THE HON MP Leader of the Opposition Member for Maribyrnong


TITLE SHADOW MINISTER Leader of the Opposition Hon Bill Shorten MP Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader for Science Senator the Hon Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader for Small Business Hon Bernie Ripoll MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Small Business MP Shadow Cabinet Secretary Senator the Hon Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition Hon Michael Danby MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition Dr MP Deputy Leader of the Opposition Hon MP Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Shadow Minister for Women Senator Manager of Opposition Business (Senate) Shadow Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC Senator the Hon Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Hon MP Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator the Hon Shadow Minister for Trade and Investment Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Investment Dr Jim Chalmers MP Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator the Hon Shadow Minister for Defence Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Hon MP Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Senator the Hon Don Farrell Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Gai Brodtmann MP Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Hon MP Shadow Minister for Tourism Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Local Government Hon MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Infrastructure Stephen Jones MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for External Territories Hon Warren Snowdon MP Shadow Treasurer Hon MP Shadow Assistant Treasurer Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP Shadow Minister for Competition Shadow Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation Hon Bernie Ripoll MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Treasurer Hon MP Shadow Minister for Finance Hon MP Manager of Opposition Business (House) Shadow Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Hon MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Water Senator Shadow Minister for Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Industry Senator the Hon Kim Carr Shadow Minister for Vocational Education Hon MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Manufacturing MP Shadow Minister for Communications Hon MP Shadow Assistant Minister for Communications MP Shadow Attorney General Hon QC MP Shadow Minister for the Arts Deputy Manager of Opposition Business (House) Shadow Minister for Justice Hon David Feeney MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Attorney General Senator the Hon Lisa Singh Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts Hon Michael Danby MP TITLE SHADOW MINISTER Shadow Minister for Education Hon MP Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Education Julie Owens MP Shadow Minister for Agriculture Hon MP Shadow Minister for Resources Hon AO MP Shadow Minister for Northern Shadow Special Minister of State Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Northern Australia Hon Warren Snowdon MP Shadow Minister for Health Hon Catherine King MP Shadow Assistant Minister for Health Hon Melissa Parke MP Shadow Minister for Mental Health Senator Hon Jan McLucas Shadow Minister for Sport Hon Bernie Ripoll MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Health Hon MP Shadow Minister for Families and Payments Hon MP Shadow Minister for Disability Reform Shadow Minister for Human Services Senator the Hon Doug Cameron Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness Senator the Hon Jan McLucas Shadow Minister for Carers Senator Claire Moore Shadow Minister for Communities Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Families and Payments Senator Shadow Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Hon MP Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism Michelle Rowland MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs Hon Shayne Neumann MP Shadow Minister for Ageing Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Indigenous Affairs Hon Warren Snowdon MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Aged Care Senator Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Hon Brendan O’Connor MP Shadow Minister for Employment Services Hon Julie Collins MP