(Iowa City, Iowa), 1955-01-07
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, , . , .. i ~_ .,., ·ThiWeaiti.r ~d I MaU .. ::: ,rO%c:tDOnaa. Serving the State Mo.U, falr wlUl UIUe " O'HARA. CARE ell. ace In ....,erature , Iowil 'F:RE OVER AF1UCA,Y of Iowa • todal. 1'al1l1 e1euQ bale [ 0:- University aD. pI. • Campus and lomewbat wanaer to;: n""" 'Rte" U &e tl. eli.;- Mo.tt, falr wi'" .. 1.. - ci~y Iowa City " 0 r tan t t.lIQNftI~ 5 1'1e ehan,e ~tlUa.,. rings Est. 1868 - AP Leosed Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, ~owo,. Fridoy, Jonuory 7, 1955 cnl( . 1 Starts FRIDAYI shift _. > ~~,W.?~~ ''-:" " re the TEMPTATION IS A THING CALLED MOIl AND ARED-UPPED BLONDE! . Federal Aid Asks Passage: . .... To /Schools Library. Book Mut;lato~s Das Urges Face Possible Suspension lies Wilh Of,Measures ,: ~ PfO,POSed • The committee on student liIe' WASHINGTON (,4>)-President rccommcnded Thursday \bat thc Red (hina 'Killecl'iil"S4., Eisenhower Thursday spoke of mutilation of Iibrllry material be "grave education 'problems" and W ASHIINGTON(~Presi~eot interpreted as a violation of good U.S. alliances with Japan. In Eisenhower held out the h'lr.1 an unprecedented classroom · 'conduet and be punished under dia and Red China are the be~t shorta.ge in the nation's schools oC cooperatil>n to the new •. Dem the "Code of Studcnt Life" by way to ·keep A&ia and her two orratic - controlled con g res s -and promised to do someth log suspension 110m SUI. ne:lghborlng occans from Russia, Thursday alon~ wlt./\ a mllB~jve about it. This aclion was announced by' a New York university Asian af He told congress in his state lelJlslative prQgram keyed . to Dr. Ralph H. Ojelllann, chair- fairs specialist said Thursday warding off "the cita.strophe 01 of the union message that he will man of the committee. The com- night. , present "an affirmative pro nuclear holocau91." mlttee is composed of about 10 What. hR'lpens in wuthcast In a message to the lawmqk gram" dealing with the shortage faculty mcmbers imd t.wo stu- Asian capita 's is reflected in Eu ers on the. Slale' of the Union, q - estimated at 370.000 elass dent representatives. • rope and the U.S., Dr. Taraknath rooms-il) a specia·1 message Feb. .Das told an SUI lecture audience messago thai bid IItron,iy tor Po 15, Ojomann said that the stand In Macbride a\:ditorlum. IlUcal harlllony and good will, As if anticipating some such was taken. t~ help s,tudents in It Russia and China could co,, Mr. Elsenhowor saw a- hearten move, two federal aid bills were maklo.g adJustments. and to rc- frol Asill, they would be power- ing hope for ' world . peace: and offered in the senate to add to duc~ Incidents ot thiS sod. Cui enough to face the West. he progress toward the ultltnal e one proposed in the house VVed " Seeks C:ode Ch~nC'es . said. H India join, d them,' the "rule of freedom and jusUec.", nesday-all looking toward large The committee on studelOt LIfo Communist ,,;:rip on rich and Yel, he said that the p(!aoe (lr federal outlays for school con is conslderln" how Ii more (unc- ]. teeming southeast Asia would be 'oday is inseoure In the fiee of struction. Another was offered tional interpretation of the stu- a9'>ured, he suggestcd. "militar,y machInes and lambl· in the senate to give higher edu dent code can be developed .so But Nehru's India doesn't fav \jOIlS ot tlie S6v{et-Communlst cation aid to children of service that when a student sees a dlf.! or Russia. She favors indepen lloc" that create s¢>crln, prob men who lo~t their lives in ficul1y he will seck help as a l dence Crom alicn nations for all lems and world uncasiness, · World War II or in the Korean preventative measure and so th:\~ Asian countries, he said. Applaud Coope,,*Uon the student body will takc more Far-fetched as a U.S.-Red h~tilities. Among a number oC t./\e con responsibility for the cond~et China alliance may . appear at Lacks Details r.:ress members"who heard he . The President's statement, expected of SUJ st~denls In hne present. Das said the Asian giant · with Iowa lrac:.lion," Ojemann already has shown signs of in President dellver, h/, llIesAa~ In though lacklog in details, ap 'l~rson in the bouse . ctlambcr peared likely to be received with said. Idep ~ ndence (rom Moscow. Over- Dr. RalPh E. EIlswol tho dir;ec- tures for trade agreemenls be tpe~e was sorn!!!tbihg less Uiill) more sympathy than aid pro exuberant entJlusiasm lor' Ii mll posals of wider scope qebated In lor of libraries, said that In ad-l twcen Mao Tse-tung's ,govern ~tion to suspension, oCfenders ment and Japan have already Itllry program that wi1l Cut dowry past congresses when the issue were subject La the regular state been made, and the - po'pulous i manpower and. place inC1"Cll$ert . nas developed religious and iependeoce on airpower anlt slates' rights differences. laws. Island nation nEeds the com- The Iowa Code states that any merce as much as Red China f" r WI'Ubol.) nbw weapons of "rapId ana dell- 1t also brought a receptive PRESIDENT EISENlIOWER pause. to adJu$t his glasses durin&' person damaging any pttblic Ii- docs. truetive slrikfn, Pow~r." . comment from William O. Carr, h'l messa,e 'fhursday to a joint ses.slon of COnATe!!. Seated be brayr property is gullt:y of a mis- Once reestablished, such trade But for .the : presrd~htl,iI o1f ~r executive sec\,etary of the Na hInd him h '\ipel'ker of ~he ijollse Sam Ral'b~rn (D-Tex.), rof 'cooperatlon, from hiinsell and tional Education ' association. " cmcanor punishable by a fine might act to draw the ~wo closer Carr said in a statement that MISS ARLENE SCHLEGEL. head of the reference department at of not more than $100', or im- together, and the malnJand coun- I 'very 19vernmcnt , agency, In. "tile great increase in schOOl the SUI library, points out a t01'n pa ..e In an irrepJaeeaole volume mee1ln, the ptop\em~ 01 ~Ti\OU~ '~rllays.sonment of not more lhan 30 tryfor toan leaveAsian theone, Russian where orbitshe 'Slrong Rally Slo.ws 2d Day times there was a loud demon 1l!lpulation and the serious lag of an Italian encyc\of)edla. It wll\ co , up to $1 or S8 to rebind In schoolroom construction con- the book and replace the torn page with a .photostatic copy, The , Con&lnuln.. Ploblem might be more responsive to U.S. stratiern ot'approllal. stltute a national need that must encyclopedia set Itself Is valued at. well ovet $SOO. Ellsworth said the library has policy. I S In the domestic legislation be met with sufficient federal .. - ----- continually had trouble with Asia's chief interest is inde- Of ' ~e~ I'nm' g IO"' ~ i Ma' rkel field • • Elserihciw~ asked such financlal support to provide ade students cutting parts out of li- pendcnec and a place in the sun " " measures as a DO-cent minimum quately for essential public brary material. nf ter cen turies of Euro~an 'vage, new. tarilt-cuttlng powers. 5cA001 .kl.lildlnf!," From here. on ,when tl)e. prob- dO(Jllnation and e ploitaUon, Das NEW YORK .(iP),-'Heavy sel,l- red,craL health aids, r<!l7islon of lA.n.er AUendance lcm of flndiog a mulllator arises emphaSized. rndia. Burro • and tng senl prlc~~~aown Thursday in l'ellched a peak and then sold labor Jaws, a lowered votinl age, we will turn to the state burcau Red China have ali thrown olf fl'he President said Thursday ~hi) slock mar et for the second down Marply. Ii's believed that 'arflrmallve acUon" for Plore the t population growth, addI of investlgatioll or some other Ihe Western yoke. Indonesia, striilgh t session. ~chool facilitles, and lItatchood blanch of tbe statc government," would like to follow. His words tional responsibilities of schools. A faIrly IItrong rally ncar the most market newcomers arc for Ha waU. 'i and increased and longer school Ellsworth said. Implied thesc nations would, be close cut ClCtrcffie losses and scnt buying securities to store in Ellsworth said the (acully Ii- no happier under Russian control Rayburn W~" Detail. NOW Ends FRIDA attendance have produced the Dorothea O'Dean, L2, Rock many key issues Into higher strong boxes - not to make a brary commitlee had recently I than they wete under Europe's. Democratic Speaker Sam Ray shortage of school rooms. Hc ground. i quick proCiL. burn of Texas said thl\t some of adc\ed this is of immediate con- Island, Ill., and Waller Naven, decision to make than selecting recommended to L. Dale Faunce, 2 FIRST RUN HITS The total value of securities In Washington Sen. J. W. Ful- Mr. Eisenhower's recommenda- cern to all the people. L2, Mt. Vernon. were chosen by th'e individual winners, Each of dean of students. that thf eu~ h~ted on tile New York Stock . • . HeR CURIOUS SINS have 1>«. In'l~ . such as those for a strong "Without impairing in any Heinrich C. Taylor, Bloomfield, the participants dId very well in tomary punishmcnt lor mutila Council Supports Exchange dllclined an estimated bnght (D-Ark.) Bald the senate whispered abou~ sinc(O the daw. detense and reciprocal trade way the responsibilities of our sccond judicial district judge, as their argumen~ and ,made an tion of library material be sus- . $ 6' billion.