 Tree Studio Building, Chicago. Born in Centreville, Michigan, 1859. Studied in San Fran cisco School of Design under Virgil Williams; National Academy, New York; and Walter Shirlaw. Member Salmagundi Club, New York. 78. From my studio window. 79. An October landscape.

DREW, Antoinette — 945 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash ington, D. C. Born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, 1878. 80. Affection partagee.

DUNSMORE, John Ward— 525 Pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Riley, Butler Co., Ohio, 1850. Studied with Thomas Couture, Paris. Medal, Boston. 81. Miss Shoemaker. (Portrait).

EAKINS, Susan Macdoweli,— 1729 Mt. Vernon, Phil adelphia, Pa. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 82. At home.

EAKINS, Thomas— 1330 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia in 1844. Studied with Gerome. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York, and in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 83. Portrait of Professor Henry A. Rowland of the Johns Hopkins University. 84. "Salutat." 85. Portrait of John McClure Hamilton. 86. Portrait of Professor McAlister. The Art Institute of Chicago.

EATON, Chas. Warren— 8 E. 23, New York. Born in Albany, New York, 1857. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Student's League, New York. Member of American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York. 87. After the storm. 88. The pond. 89. Woods at evening. 90. A Connecticut roadside. 91. The sheep pasture. 92. The red sunset. 93. After sundown.

ERTZ, Edward — 3 Rue Dutot, Paris. Born in Chicago. Studied with Delance. Professor in Academy Delecluze, Paris. Dip loma of honor International Exposition, St. Etienne. Gold Medal Ex. position d'Angers. Grand Prix International Exposition of Rouen, France. 94. Pythia.

FABER, L-udovic E.— Philadelphia, Pa. 95. Pandora.

FAULKNER, HERBERT W.— 9 Impasse du Maine, Paris. Born in Stamford, Conn., I860. Studied with R. Collin. 96. My gondolier's kitchen, Venice.

FORSYTH, William— 938 Fletcher Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Born in Hamilton Co., Ohio. Studied at Royal Academy, Munich . Secretary Society Western Artists. Represented in Art Association, Indianapolis. Medal Royal Academy, Munich. 97. Hills of Corydon. 98. Street in Corydon. Oil Paintings. 23

FREER. Frederick Warren— Tree Studio Building, Chicago. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Royal Academy, Munich. Asso ciate of National Academy of Design, New York. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, etc. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1993. 99. Wet weather. 100. The hammock.

GALLAGHER, Maria K.— Del Prado Hotel, Chicago. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. 101. In the dairy.

GAY, Edward — Mt. Vernon, New York. Born in Ireland. Studied with Boughton, and in Germany under Leasing and Schirmer at Karlsruhe, Baden. Medal Midwinter Exposition, California. Awarded the Prize $2,000 competitive, New York. 102. View near the Village of Stevington, Bed fordshire, Eng. 103. Gathering the marsh grass, Pelham, N. Y.

GILL, Mariquita— Scituate, Mass. Born in Montevideo, 1861. 104. The garden path. 105. Garden gate and June roses.

GLAMAN, Mrs. ;Eugene Fish— 353 W. 12, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute. 106. Sancho. 107. Stable interior. 24 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GOTTHOLD, Florence W.— Carnegie Studios, New York. Born in Ohio. Studied with Benj. R. Fitz, H. Siddons Mowbray. Represented in Washington and St. Louis. 108. Girl with a book.

GRAYSON, Clifford Prevost— 910 Walnut Street, Phil adelphia. Studied in Atelier Gerome and Eoole des Beaux Arts, Paris, Director of Art Department, Drexel Institute. Represented in Cor coran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C, and Art Institute, Chicago. Two Thousand Dollar Prize, American Art Gallery, New York, Temple Gold Medal, Phiadelphia. 109. Tell me your secret. 110. Returning from pasture.

GROSS, Emilie— St. Louis, Mo. Bom in WObenthal, Austria. Studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts. 111. Ernestine.

GRUPPE, Charles Paul— Katwyk, Holland. Born in Ficton. Member Society Dutch Painters, New York Water Color Club, Salmagundi Club. Represented in Illinois Club, Chicago, Powers Gallery, Rochester, Boston Art Club. Picture purchased by Queen Regent of Holland for Royal Palace. 112. Low tide at Katwyk.

GUERIN, Jules — Laren, North Holland. Born in St. Louis, Mo., 1986. 113. Le Soir, Hollande.

HANSEN, Frederick — Holland. Born in Denmark. Studied in Munich. Member of the Cosmopolitan Club. First Prize West End Woman's Club, 1897. 114. Cup of comfort. 115. Tending the plants. OH Paintings.

HASSAM, Childe— 152 W. 57, New York. Born in Boston, 1859. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member of So ciety of American Artists, American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York, and of the Munich " Secessionist " Society. Medals in Paris, 1889; Munich, 1892; Chicago, 1893. First Prize, $300, of Cleveland Art Association, 1895. Webb Prize of $300, Society of American Artists, New York, 1895 ; secoud prize, $1,500, Boston Art Club, 1890. 116. Summer. 117. The willows. 118. Naples. 119. Vesuvius, winter evening.

HAYDEN, Sara S.— 724 Athenseum Building. Born in Chicago. Studied with C. Lasar, Luc Olivier Merson and Raphael Collin, Paris. 120. English twilight.

HAYNES, Caroline Coventry— 16 E. 36, New York City. Born in New York City. Studied iu Art Students' League, New York ; with Alfred Stevens, Paris. Member New York Water Color Club. 121. Bride roses. 122. Summer. 123. Marsh mallow.

HEBERER, Charles — St. Louis, Mo. Born in St. Louis. Studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, with Jules Lefebvre, Ben jamin Constant and F. de Vuillefroy, Paris. 124. A Sunday morning with Burns at Mossgiel. 26 The Art ftistitute of Chicago.

HERTER, Albert— 841 Madison Avenue, New York. Born in New York 1871. Pupil of Jean-Paul Laurens, Cormon, Paris, and Carroll Beckwith, N. Y. Member of Society of American Artists and New York Water Color Club, New York. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon 1890. Medal of Atlanta Exposition 1895. 125. At twilight. (Black and gold). 126. Philippa Picard.

HILDEBRANDT, Howard Logan— 51 W. 10, New York. Born in 1872. Studied in Academie Julian and in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 127. Reverie. 128. Moonlight.

HINMAN, Mrs. Teana McLennan — 103 Auditorium, Chicago. Born in Chicago. Studied with Mile. Marguerite Roosen- boom, Holland; Franz Seghers, Brussels. Medal, Holland. 129. Roses.

HIRST, Claude Raguet— 96 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Born in Cincinnati. Pupil of Agnes D. Abbatt, George Smillie and Charles U. Oman, New York. Represented by work in the per manent collection of the Art Club of Philadelphia and the Byrnwood Gallery, Lawrence, Kansas. First Honorable Mention. Syracuse 1897. 130. An old edition.

HITCHCOCK, George — Egmond-aan-Hoef, Holland. Born in Proridence, R. I. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Munich Secession, Paris Society of Artists. Represented in the Art Institute of Chicago; Dresden Gallery; Detroit Art Museum; Royal Collection, Vienna. Honorable Mentiou Paris 1887. Medal American Artists Association, New York, 1887. Gold Medal Paris, 1889. Gold Medal Berlin, 1891. Medal Chicago, 1893. Gold Medal Dresden lWrf. Gold Medal Vienna 1898. 131. Flight into Egypt. 132. Vanquished. Oil Paintings. 27

HOPKINS, George E.— Chicago. Studied with Duveneck in Florence. 133. A Florentine.

HORSFALL, Bruce— 45 W. 22, New York. Born in Clin ton. Iowa, 1889. Studied with J. M. Stich, Clinton, Iowa, in Cincinnati, Munich and Paris. 134. Moonrise at sunset.

HORTON, William Samuel — 35 Madison Avenue, New York. Born in Grand Rapids. Michigan, 1864. Studied at Art Students' League and National Academy of Design, New York, and Academie Julian, Paris. Member of New York Water Color Club and Salma gundi Club, New York. 135. The return of the flock.

HOWE, J. Theodore— 134 W. 23, New York. Born in Boston. Studied in the Academy of Design, New York. Member New York Water Color Club. 136. Early moonrise, Nantucket.

HOWE, William Henry— Bronxville, New York. Born in Ravenna, Ohio, 1848. Studied with Otto de Shareu and Vuillefroy in Paris. Member of National Academy and Salmagundi Club. Life Member of Lotus Club. Represented in St. Louis Museum Fine Arts and in Cleveland Museum. Honorable Mention at World's Exposition, New Orleans, 1885; Paris Salon, 1886. Medal of the third class, Paris Salon, 1888; second class, Exposition Universelle, 1889. Hors Concours, Paris Salon, 1890. Temple gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Pine Arts, Philadelphia, 1890. Grand gold medal, London, 1890. Gold medal, Boston, 1890. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Gold medal of Midwinter Exposition, San Francisco, 1894. Gold medal of Atlanta Exposition, 1895. OfScier d' Academie, Paris, 1896. 137. Monarch of the farm. 138. Monarch of the Brandy wine. 139. Passing shower, Orleans Cove. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HUMPHREYS, Albert— 203 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, Studied with Gerome and Robert-Fleury, Paris, and of Verstraete, Brussels. Member of Philadelphia Sketch Club. Formerly a professor in Chestnut Street Art School, Philadelphia. 140. Soir du brouillard (foggy evening), Paris.

ISHAM, Samuel— New York. Born in New York. Studied with Jacquesson de la Chevreuse, Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member of the Society of American Artists, New York. 141. A southern girl.

JANSSON, Alfred— 1504 Aldine Avenue, Chicago. Born in Sweden, 1863. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Member Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago. 142. Across the field.

JONES, Annie Weaver— 724 Athenaeum Building, Chi cago. Studied with Lasar, Collin, Merson, Paris. Art Students' League, New York. Art Institute, Chicago. 143. Portrait of Mrs. DeWolf. Loaned by Mrs. DeWolf.

JONES, Hugh Bolton— 253 W. 42, New York. Born in Baltimore, 1818. Member National Academy of Design, Society ot American Artists, American Water Color Society. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum, New York. Medal Paris Exposition; Colum bian Exposition, Chicago. 144. Near Sheffield, Mass.

JORDAN, David Wilson— 510 Woodland Terrace, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Harrisburg, Pa. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Schussele and Thomas Eakins. Member of Philadelphia Art Club, Philadelphia Sketch Club, Fellowship of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 145. Landscape. Oil Paintings. 29

JUDSON, William Lees— Los Angeles, California. Born in Manchester, England, 1312. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre. Dean of Art Department, University of Southern California. 146. California live oaks.

KIRK, Maria L.— 4807 Regent Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Mary Smith Prize Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Ex hibition of 1894. 147. A color arrangement.

KIRKUP, Mary A.— 724 Athenaeum Building, Chicago. 148. Poppies. Loaned by Mrs. Geo. E. Roberts.

KOOPMAN, Augustus B. — 69 Avenue de Saxe, Paris. Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, 1887. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy ol the Pine Arts, Philadelphia, and Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Bourguerean. Rob«rt-Fleury and Benjamin-Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association. 149. Normandy shepherd with sheep. (Sunset effect). 150. Evening at Pouldu.

KRONBERG, Louis— Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Born in the United States, 1871. Btudied with J. P. Laurens, Benjamin Constant, and Raphael Collin, Paris. Represented in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and Boston Art Museum. Silver Medal Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, Boston. Longfellow Scholarship. 151. I*die Fuller. 30 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LACEY, Jessie P.— 305 Davis Street, Evanston, 111. Born in Michigan. 152. Portrait of Mr. C. 153. Waiting. (Peasant. Auvers-sur-Oise). 154. The cottage on the hill.

LA FARGE, John— 51 W. 10, New York. President Society American Artists, President Mural Painters, National Academician. 155. Ideal head. (Imitated from Leonardo). 156. The lady of Shalott.

LEE, Homer— 553 West End Avenue, New York City. Born in Mansfield, Ohio. Chairman Art Committee Ohio Society. 157. Lifting the "Jack-knife" Bridge, Chicago River. 158. High water in the Mississippi, St. Louis.

LEONARD, George H., Jr.— Hotel Brunswick, Boston, Mass. 159. Mt. Desert.

LINDIN, Carl Olof Eric— Studio Building, State and Ohio Streets. Chicago. Born in Sweden, 1869. Studied under Jean Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Aman-Jean, Paris. Member of American Art Association, Paris 160. The rising moon.

LITTLE, A. P.— St. Louis, Mo. Born in St. Louis. Studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts and with Paul Cornoyer. 161. Old rock road in St. Clair Co., 111. 162. Grapes, Oil Paintings. 3i

LOEB, Louis — 16 Impasse du Maine, Paris. Born in Cleve land, Ohio, 1866. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1885. Studied with Gerome, Paris. 163. Temple of the winds.

LONGSTRETH, Margaret— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 164. Valley Creek willows.

LORD, Caroline A.— 975 McMillan Street, Cincinnati. Born in Cincinnati, 1860. Studied in Art Academy, Cincinnati; Art Students' League, New York; Academie Julian, Paris. Instructor, Art Academy, Cincinnati. Bronze Medal World's Pair, Chicago. 165. Street music. 166. Head of old woman.

LOW, Will H. — Lawrence Park, Bronxville, New York. Born in Albany, 1898. Studied with Carolus-Duran, Paris. Ex-Vice- President Architectural League, Delegate (S. A. A.) to Fine Arts Fed eration, N. Y. Member Society of American Artists, National Academy oT Design, Mural Painters. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, Mew York. Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College, Northampton, Mass, 2nd Medal Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Medal Columbian Ex position, Chicago, 1893. 167. The spring. " By a cool spring with mossy brink Where wood-nymphs come at eve to drink."

LOWRY, Lydia P. Hess— 193 S. Peoria Street, Chicago. Born in Michigan. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago, with Lasar. Langee, Delance, Dupre, Paris. 168. Eunice. 32 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LUDLOW, John Lawrence — Cincinnati, Ohio. 169. Rambling brook. 170. Old willow.

MacEWEN, Walter— 11 Place Pigalle, Paris. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Cormon and Tony Robert-Fleury. Fictures in museums of Brussels, Liege, Magdebourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp. Gold Medal, City of Berlin. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. 171. Consulting the cards. 172. Kite flying. 173. A dispute. 174. Dutch children. 175. Confidences.

MACMONNIES, Mary — (Mrs. Frederick MacMonnies) 44 Rue de Sevres, Paris. Born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts and Academie Julian, Paris. Member " AssoeieV ' Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, (Champs de Mars Salon) Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. Medal Columbian Exposition Chicago. 176. Lilies and roses. 177. Portrait. 178. Portrait.

MARS, Ethel— Springfield, 111. Born in Springfield, 111., 1878. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy. 179. Portrait of Mrs. St. J. 180. Dorothy. Oil Paintings.

MARSH, Fred Dana— Care of Morgan, Harjes & Cie., Paris. Born in Chicago, 1872. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. 181. Portrait.

MARSTON, Albert Baker— Peoria, 111. Born at Scar- boro, Yorkshire. England, 1870. Studied with Frank C. Peyraud. 182. Winter.

MAYNARD, GEORGE Wiixoughby— 156 E. 36, New York. Born in Washington, 1848. Studied in Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp. Member of National Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, Society American Artists, Mural Painters, Municipal Art Society. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy ; Gold Medal American Art Association ; Evans Prize, American Water Color Society ; Shaw Prize, Society American Artists ; Special Medal, Columbian Exposition 1892, for decoration, as one of the designers. 183. Morn.

MAYNARD, GUY — 7 Rue Tourlaque, Paris. Bom in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago and in Paris, 184. Still life.

McCREA, Samuei, H.— Care of Thomas Cook & Son, Paris. Born near Chicago, 1867. 185. Red roofs. 186. In the Bois d' Amour, Pont Aven.

McGINNIS, HENRY R.— 329 N. Monroe Street, Muncie, Indiana. Born in Indiana in 1875. 187. The yellow house. 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MELCHERS, Gari— 47 Rue Langier, Paris. Born in Detroit, Michigan. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1886; 3rd class Medal, 1888; 1st class Medal, Amsterdam, 1887; 1st class Medal, Munich, 1888; Grand Prize, Paris, 1889; Medal of Honor, Berlin, 1891; 1st Prize Chicago Art Institute, 1891; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia; Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1894. Member of International Jury of Award, World's Pair, 1893; Member of Society of American Artists; Member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris; Corresponding Member of the Secession, Munich; Knight of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria: Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France. Represented in the Lux embourg. 188. Audrey. Loaned by Potter Palmer, Esq. 189. Homewards. 190. Renewal of the baptismal vows. 191 . Landscape.

MENZLER, Bertha S.— 1020 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago, with Luc Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin and Aman-Jean, Paris. 192. Portrait of Mr. M. Loaned by A. W. Moore.

METCALFE. N. W.— 8 E. 23, New York. Studied with Charles Warren Eaton, and in France and England. 193. The last gleam. 194. Rear of cottages. Auvers-sur-Oise.

MEURER, Charles A.— 524 Pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Germany, 1865. Studied with Julian, Bouguerean, L. Douce t, G. Ferrier, Paris, and Toilet of Lyons. 195. Under our flag. Oil Paintings 35

MILLER, Charles H.— 10 E. 23, New York City. Born in New York City, 1842. Studied in Long Island School of . Academician of National Academy of Design. Represented in Lotus Club, New York. Gold Medals Boston and New Orleans In ternational Expositions. 196. Moonlight on the Hudson. 197. Long Island landscape.

MONKS, Robert Hatton.— Care of Monroe & Co., 7 Rue Scribe, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass., 1856. 198. A sunny morning in October.

MORAN, Peter.— 1322 Jefferson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Bolton, Lancashire, England. 199. The lowing herd.

MOSLER, Henry— Carnegie Studio, New York. Studied in New York, Dttsseldorf, Munich and Paris. Pupil of James H. Beard. Kindler aud Hebert. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon 1879. Painting " Le Relour" purchased by the French government for the Luzem bourg, 1879. Medal, Exposition at Nice, 1884. American Art Associa tion's cash prize of $2,500, New York, 1885. Medal 3rd class, Paris Salon, 1888. Silver medal, Paris Exposition Universelle, 1889. Arch, dnke Carl Ludwig Medal, Vienna, 1893. Officer of the Academy, Prance, 1892. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Paris, 1892. Associate of the National Academy of Design, New York, 1895. Has paintings in the possession of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phil adelphia; Museum of Fine Arts, Sydney, Australia; Art Museum, Gre noble, France; Museum of Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Volney Society, Paris. Gold medal and Diploma of Honor, Atlanta Exposition , 1895. Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. 200. Thoughts of the absent one. Normandy. 201. Algerian sailor. 36 The Art Institute of Chicagd.

MUELLER, Alexander — Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., 1872. Studied with Richard Lorenz, Milwau kee, Academy of Weimar, Germany, and Karl Marr of the Royal Aca demy, Munich, Germany. Honorable Mention at Weimar for drawing after nature. 202. Portrait study.

MULHAUPT, Frederick J.— 738 Athenaeum Building, Chicago. Member Palette and Chisel Club. 203. Girl in red.

MURPHY, Hermann Dudley — Grundmann Studios, Bos ton, Mass. Born in Massachusetts. Studied in Paris. 204. A yellow tree.

MURPHY, J. Francis— 222 W. 23, New York. Born in Oswego, N. Y. Member of National Academy, American Water Color Society. Medals : Second Hallgarten Prize, New York, 1885 ; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1887. Gold Medal, Competitive Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1887 ; Medal World's Columbian Exposi tion, 1891 ; W. T. Evan's Prize, American Water Color Society, 1894. 205. Winter rye field. 206. Autumnal. 207. The old barn.

NEEDHAM, Charles Austin— 145 E. 23, New York City. Born in Buffalo, New York. Studied at the Art Students' League, August Will, New York City. Member New York Water Color Club and The Arts Club of New York. Medal and Honorable Mention At lanta International Exposition, 1895, and first Honorable Mention Syracuse, New York, 1898. 208. Vale of rest. 209. A cathedral. Oil Paintings. 37

NEWELL, George Glenn— The Winchester, 1244 Broad way, New York. 210. Evening.

NICHOLLS, Rhoda Holmes— 913 Seventh Avenue, New York. Born in Coventry, England. Member of Water Color Club, Women's Art Club, New York. Medals: New York, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, S. C. 211. The miniature.

NIELSEN, PETEr— 232 May Street, Chicago. Born in Korsor. Denmark. 212. Landscape.

OCHTMAN, Leonard— Mianus, Conn. Born in Holland. Self-taught. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club, New York. Member of Brooklyn Art Club. Prize of the latterclub for landscape, 1891. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1803. Gold medal of Phila delphia Art Club, 18M. 213. In the month of May. 214 Wood interior. 15. Among the hills.

OSTERTAG, Miss B.— Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Lhermitte, Laurens and Collin, Paris. Member Society of Western Artists. 216. Crespuscule. 217. The white halls. 218. The glen. 219. At Eagle's Nest. 38 The Art Institute of Chicago.

OTT, Ralph C. — Springfield, Mo. Born in Springfield, Mo. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts, John H. Fry, St. Louis; Academie Julian, Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. 220. Portrait.

PALMER, Pauline L.— 721 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago. Born in MCHenry, 111. Studied in the Art Institute. President Lake View Art Club. 221. "I wonder if it's true." 222. A summer's day. 223. Late in the afternoon.

PARKER, Ernest Lee— 1008 Green Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Industrial Art School. 224. On Sandy Run, New Jersey.

PAXTON, William M. — Harcourt Studios, Irvington Street, Boston, Mass. Studied with Gerome. 225. At tea.

PEPPER, Charles Hovey— 90 Boulevard Garibaldi, Paris. Born in Waterville, Maine, 1884. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Jean-Paul Laurens, Aman-Jean, Paris; W. M. Chase. New York. 226. Portrait in blue and green.

POST, William Merritt— 55 W. 33, New York. Born in Brooklyn. Secretary of the Water Color Club. Member of the Ameri can Water Color Society. 227. Bronx meadows. 228. Evening. Oil Paintings. 39

PRENDERGAST, Maurice B— 27 Winthrop Street, Win- cheater. Mass. Born in Boston. 229. Evening on a pleasure boat. 230. Franklin Park.

PRUYN, Samueletta— 231 42d St., Chicago. Officer of the Studio Club. 231. After the storm, sunshine.

RAMSDELL, Fred. Winthrop— Care of Jame9 H. Dole, 887 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago. Born in 1865. Studied with Gerome and in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 232. At the breakfast table. 233. Young mother and child. 234. Summer.

REAUGH, Frank— Oak Cliff, Texas. Born near Jackson ville, 1ll., 1660. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts and Academie Julian. Director Dallas Art School. 235. Breezy morning.

REDMOND, John J.— 58 W. 57, New York. 236. Moonlight.

REHN, F. K. M.— 222 W. 23, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia. Pa. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. First prize for marine painting, St. Louis, 1882. Prize of $250 at Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885. Gold medal at Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1880. Ficture, "The Missing Vessel," owned by Detroit Art Museum, "Close of a Summer Day" by the Buf falo Fine Arts Gallery. 237. Gathering storm. 4u The Art Institute of Chicago.

RICHARDSON, Frank Henry— 9 Rue des Fourneaux, Paris. Born in Boston, 1859. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Boston Art Club. 238. Kitchen at Etaples.

ROOK, Edward F. — Maitland Villa, Newport, Rhode Island. Born in New York. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member of the Arts Club. New York City. Represented in the Gilpin Collection at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the Cincinnati Museum. Temple Gold Medal, Penn sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1893. 239. White Hall at Newport, by streetlight and moonlight.

ROSE, Guy— 62 Washington Square, New York City. Born in Los Angeles, California, 1867. Studied with Jules Lefebvre, Benj. Constant and Laurens Douce t. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, Medal at Atlanta. 240. Evening. 241. July afternoon.

ROSENTHAL, Albert— 1530 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Gerome, Paris. 242. Portrait of L. E. Faber. 243. Mrs. B. Uhle and child.

ROSS, Isabel M.— 940 San Trovaso, Venice. Born in Buffalo, New York. Studied with Paul Delance and M, Callot. 244. A Venetian study. Oil Paintings. 41

SCOTT. E. M.— 142 E. 18, New York City. Born in Spring, water. New York. Studied at Art Students' League and in Paris. Vice- President Water Color Club. Medal at Atlanta. 245. Yellow roses.

SCOTT, Frank Edwin — 6 Rue Boissonnade, Paris. Born in Buffalo, New York, 1862. Studied with Cabanel and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Second Medal Antwerp Universal Exposition, 18M. 246. The reading lesson.

SENAT, Prosper L.— 1523 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 1852. Studied with J. L. Hampden, London, 187>-4. and in Paris and Brittany. 1874, 1879, 1878. Member of the Art Club, Philadelphia, and of Jury of Award present year. Represented in Temple Collection, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila delphia. Metropolitan Museum, New York. 247. The road to the sea, Taormina, Sicily.

SHAW, Mrs. S. Van D.— 2124 Calumet Avenue, Chicago. 248. A misty morning.

SLOANE, George — Farragut Building, Massachusetts Avenue and Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Montreal, Canada, IBM. 249. The reader.

SNOW, Edward Taylor— 1815 Columbia Avenue, Phil adelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Fellow of (Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Philadelphia Art Commissioner to Tennessee Centennial. 250. Green Creek, New Jersey, 42 The Art Institute of Chicago.

STACEY, Anna L. — Tree Studio Building, Chicago. Studied in the Art Institute of Chicago. 251. Indoor gardening.

STACEY, John P.— Tree Studio Building, Chicago. Born in Biddeford, Maine. Studied in Academie Julian, Paris, 252. The beach, St. Joe, Mich.

STEELE, Theodore C— Pennsylvania and 16th Streets, Indianapolis, Ind. Born in Owen Co., Indiana. Studied in Munich. President Society of Western Artists. Represented in Cincinnati Art Museum, Boston Art Club, Indianapolis Art Association. 253. Willows in autumn. 254. The cloud shadow.

STILES, Gertrude— Jacksonville, 111. 255. Across vacant lots.

STREATOR, Harold Arthur — 2139 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 256. Landscape.

SVENDSEN, Charles C— Room 41, College Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Studied with Bouguereau aud Perrier, Paris. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 257. Bedouins of Palestine. Oil Paintings. 43

SVENDSEN, Svend— 925 N. Central Park Avenue, Chicago. Born in Christiania, Norway, 1864. Young Fortnightly Prize, 181)5. Honorable Mention Tennessee Centennial. 258. A riverside path. 259. Evening quiet. 260. Street in Christiania.

SYKES, Annie G. — Vernon Place, Vernonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Brookline. Mass. Studied in Art Museum, Boston; Art Academy, Cincinnati; Frank Duveneck. Member Woman's Art Club. Cincinnati. 261. Little Buttercup.

SYLVESTER, Frederick Oakes— 944 Hamilton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Brockton, Mass. Studied in Mass. Normal Art School, Boston, Mass. Member St. Louis Society Painters and Sculp, tors. Art Instructor St. Louis High and Normal Schools. 262. Willows. 263. The river.

TANNER, H. O.— 51 Boulevard St. Jacquea, Paris.. Born in Fittsburgh, Pa. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean-Paul Laurens, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1890. Represented in the Luxembourg Gallery. 264. The annunciation. 265. Lions.

TARBELL, Edmund C— 12 St. Botolph Street, Boston. Born in West Groton, Mass., 1862. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Academie Julian, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York ; Associate of National Academy of Design, New York ; Clarke Prize, Shaw Fund Prize, and First Hallgarten Prize, New York. 266. Girl with azaleas. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

THOMAS, Elizabeth Haynes — 4713 Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Paris. First and second Charles Toppan Prizes. 267. A touch of color.

TOWNSEND, Frances B.— 82 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Born iu Boston. Studied in Boston Art Museum School, and in Paris. Medals at Atlanta and Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Centen nial Exposition. 268. In a New England orchard.

VANDERPOEL,, John H.— Art Institute of Chicago. Born in Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands, 1887. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre. Member of New York Water Color Club. 269. Sunlight and shadow.

VONNOH, Robert William— Rockland Lake, New York. Born in Hartford, Conn., 1858. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Academie Julian, Paris. Member of Soeiety of American Artists, New York. Principal Instructor, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Ficture in Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Phil adelphia and one in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Mention Honor able, Paris Salon. Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Medal World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 270. Portrait of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell.

' WADE, Caroline D.— 728 Athenaeum Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied with Courtois, Paris. 271. A young girl. Oil Paintings. 45

WAGNER, Jacob— Harcourt Building, Irvington Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Germany, 1B55. Member of the Boston Art Club. Represented in Boston Art Club. Died in Boston about the time of the opening of the present exhibition. 272. Expectations.

WALCOTT, Harry Mills— 23 Oudinot, Paris, France. Born in New York. Stndied in Academy of Design, Mew York; with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member American Artists' Club, Paris. Havermeyer Scholarship Prize, New York, 1894. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1897. Two Wanamaker Prizes, Artists' Club, Paris, 1898. 273. Time to go home. Loaned by M. J. Chapman.

WALDECK, Gustave— St. Louis, Mo. Born in St. Charles, Mo. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of St. Louis Association of Painters and Sculptors. 274. Portrait of the artist.

WALL, A. Bryan— Pittsburgh, Pa. 275. Sunset. Lent by Albert Rosenthal.

WALLER, Louise Hamilton— 40 Banks Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Studied in Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, Chicago Art Institute. Mr. Spread, Mr. Earle, Mr. Vander- poel, Mr. Boutwood. 276. Rosey O' Grady.

WEST, Margaret E — 1018 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Born in Peoria, 1ll. Pupil of Academie Julian, Paris. 277. Portrait of Dr. E. Marguerat. 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WHITE Henry C— 69 Gillett Street, Hartford, Conn. Born in Hartford, Conn., 1861. Studied with D. W. Tryon and in Art Students' League, New York. 278. A spring landscape.

WHITEMAN, S. Edwin-5 W. Mulberry Street, Baltimore, Md Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Boulanger, Lefebvre aud Constant, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon. 279. Late afternoon near the sea.

WIEGAND, Gustave-199 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. Born in Bremen. Germany. 1869. Studied in Brooklyn Art School. Member of the Brooklyn Art Club and Salmagundi Club, New York. 280. A shady nook— Willow Brook, Staten Island, New York.

WILLIAMS, Frederick Ballard— New York. Born in Brooklyn 187a. Studied at National Academy of Design, New York. Member of New York Water Color Club. Represented in permanent collection Atlanta Museum. 281. The farewell.

WILLIAMS, Mary Octavia— 1820 Wellington Avenue, Chicago. Born in Quebec, Canada, 1848. Studied at the Art Institute and with H. F. Spread and F. W. Freer, Chicago. 282. Marigolds.

WINTER, Charles Allen— Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis Born in 1869. Studied with Bouguereau and Ferrier. Member American Art Association, Paris. Instructor, St. Louts School of Fine Arts. Represented in Cincinnati Art Museum. 283. Fantaisie Egyptienne. Oil Paintings. 47

WOLFF, Gustave— St. Louis, Mo. Born in Germany. Studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts and with Paul Cornoyer, St. Louis. 284. In the woods. 285. Gathering wood.

WOOD, Louise— 1618 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and Academie Julian, Paris. 286. A quiet hour.

WOODWARD, Miss Lella Grace— Bureau des Etrangers, Credit Lyonnais, Paris. Born in Coldwater, Michigan. Studied in Academie Vitti, with Raphael Collin and O. L. Merson, Paris, and Prank DuMond. 287. The cloisters of San Gregorio, Venice.

WUERPEL, Edmund H.— Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Bouguerean, Fleury and Ferrier, Aman Jean, Paris. Instructor in St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis Association Painters and Sculptors, Society of Western Artists. 288. The swamp. 289. Dreaming waters. 290. A nook. 291. Arcadia.

YOUNG, Charles Morris — Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Born in Gettysburg, 1869. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and with Colarossi, Paris. Toppan Prize and Honorable Mention at Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 292. Cold weather. 293. Showery weather.


BARN HORN, Clement J.— Art Museum, Cincinnati. Born in Cincinnati. Ohio. Studied with Bouguereau and Doucet in dtawiog, with Mercie and D. Puech in sculpture. President Cincinnati Art Club. Represented in Cincinnati Art Museum. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1896. 294. Madonna. Plaster.

BOCK, Richard W.— Room 1027 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 295. Elijah Stoddard. Bronze bust.

BRACKEN, Julia M.— 19 Studio Building, Chicago. Born in Apple River, i11., 1870. Studied at the Art Institute and with . 296. Bust of Dr. John Hollister. Plaster. 297. Portrait relief, Mr. Frederick W. Freer. Plaster. 298. A Japanese mother. Plaster. 299. A portrait relief. Plaster. 300. Portrait relief of Mr. Jesse Spalding. Bronze. it 50 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CALDER, Alex. Stirling— 209 Quince Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1870. Studied with Chapu and Fal- guiere. Member National Sculpture Society. Represented in ground! of , Washington, D. C, by a statue. Medal Philadelphia Art Club, 1893. 301. Two boys. Bust. Plaster. 302. Seated statuette. Portrait of a lady. Plaster. 303. Small decorative figure. Melancholy. Terra Cotta.

COHEN, Katherine M. — 10 S. 18, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 18'9. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Ecole Julian, Paris; St. Gaudens, New York. Honorary Member American Art Association, Paris. 304. Revery. Statuette. Plaster. 305. Portrait. Bust of Abraham Lincoln. Plaster.

GRAFLY, Charles— 2200 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Born in Philadelphia, 1862. Studied 5pring Garden Institute, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; M. Chapu, Paris. Member of faculty of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia Art Club and Pairmount Parle Club. Represented in Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1891; Temple Trust Fund, Philadelphia. Medal Chicago Columbian Exposition, 1893. Silver Medal Atlanta, 1893. 306. Group in bronze. From generation to gener ation. 307. Portrait bust. Bronze. Mrs. Charles Grafly.

HOLM, Victor S. — Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1876. Studied at the Art Institute and with Lorado Taft. 308. Dr. Charles Beard. Portrait bust. Plaster. Sculpturt.

HYATT, Anna Vaughn — Norton's Wood, Cambridge, Mass. Born in Cambridge, Mass., 1870. 309. After the hunt. Plaster.

MACMONNIES, Frederick — Paris, France. Born in Brookls n, N. Y. Studied with Angustus St. Gaudens, New York, and Falguiere in l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Awards, Salon, Paris : Honorable Mention, 1889; Medal 2nd Class, 1891; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1896; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Statue " Bacchante " purchased by the French Government for the Palace of the Luxembourg. Designer of Great Fountain, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. 310. Shakespeare. A reduced copy of the large bronze statue in the rotunda of the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C. 311. Venus and Adonis. 312. Running cupid. 313. Standing cupid.

MOORE, Lou Wall— 1016 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 314. Douglas Butler. Bust. Plaster. Lent by Mrs. Herbert Butler.

MURRAY, Samuel— 1330 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 315. Portrait Bust of his Grace, Archbishop Ryan of Philadelphia. Bronze. Lent by Archbishop Ryan. 316. Bust of Riter Fitzgerald, Esq. Bronze. Lent by Riter Fitzgerald, Esq. 317. Bust of Kern Dodge. Bronze. Lent by James M. Dodge. 318. Bust of Benjamin Eakins, Esq. Lent by Thomas Eakins. The Art Institute of Chicago.

PECK, Emily Ewing — 31 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago. Born in Randolph, Cattaraugus Co., New York, 1855. Studied with Conlez, Geneva, Switzerland, and with Rodin, Paris. 319. Portrait of Mrs. General Cox.

PROCTOR, Alexander Phimister — 42 Woodland Park, Chicago. 321. Puma. Fate. Bronze. 322. Buffalo charging. Bronze. 323. Faun. Bronze.

QUINN, Edmond T.— 2215 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1868. 324. Portrait bust. Plaster.

RIMMER, Caroline Hunt — 4 St. Botolph Studio Building, Boston, Mass. Born in Randolph, Mass. Studied with Dr. William Rtmmer. 325. Vase in terra cotta.

RYDEN, Henning— 29 Studio Building, State and Ohio Streets, Chicago. Born in Sweden, 1889. Studied at the Art Institute Member of Palette and Chisel Club. Represented in the Mint, Phi adelphia. 326. Emerson. Portrait medallion. Bronze 327. Sunday school emblems. Silver.









ART COMMITTEE CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON JAMES H. DOLE MARTIN A. RYERSON BRYAN LATHROP R. HALL MCCORMICK [K Art Institute of Chicago was incorporated May 24, 1879, * for the "founding and maintenance of schools of art and de sign, the formation and exhibition of collections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any ap propriate means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their families at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, inclndes departments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Designing and Archi tecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of ten dollars for the year. Life Members pay one hundred dollars and no dues thereafter. Gov erning members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. All members are entitled, with their families and visiting friends, to admission to all exhi bitions, receptions, public lectures and entertainments given by the Art Institute, and to the use of the reference library upon art.

3 DESIGNATION OF GALLERIES MAIN FLOOR SBS PLAN Room j, . . Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Sculpture: Egyptian and Assyrian. Room 2, (Corridor) Same: Asia Minor, and Early Greek. Room 3, . Same: Age of Pheidias. Room 4, Same: Later Greek. Room 5, . . . . Same: Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) . . . Same: Renaissance. Room 7, . . . Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) . Elbridge G. Hall Collection: Modern. Room 9, . . . Office of the Secretary. Room io, . Elbridge G. Hall Collection: Modern. Room ii, (Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture and Architecture. Room 12, ...... Same. Room 13, (Corridor) ..... Same. Room 14, . Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. Room 15, . Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, Library, and Mrs. D. K. Pearsons Collection of Braun Photographs. Room 18, . . Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room. Room 24, . ' New Library, now in process of construction. Rooms 19 and 20 are in the part not yet built.



SECOND FLOOR SEE PLAN Room 25, Room 26, Twelfth Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room 27, and Sculpture, by Contemporary Room 28, American Artists. Room 30, Room 31, Room 29, (Corridor) . Century Drawings and Autotypes. Room 32, Paintings ; Old Masters. Room 33, (Corridor) . . Arundel Reproductions. Room 34, Committee Room. Room 35, (Hall) . . Sculpture and Paintings. Room 36, Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) . . Paintings and Sculpture. Room 38, Oil Paintings, Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, Oil Paintings, The Elizabeth Hammond Stickney Room. Room 40, Oil Paintings, A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, Same. Room 42, Oil Paintings. Room 43, Oil Paintings, American. Room 44, ) Collection of the Antiquarians, Textiles, Em- Room 45, ) broideries, Musical Instruments, etc. Rooms 46 to 54 are in the part not yet built.


This exhibition includes 385 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 367 Sculpture, 18 Total, 385 Of these works 78 were selected by Miss Sara Hallo well in Paris, principally from the two salons of the current year ; 185 were chosen by juries of artists in five cities, as follows: New York, 74; Philadelphia, 11; Boston, 21; Cincinnati, 9 ; Chicago, 70. The aggregate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict require ments of the prospectus was 424.

s JURIES OF SELECTION For New York. For Philadelphia. Louis Loeb, John Lambert, Jr., J. Carroll Beckwith, Charles Grafly, Herbert Adams. Elisabeth F. Bonsall.

For Boston. For Cincinnati. L H. Gaugengigl, George Debereiner, Edmund C. Tarbell, Caroline Lehmer, Dwight Blaney. Charles C. Svendsen.

For Chicago. A»T COMMITTEE OP THE ART INSTITUTE. ADVIEONT COMMITTEE OP ARTIETE. Charles L,. Hutchinson, Minerva J. Chapman, James H. Dole, John H. Vanderpoel, Martin A. Ryerson, E. J. Dressler, Bryan Lathrop, Richard W. Bock. R. Hall McCormick. Miss Chapman being absent, Mr. Oliver D. Grover acted in her stead. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING EX HIBITS FOR SALE APPLY TO MISS WILLARD. AT DESK IN ROOM 30.



OIL PAINTINGS ABRAMS, Lucien— 9 rue des Fourneaux, Paris. Born in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1870. 1. Autumn evening on the Seine.

ADAMS, Charles Partridge— 625 Kittredge Building, Denver, Col. 2. Late afternoon in Southern Colorado.

AINSLEY, Oliver- 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 3 From a Japanese garden.

ALEXANDER, John W.— 31 Boulevard Berthier, Paris. Born In Allegheny City, Penn., In 1856. Societaire de Societe Nation, ale des Beaux Arts, Salon Cham pa-de- Mara, Member of Society of American A.rti»U, New York, N. Y. 4. Portrait of a child. 5. Joe Jefferson as "Bob Acres."

ASHLEY, Anita— 34 West 54th Street, New York, N. Y. 6. Girl in a cap. ii 12 The Art Institute of Chicago.

AULT, Charles Henrv— 37 Steele's Road, Kaverstock Hill, N. W., London, England. Born in Iroquois, Ontario, Canada, 1882. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts. 7. Rainy day. 8. Liner's wake.

BAIN, Harriet F.— 529 Park Avenue, Kenosha, Wis. 9. Santa Maria della Salute, Venice.

BAKER, Ellen Kendall (Mrs. H. Thompson)— 7 rue Lemaitre, Puteaux (Seine) France. Born in New York, N. Y. Repre sented in Detroit, Minneapolis and Buffalo Museums. 10. Merchant of statuettes. 11. Mother and child.

BAKER, Martha S.— 1026 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Studied in the Art Institute. 12. Wood interior.

BARNARD, Edward H.— Belmont Street, Watertown, Mass. Born in Belmont, Mass., in 1853. Studied with John B. John ston, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., with Bon- langer, Julian and R. Collin, Paris. Instructor in Drawing at Bradford Academy, Mass. Medal for Landscape and Medal for Portrait, Mass. Charitable Mechanics Association. Honorable Mention at Tennessee Exposition. 13. The village under the hill. 14. Wild apple tree. 15. A New England farm yard. 16. A summer sky. Oil Paintings. 13

BAB.TLETT, Frederic Clay — 32 Schonfeld Strasse, Munich. Born In Chicago, 111., 1873. Studied in Royal Academy, Munich. Member Societ< Nationals des Beaux -Arts (Champs de Mara). 17. Evening ; Petite Trianon. 18. Gray and gold.

BEAUX, Cecilia— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Academy, four terms. Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1893; Dodge Prize, National Academy, New York, 1893; Bronze Medal, Carnegie Art Galleries, Fitts burgh, 1896; Associate Member of the National Academy, New York; Member of the Society of American Artists, and Associate Member of the Socittt Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris. 19. The dreamer.

BECKWITH, J. Carroll— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hannibal, Mo., 1852. Studied with Carol us Duran, National Academician, Me Tiber Society of American Artists ; Patron Metropolitan Museum ; Member American Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Yale University, West Point, etc., etc. Mention Paris Salon, 1887. Medal Exposition Universelle, 1889. 20. Portrait of Percy Griffin, architect. 21. Portrait of Mrs. C.

BENSON, Frank Weston — Salem, Mass. Born in Salem, 1862. Studied in Museum of Pine Arts, Boston, and under Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Instructor in Drawing and Painting, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Clarke, Hallgarten, Ellsworth and Jordan Prizes. Medals from World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, and Massachu setts Charitable Mechanics Association, Boston. 22. Children in the woods. 23. Twilight. 14 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BETTS, Louis— Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Uttle Rock, Ark., in 1873. 24. "When mother makes pies." 25. Picking blackberries.

BICKNELL, Frank A.— 90 Boulevard Garibaldi, Paris. 26. Golden autumn. 27. Sorrow.

BIESTER, Anthony— 835 Everett Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cleves, Germany, 1838. Studied with B. C. Koekkoek and Oswald Achenbach. Member of Cincinnati Art Club. Gold Medal of Indiana State Exposition. 28. Winter scene : wood chopper in a forest of beech trees.

BIGELOW, D. F.— 5032 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Clinton Co., N. Y., in 1823. 29. View from Catholic Hill, Essex Co., N. Y.

BLANEY, Dwight— 12 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Brookline, Mass., 188S. Member of the Boston Water Color Club and New York Water Color Club. 30. The birches. 31. The waterfall.

BLANKE, Marie E.— 1734 Deming Place, Chicago, 111. 32. A gray day. Oil Paintings. 15

BOHM, Max — Etaples (Pas de Calais), France. Born in Cleveland, O., in 1868. Studied with Benjamin Coustant and Jean Paul Insure na, Paris. Third Medal Paris Salon. I 33. Fisher folk. 34. landscape : clouds.

BOLMER, M. DEFOREST— 222 West 23rd Street, New York. 35. November.

BONSALL, Elizabeth F.— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Pine Arts, Philadelphia, with Coloroasl, Paris. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize and Mary Smith (2) P. A. F. A. 36. The intruder.

BOUTWOOD, Charles Edward— 1234 Farwell Avenue, Rogers Park, 111. Born in England. Studied in Royal Academy of London, and rn Paris. 37. For a sitting.

BOYDEN, Dwight Frederic— New Algonquin Club, Bos ton, Mass. Born in Boston. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Honorable mention Paris Salon, Societt Artistes Francais, 1898. 38. Landscape.

BRANTINGHAM, Grace J.— Art Institute, Chicago, El. Born in Rockford, 111. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. 39. Red peonies.

BROOKS, Alden F.— 611 Steinway Hall, Chicago, 1ll. Born In West Wllllamsfield, O. Studied with Edwin White and Car- olns Da ran. 40. Portrait. i6 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BROWN, Ethel Isadore— Boston, Mass. Born in Boston in 1871. . 41. Rosalie.

BROWN, Roy Henry— Decatur, 111. Born in Decatur in 1878. Studied in Art Students' League, New York, with Jules Hon. heim, Paris. Member of the Art League, New York. 42. Among the cranberry bogs.

BRYANT, Wallace— 20 West 59th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass. Studied in Julian Academy, and with Bougue- reau, Benjamin Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, and Tony Robert Pleury, Paris. 43. Old street in Angiers.

BUEHR, Karl Albert— 3736 Lake Avenue, Qfaicago, 1ll. Born in Germany. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago. 44. Willows at Cape Ann. 45. A sketch.

BUNKER, Caroline— 89 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Maine. Studied with C. Lasar, Rixens, Colorossi Academy, Paris. Member Art Students' Association, Boston. 46. Nonquit marshes.

BURBANK, E. A.— 210 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Harvard, 1ll., 1858. Studied in Academy of Design, Chicago, 111., Paul Nanen, Munich. Member Society of Western Artists. Yerkes First Prize, 1892. Honorable mention and medal Atlanta, Ga. 47. Miss Minnie. 48. Pearl of the garden. Oil Paintings. 17

BURROUGHS, Bryson— 50 East 86th Street, New York, H. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., in 1869. Studied with L. O. Merson, Paris. Member of the National Society of Mural Painters, and Archi tectural League of New York. 49. Windy day. 50. Mother and child.

BUTLER, E. S. Jr.— 961 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, O. Born in Cincinnati in 1848. Secretary Cincinnati Art Club. 51. The white kitten.

CADY, Henry Newell— Warren, R. I. 52. A foam-swept reef.

CAMPBELL, Edward Morton— 2313 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Hannibal, Mo. Studied in St. Louis School ot Fine Arts, St. Louis, and Julian Academy, Paris. Member St. Louis Artists' Guild, St, Louis Association of Painters and Sculptors, and Society of Western Artists. 53. The lily pond.

CARL, Kate A. — 50 rue Perronet, Neuilly, Paris. Born in Louisiana. Studied with Gustave Courtois. Associate Member Salon Champs de Mars, Paris. 54. Portrait of Madame C. 55. Bretonne.

CARR, Lyell — 278 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Studied in Ecole des Beaux Arts, with Boulanger and Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Represented in collection of Mr. T. B. Clarke. 56. The church at El Caney, Santiago de Cuba. 18 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CHAMPUN, Hallie Elizabeth — 4711 Woodlawn Ave nue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member of the Art Students' League. 57. Wissahickon creek. 58. Yellow roses.

CHASE, Adelaide Cole (Mrs. Wm. Chester Chase)— 95 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. 59. Portrait. 60. Portrait.

CHURCH, Frederick Stuart— 1512 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1842. Studied at National Academy of Design, New York. National Academician. Member So ciety American Artists, American Water Color Society. 61. Easter thoughts.

COLBURN, Eleanor R.— Highland Park, 111. Born in Dayton. O., 1866. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, 111. 62. Ruth.

CONNELL, Edwin D. — 7 rue L^maitre, Puteaux-Seine, Prance. Born in the United States of America. Studied with Bougue- reau, Pleury and Julian Dupre. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1899 63. Midsummer. 64. The marsh.

CONNER, John R.— Radnor, Penn. Studied in Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts. Travelling Scholarship Pennsyl vania Academy ol the Fine Arts. 65. Nymphs. 66. The twilight hour. 67. Portrait of a boy, by firelight. Oil Paintings. 19

COOPER, Colin Campbell— Care Brown, Shipley & Co., Pounders Court, London, E. C. Born in Philadelphia, Penn. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Julian Academy, Paris. Member Fellowship of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; The Art Club ; T Square Club. Represented in the Art Club, Philadelphia. Medal Atlanta Exposition, 1895. 68. Dordrecht.

COUSE, Eanger Irving — 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Saginaw, Mich., in 1866. Studied in National Academy of Design, New York ; Ecole des Beaux Arts ; Bouguereau and Fleury , Paris. 69. The war pony.

CRAIG, Thomas B.— Rutherford, N. J. Born in Philadel phia, Penn., in 1849. Associate Member National Academy of Design. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Boston Art Club, Boston. 70. A warm day.

CURRAN, Charles C— 18 West 61st Street, New York, N. T. Born in Hartford, Ky., 1861. Pupil of the School of Design, Cin cinnati, O., the National Academy of Design and the Art Students' League, New York, and the Academie Julien, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club, New York, Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Represented by works in Art Museum, Columbus, O.; T. B. Clarke Collection, New York; Vassar College Gallery, near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Third Hallgarten Prize, 1888, and Clarke Prize, 1883, National Academy of Design. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1800. 71. Brothers. 72. White peonies. 30 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CUSACK, Helen W. Woodbury— 2537 Kenmore Avenue, Edgewater, 111. Born in Adrian, Mich., '.in 1853. Studied with Carl Lindin and V. Day. 73. Fruit.

CUTLER, Carl G.— Egmond-aan-Hoef, Holland. Born in Newtonville, Mass. Studied in School of Drawing and Painting, Art Museum, Boston ; with J. P. Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Academy Julian, Paris. 74. The attic. 75. Mother and child.

DAVIS, Charles H.— Care Doll & Richards, 2 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Boru in Amesbury, Mass., 1806. Pupil of Otto Grand, mann, Boston, and of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Fictures owned by Metro politan Museum of Art, New York; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Gold Medal of Honor and $2,000, from American Art Association Prize Fund Ex hibition, New York. Gold Medal, Boston. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1887. Silver Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Palmer Prize of $500, Chicago. 76. Outskirts of a New England village. 77. December morning in New England. 78. A mountain farm : twilight.

DEAN, Walter h- — 304 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Lowell, Mass. Studied with Jules Lefebvre and Bouianger, Paris. Member Boston Art Club, Paint and Clay Club, Boston Society of Water Color Painters. Represented in Ayer Library, Ayer, Mass.; Fitchburg Art Library. Painting purchased by Boston Art Club. Three Medals Massachusetts Mechanics Association. 79. In the breakers, Scheveningen. Oil Paintings. 2i

DEBEREINER, George— 523 Pikes Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. 80. On the Miami Canal.

DE CAMP, JOSEPH— St Botolph Club, Boston, Mass. Born in Cincinnati, O. Pupil of Cincinnati School of Fine Arts, Bavarian Royal Academy, Munich, and Frank Duveneck. Formerly Instructor in the Cleveland Art School, the Boston School of Fine Arts, Wellesley College Art Department, and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Now Instructor in the Cowles School of Fine Arts, Boston. Received a Prize of $3,000 for a Design for the Decoration of the City Hall in Philadelphia. His painting " Woman Drying Her Hair," re ceived the Temple Gold Medal. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1Mb and was purchased by the Cincinnati Art Museum Associa tion. Designer of the decorations on the Touraine Hotel, Boston. 81. Sleep.

DE CRANO, F. P. — 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn, Born in Versailles, France. Studied in Paris, London and Rome. Member Philadelphia Art Club, Philadelphia Society of Artists, Artists' Fund Society. 82. October, Delaware Co., Penn.

DESS AR, Louis Paul — 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1897. Studied with Bouguerean, Tony Robert Fleury, and in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member Society of American Artists. Represented in Lotos Club; Wm. T. Evans ; Omaha . Picture bought by French Govern ment. Third class Medal Salon, 1891. Medal World's Fair, Chicago. Mention Carnegie Galleries. Second Hallgarten Prize, N. A. D. 83. Sheep park at night. 84. Sheep at pasture.

i 22 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DEWEY, Charles Melvule— 222 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born at Lowville, N. Y. Member of the Society of American Artists, New York. 85. Reflections. 86. The hour of rest.

DICKSON, M. E. (Miss)— 7 rue Scribe, Paris, France. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Luigi Chialiva, Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon and Nashville, Tenn. 87. Holly.

DODGSHUN, Mrs. A van Cleef — 4441 Berkeley Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Jersey City, New Jersey. Studied with George B. Smillie in New York. 88. The river bank.

DOLPH, J. H. (N. A.)— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Fort Ann, N. Y., in 1835. Studied in Antwerp and Paris. 89. On the lookout. 90. Cat's cradle. 91. Kittens. 92. Who goes there ? 93. The waste basket. 94. The sentinel. 95. A cat family. Oil Paintings.

DOUGLAS, Walter — 134 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, O. Studied in Art Students' League, Na tional Academy, and with William M. Chase, New York. 96. Clearing weather. 97. Where flowers bloom. 98. The garden. 99. A summer day. 100. Old boats : Sag Harbor.

DuMOND, Frederick Melville— 41 Lake View Park, Rochester, N. Y. Born in Rochester, N. Y., 1867. Studied with Julea Lefibvre, Jean Paul Laurens, Cormon, Paris. Represented in the Wanamaker Collection, Medal and Honorable Mention, Paris Salon ; Medal, Munich ; Gold Medal, St. Petersburg ; Gold Medal, Paris Salon of the present year, on " Le Theatre de Neron." 101. The theatre of Nero.

EARLE, L. C— Montclair, N. J. Born in New York, N. Y., in 1845. Studied in Munich, Florence, Rome. Member National Academy of Design, New York Water Color Club, American Water Color Society, Art Institute. 102. October.

EATON, Chas. Warren— 8 East 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1S57. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Students' League, New York. Member of American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York. 103. Meadows at night. 104. The Morris canal. 105. Golden October. 106. The clearing : winter. 107. Winter sunset : Newark meadows. 24 The Art Institute of Chicago.

EATON, Margaret Fernie— 162 East 48th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Leamington, England, 1871. Studied with Ken- yon Cox, H. Siddons Mowbray, J. B. Whittaker. Member of the Art Students' League of New York, Brooklyn Art Club. Pour medals from Adelphi Art School, Brooklyn. 108. Winding the yarn. 109. Weary.

EMERSON, W. E.— 201 South Western Avenue, Chicago, ill. 110. Breaking of the storm.

FAULKNER, Herbert Waldron — 9 Impasse du Maine, Paris. Born in Stamford, Conn., in 1860. Studied with J. Carroll Beckwith, New York, and R. Collin, Paris. 111. The bathing lesson : Venice.

FITLER, William C— 12 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Penn., 1857. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 112. November meadows.

FOURNIER, Alexis Jos.— Auvers sur Oise, Seine et Oise, France. Born in St. Paul, Minn., in 1865. Studied in Julian School with Jean Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member Amer ican Art Association, Paris ; Society of Western Artists. Represented in Minnesota Art League. 113. After rain. 114. "In Normandie." Oil Paintings.

GAUGENGIGL, Ignaz Marcel— 5 Otis Place, Boston, Mass. Born in Passan, Bavaria. 115. The rescue.

GAUIvEY, Robert David— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in County of Monaghan, Ireland, in 1875. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ; Julian Academy, Paris. 116. A study. 117. "The Court of Oranges": Cordova. 118. Dutch fishing boats. 119. Peonies. 120. On the Nile.

GIFFORD, R. Swain— The Rembrandt, 152 West 57th Street. New York, N. Y. Born in Naushon Island, Mass. Studied with Albert Van Bust, Holland. Member National Academy of De sign, Society American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smith and WeL. lesley College Collections, etc. Medals Centennial Exhibition, 1876 ; Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Prize, $2,500, Competitive Exhibi tion, New York, 1885. Member of International Jury of Award World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 121. Dartmouth sand dune.

GIHON, Albert Dakin— Care of Madame Chabod, 20 Rne Jacob, Paris. Born in Navy Yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1860. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Jean P. Laurens, Aman Jean and Georges Moteley, Paris. 122. Soir rose a Montreuil-sur-Mer. 123. Portrait of Miss Helen C. 26 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GILL, Mariquita — Scituate, Mass. Born in Montivideo in 1861. 124. Hay stacks.

GLAMAN, Eugenie Fish— 353 West 12th Street, Chicago, in. 125. At twilight. 126. Interior : with sheep.

GOODRICH, Agatha (Mrs.)— 134 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Canada. Studied in Academy of Design. 127. Gray day : Sag Harbor. 128. A neglected corner.

GOTTHOLD, Florence W.— Carnegie Studio Building, New York, N. Y. Born in Ohio. Studied with R. R. Fitz and H. Sid- dons Mowbray, New York. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington and St. Louis. 129. Claire. 130. Candlelight.

GREEN, Frank G.— 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 131. On the reef.

GROSS, Peter Alfred— 9 rue Duperre, Place Pigalle, Pans. Born in Allentown, Penn. Studied with Edmond Yon and Kd- mond Petitjean. Honorable mention, Paris. Third Medal, Crystal Palace, London, etc. 132. In Picardy. Oil Paintings.

GROVER, Ouvhr Dhnnett— 1022 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Earlville, 111., in 1881. Studied with Frank Dureneck, Boulanger, Jean Paul Laurens, Paris; Royal Academy, Munich. Member Western Society of Artists. 133. Italian peasant girl. 134. On the Sinissippi. 135. Eagle's nest.

GRUPPE, Charles P.— 65 Pieter Both Street, The Hague, Holland. Born in Ficton in 1860. Studied in Holland. Member So ciety Dutch Artists, the Hague, Holland ; New York Water Color Club and Salmagundi Club. Represented in Royal Palace at the Hague, Boston Art Club, Illinois Club. 136. On the beach at Katwyk. 137. The way to L,oosdinnen, Holland. 138. Old Rhinsburg. 139. Under November skies.

GUERIN, Jules— 139 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Paris. Mem ber of the American Water Color Society. 140. Evening : Holland. 141. The herd.

HALE, BUEN Day— 39 Highland Street, Roxbury, Mass. Born in Worcester, Mass., in 1855. Studied with W. M. Hunt, Boston; Julian Academy, Paris. 142. Study.

HALLOWELL, Harriet (Miss)— 9 rue Brey (Etoile), Paris. Born in Boston, Mass. 143. On the road to Saint Germain. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago,

HAMILTON, E. W. D.— 92 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. 144. Memories.

HASSAM, Childe— 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1859. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York; and of the Munich "Secessionist" Society. Medals in Paris (1889), Munich (1892), Chicago (1893). First Prize ($300) of Cleveland Art Association, 1895. Webb Prize of $300. Society of American Artists, New York, 1895. Second Prize ($1,500), Boston Art Club, 1898. 145. The sea. 146. The wood brook. 147. Noonday . Pont-Aven. 148. River bank on the Thames.

HAYDEN, Charles H.— Belmont, Mass. Born in Plym outh, Mass. Studied in Boston Museum of Fine Arts ; with Boulanger, Lefebvre, R. Collin, Paris. Member of St. Botolph Club, Boston ; Boston Art Club. Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1889. Grand Jordan Prize, $1,500. '95 Sliver Medal, Atlanta Exposition. 149. Silver poplars.

HAYNES, Caroline Coventry — 253 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied In Art Students' League, New York ; with Alfred Stevens, Paris. Member New York Water Color Club. President Woman's Art Club of New York. 150. Eglantine. 151. Flowers from the marsh.

HELLER, E. M.— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. 152. The lighthouse. Oil Paintings. 29

HENRI, Robert — 49 Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, France. Born in United States of America. Represented in If usee Nationale du Luxembourg, Paris. 153. Woman in coat. 154. The boy. 155. The white house.

HENRY, Edward L— 7 West 43rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Charleston. S. C, in 1841. Studied in French School, Paris, three years. Member National Academy of Design ; American Water Color Society. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington ; Union League, New York. Medals, New Orleans; Paris, 1889; Chicago; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889. 156. A September afternoon.

HILL, Roswhll S.— Fine Arts College, Syracuse, N. Y. Born in Lawrence, Kan. Studied at Art Students' League, New York; Beaux Arts, Acsdemy Julian, Paris. 157. October.

HIRST, Claude Raguet— 96 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, O. Pupil of Agnes D. Abbatt, George Smillle and Charles C. Curran, New York. Represented by work in the permanent collection of the Art Club of Philadelphia and the Byrnwood Gallery, Lawrence, Kan. First Honorable Mention, Syra cuse, 1897. 158. A cozy corner.

HOPKINS, George E.— 156 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, I1L Born in Covington, Ky. Studied with Frank Duveneck; Royal Academy, Munich. Represented in U. S. Supreme Court Room, Cin cinnati ; Public Library, Topeka, Kan. 159. On the Big Sioux. 3° The Art Institute of Chicago.

HORTON, William Samuel— Care Messrs. Morgan & Harjes, 31 Boulevard Haussman, Paris. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1864. Studied at Art Students' League and National Academy of De sign, New York, and Academie Julien, Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Member of New York Water Color Club and Salma gundi Club, New York. 160. Golden light of spring. 161. Sheep market near Oxford, England.

HYDE, William H.— 105 East 61st Street, New York, N. Y. Born In New York. Studied in French Schools, with Boulanger, Le- fibvre, Doucet and Harrison. Member of Society of American Artists. 162. Diana. 163. Dance of Nymphs.

HYNEMAN, H. N.— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Penn. Studied with Leon Bonnat, Paris. 164. Wintry day, Madison Square, New York.

INNESS, GEORGE, Jr.— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in Paris, France, in 18M. Studied with George Inness, Sr. Mem ber National Academy, New York ; Society of American Artists, New York. Gold Medal American Art Association. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1896. 165. "Truly this man was the Son of God." 166. The last shadow of the Cross. 167. Herd of cattle in the wood. 168. Under the trees. Oil Paintings. 31

JOHNSON, Eastman— 65 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Maine, 1824. Studied in Dusseldorf, The Hague and Paris. Member National Academy of Design, Art Museum, Society American Artists. Represented in Art Museum, New York; Lenox Library, Chamber of Commerce, Astor Library, etc. Medals World's Pair Ex position, Paris, Philadelphia and Chicago. 169. Embers. 170. Portrait.

JORDAN, David Wilson— Care Dr. L. W. Bacon, Norwich, Conn. Born in Harrisbnrg, Penn. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Thomas Eakins. Represented in Art Club of Phil adelphia and Philadelphia Sketch Club. 171. October evening.

KAUFMAN, John P.— 911 East Miin Street, Richmond, Va. Born in Uznach. Switzerland, in 1870. Studied at Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Gerome, Bouguerean, etc., Paris. 172. Oriental bric-a-brac dealer. 173. "Shine, boss!"

KIMBALL, Alonzo Myron— 1430 Hinman Avenue, Evans- ton, ni. Born in Green Bay, Wis., in 1874. Studied with Lefebvre, Conrtois, Whistler, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. 174. Portrait in brown.

KRONBERG, Louis— Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Born is the United States, 1872. Studied in Art Museum, Boston, and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Pine Arts, Philadelphia ; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Silver Medal, Boston. Longfellow Travelling Scholarship. 175. The lotus. 32 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LAMBERT, John, Jr.— 1412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia, in 1861. Studied in Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts, Art Students' League, New York ; Luc Olivier Merson and Lucien Doucet, Paris. 176. Portrait of Tuckerman Day. 177. Red evening, Pouldu.

LANDEAU, Sandor L. — 51 Boulevard Saint Jacques, Paris, Born in Hungary, in 1864. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Ben jamin Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. 178. The village story-teller.

LANGLEY, Charles Elmer— 506 West Madison Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Anderson, Ind., in 1865. Studied at National Academy of Design, New York ; Art Students' League, W. M. Chase, New York. 179. Studio interior.

LEONARD, George H., Jr.— 6 Rue Boissonade, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass., in 1869. 180. September afternoon, Moret, France. 181. Evening on the Seine. 182. End of winter. Concord.

LITTLE, A. Platte— East St. Louis, 111. Born in St. Clair Co., 1ll., in 1862. Studied in St. Louis Art School, and with Paul Cornoyer. 183. The lake in the woods.

LONGSTRETH, Margaret— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 184. Sunrise. Oil Paintings. 33

LOW, Will H.— Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Born in Albany. N. Y., in 18)3. Studied with Carolus-Duran, Paris. Ex- Vice-President Architectural League, Delegate (S. A. A.) to Fine Arts Federation, New York. Member Society of American Artists, Na tional Academy of Design, Mural Painters. Represented in Metro politan Museum, New York ; Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Second Medal Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Medal Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1803. 185. The sylvan year.

MacEWEN, Walter— It Place Pigalle, Paris. Born in Chicago, 111. Pupil of Connon and Tony Robert-Fleury. Fictures in museums of Brussels, Liege, Magdebourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp. Gold Medal, City of Berlin. Hon Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. 186. Discontented. 187. Confidences. 188. The visit. 189. His secretary.

MacFARLAND, Eleanor B. (Miss)— 103-6th Street, Pitts burgh, P«nn., and 213 Boulevard Raspail, Paris. Born In Fittsburgh in 1869. Stwdied with Raphael Collin and Olivier Merson, Paris. 190. Fish wife cleaning fish.

MACMONNIES, Mary— (Mrs. Frederick MacMonnies), 14 Rue de 1' Arrivee, Paris. Born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts and Academle Julien, Paris. Member " Associe," Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts (Champs de Mars Salon), Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. Medal Columbian Exposition, Chicago. 191. The Christmas tree. 192. In the nursery. 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MARBLE, John Nielsen— 14 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. 193. Marguerite.

MARSH, Fred. Dana — 219 Boulevard Raspail, Paris. Born in Chicago, 1ll., in 1872. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago. 194. Mother and child. 195. Portrait.

MAURER, Alfred H.— 19 Rue Daguerre, Paris. Born in New York, N. Y., in 1868. 196. The fortune teller.

MAYER, Louis— 52 University Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee in 1869. Studied in Weimar ; Munich ; and Julian School, Paris. 197. Recollections.

MAYNARD, Guy— 7 Rue Tourlaque, Paris. Born in Chi cago, 111. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago and in Paris. 198. Portrait.

McCORD, William A.— 79 Carew Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. 199. On the Ohio.

McCREA, Samuel Harkness— 8 Square du Croisic, Paris. Born near Chicago in 1867. 200. Souvenir of Holland. Oil Paintings. 35

McLANE, Myrtle Jean— 80th Street and Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Chicago in 1878. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago; Art Students' League, and Chase School, New York. 201. Girl with bonnet. 202. Hallway interior. 203. Early morning. 204. Early evening.

MEAKIN, Lewis H.— Art Academy, Eden Park, Cincin nati, Ohio. Born in England. Studied in Munich and Paris. Repre sented in Cincinnati Art Museum; Indianapolis Art Museum. 205. Night. 206. Late twilight. 207. Trees and park road.

MELCHERS, Gari— 47 Rue Laugier, Paris. Born in Detroit, Mich. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1886 ; 3rd class Medal, 1888; 1st clasH Medal, Amsterdam, 1887; 1st class Medal, Munich, 1888; Grand Prize, Paris, 1889; Medal of Honor, Berlin, 1891; 1st Prize Chicago Art Institute, 1891; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia; Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1894. Member of International Jury of Award, World's Pair, 1898; Member of Society of American Artists; Member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris; Corresponding Member of the Secession, Munich; Knight of the Order of St. Michael, of Ba- Taria; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France. Represented in the Luxembourg. 208. A sailor and his sweetheart. Lent by the Carnegie Galleries, Pittsburgh. 209. The kiss. 210. Winter. 211. The orange. 36 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MENZLER, Bertha S.— 1020 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago; with Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin and A man Jean, Paris. 212. Reflections.

MEYER, Enno— 1309 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy. Member Cinda- nati Art Club. 213. Bengal tiger.

MILLAR, Addison T.— 124 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Warren, Ohio, in I860. Studied with William M. Chase; National Academy of Design; Art League, New York, and with Julias and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member Salmagundi Club. 214. In the studio. 215. News from the front. 216. Dorothy.

MOSLER, GusTave Henry — Mosler Hill, Margaretville, N. Y. Born in Munich in 1875. Studied with his father, Henry Mosler, and with Leon Bonnat, and J. Dupre, Paris. 217. The echo. 218. Noonday.

MURPHY, Hermann Dudley— Grnndmann Studios, Bos ton, Mass. Born in Massachusetts. Studied in Paris. 219. Surf. Oil Paintings. 37

MURPHY, J. Francis— The Chelsea, 222 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Oswego, N. Y., in 1853. Member National Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, Society of Land scape Painters. 220. October sundown.

NEEDHAM, Charles Austin— 145 East 23rd Street, New York, N.Y. Born in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1844. Studied at the Art Students' League; August Will, New York City. Member New York Water Color Club and The Arts Club of New York. Medal and Honorable Mention Atlanta International Exposition, 1895, and first Honorable Mention Syracuse, New York, 1898. 221. Morning in midsummer. 222. A September morning. 223. Between the lights. 224. Idler's paradise.

NEWELL, George Glenn— The Winchester, 1244 Broad way, New York, N. Y. 225. Near Ridgefield, N. J. 226. Glories of autumn. 227. Dawn. 228. Gray morning. 229. Marquette Indian trail.

NEWTON, Richard, Jr.— 781 Madison Avenue, New York, H. Y. 230. Last rays on Cape Malabat, Morocco. 3» The Art Institute of Chicago.

NOWOTTNY, Vincent— Art Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1853. Studied in Munich and Paris. In structor in the Art Academy of Cincinnati. 231. Schleissheim canal. 232. A Bavarian village.

O' KELLY, Aloysius— 39 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1859. Studied with G

OPPENHEIM, Ad sline— Hotel Netherlands, 59th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City. Studied with Carrol Beck- with and Kenyon Cox, New York, and with Henri levy, Paris. 234. Mauresque.

PALMER, Pauline L.— The Lessing, Chicago, 111. Bora in MCHenry, 111. Stndieil in the Art Institute. President Lake View Art Club. Represented in Nike and Klio Clubs. 235. A street scene. 236. How very strange.

PATTISON, James William— Tree Studios, Chicago, 111. Born in Boston in 1844. Studied with Prof. Flamm, DUsseldorf ; Luigi Chialiva, Paris. First exhibited in Paris Salon, 1879. Member of Chi cago Art Association; on lecture staff of the Art Institute, and Central Art Association. Medal of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Asso ciation, 1881. 237. Blue Ridge mining village ; — breakfast a-getting. Oil Paintings. 39

PEARCE, Charles Sprague — Auvers sur Oise, Seine et Oise, mnd 42 rue Fontaine, St. Georges, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass. Studied with Leon Bonnat. First Vice President Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in Art Institute, Chicago; Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts; Boston Art Club; Bohemian Club, San Francisco; Metropolitan Museum, New York. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Belgium; Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle, Prussia; Chevalier of the Order of Dannebrog, Denmark. Honorable Mention and Gold Medal 3rd class Paris Salon, Hors Concours. Grand Diploma of Honor, Berlin. Gold Medal 2nd class, Munich. Gold Medal 2nd class, Vienna. Grand Gold Medal of Honor, Ghent. Prize Pennsylvania Academy, Philadel phia. Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy. Gold Medala, Boston, San Francisco, Atlanta. 238. Sylvan melody. 239. A cloud.

PEART, Caroline— 1910 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Pennsylvania. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and in Paris. Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 240. Once upon a time.

PEPPER, Charles Hovey— Care of Beers Bros., 1264 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Waterville, Maine, 1864. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Jean-Paul Laurens, Aman-Jean, Paris; W. M. Chase, New York. 241. Portrait in red and gray. 242. The bench.

PERRINE, Van D.— 835 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 243. The country circus. 244. Ash carts. 245. Sea shore. 40 The Art Institute of Chicago.

PEYRAUD, Frank C— 47 Plum Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Switzerland. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago: Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Fortnightly Prize of 1899. 246. Summer evening. 247. Indian summer.

PHELPS, Helen Watson— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Attleboro, Mass. Studied with Raphael Collin and in Julian Academy, Paris. Member National Art Club. Represented in Rhode Island School of Design. 248. Portrait of Isaac Townsend Smith, Siamese Consul General. 249. The dreamer. 250. A study.

PICKNELL, William h. (Deceased) — Born in Boston, Mass., 1854. Died, 1897. Studied in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Gerome. Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Mem ber of Society of American Artists, New York, and Society British Art ists, London. Fictures in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadel phia; Carnegie Museum, Fittsburgh; Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1880. Silver Medal, Boston, 1881. Gold Medal, Boston, 1884. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 251. En Provence. 252. The ebbing tide.

POST, William Merritt— 55 West 33rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1857. Studied in Art Students' League. Member of the Water Color Club; American Water Color Society. 253. Coming night. Oil Paintings.

POTTHA.ST, Edward Henry— 52 East 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Studied in Paris and Munich, Member National Academy; New York Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club. Thomas B. Clarke Prize. 254. Reflections.

PURVIS, William G.— 201 South Western Avenue, Chi cago, ill. Born in Janesville, Wis., in 1873. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. Member Palette and Chisel Club. 255. By the river.

PYNE, Robert Lorraine— 84 East 113th Street, New York, N. Y. 256. Westchester.'

REDMOND, Margaret— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia, Penn. 257. Silver Lake, N. H.

REHN, F. K. M.— 222 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Penn. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. First Prize for Marine Painting, St. Louis, 1882. Prize of $250 at Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885. Gold Medal at Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886. Picture, "The Mis sing Vessel," owned by Detroit Art Museum, " Close of a Summer Day," by the Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery. 258. A summer shower. 259. A coaster.

RETTIG, John— College Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, O. 260. Vacation days. 42 The Art Institute of Chicago.

RICHARDS, William T.— Newport, R. I. Born in Phila delphia, Pa., 1833. Honorary Member National Academy, American Water Color Society. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washing ton ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Metropolitan Museum, New York ; Centennial Medal ; Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts; Bronze Medal, Paris, 1889. 261. Fitful Head, Shetland.

RICHARDSON, Frank Henry— 9 Rue des Fourneaux, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass., 1859. Studied with Boulanger and Le- febvre, Paris. Member Boston Art Club. Honorable Mention, Salon, 1899, upon " Soir d'ete." 262. Summer evening.

RICHTER, Henry L.— Huntington, W. Va. Born in Ger many, in 1870. 263. The ferryman.

ROOK, Edward F.— Maitland Villa, Newport, R. I. Born iu New York, N. Y. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member of the Arts Club, New York. Represented in the Gilpin Collection at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the Cincinnati Museum. Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1898. 264. The old mill, moonlight. 265. A stormy night.

ROSENTHAL, Albert— 1530 Chestnut Street, Philadel- phia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Gerome and in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 266. The blacksmith. 267. Miss H. Oil Paintings. 43

ROSS, Isabel M.— 940 San Trovaso, Venice. Born in Buffalo, K. Y. Studied with Paul Delance and M. Callot, Paris. 268. Mother and child. 269. Sympathy.

ROTH, E. D.— 835 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 270. Barnyard. 271. Corn stacks.

SARGEANT, Geneve— 390 Chicago Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Bom in San Francisco, Cal. Studied in San Francisco Art Association; Art Students' League, Chase and Cox, New York; Emil Carlsen. 272. The wool spinner.

SARTAIN, William— 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1843. Studied with Leon Bonuat and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of Ameri can Artists; Associate National Academy of Design. Silver Medal, Boston. Honorable Mention, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 273. Study. 274. The dunes.

SHANNON, James Jebusa— 3 Holland Park Road, Kens ington, London. Born in New England. First Class Medal, Paris. First Class Medals, Berlin and Vienna. Second Class Medal, Munich. First Class Medal, Carnegie. Associate Royal Academy, London. 275. Miss Kitty. Lent by the Carnegie Art Galleries, Pittsburgh, Pa. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SHARP, J. Henry— 118 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Bridgeport, O., 1859. Pupil of Verlat in Antwerp Academy and Carl Marr in Munich, Laurens and Benjamin Constant in Paris. Member of Society of Western Artists. Teacher In Cincinnati Art Academy. Represented in the permanent collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum. 276. Evening chant, Pueblo of Taos, New Mexico.

SHEPLEY, Annie B.— 96 5th Avenue, New York, N. Y. Studied with H. Stddons Mowbray, New York ; with Benjamin Con stant and Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Member Ex-Council Woman's Art Club of New York ; Cor.-Sec'y New York Water Color Club. Repre sented in Altar piece owned by Church of the Ascension, New York. 277. Portrait of a young girl.

SHUTTLE WORTH, Claire— 1018 Delaware Avenue, Buf- falo, N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. Studied in the Art Students' League of Buffalo, Academie Vitti, and with F. V. Du Mond, Luc Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin, Paul Leroy, Paris. Medal for painting from life, Academie Vitti. 278. Landscape.

STACEY, Anna L.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. 279. Haying time. 280. Old hulks.

STACEY, John F.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Studied in Massachusetts State Normal Art School, and with Julian, Paris. 281. A bit of Long Island Sound. Oil Paintings. 45

STEELE, Theodore C— Pennsylvania and 16th Streets, Indianapolis, Ind. Born in Indiana. Studied with Prof. Loefftz, Munich. President Society of Western Artists. Represented in St. Louis and Cincinnati Art Museums, the John Heron Art Institute of Indianapolis, and the Boston Art Club Collection. 282. Primrose and gray. 283. A rainy day.

SVENDSEN, Charles C— Room 41 College Building, Cin cinnati, O. Studied with Bouguerean, Feme and in Academie Color- osai, Paris. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 284. Fair Bethlehemite.

SVKNDSEN, SVEND— 925 North Central Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Christiania, Norway, in 1864. Young Fort nightly Prize. Honorable Mention Tennessee Centennial. 285. Winter eve.

SWETT, William Otis, Jr.— American Art Association, 2 Impasse de Conti; Paris. Born in Worcester, Mass. 286. On the Loing.

SYKES, Annie G.— Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born In Brookline, Mass. Studied in Boston Art Museum ; Cincinnati Art Academy, and with Frank Duveneck. Vice-President Woman's Art Club, Cincinnati. 287. Mother and child. 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SYMONS, George Gardner— 2565 Ashland Avenue, Ravenswood, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago, in 1861. Studied at the Academy of Design, Chicago. Member American Art Association, Paris. 288. Cornish homestead. 289. An envoy from the deep. 290. A by lane in Old St. Ives. 291. Rock bound. Cornwall.

TACK, Augustus Vincent— Van Dyck Studios, New York, N. Y. Born in Fittsburgh, Penn., 1870. Studied with H. Siddons Mow bray, New York, and with Luc Olivier Merson, Paris. 292. The red shawl. 293. Two brothers.

TANNER, Henry O.— 51 Boulevard Saint Jacques, Paris, Born in Pittsburgh, Penn. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean- Paul Laurens, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1896. Repre sented in the Luxembourg Gallery. 294. Nicodemus coming to Christ. Owned by Mr. Rodman Wanamaker. 295. Hills near Jerusalem.

TARBELL, Edmund C— Harcourt Building, Irvington Street, Boston, Mass. Born in West Groton, Mass., 1862. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Academie Julien, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York ; Ten American Painters ; Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Represented in Cincin nati Art Museum ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Rhode Island School of Design ; Art Club of Philadelphia ; and Museum ol Fine Arts, Boston. Medal World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phil adelphia, 1895; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club; Three Medals. Boston Charitable Mechanics' Association. Clarke Prize, Shaw Fund Prize, and First Hallgarten Prize, New York. 296. Girl and pine tree. Oil Paintings, 47

THURBER, Caroline (Mrs.) — 84 rue Lauriston, Paris, or care of Gen. A. B. Nettleton, 100 Washington Street, Chicago. Born in the United States. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. 297. The young violinist.

TORREY, KaTE S.— Grand Rapids, Mich. Born in West ern New York. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago ; Art Student's League, New York ; F. Edwin Scott, Paris. 298. The convent gate.

VEDDER, SIMON HARMON— 7 The Mall, Park Hill Road, London, N. W., England. Born in Amsterdam, N. Y., in 1886. Studied with Gerome, Bouguerean, Glaiie, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1899, on "The Flight into Egypt." Medal Crystal Palace, London. 299. The flight into Egypt.

VORHEES, Clark Greenwood— 1 West 68th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, in 1871. Studied in Metropolitan Art School, New York ; Academy Julian, Paris. 300. The homestead, moonlight. 301. Near Peconic Bay, June.

WALCOTT, Harry M.— 2 Impasse de Conti, Paris. Born in Connecticut, in 1870. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Ben jamin Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1897 ; Havermeyer Scholarship oi New York, 1894, and American Art Association Prizes. 302. Adoration of the Magi. 303. Waiting for the show. 48 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WALDEN, Lionel— 33 Boulevard Edgar-Quinet, Paris. Born in Norwich, Conn., in 1862. Studied with Carolus Duran, Paris. Represented in the Luxembourg Gallery, Paris; and in Cardiff, Wales. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. Medal Second Class, London. 304. The sea.

WALKER, Horatio— 51 West 10th Street, New York, N. Y. 305. Tree- fellers at work.

WATKINS, Susan— 125 Boulevard Montparnasse, Paris. Born in California in 1875. Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Hon orable Mention, Paris Salon, 1890, on "Petite Hollandaise." 306. Little Hollander.

WEIR, J. Alden— 11 East 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Pupil of J. L. Gerome, Paris. Silver Medal, Ex position Universale, Paris, 1889. Member of the National Academy and Society of American Artists, New York- 307. A New England ploughman. 308. Early fall. 309. Late summer.

WENDT, William— Chicago, 111. Born in Germany in 1865. Member Society of Western Artists. Represented in Cincinnati Museum Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. Yerkes' Prize, 1893; Young Fortnightly Prize, 1897. NOTE.— The paintings of Mr. Wendt are exhibited by invitation of the permanent art committee of the Art Institute, without submission to any other jury. 310. An autumn melody. Exhibited in the Salon of the Champ de Mars, 1899. Oil Paintings. 49

311. The river of rocks. Exhibited in the Salon of the Champ de Mars, 1899. 312. A California landscape. 313. A cool and shady woodland. Exhibited in the Royal Academy, London, 1899. 314. A meandering stream. 315. The earth yields its gold. 316. A medley of color. 317. The scarlet robe. 318. Canon Diablo. 319. A deserted farmhouse. 320. Fallen leaves. 321. Black sands. 322. Old farm house. 323. An oat field on the coast. 324. Gathering storm. 325. An April day. 326. Green fields. 327. A gloomy twilight. 328. A flowery field. 329. In the foot hills. 330. Point Loma, Cal. 331. A rainy day. 332. Avenue of eucalyptus trees. 50 The Art Institute of Chicago.

333. Late afternoon. 334. By the mill pond. 335. Morning. 336. Wilderness. 337. Night. 338. On a summer's day. 339. The frozen river. 340. At low tide. 341. Harvest by the sea. 342. Looking down. 343. Apple blossoms. 344. Rocks. 345. An English landscape. 346. Sunrise. 347. Storm-tossed. 348. Chaos. 349. Westward. 350. Cornwall coast. 351. Moonlight. 352. Restless sands. 353. A wealth of blossoms. 354. The hour of the Angelus. 355. Willows under a gray sky. 356. Old age. Oil Paintings. 5i

WH1TEMAN, J. Edwin— 5 West Mulberry Street, Balti more, Md. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Boulanger, Lefebvre and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Exposition, 1889. 357. Morning sunlight.

WIGAND, O. C— 96 5th Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied at Art Students' League, New York; with Bou langer and Lefebvre, Paris. Represented in Boston Art Club. 358. Returning from the marsh. 359. The gardener.

WILES, Irving R.— 106 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Utica, New York State. Pupil of William M. Chase and Carolus-Duran. Associate of National Academy of Design. Member of Society of American Artists, and member of American Water Color Society, New York. Thomas B. Clarke Prize and 3rd Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. Mention Honorable, Paris. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Evans Prize •f American Water Color Society. 360. A breezy day.

WILSON, Henrietta— 2921 Monfort Street, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy. Member Woman's Art Club. Instrnctor Art Academy, Cincinnati. 361. A gray day.

WOLFF, Gustave— 3223a Vista Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Germany in 1863. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts, and with Paul Cornoyer, St. Louis. 362. News from the front. 363. Road to the village. 52 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WOODWARD, Miss Lella Grace — Bureau des Etrangers, Credit Lyonnais, Paris. Born in Coldwater, Michigan. Studied in Academie Vitti, with Raphael Collin and O. L. Merson, Paria, and. Frank DuMond. 364. Portrait of Miss A.

WUERPEL, Edmund H.— Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis, Mo. Born in St. Louis. Studied with Bouguerean, Fleury and Ferrier, Aman Jean, Paris. Instructor in St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis Association Painters and Sculptors, Society of Western Artists. 365. Moon and marsh. 366. Moonlight. 367. Evening. SCULPTURE BARNARD, George Grky— Fort Washington Avenue, l*ew York, N. Y. Born at Bellefbnte, Penn., in 1863. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago, and with Cavelier, Paris. Associate Member So- ciete Nationale des Beaux Arts. 368. "Je sens deux hommes en mot." (I feel two natures struggling within me). Victor Hugo. From the marble, original in Metropolitan Museum, New York. Presented by Arthur M. Barnhart, 1899. This work, which was first exhibited in the Salon of the Champ de Mars in 1894, and occasioned the election of the sculptor to associate membership of the Societt5 Nationale des Beaux Arts, is added by the liberality of Mr. Barnhart to the per manent collection of the Art Institute, and is installed in Room 10, main floor.

CLARKE, John Frederic Mowbray— 232 E. 39th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Annotta Bay, Jamaica, in 1870. Studied in Lambeth School, London, England. Avery Prize Architectural League, New York, 1899. 369. U. S. Volunteer Cavalry. Bronze.

CRUNELLE, Leonard— Decatur, 111. Born in Lens, France. Studied with Lorado Tail, Art Institute, Chicago. 370. Charles Francis. Plaster bust. 371. Emma. Plaster bust. S3 54 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LONGMAN, Evelyn Beatrice— Art Institute, Chicago. 111. Born in Winchester, Ohio, in 1874. Studied with Lorado Taft, Art Institute, Chicago. 372. Margaret. Plaster bust. 373. Sketch of Mr. N. Plaster bust.

MEARS, NELLIE Farnesworth— 71 North Park Avenue, Oshkosh, Wis. Born in Oshkosh. Studied in Art Students' League, and with Augustus Saint Gaudens, New York; with Lorado Tail, Art Institute, Chicago; Julian Academy, Puech, R. Collin, L. O. Mereon, Paris. Represented in Capital and State Historical Societies, Madison, Wis. Medal. Julian Academy, 1896. Medal, Academy Vittl, 1897. Prize, World's Fair, $500. 374. Portrait relief, Augustus Saint Gaudens. Bronze. 375. Study Barbizon peasant. Plaster statuette.

MOORE, Lou WALL— 1016 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. 376. Figure Pandora, one-quarter life size, plaster. 377. Irla Zimmerman. Plaster relief.

PROCTOR, A. Phimister— 42 Woodland Park, Chicago, 111. 378. Indian Warrior. Bronze. 379. Puma, from model of Pumas on Gateway in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sculpture. 55

RIMMER, Caroline Hunt — i St. Botolph Studio Building, Boston, Mass. Born in Randolph, Mass. Studied with Dr. William Rimmer. 380. Vase (tall) figures in half relief. Terra cotta. 381. Vase ; figures in low and full relief. Terra cotta.

RYDEN, Henning— 22 Studio Building, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Sweden, in 1869. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago ; in Ber. Hn and tendon. 382. Portrait, bas relief. Bronze. 383. Die struck medal, obverse and reverse, bronze, gold plated.

TAFT, Lorado— Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Elmwood, 1ll. Studied in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 384. Portrait study. Plaster bust.

TIL.T, Maude M.— 1034 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Canada. Studied at Art Institute of Chicago. 385. Grandmother. Bust ; plaster. 386. Miss E. Bust ; plaster.










ART COMMITTEE charles l. hutchinson james h. dole martin a. ryerson charles w. fullerton r. hall Mccormick 2 'he Art Institute op Chicago was incorporated May 24, 1879, for the "founding and maintenance of schools of art and design, the formation and exhibition of collections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their fam ilies at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Satur days and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, includes depart ments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Design ing and Architecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee often dollars for the year. Upon the payment of one hundred dollars annual members become Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. Governing members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. Upon the payment of four hundred dollars governing mem bers become Governing Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. All receipts from Life memberships are invested and the income only expended. All members are entitled, with their families and visiting friends, to admis sion to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures and en tertainments given by the Art Institute, and to the use of the reference library upon art.


MAIN FLOOR SEE PLAN Room i, . . Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Sculpture: Egyptian and Assyrian. Room 2, (Corridor) Same: Asia Minor, and Early Greek. Room 3, . . . Same: Age of Pheidias. Room 4, Same: Later Greek. ROOM 5, . . . . Same: Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) . . . Same: Renaissance. Room 7, . . . . Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) . Elbridge G. Hall Collection: Modern. Room 9, .. . Office of the Secretary. Room 10, . . Elbridge G. Hall Collection: Modern. Room ii, (Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture and Architecture. Room 12, ...... Same. Room 13, (Corridor) ..... Same. Room 14, . . Higinbotham Collection of Naples Brontes. Room 15, . . Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, Library, and Mrs. D. K. Pearsons Collection of Brann Photographs. Room 18, . . Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room. Room 24, . New Library, now in process of construction. Rooms 19 and 20 are in the part not yet built.




Room 25, Room 26, Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room 27, and Sculpture, by Contemporary Room 28, American Artists. Room 30, Room 3i, Oil Paintings. Room 29, (Corridor) . Century Drawings and Autotypes. Room 32, Paintings ; Old Masters. Room 33, (Corridor) . . . Arundel Reproductions. Room 34, Committee Room. Room 35, (Hall) . . . Sculpture and Paintings. Room 36, Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) . . Paintings and Sculpture. Room 38, Oil Paintings, Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, Oil Paintings, the Elizabeth Hammond Stickney Room. Room 40, . Oil Paintings, A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, J. . . . . Nickerson Rooms. Room 42, Room 43, Part of Nickerson Collection. Room 44, ) . Collection of the Antiquarians, Textiles, Em- Room 45, j broideries, Musical Instruments, etc. Rooms 46 to 54 are in the part not yet built.



This exhibition includes 290 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 283 Sculpture, 7 Total, 290 Of these works 61 were selected by Miss Sara Hallowell in Paris, principally from the two salons of the current year ; 229 were chosen by juries of artists in five cities, as follows: New York, 50; Philadelphia, 28; Boston, 23; Cincinnati, 11 ; Chicago, 117. The aggregate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict require ments of the prospectus was 527.









AINSLEY, Oliver— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 1. A quiet sea.

ALSOP, Rachel Griscom— 140 North 16th Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Westtown, Chester Co., Pa., 1867. Studied in School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia. Academy of Design, New York. 2. The last load. 3. Sketches of geese.

BARNARD, Edward H.— Belmont. Mass. Born iu Bel mont, Mass. 1855. Studied with John B. Johnston, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., with Boulanger, Julian and R. Collin, Paris. Instructor iu drawing at Bradford Academy, Mass. Member St. Botolph Club. Medal for Landscape and Medal for Por trait, Mass. Charitable Mechanics Associatiou. Honorable mention at Tennessee Exposition. 4. The shore road. 5. Cedar trees. 1 1 12 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BARTLETT, Frederic Clay— 1019 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago, 1873. Studied with M. Gysis, Raphael Collin and Whistler. Member of the Royal Academy, Munich. 6. Autumn (Dachau.)

BENSLEY, Martha S.— 1016 Fine Arts Building, Chi cago, ill. 7. Portrait of Mr. Arthur Heun.

BETTS, Edwin Daniel— 294-40th Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Benton, Ohio, 1848. 8. Twilight.

BETTS, Louis— Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Little Rock, Ark., 1873. Represented in Chicago Press Club and Archt Club. 9. Hide and seek. 10. Portrait of William J. Turnes.

BICKNELL, Frank A.— 90 Boulevard Garibaldi, Paris. 11. The gold of autumn. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

BIESTER, Anthony— 835 Everett Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cleves, Germany, 1838. Studied with B. C. Koekkoek and Os wald Achenbach. Member of Cincinnati Art Club. Gold Medal of In diana State Exposition. 12. Hay making in Ohio. Oil Paintings. 13

BIRNEY, William Verplanck— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858. Studied in Munich and Paris. Member of the Brooklyn Art Club, New York Water Color Club, Associate National Academy of Design. Honorable mention in Munich. 13. The match.

BISBING, Henry Singlewood — 23 Rue des Martyrs, Paris. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied with J. H. L. de Haas and F. du Vnillefroy. Member Paris Society of American Painters. Rep. reseated in Philadelphia, Sydney, Adelaide, Dresden, Berlin, Nantes. Medals in principal European cities; Chicago and Philadelphia. 14. A sunny afternoon. 15. Maternal cares. 16. The meadow — moonrise. 17. Sheep in the heather.

BIXBEE, William J.— 616 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Manchester, N. H., 1850. Studied with S. P. R. Triscott and Tomasso Juglaris. Secretary of Boston Society of Water Color Painters; and Boston Art Club. 18. Foam.

BLANEY, Dwight— 12 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Brookline, Mass., 1865. Member of the Boston Water Color Club and New York Water Color Club. 19. August. 20. On Cape Cod. The Art Institute of Chicago.

BLANKE, Marie E.— 1734 Deming Place, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. 21. Turtle Creek.

BOGERT, George H.— 204 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born In New York, 1864. Studied with K. Boudin. Aime Morot, Paris. Associate Academy of Design, N. Y.; Member Society of Amer ican Artists, N. Y.; Society of Landscape Painters, N. Y. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; St. Louis Museum. Honorable Mention Philadelphia, 1892; Webb Prize S. A. A. 1898; First Hallgarten Prize, Academy of Design, N. Y. 1899. 22. Showery day. Katwyk, Holland.

BOHM, Max— Care of H. E. Bohm, Esq., 1362 Detroit Street, Cleveland. Ohio. Born in Cleveland, O., 1868. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Gold Medal, Paris Salon, Silver Medal, Paris International Exposition, World's Fair. 23. A storm.

BOLMER, M. Deforest— 222 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. 24. November.

BONSALL, Elizabeth F.— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; with Co'.orossi, Paris. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize and Mary Smith Prize (2) P. A. F. A. 25. A siesta. Oil Paintings. 15

BOYDEN, DwighT Frederic— 2 Rue Aumont, Thieville, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass. Studied with BoulangerandLefebvre, Paris. Silver Medal, Boston ; Honorable Mention and Third Medal, Paris Salon, 1900. 26. The close of a rainy day. (Paris salon, 1900). 27. Moonlight at high tide.

BRANTINGHAM, Grace I— Rockford, 111. Born in Rock- ford. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 28. Peonies.

BRECKENRIDGE, Hugh H.— Pennsylvania Academy ol the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Leesburg, Va. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia and with Bouguereau, Ferrier and Doucet, Paris. Secretaryof the Faculty, Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Medal Atlanta Exposition ; First Charles Toppan Prize, Penn. Academy ; Honorable Mention Paris Exposition of 1900. 29. A grey day.

BREUER, Theodore Albert — 51 Boulevard St. Jacques, Paris. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870. Studied with Prof. Karl Marr, and Mons. Cannon. 30. Portrait. (Paris Salon, 1900).

BRIDGMAN, Frederic Arthur— 146 Boulevard Male- sherbes, Paris. Born in Tuskegee, Ala., 1847. Studied with J. L. Gerome, Beaux Arts, Paris. National Academician ; Member Society of American Artists. Represented in Corcoran Gallery ; Liverpool Permanent Gallery : Temple Collection, &c. Knight Legion Honor able Order of St. Michel ; Bavaria Hors Concours ; Various Gold and Silver Medals. 31. The fountain of Bab-el-Oued ; Algiers. 32. Young girl of El Kantara ; River of the Oasis. i6 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BROOKS, Maria— 58 West 57ih Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Staines, Middlesex, England. Studied in the South Kensing ton and Royal Academy Schools, London. Medals of Crystal Palace Exhibition and South Kensington Museum, London. Diploma of Melbourne Exhibition, Australia Award of Merit, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1897, for genre in oil. 33. Her friend and protector.

BROWNE, Charles Francis— 1021 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Natict, Mass., 1859. Studied in Boston, Philadel phia and Paris. Member Society of Western Artists ; Instructor and lecturer Art Institute of Chicago. Represented in Providence, R. 1. and Union League Club, Chicago. 34. Summer sky. 35. River road. 36. The hillside. 37. The yellow pond.

BURBANK, Elbridge Ayer — 210 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Harvard, 111. Studied at the Academy of Design, Chicago ; Munich School. Member of the Society of Western Artists. Yerkes First Prize, 1893; Honorable Mention and Medal, Atlanta, Georgia. 38. Key-yote-two-ey. 39. Chief Spotted Elk. 40. She comes out first. 41. Standing soldier. Oil Paintings, 17

BUTLER, Edward S. Jr.— 961 East McMillan Street, Cin cinnati, 0. Born In Cincinnati, 1848. Secretary Cincinnati Art Club. 42. October on the Mahketewah. 43. Moonlight.

CHADWICK, Emma L — Care of Monroe & Co., 7 me Scribe, Paris. Born in Stockholm. Studied at the Academy of Stock holm ; with Cazin and Tony R. Fleury, Paris. Honorable Mention 1900 Paris Salon. 44. The card party. (Paris salon, 1900.)

CHAMPLIN, HalliE Elizabeth — 1711 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member of the Art Students' League. 45. Yellow roses.

CHAMPNEY, J. WELLS— 96 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1843. Studied with Edouard Frere, and Antwerp Academy, Belgium. Associate National Academy of Design, New York. Member American Water Color Society. 46. Renaissance Room, L,ouvre.

CHAPMAN, Carlton T.— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New London, Ohio. Pupil of National Academy of De sign and Art Students' League, New York, and of Julian Academy, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists and American Water Color Society, New York. Silver Medal in Boston, 1892. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Medal of Atlanta Ex position, 1895. 47. The evening hour — Valley of the Arun. i8 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CHASE, WILLIAM M.— 303 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born In Franklin, Ind. Member International Jury of Award, World's Fair ; Member of National Academy; Society of American Artista, New York ; The Secession, Munich. Medal, Munich, 1883; Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1831; Silver Medal 1889; First Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1894 ; Shaw Prize, Society of American Artists, 1893. 48. Old canal lock at Bristol, Pa. 49. Portrait of Daniel Chester French, Sculptor.

CHILLMAN, Edward— 914 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1841. 50. A cool day in June.

CLARKSON, Ralph— 203 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Studied in the French Schools. Member New York Water Color Club. 51. Rest.

COLBURN, Eleanor Ruth— Highland Park, II1. Studied at the Art Institute. 52. Hunting the eggs.

COMAN, Mrs. Charlotte B.— The Vandyke, 939 8th Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Waterville, New York. Pupil of Harry Thompson and Emile Vernier, Paris. Member Water Color Club, Woman's Art Club. Bronze Medal at California Midwinter Ex position, 1894. 53. A wooded glen. Oil Paintings. i9

COMPERA, Alexis— Denver, Colorado. 54. Dawn near Denver.

CONNELL, Edwin D.— 7 rue Lemaitre, Puteaux Seine, France. Born in the United States of America. Studied with Bougue- rean, Fleury and Julian Dupre. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1899, 55. The marsh. 56. The lower mill. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

COOPER, Coun Campbell— of Brown, Shipley & Co., London, England. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Julian Academy and De- lecleuse Academy, Paris. Member of the Art Club; T Square Club, Philadelphia; Fellowship, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 57. Amsterdam. 58. Landscape — Gruyere.

COR WIN, Charles Abel— Art Institute, Chicago. Born at Newburgh-on Hudson, N. Y„ 1837. Studied with Frank Duveneck. Instructor Art Institute, Evening School. 59. Rock bound. Gloucester, Mass. 60. Fish wharves. Gloucester, Mass. 61. Ten Pound Island. Gloucester, Mass. 62. A snug berth. Gloucester, Mass. 63. At East Gloucester, Mass. 20 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CURRAN, Chari.ES C— 16 West 61st Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hartford, Ky., 1861. Pupil of the School of Design, Cin cinnati, O., the National Academy of Design and the Art Students' League, New York, and the Academie Julien, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club, New York ; Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Represented by works in Art Museum, Columbus, O.; T. B. Clarke Collection, New York ; Vassar College Gallery, near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Third Hallgarten Prize, 1888, and Clarke Prize, 1893, National Academy of Design. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1890. 64. The swimming hole. 65. Rhododendrons.

D'ASCENJO, Nicola— 1020 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Born in Italy. Studied with Mariani and Jacovacci, Rome, Italy. Member T Square Club ; Philadelphia Sketch Club ; Fellowship Academy of the Pine Arts. Medal World's Columbian Exposition ; Gold Medal, T Square Club. 66. Landscape — Evening.

DAVIS, Charles H.— Box 444, Mystic, Conn. Born in Amesbury, Massachusetts, 1856. Pupil of Otto Grundmann, Boston, and of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Fictures owned by Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Gold Medal of Honor and $2,000, from American Art Association Prize Fund Exhibition, New York. Gold Medal, Boston. Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1887. Silver Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Pal mer Prize of $500, Chicago. Medal, Paris Exposition, 19C0. 67. Spring twilight. 68. Morning clouds. 69. A cool day in April. Oil Paintings. 21

DEBEREINER, GEORGE— 523 Pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. 70. Eloquent silence. 71. Satyr.

DE CRANO, F. F.— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Versailles, France. Studied in Paris, London and Rome. Member Philadelphia Art Club, Philadelphia Society of Artists. Artists' Fund Society. 72. Look out. 73. Portion of an old inn, Italy.

DeLUCE, Percival— 52 E. 23d, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied in Academy of Antwerp, and with Bonuat, Paris. Member of National Academy and American Water Color Society. 74. The song of the wheel.

DEMING, Mabel Reed— San Francisco, California. Born in San Francisco, 1874. 75. A dark day. (Paris saion, iwo.)

DICKSON, M. E.— 11 Boulevard de Clichy, Paris, France. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Luigi Chialiva, Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lef4bvre, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon and Nashville, Tenn. Third Class Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. 76. "Isabella." (Paris Salon, 1900.) 22 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DOLPH, J. H. (N. A.)— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Fort Ann, N. Y., in 1835. Studied in Antwerp and Paris. 77. A bad day for an umbrella. 78. Called to order. 79. Sleeping puppies.

DRESSLER, Edward James— 1020 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Born in Centreville, Michigan, 1859. Studied in San Fran cisco School of Design under Virgil Williams ; National Academy, New York ; and Walter Shirlaw. Member Salmagundi Club, New York, 80. Evening.

DoMOND, Frederick Melville— 22 Rue petrarque, Paris, France. Born in Rochester. N. Y., 1867. Studied with Jules Lefebvre, Jean Paul Laurens, Cortuon, Paris. Member Academy Trans-Atlantic. Represented in the Wanamaker Collection. Medal and Honorable Mention, Paris Salon ; Medal, Munich ; Gold Medal, St. Petersburg ; Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1899. 81. "Throw him to the tigers 1 " A prisoner Of war. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

EARHART, John F.— Fernbank, Ohio. Born in Franklin County, Ohio, 1853. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 82. "Whither?"

EATON, C. Harry— Leonia, N. J. Born near Akron, Ohio, 1850. Associate National Academy, Secretary of the American Water Color Society. Represented in Detroit Museum of Art. Gold Medal, New York, 1888 ; Silver Medal, Boston, 1887 ; Evans Prize for Water Color, 1898. 83. Cloud shadows. Oil Paintings. 23

EATON, Chas. Warren— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1857. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Students' League, New York. Member of American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York. 84. Early spring morning. 85. Winter twilight. 86. A Flemish town. 87. Grey autumn.

ENN EKING, John J.— 173* Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio, 1841. Studied with Bounat, Daubiguy, at Munich and Paris. Member and officer of Boston Art Club ; Paint and Clay Club. Represented in Boston Art Club ; Art Museum ; Charitable Mechanics Association. Four Gold and Three Silver Medals at Charitable Mechanics Association's Exhibitions. 88. Summer twilight. 89. Cloudy day — late autumn.

ERICSON, David— 52 Avenue du Maine, Paris. Born in Duluth, Minn., 1870. Studied with Whistler. Member American Art Association. 90. "OrpheUS." (Paris Salon, 1900.)

ESTE, Florence— 28 Avenue de l'Observatoire, Paris. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; with Alexandre Nozal, Paris. Paris Salon du Champs-de-Mars, 1899. 91. A pool at low tide. »4 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FERRIS, Jean LEON Gerome— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1863. Studied in Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Julian Academy, Paris ; South Ken sington, London. 92. The three friends. 93. Musketeer.

FLAGG, Noel — Hartford, Conn. Born in Brooklyn, L- I., 1848. Studied with L. Jacquesson de la Chev reuse, Paris. Director of Instruction Conn. League of Art Students. Mem. ber of Sculpture Commission, Conn. State Capital. Represented in Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College ; Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hart ford, Conn. 94. Portrait of Jared B. Flagg, N. A.

FOWLER, Frank— 106 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, New York, 1852. Pupil of IJcole des Beaux- Arts, and Carolas Duran, Paris. Associate of National Academy of De sign, New York. Member of Society of American Artists and Archi tectural League, New York. Two portraits of governors— in the Capi tol at Albany and in the Council Room, New York University. 95. Violet.

FREER, Cora Fredericka— 9 Tree Studio Building. Chicago. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago, and with Courtois, Merson, Collin, Paris. 96. Portrait. Oil Paintings. 25

GIHON, Clarence Montford — 59 Avenue de Saxe, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, 1871. Studied with W. M. Chase, Kenyon Cox, New York; and with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. Third Prize American Art Association, Paris. 1900, Paris Salon. 97. Under the wood — landscape. (Paris salon, woo.)

GOODWIN, Caroline Love— 153 Liberty Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. Born in Savannah, Georgia. 98. The bowl Of milk. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

GREENE, Mary Shepard — 15 Rue Bonaparte, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied with Herbert- Adams. Brooklyn; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Third Medal; Paris Salon 1900. 99. A fleeting glance. (Paris saiou, 1900.)

GROVER, Oliver Dennett— 1022 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Earlville, 111., in 1861. Studied with Frank Duveneck. Boulanger, Jean Paul Laurens, Paris; Royal Academy Munich. Art Institute, Chicago. Member Western Society of Artists, Chicago Art Association. First Yerkes Prize, 1892. 100. Portrait of Mrs. Laverne W. Noyes. 101. Afterglow.

GRUPPE, Charles P.— 339 Bezuidenhout, The Hague, Holland. Born in Ficton in 1860. Studied in Holland. Member So ciety Dutch Artists, The Hague, Holland; New York Water Color Club and Salmagundi Club. Represented in Royal Palace at the Hague. Boston Art Club, Illinois Club. 102. Dutch farmer's home. 26 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HANCOCK, Joseph Lane — 3148 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. Born in Chicago, 1864. 103. Indian summer.

HARRISON, Alexander — 17 rue Campagne Premiere, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, 1853. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, etc., etc. Repre sented in the Luxembourg Museum; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Dresden Gallery, etc. Legion of Honor. Instruction Publique. Medals, at Philadelphia. Paris, Munich, Vienna Berlin, Ghent, etc., etc. 104. After a tempest. 105. . Misty morning. 106. Night serene. 107. Liinar mists. 108. Nature's mirror.

HARTMAN, Sidney K.— 1512 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Germany. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benja min Constant, Paris. 109. Buffaloes in snow.

HASKELL, William Homer— Merrimac, Mass. Egmond- aan-Hoef, Holland. Born in Merrimac, Mass. 1875. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, under Tarbell and Benson; in Julian Academy, Paris, under J. P. Laurens and Benjamin Constant. 110. The apprentice. (Paris salon, 1900.) Oil Paintings. 27

HASSAM,— 152 West 87th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1850. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York; and of the Munich "Secessionist" Society. Medals in Paris 11889), Munich (1892), Chicago (1893), First Prize ($300) of Cleveland Art Association, 1895. Webb Prize of $300, Society of American Artfsts, New York, 1895. Second Prize ($1,500) , Boston Art Club, 1898. 111. A fisherman's cottage. 112. Midday, Pont Aven. 113. Saint Germain, Paris.

HAYDEN, Charles H.— Belmont, Mass. Born in Ply. mouth, Mass., 1856. Studied in Boston Museum of Fine Arts; with Bou. langer, Lefebvre, R. Collin, Paris. Member of St. Botolph Club, Boston. Represented in Boston Art Club and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1889. Grand Jordan Prize, $1,500. '95 Silver Medal, Atlanta Exposition. Medal Paris Ex. position, 1900. 114. Connecticut shore.

HAYNES, Caroline Coventry— 253 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied in Art Students' League, New York; with Alfred Stevens, Paris. Member New York Water Color Clnb. Woman's Art Club of New York. 115. . The bough.

HENRY, Edward L— 7 West 43d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Charleston, S. C, 1841. Studied in French Schools, Paris, three years. Member National Academy of Design; American Water Color Society. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington; Spring6eld, Mass.; Hartford, Conn.; Union League, New York. Medals. New Orleans; Paris, 1889; Chicago. Two Honorable Mentions, Paris, 1889. 116. " Waiting for the ferryman." — Time, about 1795. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HEYSINGER, Ernest W.— 524 Walnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1872. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and with G. R. Bonfield. Member Phila delphia Sketch Club. 117. Border of the meadows. 118. Evening.

HOPKINSON, Charles — Grundmann Studios, Boston, Mass. Born in Cambridge, Mass., 1869. Studied in Parts. Member Society of American Artists. 119. Breton women. 120. Afternoon sky. 121. Landscape, Mt. Desert. 122. In the Harvard yard. 123. Chocorua Mountain.

HORTON, William Samuel — Care Messrs. Morgan & Harjes, 31 Boulevard Haussman, Paris. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1864. Studied at Art Students' League and National Academy of De sign, New York, and Julian Academy, Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Member of New York Water Color Club and Salma gundi Club, New York. 124. In the month of June, England. (Paris salon, 1900.)

HUDSON, Anna Hope— 38 Rue Beaujon, Paris. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied with Aman-Jean and Carriire. 1899 Salon du Champs-de-Mars. 125. The Seine at Saint Mammes, Seine-et-Marne, France. Oil Paintings. 29

HYNEMAN, H. N.— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied with Leon Bonnat, Paris. 126. Hydrangeas. 127. An interesting book.

JANSSON, Alfred— 738 Athenaeum Building, Chicago, IU. Born in Sweden, 1863. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Member Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago. 128. Autumn fields.

JEFFERYS, Charles W.— 53 West 24th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Rochester, England,;i869. 129. March on the hill-top.

JOHNSON, Marshall— Room 29, 12 West Street, Boston, Haas. Born in Boston. Studied at Lowell Institute and Boston Art Club. Member of the Boston Art Club. Represented in Boston Art Club. 130. Off Highland Light, Cape Cod.

JONES, Annie Weaver — 726 Athenaeum Building, Chicago, 111. Studied with Lasar, Collin, Merson, Paris; Art Students' League, New York; Art Institute, Chicago. 131. In the affirmative.

JORDAN, David Wilson— Care Dr. L. W. Bacon, Nor wich, Conn. Born in Harrisburg, Pa. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Thomas Kakius. Represented in Art Club of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Sketch Club. 132. The cloud. 3Q The Art Institute of Chicago.

JUERGENS, Alfred— 213 S. Grove Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Born in Chicago, 1865. Studied in Academy of Design, Chicago; and with W. Dietz, Royal Academy, Munich. Member Artists' Association of Germany; Munich Association of Painters. Represented in Munich Kunstverein. 133. Old town Dinkelsbiihl.

KRONBERG, Louis— 12 West Street, Boston, Mass. Born in the United States, 1872. Studied in Art Museum, Boston, and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Silver Medal, Boston. Longfellow Travelling Scholarship. 134. Her first bow or dress rehearsal. 135. Souvenir of Algeria.

LANDEAU, Sandor L.— 97 Rue Jouffroy, Paris, France. Born in Hungary, 1864. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benja min Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. Second Wanamaker Prize, American Art Association, Paris. 136. SamSOn. (Paris Salon, 1900 )

LEONARD, George Henry, Jr.— 17 Rue Boissonade, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass., 1869. Siudied with Gerome, Bouguereau, Aman-Jean, Paris. 137. A September pastoral — France. 138. The forest road, Fontainebleau.

LONGSTRETH, Margaret— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y, 139. Violets. 'Oil Paintiftgs. 3i

LORD, Caroline A.— 975 McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, 1960. Studied in Art Academy, Cincinnati; Art Students' League, New York; Julian Academy, Paris. Instructor, Art Academy, Cincinnati. Bronze Medal World's Fair, Chicago. 140. Little blackberry gatherers. 141. Early birds.

LORENZ, Richard— Chamber of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Germany. 142. The end of the day.

MAC GREGOR, Donald— 1322 Ellsworth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 143. Beach, Lavallette, N. J.

MACOMBER, Mary L —P. O. Box 115, Waverly, Mass. Born at Fall River, Mass.. 1861. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Represented in the permanent collection of that institu tion. Medals of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1896, and International Exposition, Atlanta, 1895. Norman W. Dodge Prize, National Academy of Design, New York, 1897. 144. "Fides."

MAURER, Alfred H. — 19 Rue Daguerre, Paris. Born in New York, N. Y., 1868. 145. The red shawl. (P»ris salon, 1900.)

MAYER, Louis— 52 University Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, 1889. Studied in Weimar ; Munich ; and Julian School, Paris. 146. L,ydia. 32 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MAYNARD, Gov— 7 Rue Tourlaque, Paris. Born in Chicago, III. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago and in Paris. 147. A studio corner. 148. Still-life.

McCORD, GEORGE H.— 399 Classen Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1818. Studied with M. Nurse. Mem ber American National Academy, Water Color Society, Salmagundi Club, Lotos Club, Brooklyn Art Club, Black and White Club. Repre sented in Brooklyn Institute, Lincoln and Lotos Clubs. Silver and Bronze Medals, New Orleans, World's Cotton Exposition, 1888; Boston Mechanics Institute, 1888. 149. The incoming tide. 150. Old landmarks. 151. Moonlight, Long Island Sound.

McEWEN, Walter— 11 Place Pigalle, Paris. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Cormon and Tony Robert-FIeury. Fictures in mu seums of Brussels, Liege, Magdebourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp. Gold Medal, City of Berlin. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. 152. Age of innocence. 153. Making the flag. 154. Young Hollander.

MCCORMICK, M. Evelyn— 916 Market Street, San Fran cisco. California. Born in California. Studied with Jules Lefebvre and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member of the Mark Hopkins Insti tute of Art, San Francisco, California. 155. Old Convent — Monterey, California. Oil Paintings. 33

MELCHERS, Gari— 47 Rue Laugier, Paris. Born in Detroit, Michigan. Studied with Lef£bvre, Boulanger and Ecole dea Beaux Arts, Paris. Honorable Mention and Medal, Paria Salon ; Firat Class Medals, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, &c. Gold Medal, Phila delphia. Medals of Honor, Paris 1889, Berlin 1891, Antwerp 1894. Mem ber of Society of American Artists; Paris Society of American Painters ; Societt Nationaledes Beaux Arts, Paris ; Fine Arts Societies of Munich and Vienna ; International Jury of Awards, Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Represented in Musef du Luxembourg, Paris ; National Royal Gal leries, Berlin, Dresden and Munich and Carnegie Galleries, Fittsburgh; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France ; Knight of Royal Bavarian Order of St. Michael. 156. Young mother. 157. Skaters. 158. "Ceres." 159. Potato harvest. 160. The doll. 161. Bathers. 162. Wedding. 163. Mother and child. 164. Communiante.

MENZLER Bertha S.— 1020 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 111. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago ; with Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin and A man Jean, Paris. 165. Moonlight.

MERSFELDER, Jules R.— 22 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in California, 166. Evening. 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

METHVEN, Harry Wallace —3246 Vernon Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. 167. Moonlight. St. Joe River, Mich.

MEYER, Enno— 1309 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, 1874. Studied In Cincinnati Art Academy. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 168. Black panthers.

MILLER, John R. — 1116 Sterling Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. 169. A moonlight poem.

MILLER, Richard E.— 24 Rue Boissonade, Paris. Born In St. Louis, Mo.. 1875. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1900. 170. Portrait. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

MILLET, G. Van — 517 Pepper Building, Kansas City, Mo. Born in Kansas City. Studied at Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, under Nikolas Gysis and Ludwig von Loefftz. President Art Clnb, Kansas City, Mo. Honorable Mention, Academy, Municb. 171. After the shower.

MUELLER, Alexander— 55 University Building, Mil waukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., 1872. Studied with Richard Lorenz, Milwaukee, Academy of Weimar, Germany, and Karl Marr of the Royal Academy, Munich. Honorable Mention at Weimar for drawing after nature. 172. Villa on the Adriatic. Oil Paintings. 35

MURPHY, Hermann Dudley — Grundmarm Studios, Boston, Mass. Born In Massachusetts. Studied in Paris. 173. Moonlight. 174. The beach, night.

MURPHY, J. Francis— The Chelsea, 222 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Oswego, N. Y., 1853. Member National Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, Society of Land scape Painters. 175. Hill and fields. 176. The old thorn apple tree.

NEEDHAM, Charles Austin— 145 East 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., 1814. Studied at the Art Students' League; August Will, New York City. Member New York Water Color Club and the Arts Club of New York. Medal and Honora ble Mention Atlanta International Exposition, 1895, and First Honorable Mention, Syracuse, New York, 1898. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. 177. Winter. 178. Holiday in a park.

NEWELL, G. Glenn— 1244 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Berrian County, Mich. Member of the Salmagundi Club; Black and White Club; Country Sketch Club. Represented in the Detroit Museum of Art. 179. " But woman's work is never done." 36 The Art Institute of Chicago.

NICOLL, James Craig— 51 West 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, N. Y., 1847. Studied with M. F. H. de Haas. Member of National Academy of Design; American Water Color Society; New York Etching Club, etc. Medal at New Orleans, 1684; Paris, 1889; Atlanta, 1894; New York Prize Fund; Boston Charitable Mechanics' Institute. 180. Sunset.

OCHTMAN, Leonard— Mianus, Conn. Born in Holland. Member Society of American Artists; American Water Color Society; Society American landscape Painters; New York Water Color Club; Brooklyn Art Club. Prize. Brooklyn Art Club; gold medal, Philadel phia Art Club; medals World's Fair, 1893. 181. Moonlight on Long Island Sound.

OPPENHEIM, Adeline— Hotel Netherlands, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1872. Studied with Carrol Beckwith, Kenyon Cox, William Chase, Mowbray, New York ; and with Henri Levy, Paris. Mention Honorable Paris Salon, 1900. 182. Death scene of Romeo and Juliet. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

OTIS, Amy— 10 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Sherwood, N. Y. Studied in Philadelphia School of Design and Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Colorossi's, Paris; with R. Vonnoh, M. Courtois, Garrido and Cornillier. 183. The marshes at Annisquam.

PAGES, Jules— 77 Rue Rambutean, Paris. Born in San Francisco, Cal., 1867. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert-Fleury, Paris. Represented in Mark Hopkins Art Insti tute, San Francisco, Academy Julian Medals; Mention, 1895; Third Gold Medal Paris Salon, 1899. 184. The model's toilet. (Paris Salon, 1900.) Oil Paintings. 37

PALMER, Pauline L.— The Lessing, Chicago, 111. Born in McHenry, 1ll. Studied in the Art Institute. President Lake View Art Club. Represented in Nike and Klio Clubs. 185. Old Arch, Auvers, France. 186. Twilight in Auvers, France.

PARSONS, Antoinette de Forest— Care Frank H. Par- sons, 89 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cleveland, Ohio. Studied with Merson, Raphael Colin, Girardot, Courtois, Colorossi School, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1900. 187. A family of fishers at Volendam, Holland. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

PEARCE, Charles Sprague — Auvers sur Oise, Seine et Oise, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass. Studied with Leon Bonnat. First Vice President Paris Society of American Painters. National Society of Mnral Painters, New York; National Institute ol Arts and Letters, New York. Represented in Art Institute, Chicago; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Boston Art Club; Bohemian Club, San Francisco; Metropolitan Museum, New York. Silver Medals, Boston, 1S78 and 1881; Gold Medal, Boston, 1884. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1881; Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1883. Prize Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia, 1881; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy, 1885. Medal of Honor, Ghent, 1886. Gold Medal 2d Class, Munich, 1888; Diploma of Honor, Berlin, 1891; Gold Medal, San Fran cisco, 1894; Gold Medal, Atlanta, 1895; Gold Staats Medal, Vienna, 1896; Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Belgium; Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle, Prussia; Chevalier of the Order of Danne- brog, Denmark. 188. The servant.

PERRINE, Van D.— 835 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Studied with William Chase and at National Academy of Design. 189. An American lady. 3« The Art Institute of Chicago.

PEYRAUD, Frank C— Chicago, 111. Born in Switzerland, studied at Art Institute, Chicago; Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Fort nightly Prize of 1899. 190. The break of day. 191. The calm of twilight.

REDFIELD, Edward W.— Centre Bridge, Bucks County, Pa. Born in Bridgeville, Delaware, 1869. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Philadelphia; Bouguereau and Fleury, Paris. Member of the Art Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Cor coran Art Gallery, Washington. Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia. 192. The Seine at Paris. (Paris salon, 1900.)

REDMOND, Margaret— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. 193. Sunset. 194. Black Top.

REHN, F. K. M.— 222 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. First Prize for Marine Painting, St. Louis, 1883. Prize of $250 at Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885. Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886. Represented in De troit Art Museum; Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery. 195. An August night.

RETTIG, John— College Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. 196. The red book. Oil Paintings. 39

RICHARDS, E. E.— 6 Impasse Rousin, 152 Rue de Vaugi- mrd, Paris. Studied with Raphael Collin. 197. A difficult point. (Paris Salon, 1900.)

ROSS, Isabella M.— Etaples, Pas de Calais, France. Born in Buffalo, New York. Studied at the Art League, New York ; Delecluse Academy, Paris. 198. The Sirocco, Venice.

RUPERT, A. J.— Chicago, 111. Born in Fort Plain, New York. 199. Ploughing at sunset. Wisconsin.

RYDEN, Henning— 5 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Sweden, 1869. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, in Berlin and London. 200. September day.

SANDHAM, Henry— 154 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Montreal, Can., 1842. Studied with O. R. Jacobi and John A. Fraser. Royal Canadian Academician. Vice. President Boston Art Club. Represented in National Gallery, Ottawa ; Boston Art Club; City Hall, Lexington ; State House, Boston. Medals World's Fair; Philadelphia; London. 201. A Greek maiden.

SCHOFIELD, W. Elmer— Ogontz, Pa. Born in Philadel phia, 1867. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy ol the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900 ; Webb Prize, New York Society of American Artists, 1900. 202. Late afternoon. January. 4Q The Art Institute of Chicago.

SCOTT, Mrs. E. M.— 142 East 18th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Sprlngwater, N. Y. Studied at Art Students League, New York ; and Paris. Vice-President New York Water Color Club. Mem ber of ; Womans' Art Club. Medal at Atlanta. 203. Roses.

SHARP, J. HEnRY— 118 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Bridgeport, O., 1859. Pupil of Verlat in Antwerp Academy, and Carl Marr in Munich, Laurens and Benjamin Constant in Paris. Member of Society of Western Artists. Teacher in Cincinnati Art Academy. Represented in the permanent collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum. 204. Portrait of Frank Duveneck.

SHEPLEY, Annie Barrows— 96 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Studied with H. Siddons Mowbray ; with Jules Lef6bvre and Benjamin Constant. 205. On a May morning. Illustration of a poem by John Milton.

SLOAN, John— 806 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Lock Haven, Pa., 1871. 206. The old Walnut street theatre.

SNOW, Edward Taylor— 1815 Columbia Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Fellow of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Philadelphia Art Commissioner to Tennessee Cen tennial. 207. Dias Creek meadows. 208. October morning — Fairmount Park. Oil Paintings. 4i

SNOW, Laura E— 1815 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with S. Taylor Snow. 209. Close of day.

STACEY, Anna L.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. 210. A by-road at Auvers, France. 211. At twilight — harvest time.

STACEY, John F.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Studied in Massachusetts State Normal Art School, and with Boulanger and Jules Leftbvre, Academy Julian, Paris. 212. A bright morning in August, at Auvers, France.

STERN, Maurice— 835 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 213. In the gallery.

SVENDSEN, Svend— 431 West George Street, Chicago, II1. Born in Christiana, Norway, 1884. Voung Fortnightly Prize, 1895. Honorable Mention Tennessee Centennial. 214. Autumn.

SWORD, James B.— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. President Artists' Fund Society and So ciety of Artists ; Vice-President Art Club of Philadelphia. 215. Afternoon on Barnegat Bay. 42 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SYMONS, George Gardner — 2565 Ashland Avenue, Ravenswood, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago, 18*1. Studied at the Acad emy of Design, Chicago. Member American Art Association, Paris. Represented in the Lord Gower collection, London. 216. Sorrow — " Behind the clouds is the sun still shining." 217. A mid-winter thaw. Germany. 218. Silence and fleeting light. Germany. 219. A pastoral. Germany. 220. In from the sea. Cornwall. 221. Sky and sea. Cornwall. 222. Vibrant notes of autumn. Salon, 1900. 223. " Come sleet or come snow." 224. The cross roads. Bavaria. Loaned by Robert M. Simon, Esq. 225. In-coming tide. 226. Morning mists in Gorseland. Cornwall. 227. Golden Gorseland. Loaned by J. J. Byrne, Esq. 228. "As the mist resembles rain." Loaned by Robert M. Simon, Esq. 229. "At every gust the dead leaves fall. ' ' 230. "And winter stood at the gate." Germany. 231. "I block the roads and drift the fields with snow." 232. The day's work near done. 233. " In summer's green emblazoned field." 234. Indian summer. 235. Heaven's vault reflected. Oil Paintings. 43

236. The wave— Resistless. 237. Cornish Hills. "What now is bud will soon be leaf." 238. Through village and wood to the sea. 239. The woodland shrine. Loaned by John Healy, Esq. 240. Youth. 241. "What silence too came with the snow." 242. Field flowers. Loaned by Mrs. A. B. Long. 243. The ground swell. 244. The closing of a hot, dusty day. France. 245. Cornish grey days. 246. Kingsthorpe mill. Northampton. 247. Below the bridge. 248. The village of Dachau, Bavaria. 249. Winter in Bavaria. 250. Wet days. 251. Street in Vannes, Paris. 252. Clamart Hill Forests, Paris. Loaned by Mrs. A. B. Long. 253. Old road to Munich. Loaned by Mrs. A. B. Long. 254. Evening. Germany. 255. Winter near. 256. Golden light and snow. Germany. 257. The old bridge. Northampton. 258. Calm days. Loaned by J. H. Dole, Esq. 259. Cornish sand. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

TAIT, Arthur Fitzwilliam, N. A. — Yonkers, New York. Born in Liverpool, England. Represented in the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D. C. 260. Coming home.

TAYLOR, Charles J. — 9 Rue des Fourneaux, Paris. Born in New York, N. Y., 1855. Studied at the National Academy, of Design, New York. 261. The answer. (Paris salon, im)

THOMAS, Elizabeth Haynes — 4713 Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Paris. First and Second Charles Toppan Prizes. 262. A young reader.

THURBER, Caroline (Mrs.)— 20 rue lyauriston, Paris, Born in Oberlin, Ohio, 1863. Studied in the Julian Academy with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant. 263. Portrait. 264. Head-study — country boy.

WALCOTT, Harry M.— Rutherford, New Jersey. Born in Connecticut, 1870. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Ben jamin Constant, Paris ; W. H. Low, New York. Member American Art Association, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1897 ; Have- meyer Scholarship of New York, 18M, and American Art Association Prizes. 265, ' ' Christ or Barabbas ? ' ' (Paris salon, wco.) 266. A passing cloud. Oil Paintings. 45

WALDEN, Lionel— 33 Boulevard Edgar-Quinet, Paris. Born in Norwich, Conn., 1862. Studied with Carolus Duran, Paris. Represented in the Luxembourg Gallery, Paris ; and in Cardiff, Wales. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. Medal Second Class, London ; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition. 267. Moonlight.

WARDEN, William Francis— 115 rue de Courcelles, Paris. Born in New York, 1872. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Leon Comerre, Paris. 268. Return from the ball. (Paris salon, 1900.)

WATKINS, Susan.— 127 Rue Boucicaut, Fontenay-aux- Roses, Seine, France. Born in California, 1875. Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Honorable Mention Societe des Artistes Fran- cais Salon, 1899. 269. The interrupted lesson. (Paris salon, 1900.)

WEEKS, Edwin Lord— 12 Rue Leonard de Vinci, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass. Studied with Bon nat. Scole des Beaux Arts. 270. Nautch girls returning from a wedding. — Bombay.

WHITEMAN, S. Edwin— 5 West Mulberry Street, Balti more, Md. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Boulauger, Lefebvre and Constant, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1889. 271. A New England hillside — morning. 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WILES, Irving R.— 106 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Utica, New York. Pupil of William M. Chase and Carolus-Duran. Associate of National Academy of Design. Member of Society of American Artists, and member of American Water Color Society, New York. Thomas B. Clarke Prize and 3rd Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. Mention Honorable, Paris: Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Evans Prize; of American Water Color Society; Tennessee Exposition; Paris Ex position, 1900. 272. In summer time.

WOLFF, Gustave— 3223a Vista Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Germany, 1863. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts, and with Paul Cornoyer, St. Louis. Member of Society of Western Artists; St. Louis Artists' Guild. 273. Promise of snow. SCULPTURE BRACONY, Leopold — Room 45 Central Music Hall, Chicago, Til. Born in Rome, Italy. Studied in the Academy at Rome. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1892. Gold Medal, Paris, 1892; Chicago, 1893. 274. The gleaner. Plaster.

CALDER, Alex. Stirling — 209 Quince Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1870. Studied with Chapu and Fa!, guiere. Member National Sculpture Society. Represented in grounds of Smithsonian Institution, Washington, O. C, Medal Philadelphia Art Club, 1893. 275. Narcissus. Bronze statuette.

COX, Charles Brinton— 825 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1864. Studied at the Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, with Thomas Eakins; and the Art Students' League, New York. 276. "El Texan Vaquero." Bronze.

LACHENMEYER, Paul— 1603 Mt. Vernou Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Gold Medal Art Club, 1898; Medal Atlanta Exposition. 277. Mephistopheles. 278. Circe. 47 48 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LA FAVOR, Wiu, G.— Joliet, 111. Born in N. Y. Pupil of Art Institute and Lorado Taft, Chicago. Repn by work in the permanent collection of the Detroit Art Museum. 279. Mother and daughter. Bas relief, plaster.

NEY, EUSABET — Austin, Texas. ' Born in Germany. Studied at Munich: Bavaria; Berlin; Prussia, under Christian Rauch. Represented in Berlin National Museum; Castle Linderhaf, Ba Statue of Ludwig II. 280. Bust of Arthur Schopenhauer. Plaster.

RYDEN, Henning— 5 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. in Sweden, 1869. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 281. Portrait group. Bas relief, bronze.

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ART COMMITTEE CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON JAMES H. DOLE MARTIN A. RYERSON R. HALL MCCORMICK BRYAN LATHROP 2 'he Art Institute op Chicago was incorporated May 1 24, 1879, for the "founding and maintenance of schools of art and design, the formation and exhibition of collections of objects ot art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their fam ilies at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Satur days and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, includes depart ments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Design ing and Architecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of ten dollars for the year. Upon the payment of one hundred dollars annual members become Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. Governing members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. Upon the payment of four hundred dollars governing mem bers become Governing Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. All receipts from Life memberships are invested and the income only expended. All members are entitled, with their families and visit ing friends, to admission to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures and entertainments given by the Art In stitute, and to the use of the Ryerson reference library upon art.


MAIN FLOOR SEE PLAN Rooms r, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Casts of Sculptures. Room i, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Syrian, Asia Minor. Room 2, (Corridor) . . Asia Minor and Early Greek. Room 3, Greek of V. and IV. Centuries B. C, including the Pheidian period and that of Praxiteles and Skopas. Room 4, Later Greek and Graeco-Roman. Room 5, . . . Sculpture, Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) . . . Sculpture, Renaissance. Room 7, . . . . Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) .... Sculpture, Modern. Room 9, . . . Office of the Secretary. Room 10, .... Sculpture, Modern. Room ii, (Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture and Architecture. Room 12, ...... Same. Room 13, (Corridor) ..... Same. Room 14, . . Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. Room 15, . . Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, . . . . Oil Paintings. Room 18, . Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room. Room 24, . . . . . Ryerson Library. Rooms 19 and 20 are in the part not yet built.




Room 25, Room 26, Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room 27, and Sculpture, by Contemporary Room 28, American Artists. Room 30, Room 29, (Corridor) Century Drawings, Getty Collection of Musical Instruments, etc. Room 31, Oil Paintings. Room 32, Paintings: Old Masters. Room 33, (Corridor) Arundel Reproductions and Metal Work. Room 34, Committee Room. Room 35, (Hall) Sculpture and Paintings. Room 36, Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) . . . Ivories and Sculpture. Room 38, Oil Paintings: Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, The Elizabeth Hammond Stickney Room : Oil Paintings. Room 40, . . Oil Paintings: A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, Nickerson Collection: Japanese Bronzes, Porcelains, etc. Room 42, Nickerson Collection: Jades, Crystals, etc., and Oil Paintings. Room 44, Nickerson Collection: Water Colors and Engravings. Room 43, ) Collection of the Antiquarians: Textiles, Embroideries, Room 45, ) etc. Rooms 46 to 53 are in the part not yet built.

JURIES OF SELECTION For New York. For Philadelphia. Edward Simmons, James B. Sword, William Sergeant Kendall, James L. Wood, John W. Alexander, Carol H. Beck. A. Phimister Proctor.

For Boston. For Cincinnati. Wilton Lockwood, Vincent Nowottny, Philip Hale, Thomas S. Noble, Frederic P. Vinton, John Ward Dunsmore. Eric Pape. For Chicago. ART COMMITTEE OF THE ART INSTITUTE Charles L. Hutchinson, Martin A. Rverson, James H. Dole, R. Hall McCormick, Bryan Lathrop. ADVISORT COMMITTEE OF ARTItTE. Alden F. Brooks, Frederick W. Freer, Edgar S. Cameron, Mrs. Bertha M. Dresslbr, Charles A. Corwin, John C. Johansen, George de Mare, Joseph C. Leyendhcker, Albert Fleury, Harry W. MethvEn, Miss Cora F. Freer, Frank Phoenix, William Schmedtgen, Mrs. Anna L. Stacey, John H. Vanderpoel, Leopold Bracony, Charles Mulligan. THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF OIL PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE BY CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ARTISTS

This exhibition includes 378 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 366 Sculpture, 23 Total, 378 Of these works 102 were selected by Miss Sara Hallowell, the agent of the Art Institute, in Paris, principally from the two salons of the current year; 153 were chosen by juries of artists in 5 cities, as follows : New York, 6 ; Philadelphia, 42 ; Boston, 15; Cincinnati, 2 ; Chicago, 88. The aggre gate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict requirements of the prospectus was 471. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING EX HIBITS FOR SALE APPLY TO MISS WILLARD. AT DESK IN ROOM 30.



OIL PAINTINGS ADAMS, Charles Partridge— 625 Kittredge Building, Denver, Col. 1. Long's Peak.

ADOLPHE, Albert Jean— 2616 Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 1870. Studied with Gerome, Eeole des Beaux Arts, Paris; and with Albrecht de Vriendt, Koniulclijke Academie der Schoone Kunsten, Antwerp. Member American Art Association, Paris; and National Arts Club, New York. Toppan Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1899; Honorable Mention, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. 2. Portrait of a student of the Latin Quarter, by himself. (Paris Salon, 1901.) 3. Portrait of the artist. (Paris salon, 1901.)

AID, George Charles— 24 Rue Boissonade, Paris, France. Born in Quincy, 111. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Beujamin Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. 4. The white dress. (Paris salon, 1901.) 5. The green sofa. (Paris salon, 1901.) II 1 2 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BARLOW, John Noble— St. Ives, Cornwall, England. Born in Manchester, Eng., 1861. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Lefebvre and Delance, Paris. Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1899; Silver Medal Paris Exposition, 1900. 6. Dorset meadows, Cornwall, England. 7. One summer night.

BARLOW, Myron— 225 Adams Avenue, East Detroit, Michigan. Born in Ionia, Mich., 1873. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; with GerOme, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member Ameri can Art Association, Paris. Represented in Detroit Museum of Art. 8. The fisherman's daughter. (Pans salon, isoi.) 9. Dutch girls drinking coffee. 10. Memories. 11. A burst of sunlight. 12. Young girl mending nets. 13- The empty cradle.

BARNARD, Edward H. — Belmont Street, Watertown.Mass. Born in Belmont, Mass., 1853. Studied with John B. Johnston ; Museum Fine Arts, Boston; and with R. Collin, Paris. Member St. Botolph Club, Boston. 14. Morning, early autumn.

BECK, Carol H.— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 15. Portrait of Mrs. Wyllys King Ingersoll. Oil Paintings. 13

BENSON, Frank W.— Salem, Mass. Born in Salem, 1862. Studied with Boulauger and Lefdbvre, Paris; and in Boston. 16. Girl with gold fan.

BETTS, Edwin D., Jr.— 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago, 17. Under the apple tree.

BICKNELL, Frank A.— 90 Boulevard Garibaldi, Paris, Prance. 18. Afternoon on the borders of the L,oing. (Paris Salon, 1901.) 19. Rain at the end of day. (Paris salon, 1901.)

BISBING, Henry Singlewood — 23 Rue des Martyrs, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied with J. H. L. de Haas and F. du Vuillefroy. Member Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in Philadelphia, Sydney, Adelaide, Dresden, Berlin, Nantes, Medals in principal European cities; Chicago and Philadelphia. 20. Evening on the river Issel, Holland. 21. Afternoon in the meadow. 22. The pond, morning. (Paris salon, 1901.)

BIXBEE, William J.— 616 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Manchester, N. H., 1850. Studied with S. P. R. Triscott and Tomasso Juglaris. Secretary of Boston Society of Water Color Painters; and Member Boston Art Club. 23. Summer da)', Swampscott. 14 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BLANEY, Dwight— 12 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Brookline, Mass., 1865. Member of the Boston Water Color Club, and New York Water Color Club. 24. Low tide and fog. 25. Towards the beach.

BOGERT, GBORGE H.— 204 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1864. Studied with E. Boudin, Aimt Morot, Paris. Associate Academy of Design, N. Y.; Member of Society of American Artists, N. Y.; Society of Landscape Painters, N. Y. Repre sented in Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; St. Louis Museum. Honorable Mention Philadelphia, 1892; Webb Prize S. A. A. 1898; First Hallgarten Prize, Academy of Design, N. Y. 1899. 26. From Katwyk to Leiden. 27. Evening, Manomet.

BOHM, Max— Care of H. E. Bohm, Esq., 1362 Detroit Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Born in Cleveland, O., 1868. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member Cleveland Art Club; Charter Member American Art Association, Paris. Gold Medal, Paris Salon, Silver Medal, Paris International Exposition, and World's Fair, Chicago. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. 28. Mother land. 29. The end of all anxiety.

BONSALL, Elizabeth F.— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; with Colarossi, Paris. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize and Mary Smith Prize (2) P. A. F. A. 30. Catnip.

BONSALL, Mary W.— 10 South Kith Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 31. Mischief. Oil Paintings. i5

BREUER, Theodore Albert— 51 Boulevard St. Jacques, Paris, France. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870. Studied with Prof. Carl Marr, and Mons. Cormon. 32. Portrait in gray. (Paris saion, 1901.) 33. Portrait in black. (Paris saion, 1901.)

BRIDGMAN, Frederic Arthur— 146 Boulevard Male- sherbes, Paris, France. Born in Tuskegee, Ala., 1847. Studied with J. L. Ger6me, Beaux Arts, Paris. National Academician ; Member Society of American Artists. Represented in Corcoran Gallery; Liverpool Permanent Gallery; Temple Collection, &c. Knight Legion Honora ble Order of St. Michel ; Bavaria Hors Concours; various gold and silver medals. 34. Evening over Algiers. 35. Souvenir of Arm6nonville.

BRIGHT, John Irwin— 1711 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1869. Honorable Mention Art Club of Phil adelphia, 1901. 36. The landing place at Tangier. 37. The mosque of Muley Edris at Fez.

BROOKS, Alden F.— 611 Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111. Born in West Wllliamaneld, O. Studied with Edwin white and Car- olus Duran. Represented in Capitol, Columbus, Ohio; Capitol, Spring field, 1ll; Memorial Hall, Chicago; State Normal School, DeKalb, 111. 38. Portrait "Montfort." 39. Fishing in the mill race.

BROWN, ETHEL Isadore— Albany, New York. Born in Boston, Mass., 1874. Studied in Cowles School, Boston; with Luc Oliver Merson, Paris. 40. The revelation of St. John. 41. The Brazilian. 42. Beatrice B. 1 6 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BROWN, Louise Norton— (Mrs. Neal Brown), Wausau, Wisconsin. Born in Lockport, 111. Studied with Henry Spread; at the Art Institute; and with William M. Chase, New York. 43. A meadow brook. 44. A sombre day near the sea.

BROWNE, Francis— 1021 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Natick, Mass., 1839. Studied in Boston, Philadel phia and Paris. Member Society of Western Artists; Instructor and Lecturer Art Institute of Chicago. Represented in Providence, R. I. and Union League Club, Chicago. 45. A gray day on Lake Michigan. 46. Early autumn morning.

BUCKLEY, JEANNETTE— Art Institute, Chicago. 47. A land mark.

BUEHR, Karl Albert— Laren, North Holland. Born in Germany. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; Paris, etc 48. Portrait of Mrs. B. (Paris salon, 1901).

BURGESS, Ida J.— 849 Marshall Field Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied with William M. Chase and Walter Shirlaw, New York; with L. O. Merson, Paris. Mural decorations in Orrington Lunt Library, Evanston. 49. The mill pasture.

CALIGA, Isaac Henry— 12 St. Botolph St., Boston, Mass. Born in Auburn, Indiana. Studied in Munich. 50. Portrait of Henry Hitchings, Esq. 51. Portrait of Joseph K. Hayes, Esq. Oil Paintings. 17

CAMERON, Edgar— 15 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, Ills. Born in Ottawa, 111. Studied in Art Student's League, Chicago Acad emy of Design, Acadtmie Julian, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Repre sented in Chicago Historical Society and in Union League Club. Mem ber of International Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900. 52. Dawn.

CARBEE, SCOTT Clifton— 214 Boylston Street, Boston. Mass. Born in Vermont, 1860. Studied with Bouguerean, Perrier and Max Bohm. 53. Jessie Mae. 54. Portrait of my son.

CHADWICK, Emma h.— Grez-sur-Loing, (Seine-et-Marne) France. Born in Stockholm. Studied at the Academy of Stockholm ; with Car in and Tony R. Fleury, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1000. 55. The reading. (Pans saion, 1901.)

CHAPMAN, Carlton T.— 58 West 57lh Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New London, Ohio. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Student's League, New York, and of Julian Academy, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, and American Water Color Society, New York. Silver Medal in Boston, 1892. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Medal of Atlanta Exposition, 1893. 56. The incoming tide. 57. The Port, St. Malo.

CHASE, Adelaide Cole— (Mrs. Wm. Chester Chase), 95 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. 58. Portrait of a lady. 18 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CHASE, William Merritt— 303 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Franklin, Ind. Member of National Academy, Society of American Artists, New York ; and of the Secession, Munich. Medal, Munich, 1883 ; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1881 ; Silver Medal, Paris, 1889 ; First Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1894 ; Shaw Prize, Society American Artists, 1895 ; Member of International Jury of Award, World's Fair. 59. The open Japanese book. 60. The Japanese book. 61. Still life. 62. At Shinnecock. 63. At the window.

CHURCHMAN, E. Mendenhall— 1824 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Blooklyn, N. Y. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; with Edmund C. Tarbell and Frank W. Benson, Boston. Member of the Fellowship of P. A. F. A. 64. Pulpit Rock, Bermuda.

CLARK, Alson Skinner — 8 Rue de la Grande-Chaumiere, Paris, France. Born in Chicago, 111., 1876. Studied with A. Simon, C. Cottet, and W. M. Chase. 65. The violinist. (Paris Salon, 1901).

CLUTE, Walter Marshall— Chicago Daily News, 123 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, ill. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., 1870. Studied at Art Students' League, New York, and with Constant Laurens, Paris. Member Art Students' League, New York; Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago. 66. Dutch woman rolling yarn. 67. A Laren interior. Oil Paintings. 19

CONNELL, Edwin D. — 7 rue Lemaitre, Pnteaux-Seine, France. Born New York. Studied In Bouguerean, Fleury and Julian Duprt. Honorable mention. Paris Salon. 1899. 68. The moor. (Paris Salon, 1901.) 69. Morning at Longpre. 70. In the sunshine.

COOPER, Colin Campbell— Art Club, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Julian Academy and Delecleuse Academy, Paris. Member of the Art Club; T Square Club, Philadelphia; Fellowship, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 71. Old houses, Ecou6n, France.

COOPER, Emma Lampert— Care Mr. S. W. Cooper, 1200 Betz Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Nunda, N. Y. Member Woman's International Art Club, Water Color Club, Woman's Art Club, New York; Plastic Club, Water Color Club, Philadelphia; Woman's Art Association of Canada. Medal Chicago Exposition and Atlanta Exposition. 72. Holland interior. (Paris salon, 1900.)

CORWIN, Charles Abel— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Born at Newburgh-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1857. Studied with Frank Duveneck. Instructor Art Institute Evening School. Martin B. Cahn Prize, 1900. 73. Up Salt Creek. 74. Across the harbor head. 75. Youth and old age. 76. Josephine drops anchor. 77. An old timer retimbered. 20 The Art Institute of Chicago.

COUSE, E. Irving— Van Dyke Studios, 939 Eighth Ave nue, New York, N. Y. Born in Saginaw, Mich., 1806. Studied at Na. tional Academy of Design; Julian Academy and Ecole dea Beaux Arts, Paris. Member American Water Color Society; Black and WhiteClub. Represented in Omaha National Gallery. Shaw prize and Proctor prize. Salmagundi Club, 1899. Second Hallgarten prize, N. A. D. 1900. Honorable mention, Paris, 1900. 78. Waiting.

COX, Charles Brinton— 1825 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1864. Studied at the Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, with Thomas Eakins; and the Art Students' League, New York. 79. Pay day. Mexico.

COX, KENYON— 145 W.55th Street.New York.N. Y. Born in Warren, Ohio, 1856. Pupil of G

COX, LouiSE— (Mrs. Kenyon Cox,) 75 W. 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in San Francisco, 1865. Studied in Art Students' League, and with Kenyon Cox, New York. Member Society of Amer ican Artists. Third Hallgarten Prize; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition 1900; Silver Medal Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 1901. 81. Caroline. Oil Paintings. 21

CRANE, Bruce— 154 W. 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1857. Studied with A. H. Wyant, New York; and in the Continental Schools. Member American Water Color Society; Society of Landscape Painters; New York Water Color Club; National Academician; Secretary Society American Artists. Represented in Pea- body Library, Baltimore; Detroit Club; Lotos Club, and Alpha Delta Phi, New York. Webb Prize, S. A. A. ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900, George Inness Gold Medal, N. A. 1901; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 82. ' ' Where late the wild flower bloomed. ' '

CURRAN, Charles C— 16 West 61st Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hartford, Ky., 1861. Pupil of the School of Design, Cin cinnati, O., the National Academy of Design and the Art Students' League, New York, and the Acaddmie Julien, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club, New York; Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Represented by works in Art Museum, Columbus, O.; T. B. Clarke Collection, New York; Vassar College Gallery, near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Third Hallgarten Prize, 1888, and Clarke Prize, 1893, National Academy of Design. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1890. 83. The Jungfrau. Early morning sunlight. 84. Noon. The Dream Mountain. 85. In the light of the setting sun. 86. Moonlight. 87. After-glow. The phantom mountain. 88. After the storm. 89. Late twilight. 90. A cold September day. 91. After-glow. Pink and pearl. 92. Afternoon sunlight. 22 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DAINGERFIELD, Elliott— 145 West 55th Street, New- York, N. Y. Born in Harper's Ferry, Virginia, 1859. 93. Leda.

DAVIS, Charles H.— Care Doll & Richards, 2 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Ameabury, Mass., 1858. Studied with Otto Grundmann, Boston; and with Boulanger and Leftfbvre, Paris. Mem ber Society American Artists. New York. Gold Medal of Honor, American Art Association. New York; Gold Medal, Boston; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon for "Last Rays;" Silver Medal, Paris, 1889; Pal mer Prize, Chicago; Medal, Chicago, 1893. 94. Witches' eve. 95. Last rays.

DEBEREINER, George — 523 Pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 96. Neapolitan fishermen.

DICKSON, Mary Estelle— 21 Boulevard de Clichy, Paris, France. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Luigi Chialiva, Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon and Nashville, Tenn. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. 97. Fortune telling. (Paris salon, 1901.)

DOUGHERTY, Parke C. — 47 Rue Vavin, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1867. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Julian Academy, Paris. Member Art Association, Paris; Art Club, Philadelphia. 98. Moonlight. (Paris Salon, 1901.) Oil Paintings. 23

DOUGHERTY, Paul— 258 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877. Studied with H. W. Ranger. 99. Autumn oaks, forest of Fontainebleau.

DOVBNER, Willum N.— 1024-17th Street, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Born in Wheeling, W. Virginia. Studied with Howard Helmldc 100. The alchemist. 101. Still-life.

EARHART, John F.— Fernbank, Ohio. Born in Franklin County, Ohio, 1853. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 102. Early morning.

EARLE, Lawrence Carmichael — Montclair, New Jer sey. Born in New York City, 1845. Studied in Munich, Florence and Rome. Member A. N. A.; American Water Color Society ; New York Water Color Club. Honorary Member Art Institute of Chicago. 103. Setters.

EATON, Chas. Warren— 318 West 57th Street, New York. N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1857. Pupil of National Academy of Design, and Art Students' League, New York. Member of American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club. Associate National Academy of Design, New York. 104. Moonlight in Flanders. 105. Sentinel pines. 106. Quai Rosiere, Bruges. 107. Ouestkerke, Belgium. 108. Holland landscape. 109. Canal at Bruges. 24 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FERRIS, Jean LEON Gerome— 1520 Chestnut Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1863. Studied in the Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Julian Academy, Paris ; South Ken. sington, London. 110. Judith. 111. The perfumes of Araby.

FITZGERALD, Harrington— 727 Walnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1847. Studied with Isabey. Mem ber Philadelphia Sketch Club. 112. At the bridge.

FLORIAN, Walter— 542 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1878. Studied at Art Students' League, New York. 113. Man praying.

FRANKLIN, Mary— 8 Rue de la Grande-Chaumi&re, Paris, France. Born in Athens, Ga. Studied with Deschamp, Geoffrey, Collin, Paris. 114. In the sacristy of Bagneux. (Paris salon, ww.)

FREER, Cora Fredericka— 28 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago, and with Courtois. Merson, Collin, Paris. 115. After the lesson. Oil Paintings. 25

FREER, Frederick Warren — Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Royal Academy, Munich. As sociate of National Academy of Design, New York. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, etc. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 116. Portrait, the late C. W. Fullerton. 117. The old gown.

FRIESEKE Frederic Carl— 51 Boulevard Saint-Jacques, Paris, France. Born in Owasso, Mich., 1874. Associate Member of the Sodett Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. (Elected upon the following paintings.) 118. H61ene. (Paris Salon 1901). 119. The blue cape. (Paris saion,i9oi).

GARBER, Daniel— 1510 Mount Vernon Sereet, Philadel phia, Pa. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy under V. Nowottny ; in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts under T. P. Anshutz. 120. Margaret. 121. Portrait of my father.

GIFFORD, R. Swain— The Rembrandt, 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Naushon Island, Mass. Studied with Albert Van Bust, Holland. Member National Academy of Design, Society American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smith and Wellesley College Collections, etc. Medals: Centennial Exhibition, 1876; Exposi tion Universelle, Paris, 1889. Prize, $2,500, Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885. Member of International Jury of Award, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 122. Salt works, Dartmouth. .26 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GIHON, Albert Dakin, 59 Avenue de Saxe, Paris, France. Born in Navy Yard, Kittery, Me., 1866. Studied with Benjamin Con stant, Jean P. Laurens, Aman Jean, and Georges Moteley, Paris. Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 123. Sunset. (Paris Salon, 1901). 124. The storm, — Montigny-sur-Loing. (Pmnssaion 1901.)

GIHON, Clarence Montford — Montigny - snr - Loing Seine-et Maine, France. Born in Philadelphia, 1871. Studied with W. M. Chase, Kenyon Cox, New York ; and with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. Third Prize American Art Association, Paris. 1900, Paris Salon. 125. The parting day. 126. On the borders of the L/Oing.

GLAMAN, Eugene Fish— 353 West 12th Street, Chicago. 127. Evening after rain.

GREENE, Mary ShEPARD— 19 Rue le Verrier, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied with Herbert Adams, Brooklyn ; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Third Medal, Paris Salon. 128. In the shade.

GREGORY, Helen Barber — 9 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York ; and with Colarossi, Paris. 129. Hollandia. 130. In Normandy pines. Oil Paintings. 27

GRUPPE, P.— 40 Wilhelmina Street, The Hague, Holland. Born in Ficton in 1860. Studied in Holland. Member Society Dutch Artists, The Hague, Holland ; New York Water Color Club and Salmagundi Club. Represented in Royal Palace at the Hague, Boston Art Club, Illinois Club. 131. November near The Hague. 132. Road to Clingendaal. 133. Old mill near The Hague. 134. An old seaman.

GUY, Seymoor Joseph— 51 West 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Greenwich, England, 1824. Member National Aca demy of Design ; Charter Member American Water Color Society. 135. Preparing for tomorrow. Lent by Chas. F. Grey, Evanston.

HALE, Philip Leslie— 100 Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass. Bora in Boston. Studied with J. Alden Weir. Instructor in Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and Worcester Museum Fine Arts. 136. Memory. 137. The red house.

HALLOWELL, Harriet — Moret-sur-Loing (Seine-et- Marne) France. Born in Boston. 138. The road to Chateau . 139. Near Fontainebleau. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HARRISON, Alexander — 17 Rue Campagne Premiere, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, 1853. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, etc, etc Repre- aented in the Luxembourg Museum ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Dresden Royal Gallery, etc Officer ot the Legion of Honor, Officer Instruction Publique. Medals, at Philadel- phia, Paris, Munich, Vienna, Berlin, Ghent, etc, etc 140. Montigny Falls. 141. Shallow waters. 142. Moonlight.

HARRISON, Birge— Plymouth, Mass. Born in Philadel phia, 1854. Pupil of Carolus-Duran andCabanel, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Repre sented in Philadelphia, Chicago. Salon picture of 1881 purchased by the French government and placed in National Art Museum, Mar seilles, Silver Medal of Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours. Paris Salon. Medals: World's Columbian Exposition, Chi cago, 1893. Buffalo, 1901. 143. Midwinter morning. 144. Midwinter evening, 145. Belated. 146. Winter sunset. 147. Winter in New Hampshire woods.

HARTRATH, LUCIE— 3811 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Boston, Mass. Studied with M. Rixens, Raphael Collin, Paris. 148. A little girl. (Paris Salon, 1901). 149, The Close Of day. (Paris Salon, 1901). Oil Paintings. 29

HARTSON, Walter C— 100 West 136th Street, New York, N. Y. Born In Wyoming, Iowa, 1866. Member of New York Water Color Club. Represented in the collection of the Crescent Club, Balti more. Bronze Medal, Atlanta, Ga., 1895; Third Hallgarten prize, 1898. 150. Beech woods in winter. 151. Meadow land. 152. A corner of the farm.

HASKELL, William Homer — Merrimac, Mass. Egmond- aan-Hoef, Holland. Born in Merrimac, Mass., 1875. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, under Tarbell and Benson ; in Julian Academy, Paris, under J. P. Laurens and Benjamin Constant. Member American Artists' Association, Paris. Longfellow Travelling Scholarship, Boston, 1897. 153. A Dutch interior. (Paris salon, 1901).

H ASSAM, Childe— 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1859. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York; and of the Munich '* Secessionist" Society. Represented in Buffalo Museum of Fine Arts. Medals in Paris (1889). Munich (1892), Chicago (1893). First Prize ((300) of Cleveland Art Association, 1895. Webb Prize of $300, Society of American Artists, New York, 1895. Second Prize ($1,500), Boston Art Club, 1896. Gold Medal Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 154. The bather.

HASTINGS, Helen M.— 5532 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Rochester, N. Y. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 155. Spring Garden and 25th Streets, Philadel phia. 30 The Art Institute of Chicago :

HAUKANESS, Lars— 48 Madison Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Norway. Studied with Werenskjold. 156. A shimmering calm.

HELMOLD, Adei,E M. von— 1710 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 157. White roses. 158. Still-life.

HENRI, Robert- 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in United States of America. Represented in Musee Nationale du Luxembourg, Paris. Silver Medal Pan - American Exposition, Buffalo. 159. The river bank. 160. Street scene in Paris. 161. Fourteenth of July, Paris. The illumination. 162. In a cafe' at "Robinson."

HEYSINGER, Ernest W.— 524 Walnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1872, Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; and with G. R. Bonfield. Member Phila delphia Sketch Club. 163. The last snow, evening.

HITCHCOCK, George — Egmond -aan - Hoef, Holland. Born in Providence, R. I. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Munich Secession, Paris Society of Artists. Represented in the Art Institute of Chicago ; Dresden Gallery ; Detroit Art Museum ; Royal Collection, Vienna. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1887. Medal American Artists Association, New York, 1887. Gold Medal Paris, 1889. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1891. Medal, Chicago, 1893. Gold Medal, Dresden, 1897. Gold Medal Vienna, 1898. 164. Last moments of Sappho. Lent by Chicago Tribune. Oil Paintings. 3i

HOPKINSON, Charles— Cambridge, Mass. Bom in Cam bridge, 1869. Studied in Paris. Member Society American Artists. Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 165. The story book. 166. Afternoon sailing breeze.

HORTON, William Samuel— 64 Rue de la Rochefoucauld, Paris, Prance. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1864. Studied at Art Students' League and National Academy of Design, New York, and Julian Academy, Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Mem ber of New York Water Color Club and Salmagundi Club, New York. 167. The village green, near Oxford, England. (Paris Salon, 1901.) 168. Return of the flock, evening. 169. Cattle market, Cheriton, England. 170. Feeding the sheep. 171. The coming storm.

HUBBELL, Henry S. — American Art Association 2, Impasse Conti Qua! Conti, Paris, France. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago; with Raphael Collin, Whistler, Laurens and Benjamin Con stant, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1901. 172. A fine bargain.

INNESS, GEORGE, Jr.— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in Paris, France, 1854. Studied with George Inness, Sr., and Leon Bonnat. Member National Academy, New York; Society of American Artists, New York. Gold Medal, American Art Association Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1898. 173. Pigs. 32 The Art Institute of Chicago.

ISHAM, Samuel— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied with Jacquesson de la Chevreuse, Boulan- ger and LefSbvre, Paris. Member of the Society of American Artists, New York. 174. A fairy tale.

JANSSON, Alfred— 201 S. Western Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Sweden, 1863. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Member Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago. 175. Autumn. 176. Fall landscape.

JOHANSEN, John C. — Studio Building, Chicago, 111. 177. Portrait of Mr. R. M.

JOHNSON, Eastman— 65 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Maine, 1824. Studied in Dusseldorf, The Hague and Paris. Member National Academy of Design, Art Museum, Society American Artists. Represented in Art Museum, Lenox Library, Chamber of Commerce, Astor Library, etc., New York. Medals: World's Fair Exposition, Paris, Philadelphia and Chicago. 178. Portrait of William M. Evarts. 179. Portrait of Mrs. Geo. M. Pullman, of Chicago.

JONES, Hugh Bolton— 253 W. 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Baltimore, Md., 1848. Member National Academy of Design, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Philadelphia Art Club, Philadelphia; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C; and in Erie Public Library. Medals: Paris Exposition; Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Paris Exposition, 1900. 180. November. Oil Paintings. 33

KARFUNKLE, David— 152 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Vienna, Austria. 181. Hollandish interior.

KETCHAM, Susan M.— 1010 Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Studied in the Art Students' League, with Wm. M. Chase, Hdward A. Bell, New York. Life Mem ber Art Students' League and Woman's Art Club, New York. Repre sented in Indianapolis Art Association. 182. High tide off Cape Ann.

KEVORKIAN, Mihran H.— 1012 Walnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Constantinople, Turkey, 1873. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; with Benjamin Constant and I. P. Laurens, Paris. 183. Portrait. 184. An evening at the quay of Pont-Aven.

KLINE, William Fair— 152 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Columbia. South Carolina, 1870. Studied at National Academy of Design, Art Students' League, New York; with Bouguereau and Courtois, Paris. Member National Society of Mural Painters and Salmagundi Club. Scholarship, Academy of Design; Lazarus Prize, Metropolitan Museum; T. B. Clarke Prize; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition. 185. Happy days.

KLUMPKE, Anna Elisabeth— Chateau de Rosa Bon- heur, By-Thomery (Seine-et-Marne) France. Born in San Francisco, Cal. Studied with Tony Robert Fleury, Jules LeMbvre and de Vuille- froy, Paris. Represented in Philadelphia Museum. Honorable Men tion, Paris Salon, 1885; Bronze Medal, Exposition Universale, 1889; Gold Medal, Philadelphia, 1889; Silver Medal, Versailles. 186. Portrait of Rosa Bonheur. (Paris salon, 1899.) 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

KRONBERG, Louis— 12 West Street, Boston, Mass. Born in the United States, 1872. Studied In Art Museum, Boston, and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Silver Medal, Boston. Longfellow Travelling Scholarship. 187. In the mirror. 188. Spanish dancer.

LEONARD, George Henry, Jr.— 17 Rue Boissonade, Paris, France. Born In Boston, Mass , 1869. Studied with Gdr6me, Bouguerean, Aman-Jean, Paris. 189. End of March. 190. The village, winter.

LESSHAFFT, Franz— 1029 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Berlin, Germany. Studied with Anton V. Werner; Paul Thuman and Paul Meyerheim, Berlin. Member Philadelphia Sketch Club. Honorable Mention, Berlin. 191. Still-life. 192. Swedish warrior, 16th century.

LORENZ, Richard — 72 Mitchell Building, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Born in Weimar, Germany, 1858. Studied iu Weimar with Brendl. 193. Fording the Big Horn.

LOW, Minnie -Green Cove Springs, Florida. Born in Hyattsville, Maryland, 1878. Studied in Washington, D, C, with Howard Helmick. 194. The musician. 195. An antechamber. Oil Paintings. 35

LUCAS, Albert P.— 221 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, France. Born in Jersey City, New Jersey. Studied with Herbert and Gustave Courtois, Paris. Associate Member Socidtd Nationale des Beaux Arts. Honorable Mention Paris Exposition, 1900. 196. The pink shawl.

MacGREGOR, Donald, 1523 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with William M. Chase. 197. On the Shinnecock Hills.

MACMONNIES, Mary— (Mrs. Frederick MacMonnies), 14 Rne de l'Arrivee, Paris, Prance. Born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts; and Academie Julien, Carolus-Duran, Paris. Member "Associe" Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts (Champs de Mars Salon), Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York. President American 'Woman's Art Club, Paris. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. Medal Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Bronze Medal Paris, 1900; Gold Medal, Dresden; Bronze Medal, Buffalo. 198. The poplars. 199. Normandy barnyard. 200. A little peasant girl's great day. 201. The formal garden. 202. Picnic party. 203. The terrace.

MACOMBER, Mary L.— P. O. Box 115, Waverly, Mass. Born at Fall River, Mass., 1861. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Represented in the permanent collection of that institution. Medals: Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1895, and International Exposition, Atlanta, 1895. Norman W. Dodge Prize, National Aeademy of Design, New York, 1897. 204. The lace jabot. 36 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DE MARE, George— Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Bagni di Lucca, Italy, 1868. Studied in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and Julian Academy, Paris, 205. Portrait of Mrs. H. C. Wood. 206. Portrait of Miss A. Rogers.

MAURER, Alfred H.— 318 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1868. Studied at National Academy of Design. Member Salmagundi Club. Inness Jr. Prize; First Prize at Worcester Art Museum ; Bronze Medal, Buffalo. 207. Girl in white.

MAYER, Louis — 134 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, 1869. Studied in Weimar; Munich; and Julian School, Paris. 208. A girl of today. 209. Lady in black.

MAYNARD, Guy— 7 Rue Tourlaque, Paris, France. Born in Chicago, 1ll. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago and in Paris. 210. Still-life.

McCREA, S. HarknESS— Care of W. S. McCrea, Michigan Avenue and Adams Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Palatine, 111., 1867. 211. Starlight. 212. The pier. 213. Neglected pasture. 214. Preserved water. 215. Lowery day in the woods. Oil Paintings. 37

McEWEN, Walter— 11 Place Pigalle, Paris, France. Born in Chicago, Pupil of Cormon and Tony Robert-Fleury. Fictures in museums of Brussels, Liege, Magdebourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, Gold Medal, City of Berlin. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. 216. The sisters. 217. An interruption. 218. Head of young Dutch girl. 219. Study. 220. Study.

MELCHERS, Gari — 47 Rue Laugier, Paris, France. Born in Detroit, Michigan. Studied with Lefebvre, Boulanger and ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member Royal Academy, Berlin. Honorable Mention and Medal, Paris Salon ; First Class Medals, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, &c. Gold Medal, Philadelphia. Medals of Honor, Paris 1889, Berlin 1801, Antwerp, 1894, Member of Society of American Artists ; Paris Society of American Painters ; Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris; Fine Arts Societies of Munich and Vienna; Interna tional Jury of Awards, Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Represented in Musee du Luxembourg, Paris; National Royal Galleries, Berlin, Dres den and Munich; and Carnegie Galleries, Fittsburgh ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France ; Knight of Royal Bavarian Order of St. Michael. Gold Medals: Dresden and Buffalo. 221. The kiss. 222. Bride. 223. Portrait, Dr. William Davenport. 224. Renewal of baptismal vows. 225. The lily pond. 226. Portrait of Ezra J. Warner, Esq. 227. Portrait of Mrs. Arthur Aldis. 228. Portrait of Thomas Jones, Esq. 38 The Art Institute of Chicago.

229. The supper at Emmaus. 230. The Delft horse (portrait of Mrs. George Hitchcock.) 231. Fencing master (portrait of Monsieur Ernest Noir.) 232. Portrait of Mrs. A. A. Sprague (unfinished.) 233. " Sainte Genevieve. ' ' 234. Portrait of Donald Mitchell, Esq. (Ik Mar vel.) 235. Little red riding hood 236. The family (study for large picture in pos session of National Gallery of Berlin.) 237. Portrait of David B. Jones, Esq. 238. Sainte-Gudule. 239. Portrait of Honor6 Palmer, Esq. 240. Vespers. 241. Evening. 242. Young mother. 243. Portrait of A. A. Sprague, Esq. 244. Portrait of Mrs. Julius Stroh. 245. Portrait of little Constance. 246. Portrait of Miss Kendall. 247. Child and doll. 248. Portrait of Arthur Aldis, Esq. Oil Paintings. 39

MENZLER, Bertha S.— 6922 Union Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago ; with Olivier Mer son, Raphael Collin and Aman-Jean, Paris. 249. The silent night. 250. Sunset.

MERSFELDER, Jules R.— 22 Tree Studio Building, Chi cago, 1ll. Born in California. 251. Rocks near Ogunquit, Maine. 252. On the coast of Maine. 253. Drying the sails. 254. A cove, Ogunquit, Maine. 255. On the Maine coast. 256. Rocks and surf, Maine. 257. Early morning. 258. Adam's Island, Maine. 259. Pirates' Cove, Maine. 260. Coast fields, Maine. 261. Afterglow, Mystic, Conn. 262. Edge of Forest, Mystic, Conn. 263. Springtime, Mystic, Conn. 264. Rolling hills, Mystic, Conn. 265. Hill side, Mystic, Conn.

MILLER, Richard E.— St. Louis School of Fine Arts, St. Louis, Mo. Born in St. Louis, Mo,, 1875. Studied with Benjamin Con stant and Jean Paul Laurens Paris. Member American Art Associa tion, Paris. Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1900. Wanamaker Prize ; Gold Medal, Salon Societe des Artistes Francais. 266. Portrait of my friend the curate. 40 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MOSLER, Gustave Henry — Margaretville, Catskill Mountains, N. Y. Studied with his father, Henry Mosler ; with L. Bonnat and Julien Dupre, Paris. Medal, Paris Salon, 190L 267. Fidelity.

MOSLER, Henry— Carnegie Studio, New York, N. Y. Studied in New York, Dusseldorf, Munich and Paris. Pupil of James H. Beard, Kindler and Hubert. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1879. Painting " Le Retour " purchased by the French government for the Luxembourg, 1879. Medal, Exposition at Nice, 1884. American Art Association's cash prize of $2,500, New York, 1885. Medal 3rd class, Paris Salon, 1888. Silver Medal, Paris Exposition Universelle, 1889. Archduke Carl Ludwig Medal, Vienna, 1893. Officer of the Academy, France, 1892. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Paris, 1892. Associate of the National Academy of Design, New York, 1895. Represented in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Museum of Fine Arts, Sydney, Australia; Art Museum, Grenoble, France ; Museum of Springfield, Mass., and the Volney Society, Paris. Gold Medal and Diploma of Honor, Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. 268. The duet. 269. Without care.

MUELLER, Alexander — University Building 55, Mil waukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, 1872. Studied with R. Lorenz, Milwaukee; with Max Thedy, Weimar; with Carl Marr, Munich. Member Society Milwaukee Artists; Director Milwaukee Art Stu dents' League. Represented in Royal Gallery, Bucharest, Roumania. Honorable Mention, Academy of Weimar. 270. Before twilight.

NETTLETON, Walter — Stockbridge, Mass. Born in New Haven, Conn., 1861. Studied with Boulauger and Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Member Society American Artists. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1892. 271. Early snowfall. 272. Windswept snow. Oil Paintings. 4i

NOURSE, Elizabeth— Rued' Assas 80, Paris, France. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pupil of the Art Academy of Cincinnati and of Academie Julian, Henner, and Carolus-Duran in Paris. Societaire dea Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1901. Repreaented by works in the permanent col lections of the Cincinnati Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Medal of third class, from Institute de Carthage, Tunis, 1897. First class medal of Tennessee Centennial, Nashville, 1897. Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Societaire des Beaux Arts, 1901. 273. Return from work, St. J_eger. (Paris salon. 1901.) 274. In the stable, St. Leger. (Paris salon, 1901.)

OLSON - NORDFELDT, B. Julius — 68 London Street, Reading, England. Born in Scania, Sweden, 1878. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago ; with Albert Herter, and with Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. 275. Portrait of a young man. (Paris salon, 1901).

OTIS, Amy— 10 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born In Sherwood, N. Y. Studied in Philadelphia School of Design and Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, with R. Vonnoh; with Colarossi, W. Courtois, Gorrido and Cormllier. Paris. Member Plastic Club ; Fellowship Club, P. A. F. A.; Water Color Society, Philadelphia. 276. Harbor view, East Gloucester.

PAGES, Jules — 77 Rue Rambutean, Paris, France. Born in San Francisco, Cal., 1867. Studied with Benjamin Constant, Jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert-Fleury, Paris. Represented in Mark Hopkins Art Institute, San Francisco. Mention, 1895 ; Third Gold Medal Paris Salon, 1899. Academy Julian Medals, 277. " La Gitanilla." (Paris Salon, 1901.) 42 The Art Institute of Chicago.

PALMER. Walter Launt, N. A.— 5 Lafayette Street, Albany, N. Y. Born in Albany, 1854. Pupil ol F. E. Church, Hudson, N. Y., and Carolua Duran, Paris, France. Member of National Academy of Design, Society of American Artists, Society of American Landscape Painters, American Water Color Society, Water Color Club, Pastel Club, etc., New York. Received the second Hallgarten Prize, $200, at the Academy of Design, New York, 1887 ; Medal, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893 ; Gold Medal, ouly award Philadelphia Art Club, 18M. Evan's Prize, $300, only award, Water Color Society, New York, 1895; First Prize, $250, Boston Art Club, 1895 ; Second Prize. $100, Nashville Centennial, 1897. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Buffalo, 1901. 278. The first snow. 279. A Venetian morning.

PAPE, Eric — Lancaster Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Born in San Francisco, Cal., 1870. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts ; with Boulanger, Lefebvre, Constant and Laurens, Paris. Director Eric Pape School of Art, Boston. Four Medals. 280. New England fishing village. 281. The approaching storm. 282. The great dune. 283. Closing in of the fog, evening.

PARSONS, Antoinette de Forest— Holbein Studios, 139 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cleveland, Ohio. Studied with Merson, Raphael Collin, Girardot, Courtois, Colarossi School, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1900. 284. Near the sea at Etaples. (Paris salon, 1901).

PATTISON, James Wm.— Tree Studio Building, Chicago, HI. Born in Boston, 1844. Pupil of Professor Albert Flamm, Dusseldorf and Luigi Chialiva. Paris. First exhibited at Paris Salon, 1879. Member of Chicago Architectural Club. On the lecture staff of the Art Institute, Chicago. Medal of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1881. 285. The early morning "limited." Oil Paintings. 43

PAYNE, Charles Henry— 1601 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, iu. 286. Moonrise.

PEBBLES, Frank M.— 337 Erie Street, Oak Park, 111. Born in New York, 1839. Studied at the National Academy of Design, and with Edwin White, New York. President Chicago Academy of Design. Represented in Crocker Gallery, Sacramento, Cal. Medal San Francisco, 1877. 287. Portrait.

PEDCOTTO, Ernest Clifford— Care of Credit Lyonnais, Paris. Born in San Francisco, California, 1869. Studied in Julian Academy, with Lefebvre and Benjamin Constant. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1895. 288. Lady in yellow. (Paris salon, 1901).

PERRY, Enoch Wood, Jr. N. A.— Century Association, 7 West 43d Street New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1831, Studied with E. Leutze and T. Couture. Member National Academy of Design ; Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts. 289. The last vision of Jeanne d'Arc

PERRY, L11.1.A Cabot— 312 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Boston. Studied in Boston and Paris. 290. Japanese children reading. 291. Fuji from Iwabuchi.

PEYRAUD, Frank C— Chicago, 111. Born in Switzerland. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago: Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Fort nightly Prize of 1899. 292. Twilight on the Mississippi. 293. Late summer afternoon. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

POORE, Henry Rankin — 45 Ridge Street, Orange, New Jersey. Born in Newark, N. J., 1859. Studied at Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; National Academy of Design. New York ; and with Peter Moran, Lumenais and Bouguereau. Asso ciate Member National Academy of Design, New York, 294. Potato harvest.

REDFELD, Edward W.— Centre Bridge, Bucks County, Pa. Born in Bridgeville, Delaware, 1869. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Bouguereau and Fleury, Paris, Member of the Art Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 295. The ark. 296. Late afternoon, France. 297. Winter.

REDMOND, Margaret— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia. 298. The North Hills.

RICHARDS, E. E.— 1400 McCulloh Street, Baltimore, Md. Born in Virginia. Studied with Raphael Collin. Medal Omaha Exposition. 299. Corner in a Dutch barn.

RICHARDS, Fred'k DEB.— 1520 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Wilmington, Del. Member Art Club, Philadel phia ; Vice-President Artists' Fund Society. 300. The Anglesea fishing fleet. 301. The wreck, Jersey coast. Oil Paintings. 45

RIX, Julian— 302. Jersey uplands. Lent by W. O. Cole, Chicago.

ROSENTHAL, Albert — 1530 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with GerOme and in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 303. Portrait of Max Rosenthal. 304. Portrait of Miss I.

SARGEANT, Geneve— 18 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in San Francisco, Cal. Studied with Emil Carlsen and at the Art Institute, Chicago. 305. Lobster Point. 306. Among the Ogunquit^Hills. 307. Maine coast.

SARTAIN William— 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1813. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; with Leon Bonnat and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Paris. Member of Society of American Artists; Associate National Academy of Design. Represented in Jacksonville Art As sociation; Smith College Collection; S. Carolina Art Association, Cor coran Art Gallery, Washington. Silver Medal, Boston. Honorable Mention, Pennsylvania^ Academy of the Fine Arts. 308. In the valley of the Hackensack (Pans salon, 1901.)

SCHMEDTGEN, William— 1906 Oakdale Avenue, Chi cago, 1II. 309. A Moor. 310. Cuban soldiers. 311. Fishing boats, Venice. 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SCHOFIELD, W. Elmer— Ogontz, Pa. Born in Philadel phia, 1867. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900. Webb Prize, New York Society of American Artists, 1900. 1st Hallgarten Prize, N. A., New York. Honorable Mention, Fittsburgh. Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 312. Early winter evening.

SEWELL, A. Brewster— Y. M. C. A. Building, 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. 313. Propitiating the gods.- 314. Portrait, Mrs. Ellwood Hendrick.

SIMMONS, Edward — Easthampton, Long Island. Born in Concord, Mass., 1852. Studied with Lefebvre and Boulanger, Paris. 315. Marine — the surges. 316. Sunset.

SLOAN, John— 806 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bora in Lock Haven, Pa., 1871. 317. Tugs.

SMYTH, Margarita Pumpelly (Mrs. H. S. Smyth), 9 Buckingham Street, Cambridge, Mass. Born in Newburgh, N. Y., 1873. Studied with Abbott Thayer. 318. Portrait of Mr. X.

SNOW, Edward Taylor— 1815 Columbia Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa. Born In Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Fellow of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Philadelphia Art Commissioner to Tennessee Cen tennial. 319. Pocopson Hills, Chester county, Pa. Oil Paintings. 47

SNOW, Laura E —1815 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with E. Taylor Snow. 320. Near Chadd's Ford, Pa.

STACEY, Anna h— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Glasgow, Mo. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. 321. The summer holidays. 322. A Puritan maid. 323. Twilight on the Mystic River, Connecticut. 324. Early October days, Connecticut. 325. On the Mystic River.

STACEY, John F.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Biddeford, Maine. Studied in Massachusetts State Normal Art School; and Julian Academy, Paris. 326. Up the Mystic River, Connecticut. 327. Overlooking the valley of the Mystic.

STARK. Otto— 1030 East Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Born in Indianapolis, 1859. Studied with Boulanger and Lefdbvre, M. Cormon. Julian Academy, Paris. Member Society of Western Artists. 328. The seiner.

STERNE, Maurice H.— 152 West 23rd Street, New York, N. T. 329. Beatrice. 48 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SVENDSEN, Svend— 431 West George Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Christiania, Norway, 1864. Young Fortnightly Prize, 1899; Honorable Mention, Nashville, Tennessee Centennial Exposition. 330. Winter morning. 331. Camp fire in the woods.

SWORD, James B.— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. President Ar:ists' Fund Society and Society of Artists; Vice-President Art Club of Philadelphia. 332. On the Wissahickon Creek.

TANNER, Henry O.— 51 Boulevard Saint Jacques, Paris. France. Born in Fittsburgh, Penn. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean-Paul Laurens, Paris, and in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Member American Art Association and So ciety of American Painters, Paris. Represented in the Luxembourg; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Carnegie Insti tute, Fittsburgh. Honorable Mention, Philadelphia; Honorable Men tion, Paris Salon, 1896. 3rd Medal, Paris Salon, 1897 ; 2nd Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Walter Lippinoott Prize, Philadelphia, 1900; 2nd Medal Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 333. Flight into Egypt.

TAYLOR, Charles J.— 759 West End Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1855. Studied in National Academy of Design; Art Students' League, New York; in London and in Paris. 334. December.

TERMOHLEN, Karl E— 210 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1863. 335. Aurora. Oil Paintings. 49

THURBER, Caroline (Mrs.)— The Westover, Washing ton, D. C. Born in Oberlin, Ohio, 1863. Studied in the Julian Academy with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant. 336. Young cavalier. 337. Head study.

Van der WEYDEN, Harry — Montreuil-sur-Mer, Pas de Calais, France. Born in Boston, Mass., 1868. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens, Paris; with Prof. Fred. Brown, London. Member Society of American Painters, Paris. Medal, Paris Salon, 1891 ; second medal. International Ex., Antwerp, 1894 ; gold medal, Atlanta ; bronze medal, Paris, 1900 ; second-class gold medal, Munich, 1901. 338. Ramparts of Montreuil-sur-Mur. (Paris salon, 1901.) 339. The river. (Paris Salon, 1901,)

VONNOH, Robert William— Rockland L-ake, New York. Born in Hartford, Conn., 1858. Pupil of Boulanger and Lef£bvre, Academie Julian, Paris. Member Society of American Artists, New York. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadel phia and in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Honorable Mention Paris Salon. Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Medal, World s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 340. Portrait (a head.) 341. Hydrangeas. Lent by Charles F. Grey, Evanston.

WALCOTT, Harry M.— Rutherford, New Jersey. Born in Connecticut, 1870. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris ; W. H. Low, New York. Member American Art Association, Paris. Salmagundi Club, New York. Honorable Men tion, Paris Salon, 1897 ; Havemeyer Scholarship of New York, 1894, and American Art Association prizes. Medal, Pan-American Ex position, 1901. 342. St. Etienne du Mont. 50 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WARDEN, William Francis— 115 Rue de Courcelles, Paris, France. Born in New York, 1871. Studied with Benjamin Con stant and Leon Conierre, Paris. 343. Return from church.

WATKINS, Susan — 127 Rue Boucicaut, Fontenay-aux- Koses, Seine, France. Born in California, 1875. Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Honorable Mention Societe des Artistes Francais Salon, 1899. Gold medal, Paris Salon, 1901. 344. Portrait of Miss M. P. in costume Louis- Philippe. (Paris Salon, 1901.)

WEBER, C. Philipp — 414 West Chelten Avenue, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Darmstadt, Germany, 1849. Studied with Prof. Kreling, Nuremburg, and with Paul Weber, Munich. Medal, 1873, London, England. Medals, Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. 345. At Newfoundland.

WETMORE, Mary Minerva — 55 Fourth Avenue, Cleve land, Ohio. Born in Canfield, Ohio. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Raphael Collin, Paris; with William M. Chase, Kenyon Cox, Siddons Mowbray, New York. Member Woman's Art Association, Paris; Art Students' League, New York. Represented in Hopkins Gallery, San Francisco. 346. The little Marguerite. (Paris salon, 1901.)

WHEELER, jANEIf— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and at Julian Academy, Paris. Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1901. 347. The last touches. Oil Paintings.

WHITEMAN, S. Edwin— 5 West Mulberry Street, Balti more, Md. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Boulanger, Lefebvre, and Constant, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1889. 348. Looking seaward, late afternoon.

WIDNEY, Gustavus C— 1100, 135 Adams Street, Chicago, II1. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago ; and Julian Academy, Paris. 349. Religious allegory, "He leadeth me beside the still waters." Mural painting.

WIEGAND, Gustave— 199 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Bremen, Germany, 1869. Studied in Brooklyn Art School, Member of the Brooklyn Art Club and Salmagundi Club, New York. 350. Approaching rain.

WILES, Irving R.— 106 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Utica, N. Y. Pupil of William M. Chase and Carolus-Duran. Associate of National Academy of Design. Member of Society of American Artists, and member of American Water Color Society, New York. Thomas B. Clarke Prize and 3rd Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. Honorable Mention, Paris ; Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 18S3. Evans Prize of Amererican Water Color Society ; Tennessee Exposition ; Paris Ex position, 1900. 351. The hammock.

WOOD, James L.— 1925 Chestnnt Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Thomas Eaklns, Philadelphia ; with J. L. Gerome, Paris. Instructor and Lecturer on History of Art, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. 352. The letter. 52 The Att Institute of Chicago.

WOODBURY, Charles Herbert— Grundmann Studios, Boston, Mass. Born in 1864. Studied at the Julian Academy, Paris. Member Society American Artists; President Boston Water Color Club. Gold medal, Atlanta ; second prize, Nashville ; prize. Boston Art Club ; three medals Mechanics Association, Boston ; Medal, Paris, 1900. 353. July morning. 354. October.

YOUNG, Charles Morris— 1520 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Gettysburg, Pa., 1899. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, under R. W. Vonnoh ; Acad emy Colarossi, Paris. Instructor in Philadelphia School of Design ; Member of American Artists' Association, Paris ; Academy of Fine Arts Fellowship. Represented iu the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Toppau prize and Honorable Mention at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 355. Early spring. 356. Rainy day. SCULPTURE BROOKS, Carol (MacNeil)— 145 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Chicago, 1ll., 1871. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; and with Ingelbert and MacMonnies, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900. 357. Pompeian Samovar. Bronze. 358. Cafetiera. Bronze. 359. Giotto Giovane. Plaster. 360. Inkstand (poppy and humming birds.) Bronze. 361. Bust Marguerita. Plaster.

COOPER, Alice— 1036 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. 362. Portrait, Mr. Fullerton. Plaster bust. 363. Dancing nymph. Plaster.

COX, Charles Brinton— 1825 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1864. Studied at the Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, with Thomas Eakins; and the Art Students' League, New York. 364. The coyote. Bronze.

FREEMAN, Edith Emogene — 4438 Berkeley Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago, 1876. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 365. Portrait bust of Dr. Noble. Plaster. S3 54 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GILLESPIE, Joseph— 5752 Washington Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born In Lincoln, 111., 1871. 366. Head of a child. Carving. 367. A contrary ^ind. Carving. 368. Grief. Carving.

LAESSLE, Albert— 2200 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born In Philadelphia, 1877. Studied in Spring Garden Institute, Drexel Institute, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Charles Grafly, Philadelphia. 369. Turtles and crab. Plaster.

LA FAVOR, Wm G.— 26 Van Bnren Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Frankfort, N. Y. Pupil of Art Institute and Lorado Taft, Chi cago. Represented by work in the permanent collection of the Detroit Art Museum. 370. Bust, Dr. N. S. Davis, Sr. Plaster.

LONGMAN, Evelyn Beatrice— 145 W. 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Winchester, Ohio, 1874. Studied at the Art Insti tute of Chicago, with Lorado Taft. 371. Oratio virginis. Bronze bust.

MACINTOSH, William W.— 700 North 35th Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 372. Portrait of Chinese dog, ' ' Kai Tai. ' ' Plaster. Sculpture. 55

MacNEIL, Hermon— 145 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Everett, Mass., 1866. Studied in Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston; in Julian Academy and Beaux Arts, Paris, Mem ber National Sculpture Society; Society of American Artists; National Arts Club, New York ; Instructor Pratt Institute. Represented in Peabody Institute, Baltimore, and Art Institute, Chicago. Roman Rinehart Scholarship; Designers Medal, Chicago; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Gold Medal, Buffalo, 1901. 373. Sun vow. Plaster. 374. Bust (Beatrice). Plaster. 375. The zephyr. Bronze. 376. Sketch for fountain. Bronze. 377. Primitive chant to the Great Spirit. Bronze.

RIMMER, Caroune Hunt— 4 St. Botolph Studio Build ing, Boston, Mass. Born in Randolph, Mass. Studied with Dr. William Rimmer. 378. Vase — seasons. Terra-cotta.








/.MOB, LFNOX »NO. , 1902 TRUSTEES OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO 1902-1903 martin a. ryerson CHARLES D. HAMILL samuel m. nickerson CHARLES A. COOLIDGE william t. baker EDWARD E. AYER adolphus c. bartlett JOHN C. BLACK john j. mitchell JOHN J. GLESSNER albert a. sprague CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON samuel e. barrett BRYAN LATHROP chauncey j. blair R. HALL MCCORMICK Stanley Mccormick CLARENCE BUCKINGHAM henry h. getty ARTHUR ORR marshall field CARTER H. HARRISON, lawrence e. mcgann, Mayor (Ex-Offieit) City Comptroller, {Ex-Officic)



ART COMMITTEE CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON BRYAN LATHROP MARTIN A. RYERSON R. HALL MCCORMICK HOWARD VAN D. SHAW 1 :e Art Institute of Chicago was incorporated May A 24, 1879, f°r ^e "founding and maintenance of schools of art and design, the formation and exhibition of collections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their fam ilies at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Satur days and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, includes depart ments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Design ing and Architecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of ten dollars for the year. Upon the payment of one hundred dollars annual members become Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. Governing members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. Upon the payment of four hundred dollars governing mem bers become Governing Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. All receipts from Life memberships are invested and the income only expended. All members are entitled, with their families and visit ing friends, to admission to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures and entertainments given by the Art In stitute, and to the use of the Ryerson reference library upon art.


MAIN FLOOR SEE PLAN Rooms i, a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Casts of Sculpture. Room i, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Syrian, Asia Minor. Room 2, (Corridor) . . Asia Minor and Early Greek. Room 3, Greek of V. and IV. Centuries B. C, including the Pheidian period and that of Praxiteles and Skopas. Room 4, Later Greek and Greeco-Roman. Room 5, . . . . Sculpture, Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) . . . Sculpture, Renaissance. Room 7, . . . . Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) .... Sculpture, Modern. Room 9, . . Office of the Secretary. Room 10, .... . Sculpture, Modern. Room ii, (Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture and Architecture. Room ia, ...... Same. Room 13, (Corridor) ..... Same. Room 14, . . Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. Room 15, . Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, . . . . . Oil Paintings. Room 18, . Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room. Room 34, . . . . . Ryerson Library. Rooms 19 and 20 are in the part not yet completed.



SECOND FLOOR SEE PLAN Room 25, Room 26, Fifteenth Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room 27, and Sculpture, by Contemporary Room 28, American Artists. Room 30, Room 31, J Room 29, (Corridor) . Century Drawings, Autotypes, etc. Room 32, Paintings: Old Masters. Room 33, (Corridor) Arundel Reproductions and Metal Work. Room 34, Trustees' Room. Room 35, (Hall) Sculpture and Paintings. Room 36, Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) Sculpture. Room 38, . Oil Paintings: Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, The Elizabeth Hammond Stickney Room: Oil Paintings. Room 40, . . Oil Paintings: A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, Nickerson Collection: Japanese Bronzes, Porcelain, etc. Room 42, Nickerson Collection: Jades, Crystals, etc., and Oil Paintings. Room 44, Nickerson Collection: Water Colors and Engravings. Room 43, ) Collection of the Antiquarians: Textiles, Embroideries, Room 45,/ etc. Rooms 46 to 54 are in the part not yet built.

JURIES OF SELECTION For New York F or Philadelphia Henry W. Ranger, , Charles C. Curran, John Sloan, George Inness, Miss Margaret Redmond, Pernand Lungren, Charles Brinton Cox. Hermon A. MacNeil, Kenyon Cox.

For Boston. * For Cincinnati. Wm. J. Bixbee, E. S. Butler, Jr., Charles Hopkinson, Charles Kaelin, Thomas Allen. C. A. Meorer, Miss Caroline A. Lord.

For Chicago. ART COMMITTEE OF THE ART INSTITUTE. Charles L. Hutchinson, Martin A. Ryerson, R. Hall McCormick, Bryan Lathrop, Howard Van D. Shaw. advisory committee of artists. Alfred Jansson, Mrs. Virginia S. Reynolds, Svend Svendsen. Nominated by Municipal Art League of Chicago. Adolph Robert Shulz, Mrs. Eugene Fish Glaman. Nominated by the Arts Club of Chicago. Mrs. Pauline Dohn Rudolph, Leonard Crunelle


This exhibition includes 533 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 524 Sculpture, 9 Total, a:!3 Of these works 237 were selected in New York and other American cities, 65 in Paris by Miss Sara Hallo well, the agent of the Art Institute, principally from the two salons of the current year ; 231 were chosen by juries of artists in five cities, as follows : New York, 43 ; Philadelphia, 40 ; Boston, 17; Cincinnati, 19; Chicago, 112. The aggregate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict requirements of the prospectus was 530. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING EX HIBITS FOR SALE APPLY AT DESK IN ROOM 30.



OIL PAINTINGS AHRENS, ELLEN Wetherald— 1523 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Studied in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Member of Plastic Club ; Fellowship Penn sylvania Academy of the Pine Arts. Second Toppan Prize P. A. F. A.; Silver Medal, Carnegie Institute, Fittsburgh, 1901. 1. Sewing : a portrait.

AID, George Charles — 3 Rue Campagne- Premiere, Paris, France. Born in Quincy, 111. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Ben jamin Constant, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. 2. An idyl. (Paris Salon, S. A. F. 1902).

ANSHUTZ, Thomas, P.— 201 S. 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Newport. Ky., 1851. Studied at the Academy of Design, New York; at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; and with Doucet and Bonguereau. Paris. Memberof the Faculty of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Represented at Pensylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 3. The fairy tale. 4. Portrait of a boy.

Arnold, Axel— 269 Thirty-first Street, Chicago. Born in Sweden. 1871. 5. The close of a sunny October day. ii 12 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BAKER, Martha S.— 1026 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, II1. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 6. A girl.

BARLOW, Myron — 225 E. Adams Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Born in Ionia, Mich., 1873. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; with Ger6me, Ecole des Beaux Arts. Paris. Member Ameri can Art Association, Paris. Represented in Detroit Museum of Art. 7. Study of an old man. 8. Tired. 9. Silent sympathy. 10. Found out. 11. Approach of winter. 12. The old bachelor. 13. Gossips. 14. A little sunlight.

BARTLETT, J. HOXIE— 8 Villa Michel Ange, Rue Bastien- Lepage, Auteuil, Paris. Born in New York, 1870. Studied with Gus- tave Courtois. 15. Marine. IParis Salon, S. N. B. A. 1902).

BECKWITH, Carroll— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hannibal, Mo., 1852. Studied in Ecole des Beaux Arts, and with Carolus Duran, Paris. Member National Academy; Society American Artists; American Water Color Society, etc.. etc. Honorable Mention Salon. 188T ; Bronze Medals. Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1887, 1900; Gold Medal, Charleston Cotton State Exposition, 1901. 16. Portrait of MissJ Madeleine Lucchetti. (Paris Salon, S. A. F. 1902). Oil Paintings. 13

BENSON, Frank W.— Salem, Mass. Born in Salem, 1862. Studied with Boulanger and Lefdbvre, Paris; and in Boston. 17. Portrait of a young woman. 18. Profile. 19. Head of a girl.

BERNSTEIN, Saul— 134 North Exeter Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Born in Poswol, Russia, 1872. Studied in Maryland Insti tute, Baltimore, and in Julian Academy, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. 20. A gOOd housekeeper. (Paris Salon, S. A.F.,1902)

BETTS, Edwin D.,Jr. — 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in St. Louis, Mo., 1879. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago, and with E. O. Betts. 21. September afternoon.

BETTS, Harold H. — 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in New York, N. Y., 1883. Studied with E D. Betts, Sr., and at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member of Art Students' League, Chicago. First Prize, Art Students' League. 22. Reveries.

BIESTER, Anthony— 835 Armory Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cleves, Germany, 1838. Studied with B. C. Koekkoek and Oswald Achenbach. Member of Cincinnati Art Club. Gold Medal of Indiana State Exposition. 23. A watering place. 14 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BISBING, HENRY SlNGLBWOOD— 23 Rue des Martyrs, Paris, Prance. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied with J. H. L. de Haas and F. du Vuillefroy. Member Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in Philadelphia, Sydney, Adelaide, Dresden. Berlin, Nantes, Medals in principal European cities; Chicago and Philadelphia; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. 24. The plain, October afternoon. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902). 25. The plain, evening. (Paris saion.s. a. p., i«k.) 26. The pond, evening. 27. The heather-stretches of Holland.

BITTING ER, Charles— 51 Boulevard Saint Jacques, Paris, France. Born in Washington, D. C., 1879. Studied in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of American Art Association, Paris. 28. The black ribbon. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1902).

BIXBEE, William Johnson— 616 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Manchester, N. H., 1850. Studied with S. P. R. Triscott and Tomasso Juglaris. Secretary of Boston Society of Water Color Painters; and Member Boston Art Club. 29. Easterly weather at Marblehead.

BLANEY, Dwight— 12 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Brookline, Mass., 1865. Member of the Boston Water Color Club, and New York Water Color Club. 30. A hillside cottage. 31. On the New England coast. 32. The vase of orchids. Oil Paintings.

BLAUROCK, Carlotta— 1712 Diversey Boulevard, Chi cago, 111. Born in Preseott, Wisconsin, 1866. Studied at the Art Insti tute, Chicago, and with Charles Laaar, Palis, 33. Outside the walls.

BOLMER, M. DE Forest— 52 East 25th Street, New York, n. y. 34. A cloud study.

BONSALL-, Elizabeth F — 10 S. 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; with Colarossi, Paris. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize and Mary Smith Prize (2) P. A. F. A. 35. Suspense. 36. Anticipation.

BRECKENRIDGE, Hugh H.— Darby School of Painting, Fort Washington, Pa. Born in Leesburg, Va. Studied at the Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and with Bouguerean, Ferrier and Doucet, Paris, Secretary of the Faculty, Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Medal, Atlanta Exposition; First Charles Toppan Prize, Penn. Academy; Honorable Mention, Paris Ex position of 1900. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901. 87. Silver light.

BRIDGMAN, Frederic Arthur— 146 Boulevard Male- sherbes, Paris, France. Born in Tuskegee, Ala., 1847. Studied with J. L. Gyr6me, Beaux Arts, Paris. National Academician; Member Society of American Artists. Represented in Corcoran Gallery; Liverpool Permanent Gallery; Temple Collection, Etc. Knight Legion of Honor. Officer of the Order of St. Michel, Bavaria; Hors Concours. Various gold and silver medals. 38. Calm, coast of Algiers. 39. In a garden at Mustapha, Algiers. i6 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BROOKS, Maria— 139 West 54th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Staines, Middlesex, England. Studied in the South Kensing ton and Royal Academy Schools, London. Medals of Crystal Palace Exhibition, and South Kensington Museum, London. Diploma of Mel bourne Exhibition, Australia. Award of Merit, Charlotte, North Caro lina, 1897, for genre in oil. 40. After a good set. 41. Very sweet.

BROWN, Ethelbert W — 13 West 30th Street, New York, N. Y. Honorable Mention, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 42. Early spring in France.

BROWNE, Charles Francis— 1021 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Natick, Mass., 1859. Studied in Boston, Philadel phia and Paris. Member Society of Western Artists; Instructor and Lecturer Art Institute of Chicago. Represented in Providence, R. I. and Union League Club, Chicago. 43. Afternoon on Rock River, Grand Detour, 111. 44. Harvesting wheat, Oregon, 111.

BUCKLEY, Jeannette— Art Institute, Chicago. 45. Across the hills.

BUEHR, Karl Albert— 3736 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Stuttgart, Germany. Studied at the Chicago Art Institute, with Raphael Collin, Prinet-Tournais, Julian Academy, Paris. 46. Reverie. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 190!) . 47. Card players. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 1902.) 48. The rivals. 49. Canal at S' Graveland. Oil Paintings, i7

BUTLER, Edward S. Jr.— 961 East McMillan Street, Cin cinnati, O. Born in Cincinnati, 1848. Secretary, Cincinnati Art Club. 50. Evening. 51. Early spring.

CAMERON. Marie GELOn— 5 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Paris, Prance. Studied with Moreau de Tours, Cabanel, Jean Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Paris; and the Art Institute, Chicago. Represented in Lake View Woman's Club. Prize Woman's National Catholic League, 1902. 52. Portrait of American diplomat at the Court of Korea.

CHAMPL-IN.Hallie Elizabeth— 4711 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicage, 1ll. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied at the Art Inststute, Chicago. Member of the Art Students' League. 53. Roses.

CHAMPNEY, J. Wells— 96 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1843. Studied with Edouard Frere, and at Ant. werp Academy, Belgium. Associate National Academy of Design, New York. Member American Water Color Society. 54. Old burying ground at Deerfield, Mass.

CHAPMAN, Carlton T.— 58 West 57th Street, New York,- N.Y. Born in New London, Ohio. Pupil of National Academy of Design and Art Student's League, New York, and of Julian Academy. Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, and American Water Color Society, New York. Silver Medal in Boston, 1892. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Medal of Atlanta Exposition, 1895. 55. Afternoon, St. Ives. i8 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CLAY, Mary F. R.— 10 South 18th Street, Philadelpliia.Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Wm. M. Chase, New York, with Collin aud Frederick MacMonnies, Paris. Mary Smith Prize, Penn sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 56. Portrait.

CLOPATH, Henriette— 1425 Sixth Street, S. E. Minne apolis, Minn. Born in Switzerland. Studied in Munich. Instructor in Art in the University of Minnesota. 57. Portrait.

CLUTE, Walter Marshall— Chicago Daily News, 123 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., 1870. Studied at Art Students' League, New York, and with Constant Laurens. Paris. Member Art Students' League, New York; Palette and Chisel Ctub, Chicago; Charcoal Club, Buffalo; American Art Association, Paris; the Arts Club, Chicago. 58. The dunes. 59. The rain. 60. A Dutch girl.

CONNELL Edwin D.— 7 rue Lemaitre, Puteaux-Seine, France, Born in New York. Studied with Bouguerean, Fleury and Julian Dupre. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1899. 61. At Criquebceuf.

COOPER, Colin Campbell— Art Club, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Julian Academy and Delecleuse Academy, Paris. Member of the Art Club; T Square Club, Philadelphia; Fellowship, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Bronze medal, Atlanta Exposition. 62. Port of L,a Rochelle, France. 63. Italian boy. 64. Florentine girl. 65. Head of Young girl. Oil Painiings. i9

COOPER, Emma Lampert— 1225 Sanson Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Nunda, N. Y. Member Woman's International Art Club, Water Color Club, Woman's Art Club, New York ; Plastic Club, Water Color Club, Philadelphia; Woman's Art Association of Canada. Medal Chicago Exposition and Atlanta Exposition. 66. Fruit stands, Rouen. 67. Yellow roses.

CORWIN, Charles Abel— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Born at Newburgh-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1857. Studied with Frank Duv- eneck. Instructor Art Institute Evening School. Member Western Society of ArtisU; Chicago Arts Club. Martin B. Cahn Prize, 1900. 68. Money Hill. 69. Hamlet and harbor. 70. Little Portugal. 71. A glimpse of Gloucester.

COUSE, E. Irving— Van Dyke Studios, 939 Eighth Ave nue, New York, N. Y. Born in Saginaw, Mich., 1866. Studied at Na tional Academy of Design; Julian Academy and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member American Water Color Society; Black and White Club; New York Water Color Club; Associate National Academy of Design. Represented in Omaha National Gallery. Shaw prize and Proctor prize. Salmagundi Club, 1899. First and Second Hallgarten prizes, N. A. D. 1900. Honorable mention, Paris, 1900. 72. Sheep. A gray day in France. 73. Resting.

COX, Charles Brinton— 825 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1864, Studied at the Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, with Thomas Eakins; and the Art Students' League, New York. Member American Art Society of Philadelphia. 74. Apache buffalo hunt. 75. The round-up. 76. Buffalo range. 20 The Art Institute of Chicago.

COXE, Eliza MlDDLETON— 1305 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1875. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 77. May afternoon.

CURRAN, Charles C— 16 W. 61st Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hartford, Ky., 1861. Pupil of the School of Design, Cincin nati O., the National Academy of Design and the Art Students' League, New York, and the Julian Academy, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists. American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club. New York; Associate of National Academy of De sign, New York. Represented by works in Art Museum, Columbus, O.; T, B. Clarke Collection, New York; Vassar College Gallery, near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Second and Third Hallgarten Prize, 1888, and Clarke Prize, 1893, National Academy of Design. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1890. Medals: Chicago and Atlanta; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 78. The dawn of Spring.

CUTLER, Carl Gordon— 144 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Newtonville, Mass., 1873. Studied with J. P. Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. 79. Mother and children.

DAINGERFIELD, Elliott— 145 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Harper's Ferry, Virginia, 1859. 80. The holy family.

D'ASCENZO, Nicola— 1020 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Torricella, Italy. Studied with Mariani and Jacovacci. Rome. Member National Arts Club, New York: Philadelphia Sketch Club; Fellowship Academy of the Fine Arta, Philadelphia; T. Square Club, Philadelphia. Columbian Exposition Medal; T. Square Club Gold Medal. 81. Neshaminy, winter. 82. Vermont stream. Oil Paintings. 21

DAVIS, Charles H.— Box 444, Mystic, Conn. Born in Amesbury, Mass., 1856. Studied with Otto Grundmann, Boston; and with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York. A. N. A.; Vice-President Copley Society, Boston Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Corcoran Gallery, Washington; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Art Institute, Chicago. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Gold Medal of Honor, American Art Association, New York; Gold Medal, Boston; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon for "Last Rays;" Silver Medal, Paris. 1889; Palmer Prize, Chicago; Medal, Chicago, 189S. Medals: Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900; Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. 1901; Atlanta. 12,000 Prize American Art Association, New York; T.ippin- cott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Prize, Society Washington Artists. 83. Summer clouds. 84. Night.

DEBEREINER, GEORGE— 823 Pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 85. Coquette.

DECOMBES, Emilie— 158 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass. Born in Paris, France. Pupil of Ross Turner, C. H. Woodbury and others. Member of the Copley Society, Boston. 86. A bit of Maine coast. de MARE, George— Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Bagni di Lucca, Italy, 1868. Studied in the Ecole des Beaux Arts and Julian Academy, Paris. Member of the Chicago Arts Club, and Municipal Art League of Chicago. 87. Portrait of Mrs. C. H. Besly.

DESSAR, Louis Paul— 58 W. 57, New York. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., 1867. Studied with Bouguerean, Tony Robert Fleury and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of Ameri- can Artists. Represented in the Lotus Club. Ficture owned by French government. Medals. Salon 1891. Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Men tion, Pittsburgh, 1697. First and Second Hallgarten Prize; Silver Medal, Charleston; Bronze Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900. 88. Autumn, L,a Colloterie. 22 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DICKSON, Mary Estelle— 21 Boulevard de Clichy, Paris, France. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Luigi Chialiva, Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon; Nashville, Tenn;' and Pan American Exhibition, Buffalo; Third Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1902. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. 89. The first leSSOn. (Gold Medal Paris Salon, 1902). 90. Girl With flowers. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902).

DIETZ, Albert Barnett— Wilmette, 111. 91. Moonlight and mist.

DILLAYE, Blanche— 1301 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Syracuse, New York. Studied In Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Europe. Member New York Water Color Club; Philadelphia Water Color Club; First President Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Silver Medal , Atlanta. 92. Fishermen's cottages, evening.

DONOHO, Gaines Ruger— East Hampton, Long Island, New York. Born in Mississippi, 1857. Stndied in Julian Academy, with Bouguerean, and with Robert Fleury, Paris. 93. Storm over the valley of the I^oing. (Paris salon, 8. A. F., 1902.)

DOUGLAS, Walter— 134 W. 23rd Street, New York, N.Y. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied at National Academy of Design, and with Wm. M. Chase, and Art Students' League, New York. 94. A Summer day.

DRAKE, William Henry— 37 West 22nd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Leon Douce t, Paris. Member Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club. Honorahle mention, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889, 95. Death of the first born. 96. Beasts of prey. Oil Paintings. 23

DUDLEY, Frank V. — 494 West Congress Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Delavan, Wu., 1868. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 97. Breaking of the fog off Chicago. 98. Moonrise, mouth of Chicago River. DUFNER, Edward-19 Rue Mont on Duvernet, Paris, France Born in Buffalo, N. Y. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and with Ben jamin Constant, Paris. Member of Art Committee, American Art As sociation, Paris. Represented in Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Honor able mention, 1st Wanamaker prize, American Art Association, Paris, 1900 ; Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901 ; Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1902. 99. Portrait of Madame D. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 1902.) EAKINS, Thomas— 1729 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1844. Studied in Imperial School of France, with Gerome, Bonnat, etc. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; and in Rochester. Medal, Columbian Exposition; Gold Medal, Buf falo. Honorable mention. Exposition Universelle, Paris. National Academician. 100. Cardinal Martinelli, Papal delegate. EARHART, John F.— Fernbank, Ohio. Born in Franklin County, Ohio, 1853. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 101. November woods. 102. A misty morning. EATON, Chas. Warren— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1857. Pupil of National Academy of Design, and Art Students' League, New York. Member of American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club. Associate National Academy of Design, New York. 103. The road to Bruges. 104. An old Flemish town. 105. Canal near Bruges. 106. Morning, Holland. 107. Sunset, Holland. 108. Holland windmill. 24 The Art Institute of Chicago.

EMMET, Lydia Field— New Rochelle, New York. Born In New Rochelle, 1866. Studied in the Art Students' League, and with Chase, Mowbray, Cox, MacMonnies, Reid, New York; and with Julian Vitti, Fleury, Collin, Paris. Medal at World's Fair, Atlanta, Georgia; Honorable Mention, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. 1901. 109. Portrait of a little girl. Lent by Mrs. Arthur Meeker. 110. Katharine. Lent by Mrs. Arthur Meeker.

FAULKNER, Herbert W.— 17 Rue Boissonade, Paris, France. Born in Stamford, Conn., 1860. Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Vice-President American Art Association of Paris. Honorable Mention, Pan American Exhibition, Buffalo, 1901. 111. Moonlight, Santa Maria della Salute, Venice. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A.. 190°).

FEUDEL, A. L. M. A.— The Concord, 24th Street and Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Leavenworth, Kansas. 112. October.

FORSYTH, William— 938 Fletcher Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Born in Hamilton, O. Studied in Royal Academy of Art, Mun ich; Prof. Loefftz. Member Society of Western Artists; Art Associa tion, Indianapolis. Represented in Art Association. Indianapolis. Medal Royal Academy, Munich. 113. Between town and country.

FRANKLIN, Mary— 8 Rue de la Grande-Chaumiere, Paris, France. Born in Athens, Ga. Studied with Deschamp, Geoffrey, Collin, Paris. 114. In the church of Bagneux. (Paris salon, s. a,f., 1902.) Oil Paintings. 25

FREER, Cora Fre.der.icka— Holbein Studios, 224 Onta rio Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago, and with Conrtois, Merson, Collin, Pari*. 115. The birthday.

FREER, Frederick Warren— 224 Ontario Street, Chi cago, 111. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Royal Academy, Munich. Asso ciate of National Academy of Design, New York. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, etc. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901. 116. Martha. 117. Among the leaves.

FRIES, Charles Arthur— San Diego, California. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in Cincinnati and New York. 118. The last load. 119. Too late.

FRIESEKE, Frederic Carl— American Club, Paris, France. Born in Owasso, Mich., 1874. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and with Benjamin Constant, Laurens, and Whistler, Paris. Associate Member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. 120. The white cloud. 121. Corner of the studio. 122. Girl and mirror. 123. Study of the nude in interior. 124. Study of the nude. 125. Brittany landscape. 126. Girl in green. 127. Sunny window. 26 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FURSMAN, Frederick— 263 Dearborn Street, Chicago, II1. Born in El Paso, 1ll., 1871. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 128. A summer day.

GALLISON, H. H.— 2 Grundmann Studios, Boston, Mass. Born in Boston, 1850. Studied in Paris with Adrian Bonnefoy. Member Boston Art Club. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1S00; Special Mention King of Italy, Turin. 129. Clearing mists.

GARBER, Daniel— 1635 Brandywine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy under V. Nowottny; in Penn. sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts under T. P. Anshutz. 130. The meadow. 131. Late afternoon. 182. Woman with shawl. 133. Pasture. 134. October day. 135. Across the Schuylkill. 136. Rainy day.

GARRETSON, Della — 1229 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Born

GAY, Edward — Mount Vernon, New York. Born in Dub lin, Ireland, 1837. Studied in Carlsruhe, Germany, with Leasing, Schir- mer and Gnde. Member N. Y. Water Color Club; A. N. A. Repre sented in Metropolitan Museum, N. Y., Minneapolis Gallery; Gallery of Fine Arts, Syracuse; Lotus Club; Executive Mansion, Albany. 139. Evening by the river.

GAY, Walter— 73 Rue Ampere, Parin, France. Born in Hingham, Mass., 1856. Studied with Bonnat, Paris. Fellow for life of Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts.NewYork; Member Societt Nation - ale des Beanx Arts, Paris; Member Secessionists of Munich; Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts, New York; Carnegie Mu seum, Fittsburgh; Finakothek Museum, Munich; Museum of Amiens, Prance, and Luxembourg Museum, Paris. Chevalier de la Legion d'Uonneur. 140. Newington House, Oxfordshire, England. 141 . Chimney corner in the Chateau de Fortoiseau. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1902.) 142. Interior of palace of Fontainebleau, Madame de Maintenon's chamber. 143. Chez Helleu, interior of the painter Helleu's Studio. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1002.) 144. The console, the house of a collector. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1902.)

GLAMAN, Eugene Fish— 353 West 12th Street, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and with L. Simon, C Cot- tet and E. Fremiet, Paris. « 145. Lions of Abyssinia. 146. Cart horse. 147. Blue roan, English cart horse. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GOODWIN, Arthur Clifton— 3 Winter Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1866. 148. Under the arbor. 149. Shore farm in winter. 150. Loungers, Public Garden.

GORHAM, Sidney— 3 Rue VercingStorix, Paris, France. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and with Bonnat, Paris. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1902. 151. Morning. (Paris Salon, 1902.)

GORSON, Harry— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Russia, 1870. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; and Julian Academy, Paris. 152. Portrait of Mabel Harris.

GREENE, Mary Shepard — 19 Rue le Verrier, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied with Herbert Adams, Brooklyn; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Third Medal, Paris Salon; Gold Medal, 2nd Class, Paris Salon, 1902. 153. A little Story. (Gold medal, Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902.)

GRUPPE, Charles P. — 40 Wilhelmina Street, The Hague, Holland. Born in Picton in 1860. Studied in Holland. Member Society Dutch Artists, The Hague, Holland; New York Water Color Club and Salmagundi Club. Represented in Royal Palace at The Hague, Boston Art Club, Illinois Club. 154. In the old backyard. 155. At Voorburg. 156. November day. Oil Paintings. 29

HAFEN, John — Springville, Utah. Born in Scherzingen, Switzerland, 1858. Studied with Jules Leftbvre, Benj. Constant, and Ducet, Paris. 157. Cornfield. 158. Hollyhocks and girl. 159. The forest. 160. Wasatch valley.

HAGERMAN, Worthie E.— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Born in Carmel, Indiana, 1818. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 161. Man with a scythe.

HALL.BERG, Edward — 1013 N. Park Avenue, Austin, 1li. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1855. 162. Northeast Passage. 163. The sea near Swedish coast. 164. Early morning on the Gothenburg river. 165. Evening near Gothenburg harbor. 166. An August day on the Atlantic.

HALLETT, Hendricks A. — Studio Building, Boston, Mass. Born in Charlestown, Mass., 1847. Studied in Antwerp and Paris. Member of Boston Art Club. Represented in Boston Art Club. Bronze Medal of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Bostou. 167. A calm morning.

HARDWICK, MELBOURNE H.— 12 West Street, Bostou, Mass. Born in Canada, 1857. Represented in Boston Art Club. 168. Preparing dinner. 30 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HARRISON, BlRGE— Plymouth, Mass, Born in Philadel phia, Pa., 1854. Pupil oi Carolus Duran and Cabauel, Kcoledes Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Repre sented in Philadelphia, Chicago. Salon picture of 1881 purchased by the Freuch government and placed in National Art Museum, Mar seilles. Silver Medal of Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Medals: World's Columbian Exposition, Chi cago, 1893. Buffalo, 1901. 169. Cathedral gate, Quebec. 170. Afterglow. 171. Madison Avenue in winter. 172. The edge of the park. 173. Drifting snow. 174. Sunset on Charles river.

HARTWELL, Nina Rosabel— Salt Lake City, Utah. Born in Salt Lake City. Studied in the Julian School, with Raphael Collin and L. R. Garrido, Paris. 175. The flowers. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902.)

HASSAM, Childe— 152 W. 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1839. Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society and New York Water Color Club, New York; and of the Munich "Secessionist" Society. Represented in Buffalo Museum of Fiue Arts, and in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Medals in Paris (1689), Munich (1892), Chicago (1898). First Prize (|S00) of Cleveland Art Association, 1895. Webb Prize of $300, Society of American Artists, New York, 1895. Second Prize ($1,500), Boston Art Club, 1890. Gold Medal Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 176. The jonquils. 177. Washington Bridge. Oil Paintings. 3i

HEYSINGER, Ernest W.— 524 Walnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1872. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and with G. R Bon&eld. Member Phila delphia Sketch Club, American Art Society, Philadelphia, 178. Early morning in spring. 179. Forming shower.

HOPKINSON, Charles— Cambridge, Mass. Born in Cam bridge, 1889. Studied in Paris. Member Society American Artists. Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 180. Fishermen of Finistere. 181. Portrait of a Breton woman.

HORTON, William Samuel— 64 Rue de la Rochefoucauld, Paris, Prance. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1864. Studied at Art Students' League and National Academy of Design. New York; and Julian Academy, Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Mem ber of New York Water Color Club, and Salmagundi Club, New York. 182. The SUpper hour. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902.)

HOWE, William Henry— Bronxville, New York. Born in Ravenna, Ohio, 1848. Studied with Otto de Sharen and Vuillelroy in Paris. Member of National Academy and Salmagundi Club. Life Member of Lotus Club. Represented in St. Louis Museum Fine Arts and in Cleveland Museum. Honorable mention at World's Exposition, New Orleans, 1885; Paris Salon, 1886. Medal of the third class, Paris Salon, 1888; second class. Exposition Universelle. 1889. HorsConcours, Paris Salon, 18&0. Temple gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1890. Grand gold medal, London, 1890. Gold medal, Boston, 1890. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1898. Gold medal of Midwinter Exposition, San Francisco, 1894. Gold medal of Atlanta Exposition. 1895. Officier d'Academie, Paris, 1896. Silver medal. Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 183. September evening, Rock Pastures, Old Lyme, Conn. 32 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HUBBELL HenryS.— 15 Quai Voltaire, Paris, France. Born in Paola, Kansas. 1870. Studied in the Art Institute .Chicago; with Raph ael, Collin, Whistler, Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Honor able Mention, Paris Salon, 1901. 184. Interior.

HUMPHREYS, ALBERT— 51 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Studied with Gurome and Robert-Fleury, Paris, and with Ver- straete, Brussels. Member of Philadelphia Sketch Club. Member American Art Association, Paris. Formerly a professor in Chestnut Street Art School, Philadelphia. Landscape Prize, American Art Association, Paris. 185. Autumn in Brittany. 186. First communion, Paris.

JANSSON, Alfred— 201 S. Western AveDue, Chicago, II1. Born in Sweden, 1863. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Member Palette and Chisel Club. Chicago ; the Arts' Club, Chicago. 187. At the hour of twilight. 188. Autumn sunset. 189. October's golden weather. 190. The old farm house. 191. Indian summer.

JOHNSON, Marshall — 12 West Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Boston, 1850. Studied in Lowell Institute; Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Member Boston Art Club. 192. Signalling at sea.

JONES, REBECCA — 259 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, France. Born in Eatonton, Georgia. Studied in Delecluse Academy, Paris. 193. Japanese lanterns. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1902.) Oil Paintings. 33

JUERGENS, Alfred— 213 S. Grove Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Born in Chicago, 1M5. Studied in Academy of Design, Chicago: and with W. Dietz, Royal Academy, Munich. Member Artists' Association of Germany; Munich Association of Painters. Represented in Munich Kunstverein. 194. October.

KARFUNKLE, David, 152 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Vienna, Austria, 1879. 195. Family portrait.

KELLER, Henry George— 595 E. Madison Avenue, Cleveland. Ohio. Born in Cleveland, 1870. Studied at Dusseldorf, Munich and Paris. Silver Medal, Munich, 1902. 196. Rest in the shade. 197. Goats grazing.

KENDALL, Sargeant— 26 West 8th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Spuyten Duyvil, New York, 1889. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Julian Academy, and with Luc-Olivier Merson, Paris, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Philadelphia, and Art Students' League, New York. Second Prize, Worcester, 1900 and 1901. Silver and Bronze Medals, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo; Honora ble Mention, Salon, 1891; Medal, World's Fair, Chicago; Lippincott Prize; Shaw Prize; Carnegie Institute Bronze Medal. 198. The fairy tale.

KOEHLER, Robert — 4816 Portland Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. 199. A Spanish nobleman. 200. The family Bible. 201. Still-life. 202. Portrait. 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

KRONBERG, Loins— 3 Winter Street, Boston, Mass. Born in the United States, 1872. Studied in Art Museum, Boston, and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Aits, Philadelphia; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Silver Medal, Boston. Longfellow Travelling Scholarship. 203. At the theatre. 204. Portrait of Mrs. C.

KRUSEMAN van ELTEN, Elizabeth F.— 100 Rue d'Assas, Pari«, France. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied in National Academy of Design, New York, and with Raphael Collin, Gustave Courtois. L. A. Girardot, Paris. Vice-President American Women's Art Association oi Paris. 205. At Close Of day. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902.)

KRYSHER, Elizabeth— Holbein Studios, 224 Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. 206. Twilight.

LATHROP, W. L.— Painesville, Ohio. Born in Warren, Illinois, 1859. Member New York Water Color Club. Received W. T. Evans Prize, New York. Gold Medal Philadelphia Art Club. 207. By the river.

LEHMER, Caroline— 322 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied at Art Academy, Cincinnati, and with Mr. Frank Duveneck. Member of Woman's Art Club, Cincinnati. 208. Masquerading. 209. Study. Oil Paintings. 35

LEONARD, George Henry, Jr.— 17 Rue Boissonaile, Psris, France. Born in Boston, Mass., 1869. Studied with Gerome. Bouguereau. Amau-Jeau, Paris. 210. September morning, Moret. 211. The viaduct, November. 212. Boats at Pont-Aven.

LINDIN, Carl Owf Eric— 1141 Monadnock Building, Chicago. 111. Born in Sweden, 1869. Studied with J. P. Laurens, B. Con! want and Adam Jean, Paris. Member of American Art Association Paris; Arts' Club, Chicago. 213. Moonlight on the Varuna river.

LIPPINCOTT, William H.— 37 W. 22nd Street, New York N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, 1849. Studied with Leon Bonnat, Paris'. Member National Academy; and American Water Color Society. 214. The crucial moment.

LONGSTREET, Margaret— 939 Eighth Avenue New York, N. Y. ' 215. Olivia.

LORD, Caroline A. -975 McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Born in Cincinnati, 1880. Studied in Art Academy, Cincinnati- Art Students' League, New York: Academy Julian, Paris. Instructor Art Academy, Cincinnati. Bronze Medal, World's Fair, Chicago. 216. ' First communion. 36 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LORENZ, Richard— 72 Mitchell Buildingf Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Born in Weimar, Germany, 1858. Studied in Weimar with Brendl, Hagen, Streuss. 217. After a hot ride. 218. Dusk. 219. Hard toilers. 220. A wild chase.

LOW, Bertha Lea— 60 W. 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 221. Portrait of Miss R. L. W.

LOW, Will H.— Lawrence Park, Bronxville, New York. Born in Albany, 1853. Studied with Carolus Duran. Paris. Ex Vice- President Architectural League. Delegate (S A. A.) to Fine Arts Fed eration, N. Y. Member Society American Artists; National Academy of Design; Mural Painters. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College, Northampton. Mass. 2nd Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Medal Columbian Ex position, Chicago, 1893. 222. Full size color cartoon for stained glass win dow, Washington, D. C. 223. Sketches for 4 of 10 stained glass windows for St. Paul's Church, Newark, N. J. Water color. 224. Study for ceiling of ladies' reception room, Waldorf. 225. Study for ceiling in residence of W. V. Law rence, N. Y. Oil Paintings. 37

226-229. Sketches (4) for decorations in music room of C. T. Yerkes, N. Y. Water color. 230. Sketch for proposed ceiling, ball room of Waldorf Astoria. Water color. 231. Sketch for central panel, proposed ceiling ball room of Waldorf Astoria. Water color. 232. Study for decoration of public building — Manhattan. 233. Design for two dollar bill U. S. silver certi ficate. 234. Sketch for design of official diploma of awards, World's Columbian Ex., Chicago, '93. Water color. 235-238. Cartoons for stained glass in residence of Oscar Straus, N. Y. : Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. 239-243. Studies for figures of angels for stained glass, St. Paul's Church, Newark, N. J. Charcoal. 54 DESIGNS IN MONOCHROME FOR " LAMIA " & "THE ODES AND SONNETS" OF JOHN KEATS 244. Lamia. 345. Title. 246. Dedication. 247. Title to list of drawings. 248. Head-pieces to list of Drawings. 249. "A nymph, to whom all hoofed Satyrs knelt." Head piece, Part I. 38 The Art Institute of Chicago.

250. "On this side of Jove's clouds." 251. "And so he rested, on the lonely ground. 252. "The words she spake came, as through bubbling honey." 253. I dreamt I saw thee, robed in purple flakes." 254. "She bathes unseen. " 256. "Pale grew her immortality.for woe of all these lovers." 256. "The guarded nymph near smiling on the green." 257. "Into the green-recessed woods they flew." 258. Decoration— Daffodils. 259. "By a clear pool, wherein she passioned to see herself." 260. "Foremost in the envious race." 261. Lycius, look back ! and be some pity shown." 262. Decoration — Love's mesh. 263. "Swoon'd, murmuring of love, and pale with pain." 264. "The wide-spreaded night above her towers." 265. "As one came near with curl'd gray beard, sharp eyes, and smooth bald crown." 266. They had arrived before a pillar'd porch." 267. Shut from the busy world of more incredulous." Tail-piece to Part I. 268. "They were enthroned, in the even tide, upon a couch." Head-piece, Part II. 269. "Deafening the swallow's twitter, came a thrill of trumpets. 270. "She nothing said, but, pale and meek, arose and knelt before him." 271. "It was the custom then to bring away the bride from home." 272. "And shut the chamber up, close, hush'd and still." 273. "He met within the murmurous vestibule his young disciple." Oil Paintings. 39

274. "They all moved to the feast." 275. "What wreath for Lamia ? What for Lycius ? What for the sage, Apollonius ? 276. "Checking his love-trance, a cup he took full brimm'd" 277. "The sophist's eye, like a sharp spear, went through her utterly." 278. "And Lycius' arms were empty of delight." 279. "And in its marriage robe the heavy body wound." 280. Tail-piece— The History of the Book.

ODES AND SONNETS. 281. Frontispiece. 282. Tide. 283. Copyright device. 284. Dedication. 285. List of Drawings. 286. Table of coutents. 287. Ode on a Grecian urn. 288. To autumn. 289. Sonnet: "When I have fears that I may cease to be." 290. Fancy. 291. Ode to a nightingale. 292. Ode to Psyche. 293. Ode on melancholy. 294. La Belle Dame sans merci. 295. Ode: " Bards of Passion and of Mirth." 296. The Eve of Saint Mark. 297. Keat's Last Sonnet. 40 The Art Institute of Chicago.

EASBI. PICTURES. 298. April morning on the terrace. 299. Veiled sunlight. 300. The children's play ground. 301. Poppies among the vines. 302. The departure for the first communion. 303. June roses. 304. A midsummer night. 305. In the sun — Narcissus. 306. The narrow gate. 307. The interlude. 308. Pomona. 309. Convent gossip. 310. The spinet and the harp. 311. The felled tree. 312. The carpet of leaves. 313. Autumnal sunshine. 314. Elysian lawn. 315. The nymph Echo. 316. Little God Pan. 317. A profile. 318. Old age of Cupid. 319-327. "As you like it," nine pictures — 5 oil, 4 water color. Oil Paintings. 4i


SIX LUNEttES. 328. The dance. 329. The drama. 330. The music of war. 331. The music of peace. 832. The music of the sea. 333. The music of the woods.

FOURTEEN OVAL PANELS REPRESENTING THE NATIONS WITH THE TYPICAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. 334. America — Song. 335. England — Harpsichord. 336. France— the Drum. 337. Holland— the Lute. 338. Spain — Castanets. 339. Russia— Bells. 340. Ireland— the Harp. 341. Scotland — the Bagpipes. 342. Greece— the Lyre. 343. Italy— the 'Cello. 344. Hungary — the Violin. 345. Japan — the Samisen. 346. Egypt— the Curved Harp. 347. Germany — the Organ. The Art Institute of Chicago.

348. Portrait of Mrs. P . Loaned by William T. Evans, Esq. 349. Portrait of Miss Florence E . Loaned by William T. Evans, Esq. 350. Sketch portrait of my father. 351. Penserosa — stud y of a head. 352. August. Water color. 353. September. Water color. 354. October. Water color. 355. November — design for magazine cover. 356. Lilies of the field. Water color. 357. Sketch for projected picture of the Annun ciation. 358. A day dream — decorative panel. 359. Portrait of Mrs. C. 360. The Loves of Horace. Water color.

MacCHESNEY, Ci.ara T.— 27 West 33rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brownsville, California. Studied with Virgil Williams, San Francisco; with Mowbray, Beckwith, and at Gotham Art School, New York; with Conrtols and Gerardot, Paris. Member New York Water Color Club and National Arts Club. Represented in Erie Art Club, and Boston Art Club. Two Medals World's Columbian Exposition; Dodge Prize, New York; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Arts Club; 2nd Hallgarten Prize; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 361. One of my friends. 362. The reading. Oil Paintings. 43

MACMONNIES, Mary— (Mrs. Frederick MacMonnies), Giverny, par Vernon, Eure, France. Born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts; and Academy Julian, Carolus- Duran, Paris. Member "Associe" Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts (Champs de Mars Salon), Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York. President American Woman's Art Club, Paris. Repre sented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. Medal Columbian Expos ition, Chicago. Bronze Medal, Paris, 1900 ; Gold Medal, Dresden ; Bronze Medal, Buffalo; Bronze Medal, Paris, 1900; Julia A. Shaw Prize, Society American Artists, New York. 363. Winter landscape. 364. Last rays (Paris Salon.S. N. B. A., 1902). 366. The sun-dial. 366. Blossoming time in Normandy.

MACOMBER, Mary L.— 4 Harcourt Studios, Boston, Mass. Born at Fall River, Mass., 1861. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Represented in the permanent collection of that institution. Medals : Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1895, and International Exposition, Atlanta, 189S. Norman W. Dodge Prize, National Academy of Design, New York, 1897. Honorable men tion, Carnegie Institute, 1901. 367. The hour-glass.

MAGEE, James C —3630 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; with W. M. Chase, New York ; and with R. Henri, Paris. Member American Art Society. 368. Thoroughfare. 369. Bathers. 370. At the spring. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MARSH, Fred Dana— Nutley, N. J. Born in Chicago, 1872. Studied in the Art Institute. Chicago. Member Society Ameri can Artists, and Architectural League. New York. Medals : Paris Ex position, 1900; Buffalo, 1901; Clark Prize, Paris, 1898. 371. Maternity.

MAYER, Louis — 134 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, 1869. Studied in Weimar; Munich: and Julian School, Paris. 372. Study in tone. 373. Lamplight effect.

MAYNARD, Guy — Grez - sur - Loing, Seine - et - Marne, France. Born in Chicago, 1ll. Studied in Art Institute of Chicago, and in Paris, 374. The letter. 375. Field flowers. 376. Day dreams.

McCORD, William A —79 Carew Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 377. In the Northwest.

McEWEN, Walter— 11 Place Pigalle, Paris, France. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Cormon and Tony Robert-Fleury. Fictures in museums of Brussels, Liege, Magdebourg. Luxembourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp ; Gold Medals, City of Berlin, Munich, Vienna. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. 378. A woman of the Empire. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 1902). 379. A secret. (Paris Salon. S. A. F., 1902.) 380. Reflection. Oil Paintings. 45

McKERNAN, Frank— Ridley Park, Pa. Born in Phila delphia, Pa. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with . Fellowship Penn. Academy Fine Arts, 381. The intruder. 382. The close of day.

McKINSTRY, Grace E —44 West 22nd Street, New York. N. Y. Born in Fredonia, New York. Studied with Raphael Collin and Benjamin Constant. Member Society Washington Artists. 383. A young musician. (Parissaion.s.A. p., h»2).

McLANE, M. Jean — 43 South Washington Square, New York, N. Y. Studied with Frank Duveneck, with William M. Chase, at the Art Institute, Chicago. 384. The critic. 385. The fountain in the square (night). 388. Convalescence.

MELCHERS, Gari — 47 Rue Laugier, Paris, France. Born in Detroit, Michigan. Studied with Lefebre, Boulanger and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member Royal Academy, Berlin. Honorable Mention and Medal, Paris Salon; First Class Medals. Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, etc. Gold Medal, Philadelphia. Medals of Honor, Paris, 1889. Berlin, 1891, Antwerp, 1894. Member of Society of American Artists ; Paris Society of American Painters; Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris; Fine Arts Societies of Munich and Vienna; Interna tional Jury of Awards, Chicago World's Fair, 1893; Represented in Muset du Luxembourg, Paris; National Royal Galleries, Berlin, Dres den and Munich; and Carnegie Galleries, Fittsburgh; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, France; Knight of Royal Bavarian Order of St. Michael. Gold Medals: Dresden and Buffalo. 387. Marriage. (Paris salon, s. n.b. a., 1902.) 388. Ruth and Boaz. 389. House by the water. 390. Portrait of Charles L. Hutchinson, President of the Art Institute. (Presented by friends to the Art Institute.) 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MENAGE, Bessie Marble— 290 La Salle Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Minneapolis, Minn., 1877. Studied with Miss Cushman, and Annette Covington. 391. Dutch girl.

MENZLER, Bertha S — 5101 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago; with Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin and A man-Jean, Paris. 392. Early moonrise.

MEURER, Chari.ES A.— 524 Pike Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Germany, 1885. Studied with Julian, Bouguerean, L. Doucet, G. Ferrier, Paris, and Toilet of Lyons. 393. At rest.

MEYER, Enno.— 1309 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy, Member Cincin nati Art Club. 394. A Kentucky bandit.

MORAN, Percy— 110 E. 16th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, 1862. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; the National Academy of Design, New York; and in Pads and London. Member of American Water Color Society, New York. First Hallgarten Prlze, National Academy; and First Gold Medal American Art Association, New York. 395. Winter.

MORAN, P.— 1322 Jefferson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 396. A gray day. Oil Paintings. 47

MOSLER, Gustave Henry— 309 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Munich. Studied with his father, Henry Mosler, with L. Bonnat and Julien Dupre, Paris. Represented in Erie Museum. Medal, Paris Salon, 1901. Gold medal, Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902. 397. The WOUnded COW. (Gold medal, Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902.)

MUENDEL, George F.— 715 Malone Street, West Hobo- ken, N. J. Born in West Hoboken, 1871. Studied at Art Students' League, New York. 398. November morning.

MUMFORD, Alice— 524 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1875. 399. Gwendolyn.

MURPHY, Hermann Dudley — Copley Hall, Boston, Mass. Born in Massachusetts. Studied in Paris. 400. Temple Bridge. 401. ' The Thames.

MURPHY, Mrs. J. Francis— 222 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Third Hallgarten Prize; Honorable Mention, Pan Ameri can Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 402. Katharine. 403. A boy's sport.

MURPHY, J. Francis— The Chelsea, 222 West 23rd Street. New York, N. Y. Born in Oswego, N. Y., 1853. Member National Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, Society of Land scape Painters. 404. October fog. 48 The Art Institute oj Chicago.

NETTLETON, Walter — Stockbridge, Mass. Born in New Haven, Conn., 1861. Studied with Boulanger and Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Member Society American Artists. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1892. 405. The imprisoned brook. 406. The peaceful hour. *

NOURSE, Elizabeth— 80 Rue d'Assas, Paris. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in Cincinnati School of Design; at the Julian Academy, and with Carolus Duran, Paris. Member American Art Association and Beaux Arts in Paris. Represented in Chicago Art In stitute, Cincinnati Art Museum, and in Adelaide, Australia. Medals Chicago, 1893, Carthage, 1897, Nashville, 1897, Silver Medal, Paris, 1900, Societaire des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1901. 407. In the shade, Penmarch, Finistere. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1902.) 408. Brother and sister, Penmarch, Finistere. (Paris Salon, S. N- B. A., 1902.) 409. The baby's toilet, evening, Paris. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1902.)

OCHTMAN, Leonard — Mianus, Conn. Born in Holland. Member Scciety of American Artists; American Water Color Society; Society American Landscape Painters; New York Water Color Club; Brooklyn Art Club. Prize, Brooklyn Art Club; Gold Medal, Phila delphia Art Club; medals World's Fair. 1893. Silver Medal, Pan Amer ican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston, 1902; Morgan Water Color Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1902; Shaw Fund Prize, Society American Artists, 1902. 410. A morning symphony. 411. The brook.

OLSSON-NORDFELDT, Bror Julius— 1382 North Artes ian Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Tulsborj, Sconia, Sweden. 412. Man with cane. 413. Resting. Oil Paintings. 49

PACKARD, Mabel — 222 East Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and at Colarossi Academy, Paris. Member Art Student's League, Chicago. 414. Interior of Saint Etienne, Paris. 415. The Waal at Rijsoord. 416. In the Luxembourg gardens.

PAPE, Eric — 144 Lancaster Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Born in San Francisco, Cat., 1870. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts; with Boulanger, Lefebvre, Constant and Laurens, Paris. Director Eric Pape School of Art, Boston. Member Players Club, New York; Boston Art Club; Society of Arts, London. Five Medals. 417. The foaming surges.

PARKER, Lawton S. — 9 Impasse du Maine, Paris. Born 1668. 418. Portrait of Mrs. W. (Loaned by Mr. Leonard Woods, Fittsburgh.)

PAUL, William H. Jr.— 732 W. Lehigh Avenue, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1880. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 419. Summer afternoon.

PEYRAUD, Frank C— W. Scott Thurber, Chicago, 111. Born in Switzerland. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago; Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Fortnightly Prize of 1899. 420. Evening song.

POST, May Audobon— 1523 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied in the Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and with Lucien Simon, Paris. Travelling Scholarship of the School of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 421. A peaceful family. 5o The Aft Institute of Chicago.

POST, William Merritt— 55 W. 33rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 18J7. Studied in Art Students' League. Member of the Water Color Club; American Water Color Society. Honorable Mention Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 422. Autumn evening.

POWELL, Ella Mae— 641 Lunt Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Davenport, Iowa. Studied with Edwin Scott, Raphael Collin and at the Colarossi School, Paris. 423. Portrait of an old man.

PURVIS, William G.— 1667 N. Albany Avenue, Chicago, II1. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 424. A summer evening.

QUALLEY, Lena— 4 Rue de Chevreuse, Paris, France. Born in Decorah, Iowa. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and with MacMonnies, de-la Gandara, Simon and Cottet, Paris. 425. Portrait of an Italian. 426. In the studio.

RANGER, H. W.— 228 W. 44th Street, New York, N. Y. 427. A blossoming oak. 428. The hill back of the school house.

RANSOM, Ralph— 1651 Lake View Avenue, St. Joseph, Michigan. Studied at the Art Institute and Art Academy, Chicago, and Delecluae Academy, Paris. 429. Morning — Normandy. i Oil Paintings. 51

REDFIELD, Edward W.— Centre Bridge, Bucks County, Pa. Born in Bridgeville, Delaware, 1869. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Bouguereau and Fleury, Paris. Member of the Art Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 430. Gray day. 431. Pennsylvania landscape. 432. The willow.

REDMOND, Margaret— 10 South 18th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. 433. Hollyhocks. 434. Gray day, Mt. Mondanock.

REHN, F. K. M.— 222 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Represented in Detroit Art Museum; Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery. First Prize for Marine Painting, St. Louis, 1882. Prize of $250 at Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1881. Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886. Honorable Mention, Exposition Universelle, 1900; Medal Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 435. The vasty deep. 436. Northwester in Gloucester Harbor.

RETTIG, John — College Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. 437. A dreary Sunday in Gloucester. 52 The Art Institute of Chicago.

RICHARDSON, Frank Henry— 221 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. Born in Boston, Mass., 1859. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre. Paris. Member Boston Art Club, and Salmagundi Club, New York. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1899. 438. At mass.

ROOK, Edward F.— 43 West 68th Street, New York, N.Y. Born in New York. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant. Paris. Member of the Arts Club, New York City. Repre sented in the Gilpin Collection at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine A rta, and the Cincinnati Museum. Temple Gold Medal, Penn sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1898. Medal, Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, 1901. 439. Whirlpool. 440. Cascades. 441. Mill race. 442. Twilight. 443. Farm courtyard. 444. The inn, moonlight. 445. The flock, moonlight.

ROSELAND, Harry— 191 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, 1866. Studied in Brooklyn. Member Brooklyn Art Club, Salmagundi Club, New York, etc., etc. Gold Medal, Brooklyn, 1388; 2nd Hallgarten Prize, N. A. D., 1898; Silver Medal, Boston, 1900; Bronze Medal, Charleston, 1902- 446. Tender memories.

ROSENTHAL, Albert— 1530 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Gerome and in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris- 447. Portrait of Mrs. R. Oil Paintings. 53

ROSS, Isabel M. — Care Signor Enrique Santos, Banker, Granada, Spain. Born in Buffalo, New York. Studied at the Art League, New York; Delecluse Academy, Paris. 448. Sixteenth century interior. (Paris Salon, S. A. F.. 1902.) 449. Young peasant.

ROTH, ERNEST DAVID — 835 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born In Stuttgart, Germany, 1879. Studied In National Academy of Design. 450. Winter. 451. A windy day. 452. Summer.

RYDEN, Henning — 234 Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Sweden, 1869. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago; in Berlin and London. Member of the Arts Club, Chicago. 453. Unexpected visitors. 454. Landscape.

SARTAIN, William— 152 W. 67th Street, New York, N.Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1843. Studied at the Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts ; with Leon Bonnat and at the BCcole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists; Associate National Academy of Design. Represented in Jacksonville Art Association ; Smith College Collection ; S. Carolina Art Association, Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington. Silver Medal, Boston. Honorable Mention, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Bronze Medal, Pan Ameri can Exposition, Buffalo. Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 455. Group of trees by the roadside.

SCHMEDTGEN, William— 1906 Oakdale Avenue, Chi cago, ill. 456. Cuban with his horse. 54 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SHARP, J. Henry— 118 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Bridgeport, O., 1859. Pupil of Verlat in Antwerp Academy, and Carl Marr in Munich, Laurens and Benjamin Constant in Paris. Member of Society of Western Artists. Teacher in Cincinnati Art Academy. Represented in the permanent collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum; Smithsonian Institution. Washington; and in University ot California. Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition. 457. Evening on the Little Big Horn, Montana.

SHULZ, Adolph Robert — Delavan, Wisconsin. Born in Delavan. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; and with Benjamin Constant, and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Young Fortnightly Prize. 458. The first gleam. 459. Hoar frost.

SHUTTLEWORTH, Claire— The Berkeley, Johnson Park, Buffalo. N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. Studied in the Art Students' League of Buffalo ; Vitti Academy, and with F. V. Du Mond. Luc Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin, Paul Leroy, Paris. Member Women's International Art Club, Buffalo Society of Artists. Medal for painting from life, Vitti Academy. 460. Drying sails.

SIMMONS, Edward — Easthampton, Long Island. Born in Concord, Mass., 1852. Studied with Lefebvre and Boulanger, Paris. 461. Tired out.

SLAYMAKER, Elizabeth— Norfolk, Virginia. Born in Atlanta, Georgia. Studied at Academy Vitti, and at the Julian Acad emy, Paris. 462. In old Virginia. Oil Paintings. 55

SLOAN, John— 806 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Lock Haven, Pa., 1871. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Robert Henri, Philadelphia. 463. A wayside station. * 464. The Schuylkill. 465. The targets. 466. Boy with lantern.

SMITH, Charles L. A.— 471 Flournoy Street, Chicago, 111. 467. A southern twilight.

SMITH, LEttA Crapo— 789 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Born in Detroit, 1862. Studied with Julius Rolshoven, with George Hitchcock, and at the Julian Academy, Paris. 468. Daughter of Egmond. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1902.)

SMITH, W. Granville— 52 E. 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born at Granville, N. v., 1870. Studied at Art Students' League, with Walter Satterlee, and in Europe. Member American Water Color Society and Salmagundi Club, New York. Represented in Philadel phia Art Club. Hallgarten Prize, Academy Annual Exhibition, 1900. 469. The old orchard. 470. Good night.

STACEY, Anna h— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Glasgow, Mo. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. Young Fortnightly Prize, 1902. 471. A breezy day on the Mystic River. 472. The village at twilight. 473. Trophies of the fields. 474. Boats. 56 The Art Institute of Chicago.

STACEY, John F.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, DL Born in Biddeford, Maine. Studied in Massachusetts State Normal Art School; and Julian Academy, Paris. Vice-President Chicago Arts Society. 475. Across the valley of the Mystic.

STERNE, Maurice H. — 152 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. 476. Berceuse. 477. Sand worms.

STETSON, Charles Walter— 72 Via San Niccolo da Tolentino, Rome. Born in Tiverton Four Corners, R. I., 1858. Repre sented in Boston Art Museum, and Rhode Island School of Design. 478. Flower play.

STREATOR, Harold Arthur — 2139 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Born in Cleveland. 479. Gloucester Harbor.

STROM, Gustaf Adolf — 3031 Princeton Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Sweden, 1872. 480. The fisherman's hut, moonlight. 481. The suburb, evening.

SVENDSEN, Svend— 431 West George Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Christiania, Norway, 1864. Young Fortnightly Prize, 1895; Honorable Mention, Nashville, Tennessee Centennial Exposition. 482. After spring rain. Oil Paintings. 57

SYKES, Annie G.— 3007 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, O. Born in Brookline, M.iss. Studied in Art Museum, Boston; Art Acad emy, Cincinnati, with Frank Duveneck. 483. Mother and child. 484. Portrait.

SYMONS, George Gardner — 2565 Ashland Avenue, Ravenswood, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago, 1861. Studied at the Academy of Design, Chicago. Member American Art Association, Paris. Society of Western Artists. Represented in the Lord Gower collection, London. 485. Toil and closing day. 486. The orchard. 487. Wind ripples on the salt marsh. 488. After the plowing. 489. Mussel Cove.

TALCOTT, Allen B.— Old Lyme, Conn. Born in 1867. 490. Landscape.

TARBELL, Edmund C— Dartmouth Street, Boston. Born in West Groton, Mass., 1862. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre. Academy Julian, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York; Associate of National Academy of Design, New York; Clarke Prize, Shaw Fund Prize, and First Hallgarten Prize, New York. 491. On Bos'n's Hill. 492. The Venetian blind. 58 The Art Institute of Chicago.

TAYLOR, Charles J.— 759 West End Avenue, New York, N. T. Born in New York, 1855. Studied in National Academy of De sign; Art Students' League, New York; in Loudon and in Paris. 493. Land of the golden rod.

THOMAS, Elizabeth Haynes — 4713 Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Paris. First and Second Charles Toppan Prizes. 494. A last glance.

UNDERWOOD, Mary Stanton — Wausan, Wisconsin. Studied with William M. Chase and Du Moud, New York; at the Art Institute, Chicago. 495. Head of a young man.

Van der WEYDEN, Harry— Montreuil sur-Mer, Pas de Calais, France. Born in Boston, Mass., 1868. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens, Paris; with Prof. Fred. Brown, London. Member Society of American Painters, Paris. Represented in Weimar; in Museum Rep resentative European Art, Tokio, Japan; Ministry Public Instruction, Vienna. Medal, Paris Salon, 1891; second medal, International Ex., Antwerp, 1804; gold medal, Atlanta; bronze medal, Paris, 1900; second- class gold medal, Munich. 1901. Gold Medal, Vienna, 1902. 496. By the light of the moon. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1902.) 497. The promenade. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1902.)

VAN LAER, Alexander T.— 30 E. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Born in Auburn, N. Y., 1857. Studied with R. Swain Gifford and with George Voggenberk. Member Salmagundi Club; Artists' Fund Society; Lotus Club; Associate National Academy of Design. Repre sented in Lotus Club. Bronze Medal, Charleston Exposition. 498. Bronxville meadows, February. Oil Paintings. 59

VAN MILLET, G.— 517 Pepper Building, Kansas City, Mo. Born in Kansas City. Studied in Royal Academy, Munich, under Nikolis Gysis and Ludwig von Loefftz. President of Art Club, Kansas City. Honorable Mention, Academy, Munich. 499. The country blacksmith.

VOORHEES, Clark Greenwood— 1 West 68th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1871. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York; and with Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. 500. May sunshine, Connecticut.

WADE, Caroline L>. — 728 Athenaeum Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; and with Gustave Courtois, Paris. 501. An American girl.

WALCOTT, Harry M.— 124 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Connecticut, 1870. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris; W. H. Low, New York. Member American Art Association, Paris. Salmagundi Club, New York. Honorable Men tion, Paris Salon, 1897; Havemeyer Scholarship of New York, 1894, and American Art Association prizes. Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 502. Portrait composition. 503. A gray day in France.

WALDEN, Lionel— 33 Boulevard Edgar-Quinet, Paris, Prance. Born in Norwich, Conn., 1862. Studied with Carol us Ouran, Paris; Member Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in the Luxembourg Gallery, Paris; in Cardiff, Wales; and in Memorial Museum, Philadelphia, Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. Medal Sec. ond Class, London; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition. 504. A Summer day. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902). 6o The Art Institute of Chicago.

WASHBURN, Cadwallader — Minneapolis, Minn. Born in Minneapolis. Studied with William M. Chase, New York, and with Joaquin Sorolla Y. Bastida. 505. Running stream.

WATKINS, Susan— 1 Rue du Val-de-Grace, Paris, France. Born in California, 1875. Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Honor able Mention Societe des Artistes Francais Salon, 1899. Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1901. 506. The necklace. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902).

WEIR, J. Alden — Branchville, Conn. Born in West Point, N. Y. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and with L. Gerome, Paris. Member Society Ten American Painters. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York, and in the Pennsylrania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 507. A New England factory village.

WELLS, Newton A. — University of Illinois, Champaign, 111. Born in Lisbon, N. Y., 1862. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. 508. The Pantheon. 509. Portrait of the artist. From mirror.

WETMORE, Mary Minerva— 55 Fourth Avenue, Cleve land, Ohio. Born in Canfield, Ohio. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Raphael Collin, Paris; with William M. Chase, Kenyon Cox, SIddons Mowbray, New York. Member Woman's Art Association, Paris; Art Students' League, New York. Represented in Hopkins Gallery, San Francisco. 510, Portrait of an old woman. 511. Portrait of Mr. W. Oil Paintings. 61

WHITEMAN, S. Edwin— 5 West Mulberry Street, Balti more, Md. Born in Philadelphia, Studied with Boulanger, Lefebvre, and Constant, Paris. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1889. 512. A quiet morning along the Mystic River.

WHITTEMORE, William J.— 318 W. 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied in New York and Paris under Leflbvre and Benjamin Constant. Associate member National Academy of Design; American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club; American Society of Miniature Painters. Represented in Detroit Art Club; Boston Art Club; Atlanta Art Museum. Silver Medal Paris, 1889; Bronse Medal, Atlanta, Ga.; Bronze Medal, Charleston, 1902. 513. Morning.

WILLETS, Anita— 2804 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member of the Art Students' League. Assistant Teacher Art Institute. 514. A river scene.

WILSON, Henrietta— 2921 Montfort Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy. Presi dent Cincinnati Woman's Art Club. 515. After that big fish.

WOODWARD, Ellsworth — 2703 Camp Street, New Orleans, La. Born in Massachusetts, 1861. Studied in R. I. School ot Design; with Carl Marr, Munich. President New Orleans Art Club ; Director Art Education, Newcomb Art School. President Art Teachers' Association. Represented in Newcomb Art Gallery. 516. A country churchyard. 62 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WUERPEL, Edmund H.— Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis. Mo. Born in St. Louis. Studied with Bouguerean, Fleury and Ferrier, Aman Jean, and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Instructor in St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis Asso ciation Painters and Sculptors, Society of Western Artists. Honorary member American Art Association, Paris. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, and in Indianapolis Art Museum. 517. The full moon. 518. Harmony. A decorative panel.

YATES, CullEn— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in Bryan, Ohio. Studied in National Academy of Design, and with William M. Chase, New York; at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Julian Academy, Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of the Salmagundi Club, New York. 519, The rising moon. 520. The path to the beach, Lyme, Conn.

YETO, Genjiro— 45 E. 59th Street, New York, N.Y. Born in Hizen, Japan, 1870. Studied with J. H. Twachtman, and Art Stu dents' League, New York. Member of Salmagundi Club, Country Sketch Club, Water Color Club, New York. 521. Rockaway Beach. 522. Watching bathers.

YOUNG, Charles Morris— 1520 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Gettysburg, Pa., 1869. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, under R. W. Vonnoh; in Acad emy Colarossi, Paris. Instructor in Philadelphia School of Design ; Member of American Artists' Association, Paris; Academy of Fine Arts Fellowship. Represented in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Toppan prize and Honorable Mention at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Honorable Mention, Pan American Expo sition, Buffalo, 1901. Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition. 523. The canal, evening. 524. Winter evening. SCULPTURE BELDEN, Ella CELESTE— 5204 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago, 1873. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 525. Eleanor. Plaster.

BRACKEN, Julia M.— 19 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Apple River, i11., 1871. 9tudied at the Art Institute and with Lorado Tail. Member of the Arts Club, Chicago; Society of Western Artists. 526. Portrait relief, Mr. Gustavus Goward. Plaster.

CHISLETT, Mabel Clare— 1008 New York Life Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. 527. Portrait of child. Plaster.

COOPER, Alice— 1036 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute and with Lorado Taft. 528. Frog-girl. (Model for a fountain). Plaster.

DALLIN, Cyrus Edwin— 69 Oakland Avenue, Arlington Heights, Mass. Born in Springville. Utah, 1861. Studied with H. M. Chapin and Jean Dampt, Paris. Gold Medal, American Art Association, New York, 1888; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Silver Medal Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900. 529. The medicine man. Bronze. 63 64 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LA FAVOR, Will G.— 26 Van Buren Street, Chicago, rilg Born in Frankfort, N. Y. Pupil of Art Institute, Lorado Taft and Her>:, mon MaeNeil, Chicago. Represented by work in the permanent col lection of the Detroit Art Museum. 530. Esquimaux. Plaster.

MAUCH, MAX— 28-30 St. Clair Street, Chicago, 111. Born in; Vienna, Austria, 1864. Studied in Imperial and Royal Academy of Fine. Arts in Vienna. Member Art Club of Chicago, and Municipal Art league. 531. Sedition. Plaster statuette.

MOORE, Lou Wall— 1016 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, I1L 532. Portrait relief, William B. Dyer. Plaster.

MULLIGAN, Charles J. — Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Studied with Lorado Taft. 533. Group. Plaster.

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• Died Oct. 6, 1903. THE Art Institute op Chicago was incorporated May 24, 1879, f°r the "founding and maintenance of schools of art and design, the formation and exhibition of col lections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their fam ilies at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Satur days and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, includes depart ments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Design ing and Architecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of ten dollars for the year. Upon the payment of one hundred dollars annual members become Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. Governing members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. Upon the payment of four hundred dollars governing mem bers become Governing Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. All receipts from Life memberships are invested and the income only expended. All members are entitled, with their families and visit ing friends, to admission to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures and entertainments given by the Art In stitute, and to the use of the Ryerson reference library upon art.


MAIN FLOOR SEE PLAN Rooms i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Casts of Sculpture. Room i, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Syrian, Asia Minor. Room 2, (Corridor) . . Asia Minor and Early Greek. Room 3, Greek of V. and IV. Centuries B. C, including the Pheidian period and that of Praxiteles and Skopas. Room 4, Later Greek and Grseco-Roman. Room 5, . . . . Sculpture, Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. Room 7, . . . . Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) .... Sculpture, Modern. Room 9, . . . Office of the Secretary. Room 10, ... Sculpture, Renaissance. Room ii, (Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture. Room 12, .... Sculpture, Modern. Room 13, (Corridor) Getty Collection of Musical Instruments. Room 14, . . . . . Sculpture, Modern. Room 15, . . Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, ...... Oil Paintings. Room 18, . Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room. Room 20, . Blackstone Collection of Architectural Caste. Room 24, .... . Ryerson Library.




Room 25, '| Room 26, Room 27, Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room 28, and Sculpture by Contemporary Room 29, American Artists. Room 30, Room 31, Room 32, . . . Paintings: Old Masters. Room 33, (Corridor) Arundel Reproductions and Metal Work. Room 34, . . . . Trustees' Room. Room 35, (Hall) . . Sculpture and Paintings. Room 36, ..... Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) . . . Sculpture and Drawings. Room 38, . Oil Paintings: Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, The Elizabeth Hammond Stickney Room: Oil Paintings. Room 40, . . Oil Paintings: A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, Nickerson Collection: Japanese Bronzes, Porcelain, etc. Room 42, Nickerson Collection: Jades, Crystals, etc., and Oil Paintings. Room 44, Nickerson Collection: Water Colors and Engravings. Room 43, 1 Collection of the Antiquarians: Textiles, Embroideries, Room 45, j etc. Rooms 46 to 54 are in the part not yet bnilt.


JURIES OF SELECTION For New York For Philadelphia Ben Foster, Hugh H. Breckenridge, John W. Alexander, Charles Morris Young, Jules Guerin, , F. Edwin Elwell. Charles Grafly.

For Boston. Birge Harrison, Edmund C. Tarbell, Hermann Dudley Murphy.

For Chicago. ART COMMITTEE OF THE ART INSTITUTE. Charles L. Hutchinson, Martin A. Ryerson, Stanley McCormick, Bryan Lathrop, Howard Van D. Shaw.

James Wm. Pattison, Pauline Dohn Rudolph, Henning Ryden, Frederic C. Bartlett, Annie Van C. Dodgshun Julia Bracken, Henry Charles Payne.


This exhibition includes 408 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 397 Sculpture, . 8 Total, 405 Of these works 105 were selected in New York and other American cities, 81 in Paris by Miss Sara Hallowell, the agent of the Art Institute, principally from the two salons of the current year; 219 were chosen by juries of artists in four cities, as follows ; New York, 43 ; Philadelphia, 32 ; Boston, 0; Chicago, 135. The aggregate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict requirements of the prospectus was 530. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING EX HIBITS FOR SALE APPLY TO MISS W1LLARD AT DESK IN ROOM 30.



OIL PAINTINGS AHRENS, Ellen Wetherald— 1523 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Baltimore. Md. Studied in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; In Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila delphia; and in Drexel Institute. Member of Plastic Club; Fellow ship Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Philadelphia Water Color Club; Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters. Second T, ppan Prize, P. A. F. A.; Silver Medal, Carnegie Institute; Prize of $1,000, Fittsburgh, 1901. 1. The old romance.

AID, GEORGE Charles — 3 Rue Canipagne-Premiere Paris. Born in Quincy, 111. Studied with Lucius Simon and Charles Cottet, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris; Artists' Guild, St. Louis, Mo.. Honorable Mention Salon Artistes Francais. 2. The Japanese print. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 190s). 3. The miniature. (Paris Salon.S. A. F., 1903).

ALBRIGHT, Adam Emory— Edison Park, 111. Born in Wisconsin, 1862. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; in Munich and in Paris. Life Member Chicago Art Institute; Officer Chicago Society of Artists; Member Chicago Academy of Design; Fellowship Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 4. Cherries are ripe. ii 12 The Art Institute of Chicago.

ALEXANDER, John W— 133 East 63d Street, New York, . N. Y. Born in Pittsburgh. Penn., 1856. Studied in the Royal Acad, emy, Munich. Associate of Societt Nationale des Beaux Arts. Member of Societe Internationale; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1901; Member of Society of American Artists. Represented in the Luxembourg, Paris, and by works in permanent public collections in Philadelphia ; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Library of Congress. Washington; Temple Gold Medal, Philadelphia; First Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; First Prize, Washington, D. C. 5. A quiet hour. 6. A mother. 7. A flower. 8. Study in tone. 9. A rose. 10. Flowers. 11. Blue bowl. 12. Still life. 13. A rainy day. 14. A landscape. 15. A study. 16. Marine. 17. Portrait of boy. 18. A study. 19. Portrait. 20. Ray of sunlight. 2 1 . Portrait of woman .

ALLEN, SOL — 1562 West Byron Street. Chicago, 111. Born in Germany, 1874. Studied in National Academy of Design, New York. 22. The western farm. Oil Paintings. »3

ANDERSON, Karl J. —55 East 59th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Oxford, O., 1874. Studied in Julian Academy and Delecleuse Academy, Paris. 23. Thistles. (Paris Salon, S. A. F. 1903).

ANSHUTZ, Thomas P.— Fort Washington, Pa. Born in Newport, Ky., 1851. Studied at the Academy of Design, New York; at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and with Doucet and Bouguereau, Paris. Member of the Faculty of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Represented at Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 24. Portiait.

BAKER, Frhderic — 14 Avenue du Maine, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y., 1876. Studied with Gustave Courtois. As sociate Societt Nationale des Beaux Arts. 25. The child Jesus. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1903).

BAKER, Martha S.— 1026 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 26. An edge of Chicago.-

BARLOW, Myron— 225 E. Adams Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Born in Ionia, Mich., 1873. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago ; with Gerome, ^cole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of American Art As sociation, Paris. Represented in the Detroit Museum of Art. 27. Grandfather. 28. Fisherman's family. 29. Landscape.

BARNET, Tom P.— St. Louis, Mo. Born in 1870. Studied with Paul Cornoyer. Member St. I^ouia Artists' Guild. 30. Winter. i4 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BARTLETT, Frederic C— 2901 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago, 1873. Studied in the Royal Academy, Munich ; with Whistler and with Blanche. Member Royal Academy, Munich; Represented in Mainz. 31. Evening.

BEAL, Gifford— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1879. Studied in New York with William M. Chase and Henry Ranger. Member Salmagundi Club and Artists' Fund Society. Third Prize, Worcester Museum, 1903. 32, Resting.

BENEDICT, Emu- 335 South Halsted Street, Chicago, in. 33. September morning. 34. Evening.

BENSON, Frank W.— Salem, Mass. Born in Salem, 1862. Studied with Boulanger and kefebvre, Paris; and in Boston. 35. Young girl with a sea shell. 36. Profile.

BETTS, Grace May — 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born In New York, N. Y., 1885. Studied with E. D. Betts, Sr., and at the Art Institute of Chicago. 37. Moonlight in California. 38. Reveries. 89. Moonrise. Oil Paintings. 15

BETTS. Harold H. — 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in New York.N. Y., 1883. Studied with E. D. Betts, Sr., and at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member of Art Students' League, Chicago. First Prize, Art Students' League. 40. Ebb tide, Ogunquit. Lent by Wilson L. Meade. 41. Morning on coast of Maine. Lent by W. S. Thurber. 42. Drying sails at Bald Head, Me. Lent by Miss Lucille Casey. 43. Gray dawn on Ogunquit. Lent by W. W. Young. 44. The poet's retreat. Lent by W. W. Vernon. 45. Refreshing morn, Ogunquit. Lent by Colonel Kelley. 46. Early morn at Ogunquit. Lent by Ralph W. Booth.

BETTS, Louis— 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Little Rock, Ark., 1873. Studied with E. D. Betts, Sr.; with William M. Chase; and at the Philadelphia Art Academy. Three thousand dollar prize, including three years scholarship abroad from Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. 47. Study of my father.

BIRREN, Joseph P.— 1872 Reta Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago; and with Benjamin Constant, Paris. President Palette and Chisel Club. 48. Over the hill. 16 The Art Institute op Chicago.

BISBING, Henry Singlewood— 23 Rue des Martyrs, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied with J. H. L. De Haas and F. du Vuillefroy. Member Paris Society of American Paint- ers. Represented in Philadelphia, Sydney, Adelaide, Dresden, Berlin, Nantes. Medala in principal European cities ; Chicago and Philadel phia ; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. 49. In the pasture — morning. (Paris salon, s. a. f., i«b). 1903. 50. The orchard, springtime. 51. The ox-cart, Picardy.

BOGERT, GEORGE H.— 204 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1864. Studied with E. Boudin, Aime Morot, Paris. Associate, Academy of Design, New York; Member of Society of American Artists, New York ; Society of landscape Painters, New York. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila delphia; Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis. Honorable mention, Phila delphia, 1892; Webb Prize S. A. A. 1898 ; First Hallgarten Prize, Acad, emy of Design, New York, 1899. 52. Autumn haze.

BORGERSEN, Hans— 330 West Adams Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Christiana. Norway, 1877. Studied in the Julian Academy and in the Colarossi Academy, Paris. 53. Religieuse.

BRECKENRIDGE, Hugh H.— Fort Washington, Pa. Born in Leesburg, Va. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; and with Bouguereau, Ferrier and Doucet, Paris. Secretary of the Faculty and Instructor in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Member Philadelphia Water Color Clnb. Medal, Atlanta Exposition ; First Charles Toppan Prize, and Travel ing Scholarship, Pennsylvania Academy ; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition of 1900; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Second Corcoran Prize, Washington, D. C. 54. A country road, winter. 55. A morning thaw. Oil Paintings. i7

BROOKS, Maria— 139 West 54th Street, New York, N. Y. Born In Staines, Middlesex, England. Studied in the South Kensing ton and Royal Academy Schools, London. Medals of Crystal Palace Exhibition, and South Kensington Museum, London. Diploma of Melbourne Exhibition, Australia. Award of Merit, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1897, for genre in oil. Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1001. 56. Isabel.

BROWN, Ethelbert W— 13 West 30th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Arizona, 1870. Honorable Mention, Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, 901. 57. The bridge of Cordova. 58. In Flanders.

BROWN, Louise Norton— Lock port, 111. Born in Lock- port. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago, and with William M. Chase. 59. Oraibe Mesa, Arizona.

BROWNE, Charles Francis— 1020 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Natlck, Mass., 1859. Studied in Boston, Phila delphia and Paris. Member Soeiety of Western Artists; Instructor and Lecturer Art Institute, Chicago. Represented in Providence, R. 1. and Union League Club, Chicago. 60. The deserted croft, Isle of Arran, Scotland. 61. Gray day, Isle of Arran.

BROWNE. George Elmer— 207 East 17th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Gloucester, Mass., 1871. Studied in Boston Mu seum of Fine Arts; with Jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert Fleury and at the Julian Academy, Paris. Member of the Salmagundi Club, and Artists' Fund Society, New York. Represented in Boston Art Club. Erie Art Club, and Salmagundi Club, New York. Awarded Medal at Mechanics' Fair, Boston, 1895 ; George Innes, Jr. Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1901. 62. Fishing boats at Boulogne. (Pans salon, 1901). 63. Winter at St. Denis. 18 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BRUESTLE, George M.— 306 East 25th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City. 64. A day in January. 65. Late afternoon.

BUCKLEY, Jeannette— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Born in Toledo, O. Studied in the Art Institute of Chicago. Instructor in the Art Institute. 66. Sketch of Lake Michigan.

BUNDY, John Elwood — Richmond, Ind. 67. In the beech woods. 68. A February morning. 69. Lingering snow. 70. An April day.

BURROUGHS, Bryson— 50 East 86th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hyde Park, Mass., 1869. Member Society American Artists, National Society of Mural Painters, Architectural League. New York. Silver Medal, Buffalo. 71.. The river front.

CALIGA, Isaac Henry— 20 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Auburn. Ind. Studied in Munich. 72. The guardian angel. Oil Paintings. i9

CAMERON, Edgar— 15 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born In Ottawa, 111. Studied in Art Students' League, New York, Chicago Academy of Design, Julian Academy, Ecole dea Beaux Arta, Paris. Represented in Chicago Historical Society and in Union League Club; Arche Club, Chicago Woman's Aid. Member of International Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900. 73. The morning train.

CARLSEN, Emil— 43 East 59th Street, New York, N. Y. Member Society American Artists. 74. Summer night. 75. The sooty kettle.

CARR, I/YELL— Holbein Studios, 146 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 76. Plantation picked.

CHAPMAN, Carlton T.— 58 West 57 Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New London, O. Studied at National Academy of De sign and Art Student's League, New York; and at Julian Academy, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, and American Water Color Society, New York. Silver Medal, Boston, 1892; Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1S93. Medal of Atlanta Expo sition, 1895. 77. Twilight, Littlehampton.

CHASE, Adelaide Cole— (Mrs. Wm. Chester Chase), 95 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Member Society of American Artists. 78. Lady with a muff. The Art Institute of Chicago.

CHASE William Mhrritt-303 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y. Born in Franklin, Ind. Studied in Munich under Carl V. Filoty. Member of National Academy Society o American ArUsU, Piloty.Etching MemDcr Club, American 01 nouuu-! Water Color — Society. Painters in Pastel, New York; and of the Secession, Munich. Represented in Carnegie Insti. tute, Fittsburgh; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadel phia; and in the Art Institute, Chicago. Medal, Munich 1883; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1881; Silver Medal, Paris, 1889; First Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1894; Shaw Prize, Society American Artists, 1895; Member of International Jury of Award, World's Fair. Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 79. Still-life. 80. Portrait of Mrs. C. 81. Portrait of Miss B.

CHERRY, E. Richardson— Anderson Art Co., Wabash Avenue and Madison Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Aurora, 111. Studied with W. M. Chase. 82. Artist's sister.

CLARK, Alson Skinner— 2229 Calumet Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Chicago, 1876. Studied in Paris with Simon, Cottet, Whistler. Mucba and Merson ; in New York with Wm . M. Chase. 83. The black race. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., isos). 84. Watertown in winter. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., isos). 85. A watering place.

CLUTE, Walter Marshall— 6332 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, ill. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., 1870. Studied at Art Students' League New York, and with Constant Laurena, Paris. Member Art Students' League, New York; Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago; Charcoal Club, Buffalo ; American Art Association, Paris ; the Chicago Society of Artists. 86. A glimpse of the lake, Saugatuck. Oil Paintings. 21

COFFIN, William A.— 58 W. 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, 1855. Studied with Bonnat, Paris. Member of National Academy of Design, Society of American Artists, Architectural League, New York Water Color Club, and Municipal Art Society, New York. Represented in the permanent collection of Metropolitan Museum, New York, and in Fine Arts' Academy, Buffalo, N. Y. Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, New York, 1886 ; Bronze medal of Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889 ; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists. 1891 ; Gold medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1898 ; Director of Fine Arts and Member of Superior Jury of Awards, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo 1901 ; Silver medal, Charleston Exposition 1902. 87. Sunrise in winter.

CONNELL, Edwin D.— 7 rue Lemaitre, Puteaux, Seine, France. Born in New York. Studied with Bouguerean, Fleury and Julian Duprd, Paris. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1899. 88. At Villerville. 89. The marsh.

COOPER, Colin Campbell — 1225 Sansom Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied iu Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Julian Academy and Delecleuse Acad emy, Paris. Member of the Art Club ; T Square Club. Philadelphia ; Water Color Club, New York ; Philadelphia Water Color Club; Fellow ship, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Represented in Art Club of Philadelphia. Bronte medal, Atlanta Exposition; W. T. Evans' Prize, New York Water Color Society, 1903. 90. Brayford pool, Lincoln, England. 91. Broadgate, Lincoln. 92. Interior, Lincoln Cathedral. 22 The Art Institute op Chicago.

COOPER, Emma Lamphrt— 1225 Sausom Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Nunda, N. Y. Studied in New York and Paris. Member Woman's International Art Club, London ; Water Color Clnb, Woman's Art Club, New York ; President Plastic Club, member Water Color Club, Philadelphia ; Woman's Art Association of Canada. Medals : Chicago Exposition, Atlanta Exposition. 93. Swiss kitchen.

COULTER, Imogen Adams— Fifth Avenue and East Third Street, Rome, Georgia. Born in Moulton, Alabama, 1868. Excelsior medal. Art Dept. Shorter College, Rome, Ga. 94. A SOnata. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903).

COUSE, E. Irving — Van Dyck Studios, 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Saginaw, Mich., 1866. Studied at National Academy of Design ; Julian Academy and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member American Water Color Society; Black and White Club; New York Water Color Club ; Associate, National Academy of Design. Represented in Omaha National Gallery. Shaw prize and Proctor prize. Salmagundi Club, 1899 ; First and Second Hallgarten prizes, N. A. D., 1900 ; Honorable mention, Paris. 1900 ; Pan American Exposi tion, Buffalo, 1901. 95. The forest camp. 96. Father's return.

COXE, Eliza Middleton— 1305 Arch Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1875. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 97. A stream. 98. April. 99. Early morning across the bay. Oil Paintings. 23

CURRAN, Charles Courtney— 16 W. 61st Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hartford, Ky., 1861. Pupil of the School of De sign, Cincinnati, O., the National Academy of Design, the Art Students' League, New York ; and the Julian Academy, Paris. Member of So ciety of American Artists, American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club, New York ; Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Represented by works in Art Museum, Columbus, 0.; Vassar College Gallery, near Poughkeepsle, N. Y. Second and Third Hallgarten Prize, 1888, and Clarke Prize, 1893, National Academy of Design. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1890. Medals, Chicago and Atlanta ; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 100. Young woman with water lilies. 101. The imprisoned jewel.

CUSHMAN, Lillian S.— 6036 Jefferson Avenue, Chicago, ill. 102. Sketch near Newburyport, Mass. 103. An Ipswich marsh.

D'ASCENZO, Nicola— 38 South 16th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Torricella, Italy. Studied with Mariani and Jacovacci, Rome. Member National Arts' Club, New York ; Philadel phia Sketch Club; Fellowship Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; T. Square Club, Philadelphia, Columbian Exposition Medal; T. Square Club Gold Medal. 104. Golden glow.

DA VIES, Arthur B.— 237 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Utica, N. Y., 1862. 105. Spring — the plough boy. 106. In autumn — a Siegfried idyl. 24 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DAVIS, Charles H.— Box 444, Mystic, Conn. Born in Amesbury, Mass., 1856. Studied with Otto Grundmann, Boston; sad with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York ; A. N. A.; Vice-President Copley Society, Boston. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Coco ran Gallery, Washington; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Art Institute, Chicago. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Gold Medal of Honor, American Art Association, New York; Gold Medal, Boston; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon; Silver Medal, Paris, 1889; Palmer Prize, Chicago; Medal, Chicago, 1893, Medals: Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Atlanta Expo sition; {2,000 Prize, American Art Association, New York; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Prize, Society Wash ington Artists. 107. The great oak.

DICKSON, Mary Estelle— Credit Lyonnais, Boulevard des Italiens, Paris, France. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Luigi Chialiva, Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Repre sented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon; Nashville, Tenn.; and Pan-American Exhibition, Buffalo; Third Cold Medal, Paris Salon, 1902. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposi. tlon, 1900. 108. Sylvie. 109. The end of the novel.

DILL-AYE, Blanche— 1301 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Syracuse, N. Y. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Europe. Member New York Water Color Club; Philadelphia Water Color Club; First President Plastic Club, Philadel phia. Silver Medal, Atlanta; Silver Medal, American Art Society. 110. Moonrise at sunset. 111. The old street, moonlight. Oil Paintings. 25

DODGSHUN, Mrs. A. Van Cleef, 4441 Berkeley Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born In Jersey City, N. J. Studied with George H. Smillie, N. A., of New York City. Member of the Chicago Society of Artists. 112. Winter. 113. Fishing houses. 114. Spring.

DOUGLAS, Walter— 134 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, O. Studied at National Academy of De sign, and with William M. Chase, Art Students' League, New York. 115. The grandam of the flock.

DUDLEY, Frank V. — 494 West Congress Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Delavan, Wis., 1868. Studied at the Art Institute of Chi cago. Member Chicago Society of Artists. 116. When the shadows lengthen.

DUFNER, Edward— Care of Paul King, 62 South Wash ington Square, New York, N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. Studied with Whistler and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of Art Committee, American Art Association, Paris. Represented in Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. J. J. Albright Scholarship, 1893; Honorable Mention, American Art Association, Paris, 1899; First Wanamaker Prize, Amer ican Art Association, Paris, 1900; Medal, Pan-American Exposition; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1902. 117. On the coast of Brittany. (Pari»saion,s.A.F.,i903). 118. The White glove. (Paris Salon, S. A. F.,1903).

DuMOND, Frederick Melville— 22 Rue Petrarque, Paris, France. Born in Rochester, N. Y., 1867. Studied with LefeTjvre, Laurens and Constant, Paris. Represented in Wanamaker Collection. 119. Rome S'amtlSe. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903). 26 The Art Institute op Chicago.

DUNLAP, Hope— 1756 Arlington Place, Chicago, 111. Born in Topeka, Kan., 1881. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 120. A quiet morning.

EATON, Chas. Warren— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1857. Pupil of National Academy of Design, and Art Students' League, New York. Member of American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club; Associate Na tional Academy of Design, New York. 121. Canal at Bruges. (Paris salon, s. a. p.. 1903). 122. Sentinel pines. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 1903). 123. Yellow sunset. 124. Evening in Holland. 125. Holland landscape, sunset. 126. Moonlight — an Exmoor cottage.

ENGLE, Harry L.— 384 Garfield Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Richmond, Ind., 1870. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, 127. Bittern haunt. 128. Meadow kings. 129. Wauponsee.

ERICSON, David— 1005 East Third Street, Duluth, Minn. Born in the United States, 1870. Studied with Whistler, Collin and Prenet, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. 130. Auvers by moonlight. Oil Paintings. 27

ERTZ, Edward — Polperro, Cornwall, England. Born in Chicago, 1ll., 1862. Studied with M. M. Delance, Courtois, Constant, Paris. Member Royal Society of British Artists. Five International Gold Medals; Bronze Medal from Society des Amis des Arts de la Somme, France. 131. The fisherman's son. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1903).

FARNDON, Walter— 1789 Amsterdam Avenue, New York , N. Y. Born in Coventry, England, 1876. Studied in National Academy of Design. Member Country Sketch Club. 132. At play. 133. On the beach. 134. The hillside.

FAULKNER, Herbert W.— 17 Rue Boissonade, Paris, France. Born in Stamford, Conn., 1860. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York ; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Represented in Dal las (Texas) Public Library. Vice-President American Art Association, Paris. Honorable Mention, Pan American Exhibition, Buffalo, 1901. 135. Rialto fruit market, Venice. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 136. Hotel Danielli, Venice— Pont de la Paille.

FBUDEL, Arthur. Katwyk, Holland. Born in Harthan, Saxony, 1857. Studied in Dresden and Munich. 137. Harvest moonrise, Holland.

FITLER, W. C— 12 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied In Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Member Salmagundi Club, Brooklyn Art Club, New York Water Color Club, New York. 188. After a shower. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FLORI AN, WALTEr— 10 East 33d Street, New York, N. Y. Studio, Laren, Holland. Born in New York City, 1878. Studied at Art Students' League, New York. 139. Provincetown fisherman.

FOSTER, Ben— 253 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in North Anson, Maine. Studied at the Art Students* League and with Abbott Thayer, New York; Aimc Morot and Olivier Merson, Paris, Member New York Water Color Club, Society of American Artists, and American National Academy, New York. Represented in Carnegie Art Museum, Fittsburgh, Pa.; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C; Montreal Art Association ; Boston Art Club ; Brooklyn Institute, and the Luxembourg, Paris. Medal. World's Columbian Exposition ; Second prize for water color, Cleveland, Ohio, 1895 ; Silver Medal, Carnegie Galleries, Fittsburgh ; Bronze Medal, Paris, 1900 ; Webb prize, S. A. A. 1901 ; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 140. Nightfall. 141. Late afternoon. 142. Morning mists. 143. On the old farm. 144. A New England pasture. 145. Seed-time. 146. Spring twilight, Litchfield hills.

FOSTER, Charles— Farmington, Conn. Born in North Anson, Maine, 1850. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts with Alex ander Cabanel, Paris. 147. Frosty morning, Farmington, Conn. 148. Midsummer, Farmington, Conn. Oil Paintings. 99

FREDERICK, Frank Forrest — Urbana, 111. Born in Methuen, Mass., 1866. Studied in the Massachusetts Normal Art School: with Tom Robertson, and with Stanhope Forbes. Professor of Art and Design, University of Illinois. 149. St. Michael's Mount, Marazion, Cornwall. 150. St. Ives Bay, Cornwall.

FREER, Cora Fredericka— Holbein Studios, 224 On tario Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied at Art Institute of Chicago, and with Courtois, Merson, Collin, Paris. Member of the Arts' Club, Chicago Society of Artists. 151. Portrait of Miss G. 152. Dolce far niente.

FREER, Frederick Warren— 224 Ontario Street, Chi cago, ill. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Royal Academy, Munich. Asso ciate of National Academy of Design, New York; Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, New York. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901. 153. After the storm.

FRIESEKE, Frederic Carl— 6 Rue Victor Considerant, Paris, France. Born in Owasso, Mich., 1874. Studied in the Art Insti tute, Chicago, and with Benjamin Constant, Laurens, and Whistler, Paris. Associate Member of the Soclete Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Represented in International Society, Paris. 154. The SUnny window. (Paris Salon.S. N.B.A., 1901). 155. Girl in pink. (Paris Salon, S.N.B.A..190S). 30 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FRY, John Hemming — 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Indiana. Studied in the School of Fine Arts, St. Louis; and with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris; Member American Art Asso ciation, Paris; Lotus Club and Salmagundi Club, New York. 156. Reverie. 157. The whispering pines.

FULDE, Edward Bernard— 4 Rue Hervien, Neuilly-sur- Seine, France. Studied with Joseph Bail. Member American Art Association. Paris; Officer d' Academie, France. 158. In Brabant. (Paris Salon.S. A. F., 1908).

FULLER, Henry B.— Windsor, Vt. 159. The Fates.

GARRER, Daniel— 1510 Mount Vernon Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy under V. Nowottny; in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts under T. P. Anshutz. Fint Charles Toppan Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1903. 160. The lake. 161. Summer afternoon. 162. The road to Chester. 163. The island farm. 164. Jessy.

GAULEY, Robert David— 41 Washington Square South, New York, N. Y. Born' in Carnaveigh, Monaghan County, Ireland, 187S. Studied in the Museum of Fine Arts School, Boston, and in the Julian Academy, Paris. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition. 1900. 165. Dutch interior. Oil Paintings. 3i

GAY, Walter— 73 Rue Ampfcre, Paris, France. Born in Hingham, Mass., 1856, Studied with Bonnat, Paris. Fellow for life of Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts, New York; Member Sodyte Na- tionale des Beaux Ars, Paris; Member Secessionists of Munich; Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts, New York; Carnegie Mu seum, Fittsburgh; 'Finakothek Museum, Munich; Museum of Amiens, France, and Luxembourg Museum, Paris. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. 166. Chateau de la Rochette. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 167. The roofs, Fontainebleau. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 168. The balcony, Chateau de Courances. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 169. Interior at Boston, U. S. A. — house of E. Howard Gay, Esq. (Paris Salon.S.N. B. A., 1903).

GIHON, Albert Dakin— 59 Avenue de Saxe, Paris, France. Born in Navy Yard, Kittery, Me., 1866. Studied with Benja min Constant, Jean P. Laurens, Aman Jean, and Georges Moteley, Paris. Medal. Paris Exposition, 1900; Pan-American Exposition, Buf falo, 1901. 170. The sluice at Montigny. 171. Autumn sunshine.

GLACKENS, William James— 13 West 30th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1870. Gold medal, Buffalo Exposition. 172. The lunch counter.

GLAMAN, Eugenie Fish— 353 West 12th Street, Chicago, 111. Born in St. Joseph, Mo., 1873. Studied at the Art Institute, Chi. cago, in London, and with L. Simon, C. Cottet and E. Fremiet, Paris. 173. Feeding the cattle, autumn. 32 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GORHAM, Sidney— 3 Rue VercingStorix. Paris, France. Born in New York, 1868. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and with Bonnat, Paris. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1902. 174. Jesus among the lowly. (Pans salon, s. a. f., 1902) . 175. The birth of the Saviour. (Paris salon, s. a. F.,190s).

GREENE, Mary Shepard — 19 Rue le Verrier, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied with Herbert Adams, Brooklyn ; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Third Medal, Paris Salon ; Gold Medal, 2nd Class, Paris Salon, 1902. 176. Indecision. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903).

GRIFFITH, IvOUis Oscar— 6134 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Greencastle, Ind., 1875. Studied with Frank Reaugh at St. Louis School of Fine Arts and in the Art Institute, Chicago. 177. Along the north shore.

GROLL, Albert h— 215 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New YoikCity, 1866. Studied with Loeftz and Gysis. Mem ber Salmagundi Club, and Artists' Fund Society, New York. Morgan Prize, Salmagundi Club; Honorable Mention, Munich. 178. A Pennsylvania village.

GUYSI, Jeannette — i Adams Avenue West, Detroit, Mich. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in the Colarossi Academy and with Harry Thompson, Paris. Principal, Detroit Art School; Member De troit Society of Women Painters ; Cincinnati Women's Club. 179. The crevasse, Pacific coast.

HALLBERG, Charles Edward— 1013 North Park Avenue, Austin, 111. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1855. 180. Misty morning. 181. A torpedo boat in a storm. Oil Paintings. 33

HANCOCK, JosEPH Lane— 3757 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago, 1864. 182. The evening echo.

HARRISON, Alexander— 6 Rue du Val-de-Grace, Paris, France. Born in Philadelphia, 1853. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, etc., etc. Represented in the Luxembourg Museum ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Dresden Royal Gallery; Art Institute, Chicago, etc. Officer of the Legion of Honor; Officer Instruction Publique. Med. als at Philadelphia, Paris, Munich, Vieuna, Berlin, Ghent, etc., etc. 183. Lune rousse. 184. Caressing waves. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., ido3.)

185. Open sea. 186. Dunes. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903.) 187. Golden evening. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1903.

HARRISON, Birge— Plymouth, Mass. Born in Philadel phia, Pa., 1854. Pupil of Carolus Duran and Cabanel, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Represented in Philadelphia, Chicago. Salon picture of 1881 pur chased by the French government and placed in National Art Mu seum, Marseilles. Silver Medal of Exposition Univeraelle, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Medals: World's Columbian Expo sition, Chicago, 1893; Buffalo, 1901. 188. Sunset on the St. Lawrence. 189. Evening lights. 190. Moonlight near Quebec. 191. October near Quebec 192. A glimpse of the St. Lawrence. 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HARTSON, Walter C— 71 West 137th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Wyoming, la., 1666. Member New York Water Color Club; Salmagundi Club, New York. Represented in the collection of the Crescent Club, Baltimore, Md. Bronze medal, Atlanta, Ga., 1895; Third Hallgarten Prize, N. A., 1898; Gold Medal, American Art So ciety, Philadelphia, Pa., 1902. 193. A moonlight night, Katwyk sea.

HASSAM, Childe— 27 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, 1859. Studied in Boston and Paris. Member of So ciety Ten American Painters; Societ

HASTINGS, Helen M.— 5532 Girard Avenue, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Rochester, N. Y. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Member of the Plastic Club, Philadelphia. 196. An Irish type. 197. Street children.

HAVENS, BELLE— Newark, O. Studied in New York and in Paris. Third Hallgarten Prize, 1902-3. 198. Gray day. Oil Paintings. 35

HEEBNER, Ann— Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with H. H. Breckenridge. 199. A boy.

HENRI, Robert— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in United States of America, 1865. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; at the Julian Academy and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Represented in Musee Natiouale de Luxembourg, Paris. Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 200. Rock and sea. 201. Portrait.

HERGENROEDER, Emilie— 253 West Hoffmann Street, Baltimore, Md. Born in Germany. 202. Lilacs.

H1LDEBRANDT, Howard Logan— 27 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Allegheny, Pa., 1872. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member Salmagundi Club, New York. 203. Unloading cod at Gloucester.

HITCHCOCK, GEORGE— Egmond -ann-Hoef, Holland. Boru in Providence, R. I. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Munich Secession, Paris Society of Artists, Vienna Academy. Represented in the Art Institute of Chicago; Dresden Gal lery; Detroit Art Museum; Royal Collection, Vienna. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1887. Medal American Artists' Association, New York, 1887; Gold Medal, Paris, 1889; Gold Medal, Berlin, 1891; Medal, Chi. cago, 1893; Gold Medal, Dresden, 1897; Gold Medal, Vienna, 1898; Munich, 1901; Officer Frani Joseph Order, Austria. 204 . Morning. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903.) 205. The garden. (Paria salon, s. a. f„ 190s.) 36 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HOMER, Wlnslow — Scarboro, Maiue. Bora in Boston, Mass., 1836. Studied at the National Academy of Design, New York, and in Paris. Member National Academy of Design. Represented in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and in Carnegie Institute, Fittsburgh. First Chronological Prize, Carnegie Institute,! 1896; Gold medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901. 206. Below zero. Lent by M. O'Brien & Son.

HOPKINS, George E.— 119 South Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Covington, Ky. Studied in the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, and with Frank Duveneck. 207. Chickens.

HOPKINSON, Charles— 5 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Cambridge, Mass., 1869. Studied in New York, Boston and in Paris. Member Society American Artists. Bronze Medal. Pan-Ameri can Exposition, Buffalo. Second Prize Worcester Annual Exhibition. 208. Estlin Cummings. Lent^>y Rev. Edward Cummings. 209. Hills and woods.

HORTON, William Samuel— 64 Ruedela Rochefoucauld, Paris, France. Born in Grand] Rapids, Mich., 1865. Studied at Art Students' League, and National Academyjof Design, New York ; in Julian Academy, and with Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Member of New York Water Color Club, and Salmagundi Club, New York. 210. A farm at Mouxy, Aix-les-Bains. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903). 211. Sheep in the pasture, Thun, Switzerland. Oil Paintings. 37

HOWE, William Henry— Bronxville, New York. Born in Ravenna, Ohio, 1846. Studied with Otto de Sharen and Vuillefroy in Paris. Member of National Academy and Salmagundi Club ; Life Member of Lotus Club, New York. Represented in St. Louis Museum Fine Arts and in Cleveland Museum. Honorable mention at World's Exposition. New Orleans, 1885 ; Paris Salon. 1886. Medal of the third class, Paris Salon, 18SS; second class, Exposition Universelle, 1889. Hors Coucours, Paris Salon, 1890. Temple gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1890. Grand Gold medal, London, 1890. Gold medal, Boston, 1890. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Gold medal of Midwinter Exposition, San Francisco, 1894. Gold medal of Atlanta Exposition, 1895. Offider d'Acadymie, Paris, 1896. Silver medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 212. Noouday rest, pastures of Lyme, Conn.

HOWLAND, George— 169 Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris, France. 213. Sheep in the heather. (ParisSaion, s.nb. a., 1903.)

HUBBELL, Henry S. — American Art Association, 74 Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Paris, France. Born in Paola, Kansas, 1870. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago; with Raphael, Collin, Whistler, Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris, Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1901. 214. The return. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902.) 215. Mother and son. (Pariasaion, s. a. f.,i90s.) 216. Repose. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 190J.) Lent by Mrs. Charles Hitchcock. 217. Interior.

HUDSON, Anna Hope— 33 Avenue d'Antin, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y. 218. Autumn sunset at Moret-sur-Loing. 219. View from my window. 38 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HURD, L. Frederic— 402 West 20th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. 220. A summer sea.

HURLEY, E. T.— 34 West 5th Street, Newport, Ky. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1869. Studied in Cincinnati Art School, with F. Duveneck. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 221. Dry creek, Kentucky. 222. Rocks, Put in-Bay. 223. The Maxwell, Detroit river.

INNESS, GEORGE, Jr.— 381 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Paris, France, 1854. Studied with George Inness, Sr., and Leon Bonnat. Member National Academy, New York ; Society of American Artists, New York. Gold Medal, American Art Association ; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1896. 224. End of the day.

IRVINE, WILSON H.— 1246 West 5th Street, Chicago, 111. 225. Over the creek.

JONES, Lova P.— 288 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Studied in the Art Institute of Chicago. 226. The moor. Oil Paintings. 39

JORDAN, David Wilson — Art Club, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., 1859. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the FineArts, and with Thomas Eakins. Fellowship Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts, Member of the Sketch Club, and of the Art Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Art Club of Philadelphia and Philadel phia Sketch Club. 227. Pallanza. 228. Beau-Rivage.

KARFUNKXE, David— Leonia Heights, N. J. Born in Austria, 1880. Studied at the Academy in New York, and in Munich, Bavaria. 229. Holland.

KLOPPER, Zan D.— 507 Evergreen Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Russia, 1870. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and in the Julian Academy, Paris. 230. Study in light.

KLUMPKE, Anna Elisabeth — Chateau de Rosa Bonheur, By-Thomery (Seine-et-Marne) France. Born in San Francisco, Cal. Studied with Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lefebvre and de Vuillefroy, Paris. Represented in Philadelphia Museum. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1885 ; Bronze Medal, Exposition Universale, 1889 ; Gold Medal, Philadelphia, 1889 ; Silver Medal, Versailles. 231. Maternal affection. (Pans salon, s. a. f., 1903.)

KOENIG, Elsa— 1631 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in the Philadelphia School of Designs ; with Elliott Dainger- field, and with Dagnan-Bouveret, Paris. 232. Angel o. 40 The Art Institute of Chicago.

L-ATHROP, W. L— New Hope, Pa. Born in Warren, 111., 1859. Associate, National Academy ol Design, New York. Represented in Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Webb Prize, S.A.A.; Evans Prize, Water Color Society, New York; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia; 2nd Prize, Worcester. 233. The old barn at Limeport.

IAWSON, Ernest— 453 W. 155th Street, New York, N. Y. 234. Moonlight.

LEONARD, George Henry, Jr. — 17 Rue Boissouade, Paris, France. Born in Boston, Mass., 1889. Studied with GerOme. Bouguerean, Aman-Jean, Paris. 235. An autumn pastoral, France. 236. December sunlight, Concarneau.

LINDIN, Carl Olof Eric— Woodstock, Ulster Co., New York. Born in Sweden, 1869. Studied with J. P. Laurens, B. Con stant and Aman-Jean, Paris. Member of American Art Association tion, Paris ; Chicago Society of Artists. 237. The moonlit house.

LORENZ, Richard— 72 Mitchell Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Weimar. Germany, 1858. Studied in Weimar, with Breudel, Hagen and Teede. 238. The coming storm. 239. Home industry. Oil Paintings. 4i

LOW, WlIA H. — Lawrence Park, Brouxville, New York. Born in Albany, 1853. Studied with Carolus Duran, Paris. Ex-Vice- President Architectural League; Delegate (S. A.A.) to Fine Arts Pedera - tion. New York; Member Society American Artists, National Academy of Design, Mural Painters New York. Represented in Metropolitan Mu seum, New York ; Hlllyer Art Gallery, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Second Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Medal Colum. bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exhibition, 1900. 240. An Arcadian fount.

LUDWIG, Alexis— Leonia, N. J. Born in Vienna, 1861. 241. Stormy twilight, Coytesville, N. J.

MacEWEN, Walter— 11 Place Pigalle, Paris, France. Born in Chicago, 111. Studied with Cormon and Tony Robert-Fleury, Paris. Represented in museums of Brussels, Liege, Magdebourg, Buda pest, Luxembourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp; Gold Medals. City of Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur ; Lippincott Prize, Philadelphia ; Harris Prize, Chicago. 242. A game of chess. 243. Rehearsing. 244. "Lucie" (study). 245. The letter.

MacLAUGHLAN, Donald Shaw— 8 Rue de la Grande Chaumiere, Paris. Born in America, 1878. Represented Paris National Library, by etchings. Silver Medal Pan-American Exposition, 1901, for etchings. 246. The smithies. 42 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MACMONNIES, Mary— (Mrs. Frederick MacMormies), Giveruy, par Vernon, Eure. France. Born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts; in Academy Julian, and with Carolus-Duran, Pans. "Associd" Socidte Nationale dea Beaux Arts (Champa de Mara Salon) Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York ; President American Woman's Art Club, Paris. Repre sented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; Museum of Fine Arts, Rouen, France. Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Bronze Medal. Paris, 1900; Gold Medal. Dresden; Medal, Rouen ; Bronze Medal, Buffalo ; Julia A. Shaw Prize, Society American Artists, New York. 247. A studio in the country, (Normandy). 248. An autumn melody.

MACOMBER, Mary L — 4 Harcourt Studios, Boston, Mass. Born at Fall River, Mass., 1861. Studied in Museum of Fine Arts, Bos ton. Represented in the permanent collection of that institution. Member Copley Society of Boston. Medals : Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1895, and International Exposition, Atlanta, 1895 ; Norman W. Dodge Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. 1897. Honorable Mention, Carnegie Institute, 1901. 249. Death and the captive.

MAGEE. James C— 3630 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; with W. M. Chase, New York, and with R. Henri, Paris. Member American Art Society. Silver Medal American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1902. 250. Atlantic City meadows, N. J. 251. Composing. 252. Evening.

MAHLER, Rebecca— 291 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1871. Studied with William M. Chase and Henry Mosler. 253. Study of a head. 254. Still-life. Oil Paintings. 43

DE MARE, George— Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Bagni di Lucca, Italy, 1868. Studied in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and Julian Academy, Paris. 255. Portrait of Wilhelm Middelschulte.

MAURER, Alfred H.— 9 Rue Falguiere, Paris, France. Born in New York City, 1868. Studied at National Academy of Design. Member Salmagundi Club. Represented in Memorial Hall Museum, Philadelphia. Innesa Jr. Prize; Fint Prize at Worcester Art Museum ; Bronze Medal, Buffalo. 256. Le trottin. (ParisSalon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 257. The last dance at the " Bal Bullier." (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 258. Confection. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 190J).

MAYER, Louis— 134 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, 1869. Studied in Weimar; Munich: and in Julian School, Pans. 259. Miss Pert. 260. Portrait, arrangement in white.

McCORD, WrLLiAM A.— 52 Blymyer Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 261. Wild roses. 262. Kentucky home.

McLANE, M. Jean— 43 South Washington Square, New York, N.Y. Born in Chicago, II1., 1878. Studied with Frank Duveneck, with William M. Chase, at the Art Institute, Chicago. 263. Girl in gray. 264. Portrait of a child. 265. Early spring, late afternoon. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MENZLER, Bertha S.— 6922 Union Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago; with Olivier Mersou, Raphael Collin and Aman-Jean, Paris. 266. The cloud.

MERSFELDER, Jui.eS R.— 22 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in California. 267. The millpond, Delavan, Wis.

METEYARD, Thomas Buford— Scituate, Mass. 268. Winter.

METHVEN, Harry Wallace — 4944 Washington Avenue, Chicago, 111. 269. A spring vista. 270. A midsummer night.

MILLER, Richard E. — 14 Rue Boissonade, Paris, France, Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Gold medal. Salon des Artistes Francais. 271. Study. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903).

MILLESON, Royal Hill— 62 North Washtenaw Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Batavia, Ohio, 1849. Studied in Chicago Art Academy. Member Boston Art Club. 272. A hillside spring. Oil Paintings. 45

MORA. F. LUIS— 142 E. 18th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Montevideo, S. A., 1874. Studied in School of Drawing and Painting, Boston, and in Art Students' League, New York. Member Society of Black and White; Associated Illustrators; Architectural League; Municipal Art Society; Salmagundi Club, New York. Decora tions in Lynn Public Library, Lynn, Mass. Represented in Boston Art Club. Gold Medals, Philadelphia Art Club, 1001 ; American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1902. 273. Vacation time. 274. The court of the jewels.

MORAN, LEON — East Hampton, Long Island. Born in Philadelphia, IBM. Studied with Edward Moran and in National Academy of Design. Member of American Water Color Society of New York. Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia. 275. Spring.

MOSLER, Gustave Henry— 309 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Born in Munich. Studied with his father, Henry Mosler, with L. Bonnat and Julien Dupre, Paris. Represented in Erie Museum. Medal. Paris Salon, 1901 ; Gold medal, Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1902. 276. The old church interior, L,e Faouet, Brittany. 277. De profundis.

MUMFORD, Alice— Bethlehem, Pa. Born in Philadel phia, 1875. 278. The little Italian.

MURPHY, Hermann Dudley — Copley Hall, Boston, Mass. Born in Massachusetts. Studied in Paris. Member Boston Water Color Club ; New York Water Color Club. 279. The harvest moon. 280. Mr. Twombly of Winchester. 281. L,indin. 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

NEEDHAM, Charles Austin— 145 . E. 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., 1844. Studied at the Art Students' League; and with August Will, New York City. Member New York Water Color Club, and the Arts Club of New York. Medal and Honor able Mention Atlanta International Exposition, 1695, First Honorable Mention. Syracuse, New York, 1898 ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. 282. Valley of the St. Regis. 283. Twin Falls of the Plaaterkill.

NICOLL, James Craig— 51 West 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, N. Y., 1847. Studied with M. F. H de Haas. Member of National Academy of Design ; American Water Color Society; New York Etching Club, etc. Medal at New Orleans. 1884 ; Paris, 1889 ; Atlanta, 1894 ; New York Prize Fund ; Boston Charitable Mechanics' Institute. 284. California coast.

NORTON, William Edward— 1931 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Barn in Boston, Mass., 1843. Studied in Lowell Institute, Boston ; with George Inness, and in Paris. Member of Boston Art Club. Represented in Chamber of Commerce, Boston ; Converse Library, Maiden, Mass.; Gloucester Town Hall, Mass.; Boston Art Club. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895 ; two gold medals in America. 285. When the wind blows fair.

OCHTMAN, Leonard — Cos Cob, Conn. Born in Holland. Member Society of American Artists; American Water Color Society; Society American Landscape Painters New York; NewYork WaterColor Club; Brooklyn Art Club. Prize, Brooklyn Art Club; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club ; medals World's Fair, 1898; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston, 1902 ; Morgan Water Color Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1902 ; Shaw Fund Prize, Society American Artists, 1902 ; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy. 1903 ; Evans Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1903. 280. The solitary road. Oil Paintings. 47

PALMER, Pauline L. — 731 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bom in McHeury, 111. tudied in the Art Institute, Chicago ; wilh Raphael Collin, Simon and Prinet, Paris. Member Chicago Society of Artists; President Lake View Art Club. Represented in Nike and Kilo Clubs. Silver Medal, Portrait Contest, Paris, 1903. 287. RogierO. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1903).

PALMER, Walter Launt, N. A.— 5 Lafayette Street, Albany, N. Y. Born in Albany. 1854. Pupil of F. E. Church, Hudson, N, Y., and Carolus Duran, Paris, France. Member of the National Academy of Design, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, etc. Honors received : Hallgarten Prize, New York, 1887 ; Medal, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893 ; Gold Medal, Philadelphia, 139t ; Evans Prize, New York, 1895; First Prize, Boston, 1895 ; Second Prize, Nashville Centennial, 1897 ; Honor able Mention, Paris, 1900 ; Silver Medal, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston, 1903. 288. Winter's magic

P VPE, Eric — 144 Lancaster Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Bjrn in San Francisco, Cal., 1870. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts; and with Boulanger, Lefebvre, Constant and Laurens, Paris. Director Eric Pape School of Art, Boston; Member of the Society of Arts, London. Five Medals; Several Honorable Mentions. 289. Flying clouds and mists, very early morning, from the summit of Mt. Monaduock.

PARTON, Arthur— 11 Belmont Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y. Born in Hudson, N. Y. Member National Academy, New York; American Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Metro, politan Museum of Art; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C. Gold Medal, American Art Association, 1887; Temple Medal, Pennsyl vania Academy; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889. 290. A winter evening. 291. An October evening. 48 The Art Institute of Chicago.

PATTISON, James Wm.— Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Boston, 1844. Pupil of Professor Albert Flamm. Dussel- dorf. and Luigi Chialivi, Paris. First exhibited at Paris Salon, 1879. Member of Chicago Architectural Club; Director of the Municipal Art League, Chicago; on the lecture staff of the Art Institute, Chicago; Secretary of the Chicago Society of Artists. Medal of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1881. 292. The stilly night.

PERKINS, Mary Smyth— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. 293. Luxembourg gardens. 294. Summer in Luxembourg gardens.

PERRINE. Van Dearing — The Palisades, Englewood, N. J. Born in Kansas, 1889. Member Country Sketch Clnb, New York. Silver Medal, Charleston. 295. Thunder storm. 296. Autumn. 297. The hermit. 298. My nearest neighbor.

PERRY, Enoch Wood, Jr., N. A. — Century Association, 7 West 43d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston, Mass., 1831. Studied with E Leutze: and with T. Couture, Paris. Member National Academy of Design; Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts. 299. Swing partners. Oil Paintings. 49

THILBRICK, ALI.EN Erskine— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 300. Portrait of Mr. James William Pattison.

POORE, Henry Rankin— 45 Ridge Street, Orange, N. J. Born in Newark, N. J., 1859. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Flue Arts, Philadelphia; National Academy ol Design, and with Peter Moran, New York; with Lumenais and Bouguerean, Paris. Associate National Academy of Design, New York. Represented in Art Club of Philadelphia; the Worcester Museum; and in Buffalo. First Prize, American Art Association; Hallgarten Prize, N. A.; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 301. The end of the trail.

POST, May Audubon— 1523 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Fellowship of the Academy of the Fine Arts. 302. Portrait.

POTTHAST, Edward Henry— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, O. Studied in Paris and Munich. Member National Academy; New York Water Color Society; and New York Water Color Club. Represented in Boston Art Club; Cincinnati Art Museum, and Atlanta. Thomas B. Clark Prize and Evans Prize. 303. The waning day. 304. Day of the races, Provincetown.

PRICE, Wiiaard Bertram— 857 South 15th Street, Newark, N. J. Born in Newark, 1872. Studied at the National Acad emy of Design; and with William M. Chase, New York. 305. On the rocky coast of Newfoundland. 50 The Art Institute of Chicago.

PURVIS, W. G.— 300 South Oakley Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member Palette and Chisel Club. 306. Evening shades. 307. The claybank. 308. As the shadows longer grow.

QU ALLEY, Lena— 70 Vis Rue Notre Dame-des-Champs, Paris, France. Born in Decorah, la. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; and with MacMonnies, de la Gandara, Simon and Cottet, Paris. 309. Portrait of Louise. (Paris salon s. n. b. a. iws) 310. In the Studio. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A. 1908)

RAAB, GEORGE— Layton Art Gallery, Milwaukee, Wis. 311. Peonies. 312. Autumn.

RECKNAGEL, John H., Jr. — Fonesnant, Finistere, France. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1870. 313. Young girl. Paris Salon, S. N. B. A. 1903 314. Portrait of a young girl. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A. 1903)

REDFIELD, Edward W.— Centre Bridge, Bucks County, Pa. Born in Bridgeville, Del., 1869. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; with Bouguereau and Fleury, Paris. Member of the Art Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Cor coran Art Gallery, Washington ; in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, Bronze Medal. Paris Exposition, 1900; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposi tion, Buffalo, 1901; Temple Gold Medal, Philadelphia, 1903. 315. Canal, twilight. Oil Paintings. 5i

REDMOND, John J.— 58 West 57th Street, New York. Born in Salem, Mass. Studied at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Mem. ber of New York Water Color Club. Represented in the Gallery of the School of Design, Providence, R. I. 316. The last glow: midwinter in Switzerland.

REHN, F. K. M.— 222 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Represented in Detroit Art Museum; Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery. First Prize for Marine Painting, St. Louis, 1882; Prize of $250 at Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885; Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; Honorable Mention, Exposition Universelle, 1900; Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 317. The end of a stormy day.

RITSCHEL, William— 14 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Nuremberg, Germany, 1864. Studied in Munich under Professor Carl Raupp. Member of the Art Society, Philadelphia; and Salmagundi Club, New York. Represented in the Salmagundi Clnb. 318. Dawn at sea.

ROBERTS, Elizabeth Wentworth— 489 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1871. Studied with Jules Lefebvre, Paris. Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1892. 319. The Norwegian bride. 320. Sunshine and shadow. 321. The boy with the violin. 322. Pinxter. 52 The Art Institute of Chicago.

ROLSHOVEN, JULIOS— Palazzo Davanzati, Florence, Italy. Born in Detroit, Mich., 1858. Studied in Munich and Paris. Associate National Society of the Fine Arts, Paris ; Member of Secession Society, of Munich, Pastel Society of London ; Hors Concours, Salon des Champs Elycees. Medals : Paris, Antwerp, Chicago, Buffalo. Honor able Mention : Paris, Berlin, Munich. 323. Night at the monastery. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A. 1903)

ROSENTHAL, Albert— 1529 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Gerome and in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 324. Portrait of Mr. Clifford Grayson.

ROTH, Ernest David — The Miller Building, 65th Street and Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Stuttgart, Germany, 1879. Studied in National Academy of Design. 325. The stable.

RYDEN, Henning— Holbein Studios, 224 Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Sweden, 18S9. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, in Berlin and London. Member of Chicago Society of Artists. 326. The watching pines. 327. Cherry bushes. 828. A rough northeaster. 329. Morning in the woods. 330. Portrait of Mrs. H.

SANDS, Ethel— 33 Avenue d'Antin, Paris, France. Born in Newport, R. I. 331. Interior. (Paris Salon S. N. B. A. 1903.) Oil Paintings. 53

SARGEANT, Geneve— 34 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in San Francisco. Member of the Chicago Society of Artists. 332. Miss Ruby Everett. 333. Sketch portrait. 334. Margaret. 335. Fisher's rock.

SARGENT, John Singer— London. Born in Florence, of American parents, in 1856. Studied with Carolus Duran, Paris, Member of Society of American Artists , Royal Academician, 1891 ; Member National Academy of Design, N.Y. 1897; Member Societe National des Beaux Arts. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1879. Medal, Paris, 1881, Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition Universelle, 1889, Cbevalier Legion d'Honneur, 1889 ; Officier, 1897. Medal, World's Pair, Chicago, 1893 ; Temple Gold Medal, 1894 ; Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1900. Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 336. William M. Chase. Portrait painted for presentation to the Metropolitan Museum, New York, by former pupils of Mr. Chase.

SAWE, Henry Leonard — 7 Rue Victor Considerant, Paris, France. Born in Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute, Chi cago, and with Simon, Cottet and Lawton Parker, Paris. Member of the American Art Association, Paris. 337. The white flowers. (Paris Salon, S. A. F. 1908.)

SCOTT, Mrs. E. M — 142 E. 18th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Spring-water, N. Y. Studied at Art Students' League, New York, and in Paris. V.-President New York Water Color Club ; Mem ber of National Arts ; President Woman's Art Club. Represented in Erie Public Library. Medal at Atlanta, Honorable Mention, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, Prize at Woman's Art Club, 1902. 338. Pink roses. 54 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SEWELL, Brewster— 25 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied in New York and Paris. Associate National Academy of Design. Represented in Boston Art Club. Bronze Medal, World'a Pair, Chicago ; Bronze Medal, Pan American Expo, ition, Buffalo ; Silver Medal, Charleston ; Clark Prize, New York ; Dodge Prize. 339. Portrait of Miss Pier.

SEWELL, Robert Van Vorst— 25 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1860. Studied with Lefebvre and Boulanger, Paris. Associate National Academy of Design ; Member Society Mural Painters; Architectural League, N.Y. Author of Canter, bury Frieze. Georgian Court, N. J.; Cupid and Psyche Allegorical Ser ies, Hotel St. Regis. Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition. 340. Sea urchins.

SHIRLAW, Walter— 160 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Paisley, Scotland. Studied in New York, Philadelphia and in Munich. Member Academy of Design; Society of Mural Painters; Water Color Society; Founder and First President Society American Artists ; Member of the Etching Club, New York. Represented in Indianapolis Art Association ; Smith College, Northampton. Mass.; Art Gallery, Buffalo ; The Art Institute of Chicago ; Century Associa tion, New York. Medals in Munich and Paris. Honorable mention Buffalo, Atlanta, Philadelphia. 341. Outside Fontabranda wash-house, Siena.

SHURTLEFF, RoswELL Morse—44 W. 22d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Rindge, N. H. Studied at Lowell Institute, Bos ton ; Academy of Design, New York, Member National Academy, American Water Color Society, Salmagundi Club, New York. Repre sented in Metropolitan Museum, New York ; Springfield Art Museum ; Fitchburg Art Museum ; Smith College Art Museum. 342. The big rock. Oil Paintings. 55

SLOAN, John— 806 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bom in Lock Haven, Pa., 1871. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Robert Henri, Philadelphia. 343. Independence Square, Philadelphia. 344. Young mother.

SMITH, Charles L. A.— 632 W. Adams Street, Chicago, 111. 345. Evening tones. 346. As I listened to the echoes. 347. A sear of gold.

SMITH, DE Cost— Holbein Studios, 146 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Skaneateles, New York, 1864. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York ; in the Julian Academy, with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. 348. The frontier mail.

SMITH— Georgine W. Wetherill— 2014 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1873. Studied in the Penn sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Robert Henri. 349. On the Delaware. 350. The Schuylkill.

SMITH, LETTA Crapo— 789 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Born in Detroit, 1862. Studied with Julius Rolshoven, with George Hitchcock, and at the Julian Academy, Paris. 351. The first birthday. (Paris salon, s. n. b.a.,1903). 56 The Art Institute of Chicago.

STACEY, Anna L.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Glasgow, Mo. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. Member Chicago Society of Artists. Voung Fortnightly Prize, 19U2. Martin B. Cahn Prize, 1902. 352. The Sofie. 353. In the garden.

STACEY, John F.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Biddeford, Maine. Studied in Massachusetts State Normal Art School ; and in Julian Academy, Paris. Vice-President Chicago Society of Artists. 354. Along the sound. 355. Morning in August, Mystic, Conn.

STEELE, Theodors C. — Security Trust Building, India napolis, Ind. Born in Owen County, Ind. Studied in the Royal Academy, Munich. Member Society Western Artists. Represented in Boston Art Club ; Museum Association, Cincinnati ; Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis, and in the Museum of Fine Arts, Indianapolis. Hon orable mention Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1900. 356. Mount San Bernardino, Southern California.

STERBA, Antonin— 46 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Born in Hermanec, Moravia. Studied at the Art Institute, and Art Academy, Chicago; and at the Julian Academy, Paris. 357. Portrait.

STROM, Gustaf Adolf— 8866 Winchester Avenue, Chi cago, 1ll. Born in Sweden, 1872. 358. Early moonrise. Oil Paintings. 57

SWETT, Wiuiam Otis— 139 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Worcester, Mass. 359. Dawn. 360. Autumn moonrise.

TARBELL, Edmund C— 24 Alban Street, Dorchester, Mass. Born in West Groton, Mass., 1862. Studied with Boulanger and Leffcbvre, Academy Julian, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York ; Associate of National Academy of Design, Society Ten American Painters, New York. Clarke Prize, Shaw Fund Prize, and First Hallgarten Prize, New York. 361. Girl with dog.

THAYER, Abbott Henderson— Monadnock, N. H. Born in Boston, Mass., 1849. Studied with Henry D. Morse, Boston ; with J. B. Whittaker, Brooklyn, and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Lehmann and Gerome. Member and during two years President Society of American Artists ; Associate National Academy of Design ; Member National Society of Arts and Letters. First Prize Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts; Temple, and other Medals. 362. Winged figure inscribed to R. L,. Stevenson. Lent by J. J. Albright, Esq., Buffalo.

TROCCOLI, Giovanni Battista — 16 Hudson Street, Bos ton, Mass. 363. Portrait.

ULL-MAN, Eugene Paul — Care Messrs. Lazard Freres et Cie, 17 Boulevard Poissonniere, Paris, France. Born in New York. Studied with William M. Chase, New York. Member Associe de la Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts. 364. Woman standing at a glass. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903.) 58 The Art Lnstitute of Chicago.

VAIL,, Eugene — 87 Rue Ampere, Paris, France. Born in St. Servan, France, of American parents. Studied with Cabanel, Chase, Ecoledes Beaux Arts, Paris; and at the Art Students' League, New York. Member Societd Nationale des Beaux Arts. Represented in Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington. Legion of Honor ; Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 ; Diploma of Honor, Berlin, etc. 365. Saint Mark's. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., ihb). 366. Grand Canal, Venice. (Paris saion.s.N.B. a.,i903). 367. Old walls, Venice. (Paris Salon, S.N. B. A., 1903). 368. Rio della Veste, Venice. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1903). 369. Red Canal in Venice.

VAN LAER, Alexander T.— 30 East 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Auburn, N. Y., 1857. Studied with R. Swain Git ford and with George Poggenberk. Member Salmagundi Club, Artists' Fnnd Society, Lotus Club, Associate National Academy of Design, N. Y. Represented in Lotus Club. Bronze Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 370. Rainy day.

VOORHEES, Clark Greenwood— 1 W. 68th Street, New York, N. Y. Born In New York, 1871. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York, and with Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Member Salmagundi Club, New York. 371. Colebrook Centre.

WADSWORTH, Frank W.— Hotel Luzerne, North Clark and Center Street, Chicago, i11. Born in Chicago, 1874. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and at New York School of Art, with Wm. M. Chase. 372. Canoe Place, Long Island. Oil Paintings. 59

WADE, Caroline D. — 728 Athenaeum Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and with Gustave Courtols, Paris. 373. Girl embroidering.

WALCOTT, Harry M.— 124 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Connecticut, 1870. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris; W. H. Low, New York. Member American Art Association. Paris ; Salmagundi Club, New York. Honorable Men tion, Paris Salon, 1897 ; Havemeyer Scholarship of New York, 1894, and American Art Association prizes. Medal Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 374. In wonderland.

WALGREN, Anders G.— 6331 Green Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Sweden, 1870. 375. Meadow brook. 376. While the sun shines.

WATKINS, Susan— 1 Rue du Val-de-Grace, Paris, France. Born in California, 1875. Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Honor able Mention, Societe des Artistes Francais Salon, 1899. Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1901. 377. In the Window. (Paris Salon, S. A. F.. 1903).

WATSON, Dawson— Woodstock, New York. Born in London, Eng., 1864. Studied with Leon Glaize, Aime Morot, Carolus Duran, Luc Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin, Paris. 378. Aster. 379. Cooper's L,ake. 6o The Art Institute of Chicago.

WEIR, J. Alden— 11 East 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in West Point, N. Y. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and with L. Gerome, Paris. Member Society Ten American Painters; National Academy of Design; Water Color Society; Etching Club, N. Y. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; and in the Penn sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Seven Silver Med als; four Gold Medals; five Bronze Medals; one Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. 380. Children on donkey back, 381. Early spring. 382. Overlooking the village of Windham.

WEIR, John Ferguson — Yale School of Fine Arts, New Haven, Conn. Born in West Point, N. Y., 1811. Member National Academy of Design, New York; Director of the Yale School of Fine Arts, New Haven, Conn. 383. Portrait of Elihu Vedder.

WHEELER, Janet— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Detroit, Mich. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and in the Julian Academy, Paris. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia: Fellowship P. A. F. A., Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize; Mary Smith Prize, P. A. F. A.; Art Club Gold Medal, Phila delphia. 384. Impatient. 385. Mother and child.

WHITEMAN, S. Edwin— 5 West Mulberry Street, Balti more, Md. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Boulanger, Lefebvre and Constant, Paris. Instructor in Johns Hopkins University and Charcoal Club Art School. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1889. 386. Summer morning. Oil Paintings. 61

WHITTEMORE, William J.— 318 W. 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied in New York and in Paris under Lef6bvre and Benjamin Constant. Associate member National Academy of Design, Member American Water Color Society, N. Y. Water Color Club, American Society of Miniature Painters, N. Y. Rep resented in Boston Art Club, Atlanta Art Museum. Silver Medal Paris, 1889; Bronze Medal, Atlanta, Ga.; Bronze Medal, Charleston 1902. 387. Bijou.

WILLIAMS, Frederick Ballard— New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1871. Studied at the National Academy of Design and with C. Y. Turner and William Hamilton Gibson, New York. Member New York Water Color Club ; Salmagundi Club, New York. Represented in Atlanta, Ga., Museum. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition. 388. Maidenhood.

WOODBURY, Charles Herbert— 104 Clarendon Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Lynn, Mass., 1864. Studied at the Julian Acad emy, Paris. Member Society American Artists; President Boston Water Color Club. Gold medal, Atlanta ; second prize, Nashville prize, Boston Art Club ; three medals, Mechanics' Association, Boston medal, Paris, 1900 ; Buffalo, 1901 ; first prize, Worcester, 1903. 389. Off the Florida coast. 390. Morning after a storm.

YATES, CULLEN— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in Bryan, Ohio. Studied in National Academy of Design and with William M. Chase, New York ; at the Scale des Beaux Arts, Julian Academy, with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of the Salmagundi Club, New York. 391. Twilight. 392. Autumn. 62 The Art Institute of Chicago.

YOUNG, Charles Morris— 1520 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born ia Gettysburg, Pa., 1869. Studied in the Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, under R. W. Vonnoh; in Academy Colarossi, Paris. Member of American Artists* Associa tion, Paris ; Academy of Fine Arts Fellowship. Represented in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Toppau Prize and Honor able Mention at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Honorable Mention Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 393. Windy evening in October. 394. Evening after thaw. 395. Midwinter. 396. The village, winter morning. SCULPTURE BRACKEN, Julia M.— 19 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Apple River, 1ll., 1871. Studied at the Art Institute and with Lorado Taft. Member of the Chicago Society of Artists; Society of Western Artists. 397. Portrait of an artist. Plaster.

HIBBARD, Frederick Ct.evei.and — 6551 Ingleside Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. 398. Bust of Miss C. Plaster. 399. Statuette. Plaster.

VONNOH, BESSIE Potter— 25 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in St. Louis, Mo., 1872. Studied at the Art Institute, Chi cago. Represented in the Gallery of the Art Institute, Chicago. 400. Bust of baby. Plaster. 401. His first journey. Plaster. 402. A sketch. Plaster. 403. Mother and babe. Plaster. 404. A study. Plaster.

WALKER, NELLIE V.— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 405. Portrait bust of Dr. W. G. Walker. Plaster. Lent by Dr. W. G. Walker.







PRINTED FOR THE ART INSTITUTE CHICAGO, 1904 15609b! TRUSTEES OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO ! 1904-1905 MARTIN A. RYERSON edward e. ayer SAMUEL M. NICKERSON frank g. logan ADOLPHUS C. BARTLETT john c. black JOHN J. MITCHELL john j. glessner ALBERT A. SPRAGUE charles l. hutchinson SAMUEL E. BARRETT bryan lathrop CHAUNCEY J. BLAIR r. hall Mccormick STANLEY MCCORMICK clarence buckingham HENRY H. GETTY arthur orr MARSHALL FIELD charles deering CHARLES D. HAMILL EX-OFFICIO CARTER H. HARRISON, HENRY G. FOREMAN, Mayor Pres. South Park Commissioners LAWRENCE E. MCGANN, WILLIAM BEST, Comptroller Auditor South Park Commissioners



ART COMMITTEE CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON stanley mccormick MARTIN A. RYERSON bryan lathrop HOWARD VAN D. SHAW r. hall Mccormick The Art Institute of Chicago was incorporated May 34, 1879, for the "founding and maintenance of schools of art and design, the formation aud exhibition of col lections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in 1893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 5. Admission is free to members and their fam ilies at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Satur days and Sundays. The Art School, in the same building, includes depart ments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Design ing and Architecture. All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of teu dollars for the year. Upon the payment of one hundred dollars annual members become Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. Governing members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. Upon the payment of four hundred dollars governing mem bers become Governing Life Members and are thenceforth exempt from dues. All receipts from Life memberships are invested and the income only expended. All members are entitled, with their families and visit ing friends, to admission to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures and entertainments given by the Art In stitute, and to the use of the Ryerson reference library upon art DESIGNATION OF GALLERIES MAIN FLOOR

Rooms i, a, 3, 4, 5, 8, io, 12, 14, Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Casts of Sculpture. Room i, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Syrian, Asia Minor. Room 2, (Corridor) . . Asia Minor and Early Greek. Room 3, Greek of V. and IV. Centuries B. C, including the Pheidian period and that of Praxiteles and Skopas. Room 4, I/ater Greek and Grseco-Roman. Room 5, . . . . Sculpture, Roman. Room 6, (Corridor) Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. Room 7, . . . . Office of the Director. Room 8, (Hall) .... Sculpture, Modern. Room 9, . . . Office of the Secretary. Room 10, Sculpture, Renaissance. RoOm 11, (Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture. ROOM 12, .... Sculpture, Modern. Room 13, (Corridor) Getty Collection of Musical Instruments. Room 14, . . . . Sculpture, Modern. Room 15, . . Egyptian and Classical Antiquities. Room 16, . . . . .Oil Paintings. Room 18, . Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room. Room 20, . Blackstone Collection of Architectural Casts. Room 24, .... Ryerson Library.



Room 25,' Room 26, Room 37, Seventeenth Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings Room a8, > and Sculpture by Contemporary Room 29, Room 30, American Artists. Room 31^ Room 3a, . Paintings: Old Masters. Room 33, (Corridor) Arundel Reproductions and Metal Work. Room 34, . Trustees' Room. Room 35, (Hall) . . . Sculpture and Paintings. Room 36, . . . . Committee Room. Room 37, (Corridor) . . . Sculpture and Drawings. Room 38, . Oil Paintings: Henry Field Memorial Collection. Room 39, The Elizabeth Hammond Stickney Room: Oil Paintings. Room 40, . . Oil Paintings: A. A. Munger Collection. Room 41, Nickerson Collection: Japanese Bronzes, Porcelain, etc. Room 4a, Nickerson Collection: Jades, Crystals, etc., and Oil Paintings. Room 44, Nickerson Collection: Water Colors and Engravings. Room 43, ) Collection of the Antiquarians: Textiles, Embroideries, Room 45,]' etc. Rooms 46 to 54 are in the part not yet bnilt.



FOR NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA Wnx H. Low, Albert Rosenthal Leonard Ochtman, F. F. de Crano, Frederick W. Kost, Edward S. Holloway, Mrs. . Miss , Alex. Stirling Calder.

FOR BOSTON Wilton Lockwood, I. M. Gaugencigl, Hendricks A. Hallett, Bela L. Pratt.

FOR CHICAGO ART COMMITTEE OF THE ART INSTITUTE. Charles L. Hutchinson, Martin A. Ryerson, Stanley McCormick, Bryan Lathrop, R. Hall McCormick, Howard Van D. Shaw.

ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF ARTISTS. Chas. Francis Browne, Wellington J. Reynolds, Albert Fleury, Frank R. Wadsworth, Mrs. Pauline D. Rudolph, Mrs. Lou Wall Moore, Edgar S. Cameron.


This exhibition includes 457 original works, classed as follows : Oil Paintings, 435 Sculpture, 22 Total, 457 Of these works 177 were selected in New York and other American cities, 74 in Paris by Miss Sara Hallowell, the agent of the Art Institute, principally from the two salons of the current year ; 806 were chosen by juries of artists in four cities, as follows : New York, 43 ; Philadelphia, 35 ; Boston, 12 ; Chicago, 116. The aggregate number of works submitted to these juries under the strict requirements of the prospectus was 456.




OIL PAINTINGS AID, GEORGE Charles — 8 Rue Campagne- Premiere, Paris. Born in Quincy, 111. Studied with Lucius Simon and Charles Cottet, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris ; Artists' Guild, St. Louis, Mo. Honorable Mention Salon Artistes Francais. 1. The handkerchief. 2. The jewels. (Paris Salon. S. N. B. A., 1904.) 3. The guitar. Lent by A. E. Hewitt, Esq.

ALBRIGHT, Adam Emory— Edison Park, 111. Born in Wisconsin, 1862. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; in Munich and in Paris. Member, Chicago Society of Artists ; Chicago Academy of Design ; Fellowship Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 4. Waiting for supper. 5. A country road in New England.

ALLEN, W. R.— 260 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 6. Clytie.

ARMS, Jessie— 968 Farragut Avenue, Cuicago, 111. Born in Chicago. 1883. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 7. White parasol. 8. The fish house. 9. A sketch. ii i2 The Art Institute of Chicago.

ASHLEY, Anita— 34 West 54th Street, New York, N. Y. 10. A girl in blue.

BAKER, Frederic— 295 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1876. Studied with Gustave Courtois. Paris. Am. ciate, Societt Nationale des Beaux Arts. 11. A fantasie.

BARLOW, Myron— 225 E. Adams Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Born in Ionia, Mich., 1875. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; with Gerome, fScole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of American Art As sociation, Paris. Represented in the Detroit Museum of Art. and in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 12. A story. 18. fjtude, old man. 14. A summer's day. 15. Secrets.

BARNETT, Tom P.— St. Louis, Mo. Born in 1870. Studied with Paul Cornoyer. Member St. Louis Artists' Guild. 16. Midsummer.

BARTHOLD, Manuel— 89 rue Denfert-Rocherean, Paris. Born in 1874. Studied at the flcole des Beaux Arta, with J. P. Laurens and Per. Cormon. Medal, Second Class; Hors. Concours, Salon des Artistes Francais, Paris, IBM. 17. The old book. 18. Sunday morning. Oil Paintings. 13

BEAL, Gifford— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born In New York, 1879. Studied in New York with William M. Chase and Henry Ranger. Member Salmagundi Club and Artists' Fund Society. Third Prize, Worcester Museum, 1903. 19. Salt haying. 20. Returning home.

BENSON, Frank W.— Salem, Mass. Born in Salem, 1862. Studied with Boulangerand Leftbvre, Paris; and in Boston. 21. Summer sunlight.

BETTS, Grace May — 4125 Lake Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in New York, N. Y., 1885. Studied with E. D. Betts, Sr., and at the Art Institute of Chicago. 22. Autumn. 23. Study of a head.

BICKNELL, E. M.— 37 West 34th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. Studied in Paris. Member New York Water Color Club, and National Arts Club. Represented in the Art Club, Erie, Pa. 24. Off the Grand Banks.

BICKNELL, Frank A.— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. 25. The canal at Moret. 26. Woods at Cernay-la-Ville, France.

BIERSTADT, Albert— Born in Dusseldorf, Germany, 1830, died in New York, 1902. 27. Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. 14 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BLAKELOCK, Ralph Albert— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York, 1847. Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900. 28. Shanties at 55th Street and Seventh Avenue, New York, 1868.

BLANKE, Maris E.— 449 Belden Avenue, Chicago, 111. 29. A bit of Devonshire.

BOHM, Max — Staples, Pas de Calais, France. Born in Cleveland, 0 , 1868. Studied with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member Cleveland Art Club; Charter Member Amer ican Art Association, Paris. Represented in State Capitol Building, St. Paul, Minn., and in the Municipal Art Museum, Minneapolis. Gold Medal, Paris Salon: Silver Medal , Paris International Exposition, and World's Fair, Chicago. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. 30. A Strong breeze. (Paris Salon, S. A. F.. 1904.)

BOLMER, M. De FOREST— Bryant Park Studios, 80 West Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Yonkers, New York, 1854. Studied in Paris and Munich. 31. November.

BONSALL, Elizabeth F.— 10 S. 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Philadelphia ; with Colarossi, Paris. Member Plastic Club; and Newspaper Artists' Association, Philadelphia. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize and Mary Smith Prize (t) P. A. F. A. 32. Friday. Oil Paintings. 15

BONSALL, Mary W.— 10 South 18th Street, Philadeiphia, Pa. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia. 33. The Noah's ark.

BOSTON, Joseph H — 203 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Bridgport, Conn. Member Society American Artists, Salmagundi Club, and Brooklyn Art Club. Associate National Academy of Design. Bronze Medal Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 34. Portrait Mr. E.

BRIDGMAN, Frederic ARTHUr— 146 Boulevard Male- sherbes, Paris, Prance. Born in Tuskegee, Ala., 1841. Studied with J. L. Gerome, Beauz Arts, Paris. National Academician ; Member Society of American Artists. Represented in Corcoran Gallery ; Liverpool Permanent Gallery; Temple Collection, Etc. Knight Legion of Honor. Officer of the Order of St. Michel, Bavaria ; Hors Concours. Various gold and silver medals. 35. Greek girls over the Mediterranean. 36. My neighbors.

BROOKS, Maria— 319 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Staines, Middlesex, England. Studied in the South Kensing ton and Royal Academy Schools, London. Medals of Crystal Palace Exhibition, and South Kensington Museum, London. Diploma of Melbourne Exhibition, Australia. Award of Merit, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1897. Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 37. Coquette.

BROWN, Bolton Coit— 51 West 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Dresden, N. Y., 1884. 38. Over the hills. 1 6 The Art Institute of Chicago.

BROWN, Ethelbert W.— 13 West 30th Street, New York, N. Y. Bora in Arizona, 1870. Honorable Mention, Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, 1901. 39. The road to the sea.

BROWNE, George Elmer — Paris, France. Born in Gloucester, Mass., 1871. Studied in Boston Museum of Fine Arts; with Jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert Fleury and at the Julian Academy, Paris. Member of the Salmagundi Club, and Artists' Fund Society, New York. Represented In Boston Art Club, Erie Art Club, and Sal magundi Club, New York. Awarded Medal at Mechanics' Fair, Boston 1893; George Inness, Jr. Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1901. Painting pur chased by French Government. 40. Red sails at Etaples.

BUNCE, William Gedney— 381 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Hartford, Conn., 1840. Studied at Cooper Union, and with William Hart, New York; with Achenbach and P. J. Clays, Antwerp. Associate, National Academy of Design. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 41 . Butterfly and sail, San Giorgia.

BURROUGHS, Bryson— 50 East 86th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hyde Park, Mass., 1869. Studied with L. O. Hemn, Paris. Member, Society American Artists, Associate National Academy of Design, National Society of Mural Painters, Architectural League, New York. Silver Medals, Buffalo, Fittsburgh; Third Prize, Worcester, 196*. 42. Portrait of Jerome Myers.

BUTLER, Howard Russell— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1856. Studied with Dagnan-Bouveret, Paris. Member, National Academy of Design, Society of American Artists, New York Water Color Club. Honorable Mention, Salon ; Temple Medal, Philadelphia; Medals at Atlanta Exposition, Georgia, and at Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. 43. Long Island landscape. Oil Paintings. 17

CALIGA, Isaac Henry — Salem, Mass. Born in Auburn, Ind., 1857. Studied in Munich. 44. Sunlight reflections.

CAMERON, Edgar— 15 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Ottawa, II1. Studied in Art Students' League, New York, Chicago Academy of Design Julian Academy, Bcole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Represented in Chicago Historical Society and in Union League Club ; Arche Club, Chicago Woman's Aid. Member of International Jury, Paris Exposition, ltOO. 45. Sugar snow. 46. Alone.

CAMERON, Marie Gelon— 15 Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Paris. France. Studied with Moreau de Tours, Cabanel, Jean Paul Laurens. Benjamin Constant, Paris; and at the Art Institute, Chicago. Represented in Lake View Woman's Club. Prize, Woman's National Catbolic League, 1902. 47. Bald Head. 48. Saugatuck.

CARLSEN, Emil— 43 East 59th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Denmark. Member, Society American Artists. 49. The hour of practice.

CASSATT, Mary— 16 rue Lafitte, Paris. Born in Pitts burgh, Pa. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arta, and in Burope. Represeuted in the Luxembourg, Paris; Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R. I. 50. Caress. 51. In the park. 52. Mother and child. 53.' Reading lesson. 1 8 The Art Institute of Chicago.

CHAPMAN, Carlton T.— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New London, O. Studied at National Academy of De sign and Art Student's League, New York ; and at Julian Academy, Pans. Member of Society of American Artists, and American Water Color Society, New York. Silver Medal, Boston, 1892; Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1E93; Medal of Atlanta Exposition, 1395. 54. Morning and low tide.

CHAPMAN, Ernest— 51 West lOtli Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Lytellton, New Zealand. Studied in Julian's Academy, Paris. 55. Old Pop Taylor.

CHASE, Althea — 4 rue de Chevreuse, Paris, France. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago ; with Whistler, Alphonse Mucha, Collin and Merson, Paris. 56. Head, (6tude). 57. A quiet canal, Venice: 58. In the sunshine.

CHASE, William Merritt— 303 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Franklin, Ind. Studied in Munich under Carl V. Piloty. Member of National Academy, Society of American Artists, Etching Club, American Water Color Society, Painters in Pastel, New York; and of the Secession, Munich. Represented in Carnegie Insti tute, Pittsburgh ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadel phia; and in the Art Institute, Chicago. Medal, Munich, 1883: Honora ble Mention, Paris, 1881 ; Silver Medal, Paris, 1889 ; First Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1894; Shaw Prize, Society American Artists, 1895 ; Member of International Jury of Award, World's Fair. Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 59. Still life. 60. Shinnecock hills. Oil Paintings. i9

CLARK, A won Skinner — 6 rue Victor Considerant, Paris. Born in Chicago, 1ll., 1876. Studied in Paris with Simon, Cottet, Whistler, Mucha and Merson ; in New York with Wm, M. Chase. 61 . Effect Of SnOW. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1904.)

62. City gate, Florence. 63. Over Naples. 64. On the terrace. 65. Neapolitan rags. 66. A Naples street. 67. Fete at St. Marks. 68. A Venetian palace. 69. Palazzo Rosso. 70. Late afternoon. 71. From the Boboli gardens. 72. Over Florence. 73. The green doors. 74. Harbor at Genoa. Lent by H. K. Webster.

CLARK, Walter— 53 Meadow Lane, New Rochelle, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, 1848. Studied with George Inness. Associate National Academy of Design, Member, Society of American Artists, and Water Color Club, New York. Inness Gold Medal ; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. 1901. 75. A street in Matanzas. 76. Night. 2o The Art Institute of Chicago.

COLBURN, Eleanor R.— Highland Park, 111. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 77. Comrades. 78. Hollyhocks and sunshine. 79. Mother and child.

COLBURN, Joseph Elliott— Highland Park, 111. 80. Sunrise in the sand dunes. 81. Haunt of the muskrat.

COMAN, Mrs. Charlotte B.— Van Dyck Studios, 939 Eighth Avenue, New York. N. Y. Born in Waterville, New York, 1834. Pupil of Harry Thompson and Emile Vernier, Paris. Member, Water Color Club, Woman's Art Club. Bronze Medal at California Midwinter Exposition, 1894. Prize, Woman's Art Club. 82. Hamlet, Duchess Co. 83. Late November.

COMPERA, Alexis— Denver, Colorado. Studied with Constant, Paris. 84. Willow path near Denver.

CONNELL-, Edwin,: D— 7( rue Lemaitre, Puteaux, Seine, France. Born in New York. Studied with Bougurrean, Fleuiy and Julian Dupre, Paris. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1699. 85. The dunes of Villerville. (Parissaion, s.a. f., i9oi.)

CONNER, John R.— Radnor, Pa. Born in Radnor. Stud ied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the, Fine Arts. Travelling Scholarship, P. A. F. A. 86. Zadkiel. Oil Paintings. 21

COOPER, Colin Campbell— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Julian Academy and Delecleuse Acad emy, Paris. Member of the Art Club; T Square Club, Philadelphia; Water Color Club, New York ; Philadelphia Water Color Club; Fellow, ship Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Represented in Art Club of Philadelphia. Bronze medal, Atlanta Exposition ; W. T. Evans' Prize, New York Water Color Society, 1903; Jennie Seanan Gold Medal, Philadelphia, 1904. Member International Jury of Awards, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. 87. City Hall Park, New York.

COX, Charles Brinton— Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1864. Studied in the Academy of the Fine Arts, Phiia. delphia, with Thomas Eakins ; and the Art Student's League, New York. Member American Art Society of Philadelphia. 88. Ladroues.

CRANE, Frederick— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 89. Hillside and valley. 90. A gray evening.

CRAVEN, Laura— 1020 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1874. Studied in Philadelphia School of Design for Women, and with Elliott Daingerfield, New York. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia. 91. The Roman Forum. 92. The Bridge of Sighs.

CRAWFORD, Jean— 1884 Lexington Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago, 1880. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. 93. End of woods. 94. Landscape. 22 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DAINGERFIELD, Elliott— 145 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Harper's Perry, Virginia, 1859. Associate Na tional Academy of Design, Member, Society of American Artists. New York Water Color Club, New York. Silver Medal, Pan American Ex position, Buffalo ; Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, New York. 95. Enveloping fog. 96. A cup of cold water.

DANNAT, William T.— 45 Avenue de Villiers, Paris. Born in New York, 1853. Studied in the Munich Academy, and with Munkacsy. President Paris Society of American Artists, Commander of the Legion of Honor. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the Art Institute of Chicago ; and in the Luxembourg, Pari*. 97. Otero.

DAVIDSON, Clara D.— 7 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied in New York, Florence and Paris. Member of the Art League, N. Y. 98. Mother and child. 99. At home in the Alps.

DAVIES, Arthur B.— 237 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Utica, N. Y., 1862. Member New York Water Color Club. Sil ver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 100. Interior, rainy day in cabin. 101. Marine, Newfoundland. 102. Wildwood mysteries. Oil Paintings. 23

DAVIS, Charles H.— Mystic, Conn. Born in Ames- bnry, Mass., 1856. Studied with Otto Grundniann, Boston; and with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York; A. N, A.; Vice-President Copley Society, Boston. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; Art Institute, Chicago. Hors Concours, Paris Salon. Gold Medal of Honor, American Art Association, New York; Gold Medal, Boston . Honorable Mention, Paris Salon ; Silver Medal, Paris, 1889 ; Palmer Prize, Chicago; Medals: Chicago, 1893; Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900 ; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Atlanta Exposition ; 12.000 Prize, American Art Association, New York ; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Prize, Society Washington Artists. 103. Rosy twilight.

De CRANO, Felix F.— 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in France. Studied in London, Paris and Rome, and in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Member, Phil adelphia Art Club, Society of Artists, and Artist's Fund Society, Phila delphia, 104. Waterfall, Algoma R. R., Canada. 105. Girl of Algiers.

De HAVEN, F.— 23 West 24th Street, New York, N. Y, Born in Bluffton, Indiana, 1856. Associate National Academy of Design, N. Y. Inneas Prize, 1900; Shaw Prize, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 106. Storm off the coast of Maine. 107. Autumn evening. 108. Moonrise, Bald Head Cliff, Maine. 24 The Art Institute of Chicago.

DESS AR, Louis Paul— 25 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., 1867. Studied with Boujuereau. Tony Robert Fleury and Kcole dea Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists. Represented in the Lotus Club. Ficture owned by French Government. Medals, Salon 1891 ; Chicago World's Fair, 1893; Mention, Fittsburgh, 1897 ; First and Second Ballgarten Prize ; Silver Medal, Charleston; Bronze Medal, Exposition Uuiverselle, Paris, 1900. 109. Sheepfold.

DICKSON, Mary EsTHLLE— 233 rue du Faubourg-Saint- Honore, Paris, France. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied with Luigi Chialiva, Tony Robert Fleury, Jules Lefdbvre, Paris. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon ; Nashville, Tenn.; and Pan American Exposition, Buffalo ; Third Gold Medal, Paris Salon. 1902 ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition. 1900. 110. Dreamer. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 19W.)

DILLAYE, Blanche— 10 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Syracuse, N. Y. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Paris. Member New York Water Color Club ; and Woman's Art Club, New York. Vice-President of the Philadelphia Water Color Club; Member and First President Plastic Club, Philadel phia. Silver Medal, Atlanta; Silver Medal, American Art Society, Philadelphia; Silver Medal, Universal Exposition, Lorient, France, 1908. 111. On the Grand Moran, evening.

DOUGHERTY, Paul— 25 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877. Studied with H. W. Ranger. 112. Marine, mid sea.

DOUGLAS, Walter— 134 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, O. Studied at National Academy of Design, and with William M. Chase, Art Students' League, New York. 113. Scraping an acquaintance. 114. Bay Street, Sag Harbor, L> I. Oil Paintings. 25

DUFNER. Edward— 1036 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N. Y. Studied with Whistler and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of Art Committee, American Art Association, Paris. Instructor of painting, Art Students' League, Buffalo ; Member Buffalo Society of Artists. Represented in Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. J. J. Albright Scholarship, 1893 ; Honorable Mention, American Art Asso ciation, Paris, 1899; First Wanamaker Prize, American Art Association. Paris, 1900 ; Medal, Pan American Exposition ; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1902 ; Fellowship Prize, Buffalo Society of Artists, 1904. 115. In the shelter of the bay.

EAKINS, Thomas— 1729 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1844. Studied at the the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, with Gerdme, Bonnat and Dumont. Member National Academy of Design. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum, and in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Medal, Columbian Exposition, 1893 ; Hon orable Mention, Paris Exposition. 1900; Gold Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901. 116. The oboe player.

EATON, Chas. Warren— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1857. Pupil of National Academy of Design, and Art Students' League. New York. Member of American Water Color Society, and New York Water Color Club ; Associate Na tional Academy of Design, New York. Represented in Brooklyn Art Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Innesa Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1904. 117. Moonlight, Bruges. 118. Among the New England hills. 119. Ouestkerke, Belgium. 120. The forest of pines. (Paris salon, s. a. p.. 1904.) 121. A Flemish village. 26 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FARNDON, Walter— 1789 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Coventry, England, 1876. Studied in National Academy of Design. Member Country Sketch Club. 122. The well. 122J4. Manhasset Valley.

FAULKNER, Herbert W.— 146 Boulevard Malesherbes, France. Born in Stamford, Conn., 1860. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Represented in Dal. las (Texas) Public Library. Vice-President American Art Association, Paris. Honorable Mention, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 123. Grand Canal, Venice.

FEUDEL, Arthur— Katwyk, Holland. Born in Harthan, Saxony, 1857. Studied in Dresden and Munich. 124. A sombre day, Holland. (Parissaion, s. a. f., ihm.)

FITZGERALD, Harrington— 727 Walnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1847. Studied with Isabey and Fortuny. Member Philadelphia Sketch Club, Pen and Pencil Club, Philadelphia ; President American Art Society of Philadelphia; Vice. President Newspaper Artists' Association; Director School of Indus trial Art, Fairmount Park. Gold Medal, American Art Society; Bronze Medal, Charleston Exposition, 125. At the creek.

FLORIAN, Walter— 141 West 116th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1878. Studied at Art Students' League, New York. 126. Dutch fisherman lighting pipe. Oil Paintings. 27

FOSTER, Ben— 384 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in North Anson, Maine. Studied at the Art Students' League and with Abbott Thayer, New York; Alme Morot and Olivier Merson, Paris. Member New York Water Color Club. Society of American Artists, and American National Academy, New York. Represented in Carnegie Art Museum, Fittsburgh, Pa.; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C; Montreal Art Association; Boston Art Club; Brooklyn Institute, and the Luxembourg, Paris. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition; Second prize for water color, Cleveland, Ohio, 1895; Silver Medal, Carnegie Galleries, Fittsburgh ; Bronze Medal, Paris, 1900 ; Webb prize, S. A. A. 1901; Stiver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 127. Iridescent hour. 128. The Whippoorwill road.

FOURNIER, Alexis Joseph— East Aurora, N. Y. Born in St. Paul, Minn., 1865. Studied in Paris with Benjamiu Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, and Henri Harpiguies. Member Society of West- ern Artists; American Art Association, Paris; Founder Minneapolis Art League. Represented in Minneapolis Public Gallery, St. Paul Public Library, Vanderbilt Gallery, 8lc. 129. Peaceful night. 130. October weather, Normandy. 131. Evening in the village, Auvers sur Oise.

FREDERICK, Frank Forrest — University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.. Born in Methuen, Mass., 1866. Studied in the Massa chusetts Normal Art School; with Tom Robertson, and with Stanhope Forbes. Member Society of Western Artists. Professor of Art and Design, University of Illinois. 132. Dick Heuer's fish house, Saugatuck, Mich. 133. Sunlit woods, Macatawa, Mich. 28 The Art Institute of Chicago.

FREER, Frederick Warren— 224 Ontario Street, Chi cago, II1. Born in Chicago. Pupil of Royal Academy, Munich. Asso ciate of National Academy of Design, New York ; Member of Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, New York. Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago; Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901. 134. Portiait.

FRIESEKE, Frederic Carl— 6 Rue Victor ConsidSrant, Paris, France. Born in Owasso, Mich., 1874. Studied in the Art Insti tute, Chicago, and with Benjamin Constant, Laurens, and Whistler, Paris. Associate Member of the Society Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Member Societe Internationale Paris. Ficture bought by French Government for the Luxembourg, 1904. 135. The dancer. (Pans salon, s. n. b. a., i«m.) Lent by Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, Philadelphia. 136. The green sash . ( Paris salon, s. n. b. a., i9M.) Lent by Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, Philadelphia.

FRY, Georgia Timken— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Studied in the Paris Schools. 137. Return of the flock.

FRY, John Hemming— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Indiana. Studied in the School of Fine Arts, St. Louis; and with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Member, American Art Asso ciation, Paris; Lotus Club and Salmagundi Club, New York. 138. Reverie. 139. Undines. Oil Paintings. 29

GARBER, Daniel— 1635 Brandywine Street, Philadel phia, Pa. Studied in Cincinnati Art Academy under V. Nowoltny; in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts under T. P. Anshutz. In structor in Women's School of Design, Philadelphia, Pa. First Charles Toppan Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1903. 140. The aged sycamore. 141. The storm. 142. Portrait of William Geisler. 143. A September landscape.

GAY, Edward — Mount Vernon, New York. Born in Dublin, Ireland, 1837. Studied with Schirmer and Lessing, Karlsruhe, Germany. Associate of National Academy of Design, New York. Represented in Minneapolis Art Gallery; Layton Art Gallery, Milwau kee; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Prize J2U10 ; Medal Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo; Medal, San Francisco. 144. Eldorado.

GERDES, Augustus M — New Canaan, Conn. Born in Germany, 1869. Studied at the Art Student's League, New York. 145. The swimming hole.

GERE, Nellie Huntington— 6424 Normal Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Born in Norwich, Conn. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago; Art Academy, Chicago; at the Pratt Institute, New York; and at the Ipswich Summer School of Art. Member Art Students' League, Chicago. 146. Little Venice. 147. Harry Main House. 30 The Art Institute of Chicago.

GIFFORD, R. Swain— The Rembrandt. 152 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Naushon Island, Mass., 1840. Studied with Albert Van Beest, Holland. Member, National Academy of De sign, Society American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York. Represented in Metropolitan Mueum of Art, Smith Collegeand Wellealey College Collections, etc. Medals, Centennial Exposition, 1876; Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Prize, 12,500, Competitive Exhibi. tion. New York, 1835; Member of International Jury of Award, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposi tion. 148. Evening on the Nile.

GILMAN, Grace Canedy— Chicago Heights, 111. Born in Wauconda, 1ll. Studied with Henry F. Spread, at the Art Institute of Chicago, and at the New York School of Art. 149. The white dress. 150. Interior. 151. Portrait of Mr. G. 152. Portrait of Miss U.

GLACKENS, William James — 3 North Washington Square, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1870. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and in Europe. Member Society of Illustrators, New Yoik. Gold medal, Buffalo Exposition. 153. Miss K. of the chorus. 154. The roof garden. 155. Ballet, Carmen. Oil Paintings. 3i

GLAMAN, Eogenie Fish— 353 West 12th Street, Chicago, H1. Born In St. Joseph, Mo.. 1873. Studied at the Art Institute, Chi cago, in London, and with L. Simon, C. Cottet and E. Fremiet, Paris. Member, Society of Western Artists; Chicago Society of Artists. 156. The hillside.

GOODWIN, Arthur Clifton— 35 Common Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Portsmouth, N. H , 1866. 157. Resting, Public Garden.

GREACEN, EDMUND— 6 West 50th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York. 1876. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York, with Wm. M. Chase, etc. Member National Arts Club, New York. 158. The shipyard.

GREENE, Mary Shepard— 19 Rue le Verrier, Paris, France. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied with Herbert Adams, Brooklyn; with Raphael Collin, Paris. Third Medal, Paris Salon; Medal, Second Class, Paris Salon, 1902. 159. Indolence. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.)

GROLL, Albert h.— 215 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1866. Studied with Loeftz and Gysis. Mem. ber Salmagundi Club, and Artists' Fund Society, New York. Morgan Prize, Salmagundi Club ; Honorable Mention, Munich. Shaw Prize 1904. 160. Moonlight on the dunes. 32 The Art Institute op Chicago.

GROVER, Oliver Dennett— 1022 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 1li. Born in Illinois, 1861. Studied with Frank Duveneck at the Royal Academy, Munich, and in Paris with Jean Paul Laurens. Vice-President Society of Western Artists ; Member Chicago Society of Artists. Represented in the Detroit Museum of Art, Commercial Club, Indianapolis, Union League Club, Chicago, First Yerkes Prize, 1892. 161. Campo S. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice. 162. The Grand Canal. 163. The Riva.

GRUPPE. Charles P.— 40 Wilheltnina Street, The Hague, Holland. Born in Ficton, in 1860. Studied in Holland. Member Society Dutch Artists, The Hague, Holland; New York Water Color Club and Salmagundi Club. Represented in Royal Palace at The Hague, Boston Art Club, Illinois Club. Four Gold Medals. 164. A road in North Brabant, Holland.

GUYSI, JEANNEttE — i Adams Avenue West, Detroit, Mich. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in the Colarossl Academy and with Harry Thompson, Paris. Principal Detroit Art School ; Member De troit Society of Women Painters; Cincinnati Women's Club. 165. Still-life.

GYBERSON, Anna —Sherwood Studios, 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied with W, M. Chase, New York, aud with Colarossi and Girardot, Paris. 166. Northfield Road, September afternoon.

HA FEN, John — Springville, Utah. Born in Scherzicgen, Switzerland, 1856. Studied with Jules Lefdbvre, Benjamin Constant and Ducet, Paris. Vice-President Society Utah Artists. 167. Lake Blanche. 168. Utah Valley. Oil Paintings. 33

HAGERMAN, Worthington E. — 18 rue Boissonsde, Paris. Born in Carmel, Indiana, 1878. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago; and at Julian's Academy, Paris, with Jean Paul Laurens. 169. The forgotten appointment.

HALE, Philip Leslie — lOOChestnut Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Boston, 1865- Studied with J. Alden Weir, at the Art Student's League, New York, and at the Julian Academy, Paris, 170. Cap'n Peter Turner.

HALLBERG, Charles Edward— 1013 North Park Avenue, Austin, 111. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1855. 171. Twilight over the sea.

HALLETT, Hendricks A.— Studio Building, Boston, Mass. Born in Charlestown, Mass., 1847. Studied in Antwerp and Paris, Member of Boston Art Club. Represented in Boston Art Club. Bronze Medal of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston. 172. Marblehead Neck at Dawn.

HARRISON, Alexander— 6 Rue du Val de. Grace, Paris. France. Born in Philadelphia, 1853. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts under Gerome. Member Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, etc., etc. Represented in the Luxembourg Museum; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Dresden Royal Gallery; Art Institute, Chicago, etc. Officer of the Legion of Honor; Officer Instruction Pub- lique. Medals at Philadelphia, Paris, Munich, Vienna, Berlin, Ghent, etc., etc. 173. On the shoals. 174. Fleeting light. 175. Caressing waves. 34 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HARRISON, Birge— Plymouth, Mass. Born in Philadel phia. Pa., 1854. Pupil of Care his Duran and Cabanel, Kcole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists, New York. Rep resented in Philadelphia, and in National Art Museum, Marseilles. Silver Medal of Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1699. Hors Concerns, Paris Salon. Medals: World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. 1893; Buffalo, 1901. 176. Misty moonrise. 177. Old ferry house. 178. The toboggan slide. 179. The happy autumn field. 180. Old ferry house at night.

HART, James M.— Born in Kilmarnock, Scolland, 1828. Came to America, 1831. Studied with his brother, and in Dusseldorf with Schirmer. National Academician, 1859. Died in Brooklvn, N. Y., 1901. 181. Cattle.

HARWOOD, Burt— 65 Boulevard Arago, Paris. Studied with Jean Paul I.aureus and Benjamin Constant, Paris. 182. The prayer, St. John's night, Brittany. ( Paris Salon, S. A. F.. 1904.)

HASSAM, Chii,de— 27 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Boston. 1859. Studied in Boston and Paris. Member of Society Ten American Painters; Society Nationale des Beaux Alts, Paris; the Secession, Munich. Represented in Carnegie Institute, Fittsburgh; Cincinnati Museum ; and Boston Art Club. Medals : Paris Universal Exposition, 1889; Munich, 1892; Philadelphia Art Club, 1892; World's Pair, 1893; Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1899; Second Medal, Paris Universal Exposition, 1900. Prizes at Boston Art Club; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1895; Cleveland Art Association, 1898; Carnegie Institute, 1898. Gold Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 183. Newport Harbor. On. Paintings. 35

HAWTHORNE, Charles W. — Salmagundi Club, New York, N. Y. Born in Illinois, 1874. Studied with W. M. Chase, New' York. Member Salmagundi Club, New York. 184. The white shawl.

HAYDEN, Sara S.— 3319 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago ; with Collin and Lasar, Paris. 185. Portrait.

HAYES-MILLER, Kenneth — Copiague, Long Island. Born in Kenwood, New York, 1878. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York. 186. Man with a pipe.

HAZARD, Arthur M.~ St. Botolph Club, Boston. Mass. Born in Boston, 1872. Studied in Paris with Rent Prinet, Courtois, Laurens, Henri Blanc. Member, Copley Society, St. Botolph's Club, Boston, Boston Art Club, and American Art Association, Paris. Medal, Mass. Charitable Mechanics' Association, 1892. 187. Portrait of Frank Duveneck, painter and sculptor.

HENDERSON, William P.— Academy of Fine Arts, Chi cago, i11. Born in Medford, Mass., 1877. Studied in Normal Art School, and School of the Musium of Fine Arts, Boston. 188. John W. Norton, Esq. 189. Carl N. Werntz, Esq. 190. Senorita Carmen. 191. Herr von Wiedermeyer. 192. Mrs. H. 36 The Art Institute of Chicago.

HENRI, Robert— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in the United States of America, 1865. Studied in the Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; at the Julian Academy and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member Society of American Artists. Represented in Musee Nationale de Luxembourg, Paris, and in Carnegie Institute, Fittsburgh. Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 193. Young woman in rose colored dress. 194. Sea and cliffs. 195. Surf. 196. Between the cliffs. 197. Gull Rock, storm surf. 198. Black Head, Monhegan. 199. Black Head after storm. 200. Manana Island.

HERGESHEIMER, Ella S.— 34 South Fulton Street, Allentown, Pa. Born in Allentown. Studied in the Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; with , and William M. Cbaae, New York ; with Prinet and Mucha, Paris. 201. Portrait.

HILDEBRANDT, Howard Logan— 27 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Allegheny, Pa., 1872. Studied at the National Academy, New York, and at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member, Salmagundi Club, New York. 202. Trying it over. 203. Return of the fishermen. Oil Paintings. 37

HITCHCOCK, GEORGE — E?mond-ann-Hoef, Holland, Born in Providence, R. I. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Associate Member Munich Secession; Member, Vienna Academy; Corresponding Member Paris Society American Painters. Represented in the Art Institute of Chicago; Dresden Gallery; Detroit Art Museum; Rhode Island School of Design, Providence; Royal Col lection, Vienna ; Municipal Gallery, Alkmaar. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1887. Medal, American Artists' Association, New York, 1887 ; Gold Medal, Paris. 1889 ; Gold Medal, Berlin, 1891 ; Medal, Chicago, 1893 ; Gold Medal, Dresden, 1897 ; Gold Medal, Vienna, 1898 ; Munich, 1901; Officer Franz Joseph Order, Austria. 204. In full Sunshine. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.) 205. Flight into Egypt. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.)

HOEBER, Arthur — Nutley, New Jersey. Born in New York, 1854. Studied at the ficole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member National Arts' Club. Salmagundi Club, and Lotos Club, New York. Honorable Mention, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. 206. Clearing mists, Lent by Thomas Kirkpatrick. 207. Evening glow.

HOLLOWAY, Edward Stratton— 250 North 20th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Ashland, N. Y. Studied in the Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts. 208. At the seashore.

HOPKINSON,— 65 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Cambridge, Mass., 1869. Studied in New York, Boston and in Paris. Member Society American Artists. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo. Second Prize Worcester Annual Exhibition. 209. West wind. 38 The Art Institute op Chicago.

HORTON, William Samchl — 64 Rue dela Rochefoucauld, Paris, France. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1865. Studied at Art Students' League, and National Academy of Design, New York ; in Julian Academy, and with Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens, Paris. Member of New York Water Color Club, and Salmagundi Club, New York. 210. Sheep shearing. (Paris saion. s. a. f., i9M.) 211. Sheepfold.

HOWE, William Henry— Bronxville, New York. Born In Ravenna, Ohio, 1844. Studied with Otto de Sharen and Vuillefroy in Paris. Member of National Academy and Salmagundi Club; Life Member of Lotus Clnb, New York. Represented in St. Louis Museum Fine Arts and in Cleveland Museum. Honorable Mention at World's Exposition, New Orleans, 1885; Paris Salon, 1886 : Medal of the third class, Paris Salon, 1838; second class, Exposition Universelle, 1889; Hora Concours, Paris Salon, 1890 ; Temple gold medal. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1890 ; Grand Gold medal, London, 1890 ; Gold medal, Boston, 1890 ; Medal of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 ; Gold medal of Midwinter Exposition, San Francisco, 1894 ; Gold medal of Atlanta Exposition, 1895 ; Officier d'Academie, Paris, 1896; Silver medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 212. Rock pastures of Connecticut, Old Lyme.

HUBBELL, Henry S — 620 Division Street, Chicago, 111. Born iu Paola, Kansas, 1870. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago; with Raphael, Collin, Whistler, Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Represented in Memorial Hall Museum, Philadelphia. Hon orable Mention, Paris Salon, 1901; Medal, Paris, 1904. 213. Old Paris cabman. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 1904.) 214. In the stairway. 215. Morning. 216. Day dreams. 217. The caress. 218. Waiting. 219. Cradle song. 220. The long seam. Oil Paintings. 39

HUFFINGTON, John C— Rowayton, Conn. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1887. 221. Mist and morning.

HUMPHREYS, ALBERT— 51 West 12th Street, New York, N. Y. Studied with Ger6me and Robert-Pleury, Paris, and with Ver- straete, Brussels. Member of Philadelphia Sketch Club. Member American Art Association, Paris. Represented i a Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Micb. Landscape Prize, American Art Association, Paris. 222. Aucafe. 223. Brittany interior.

HUNT, E. Aubrey— 381 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Weymouth, Mass., 1855. Studied with Gerome, Paris. 224. On the Ouse. 225. Down in the fen country.

HURLEY, E. T.— 34 West 5th Street, Newport, Ky. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1869. Studied in Cincinnati Art School, with' P. Duveneck. Member Cincinnati Art Club. 226. Blushing. 227. Glittering dawn. 228. The katy-did's song.

INNESS, George, Jr.— 381 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Paris, France, 1854. Studied with George Inness, Sr., and Leon Bonnat. Member National Academy, New York; Society of American Artists, New York. Gold Medal, American Art Association; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1896. 229. The day's work is done. 230. Preparing for the Fair. 40 The Art Institote of Chicago.

IPSEN, Ernest Ludvig— Boston, Mass. Studied in the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and at The Royal Acad, em v. Copenhagen. 231. Portrait of Mrs. Robert Redfield.

JAMES, Alice Archer Sewall— 300 High Street, Urbana, Ohio. Born in Glendale, 1870. Studied in Glasgow School of Art, and with Howard Helmick. 232. The Holy Family.

JANSSON, Alfred— 822 Van Bureu Street, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Sweden, 1863. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Member Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago; Chicago Society of Artists. 233. Grandfather's home. 234. A September eve.

JENKS, Phoebe A. Pickering— 5 Otis Place, Boston, Mass. Born in Portsmouth, 1848. Represented in the Slater Museum, Nor wich. 235. Portrait.

JOHANSEN, John C— 12 Studio Building. Chicago, 111. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1876. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, with Frank Duveneck, and at the Julian Academy, Paris. Member, Chicago Society of Artists, and Society of Western Artists. Represented in the Municipal Art League Collection, Art Institute of Chicago. Municipal Art League Prize, 1903; Young Fortnightly Prize, 1903; H. M. Chicago Society of Artists, 1903; Medal, Chicago Society of Artists, 1904. 236. Sewing day. Oil Paintings. 4i

JONBS, Francis Coates— 253 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Baltimore, Md.. 1857. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, with Yvon, Lehmann, Boulauger and Lefebvre. Member, National Academy of Design, Society American Artists, American Water Color Society, Architectural League, and Mural Painters, New York. Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1885; Silver Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 237. At the fountain.

JONES, Hugh Bolton— 253 West. 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Baltimore, Md , 1813. Studied in France. Member, National Academy of Design, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum. New York ; Philadelphia Art Club, Philadelphia ; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C; and in Erie Public Library; Peabody Institute, Baltimore. Medals : Paris Exposition. 1889 ; Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Webb Prize, Society American Artists, 1902; Shaw Fund. 1902. 238. Hill road. 239. In the Berkshires.

JORDAN, David Wilson — Art Club, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., 1859. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Thomas Eakins. Fellowship Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Member of the Sketch Club, and of the Art Club, Philadelphia. Represented in Art Club of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Sketch Club. 240. Summer afternoon. 241. Sunset.

JUERGENS, Alfred— 213 S. Grove Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Born in Chicago, 1865. Studied in Academy of Design, Chicago; and with W. Dietz, Royal Academy, Munich. Member Artists' Association of Germany; Munich Association of Painters. Represented in Munich Kunstverein and Scoville Institute. Medal, Royal Academy, Munich; Honorable Mention, Philadelphia. 242. Snowballing in summer. 243. Lilac bushes. 42 The Art Institute of Chicago.

KAULA, LEE Lufkin— 368 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Erie, Pa. Studied with Aman-Jean, MacMonnies, aad at Cola- rossi School. Paris. Member Woman's Art Club, New York. Repre sented in Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts. Medal, Paris, 1896. 244. Portrait of Miss Josephine Preston Peabody.

KAULA, William Jurian— 368 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Boston, 1871- Studied with Raphael Collin, Paris. Member, Boston Art Club; Boston Water Color Club; New York Water Color Club. 245. Passing shower.

KEITH, Dora Wheeler — Denver, Colorado. Born in New York City. Member Society of American Artists, New York. 246. Portrait of Miss Amelie Ripley.

KENDALL, SargeanT— 26 West 8th Street, New York, N. Y. Born In Spuyten Duyvil, New York, 1869. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Julian Academy, and with Luc-Olivier Merson, Paris, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and Art Students' League, New York. Member, National Academy of Design, Society ot American Artists, New York. Second Prize, Worcester. 1900; Silver and Bronze Medals, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Honorable Mention, Salon, 1891; Medal, World's Pair, Chicago, 1893; Lippiucott Prize. Shaw Prize, Philadelphia; Bronze Medal, Car negie Institute, Fittsburgh. 247, Portrait of Robert Hunter, Esq.

KRONBERG, Louis — 3 Winter Street, Boston, Mass. Born in the United States, 1872. Studied in Art Museum, Boston, and Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Philadelphia ; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Silver Medal, Boston; Longfellow Traveling Scholarship. 248. Alice. Oil Paintings. 43

LATHROP, I. Pulis— 31 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Born in Troy, N. Y. 249. Spanish onions.

LATHROP, W. L.— New Hope, Pa. Born in Warren, 111. 1859. Associate, National Academy of Design, New York. Represented in Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Webb Prize, S. A. A.; Evans Prize, Water Color Society, New York; Gold Medal, Art Club, Phila delphia; 2nd Prize, Worcester. 250. The coming rain. 251. Sunny orchard.

LAWSON, Ernest— 453 Westl55th Street, New York, N.Y. 252. On the Hudson. 253. Bathers.

LEONARD, GEORGE Henry, Jr. — 17 Rue Boissonade, Paris, France. Born in Boston, Mass., 1869. Studied with Gtr6me, Bouguerean, Aman-Jean, Paris. 254. The evening tide.

LICHTENAUER, J. Mortimer— 146 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1876. Studied with H. S. Mowbray, New York, and Luc Olivier Merson, Paris. Member Archi- itectural League of New York. President's Prize, Architectural Club, 1903. 255. Portrait.

LINSON, Corwin Knapp— 18 West 61st Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1864. Studied in Paris, at the Julian Academy, and Ecole des Beaux Arts. 256. The carpet of gold. 44 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LONGSTRETH, Margaret— 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 257. A rose.

LORENZ, Richard— 72 Mitchell Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Weimar, Germany, 1838. Studied in Weimar with Breudel, Hagen and Teede. 258. A buffalo hunt. 259. At peace.

LOWNDES, Anna— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Philadelphia School of Design ; with Milne Ramsey, Bruce Crane, etc.; at the Delecleuse Academy, with Madam Lemaire, Brittany, aud Scott. 260. A little piece of Brittany.

LOUD, May Hai,lowei,i. — West Medford, Mass. Born in West Medford, Mass. Studied in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ; and in Paris. Member, Copley Society and Water Color Club. 261. Portrait of Mrs. M.

LUKS, George B.— 325 West 56th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Willlamsport, Pa., 18ST. 262. Portrait. 263. Boy with shovel. 264. Whisky Bill (portrait). 265. Prize fighter (after the fight). 266. Butcher boy. 267. East side, New York. Oil Paintings. 45

MacEWEN. Walter — 11 Place Pigalle, Paris, France. Born in Chicago, 1ll. Studied with Cormon and Tony Robert- Fleury, Paris. Associate National Academy, New York. Represented in mu seums of Ghent, Liege, Magdebourg, B dapest, Luxembourg and Chicago. Medal of Honor, Antwerp ; Gold Medals, City of Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Hon Concours. Paris Salon; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur ; Llppincott Prize, Philadelphia ; Harris Prize, Chicago. 268. Debutante. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.) 269. Portrait. 270. Adagio. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.) 271. My Ladye of Terborch.

MACMONNIES, Frederick— Giverny par Vernon, Enre, France. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1863. Studied with Augustus St. Gaudens, and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and in the Luxembourg, Paris. Grand Prix, Paris, 1900; Hors Coucours ; Member of Jury, Paris Salon. 272. Madonna and children.

MACMONNIES, Mary— (Mrs. Frederick MacMonnies), Giverny par Vernon, Eure, France. Born in New Haven, Conn. Studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts; in Academy Julian, and with Carolus-Duran, Paris. "Associe" Societt Nationale des Beaux Arts (Champs de Mars Salon) Paris. Member Society American Artists, New York ; President American Woman's Art Club, Paris. Repre sented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; Museum of Fine Arts, Rouen, France. Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago ; Bronze Medal, Paris, 1900 ; Cold Medal, Dresden ; Medal, Ronen ; Bronze Medal, Buffalo ; Julia A. Shaw Prize, Society American Artists, New York. 273. Threshing at Giverny. 274. In a Normandy orchard. 46 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MAGEE, James C. — 4156 Leidy Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1848. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of Ihe Fine Art J ; witb W. M. Chase, New York, and with R. Henri. Member American Art Society. Silver Medal American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1902. 275. Gathering wild flowers.

MAHLER, Rebecca— 291 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1871. Studied with William M. Chase and Henry Mosler. 276. Gold fish.

MAJOR, Ernest L.-20 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Washington, D. C, 1864. Studied witb Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris, and at the Art Students' League, New York. Member Boston Art Club. 277. Dorothy.

DE MARE, George— 55 Cedar Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Bagni di Lucca, Italy, 1368. Studied in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and Julian Academy, Parts. 278. Child and dog.

MARSH, Fred Dana— 381 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Chicago, 1872. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. Member Society American Artists, and Architectural League, New York. Medals: Paris Exposition, 1900; Buffalo, 1901 ; Clark Priie, Paris, 1898. 279. Allegory of spring. Oil Paintings. 47

MAURER, Alfred H.— 9 Rue Falguiere, Paris, France. Born in New York City, 1868- Studied at National Academy of Design , New York. Member Salmagundi Club. Associate Societ* Nationale des Beaux Arts. Represented in Memorial Hall Museum, Philadelphia. George Inness Jr. Prize; First Prize at Worcester Art Museum; Bronze Medal, Buffalo; Gold Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. 280. Brushing Up. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1904.) 281 . The rendezvous. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1904.) 282. On the stairway. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., 1904.)

McCREA, S. Harkness— Darien, Conn. Born in Palatine, 111., 1887. Studied with R. D. Yelland. Member American Art Asso. ciation, Paris. 283. October morning. 284. Thunder Heads.

McLANE. M. JKAn— 43 South Washington Square, New York, N. Y. Born in Chicago, 111., 1878. Studied with Frank Duveneck, with William M. Chase, and at the Art Institute, Chicago. 285. Portrait of Miss B. 286. Portrait of Mr. J. 287. Carting snow. 288. Spot of sunlight. 289. The sycamore.

MENZLER, Bertha S.— 6922 Union Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in Chicago. Studied in Art Institute, Chicago; with Olivier Merson, Raphael Collin and Aman-Jean, Paris. 290. The land of little rain. 48 The Art Institute of Chicago.

METHVEN, Harry Wallace — 4944 Washington Avenue, Chicago, 111. 291. Washington Park vista.

MILLER, Charles Henry— Queens, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1842. Studied at the National Academy oi Design, New York, and in Europe. Member National Academy of Design. Repre sented in Brooklyn Institute. Gold medals International Expositions Boston and New Orleans.* 292. Long Island landscape, with rainbow.

MILLER, R. E.— 14 Rue Botssonade, Paris. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Represented in the Luxembourg, Paris. Bronze Medal, Buffalo; Third Class Medal Paris Salon, 1900; Medal Second Class, Paris Salon, 1904, Hors Concours. 293. Portrait.

MILLESON, Royal Hill— 62 North Washtenaw Avenue, Chicago, 111, Born in Batavia, Ohio, 1849. Studied iu Smith Art Academy, Chicago. Member Boston Art Club. 294. Evening.

MILLET, Francis Davis— 8 East 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Mattapoisett, Mass., 1846. Studied at the Antwerp Academy. Member, National Academy of Design, Society American Artists, American Water Color Society, New York ; Institute of Paint ers, London. Represented in Metropolitan Museum; National Gallery of British Art ; National Gallery of New Zealand, etc., etc. Medals : Paris, Chicago, New Orleans, etc.; Legion of Honor, Paris, 1900. 295. Portrait of Miss K.

MOORE, H. Humphrey— 260 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 296. The bull fighter. Oil Paintings. 49

MORA, F. LUIS— 142 E. 18th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Montevideo, S. A., 1874. Studied in School of Drawing and Painting, Boston, and in Art Students' League, New York. Member, Society of Black and White ; Associated Illustrators ; Architectural League; Municipal Art Society; Salmagundi Club, New York. Decora tions in Lynn Public Library, Lynn, Mass. Represented in Boston Art Club. Gold Medals, Philadelphia Art Club, 1901; American Art Society, Philadelphia, 1902. 297. La Taverna.

MORAN, E. Percy— 110 E. 16th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, 1882. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy oi the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; the National Academy of Design, New York; and in Paris and London. Member of American Water Color Society, New York. First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy; and Hirst Gold Medal American Art Association, New York. 298. Once upon a time.

MORAN. Leon— 34 Grove Street, Plainfield, N. J Born in Philadelphia, 1864. Studied with Edward Moran and in National Academy of Design. Member of American Water Color Society of New York. Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia; Gold Medal, Ameri can Art Society of Philadelphia. 299. A peaceful night.

MOSLER, GusTAVE Henry— 309 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Munich. Studied with Henry Mosler, with L. Bonnat and Julien Dupre, Paris. Represented in Erie Museum. Medal, Paris Salon, 1901; Gold Medal, Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1901. 300. Sharing her breakfast. 50 The Art Institute of Chicago.

MOSLER, Henry— Euclid Hall, 2347 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born In New York, 1841. Studied in New York. Dusseldorf, Munich and Paris. Represented in the Luxembourg, Paris; Sidney, Australia; Grenoble, Prance; Louisville, Ky.; Polytechnic Institution; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Cincinnati, O., Museum; Spring field, Mass., Museum; Metropolitan Museum of Art, N. Y.; ''Art Club," Erie, Pa.; "Art Club," Philadelphia, Pa.; "Art Club," Richmond, Ind. Medul, Royal Academy, Munich, 1874; Salon, Honorable Mention, 1S79; "Le Retour," purchased by the French Government for the Musee de Luxembourg, 1879. Gold Medal, International Bxhibition, Nice, France, 1*84 ; Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, Prize $2,500, 1883; Salon, Gold Medal, 1888 ; Exposition Universale, Paris, Silver Medal, 1889. Hors Concours, 1890; Chevalier de la Legion D'Honneur, France, 1892; Officier D'Academie, France, 1892 ; Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria Gold Medal, 1893 ; Elected Associate of National Academy of Design, 1893; G -and Gold Medal and Diploma of Honor, Atlanta Expo sition, Ga., 189 1 ; Thomas B.Clarke Prize, National Academy of De sign, 18%; Gold Medal, "The Art Club," Philadelphia, 1897; Gold Medal, Charleston (S. C.) Exposition, 1902. 301. The umbrella mender. 302. Portrait of George J. Molloy, Esq.

MOWBRAY, HENRY Siddons— 66 West Eleventh Street, New York. N. Y. Born in Alexandria, Egypt, 1858. Studied in Paris with Bonnat. Member, National Academy, Society of American Art isis, Artists' Fund Society, New York. Clarke Prize, N. A. D., 1888. Medal*, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago ; Gold Medal, Pan-American Expo sition, Buffalo, 1901. 303. The string of pearls.

MUELLER, Alexander — University Building 55, Mil waukee, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, 1872. Studied with R. Lorenz, Milwaukee; with Max Thedy, Weimar; with Carl Marr, Munich. Member Society Milwaukee Artists ; Director Milwaukee Art Stu dents' League. Represented in Royal Gallery, Bucharest, Roumania. Honorable Mention, Academy of Weimar. 304. Lady in black. Oil Paintings. 5i

MURPHY, Hermann Dudley— Copley Hall, Boston, Mass. Born in Massachusetts. Studied In Paris. Member, Boston Water Color Club; New York Water Color Club. 305. Rose twilight. 306. The hill pasture.

MURPHY, Mrs. J. Francis— 222 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Third Hallgarten Prize; Honorable Mention, Pan-Ameri can Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 307. Road to the mill. 308. On the bank.

MYERS, Jerome— 113 East 59th Street, New York, N. Y. 309. Hamilton fish park. 310. An East Side park.

NEEDHAM, Charles Austin— 145 E. 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Buffalo, N Y., 1844. Studied at the Art Students League, and with August Will, New York City. Member, New York Water Color Club, and the Arts' Club of New York. Medal and Honorable Mention Atlanta International Exposition, 181)5 ; First Honorable Mention, Syracuse, New York, 1898 ; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. 311. Evening. 312. A stroll in the Park.

NHTTLETON, Walter— Stockbridge, Mass. Born in New Haven, Conn., 18nl. Studied with Boulanger and Jules Lefebrre, Paris. Member Society American Artists. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1892. 313. The young oak's defiance. 314. The portal of the grove. 52 The Art Institute of Chicago.

NORTON, John Warner— 338 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, H1. Born in Lockport, 111., 1876. 315. Tsegi Canon, Arizona. 316. Canon del Muerto, Arizona. 317. Hopi Indian dance. 318. The edge of the town.

NOURSE, Elizabeth— 80 Rue d'Assas, Paris. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in Cincinnati School of Design ; at the Julian Academy, and with Carolus Duran, Paris. Member American Art Association, Paris. Represented in Chicago Art Institute, Cincin nati Art Museum, and in Adelaide, Australia. Medals, Chicago, 1893 ; Carthage, 1897; Nashville, 1897; Silver Medal, Paris, 1901; Societaire des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1901. 319. Interior. (Paris Salon, S.N. B. A., 1904.) 320. The first-born. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1904.) 321. Bigoudine children. (Pans salon, s. n. b. a., 1904.)

NUNN, Frederic— 530 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 322. Snow scene. 323. A hillside.

NYHOLM, Arvid F.— 395 East 54th Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Stockholm, Sweden, 1866. Studied In Royal Academy, Stock holm, Sweden, and with Anders L. Zorn. 324. Summer night, New York Harbor. Oil Paintings. 53

OCHTMAN, Leonard— Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. Born in Holland. Member of the Academy of Design, of the Societyof American Artists, American Water Color Society, Society of Landscape Painters, New York Water Color Club, Brooklyn Art Club. Salmagundi and Lotos Clubs. Awarded landscape Prize, Brooklyn Art Club 1892; Medal, World's Pair, 1893; Gold Medal of the Philadelphia Art Club, 1894; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902 ; Water Color Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1902; Sbaw Fund Prize, Society of American Artists, 1902; Inness Gold Medal, Academy of Design, 1903; Evans prize, Salmagundi Club, 1903; Webb prize. Society of American Artists, 1904. 325. Early evening.

PACKARD, Mabel— 719 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago; and with Colarossi, Paris. 326. Margaret. 327. Portrait of Helen H.

PALMER, Pauline L— 721 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, 111. Born in McHenry, 1ll. Studied in the Art institute, Chicago ; with Raphael Collin, Simon and Prinet, Paris. Member Chicago Society of Artists ; President Lake View Art Club. Represented in Niky and Klio Clubs. Silver Medal. Portrait Contest, Paris, 1903. 328. Grandmother's wedding gown.

PEARCE, Charles Sprague — 42 rue Fontaine Saint Georges, Paris. Born in Boston, Mass , 1851, Studied In Paris with Bon oat. Member, Paris Society of American Painters ; Society Ameri can Artists; Society Mural Painters; and Salmagundi Club, New York. Medal Boston, 1878; H. M., Paris Salon, 1881; Third Class Medal, Parts Salon, 1883; Gold Medal, Mechanics' Institute, Boston. 1884 ; Temple Gold Medal, P. A. F. A., 1835 ; Gold Medal of Honor, Ghent, 1888 ; Gold Medal, Munich, 1888 ; Diploma of Honor, Berlin. 1891; Gold Medal, Atlanta, 1895 ; Gold Medal, San Francisco ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1894 : Chevalier of the Ord;r of Leopold, Belgium ; Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle, Prussia; Vienna Staata Gold Medal, 1898; Order of Dannebrog, from King of Denmark, 1899; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 329. Return from market. 54 The Art Institute of Chicago.

PEART, Caroline— 1723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Pennsylvania. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and in Paris. Mary Smith Prize, Philadelphia. 330. A sea breeze.

PEIXOTTO, Ernest Clifford— Care of Crfedit Lyonnais, Paris. Born in San Francisco, California, 1869. Studied in Julian Academy, with Lefebvre and Benjamin Constant. Honorable Mention Paris Salon, 1895, and World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. 331. The lady with the canary. (Paris salon, s. a. f., 1904.)

PERRINE, Van Dearing— The Palisades, Englewood, N.J. Born in Kansas, 1869. Member Country Sketch Club, New York. Represented in Carnegie Institute, Fittsburgh. Silver Medal, Charles ton, 1902; Honorable Mention, Fittsburgh. 1903. 332. Winter. 333. Getting firewood. 334. The boulder. 335. The flight of the crows.

PHILRRICK, Allen Erskine— Art Institute, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. 336. Portrait.

POST, May Audubon — 4446 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in New York, N. Y. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Fellowship of the Academy of the Fine Arts; Member, Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Travelling Scholarship and Second Toppen Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Philadelphia Art Club Gold Medal, 1903. 338. Laren interior, Holland. Oil Paintings. 55

POTTH \ST, Edward Henry— 318 West 57th Street, New York. N. Y. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in Paris and Mnnich. Member National Academy; New York Water Color Society; and New York Water Color Club. Represented in Boston Art Club; Cincinnati Art Museum, and Atlanta. Thomas B. Clark Prize and Evans Prize. 339. Twilight.

340. The boat builder's shop.

PURVIS, W. G.— 300 South Oakley Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago. Member Palette and Chisel Club. 341. Late afternoon.

QUALLEY, Lena— Hillsdale, Mich. Born iu Decorah, la. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago; and with MacMonuies, de la Gan- dara, Simon and Cottet, Paris. 342. Portrait. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1904.)

REHN, F. K. M —222 West 23d Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Represented in Detroit Art Museum ; Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery. First Prize for Marine Painting, St. Louis, 1882; Prize of $250 at Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885 ; Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; Honorable Mention, Exposition Unlverselle, 1900; Medal, Pan American Exposition, 1901; Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 343. The wind swept main. 56 The Art Institute of Chicago.

REID, Robert— 142 East 33rd Street, New York, N. Y. Born In Stockbridge, Mass. , 1862. Studied at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; and in Paris, at the Julian Academy, and with Letebrre and Boulanger. Represented in Congressional Library, Washington; Ap pellate Court House. New York; Massachusetts State House; Pan list Fathers Church, New York; Rogers Memorial Church, Fair Haven, Mass. Medal Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Clarke Prize, 1895; First Hallgarten Prize, 1897; Gold and Silver Medal, Universal Expo sition, Paris, 1900. 344. Azaleas. 345. The canna. 346. Making a wreath.

RICHARDS, LEE Greene— 160 C Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Born in Salt Lake City, 1878. Studied in Paris with Jean Paul Laurens and Leon Bonnat. Member American Art Association, Paris. Honorable Mention, Sociytd Artistes Francals. 347. Young girl with green bag. (Parissaion, s-a.f., 1904.) 348. Portrait Of Mr. P. (Paris Salon, S.A. F., 1904.)

RICHARDS, William T.— Newport, R. L Born in 1833. 349. After a gale.

RICHTER, Henry L.— 1185 Wabausia Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Germany, 1870. 360. Early moonrise.

ROGERS, Frances Elizabeth— 167 Locust Street, Chi cago, in. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1886. Studied at the Art Insti tute of Chicago. 351. The fading day. Oil Paintings. 57

ROOK, Edward F.— 43 West 68th Street, New York, N. Y. Bora in New York. Studied with Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant. Paris. Member of the Arts Club, New York City. Repre sented in the Gilpin Collection at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in the Cincinnati Museum. Temple Gold Medal, Penn sylvania Academy of the Pine Arts, 1898 ; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 352. Tank in the mango grove. 353. Fountain, Borda Garden, Mexico. 354. Moonlight.

ROSELAND, Harry— 191 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, 1806. Studied in Brooklyn. Member, Brooklyn Art Club, Salmagundi Club, New York, etc., etc. Gold Medal, Brooklyn, 1888 . 2nd Hallgarten Prize, N. A. D., 1898; Silver Medal, Boston, 1900; Bronze Medal, Charleston, 1902. 355. Is life worth living?

ROSENTHAL, Albert— 1539 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Gerome aud in Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. 356. Portrait, A. Bryan Wall. 357. Portrait, Dr. Maurice Rosenthal. 358. Portrait, Mr. K.

RYDER, Chauncey F.— Etaples, Pas de Calais, France. Born in Danbury, Conn., 1868. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago; with Jean Paul Laurens, Raphael Collin and Max Bohm, Paris. 359. The fAte. (PariaSalon, S. A. F., 1904.) 58 The Art Institute of Chicago.

SARTAIN. WlljjAlf— 152 W. 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Fa, 1813. Studied at the Pe n nay Ivan la Acad emy of the Fine Arts; with Leon Bontiat and at the Kcole dea Beaux Arts, Paris. Member of Society of American Artists; Associate National Academy of Design. Represented in Jacksonville Art Association; Smith College Collection; S. Carolina Art Association, Corcoran Art Gallery, Washingion. Silver Medal, Boston ; Honorable Mention. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Bronze Medal, Pan-Ameri can Exposition, Bufialo; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1602. 360. Lucia. 3fil. The marsh pool.

SAWE, Henry Lhonard— 16 rue Boissonade, Paris. Born in Chicago, 111., 1875. Studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and with Simon, Cottet anil Lawton Parker, Paris. Member of the American Art Association, Paris. 362. The Sketches. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.) 363. The blue vase. 364. Interior. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 190*.) 365. Study.

SAXTON, John Gordon— 318 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Troy, N. Y., I860. Studied with Lefdbvre and Merson, Paris. Member I,otos Club and Salmagundi Club, New York; Minn. Society of Pine Arts, Minueapolis. Honorable Mention, Paris Exposi tion, 1600; Bufialo Exposition, 1V01. 366. The oak.

SCHILLE, Alice— 1166 Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio. Born in Columbus. 367. The children. (Paris salon, s. n. b. a., i904.) 368. In a COttage. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1904.) Oil Paintings. 59

SCHOENFELD, Flora I. — 4330 Vincennes Avenue, Chi cago, 111. Member Chicago Society of Artists. 369. Alan. 370. A little girl.

SCHOFIELD, WALTER ELMEr— Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1867. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Pine Arts, and in France. Member Society of American Artists, and National Academy of De sign, New York. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy ; Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, and in Cincinnati Museum. N A. D. First Hall- garten Prize ; Webb Prize, Society American Artists ; Sesnan Gold Medal, P. A. P. A.; Silver Medal, Buffalo Exposition ; Honorable Men tion, Fittsburgh; Honorable Mention, Paris. 371. Early moonlight, Porthmeor.

SHURTLEFF, RoswELL MORSE— 384 Fifth Aveuue, New York, N. Y. Born in Rindge, N. H. Studied at Lowell Institute, Boston; Academy of Design, New York. Member National Academy, American Water Color Society. Salmagundi Club, New York. Repre sented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Springfield Art Museum; Fitchburg Art Museum; Smith College Art Museum. 372. Adirondack wood interior.

SLOAN, John— 58 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Lock Haven, Pa., 1871. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Robert Henri, Philadelphia. 373. Violin player. 374. The Rathskeller. 375. The look of a woman. 6o The Art Institute of Chicago.

SMILLIE, George Henry— 156 East 36th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1840. Studied with James M. Hart, National Academy of Design. Member, National Academy of Design, and American Water Color Society, New York. Represented in the Corcoran Art Gallery, Erie Public Library, Jacksonville, 1ll. Art Association, Union League Club, Philadelphia; Boston Art Club. 376. Spring.

SMITH, Charles L. A. — 640 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, II1. Born in New York, N. Y , 1871. Member Society of Chicago Artists. 377. October afternoon. 378. Meditation.

SMITH, De Cost— Holbein Studios, 146 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Skaneateles, New York, 1864. Studied at the Art Students' League, New York; in the Julian Academy, with Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. 379. The defiance.

SNOW, Edward Taylor— 1815 Columbia Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and with Christian Schussele. Fellow of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; President of the Ameri can Art Association of Philadelphia ; Philadelphia Art Commissioner to Tennessee Centennial ; Commissioner of Philadelphia for Interna, tional Birthday Celebration of Israels, The Hague, Holland Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902 ; Gold Medal, American Art Society. 380. Milk house, The Hague, Holland.

STACEY, Anna L.— 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Glasgow, Mo. Studied in the Art Institute, Chicago. Member Chicago Society of Artists. Young Fortnightly Prize, 1902 ; Martin B Cahn Prize, 1902. 381. At anchor, Venice. Oil Paintings. 61

STACEY, John F — 21 Tree Studio Building, Chicago, 111. Born in Biddeford, Maine. Studied in Massachusetts State Normal Art School; and in Julian Academy, Paris. Member, Chicago Society of of Artists. 382. A morniug in Venice.

STIL.WELL, Sarah Stillwill— 524 Walnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa: Born in 1877. Studied with Howard Pyle, Drexel Insti tute, Philadelphia. Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 383. Elizabeth in winter.

STROM, Gustav Adolf— 870 Winchester Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. Born in Sweden, 1872. 384. Twilight and moonrise.

SWETT, William Otis— 139 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Worcester, Mass. 385. Evening.

TERMOHLEN, Karl Emil— Athenaeum Building, Chi cago. II1. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1863. 386. Lux mundi.

THOMAS, Elizabeth H.— 4713 Springfield Avenue, Phil adelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Studied in Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First and Second Toppan Prizes, P. A. F. A. 387. The green scarf.

THOMASON, Frances Qoarlhs— 15 Rue Boissonade, Paris. Born in Van Buren, Ark. Studied with Wm. M. Chase. 388. Interior. (Paris Salon, S. N. B. A., 1904.) 62 The Art Institute op Chicago.

THOMPSON, Ellen K. B.— 11 rue Le Maitre, Puteaux, Seine, France. Born in Fair6eld, New York. Studied with Paul Sayer and with Harry Thompson. Represented in the Detroit Museum of Art. and in Minneapolis Museum. 389. The little Sister. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 19W.)

TliMMONS, Edward J.— Tree Studio Building, Chicago, II1. Born in Janesville, Wis., 1880. Studied at the Art Institute of Chi cago. Member of the Art Students' League of Chicago. 390. Summer days. 391. Portrait.

TURCAS, Ella Dallett— 27 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. 392. Fish houses by moonlight.

TURCAS, Jules— 27 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Bronze Medal, Society American Artists, 1902. 393. Boys bathing.

UNDERWOOD, Mary Stanton— Wausan, Wis. 393)4. Au evening sketch.

VAILLANT, Louis David— 152 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, 1875. Studied at the Art Students' League of New York, and in Paris. Member of Architectural League, and President of Art Students' League, New York. 394. The bird trainer. Oil Paintings. 63

VAN LAER, Alexander T.— 30 East 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Auburn, N. Y., 185". Studied with R. Swain Gif. ford and with George Poggenbeek. Member, Salmagundi Club, Artists' Fund Society, Lotus Club, Associate Natioual Academy of Design, N. Y. Represented in Lotus Club. Bronze Medal, Atlanta Exposition. 395. A Connecticut meadow, autumn. 396. A March day, New Jersey.

VON ALT, Joseph— 99 Orchard S!reet, Bloomfield, N. J. Born in New York, N. Y., 1871. Studied at the National Academy of Design. Member Country Sketch Club. 397. A gray day.

VOLK, Douglas— 120 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Fittsfield, Mass., 1856. Studied in Paris with GerOme. Mem ber National Academy, National Arts Club, Society American Artists, Artists' Fund Society, and Artists' Aid Society, New York. Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Shaw Fund Purchase, Soc Amer- ArtUts, 1899; Silver Medal, Pau-American Exposition, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston, 1902. 398. Colonial youth.

VONNOH, Robert William— 25 West 07th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in Hartford, Conn., 1858. Studied with Boulanger and Lefebvre. Paris. Member, Society American Artists; National Arte Club; Associate National Academy of Design, New York; Cor. Member Secession, Munich. 399. Early summer garden. 400. Portrait (A. Phimister Proctor, sculptor). 401. Gold and green. 64 The Art Institute op Chicago.

WADSWORTH, Adelaide E —316 Newbury Street. Bos ton, Mast. Born In Boston. Studied with William M. Hunt and Frank Duveneck, Theodore Wendel and C. H. Woodbury. 402. Holland milkmaid. 403. Ipswich marshes.

WADSWORTH, Frank W.— Hotel Wisconsin. 22 Wiscon sin Street. Chicago, 1li. Born in Chicago, 1874. Studied at the Art In stitute, Chicago, and at New York School of Art, with Wm. M. Chase. Member Chicago Society of Artists. Fortnightly Prize, Chicago, 1904. 404. The wharf of the red boats, Haarlem. 405. Main road of Long Island. 406. The First Loch, Bristol. 407. Evening in Bristol. 408. The gatekeeper.

WALDEN, Lionel— 33 Boulevard Edgar-Quinet, Paris, France. Born in Norwich, Conn., 1862, Studied with Carolas Duran, Paris. Member Paris Society of American Painters. Represented in the Luxembourg Gallery, Paris; in Cardiff, Wales, and in Memorial Museum. Philadelphia. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon ; Medal. Second Class, London; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900 ; Medal, Salon, 1903. 409. Reflection of the moon on the sea. (Paris Salon, S. A. F.. 1904.) Lent by Mr. Augustus Thomas, New Rochelle, N. Y.

WEEKS, Edwin Lord— Born in Boston, 1849, died in Paris, 1903. Studied in Paris with Gerome and Bonnat. 410. A game Of Chess. (Paris Salon, S. A. F., 1904.) Oil Paintings. 65

WENDT, William— 224 East Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Germany, 1865. Member, Chicago Society of Artists, and So ciety of Western Artists. Second Yerkes' Prize, 1893; Young Fort nightly Prize, 1897. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 411. Montecito. 412. A glorious day. 413. Eventide. 414. The stilly night. 415. A pearly evening.

WHEELER, Janet— 1710 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Detroit, Mich. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and in the Julian Academy, Paris. Member Plastic Club, Philadelphia ; Fellowship, P. A. F. A., Philadelphia. First Toppan Prize; Mary Smith Prize, P. A. F. A.; Art C|ub Gold Medal, Phila. delphla. 416. Reverie.

WHITEMAN, S. Edwin— 5 West Mulberry Street, Balti more, Md. Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Boulanger, Lefebvre and Constant, Paris. Instructor in Johns Hopkins University and Charcoal Club Art School. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1889. 417. Twilight in the meadow. 418. Evening calm.

WIDNEY, GUSTAVU9 C— Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago ; and with Constant and Laurens, Paris. 419. Portrait of James Donovan. 66 The Art Institute of Chicago.

WILLIAMS, Frederick Ballard— New York, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Wl. Studied at the National Academy of Design and with C. Y. Turner and William Hamilton Gibson, New York. Member, New York Water Color Club, Salmagundi Club, New York, Represented in Atlanta, Cn., Museum. Bronze Medal, Pan American Exposition. 420. Pool in the meadow.

421. Nymph of Diana.

422. Golden autumn.

WOOLF, S. J.— 139 West 55th Street, New York, N. Y. Born in New Y'"rk City, 1880. Studied with Kenyon Cox and Joseph DeCamp. Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design. 423. The chemist.

WOLFF, GusTave— 4041 Castleman Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Germany, 1863. Studied in the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, and with Paul Cornoyer. Member Society of Western Artists, and Artists' Guild, St. Louis. 424. A November day.

425. Twilight.

WORES, Theodore— 307 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in San Francisco, Cal. 426. In times of peace, Japan. On. Paintings. 67

WUERPEL, Edmund H— Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis, Mo. Born in St. Louis. Studied with Bouguereau, Fleury and Ferrier, Aman Jean, and ijcole des Beaux Arts, Pans. Instructor in St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member, St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis Asso ciation Painters aud Sculptors, Society of Western Artists. Honorary Member, American Art Association, Paris. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, and in Indianapolis Art Museum. Member International Jury, St. Louis, 1904. 427. Sanctuary. 428. Opalescence.

WYANT, Alexander H.— Born in Port Washington, Ohio, 1836, died 1892. Studied with Hans Gude, in Carlsruhe, and in London. Member National Academy of Design; Society of American Artists, and American Water Color Society. 429. Evening in Susquehanna.

YATES, CULLEN— Van Dyck, 939 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Born in Bryan, Ohio. Studied in National Academy of Design and with William M. Chase, New York; at the Ecole des Beaux Arts; Julian Academy, with Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of the Salmagundi Club, New York, and Art Club, Philadelphia. 430. Gray morning.

YOSHIDA, Hiroshi— 380 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Born in Kyushn, Japan, 1877. 431. Fuji Yama in winter twilight. 68 The Art Institute of Chicago.

YOUNG, Charles Morris— 1520 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Born in Gettysburg, Pa., 1889. Studied in the Pennsyl vania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, under R. W. Vonnob ; in Academy Colarossi, Paris. Member of American Artists' Associa tion, Paris; Academy of Fine Arts Fellowship. Represented in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Toppan Prize and Honora ble Mention at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Honorable Mention Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 432. October dawn. 433. On the Schuylkill river, winter.

YOUNG, Euza Middleton Coxe— Care C. F. Haseltine, 1822 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1875. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 434. Sand and sea. SCULPTURE. BRENNER, Victor David— 9 Rue Falgutere, Paris. Born in Shavely, Russia, 1871. Studied in Paris with O. Roty. Member Na tional Sculpture Society, Architectural League and Arts Club, New York. Represented in Paris Mint, Munich Glyptothek and Metropoli tan Museum, New York. Honors, Paris Salon and Universal Exposi tion, Paris, 1900; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 436. Frames containing medals and plaques.

CALDBR, Alexander Stirling— 857 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1870. Studied at the Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts; with Chapu and Falguiere, Paris. Member, National Sculpture Society and Public Art League of U. S. Gold Medal Philadelphia Art Club, 1893; Statue in Smithsonian Grounds, Washing ton. 437. M. C. Plaster bas relief. 438. Mighty giant. Plaster statuette. 439. Phillipe Francois Reneault. Plaster. 440. Allegorical statue of State of . Plaster.

CRUNELLE, Leonard— Edison Park, 111. Born in France. Studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, with Lorado Taft. 441. Friends. Plaster.

LA FAVOR, Will G.— 26 Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111. Born in Frankfort, N. Y. Pupil of Art Institute, Lorado Taft and Her man McNeil, Chicago. Represented by work in the permanent collec tion ot the Detroit Art Museum. 442. Dr. Herrick Johnson. Plaster bust. 443. A modern Prometheus. Plaster high relief. 69 70 The Art Institute of Chicago.

LOPEZ, Charles AiberT— 1947 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Born in Mexico, 1869. Studied with J. Q. A. Ward, and with Anton Falguidre, Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member, Society of American Artists, National Sculpture Society and Architectural League, New York. 444. Sin. Plaster. 445. Sprinter. Plaster. 446. Maternity. Plaster. 447. Youth. Plaster. 448. Bacchante. Marble. 449. Bienville. Plaster. 450. La Vieillesse. Plaster. 451. Portrait of H. A. Huse. Plaster. 452. Portrait relief of Mrs. H. Plaster.

MAUCH, Max— 28 St. Clair Street, Chicago, ILL Born in Vienna, Austria, 1864. Studied in Imperial and Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Member Art Club of Chicago, and Municipal Art League. 453. Statue of John Gobelin. Plaster. 454. Portrait bust, Mr. Max Heinrich. Plaster. 455. Portrait bust, Miss C. M. Plaster.

PORTER, Raymond— Hopkinton, Mass. Born in Her- mon, N. Y., 1883. 456. Portrait. Copper.

STONE, Frank F.— 317 North Beaudry Avenue, Los An geles, California. 457. Bust, late John Ruskin. Plaster.