1 PPACTE, WP2: EUROPEAN SURVEY ON SMOKING Final Report Silvano GALLUS, Alessandra LUGO, Carlo LA VECCHIA Paolo BOFFETTA, Frank J CHALOUPKA, Paolo COLOMBO, Laura CURRIE, Esteve FERNANDEZ, Colin FISCHBACHER, Anna GILMORE, Fiona GODFREY, Luk JOOSSENS, Maria E LEON, David T LEVY, Gunnar ROSENQVIST, Hana ROSS, Joy TOWNSEND, Luke CLANCY Dublin, 31 January 2012 Correspondence to: Silvano Gallus, ScD DePartment of EPidemiology Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri Via GiusePPe La Masa 19, 20156 Milano tel: +390239014657 – fax: +390233200231 – e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Acknowledgement of funding: The Project ‘Pricing Policies and Control of Tobacco in EuroPe (PPACTE)’ is Partly funded by the EuroPean Commission Seventh Framework Programme Grant Agreement HEALTH-F2-2009-223323. Authors wish to thank Dr Irene Tramacere for her invaluable assistance in the develoPment of the EuroPean Survey Tool. They also exPress their gratitude to Dr Matteo Franchi for research assistance and Mrs Ivana Garimoldi for editorial assistance. Conflict of interest statement The authors of the Present rePort declare that there are no conflicts of interest. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Objective. Inadequate data are available on within-country comParison in EuroPe. Thus, we conducted a survey, with a focus on Pricing Policies to control tobacco. Method. Pricing Policies and Control of Tobacco in EuroPe (PPACTE) is a Project aiming to Provide the most comPrehensive analysis of the effectiveness of tobacco Pricing Policy in EuroPe. Within the PPACTE Project, a face-to-face rePresentative survey on smoking was conducted in 2010 on a samPle of 18,056 ParticiPants (8653 men and 9403 women) from 18 EuroPean countries.