NEW YORK OCEAN ACTION PLAN 2016 – 2026 In collaboration with state and federal agencies, municipalities, tribal partners, academic institutions, non- profits, and ocean-based industry and tourism groups. Acknowledgments The preparation of the content within this document was developed by Debra Abercrombie and Karen Chytalo from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and in cooperation and coordination with staff from the New York State Department of State. Funding was provided by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund’s Ocean & Great Lakes Program. Other New York state agencies, federal agencies, estuary programs, the New York Ocean and Great Lakes Coalition, the Shinnecock Indian Nation and ocean-based industry and user groups provided numerous revisions to draft versions of this document which were invaluable. The New York Marine Sciences Consortium provided vital recommendations concerning data and research needs, as well as detailed revisions to earlier drafts. Thank you to all of the members of the public and who participated in the stakeholder focal groups and for also providing comments and revisions. For more information, please contact: Karen Chytalo New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
[email protected] 631-444-0430 Cover Page Photo credits, Top row: E. Burke, SBU SoMAS, M. Gove; Bottom row: Wolcott Henry- 2005/Marine Photo Bank, Eleanor Partridge/Marine Photo Bank, Brandon Puckett/Marine Photo Bank. NEW YORK OCEAN ACTION PLAN | 2016 – 2026 i MESSAGE FROM COMMISSIONER AND SECRETARY The ocean and its significant resources have been at the heart of New York’s richness and economic vitality, since our founding in the 17th Century and continues today.