Congressional Record—House H10043

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Congressional Record—House H10043 September 4, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10043 Hayes McHugh Sa´ nchez, Linda Lipinski Royce Souder bill, H.R. 3020, as amended, on which Heller McIntyre T. Lucas Rush Tancredo the yeas and nays were ordered. Herseth Sandlin McKeon Sarbanes Mollohan Sanchez, Loretta Taylor Higgins McMorris Saxton Payne Schiff Terry The Clerk read the title of the bill. Hill Rodgers Schakowsky Peterson (PA) Schwartz Watson The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Hinchey McNerney Scott (GA) Pickering Shimkus Weller question is on the motion offered by Hinojosa McNulty Poe Simpson Wilson (NM) Scott (VA) the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Hirono Meek (FL) Sensenbrenner Pryce (OH) Smith (WA) Young (AK) Hobson Meeks (NY) Serrano VELA´ ZQUEZ) that the House suspend the Hodes Melancon Sestak b 1913 rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3020, as Holden Mica Shays Holt Michaud Messrs. KINGSTON, GARRETT of amended. Shea-Porter Honda Miller (MI) New Jersey, HERGER, Mrs. This will be a 5-minute vote. Sherman Hoyer Miller (NC) Shuler BLACKBURN, Mr. HOEKSTRA and The vote was taken by electronic de- Inslee Miller, George Shuster vice, and there were—yeas 385, nays 5, Issa Mitchell Mrs. SCHMIDT changed their vote Jackson (IL) Moore (KS) Sires from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ not voting 42, as follows: Jackson-Lee Moore (WI) Skelton Messrs. MURTHA, SULLIVAN, CON- [Roll No. 848] Slaughter (TX) Moran (KS) YERS, Ms. GRANGER and Mr. HOB- Jefferson Moran (VA) Smith (NJ) YEAS—385 Johnson (GA) Murphy (CT) Smith (TX) SON changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to Abercrombie Cooper Heller Jones (OH) Murphy, Patrick Snyder ‘‘yea.’’ Ackerman Costello Hensarling Jordan Murphy, Tim Solis So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Aderholt Courtney Herger Kagen Murtha Space Akin Cramer Herseth Sandlin Kanjorski Myrick Spratt tive) the rules were suspended and the Alexander Crenshaw Higgins Kaptur Nadler Stark bill, as amended, was passed. Allen Crowley Hill Keller Napolitano Stupak The result of the vote was announced Altmire Cubin Hinchey Kennedy Neal (MA) Sullivan as above recorded. Andrews Cuellar Hinojosa Kildee Nunes Sutton Arcuri Cummings Hirono Kilpatrick Oberstar Tanner A motion to reconsider was laid on Baca Davis (AL) Hobson Kind Obey Tauscher the table. Bachmann Davis (CA) Hodes King (NY) Olver Thompson (CA) Bachus Davis (IL) Hoekstra Kirk Ortiz Thompson (MS) f Baird Davis (KY) Holden Klein (FL) Pallone Tiahrt Baker Davis, David Holt Knollenberg Pascrell Tiberi THE RETURN OF SENATOR TIM Baldwin Davis, Lincoln Honda Kuhl (NY) Pastor Tierney JOHNSON Barrett (SC) Davis, Tom Hoyer LaHood Pearce Towns (Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN asked and Bartlett (MD) Deal (GA) Inglis (SC) Lampson Perlmutter Turner Barton (TX) DeFazio Inslee Langevin Peterson (MN) Udall (CO) was given permission to address the Bean DeGette Issa Lantos Petri Udall (NM) House for 1 minute.) Becerra Delahunt Jackson (IL) Larsen (WA) Pitts Upton Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN. Mr. Speak- Berkley DeLauro Jackson-Lee Larson (CT) Platts Berman Dent (TX) Van Hollen er, I rise this evening to share with you Latham Pomeroy Vela´ zquez Berry Diaz-Balart, L. Jefferson LaTourette Porter Visclosky and to share with all of our colleagues Biggert Diaz-Balart, M. Johnson (GA) Lee Price (NC) Walberg some truly wonderful news about a Bilbray Dicks Jones (NC) Levin Putnam Walden (OR) Bilirakis Dingell Jones (OH) Lewis (GA) Radanovich good friend and his health, a friend who Bishop (GA) Doggett Walsh (NY) Jordan Lewis (KY) Rahall is a former Member of this body, and Bishop (NY) Donnelly Kagen Walz (MN) LoBiondo Ramstad Bishop (UT) Doolittle Kanjorski Wamp the senior Senator from the State of Loebsack Rangel Blackburn Doyle Kaptur Wasserman South Dakota. This announcement is Lofgren, Zoe Regula Blumenauer Drake Keller Schultz Lowey Rehberg news of our friend, TIM JOHNSON. Blunt Dreier Kennedy Waters Lungren, Daniel Reichert Last week, Senator JOHNSON was wel- Boehner Duncan Kildee Watt E. Renzi comed home by his constituents for the Bonner Edwards Kilpatrick Lynch Reyes Waxman Bono Ehlers Kind Mahoney (FL) Reynolds Weiner first time since suffering a debilitating Boozman Ellison King (IA) Maloney (NY) Rodriguez Welch (VT) brain hemorrhage last December. It Boren Ellsworth King (NY) Markey Rogers (AL) Weldon (FL) was a joyous day, full of smiles, laugh- Boswell Emanuel Kingston Wexler Marshall Rogers (KY) ter and tears. And after 9 months of Boucher Emerson Kirk Matheson Rogers (MI) Whitfield Boustany Engel Klein (FL) Matsui Ros-Lehtinen Wicker hard work, determination, and Boyd (FL) English (PA) Kline (MN) McCarthy (CA) Roskam Wilson (OH) strength of mind and spirit, all quali- Boyda (KS) Eshoo Knollenberg McCarthy (NY) Ross Wilson (SC) ties that have marked his tenure in Brady (PA) Etheridge Kuhl (NY) McCaul (TX) Rothman Wolf Brady (TX) Everett LaHood McCollum (MN) Roybal-Allard Woolsey public service, tomorrow TIM JOHNSON Braley (IA) Fallin Lamborn McCotter Ruppersberger Wu will return to the Senate Chamber. Brown (SC) Farr Lampson McCrery Ryan (OH) Wynn Brown, Corrine Fattah Langevin McDermott Ryan (WI) Yarmuth b 1915 Brown-Waite, Feeney Lantos McGovern Salazar Young (FL) Ginny Ferguson Larsen (WA) In Senator JOHNSON’s recovery, the Buchanan Filner Larson (CT) NAYS—59 prayers of South Dakota families, the Burgess Forbes Latham Bachmann Deal (GA) Manzullo prayers of all of us, and indeed the Burton (IN) Fortenberry LaTourette Barrett (SC) Doolittle Marchant prayers of countless people across the Butterfield Fossella Lee Buyer Foxx Levin Bartlett (MD) Duncan McHenry country have been answered. And TIM, Calvert Frank (MA) Lewis (GA) Barton (TX) Feeney Miller (FL) Biggert Flake his loving wife Barbara, and their beau- Camp (MI) Franks (AZ) Lewis (KY) Miller, Gary Campbell (CA) Frelinghuysen Linder Bilbray Foxx Musgrave tiful family will continue to move for- Blackburn Franks (AZ) Cannon Garrett (NJ) LoBiondo Neugebauer ward as resilient and remarkable as Cantor Gerlach Loebsack Boehner Garrett (NJ) Paul Broun (GA) Gingrey ever. Capito Giffords Lofgren, Zoe Pence Burton (IN) Hensarling Capps Gilchrest Lowey Price (GA) f Campbell (CA) Herger Capuano Gillibrand Lungren, Daniel Rohrabacher Cannon Hoekstra Cardoza Gillmor E. Sali ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Carnahan Gingrey Lynch Cantor Inglis (SC) PRO TEMPORE Carter Jones (NC) Schmidt Carney Gohmert Mack Coble King (IA) Sessions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Carson Gonzalez Mahoney (FL) Shadegg Carter Goode Maloney (NY) Conaway Kingston objection, 5-minute voting will con- Cubin Kline (MN) Smith (NE) Castle Goodlatte Manzullo Culberson Lamborn Stearns tinue. Castor Gordon Marchant Davis (KY) Linder Thornberry There was no objection. Chabot Granger Markey Davis, David Mack Westmoreland Chandler Green, Al Marshall f Clarke Green, Gene Matheson NOT VOTING—42 Clay Hall (NY) Matsui MICROLOAN AMENDMENTS AND Cleaver Hall (TX) McCarthy (CA) Barrow Gutierrez Jindal MODERNIZATION ACT Clyburn Hare McCarthy (NY) Costa Hastert Johnson (IL) Cohen Harman McCaul (TX) Davis, Jo Ann Hooley Johnson, E. B. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Cole (OK) Hastings (FL) McCollum (MN) Gallegly Hulshof Johnson, Sam finished business is the vote on the mo- Conaway Hastings (WA) McCotter Graves Hunter Kucinich Conyers Hayes McCrery Grijalva Israel Lewis (CA) tion to suspend the rules and pass the VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:03 Apr 04, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\H04SE7.REC H04SE7 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H10044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 4, 2007 McDermott Price (GA) Snyder HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tor for Lieutenant Governor Cruz McGovern Price (NC) Solis Washington, DC, August 31, 2007. McHenry Putnam Bustamante, LAURA was elected to the Space Hon. NANCY PELOSI, McHugh Radanovich California State Assembly last Novem- Spratt Speaker, House of Representatives, McIntyre Rahall Stark ber. And less than a year later, she won Washington, DC. McKeon Ramstad Stearns a special election to succeed our dear McMorris Rangel DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I have the honor to Stupak departed colleague, Juanita Millender- Rodgers Regula Sullivan transmit herewith a scanned copy of a Cer- McNerney Rehberg Sutton tificate of Election received from the Honor- McDonald, and joins us here. It is a dis- McNulty Reichert Tanner able Debra Bowen, Secretary of State of tinction that she is one of the few peo- Meek (FL) Renzi Tauscher California, indicating that, at the Special Meeks (NY) Reyes ple in the history of this country to Thompson (CA) Election held on August 21, 2007, the Honor- Melancon Reynolds serve both in a local, State and Federal Thompson (MS) Mica Rodriguez able Laura Richardson was duly elected Rep- post within 1 year. She worked for Jua- Thornberry resentative in Congress for the Thirty-Sev- Michaud Rogers (AL) nita as a field deputy, and she will con- Miller (FL) Rogers (KY) Tiahrt enth Congressional District, State of Cali- Miller (MI) Rogers (MI) Tiberi fornia. tinue her important work to ensure Miller (NC) Rohrabacher Tierney With best wishes, I am that all Americans can participate in a Towns Miller, Gary Ros-Lehtinen Sincerely, fair and free electoral process. Miller, George Roskam Turner LORRAINE C. MILLER, LAURA’s career has many highlights. Mitchell Ross Udall (CO) Moore (KS) Rothman Udall (NM) Clerk of the House. While on the city council, she was re- Moore (WI) Roybal-Allard Upton Enclosure. sponsible for bringing Long Beach’s Moran (KS) Ruppersberger Van Hollen CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION inner city its first job training center ´ Moran (VA) Ryan (OH) Velazquez I, Debra Bowen, Secretary of State of the for working families; she championed Murphy (CT) Ryan (WI) Visclosky State of California, hereby certify: That ac- Murphy, Patrick Salazar Walberg economic development and improved cording to the official canvass of votes cast Murphy, Tim Sali Walden (OR) upon transportation services. And dear in the Special General Election held on the Murtha Sa´ nchez, Linda Walsh (NY) to my heart, she helped open the first Musgrave T. Walz (MN) 21st day of August, 2007 in the 37th Congres- Myrick Sarbanes Wamp sional District, Laura Richardson was elect- new bank in the city’s central area Nadler Saxton Wasserman ed to the office of United States Representa- since the 1992 riots.
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