Mhes of Tides Were E.\|>E( Te L to Run Oiie Pulling on an Impromptu, and , Lenten Services at Rome'.* Santa Pope Had Taikei
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w ^ \ Avcrair^ Dally ^ Press Run The Weather , THURSDAY, MARCH M, 19B9 , For the W >w Kadtng Foraeast of U. 8. Weather hnrMU ' FAOB TWENTY-FOUR iia n fi;9Bt9r lEvfnino HfraUt Mair list 1858 Snow ending this' evening, ae* cumulation > to • tnrhee. Windy, .2 1 !,898 lEupntttg m prali colder, clearing late tonight. Low /iform an Adams <rf Manch'sstar U 25-SO. Saturday fair, cold, windy. Due to/fctood Friday, the VTW Luncheon Slated Mansbar af the Audit High 40-45. A uxllla^ will not hold a card bno of 12 students at the Watkln- Bureau W Cirenlattoa. About Town party ^m orrow night. son School. Hartford, on tha honor Manchester— City of Tillage Charm roll for the fourth marking period. • By North WSCS| Cub Soout Puck 9S U uponuorln* le committee planning the re Double Gr^n Stamp! Today ((ilasstfled Aavertlsing on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTO a food aute at Uw W. T. Gi»nt union of the class of IMO. Man Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis On Friday, April 10, st 12:80 ilOL. LXXVIII, NO. 150 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1959 8toi« ut th« Purkudu Saturday chester High School, to be held on ters, donated a flag stand to Girl p.m., the Womens Society of moraine atartlne at 10 o'clock. 'May 23 at the Kosclussko Club In Scout Troop 9» at the Bunce Cen Rockville, is unable to locate five ter last week. Most Excellent Chief Christian Service of the North Tha PoUah American classmates; James Sheehan, Joan Bessie Farris made the presenta Methodiat Church will hold a [t/ .S . Resumes Lucky Bmmcc bold a poet Kaater wirty Wopschall, Elizabeth Wopschall. tion. "Luncheon la Served Program” at FEN ALL BAY Leo Day and Dolly Glammon. Any the. church at 300 Parker St. HALE’S WILL BE April 4. at the chibhoui » ■' ■ ■* Allies Held Backing DallaS, Tex., March 27 lypi - be aerved at 7 p.m. one knowing the whereabouts of There will be a nursery provid any of these people is asked to con. Girl Scouf Troop t5 will hold a \Diplomatic Tie MarYin R. Harbor, 3-6, a paint- followed by dancine u bake sale at the Lynn Poultry ed for the children, btit they must ar, escaped with s leg injury Membera and guest# tact Mrs. Wilfred Douglas, 108 Farms Store at the Parkade Satur have had lunch before being yesterday when he fell from Skate Sets 2 Records coma Hollister St. day morning, starting at 9 o'clock. brought to the church. This pro the roof . of an 8-stor.v build gram consists of the luncheon and R SH6PPING U.S. Master Plan on With Bulgaria FRIBAY for Your EAS ing. Edmund R, Brodem’. eon of Mr. Michael' W. Clemehtlno, son of a short talk on the foods provided Mr and Mrs. Michael J. Clemen- Members of the Aunt Jemima Harbor slipped and dangled and Mrs.* Robert ,W. Brodeur, 35 Pancake Festival Committee of the that day by the sponsors. Washington, March ”27 (/P) by hla fingertips for several Phelps Rd.. haa b^ n appointed ed tino. 20 Westminster Rd., has bSen This luncheon is open to all wom appointed second platoon right Second Congregational Church are —The United States today le- minutes before losing his grtp ucational petty officer of his re reminded of a committee meeting en. For information and reserva German Unity Talks on the roof edge. As he fell cruit company at the Great Lakes guide of his recruit company at the tions contact Mrs. R. H. Ostrander, sumed Tull diplomatic rela Great Lakes Naval Training Cen to be held Monday night at 8 tions with Communist Bul he struck a clu*ster of electric Naval Training Center. Great o'clock at the church. chairman, at 146 Avery St. wires two stories below. They lAkes, Bl. ter. Great Lakes. III. Simulated Flowers garia. bounced him onto the roof of Under North Pole Ice By JOHN M. HIOBTOWER a The preliminary discussions are Hie.ahded a B-year break re sn adjoining 6-*lory hutiding. So lovely ori your Easter suit or coat. Washington, March 27 (A*) pointed toward an Bast-West for sulting from Bulgaria's cliarges eign ministers meeting in Geneva the Inst American minlater In Sofia Choose from a large assortment—all — Britain, France and West | May 11 and a later summit confer ■with pins. Violets, roses, carnations, Germany were reported gen-j was a spy. ence. ss proposed to Rua.sia by the The State Department dropped Liner Owners dogwood, garden bouquets, etc. erally favorable today to a western powers yesterday. the long diplomatic boycott aftei 1 Crew Holds U.S. master plan for negdti'a-! It is an o.pen question whether the Bulgarian regime announced it Each tions with Russia on the fii-| Ruasia Would be Interested in any ha.s withdrawn the espionage Blame Tanker ture of Germany. part of the U S. plan or in any charges against former Mini.ster 1 Final Rites 59c.„d *1.00 The atm of the plan Is to achieve other which the western powers Donald Heath. the unification of West Germany I n.ighl stiggesl. I A Bulgaiian government repre- For Sea Crash jsentative noted that his country's- 2 FLOWERS— MAIN FLOOR. and Commtinist East Germany in ' Some officials say there Is at stages over a period of years. This i least a .slight possibility .Soviet .Supreme ('oiirl on Nov. 6. IS.’ifi. For Wilkins Premier Nikita Khrushchev may be anmiled prison .sentences given New York. March 27 i4’i The would begin with creation of a j person.* ensrged v.'ltli tlie alleged owner.* of the cruise liner Santa loose federation and end with the seriously Interested in negotiating By ELTON C. FAY an acceptable German scUlement, .spying. I'lierefore. Bulgaria said Rosa say the tanker V’alchem was are an Easter must. conclusion of a German peaye "chaiges against Mr. Heath in to blame for the collision Hint W'fl.ahiiiglon, March 27 (/P) GLOVES treaty. Otliers say that whether or not Khni.shchev is interested, the connection herewith have been killed four tanker sailors and —'I'lip n ti c 1 oa r siihmarine Limitations on forces in Central ; withdrawn as groumiless." brought a .shattering cltninx to a Europe and an end to the division ! ern powers go into the Skain ha,* maflp another visit negotiation.* with Russia prepared The agieemcnt to resume diplo Caribbean holiday for 247 pas- of Berlin slso are envisioned as ' matic relations ram, about as a re 1(1 the .N’oi'th Pole and broken Washable fabric gloves in slip-on th plan i-rogres.sed.' |to nut on the table a set of reason aengers. styles. Plain or trim backs. Short, able proposals which would drama sult of mote than two year.s of | A "radical course alteralion was all record,* for distance and DOUBLE Green Stamps Today! The foreign ministers of Britain sporadic hehind-t he-se'enes talk. time under Arctic ice, the 7 tically demonstrate the willingness made by Hie tankei-. the Santa medium or longer lengths in white and France are due to discuss the I The, Bulgaria ns first suggested the projp-am-'^.th acting Secretary of of tlie we.stern powers to make Ro.ia owners say. Tliere was no Navy annotinced toda.v. or colors. agreements v\'lth the Soviet Union move in December of Ifi.'')". Immediate comment from the oper- The siitmiarine logged 3.080 State Chri.-tisn Herter here next I More formal talks began March when you buy any one Tuesday. i on fair terms. atois of the Valchem. miles and remained under the ice Shop Hale's Quality (*■4 of this vear in .New York and in Uouflicl over whcthec thcie was for about 12 days on this trip. The Pair We.«t German representative.- ■ The detailed program which ha* Washington. The Bulgarian am- Aunt iemima EASY-MIX will join the talks on Wednesday now been worked out would begin, fog at the time of the crash high ermsf began fi'om the Skate's New *2 00.. *3 so hassador to the United Nations. London. Conn., base several weeks ★ COFFEE CAKE 37c in advance of broader disru.saion.« , the merger proves* hy inn easing Petei G. Voutov, represented his lighted the in-Climinarles to a among foreign ministers of all the direct contacts between Bast and Coast Gmu'd inve.stigation start ago. ★ CO R N B R E A D 29c Government. Foy D. Kohler. d e ) ) U - i liuring the under-ic# trip, the M EAT DEPT. GLOVES—MAIN FLOOR. North Atlantic Treaty powers j West Germany in all sorts of pi ac- ty assi.stant secrelar>’ of stale foi ing next Mondavi Na\-\- said, the Skate came to the ★ OATMEAL BREAD 35c meeting Thursday for a NATO kuropeaii affaiis, represented the Spokesman for the Grace Line, 10th anniversary session. 1 (Uontlnued on Page Ten) owner of the .^anta Rosa said the surface 10 times, once, exactly at and STRAWBERRY JAM I’ nitcd States. the .North Pole, "These conversations have suc- collision off Atlantic City. .N. J., cessfiilly overcome the pievimisly at 3 a.m ye.sterday nccuired in The submarine broke holes LOCAL FRESH OCEAN SPRAY existing obstacle.* to the resump only patchy haze. They aaid the through the ire in order to reach tion of normal diplomatic relations Vaichem had hecii sighted both the surface. GRADE "A" reflecting the traditional friend vi.siially and by radar. The Navy annountenient said CRANBERRY Hundreds Retrace that this latest exploit of the ship between the Bulgarian and But a .Santa Ho.ia lookout, a LARGE WHITE American pe -pies.