05-01-04 SZ TSD4440 1992 Model Year Sales Directory

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05-01-04 SZ TSD4440 1992 Model Year Sales Directory ) SalesDirectory Rolls-RoyceI Bentley motorcSrs Bolls-BoyceSilver Spirit ll ;- RolsFoyce Silver Splr I Rolls-RoyceCorniche lV RollsRoyce Silver Spur ll TouringLimousin6 Bent6y Brooklands Bentey Turbo F BentleyContinental EentleyContinental B TSD44rlo Sepiemb€r1992 rqtg PubBh.dbt Folle.Solr. MororCs llDh9d Th.-dDdon in di! dd;€nt i! rltardt'lr slhbL drrh. rlm.of !!bliq{.n. f iffi, Holl!-iolc. md sdrl.v froior dd .6 lrr. rubiscl or. 6dnEr ddloDlFl Flrr|m ind rh. d.ti pE.nt d Drv ihNld! b*@ d ot d& fh. m.r.rlrl pubnh8d ln lh. S.bs Dlerory n!.t @t bo tlkri !! torn.o pll ol or 6ii[t*r0 .ny cmlrdctxl or orh. ffiln.d bt AolC€@ M@t ce nd D o ndb-fioyo Morr cln Lrnlbdr6a2 Infioduction v Seplember1992 oa.on phldophy o^gn€sring Esablishins ihi! ihpona nr rink boldtpd !!.d n conluncton w h bo@oi phlosphy, l6du6 6nd orherBollFRoyc. Moror cds pub.srioir - p.diauradrhs Nd spscircdomrnd rodilionall p ay 40ryRoL$3orr. $ * dacutivd Corodq s! d4 lnd th6GsPecrs ropddionol RorrlBoycodnd Bsnlleymoror $re rs rhoben n$e l]lisSrlsr Dl.Ecrory ,dsssnedro hsDhmbyFdding|hs Miqust sli3nin! ca. ro own and b.dri6 rd 4mde arc srwn in bsro'6rhoh, rh. Bo tnqc6sitor sp Irndiledsrvdtvssa€rhd :uromorlva16chiooqy Thus rhe i993Bdoa dssdibod in rhisedt o. ot rh6sras Dir.cro,yembn.es ior YearF iod rh. D,incnarchanee5 mnqe,| 3 rh€1993 S ve,Spi,ir rhr rdmstho D n.p8 sublecror rIs d Gdoryrid, u^lsssquaririd desc'bed.!nbs bk6n to besquay .ppli€ds ro aii orhe. nolls FsEe Contents H v ) All mod€s- specijicdlionscompared Aifcondilionihe Ar cordilionoq Folls-FoyceSilvor Spur ll lourlnsLimous n6 AppolntmontsBolls-Foyce Siv€r Spur llTouring Limous ne Aud o equ pmonl contrcis Drlverlsiriormalon p6ne ' Etl6riorl€alurcs Fols'noyceSivo.Sptll En6 ori6a1urcsFolsFo'yce Silvor Spur I ExrerlorleaGs FolsBoyc€Sivff SpurllTouinq L mousne Exi€rlort6alur€s BentleyBrook ands and Turbo A Exr€riorl6atur€s AollsnoyceCornich€ lVand Bonl oy Conl nenlal Exr6 riof l6alures a€ntLeyContiienra A Painrand nlerioririm aadioia16phone Transmss on Whees andtyies ttfi1 All modsls- sP6cificationscompafsd 'g Septamber 1992 t o spd no a.c6.r lor ths Bo 6Y | 6 mmpdhoNtoEn$ otrins * dandddequ pm6dr or r6at!r0 o op'omlequpmgdo'rsarlro . dqupmsnl or iearuG 6va abbd avalablo ior rhd odricuar mode ]K 'w str ssr N tu' All modols-speciffcations compared # Folls.Foyr. B.nrl.y s@ld 3rr hD664Ct!r All mod€ls- sp€cificationscompared vW tffil v v trt! Air conditioning v' s6pbmbe.1992 I aiomdtio swlbhinsol rear Foldsdstl.. Drncroryr.ctron' |al =@' whi d lhorronl compshsnl orihe Tou.is Lihoutio e soNodbyrhg srlidrd &rom!ilcdir ond rioniq !y5ram,lM rir coid lioi ns un b hd.pFd.d h€.uno aid codns Ths uin! lnd lhd in.or'r ta6 @rt in N..ll.t udt rh. ruMl o0d ol idr swti$.. si@Ed m rh. rus1d t $m€a *d m6sL A$dsh ind.lsdd h ludbn ! @rol, rh. ud5 do d+nd on rh. $m h.d .rn r€rri|€6 s'@4lblMlMD'lned iNtlrr.rionsd s rh.i .dd oomrr.rsorBnslg€dli. rho rrcnr oo6pMm.i!lundion !6locro, in a @3ron othrthln OFFo' EcoN) Ihs lydamdr6wt .ir iromrhe lronr Thrsswrch has rhr36 33t^93. opensrhe rcrd@nni sorsnoid v.rv, cqiirbniie 6yer.m.wh.n oll rhE sdemil€|6o'h.i.iig.ilnlFF nd€d cb.rw&d, on. d dho, wil omp€nl'glbbMpd'ouid b' ,'e irns. lr is usoruron thoe aFoFirts pdribn. ln.E ,€ ih. h. H€ATswirch stors rhe t'n weds *r.d€d Fos'..ri6t.r d* is aileded b, tumi \or cbs rhe sdenid v"t .^d on th. iP. ro rh. udE E wned tr qwe'rod by rhe HEAlinqswirch. or h.d.d dr Th€r.de rs*nd' !Pdredsa[ dd lh! codpfimonr 6rrh6 upp€i sv6rlhroush thr FAN on.adiui ro conto 'Ihoroulh twirch9ov0,m thewY swkh Ihs 6d,6 posron lmrirldwi1h. .omprirmsdrh.oughihsdvision dor)qva3bav€ dktbulion u3 ig outdt Th.ro6ia lo0 ourart vhlbe bu!h! lwa, 9at ria attadtery Bo wi.h @d andlo*, eromenb the l-l" {c) rANsdtnm adpsr to contrd ffil-=lb) rANswitch on adPr ro.ontol tRl Air conditioning ra'' Eolls'noyc€Silvor Spu I ll TouringLlmousine It ! tu ly automdricsystom lor iiot'r I roblly ssplEc sYsromror rcaJ I rc1ii6duiosrtusiw dndwMlF R.Lr.d Srl.! Dk.dorY r.d.on Air condltloning Ai dndirbii9 - rtE capabil(Yro llrcm ocrober19361 aid nrY be lntero' wasI d otltrdd on Ro s hddns s requi'ddro la) eve ptrer Fam andS6 6ymoro, cais n rndrhecro@ i!! .onrlmprion3nd TahpaoruGinro.mdo^ io, rhe 1956.hdhs b.oi panor rho lbl ro herpF$!nsd! whomay b6 ow.r 3yeemncdp,s6$o, s $andaidttscil cariohsDce 1969. $ishiverd t& dd.d ri. p,onrced *pp0dbylhgerl.,ia*^so' Tr.fulyaut@lic$lsmnMUsod rhda.u &hirc frod€. sha.edwirh rhe!pe.r sy3rem(br '' 'i '! arr'ied rspsdrucd and an R'yceGm.Eu. i. 1975ahd ana imrnar unn b.n.dh rhe Eal|onqd@bofuntpEg6nm0 'ruGd lrr 16rm6lo' oh.is€s c.ne in w rh rha20.000 $rs irrcmoclobd ThoAcU rs d rtu h€ador rhe a, 1s33)whln! i! yooctoncmdd- coddilonisswrdmA 6teitdns nuodrrlM ol lhg hds modsn Ftur adjusbbralac6 e6fu, each di:enq4db'u.goi'he€coN wirh NEpllr llrums 6nhL admir edinq' inoming ,' ts initia|' cmredb abdt 0c {$ crsim drl 'ysam6m|iElh.c&ide,iolil mi.rns on.old sl6!swiidow wlimo, hor ar lrh€nEc nc auro. s Es si,hinrhs 04 md rhen SCREENFACIA swil.h ! u$dro dFafrca|yb'|arc.dd@rbA borhd4iuv dbser ro' quier qucktor sowt iunre$de ilnd oo srch G ts LOW$[ is nwhrh ^ spedl3s necd$Eq ro rhieveand t8crrs..n' r ?) when Fdiq lAcu)Mpo'dor hsd whidhM3 dl areducednlnbdotp:ds ('h€ ofid bsio thd ensi* c@hs bt tuurrdirsnodrlnd *fl.ins h $rPml dich c.n yibh m rhe 'heinl'.ddioo''hesi|velspid'|| capacrshedgrw coons r 5 ECONiun.r oi s secEd andwrm o. horan( hs sCfrlENFAcrA fta'dadom.''crcligela''rhe rhreerhsm no' sBo^ lonebeh nrl s uaredn rhcAcu 43po6!d r, ?00o0$i's li'omodobs r936) rr'crinq rh. tcoN serins on rhe sid*,edt pdir. rmF€tuc =wffi Enli. A lunhdc o.h, !o mov!,r rh! Mdd npol th. auromsri. $3ndddon no $8o}tc.nd ssnrL.vtho$ . rc0md6^c.!wrrsi th8 o'4'o$tut cordd: 6'ho' c *r.on modersrnco 1952.Vsryrid ' 'hao b..nre$hBdlnd rh. acrJh$ inL6 26'Cnno.l26'C q th6 wnhina lann.bd sre.i !|d d. Enpo,llure.onnzn&db'lhdmid'epre5s.r vrchldon.uomd6ry{rhe! 3 @d n th. whib!6snsn{ andrhe noswirch w $ n rh6cdl whB^B€r :lcroroi&r o4'asiwt ro* rhroughrh. sl6r oivdnno $rs 'od co^!o 3 rhc d.ed hc. ld.l dEushrwhi.h Th€ssm6 $nch al$ mrk.r d.owd.$.l.s! tik.M i h e|ectdcalyh.abddodm'''! srtr5 inndrcod sih rhd20,oco uDp..ryn@g''@nblul6lic .oflrol whrn rh. ish,rioni5 lwirch.d al rh. Acu is Fs.red br an .{'Erun$6./hom@'a'i4 Mddlndcr*t raroA€crFc I rrl !8 . rh. $rch .,m* rv 1400011$d a 199? Irn.E .Bu'or thd tui... i'i!i!'s lrcm unir ldiudin0 lrldt b B€nrr€vCotiFirtr ounrdP.n one lr b rh. .t .adv th. \en ih hmd it doM, rh. he.ring '.ddr.rlnr .ndir is aur(mridlt .or,'.d d c@h ro h.inGin. ch@n bl wh6 hdr a rhs l!n! and Dtd demii.r citcuib a.. hah '6quired. hnE||slhi.llhd.ap.u|ilYdlho b b...j4d.' rimoesln lr t r'rl unrosrha d.ton m* whE. k cond!.tt doniro'd uY $. ;i.Dpdesr .id t vorbei cl duiiq a sMsopane. a?emd or d'is1g qm an bn in Bnous ad csd wind*rs nrhq $in*n lMnd der'y is aoplicd lhcS'k sq.ir lrl@td krh o0r.' ACUcontd. d rh. enu. corer. rhsoorim or hrv AUIOmar. bsrwn r7'C dnd35'c lSrrF- sh&ld md'^g P.,sr (ad 9r'0 6 bo in&o..dsdo *r.cGd Num't|halll*EcoNmdes mr sshcGdt tuni4 fte tuerion @'mdusqrh.y.*d |l€dv m. b. si,;hns oFf. rh€ sinhDo3tu^ @ftdins wilrbdr€. ti 6d@!ric d) duns rhoeis newfrup ru*edbyasFbL*|€t rncm d.! 0^.d ro rrrai erccled aid rh.i m6' 6'^rh.hwrh 0,.d1 !n .n.din0 pas66nqs6 t!8r pElsrro n hgh *alt orhedrins 'otr ih6!6No6 @ld io.mBlvo@de FECIRC,AUTO.SCFEENFACA andro m..r rh! GquEmd^r ri€ *hdo6iiheSvBiSPrrl ctib6 Th. rob,ysrch ocdedd^ rh€ turn.dpld dd6iG il osch6nd or Movedc ocrw* b SCBEENFACA on coiv.d bllr wirhtho hood !P hr'e,whch iw rerumrorhs rhcauromdcAcuopdacsn Fd6 AUropGlml w rd@d ' mdd.k !{tun th6hood sddwn.1h. w nobFqs ond B'mr€y is h€i a€ry konr ear passe4€6. On rourd@r |lisse.mloi|Y'niremaleda|s b! I i€d io qhrro,i0 rims us3A cdckGirrcq! siiss6f deti 'dilcdnrolroi e Lhe'sdo F t to sPftrred in a $a rlr orthouqhrtu |Lqhai all r{neswbhhadd.on!i&€bryro r; m6conLi6 d F rtu 8rco't'ndsrcld6a6bp0 p.snqeG whiL .om.bui@ srcart @ntdledb'lbvndanq|e-fra ro d€d ar a@ind nF @t th6 riqhrs A od.rarror miDs i4:P!Ptt ThoirLuminded govo blx provde3 6dlbntsab ro,fie bEi6iiior |,idils|iril€dldbnignitidky| is lelr wirh som@nde|33. lnside re add to fte comiod or red $d ft.oe s$irchss:s^ OFFFULL ALARM@ntorlo. rh. 6ir{Mll R@rnoliled q€b handlFu mmed ad,n sysrem,clocK adr!nm3nl, i h ddd6lred asr.nddd lo rh6 :nd BooTuNLocK 36 0don b.Mati KEY3nd AuTomdic lho I 6Gb h.idres insEd or rhesr.ndad doo,s.@is ercept$sBrookaids v.nirym rc6 de s€{nlo rhe ltl{l rw H Eg' 5 7 paddod oc*eb6 {onv w rh rh€ tueer r8y) lidoomplet wrh mosid c rcl ropcompadmrnt n thalotudd io o#ad dowd rd,whi.hr r6br'p, rh.
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