EconomicEconomicEconomic and and environmental and environmental environmental impacts impacts impacts of of oficipe icipeaimsicipeaims toaims developto develop to develop and and establish and establish establish an an an EffectiveEffectiveEffective and and timely and timely timelymonitoring monitoring monitoring FallFall ArmywormFall Armyworm Armyworm in Africain Africa in Africa integratedintegratedintegrated pest management pest management management for forFall forFall Fall

-FAW has-FAW spread has-FAW spread has spread -Can feed-Can on feed more-Can on feed more on more to entireto sub entire- tosub entire- sub- ArmywormArmywormArmyworm that that is that specificis specific is specific to Africato Africa to Africa than 80than plant 80 than plant 80 plant SaharanSaharan Africa in SaharanAfrica in Africa in speciesspeciesspecies less thanless 2 years thanless 2 years than 2 years -Critically-Critically damages-Critically damages damages -Key food-Key food-Key food early maizeearly maizeandearly at andmaize at and at securitysecurity crops, crops,security crops, cob/headcob/head formationcob/head formation- formation- - maize andmaize andmaize and sorghumsorghum sorghum severelyseverely severely damageddamaged damaged MonitoringMonitoring tools,Monitoring suchtools, as such tools, field as scoutingsuch field as scouting field mobile scouting mobile apps (left)mobileapps and (left) apps pheromone and (left) pheromone and traps pheromone (middle)traps (middle) traps (middle) optimisedoptimised andoptimised a communityand a community and -abased community- basedFAW monitoring -FAWbased monitoring FAW and monitoring realtime and realtime forecastingand realtimeforecasting platformforecasting platform (right) platform (right) (right) -Estimated-Estimated losses-Estimated losses losses pilotedpiloted in eastern pilotedin eastern Africa in eastern Africa Africa of 6.2 billionof 6.2 USD billionof 6.2 USD billion USD per yearper year per year BiologicalBiologicalBiological control control control

CotesiaCotesiaicipe icipeCotesia icipeCharopsCharopsater Charopsater Palexoristaater PalexoristazonataPalexoristazonata zonata 5 – 45%5 parasitism – 45% parasitism5 – 45% parasitism 7 – 12% 7parasitism – 12% parasitism7 – 12% parasitism5 – 13%5 parasitism – 13% parasitism5 – 13% parasitism

DiversityDiversity of nativeDiversity of nativenatural of naturalnative enemies naturalenemies of FAW enemies of documented, FAW of documented, FAW documented,up to 50%up to field 50% up-parasitism tofield 50%-parasitism field of- parasitism of of FAW byFAW native byFAW nativeparasitoids by parasitoidsnative observed. observed. observed. Cotesiaicipe Cotesiaholdsicipe promiseholdsicipe promise holds of FAW promise of management FAW of management FAW management and needsand needsto andbe conserved. toneeds be conserved. to be conserved.

BiopesticidesBiopesticidesBiopesticides and and biorationals and biorationals biorationals LifecycleLifecycleLifecycle of Fallof Fall of Armyworm Armyworm

FAW infectingFAW infectingFAW fungus infecting fungus that can fungusthat kill can up that killto 97%canup to killof 97% theup toofeggs 97%the and eggs of theneonate and eggs neonate larvaeand neonate larvae(left) and (left)larvae up and (left) up and up to 100%to of100% theto ofadult 100% the moths adult of the moths (right) adult (right)mothsidentified. identified.(right) Effective identified. Effective strains Effective strainssuch asstrainssuchICIPE assuch 78ICIPE and as 78 ICIPE and 78ICIPE and ICIPE 7 (middle)7 (middle) are7 already (middle) are already commercialised are already commercialised commercialised. . . Eggs –Eggsthe most –Eggsthe vulnerable most – the vulnerable most stage vulnerable forstage any for stage any forLarvae any Larvae – highly Larvae– highlydamaging – damaginghighly but damaging resistant but resistant tobut resistant to to controlcontrol but difficult controlbut difficult to but monitor difficult to monitor to monitor syntheticsynthetic pesticidessynthetic pesticides and pesticides even and to even and to even to transgenictransgenic maizetransgenic maize maize ResilientResilientResilient maize maize maizecropping cropping cropping systems systems systems CapacityCapacityCapacity building building building on onFall Fallon Armyworm Fall Armyworm Armyworm managementmanagementmanagement

PupaePupae – most –Pupae crypticmost –cryptic lifemost stage crypticlife stage life stage found foundin the soilinfound the difficult soil in the difficult to soil target difficult to target to target AdultsAdults – Can –AdultsmigrateCan migrate – forCan several migrate for several hundred for several hundred hundredwith pesticideswith pesticideswith pesticides kilometreskilometres, easykilometres ,to easy monitor to, easy monitor visually to monitor visually and visually and and with pheromonewith pheromonewith traps pheromone traps traps

Fall armywormFall armywormFall incidence armyworm incidence is reduced incidence is reduced up is to reduced 80%up to in 80% diversifiedup toin 80%diversified inmaize diversified maizehabitat habitat maizemanagement habitatmanagement management systemssystems suchsystems as such Push as such- pullPush (left),as-pull Push while(left),-pull intercroppingwhile (left), intercropping while intercropping with edible with ediblelegumes with legumesedible (right) legumes (right)can can(right) can More thanMore 675 thanMore national 675 than national agricultural 675 national agricultural extension agricultural extension staff extension and staff 430 and staffgrowers 430 and growers trained430 growers trained on FAW trainedon FAW on FAW reducereduce FAW incidence reduceFAW incidence FAW by moreincidence by thanmore by30% than more 30% than 30% monitoringmonitoring andmonitoring management and management and management For more details about icipe and Fall Armyworm IPM activities, contact:

International Centre of Physiology Fall Armyworm and Ecology (icipe) P.O. Box 30772-00100 Integrated Pest Core Donors Nairobi, Management (IPM) Telephone: +254 (20) 8632000 Fax: +254 (20) 8632001/8632002 Updates E-mail: [email protected] Website: Key Project Partners

icipe STATIONS icipe – Duduville Campus Telephone: +254 (20) 8632000 Fax: +254 (20) 8632001/8632002

Project Donors icipe – Thomas Odhiambo Mbita Campus Telephone: +254 (59) 22216/7/8 Fax: +254 (59) 22190 Satellite line: +441707657334

icipe – Country Office Telephone: +251 (1) 463215 Fax: +251 (1) 463215

icipe – Uganda Country Office Wanale Road, Plot 10, Mbale, Uganda Telephone: +256 (0)778 524647