ATLAS of MIGRATION Facts and Figures About People on the Move
ATLAS OF MIGRATION Facts and figures about people on the move ESCAPE, WORK, FUTURE IMPRINT The ATLAS OF MIGRATION is published by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany Chief executive editors: Johanna Bussemer, Dorit Riethmüller Editors: Christian Jakob (coordination), Stefanie Kron, Wenke Christoph Managing editor: Dietmar Bartz Art Director: Ellen Stockmar English Editor: Paul Mundy Proofreader: Maria Lanman Fact checking: Infotext Berlin Contributors: Friedrich Burschel, Wenke Christoph, Johanna Elle, Sabine Hess, Christian Jakob, Bernd Kasparek, Stefanie Kron, Laura Lambert, Ramona Lenz, Carlos Lopes, Sowmya Maheswaran, Johanna Neuhauser, Mario Neumann, Jochen Oltmer, Maria Oshana, Massimo Perinelli, Maximilian Pichl, Matthias Schmidt-Sembdner, Helen Schwenken, Maurice Stierl, Christian Stock, and a team of authors. Cover image: Ellen Stockmar The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishing organization. Editorial responsibility (V. i. S. d. P.): Alrun Kaune-Nüßlein, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Second English edition, October 2019 Produced by Bonifatius GmbH Druck – Buch – Verlag, Paderborn Climate-neutral printing on 100 percent recycled paper. This material (except the cover picture) is licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported“ (CC BY-SA 4.0). For the licence agreement, see, and a summary (not a substitute) at Individual graphics from this atlas may be reproduced if the attribution ”Bartz/Stockmar, CC BY 4.0“ is placed next to the graphic (in case of modification: ”Bartz/Stockmar (M), CC BY 4.0“). ATLAS DER MIGRATION Daten und Fakten über Menschen in Bewegung FOR FREE DELIVERIES AND DOWNLOADS: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin, Germany FLUCHT, ARBEIT, The ATLAS OF MIGRATION is also published as ATLAS DER MIGRATION in German.
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