Congressional Record—House H3706

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Congressional Record—House H3706 H3706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 21, 2010 Green, Gene Green, Parker Griffith, Rau´ l M. Carol Shea-Porter, Brad Sherman, John 7619. A letter from the Acting Director, Grijalva, Brett Guthrie, Luis V. Gutierrez, Shimkus, Heath Shuler, Bill Shuster, Mi- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, John J. Hall, Ralph M. Hall, Deborah L. chael K. Simpson, Albio Sires, Ike Skelton, transmitting the Corporation’s final rule — Halvorson, Phil Hare, Jane Harman, Gregg Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Benefits Payable in Terminated Single-Em- Harper, Alcee L. Hastings, Doc Hastings, Adrian Smith, Christopher H. Smith, Lamar ployer Plans; Interest Assumptions for Val- Martin Heinrich, Dean Heller, Jeb Smith, Vic Snyder, Hilda L. Solis*, Mark E. uing and Paying Benefits received May 11, Hensarling, Wally Herger, Stephanie Herseth Souder, Zachary T. Space, Jackie Speier, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Sandlin, Brian Higgins, Baron P. Hill, James John M. Spratt Jr., Bart Stupak, Cliff Committee on Education and Labor. A. Himes, Maurice D. Hinchey, Rube´n Stearns, John Sullivan, Betty Sutton, John 7620. A letter from the Assistant General Hinojosa, Mazie K. Hirono, Paul W. Hodes, S. Tanner, Ellen O. Tauscher*, Gene Taylor, counsel for Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Con- Peter Hoekstra, Tim Holden, Rush D. Holt, Harry Teague, Lee Terry, Bennie G. Thomp- sumer Product Safety Commission, trans- Michael M. Honda, Steny H. Hoyer, Duncan son, Glenn Thompson, Mike Thompson, Mac mitting the Commission’s final rule — Civil Hunter, Bob Inglis, Jay Inslee, Steve Israel, Thornberry, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick J. Tiberi, Penalty Factors received April 26, 2010, pur- Darrell E. Issa, Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Sheila John F. Tierney, Dina Titus, Paul Tonko, suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Jackson Lee, Lynn Jenkins, Eddie Bernice Edolphus Towns, Niki Tsongas, Michael R. mittee on Energy and Commerce. Johnson, Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson Jr., Sam Turner, Fred Upton, Chris Van Hollen, Nydia 7621. A letter from the Assistant Legal Ad- Johnson, Timothy V. Johnson, Walter B. M. Vela´ zquez, Peter J. Visclosky, Greg Wal- visor for Treaty Affairs, Department of Jones, Jim Jordan, Steve Kagen, Paul E. den, Timothy J. Walz, Zach Wamp, Debbie State, transmitting report prepared by the Kanjorski, Marcy Kaptur, Patrick J. Ken- Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, Diane Department of State concerning inter- nedy, Dale E. Kildee, Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Watson, Melvin L. Watt, Henry A. Waxman, national agreements other than treaties en- Mary Jo Kilroy, Ron Kind, Peter T. King, Anthony D. Weiner, Peter Welch, Lynn A. tered into by the United States to be trans- Steve King, Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Westmoreland, Robert Wexler*, Ed Whitfield, mitted to the Congress within the sixty-day Kirk, Ann Kirkpatrick, Larry Kissell, Ron Klein, John Kline, Suzanne M. Kosmas, Charles A. Wilson, Joe Wilson, Robert J. period specified in the Case-Zablocki Act; to Frank Kratovil Jr., Doug Lamborn, Leonard Wittman, Frank R. Wolf, Lynn C. Woolsey, the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Lance, James R. Langevin, Rick Larsen, David Wu, John A. Yarmuth, C.W. Bill 7622. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, John B. Larson, Tom Latham, Steven C. Young, Don Young Legislative Affairs, Department of State, transmitting a report detailing the activities LaTourette, Robert E. Latta, Barbara Lee, f Christopher John Lee, Sander M. Levin, of U.S. mentors and trainers as they relate Jerry Lewis, John Lewis, John Linder, Dan- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, to the progress of current police training iel Lipinski, Frank A. LoBiondo, David ETC. programs in Afghanistan, pursuant to Public Law 110-53; to the Committee on Foreign Af- Loebsack, Zoe Lofgren, Nita M. Lowey, Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Frank D. Lucas, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Ben fairs. Ray Luja´ n, Cynthia M. Lummis, Daniel E. communications were taken from the 7623. A letter from the Secretary, Smithso- Lungren, Stephen F. Lynch, Carolyn McCar- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: nian Institution, transmitting a copy of the thy, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T. McCaul, 7613. A letter from the Congressional Re- Institution’s audited financial statement for Tom McClintock, Betty McCollum, Thaddeus view Coordinator, Department of Agri- fiscal year 2009, pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 57; to G. McCotter, Jim McDermott, James P. culture, transmitting the Department’s final the Committee on Oversight and Govern- McGovern, Patrick T. McHenry, John M. rule — Noxious Weeds; Old World Climbing ment Reform. McHugh*, Mike McIntyre, Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ Fern and Maidenhair Creeper [Docket No.: 7624. A letter from the Assistant Secretary McKeon, Michael E. McMahon, Cathy APHIS-2008-0097] received May 4, 2010, pursu- — Land and Minerals Management, Depart- McMorris Rodgers, Jerry McNerney, Connie ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee ment of the Interior, transmitting the De- Mack, Daniel B. Maffei, Carolyn B. Maloney, on Agriculture. partment’s final rule — Update of Revised Donald A. Manzullo, Kenny Marchant, Betsy 7614. A letter from the Director, Defense and Reaffirmed Documents Incorporated by Markey, Edward J. Markey, Jim Marshall, Procurement and Acquisition Policy, De- Reference [Docket ID: MMS-2008-OMM-0044] Eric J.J. Massa*, Jim Matheson, Doris O. partment of Defense, transmitting the De- (RIN: 1010-AD54) received April 29, 2010, pur- Matsui, Kendrick B. Meek, Gregory W. partment’s final rule — Defense Federal Ac- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Meeks, Charlie Melancon, John L. Mica, Mi- quisition Regulation Supplement; Service mittee on Natural Resources. chael H. Michaud, Brad Miller, Candice S. Contract Surveillance (DFARS Case 2008- 7625. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Miller, Gary G. Miller, George Miller, Jeff D032) (RIN: 0750-AG49) received April 29, 2010, fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Miller, Walt Minnick, Harry E. Mitchell, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis Moore, Gwen mittee on Armed Services. tion, transmitting the Administration’s final Moore, James P. Moran, Jerry Moran, Chris- 7615. A letter from the Under Secretary, rule — Fisheries in the Western Pacific; Ha- topher S. Murphy, Patrick J. Murphy, Scott Department of Defense, transmitting the De- waii Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Murphy, Tim Murphy, John P. Murtha*, Sue partment’s quarterly report entitled, ‘‘Ac- Fisheries; Fishery Closure (RIN: 0648-XU60) Wilkins Myrick, Jerrold Nadler, Grace F. ceptance of contributions for defense pro- received April 26, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Napolitano, Richard E. Neal, Randy grams, projects, and activities; Defense Co- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural Neugebauer, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Devin operation Account’’, for the period ending Resources. Nunes, Glenn C. Nye, James L. Oberstar, March 31, 2010, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2608; to 7626. A letter from the Chief, Publications David R. Obey, John W. Olver, Pete Olson, the Committee on Armed Services. and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, Solomon P. Ortiz, William L. Owens, Frank 7616. A letter from the Associate General transmitting the Service’s final rule — Tax Pallone Jr., Bill Pascrell Jr., Ed Pastor, Ron Counsel for Legislation and Regulations, De- Treatment of Health Care Benefits Provided Paul, Erik Paulsen, Donald M. Payne, Nancy partment of Housing and Urban Develop- With Respect to Children Under Age 27 [No- Pelosi, Mike Pence, Ed Perlmutter, Thomas ment, transmitting the Department’s final tice 2010-38] received April 29, 2010, pursuant S.P. Perriello, Gary C. Peters, Collin C. Pe- rule — Regulatory Reporting Requirements to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on terson, Thomas E. Petri, Pedro R. Pierluisi, for the Indian Community Development Ways and Means. Chellie Pingree, Joseph R. Pitts, Todd Rus- Block Grant Program [Docket No.: FR-5232- 7627. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- sell Platts, Ted Poe, Jared Polis, Earl Pom- F-02] (RIN: 2577-AC79) received May 11, 2010, ment of Transportation, transmitting report eroy, Bill Posey, David E. Price, Tom Price, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- entitled ‘‘Transportation’s Role in Reducing Adam H. Putnam, Mike Quigley, George mittee on Financial Services. U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions’’; jointly to Radanovich, Nick J. Rahall II, Charles B. 7617. A letter from the Deputy to the the Committees on Transportation and In- Rangel, Denny Rehberg, David G. Reichert, Chairman for External Affairs, Federal De- frastructure and Energy and Commerce. Silvestre Reyes, Laura Richardson, Ciro D. posit Insurance Corporation, transmitting f Rodriguez, David P. Roe, Harold Rogers, the Corporation’s final rule — Amendment of Mike Rogers (AL–03), Mike Rogers (MI–08), the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Pro- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Dana Rohrabacher, Thomas J. Rooney, Peter gram To Extend the Transaction Account PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS J. Roskam, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Ross, Guarantee Program With Opportunity To Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Steven R. Rothman, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Opt Out (RIN: 3064-AD37) received May 11, committees were delivered to the Clerk Edward R. Royce, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Bobby L. Rush, Paul Ryan, Tim Ryan, Committee on Financial Services. for printing and reference to the proper Gregorio Sablan, John T. Salazar, Linda T. 7618. A letter from the Assistant Deputy calendar, as follows: Sa´ nchez, Loretta Sanchez, John P. Sarbanes, Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools, Mr. SKELTON: Committee on Armed Serv- Steve Scalise, Janice D. Schakowsky, Adam Department of Education, transmitting the ices. H.R. 5136. A bill to authorize appropria- B. Schiff, Jean Schmidt, Aaron Schock, Kurt Department’s final rule — Emergency Man- tions for fiscal year 2011 for military activi- Schrader, Allyson Y.
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