Adaptation of Arab Immigrants to Australia: Psychological, Social' Cultural and Educational Aspects

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Adaptation of Arab Immigrants to Australia: Psychological, Social' Cultural and Educational Aspects ,l q o") 'no ADAPTATION OF ARAB IMMIGRANTS TO AUSTRALIA: PSYCHOLOGICAL, SOCIAL' CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS Nina Maadad,8.4., Dip. Ed., MBd. Studies Research Portfolio submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Bducation in the University of Adelaide, March 2007. ADDENDUM Table B (cont) Eclucational and Occupational Background of Respondents page 45b. ERRATA Page Line AMENDMENT 7 11 delete etc 10 13 l¡r should be lts 26 5 from that shouldbe thctn bottom 34 I4 group should be groups 53 6 from Add century afÍer nineteenth bottom 4 I Tuttisia should be Cairo 8 2 Insefi (Robinson, 1996) 19 1 Delete is and insert has an 2 Delete a 26 4 Delete of 28 2from Delete to the extent and delete lr bottom 70 9 suit case should be suitcase 98 4 there nationality should be their nationality 110 t7 ¿v¿r should be every t20 16 other shouldbe others 160 l7 than shouldbe then 161 t7 Arabian should be Arab r70 4 Arabian should be Arabic 1 9 1 4 from convent should be convert bottom 230 1 Abdullah, S. should be Saeed, A. 234 6 from Taric shouldbe Tarigh bottom TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract lv Declaration vt Äcknowledgements vll Dedication lx INTRODUCTION TO PORTFOLIO Introduction 2 Støtement of the Problem 4 Arabian Cultural Background 7 Arøbían Core Values 7 Islnm ínthe Arab World t4 Hístory of Druze Sect 22 Educatíon ìn the Arab World 26 Muslíms ín Australía 30 Druze ìn Australia 32 Theoretical Framework and Research Method Theoríes of ImmigraÍíon ønd Interactíon 33 Assumptions 38 Research MethodologY 38 S ele ctíon of P artícíP ants 40 Questionnaíres 4L Intemiews 4T Memoírs and fournals 42 AnøIysís of Datø 42 Concrete Fact Proft'les 43 PART I: ADAPTATION TO AUSTRALIA Introductíon 47 Socínl Alienation 51 P sy cholo gìc øl Adi u stm ent 57 Homelønd ønd Family Vølues 69 C elebratíng Relígíou s F e stív q'Is in Au strølìa 77 Polítical Adøptøtíon 82 I'ín g uí s tic Adap t atío n 83 Self - Identifi,cation 92 Conclusíon r04 1 PART II: MAINTENANCE OF ARAB CORE CULTURAL VALUES IN AUSTRALIA Introductíon lo7 Speaking ín Arabíc 108 Uphotdúng Religíous Values and Practíces ll7 Maintø,íníng Fømily Values 131 Value of Tradìtíonal Meals 135 Importance of Rama.dan and Adha 137 Marrìage Vølues 138 Identification and Arøb Core Values 142 Conclusion 150 PART III RESPONSES OF THE AUSTRALIAN HOST SOCIETY AND EDUCATIONAL VALUES: TIIE RESPONDENTS' EXPERIENCES Introductíon t54 Responses to the Arrívals of Arøb Immigrønt 156 The Expertence of lgnora'nce ín Australínn Society 160 Changed Responses Afrer 9/11 163 The RoIe of the Media 166 A Challenge to Australìan ldentíty t69 Ara.b Women and. Education L7L Educatíonal Dffirences L7s The Importance of Educatíng Others L79 Conclusíon 182 CONCLUSION TO PORTFOLIO Introduction 186 Límítatíons of Present StudY 189 P atterns of Ad.aPtøtio n 190 Implícøtíons ønd Recommenda'tio ns for Future Research 196 APPENDICES A. THE (SHORT) QIJESTIONNAIRE t99 B, THE (LONG) QUESTIONNAIRE 202 C. THE INTERVIEW 214 D. TABLES Table 1: Description of Respondents 2I5 Table2 Importance of Arabic Language 2t6 Table2a: Importance of English Language 2t7 Table 3: Importance of Muslim and Druze Religion 2t8 Table 3a: Should Religious Education be Compulsory? 219 Table 4: Importance of Customs and Culture 220 Table 4a: Importance of Customs andFamily Values to an Arab 221 Table 4b: Importance of Customs and Values in Relation to Immigration 222 1l Table 5: Psychological Issues Caused by Immigration 223 Table 6: Attitudes and Behaviour toward Druze/Muslim Arabs 224 I I 2001 225 Table 7: Change in Attitudes since September ' Table 8: Importance of Self-IdentitY 226 E. MAPS Map l: Arabian Peninsula and VicinitY 227 M'ap2: Middle East 228 Map 3: Northern Africa and the Middle East 229 BIBLIOGRAPHY TABLES IN TEXT Table A: Rise of Muslim Population in Australia L99I-2OOL 31 Table B: Concrete Fact Profile of Respondents 45 Table c: Respondents' Religious and Ethnic Identification 103a 111 ABSTRACT This study examines the psychological problems that were overcome, and the social and cultural adaptations which were made, by Arab immigrants in the process of settling in Australia. The introduction explains the background of Arab core values of Islam and Druze religious beliefs and practices, as well as reviewing the history of Arab migration to Australia. It also discusses the ways in which Western societies have perceived Arabs, especially women. The research was based on a group of forty participants, sixteen of whom migrated to Australia between 1973 and 2004. The other twenty-four were all of Arab descent and born in Australia. The age group of the participants ranged between 14 to 66 years of age. The methodology for undertaking this research utilized humanistic sociology principles for the collecting and analysis of qualitative data. The research strategies that were used for this thesis consisted of interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and access to people's private journals and memoirs. As far as possible in the discussion of data, the respondents' thoughts and feelings have been presented verbatim as quotations from the interviews, questionnaires and their personal writings. This investigation takes the form of a portfolio of studies, divided into 3 sections; each one discusses the questionnaire and interview data related to a specific topic. The first part focuses on the psychological issues that emerged out of migration and adaptation to Australia. The second section concentrates on socio-cultural factors especially the maintenance of traditional Arab religious practices, family values, language and personal identity. The third and final part analyses the respondents' perceptions of the ways the Anglo- 1V Australian host society had responded to Arab immigrants and their children. It focuses in particular, on the changed attitudes and actions which they have experienced since the event of the 9th of September 200l.It also considers the respondents' views on educating Australians of other backgrounds about Arab peoples, their religion and their culture. The findings indicate that Arab immigrants faced many challenges when having to adapt to a new culture. They had to adjust to its values and morals, which were new and alien to them, and learn to integrate the old with the new culture so they could live comfortably. Such adaptation was not done overnight and the time of adjusting was often very depressing, exhausting. For some it took many years before the adjustment was accomplished. The major finding of this portfolio of studies is that the Arab immigrant families did adjust to the new country wholeheartedly, even in the first generation, partly by maintaining the core values of their Arab home culture. The adaptation to mainstream Australian culture was more pronounced in the second generations. Nonetheless, there was an equal enthusiasm from younger people of Arab descent who had been born in Australia to retain and express the values of their family elders' culture and to explain and share it with Australians of other backgrounds. The respondents agreed on the importance of other Australians having the opportunity to learn about Arab peoples and their cultures, as a means of increasing understanding and minimizing suspicion and discrimination. v DECLARATION This work contains no material which has been accepted for the Award of any other degree or diploma in any University or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. I give consent to this copy of my portfolio, when deposited in the University library being available for loan and photocopying. 3 . DATE: 2/O LoÐn vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis represents years of work and dreams not only for me but for my entire family. Their support and love gave me the strength and power to carry on and complete the journey. They provided for me the strength and confidence and made me believe in myself. The most valuable part of my education came from the motivation to change the images and stereotypes of Arabs in general and the criticism directed against Muslim and Druze believers, in particular. I was blessed because I was raised in an open-minded family who allowed me to live a life of privilege and freedom. It is because of them I know that there are no limits for the rights of a woman and no limits to her education and success, no matter what nationality or religion she belongs to' I would also like to express my gratitude to all of the people who participated in this study and would like to thank them for so generously sharing their lives with me. I hope that together we can help to change the attitudes of many 'Western people in the world toward the Arabs and to stop the simplistic generahzations and criticisms that have emerged. My special and sincere thanks also to Dr. Margaret Secombe, my lecturer and supervisor, for her tremendous expertise and tireless Support throughout my entire postgraduate careeÍ. There are insufficient words in English that enable me to express my gratitude to her. I also wish to acknowledge the help given to me in the interview translations by my sister Lamia, and in editing early drafts, by Philip Thomas. v11 Last but not least, I would like to thank Professor J. J. Smolicz for guiding me and setting me on the right track with my thesis. His help and advice were greatly appreciated; thank you, Professor, for believing in me. vlll DEDICATION To My Family; To Ted, l'Oumri" my son, the only sun in my life.
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