Police Arrests the Others Injured Were Pas Conducted
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I ■ i t j i THURSDAY, Tb6 Weather PAGE TWENTY-FOUR ATcrage Daily Net Press Ran lEiiiftttttg Hffralh ' For Mm Weak BMed rareeaat of U. 8. Weetage-Uaiwe joM 4Mi, iaeo ) can driven by Paaquale Perrina, Pair, aool toilglit. Low. le Mk Tbs Past Chiefs Club of Memo Fivein Crash 21, of 89 Eldridge S t, and Marilyn rial Temple, Pythian BUters, will Radio Auction by Kiwanians C. Stavenb, 21, of Lake St., Ver 13,125 Satoi6Bif fMr. little ehaage., |B‘ About Town meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Suffer Injuries non, collided at the Center. Miwkar ot Mm Audit tuuperatura. Migh M -IK.; home of Mrs. Cari Hildlng, 801 Benefits Youth Projects Fund Police- said heavy trafBc there l r « i n a a te u of Glrculatlou Manchestar-^A City mf Village Charm tgi«« Brands Ann Cole has tieeh Main St. Mrs. Howard Smith will Five persons escaped with only was partly to blame. i to the dean’e list at the assist the' hostess. Members will minor injuries as the result of a 3- Damage was llghLl'and there New Engiind Conaervatory of Mu bring their sewing materials in A novel way of raising funds* m-nufacturers. Early reports to- were no injuries or i^ests. (Clasrifled Advarttttkg aa Page 18) preparation for the fair. car accident at W. Center St. and (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1960 PRICE FIFE CENTS sic for the spring term of 1960. ____ ... __ 1 . u-.— dlcate that there will he at least Waddell R<». shortly after 4:30 yes- sew VOL. LXXIX, NO. 296 She la the daughter of Mr. and for youth projects Is being under one new automobile up for bid. taken' by the Kiwanis Club of "torday afternoon.. Cars involved Mrs. EJverett J. Cole, 67 Lyndale Stafford Juvenile Grange will Most of the merchandise, however. w ^e driven by Mrs. Irene O. Scar- Notice S t, and is entering her Junior hold open installation. Friday at 7 Manchester. is expected to fall below glOO re pell6\,of East Hartford and Mrs. slim year at the conservatory where p.m. at Stafford Orange Hall. The The project, a radio auction, is tail value. Mildred Tjrol of Columbia. she le majoring in the organ. public is invited.. scheduled to take place over sta.‘ The local club has participated ' Those injured included Mrs. W E HAVE Da Il Y ^ tlon WINF on the evenings of No in many fund raising proJecU Ruth Emily Neubert, daughter Scarpello, who was thrown from iiROiie!f/A Officers and members of the vember 15 and 16 between 8:30 and scholarships. Best known for her car and complained of chest DELIVERY TO THE VFW Auxiliary Win meet tonight of the Rev. and Mrs. John Neubert, and 11 o’clock. 577 E. Center St, has beeh accept many years has been the annual and back pains; and a passenger NtARINOfAIDr at 7:30 at the John B. Burke Merchandise contributed by lo Kiwanis Peanut Sale. in her car, Mrs. Michael Balon of 6 -9. Funeral Home, 87 E. Center St., to ed for the accelerated program at cal retail and manufacturing con the Coventry Day School. Pioneer Circle, who complained of BOLTON pay final respects to Mrs. Dora cerns will be auctioned off by a a sore right aide. Both were taken Modean, a member of the auxili The paper collection' ■Scheduled team, of Klwanls "announcers.” to their homes. Going 300 ary. A rltuahstlc service will be by the ^manuel Lutheran Boy Bids on the articles will be re Police Arrests The others injured were pas conducted. Officers will wear uni Scouts and Ehcplorers for Satur ceived by Kiwanis "telephone op sengers In the Tyrol car. Mrs. Gene AREA forms. day has been postponed until Oc erators’’ manning a battery of vieve Galenskle of Flanders Rd., Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, I — IIII - tober. The date will be announced telephones installed for the 2-day Irving Goldberg, 33, of 45 Cre- Coventry, suffered a bruised right Sept. 16 (/P)—British speed, Girls Friendly Sponsors of S t event sent Circle, Rockville, was arrest shoulder and was taken to Man driver Donald Campbell was Meeting soon. Mary's Episcopal Church have Engaged Co-chairmen of the project %re ed early this morning by a State chester Memorial Hospital for PINE LENOX postponed the September meeting Mark- Bogdan, who participated in Trooper aiid charged with disre x-rays. Douglas McDonald, 2Vi, and Injured and his 4,250-horse Mrs. Theodore Powell. 279 Par The engagement of Miss i^Kay Quinn’s Pharmney power auto. Bluebird II, was from tomorrow to Friday, Sept. 23, ker St., la a member of the con a similar Kiwanis project in garding a stop sign. The ’Trooper Diana Tyrol, 2^ both of Columbia, PHARMACY at the church. ference planning conrunlttee for Diane Howies. Southington, and Greenfield, Mass:, and Adam said Goldberg entered Rt. 15 from were taken do the hosiptal for 873 MAIN ST. badly damaged in an accident formerly of Manchester, and Mar Rhodes. W, Middle Tpke. without stopping, examinationii. 299 E. CENTER ST. Anderson Shea Auxiliary, VFT^, the meeting to be held Saturday, at 300 miles per hour this Sept 24. by the Connecticut As tin Karl Schroth, Meriden, is an Teams of Kiwanians under for and Tn doing , so forced him to No arrests were made,. G>ngo Dispute Army Holds will hold a card party tomorrow mer Kiwanis presidents will han swerve his cruiser to avoid a col Both cars were badly damaged T E L Ml 9-0896 PhoiM Ml 3-4136 morning. night at 8 o’clock at the post sociation for Mental Health. The nounced by her parents, Mr. and Campbell waa ruahed by ambu meeting will be held In Old Say- dle solicitations of merchandise lislon. Goldberg was told to ap and had to be towed away. lance to a hoapital at Tooele, Seen* Heading home. brook and will feature Dr. Frank Mrs. Elwood J. .Howies, Southing among the area merchants and pear. in court Oct. lO. , At 8:30 yesterday afternoon. Utah, about 100 mUea to the east. 20 on Staff Fremont-Smlth, director ' of the ton. There waa no immediate word on American Institute of Blolojfical Her fiance is the son of Mrs. hia condition, but peraona who saw To Entire UN Sciences. Hilde Schroth, Klein-Auheim. Ger hlnr after the acciden^aid'he had WINDSOftVILLE many, and the late Mattheus a gash on the head/and appeared Of Premier Miss Paula Adams, IS S. Haw Michael Schroth. in . shock and unable to answer United Nations, N. Y., Sept. METHODIST CHURCH thorne St., was named to the I960 Miss Howies is a 1958 graduate questions. He was not expected 16 {HP)—The United States de by THE ASSOCIATED PBBS8 honors list at Vassar-C6 liege, of Manchester High School. She is Uiere until 9 sufn. (MST). clared today the Paramount is Col. Joseph Mobutu blocked WILL HOLD AN Poughkeepsie, N. Y. employed by the Peck, Stow and An attendant at- the hospital sue before the Security Cou.n- Wilcox Co., Southington. said he did not appear seriously The Congo’s parliament from Mr. Schroth was graduated cum hurt when he arrived a t the hos cil is whether or not to sup meeting today in Leopdldville AUCTION laude from the Academy of Art, pital. He was taken "to the enier- port The Congo role of Secre and his troops arrested about Hanau, Germany, in 1948. He is O room for examination. Mrs. tary General Dag Hammar- 20 members of Patrice Lu ATLANTIC employed as a silversmith at the Oro<^‘r ' S bell, refused to leave the ex- THURSDAY. SEPT. 15 y ync uiiinatioii room to talk to newa- skjold and “on this there can mumba’s sta ff.: FURNACE OIL International Silver Co., Meriden. \ be no compromise.’’ There were reports that the dis Automatic Delivery The wedding will take place May w Jhen. 7:30 P.M. Officials said his $41^ minion The new U.S. declaration puted premier, whom Prerident LT. WOOD CO. 6. 1961. auto was so badly wrecked it may dimmed hopes of finding a for Joseph Kasavubu has ordered ar At ZeliG't Pump Survie* Phone MI 8-1129 never run again. mula which might avert a threat rested. wa.s also nabbed to this BoekvUle Rd., WlndsondUe Ken McKay of Campbell’s pub TTiis is Dona Fablola de Mora y Aragon, daughter of a ened Soviet veto and thus pre show of force by the army coup Legion Auxiliary lic relations staff said Campbell Spanlah nobleman, whose engagement to King Baudouin vent the ohaoUc Congo situation chief. did not appear seriously hurt. of Bel^um was announced today. (AP Photofax via from being tossed to an emer The Congo's rising pro-westom To Meet Monday He already had completed one radio from London). gency session of the 82-nation strongman prevented the m e e t^ run over the 12-mile course at General Assembly. of the national parliament, which The first fall meeting of the about 300 miles per hour and was U.S. Ambassador James' ’W. has been largely on Lumiimha’S making a return nm when the car Barco addre^ed the 11-nation side, by putting a cordon of heav American Legion Auxiliary will be veered out of control. It apparent Belgian King State News council after Sir Claude Corea of ily armed soldiers about the mod held Monday at 8 p.m. at the Le ly went into a spin, and flipped Ceylon had asserted that both the ernistic parliament house on a gion Home.