The Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement February 2007 © Commonwealth of Australia 2007 ISBN 978-0-642-71756-6 Senate Community Affairs Committee Secretariat: Mr Elton Humphery (Secretary) Ms Christine McDonald (Principal Research Officer) Mr Owen Griffiths (Senior Research Officer) Ms Leonie Peake (Research Officer) Ms Ingrid Zappe (Executive Assistant) The Senate Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Phone: 02 6277 3515 Fax: 02 6277 5829 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: This document was produced by the Senate Community Affairs Committee Secretariat and printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra. iii MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE From 11 September 2006 1 Members Senator Gary Humphries, Chair LP, Australian Capital Territory Senator Claire Moore, Deputy Chair ALP, Queensland Senator Judith Adams LP, Western Australia Senator Lyn Allison AD, Victoria Senator Carol Brown ALP, Tasmania Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells LP, New South Wales Senator the Hon Kay Patterson LP, Victoria Senator Helen Polley ALP, Tasmania Substitute Member Senator Siewert, AG Western Australia to replace Senator Allison for the inquiry and Senator Ferris, LP South Australia to replace Senator Adams on 6 October 2006 Participating Members for the inquiry Senator Guy Barnett LP, Tasmania Senator Andrew Bartlett AD, Queensland Senator Jan McLucas ALP, Queensland Senator Gavin Marshall ALP, Victoria Senator Ruth Webber ALP, Western Australia 1 The Senate Committee system was restructured on 11 September 2006 to amalgamate the former legislation and references committees. The membership of committees was varied as part of the restructure.