Collecting and Analyzing Qualitative Data

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Collecting and Analyzing Qualitative Data QualitativeData: Michael E. Patterson and Daniel R. Williams Champaign, Illinois .' 314. Panerson. Mlchael E. :Williams. Daniel R. CDllechngandanalyzingqualitatlvedals: hemsneoIicPrincipIes, melhods, andcase examples. [S.I. : s.n.]. 2002: 127 p. 02002 Sagamore Publishing All rights reserved. ~ Interior Layout: Kenneth J. O'Brien Cover Des~gn.Charles L Peters ISBN Llbrary of Congress Card Catalog Number: Princed in the United States of America Aim & Scope of Series DVANCES IN TOURISM APPLICATIONS provides a new forum for organizing and i resenting emerging theory and management practices in five broadly A defined areas oftourism management: (1) destination marketing, (2) destination man- agement, (3) environment, (4) policy, and (5) sratistics and theory. This new series of mono- graphs atrempts to fill an important gap benveen textbooks and journal articles, represent- ing a comprehensive diicussion of the most current theories andlor practices by leading scholars and industry professionals. Each volume identifies and discusses <he most current -L,La eu,mand/or practices relevan: to a specific topic, provides concrete examples m.d expla- nations of the importance of these theorieslpractices to the tourism industry, and provides extensive bibliographic resources. As editors of the series, we want to encourage and facilitate the creativity of research- ers and managers in tourism. Specifically, we invite readers ro contribute by submitting manuscripts andlor case studies which describe innovative applications in the tourism in- dustry. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for future topics and look fonvard to join- ing you on this journey of building knowledge for the 21st century. Dr. Daniel R. Fesenmaier Dr. Joseph T. O'Leary Dr. Musaffer S. Ujsal Dept. of Leisure Studies Dept. of Forestry & Dept. of Hospitality and University of Illinois at Natural Resources Tourism Management Urbana-Champaign Purdue University Virginia Polytechnic Institute Champaign, IL USA W. Lafayeme, IN USA Blacksburg, VA USA Other rirles currently available in the Advances m Tbunsrn Appfzcatzons Serzes VOLUME ONE Measuring Tourism Peformance Tzung-Cheng (T.C.) Huan and Joseph O'Leary VOLUME TWO Making Vsitors MindfuL. Principalsfor Creating Quality Sustainable Visitor Erpetl'ences Through Effective Communication Gianna Moscardo VOLUME THREE Tourism Policy: The Next MiIhnium David L. Edgell, Sr. VOLUME FOUR p6-:.&onrig ' T - y.-rUL ses:haa:i~,---n Allen 2.Reich VOLUME FIVE Tourism Service Satisfaction Francis I? Noe Upcoming rirles VOLUME SIX Meta-evaluation: Achieving Effective Tourism Marketing Programs Arch G. Woodside and Marcia Y. Sakai VOLUME SEVEN The Design Analysis and Improvement of Tourist Services Eric Laws VOLUME EIGHT En~e~reneurshipand Innovation in Tourism Frank Go VOLUME NINE CoUecting andAnaIyzing Qualitative Data: -Ymeneutic Prin&$ex, Methods, and Case Examples Michael E. Parrerson and Daniel R. Williams VOLUME TEN The Discovery of Tourism PotentiaL An Evolution Clare A. Gunn HE AUTHORS WISH to acknowledge the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Insrirure, which provided funding that made possible both the case study analyses T in Chapter 5 as well as the general development of the hermeneuric research approach in the book. The aurhors would like to especially acknowl- edge Alan Watson of the Aldo Leopold WildernessResearch Instirure. Ideas presented in this book were initially developed as part of the first aurhor's dissertation in the School of Forestry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Srate Universiry, which was supported in part by the William J. Dann Fellowship. The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution of Julie Ozanne, Associate Professor of Marketing at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universiry, whose course in the philosophy of science was instrumental in making this book possible. Finally, the authors would like to thank the students with whom we have worked in the classroom or on graduate commirrees for the many hours of challenging questions and informative discussions; you helped shape the nature of chis book. The opinions expressed in this book are entirely the aurhors' and do not necessarily reflect those held by the institutions or individuals whose support and contributions we gratefully ac- knowledge. "i. Contents ... AIM & SCOPE OF SERIES ................................................................................... zzz ACMVOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................... vi CNAPTER I ]ntroduction ............................................................................................................I CNAPTER 2 Gen-l Principles of Science and Hermeneun'cs ....................................................5 CHAPTER 3 Hemeneutic Paradigm ......................-.- ................................................................. I1 Hermeneutic Research Traditions Normative Philosophical Commitments Role of Interpretation Burden of Interpretation Relacionship of Observer to Phenomena Observed ................................... 22 Knowledge Generated 25 Research Proces 26 &iological Commit 28 Terminal Goals 28 Instrumenral G 30 CHAPTER 4 17 f-lrmmeuti: ,Wdds............................................................................................ J, STEP 1: Adopting a Forestructure of Understanding 38 STEP 2: Decisions about Data Representation .................................................. 39 . STEP 3: Choosing a Sampling Prmclple ................................................................ 40 STEP 4: Data Collection ....................................................................................... 42 CmmR5 Case Stdies in the Application of Hermeneutics ................................................... 51 CASE STUDY 1: Tourist Experiences on Lady Musgrave Island ........................... 52 Overview .................................................................................................. 52 Idiographic Analysis ........................................................................................ 52 Forestructure of Undemanding ResulcslDiscussion .......................................................................................... 55 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 60 CASE STUDY 2: Tourisr Experiences on Juniper Run ......................................... 60 Overview ...................................................................................................... 60 Forestruccre of Understanding Data Collecrion ..................................... Analysis ................................. Final Organmng System ................................................................... 63 ResuirslDiscussion .......................................................................................... 65 Conclusions ..... :................................................................................. 67 CASE STUDY 3: Jet Boaters on rhe Salmon River ..................................................... 68 Overview ........................................................................................................ 68 . Sampling Pnnclple ................................. 69 Forestructre of understanding ........................................................................ 70 Idiographic Analysis ........................................................................................ 70 Nomotheric Analysis ....................................................................................... 71 Resulrs/Discussion ........................................................................ ....73 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 77 Ethical Issues in Small Samples ....................................................................... 78 CHAPTER 6 CmzcLu+ion............................................................................................................. 79 Assumptions About Phenomena Being Studied ..................................................... 82 Subsranrive Research Quesrions ............................................................................. 84 Subsjanrive Issues Relared ro Experience and Meaning ................................... 84 Conflxct Resolution and Coliaborarion ...................................................... 87 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 89 APPENDIX I Glossary of Selected Terns ..................................................................................... 99 APPENDIX I1 Interuiew Transnipt/Refrelzncr System .Casp Study I ......................................... I07 viii . APPENDIX ZII Reconstructed InteruiewfTom Case Study 3 .........................................................111 Reeional" Ourloo Experience .................................................................................................... 112 Boating .Respect for River. Skill .......................................................... 112 Access ........................................ 113 Non-Boating Dimensions of Experience ................................................ 115 Wilderness .............................. 115 . Charactenzat~on....................... 115 Awareness of Socio-culrura 116 Use Ethic .................................. 1 ............................................................. 116
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