Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 47—No. 6. Philadelphia, April 21, 190(5. Price, Five Cents. "GRIPS" NEW PLAY. ANOTHER WRINKLE OE THE NEW MANAGER LAJOIE NOW HAS HIS YORK MANAGER. BAT FERS SIZED UP. He Says He Has Thought Out, and In Making up His Order He Explains is Working up, a Trick Play That Why the Tall Slugger, Bradley, Excels^the "Squeeze Play" and is Placed Second—Catcher Bue- Wiil be a Winner in the Long Run. low's Job Safe For a Time at Least. New York, April 15.—Manager Grif Cleveland, O., April 15.—Editor fith, of the Highlanders, has another "Sporting- Life."—The Cleveland team, surprise in store for the American barring acidents, will line up with the Leaguers this summer. same batting- ordej- as it He is working up a new has in most of the exhi play which, he says, \vill bition games. Bay will help to win him many a lead off, with Bradley game, just as the squeeze following'. Then will play has often pulled come Flick, Lajoie, Turn him out of a tight hole. er, Jackson, Stovall, the "It's a play that can't be catcher and pitcher. In worked every day," said discussing this batting1 Griffith, "but it will order today. Manager La come pretty near going joie said: "Some persons through every time. I have thought it queer can't divulge the secret because Bradley is sec of the play just at pres ond on the list, a place Clarke Griffith ent, but I \vill try it in usually occupied by a NapoleonLajoia some of the games to be scientific hunter.
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