<I>Fulmarus Glacialis</I>, Breeding in Newfoundland <Sup>
The Northern Fulmar,Fulmarus glacialis, breedingin NewfoundlandI DavidN. Nettleship:and R. D. Montgomerie3 The Northern Fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis, is a comm.),but nestingwas not established.The fact b•rd of the openocean, known to breedin North that the Witless Bay islands, and in particular America only in Alaska, the Canadian Arctic, Great Island, are amongthe mostclosely studied and Greenland. Godfrey (1%6) notes that it seabirdislands in easternCanada suggeststhat nests in large coloniesin the Canadian arctic this colony on Great Island is of recent origin, islands and is "found in summer in many other especiallyas Nettleship did not find breeding partsof the CanadianArctic westto BanksIsland fulmarsduring his seabirdstudies there between (rarely),north to EllesmereIsland, and commonly 1967 and 1969 (Nettleship,1972). It also seems southward to waters off Newfoundland, but not likely that this southwardexpansion into temper- Hudson Bay." Although one of the commonest ate North American waters is related to the in- b•rds at sea off Labrador from late April to early creaseof boreal nestingfulmars noted through- October (Austin, 1932; Todd, 1%3) and regular out the species'North Atlantic range (Fisher, off Newfoundlandthroughout the year (Peters 1952; Salomonsen,1965). and Burleigh,1951; Tuck, 1%7) it has not pre- Attempts shouldbe made to revisit the site viouslybeen found breeding in theseregions. systematicallyin the futureto providesome docu- BetweenJuly 23 and 29, 1973 during a census mentationof the colonizingprocess. of breeding seabirdsin Witless Bay, Newfound- LITERATURE CITED land, Montgomeriefound 6 fulmar nests,all of which containedyoung, on the northwestcorner Austin, O. L. 1932. The birds of Newfoundland Labra- of Great Island (47ø11'N, 52ø49'W), located off dor.
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