Biochemical and Serological Comparison of Selected Vibrio Spp. Isolated from Fish

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Biochemical and Serological Comparison of Selected Vibrio Spp. Isolated from Fish AN ABSTRACT OF TEE ThESIS OF Somsak PipoDtinvo for the degree of Master of Science in Fisheries Presented on Sentember 15.. 1987 Title: BIOCHEMICAL AN]) SEROLOGICAL COMPARISON OF SELECTED VIBRIO SPP. ISOLATED FROM FISH Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy I Dr. James R. Winton Nine isolates of bacteria recovered from fish dying at marine facilities were collected from different geographic areas. The strains included: an isolate from chinook salmon (Oncorhvn- chus tsbavvtscha) reared in net pens in New Zealand, an isolate from chum salmon (Oncorhvnchus keta) held at a laboratory in Oregon, USA., and seven strains recovered from tilapia (Oreochro- sDilurus), silvery black porgy (Acanthoagrus cuvieri), and greasy grouper (Eninenhelus tauvina) cultured in Kuwait. All isolates were characterized by examination of morphological and biochemical properties and were confirmed to be members of the genus Vibrio. All, isolates differed phenotypically from each other, from vibrios known to be pathogenic for fish, and from other named Vibrio species.Analysis of key phenotypic characteristics used to establish existing species suggested that the isolates tested were new Vibrio species. Four of the isolates (two from coldwater fish and two from warmwater fish) were selected for further study. This included determination of percent guanine plus cytosine (%G+C), comparison of growth characteristics, analysis of major 0 antigens and testing of pathogenicity. The four isolates examined had an absolute requirement for NaCl. Optimum growth temperatures varied among the isolates and were consistent with the temperature optima of the hostsfrom which the isolates were obtained. Serological analysis using slide agglutination, microtiter agglutination, and Ouchterlony double diffusion tests detected specific thermostable (0) antigens unique for each of the four isolates.A coon minor antigen was observed between two of the other isolates from Kuwait. Experimental infections were produced in fingerling rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerfl using intraperitoneal injection of the four isolates. The pathogenicity of the two isolates from Kuwait was higher than that of the two salmonid isolates.The strains fromKuwaitwere used to challenge juvenile chinook salmon by vaterborne exposure.The pathology produced by infection was characteristic Cram-negative hemorrhagic septicemia. Biochemical and Serological Comparison of Selected Vibrio p. Isolated from Fish by Somsak Pipoppinyo A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed September 15, 1987 Commencement June 1988 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Assistant Professor of Fisheries in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Read of Department 'of Fisheries and Wildlife Redacted for Privacy Dean of GraduatI Echool Date thesis is presented Seotember 15. 1987 Typed by Somsak Pipoppinyo for Somsak Pi0000invo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deep appreciation to the many people who have helped to make this work possible: To Dr. J. L. Fryer andDr. J. R. Winton for the opportuni- ty to work in their laboratory; and especially to Dr. Winton, my major professor, for his tremendous assistance, guidance, pa- tience, and encouragement in the face of imminent deadlines. To the Royal Thai Government and the Maejo Institute of Agricultural Technology, Thailand, for financial support through- out this study. To Dr. J. S. Rohovec for many helpful technical suggestions and editorial comments in the preparation of this manuscript. To Dr. R. E. Olson and Dr. L. E. Lampila for their help in the final preparation of this thesis. To Craig Banner for assistance with the percent guanine plus cytosine determinations. Special thanks to Cathy Lannan, Kellee Roberti, Yuanan Lu, and Jerri Hoffmaster for their friendship, assistance, and con- stant encouragement throughout this study; and to the other mem- bers of the fish disease group: Tony Ainandi, Cindy Arakawa, Warren Groberg, Rich }Iolt, John Kaufman, Scott LaPatra, and Dan Rockey whose help and friendship will always be remembered. Finally, I wish to express my deep gratitude to my parents for their love, understanding, and constant encouragement. This work is a result of research sponsored by Oregon Sea Grant through NOAA Office of Sea Grant, Department of Commerce, under Grant No. 1985-86 (FY86) NA85AA-D-SG095. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION i LITERATURE REVIEW 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 18 Bacterial Strains, Culture Media, and Maintenance 18 Phenotypic Characteristics 20 Morphology, Motility, and Gram Stain Reaction 20 Biochemical Tests by API-20E Strips 21 Biochemical Tests by Conventional Methods 21 Growth Characteristics 23 Growth Curves and Mean Generation Time 23 Growth at Different Temperatures 23 Growth at Different Concentrations of Sodium Chloride 24 Serological Tests 24 Production of Rabbit Antiserum 24 Slide Agglutination Tests 25 Determination of Agglutinating Antibody Titer 26 Ouchterlony Double Diffusion Tests 27 Percent Guanine Plus Cytosine Determination 28 Isolation of DNA 28 Determination of Percent Guanine Plus Cytosine 29 Virulence and Pathogenicity Tests 30 Injection Challenge 30 Waterborne Challenge 31 RESULTS 32 Phenotypic Characteristics 32 Growth Characteristics 32 Growth Curves and Mean Generation Times 32 Growth at Different Temperatures 35 Growth at Different Concentrations of Sodium Chloride 35 Serological Tests 43 Slide Agglutination Tests 43 Determination of Agglutinating Antibody Titers 43 Ouchterlony Double Diffusion Tests 46 Percent Guanine Plus Cytosine Determination 46 Virulence and Pathogenicity Tests 50 Injection Challenge and Fifty Percent Lethal 50 Dose (LD50) Waterborne Challenge 56 DISCUSSION 63 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY 73 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Growth curve of NZ isolate in tryptic soy broth 36 at 18°C plotting viable cells/mi versus optical density. 2 Growth curve of CHIJ isolate in tryptic soy broth 36 at 18°C plotting viable cells/mi versus optical density. 3 Growth curve of Ku-2 isolate in tryptic soy broth 37 at 18°C plotting viable cells/nil versus optical density. 4 Growth curve of Ku-4 isolate in tryptic soy broth 37 at 18°C plotting viable cells/nil versus optical density at. 5 Growth of the4Z isolate in tryptic soy broth 38 incubated at different temperatures. 6 Growth of the C}IU isolate in tryptic soy broth 38 incubated at different temperatures. 7 Growth of the Ku-2 isolate in tryptic soy broth 39 incubated at different temperatures. 8 Growth of the Ku-4 isolate in tryptic soy broth 39 incubated at different temperatures. 9 Growth of Vibrio anguillarum in tryptic soy 40 broth incubated at different temperatures. 10 Growth of the NZ isolate in tryptone glucose 40 yeast broth at different concentrations of NaCl incubated at 18°C. 11 Growth of the CHU isolate in tryptone glucose 41 yeast broth at different concentrations of NaCl incubated at 18°C. 12 Growth of the Ku-2 isolate in tryptone glucose 41 yeast broth at different concentrations of NaCl incubated at 18°C. 13 Growth of the Ku-4 isolate in tryptone glucose 42 yeast broth at different concentrations of NaC1 incubated at 18°C. 14 Growth of Vibrio anguillarum in tryptone glucose 42 yeast broth at different concentrations of NaC1 incubated at 18°C. 15 Ouchterlony double diffusion plates. Antigens 47 in the outer wells were reacted with antisera in the center wells. 16 Characteristic hemorrhagic septicemia in rainbow 57 trout injected by isolates studied. 17 External pathological signs in chinook salmon 61 exposed to Ku-2 isolate. LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Characteristics of members of the genus Vibrio 5 that have been reported to be pathogenic for fish. 2 Source of Vibrio isolates used in this study. 19 3 Phenotypic characteristics of Vibrio isolates 33 used in this study compared with Vibrio an2uil- larum and V. ordalii. 4 Results of slide agglutination tests using rabbit 44 antisera against Vibrio anuillarum, ordalii, NZ, CILU, Ku-2, and Ku-4 reacted with homologous and heterologous antigens. 5 Agglutinating antibody titers of rabbit antisera 45 against Vibrio anguillrum, . ordalii, NZ, CHU, Ku-2, and Ku-4 when reacted with the homologous and heterologous antigens. 6 Percent guanine plus cytosine (%G+C) values of 51 the NZ, CHU, Ku-2, and Ku-4 isolates using cherichia coli (WP2) as the reference strain. 7 Mortality and mean day to death of rainbow trout 52 injected with different numbers of NZ cells. 8 Mortality and mean day to death of rainbow trout 53 injected with different numbers of CHU cells. 9 Mortality and mean day to death of rainbow trout 54 injected with different numbers of Ku-2 cells. 10 Mortality and mean day to death of rainbow trout 55 injected with different numbers of Ku-4 cells. 11 Mortality and mean day to death of chinook sal- 59 mon waterborne challenged with Ku-2. 12 Mortality and mean day to death of chinook sal- 60 mon waterborne challenged with Ku-4. BIOCHEMICAL AND SEROLOGICAL COMPARISON OF SELECTED VIBRIO . ISOLATED FROM FISH INTRODUCTION Members of the genus Vibrio are wide-spread in nature, occuring principally in marine and estuarine environments (Baumann et al., 1984; Colvell, 1984). These bacteria have been isolated from diseased fish of various species throughout the world and are a leading cause of mortality among cultured marine fishes (Anderson and Conroy, 1970; Austin and Austin, 1987). The genus Vibrio is formed from a large complex of strains(Baumann et al., 1984). Of the twenty named species, nine (!. alginoly-
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